the highest grade of fii| shoe s !orjelliff& co....

* THE ERfl'8 . XXVI. DOVEB, MOBRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2,1886. MO fIBU3HEB8 aa> PEOPKIOTOBa. BlackixH Btrat next door /o /fc XdiaMi Vvim BmA. rJBJIS OF »ra«MOTTMlf UtTABI. ir m A»VA«O» j Still Continaesl g Our Big Sale !orjelliff& Co. Stock , —New Jersey's never had better chance to get splendidly 4 buUt furniture at small prlce*_ we promised to Mil this » stock at 7S percent, less than actual cost of maklng- | we're doing It, and If you'll but glance at the line our ( words will beproven. Every piece is hand built and , bears reduced price tag in plain figures. Limited space i prevents list ot prices—here's an Idea of what stock (contains: . . . ' .'. ' : . D" OITOHITB TOEBAMK, . DOVER, N. HwflWKkudwHhLlin. - DB. J. H, 0. HUKTER . A crailusla of U * IlAlUmorn DenUI OolttflB, and Ilium t" lo io «HloniK « •»• |*ruHi>« lo denary lu tbe beat and cunpett WMner 1) twin a HUauua Bui JMats as4;ljHiniK» l i n t a onr If Oso. Bfakwls OCi attin, D u BEMHETT ' 0O& O0U> AKDOOWntOT JR*. DOVER, V. I i Walnut, Mahogany, Curly i Bird), Maple and Oak Bed- , room Suits. :• Marble Top Bureaus with large mirrors, CMffonniere, Hall Stands, Shaving Stands Side TaMts. Parlor Suits and Extenton Tables in: Mahogany and Walnut. Fancy Chairs in great va- riety, Cribs, Bedsteads, Side- boards, etc., etc. To make this sale a "money saver" our entire regular stock has been put at specially-low prices to keep company with above. Here's ah instance in carpets alone: «$ 50 rolls Moquettes at ooc ^ a yard. . . rolls Velvet, ot 75c a yard. , j, 50 rolls Body Brussels at X 85.-a yard. IMJGSSBJ. cooraa, . ATTOBKKY AT hJL.1T asm »USTJ!3A»oBOIJCiTpBI» CHJJKHBX Om J A. IIOI'I Bnu, DOV1E, H. 1. JiHffi O. OOOflB, D0VIB, 9. i. 50 rolls Tafestry at 55c a y;rd. ico rolls AU-W00I Ingr-in, 49c a yard. ico rolU Ingrain at 25c a f , yard. Portland Ranges are never reduced—they sell quicker than ive can get them. IMPORTANT: Credit will Iw given on HI then tood»«t marked prlcti, bicycles enctrtnl. JAMOSH.VANHORN, Ltd I I NO. ft Market St., Newark, N. J. * Telephone 580—Goods Delivered Free. £ Fire, Ufa,8esu,llottsr, Impfe/m 1 Us- bllltf ud lira Buck I»u<w». Our In- iUT.nco lnium. BMl l « n » >««a*» ltd •old 011 GommjMOB. SIljl. QSO, 0- CDKM1S8.1I. D., OENEEAl PBACTITIOiHB, UQBIUUURIIf Offlce on n o r W l W «t' « •bout 100 l M t « M a ( J mm uo Btn ourrwa B*U»H, MANIIQN.HOUK, - WE SET THE PACE ! WE DON'T SELL A *100 WHEEL FOB 175. OH NO I Bnt will sell TOO * wheel thai is worth all you par for ii from WO op , OUR LEADER IS THE ORIENT SIOO.OO It l> not a combbatla) of mnHnrlaangnltlaandMpUrUlm •.Mof polnti, but KmWo«U«ii ol practical tawottau b».i«, lu mocbaiilial (srt> KproporttaaM/ to Mob othtr as to maks a> perfect WBMI. . ; , •• —W« ALBO HAVE THE • • DAYTON, 6AEA0EN, BEtf HUB. EAGLE. BOJf AN, MAJES- TIC AJID BIOTOLE SUNDBIE8 1 RBBTINC AKD EBFUBnlQ OF WHEBU A BPIOIALTY ALLEN BICYCLE COMPANY Blaekwell Street, Dover, New letter. Dorm, K /. otmiT BOPlBnrei»bra Ot PUBU0 8CBO0L8 Oinoi-Bucnriu. St., DOVte, a, Boon: »i.«.toU».> W 1 (Urn. Job to. Order. fir. Wa. H. ikrlraUnl" i,Sio*Uru«Btor.o to. OorfiTunioii•« J The best all around boiler up to date A cast iroa boiler is one solid casting No nipples, gaskets or jotats to leak Will outlast any boiler made Tor durability, efficiency, economy of fuel unrivalled O0BBE8PONDEN0E SOLICITED FBOM FABTIES IN WANT ' OP HBATEB8. ESTIMATES FCTBNJBHED. 'THI mr J«SBIY mow mwiio 00 DESIBABUB » A R « I S O *XD TIHBEB LAMUB HI H 0 K 8 U COUKTX' . ITTOEHIT-AT-IAW. BOIilGITO&Aro HABTZR10 CBAKOEBT , un>HOTAKTFDBUO Dr.'W"E DSBRY, - DOVEB, N. J. BOOHS! llBW' JOHN O'OONNELU Practical V\mptn Tin and IT'S NEWS TO MANY A MAN. To learn ho* cneap «e can sell the very best of goods Come in and see how reasonably you can buy from oar fine assortment ol Men's and Boys'Clothing Good quality and honest merit are in all goods we show. Uniformly low prices are made on al( we have to sell. You can't go wrong when you buyfrom us be- cause we have just one way of doing business andthat is to give a dollar In goad oualitj for a dollar of any man's money.' Men's All-Wool Suits J7.90, In blue or black cheviots. Men's Business Suits former price Jlo reduced to $9 Men* Cutaway SuiH lo, Si l and {IJ jo. Boys' Suits, good clay diagonal, $6, ates from 16 to 19 Children's Suits, In Fauntleroy and raeffer suits, ages from 3 to 8, $1.50, $s,oo, $3.35 andfc35. Gent's Furnish- ing Goods-Men's Outing Flannel Shirts, 36 inches in length, 35c. Best 45c , all wananted 30 Inches long. Men's Laundered Negligee Shirts 39c, 50c and 85c Boys' Shirts 35c. and 39c. Children's Waists 190. and 3 5 c , best 50c. Knee Pants l pairs lor 2Ja andbest 33c a pair. Bicycle Hose, » arr.nteed stalnlos black, extra length, superior 6nlsh, »Sc Goir Hose Soc. and 75c, worth Ji, Belli 35c. Fine Suspenders 13c, asc and 50c. Men's Half Hose 4 pairsfor3JC. Men's Laundered White Shirts 49c. REMEMBER THE PLACE, ilaabns and Bvllders, WM. BARTLEY ft SONS BABTIJBT NEW JERSEY House,) BlMkweU 8t, DWBK and Housefurnishing Goods Qmiek leal 6M«liie 8UT«H, ; THE t CHICAGO -STEEL•% TOWER - WlND - jf&i /J; TjKERKJrf PMtlflW. WfikWll«... Dover, N. J. ; OoaMO* to «U Kn4i 'ot work U»«n «""• , .' •'MiBON ASD BOILDBB, .:;' ..•'•• ' DOVKB, N.V. : • OontrHUi token and maUrlals (ornliliHL *KsTIMlTU 0IVM OK ALX. •'•Utft TULIPS, HyACINTHS, NARCISSUS, CHINESE SACRED ilLUES, EIC '' mLABOB QUAKTITIE8 AT ' , SPASOtEB'SOBEENHOUSES PLABT mSH SOW. BULBS »8OK I The highest grade offii|shoes for fall and winter weir are being received dail$|l)y Opp. D. L. & W. R. R. DOVER. N.J. DOVER'S GREATEST STORE, LEHMAN'S Making Hot Cakes fam. Tbune OWlf BRAU bM lP»t vriTtd Wd is deU- doat mmkta light «ad whoie- pound lor the cakaa «n heretoo. For* lotopl* Bjrup s,t80o per qturti tha very bert mo- luw«i. DO finer ever tnada. driptrmp 8 finest tiwter 3*J pwpound. Don't fall to go to Lekman's Saturday, Octflbcf 3 cUcktos to be sold at cost L. LEHMAN « COMPANY BLACKWELL ST.' Next to Post Office DOVEB, N, X .--ntiBPHoasaiE— , • '• On om nowi I NEWARK. TB11TO.H, EUiUSlTB ^.D SmWAT.; < LAST WEEK'S GREAT OPENING AGAIN DEMONSTRATES THAT Tli» people ol D o w anJ Vidaitj nsofnim «la«, uA now •gun we will biwk all noctdi, both in priad »nd in u&tv in coveliiai taietufiemt pritm tUolnlafy onpsnelfed FOR SATURDAY THESE SPECIALS 50 pieces OutiDg, dirk and light, striped »nd checked, itfc, regular 5c yard aj pieces Shaker Flannel goes at the u m e price. i%z per yard only A nice line oi English FUnneLs in checks and stripes suitable for children's dresses only 10c er yard Nice Plaid Goods 6c and 8c, double width, , very nice one Silk Mixtures for 16c worth 35c Wool andSilk Plaids our price 29c All Wool Plaid, small and large, price 37c, 36 inches wide Plain Drew Flannels, all colon, 36 inches wide, a*c a yard 42 inch Novelty Goods, all the latest shades, inly 35c a yard All Wool Scotch Miied Cheviots, etc. only 43c a yard *^ ': • '.• Crepons, latest fad, in t i l prices from fioc toJt'.SS ' \ Silk Warped Henriettas and Sergei at the lowest prices , ; •'. . .' :. Trimming to match, such as velvets, laces, bead trimming!, velvet ribbons,; ornaments, etc.,etc. *- - ' .. >• .• \ Everything in our cloak and cape [depart- ment is newand stylish no shelf-worn goods on hand, prices ranging in capes from S1.69 to Sa 85 which are trimtned ln:fur and a nice double cape and so on up to S24.00 : *r ' ' Misses' and children's jackets, reefers, Eiderdown cloaks, etc, we have a full and selected stock ranging in'prices from 69c up 'Our! elegant pttish-capes from $2$ up In our HXIXaNERY DEPARTMENT we ^HHo'asbehave been-doirig, selling.; yoii the beat'-article, for; the; smallest amount It can be had f o r - ^ r- .'?'•-.'-':•.: ii'tVe have!'a" ; Wry; nice,.assortment on land and still 'keep on getting them near, every day; we tiavc In frotri S1.59 to $10.00 tHrnmed'and : from ; '39c' lo Jw> un- trimmed. Call and'Convince yourself of: theseftcts „"v:.-J.-.•-."':"";.'."-V"'!. -: ; "•::':) We also have aifullline"oT LadiesVand ent's-Furnishiny Goods, ladies' skirts/ wrappers, hosiery, etc. \ . , , - Chenille and Denlne Curtains; linens, drapery and notions'..•»•./>;;•:.: [ . :,. Call while everjthing U i n bloom a n d y on csin feast yottr-eyai and empty yonrpoolcetboboks. . . . ; • i\ •',. '•'. '/'"- -•'' i : (\;J-'-''-"- '""•" •;•' TODBS BBSPKOIPTJIIT,:; •= ::. ; I>pver, AT MESSAGE RATES AS LOW AS PER ANNUM SUBSCRIBERS Pay according to length of Line and Number of Local Messages sent. istance : THBOUOH THE ; Brlngi BabMrlbeM, wtter- e ver lootted, within «pe»k- :;, Ingdfttanoe. :. l \-:\ FOR INFORMATION Call 5149-llomstown free fron any Pay Station OBAJDDKBBS Morriatown, N. J. A FIAT XOKBV B 8torr of» OttiTeneir Plan of a Hnnlred r « m Aro-Iui Xorat Vatw tit* fiMdiilK, "A Fiat Money Etperi 1 - trwnt in the I'ut," BradetrMl'si Ust wook pabUihed the following Impcrtaut cootrltiu- tion to the ouiH of »und money: Tbonghtful iladEnta ol hlitory wbo b»vo Doted Dot wilbout omoeni tfac vgumeDta mule In dBfetue of lilvar BatUtn inthe coi of the prueot ommpftlga b»T« nsturaUj b»d ll totheir mlod* iho melanoboly etory of tia mtsigaita under th» F/encb rtvoiution^ ftrj r»gImB at Ibo cloio of tin lwt oentary. At that lime a. currency pfon, bated upon demtadt and theotlM wbioh have bMD mida familiar by tbe ncent spread of populism, &d'ipt«d by tbo Frcuch leglalatlve au- thorities uid ovrfed tbrough to it* logical ooooltuloD with reutts which nhoulil furntth MI tdmoDttloD to luocwdiog generatlaoi of tt Tbe story of tbli floanolnl eiper- tment it, of course, familiar to KLudenUof (oonomlo bliicty, but It Is Importaot that It thould bt tnada ai widely known BB poialbla lo the prop]* at Urge, and A distinguished AmtricaD oltiian, who has made a apodal ludf ot the ptrtod, hat dooff* public servJce In reprinting, In petaptlrt torm, t pjper road by him twenty yttra igo More « ciflettog .of noator* ml nprewniaUTei of both par- lD Wasblnctop, which paper «*ai bued dpoo m. inntura to Unifftrslty «tudenU,priv pared maoy jtmn before. We refer to tb« broohun entitled, "Flit Uouej Inllitloo In France," bynr. Andrew P. White, -hlch hat juit been IMUSI from tbo preu of the Apple- ton's. For th» purpOKi of the nadera of thru eolamoi, tbe storf of the inflation, ind Its l-'fulti, tamj he briefty aommurieei here, thecloM of the year 17tfl), tU« French nation tonni Itself la deep flaaaclal embar- ruinwDt, there UIOR a baavy dabt end a .wfous deficit. Pmjtotaj to meet tbe alttts- tlsn were iiot long la-klog ; the ld*a was wt afloat that tbe in at want of the country was • Urger ciroiAallug mrfloin, «D4 this-was followed by a demand for an lime of paper inunej, C*rtfnl flaanoleri who had not for- gotten the experience under - John Law'* Mbeme, endeavored to turn the nation from the projeot, but they wire unBuoceaiTui, Ear)y Jn 1790 tfae Finance Committee of the PUl >Mmbly reported that the people a new ofrculitiog medium, sod ncoramended a paper mousy circulation aa toe but *spedfent. An tie reault of a de- bate, at wblob one of the keynotes w&t the •tntiaient"If«t ai ahorr to Europe that we undenUnd our own rsuuroei," It was re- Hived to biae 400,000,000.tra-oe ot paper noUa, known M ttatgaaU, The tieue wot to b» oanfnlly guarded and anmred by the b&ded proptrty of the nation, mainly oon- •ditlug ot tbe oonfleoated property of the church. Tbeaol«bor»liiUreetstSperoeot, The flirt tStett of the Itaus wore apparently gtf There was a temporary n- vital of trade, and ILB•peechea cf the wiotlet otaton Beemed to be borne out against tbe Kteof the Hift.UBc itatosaieo, who foreto'd dUaaterfrom the f*'\ie,o<ficg to the imponlbUity of rutnlolng tbe nation on the downward path ofinfl»tlon. Vlnanoltl »tr«e Opnfrooted both goverumtnt and |ie jple by the eoil of Auguit; and a demand for another paper lwu» wu made . The aatlgoate had begun to depredate, tnd the opponents of a paper laetw dlrtcttd atttation to tola fact, bnt tbe adroeite ol tbs echemt declared that tte atUgnala wane not at par; beoann there wen not yet enough of them. Tha tags Kecktr attempted to itrm the Ude, bat in vala.'and TnuiM lest bte urrloea. Tbe com- owrolal oeateMeMttnpnniotiatrfttiONagalnat t M w l w * . "All mi In tain. At the endof Btpttmbtr a new Uaao of .800,000,000 franca w u ordwtd, matoly ae the reault of the eto- qnecoe-oltb* faciou» Mlr»bo»u, who fakd faefon ttwp oeodeiDncd paper innaa, Pro- TWOD WHnad* for Uu baming of aulgnat* pa)j loto tbe Treararr for 4aad, and It was prOildedtaattaewhoUamMntUeaelphould DO* nottd t,mflO0,0OQ fnuK*. In iplte of the action taken the cry for nor* drooIaUon 1 ' WH again beard: Note* thttiboiald sate) bean retltad ware Dot, but wenralaroedtiDd«rUMple«of neoeaalty. In /HIM, ITBi; 000,000,000. frfcrit» L dior» were t vtt the pn*foi». pledge not to •xned UM«aumnt fixed. Tata lame waa fol- lowed by an Immediate' depreciation of from 8 to 10 per owl. In the ?aju« of, the anlgnais asdipeoie wu f art diiapptaruig. The" cry ralffd ttit Snflitl) emliwrlM w«re In- stilling Bottom bcetUe to paper. The tem- porary •tlmalw *o' tradf *Mfollowed by a daoUoe. Ucoartatnty •* totfceTalwot the paper' money ofcwked enterprise.' Stock gambliog and qweulatton took the place of tafltlmata bttdaMi. *In December, 1701, a iMnacdt 800,000,000 franca was ordered, and In April, 1792, anoihf r of like nmuunt. Before tbta asiignate wtre n v « 1)0 per cent below par. Bubexquent i»*w foliated, till j f l d tttyv S.4UO.O0O 000 frenc! bldbesaisMea, of which 3,800 000,000 were In Dlrcatitum. MtaawVle price* w<tia rising toeornipond with the reduced puroba>inti power of the newmoney ; (bat /*, prtoet ot awerytbtag txoept labor. Aa a rotani of llmitt»i toe rife of.prlc.a. niaxttnum Jawi p ; that Ir; laws making tales of gooda eompateory, and (txlng their price In y the Itglaiaton of France flmlly aseensd to ooro* under the dominion irf iBNtpnllOotl Kowxny of tae market women olParU, wlv) detnsnddl that "lawi should bt paasad JoaUog paptr. at good aa gold." Lure were passed punbhiog with Imprison- iwnt for t*tatj jean ptnotawbQ should e*U a«%nati at Ua than tbtlr nQmlnal Valne, U t ' b F b ' loslffaoooBtrli . Tbes* BMsmnt could not, baweTer, suy Ik*dafmoktioa«(theaa*lfn*t At Elnrls«o(ITWOT«rto,000,«JO.OOOfnocs lo asriCMti hud been tsauei, and by that Urns .O* valas ol tht Malg&Kt had fallen so that •VoldlxHilsof US Cnncaiwu worth lathe 17,200 franco, or 1 franc In grid was worth SS9 ftmao* Jo paper. Price* irwt up ia proportion, Bomaaccoants aptak of *n**v BOH tnnca a poond and toap 230 frtvpes. ;Carr(»gshlreco«t01O00frsiDCaaday. HhttiritiwiBooid tbst the Jabot-log olaasca wan the «ua to tulter. mot( bj tbe deprtcla- UooolthecurTaco/. Before the eoj of tfas jHtf 17WS, Von Sjbcl rtoords, th»' paper ' ; ' . * ,'"".'""" Mw'hMJU of tb» workloc O)M*H, emplojees and men ofunsll maana whose proptrcy was not large stnvgh to hi?ak«t in ktoresof goods or.n» r lon»l land* Tbe, Dltwtwj,' whloh cams into pofreria Ootobar, 17B6, »t first printed more ; then ordered forced loan, and flnal(yd«iied"ta hrea* opthtcop^r plttm; of t^Matgnsiti'sjiJ'to-tiiaatf new piper' iwwj.tbiio-oailftdtna.nda.U. . - In spite ot mnanres ta%»otobol>t«r up tha fain*of* Uw uwndata,indudlngihemaking tiMtnlecalensdir smd mbstltuting them for asfUnataata fixed ntte, they fell to thirty alter the? fell toftpee cent; of their nominal Talus, It was when they were at this stage ChaC the drareewanpaased July 10,2590^ which puttn endtothe paper money sjstem by ptovicltiit tfa«t sJl paper mooer thoali be taken Vtita real'valaej and that bargains might-be made in whatever oarrencr the paopn cboae. : . ,Ths whole vatt Isiue waa repudiated. "When all was over with piper manry specie began to nappear, at lint li •toall qaatiUtiBF, suflhdeht, however, to, trans- act tha bnilnesi whicb remained tobe done, aad labsenneiitly In, larger quantities,. as teds dsmandrd lt,,and at Franco's long finance dotawh came to an end. Tfie story itonawhlobdeeerns to be retold, as It has been by pr. "White, for tew chapters ot finan- cial bbtorV. ottry.M maeb. warning vn$tr oondlUouniofa as bavegrailaallr t»en ma- turing fa the Ubftei StsHs, <ad whoa a step, lo tha direction of flatiem iuQh aa th^t la- volted In the free-coinage project is seriously i propesed. '•• ' » '- : '-•''- . '- ' )r\ . : Don't HI*. I i . •-• • I The special September sate nowgoing an at the Dover Bazar of J. H. Grimm. 07 I ST TO I comuninlc^tlona for tUUcolumn, to Iniu publication fu currant Issue, muni he in liand n ' than Tlmrwlaj- noou. WHSS THE SUJf 8KIH, Bun wta to-night nt 5:40 Saturday night at Sunday night at Monday night at 6; S5 Tuesday night ot , 5:34 W£dacB4a.y nl^hCat Ttiur»day nl^btat. Dover's lilcydt. ordianoiw, u well &S the E lav, roqulntt that Umpit sUoll bolighted one hour •tfhtr •uage*. HunoellU linporlant Uuit Ijloyolers sliould know tli 1 ! •iitutit hour. CjclUta disli-iiiK to jalii tliu Lrajiue of American WUeelinen will Iw furnlatied with application blanks at the Eiu uiTloa or on niipUcation Lo Doug- las Uroatlwdl, local L. A. W. Couiiil. p , League of Amer- ican Wheelmen ; renewal*, ««3 ; aew, 7SC ; tnt&t, m,m New Jerser DWUfoa: reneoal 01; now,*:.;total,4,880. A club run to tlifn city waa nude by ibi Bahodallca wheelmen, of Uorrlatown, lost Tuesday Bight. A ocasUog conteit boa been arranged by tb» Bahodallca wbwlinen for October 17. Tbe contest la for memtiBra only »n1 the price will be a hsudiome gold medal. Tbe course selected ii the Market street httl and permis- sion bus beta, fruit*} by the Board of Aldcr- i«u fur the hoiiiug of UIB ccutcit. "Qua" Van HouUn, the crick bicycle rider of Ibe Bahodalfca wheeiDion of Mor'iatown, wop tbo ODB mile handtoap race under the p of the Plalnfield wheelmen In that laat Saturday. Bla prise was a gold watoh talued at«73. Tfae Long Island Auoolatlon of Cf cling Clubs end the Metropolitan Associated Cycling Club* wllf uoito with the Assot-ltted Cycling CluliB of New Jersey In the adoption of bowling rules for tbe treason of 18'JQ 07. Of the tnenty-one counties of this State fourteen have representatives on tbe dtvitlon ticket. Thfl seven Cbuutlea not represeotei ere Atlantis, Cape Mny, Glouceuler, Huts ex, Huot*rdm, Somerset andWarreo, Wbatla tbe matter »>ith the cyclists in thwa couotlest Ojol(s(» fa Sen Jeney taunt pittsra after Mayor Btrang, of New York City, as It Is alleged that tbe division slate wu macte up at atee,party held In Newark, at which tbe "IDS" perfected their pl*na—partially, Tbe tandun race in connection with the Vioi Olub'i National circuit race meet, at Waver]/ 1 Ftrk next Siturday, will b* one of the features of th« day. The Rlvertlds Whotlmen, of H«w York; the Vim Club aid a number ot other orjaniiatlone will wtaialy h Utuna oampetfnKi s.nd It fs altogetber likely that & grand struggle will result. The New Jersey Division otters a re vard of twenty>(1ve dollars for the armt and con- viction of tbo tbtef and for the recovery of a Columbia bicycle, 18QT>, No 11,448; model 40, gear (totf, S3 Inch frame, Palmer tires (new on rw wheel] new)/ enameled, has Zerk from another wlio*l. Notify Chief Comul Robert Gentle, EKz*b*th, or Local Conrul Thomu J. Emerr, Atliuitlo Hfghlandi. The vtandiog, la membership, of the four highest divisions, September 21, is: New York, 18,7^0 ; PfniurlviDlA, 10,fU ; Masu< cbu»ttf, 11,037. end New JWMJ, J,to(i.. Over 8,000 ot the leagup membership are women. A party of tba'iYetr Jersey DifWon olBolalt were the guests of Secretary-Treasurer James O. Tatteraall, pf Trenton, taking (n tbe great Inter-State Fair and the bloyolo raoaa there on the t8Ui September. Idler* so uiDojred the proprietor of a bloy- ole repair abop at Blnadsle, Mo., that he p d a coat of tbe cement used in mending ttret oter tl» counter, tbe favorite retting plaoa of weary alien, and when a bloomer sirI cftme In and plnmped herself down on It, nmalulng seated until the repairs to, ber rbeel were completed, there tras.trouble. 8bt bid to continue sitting eiter the wbsel was ready uotll en appltoaUoa of gaaollne softened the glue. . : , : ' / ' p 1 * park anlfcori Uet bave sonnded the death knell ol that piaoe disturbingap- paratus koorn aa the wfaeelawa'd eeolian harp,. Tha apparatus consist) of Merist of rubber baodi stretoted from UM top bar to the drop of tbe frame. When under foil speed the barp gives fortft a sound not unlike tbe melody' ot a trolley car. , No wheel equipped in this manner will be allowed to enter Fairuiount Park, u several runaways b«ve been tiaoed to the work of tbe barp. , HSOBVITB Vt+lfTaa. • • TbeNow'jertey Dlvlalon want a few hun- dred more of the great army of unattached cyolen In this State, and offer good value for the money fn vetted. W* give dollar for dot' Itr. EvM-f new member will reoelre the Ntw Jertey Ko\d and Route Book, also th« Hand Book of Utffol Information, the L. A, W, Bolletlr, a weekly pnbUoatlon devoted totbocauseof goodroada. l*g*l adf Ice and i when required, on oycle matters. Half-rate biejcle Inaunaoa, , Tweotyflr* dollars rewnrri for e m i t aod.oonviotion of thltfacd rt-ooter/of a wasel atoJta from a ilwr of this dlvlalon. Ribatei at all L, A. H'. hotels aafwhere. AUtbt* cost* two dollars tbB flrat year and one dollar tbere^ after. WMft pay you to stay out("Appli- oatioa blanks at tile offlc*. .. . KXW jxassr pivmoK, t> A W . , Tbe comloatiog o mmlttee of ths Hew Jer^ sey DlvJaltin held a meeting in Bllttbith last K/iday. 'Tbe remit ot UteJrde]iberaUoi».ls the follawing ticket: ' . JFoe Chief Cdosti), C. Frank Kierbsr,- P*t- erson i.V.iee Contui, Frederick J. Keer, New- arx; Swtetary-Tresaarer, Jun«, O. Tatter- sail, Trenton; for State Bepreaentatlre Bergen county, James Barber, Englewuod; Frank -V» Bates, Hackeneaok. BurllngtoQ oonnty, Percy B. Lovtll.llooreatiwn. Cam- den ooanty, U. B Ruiderow, Merchanta- vllle. Cambarland cont»ty, Dr. E. T. Davis, Bridgeton, Bu;x county, Frank O. Towar, Bioomneld ; Dr. Albert J. Wright and Harry Trlppett,; E. O. Coajs, Newark. Hudsin county, Udo F. Rwlker, Hcboken f B A. Brock, J, H«rbert PatU and E. H. Bmltb, Jsreey City.' llercer oouoty, Jamas O. Lee, Trenton. Midite*6x county, Dr. Harvey Iredell, New Brqnswibk, Honmoath county, Tbotnu J. Emery, Athotlo High- lands. Morris county, W. V. Bavage,,Mor- tlstown. Owati Ccuntv, George X). Roe, Lakflwood. Pasisic county, Frank Terhune, Pusa'o; G. B. ftUlaUeu, Patersoa.' b county, Dr. Henry. Jaoksoo, Balem. Union coonty,B, L. Stewart, Hostile. Twonty-tno Btalo, r«presentitlv» were nominated, but as the tuptnbsniblp lstwen'y abort of the 4,400 wquired (200 tor ttch tep- TeseataUvO, when the ballots are Isiued, undoubtedly fnitnictMtri witl be teat out u to the numbertobo-vot-d for. Eleven of the State reprefentativee wsre renominkted and five local consul* were placed on the ticket at State officials., :.'"' THB BIBLB AND TI1E BIOtOLK. It baa beon left to a WubtngUm clergyman to extract Blbliral llkenewt and teachiDg rrooi the bicycle. iftkiDgg nJflcant text, "I bare turd ulranitodes," tfa# mlniater said be.believed, were the.Bavloni onrarthnow, would Illustrate his para- blet and strmena from the wheel. 3 e da- ecrtbedtbe dltDeultleH of muterfni tie bicy- cle,' and compared the discauragemente of tbe novice and the f nquent dlimonnts of the • beginner to thoee who seek toiead a Chriatlan lite. Tbo rulei which govern a bicycler, mid tbla mlatntw, were adaptab la to tbe follower of Cbrlat—as the forms r rides erect and with speed, so tbe latter aboald Hyo erect and 11 move.wlth some degree of tplrituaj rapid- ity." Be adrfacd tbff WcjoJer and tbe Chriatlan to " ks*p your llgfata burning, that yoamaj-BWthfltru* war, and that othom to wbom you may be an'. Injury, may avpld you.'^-i?arjwr'< Wttkly, .. :, • OEEKAK VALLET. wjib VoodyltB, of HwrlBtown, Jpent Friday lost fnIbta ptace. Henry Neighbor and family, of Vernoy, spent ButulAy at tbe home of Mr», NolEhbor'a parents. Mr. and Mra. Vny, of Blinton, have been visiting at tbo home of Hre. Bartley, MWAIetta Brown, of UorrUtown, is vis- iting at the home of Mn. George Bwock- •ftiner, Thomu MuCann and Dr. Joseph R. Farrow are on tbe slcii list. A Republiwo meeting will be held at Jtice's Hall on Friday afternoon. Hon. Hafalon Pitaey will be one of the ipeakera. Ur. and Un. Badd Parks epoat Sunday at achettatown. Jlnbert BMtty and trnmilf, of Kartft Jranch, and A, P. Downs and family, of this fUt#, spent Sunday at Little Brook, Mr. and Mrs. ElwardQiitton spent Sunday at Parker. William Bwackbamer is eotenalultig bla friend, Stanley Baits, of Hthway. Mra. Bradley and eon, ot Princeton. Ills, epent Bunda/ with Mr. and Mrs. Georf e Ho- [jeaa. Professor and Urs. E. J. Frey, of Clinton, are the guests of U n , fiugh Barthy. Ur. J, R. Farrow Is on the nick lirt'wlth the pleurisy. The dootcr is rery muoh missed but Or. Levi Farrow Is lookin. after his t * tient«wbileheissiQk. EJward Horton Is riding a new Baldwin and E. E. Beam*a Keating. 1 The Lutheran V. P, 6. C. B. reatfwd about. fU2 from the birthday social held last Tburs- farwolag, Superintendent Cor has Inaugurated an- other pmmisiufc edacatlaoal 'toaretatat tar Morris oounty by having "profetsioml oir- cJea" formed by tha teacberaof each town- sblpla tha county. The teaahersof Wasb- Ingtaa township were called together last Saturday afternoon by Prforipal Elmer E. Beams In tha school house, and a "profe*- ilonal clrole" wu formed, with the following officers: Preildent, Elmer E Beams; Vloe- Preetdent, Hiss HuldaOberg; Becratery acd Treasurer, Miss Flora Dlokerson. Tfae fol- lowlns; teaobors were enroll«d aa membera: A O. Tavlnr and J. P. Lelghton, of Parker; Flora O. Dlckerson, M. £Hzab(tb BlaiQ'e and Prlooipal Besma.of Garmati Valley; Ella G, Foroe, of Phflhowerj T«rea» O. Berwlt, of Middle Wlrj; Durlbel Fregans, of Bts- pbenshurg; Uln S.fitKing, ot K»ugbrigt!{; HIM Hulda Oberg and John A. Porker, of Schooley 1 * Moufltefn. Tbe »vffu/ar minting of th» "olrcle" will be held In tiie schoolhouas . oa tb» tblfd Saturday of etoh month, at whioh mneting Important qusstlons rolatite toMboolsand ichool work will bedleoussel KCRO C. KOTLB. For Pale People. KiUftore'a Iron Toulo PlUa will improve the appetite and Impart ctnmgth and tone to th* •ntlraivitua, BaQklen'a Amtot. Balve, The * Beat Balve. ID the world for Cats, Bralm, Bom, Clean, Salt Rheum, Farer, Borea, Tetter, Chapped hands, ChOblaloi, Oorna and all Skid Eruption*, and positively ouree FUee, orno pay required- Itlaguann- toed to give perfect taUalaotlon or funded. FrlceSSoente per box For sale by Robert Eillgoie, Drogglii, Dover, R. F. 1V. IT. Jsntfi*, Ctns*er, V, /, 0HX5TB& Tfae Rev. Dr. E. E. Euglaod, patter of the Presbyterian Church at vy»ihln»ton( N. J., tonaerij ot Ibis phot, will ezobAoge pulpltt with, the Rev. iSpsnoer H. Bcay at theCoa- gregatlonal Cbnroh on Sunday, October lltb, both morning and evening. Miss Sawnrd, M Florida, N. V., Is thegueit of her ooudn, Hiss Anna Beward. The funeral of B. C. Horton was held on Thursday aftornooa at the Congregational Church, tha Rev. Bptnow H. Bray offlciatlnj. Interment was mads In the Congregational Cemetery. 8. H. DeCamp and UJJI Louise D« attended the funeral of their Brother in-law, Wm. Delte, at Alienlcfn, Pa., this week. Vln. Clurles DuaHm aud dauibter, of Boonton, spent port of laat week with ber alatar, Mrs, Frink HuBbson. Mrs, Charles Blmpsna U«ptod/qg * week with ber couilo, Mlsi Lydla LugsteS, at Waahlogfem. Mr. and Mrs Georfti Uulford, ol Hobokeo, wars gtwtf orer 8aa&aj of-Mr* WllJUta Tredway. Mi-j Eoima Cbamberllo and Ultf Ulna Bkellsngar bave bewvUltlog tha families of Jaoob FOH and the, E, B. Kogland, of Wuhlniton, N. J. The twelve delegates of the Chester eocl*- tiei who attended tbe Coavwtion, of Bmn and Warren counttel, held at WaahlnKton, N. J., but Friday, reportel a very dsllghtlut time. The Rtv. Speaov H. Bray, who waa taken ill oa Saturday, N tmprovlag. Mr. and Hn, James Darla ware the giuati of Dr, l^«Uiyi»t,Ws^la«too.oti,WedMe- The itefHibUoaaa wUl bold a tnaeting oa Friday, evening, Ootobw », lo CbamberUn's Ball, " . ;•, T - =' Mr. aod Sin, Haorr fitrytor, of ir«amtw, were visitors In town l*at weak. Mr. Cramer, ot Pma Tao, w i n gtta«to last wMkofOMUoaCnuntr. Mi* Ctumbwllo, ot Fateraoo, ithoppiama rew dayi with U\m Htanle Drake. E POST OBAK. ft. F. Oran &Co. had two valnable hotws dtatrom oohoon Saturday aftoruoon. Tit firm baa pnrchaied aootbar gray to match the reoulnlngfaone. V Tbe Republican banner which spanned the street at R.F. Own &Co.'« rtore was bedJv torn In tbe storm on Tuerdiy night an j bad to t>» taken down. The nunj-go-round packed up and M l town oa Monday. . John A. Tonktug, of Sorantoo, Pa., for- lerlyof Fort Oram, wu married on SMK tomber 28 to MIM Oarlban, ot Bcraa'ao. WUlUn (irmdy U spending a wesk with his parents here.- KI ward Bogeri Is now weaving In the silt iitf. JTame«Fiartay,whonoiaUyanffereda r»- pw, iionctemrod. John Oliver, who bM been Ul for the part M*vrml weeks, U iajproriog nicwl/. The Urge building opposite the R f. Oratn & Co.* • tor* bsfiic trsttsd to a tfw ooatof paint Vnd Fan- left here do Moods/ tor Phila- delphia, where be will resume his atadlaa. Tbe RepnbllcawandsooDd mway Damo- orata held another well-attended meeting under tbe aaipioasnt th* Part Oram M3KI0- \*S and Hobart Club, ID Pythian Hall/on Wedonday nighb ' A number from this place took la the Euton Fireman's Centennial celebration yes- terday. .' •'. :•." The Richard U u Ban Ball Clob dafsated the.lnatitbtes yerterday In a psorly played girns by a scare of 24 to 10. A large number from Port Oran attended tbe Bryao>ndSawa»baan0rralaiagloDover laat Thursday evening. A feature of the Port Oram Free Silver cwtingoat'e tnoarvtoa into Dover oa that oootafoa was "Baa" O jr- don'a hay wagon, with banting, lantern and motta«ocaa«rias,ifl whlohaoambtrrodato Dover behind ah ox team. It created qultea "asaOoa ' FASKBB. Ths Rev. Mr. sbWionsy, of Pleasant Grove, w|)I pocopy the pulpit hare next Sunday morning, , Dr, aod Mrs, E, Button, of German Valley, and A. E. Sattan tati. famllj, of tabaaon, ipent Banday with thelrparents at this place. Mlts Jennie Sohayler spent Saturday and flunday with Mrs. Bauson Rlley. ' Emory Boff man bu purchaasd a horse of J. W. Welab and la woekloj on the new reservoir. . . Bamuol Botv.m and Kama Van Polt apeot Sunday wttb frtoodaat Fairmiunt Mn. Blale Smltb la visiting her nephew, Fetor Rabtnion. .George A. Apgar is making some needed repatra about bis bailKogi. ' Tbe churoh directors have appointed a com- tntttee of ladles to wllcic ooatribatfou of money for repairs to the roof ot tbe church. The Rer. aod Mra. C. W. Wood aad Un. K. Cabell attended the 'Woman'a Union Gbtlttlao SodnrorstDflreron Friday. . Keifer Htnce, of CoKasbury, visited this place on Sunday In company with' a young fadj of that place. U, Hilderbrait haj porchaiai a new trot* Mn. John BMICIC, ot Uorrlitown, Is rlslt- Ing at ibf» place for a ooople cf weeks. Tlrt. Wulli Burd la conflned to the houaa by slokness. Mr. and Mra, F. A. Apgsr attended the Trenton fair on Tbnnday. Miss Oraoa Wood •ntertaloed Mr. Orr, of Mt. Freedom, over Banday. Ellai Philboner la quite 111. Mr. and Un. George Yan Pelt spent Sun- dap with Peter B. Robtnaon. Moat of our formers are oatUoa com and harvuUng buckwheat, both ot which are fair crppa. ^ _ j- N'W-MOOW. . HOwaTMiI , We otter one hundred dollars reward for any csMot Catarrh that cannot bs cared by Hall's CaUrrh Cure, - F. J. CIIBNET & Co., Props,, Toledo, O. We tbe uoderslfttied bare known F. J, Cbtnav for the last IS yean, and believe him perfectly honorable lo all buslneu traoaa* Uoo and flnanclally able to catry out any ob- ligation made by hliflrm, - WEST & THITAXV . : .WbolesalTpruggiite, Toledo, p. WALblSO, KUDTAW &HABVIR, Wholesale DninUtB, Toledo, O. .Hall's Catena, Cure Ja taken interosJl*, act- . Ing directly upon Vie blood ana mnoous saN ftoe. of T6B UBtem, PWM,00. p bttl

