the gray robes: seminarian newsletter advent 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 The Gray Robes: Seminarian Newsletter Advent 2011


    Te G r a y R o b e s

    Se m i n a r i a n

    N e w s l e t t e rS o c i e t y o f O u rL a d y o f t h e M o s t H o l y T r i n i t y A d v e n t 2 0 1 1

  • 8/3/2019 The Gray Robes: Seminarian Newsletter Advent 2011


    In June of 2011, the Society of Our Lady of theMost Holy Trinity moved its House of Studies from

    Rome, Italy to Detroit, Michigan from the EternalCity to the Motor City. There are two main reasons

    for this transition: community life and ministerial


    Joining together in Detroit our pre-theology program from Corpus Christi, Tewith our theology program from Rome brings unity to our men in priestly formation

    It also presents an opportunity to intensify and expand the pastoral dimension of our

    formation. We determined that sending our SOLT seminarians to Sacred Heart Maj

    Seminary while residing at Holy Redeemer Parish would present the environment in

    which to achieve the highest standard of formation toward the Priesthood in SOLT.

    Fr. Peter Marsalek and I have been assigned the task to form our seminariansreligious life and Marian-Trinitarian spirituality. Sacred Heart Seminary has the princ

    task of forming our men intellectually and pastorally for the ministerial priesthood. T

    priests and staff at Sacred Heart Seminary here in Detroit have truly gone out of th

    way to welcome our sixteen seminarians to a fresh formation setting. Thus far

    results of this combined effort have been remarkable.

    As well, Holy Redeemer Parish has been very welcoming. The rectory, neavacant for the last decade, is once again filled to the brim with enthusiastic men aspir

    to follow Gods will.

    Our seminarian newsletter, now entitled The Gray Robes, will, I believe, give ya sense of the zest and life this new situation has brought to our seminarians and o

    community. Enjoy!-Fr. Brady Williams, Rec

    Te G r a y R o b e sAd v e n t 2 0 1 1

    b y t h e S O L T S e m i n a r i a n so f t h e A m e r i c a n R e g i o n

    G R A D U A T E S T U D I E S

    T h e o l o g y I I IB r . A l , T h e P h i l i p p i n e sB r . J o h n C . , I r e l a n dB r . J o h n M . , C o n n e c t i c u tB r . J u a n , M e x i c oB r . M i c h a e l M a r y , M o n t a n a

    B r . P a t r i c k , M i c h i g a n

    T h e o l o g y I IB r . T r i s t a n , C a y m a n I s l a n d sB r . F r a n c i s , N e v a d aB r . B e a u , I d a h oB r . M i c h a e l , T e x a s

    T h e o l o g y IB r . J e r e m y , K a n s a sB r . P e t e r M . , I r e l a n dB r . P e t e r S . , A r i z o n a

    U N D E R G R A D U A T EP H I L O S O P H Y S T U D I E S

    B r . T i m o t h y , C a n a d aB r . J o h n R . , C a l i f o r n i aB r . J o s e p h , L o u i s i a n a

    F O R M A T O R SR e c t o r

    F r . B r a d y W i l l i a m s

    f r b r a d y . s o l t @ g m a i l . c o m

    3 1 3 . 7 9 9 . 7 7 9 7

    S p i r i t u a l D i r e c t o r F r . P e t e r M a r s a l e k

    S U P P O R T I N G F R O M T E X A S

    V o c a t i o n s D i r e c t o r F r . G l e n n W h e w e l l3 6 1 . 3 8 7 . 8 0 9 0

    S e m i n a r i a n S p o n s o r s h i pM r . M i k e P o n d3 6 1 . 3 8 7 . 8 0 9 0

    S O L T H o u s e o f S t u d i e s

    H o l y R e d e e m e r P a r i s h1 7 2 1 J u n c t i o n S t .D e t r o i t , M I 4 8 2 0 9

    3 1 3 . 8 4 2 . 3 4 5 0


    Fr. Brady and Fr. Pete

  • 8/3/2019 The Gray Robes: Seminarian Newsletter Advent 2011


    To GiveLifeAgainDear Br. Beau,

    ! This is my body broken and shared. I cannot tell you how muchyour words have drawn me into knowing the mystery ofGods mercy. I have reflected much on these words as I prayed for mysister as she donated her kidney to our brother. Through Gods grace, I havecome to know of his mercy for my

    sister. He has reclaimed her forhis own and has given her thisopportunity to give life again. Being with her and my brother,

    sensing this new awareness, weexperienced a renewedcommunionwith each other. Iwas also able to face my own self-righteousness and to work onmuch needed humility. Thankyou for your share in this

    blessing. I remember you inmy prayers of thanksgiving.

