the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is...


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Page 1: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling
Page 2: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling


Our industry needs to embrace sales as part of its profession, equally as important as mastering the

skills of the services provided. Every time money goes into the till at the front desk, reception it’s a

result of a sale. The industry sells what The Salon Money Maker refer to as the 4 R’s of Revenue.

Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process.

Money in the till is the result of selling

Some in the industry may “feel” “I’m are not sales person” and some shun that very word, but it is

key to understand, there is no hair and beauty industry without selling. If a salon or spa business is

not making profit, growth is slow or low, it will be because of mistakes being made in HOW the 4

R’s of Revenue are being sold.

The 4 R’s of Revenue

Retention – Selling time for the service appointment and keep clients long term

Retail – Selling something for the client to use at home between appointments that will benefit


Recommendations – Selling additional services either with upgrades to the currant service or

additional services for future appointments or cross promote departments (hair to beauty or vice


Referrals – Sell skills and experience, building a relationship with the client asking them to sell the

stylist or therapist to their work colleagues, friends and family.

Each of the 4 R’s requires a sales process, without being sold, they do not happen.

When a team has mastered the skill of selling and grown in confidence team members will no

longer struggle financially either personally or as a business.

Page 3: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

If each and every team member has the skill to sell without being

pushy and has the right mind-set to selling with confidence and

has practised the 4 R’s then Revenue Rockets.

Clients love to buy, and they really would like to spend more


So it’s key that teams know how to sell in a way that’s professional and easy. Understanding sales,

seeing selling as a positive opportunity to SERVRE clients is key.

Hair and beauty professionals are trained in the skill of advising professionally with

the highest ethical standards.

More sales means more revenue = team members earning a

decent wage = a business and owner that’s financially sound

and profitable

All of the above happens because of happy clients

Because clients ONLY spend more when they LOVE what you do and trust you!

Careers and businesses start with a dream not a

nightmare, but without sales it can soon turn into one.

The problem is that many salons and spas make

massive mistakes in their sales process, see selling as

aggressive, sleazy, or just don’t have a sales plan or

any specific training. There’s no link between the

marketing and team plan into sales conversions.

The book aims to cover the key mistakes that far too many salons and spa’s make and why business

owners should review and fix any of the sales mistakes that are occurring in their business.

Page 4: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

If growth is slow and low then something has to change. Understanding the key mistakes in sales that

are being made is a good place to start improving revenue.

Nothing changes, without change!

Page 5: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

Killer Sales Mistake #1

Responsibility for sales and

change in the business

"Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people

who have a habit of making excuses."

— George Washington Carver

Page 6: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

Responsibility and Change

It is the owner’s responsibility to make changes if growth is slow and low, but taking responsibility

and managing change is hard work.

The goal of a salon or spa business is to achieve 70-90% client retention (not requests) and have

business growth month on month heading towards being fully booked for weeks in advance. With a

waiting list and clients that rarely cancel or not showing up because the client knows it will be

weeks before they another appointment is available.

With this kind of demand a business can expect a minimum of 20-50%+ retail sales as the clients

love the place, trust the team, and so sales in all area’s will be high.

That is the goal of every salon or spa owner or team, to

achieve consistent growth, high service demand and

profit, the question is who IS responsible for sales and

change if the salon or spa isn’t achieving the goal?

Its key that owners and managers clearly understand

how important their attitude, plans, systems and action

are to the growth of the business.

Research shows that many businesses stall in growth,

over a 10 year period more than half of companies in any industry and of any size will stall, even in

normal economic times. Understanding a stalled business is key to taking responsibility and then

taking action, change.

Stalled Growth

Imagine that the salon or spa is like a car, when the business starts it’s like driving onto the

‘financial’ freeway / motorway. To be safe the car (business) must keep moving forward, change

gear, the performance of the engine (the team) must be maintained, finely tuned and repaired for

the car to function at its potential top performance.

Page 7: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

But imagine driving on that freeway /

motorway and not looking after key parts of

that “car”, not changing warn out parts or

ignoring the warning lights right under the nose

of the driver until the engines stalls.

If that driver can’t restart that engine and get

the “car” moving again the driver (salon owner)

will be in serious danger.

Businesses stall for a number of key reasons

and it is the responsibility of owners and

managers to prevent stagnation of growth or to

get the business running again.

Reasons Business Stalls

Fixed in long standing habits, comfort zone.

Fear of the unknown

Failure to see how the business environment is shifting

Convinced past methods will reappear / continue to work as they did in the past and will

save them again

Staff talent unable to perform as the business requires (sales) and not developed

Core basic business abandoned, neglected or overlooked as key to financial success

Management breakdown (poor systems, failing to update services and or products)

Premium position backfire, inability to respond to new and or lower cost competitive

challenges OR to shift customer valuation of service.

There are many stories from global giants to small businesses were growth has stalled, but it is not

something that happens overnight. Sadly, many salons and spa’s fail to take action or make

CHANGE happen and that can be led to financial destruction.

Nothing Changes without Change

Driving a business forward will always require change, but change is hard work. There’s a lot of

research into the science of behaviour and the brain itself that shows humans find change difficult.

Page 8: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

Our brain likes to work on autopilot whenever possible as forming new habits takes a lot of energy.

Established habits in the brain can be an advantage, give a highly experienced stylist or therapist

the tools to perform a service they are highly experienced in and autopilot can kick in, they can

perform a service without much thought.

But teach a new method, use a different supplier, new service or product and suddenly the brain

has to work hard and a team member can go from working with ease to frustrated and stressed,

simply because its change, and the human brain doesn’t like to change.

When kick starting a business,

especially a stalled business,

increasing revenue, developing new

skills or changing old established

habits will be hard work.

There must be change, and change

can be very hard excepting the

challenge and being committed to

change is key.

Team Responsibility and Change

When working with teams in training and part of the Client-Team Links course teams also cover and

understand responsibility and dealing with change in the salon or spa, its key.

It’s about confronting all the reasons a team thinks the business is not growing, a “empty the cup”

because everyone need to understand, it’s not the client, it’s what the team is doing with the

client or not doing that is stalling growth.

Before moving forward, everyone, both owner and team must get

over any mind barrier that stops growth, we are accountable for our actions and must get rid of any negative focus and the

blame game, and that means;

Page 9: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

Taking responsibility for what is done or not done in the

salon or spa

We are ALL accountable for our actions as adults

Team common beliefs include;

“it’s too expensive” “people round here can’t afford what we charge” “they never have their diaries

on them so say they’ll call” “people nowadays buy it online” “at my last salon we stocked X that was

way better than Y” “I’m not a sales person” “clients tell me they’ve already got something like it”

“people aren’t loyal anymore” “we get the wrong clients from the offers”

In training, teams are then asked, are these

statements true comments, hard facts that can be


Or a personal opinion?

Are clients just fobbing them off, being nice?

Because the client is in the Nice Client Zone, not

The Buying Client Zone?

