the great flanaess river adventure chapter 5: clatspur range 5 - clatspur... · 2019. 3. 14. ·...

The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 5: Clatspur Range By The Oliver Brothers A CAMPAIGN ADVENTURE TAKING CHARACTERS FROM LEVELS 1-10+ As you reach the southern end of Lake Quag and cross over the spillway, you find yourself back on the river and paddling south in your canoes. From here on out, the journey to Greyhawk is by way of the mighty Velverdyva River. As you meander through the grasslands heading for the location where the river divides the Yatil Mountains and the Clatspur Range, you find it teeming with all manner of life, both plant and animal, many of which are deadly dangerous. The greatest peril, however, lies in the raging waters through the canyon and the deadly encounter about to take place in caverns deep, lost and buried long, long ago. Will the adventuring party survive the perilous adventures in the Clatspur Range? Find out in Chapter 5 of the Great Flanaess River Adventure! Get ready to return to the greatest world in all of modern role playing for some old school, classic, First edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. RC5

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The Great Flanaess River Adventure

Chapter 5: Clatspur Range By The Oliver Brothers


As you reach the southern end of Lake Quag and cross over the spillway, you find yourself back on the river and paddling south in your canoes. From here on out, the journey to Greyhawk is by way of the mighty Velverdyva River. As you meander through the grasslands heading for the location where the river divides the Yatil Mountains and the Clatspur Range, you find it teeming with all manner of life, both plant and animal, many of which are deadly dangerous. The greatest peril, however, lies in the raging waters through the canyon and the deadly encounter about to take place in caverns deep, lost and buried long, long ago. Will the adventuring party survive the perilous adventures in the Clatspur Range? Find out in Chapter 5 of the Great Flanaess River Adventure!

Get ready to return to the greatest world in all of modern role playing for some old school, classic, First edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.


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Chapter 5 - Clatspur Range

"Almost without interruption we had the mountain in sight before us,—its sublime gray mass—that antique, brownish-gray, Ararat color. Probably these crests of the earth are for the most part of one color in all lands, that gray color of antiquity, which nature loves."

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


Clatspur Range

On the south end of Lake Quag, where the great lake drains, lays the headwaters of the Velverdyva River. It has been written that “This river might be the second longest on the continent.”1 The reason for the hesitation in language that it might be the second longest river is due to the proper naming of the river. The source of the Velverdyva River is Lake Quag, but Lake Quag is fed by the Fler River, and its headwaters are found in Blackmoor. Hence, one may, in actuality, be talking of the upper Fler, that which lies above Lake Quag, and the lower Fler, as that which lies is below the lake. This is why it is noted that “There is debate whether the lower Fler should be called the Velverdyva or not.”2 Because so many have taken to calling it the Velverdyva and for the fact it is marked so on most maps, the name remains. Regardless of what one calls the river, however, it has been noted that “barges can travel all the waters to Thornwward in Bissel (Fals River) or to Lake Quag (with some difficulty).”3

From Lake Quag and all along the Velverdyva River, one can see both the Yatil and Clatspur Range before them. The river itself meanders south from Lake Quag for 120 miles before entering the mountains. Described as a “small group of mountains below the Sepia Highlands,” the Clatspur Range is an off-shoot – a spur - of the Yatil Mountains.4

The point at which the Velverdyva River enters the mountain range is the natural dividing line between the Yatil Mountains to the West and the Clatspur Range to the East. When traveling through this 60 mile stretch, the concept of west and east, for all intents and purposes, vanishes, replaced by walls of rock on either side of the river. This is known as the Velverdyva River Canyon and there is little in the way of shore other than the random boulders that have fallen from on high and now try feebly to block the river’s path.5

Chapter Overview

As the player characters begin Chapter 5 – the Clatspur Range, they will have traveled from the Village Arneson in Blackmoor to the Capital of the Perrenland, Schwarzenbruin. For the rest of the journey to Greyhawk, the player characters will be canoeing the Velverdyva River and the format for each chapter will be a bit different. In the chapters that led the player characters through the Burneal Forest, the Tiger/Wolf Nomads, and Lake Quag, because of the vast size of those territories, there were two major adventures within each chapter, accompanied by the hex crawl. From this chapter forward, because of the smaller size of territory covered, there will be only one major adventure in each chapter along with the hex crawl.

In this chapter, the passage from Lake Quag to the Clatspurs will be wrought with difficulty, ranging from white water and an ambush, to an attack by ravens and a bronze dragon. Once the player characters reach the Clatspur Range, they will be entering 60 miles of river that takes them rapidly through a rock wall canyon with the Yatil Mountains to the West and the Clatspur Range to the East. As they make their way through the rushing water, attempting to avoid the boulders that lie in their path, they will also face another obstacle: boulders from above.

The attack comes from the Citadel of the Stone Giant Lord who has been fortifying his lair in preparation for joining the other giant tribes in conducting raids on the lands of men. This tribe of stone giants has posted sentinels above the Velverdyva River and upon spying any humans traveling along the river, they will cast a great number of boulders down upon them. This is no longer for sport, as it once was, but with a deadly intent. The player characters will find boulders falling down before their canoes, leaving them little choice but to back-paddle in order to avoid taking damage from the boulders. This onslaught of boulders filling the river is going to affect the very flow of the river, and with one more boulder, the river will be redirected toward the Clatspur Range side of the canyon, plunging the player character’s canoes down a dark black hole where the river has been redirected.

The player characters’ canoes will ride violently through a tunnel for several miles at a downward slope, before exiting into a vast cavern. If it was not for the heavy netting cast under the tunnel’s opening they would surely have plunged to their death for the cavern floor (and river), are several

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hundred feet down. The player characters find themselves trapped in a large cavern, deep underground that once served as an early Temple of Kyuss. Now, it is home to two competing factions, both deep cavern dwellers: dark creepers and grimlocks. And within seconds of being trapped in the nets, the grimlocks will be coming en masse to claim their prize catch of the day.

The old temple lies at the center of the dispute. Built as a temple for Kyuss, the temple fell into disuse for a thousand years and an earthquake split the temple in twain. The original temple itself was finished, but only the living areas to the east were complete. The dark creepers reside in most of the completed living areas, although there are some areas they avoid. The dark creepers always work in teams of two or more and if any party is reduced to one dark creeper, that creature will flee until they find other dark creepers with which to fight. They use their ability of hiding in shadows to conduct hit and run tactics, they use tricks, traps, and barriers to keep the grimlocks out of there living areas, and they are cunning in their attacks.

The areas that lie to the west of the temple are mostly a series of caves and tunnels that were carved out in order to eventually build more living areas, but they were never finished. Here dwell the grimlocks who have very low intelligence and fight with a gang mentality. Whenever one or more engages in a fight, they call, through a series of guttural noises, for help. Then, they swarm their opponents en masse to defeat their enemy. If a fight does not appear to be going in their favor, they will retreat en masse as well, believing it better to flee and fight another day.

It should be noted that if the player characters force their way into either the grimlock lair or that of the dark creeper and they slay the creatures as they advance, this will present an opportunity for the opposing faction to attack. The opposing faction will begin to mass at the entrance to the opposition’s side of the temple and if unopposed, they will advance further into the lair. The further into their opponent’s lair they get, the more emboldened that faction will become, to the point they may attack, placing the player characters in the middle of yet another war.

Key to Clatspur Range

Hex39 (D5-82)

“A merchant had told us that two men in his employ were drowned some time ago while passing these falls in a bateau, and a third clung to a rock all night and was taken off in the morning.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


As you paddle to the end of Lake Quag, rising majestically in the far distance are mountains reaching far into the sky. The mountains form a U-shape that you are about to enter on the open end, and where you will soon find yourself surrounded by the mountains. The river looks to be lazily heading for the base of the U. You see some various plants floating on the water ahead, some of which emerge from the lake. You hear the sound of rushing water, while in the distance ahead the lake appears to abruptly end.

There is a rapid drop off from Lake Quag to the Velverdyva River that travels through white water rapids for one mile before leveling off and turning into a calm, lazy river. The ride is safe for there are no rocks or debris in the way, but it is fast. The player characters should cover the first mile of the Velverdyva River in just less than 10 minutes, more than double their normal speed.


Late in the afternoon, you see a man in the distance wearing robes and a fur hat, who is followed by two other men. They are walking toward you on the west side of the river. As you draw closer, you see the two men following the man in robes are most likely half-orcs, judging by

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their size and ugliness. They are both heavily armed. The man in robes waves frantically in your direction as if he is trying to flag you down.

The man in robes is Shystercian and the two half-orcs are Ataganio and Baffunio. The former is often referred to as the Merchant of Schwarzenbruin, while the latter two are his battle-savvy, but not highly intelligent guards. Shystercian is often involved in numerous plots to make money through various capitalist adventures, many of them very bizarre and strange. Sometimes they are successful, while other times they are total failures. The reason they are traveling along the Velverdyva River is because of one of the failures.

A month ago, Shystercian learned that the city-state Highfolk was having some problems with receiving supplies of livestock and, as a result, prices for livestock began to rise exponentially. Shystercian began plotting for a means of delivering livestock to Highfolk. The only problem was, it was located over 300 miles away, down the Velverdyva River, and through the Clatspur and Yatil Mountains. While Schwarzenbruin had plenty of livestock, especially sheep, Shystercian figured he could buy thousands of sheep for a low price and then ship them to Highfolk for a huge profit. The only problem was how to ship 1,000 sheep down the river, through the mountains, and get them into Highfolk. A bateau, a canoe designed for carrying cargo was the best means, but at best, a dozen sheep could be carried on one. Then, as he loves to recount it, he was speaking with a local shepherd contemplating his problem when “the skillful shepherd peel'd me certain wands, And, in the doing of the deed of kind, He stuck them up before the fulsome ewes.” This particular shepherd had intended to be a wizard and has achieved the second level, but gave it up to become a shepherd (it was more peaceful). However, he still retained some tricks of the trade and he pulled out a wand of polymorphing and changed the ewe into a mouse. He said, with enough charges, he could change all of his sheep into mice, then when reaching Highfolk, change them back to sheep. 1,000 mice could easily be transported in three bateaus. Shysterican did the math and realized he would still come out ahead. So, he hired the shepherd for 3,000 gold pieces. The idea was to convert 1,000 sheep into mice, ship them downriver, then before entering Highfolk, turn them back into sheep; hence, his need for a shepherd. Everything went according to plan and the shepherd and two men in Systercian’s employ left for Highfolk. Several days later, the shepherd returned.