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Post on 16-Jul-2020




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Page 1: The highest grade of fii| shoe s !orjelliff& Co. · ATTOBKKY AT hJL.1T asm »USTJ!3A»oBOIJCiTpBI» CHJJKHBX Om J A. IIOI'I

* THE ERfl'8



BlackixH Btrat next door

/o /fc XdiaMi Vvim BmA.

rJBJIS OF »ra«MOTTMlf UtTABI.i r m A » V A « O »

j Still Continaeslg Our Big Sale!orjelliff& Co. Stock, —New Jersey's never had better chance to get splendidly4 buUt furniture at small prlce*_w e promised to Mil this» stock at 7S percent, less than actual cost of maklng-| we're doing It, and If you'll but glance at the line our

( words will be proven. Every piece is hand built and, bears reduced price tag in plain figures. Limited spacei prevents list ot prices—here's an Idea of what stock(contains: . . . ' .'. ' : .


HwflWKkudwHhLlin. -DB. J. H, 0 . HUKTER .

A crailusla of U* IlAlUmorn DenUI OolttflB, andIlium t" lo io «H loniK « • » • |*ruHi>« lodenary lu tbe beat and cunpett WMner

1)twin a HUauua

Bui JMats as4;ljHiniK» l i n t

a onr If Oso. Bfakwls OCi attin,



i Walnut, Mahogany, Curlyi Bird), Maple and Oak Bed-, room Suits.

:• Marble Top Bureaus withlarge mirrors, CMffonniere,Hall Stands, Shaving StandsSide TaMts.

Parlor Suits and ExtentonTables in: Mahogany andWalnut.

Fancy Chairs in great va-riety, Cribs, Bedsteads, Side-boards, etc., etc. •

To make this sale a "money saver" our entire regularstock has been put at specially-low prices to keep companywith above. Here's ah instance in carpets alone:

«$ 50 rolls Moquettes at ooc^ a yard. . .

rolls Velvet, ot 75c ayard.

, j, 50 rolls Body Brussels atX 85.-a yard.



Om J A. IIOI'I B n u , DOV1E, H. 1.

JiHffi O. OOOflB,

D0VIB, 9. i.

50 rolls Tafestry at 55c ay;rd.

ico rolls AU-W00I Ingr-in,49c a yard.

ico rolU Ingrain at 25c a f ,yard.

Portland Ranges are never reduced—they sell quickerthan ive can get them.

IMPORTANT: Credit will Iw given on HI then tood»«t markedprlcti, bicycles enctrtnl.


I NO. ft Market St., Newark, N. J. *Telephone 580—Goods Delivered Free. £

Fire, Ufa,8esu,llottsr, Impfe/m1 U s -bllltf u d lira Buck I » u < w » . Our In-iUT.nco lnium. BMl l « n » >««a*» l t d•old 011 GommjMOB.SIljl.

QSO, 0- CDKM1S8.1I. D., •



Offlce on norWlW «t' «•bout 100 l M t « M a (

Jm m uo Btn ourrwa B*U»H,



Bnt will sell TOO * wheel thai is worth all you par for ii from WO op


O R I E N T S I O O . O OIt l> not a combbatla) of mnHnrlaangnltlaandMpUrUlm •.Mof polnti, but •

KmWo«U«ii ol practical tawottau b».i«, lu mocbaiilial (srt> K proporttaaM/ adjost.ilto Mob othtr as to maks a> perfect WBMI.

. ; , •• • — W « ALBO HAVE THE • •



ALLEN BICYCLE COMPANYBlaekwell Street, Dover, New letter.

Dorm, K /.

otmiT BOPlBnrei»braOt PUBU0 8CBO0L8

Oinoi-Bucnriu. St., DOVte, a,Boon: »i .«.toU».>

W 1(Urn. Jobto. Order.fir. Wa. H.


to. OorfiTunioii•«J

The best all around boiler up to dateA cast iroa boiler is one solid castingNo nipples, gaskets or jotats to leakWill outlast any boiler madeTor durability, efficiency, economy of fuel unrivalled



'THI m r J«SBIY mow mwiio 00






BOOHS! l l B W '

JOHN O'OONNELUPractical V\mptn Tin and

IT'S NEWS TO MANY A MAN.To learn h o * cneap « e can sell the very best of goods Come in and see how

reasonably you can buy from oar fine assortment ol Men's and Boys'ClothingGood quality and honest merit are in all goods we show. Uniformly low pricesare made on al( we have to sell. You can't go wrong when you buy from us be-cause we have just one way of doing business and that is to give a dollar In goadoualitj for a dollar of any man's money.'

Men's All-Wool Suits J7.90, In blue or black cheviots. Men's Business Suitsformer price Jlo reduced to $9 Men* Cutaway SuiH lo , Si l and {IJ jo. Boys'Suits, good clay diagonal, $6, ates from 16 to 19 Children's Suits, In Fauntleroyand raeffer suits, ages from 3 to 8, $1.50, $s,oo, $3.35 and fc 35. Gent's Furnish-ing Goods-Men's Outing Flannel Shirts, 36 inches in length, 35c. Best 45c , allwananted 30 Inches long. Men's Laundered Negligee Shirts 39c , 50c and 85cBoys' Shirts 35c. and 39c. Children's Waists 190. and 35c , best 50c. KneePants l pairs lor 2Ja and best 33c a pair. Bicycle Hose, » arr.nteed stalnlosblack, extra length, superior 6nlsh, »Sc Goir Hose Soc. and 75c, worth Ji,Belli 35c. Fine Suspenders 13c, asc and 50c. Men's Half Hose 4 pairs for 3JC.Men's Laundered White Shirts 49c. REMEMBER THE PLACE,

ilaabns and Bvllders,


House,) BlMkweU 8t, DWBK

and Housefurnishing Goods

Qmiek l e a l 6M«liie 8UT«H, ;


/J; TjKERKJrf PMtlflW. WfikWll«... Dover, N. J. ;

OoaMO* to «U Kn4i 'ot work U»«n «""•


.:;' ..•'•• ' DOVKB, N .V . : •

OontrHUi token and maUrlals (ornliliHL









The highest grade of fii| shoes

for fall and winter weir are

being received dail$|l)y

Opp. D. L. & W. R. R. DOVER. N.J.


MakingHot Cakes

fam. TbuneOWlf BRAUbM lP»t vriTtd Wd is deU-doat mmkta light «ad whoie-

poundlor the cakaa « n here too.For* lotopl* Bjrup s,t80o perqturti tha very bert mo-luw«i. DO finer ever tnada.

driptrmp 8finest tiwter 3*J pwpound.

Don't fall to go to Lekman's Saturday, Octflbcf 3cUcktos to be sold at cost


.--ntiBPHoasaiE— , • '•

O n o m nowi I NEWARK. TB11TO.H, EUiUSlTB .D SmWAT.; <


Tli» people ol D o w an J Vidaitj nsofnim «la«, uA now•gun we will biwk all noctdi, both in priad »nd in u&tvin coveliiai taietufiemt pritm tUolnlafy onpsnelfed


50 pieces OutiDg, dirk and light, striped »ndchecked, itfc, regular 5c yard

aj pieces Shaker Flannel goes at the u m eprice. i%z per yard only

A nice line oi English FUnneLs in checks andstripes suitable for children's dresses only 10c

er yardNice Plaid Goods 6c and 8c, double width,

, very nice oneSilk Mixtures for 16c worth 35cWool and Silk Plaids our price 29cAll Wool Plaid, small and large, price 37c, •

36 inches widePlain Drew Flannels, all colon, 36 inches

wide, a*c a yard42 inch Novelty Goods, all the latest shades,

inly 35c a yard

All Wool Scotch Miied Cheviots, etc. only43c a yard * ': • '.•

Crepons, latest fad, in t i l prices from fioctoJt'.SS ' \

Silk Warped Henriettas and Sergei at thelowest prices , ; •'. . .' :.

Trimming to match, such as velvets, laces,bead trimming!, velvet ribbons,; ornaments,etc.,etc. *- - ' .. >• .• \

Everything in our cloak and cape [depart-ment is new and stylish no shelf-worn goodson hand, prices ranging in capes from S1.69to Sa 85 which are trimtned ln:fur and a nicedouble cape and so on up to S24.00 : * r ' '

Misses' and children's jackets, reefers,Eiderdown cloaks, e tc , we have a full andselected stock ranging in'prices from 69c up

'Our! elegant pttish-capes from $2$ up

In our HXIXaNERY DEPARTMENTwe ^ H H o ' a s b e h a v e been-doirig, selling.;yoii the beat'-article, for; the; smallestamount It can be had f o r - ^ • r- .'?'•-.'-':•.:ii'tVe have!'a"; Wry; nice,.assortment onland and still 'keep on getting them near,

every day; we tiavc In frotri S1.59 to $10.00tHrnmed'and :from;'39c' lo J w > un-trimmed. Call and'Convince yourself of:

theseftcts • „"v:.-J.-.•-."':"";.'."-V"'!. -:; • "•::':)We also have aifullline"oT LadiesVandent's-Furnishiny Goods, ladies' skirts/

wrappers, hosiery, etc. \ . , , -Chenille and Denlne Curtains; linens,

drapery and notions'..•»•./>;;•:.: [ . : , .