Yes, sometimes these types of statements are true. Mrs Jones does have a shampoo at the moment

but far too many, an alarming 80% of clients will just not be in The Buying Client Zone.

And that IMPACTS all of the 4 R’s of revenue.

The Fact

80% of clients just don’t make it into The Buying Client Zone

It’s what salons and spas are doing or not doing with clients that effects


Page 10: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

It’s easy for any person to find excuses, not having to be

responsible and therefore confront change. It’s the banks fault,

the local competition, clients just don’t spend, the team, young

people these days, people just aren’t loyal anymore, the dog it ate

my homework syndrome!

Taking responsibility and then excepting change is needed is

important but challenging for many businesses no matter how big

or small.

For business owners the questions are;

Who’s responsible for sales and change, improving sales in the business?

Is there a specific sales process for reception, client journey, pre and post visit

follow up?

Does the business have a team plan that links to the marketing plan for sales

conversions? Does the business have a sales training program for the team?

Is there the 3 key plans and are they link together, team, marketing and


The MUST have is the team plan, get the team right to maximise the marketing to achieve the

financial needs. Does the business have a team plan?

Every salon or spa owner IS responsible for sales

and change, whilst for some owners this can be a

hard pill to swallow, it can also be very freeing and

the best medicine.

Change starts by removing negative thinking and

the blame game. Taking responsibility and taking

action to change.

Page 11: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

If a business is not generating the results (sales) it

needs or wants then something has to CHANGE.

The owner is ultimately the person responsible for

making change happen.

Responsibility for sales and change in the business

The Main Points

Business results will not change without change

Change can be very difficult for people, its hard work and old habits are so

much easier

The business must have a team plan and a sales focus

If business growth is low or slow then the business is has or is at risk of stalling,

just like a car.

Like a car the business will need constant work, maintenance and parts

changed, it’s either a high performance machine or a clapped out old banger

Page 12: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

Killer Sales Mistake #2

No Business and Sales Training

for the TEAM

The goal of education is understanding

The goal of training is performance

- Frank Bell

Page 13: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

Team Development

If the team doesn’t know how to sell, has little or no training

how can they be expected to sell?

If a salon employs a team of people with little or no

knowledge of how to sell the business is doomed unless

there’s an investment in training from a professional or the

owner trains the team.

Training the 4 R’s is the answer to improving revenue

Every salon or spa must have a training plan that teaches a sales process and that training should

also marry with the marketing plan.

If a business doesn’t train revenue skills, revenue doesn’t grow, it’s that simple.

The “mistakes” team members will be making in a slow or low revenue growth

salon or spa;

Not understanding The Buying Zone or how to move a client this zone

Little or no confidence in selling

Not knowing how to sell or why they need too

Not knowing the 8 steps to selling in a salon or spa

Missing one or more of the 8 steps

Not understanding body language and buying signals

Using sales techniques that are high pressure or hard selling, which will damage the

business long term

Poor communication skills and or monopolising the “chat”

Making assumptions about what a client can afford or what the client wants

To personal with clients

Not closing the sale

Closing at the wrong time or location

Given up or forgetting to tell clients of the 4 R’s

Not understanding that clients love to buy and want to buy from them

Page 14: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

If there’s one key reason globally that salons and spas struggle, grow slowly or go bust it’s the lack

of knowledge and training on how to sell the 4 R’s in a way that’s professional for the industry and

that clients love.

It’s not enough just to train the latest techniques, trends for the services sold or having product


If sells skills aren’t developed then revenue won’t develop

Imagine a professional salon or spa owner allowing

someone with NO training or experience in cutting

hair or waxing eye brows loose in a business with

paying clients and the end result.

But team members are allowed to have clients that

have a potential value per person of just under

*£/$10,000 with little or no revenue skills.

*The figure is based on average spend and

referrals to a business over a 3 year period.

The facts of training are well documented across

every industry, team members make fewer

mistakes, are better motivated, and stay longer

with greater results.

It’s not enough to JUST train the craft of hair and beauty, teams need business skills and that must

include sales.

Page 15: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

No Business and Sales Training for the TEAM

The Main Points

Selling is a skill no different to cutting hair or performing a massage. It’s trained,

practised and monitored until it’s on autopilot

Well trained teams make few mistakes are better motivated, stay longer and generate

greater results

If a business doesn’t train revenue it doesn’t make revenue

Training business and selling skills is the answer, its key

The Salon Money Maker - Team Business Courses

Specific business courses for salon and spa teams

Page 16: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

Killer Sales Mistake #3

Money Focused Key

Performance Indicators –


The Salon / Spa Paradox

When you focus on the money and not the client, you

don’t make money. But when you focus on the client

and forget the money, it rolls in with ease

- Caroline Turner

Page 17: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling


Targets are essential but they must be the right targets. The wrong targets, badly set targets are as

useless as not having a target.

Targets should move team members forward quickly and with a sense of

confidence and a feeling of being easy, and fun.

Targets are both team focused and individual depending on where a team is in

making money, and the culture that an owner is aiming to achieve in the


But here’s the BIG issue;

Financial targets DON’T WORK for MOST team members

The old style of financial and or request targets just damage businesses and the industry needs

to give teams a different focus.

The Power of the Mind

When a person is highly experienced with financial targets the size isn’t an issue and targets in

certain job roles in the industry can run into tens even hundreds of millions, but to work effectively

the person must be highly experienced with achieving financial

focused targets.

But if a person is new or inexperienced to hitting financial targets,

any large figure would seem daunting and over whelming.

With experience and habits formed it creates the, I CAN mind-set

to hitting big targets.

But if a team member has a target with little or no experience and

no training it’s hard work for the brain and very easy to focus on “I

CAN’T”, and the target is dead in the water even if it’s as little as


It’s about understanding the psychology of human behaviour and how to get the best out of the

people in the team.

Page 18: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

The 4 key reasons financial targets don’t work for many team members

1- Some team members crumble with the pressure AND then see selling as a


“It’s not why I become a stylist or therapist”

Yes, team members must hit the figures for the salon or spa

to be in a positive financial position, fact.

Everyone new to a salon or spa from the moment of signing

their contract has the minimum revenue expected of them,

and of course that figure includes a minimum profit of 20%

written into the contract.

But how to take that BIG figure and not let the person

crumble under the pressure? After all if the team member

doesn’t hit the figure with support and training, they won’t

have a job!

For business owners it’s like giving team members a piggy back,

how many of the team can a business owner carry financially and

for how long? No growth is not an option

If a team member doesn’t grow. They go!

But that’s pressure and the person could be a rough diamond, how

does a business polish the diamond, the person, and prevent them from crumbling?

Setting financial targets; Average bills – MONEY Weekly total take – MONEY Retail – MONEY

Is often too much for;

• New professionals, just starting their career

• Struggling professionals, currently not hitting financial targets with slow


• Professionals who have a closed mind to selling, view selling as a negative,

“it’s not why I became…”

Page 19: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

Large money focused targets CAN FEEL for many team members like climbing a mountain, and the

bigger the mountain (figure) the quicker they’ll give up. I CAN’T, and progress, growth, STOPS dead!