The shepherd told Shystercian his story. Everything went well at first, from the first set of rapids to paddling the lazy river that followed. When they reached the second set of rapids the bateaus did not do so well, for the two boats struck rocks and were destroyed. “The two men in my employ,” Shystercian explains, “were drowned and the shepherd clung to a rock all night and was taken off in the morning by some passerby.” He and his guards were looking to see how best to navigate the rapids and to search for the missing wands of polymorphing. They did not find the latter, but had some ideas. Shystercian then explained that because the situation in Highfolk was still dire, he planned to try it again. He explains that it is worth the risk, for there is always risk, “For you see, ships are but boards, sailors but men: there be land-rats and water-rats, water-thieves and land-thieves, I mean pirates, and then there is the peril of waters, winds and rocks. It is the price of business.” Shystercian then warns the player characters about the rapids ahead, for they appear to travel for approximately 5 miles. They are navigable, but risky.

As it is the end of the day, and the rapids are five miles long, the player characters should consider camping for the night. Shystercian and his guards are not willing to stay overnight, if offered, for they left their horses tied up in the pastures northwest of this location and plan to return to Schwarzenbruin by nightfall.

Shystercian (human, commoner): AC 10; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 10; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. He carries an ornamental dagger worth 120 gp and a pouch containing 132 gp.

Ataganio (half-orc, fighter): AC 2; HD 6; hp 32; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Ataganio carries a +1 two-handed sword, short bow with quiver and 18 arrows across his back, a mace on his belt, and two daggers, one in each boot. He has a small leather pouch with 19 gp.

Baffunio (half-orc, fighter): AC 2; HD 5; hp 27; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Baffunio carries a +1 battle axe, a light crossbow with a quiver with 16 bolts, a throwing axe on his belt, and a dagger in his left boot. He carries a small leather pouch with 14 gp.

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Hex40 (E5-83)

“This which [he] says of the raven is applicable to our crow: ‘there is a peculiarity belonging to ravens that must draw the attention even of the most incurious – they spend all their leisure time in striking and cuffing each other on the wing in a kind of playful skirmish.’”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


The beginning of the white water rapids brings with it a familiar sound. The earth, once again, gives way, and the river plunges downward toward the southern plains reaching toward the Clatspur and Yatil Mountains.

For the next 5 miles, the Velverdyva River plunges downward in and amongst rocks left over from ages and ages ago, creating a death defying river trip through this section of the river. There is the potential to canoe through the entire section, but the speed of the water is fast and the rocks oftentimes obscured until the player characters are right on top of them, leaving for last second decisions through this treacherous water.

For each of the 5 miles of rapids, the player characters have a 3/6 chance of striking a rock. If they conduct a reconnaissance of the river by walking the five mile length before putting in their canoes, they can reduce that risk to 1/6 chances of striking a rock every mile. If a canoe strikes a rock, it will take 3-30 points of damage and the player characters in that canoe 1-6 hit points of damage. If the canoe breaks apart, then the 3-30 hit points of damage will be applied to the player characters themselves.

The best way to avoid this dangerous section of the Velverdyva River is to portage around the obstacle. It is, however, a five mile portage, which will take

time. In fact, as they can move no faster than 3” (3 miles in eight hours, or 30 feet per round) while portaging, it will take an entire day to make it around the obstacle. See WILDERNESS SURVIVAL GUIDE.

Once past this section, read the following:

The river once again levels out and just as suddenly as it turned violent, it turns calm. So calm, it appears that the river has reached a standstill and it seemingly takes more effort to propel the canoes forward.

The river has become more still on the surface, but underneath the surface, there is a backflow toward the white water rapids. The resulting effect is to slow inertia in the water so it is truly more difficult to paddle through this portion of the river. After a mile, that pull dissipates, but the river remains very calm as it lazily winds its way through the grass plains.


Dusk arrives early as the setting sun begins to drop below the Yatil Mountains to your west. Up ahead, in the distance, flying above and following the course of the river, are a number of black spots in the sky. As they draw near, you count 18 huge ebony birds, flittering and fluttering, coming your way. Their crests are shorn and shaven, and the grave and stern decorum of their countenance is ghastly grim. They are truly ancient ravens wandering along the nightly shore.

These birds are an unkindness of huge ravens (no, really, look it up), traveling along the Velverdyva River hunting for human flesh. As ravens are so often a harbinger of things to come, these ravens are no different. They are the servants of a type 1 demon, a vrock that is somewhat a cross between a human and a raven. These birds will attack any humanoid for the purpose of providing their master with its meal. Needless to say, they will fight to the death. If they are victorious, the vrock allows them to feast on the leftovers.

Raven, huge: AC 6; MV 1”/27”; HD 1-1; hp 6 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-2; SA: When the raven achieves a hit, there is a 1/10 chance the strike of the beak will be to the eye, causing the loss of that organ.


Since the appearance of the ravens, you have not traveled far when you see another large black dot

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traveling toward you above the river. This time it is only one, but it is bigger and different than the other ravens. As it grows closer, you see it appears to be a cross between a human and a raven. The last rays of the sun cast an ominous shadow on the ground before you.

This vrock (type I demon) resides in the Yatil Mountains and has an unkindness of ravens as his servants. They act as a sort of reconnaissance for the vrock as it seeks out human flesh. While most vrocks have the countenance of a vulture, this one looks more like a raven. It is one of the least intelligent demons and it will attack and fight to the death.

Vrock: AC 0; MV 12”/18”; HD 8; hp 40; #AT 5; Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-8/1-8/1-6; SA: at will, one of the following: detect invisible objects, telekinesis (2,000 gp weight), gate in another type I demon (10% chance of success); SD: magical resistance (50%), darkness 5’ radius. Note: these demons may be struck with normal missiles and hit by normal weapons.

Hex41 (E5-84)

“Every lake and stream in the wilderness is soon made to feel the influence of the white man’s dam.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


As the bend in the river begins to take a southeasterly direction, you see up ahead on the bank of the river, seven strange flower plants. They must be rare as they are unlike anything you have seen before with talk stalks sticking out of the riverbank between 3 and 5 feet tall with trumpet shaped flower of vivid orange, bright yellow, and intense red.

These are very rare plants and may be worth something to a collector if one could figure out how to keep it alive with it killing them. These are tri-flower fronds and can be quite deadly. They will only attack if a player character approaches within 3’.

Tri-flower frond (7): AC 9; MV Nil; HD 2+8; hp 24, 20, 19 (x2), 14 (x2), 12; #AT 1; SA: Any player character within 3 feet of the plant will see the orange flower shoot 3-8 tendrils. If any strike, the player character must save versus poison or fall into a comatose slumber. Then the yellow flower will bend down and release a sticky enzyme causing 2-8 hit points of damage per round until either rotted away or immersed in water. The red flower will also hit the victim at the same time as the yellow flower causing 1-6 hit points of damager per round as it draws in bodily fluids.


As the river straightens out, you see up ahead in the distance, something blocking the river. As you draw closer, you see logs, sticks, and branches piled across the river, very much like a beaver dam. The river appears to flow through it in two spots left and right of center, while the center looks as if it is a spillway over the dam. It does not look, however, as if the canoes will be able pass through or over these water passages.

The dam in the river does have water flowing partially through it and over it, but it is too hazardous to try and take these routes. The majority of water is actually flowing underneath the dam, which is also not navigable by canoe. The dam will basically force the player characters to portage around it to the other side. This dam is neither natural nor animal made, but was created by a band of gnolls for the very purpose of attacking anyone voyaging down the river. They have cover inside the makeshift dam for there are two small caves made of logs, sticks, and mud. There is also plenty of concealment for the gnolls as their fur and armor blend in with the wood. The gnolls will wait until the party comes around the dam in order to attack. The sub-chief will order the archers to fire first and then he will send in the melee combatants. The 3 scouts have the dual mission of warning the band of approaching boats/people and guarding the sub-chief.

Gnoll (Sub-Chief): AC 2; MV 9”, HD 3; hp 16, #AT 1, Dmg 1-10. The sub-chief wears chain mail +2, wields a +2 halberd, has a +2 dagger (+3 vs.

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creatures larger than man-sized), and carries a potion of healing.

Gnoll (6 archers): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 14, 13 (x2), 11, 10, 8; AT #1; Dmg 1-16. The archers are armed with longbows and clubs.

Gnoll (2 swordsmen): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 12,10, 9; #AT 1; 1mg 1-10. These gnolls armed with two-handed swords.

Gnoll (5 Axe-men): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 13, 12, 11, 9, 8; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8. These gnolls wield battle axes.

Gnoll (3 Scouts): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 12, 10, 9; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8. These gnolls are armed with morning stars with the 12 hp one wielding a +1 morningstar.

Treasure: Every gnoll has a small pouch containing 7 ep, 7 gp, 10 gems each worth 10 gp. The subchief carries a pouch with 15 ep, 16 gp, and 24 gems each worth 10 gp. Stored in the protected hovel inside the dam is the band’s collective treasure: 3,200 ep; 4 gems each worth 1,000 gp; scroll of protection – elementals, a small wooden box containing periapt of proof against poison, and a collection of the following potions: potion of fire resistance, potion of heroism, potion of water breathing, potion of clairvoyance, potion of philter of persuasiveness, and potion of oil of etherealness.

Hex42 (D5-84)

“It was not an actual living creature, far less a winged creature of the air, but a figure in stone or bronze, a fanciful production of art, like a gryphon or phoenix . . . All the while, this seemingly bronze sphinx, as motionless as the earth, was watching me with intense anxiety through those narrow slits in its eyelids.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


Late in the day, as the river turns directly south, you see in the distance, as if almost a repeat of the previous day, something blocking the entire Velverdyva River. This time, however, you realize it is not made of wood or other materials, but it is some kind of living creature. As you draw closer, you see a figure in bronze, motionless as the earth, lying in the river as if demanding the water to rush around its massive expanse. The eyes of this great bronze dragon watch you approach with deep intensity.

This is the adult bronze dragon Laochuin (pronounced Lay-ock-oon) who resides east of the Ververdyva River in the Clatspur Range. He makes his rounds each day from his lair to Lake Quag and back again. Then, every late afternoon, he flies down to the Ververdyva River to lounge in the waters. He is always amused when humanoids, especially humans, come along. His alignment is lawful good, but he has a haughty personality. He knows he is superior and is always willing to point it out to anyone passing by. He is a talkative character and cannot easily be talked into moving out of the way. He will inquire as to who the player characters are, where they are coming from, and where they are heading to, always posing the question, “Why?” If the player characters try to pass Laochuin without engaging in conversation, he will block their way with this head (east side of the river) or tail (west side of the river). He will then play a game of riddles with them, more for the purposes of entertaining himself. He will bargain with the player characters to let them pass if they answer the riddle. If they fail, they must pay him some tribute. If the player characters fail in answering the riddle, he will expect something from them and then he will ask another riddle. Laochuin could keep this up all afternoon. Three possible riddles are provided below, but dungeon masters are encouraged to develop some of their own or seek out some of the great ancient riddles.

If the player characters threaten him or attack him, he will fight back, but only enough to punish the foolish creatures, not enough to actually kill them. He will then lecture them on bad manners and fly away. If the player characters try to befriend him, as long as they remain in a subservient disposition, then Laochuin will take a liking to them and acknowledge their proper respect and fly away. He will then, however, turn himself into a river otter and follow the player characters downstream.