Call whi le e v e r j t h i n g U i n b l o o m a n d y o n csin feas t yo t t r - eya i a n d

e m p t y y o n r p o o l c e t b o b o k s . . . . ; • i\ •',. '•'. '/'"- -•'' i:(\;J-'-''-"- '""•"

•;•' T O D B S BBSPKOIPTJIIT , : ; •= ::.

; I>pver,






Pay according to

length of Line and

Number of Local

Messages sent.



Brlngi BabMrlbeM, wtter-

e ver lootted, within «pe»k-

: ; , Ingdfttanoe. :.l\-:\




free fron any Pay Station


Morriatown, N. J.


8torr o f» OttiTeneir Plan of a Hnnlredr « m Aro-Iui Xorat

Vatw tit* fiMdiilK, "A Fiat Money Etperi1-trwnt in the I'ut," BradetrMl'si Ust wookpabUihed the following Impcrtaut cootrltiu-tion to the ouiH of »und money:

Tbonghtful iladEnta ol hlitory wbo b»voDoted Dot wilbout omoeni tfac vgumeDtamule In dBfetue of lilvar BatUtn in the coiof the prueot ommpftlga b»T« nsturaUj b»d

ll to their mlod* iho melanoboly etoryof tia mtsigaita under th» F/encb rtvoiution^ftrj r»gImB at Ibo cloio of tin lwt oentary.At that lime a. currency pfon, bated upondemtadt and theotlM wbioh have bMD midafamiliar by tbe ncent spread of populism,

&d'ipt«d by tbo Frcuch leglalatlve au-thorities uid ovrfed tbrough to it* logicalooooltuloD with reutts which nhoulil furntthMI tdmoDttloD to luocwdiog generatlaoi oftt Tbe story of tbli floanolnl eiper-

tment it, of course, familiar to KLudenU of(oonomlo bliicty, but It Is Importaot that Itthould bt tnada ai widely known BB poialblalo the prop]* at Urge, and A distinguishedAmtricaD oltiian, who has made a apodal

ludf ot the ptrtod, hat dooff* public servJceIn reprinting, In petaptlrt torm, t pjper roadby him twenty yttra igo More « ciflettog.of noator* m l nprewniaUTei of both par-

lD Wasblnctop, which paper «*ai bueddpoo m. inntura to Unifftrslty «tudenU,privpared maoy jtmn before. We refer to tb«broohun entitled, "Flit Uouej Inllitloo InFrance," by nr. Andrew P. White, -hlch hatjuit been IMUSI from tbo preu of the Apple-ton's.

For th» purpOKi of the nadera of thrueolamoi, tbe storf of the inflation, ind Itsl-'fulti, tamj he briefty aommurieei here,

thecloM of the year 17tfl), tU« Frenchnation tonni Itself la deep flaaaclal embar-ruinwDt, there UIOR a baavy dabt end a.wfous deficit. Pmjtotaj to meet tbe alttts-tlsn were iiot long la-klog ; the ld*a was wtafloat that tbe i n at want of the country was• Urger ciroiAallug mrfloin, «D4 this-wasfollowed by a demand for an lime of paperinunej, C*rtfnl flaanoleri who had not for-gotten the experience under - John Law'*Mbeme, endeavored to turn the nation fromthe projeot, but they wire unBuoceaiTui,Ear)y Jn 1790 tfae Finance Committee of theP U l >Mmbly reported that the people

a new ofrculitiog medium, sodncoramended a paper mousy circulation aatoe but *spedfent. An tie reault of a de-bate, at wblob one of the keynotes w&t the•tntiaient"If«t ai ahorr to Europe that weundenUnd our own rsuuroei," It was re-Hived to biae 400,000,000.tra-oe ot papernoUa, known M ttatgaaU, The tieue wot tob» oanfnlly guarded and anmred by theb&ded proptrty of the nation, mainly oon-•ditlug ot tbe oonfleoated property of thechurch. Tbeaol«bor»liiUreetstSperoeot,The flirt tStett of the Itaus wore apparently

g t f There was a temporary n-vital of trade, and ILB •peechea cf the wiotletotaton Beemed to be borne out against tbe

K t e o f the Hift.UBc itatosaieo, whoforeto'd dUaaterfrom the f*'\ie,o<ficg to theimponlbUity of rutnlolng tbe nation on thedownward path ofinfl»tlon. Vlnanoltl »tr«eOpnfrooted both goverumtnt and |ie jple bythe eoil of Auguit; and a demand for anotherpaper lwu» w u made . The aatlgoate hadbegun to depredate, tnd the opponents of apaper laetw dlrtcttd atttation to tola fact,bnt tbe adroeite ol tbs echemt declared thattte atUgnala wane not at par; beoann therewen not yet enough of them. Tha tagsKecktr attempted to itrm the Ude, bat invala.'and TnuiM lest bte urrloea. Tbe com-owrolal oeateMeMttnpnniotiatrfttiONagalnatt M w l w * . "All m i In tain. At the end ofBtpttmbtr a new Uaao of .800,000,000 francaw u ordwtd, matoly ae the reault of the eto-qnecoe-oltb* faciou» Mlr»bo»u, who fakdfaefon ttwp oeodeiDncd paper innaa, Pro-TWOD WH nad* for Uu baming of aulgnat*pa)j loto tbe Treararr for 4aad, and It wasprOildedtaattaewhoUamMntUeaelphouldDO* nottd t,mflO0,0OQ fnuK*.

In iplte of the action taken the cry fornor* drooIaUon1' WH again beard: Note*

thttiboiald sate) bean retltad ware Dot, butwenralaroedtiDd«rUMple«of neoeaalty. In/HIM, ITBi; 000,000,000. frfcrit»Ldior» were

t v t t the pn*foi». pledge not to•xned UM«aumnt fixed. Tata lame waa fol-lowed by an Immediate' depreciation of from8 to 10 per owl. In the ?aju« of, the anlgnaisasdipeoie wu f art diiapptaruig. The" cry

ralffd ttit Snflitl) emliwrlM w«re In-stilling Bottom bcetUe to paper. The tem-porary •tlmalw *o' tradf *M followed by adaoUoe. Ucoartatnty •* totfceTalwot thepaper' money ofcwked enterprise.' Stockgambliog and qweulatton took the place oftafltlmata bttdaMi. * In December, 1701, a

iMnacdt 800,000,000 franca was ordered,and In April, 1792, anoihf r of like nmuunt.Before tbta asiignate wtre nv« 1)0 per centbelow par. Bubexquent i»*w foliated, till

j f l d tttyv S.4UO.O0O 000 frenc!bldbesaisMea, of which 3,800 000,000 wereIn Dlrcatitum. MtaawVle price* w<tia risingtoeornipond with the reduced puroba>intipower of the new money ; (bat /*, prtoet otawerytbtag txoept labor. Aa a rotani ofllmitt»i toe rife of.prlc.a. niaxttnum Jawi

p ; that Ir; laws making tales ofgooda eompateory, and (txlng their price In

y the Itglaiaton of Franceflmlly aseensd to ooro* under the dominionirf iBNtpnllOotl Kowxny of tae market womenolParU, wlv) detnsnddl that "lawi shouldbt paasad JoaUog paptr. at good aa gold."Lure were passed punbhiog with Imprison-iwnt for t*tatj jean ptnotawbQ shoulde*U a«%nati at Ua than tbtlr nQmlnal Valne,

U t ' b F b 'loslffaoooBtrli .

Tbes* BMsmnt could not, baweTer, suyIk*dafmoktioa«(theaa*lfn*t At«o(ITWOT«r to,000,«JO.OOO fnocs loasriCMti hud been tsauei, and by that Urns.O* valas ol tht Malg&Kt had fallen so that•VoldlxHilsof US Cnncaiwu worth lathe

17,200 franco, or 1 franc In grid wasworth SS9 ftmao* Jo paper. Price* irwt upia proportion, Bomaaccoants aptak of *n**v

BOH tnnca a poond and toap 230frtvpes. ;Carr(»gshlreco«t01O00frsiDCaaday.HhttiritiwiBooid tbst the Jabot-log olaascawan the «ua to tulter. mot( b j tbe deprtcla-UooolthecurTaco/. Before the eoj of tfasjHtf 17WS, Von Sjbcl rtoords, th»' paper

' ; ' . * , '"". '""" Mw'hMJUof tb» workloc O)M*H, emplojees and menofunsll maana whose proptrcy was not largestnvgh to hi?ak«t in ktoresof goods or.n»rlon»lland* Tbe, Dltwtwj,' whloh cams intopofreria Ootobar, 17B6, »t first printed more

; then ordered • forced loan, andflnal(yd«iied"ta hrea* op thtcop^r plttm;of t^Matgnsiti'sjiJ'to-tiiaatf new piper'

iwwj.tbiio-oailftdtna.nda.U. . -In spite ot mnanres ta%»o to bol>t«r up tha

fain*of* Uw uwndata,indudlngihemakingtiMtnlecalensdir smd mbstltuting them forasfUnataata fixed ntte, they fell to thirty

alter the? fell to ft pee cent; of their nominalTalus, It was when they were at this stageChaC the drareewanpaased July 10,2590 whichputtn end to the paper money sjstem byptovicltiit tfa«t sJl paper mooer thoali betaken Vtita real'valaej and that bargainsmight-be made in whatever oarrencr thepaopn cboae.:. ,Ths whole vatt Isiue waarepudiated. "When all was over with pipermanry specie began to nappear, at lint li•toall qaatiUtiBF, suflhdeht, however, to, trans-act tha bnilnesi whicb remained to be done,aad labsenneiitly In, larger quantities,. asteds dsmandrd lt,,and at Franco's longfinance dotawh came to an end. Tfie storyitonawhlobdeeerns to be retold, as It hasbeen by pr. "White, for tew chapters ot finan-cial bbtorV. ottry.M maeb. warning vn$troondlUouniofa as bavegrailaallr t»en ma-turing fa the Ubftei StsHs, <ad whoa a step ,lo tha direction of flatiem iuQh aa th^t la-volted In the free-coinage project is seriously ipropesed. '•• '» '-:'-•''- . '- '

)r\ . : Don't HI*. Ii. •-• • IThe special September sate now going an

at the Dover Bazar of J. H. Grimm.

0 7 I ST TO

I comuninlc^tlona for tUU column, to Iniupublication fu currant Issue, muni he in liand n

' than Tlmrwlaj- noou.WHSS THE SUJf 8KIH,

Bun wta to-night nt 5:40Saturday night atSunday night atMonday night at 6;S5Tuesday night ot , 5:34W£dacB4a.y nl^hCatTtiur»day n l^b ta t .

Dover's lilcydt. ordianoiw, u well &S the Elav, roqulntt that Umpit sUoll bo lighted one hour•tfhtr •uage*. HunoellU linporlant Uuit Ijloyolerssliould know tli1! •iitutit hour.

CjclUta disli-iiiK to jalii tliu Lrajiue of AmericanWUeelinen will Iw furnlatied with applicationblanks at the Eiu uiTloa or on niipUcation Lo Doug-las Uroatlwdl, local L. A. W. Couiiil.

p , League of Amer-ican Wheelmen ; renewal*, ««3 ; aew, 7SC ;tnt&t, m,m New Jerser DWUfoa: reneoal01; now,*:.;total,4,880.

A club run to tlifn city waa nude by ibiBahodallca wheelmen, of Uorrlatown, lostTuesday Bight.

A ocasUog conteit boa been arranged bytb» Bahodallca wbwlinen for October 17.Tbe contest la for memtiBra only »n1 the pricewill be a hsudiome gold medal. Tbe courseselected ii the Market street httl and permis-sion bus beta, fruit*} by the Board of Aldcr-

i«u fur the hoiiiug of UIB ccutcit."Qua" Van HouUn, the crick bicycle rider

of Ibe Bahodalfca wheeiDion of Mor'iatown,wop tbo ODB mile handtoap race under the

p of the Plalnfield wheelmen In laat Saturday. Bla prise was a goldwatoh talued at«73.

Tfae Long Island Auoolatlon of Cf clingClubs end the Metropolitan AssociatedCycling Club* wllf uoito with the Assot-lttedCycling CluliB of New Jersey In the adoptionof bowling rules for tbe treason of 18'JQ 07.

Of the tnenty-one counties of this Statefourteen have representatives on tbe dtvitlonticket. Thfl seven Cbuutlea not represeoteiere Atlantis, Cape Mny, Glouceuler, Huts ex,Huot*rdm, Somerset and Warreo, Wbatlatbe matter »>ith the cyclists in thwa couotlest

Ojol(s(» fa Sen Jeney taunt pittsra afterMayor Btrang, of New York City, as It Isalleged that tbe division slate wu macte upat a tee, party held In Newark, at which tbe"IDS" perfected their pl*na— partially,

Tbe tandun race in connection with theVioi Olub'i National circuit race meet, atWaver]/1 Ftrk next Siturday, will b* one ofthe features of th« day. The RlvertldsWhotlmen, of H«w York; the Vim Club aida number ot other orjaniiatlone will wtaialyh Utuna oampetfnKi s.nd It fs altogetberlikely that & grand struggle will result.

The New Jersey Division otters a re vard oftwenty>(1ve dollars for the armt and con-viction of tbo tbtef and for the recovery of aColumbia bicycle, 18QT>, No 11,448; model 40,gear (totf, S3 Inch frame, Palmer tires (newon r w wheel] new)/ enameled, has Zerkfrom another wlio*l. Notify Chief ComulRobert Gentle, EKz*b*th, or Local ConrulThomu J. Emerr, Atliuitlo Hfghlandi.

The vtandiog, la membership, of the fourhighest divisions, September 21, is: NewYork, 18,7 0 ; PfniurlviDlA, 10,fU ; Masu<cbu»ttf, 11,037. end New JWMJ, J,to(i.. Over8,000 ot the leagup membership are women.

A party of tba'iYetr Jersey DifWon olBolaltwere the guests of Secretary-Treasurer JamesO. Tatteraall, pf Trenton, taking (n tbe greatInter-State Fair and the bloyolo raoaa thereon the t8Ui September.

Idler* so uiDojred the proprietor of a bloy-ole repair abop at Blnadsle, Mo., that hep d a coat of tbe cement used in mending

ttret oter tl» counter, tbe favorite rettingplaoa of weary alien, and when a bloomersir I cftme In and plnmped herself down on It,nmalulng seated until the repairs to, ber

rbeel were completed, there tras.trouble.8bt bid to continue sitting eiter the wbselwas ready uotll en appltoaUoa of gaaollnesoftened the glue. . : , : ' / '

p 1 * park anlfcori Uet bave sonndedthe death knell ol that piaoe disturbing ap-paratus koorn aa the wfaeelawa'd eeolianharp,. Tha apparatus consist) of Merist ofrubber baodi stretoted from UM top bar tothe drop of tbe frame. When under foilspeed the barp gives fortft a sound not unliketbe melody' ot a trolley car. , No wheelequipped in this manner will be allowed toenter Fairuiount Park, u several runawaysb«ve been tiaoed to the work of tbe barp.

, HSOBVITB Vt+lfTaa. • •TbeNow'jertey Dlvlalon want a few hun-

dred more of the great army of unattachedcyolen In this State, and offer good value forthe money fn vetted. W* give dollar for dot'Itr. EvM-f new member will reoelre theNtw Jertey Ko\d and Route Book, also th«Hand Book of Utffol Information, the L. A,W, Bolletlr, a weekly pnbUoatlon devotedtotbocauseof goodroada. l*g*l adf Ice and

i when required, on oycle matters.Half-rate biejcle Inaunaoa, , Tweotyflr*dollars rewnrri for e m i t aod.oonviotion ofthltfacd rt-ooter/of a wasel atoJta from a

ilwr of this dlvlalon. Ribatei at all L,A. H'. hotels aafwhere. AUtbt* cost* twodollars tbB flrat year and one dollar tbereafter. WM ft pay you to stay out("Appli-oatioa blanks at tile offlc*. ..

. KXW jxassr pivmoK, t> A W . ,Tbe comloatiog o mmlttee of ths Hew Jer^

sey DlvJaltin held a meeting in Bllttbith lastK/iday. 'Tbe remit ot UteJrde]iberaUoi».lsthe follawing ticket: ' .

JFoe Chief Cdosti), C. Frank Kierbsr,- P*t-erson i.V.iee Contui, Frederick J. Keer, New-arx; Swtetary-Tresaarer, Jun«, O. Tatter-sail, Trenton; for State BepreaentatlreBergen county, James Barber, Englewuod ;Frank -V» Bates, Hackeneaok. BurllngtoQoonnty, Percy B. Lovtll.llooreatiwn. Cam-den ooanty, U. B Ruiderow, Merchanta-vllle. Cambarland cont»ty, Dr. E. T. Davis,Bridgeton, Bu;x county, Frank O. Towar,Bioomneld ; Dr. Albert J. Wright and HarryTrlppett,; E. O. Coajs, Newark.Hudsin county, Udo F. Rwlker, Hcboken fB A. Brock, J, H«rbert PatU and E. H.Bmltb, Jsreey City.' llercer oouoty, JamasO. Lee, Trenton. Midite*6x county, Dr.Harvey Iredell, New Brqnswibk, Honmoathcounty, Tbotnu J. Emery, Athotlo High-lands. Morris county, W. V. Bavage,,Mor-tlstown. Owati Ccuntv, George X). Roe,Lakflwood. Pasisic county, Frank Terhune,Pusa'o; G. B. ftUlaUeu, Patersoa.' bcounty, Dr. Henry. Jaoksoo, Balem. Unioncoonty,B, L. Stewart, Hostile.

Twonty-tno Btalo, r«presentitlv» werenominated, but as the tuptnbsniblp lstwen'yabort of the 4,400 wquired (200 tor ttch tep-TeseataUvO, when the ballots are Isiued,undoubtedly fnitnictMtri witl be teat out uto the number to bo-vot-d for.

Eleven of the State reprefentativee wsrerenominkted and five local consul* wereplaced on the ticket at State officials.,

:.'"' THB BIBLB AND TI1E BIOtOLK.It baa beon left to a WubtngUm clergyman

to extract Blbliral llkenewt andteachiDg rrooi the bicycle. i f t k i D g gnJflcant text, "I bare turd ulranitodes," tfa#mlniater said be.believed, were the.Bavlonionrarthnow, H« would Illustrate his para-blet and strmena from the wheel. 3 e da-ecrtbedtbe dltDeultleH of muterfni tie bicy-cle,' and compared the discauragemente oftbe novice and the f nquent dlimonnts of the

• beginner to thoee who seek toiead a Chriatlanlite. Tbo rulei which govern a bicycler, midtbla mlatntw, were adaptab la to tbe followerof Cbrlat—as the forms r rides erect and withspeed, so tbe latter aboald Hyo erect and11 move.wlth some degree of tplrituaj rapid-ity." Be adrfacd tbff WcjoJer and tbeChriatlan to " ks*p your llgfata burning, thatyoamaj-BWthfltru* war, and that othom towbom you may be an'. Injury, may avpldyou.'^-i?arjwr'< Wttkly, .. :, •

OEEKAK VALLET.wjib VoodyltB, of HwrlBtown, Jpent

Friday lost fn Ibta ptace.Henry Neighbor and family, of Vernoy,

spent ButulAy at tbe home of Mr», NolEhbor'aparents.

Mr. and Mra. Vny, of Blinton, have beenvisiting at tbo home of Hre. Bartley,

MWAIetta Brown, of UorrUtown, is vis-iting at the home of Mn. George Bwock-•ftiner,

Thomu MuCann and Dr. Joseph R. Farroware on tbe slcii list.

A Republiwo meeting will be held atJtice's Hall on Friday afternoon. Hon. HafalonPitaey will be one of the ipeakera.

Ur. and Un. Badd Parks epoat Sunday atachettatown.Jlnbert BMtty and trnmilf, of Kartft

Jranch, and A, P. Downs and family, of thisfUt#, spent Sunday at Little Brook,

Mr. and Mrs. ElwardQiitton spent Sundayat Parker.

William Bwackbamer is eotenalultig blafriend, Stanley Baits, of Hthway.

Mra. Bradley and eon, ot Princeton. Ills,epent Bunda/ with Mr. and Mrs. Georf e Ho-[jeaa.

Professor and Urs. E. J. Frey, of Clinton,are the guests of Un, fiugh Barthy.

Ur. J, R. Farrow Is on the nick lirt'wlth thepleurisy. The dootcr is rery muoh missedbut Or. Levi Farrow Is lookin. after his t*tient«wbileheissiQk.

EJward Horton Is riding a new Baldwinand E. E. Beam* a Keating. 1

The Lutheran V. P, 6. C. B. reatfwd about.fU2 from the birthday social held last Tburs-farwolag,

Superintendent Cor has Inaugurated an-other pmmisiufc edacatlaoal 'toaretatat tarMorris oounty by having "profetsioml oir-cJea" formed by tha teacberaof each town-sblpla tha county. The teaahersof Wasb-Ingtaa township were called together lastSaturday afternoon by Prforipal Elmer E.Beams In tha school house, and a "profe*-ilonal clrole" wu formed, with the followingofficers: Preildent, Elmer E Beams; Vloe-Preetdent, Hiss HuldaOberg; Becratery acdTreasurer, Miss Flora Dlokerson. Tfae fol- •lowlns; teaobors were enroll«d aa membera:A O. Tavlnr and J. P. Lelghton, of Parker;Flora O. Dlckerson, M. £Hzab(tb BlaiQ'e andPrlooipal Besma.of Garmati Valley; Ella G,Foroe, of Phflhowerj T«rea» O. Berwlt, ofMiddle W l r j ; Durlbel Fregans, of Bts-pbenshurg; Uln S. fit King, ot K»ugbrigt!{;HIM Hulda Oberg and John A. Porker, ofSchooley1* Moufltefn. Tbe »vffu/ar mintingof th» "olrcle" will be held In tiie schoolhouas .oa tb» tblfd Saturday of etoh month, atwhioh mneting Important qusstlons rolatitetoMboolsand ichool work will bedleoussel


For Pale People.KiUftore'a Iron Toulo PlUa will improve the

appetite and Impart ctnmgth and tone to th*•ntlraivitua,

BaQklen'a Amtot. Balve,The * Beat Balve. ID the world for Cats,

Bralm, Bom, Clean, Salt Rheum, Farer,Borea, Tetter, Chapped hands, ChOblaloi,Oorna and all Skid Eruption*, and positivelyouree FUee, or no pay required- Itlaguann-toed to give perfect taUalaotlon or FrlceSSoente per box For sale byRobert Eillgoie, Drogglii, Dover, R. F.

1V. IT. Jsntfi*, Ctns*er, V, / ,

0HX5TB&Tfae Rev. Dr. E. E. Euglaod, patter of the

Presbyterian Church at vy»ihln»ton( N. J.,tonaerij ot Ibis phot, will ezobAoge pulplttwith, the Rev. iSpsnoer H. Bcay at theCoa-gregatlonal Cbnroh on Sunday, October lltb,both morning and evening.

Miss Sawnrd, M Florida, N. V., Is thegueitof her ooudn, Hiss Anna Beward.

The funeral of B. C. Horton was held onThursday aftornooa at the Congregational

Church, tha Rev. Bptnow H. Bray offlciatlnj.Interment was mads In the CongregationalCemetery. •

8. H. DeCamp and UJJI Louise D«Ci.mpattended the funeral of their Brother in-law,Wm. Delte, at Alienlcfn, Pa., this week.

Vln. Clurles DuaHm aud dauibter, ofBoon ton, spent port of laat week with beralatar, Mrs, Frink HuBbson.

Mrs, Charles Blmpsna U «ptod/qg * weekwith ber couilo, Mlsi Lydla LugsteS, atWaahlogfem.

Mr. and Mrs Georfti Uulford, ol Hobokeo,wars gtwtf orer 8aa&aj of-Mr* WllJUtaTredway.

Mi-j Eoima Cbamberllo and Ultf UlnaBkellsngar bave bewvUltlog tha families ofJaoob FOH and the, E, B. Kogland, ofWuhlniton, N. J.

The twelve delegates of the Chester eocl*-tiei who attended tbe Coavwtion, of Bmnand Warren counttel, held at WaahlnKton,N. J., but Friday, reportel a very dsllghtluttime.

The Rtv. Speaov H. Bray, who waa takenill oa Saturday, N tmprovlag.