    M i n i s t r

    In peace,Maureen Blair

    Br. Beau SchweitzerSpiritual Care, St. Mary Mercy Hospital

  • 8/3/2019 The Gray Robes: Seminarian Newsletter Advent 2011


    TheHeartof Ministry

    What is at the heart of ministry?What is the source from which

    all works of charity get their

    energy? What is the balm that

    heals and strengthens the heart of

    both the minister and those he

    ministers to? The answer is Jesus

    Christ. Whether they know it or

    not, people yearn to encounter

    Him. But one cannot give what

    one does not have, so theminister is called to personally

    encounter Christ who is the

    Living Word of God. He must do

    this for himself and share the

    fruits of that encounter with

    o t h e r s . T h i s a c t i v i t y o f

    encountering and communicating

    the Divine Word can be called

    Theology: an expression formed

    by two Greek terms meaning

    G o d ( T h e o s ) a n d

    Word (Logos). When we put

    them together they give three

    possible meanings to Theology,

    they are: Gods Word, A

    Word to God and A Word

    about God . These three

    meanings, when viewed together,

    draw us into a dialogue with the

    Eternal Word as He comes to

    us in Sacred Scripture and the


    The saving dialogue begins by

    Gods initiative as He reveals

    Himself to us through Gods

    Word. We freely respond to it

    in prayer by pronouncing a

    loving word to God in the

    depths of our heart in anattitude of adoration of the

    Divine Mystery, at first not so

    much comprehending it as

    r e a l i z i n g t h a t w e a r e

    comprehended by it. As a

    reward for this surrender, God

    illumines us with a ray of

    understanding: a word about

    God. But understanding is not

    given so that it may becom

    ones private property. G

    always bestows His gifts

    individuals in consideration f

    all His people. And so th

    Word of God that calls for

    Word to God in prayer a

    leads to a Word about Go

    must be shared with others th

    their hearts may be disposed

    seek God in the same way.

    This dialogue also takes pla

    in the Eucharist, which is Th

    Word made flesh and veiled

    mystery. But the most eloqued e s c r i p t i o n o f s u c h a

    encounter is best illustrate

    with a living example: let

    turn to Mary whose life is a

    encounter with Christ in bo

    His Word and His Body fors

    conceived Him in her hea

    through faith, before sh

    conceived Him in her womb b

    the power of the Holy Spirit(cSt. Augustine, Sermon 293

    Let us make the Heart of Ma

    our school for the encount

    with Jesus Christ. Our Lad

    Seat of Wisdom, Mother of th

    Eucharist, pray for us.

    -by Br. Juan Villagom

    Br. Joseph Mary Michael LeJeune teaching 2nd graders at Holy Rede

  • 8/3/2019 The Gray Robes: Seminarian Newsletter Advent 2011


    Their ability to communicate the beauty of Gods love is inspiring.Sometimes when I am having a busy day I notice a sense of peace thatcomes over me when I meet one of them in my office or in the hall.

    I am most grateful for their gentle presence and joyfulness.

    I have noticed a togetherness and a warmness among the Brothers, afamily-oriented spirit. I have also noticed that they are not afraid to

    communicate with different types of people.

    Patricia Gamble - Secretary

    We have all been enriched by their deep love for Jesus Christ, and theircommitment to pursue excellence in their academic pursuits so as to beeffective instruments of Christ's healing and compassionate presence in

    the transformation of our world.

    The Brothers witness to an abandonment to the apostolic life in a

    way that can be inviting and challenging to men studying for thesecular priesthood.

    Rev. Gerard Battersby - Vice Rector

    The Brothers have brought a very positive attitude that flows from theirlove for Christ and from detachment as part of the Society. This witnessof joyful simplicity and obedience is a good perspective for us at SHMSto see and to be challenged by.

    Gary Koenigsknecht - Seminarian

    Brian Rivers - Security

    Q How have the SOLT Brothers contributed to Sacred Heart Major Seminary?

    Dr. Patricia Cooney-Hathaway - Professor

  • 8/3/2019 The Gray Robes: Seminarian Newsletter Advent 2011


    WhySOLT?Mitch doesnt know Jesus. So what happens when hemeets inspiring Christians? That way of life works forthem, but its not for me. Relativism builds walls around

    Jesus. When headlines define Church, people like Mitchsuffer.

    Authentic WitnessSo radically diverse, so impossibly united, when Mitchmeets SOLT he cannot say, Thats not for me. Insteadhe must ask, What brings all of you together? Byinspiring that simple question, SOLT gives our world anopportunity to meet the answer to every lifes question -


    We want to live as priests in SOLT. More than individualservants, were part of a family where our prayer andlabor re-propose the beauty of Church.

    Unity in DiversityWere in Detroit, yet we feel it everywhere: hectic lives,broken families, divided peoples. Individualism is theworlds prize, but it can ignore loves responsibilities.

    Embracing all vocations, SOLT celebrates the uniquenessof each person. But Christ brings our distinctness

    together. You and I - every living gift - are meant for oneecstatic end - LOVE. SOLT presents an experience ofChurch open to all, an experience of Jesus that unites usin hope for our future home. You are not a threat orcompetition. Your gifts enhance me, lifting us to heaven.

    Head, Heart, and HandsThere is a certain disunity in the lives of people today.With our heads we know things; with our heart we feelthings; with our hands we do things. But how often are

    these three activities integrated?

    For us, faith is not merely a matter of mind, but anongoing transformation of ones whole life in all itsaspects. Love, more than good feelings, moves us to liveas gift for others. Work is neither a necessary evil, nor adisenchanting escape. Through work, we express ourfaith and our love.