Riddle #1:

Question: Basin-filled, gives birth to a morning fog,

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And the misfit name of a marshy bog.

Answer: Lake Quag

Riddle #2:

Question: A clot or clod made of dirt and dung,

An off-shoot range, its name unsung.

Answer: Clatspur Range (or Clatspur Mountains)

Riddle #3:

Question: Dividing peak from peak far down below,

Through rugged land the wayward go.

Answer: A Mountain Pass

Laochuin (bronze dragon): AC 0; MV 9”/24”; HD 8; hp 44; #AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/6-24; SA: breath weapons, either a lightning bolt or a repulsion gas. Spells: 1st level, magic missile, comprehend languages; 2nd level, locate object, fools gold; 3rd level spells, blink, gust of wind.

Hex43 (D5-85)

“As the parlor is preferable to the cave, so will the life of its occupants be more godlike than that of the dweller in the cave.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


Since putting in your canoes, the journey due south has been peaceful. The current of the river has

hastened and the Yatil Mountains to your right and the Clatspur Range to your left are beginning to close in on you. As the river starts to bend slightly to the southeast, the current picks up increasing speed and white water looms ahead.

The speed of the river’s current is going to double the speed of the player character’s canoes. Rather than covering the usual 3 miles an hour, they will cover 6 miles in one hour. This will give them little time to make adjustments or to react to situations. As long as everyone is paddling and paying attention, they will make it through the rough white water rapids.


As you move rapidly down the river though the continual white water rapids, the mountains have swallowed you up and there is no longer a shore, but mountains that reach upward to the sky on either side of your canoes. The river, being selfish, has worn away just enough of a path through the stone to make its own way through without leaving room for anyone or anything else. Suddenly, large shadows appear on the river ahead of you, made present by boulders so large they block out the sun.

The boulders are coming from the Citadel of the Stone Giant Lord, located high above them on the west side of the Velverdyva River in the Yatil Mountains. There, the stone giant lord is preparing his giant brethren to raid the lands of men (see AGAINST THE GIANTS). They have been more isolated and slow in their preparations, but they have taken up a defensive position in the citadel in preparation for their future raids. Three stone giants watch the river for any human watercraft traveling down the river and they are prepared to rain down the boulders and rocks they have now collected for several months.

While the player characters are not intended to attack the citadel (maybe one day in the future), the boulders are going to disrupt the flow of the river and cause the characters to paddle backwards to try and avoid the dozens of boulders that are falling into the river just ahead of them. As they do so, the rise of the river is going to send the water rushing toward the Clatspur Range, where an overflow tunnel has existed for centuries, channeling water through the Clatspur Range whenever the water rises by a foot or more. The player characters, with little time to react, are going to be swept down into the tunnel for a wild ride deep into the earth.

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The crash of the boulders in front of you has created such a clash of white water against white water, it has seemingly changed the direction of the river. Your canoe is turning toward the eastern side of the river, sending you headlong toward the sheer stone walls. But just before you are hopelessly dashed against the wall, the bow of your canoe drops violently downward and you find your canoes being sucked into a vortex.

This is a tunnel that has been carved out over time by the river and is, in part, how the river deals with an overflow during heavy rains. When the river rises, it splits into two, with one-half traveling down into the bowels of the earth. Although a rush of water momentarily plunges the party under water, they will find themselves in a large tunnel, half-filled with water, but rushing downward, at a 45 degree angle creating an extremely rapid descent. They will cover the next two miles in two minutes, their fastest ride of this adventure.


Your canoe is traveling downward so rapidly there is little you can do but to ride it out and hope that you do no find yourself dashed into pieces when you reach the bottom. As you contemplate your fate, you suddenly find yourself flying through space, your canoe coming out from underneath you, and you have that eerie sensation of falling. That also ends suddenly as you crash into a thick net, suspended over what feels like a vast chasm and you hear the river fall away into the darkness beneath you.

There is a 50% chance that each player will land on their canoes and/or equipment when they are caught by the net, causing 1-4 hit points of damage.

The player characters have entered a large cavern that was once the Temple of Kyuss. In his early years, before the transformation, he had an ample following who served him in this temple. When he left to grow more powerful, he never returned, and the temple has remained buried in the earth for over 1,500 years. Over time, the main entry to the temple was destroyed and geological shifts have changed the main temple’s structure. An off-shoot of the Velverdyva River now runs through the temple when the river runs high. In more recent centuries, two creatures made the old temple their home, the grimlocks and the dark creepers. The two factions have been warring with each other for

two hundred years with both trying to dominate the entire complex and each other. Currently, the grimlocks dominate the western side of the temple and the cavern complex that lies further to the west. The dark creepers control the eastern side of the temple and the temple’s living areas that lie further to the east. They, however, greatly fear the grimlocks for their numbers have grown, while the dark creepers numbers have diminished. Still further, there are several locations east of the temple that still radiates evil from the old Kyuss days and even the dark creepers are afraid to venture too close.


As you assess your situation of being trapped in the net in the dark, you hear a slavering sounds coming from your right. Something, or some-things, are moving in your direction.

The netting is suspended over the old raised altar in this main chamber of the temple. The netting is stretched between two old columns. The altar is situated 20’ above what was the temple floor. There are stairs to the east and west that lead downward 10’, both leading to side structures that are raised 10’ above the old temple floor.

The diverted river now runs down a tunnel that enters the back of the altar wall then drops just under the location of the two columns and the netting. The water falls 150’ before reaching the bottom then gently floats in a southeasterly direction. After traveling for a few miles this underground river exits through a cavern opening and then joins the Velverdyva River at the beginning of Hex44.

The slavering sounds the player characters hear are coming from a party of hungry grimlocks moving up the stairs to the altar. The purpose of the netting is so that when the water does rise, the grimlocks can capture edibles in the net. A party of humanoids would be a prize catch. This party of grimlocks is actually on watch against the dark creepers located on the eastern side of the cavern (See area #55). Their job is to make sure the dark creepers do not cross the cavern either by way of the altar or the wooden planks stretched across the fissure in two locations (See area #15). Their secondary duty is to capture anything that gets caught in the netting.

The player characters will have three melee rounds from hearing the slavering sounds until the grimlocks are underneath the net. As a reminder, the

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grimlocks are sightless, but use their other senses to move effectively in the dark. These will be the first to respond. Three more rounds after these six arrive all of the rest of the grimlocks from area #55 will arrive.

Grimlock (6): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 15, 13 (x2), 12, 11, 9; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type, 1 grimlock wields a handaxe, while the others have no weapons; SD: immune to effects of spells affecting the visual nerves (e.g., invisibility); save against magic as 6th level fighter; remaining motionless in rocky terrain they cannot be detected other than with detect invisibility. Note; spells that affect their other senses (e.g., audible glamer) will reduce their ‘vision’ and cause them to reduce their hit probability by 2.

Treasure: each of these grimlocks carries 12 sp, 7 ep, and 5 gp.


It is approximately 150’ to the bottom of the fissure, where the water crashes and forms a river flowing in a southerly direction. The river splits at the mass of land located at the center of the fissure.

The water at the bottom of the waterfall and around this area has a depth of 60’. Once south of the waterfall, the water creates a gently flowing river that travels south. The water splits at the mass of land at the center of the fissure, but joins back together on the land’s south side. The water then flows south into a cavern complex. The water is deep enough to launch canoes and the cavern complex is tall enough to travel through. This side river flows for 30 miles before rejoining the Velverdyva River in Hex 44. This is the means of escape for the player characters, however, they are going to have to retrieve their gear and they will have to figure out a way to lower the canoes, their equipment, and themselves down to the river.


In the center of the main chamber of the temple, there is an island located in the center of the fissure. This island of land runs from north to south for 80’ and at its widest is 20’. There are two reinforced planks stretching from the island to the temple floor. The one to the northwest is 25’ long of which 20’ crosses the chasm, while the one to the southeast is 20’ long of which 15’ is situated over the chasm.

The grimlocks, on their most recent attack on the dark creepers used these planks to cross the chasm. They were left in place when they were

finally forced to retreat. The northwestern plank is closely watched by the grimlocks in area #55, while the southeastern plank is watched by the dark creepers in area #21. There is a 10% chance a plank will give way if a player character attempts to cross it. The percentage doubles for every additional person attempting to cross a plank at the same time.


There is every manner of debris – including columns, rocks, benches, railings, and broken tables -- piled high on the southwest side of the temple over the chasm. It does appear possible to cross over the debris in order to gain the eastern side of the temple.

It is possible to cross over as the fissure essentially ends underneath the pile of debris. It was piled here to prevent the dark creepers from being able to attack the grimlock side of the cavern. Buried in the debris are numerous iron spikes protruding upward. Any player character attempting to cross the debris has a 50% chance that the debris will give way and another 50% chance they will strike 1-2 iron spikes for 1-4 hit points of damage. At the narrowest point it is 30’ of debris, while at the widest it is 40’ of debris. At the southern end of the pile of debris is where the grand entrance to the temple was located, but both the doors and passageway collapsed as a result of the earthquake. The grimlocks located in area #57 watch this pile of debris for possible attacks.


Stretching for 100’ from the southern wall of the temple is an abbatis of spears. There are three rows of spears inserted into the floor and pointed at an angle toward the western side of the temple. It is a veritable wall of spears blocking the way, but if the spears could be removed, it may be possible to gain the other side.

It is not possible to pull the spears out of the ground for they have been sealed into the floor. It is, however, possible to cut the spears down with a sharp object. Anyone attempting to climb over the spears faces a 50% chance of slipping and being impaled with a spear for 1-6 points of damage. There are three rows of spears to cross over. These were established by the dark creepers in order to keep the grimlocks on the western side of the temple. The dark creepers located in area #24 keep watch on the spears to make sure no one crosses over them.

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A set of stairs lead down to a raised, recessed portion of this vast temple. There is still a 10’ drop to the main floor of the temple.

The stairs have no railing and it is pitch black in the temple, so unless the player characters have a light source, they will have to navigate the staircase in the dark. If they are moving along normally there is a 1-2 chance (on a 1-6 die roll) they will stumble down the stairs. If they are fleeing the grimlocks and running there is a 1-4 chance. In either case, player characters stumbling down the stairs have a 1-3 chance that they will plummet to the temple floor taking 2-12 points of damage.


Situated in this area of the temple are three collapsed stone columns. All three have fallen from the raised, recessed area of the temple, and all three, by the looks of it, appear to make for excellent ramps leading up the 10’ height to reach the raised area.

The stone columns collapsed with the earthquake long ago and fell to the temple floor. They do make for excellent ramps to ascend to the raised area of the temple (See area #20), except for the southernmost column as it sits precariously on the edge of the chasm. Any creature climbing the stone columns will, however, be under the observation of the dark creepers located in area #21.