Mr. and Hn, James Darla ware the giuatiof Dr, l^«Uiyi»t,Ws^la«too.oti,WedMe-

The itefHibUoaaa wUl bold a tnaeting oaFriday, evening, Ootobw », lo CbamberUn'sBall, • " . ;•, T - ='

Mr. aod Sin, Haorr fitrytor, of ir«amtw,were visitors In town l*at weak.

Mr. Cramer, ot Pma Tao, w i n gtta«to lastwMkofOMUoaCnuntr.

Mi* Ctumbwllo, ot Fateraoo, ithoppiamarew dayi with U\m Htanle Drake.


POST OBAK.ft. F. Oran & Co. had two valnable hotws

dtatrom oohoon Saturday aftoruoon. T i tfirm baa pnrchaied aootbar gray to match thereoulnlngfaone. V

Tbe Republican banner which spanned thestreet at R.F. Own &Co.'« rtore was bedJvtorn In tbe storm on Tuerdiy night an j badto t>» taken down.

The nunj-go-round packed up and Mltown oa Monday. .

John A. Tonktug, of Sorantoo, Pa., for-lerlyof Fort Oram, w u married on SMK

tomber 28 to MIM Oarlban, ot Bcraa'ao.WUlUn (irmdy U spending a wesk with his

parents here.-KI ward Bogeri Is now weaving In the siltiitf.JTame«Fiartay,whonoiaUyanffereda r»-pw, iionctemrod.John Oliver, who bM been Ul for the part

M*vrml weeks, U iajproriog nicwl/.The Urge building opposite the R f.

Oratn & Co.* • tor* l» bsfiic trsttsd to a tfwooatof paint

Vnd Fan- left here do Moods/ tor Phila-delphia, where be will resume his atadlaa.

Tbe RepnbllcawandsooDd mway Damo-orata held another well-attended meetingunder tbe aaipioasnt th* Part Oram M3KI0-\*S and Hobart Club, ID Pythian Hall/onWedonday nighb' A number from this place took la the

Euton Fireman's Centennial celebration yes-terday. .' •'. • : • . "

The Richard U u Ban Ball Clob dafsatedthe.lnatitbtes yerterday In a psorly playedgirns by a scare of 24 to 10.

A large number from Port Oran attendedtbe Bryao>ndSawa»baan0rralaiagloDoverlaat Thursday evening. A feature of thePort Oram Free Silver cwtingoat'e tnoarvtoainto Dover oa that oootafoa was "Baa" O jr-don'a hay wagon, with banting, lantern andmotta«ocaa«rias,ifl whlohaoambtrrodatoDover behind ah ox team. It created qultea"asaOoa '

FASKBB.Ths Rev. Mr. sbWionsy, of Pleasant Grove,

w|)I pocopy the pulpit hare next Sundaymorning, ,

Dr, aod Mrs, E, Button, of German Valley,and A. E. Sattan tati. famllj, of tabaaon,ipent Banday with thelrparents at this place.

Mlts Jennie Sohayler spent Saturday andflunday with Mrs. Bauson Rlley.' Emory Boff man bu purchaasd a horse of

J. W. Welab and la woekloj on the newreservoir. . .

Bamuol Botv.m and Kama Van Polt apeotSunday wttb f rtooda at Fairmiunt

Mn. Blale Smltb la visiting her nephew,Fetor Rabtnion.

.George A. Apgar is making some neededrepatra about bis bailKogi.' Tbe churoh directors have appointed a com-tntttee of ladles to wllcic ooatribatfou ofmoney for repairs to the roof ot tbe church.

The Rer. aod Mra. C. W. Wood aad Un.K. Cabell attended the 'Woman'a UnionGbtlttlao SodnrorstDflreron Friday. .

Keifer Htnce, of CoKasbury, visited thisplace on Sunday In company with' a youngfadj of that place.

U, Hilderbrait haj porchaiai a new trot*Mn. John BMICIC, ot Uorrlitown, Is rlslt-

Ing at ibf» place for a ooople cf weeks. •Tlrt . Wulli Burd la conflned to the houaa

by slokness.Mr. and Mra, F. A. Apgsr attended the

Trenton fair on Tbnnday.Miss Oraoa Wood •ntertaloed Mr. Orr, of

Mt. Freedom, over Banday.Ellai Philboner la quite 111.Mr. and Un. George Yan Pelt spent Sun-

dap with Peter B. Robtnaon.Moat of our formers are oatUoa com and

harvuUng buckwheat, both ot which are faircrppa. ^ _ j - N'W-MOOW. .

HOwaTMiI, We otter one hundred dollars reward forany csMot Catarrh that cannot bs cared byHall's CaUrrh Cure, -

F. J. CIIBNET & Co., Props,, Toledo, O.We tbe uoderslfttied bare known F. J,

Cbtnav for the last IS yean, and believe himperfectly honorable lo all buslneu traoaa*Uoo and flnanclally able to catry out any ob-ligation made by hliflrm, -

WEST & THITAXV . :.WbolesalTpruggiite, Toledo, p.

WALblSO, KUDTAW & HABVIR,Wholesale DninUtB, Toledo, O.

.Hall's Catena, Cure Ja taken interosJl*, act- .Ing directly upon Vie blood ana mnoous saNftoe. of T6B UBtem, PWM ,00. p bttl

Page 2: The highest grade of fii| shoe s !orjelliff& Co. · ATTOBKKY AT hJL.1T asm »USTJ!3A»oBOIJCiTpBI» CHJJKHBX Om J A. IIOI'I

THE ERAFriday, Oct. 2, i8p6.



Republican Nominations.FOK PRESIDENT,

XITTT.T.TATff H o K I N U l T ,





At-I*rg6—Samuel II. Urej, of C&mdec, tuJobo F, Dryden, of Newark.

DI6TB1CT DBLEOATES.Krrt-ThomasW.Trtnchard, of CumberlandBeooati-'WaabiiJgUra A. Roebllng, of MercerThird—Adalpta Mack, of BctnorKt.Fourth-Alfred II. Whitney, ol Monls.Fifth—J. Hull Browning, of Bergen.BUth—James T. Ball, of E»ei .Seventh-George F . Perklo, of Hudson.Eighth-Ernest ft. Ackerman, of Union.







EDGAR h DURLING,or uoiuusTowrr,


Soon* two for Pitney. A prominent Democr&t nld ths otlier day within ear-abotthe ERA; "Pre got no use for ft ttea slliDemocrat mymor* than I have for a freeeUrer F i

Tnit HackeUatown GaztUe ot last 1

Tbere wai a bridge letting; over in MorrloooDty last Baturda; tbat in very likelymol t !• scandal. Tha bridge Is betweiMorris and Pa>aaio counties, anil ft jaiat cmmlttee * M charged with tbe award. I twnupiclotied that tbe matter bad b-«>n fliedadvance, and tbe remit gWrs color to th<charge, Bartley & Boat put la • tld$3,855, and tbe next lowest bid, tbat of tbiCanton Bridge Company, wat H.805. Tb<Battley bid w u an eye-opener to tbeternted ipecUton, and tbelr utontabtnenw*i unbounded when the cotamlttwi votednot to accept ttao BirUey bid. That firmoould have made a nice profit by silence, bu t(fry bate enlisted for tba war against tbiocmblne and will carry tbe matter Into courtIfnecewry. County Attorney Salmon b ucharge ot tbelr case. The OazclWa eipoanreof the bridge building combination has aa<Warren connty ttooiandnotdollars, but thicombine livea and KrowB fat in Morris with-out molutatloa and hindrance.

The above was brooght to the attentionDirector Lorn who after coniuitlng wlCountj Countal Quajlo took Immediate ahto itop the execution of the contract pendtaimtx (nTeatiaatloD ot tbe matter wblcb willmade by the Board of Freeholder! at 1U mmeeting.

The Tonrth Dlitnot Flffht.Tlie Popocrafi In the Fourth Diitriot have

Domioated t te H<*» AuputuaW. Cutler lor

tor of tbe State from tb!s<L.y mutt be foughtout between tbe forces that represent aouimoney and protection and those that standfor » depredated currency and fre* trade.

At the bead of the former ataoda MahloPitney, m young, anergetlo man, wbo bu•erred the people two y«an In Congress inway that tnakM him dfaordog of the high'eat praise. At tbe bead of tbe latter atandAafmtui W. Cutler, wbo has taken a pod'tion tpon a platform which declares fordotWc that the goTtnimtat will not endowand which the markets of the world aayworth only fifty three cents.

If the campaign that Sir. Cutler li to makmay be judged by his speech when he pte-rided over the temporary orRanlMtlon of toerecent Fopocntta Coimntion, be will foiltba doctrine of Bryan and the dictationtha direr-mine owoen of the Weit. He wiljflvt no approval to the Idea of protectionwhich menu tbe protpeiltj that blewed th(oouotry during that period wb«& the U Kley Uriff w u In force and the theory of freetrade bad not cut Its shadow over the land.

CM the people ot the Fourth Dlitrlct afftto Mod to Congrets • man whose Bympathleeare with the baodtul of mna who bare all'bttlHon to sell, rather than with tfaoie manwho have to find a market for farm produce 1

TWi to an important question. It la onegreat moment to the farmers of the fouoooatissi that constitute the F«urth Coosnrional District They efaauld considercarefully, and then cut tbelr ballots for thiman whose actions have .shown him to

, most closely Identlfltd wltb their Interests,tadlvfctaally and collectively.

At between the personal character of Mr,Hablon Pitney and Mr. A. W. Cutler thenmaj ba no choice, Ai citliena tbey eaooccupy • high plane. Itlsnotthemen.bow-•T«r, bnl what they stand for, that ahould be•erlooaly considered In this contest.

Mr. Pitney U aa advocate of protection,which m>aaa friendship for every man In tbeBtateof New Jmey and tbe United But*who depends upon bbj brawn and brain Torllvla* Hlsrcford In the lut two yearsone that calls for the approval of every wageearner and cvwy ttrmtr In the country. Hela a true American and a friend of h<lodutrjr. -

Mr. Cutler a few msutha ago stood by theDtmocratlo convention that was unalterablyopposed to the tree and unlimited coinage•liver, and now, evidently forgetting the•okmaltj of that resolution, be eitenda bitarms to the proposition to open tbe ntha United States to tha silver miner* of tbiWest and thnut upon tbe laborersfarmers ot tbls oeuotry a dlthonest currency.It a man who can wo eojily change his mindupon a natter of such vital importance tothe people, the one to be sent to tbe highestlegislative body In America I

Frciperity for the manufacturerprosperity for tbe wage-earner ; prosperityfor tbe wage earner means prosperity for thfarmer, because the wage-earner ii tbe pur-chaeerof byproducts. The two should stand•ogethar for protection, for HcKlnley andHobatt and tor enry Ooognstlenal nomineewbo It known to entertain the belief thatals geramment ahoold protect the peopleagainst unfair competition with foreUm labor•ad forthjn ffAEOtaotnren.—State OazttUs.

. 0T7B OARBIDATES.Ic this cok-mn tba £ u presests to ita

leaden the poriT«lta of Morris ootuty'i nextBbsrlff BAd Assemblymea

Morrittown with great sucoeat for tha parttwenty years. Tbe qualities that go to makeup a good business mao are highly desirableIn a sheriff, and Horrli county Is to be ooa-gntuUUd upon bis selection for tnat blgbofile* by tbe recent County Convention.

Aawniblvman Charles F. Hopkina, ofBoonton, wan last winter prominently Identi-fied with all matters of State legislation thatwere fur the beat iatereita of his constituents,ami his nnomtnatlon iru a fitting and properrecognition of the good ierrloe> rendered byhim In bli Brtt term ni a Bute legislator. Ofhis re-election there U no doubt.

Assemblyman Rtghtcr wu alaojettir hon-ored with a renominatton. Likt Aitembly-man Hopkins be haj alwayi been a etanncaRepublican and hla plurality of 1,418 of lu tfall will doubtlest be largely loonsaaed.

SOET MOBEIB.Mr, Halbtead came down on hU "Comet"

on Mondty and met Mr. Reaaoner, wbo oauiefrom Hoboken on No. 1. Mr. Bon Carpenter,Griffith and Ciril Engineer Unrioh were withMr. Reuoner,

t did not eiactly "catch on" to whit thebo;* mean by it, but they do lay tbat JohnP. King baa gone Into tbe drygoodi bunlneit.Kxwpt tbat be may bave been Invertingsome of bis spore free silver in red flags I donot know what kind of dry gooda tbey me&n.

I saw tbe Douihten of Liberty march tothe H. B. Church of Stanhope lu their prettyregalia on Sunday,

Ho the employe* of tbn 1)., L. and W. B.B.have gone and inaulUd Mr. Bryan, haretbey f A member of the State Cummlttee orthe Democratic party la laid to have aald:"From Summit down they were more CITIIUed, but up to tbat point the treatment tbecandidate received wu disgraceful Toetrain would pull up at a station where tbetownspeople bad aisembled and Mr, Bryanwould walk to the rear platform to addressthem. When be bad got fairly started tbeengineer would pull tbe throttle and ataritbe train wltb a Jerk. On one occasion tbepassengers were thrown against tbe elde ofthe car and several windows were broken.Tbe train would be started before the candi-date got through talking, (t) In many In-stances the train wu not stopped until it bndrolled a couple of huodrad yarda from whtrothe crowd bad assembled. Atonepolntolougtbe road, when Mr, Bryan bad taken n rearplatform to addreas a gatherlug, art enginewith t u heedll&ht covered with e> picture oltbe Republican candidate* was run rlgut upto bla oar almoit within the candidate'stouch."

I wonder what the Democratic State Com*mlttee expect to accomplish by giving tbis•ort of rtuff to the uenspapera. I copy tbeabove from tbs Bcranton Truth, and substan-tially tbe sane thiog appeared in MveralNew York papers l u t wwfc

Now, tbe fact la that Tom Eeeoan ran theengine on No. 14 on that day when Ur. Bryinmade bis famoua ride over the D.t L. and TV.from Waiinlnghra to Hoboken, and ever/P. , L. and W. railroad man knows that ba-tide* being a good Mlow heU one of the en-gineers longest In service and one of tb« mostcartful engineers on the road, so nobodybelieved the itory tbat obe of tbe party onthe oar la (aid to bare givm out that tbe en-gineer trial to kill Mr. Bryan became be(the engineer) i ru a gold bug I Now, I rodeoa the same car with Mr. Bryan from Wat-<rloo to Port Morris, and Tom bandied tbeair ID stopping and starting without any per-ceptible Jerk—more than ordinary.

Borne amart chap la tbe car asked me whatJ tbougbt of the next Fre-ldent. I w U withina leat or two of Mr, Brjan and saw htm wellenough, but I told my Interlocutor I did notsee the neit Pntfldent all thesama, Ferbapamy quetltoner thought tbat was an Insult toMr. Bryan also, for he wanted to discuss thematUr with me tbere and then, but I toldhim we would not discuss it then. I t wouldict be in very good taste. Mr. Bryau would

have looked better it he bad had Behave; but'He WM the mildest-mannered mmThat ever scuttled »hlp or cut a throat,

With snch true breeding of a f e&tlemanYou never could divine his real thought."Though 1 do not beliere tbat theemployes

of tbe D., L.&W. Railroad insulted or In-tended to insult Mr Bryan, neither had beany reason to find fault If the mail trainpulled out from the station before he gotthrough talking, for he can talk fay tbe yard,u those wbo have read hla speeches know,and Uncle Bam'* mall, like Time and Tide,walta for no man.

Tbey tell mt tbat whin tbe train pulledInto Dover the angineer wu compelled t i puton the air brake quick In order to save thelives of Mine ol the people who were on tbetrack along the station platform, and It maybe that aome of the passengers got prettywell shaken up, but I gnem Mr. Bryan noworn than tha rest of turn.

Betides, when m man goes gallivantingthrough what he ti pleased to call "thienemv'a country," be ought to eipeot to belnralUd once in a while. Whin he goea upand dawn Uw land trying to set the "hiredruin" against tbe boas, trying to sat laboragalmt capital, the farmer against tba me-chanic, tbe roan who earns hla bread by thesweat of bli brow at war with the man whopa) s him hti dally wages, tbat kind of a man—If be Is In hla right mlud—dewras scantcourtesy any way. "Divide and conquer"seems to be Mr. Bryan's motto, but be can'tdlrtdt, I gases. Jeff Osvla tried that once,and. wbat he could not accomplish by thesword I don't think Mr. Bryan can do by In-direction.

are telllog It for a fact around Dover to any-body wbo is foolish enough to listen to them.

1 don't like to spoil tbe jarn but tbe fact-om which It originated Is that our bfg tres-c in becotnlog rather lintherinroa and Mr.

HallBteed.andbie civil engineer, Mr. Archi-bald, Mr. Reemner and bit division civil

nin&er, Mr. Uoruh, and Superintendent ofBridges B. Grlflltfa, came up here OB thatparticular day to look it over and eee whattbey bad better do abuut It. Tlint is all.There Is not much politics In that, is tbere I

Tbe only thing tbat WBB raid abaut politicsduring tbelr stay wu said by one at the partyto Mr, Day when he uhed him jokingly howIt was that the Methodists were all Demo-crat* 1 wblch li as notoriously untrue ai someof the free silver speeches they are trying toituff down our threats.

1 have treated tbia milter moie eerloutiythan li deserves, but for tbe information ofthose wbo might be milled I have ctioion togive the facts u I know tliem simply,

And now tbe D., L. & W. Railroad em-ployeea at Hoboken hove formed a soundmoney league, icrotpicttve ot politics, andthey are sending out circulars to tUo otheremployees along tbe road, which, I preiume,tbe constitution of tbe State of Hew Jersey

not forbid ; and thin fact, too, bae beenfed by the people who iwal lowed Bis-

marck's garbled letter, without question. Thesound money league alone la responsible for

circulars and tbey pay for printing them.Tbe stuff they tell about them Is nil boab anddon't you believe it.

But it le aatonlslilng bow many toundmoney mtm there are In the trjsboa I Electionday will tell a funny Btory, I nin thinking.

Talk ot tbe golden calf of the IsrtelltM ofild. Tills modern silver elepbaut knocks

Aaron's Idol silly. And j e t they expectAmerican voters—sane, Intelligent men—tokneel down and worablp It in these lost daysof tha lULh century.'-Ob ye WIM saint*, behold your light, your

star,Ye would be slaves and bondmen and ye are."

Aa Moeoa came down from the mountain.'here be was talking with Uod, and orderedthe destruction of Aaron's goiden calf, tot mmarch on to the destruction or tbli modernsilver idol of Mr. Bryan and destroy It." Come as the winds couis when forests are

rendKl,Come as tbe waves como when navies

stranded."We want monby that cannot be depreciated

by 0at cor destroyed by fire, and that le onereason why my good friend "Gus" Cutlershould be allowed to eUy borne and till thesoil while a younger aod up-to-date manshould bo tent to look after tbe luterciU ofthis dUtriot and represent our interests InCongress.

"Cutler, I love thee, but never more be cm-cer or mine."

No man who advocates tbe free coinage ofIver at 10 to 1 ought to h» sent to rep-osent

this district In Congress, be he ever so fine aman otherwise. V. J.


Don't do business on o u street, we've no use for them. We wantpeople of GOOD HARD COMMON SENSE. THEEE IS S O TAILEND WOOL IN OUB CLOTHING. It is all uioc dean seleotedstook, and we charge no more than our competitors do for inferiorgoods. EEMEMBEE we guarantee price and quality of our


We have a few Specialsfor you to inspect now.Call and see them.


September DO, the Rev. T. F, Chamber*married MisuBtuBQeasto MiMlltHy Miller.

PIUCB—CABE— At the parsonage of tiracsM. IS. Ufaurch, Doror, Beut. 2J by tbe Rev.W. J. Hampton, Joseph Price to Miss AnnaCue both ot Murristown,

TRUSCOTT—DBTRIOK-At the homo ofMrs, Trweote, on DicKettun street. Deer ,&«pt. 80 Dy the Rer. W. J. Uatuptun. Blob-ard A. TruMott, ol Dovir, to Mus Edit) J.Decries, of Btroudtburg, rfl.

ber 80. lIonoBh Willkma, wire or RobertFord Ornm, ng<>d 71 ji-arB, Funeral «er-vlcas Monday, October 6, at 2 p. M. fromhr lt rd lUtuxeai at nvenirnce of tha famllv.

ber 6, at 2 p. M. frluUtuxeai at conveni-

It.1• DENTI8T, •

Hft.RDWA.lie BTOltt,



To Let.Well fumlshrd roomi Buitable for lig

k l F. F i e tnlnUU. depot Add'

l w pBOX 235,

Dora, ». J.

Wanted.Three or tour fint-clasa butchers.

Apply U>

H0TH & Co., Morristown, H. J .

Between 7 and S A, H . 4S-1W ,

Notice.Tbe anaufl] meeting of the Btoclbolders of t he

Leojtold Coiniwor, for UIB purrrao ot clucUnit anew Ooanl of Directors ot tbe company, will beheld a t IM ofllco In Dorer, Muuilujr »tU3TP00n,

Notice.The annual tueeUnn of UIB stockholders of Tim

DOVER J'HIWTINQ COMPANY for the election of live~" rectors, nlll be held In tlieoftlce or the HecreUry

tba nortlweat coruer of D lock well and SussexflUeeU, on Tuesdoy, October SO, ir' " O. 0. li



TAYLORDover's PODUlar ClotHiers >™.<.J .

I LEAD and OTHERS FOLLOWWltb tbe largest Hoe of


Ever offered to tbe people of Morris County

All the newest creations in CARPETS and through our

entire building you will find a display of FURNI-

TURE not equaled la regard to price and

styles In tbe State



Our Platform

Dover, N. jr,, October S, IBM,

HUMAN"'"*' Secretary.

I am credibly Informed tbat at Lunbeit-"~ the cheers for MtKlnley were louder

than tbcee for Bryan, whloh angered John-ston Coroltb, and be iD«rlnglj advited themto go and a*U (heir bides toHannal Well,did yon ever f

Ianbertvllleianoton the D , L andW.Itf Neither were tbe oheerers employes o

the D., L . S W , Before I went to work forUncle Bam I w u coming across the Hudsonriver one day on one of t ie ferryboats fromNew York lo Hoboken, Everybody's bloodw u mlbing jnit about that time and every-body wu not as level-headed as be ought tobe. On tbe ferryboat there was a man wbowore a broed-brlmmed hat, a red shirt, abelt around his waist in which were stuck

'0 or three plrtoh, a revolver or two and abewie knife, B« wu& Muttering, twearlogloud-mouthfd fellow wbo aald aeballtd tramTexas, He paced thedeck of the boat all tbeway across telling folks who were compelledto listen to him that one man from tbe Southcould lick half a doten Yankees, and howLincoln ought to be shot for Crying to aoarcathe South, but Davis would show him, etc.Th* people sat around and only laughed athim. If a Northern man had made a speechextolling the Yankees and decrying the peo-ple of tba South on the Mississippi, near Ne<Orleaxw, tbe people would have pitched himinto the river and let him awlm athora ordrown. I t only showed the difference In

Enpenment between tbe people of the two•ciloos.

And now Ur. Bryan Is trying to stir upbad blood between the two sections again.But be can't succeed. Onedrnof that kindof thing Is enough for a generation or two.

I opened this litter by saying that Mr.Halbtead and Mr. Iteaeoner were here onMonday. I t la currently rumored by ourDemocratic friends that tbey ouue here tontltnldate the employe*, to compel them torot» the ZUpubllcu ticket or be discharged]Laws mo I What vivid Imaginations some

peopla have! When JUr. Brjan was here fe«sawtbeboy* In their overalls and Insinuated

>t ft weald Dot be well for them to pro-claim from Uw house-topi bow they weregoing tOYOtc, but toe Australian ballot wouldmake them all straight on election day, Telkabout Insulting people! I guess this was In*rait enough, and yet these free silver e ruyfolk bad to build, a g r a t story oat of tbe factthat the General Manager and Hnperinte nd-entofthe M,and E. division were hen for

or M on Monday.