Business growth will be slow or flat line, stall.

A stalled business can in part be caused by the team and how an owner works with the team and

the target.

A Personal Story, Caroline crumbles on the bike!

(Stick with it, this will make sense).

Confidence is key in sales, our crumble team members lack confidence.

Team members will quit trying to hit targets very quickly if it feels hard, and hitting

large targets is hard work.

It’s too much, and too easy to quit.

Page 20: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

“I can’t do that” “no way will I hit that figure” “clients don’t buy” “it’s too expensive”

Always an excuse. A way to justify why the task is impossible, shifting responsibility and building

a barrier to even try. If team members over a period of time continue to build a mind map

(neuropath way in the brain) of failure then the financial target is impossible.

The crumble team member needs a different focus to support their growth, they very often can’t

cope with large money targets.

2- Money targets are the wrong focus. Being successful with sales needs a

complete focus on the client, not the money.

The Salon / Spa Paradox

When you focus on the money and not the client, you don’t make money.

But when you focus on the client and forget the money, it rolls in with


Another Little Story

Page 21: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

Targets need to be client focused to make money, money focused targets just don’t work unless a

team member is highly experienced in sales, and understands the salon / spa paradox.

Client focused targets allow team

members to climb the money

mountain without them realising, it

makes it feel easy.

The focus is doing what’s right for

the client, not about the money. As

the climb is easier, team members

can keep going. As individuals

achieve more and feels positive about what they’re doing with clients their

confidence grows. With every success comes the feel good factor, the brain

releases chemicals, the pleasure centre, and starts to form neuropathways, every

success starts to program the autopilot, until advising clients becomes automatic.

It’s as if the brain communicates “When I advise clients and they listen and trust

me, it feels good, lets do that again” and so the team member climbs the financial

mountain enjoying the success and moves forward, reaching the top of the

mountain quicker.

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3- For a salon or spa to fly it can only be as a team and individual

financial targets are all about

ME – MINE – I – MY

Ever had that fuming red faced team

member wanting a quick word?” X in

the salon has taken MY client” “I told

Mrs Y about products, she’s came back

to get them and X has put them under

her name” “New clients should be

booked with ME” “Why is Mrs X

booked in with Y? She’s MINE.”

When teams know they have to hit

individual financial targets because of

the wage structure used, it can start internal wars on the floor to make the figures and IF a team

member is a money monster, greedy to get what they want without a care about anyone else,

that’s when individual financial targets and individual commission wage structures can really hurt

and damage the business.

Businesses can have specific individual targets, but the right ones, however, if a salon or spa is

struggling with growth a team focus is a more powerful target, as is team pay and or additional

team incentives or bonuses.

There’s a psychology shift in behaviour when

teams no longer compete against each other and

are focused as a unit to the end goal as one. Team

members often start helping each other, offering

encouragement, ideas to help those struggling,

mentor each other, it’s a different focus


The culture of the business is together as one, and working as a unit not a group of individuals who

happen to be in the same location. In the science of human behaviour most humans want to feel

part of a movement, a team, we find safety in numbers and enjoyment in being part of something.

Teams are complex as is human behaviour, cultivating a team target, structure, group involvement,

additional responsibilities can bring individuals together with combined effort.

Salons and Spas are just like team sports, to win the team must support, encourage and work

together as one towards the end goal.

Page 23: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

4- What’s actually going on with the client?

The reports that can be accessed can tell business owners very specific data from client numbers,

retention levels, new or returning, average spend, specific services and retail amount plus % and

total revenue.

There is a lot of good information that is needed, and must be reviewed by owners to prevent the

business stalling. Business owners and managers MUST have the financial targets, and a very clear

understanding of the finances.

However, many of the reports only give the owner or manager half of the story, and that’s a danger

in having a clear picture of financial security.

Half the story example - Retail

A team member saw 100 clients and 20 clients purchased retail.

What happened to the other 80 clients?

Did the 80 clients who didn't buy receive home-care advice and choose not to purchase? or did the

team member not offer advice?

Did the 20 clients who brought get advice or did the client ask for the products? Or are the 20

people walk-in purchases recorded as the team members sales, because the team member

happened to be at reception? Or are they another team members sale?

Without monitoring an owner just doesn't

know, and that's a major problem. The owner

or manager doesn't know what a team member

is doing, are they advising clients on any of the

4 R’s that make revenue?

No owner can afford to just say “yes, my team

always…” as that would be an assumption

unless it’s monitored and recorded, only then

can an owner say “Yes” be based on fact.

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What Salon and Spa businesses need is 2 reports, reports

that give the COMPLETE business picture.

Giving team’s client focused targets, reducing lost clients

and increasing the 4 R’s of Revenue by moving more clients

into the Client Buying Zone.

They are

The Complete Professional Service and the Client Score


The Complete Professional Service

Simply, The Complete Professional Service is;

Staff documenting the 4 R’s of Revenue, what advice was given to every client, checked by the

front of house coordinator (reception), added to the clients bill as a service (zero cost and zero

time allocated) and then monitored, aiming as a TEAM and individually as a target to achieve



If clients are given professional advice, revenue grows

Clients are more likely to re-book, purchase home care, and take other services. But only if they are

told, given the advice. If team members have struggled and crumbled they will have given up and or

be forgetting to give professional advice.

What an owner or manager needs is the total and % of how many clients received professional


Page 25: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

In the article, Stop giving your team a retail target it

covers how to use the CPS system, it explain how

each client must have a prescription card which will

state the 4 R’s;

• Retention - When the person needs to be re-booked

• Recommendations - Any additional services advised and / or cross promoted

• Retail – Homecare advise

• Referral – Tell your friends

Yes, it is documented, the advice discussed with the client

during the service or in relaxing services such as facials,

prior to the client getting off the couch.

Some reading this may think “but that won’t work for my

team or my team will hate that”. But teams should always

have a client card printed out for each client and be

documenting already information on the card, all that will

be added is that advised has been given

When a salon or spa monitors that professional advice is being given to every client it gives a

much clearer picture about performance. The focus of the target is the client, and that can

change the mind set for team members - It's Client Centric.

It's no longer about the money or the sale it's about giving the Complete Professional Service to

the client.

Think about it...

Remember that team member with 100 clients and the 20 clients who purchased retail, lets add to

that information and say the CPS report showed 40 clients received advice. It’s now clearer to see

in closing retail "sales" the success rate is 50% and also that 60 clients didn't get any advice.

Let’s expand that to a team of 10 (simple maths), and for simplicity they had the same figures.

So 1000 clients visited the business, 200 clients purchased retail and 400 clients received the

Complete Professional Service. But importantly, 600 clients received no professional advice

regarding the 4 R’s of Revenue.