The area in and around where the three columns must have once stood is full of rocks and debris, including what appears to be large rocks from the chamber’s ceiling. It is very dark in this portion of the temple.

The reason for the excessive darkness in this area is due to the fact the dark creepers located in area #21, have used their innate ability to create darkness. As this ability reaches up to 50’, the entire area is affected. This means that if there are any non-magical sources of light in the area, they will be extinguished. Any magical items of illumination must save against magical frost, otherwise, they too will be extinguished for a one hour duration.

In between where the columns stood are also two long pit traps, 10’ wide and 20’ long. They are pressure sensitive, so anyone stepping on them will

cause the traps to give way and fall for 2-12 hit points of damage.

The area was once a raised viewing area for the elite followers of Kyuus attending ceremonies in the temple. The wooden seating area has long since rotted away.


The back of the wall appears to be made of normal worked stone, however, unless there is a dwarf, elf or thief in the party, it will be nearly impossible to make out the two secret doors that enter the chamber. Anyone, however, has the ability to locate the arrow slit from which any creature moving in area #20 is observed by the two dark creepers posted here.

The dark creepers maintain a vigilant post, watching primarily for attacks by the grimlocks. If they detect any creatures in area #20, they will use their innate ability to create darkness in order to give themselves an advantage. They will generally wait until someone has triggered the pit trap before attacking, again, giving them a tactical advantage. They will slip silently through the secret doors, then either attempt to push anyone close to the edge of the pit trap into the pit or they will use their dagger to stab creatures in the back.

The dark creepers will close the secret doors behind them, but if one should be killed, the other will attempt to flee through the secret door to warn the garrison of dark creepers located in area #26. The viewing room has a hallway that leads east and then south before arriving at another secret door leading into area #26.

The goals of the dark creepers are to first, destroy all light sources; second, gain magic items; third, capture any creatures and bring them to one of the dark stalkers; and fourth, kill any creature if they cannot capture them.

Dark creeper (2): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 8, 5; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day.

Treasure: each dark creeper carries one gem, a ruby worth 25 gp and a sapphire worth 150 gp.

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You reach a long descending staircase that drops the 10’ very shallowly before reaching the temple floor.

The staircase descends 10’ over a 30’ length, so the stairs are very shallow. This area is the only area in the temple that the dark creepers have no ability to observe, however, they will be able to detect any player character descending or ascending the stairs with a light source.

23. TRAPS!

Located at the bottom of the stairs from area #22 and prior to ascending the stairs to area #24 is a 10’ by 10’ pit trap. It is pressure sensitive, so any creature stepping on the floor in this location will trigger the trap. There is a second trap at the base of the second staircase leading up from the temple floor to area #24. Both of these pit traps are 10’ deep and any player character falling into the pit will take 1-6 hit points of damage. Once a pit trap has been sprung, the dark creepers located in area #24 have the ability to throw rocks into the pit trap causing 2-12 hit points of further damage to anyone trapped at the bottom.


The stairs lead up to a 30’ by 50’ platform that overlooks the temple floor. The entire portion along the stairs and overlooking the temple floor is piled high with rock debris, while to the north and south are two piles of large rocks. In the center of the platform there is a large hole in the floor.

The rock debris is piled high to create a fortification against the grimlock’s attacks. The piles of rocks are ammunition to be thrown down on anyone attacking the fortification or falling into the pit traps (See area #23).

In the center of the platform is a trapdoor, currently open, that creates a quick slide to a secret door which leads out onto the temple floor. The dark creepers posted here will use the trap door chute and secret door to surprise attack anyone below trying to approach the stairs or climb out of the two stair traps when it is to their advantage.

The four dark creepers stationed here serve both as a lookout and a first line of defense. They can summon additional dark creepers with one runner proceeding to area #25, the barracks located in area #26. If reduced to one dark creeper, the

remaining dark creeper will attempt to flee to area #26 in order to warn the others.

Dark creeper (4): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 9, 5, 4 (x2); #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day.

Treasure: one dark creeper carries as chalcedony semi-precious stone worth 50 gp, while the other carries a ruby worth 1,000 gp.


You enter a 20’ wide hallway made of worked stone. After proceeding down the hall for 20’ you come to a pile of debris on the right side that nearly reaches the ceiling, which itself is 10’ in height. There is an 8’ clearance around the north side of the pile. Also, the north is a 10’ wide hallway.

The pile of debris was placed there by the dark creepers as a means of slowing down any attacking grimlocks. If need be, the dark creepers can knock the pile of debris over to create a barrier in the hallway. Anyone caught underneath the collapsing pile of debris would take 3-18 hit points of damage. The hallway leads to an improvised barracks for the dark creepers.


This 30’ by 40’ chamber is unique in that there are 11 crude makeshift structures in the room. Located in the center of the room, near the western wall, is a large structure that appears to be a hut made for a human, while the other 10 surround this one in a crescent shape and are much smaller, fit, at best, for a dwarf. On the eastern wall is the faded painting of what, at first glance, appears to be a large portrait of a human.

The large hut belongs to the dark stalker that oversees the security for the rest of the complex, charged with preventing the grimlocks from entering further into the dark creeper living areas. This dark stalker is the lowest of the three located in the complex and hence only has the guards as followers. The smaller huts are home to one dark creeper each.

The dark stalker will send the dark creepers into battle against any enemy, while he casts wall of fog and create darkness. When the dark creepers are reduced to two or less, the dark stalker will retreat

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down the main hallway to the east, where he has his final defense forces before entering the living areas of the other dark stalkers and dark creepers.

The large portrait is a very old wall painting that has all but faded, featuring an old man in robes, holding in his outstretched hand a small ball. This is an ancient wall painting of kyuss, but there is not enough detail left to make out the bare bone hands, the magical orb, or the worms coming out of the eye sockets.

There is enough room to move along the eastern wall, underneath the wall painting, in order to bypass the dark creeper huts. On the north wall is a secret door that is currently closed and only detectable by a dwarf, elf, or thief.

Dark stalker: AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 2+1; hp 14; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day, and wall of fog twice a day. The dark stalker fights with two short swords, one of which is a +1 short sword.

Dark creeper (6): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 7, 4 (x3), 3 (x2); #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day.

Treasure: The dark stalker carries 3 gems worth 50 gp, 150 sp, and 350 gp. One of the dark creepers wears a ring of water walking, and another one has a pouch containing 55 pp,


The 20’ wide hallway only has a 5’ opening to pass by the large pile or rock, rubble, and debris that is piled up to the ceiling.

On the eastern side of the pile of rocks, rubble, and debris are two dark creepers. Their orders are to never leave their post, regardless of what they hear on the western side of the pile. They are to defend against any creature, other than their own kind, from entering the hallway. The manner in which they do this is one will remove the board that keeps the pile from collapsing into the 5’ wide opening on the northside of the pile, while the second is to run to the pile of rubble at what amounts to the end of the hallway (See area #28) and pull the stout rope. The rope runs through the hallway to area #39

where it is attached to an old cow bell. This is a crude but effective, warning device for the dark creepers. The one responsible for pulling the board then waits for the player characters to make their way through the rubble before fleeing. At this point, both dark creepers will quickly make their way through the next 6 rooms that have been designed to defend against the grimlocks by way of the traps that have been set against any intruders.

The falling pile is mostly debris, rather than rocks or rubble, and causes 2-8 hit points of damage. It will also slow each player character caught in the rubble by 1-6 rounds.

Dark creeper (2): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 7, 2;#AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day.

Treasure: Each dark creeper carries a gemstone. The first has an oriental topaz worth 5,000 gp, while the other carries a pink moss agate worth 10 gp.


As you proceed down the hallway, you see another pile of rock, rubble and debris piled high on the north side of the hallway. Just past that pile, the hallway appears to be entirely blocked by more of the same.

The pile on the north side of the hallway is not set up to collapse, just to obscure the door on the north side of the hallway just beyond it. Once past this pile, the hallway proceeds for another 10’ before the entire hallway is blocked. This pile of debris is 10’ deep, 20’ wide, and reaches to the ceiling. In the center of the pile, about 2’ off the ground, is a stout rope with a pull handle. Any player character pulling the rope will have to pull hard to gain any movement, even so it will only pull back a foot. If let go, the 1’ of rope slack will disappear back into the rock pile. This is a crude warning device for the dark creepers, warning those stationed at the other end of the rope in area #39 where there is a weighted cow bell on the other end.


You enter a room that appears to be larger than the 20’ wide by 30’ deep that you can see. While there is some debris strewn about the floor of this room, there is another pile of rock, rubble, and

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debris to the immediate right of the door that creates a partition in the room.

The size of the room is actually 30’ by 40’. The player characters should be cautious of the rock pile that reaches the ceiling and the debris strewn about the floor. Both of these, however, are designed to present an obstacle for the purpose of slowing the party down. This gives the dark creepers a chance to exit the room through the hole that was smashed into the stone wall in the southeastern corner, then set the trap in area #31 and make it across the pit trap located in area #32.


As you squeeze through the hole in the stone wall, you step into a hallway that has piles of stone, rubble, and debris stacked to the ceilings blocking the passage both west and east. There is a wooden door that is closed on the south side of the hallway.

If the player characters have a light source, the DM can also note that there is a rope passing from rock pile to rock pile, set about 2’ high off the hallway floor. This is more rope for the warning device. If the player characters have no light source, the rope at 2’ off the ground may present a hazard.


The wooden door is unlocked and it opens into a 30’ by 40’ room. On the eastern wall, there is another hole smashed in the stone wall, creating a passageway into another room.

The door to this room is left open by the dark creepers, for they know to leap through the door at an angle in order to avoid the pit trap. Once in the room, one will grab a fastened-down rope that pulls the door shut, while the other enters area #32 to navigate that room’s pit trap. The one pulling the door closed will then follow behind.

The pit trap is a 10’ x 10’ floor trap that gives way as soon as any weight is placed on the floor. The pit is 20’ deep, so any player character falling into the pit will take 2-12 hit points of damage. When the floor gives way, it also pulls a pin on a wooden cart that causes the cart to tip, dumping its contents of rocks into the pit causing an additional 3-18 hit points of damage to any player character inside the pit.

32. IT’S A TRAP!

The hole smashed through the stone wall leads to a 30’ by 30’ room which is empty. On the north wall

there is a doorway that is missing its door. Hanging from the ceiling are two stout ropes that almost reach the floor. Both ropes are positioned at 5’ intervals between the doorway and the hole in the wall.

The ropes are the dark creepers means of traversing this room. They will swing from one to the other in order to cross from the doorway to the hole in the wall and vice versa. Placing any pressure on the floor causes four triangular sections to collapse downward revealing a 30’ pit trap. The floor looks like a stone floor, but it is only painted to look that way. Any player character falling into the pit will take 3-18 hit points of damage.


The doorway leads into the 20’ hallway. There are two piles of rock, rubble, and debris piled up to the ceiling on both ends of the hallway, 30’ apart. Running west and east through the rock piles, 2’ off the ground, is a stout rope. On the northwest side of the hall is a wooden door.