Democrat* took It seriously Aod ItjitnukiAUtottrtinaule^Kidi bear tbty


COMPANY.Hereby take noUco tnat on Saturday, Ociober 8,

IBWJ, a t It A. M. a t BtaWts of Kicuard Clmplln a tML ArlliiKton, Morris County, N. J., (whtrn andwtiere U to be sold as per noUcea to tlwt effecteiwwbere a lot of liorB«ilM>lDD>;lDgtoBaldCliuplln)I will sell to highlit bidder far casb. willserve, four liomta and a lot ol liar ness,

AUo that on Saturday, October 10, IBM, a t IBo'clock uooti, a t uaid Mt, Arliotrton, I will sell t obljhui t bidder for wall, wl thiut reserve, a largequantity of vrlnes.llijuuraaacln'ocerli's. Forthcaewine*, liquors and itroccrles, liids will flrst be re-celred for u n i e In lout and tben In bulk. '

Dated tjeptember W, lUM.JO11N 8. MclIAfiTKEl,

R e e d i e r ot Mount Arlington43-Hv Hotel and Land Company.

We believe the muscle on a man's arm should betbe basis that will stamp too cents

on every dollar

State of New Jersey.DEPARTMENT OF STATE.


Whereas, ID UIB Judgment of tbe Board of Dlreo-tore of tha HopatcoiiR Hotel Coiupanr, a corpora-tiOQorganlzed uadcr the laws of this a late, i t b a sbeen deemed odfleabie and most for tha benefit ofnuch corporation tliat tho u n i t should bu dltaolredbefore Ui» e ip l ra t ionot the time Hulled in IU cer-UCcaW of Incorporation aa appears by a duty au-thenticated record or the pnxxwdloirerif said Boardof Directors ot such corporation held ID accordancewlUt tlie proTleJoDB ol an act entitled "Aa act COD-ceralUK corporaUons (Kerialoaof ]800]"apAprilBttt, IBM, wblcb said r tconl , incluJtncootentln w l U r i h t k l l d l l

ttt, IBM, wblcb said r tconl , inen t ln wrlUngorihe atockltolders o l a o l d L . .

poratlon lhat suuh dlswluuoo should take place,a s by sola act required Laving been by safd cor*poraUon d e p s i t d I U D l r t l S t

Sail therefore, I , Alexander 11. Rlcltey; Assist.-aniBecreWryOtBtaWof tlw elato ot Noiv Jerwy,being salJsfledbj due prooIUi*t Uie requirementsof "An act conccrnlafc corporations (lUvisIon of18M) " approved April Blst, 16WS. relotlre u> thedissolution ot corpOTnUotiB, bavo been lully comfully com-

— , „ » „_„ ,_.-porenon, aa hovuy oer-Atf Uiot tbe UopotconK Hotel Cvmpanr, md onthe twentjf-fourtti day o( September, lftH), 111B Inthe olBce ot uie Secntary of SUte a duly executedana attested cerUHcate or consent to tlie Ubaolu-Uoo ol aald corporation by tbe Block liolders there-if, which aald ctutiOcateof cunwot, nad the record

atoreeaid are now — " ' ' *L-of th« proawdLngB «.%..™^.«said olilce, a s tvovlded by Uprovided by Uw.

lo testimony whereof, I ha re heretoact toy liand and afllied mj afllcladeal, a t Trenton, tills twenty-fourthday or Septemlwr, A. D. elRUMenbondrcd and ninetj- t l i .

A. H. 1UCKEY,* tkcrotary of stale.


Sound CurrencyLots of Good Goods for a $1.00

We want plenty of Local Trade

You are bound to visit us

We do not speculate, we work for your patronage

Bay our "Roberts' Medal Flour" at «4.2S bbl.About the best made '



Miss RacklleRenard-Supported by her own compuir ppwenUng s, flse

MQDdaj ereainj tha gittdat ot claulca

or the "Greek Slave


Prices - 10c, 20c, 30SMtanovoB ubait EUlgora'a Drue Start, and

Very Finest Han 11c. per pound

fresh Neat Is cheap with us



Dress GoodsNew gooda jost received in plaids,

cliecko, Bonole effects and oil tbe

latest novelties and newest oolor-

bgs, the largest assortment wo

have ever shown at. .2Go, 35o, 39c,

4Eo, 60o, 76o and »l.O0 per yard

Ladies'Kid GlovesIn browns, tana, blacks, greena,

reds and all fashionable colors, in

mtton and lace, our regular $1.00

glove 79o per pail

Fine All-TVool Snilings in bhot,

grejs, browns, navy, greens, red

and also in a large assortment of

fancy mixtures, 60 inohes mde at

only 6Coper yard

We hare jnst received a line of

fine blaok Frenoh serges, very de-

sirable goods, which ve hare mark-

ed at the following low prices:

44 iuolies wide COo yard

60 " " .76o

60 " " very flne..85o

Black BrocadedDress Goods

In a large assortment of designs

and Btyles,.42 inohes wide.. 75o yd

Special values in

Fine Huck Towels20x40, fringed and Hemmed., ,19o

FlashskinThe new polishing cloth 26o pair

Table Linen57 inoh Oreme Damask.. . . SOo yd

59 " " " . . .35oyd

66 " " " . . . . 6 0 o y d

eaohoa " ..-. .40oyd

5-8 Napkins 76o doi

$1.00 doz3-4

HandkerchiefsLadies' all linen hemstitched

handkerchiefs, 9o each

LadieB' fine embroidered hand-

kerchiefs Do each

lien's fine colored border hem-

Btitched handkerchief!.. .lOo eaoh

UmbrellasLidiee' 2B inoli smbiellw, fanoy

handles at $1,00, (126, (1.50,

$1.76, $2.00 and f 2.25 eaoh

Children's School UmbiellM at

only EOoeaoh

THE 6E0. BICHflHDS CO.Isn't it



watcnes. CiocKs. Jeweinj, Diaraonas. silverwareAnd to fed that you will receive polite attention, the benefit ot low prices and

above all honest goods. Have you Been our large line of

SILVER-PLATED WAHE FOB WEDDING PEE8ENTSA consignment of Watches has just been received which we will aell at the low e

market price. I carry only what an experience of many years convincesme is the best,, w e know the needs in tbe Optical Trade, being

practical in the business

BV9« BKA.MINBD 1*R1O11Special Attention given to repairing of Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Th

Standard U- S. Naval Observatory Time furnished to tne daily at noon, '



Blaekwell Street - - DOVER,'N. J

Slavery Still Exist?™"*be nnnuat couBuropttca ot tobacco, onswonldtay—VfS/

_ America's men are slaves to one of tbe two tyrants—_r Chewing, SUO~fClS€l, tlie monarob whose rule

if omlToces tliemoxt eub]oots. forces blSBlavei to pa; doutJa tte trlbut«9 tiULiratUcrdQcumdB. BurrtyUTCTeilmeanolherAbrauftiaLlncolQ\ atrstcned forth bin mltrhtj hnad nnd (reod America's men tjom tbess

deblllutltic. Urttln-wookenlnn, ner?e-rulnlcg tyttats.

OR. MTGHETTE 18 THE iANno offers trecdom w any all ve w tte lotwcco tubll la ffa nouns. '



If you are "on the fence"

ClothingsFor the least money, coll on us. 'We don't ask yon to take om word

for it, make on examination and all your doubts will be bniBliedaside. Hare yon Been oar :' ' -

Men's All-Wool Fall Suits from $5 to $10

HATS--Fall Styles are now ready.


Cor. Blaekwell and Sussex Sts.. •:• L DOVER, N. J .


GREAT BLANKET SALEDuring warm weather prepare for cold weather, that's why we tell you bu/

your winter blankets now. Why certainly 1 Buy them now and save money

thereby, H you buy them at the great sale which begins on

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, '96continuing for jajdays. y / e have put such prices on these goods as Is necessary

to sell them qulcklyjat. this, season. The prices an", so low that you can save

enough to make it an object to lay in a supply now against the heeds tbat will

surely come with the inevitable winter. The values are remarkable. Every pair

of blankets bought at this BKIC will prove a paying investnlent.

White Cotton Blankets, regular price $ ,6o now 5 4 9

Grey Wool

Come early and get the best values. Don't forget the place.

.7° "1.00 "

I.J5 •'.'.••1.50."

4 .S0 . "s . 9 6 • •«:

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J.°° ,••'•'6.00 "




: 3-494.29


Sovereign's Co-Operative Store. BTJIUJUIO-

Cor. BlackweH and Morris S t s . . DOVER. NEW JERSEY


THCliti ol nanDloitt and liinoujBpecUl Ktieotlop j t ron to tho '

" t a n Uehod'of Toicli and Tcchnio"


. HODS) Filnler and Decorator,


[flu, 10pp. flwnitflj,.

D07EB, W.I.




Ate now prepared lo show early Importations of


DRESS TRIMMINGSC A viiit of hnpeclim IB necmiary to lorm a conception or tSIs Grand SC Display of Seasonable Goods

= Saaples sent upon request

Tree delivery throughout New Jersey \

We u e selling agent, for Butteriok's Celebrated Pat- 2s terns. CiWognee and FMMOD Papers free. Z

I H E A T H ••& D R A K E , 1•*" and 719 Broad St., Newark, N. J . '"




— METHODS in ill departmenta The beet lighter),

heated and rorniahed rooma of any BUSINIBB OOWiEOE in

the State. Brrinew prtotioe from start to flnisb. Student,

oaa enter at aajtime. ALL l u t years GRADUATES

h»Te POSITIONS. T18ITOB8 a l™ y s WEL-


Cepy of College p.per ,nd Crtalogue « n t FREE upon application.


Dover, New Jersey.


TWts Eiamlntd.L


Loans jegolUted on Mortgages on Rtai Estate

" T l V h e p T l l lValuallom appraised by Committee! o( iht Bo»rd of Qlrectocj



BlaokweU 8t , D Q T E H , H. J.


for Rent.


Cover Tor tbfi tniufer of bl« UKB*> to b^pr * « « Wurra it™t,.-M Onto lo "I),™'™rti.BC- -

^^ .

Page 3: The highest grade of fii| shoe s !orjelliff& Co. · ATTOBKKY AT hJL.1T asm »USTJ!3A»oBOIJCiTpBI» CHJJKHBX Om J A. IIOI'I


TbP i,ih- caal bin at Fort Morris ii bain

-[1] V. Hlioemakar Is digging a cellar lorjeir !»"•'*lor NDIMK oa **» Bowlby tract

ftoh-Hor CuarUa Oiegler will g i n| [ g reception in Elite Ealloa Monde]

Tbo tuais meeting of the Dover Riid Sound Money Democrat! wil

be beU in tun armory on October 10. HeUablon Vltney will t» <"» of tba speakers.

Rtiiili>l|>u Lodge Ho. 180, I. O.O.F.,hasr^tulud to the family of tbe late FrederickiUbo beautifully eniromed and neatlyfrimed rw ilutlons ot condolence, executedb; City Clfcrk Joseph V. Baker.

Wilt"" 8. Collard", CbarlM Mohlsrand5. HoJJt-'U Attended tbe annual state conven-tion ol tbe Btate Firemen1! Relief Associationin Caji' May on Wednesday. George Sidtul;, Jr., accompanied tbe delegation,

£. P. NuJgbbor on Wednesday soldpbll'p !*• Beat for 0, W. Carpenter a lotUmmiiti elde of Blackwell street adjolnlnitbe resldeuce of George Caebart. Mr. £eip*cU to build .a private dwelling bouaetbe lot

Thomas Curtis, tbe operator at HopatcongtUtlon, !B working in the D., L. & W. ofllceit this i>Uco since Joiepa M. QardnBr leftu,i Thomas Flynn, tbe messenger at Dot•Utlnn la working In Mr, Curtls's place atHepatcong.

Tbi' new ubool bouse at Crane Hill will bermly '° r occupancy about October 15. MissEthel Potter, daughter of Principal ErettiE. tutor, of Port Oram, will teach In it.UiisVoUerlest yeartaught in the old atomKbool uouie at Mt, Pom. *

ftate Loft No. 1 0 % of tba Haymakers,bad one of tbeir interesting and enjoyablemonthly "blonoutu" at tbelr lodge room on•Jfct Bj night, A delegation of thirty's!HIT makert from Roekawsy was prevent andthere van provender a-plenty to regale tbeInner nmn.

Jonai H. BurcheJl, viho. wae neentlyrtrloken wltb paralysis, h u » fur recoveredu (o bo able to be out again. It will be sometime, lion ever, before be will be able to RI'his venom] attention to Ms buiinen, which,lines his Illness, has been In charge of hla son,George A. DurcheU.

Theodore Ford, of the D., L..& W. station,while taking trunki oft, tha baggage oar ofNo. G oa Saturday, had tbe misfortune to letone drop on his loft foot, mashing threehis tw-B very badly, He w u laid off for sev-ers] dayB and still walks witbaliinpinoonK(|ueDce of tbe accident.

County Superintendent W. L. Cox, who«aijiloyed hie timB during tbe lammer vaca-tion period In the preparation ot hla annualreport and tbe conduct of a summer school,Indulged kimnelf In a week's play spell atGreen Pood, la company with E. _D. Halsey,3r,,ot Jlookawaf, Iu twMk. '

J.raee MeDavlt Post, 6 , A. R., of this city,wllUttondseryfoa next Bunday in tbe FirstBoptUt Church, wben the pastor, tbe Rev,Wm. E. Bhawger, will preach a sermon ap-propriate to tbe occasion.: VcDavit Post 1one of four local organisations that havepUtcd memorial windows la this, ohnrch,

IcIerefiUng servlon are being held fn theFlandetB M. E. Church, tn ttae abaenoB of tbepsetor, who Is away on bU vacation, by JohnChapmsn, of tbis city. At the «rvlees 00Buiidaj Mr. Chapman will be aeihted by therafJroad evavgtsltota ot Monrl'town, Tbe at*tcn.lanc-o at these meetings h u been gratify-IDRIV large, - - .'..•

The H(l«enth annual reunion of tbs He'Jeney Associatloti of Union » • Prisoners ofWar will be held at Eoglswood on Thursday,October 8. Tbe business meeting will be heldIn Dirlght Post room at 11 o'clock A . U , andthere will bean Interesting o*mp Bra la thes(ternoon, to which the lady friends of themembers are Invited. . . .

Hamilton McK; Twomblj'* ibulk at a Wit of 13,000,000 near Convent, Is•earing completion; and whenflntBhfd willbs OM of tne flow* in H^ni Jersey. • Then araeiUnaho groundi,, obnssrratoilsi, la«ns,flow »a-.?rat snd a paelf- stocked /arm.FiflMu thouisnd dollars' will ba paid yearlyfor the WBUCB of servants alow. . • -

ABBcred concert «1M be given oa TnetdayOctober 0, at 7:80 pi M,,'In tbe First M. E.Church, by Frofessor J, A. Hultmao, teacherof mueio fn North*Park,allege, Chicago,under tbe ausploee of tha Swedish Cmtbml Church, Tfca programme trjJlot piano and organ, rtdtaU and vocal eeloc-tiowln both £nglbh and Swedish.

A heart cootalalag 28 full cutwhite diamonds and 25 turquoise, (rom whichone email diamond and two turquoise badfallen, was lost a fear days ago between theMansion Bouse and tbe p. , L. & W. stationThe Codec can bo pat IcoomraualoaHon withthe owner, who will pay asaltaHh reward forits recovery, by calling at this office.

The Woman's Vieslonary TTnlon of thePmbytery of Konls and Orangewill boldIts sixteenth anneal mestlDg in the'SouthStreet Chnrob, Morriitown, onOctober 21, beginning, al 0:30 A ' M. KTS.Gerald V,!e mill addrest'ttft ttintf ng betireeaIt and ] 3 o'clock. Other totemUng speakers*lll be beard In the afternoon, There will be& "Young People's Hour" from 8 to 4 P. U.

Tbe oigbth anntul e^oankm of the OddFellows ot White House took pUoeyesterdty.Their objective point « u tbe Intersute Fair« Trenton, when an OBJoyable day wa"peat. A toctlaatf . t t e nctintoo mam m>Irom Mendbam,' ,on[• the • Rockaway ValleyRailroad; the uaurrioolsts from that placetwfng trtaiferred t o l h e Central train atWhite Hoties.',, Aotmber oti Dover Odd i!el-lowi acM>mp^l«d th . Mconiaa.

Bute Road Bupervtsor^odd, acoonipanledcy Freeholders .Yonw and Fanober'endCounty EaglowKlnf , on Jfonday InspccteiJthe two roads in Roxbury township for whichUr. Faacber reomUy madei application forttefr conatrootlon bndsr the State. B-xd «ot.Ibese roadt ran Irom Hi.. Arlington lo Koo-•»il. and frppi Ltdgewood to Suecasanaa,thtlr combined hogtb being about twomllat.tiuperviaor;Biidd. stated toMri Fanoberthatbe would nobnmeod farorabla actloo onthe peUUoai In queslloo. •' '

AdafeoUve^flne'on Monday aftemoonsetOre tb ttu woodwort:near tbe mantto Ja tit*pulor.61 .Freenoldia'Harrey's'touaB, loIronl.,aod but.ror iU «r ly diicovery bychildren al play In toe yard the nousa wbalddonbUea have burned to the ground, Hr.Ear?ey was abeeot at tha Ume but a Dumbero t people reapdoded to the alarm and a bucketbrlgWd* Waa qaickly foimed; who daah«dabout thirty buckets ot water on tbe Oamesbefore they were quenched, Mr. Harvey es-tlmatea bis" damage by. flra and water at

An uuknowni man, apparenUy about fortylean old, wai latt Saturday afternoon struckind iutantly killed near the' tbrtespaabridge, on the High Bridge branch of theCentral railroad, by Conductor Crook's train,*hloh leaves Dover, at 851. ! The horriblymangled body was taken to.ForS.Oram.' A

and «»1 was found u i tbiL but DO papers. Coroner

ie body, after being held some time for" w, was buried In the Succaaunna

a a bameleu grave.The second Quarterly Conference of Grace

U.U. Church''waa bald on Tutiday evening'a tbe letjturt rbom ot tbo choicb, the Rev,^ V. King. tyre«idlDft in tho abMnee of Pra-Bl£ling Ituier Yaii^Benachaien.: Tte jraator'erepuit tbo'wed tee obureu to ba fa a Mti>-factory ooudlUon both temporally and spir-itually, Favorable rsporta were also madeby the Superintendent of ttae Sunday school,Pnsldent;ol,Uie E'pworth League and tboclan Itftdtn."Tti-M-elocOon of TrusteesAlfred Uobdatoand t . D. Tilljer and tbeelecUon ot Ubruelius Eievlt Were approved.

A grand Bepubiican rally will be held onthe night of powber W", m toe Armory, thisolty; uadtr the auipicea bt the D., L, & W.RaJlrw.d Ueo'a dound Money Ltagne. Gov-ernor Qdgjt* wiU prwi^e «nd iiddraiiaa willbe made by Hon. llanlon Pituoy and Comp*trollerJohn B. Uiboon.o' Newark, formerlyof inb dty. Special'tralna will bo run for

. road inen and. others who desire to attend'from Philllpsburg ond:!Hoboken, mastop* at ail htatioru (Mtireea: tbeas clUe* asdDovar./Ths raUroao nun Intent! to mak

That new whlrtlB on the roWng mill Is

Hon. Mablon PJtaey ^ a t , M Q e r

valley this afternoon at three o'clock.CoBgrewmLu CLarlta H. Powlor addresslarge audience at Belvidare on Uonda


Huuerlntcadwtof PublloSchoolilor a thre*yesr farm.

Captain Martha E . Davis, of the Voli»rs, made her farewell ia Dakar OMJ

House last Sunday evening Wore a lariassemblage.

The ZW. John Robertson, who isknown astbe Bpurgeon of Scotland," preachy to a

large congregation In the First M E Churclon Tuesday eight.

Hon. Joseph H. Walker, „.„'ill driver thm ipoeches lu thU etate tiur.

ibg tbls campaign and will speak in tb^ongrettlonal Dlntrfcton October 7th.

The railroad men at Port Morris ara maling good tima ju.t now u d crsw. oft*a b*vw go right out again as soon u they turnaround on account of the rush of freight audcoaL

Cards are out announcing the marriage onOctober H. at the Presbyterian Church thisolty, of Mint Harriet Halloway, daughter ofRe*. Dr. W.'W. H e J W y , to lrR JudwiCoe,

There will ba a gra nd Republican rally ~(fcsmberlln's Hall, Chester, to-night. Ad-dresses will be delivered by Hon, UahlonPitney, our candidate for Congresi, and Hon,rhomai MoEwau, of Jersey City.

To-morrow (BatuidayJHoa Maulon pltaejwilt Ch«ter, Mendbam and Paunictownshlpa, ipeaklng at Mllllngton at threeo'clock. From there bs wtll go to Cbeifmm,where a reception will be given him in tbe


Tbe HepubllcanB of Bucceaunna raisedbanner and held a routing rally on Wedmday aJgnt fa Youngs'* HaJJ, where MaWoaPitney and 0. Frank Sutherland talked onthe Isaueb of tbe campaign to the largestgathering of Kepublfcina ever held in thatplace. After the meeting a Roxbury Town'(hip Republican Club i»an crgitnlzed withupwards of halt a huulrcd memben as aatorter.


Eoaden of tha En* can old mnteiiallt' In makojt thta column of Interest. Oontributlons thoulL

bo aliinai by the eender'a name an a Kuwantee atgenulneaesa.

Ml&a pbmbe Polhud spent Sunday /aBrooklyn.

John Cooper, of Newfoundland, spent Bon-day in town.

Mrs. Jennie Drake spent Bunday withfriends at Newton.

Auitin Bartron.. of Rockaway, spent Bun-ay with friends In to<

Mlis Katie Burke, of Mt Hope aienue,peat Bunday with friends in Tort Gram.Mr. andMn. Edward Kyle spent Sundayrlth Mre. Sidney Eaggertv, of Succasnnna.Vlas Addle Arthur, of Newark, Is spendingfew daji with her lister, lire, L. B, BiddenHIasUand Potter, of Oacawan, N, Y.t Is

lilting her sister, Mrs, Hunt, of Orchardtreet.

Vrt. Beorgo Cole, of Sustex street, baa••tamed to her home, eiter a week's


George Taylor, of Central avenue, it tbeppy father of & bouncing baby girl whose

eft was thirteen pounds.Mrs, Charles lloblcr spent three days ot

Lhfa week with her sister, Mrs. WilliamBafiws, of Nsw Tork city.Urs. S. L. Btlokle, ot this city, and heres, Mrs. Julia Smith, of Jersey City, areNiagara Falls, for which place they startedMonday.

Unr. 3. H. Sragg, of Bridgeport, Conn.,been vultlng ber siiter, Mrs. Jullm

Btaughter, of Madison, also her parent*, Mr.and Urs. Thomas Tttganowau, of Dover.

Mrs, D. H. King, of Uc Hope avenue, re-rjied on Wednesday from a six weeki' visit

among friends and relatives at New Foundland, West Uilford and Greenwood Lake.

Tbtmday Mr. «nd Un. Klog tA>Jc in the•icunlon to Suton where they spent the day,

Charles Q. Daols, ot Uadlsnn, .Secretary otDlitriot ot Vouag Won'* Christian

LModatlonB of New Jeney, was in townursday evening, completing; arrangements

r the conference to be held In this pleoe,Sclober 24th and 25th.

A Duervtd Promotion.Joaeph M. Gardner, who for the past sixm has been ths operator at the D., L. &station »t this place, his been promoted

the position of station agent at Passalo, to>ke the place of W. H. £smpt»l], who goes

ChlCsgo. Mr. Gardner began operatingi the D,, U & VT. road In 1379 and subs«-

lenti? spent three years, from 1875 to 1STO,learning the oarpentora' trade. In 1B7P ho

-enteied tbe employ of the D., h & W. ands been with theme«r alnos. Tbereisnat

a ofQoe on ths M. & B. Division that he hasot worked In.. Binoo 1870 ha hai put In four

at DiDvlUe, four at Rockaway, two atihatbam and six: at Dover,' Tbe balance'of[is (fmn oe acted as extra man. During hisay lu Dover be has, br his aooommodatlDB

prays and obliging manner, made hosts ofWends who, while sorry to have him lewt,are aUd, DD his account, to know that oe tar•sound a more lucrative position. He went

bis new post oi Wednesday morning. Theua-ddilWCODgrarulsHcns to those of bta

friends and the best luck we can wlihim la that hs nay get along la Fassalo uell m% he did la Dover. _.