    Thank you for joining us as shared gifts and balanced livesinvite others to encounter their true selves in the lifeand mission of Jesus Christ.






  • 8/3/2019 The Gray Robes: Seminarian Newsletter Advent 2011


    Friday. Breakfast.Br. Michael Mary can we take the

    white van to school today? I amworking on an exegesis paper andneed to use the library after the bluevan comes home at 11:30am.

    think to myself:Okay, there are a number of brotherstaying home today, Br. Beau, Br.ohn Mariano, Br. John Cormack, Br.uan, and Br. Michael Slovak all

    have apostolates today. Br. Patrickaid earlier in the week he wastaying late to help set up Christmas

    decorations at the Seminary. Br.Tristan will drop off a number ofbrothers who have classes this

    morning before going to hispostolate, return to school and pickhem up to be back before thepostolate groups leave for the

    nursing home and the hospital. Andneed to keep the other van here. Br.eremy sought a 4:15pm pickup as

    well.] Br. Peter, check with Br.eremy.

    Friday 10:26amCell phone rings.What can I do for you, Br. Slovak?Brother, will you ask Br. Beau to

    pick me up at the Seminary beforehey head out for the apostolates?Now I just need to find Br. Beau.Hmmm, he is not in his room. OK, Iannot forget to tell him.

    10:36amSeeing Br. Francis.Will you make sure that you all pickup Bro. Slo. Great, missionaccomplished! Now I dont have tosearch for Br. Beau! I love it when a plan comes together. Praise theLord! OK, gas-up, winterize and oh,right, schedule an appointment for

    the white van.

    Friday, 1:00pmBr. Timothy. CanBr. Rigsby and I use a van to go tothe Solanus Center for confessionaround 2:30 today? Sure no problem, use the white van, the keyis hanging on the hook.

    Friday, 1:45pm.White van keys are gone! Oh no.Br. Beau took the wrong van! Letssee, this isnt going to work! It onlyholds 6 guys, 7 at the max. Shoot!Lets see, maybe I am over reacting;no, I dont think so!

    Br. Joseph, who came home withyou? Br. Peter Marie and Br.Tristan. Thanks! Lets seeIvegot to count this: Br. Beau, Br.Michael, Br. John, Br. John, Br. Juan,Br. Francis, Br. Patrick, Br. Peter, Br.

    Jeremy and Br. Patrick. Thatguys and only 7 seats!!!

    16 brothers and 2 vans.We commute to the seminDifferent guys have different clafrom morning to late night. Claare rescheduled. Meetings are hWe teach and serve all over diocese, each brother with his schedule. Errands keep poppin(Br. Beau will tally 20 trips and

    miles to rehabilitate his hand aftfreak tomato paste accident). I pthe vans don't break down...I prdon't break down! Next yhopefully well have more brothand by then, this soccer mom creally use an additional van.


    The calm, cool and collected

    Seminarian Soccer Mom!!!

    ThankyouFor the washeand dryers. Fosponsoring usthe marathon. Fothe freezer. Forour education. Foryour prayers.Everythingwegifttoanother begins withGodsgoodness andyour sharing of it.You show usJesusandwetrytoshareHim.

    by Br. Michael Mary Mercy

    of Christ Crucified

  • 8/3/2019 The Gray Robes: Seminarian Newsletter Advent 2011


    A snowflake fell (one, then two, and more)

    A tiny crystalline glad tiding,

    White and cold and floating.

    It spoke without words,

    Acting out the message:

    Alighting on the ground, it lived but a

    Moment, then

    Its form became water

    And flowed into the soil.

    Who will even regard its sacrifice

    Come spring,

    When savoring its effect,Of leaf, and fruit, and flower?

    O little messenger of the Messiah!

    Falling before his birth,

    If one announcement is not enough,

    Fall as a host upon this earth!

    Snowflakes are like the Savior:

    Little ones foretelling,

    His coming in a body,

    And his body bleeding,

    And lo,

    New life in Easter springing!

    Rorate coeli desuper, et nubes pluant Iustum!Beopenedyouheavensfomabove,andraindownteJustOne!~Is45:8

    Every time I teach theI see their eagerness aopenness to believe. Ialso see the brokennesin their hearts. The Loblesses me each time wan opportunity to helpform them in His truth.

    -Br. John Rigsby

    We had all of ourspecial needs

    group (ages 7-20)meet in a room formusic. Eachstudent got theirchoice of aninstrument to playto participate in theactivity. I've neverseen such child-like

    joy in so manyfaces at once. For afew minutes, it waslike being in Heavenwith the angels andsaints singing.

    -Br. Peter Shaffo


    Instructing 49 children in the truth of our Catholic faith. Preparing 16 teenagers for Confirmation.

    Drawing 7 adults into the heart of the Church through RCIA

    Bringing the peace and joy of Christ to 20 persons in hospital.

    Learning from and praying with 20 elderly in hospice cand the nursing home.

    byBr. FrancisChrispherJosephofteChildJesusCoyne