The dark creepers will cross this hallway and enter area #34, closing the wooden door behind them. The rope continues to run to the east through the hallway to the weighted cowbell that is used as a warning device in area #39.


As you enter the room, you see more rock, rubble, and debris pile on the eastern side of this 30’ by 30’ room. You realize that it is actually two piles with a very narrow passageway between them heading east.

The dark creepers run through the narrow passage between the two piles and exit this room through the hole in the stone wall in order to enter area #35. The player characters will be able to see that the passageway between the rubble is 3’ and runs for 20’ before reaching the stone wall. There is an opening in the stone wall and on the other side are two overturned tables. The two dark creepers may reveal themselves as hiding behind the two tables in order to draw the player characters into the passageway. Hidden in the rocks, rubble, and debris, in the shadows, are 4 dark creepers who will wait until the player characters are right next to them before attempting to backstab the player characters. Once exposed, they will flee into area #35.

Dark creeper (4): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 7, 6, 4, 3; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th

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level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day.

Treasure: each carries two gems, two rubies (50 gp each), two diamonds (150 gp each), two amethysts (250 gp each), and two sapphires (500 gp each). One of the four carries a small blue bottle that is shaped like a gem, only it has a cork stopper, revealing the gem to be a potion of heal.


As you enter this 30’ by 40’ room through the passage made through the stone wall, there are two overturned tables blocking the way. To the immediate south is a wooden door.

The fleeing dark creepers and the four from area #34 (if they are still alive) make what amounts to their final stand here. They are to prevent any creature, typically the grimlocks, from reaching beyond this room. All but one will fight to the death. If the dark creepers are clearly losing, the least damaged dark creeper will flee through the southern door, cross area #36, and make its final stand in area #37, along with the others located in that room.


As you move through the door, you enter the hallway again. There is a rock pile to the west and another 30’ down the hallway to the east. On the southeast side of the hall is another wooden door. The same rope, again, runs from pile to pile 2’ off the floor.

The rock, rubble, and debris pile on the eastern end of the hallway is 20’ deep and is the final blockage for this hallway. The door on the southeast side of the hall leads to area #37.


As you enter this 30’ by 30’ room, you see two tables overturned and a doorway on the eastern wall without a door.

This room is the final stand for the guards who are ordered that at all costs they are not to let any creature other than dark creepers and dark stalkers pass. They are more afraid of the dark stalker that is in charge of the guard than the player characters, so they will fight to the death.

There are two dark creepers behind both tables. There are another two hiding in the shadows behind the north door who will attempt to back stab any player character more focused on the threat coming from behind the table. Finally, there are six more just past the eastern doorway (with no door) that will commit to the fight. The one with the ring of invisibility, however, will flee further into the complex in order to warn the others to prepare their defenses.

Dark creeper (12): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 9, 8 (x2), 7, 6 (x2), 4, 3 (x2), 2 (X3) ; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day. The two dark creepers that are behind the door each wield one of the following: dagger of venom and dagger +2, +3 vs. creatures larger than man-sized.

Treasure: The two behind the door have a black sapphire (5,000 gp) and a ruby (5,000 gp). The four located behind the tables have the following: a tiger eye (10 gp), 3 bloodstones (50 gp each), a star rose quartz (50 gp), and 5 garnets (100 gp each). The six in the doorway have: a ring of invisibility, a platinum ring with green peridot (2,000 gp), a small bag of 16 diamonds (each worth 100 gp), a black obsidian stone (10 gp), a gold necklace with small garnets (500 gp), and the last has an amulet of proof against detection and location.


You enter a 20’ wide hallway that runs north and south. To the north, a pile of rock, rubble, and debris juts out into the hallway. You see coming out of the pile the end of the rope to which there are a number of items affixed to it, including what looks to be a large bell. There is a 20’ entryway just east of the rope and bell. To the south, there are two piles of rock and rubble piled on either side of the hallway with a narrow 3’ passage between them. Just beyond the two piles is yet another one.

The end of the rope has a variety of items attached to it, including a candle holder (worth 1 gp), a rusty spike, a tin cup, a slightly bent horseshoe, and a large cowbell. The items serve as both weights to hold down this end of the warning rope and as noisemakers if someone tugs on the other end of the rope. The only reason for the rope to be pulled is because of intruders which puts the complex on alert.

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The northern passage leads further into the complex where the dark creepers and stalkers reside. The entryway leads to area #39. The southern passage leads to an area that the dark creepers and dark stalkers avoid as it radiates both magic and evil.


The 20’ entryway leads into a 30’ by 60’ chamber which features a large water fountain backed up against the eastern wall. The pool itself is half-moon shaped and fills a 20’ by 20’ area. Whatever the statute once depicted is no longer discernible having been badly damaged and worn with time. On the north and south walls are strange little makeshift huts.

The room serves as the primary source of water for the dark creepers and stalkers. The water is potable. The statute was of an old man with sunken eyes and bones for hands sitting on a throne. The statute was of Kyuss, but the dark stalkers had the dark creepers destroy the statute out of fear. The little makeshift huts are the living quarters of the dark creepers who serve as the sentries and the last line of defense for the south side of the complex.


As you move north along this 20’ hallway, there are more rock, rubble, and debris piles that reach the ceiling, on alternating sides of the hallway. The passageway is eerily quiet.

The hallway is designed to slow any intruders from making it to the main intersection (area #41) in order to buy the dark creepers time to retreat.


You come to an intersection where the 20’ wide hallway proceeds north, west, and east. Again, the passageway is eerily silent, but the air feels to be moving slightly from east to west from an ever so lightly breeze.

The north passage leads to the primary lair of the dark creepers. The area to the west is the second area of the complex avoided by the dark creepers. The passageway to the east travels for several miles before exiting into the mountains away from the river with no discernible trail to follow.

This intersection is actually at the middle of a complex trap organized by a dark stalker using 21 dark creepers. It is the final defense before intruders would be able to reach the living area of

most of the dark creepers. At each corner of the intersection is a room hidden behind secret doors, each being 20’ by 20’. The dark creepers will use these secret rooms to monitor the movement of the party and they will take advantage of the secret doors in order to backstab the rear element of the party. Each room also features access to a series of tunnels allowing the dark creepers to move from room to room underground. There is also a trap door in the floor, 10’ down the eastern passage that leads to these tunnels via a ladder. Still further, both of the hidden rooms on the eastern side of the intersection connect underground to two passages that allow the dark creepers to observe anyone in the eastern hallway, enabling them to attack by dropping a load of stones on top of them and then exiting two more secret doors to attack (See area #42).

Each of the rooms and the occupants will be described here, but the DM should move these dark creepers and the dark stalker around to their best effect. If the player characters discover the secret door and gain access to one of the rooms, the dark creepers can flee to another room via the underground passage or by escaping through the other secret door. The goal is to harass, terrorize, and ultimately attack the player characters, with the primary goal of keeping them from proceeding up the north passage.


There is a secret door located in the east and north walls of the room. In the southwest corner of the room is a nearly 10’ wide hole in the ground that leads to an underground passage. This underground passage leads east to secret guard room #41b. In this guard room are 4 dark creepers.

Dark creeper (4): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 7, 5, 4, 3; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day. One of the dark creepers wields a +2 dagger.

Treasure: one dark creeper carries a banded agate (10 gp), an alexandrite (100gp), a coral stone (100 gp), and a sapphire (1,000 gp).


There is a secret door located in the west and north walls of the room. In the southwest corner of the

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room is a nearly 10’ wide hole that leads to an underground passage. This underground passage leads west to secret guard room 41a, north to secret guard room 41d, and east to the southern guard post, 42b. In this guard room are 4 dark creepers.

Dark creeper (4): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 7, 3 (x2), 2; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day. One of the dark creepers wields a dagger of venom.

Treasure: One of the dark creepers has a silver bracelet with coral stones worth 3,000 gp.


There is a secret door located in the south and east walls of the room. In the northwest corner of the room is a nearly 10’ wide hole that leads to an underground passage. This underground passage only leads east to secret guard room 41d. In this room are 4 dark creepers.

Dark creeper (4): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 8, 6, 4 (x2); #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day.

Treasure: One of the dark creeper wears a ring of protection +3, and another carries one ivory pendant worth 100 gp and a bracelet featuring two intertwined snakes, one make of silver and the other gold, worth 1,200 gp.


There is a secret door located in the west and south walls of the room. In the northeast corner of the room is a nearly 10’ wide hole that leads to an underground passage. This underground passage leads west to secret guard room 41c, south to secret guard room 41b, and east to the northern guard post, 42a. In this guard room are 3 dark creepers and the dark stalker in charge of the guard posts.

Dark stalker: AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 2+1; hp 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving

against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day, and wall of fog twice a day. The dark stalker fights with two +1 short swords.

Treasure: one hematite gray-black gem stone worth 10 gp and 5 opals, each worth 250 gp.

Dark creeper (3): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 8, 3, 2 (x2); #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day. One of the dark creepers wields a +1 dagger.

Treasure: none.


There is a secret trap door that comes from the underground passage running between secret guard rooms 41b and 41d. There is a ladder that leads up to the hatch which allows the dark creepers to get behind any party moving down the eastern hallway.


As you proceed down the eastern passageway, you can feel a slight breeze blowing gently against your face as the 20’ wide hallway disappears far into the darkness.

Connecting from both 41b and 41d are underground passageways that lead east to a staircase. The 10’ hallway then leads to another staircase that allows for observation of the tunnel and also serves as a trap. The dark creepers that are posted at both the north (42a) and south (42b) locations have carts of rocks that they can dump on any creatures walking down the main passageway. In addition, there are secret passages that lead further down the corridor to secret doors that allow the dark creepers access to the hallway.

Currently, in the main passage are two dark creeper sentries who are posted there to prevent entry into the complex from the east. They have easy access to the secret doors. The main passage continues for nearly two miles before exiting further east among the Clatspur Range. The passage opens to a cave-like entrance high up in the mountains and has no discernible trails for descending from the entrance. This was a hidden

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entrance by which magical flight was used to gain access.

Dark creeper (2): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 7, 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day. One of the dark creepers wields a +3 dagger of throwing.

Treasure: One carries a ruby worth 500 gp, while the other has a green amethyst worth 250 gp.


The secret passage on the north side has four dark creepers posted here, two on the overlook and two at the secret door. The rock pile can be dropped into the main passageway at any time by the two dark creepers, filling a 10’ area and causing 3-18 hit points of damage.

Dark creeper (4): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 7 (x2), 6, 5; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day.

Treasure: One of the dark creepers carries two bloodstones (each worth 50 gp) and another has a smooth oblong amber stone worth 350 gp.


The secret passage on the south side has three dark creepers posted here, two on the overlook and one at the secret door. The rock pile can be dropped into the main passageway at any time by the two dark creepers, filling a 10’ area and causing 3-18 hit points of damage.