: A Pftthatla flnutA young woman waa but nlghtfonnd lyingsooiwiouB on Blackwell itTMt nearly oppo-

the foot of Proepect street by Edwsrdoolr, "Doc" Bon l l and David Morgan, .whorrled her into theoffloeof Dr. P. 8. Hscu.

was suffering from hysteric oonvnlslonsreasioed la that sUte for nearly, four

ara during whloh.Mme she walled forth apatbetio story other search for a waywardsister, who, she thought.wia an toasts la adisorderly house in this city. Mrs. Stephen

ool, Mrs. Barton Smith and a slater of thel t d to remain wftt h»r aU

''Princess Bosebad.1

A Urge aaiemblagB greeted the productionof 'PrinceiB Rosebud" in the Baker Opera

It rained a r&|n someUmee describe^ as rain-tog "cat* and dogi," and on Wednesdaynlglit, when the weather wan fair, thsra waaa still larger attendance, all ot which wasvery gratifying to the Dover branch ol theYoung M«n*, Christian Association, wboseempty coffer* the proooeds were designed to

"PriLoea1 Roiebud" ia a fairy extrava-g a n t told In tuneful songs, with picturesqueaccessories, presented by a cast oomposed en-tirely of young boys and girls a&d youojladUs. The role of the heroine of the story,••Princess Rcabud," * „ onumed by littleMarion Blcbanfe, who acted bee p u t won-derfully well a&d sang ber tuneful aonga Inexcdlent voice and with much expreajlonHer "Good-bye, UtUe Sweethearts, Good-bye" madea decided hit.

Raymond WoodhuU acted the part of"Pnnce Curlj" to perfecUoa.' Bosale Gillenshowed mucl self-possession and deseneacredit far the manner In which tbeassiunedthe double role or "Fairy 'WhlUwBnd"L- "Old Woman." Flossie Birch had a

ier dMllctilt part uatgoed to ha la thecharsctar of "Madam GruHenongb"a djs-peptlo governess. Ber makeup w u In keep-ing with Thackeray'i conception and her act-ing showed cureful training. Margaret Ben-nett node 4 good "FrlnDeas Zeptyrlovt/lUwwell Bo*tlby, u "KLig Qraball,^ amRoy Lynd, at the "Prince of Bengo Whango'looked and aoted tbelr respecUve parts welL

Special mention should be made of MarthaBedgeman, who on Tuesday night had togi.eraostof thelioea belonging to "Bllw Wlngt»Bhe did It so well thtt the absence of the Ut-ter character wa« Urdly noticeable. Mr.Broyere on tiat olgbt held UiecaiUiu forfifteen minutei for Hekn Dunham, who didnatput in at) appearance of therain.

The young ladle* In the "Poppyland drill1

were costumed very becomingly aud the drillwas greatly enjoyed by all Theyouaa ladleswbo gave tho'Tan Drill" wore unique cos-tumes ani played an Important part. Thedrill was different from mo«t fan drills andthere was a general desire manifested for an

The "Tote," in quaint night robes, and withdolls olasped In their arms, aang "We Don'tWant to Go to Bed Yet" with voloe and ge*ture expressive of a good deal of determina-tion and were appUuded for their rfotouaconduct The (imitation) "Kangaroo" proveda faithful attendant to "Prinoees Eflsebuil"n hoe w a n d e r ^ as a waif, and It was'there,lore not a matter of surprise to see thai mar-tuulal in the character of train-bearer to theE'rf noire w hen she otme Into her own.'

Tha "Standing Army" boys in their'mill-»ry costumes, apecially for "Princessfexebud," looked very military and theirevolutions were well exeoutad. '

Tba tableaux youcjt ladles gave the audl-ine at much enjoyment as any other featuref the programme. Their costumes wereteulgood by Miss 2fao BJtapeco and ware airedlt to her taste, The eleven dlSereutableaux were formed by jcroupi of nine'oung ladtes in the most novel and arttitfoHSU.

To tell in detail in about tha marchesnod ensemble eficoti would be to give aword ptoture of the entertainment forwhich we have not the space. Buffloe it tosay that "Prinoesi Rosebud" was an art'stio,md whst is quite as gratifying, a financial

Mr, Broyere, who conducted thsrehearsals, deserves much credit for hla

<K and efficient handling of so manypeople on so small a stage. Mr, Srnyerettatos tbat he Is much indebted to tbe Ladles'

ixlllary of the T, M. 0, A. and to Generalleorttary Austin for their valuable aid In

production of "Princess Rosebud."A word mote, Whlla it was originally la-

tendod to give tha play but twioe,- It bas sincei determined to have a matinee perform-9 on Saturday ttumooa specially tor

cbool children "and their stiten and thairoualns snd their aunU," for which the prices

II' be 10 cents for children and 90 cento foradults. Thb will be the but opportunity ofseeing this charming play, and a crowdedhouse should greet its matinee production.

Ight and this morning, the young woman,ogareber name as Mrs. Minnie Bishop,anrtned tbe story abe had before told Inr delirious state. It was also learned thatrare Matin* on ths street she hsd a pursetelnlng a gold ring and 15.63 which tome"i stole from her. An effort was this mora-

I made tb locate bsr sfsEer at the bouse ofDUamDlttler, who; bo«i*sr. professed toownoihlogabWthejoungsjirT.- Tlielat-•, It It taf a, was to Vortr up to U»e* wseka

Bbe U only 17 years of age and hersiaGrace France.. - ' ,:_

Dr. Halloway'i SOtb. Annlvenarr-selsswhue annniDced, tbe Rev. Dr. W.HaUoway wlU on flondsy. obierve the

sentleU, anniversary of hU pastorate In thaibyterian Church of Do«r.- Dr. Hallo-bAiohlssttidinintbe New Bninswlok

minary and sabsequanUy entered the NsvrrotK tniierslty, which institution In 1673

ored film wich the iogrm ot D. D. Hisi paitortto was in BellaTlll*, Essex county,m then ha went to tha First Reformed

mrch in-'Jansy City, whew he nmalnad.II bli acoeptance ot his present charge in

HTi). The Ref. Dr. B. 0.' Magie, whoireached In the Dover Presbyterian Cburch

ore Dr. Halloway,.retained the pastorate±kt church for a period of 88 years, mak-

I the joint pastorates ot Dr, Magle -ni Dr.InloV.ycomap.riod of almost CO jear*r H«||awaTi)StlUinhlspTUaeand-a IDDKm of n-Salo-i in hl» present ipn*" of

still before him. . y

OomedTtraff ld irFwe.• "Iogomar, the Barbarian," wlU be the In-lUal play by • tat talented actress, Mill

aohelle Renard, and her excellent companythe Baker Opera Houss Monday, Gotoberto be followed during tbe week by a changeplay each evening. Only ths strongeat

.ysb' her repertoire hate been retained,d u i r ones fca« bsen added. The com-

.any has been strengthened this -.season andIrsfrclafla diamaUo performances, equal Wose|tv«n nan. by them jut season ju»y be

wkedfor. Fopular pricw. :

Vetetans Take -All comrades ol James McDavU Port, No.I, are requested to meet at their Poit room

Sunday, October 4, at lOo'dock.»,"., wtandbyr.que.tdlvlneaarvloc.iuttBPirrtintiit Church. All other veteran soldierse InvlUd to go with tbe Post to this service.

- A . UKDDIS, Adjutant.

Boms Blv Smprises.'Ill be offered the l*dlea in regard to prloes

Ed, h. DIckerson's Do«r Otwk Opeaing,\ BatUXday, Bept, B6, and loHOtting ««k, •

Wo. 1 atEngtnB Company No, 1. of Dover, left ben

a special train at 8:10. o'clock yt«ttrdaying to ' ' ~


Wharton Klne to H a n a Zfev L a mHoLatlsg B M U U i n Anticipation of tbiElection at HoKlnle7 a&d Prosperity.Toe MorrfB County Uachloe and Iron Com-

pany have treoted, and are about;«KBpUUng,at their shop on Bwcex street, the largestbobrtiog engin* ever built for a Morris oouatymine, and only exceeded In site and power byone ether In the Btate, namely, the large en-gine of the Blerllcg Iran and 2Iao Co.,Franklin.

The tvgine, *he& completed, will be placedat tbo Wharton mine »t Hlbenda, owned ewdoperated by Joseph Wharton, or Phllsdel-paia. Ur. WbarloQ's Urge Interaste tn NewJersey are under the efficient management ofEdward KcUey, of port Oram, and thlc pow-erful engine is a part of the plan that Mr.Kelley has bean working out la detail forsome time put for the purpose of placing themine In such shape that it can be workedby tbe roost modem methods,

Tb* deoand lor iron ore at tbe presenttime Is not great, but it Is generally concededby thoue most conversant with the iron tradithat in the events! McKinleyaod Hobarftelection, and the restoration of confidencethat wlU mult therefrom, there will be asudden lucrease tilths demand for ore, and uthere are no itocks on hand, either at themiiiri or furnaces, mining must be activelyrimmed overy where, Mr. Kelley bai, there-fore, taken time by tbe forelock and proposesto be In a position to turn out a large productwh«n tba boom oomea. ,

This hoisting engine Is a double cylinder,Ittgle drum, second motion hoist of four

hundred and fifty horse-power. The cylin-ders sre eighteen iDcbPBin diameter, with astroke of twenty-four inches, and ars placedupon engine beds of the box pattern, whichare very massive. The engines are placedone on each side of the dmm, and are con-nected by heavy cast Iron tte-plwes at rightanglfitobedisndboitedtothem. Tho pillowblocks ot the drum are bolted to extensions

i tbe engine beds, thus virtually making thewhola bed of tb# AoUtar one continuant ptote,which Iniureegreat etlffnesi and durability.The power from the engines Is transmittedCo tie drum by means of a steel dutch atxtpinion on the crank shaft, working Into aa cast Iron gear attached to the drum. Thegear wheel Is tlgU feet In dlorattar and hu

faos of eleven inches. Tbe drum Is ot castIron, oaet In one pleoe, and has a dU motor ofseven and one half feet and & grooved face ofsix feet. Tbe drum will hold 1,300 feat oflocb and e quarter stoe] rope Ja one )sp. Thedrum shaft Is nine inches in diameter andeleven feet long, and the crank ehaft sevenand one-eal/ tncnes fa diameter and twelrofeet long. Tha bolster Is «qu1pp«d with abeam brake and llDk-revanliift gear, and isbuilt to hoist 10,000 pounds at a speed of 000feet per minute. The total weight of the en-gine complete Is 00,000 pounds. A foundationof solid concrete, twelve feet In depth, isbeing built for this engine at tbe mine underthe tuperrUloa ot Andre* Roderer, Jr., oftbis place.

The Morris County Machine and Iroo Go.have aba completed and ready for deliveryan engine which it to be placed la the rivetmill of tbe Dover Iron Company, Tbe cylin-ders of tbls engine are sixteen (aches In dlam-eUr, with a stroke ot twmty-elgbt InchM.Ttli engine Is equipped with a Meyer adjust-able cut-oil valve and • Judion governor, andweighs 18,0(0 pounds.

Y.M.O. A..The Boys' Brigade drill will be rstumtd

neit Monday evening «t 7 o'clock sharp, Hewmembers have been added and a ipUndtd sea-son's work li looked tor.

AU young men ooaUmpUtlog joiningeither tb. educational or gymnaslam olssiesshould attend to the matter at once, as thesecltssMoommtnot nextwsek.

The Bible training class, which brglns Idwinter sasafoo next Sunday mornins;,- wlUtake op tbs study of Christ at a personalworker, using tb* ontllntf urnlihed by Sscn-tary Heater, of Chicago. This Is a veryprofitable comst ot study for Christian

ouog men, and it is to ba hoped that manyi U i l t b t ' f l t

ig guestet ninety men la llnelWI1 tae>- p.**'sented a handso ue appearance In their newuniforms, rs they marched to the station,hMd«d by the Enterprise Band, also in newuniforms. The Boonton firemen ware on ths

B train, ae was alw tha D o w Band.whkhbeen rag*g«d to bead tit* Alert Pin

Company, of Fhilllpsburg, wearing toe hand-some uniforms purchased by them but a tewwteisago. ThetriptoBaMoowatapieeBaatoue and was enlivened at Intervals by theEnterprise Band, which played a number of•tltcttons oa the way. Tba train arrived i tEaston about 0:40 o'clock and tbeflrsnwn on-loaded tbelr engine ani prepared for theparade. I

Every railroad running- into Eaitos ranipedai trains for the accommodation of tbe ,Iremen and their friends and every tral n wasrowded. Tbe regnlar trains were alsorowded to tbetr utmost oapadtr awd taoor

i from the nelihborlag towns and villagesIroveln. The crowd was toe targeet Eseton

•r saw and Is variously estimated that•rom fifty to seventy-five .thousand people •Fiewed tbe parade, , .

The city was handsomely decorated and. on :every side the visiting ore laddlee ooulA seatokens of wetooma. ID /act, t ie flnmen

ted the town.This section of New Jersey was well repre-

sented. Betides Dover, Morristown, Boontoo,Backottstoirn and Newton had oompanltt Inlino and they were all a credit to the town*tromwblch they came.

There wen about 4,000 nremen la Has aidtoner, body. of. men'ean-not.b% tmaglBsd.:hey were voelferoutly applauded all aloajt

line, Dover coming In for a Urge share otForemia Otcrge Burr may wall be proud

tbe men in his command. They were *lit to thBtnwlves and to tbo elty ot Dorer •

'After tha eaantennarah oa Norttamptonstreet the visiting companies wera esoortedto tha Headquarters assigned to them In dlf-lerent parto of the olty. Here, there, e*«ry-nbare, no matter where one went, wonld',twmcoantered tnarohlng bodies of men, headed>7 br>M band* or drum oorps, and at Umea

w u hard work for the firemen to' |eUitbar they were In step with their own

lusio or that of same other company. -Dover Engine Cospany had tbelr head.uarttrs at the Swaa Honn, as old alto U b -•ty Hose, of Allretom, and Wilbur Book

md Ladder Company, of Sayre,. Pa. TbaPfnusylvaala boys:proved to'bj cnt-claasMows and many friendships were fonned:'Tbe Morristown Fire WatdevhadttwH|ht

i f l l n e . . . • ' • ' • - . ' - ' ' : . • •"-.•• •

Kittatinny Hoes, of Rawton, showed tberesult of good drilling while, on parade aad:

attracted oowldarable attention along theline aa some of tbelr oanoenvm war* ex-

iflydJffloalt •,.: .... "

, Maxfleld Company, ot Boonton, made aDeatappsaranoe lo their ndsalres and whitet r o u s e r s . • • ' '• " • , ' . ' • ' . ' • • '

A number ot the city o f f a l s accompaniedlover Engine Company No. t . : .Calaraot Hues, of Heckattstown.wM there

•ith forty men and they broagbt tbelr hand*t new boss oarrisga with then, Tbe boys

__saniatappearance, . ". ,'•

Two companies In the line tbat attractedJOOIWorabte stMnlbn were ths Alert Juniors3. & L , and the reliance Junior, Hcesl of'hillipiburg. They were composed ot boysnd were folly, uniformed and marched Ilka

veurana. The old firemen saluted them andmany a veteran wai beard to exclaim "Watchtbo little fellows, Gfod bless c«m. They'll betaking oar placet atter we're gone.11 ~

Washington Engine Company, o( Morrif-a, turned out 100 strong and presented a

bandaome appearanoe.

The Old Hew York' Volunieer Associationwas in line drawing a htcd tome band engine.Thtir banner was carried by eight sons of-oluntew firemen. • 'There were 8W retom tioketa wld at Dover

station for Eutonyesterday. . , -'It took tbe parade aboat one boor aad .fif-

teen mlnutei to pus the reviewing standwhich was erected near tbe circle.

In the afternoon tbe Easton paid fire d»-irtment gare a very creditable exhibitioni frost ot the grand stand.There were (orty bands and drum oorps in

Ice Dover firemen and tbelr friends ar-[?ed home ihortly after nine o'olock last

^Tbeosy was all tbat oould be deelrtd. andia Kajwn people are to be congratulated

» e M c l f f i manner In whica the pro-

vJ^trfblSftotoglTtaM elaborate Maccount M «* irouid irubi :

Tha Yonng Men's Era baa bam mooeed«dby iltn, representing the 1,448 Young Hen'sChristian Assooattona of toll ooontry. Itwill seek to voice tbe etnsa and heart of thisgrtat organisation and to keep abreatt ot thethought and lire of tba association and tbelit* ol young men. Among Its contributors

icb men as Major E. V , Halford, for

don L, Cuylsrt Pnoidtot Merrill E, datManlD. L. Moody. Subsorlptioa rate, l'J50per ytar; dobs ot ten, II each • year. Can-not several of our members dab fc*etbtr andsubeoribetorthispaperl It would oattalnlykeep them In tench wltb tha aanoUU on world

nothing alt* can.Tbe rabjeet for the Bunday afternoon aius-

tratod eerviee b « A Storm at Bta," to whkhthe story ot Jonah's advaoturous oartsr istold in a MW form. An Ulnitnted hymnwJU also be wed. Tbe viswsar* from NearYorkdty and are each at mn used Umjugh-ont the country In these, popular krvtow.Adroitsfon mill be by ticket Toe asrrtci isto ba held In tbe lector* room of the Presbr-lerlao Cburcb, at four o'clock, Bunday alter-&OQO« Men only.L '

•hakeeperian BsoitaJ.A culturad audisoos gaUierad fa Uw Pw#-

byterian Church parlor Monday evening andMstetMd to tbe first ot the course ol rseUatsby Mr. Edgar O. Abbott of Boston. Tbe playwaa " Julius Ctesar" and wat|riv*o*aUrrlyfrom memory. The plot ot the play wasfirst given, then tbe characters analysed and•est tbe lines recited, the exits and tbe tn-trsiwej beinff alto noted. Each characterwaa vividly portrayed—Casco, Brutus andCesar betnf part leularly well done. MaraAnthony's addrtai was partfcnlsrjy well d>livertd, and tb* paUuUc tout betweenBrotnt and Portia was vividly portrayed.Tf» bsarty appraua* wtfab gneted Mr. Ab-bott at the clots shows oonolosivsly that hisefforts «tra appreciated. Tb* ttcond recital,"Hamlet," will We* place Friday; October 9.Tbott who a n not tnbsoriben to tbe ararsecan obtab aingle tickets lor fifty osnto atKUlgoreiandatthedoor. '

ppVic* Cbanosllor Stephens 00 Monday ap-

pointed .John 8. MoUartarj ot Jeney City,formerly of Dover, at reodvtr for the MtArlington Hotel and, Land Company, whlencorporation was recently (owed Into liquid-•HOB at to* dose of" a. bed fnaimtrt aeatoD.Mr. MoVeeter, who took an Inventory ot theMt Arlington Hotel and Land Company's,aseeti on Tntsday, baa anBooneed a sale,uodertte hammer, ot four horses and a lotof harness, to tabs place to-morrow aarninKat 11 o'clock at the stable* of Richard Chap-lin, at ML Arlington, and a sale ot wines,liquors and groosrieB oa Saturday, October i0.

When tha company made their assignmentit waa given oat.that the UabUltiti wen«S5tOD0 and aaieto 134,000, II Is believed,bowevet, that the asetts will Inventory at amuch higher sam. ^ _


Theodoie TS. Lojan Uominated for Con-JProowdinw

in Setall.Theodore N. Logan, a fanner living at

Oltn View, Morris ootmtr, wu on Tuesdayentered 1B tiara,* tor Cougrsisioaal honor*by the Prohibitionists of the Fourth Con-gressional District. The convention whichplaced him tn nomination was held in Hnfr-houss's Hall, this olty. It was a •ness covention, each Prohibitionist pr»«nt, andthiro were 41 all told, having accorded tohim all the privileges of a duly elected andaccredited delegate. Toe convention wasoptned wltb a brief address b j Btate Chair-man Robert J. B. Wbite, of MontcUlr, and•o InroattioD by tbe Rev, WHJJsm H, Mo-Connlck.ot this olty. Dr. J. h. Lefferta, otBelvidBTe, was elected temporary chairmanand Oicar Bowatau, of Bussex county, toot'porary secretary. Chairman Lofferu ap-pointed as a committee on permanent organ-isation O. B. Wlntonnuta, of Sussex ; HenryJohnson, ot Warren: J. H. Creger, of Buo-terdon, and W. H. Enslse, of Morris countyand as a commutes on resolutions, FerdinandV, Wolfe, of Morris ; O. B. Wlntarmuto, of8owex; Dr, F. P, HeKIiutry, of Warren,and tbe Eov. J. A. Craig, of fiunterdoncounty, A recsas of die mlnutts was de-clared to give tbew committee* an opportu-nity of getting together..

When the convention reconvened DelegateJ. Flomerfeltt of Gladstone, submitted a res-olution for adoption calllug upon tbe paitorsof the Fourth Congressional District to takeas the text for a sermon, on the last Sundaybelon election, the last verse of the old


and hs shall tarn the heart of tbe fathersto the children, and the heart of the childrento their fathers, lest I come and smite tbeearth wltb a curse.

Delegate Fiomerfeli, ID explanation of hlaresolution, saf4: " Tha cune Is alreadyupon us and is Oiling our jails and uylumiand even our legislative balls with erimlnals.'To leave so room ft^hvbfgafty h* went anto state that a late Senator from Morriscounty had been a criminal having "telenntooney from the Quttenbnrg gang.1'

Tbe wisdom of Instructing all pastors,whether Prohibitionist or not, to preach froma oertalu text, was questioned by the Rev, A.L. Wilson, ot Belvldere, who said tbat somemight Jook upon snob a proceeding as animpertlnenoe. Tbe matter was dlnuteed proand con and Delegate Plomtrfelt's resolutionwai dually adopted, the mnrentton holdingthat a "request" would be quite innocuoussince anyone disinclined to comply with itneed not do to.

Brief addresses were next ID order, tbe Rev,Mr Wilton leading oil with a highly optlmls'

i which ended with the prophecythat "the Prohibition party is to play in theImmediate future a part which no other partyhas enrptayed In Amerioan politics,11 Whattbat part wu to be he dli not say.

BUt* Chairman "White followed with aa«am«st appeal to ProhlblUonlste to itlok totheir party, " not only as a matter of prin-ciple but as a matter of expediency M well."

At this juncture Mayor Wolfe, as obirir-lan of thecommltteeon resolutions, reported

the following itsolutlans which were unanl-tnously adopted 1

"We, the members of theFonrtb Coogmtlonal District of New Jersey, in Conventionssembled, resolve that we adopt tbe platform

at the National Prohibit Ion party of 1606,Believing that nothing need be added as ex-pressing our views on the liquor tnfflo. Wealso pledge ourselves to support and vote forthe nominee* ot the Prohibition party,"

Nominations were next In order, and afterfive minutes afford the delegates

From each county an opportunity to conferogetfcer, Butsex said, In effect, "' wt pass';

tbe honor belongs tor Morris,"Warren's spokesman tiid: "Warren b u

good material. Warren always has, but Intoll iastsnoe we shall be delighted to pawver Warrea and accord to Morris tbe well

merited honor of having one ot hir men,Theodore If. Logan, named for tae office ofCongressman."

Hunterdon hsd no candidate to offer andhen Morris wu callid upon ''Chaplain" Mo-

3ormlok said: •11 Morris appreciates the honor conferred

by Warren, but It Waneo oould have pro-duced a man the peer cl tbe man named byMorris tba would fcsv* beta glai to havedone so, We most btartily endorse tbe nom-ination of Theodore N. Logan, a man whoelands alx. feet two lu bis ttocifng fetf, wftn,

• • , , . : _Uiikcboot him,'Wit* such a ''ssnd off," dearly n t f i k f

would suDee but to Dominate Mr. Leges'by'a rising vote and this was aooordibgly done.

Aa a matter ol course Candidate Loganbad to make a epetcb and he promptly ac-quitted himself of that doty, stylng ID part:

"As a PratJdwtlal eleotorlthoogbtl wasfortified against tbls nomination, but I ate Iwaa mistaken. I would, decline but lookingabout me and seeJof everytblnf else on thedecline I dont want to decline." . .

With Uda preliminary, Mr. Logan toU of acarnal meetfrg he bad bad on Monday with"On" Cutler, op wbloh occasion the latter,alter expressing deep oonoern over the prot-p U U f P conventionen tbe following day,' had tried to beguileblmlntouslnihlslnfluenoe with his fellow

Prohlba" to prevent the nomination ot aProhibition osLdidat* for CongreN, saybig :"WlMre would yoa find a better temperanoeman than me I* Mr. Logan's answer to this,he said, wast "Mr. Cutler, you are no bet-,ter than your party'and your party standsforlstalJseJhdll b o W

Leaving It to be Infsrred that this had•qMlohed Mr. Cutttr, Mr. Logan went on to

• t while be bad tx> thought' of beingelected, yet ebooid such a thing happen hewould go fn fear awl trembling, hut wltb adetermination to do all In bis power to* downthe. accursed rom tnfflo. And hit bearersapplaud*) approvingly. _ ".