Page 26: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

What if with training (Client-Team Links and Salon

Rainbow Yales) and targets, the team achieved the 90%+

Complete Professional Service?

1000 Clients x 90% CPS offered = 900 clients x 50% retail

conversion = 450 Clients purchase

An increase of 250 clients purchasing retail, if the average

retail was £/$30

Without CPS = £/$6,000

With CPS = £/$13,500

An increase of £/$7,500 in revenue

The focus for the new target... increase the number of

clients receiving advice, increase the CPS.

All an owner or manager is looking to achieve, put to the


"I just want you to be the complete professional, wow the client with your knowledge and advice clients on what would make a difference, really

care for them. That's all."

By documenting, checking at reception and then adding CPS to the clients’ bill owners and

managers have a system to monitor advice and set a client focused target.

More details can be found at Stop giving your team a retail target

Any form of change, building a new habit will be hard work and can met with resistance, because

developing new neuropathways in the brain, changing behaviour requires energy, effort and


Resistance is a normal reaction, if team members have been GIVING advice the only change is to

tick a box or 2, write in the number of weeks till the next appointment, additional service advised

and the retail name. If a team member hasn’t been offering advice then the change will require

support, training and time.

Page 27: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

The Complete Professional Service is no longer asking team members to sell with a money focus,

the focus is on the client. The focus is to get team members to speak with confidence as a true

professional in the industry, offering advice.

This method of targeting can makes a massive difference very quickly, for crumble team members

and “it’s not why I became a stylist / therapist”

With a shift in focus and advice being given with lower stress / pressure to hit money targets more

clients start to rebook and purchase, and that builds more confidence which in turns pushes up the


It’s the positive money “cycle” of growth

How many clients should receive The Complete Professional Service?

Getting to 90%+ should be the team and individual target, however, if team members have given

up or been forgetting to offer advice it will take time, training and monitoring to achieve this


An owner and manager will need to be consistent for a minimum of 66 days, the average time it

takes to build a new habit.

Why not 100%? Sometimes there will be a valid reason, if Mrs X comes in every week, uses

homecare and doesn’t need any additional services or is already having them, what can be advised?

BUT Mrs X should never be taken for

granted. Seasons, trends and over time

needs change, and we should never

compromise a professional service.

But a team should hit the 90%+ mark.

The point of aiming to reach the 90%+ mark

is simple, the more advice is offered the

more likely the person using the business will

follow the advice.

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It’s a firm starting point to having a sales process in the salon or spa that is not money focused but

drives up revenue.

But only if the clients reaches The Client Buying Zone and that’s why the 2nd

system is also critical;

The Client Score Card

The research into consumer behaviour shows a number of serious factors about how, when and

why people buy. It is this research that forms the online training course Client-Team Links designed

to develop teams business skills, C-T Links covers the invisible chain that binds a person to a salon

or spa creating long term loyalty, Cultivating Followers, and how to move clients into The

Client Buying Zone.

When a salon or spa lacks revenue or grows slowly the key

factor is very often the team.

The invisible chain that keeps clients returning is being

broken by The Oblivious Virus.

No one has a clue they’re spreading virus and unless

monitored the owner or manager has no idea they’re

infected, and this has a massive impact on client

loyalty, retention, revenue and can stall a business.

Consumers, people ARE still loyal if the expectations, emotions, and value meets their needs and

desires. That’s why the likes of Apple can release a new product and people camp out on the street

to get it first, the list is endless of different services, products, companies, restaurants, authors,

actors, singers who have cultivated a following. They build a strong chain, linking their clients to

the brand.

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Cultivating Followers… brands worked hard to achieve it and even harder

to keep it.

But if clients are not being loyal to a salon or spa it will be the links in

the Client-Team Chain that ARE being broken during the clients

service by one or more of the team, the business has the Oblivious

Virus and that



80% of clients will be in the Nice Client Zone and this

is very dangerous

Worst Case Scenario

IF a business saw 100 clients in a week and had the Oblivious Virus, 80 clients will be in

the Nice Zone and may walk away and never come back

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The Nice Client Zone©

Are uninspired clients who are vulnerable to

competitor’s offerings and could leave at

any time!

They’re satisfied, the salon or spa was

alright, it’s was NICE!

To add to this there’s also a No Fit Zone. The business just doesn’t fit with what the person wants.

They didn’t like something, it may be the person, the team or the service and or products.

That’s OK, better the No Fit Client move

on as they are the ones who make life

hell, often late, repeatedly no show, or

slander a business on social media. So

the quicker they leave the better.

The No Fit Client have no respect for the

owner or the team. The No Fit Zone will

be approximately 1.5 in every 10 people,

so see 100 clients, hope 15 don’t return!

But that potentially mean a business could bleed out 80 clients a week! That’s potentially 3,840 in a

working year that MAY NEVER RETURN.

WHAT IF they didn’t come back? If each spent just £/$500 in the year that would be revenue

potential loss of OVER

£/$1.9 MILLION!

You could be losing tens, hundreds of thousands even millions

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Monitoring retention rates is critical to the industry, how many clients return AND how many


Approximately 80% of those non-returning clients

will be caused by the Oblivious Virus, the team

breaking the chain in the Clint-Team Links that

creates followers, long term clients.

Do you know how many clients are in the



Because there is a way to find out, and it is KEY to

SURVIVE and making a profit.

The Client Score Card is easy BUT it must be done in a specific way. More details can be found in

a Revenue Newsletter, Marketing a salon or spa is a complete waste of time and money!

The Client Score Card

The Client Score Card, is a rating system that gives businesses a financial health check, NPS (Net

Promoter Score®) is a globally recognized measure of consumer engagement in a business.

The system first appeared in 2004 in the Harvard Business Review article by Fred Reichheld, based

on research that proved a link between Net Promoter Score® and business growth. The system

inspired change, getting companies to move away from market research and to developing

customer experience.

The information for NPS, the Client Score Card can be gathered by using an app on the salon or spa

tablet. A simple program that will do all the work. The app will calculate the teams daily score rate,

and gives owners vital information about the client zones helping to reduce the risk of stalling and

improve performance.

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The Salon Money Maker nor Caroline Turner has ever

had any links to the App Company or gains financially. It

was selected because it is a simple, effect and the most

cost effective ($1.49 / 79p) way for salons and spa to

monitor performance and potentially save thousands in

lost revenue.

The app asks clients 3 simple questions, the first 2 are

important to monitor as they focus to clients emotions,

about the service and experience, the aim is to score the

“very” happy face (5). However, it is the last question

that gives the vital insight into the health of the


If the client scores between;

1-6 The No Fit Zone - They are unhappy clients who can damage your salon or spa

and effect growth.

7-8 The Nice Zone - They are satisfied but uninspired clients who are vulnerable to

the local competition, they may never return

9-10 The Buying Zone - They are loyal enthusiast clients who will keep booking and

will trust advice offered, happy to spend more in the business and will make referrals.

