the heart and heart failure in the year 2013 jonathan d. rich, md associate director, mechanical...

The Heart and Heart Failure in the Year 2013 Jonathan D. Rich, MD Associate Director, Mechanical Circulatory Support Program Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute Assistant Professor of Medicine Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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  • The Heart and Heart Failure in the Year 2013 Jonathan D. Rich, MD Associate Director, Mechanical Circulatory Support Program Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute Assistant Professor of Medicine Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
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  • Outline Basics of the heart and the cardiovascular system Define the term heart disease Heart disease risk factors and prevention Heart Failure as a major consequence of heart disease Treatment of heart failure in 2013 Q and A
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  • Since 1900, heart disease has been the No. 1 killer in the United States every year but 1918 Nearly 2,600 Americans die of heart disease each day, an average of 1 death every 33 seconds Almost 150,000 Americans killed by heart disease each year are under age 65
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  • The Heart Basics A muscle about the size of your fist Weighs approximately one pound Is located behind and slightly to the left of the breastbone Pumps about 5 liters of blood every minute
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  • Major Function of the Heart Pump blood through the lungs to refresh the blood with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide The oxygenated blood is pumped to the body to provide oxygen and nutrients and to remove waste products The coronary arteries are the blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart
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  • What exactly is heart disease? Any disease that affects the heart Because coronary artery disease is so common, many people use the term heart disease synonymously with coronary artery disease
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  • Coronary Artery Disease Coronary artery disease is one of the most common causes of heart disease. Fatty deposits build up in blood vessel walls causing narrowings, called atherosclerosis. Over time, this can lead to a complete blockage of the coronary artery and a heart attack.
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  • High cholesterol High blood pressure Diabetes Smoking Obesity Lack of physical activity Genetics Heart Disease Risk Factors
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  • Uncontrollable Sex Race Age Genetics
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  • Heart Disease Risk Factors Uncontrollable Sex Race Age Genetics Controllable High cholesterol High blood pressure Diabetes Smoking Physical activity Obesity Stress and anger
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  • Get regular medical checkups. Control your blood pressure. Check your cholesterol. Dont smoke. Maintain a healthy weight Avoid diabetes Exercise regularly. Manage stress. Choose your parents wisely!
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  • Heart Failure: Incidence and Prevalence Approximately 5,000,000 Americans currently suffer from heart failure Approximately 500,000 new cases of heart failure are diagnosed each year Among those with heart failure, approximately 250,000 have advanced or Stage D heart failure Nearly 1,000,000 hospital discharges per year for heart failure and the most frequent cause of hospitalization in the elderly Given the burden of heart failure, emphasis on aggressive, guidelines-based medical heart failure therapy is critical. 1 World Health Statistics, World Health Organization, 1995. 2 American Heart Association, 2002 Heart and Stroke Statistical Update.
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  • Heart Failure What is Heart Failure? A. The heart is not pumping/squeezing as well as it should (aka systolic heart failure) B. The heart is not relaxing as well as it should (aka diastolic heart failure) Usually, the heart has been weakened by an underlying condition(s) Blocked coronary arteries/heart attack High blood pressure Heart valve abnormalities Viral infection Other/unknown
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  • Heart Failure Heart failure can involve the left or right side of the heart (or both sides) In the majority of cases, the left side is affected first Heart failure occurs when either side of the heart cannot keep up with the demands placed on it to provide sufficient blood flow to the body
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  • Heart Failure How quickly does heart failure develop? It depends Often a chronic disease with a slow, insidious onset Other times can develop rapidly (i.e. after a large heart attack or an acute viral infection). The heart tries to compensate for the loss in pumping function by: Developing more muscle mass Enlarging itself Pumping faster
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  • Natural History of HF Survival (%) LV Dysfunction and Symptoms Mechanism of Death Sudden death40% Worsened HF40% Other20% Progression Annual Mortality 0%0% 100% Asymptomatic MildModerateSevere