Then followed* speech by Mayor Wolfe,who was gated npon with awe ai tbe Prohi-bition Mayor of • '"rum town"—leastwisetbat was what Mr. Wolf* otUel it.

Among- others wbo spots were ths Rers. A.L. Wilson, of Belridtret J. M. Hauling, ofHeckettstown; A. M. Hurts, of Fort Orem 1WtUIam Hr McCormlck, of Dover; J. A.Craig, of Hunterdon, and C. Clark, Jr., ofSussex, and George H. Lone, of Morristown,FiohlbJtion candWaU for Bhsrlff.

After arrangingtohold a monitor ( 0 Pro-hlbiUanrallj atWashmitno, N. J., on thenfchC of Friday, Octobtr 0. sG wbicb flal*Johnson, Frohibitiotiea»K»date for Vice Pret-tdent, will be the principal speaker, tbe con-

. <*>-«-•, City OOBBOU Xtetlaa:'

A spiels! Qcetluff of the • Olty Councilm l held on Monday sight for the purpose ofrevising " "" "

A. Fane Comedy In Two Aota.In «little, stuffy room in Kentlng's Hall,

that barely heated tte delegates, tbe MorrisCounty Democratic Canvantlon was b&ldWedneiday. Feojile who were Interested inthe fs,te of thulr favorite candidates werecompelled tu iiL cball near the doc

, the Boor or stand In tbetbat was hardly large

enough to admit the passage of our bigfriend, ei-BUeriff LludslBy, wha enjoys the

ot " tbs Green Villago sUtes-Tbe oonveatlon conveoed at 11 A. H.

There was no enthmiaim shown audDemocrats proved to be ttajthlag tmt a bar-

lonious body.£x-3bcrlff Ltndsley was chosen temporary

chairman and William Salmon, of BootHon,temporary secretary. After the appolnttnenlof ooiomltteea on permanent organizationrules, resolutions aud credentials the conven-tion adjourned until a r.

A surprise awaited the delegates when theyreconvened. A larger ball bad been securedin tbe same building end everybody was madetnora oatntoct&bh, Democrat* ore Indeedthoughtful and chock full of bright Ideas.But, AS Mr. Kipling says, thaVa another etory.

AfUr the reports of tbe oorcmlttw*, bothMr. Llndsley aoit Mr. Salmon having beenmade permanent chairman and permanentsecretary, respectively, tbe convention prooeded. to* ballot, or thought they did, Itproved to beafnrce—acomedyot erron,withthe chairman ae tbs B

Th4re were four candidates In the field fortbe thrlevalty nomination t Jc»pb VaoBrktCnarlta A. Oillm, Edward C. Harveyand M."ewisBrower. A bitter fight ensued betwithe Brower and Van Dyke delegates. Threeballots were necessary aud then a MadUoodelegate moved that the nomination of Browerbe made unanimous.

Tbe chair, however, did not wish tbls done,it being evident tbat he was a Van Dykeman. Delegates In all parts of the buildingasked for recognition bat tbe genial Oscarremained obdurate sod wanted another bal-lot taken.' Then there were blBses from tbecrowd who completely surrounded the dale-

ind cries and yells from tha delegatesthemselves. They might just as well have

ltd to pass off anarchy, communlimand tbe!rea il[Ter bereiy under the gulee of Demoo-rao7 as to change Oicar and another ballotwas kkon. Morrietonn's eleven delegatesdeserted Van Dyke and tbe nomination ofBrower was made unanimous. The conven-tion wan tbsworit gathering ever seen InMorristown.

For the Assembly Richard L. HemnltE, ofUedisoo, and nicbard Fltctierbert, of Succa-aunna, were chosen to be the bemooratiostandard beareis. Dr. Knevltt, of Morris-town, William P. Qarrabrant, of Uendha.m,and Dr, E, Tuttle, ot Washington township,were nominated for Coronen.

Tbe delegates didn't seem to know wbo theywere balloting for and time were repeatedquestions as to tba names of the nominees,•adrceaed to the chair lu a littlest, I-don't-care tone of voice, the delegates voting at thecandidate* happened to be aimed, Wbenthe nominations hod all been made there arosetbe usDol clamor for speeches and CandidateBrower, /antes E. Martlne, tbe "farmer ora-tor," snd others responded. Martliie workedoff a caoioe b t of political and financial here-sies and rebuked the " minions ot the (honestmoney) preaa," ihafctog hla forefinger threat-

- at "Hen" TlUyer, bliufully Ignor-ant of the feet tbat Mr. TUIyer no longerwields his tnnohant pea In the came of soundmoney. Before adjourning Mr, Martloe andthe others wbo sddressed tbe conventionmanaged to restore a semblance of harmonyand the delegates mad* tutlavs' they werahappy over their day's work.

., Obarcb Votee,Grace M, B. Cburch—Tbe Ber. John A.

GDttrMje, of Newark, corretpooding secrs-texy of rYeaohMV Aid and Otntenary Fund,Newark, Conference, will preach lo QraoeCharon on Soaday al 10^0A.H,and7^0P.H;8ondayiciK»Ut3:a)P.M-i BpworthLeaguedevotional ttrvloe at A^0 p. x.: FInt at. B. Gbarch-ClM m.iUn«, 0:13

A, M.; preaching, 10:90 A., x .; Bunday school2;30 F. u.; Epwortt League devotional srr-vioe, OiBO P. H.; preaohlnf, 1-X P. H, Dr.Gallawar, the pittor, will preach morningand evening.

. Dr. Halloway will preach tennoni appro-priate to tha twentieth anniversary of fa!*pastorale of thePreeb/terianOnuroh on Bnn-day. Sabjsot for morntag, "Retrospect;"mbjeatforthe evening, "froipeot."

Tbs tsrWoes /a St. John's Cbntvh ntxtanuday.Oatober^wlllbtaafollowit Holycommunion preceded by tha litany at 10:80 A,n.;Banday school at 1US0 P. i t ; evflniocprayer at 7i30 r,* Kj during- the week thsdaily eervloet being resumed, morning prayerwill be nald daily at 9 A. K. ; evening prayeron Wednesday and Friday at 7;45 p, «.; 011other d«ys at 8 p. *.; holy communion Tann-d a t T S O A M

Board of Health. -The regular racnthly nwetiog ot tbs Board

ct Health on Monday night was uneventfulBtalth OfDoer Bagan reported that the MV-eral Dulsances, which had been mad* thesubject of complaint at the August meetingct the Board, had been abated and that thecity was trea from all forms of contagiousdiseases.' There being no-complaint* or com-mnnlcatlbnt to act upon, and Mr, Titman, aschairman ot the committee, on by-laws, re-porting prognsf,' tho Board fell into a quar-ter boor's dMultorj difctueJen of the advisa-bility of providing some tort ot Insignia towear u a badge of euUicrttr,1 and Una ad-


HOBPITi.I,LEnfl-HOCKA.WAY8.the game oa Balurday between tbe Btate

Hospital nine and the Bookmway base ballclub, on tbe Morris Plalna diamond, resulted[n a thorough drubbing for the visitors whofailed to score, while thslr opponents madetbe clioult of tbe bases B times to as manyInnings. Tieoomplele wbltewaahofthe vis-itors was due to too bold attempts at batestealing wben there w u too much at stake.In two uutsnoes men on third load tbelrcbanoM of getting home on hits throughrecklses attempt* on the part of their fellowsto advance a bate. There «raa fine playing onboth tides and several double plays weremade. A notable faatarn of toe game wasthat not a alogli fly was muffed.

The eoore by Innings follows :. . *iltallsrs,... 3 1 O S 3 O O 0 8 I—8" ' ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0

_ „ . - '•B d Qeager for the. hometeam ; TJp'pett and Bunt tot tbe visitor*.Cmplre, T. U, B. Davy. '

BO0MORS—ODHAH 0URT9.The Boonton base ball olub defeated tho

Genuine Cuban Qtanta In a closely contestedgsme last Friday afUrcaon oa the •ncJowdgronndsotthe Boonton Athletic Club.. Thegams throughout was an Interesting one andespecially so at its olott, ExeftemNit ranhigh when Ia the but halt of the ninth InningBoonton tied the score. Tbe home team didnut play aa good ball as they have bean play-ng this summer, which fact may .be accounted

for oa the score ot nervousness at playingwith this strong team. They made severalcostly errors for which there was no excuseand which wars evidently due to a case ofratUet. However, they, bad the game well in

from th« itart, and won b> a acor* of 0to 8. The score by facings wwi««tollowt tCub«nGlanta...'O 0 8 0 0 4 0 0 1—8Boonton 4 1' 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 - 0

Batterfea-Boontoni, Qerber and Mtlssr JCoban Oiants, Howard and Jordan. Umpire,Jamea O. Carter.

Out of twenty-three ball games played thissummer by tee Boonton dub, they have wontwenty, losing only three ; one to Orioles, ofButler, on July 4 ; one to the' Ukesldsa, otNewark, on tba morning of L*bor Day, andUJ« tblrd to the Asylum team, VIotoryperched upon their banner at about everygame, and Manager Baker should be congrat-otated fn putting snob a serous; team) la thefleld,andglrlng.suoha good quality of ball.

KK» BALL, . •Tha ;Orange AtbltUo Club foot ball team

will open the season at Orange Oval nextSaturday at 3:SO p. v, with the Newark FieldClub. The club played its first game againstRutgers College latt Baturday, holding themdown to a score of 4 to 0. Tns local interest

tbe teams will no doubt attract a large at-tendance, i ' .' .'

Tlppett'e tax duplicate. Asseveral of the OooacUmfa didn't appssr toknow exactly .what their duties were In tbepremises. Chairman-Beach atldi ••Look: Itover and If you set any one assessed too lowask why; If any on* it ait t er

d too high aski for It. It's our bnslnesa to revise

tte duplicate.'1

This was pottingjjhs matter plain enoughand tae work of intptcUon began, Mr. Tlp-pttt being Invited to a seat within the ratlingtbat be might answer questions should any bewksd. Boms ten or Sftaan mlsatet werethen spent In thumbing UiiTiloplloate, afterwhich tbe book was olceed and ihoved overto1 Mr. Tfppett, who toolc tUs at a signal Uattoe work ot revision was completed.

A resolution. to divide the olty into twoelection districts was read by Clerk Bakerand pasted fay the nnanlmoui vote ot tbeCouncil. The dlitriote will bs known, re-tpeetivtly, at thenortbern and aouthern tleo-tiondittrleta.

A petition lrom mldsnta of Wast Black*well street to establish a grada for WestBlackwtll ttrtet Inoonformlty with the redgrade line on a curtain map drawn by Ira J.Ope was approved and tbe ordtnanos com-mittee wai dlnoted to prepare an ordinanceconcerning the asms. . '

Petitions wen received and referred to thestreet committee with power for permissionto trim oettaln ahado trees in front ot tho E.C. Burd estate, oa Randolph avonne; onWarren street, between filacxwoll and Dlok-eretra streets; and toretnorea tree from Infront of the store of 'Jtt, L. Dloksrson, onEtackwell street A petition trota 3, J.Bonnet! for permission to plans a alga acrosstha sidewalk In f ront o( hh raiocm on Warrtostreet toot the same ocnmi.

Tha condition ot the Did raceway from theold foundry forge was discussed as to Its beinga msnaoo to tbe publlo health, but no oon-elusion w u reached in the matter and tbeCouncil adjourned.

Ordlnanoet to define ani snppreN trampsand to regulata tho polioo force wore put onibeir second and third readings and f i l l yd t e d T ill badpted. Tflsy will

tbe HBA. naxt week.

o polioo force wore put onthird readings and finallyill bs subllsEMl lu full in


Burrah ForAt the tpedal September sale. Prices cut

In two, obme tod get a big dollar's worth atthtP9T«r£atarcf J, 3 . GrU&m.

Bookawar Bepubllaan Ball/. 'Tbe Republican voters of Rockaway onoeedaT night gave vent to their entbailasm,

aided by the Dover Band, at a public meetingloStickle'i Ball, the first rally of tbe cam-paign In tbat township Despite the stormtile ball wu crowded to tbe doors, tho Hlber-sla Republican Club, who came by specialtrain, helping to swell the attendance. Tbemuting was presided over by Mayor M. B.Strait, who (ntrodcoed Oangnwnmn Charts*N, Fowler as the first speaker. Mr.' Fowleropened with a glowing eulogy of Hon. MahtonPitney and then proceeded to discuss thelanes of ths cunpilgn hit argument beingInterrupted by frequent outburtteof applause.

Mr. Pitney followed Mr. Fowler, receivinga warm welcome. He denounced the freesilver heresies ani made a strong argumentfor the restoration ot the policy of protection.

Addresses were also made by EJgar L.Durlloff, candidate for Sheriff j and CharlesP, Hopkins and Joseph B. Rigbter, AssemblycandldaUi, wbo urged upon the! assemblage,a loyal support of tba entire ticket. Titsirremarks were well received aad the mootingdosed with cbeort for "McKinloy end Ho-bart, Sound MoneyandProteotioQ," ;

tUaolotiona of Condolenceadopted by the. Woman's Christian TemperanceTJnion, of DOTBT. at a meeting held September SO"VBKBKW, It htUt pleased Almighty Clod to re-

move from our Union Mrs. Ilattfo Jlenrfu, asister highly esteemed and veil beloved, andtale ber to tbat Union above wbera there shaljbe ao taon pala, no more sorrow and no moreparting; therefore ' '. • ' -.UEBOLVXD, That vrhlla we fed keenly the lots

htfB ButtaioeA, we bow la bumhlg trabmluioa tothe will ot Win wbo doeth oU tilngs well, who Istoo wise to err Md too good to be unkind, well B»wred that our loss is ha eleroaJ gala.

ti&t wo tendor our houiielt syropa-thy to Uie bereaved busbaudaQd children and com-mend them lo the tender sympathy of our liSsvtourwho bas promlaod to be with ua In tnrytime of need, and that thewaten of aflllctloa shall

Tlrnl these twoluUons be rocordod intie minutes of our accloty and A oopy bo sent tooar unieted brother,

URS. a Q. WOOD, Prasldent,Utis. L. a. UufU, Secretary.

t Older Hiito.Both hand and power, In stock at 8. H.

Berry HardwareCo.'s, the Buff Brick Build-ing, Dover.

Blobeat and BarestXTovelUea you will nnd In Cloaks and CapesBt Ed, L, Sickemn's Cloak Openlcg on Bab*onlaj, Best, SO, • Go and see tijem.


TiiouAB uonoxn BTCHTIVAKT.Atter a lingering lllotss of some montht,

Thomas Morgan Bturterant, who former]}IfvMl In Dover, died at his horns in Madison,in hla Iffth y»ar.

Mr, Bturtevant was bom In New York onMarch 80,1600. When only fourteen yoarsold he enlisted lu a regiment known ai theCity Guards, aud with bin regiment waigaged Ih the defence of Van Gaoasvoort, onthe North Uiver, which was daily threatenedby tba British toron. Wbm tbe war waiover Mr. Bturtevant still continued his mili-tary career. After the City Quardi wendisbanded he enl/tted m the Tbtrd ttagfcn,New York Btate Artillery, and served sevenyears. Hs was one of the militiamen wnwere sent to rcoelve tbe Marquis rft Lafayette

rhan be visited UOs country In 1824.At the age of 10 Mr. Sturtevsut married

Mary Duryea, by whom he bad three, cbll-drui. In 1837 she dltd and shortly after be

ived to Dover. In 1B29 he married MariaFord. He bad earlier In lite learned tbtrade of a molder and on coming to Dover hefound employment in tht old foundry wfafebstood near the site of the uew electric lightand power plant, then operated by the lateHenry McFarland. Hs became secretary andtreasurer of the original Dover Ore company,whose old band engine it now at the rollingmill. In 1831 Mr. Bcurtovant joined tbePreibjtedan Church at Rockaway and In

be wltb a camber of others, organizedthe Presbyterian Church of Dover.

After some years Mr, Bturtevant moved toFowervHla and later be left the iron businessto take charge of the Denvllle station ijn tbeMorris & Kiaex ftailro&d. He remained incharge of tbfs stiitfon untit (he year when he removed to Hoboken, when hewas employed in some capacity about theMorrU and Essex, now the D., L. and W.t

Ratlroad depot. Be waa subsequently put Incharge ot the Grove street station, In ButOrange, ot the Morrli and Ener Riilroal,

itlnlng at the latter place until Inoapaoi-tated by advancing «g» for farther dot?,

Mr, Sturtevavt wan a Whig In early life,mdon the formatlonoF tbe Republic to pirty

ha transferred hli nlleiUaoi to It, retntfafcigsteadfast till death,

Mr. Bturtevant bad two sons in tbe Unionarmy in the Rebellion, on* of whom w ukilled at tha battle of Gettysburg. He was Hman oC reciarkablo vitality, BU years ago,when he was nicety years old, hs wasttrlokeiwith pneumonia, and bis frlundt thought hisend was near, but, ainjalarljr enough, tba oldman nco*ered, and was a familiar figuregain In the streets of Madison until his re-*nt (Host*.

Two daughters and three eons, besidesseveral grandchildren and great-grandchil-dren, survive him,

Mr. Btuttevant was burled on Wednesday,funeral aervlcei, conducted by the R*v,Thomas A. Reeves, being held In the Presby-terian Church at Rookawa. Interment w umade la tbe U-nkaway Ctmstery.

XLLSIf OnlBOOK FIHNIIfAH.Mrs. Ellen 0. Penaiman, wife of R. S.

Pennlman, died on Saturday at 10:40 p. it,atter a week's Illness from pneumonia, Mrs.PeBDlman was born in Woodbury, this Btate,LUgust 10,1B53. She was married to R. B.

Fennimaa BebUmber 10,18M. Mr. and Hra.Psnoimao taking up tieJr TetSdeaoa la thshoune In which she died, on Proepwt street,Immediately upon their marriego. Afaneralaervioe was held at her late home on Tuesdayevening and on Wednesday morning her bodywas taken to Philadelphia for burial In theFalrhlll (Friends) Cemetery. Tnrea youngsous, betides Mr. Psnniman survive her. Mrs.Pennimeo was greatly esteemed by all whoknew her and tha news of her death was a

reat (hock to tha community,

Una. HAIHTAB OVUM,Mm. Hannah, wife ol Robert F. Orem,

died on WodDMtlay ertm'.ng of heart fallonlu her 71st year. Mra, Own w*t born inWales July 81, IBM, came to this countrywhen H yean old making her home lu Car-bon, Pa, In 1347 she married Robert F.Oratn, Mr. and Mrs. Orem coming to Dover,

rhen they have Ured ever since, In the yearfollowing their marrlace. Nine childrenwen born to thtm, of whom four survive her,Robert F., Jr., Thomas Oram and Mrs. Jose-

hine Ptaroe, wbo live In Dover and Ita vlotn-ly, and M M Frank Phillips, of ScraDton,

" Mn. Oram waa loved by all who knewher and ber death was a great shock to btraged! ourtand whose joys and eorrews she badshared for nearly fifty jeart, Herfoneral

•ill take plaoe-on-ltoDdsy ifUrnoon-« 2'clock from her late home on the Morristown

road, . ,

BOOMTOH.Tbe Repoblloui msnting In tha opasa house

on Monday night waa one of the be tt po'ittoalmeeUngiaverUldlDBoDOton. Tbe attend*anse was latge, nearly every seat being ooou-pled, wfalle Mores of nan that oould not findscats bad to stand. Tbe principal speaker ofthe evening was tbe Boo. Mahlon Pitney.Wben he entered tbe opera boose and at*eeudsd tbo plattorm he waa awarded a martroyal reception. Cheer afUr cheer was givenuntil the whole building rang with the wel-cometoblm. Fromtbebtglnnlag'totheendof bis speech be held tbe claeest attention othis audience. Ho advanced argument uponargument that wtmM stand again** any at-tempt to pink. Addresses were made byJoints Bennett Btone, a former BooatMttan,bat of late yetnof SUmohimttt, and JoetpbB. Blgbter, candidate for the Assembly.The meeting was prw'dei over by Edward J.Cahilt, a lUflwg Dwnoorat, who la support-ing the Republican nominee*la this campaign.~h* Boonton Cornet Band furnished the

Probably the List gama ot base UU thatths Boonton Club will play this season willbe played on tbe grounds la W « t Boontonto-morrow, afternoon, wben they will ploywith a nine of picked, ball players from mosteverywhere,. Tbe picked obw will be a strongone, got together for the express) purpDee ofdefeating tbe Boootoas. It will be oomposedof tlu following players: Ben Btarby, Boo n-too, pitcher; J. Hogan, Faterson, oatober;Hflfer, Rookawey, flrst base; Bbaokhtou,Fatarno, taoond base; Suryta, Newark,third rase; Wur, Rockaway, short scop;Freeoac, Rockaway, left Bald; PoUard, Patrenon, oentre Bald, and Ltw Btarkay, Biton, light field, .

Harry Looker, lef t flslder for the Boaato u ,had oae ot hit legs badly injured as the re-sult of a oolliafen fa the cams J u l Fei&*T.Looker was rnnilut from third to home when

ran Into the Cuban Olante' catcher and• smt sprawling* to ths ground with the

ligaments of his leg below the knee raptured.It will be some time before he will be able to

Baton* again. ' ,B. L. Remnits, ot Madison, addressed a

Bryan and Bewail meeting ba Pythian Hall,Boontou, Tueslay evening.

Ray' DawioD, of Boontoa, oaptured twomore flrst priisM[ on Tuasiar at the bluyoleraces at tba Inter-State Fair at Trenton, win-nlug the rat-mile open amateur and the half-mile handicap. , • .

A large iron pulley wheel, tea feet In dlam-etsr, carrying a two foot belt, broke while Inmt>tlon iu the print mills ot John Capitiok &BOOSOD Tuesday and did Mnttderable dam-age. Fortunately no one wot fojired,

Maxftetd Hook and Ladder and Hoes Com-my No. 1, of Boonton, nartiolpated la the

firemen's celebration at Eaitoo on Tnarsdiy;Tne BoonUa cornet band accompanied, them.

Oomptrolter John B. Gibson, ot Newark,wilt address a Bepablloau meeting ta tbaOpen House on Monday evening.

Chestnut* | This Is the cry of the younglads.

Andrew Butty *nd Albert Oater speaiSaturday and Bunday at Bound Brook.

Mrs. Stoddard bas been entertaining aa berguert Mn. Joy, of Newark.

Beward Young, of Ketcong, WM In townSunday.

Mrs- William Shops, M Dover, It visitingher mother, Mrs. James Bay,

Mrs. Fancier, of Jersey City, bas beenspending a few days with relatives here,

Klw NeiUs Rlghter entertained a frlenfrom Bvmton last Bunday,

Mrs. William Squires spent last Bunday allronla. ',

Mrs. Wright, of Connecticut, who has beenvleiUnRher sister, Mrt Dr. Wolfe, returnedhorn* Monday. .• Lfkx'e. Bbatks, ol Dover, Is the guest ofMiss Mamie Bay. , WILDFLOWSR.

KOBRXETOWN. .Otrman F.Randolph baa Issued a pamphlet

on the free oolnags of silver, Tne articleopens wltb historical notes, speaks ot valaea,quantity, silver and prices, silver and debtsand credits and Is flllwl with Interesting tabletand statistics. . ;

Tbe Y, M, O. A ; Debating Bodety wtll holdanother debate nsxt Wednesday night to de-termine wbo was the greater man—AbrahamLincoln or JaUatCauar. Last week Ue sub-ject diHUsted waa "Tbe Trolley for Morris-uwn." Joseph Bonlface.and Frederick Cob-bett were against tbe trolfey white J. ClaudeArmstrong and David F. Barkman favoredIt, The former wore awarded the decision bythe judges by 11 points'to 6 points. Tbesociety la oompoaed of young law ttodentsb ft credit to Morrtitown,

New Fall SuitsNew Fall Hats


PIERSON & CO.Opp . t h e B a n k , DQVGr'S Leafllllil ClOtHleiS Dover, N . J .