At the end of each shift or day a report can be sent via email and the information uploaded to a

Google Drive Spread sheet. The spreadsheet can be set up into a chart giving the owner and the

team instant feedback from clients, giving clear data on how clients FEEL about the business and IF

they will continue to use it and be happy to spend more in it. And looks like this.

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The whole system is simple and quick, for

clients and the business.

Now an owner can see any patterns in specific

days relating to client service and the how

clients felt about their experience in the


The team has a client based target to achieve

that will move more clients into the buying

zone, assisting in driving up revenue, without a

money target.

Specific measurable client feedback. Consider 5

as outstanding, 3 nothing special and 1 hated

the experience.

The critical information, do the clients make it

into the buying zone or is the business at risk of

stalling, losing clients and potentially thousands,

hundreds of thousands.

1-6 No fit (hated the experience)

7-8 Nice (vulnerable and may never come back

9-10 The Buying Zone (loyal followers)

The owner can see “actual” performance, not

figures, the result OF performance.

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Example of the Email Report sent at the end of each day or shift

SnapRating Shift Report

Results for: 13/04/2015 10:59

Results are an average of the combined ratings. Detailed CSV attached.

Questions 1


Questions 2


Questions 3


This message was generated by SnapRating for

iPad and emailed as a shift report. If you are not the

intended recipient please delete.

The Client Score Card creates a team target with a team benefit

Whether the business uses Team Based Pay or Commission, wages grow when

clients spend and return. For that to happen Clients must be in the Buying Zone and

that’s a 9-10 score

To achieve a 9-10 score daily

TEAMS MUST be completely client focused AS A TEAM.

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If a business scores a HIGH 1-6 rating, it’s either attracting the wrong people or there is a serious

issue with the team or a specific team member. The business has a REALLY SERIOUS case of the

Oblivious Virus, think of it like life threating Flu, recovery would require urgently action and

potentially external support including staff training.

If a business scores a 7-8 rating it still has the Oblivious Virus but it’s more like a cold, the business

will be losing money with staff training such as Client-Team Links and a team focused target a salon

or spa owner could see a MASSIVE increase in revenue. Action is also urgently required to

prevent the business from stalling or recover from a stall and stimulate growth.

Again, external support maybe required.

If a business scores a 9-10 rating it should have a very high level of client retention, 70-90% and

be booked weeks in advanced or be heading in that direction if new (0-48 months), this should

reflect in all of the 4 R’s of Revenue.

HOWEVER, if the business has any weak areas

such as recommending (cross promotion) or

for example, retail is not achieving between

20%-50%+ the team needs additional training

on how to sell professional, such as the

Rainbow Yales course, a specific sales course

for the salon and spa industry. The clients

want more, and will be happy to spend more,

the team just needs a little help with

technique and confidence.

Targets are key, but they must be the right focus, the Complete Professional Service

and Client Score Card take the attention for the TEAM away from money and focus

purely on the client.

The Salon / Spa Paradox

When you focus on the money and not the client, you don’t make money. But when

you focus on the client and forget the money, it rolls in with ease

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Money Focused Key Performance Indicators - Targets

The Main Points

Targets are key to moving performance forward, but they must be the right


Money focused targets don’t work for many team members Targets that are team focused can support a culture of working together

The Complete Professional Service, documents advise IS being offered to

clients and is added to the clients bill to monitor performance

The Client Score Card – A globally recognised system to monitor client

retention and focus teams to improving Client-Team Links and curing the

Oblivious Virus

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Killer Sales Mistake #4

Poor Planning,

Prioritizing and Time


Every year we say that we’re going to get ourselves

organised sooner…

- Jill Williams

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Fail to Plan – Plan to Fail!

Managing time, prioritising and being organised as a professional business man or women is key.

Having systems in place so the owner/manager can be completely up to date with accounts,

marketing, and team development as well as potentially see clients is essential.

But if the system isn’t right and the owner or manager is poorly organised, they will be poor!

Both financially and personally, putting

pressure on the business income and on

personal and family relationships.

Business is like spinning plates, attention is

split between each plate (team, marketing,

finance, clients and a personal life).

Keeping them going requires organisation

and systems or they will start to wobble

and potential smash to the ground.

Another Little Story

Managing time and implementing plans is CRITICAL. An owner MUST set the bar of how the

business works, having high standards, systems and organisation. It’s the “ON-time ON-target

Manager”. Teams will lose respect for wishy washy, unorganised leaders very quickly.

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4 Common Time Management Mistakes

1. Failing to Keep a TO-DO List

Failing to keep a written or app form To-Do list is a big mistake in time management, without a list

it’s easy for important tasks to be missed or forgotten until they become urgent. Without listing

what needs to be done in a timely manner it can be easy to become a FIRE fighter manager, racing

around putting out fires because jobs have been missed or put off and have become urgent.

The To-Do List starts from the business goal and then broken down

The Quarter Master

Monthly list

Weekly list

Daily list

Whether owners or managers use a paper system or an app, establishing the habit of using a To-Do

list improves effective use of time. Certain tasks and key responsibilities can easily be scheduled in

advance, such as performance reviews, accounts, and wages for example.

Specific tasks, critical jobs such as a marketing plan are then broken down into smaller tasks, jobs to

be achieved with time allocated. Each task needs to have a value to the overall goal of the business,

so will need to be prioritized.

2. Not Prioritizing

With a list of jobs that needs to be actioned it’s key to prioritise what must be done, what can wait

and the nice stuff. There are many “systems” that can be used from Big Rocks First or Eat that Frog

principles to the Eisenhower Matrix but all come down to the same principle, prioritising work.

A – Most important must be done

B – Important and should be done

C – Not important but “Nice” to do

Time is money and every task an owner is focused to must have a value to the overall business goal.

Prioritizing a task based on its return and importance helps to make time productive.

To achieve any task however a plan and a schedule will be needed.

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3. Plan and Schedule the Task

Without a plan and the time scheduled it’s easy to fall behind on critical jobs such as the team,

marketing and financial plans.

With simple plans drawn up in pencil (meaning it’s flexible, things can change) it’s then key to break

each task down into small achievable units, as large tasks can be overwhelming.

Whether an owner has set blocked out time every day or certain days for business work, time

needs to be scheduled to achieve the plan. For example, 12 week marketing plan;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Rebooking program

New Client follow up

6 week promotion

6 week promotion

Special events

Raise the Dead

Top Spender rewards

This is a VERY simple plan for the benefit of the book for a quarters marketing, with the plan

outlined each task will then need to be broken down into specific jobs, prioritised and scheduled on

the To do list to make sure it is completed in advance.

For example, The 6 week promotion may need some or all of the following; budget, targets,

marketing material, team training, promotional emails or mail shot, personal invites for top

spenders, a window design, demonstration, evening event, online promotional video, update to

website, personal phone calls to previous clients of the service, social media.

And that’s just one promotion! Knowing the importance of prioritising time to generate the largest

return to the business means an owner can break down what needs to happen into smaller tasks

but then make such they don’t take on too much.