Dark creeper (3): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 7 (x2), 6; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day.

Treasure: None.


Upon opening the door, you find yourself entering a dark room that feels to be vast and of immense size. You realize that you are on a landing and a stone staircase descends to the south.

The chamber is the first of two main lairs of the dark creepers that are connected by a secret passageway underneath the landings on the main floor. The room is a large 60’ by 70’ chamber that from the landing, down the stairs, to the main floor, is a descent of 30’. Any character falling from the landing or stairs to the main floor will suffer anywhere from 1-6 to 3-18 hits points of damage, depending upon their location and height. The main floor features dozens of the tiny makeshift huts that the dark creepers favor for personal living quarters. The lairs are the final defenses of the dark creepers and they will defend it to the death.

Hidden in the shadows behind the entry door into this chamber are two dark creepers who will simply move forward to backstab and push the player characters off the landing. The other 17 dark creepers will attack anyone falling to the main floor or descending the staircase.

Dark creeper (19): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day. Only the head of the dark creepers in this chamber has a magical weapon, dagger +2, Longtooth.

Treasure: 11 of the dark creepers carry gems, for a collective total of 17 gems worth 50 gp each.


Upon opening the door, you find yourself entering a dark room that feels to be vast and of immense size. You realize that you are on a landing and a stone staircase descends to the south.

The chamber is the second of two main lairs of the dark creepers that are connected by a secret passageway underneath the landings on the main floor. The room is a large 60’ by 70’ chamber that from the landing, down the stairs, to the main floor, is a descent of 30’. Any character falling from the landing or stairs to the main floor will suffer anywhere from 1-6 to 3-18 hits points of damage, depending upon their location and height. The main floor features dozens of the tiny makeshift huts

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that the dark creepers favor for personal living quarters with one larger hut in the northeast corner which serves as the living quarters of the dark stalker. The lairs are the final defenses of the dark creepers and they will defend it to the death.

Hidden in the shadows behind the entry door into this chamber are two dark creepers who will simply move forward to backstab and push the player characters off the landing. The other 24 dark creepers are directed by the dark stalker and will attack anyone falling to the main floor or descending the staircase.

Dark stalker: AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 2+1; hp 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day, and wall of fog twice a day. The dark stalker fights with a short sword+1, +3 vs. regenerating creatures and a short sword +3, and he wears a ring of fire resistance.

Dark creeper (19): AC 0 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 1+1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: has the abilities of a 4th level thief; if killed, the creeper’s body spontaneously combusts causing blindness for 1-6 full turns unless saving against magic; has the innate abilities to detect magic, create darkness 3 times per day. Two dark creepers are armed in this chamber with magical weapons: sling of seeking +2 and dagger +3.

Treasure: 14 of the dark creepers carry gems, for a collective total of 26 gems worth 75 gp each. The dark stalker carries 5 gems, each worth 500 gp, 2 necklaces, one adorned with sapphires, the other diamonds, and each is worth 1,000 gp. There is a chest located in the northeast corner of the room, near the lair of the dark stalker, which contains 256 gp and 744 pp.


The 20’ wide corridor begins to change from worked stone to that of a crude cavern wall. The floor of the hallway is thick with dust and rocks litter the area. Suddenly, out of the darkness ahead, a small rock flies toward you.

The corridor was being widened and expanded with slave labor. One of the laborers revolted and took a stand against Kyuss using nothing more than rocks against the evil wizard. The laborer died where he stood. He is now a poltergeist with a strong bond to the end of the corridor. The dark

creepers have avoided this area. The poltergeist will attack the party using small rocks.

Poltergeist: AC 10; MV 6”; HD 1-4 hit points; hp 1; #AT nil; Dmg nil; SA: Fear, if a player character is struck by one of the rocks, there is no damage, but they must save against fear (spells) or flee the area and run in random directions for 2-24 melee rounds.

Treasure: none.


As you proceed west along the 20’ wide corridor, you notice that stone floor ahead of you is growing thicker with dust. There are multiple footprints in the dust from some small humanoid creatures. As you reach the end of the corridor, the dust gives way to stagnant water and the hallway turns north.

There is a slight crack in area #47 that feeds water into the room from runoff through a fissure when the Velverdyva River overflows and channels water into the complex. As the water recedes, the water left behind stagnates. This is also made possible because the corridor angles downward a few degrees as it reaches the end and turns north. The footprints are from the dark creepers who have approached this area, but avoid the stagnant water and all parts beyond.


As you move north along the 20’ wide corridor through the stagnant water, you come to the entrance of a large octagon-shaped room that features a domed ceiling. The center of the room rises out of the stagnant water and there are two alcoves, west and east, covered in cobwebs and dust. Directly across from you is a set of double wooden doors.

The room serves as the sentry post for two of Kyuss’ guards, two flesh golems. Anyone entering the room who is not Kyuss himself will find survival in the room difficult. Upon entry, emitting from a rod set in a recess in the center of the ceiling’s dome is an electrical charge. The charge causes 1-10 hit points of damage with three times that amount to anyone standing in the water. The purpose of the electrical shock is to awaken the two flesh golem guardians, each positioned in one of the alcoves. It is their command to prevent anyone from entering area #48. They will fight until destroyed.

Flesh golem (2): AC 9; MV 8”; HD 40 hit points; hp 40 each; #AT 2; Dmg 2-16/2-16; SD: normal weapons deal no damage, magical weapons have normal

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effect; spells have no effect; fire or cold based spells slow the golem by 50%; electrical damage restores 1 hit point for each die lightning bolt.


As you enter the room, magical lanterns along the walls light up this 40’ by 60’ room. It is clearly the laboratory of a magic user. Along the western portion of the room are built-in work benches and shelving with several stools. The work benches and shelving are strewn with all manner of items. In the center of the room is a table with six chairs. Again, on the table top are all manner of items. Situated along the eastern wall are a carpet, divan, and a chair. The entire room is covered with a thick layer of dust.

This was the personal laboratory of Kyuss who collected all manner of items for spell components to experiment with the creation of new spells, or just for his amusement. Many of the items have little worth or are so old as to no longer be valuable, lost to the ravages of time. Other items are of value and some magical. However, many of the items may prove dangerous and/or unstable. The player characters may poke and prod at their own risk. There are items on the workbenches, shelving, and table. The chair is normal, as it the carpet, but the divan is a mimic – a simple means by which Kyuss could dispose of unwanted guests, he would sit on the chair, they would sit on the divan, and no more guests!

The following items are found on the workbenches:


Net, dry rotted and brittle

5 wooden stakes and hammer

Six ivory dice (30 gp)

Chunks of Darkwood

Bone fragments

Candles, various colors, mostly used

Iron spike

Powder horn, empty

Metal urn (actually a stoppered eversmoking bottle)


Small basket, empty

Bedroll, rotted

Bone razor

Small cauldron, empty

5 sets of 50’ rope

Parchment paper, 32 sheets, blank

Sealing wax

Merchant scales


Wooden earplugs

Grooming kit

Hooded lantern, damaged


Silver plate (25 gp)

Waterskin, filled with mold


Leeching kit

Two ivory die (exploding dice which cause 3-18 points of damage if rolled)

Bent fork

Small mirror



Empty bag (Bag of holding, 15 lbs, 500 lb limit, 70 cubic feet)

Pipe, smoking


Hat, clerics cap

Black, rotted article (once a cassock)

Small silver tray with incense (15 gp)

Candle in a candle holder (Candle of Invocation, Chaotic evil)

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Small pick

Quiver, empty

Shortbow, broken


The following items are found on the shelves:

7 Bottles of wine, taste of vinegar

Vial of smelling salts

Vial of troll oil

Vial of catnip

Stoppered Flask: iron flask with trapped earth elemental; if unstopped, it will attack.

Earth elemental: AC 2; MV 6”; HD 12; hp 50; #AT 1; Dmg 4-32; SD: +2 or better weapon to hit.


Vial of drow poison

Vial of purple worm poison

Vial of water breathing

Small ornate box (50 gp) containing 75 pp

4 vials of holy water

6 vials of unholy water

Vial of pepper

Vial of animal control

Vile of mustard

Garlic, several dried bunches

Vial of acacia

Vial of anise

Vial of extra-healing

Vial of cloves

Vial of burdock

Jar of keoghtom’s ointment

Vial of Rose amber

Vial champaca flower

Vial of dust of illusion

Vial of balsam

Vial of palisander

Oil cloths – wrapped inside is a +4 mace

Vial of hyssop

Vial of narcissus

The following items are found on the table:

Alchemical silver (300 gp)

Bone fragments

Stones, no value

Goldmask (450 gp)

Candles, various colors

10 candlesticks (1 gp each)

3 vials of oil

Clerical robe (Robe of vermin, in this case, parasitic worms)

Alchemist kit

5 sets of 50’ silk rope

3 vials of purple worm poison

Dagger (Dagger of venom)

Hooded lantern

Vial of healing

Crystal skull (80 gp)

Ruby (50 gp)

One black pearl (250 gp)

Ornate book (Libram of Ineffable Damnation, clerics)

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Gold candelabra (250 gp)

Jug (alchemy jug)

Small gold box with lid (250 gp), filled with dirt. Any character reaching into the dirt will have a fat green worm attach itself to their hand. See FIEND FOLIO, under son of kyuss, for the effects of the worm.

Wooden bowl

Pestle and mortar

Staff (Staff of the Woodlands +2)

Quill pen

Jar, empty


Vial of worm control (works like animal control, but isolated only to worm and worm-like creatures)


Measuring spoon


Small cauldron containing 7 scrolls:

Speak with animals (2nd Level)

Worm charm (2nd level, acts the same as snake charm, but obviously on worms; this was an experiment of Kyuss)

Speak with Dead (3rd level)

Sticks to worms (4th level, acts the same as sticks to snakes, but obviously on worms; this too was an experiment)

Harm (6th level)

Earthquake (7th level)

Destruction (7th level)

Divan (mimic): AC 7; MV 3”; HD 10; hp 31; #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; SA: excretes a glue which holds fast to whomever they strike.


As you come to the end of the hall, there is a pile of debris clearly blocking what is probably a set of large doors.

This end of the hallway is avoided by the dark creepers and it is they who piled the debris in front of the door. The debris is mostly wooden items that once served some purpose but are now broken and rotted. The hidden door, even while covered, radiates both magic and evil. If the debris is removed, read the following:

As you remove the last of the debris, you are presented with a 15’ by 15’ iron bas-relief hanging on the wall, one foot above the hallway floor. The carving depicts creatures, variations of what appear to be worms, crawling up out of the depths of the earth. There are many different varieties of worms, as well as different sizes. Some of the worms morph into the image of an old withered man with empty eye-sockets wearing a robe. In one of his skeletal hands he wields an orb from which emits sparks, while in his other he holds a scepter from which come flames. On top of the creature’s head is a slim diadem of gold with three large gems which also appear to be emitting some type of flame.

The bas-relief emits a spherical zone of fear. Every player character must make a save versus magic or flee in fear from the door.

The bas-relief is, in actuality, a door. This door, however, is accessed by simply touching the bas-relief and moving through it. Anyone touching the door will find that their finger or hand will pass through the door as the iron relief turns to a huge mass of crawling worms. Their entire body may push through the door, but anyone passing through, other than Kyuss himself, will take 3-18 hit points of damage from the parasitic worms. Once a player character has passed through the door, it will return to its look of iron. A person may pass freely back through the door, but the same damage applies, 3-18 hit points of damage from the parasitic worms. There is a 10% chance that when passing through the door, each time, the player character will contract a parasitic infestation. If contracted, roll on the parasitic infestation table in the DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE to determine how it manifests and the duration.


You enter into a large chamber, 80’ wide and 40’ deep. There are passages leading off to the east and west in the far corners of the room. Before you stands a wide staircase ascending to an alcove in which you can see an altar. The room is lit by some low light magic. Coming from out of the shadows beside the grand staircase are two putrid corpses

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walking in your direction. Even in the low light, you can see the worms crawling in and out of their eye sockets, ear sockets, and mouths.

These creatures are two sons of kyuss, guardians of Kyuss’ treasures. At one point, kyuss was in the service of a deity. Under the evil deity’s direction, Kyuss created the sons of kyuss, among other evil creatures. As a reward, kyuss was given the chaotic evil set, the crown, orb, and sceptre of might. Kyuss used these early on, but eventually he became so powerful that he abandoned them here when he left this temple and migrated east and made his home in the Rift Canyon.6

The player characters must once again save versus fear (magic) or flee the room, back through the door, suffering the 3-18 hit points of damage and probability of a parasitic infection once again. The sons of kyuss will fight until completely destroyed, but they will not leave the room.

Sons of kyuss (2): AC 10; MV 9”; HD 4; hp 26 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA: spherical zone of fear, 30’ in diameter, save vs. magic or flee in terror; and worm attacks; SD: regenerates 2 hit points per found, and its limbs will regenerate as well; the only means of destroying is fire, lightning, acid, holy water, or holy symbol. Sons of kyuss are treated as mummies on the cleric/undead table; immune to mind-influencing spells.


As you gain the top of the stairs and peer into the alcove, upon the altar sits a solitary item: a slender diadem of gold set with 3 large precious stones.

Hidden behind the altar is the guardian of the crown, a necrophidius, otherwise known as “the death worm.” It will fight until destroyed.

On the altar is the crown of kyuss, otherwise known as a crown of might. The crown’s alignment is chaotic evil. Any player character who touches the crown and is not of the same alignment will suffer 5-30 hit points of damage and must save versus magic or be instantly killed. The powers and effects of the crown are as follows: animate dead, speak with dead, fear by touch or gaze, and the wearer suffers a weight loss of 10-40 pounds. If a second item is worn with the crown (either the orb or sceptre) then the wearer gains zombie animation 1/week and regenerate 2 hit points per turn. If the full set is adorned - crown, orb, and sceptre - then the wearer gains immunity to charm or hold spells, paralyzation by touch, the user withers and ages 3-

30 years each time the primary power is used, eventually turning the possessor into a deathless withered zombie guardian of the item, the ability to shape change 2/day, and the alignment of the possessor is permanently changed to chaotic evil. All of these helped to lead kyuss to become a sort of walking mass of worms and as that began to occur, he no longer needed the three items, so he secured them in this area of the temple. The crown is worth 50,000 gp or more.

Necrophidius: AC 2; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA: achieves surprise 50% of the time and if successful performs a Dance of death, which forces all to save versus magic or be hypnotized by the creature; its bite also causes paralyzation for 1-4 rounds unless save versus magic.


The western stairs descend downward for 30’ bringing you to a 30’ by 30’ chamber. In the center of the room is a 4’ high stone stand upon which rests a round orb that appears to be made of platinum and is encrusted with gems and its base is a device of metal with precious stones.

The walls are made of stone, and blended into the back wall is the orb’s guardian, a margoyle. There is only a 20% chance it will be detected. The creature will attack any player character entering the chamber.

On the stand is the orb of kyuss, otherwise known as an orb of might. The orb’s alignment is chaotic evil. Any player character touching the orb must save versus magic or die. If the player character survives, they will still suffer 4-24 hit points of damage. The possessor of the orb is able to speak with animals, but their hair will turn white. If a second or third item is possessed simultaneously, see crown of might description in area #51. The orb is valued at 100,000 gp.

Margoyle: AC 2; MV 6”/12”; HD 6; hp 23; #AT 4; Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-8/2-8; SA: 80% chance of being undetected and surprising; SD: +1 or better weapon to hit.


The eastern stairs descend downward for 30’ bringing you to a 30’ by 30’ chamber. In the center of the room is a 4’ high stone stand upon which rests a bronze sceptre, inlaid with silver and many fine gems, and is topped by a 2’ long precious stone.

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The room appears to be empty, but kyuss had one of his prized possessions, a polar worm (remorhaz) suspended in another plane. He was fascinated by the creature because of its resemblance to worms. Anyone stepping into the room will cause the 21’ long remorhaz to appear and attack.

On the stand is the sceptre of kyuss, otherwise known as a sceptre of might. The sceptre’s alignment is chaotic evil. Any player character who touches the sceptre must save versus magic or die, and if they survive, suffer 5-30 hit points of damage. The sceptre acts as a rod of beguiling and the possessor of the sceptre will be immune to disease, can cause confusion 1/day, and their charisma will be reduced to 3 as long as they own the sceptre. If a second or third item is possessed simultaneously, see crown of might description in area #51. The sceptre is valued at 150,000 gp.

Remorhaz: AC overall 0, head 2, underside 4; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 24; #AT 1; Dmg 6-36; SA: On a score of a natural 20, the player character is swallowed whole and killed; SD: any creature touching the back of the remorhaz will suffer 10-100 hit points of damage due to the intense heat and all non-magical items will melt.


This area features three pillars reaching up to the ceiling, and it overlooks the main floor. There is an arched entryway set in the back wall.

Unlike the raised viewing area across the way (See area #20), the three pillars in this section of the temple remain standing. There is a flight of stairs leading up to the main altar area where the net trap is located (area #12), and there is a flight of stairs leading down to the temple floor to the south. The 10’ arched entryway leads to area #55. In front of the arched entryway is a 10’ by 10’ floor trap that will drop the player characters into a 10’ deep pit for 1-6 hit points of damage. As soon as the pit trap is sprung, grimlocks will pour out of area #55 and attack.


There is a 10’ wide hallway that runs both north and south to dead ends. Located 10’ north and south of the entryway are two open sections in the stone walls.

The two open sections are secret doors that the grimlocks leave open. They only close them if they are forced to retreat. There are grimlocks located in the north and south portions of the hallway, as

well as just past the two secret doors. They are sentries waiting for the net trap over the main altar to be sprung, the pit trap in front of the archway to be triggered, or for anyone to cross the wood planks from area #15. Once any of these happen, the entire group will attack without much thought, leaving no rear guard. They will attack with savage ferocity. However, if the fight is clearly not going their way, they will retreat.

Grimlock, leader (2): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 13 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. Both leaders carry battle axes.

Treasure: 18 sp, 12 ep, and 8 gp each.

Grimlock (22): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. Half of the grimlocks carry hand-axes, while the other half carry long swords.

Treasure: 9 sp, 6 ep, and 4 gp each.


The stairs here are rather shallow for while the stretch nearly 30’, they only rise 10’ from the temple floor. At the center of the staircase is a pit trap. Stepping on any area of the stairs in this 10’ section causes the stairs to give way, dropping the victims into a 10’ deep pit. When the pit trap gives way, the grimlocks in area #57 will attack.


This 40’ by 50’ area overlooks the temple floor. There are rocks piled up all along the edge and there are 3 stone tables that have been strategically tipped over as a means of cover. On the back wall hang large black drapes that are tattered and worn with time.

This area is an overlook of the temple floor and especially area #16, watching for possible attacks from the dark creepers. If anyone crosses the pile in area #16, the grimlocks located here will rush out and attack. If anyone comes from another direction, the grimlocks will wait for the staircase pit traps (See area #56) to trigger. When that occurs,

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they will simply rush the pit traps and attack. Many of the grimlocks will actually jump into the pit traps rather than using the situation to their advantage. They will attack with savage ferocity. However, if the fight is clearly not going their way, they will retreat.

Grimlock, champion (1): AC 3; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. The champion carries a two-handed sword.

Treasure: 18 sp, 16 ep, and 13 gp each.

Grimlock (25): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. Most of these grimlocks carry a mixture of sword: bastard, broad, and long.

Treasure: 9 sp, 6 ep, and 4 gp each.


This 30’ by 40’ room emits a foul odor and appears to be some form of living area for the human beasts that dwell in this area. The back wall features an opening in the stone wall.

That is exactly what it is, a sort of guard’s room, living area. Many of the guards that live in here are either located in area #55, which they can gain access to through the open secret door in the back of the room, or in area #58. The opening in the stone wall is a secret door that the grimlocks typically leave open. They will only shut the door if retreating. This is the area that the player characters canoes and belongings will be brought to at first. Anything that looks like it could be a weapon will be kept by the grimlock leader, while anything shiny (coins, gems, jewlry, etc.) will be taken to the grimlock champion who is located in area #70. Anything else, including the canoes, will be pushed off to the side in this room and left alone.

Grimlock, leader: AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky

terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. The leader carries a long sword.

Treasure: 10 sp, 8 ep, and 7 gp each.

Grimlock (13): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. 10 of these grimlocks carry hand-axes, while the other three carry battle axes.

Treasure: 8 sp, 6 ep, and 6 gp each.

Treasure (located in the room): 3,175 cp, 2,233 ep, one bloodstone worth 5 gp, and one jasper worth 50 gp,


There is a cavern tunnel that turns north, but it is blocked by a pile of rocks and debris.

The grimlocks blocked up the tunnel in order to channel any dark creepers to the west where there are five lairs of grimlock guards (see area #60). The top of the pile could be cleared to be able to crawl through, but it will take 7-12 rounds to clear and it will create a lot of noise that the grimlocks in #60 will no doubt hear.


The 20’ wide cavern proceeds west and you notice that the walls appear to have been crudely worked and the rock and debris cleared. There are several shadowy cave entrances to both the north and the south.

Each of the 5 caves were eventually to have been carved into rooms, but the work was never completed. Most of the stone and rock debris was removed and is used throughout the temple complex as barriers. In each of the 5 caverns is a group of grimlocks with a leader. The first group to encounter any intruders will create such bestial noises that all of the guardians will be roused to attack. They will fight with savage ferocity, unless the fight has clearly turned against them. At that point, any remaining grimlocks will flee further into the cave complex seeking safety in numbers.