4. Taking on Too Much

Taking on to many projects or not having systems in place to manage day to day operations and

long term planning can lead to poor performance, stress, and lower morale.

Falling into the trap of micromanagement, controlling everything because it feels like others can’t

be trusted or the job won’t be done in a specific way, can lead to a poor use of time and cause a

feeling in the team of “what’s the point, s/he’ll only moan if I don’t do it right”.

When owners or managers take on too much it can often lead to missed deadlines, missed

opportunities, rushed work and a lot of stress.

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Putting systems in place and delegating are key management tools that will take time to set up but

long term develop revenue and the team.

Delegating is a method of training and empowers members of the team, when done right.

When delegating using specific language is key if a job needs to be completed in a specific way, but

remembering if the person completes the job using a different method it’s also OK.

If the owner or manager wants the job done in an exact way this will only happen with specific


Another Little Story

“I was teaching a management course to a group of salon owners a while ago, explaining the

difference in notice and specific communication. I explained how many owners or managers can feel

frustrated with team members when jobs aren’t done the way THEY would do them, and the

importance of not jumping in with “give it here, I’ll do it myself” and how this can paralyse team


As we went on one of the owners started laughing and banging his head on the table (literally!). He

explained how the previous week he’d asked one of the team to bleach the white cups used for

clients’ drinks.

When he’d walked into the staff room he’d found the team member had got every cup out, put a

small amount of bleach in every cup, and covered the whole room. The owner laughed, “I couldn’t

believe the staff member had been so dumb!”

The owner had wanted the cups in a bowl of water with a little bleach, surely that would be

common sense? But he’d told the person to bleach the cups, he hadn’t been specific HOW to do it

and so the person had thought for themselves and done as he was asked.

As the owner put it, “it wasn’t the team

member who’d been dumb, it was me!” He

went in the room with what the hell are you

doing? But it wasn’t the team member at

fault, the owner hadn’t been specific and the

person had never done the job before and so

had been left to decide how best to bleach

the cups.”

Delegation is key to prevent micromanagement and not taking on tasks that others can do, but will

need specific communication.

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To prevent taking on too much and falling behind with key, CORE jobs or projects it’s important to


What tasks can be trained and delegated

What parts of the project are AB or C

Will the investment of time have financial value to the business goal

Time management is a skill that anyone can develop regardless of how disorganised a person may

say they are, by putting simple, repeatable systems in place a business owner can be successful at

being “On time and On target”.

The key is to recognise that the business plan need managing to achieve the overall goal in a way

that is easy and not stressful.

Poor Planning, Prioritizing and Time Management

The Main Points

Having systems in place so the owner or manager can be completely up to date with

accounts, marketing, and team development as well as potentially see clients is essential An owner MUST set the bar of how the business works, having high standards, systems and

be organisation Teams will lose respect for wishy washy, unorganised leaders very quickly Keep a TO-DO List Prioritize tasks based on its return and importance helps to make time productive Create a simple plan and schedule time to be an “On-time, On-Target Manager” Put systems in place, be mindful of work load and delegate with specific communication

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Killer Sales Mistake #5

Not Understanding the Financial

Hub, Reception

Front of House is often undervalued, however I believe it is the

heart of any business. It is where information can be fed to every

part of the salon, just like the heart feeds the arteries.

- Julie Eldrett

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Reception - The Finance Centre

The salon or spa reception, front of house is the business hub to financial success. If there’s a place

in the business that makes or breaks a spa or salon financially, it’s reception.

From how it’s laid out, presented, the people allowed at the desk, sales systems, CPS and CSC check

out, walk-in sales, verbal marketing, upgrading, new client follow up systems, data collection, the

list goes on and on and nearly every job at reception links to the 4 R’s and sales.

Employing the right person is also

CRITICAL, but often the position can

be allowed to be more like a glorified

checkout person who greets those

arriving, answers the phone, books

appointments and takes the bill.

The position of a Front of House

coordinator, the receptionist is a

serious job, and should be either with

training or via head hunting, someone

with sales experience.

But there are same simple rules and techniques that can help improve the front of house results

very quickly, these 2 fundamental rules are key, more reception techniques that increase takings

can be found in the Revenue Newsletter, and an online reception sales course will be released


1 - Staff hanging out at reception

NO one is permitted at the reception desk unless working or with a client. One of the key issues

with getting new clients to walk into a salon is “it feels intimidating” and the moment a reception

gang clusters at the front of the business the salon becomes a no go zone to new clients, its human

behaviour, no one WANTS to confront a gang, unless they have too.

The reception GANG will damage revenue.

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There is nothing friendly about having 3, 4, 5 people standing at the desk, the group at reception

may be friendly, but new clients don’t know that, it’s a gang. It makes consumers, potential clients

feel uncomfortable and that does nothing for increasing sales. It can and does put people off and

damages growth. With the front of the business set correctly and no gang allowed at reception

requests for price lists increase.

It’s important to view every enquiry “Do you have a price list?” as a sales opportunity.

After all if the person asking for a price list was in The Buying Zone of another salon they wouldn’t

need or want a price list.

This type of request is more likely to be from potential clients who are sitting in the Nice Client or

No fit Zone, and with an effective sales process the price list request should result in a new client


It’s also important to monitor how many people requested a price list and how many booked.

Sometimes people do need to be at reception, someone needs to print out a report or a team

member needs client information, but the moment someone walks into the business any additional

staff not working at reception should vanish.

The desk is not the local hang out, for leaning on or sharing personal news, it’s a

sales desk.

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Reception Presentation

How the front desk is presented and organisation is key to gaining new clients, and increasing

income from current clients. The personnel on reception must be clean, neat and tidy, and appear

friendly, now that’s not rocket science. But the person on the desk and the area around it must

represent the quality of service provided, it’s the salon or spas calling card.

The reception is the first impression of standards

of the business, so it is obvious to say it’s 100%

clean, neat and tidy.

The standards of the salon or spas service skills IS going to be judged based on the presentation of

the front of house area, shop front (including the

window) and staff member on reception.

But that core basic is missed countless times in the reception area. It is essential that owners

regularly inspect the whole business for presentation and cleanliness and any maintenance and

salon standards are kept but this is especially important at the front of the business.

Caroline’s Personal Experience

“I frequently visit salons and spas as a secret shopper, I believe to design training I have to be a

client, to clearly understand the industry from our clients view point. Over the years in hundreds of

salons and spa’s I’ve seen everything from badly chipped paint work, food, drinks, staff shopping

bags, clients confidential paperwork, piles of junk, post, dust, dead flowers, and just unnecessary


Team members with “bad hair” or make up, sitting on a chair with no smile or personality, no

connection with those waiting, personal conversations about their relationships, and even a gang of

8 team members sharing their holiday / vacation photo’s like IT’S THEIR space and not the clients.

Even in award winning salons.