Grimlock, leader (5): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror

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image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. Four of the leaders carry battle-axes, while one carries a sword of wounding.

Treasure: 12 sp, 8 ep, and 7 gp each.

Grimlock (53): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 8 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. The majority of these grimlocks fight with hand-axes, while a dozen wield long swords.

Treasure: 8 sp, 5 ep, and 3 gp each.

Treasure: additional treasure is found in each of the following lairs:

60a. 8,250 cp, 1,100 gp, one oynx worth 50 gp, one pearl worth 500 gp, and one aquamarine worth 500 gp.

60b. 2,500 gp, one black sapphire worth 5,000 gp, one pearl worth 500 gp, one chalcedony worth 50 gp, one topaz worht 500 gp, one malachite worth 10 gp, one pearl worth 100 gp, on bejeweled silver ring worth 2,000 gp, one silver and gold ring worth 600 gp, and one gold medallion (image worn off) worth 1100 gp.

60c. 6,300 cp, 2,002 ep., and 3,400 gp,

60d. 3,090 cp and 2,107 gp,

60e. 5,500 sp, one moss agate worth 200 gp,


Off of what appears to be the main cavern complex is a tunnel shaped passage that heads in a northerly direction.

This tunnel is avoided by the grimlocks, because of the cave morays that are situated in the cyst-like burrows along the tunnel walls. Any creature walking this tunnel will be struck by the cave morays which are situated at approximately 10’ intervals on both sides of the tunnel. The grimlocks always take the long way around.

Cave morays (8): AC 0/5; MV 1”; HD 4+4; hp 24 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA: Surprise on a 1-5; SD: they withdraw into their cysts giving them the AC of 0, when attacking they have an AC of 5, but they are so fast there is only a 1 in 20 change of striking one exposed.


As you enter a larger cavern, the main passage appears to lead north and another south. To the west and east there are small tunnels, but out of these small tunnels charge many of the sightless humanoid creatures.

These grimlocks serve as guards and hunters. South of their position dwell large creatures known as cave fishers. Occasionally, one will exit their lair (See area #63) in search of water or food and the grimlocks will attack it as a food source. Any creature not a grimlock, entering this cavern, will be attacked by the grimlocks located here. Five will be found in the eastern recess, while the rest will be located in the tunnel to the west. As these are not their actual lairs, there is no treasure in either recess.

Grimlock, leader: AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 21; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. The leader carries a two-handed sword.

Treasure: 18 sp and 12 gp each.

Grimlock (19): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. Each of these grimlocks carries a long sword.

Treasure: 11 sp, 8 ep, and 7 gp each.


You enter a large cavern where the cavern roof extends well beyond your light, giving the room a feeling of immensity and creating a hollow echo. There is a passageway to the east.

The cavern roof is 60’ up and there is nothing in this cavern.


The roof of the cavern remains high down this passageway, but the cavern is not as wide so they feeling of immensity is gone, as is the echo.

This cavern’s ceiling is 50’ high, but 30’ up from the cavern floor there is a large and deep shelf hidden in the shadows. Hiding on these shelves are four

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cave fishers, two to the north, and two to the south. Unless player characters have some form of magical light that shines high above them, they will not see the cavern shelves in these passages. These creatures sit on the ledge with their filament lines dangling from their proboscis, waiting to capture any unsuspecting prey.

Cave fisher (4): AC 4; MV 1”; HD 3; hp 20, 18, 15 (x2); #AT 2; Dmg 2-8/2-8; SA: adhesive trap line, these filaments can only be cut with a +1 or better edged magical weapon and there is only a 20% chance of seeing them before it is too late. It takes the cave fisher one round to haul a captured creature 15’ and that creature can weight up to 400 lbs.

Treasure: littered among the bones of each cave fisher are 44 sp, 23 ep, and 17 gp.


As you enter this narrow passage, you suddenly hear a loud chirping sound.

Located throughout the cavern portion are several dark and narrow passages that the cave crickets claims as their abode. Any person coming within 20’ of the back of these passages will hear the oversized cricket begin to make a chirping noise. Anyone coming within 10’ will hear a loud deafening chirping that will drown out all other noise. If anyone comes any closer, the cricket will leap out of the narrow passage, most likely knocking into anyone in the way, causing 1-4 hit points of damage. There is a 5 in 6 chance that the sound will bring in grimlocks from nearby areas.

Cave cricket: AC 4; MV 6” (hop 3”); HD 1+3; hp 8 each; #AT 0; Dmg Nil; SA: Jumping will cause 1-4 hit points of damage.


There is clearly a passageway to the north, but it is blocked by a large pile of rocks. The main passage continues to the east.

The rocks here are originally from the excavation process and they have not been moved because they are too large and heavy. The pile of rocks also creates the back wall for a lair of grimlocks (See area #73).


You reach what appears to be a four-way intersection in this cavern complex. To the north and east, however, draping down from the cavern

ceiling are long strands of translucent gossamer which extend down to the cavern floor and cover the passageways. Through the gossamer to the east, it appears as if the shadows are moving.

The material hanging down is, relatively speaking, gossamer. It is, in actuality, old spider webs that have lost their stickiness, but not their translucent nature. They are almost similar to drapes hanging from the ceiling. The shadows moving to the east are grimlocks in the largest cavern in the complex in area #68.


The large cavern has four large boulders in the center of the chamber all surrounding a large well. There are two long iron bars running from rock to rock, crossing each other over the well. From where the iron bars intersect hangs a large bucket by untold feet of coiled rope. This chamber is full of those foul primitive creatures staring at you with their blank eyes as they move toward you.

This is the main cavern for the grimlocks. It is where they meet and secure their water. The rope that is coiled on the iron bars is used to lower the bucket for water. It is good stout rope and there is over 500’ of rope coiled on the iron bars. The depth of the well to water is 100’. There are currently 34 grimlocks in this chamber.

Grimlock, champion: AC 3; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 28; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. The leader carries a +1 long sword.

Treasure: 19 sp, 18 ep, and 17 gp each.

Grimlock, leader (3): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. These leaders carry broad swords.

Treasure: 14 sp, 12 ep, and 9 gp each.

Grimlock (30): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 8 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible.

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Half of these grimlocks carry hand-axes, while the other half carry long swords.

Treasure: 8 sp, 6 ep, and 4 gp each.

69. DAMAGED CART As you enter this cave, you see situated in the center of the room a strange looking cart. There is clearly a seat, made of some type of material you have never before seen and behind it is a large wheel. There are several levers before the bench. The entire construction is clearly damaged, but even if repaired, it would appear there is no place to harness a horse and the rails upon which it sits would not do well over a cavern floor. You also see propped up against the back wall is a skeleton, a skeleton that is clearly one of these sightless humanoids long deceased.

If there are any H.G. Wells fans out there, you know exactly what this is. And if you watched the classic 1960 movie, you should also recognize the skeleton. Whether or not the “cart” is damaged beyond repair is entirely up to you my dear DM.


This cavern, which is partially blocked by a large boulder, is adorned with many furs of strange animals, as well as a small pile of items in the rear alcove. There are a dozen of these creatures in the room, although they appear to be of the female version of this species.

This is the lair of the champion and his closest grimlock leaders (see area #68). The females are no less threatening than the males, however, they are not inclined to attack, only defend. If the player characters back away, they will not attack. The pile of treasure located in the alcove belongs to the champion and much of it was taken from the dark creepers.

Grimlock (12): AC 6; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. All of these grimlocks carry hand-axes, save one, who wields a +1 dagger.

Treasure: 8,150 cp, 6,200 sp, 900 ep, 2,030 gp, spinel worth 100 gp, carnelian worth 50 gp, an amethyst worth 500 gp, a pearl worth 100 gp, an onyx worth 100 gp, an azurite worth 10 gp, and a bloodstone worth 50 gp, gold and diamond necklace worth

1,000 gp, a pink azure flower pendant worth 50 gp, one gold band worth 100 gp, a gold and ruby studded bracelet worth 250 gp, gold ring (ring of spell turning).


This small cave off of the main cavern is another lair of these foul creatures. Seven of the humanoid females stand armed to defend themselves.

The females are no less threatening than the males, however, they are not inclined to attack, only defend. If the player characters back away, they will not attack. The females carry no treasure and there is none in the lair.

Grimlock (7): AC 6; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. All of these grimlocks carry hand-axes.


This large cave is clearly another lair of these foul creatures. Fourteen of the humanoid females stand armed to defend themselves.

The females are no less threatening than the males, however, they are not inclined to attack, only defend. If the player characters back away, they will not attack. The females carry no treasure and there is none in the lair.

Grimlock (14): AC 6; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. All of these grimlocks carry hand-axes.


This round cave is clearly another lair of these foul creatures. Five of the humanoid females stand armed to defend themselves.

The females are no less threatening than the males, however, they are not inclined to attack, only defend. If the player characters back away, they will not attack. The females carry no treasure and there is none in the lair.

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Grimlock (5): AC 6; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type; SD: grimlocks are immune to spells affecting visual nerves such as phantasmal force, darkness, invisibility, mirror image, etc., save as 6th level fighter, and in rocky terrain, while remaining still, they appear as invisible. All of these grimlocks carry hand-axes.

Hex44 (C5-85)

“Who hears the rippling of rivers will not utterly despair of anything.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Journal


At the southern end of the chasm, the river proceeds at a calm pace into a dark tunnel. There is plenty of clearance overhead, suggesting that a greater volume of water once rushed through this passage.

After traveling for several miles through this cavern, read the following:

Echoing through the cavern, you hear the rippling of a river as it rushes by, while at the same time you feel the water beginning to pull faster.

The underground river rejoins the Velverdyva River at the beginning of Hex44. The trip through this Hex is uneventful and the pace of the river is not so rushed as it comes out of the canyons. As the player characters reach the southern portion of this Hex, they will see before them the Yatil Mountains.

Random Encounters

As previously mentioned, this campaign includes all encounters for the party within each chapter. However, if DMs feel that there should be additional random encounters, the following random

encounter table is provided for the Clatspur Mountain Range.

Dice Roll Encounter

01-10 Dwarves, Mountain 11-14 Giants, Hill 15-24 Giants, Stone 25-29 Humanoids 30-59 Men, Cavemen 60-64 Men, Patrol, Medium 65-69 Men, Patrol, Light 70-79 Men, Tribesmen (mountaineers) 80-84 Ogres 85-89 Trolls 90-00 Norkers


1 Hammack, Allen. (1980). The World of Greyhawk Gazetteer. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR. 2 Hammack, Allen. (1980). The World of Greyhawk Gazetteer. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR. 3 Hammack, Allen. (1980). The World of Greyhawk Gazetteer. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR. 4 Hammack, Allen. (1980). The World of Greyhawk Gazetteer. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR. 5 Quest, Samantha. (1997). “Welcome to Dyvers!” Oerth Journal, 4, 4-7. 6 Sargent, Carl. (1993). Iuz the Evil. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR.

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