When it comes to how a business presents its first impression it is key to understand, to gain new

clients, increase spend of current clients we have to “tick boxes” that tells a new client, “I can trust

this business” and move people into the buying zone.

Research into consumers’ behaviour has shown this first impression is mainly judged on how clean,

neat and tidy the business is, in fact 95% of consumers in a research project rated cleanliness as

MORE important than customer service.”

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The reception area and staff must represent the whole teams’

standards of work.

If there’s one area that’s all about money,

then it’s the reception!

Immaculate Personal Presentation

It’s extremely important that everyone is immaculately presented every day. But at reception, front

of house it’s even more important.

Another Little Story

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If the business sells hair, nail, skin, body

services and retail the person representing

everyone’s work standing at reception

must look the part, every day.

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People cannot help how their brain works, the consumer will judge the quality of the salon or spas

work by the image of the person they speak with, as well as the presentation of reception area, and

the window. As the consumer enters the business a potential client’s brain kicks into action to make

a decision “Can I trust you?”

Whilst a team member can say all the right things “The team is highly experienced, highly trained…”

The only way to judge if this is true is visually if the person has no past experience of this business.

From the presentation of the shop front, spa entrance, to how the area is laid out, to the

receptionists appearances will effect the potentials clients overall first impression guiding the

person to fit into one of the 3 zones in a matter of seconds;

The No Fit Zone

The Nice Zone

The Buying Zone

Not Understanding the Financial Hub, Reception

Main Points

Front of house, reception is the business hub to financial success

Nearly EVERY sale involves directly or indirectly the reception area The reception GANG will damage revenue

How the front desk is presented and organised is key to gaining new clients and increasing

income from current clients

If the business sells hair, nail, skin, body services and retail the person representing

everyone’s work standing at reception must look the part, every day

People cannot help how their brain works, they will judge the quality of the salon or spas

work by the image of the person they speak with, as well as the presentation of the area

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Killer Sales Mistake #6

Not using the Sales Treasure

Map in the Business

Maximising key positions in the business is like planting seeds

that grow into sales

- Caroline Turner

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Revenue Hotspots

There are key hotspots that generate revenue, they are positions that can grab the attention of

potential and current clients and hold their focus. They are revenue, sales positions, a money hot


Big business brands have been using this knowledge in their

marketing plans to get consumers spending more for many

years. With promotions on the ends of aisles, right hand

positioning, eye line marketing, eye facing or hand guiding

photography for a few examples.

But how businesses market to consumers is changing, and salons and spas can benefit from a few

simple techniques to market the business using Neurological marketing and understanding the

psychological behaviour of consumers. Many of the techniques in this book, in the Revenue

Newsletter and in the online training stem from scientific research, years of experience and

continuous development.

The Treasure Hunt

The key is to tour the business from the clients view point looking for these key positions. Then

drawing up a physical map to use in planning and designing a way too present information about

services or retail product in a specific way that gains interest and can increase revenue.

Another Little Story

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Hotspots focus the client and IF the service

or homecare is something the person needs

or wants it will spark an enquiry. “Does that

really work?” “Do you sell X here” giving the

team the opportunity to inform the client

and close the deal, if they know how.

Very few people will ever ask about something they have NO interest in, if the client asks and

doesn’t buy or book, it will be more likely the “sales” presentation and close, rather than the client.

Whether a spa is in a hotel or health club that has display units outside the spa or a standalone spa

or salon there are key hotspots that can increase sales.

Finding the key points in a business is very easy. However, to maximise the impact marketing

material, presentation, the colours use, wording of offers, photography, displays and any other

methods must be well thought though from a sales perceptive, the brand image and the emotion

being presented to clients, is key.

In a series of articles in the Revenue Newsletter starting with The Salons Biggest Marketing Tool,

more in-depth detail on how to create displays, use graphics, posters, and key colour formats is

available. Whilst the articles start from the point of designing a window to gain more clients the

principles to maximise hotspots also applies.

The method to go on a treasure hunt is simple, very simple. But how the areas are used to

maximise the impact will need to consider visual perception laws, neurological marketing and

cognitive psychology. This is clever marketing, kept simple.

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The key hotspots will either be a right side or centre

position to where a client will naturally walk too, stand or

sit in the business and at eye level.

By touring the business and setting

out a physical map an owner or

manager can start a plan to market for

these key revenue areas.

Which can be very financially

beneficial, if used effectively and not

wasted with distractions and clutter.

Clutter and Distraction

The salon or spa must be clutter free, the key to hotspots is not to distract the client with stuff and

allow the brain to focus on relevant information to the business. If the eyes has too much to view,

something is spread over a larger area (not compact) or unnecessary stuff is in view the brain will

scan an area and not focus.

Unnecessary STUFF is everything that does not benefit

the business financially or does not have a function to

the performance of the service.

So, a cutting stool has a function, a vase filled with

sticks and fairy lights, distraction. A menu in a leather

case explaining top services in the waiting area,

function. A beautiful statue of a Buddha, distraction.

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Whilst these little touches maybe NICE, they do nothing to move clients into the Client Buying Zone

and they can distract the eye of the client and impact the brains attention.

It is also very common to find distractions such as crystals, sticks, wicker love hearts, pieces of art

work, plastic flowers in the money hotspots.

That’s why a vase of sticks looks right in that position, it’s a key eye spot that owners will often use

because instinct, the brain knows “I need to put something there”.

What is needed in these key spots is a visual of a

service, retail, and or a way to stimulate the

client’s senses.

This can be everything from a film showing key

services, client testimonials, poster, menu of top

services, a salon / spa book, a flyer, a well

presented bowl of a body scrub or mask with a

sign saying “Smell me”, an origami flower scented

with oils or just a retail display as a few examples.

The purpose is to stimulate the senses, visually as well as with touch, smell and taste during the

journey through the salon or spa.

There must be however, a balance when designing a treasure map not to over sell, as clients would

like to spend more but don’t like being sold too. It is important to consider what tools can be used

to enhance the clients experience, stimulate their senses whilst focusing their attention during their

journey time to stimulate interest in other services, promotions, referral programs and retail.

Not using the Sales Treasure Map in the Business

Main Points

There are key hotspots that generate revenue, they are positions that can grab the

attention of potential and current clients and hold their focus

The key is to tour the business from the clients view point

Hotspots focus the client and IF the service or homecare is something the person needs or

wants it will spark an enquiry

The salon or spa must be clutter free, the key to hotspots is not to distract the client with


Page 55: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

Killer Sales Mistake #7

Waffle Confusions People

Stop confusing people and start convincing

- Caroline Turner

Page 56: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

If it’s confusing its Loosing Clients

Written and verbal ‘waffle’ can be costly, it can confuse potential or current clients. Waffle is

written or spoken words that are; Unnecessary, longwinded, professional terminology (jargon), not

clients focused and complex systems, in short, too much information!

If potential or current clients can’t find what they want in seconds,

they’ll give up and move on!

The key places that written waffle can be found in the salon and spa industry is in key sales

tools, such as the Website and Written Material. These key sales material needs to be written in a

specific manner to generate revenue.

They include; Price lists / Posters / Promotions / A Salon Newsletter / Email marketing / Social

media posts / Competitions / loyalty schemes / referral programs. Any form of written material.

For the purpose of the book, let’s focus on the pricelist, as this essential tool will be on the

website and in the salon or spa.

The price list is such an important tool for selling in the industry, but waffle on the

pricelist or overly complex systems can seriously confuse and frustrate current and potential


And if it is too much “waffle” information, potential clients will click and leave very quickly from

websites or scan written material trying to find what they want and soon give up if it’s confusing

and time consuming.

This is especially true with beauty

services were salons and spas may

offer more then 3-4 different brands

services and end up with 100’s of


So how the information is layout and

how much is written is key.

Facials are a good example of waffle and confusion.

As an industry it has been general practise to list each facial often with often a long description and

by the supplier, that’s just how the industry has done it.

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But that’s not sales focused.

That type of price list is supplier focused, and makes it difficult for clients. If a salon or spa has 10-

20-even 30 facials, the client is being forced to find what they want, in a sea of information they

don’t want or need AND they will often give up.

Its complex, confusing and time consuming for the client.

That’s why from a sales point, it IS a Sales Mistake, as it’s the wrong way round.

The focus has to be how to best inform clients in

the quickest time possible.

Services from a sells point are best listed by what

the CLIENT WANTS not by which brand a salon or

spa has selected.

The point is to get the client to where they want

quickly, just like the hot spots, the price list is to

attract attention to what the client wants, hold the

clients interest and gain an enquiry.

But a person will leave a website after just 10 – 20

seconds, if they can’t find what they want, and

printed material such as pricelists are not much

different in the time frame to catch the sale.

But when the client gets to the right information it

must be in a KISS (Keep It Simple Short) approach to avoid waffle.

Here’s 2 examples;

10 – 20 Ready, GO!

“A firm favourite with customers, this treatment blends pure luxurious pampering with technical

expertise. The ultimate bespoke facial, our intensive, deep-cleansing treatment ensures exceptional

results whatever your age or skin type.

Tailored to meet your specific skincare needs, your skin will benefit from traditional hands-on

techniques and non-invasive skincare technology, such as steaming, manual extraction, anti-

bacterial high frequency, vacuum suction and intensive sequenced massage from our therapists'

expert hands.

Lasting a luxurious hour and a half, whilst the powerful naturally active ingredients work their

magic, enjoy a divinely pampering neck and shoulder massage and your choice of either foot, scalp

or shoulder massage.

An exceptional experience, which delivers outstanding, long-lasting results. Healthy, beautiful skin is

revealed and your mind and body left revitalised.”

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Very descriptive.

But what if this business had another 15


Remember, the time limit of 10-20

seconds before the potential client loses

interest if they can’t find what they


Compered too this website;

“Super-lifting facial to help firm and tighten cheeks, neck and jawline.

1 treatment every 3 weeks”

That’s all it says.

Now on this website a client can choose IF interested to click for more details and then gets this;


• Dramatically improves muscle tone to help lift facial contours

• Visibly plumps and firms jowls, cheeks, chin and the jawline

• Smoothes out the deepest wrinkles

• Deeply hydrates the skin for maximum skin health

• Protects against urban and environmental skin damage, preventing



Skin is infused and stimulated by the contouring benefits of the Lift Effect Activator, rich in revolutionary plant stem cells and Lupin.

Microcurrent pulses with

Arjuna extract and Amber

dramatically help lift and firm

the sagging jowl area, whilst

galvanic current propels bio-

active formulas deeper into the


• Firms facial contours

• Smoothes wrinkles

• Hydrates the skin

Easy to read or scan and to the point, benefits focused and specific. The website has kept the

description of every service to between 3 and 15 words, allowing the potential clients time to scan

every service very quickly and then see more information IF they want too.

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A business has seconds to get those potential clients, whether in person or online. Unnecessary,

complex offers or just plain waffle, will lose money.

Bad content structure (written marketing material) can dramatically impact on sales.

It is estimated that as much as 50% of sales are lost because POTENTIAL

clients can’t find what they’re looking for.

From the website, price lists, posters, window graphics, promotions any form of written

information for clients must be;

A Final Little Story

Less really is more

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Waffle Confusions People

Main points

Waffle is simply too much information

If potential or current clients can’t find what they want in seconds, they’ll give up and move on

Overly complex systems can seriously confuse and frustrate current and potential clients

The focus of marketing tools is how to best inform clients in the quickest time possible

It is estimated that as much as 50% of sales are lost because POTENTIAL clients can’t find what

they’re looking for

Page 61: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

The 7 Killer Sales Mistakes in Salons and Spas


1. Responsibility for sales and change in the business

2. No Business and Sales Training for the TEAM

3. Money Focused Key Performance Indicators - Targets

4. Poor Planning, Prioritizing and Time Management

5. Not Understanding the Financial Hub, Reception

6. Not using the Sales Treasure Map in the Business

7. Waffle Confusions People There are other mistakes out there but these for are the most serious. They often start a cycle of

negative results, to break that cycle and start the journey of growth and success, then something

will have to change. Nothing Changes, without change.

The reality no matter what stage a business is in, getting by, struggling or making profit. Learning to

sell is key, it’s an urgent need, throughout the industry, globally.

When everyone in a team masters the skill of selling professionally, without being pushing, being

focused always to serving clients, sales results improve. It’s the confidence buzz, suddenly there’s

an energy in the team, and clients sense it and love it.

Clients would like to spend more money, teams just have to understand how to recommend

professionally and enjoy doing it as much as they love their craft.

A stylist wrote…

“I’m working hard for little reward, my skills as a professional in the

salon are good BUT I don’t know the secret to success on the floor”

It’s not a secret, its sales. As an industry we need to master how

to sell professionally.

Page 62: the highest ethical standards. · 2016-04-25 · Achieving any form of revenue (income of money) is completely reliant on a sales process. Money in the till is the result of selling

When a business increases the 4 R’s of Revenue it creates a WIN WIN WIN WIN;

Clients win with 9 / 10 service experience whilst receiving professional advice

Team members win generating revenue with training and confidence, earning a

decent wage

The salon and spa owners wins being financial profitable

I WIN when you let me develop your team

With 28 years of selling experience in the industry and over 20 years of training

experience I developed 2 specific courses focused to the 4 R’s of Revenue.

Salon Rainbow Yales© and Client-Team Links©

Specific courses that trains the secret to success

on the floor

The courses open at set times during the year so everyone starts together, they

aren’t open to register at the moment, but more on that later.

For now, what I’d love for you to do is pass this eBook on to other professionals in

the industry who you think can benefit from it.

Just send them the link,

Tell them to enter their name and email and have them sign up for the book

You know my story…