Fire ArmsABD


Loaded ShellsFall Goods

Meat CuttersCider Mills

Apple FarersLanterns

Feed CuttersCorn Shelters

Coal HodsAsh Cans

Coal BieveBCorn Knives

Horse BlanketsLARGE LIH> 0 7

All kinds Hard-ware always

in stock


ED. L DICKERSON'SBlackwell Street, DOVER, N. J.



••Exclusive Stjles--


We have sever shorn enoh tn amj of pretty thing* in Betdj HadeGarments and we feel confident tbtt the ladies will appred-

nte oar effort, in their boialt


60 and we the Tory latest style, for (til.

The place to buy


now is atWm. H. Baker Store Go.

Page 4: The highest grade of fii| shoe s !orjelliff& Co. · ATTOBKKY AT hJL.1T asm »USTJ!3A»oBOIJCiTpBI» CHJJKHBX Om J A. IIOI'I

Heal S a u t e Transfer!*.Following are tbe real e*t&t£ Iran lifers thai

ha»e been recorded in tho Cuuiity Clcrk'ioffice during tbe p u t week:

William C. Briant aud wife to tbe B<iot Education of the Towimlilp of Rudolphoousidbration,«ITS.

Ira Jadaon C M to Ellzabuth Coe, land 1:Dover; cent.derail on, f l .

Daniel E. Dflmartat and wire to Anna L.Beynolls, in Uadlaon borough; cousidcrutli1100.

Andrew Decker and wife to JmnesPorter, In Doonton; consideration, tm.

E I I M A . Orirneito Wilifuii H. Grimes, luHAOOTW toiTDBlilp; coniideratfon, (1.

Matthias Hum nod wife to William ThornM,Ia Cbatbam township; consideration, |4<

William Tfaomu mid wife to Elijob Hinila,to Chatham township; consideration, f ti'JO.

John EL IMTron lo Mary H. UORIME, iiNetooDic; consideration,*!-

Adella M. McD»vil to Isaac U. Mojer nn<U»tlierine W. Mojer, fab wlte, in Dover; coiBideration, $300,

Prank E. Tiered and wife to Frank l'ottvilo Ponippany; consideration, M<KJ.

Isaac M. WlllUmiBAd Harriet Williamhis wife, to Enunmel Carton, iu Rockuwnyconsideration, $75.

James E. Thomas ami Helen V. Tbotuas,bin wile, to Jonai W. Huhe, iu Rock-awayconsideration, tJiVM).

Tbe Denmark Water and Iron CompanyEdward P. Herri.*, In Rooiaway townsblpconsideration, $7,340.

Abraham Kaufman to H..jirj HllerAnna Hller, hit* wife, in Rockawey boroughconsideration, f 1

Ttiomu O'Neill and wife to John NlIn Dover; consideration, * 1,100.

Margaret Gordon and J. J . Uonlim. heihusband, to Robert Brock, Jo Boon ton; coialderatlon, |20O.

Uaac O. Mopr and wife to MtMa M.MoT>»?it, In Dover; consideration, ?TO).

Teresa Burke and husband to Joseph Cook,executor, in IlooDtonjumiitderAtloii, |I00.

BtranifA Advert iiemsnti.No person his »belU)r opportunity to study

Engllsb oa written by the common peoplith«Q the nroof-reader on a newspaper themakes a feature of "Want" advertisementsHere U a cboloe collection of uulntoutlona:blunder* Berred up by A London journal:

^Annual ule now going on. Don'tolicwlieiv to la cliuatod—ttitllo in horn."

"A lady wants to s'H her pluno, ai sbe Iegoing abroad in a strong Iron f ramp."

''Wanted, experienced nurse fur tiottlttbshy."

"Furnlihed apartments suitable for grntlemen with folding doors."

"Wanted, a room for tvroRoptlemen ttboutliity feet lorg »ud tweuly fret Im>u 1."

''Loit, « collie dog by MIIDD nn Hitu'd-iyimweitng to Jira w.'ta a linuo collar nhis neck and a wuuls."

"Wanted, by a respectable girl, her pas-•agB to New York, willing to take carochildren and a good Bailor."

"For sale, a pisDo forte, tho property of amusician with carved Ieju."

''Mr. Brown, furrier, begs to announcethat be will make up gowni, capei, etc, ftladlea out of tbelr own Bkla,"

"A boy wanted who can open oysters withft ttf wence,"

"Bulldog for sale; will eat aoything; veryfood of children."

"Wanted, an organist and ft boy to blowthoiarae."

"Wanted, a boy to be partly outside a,adpartly behind tbe counter."

"Loit, near Efgbgate archway, a n um-brtlJa belonging to a gentleman with a boutrib and a bons handle."

'To be disposed of, a, mull phaeton, tbiproperty ol t gentleman with a movableh«UVpi«ce as good at new."—Exchange.

ZJISBABY NOTES.Dr. R Weir Mitchell baa for many months

bwo gathering: material for bin romantic"Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker," which is to betbe luding serial of tbe Century for the com-ing year. The novel l i & itory of the llevo-lotionarj War and of Pblladalpbfa societydurfag tbe period from 1763 to 1783. TheBlttorlcat Society of Philadelphia RHVB Dr.M(toliell free aooew to iti great oolloctlons offamily letter., deposited In iU dre-proofroom* by nearly all the I'hiUd-lphi. f.IDil]ei—the Shlppew, HcKeuu, Logan,, etcAmong then family arcblre*, with' their in-timato nTalatlona, and | n the did Mutton,Dr. Kltcbtli found much of hlimaterl.1. Bealso vUtad and atodled «U to* looalitlot ofluVrtory wtoapt Yorktown.

„._,... esentain ita wrekly"numbers the best Dotioo, tbe ablrat ossajs,

the most Interesting bin of biogntpby, ad-venture and travel; In a word, tbe most read-able and profitable contributions to foreignperiodical literature, ftectnt nuntb&rt oon-talo, with much more equally good and Inter-esting reading! ''Recent BciencV by PrinceKropotkln; "An Excursion lo the AtlagMonntalns," by Walter B. Harris; "SiiHenry Farkes," by A. Patchett Martin;"Thomas Henry Huxley," by Wilfrid Word;"On an Old American Turnpike," by A. G.Bradley; "Cbarilaoi Trlkoupex," by JamesD. Doarcbler; " I * Salilaz In 16ffii," by A.Taylor Innes, and "Outtavui Adolpus," byBpeocer Wilkinson.

FatUsi of a Beoortar.That the vocation of newtpaper reporting

la not' without 1U perils li shown by the re-mnt ezpertencs of E. A, Ransom, of JerseyCity, lately t reporter on tbe Jersey cityJournal. BauBom same months ago wu aa-algtiedto report m meeting of tbo SaltationArmy which waa condaoted by "Captain"Sarah Isabella Mimms. She waa a oametylast despite her martini &&rb, and ta »o betwatto love bar. Ha cameoitain andagaln,emob time becoming more belpleatly entan-gled In Cupid's silken mesbe*, sod. when"CtpUln" Ulmms trsDtforred her atle^Unceto Balllngtoa Booth's Volunteers Ransomfollowed after, Hatters finally came to sucha psas that Ransom resigned his potllioo onthe Jersey City Journal to enlist la the ranksof the Volnnteers, and but week Ransom,having been eommltsloned a captain, ledhis lovely Isabella to tbe altar,

XT. AHLINOrOJT.J. T. Lo*e and O.K. Co a pll a are attending

the Inter-State fair at Trenton tbts week.Hra. W. H. Amott fau b>oa enterUlnlng

H T L A . O. Van Dol(on,of Pate rson, duringthe put wtek,

lUasea Mena and Uargunrlte Ktumpf, thelittle daughters of W. F. Btumpf, have beenseriously 11), but, we are pleoird to note, arenow reoorsring under the skillful treatmentof Dr. J L. Tsylor.

Miss Kettle Nichols baa returned from athree weeks' vlaltat 8 t Jamw, L. I.

Among tbe cottagers who returned to theircity homrs tbls week are L. V. Hingstler,Philip Hexamer and H. Tlntscbger nndfamily. "

A Bts«B load from tbls place attended theRcDubllcao rally at Buocasunna on Wednes-day. Hon. Mahlon Fltney add™ Bed the


O&ANB HILL.l ln . Htthjagall, of Buccawunsa, sreot

Wednesday with Mn. George Crane.Mrs. Oeonre Turner and som riiited Mrs.

WlUIam B. Flenoo, of Dover, li«t week.Mrs. Barrett, of New York, is visiting her

parents, Mr. and tf n. J. Hbome.CIUKE HIIXITZ.

P i l Sale o! Beat Estate.N O T I C E is uurrbj nivrn timt by virtu., nf awaminl l.s«u«J lij; John 11. Hliu-kwell, Frank O. H*d<

at Morrl", to umki* llio' nniiaji] lax.^fttw.'tii-i^'iii'i"IIIII'K 'fiu'-in-ri'tH.'li'T.Vl'lluiiiurji nnd rwil 'vt.UA*-tlie wld lowunhlp In Urn year] liuiidrnl tmJ nlm-iv-IInr tin- Mihscrlbw, Culli-clor ot Tafur Ihf [Gwosliip to whom IDB buld wurniul it illifok.l Kilt <>u

SATURDAY, the 17th Day of Octobernext, at tlie lioiir of C n"clock 1'. St.. Rt tin- MASSIOS IIOUHI-;. in (lit- City of DHVIT, sell tliu hnit'Hi'iui'UUi. licn-tlltAiiitnlfl MIII rval ratal** liiri-unJt r ileM:rll«-il nl iniWn- v.wiui' for (lie Hhnrt.-nt lerunut i-iL-enlliii; Oiinyyttan, for wlikh any |*m>n ->r IHTWJIW uillunrrf to tuke tin- KIIIIC and (payroll

1MLC|, lo^L'tlllC with ill IX).Ui, fllH. rtlftTKtS! and L'Spt'lIMIi.

Aiidwaon, Cl*i« I'urk Avemit!, DOVIT H

Aliig«, John l'ciin Avi-nUf, " !

AuiiovtT Iron CouijHktiy Scrub (Jaku HI

Allen, FrnnL-U MlatTiil rJjvUt. MnnJilwiik |in>|wriy 8.

llyroin, A. It MarriKNtrtrl, Doi

lllandiiml, HSHDHIJ , Two dwfliliiitpi on turnpike IB.

Hay, Jfiiuea .ToJun Dealt? 13.

it'll, Henry luinaJiut. CmuiiTnmlCutliT 10,

>, William Joins fban. Sirnrpo anJ J . II. Halrymide S.

Cotter, William Mrs ClirjBlnl Blrwl. Um

CliriBlcnuen, Anilrpw Maple avenue, Don-r.,,.. V.

Ih-nn. John , t.

Dulrjmjile, A. P. (estate) 1

Milan, 11IUT>- '• a

Kvana, Jnlin P. (esUU1)

FOXUT, John Mrs

llawn, Jamtu t '

Harvey, D. Jim Joins Williams nnd Atna

Hiriii, I'etiT (wintc) Joins O'Urady

Joins Ifi'lson HecTw, I), I,. Jt. nml Cory tn

Jnlus Jeese Klnj{ ,

HulT, Henry (wlatc)

Iliigliston, IlMter Omato) Joins Carn-ll, Pool nnd Youi

Joins fn JOIJI i . :

Jouet, WLLHainMns,,,,., JoinsEcnlt*

Kerwin, Ellen Mrs I'rofl;H.vt Ktrwt, Dovur

King, Mulford Pwniannocle atrwl, Dover

King, Dftyid '* " " • " • • • " •

Kelly, Timothy Jolna W. Tooln

Kelly, Eugeco Jolnal\1tccler property

I, Ii, L,,,.,....i..i>,,,.,.i,...,,,,,,,.,,."i ^ w o '*ta "D Chrj'utal slrvot, Dover.,,,,,,,..

loua, WlUinra Crane Hill 6.8

Mount, C. Mrs SluMown...,

BIcMnlion, Michael Nn , , . . , Jaa II.Ni-iglibour, ARQut,... 1,1

I'alntw, Warren Mn Joins hotel U

Itoblnson, NurJ ,

IhKlKCis, Emnia Um 7.1

Itfed, George C J o | n s Menry Orey 1.

Stephens. Mrs. a J Clinton street, Do rer.,;, 10.

Iwell, W. E. [estate] Oennan Htreet, Uorer 8.1

Singe, Maulon Mrs , JIcFnrlan " " , la..

:nnilg, J. W. Sirs Block wet I " " 40,

wiuk, Cliorles Chrystal ' ' " B.1

nmU, J. \V. Mrs , „ . . . . . . , Berpjn " " , . . , , , . • 2U.(

ioden, Mary Mr« Irkhtown , [

Taylor, OeorKe\7 , Ptxiuannoeli street, Dover 11.1

"ucker.DavId ; Joins J. W. BroUiertou H.ti

'•Jinadge, Ileuben Allen TolmadKB luoperty 1

'annatta, J. [eslate] Isaac Couib'a miueral right 8.1

Illams, Tlioa. [lira. Anna Mary Knulli owner) , lO.l.

Toung, Ira W

Elccla [eal

Joins Elebutaltoberts 1.77

Joins Brkat and James Pool

Payment must be made before the conclusion of tUe sale, otherwise tlie property will l»

Wltnow my band this irtfa day of Bepteniber, IBM.

HORACE L. DUNHAM, Collector of Taxes.

BankPresidentIsnac Lewis of Snbina, Ohio,h highly respected nil through thaieectiou. He has lived in Clinton Co.76 years, and has been president ol(he Subina Bank 20 yearn. He gladlytestifies to tlio merit of Hood's Sarsa*parilla, nad what he says is worthyattention. All brain workers findHood's Sni-BEparllla peculiarly adaptedto their needB. It makes pure, rich,red blooil, nnd from this comes nerve,mental, bodily nnd digestive stucngth-

"Iam gladtoaaj that flood's Saraapa-rilla la a very good medicine, especially&B a blood purifier. It bus done me goodmany times. For several years I Bufferedgreatly with p*lm of

NeuralgiaIn ono eye end about my temples, es-pecially at night whoa I had been havinga bard day of phjiicu] and mental labor.Itook many remedies, but found help onlyIn Hood's Barsaparllla which cured me olrheumatism, neuralgia and headache.Hood's Barsaparllla has proved Itaelf a trueftlcnd. I ateo take Hood'ft P11U to keepmy bon-eis regular, and like the plllavery much." ISAAC LEWIS, Babiaa, Ohio.


i the Ono TrueRlood Purlllcr. Alldniuclsts. SI,Prepared only bjr C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, MOJS.u j , r u n *re prompt, elllclriit anflHOOd S P i l l S eu> In eSccL ucuiiU.

Bpetual Beptamber Bale.Commencing on September 12 ending on

StpUmberSO. For prices se« circulars nowoat «t tbe Doiflr Baur nf J. H, Ortmm.







Ever/ dealer !• lupplltd with •I l»rgo yarlelj, tram which each pur-I ehtserof • ptckegB of Sweet Capon)I Cigarettes li entitled lo a choice free.


Mr M i gumCormnleotly lcc«|«d in a quiet,

beautiful, Jienlthrm Tlllace, ewltyaccewlble from Sttw York, PhLl£detphln, BnlUmore, WasblnRtan.Popular and ouc«Mra] tor Uytu*

Jiatei vtru moderate.

their children I? p S f M n f in i r y u a M aura lo bare memcmrpd for «od wotl Muc«tMl. " - *• A H , LUI rmiinutnitctu* C

B00T5 \ SHOESI wish to convince you that my

stock of Boots and Shoos ior fit'and winter is a wonderful variety cnil cew, goods from bottom to topSou have Been past Boason's fasions wore always filled with thenewest ideas of shoe tn'f,&

Gome (loci see the new fall stylesfor man and for lady, each grfldhandsome, every pair fits, princelyshapes, prices low, and H standardwearing eicellonco that gives everysatisfaction.


TO BREEDERS OF SWINE.Tbe jobwriber wtihM to iDform the farmers

of thli Ticlnlty, or any who are itLteruted tathe breeding of bo^s, that be b u on band a.number of saw* of the lmpro*ed CheaterWbllabnad.- Also a -arj flag Cheater Whltoboar, weighing aboat 400 lbs,

A l» on band a number of yonDg Dlgi ofthe uma brred trom two to flfe weeki oldlor Bale. Any one wlghlnR to itnprota bititock of bogfl will do well to call and flee mlns,

S. SWACKHAMEB,«-lm IEOSIA, Slorrli Counlj, S. J.



four Oaiil, IT. J,


Notice of the Mefiti nn* of this SeveiaBoarla of Kenlmtty Mil Election

of S o r r l t Ooumy."

NOTICE in hereby ( I n n that eflch amevery Board of Rppfstry and Elec fii

and for Mcb and every rlectfoti dUtrict 0nrrls Count? trill meet fn ita d-ctlon dis-

trict at ths place where tb« seimal electt non lha 3d day of November next will beheld on

Tuesday, October 13,1896,at 10 o'clock in the morojt>fr, and will cm-ttnuo In wtslou until« n'clock In Ihp B*ento|nf said day, /tir tba [lurrosf of reilateriog aipenwrn who will lie eritlt'ed to voto In mcb«U ctlou (H-trlot on <ald tblrrt day of Nov«mher, and a Inn t*at raoh nml every Board olIVffiilry and Election In and for each nnc«tery el-ptlon diiitrlctnf Morris County wilm « t ID its flection district at the pltica «h"ntheReneral election on tha third day of No-Ttrober next will be beld on

Tuesday, October 27,1B96,nt 1 o'clock ID thn afternoon and will cottttamIn se»lon until 1) o'clock ia t b e tTenlng a1

sold day for the porpess of revfiifrg mid CT-rectinp tha original tCAlilen made on the IStli•*— or October.

_at*d at the ofllce of tbe.County Clnrk ...tbo County of Morrii toll t*entr-fourth d«j(it Seulcixber, eighteen hundred and nlnetr-»Ir. ELLAS B. l lOTr ,

4-I-5»r Ounty Cler



Dflpoaits matlo on or bo/ore 0 0 -TOBKE 3, will draw interest fromOCTOBER 1. *

H. T. HULL,H. W. MIIJLBB. . Seo'y-Tretta.

President. 43- Bw,




irulntliiK Hir>i!IT Kxplnhis the

I« UU Wlf.—Ho Tblnkii He

it- tiiiir i>r T h u w i n ita

liniidf-111* \Vld> fillnrkril »t llia> Ui-rtuf

t ' l irUlliiKTlii 'IrHind l l i ' l r i -Wii lDoII<

IkNt to I'riTi-uL Ursun'n lillcctiim,

Fiirmcr—I rockoi. UIIB free t-ilveribont Ilio befit friend tif na fumicra

tliut's coiiio onr wjiy miicn tLo uur. AI'iowiug Bryau'seleclcil nil right thisyear, I calo'luto I'Jl bo worth HourlyS2.000 moro next yciir than now'.

Fiitmcr'a Wife—Nonheusc, Hnrvoi Ijou't bclioTc eilver's goiug to makofolkfl ricli. OULI'J] Imvo to work for aiiring if Bryan's cli'ctod juEt as Jinrd QBIf ho isu't.

F.—I don't deny bnt wlint you'robond's level there, Jmio. 8omo folks

ill knTO to work hnrdcr, bnt it won'tbo ua fannora. \V«'I1 coino out on topwith freo fiilvnr. Tlmt'H Faro's shootou.

W.—Wlint crnzy notion's iu yourbond wow nujhow? D'yoa think farm-crs uro Fiuurt nionph to tuuko IRWBlbnt'11 take ninnny out of other folks'pocliots and pat it into tlimrsf

i'.—P'r'nps not, bnt 11 icy'to going tory it. I B'prao you don't HGO how frcolilTGr'Hliolpufi, but 1 do.

F, "W,—If you'll tftko my atWice,you'll not l)othi>ryoutHcir to dcntli try-

to net rich liy ftco fiilver. I ' ll war-rant it vou't work us you onlc'lutc.

F,—I'll tell ymumo wny it ' ll holpmi', Jutiu. You knuw timt if wo gatreo coiniigo wo will linvo nilvrr dollnrs

woitli 'bout CO con to—mime's Moxicuudolliirriiiow.

', W.—I thought Bryan nald thatsilvcr'd bo wortli juHt aaiiiucl. an goldiv lion wo pot truQ Hilvcr.

F,—Yes, Hint's whnt ho snya in tLo'lift no'M ho won't t-eaie tlio mUllinuilaii){lRiivii]{.'HhiiukfolkH(oojiiTicl]. But ho

ilou't talk thnt way out hero, becnuso liokuo^'fl timt iifn't what wo'ro aft-er. Wowant chtiup mniioy, BO'B prices of wheat,corn nml jiorli'll Lo twico aa higl), same

i in Mexico.I-1, W.—Supp's'n they nro. Wouldn'tHI hiivo tn pny twico UH mucli forDtliuH tuul (jroo'r'cs nml ovcrything ohom'd liuvoiolmyf If you not $2 instead

of $1, ymi'rl linvo to ppi-ud (2 instead of1. It 'd ho as hruad m It ia IOHR. IfImt'fl thn wiiy flilvpr'HKoi«B to inuks youjell, you'll never pet noli.

F-—But I wouldn't haTo to eponrt $3for overy $11 Rpund now. VQU know, wo

tve at lcafit two hired mou tlio wholeyear uud tlirco to ftvo moro from Aprilto Novuinbcr, bci<iclcs llio hired girl for

lost of llio ynir. Do yon reckon I'mgoing to HUBO thoir pay wJiou wo getrco uilvcr?

P. W.—I a'pofio BO. Why slioulrln'tyon?

F.—Jnst UDonnRO 1 wouldn't hftTO t a -'rnpa nttor nyonr or BO I'd g i W e m2 or fU moro n month, but nothingko doublo what they're gutting uow.ciiln'lnto I'd finvo bnt WOOL |3O0 and

tl ,000 in wogce—not quite HO mnch onfohn nud Duve, LGOUUBO (hey board with

ind of ccureo tho prices of BOIUO of;lio tilings they eat would go op, bnt['d eiivo 'bout hn\t on iny day hands-liolivomid bourd ot iiomo. That's

bow I flRKcr it:. "id it 's 'cording to thoopinion of Governor Baicsimdother bigsilver iieoplo. TJioy say farm wflfiCB latoo liigh for profits nnd flint si Ivor'11bring 'on down.

P. W.—And so thi.t'8 why yoa'ro forEreofiilvor, HnrvoGriiuoa; waut to cheatpoor poor hired hands out of lialf thoir

ugcfl, mca who now oun linrdly kcopoirfamilioaoat of tbo poorhoaflol Iloughtitwna them Wall atrcot Shy-

locks nud goldbuga you'ro nftcr withyour froo silver aticlc and tUnt you'rotrying to eqtiare accounts with themrich tollnw, bnt it Eocms—

P.—Hold np tbore, Janet Proosi lv"^going to aavo ua 'bout $1 — ""


I* I I I'ntirrJuiHcfHt, and Cuu \Yn Afford (aFollow It?

Jlr. Bryan njijicurs to sot groat fitoreby (lio loiter which Governor Cull»ersonnf Trans haa received from Prince Bia-tiiiirtk. Tbo "pttiptoVfrk'Hu1" in will-inji to reefrive mlvico from tlui "Man ofBlimfi imd Iron," und tlio "championof tho AniEirirtui farnifr" lisicns lo

^ Unit fuiiious frioud of Amoricau agri-I culture vho filiul t)w Gorniuu ports to• Amcrtciin jiork in 1884 and to AmentumjiotfUwifl in IfciBfi.and who would gladly

i linvc miitcd ull contral Europe iu aOustarm Icuguo Ginjcd directly nguinfitnil Auwriu'Au jiroduce. BiBniaTok'snithcr diplomatic leltor in tnkeu by Mr.Bryan in his recent upeeclitfl to fnvor

There is no joj in this world equal to ttu^j~.. .o u , n , ^ - u u i KJ l l l v u l tUppiiiesa of motherhood. A woman 6nd»tho tiT.o comugc- of silver by llio Dinted . ^^ano'botlicrt in"the B'OII dingiinnliHleSt»t(fi, Tho duTOtiou of Chancellor Bis- { body nestling dose to her own— in tietuarck to the causo of flilverruuyboseon trustful clinpinir of the little hands, andin thu following hiElorical fact, which , tt5 * " • B $ ' 1 i",aUh K e r ^ l ' a r e s t M *fijiprnra to have cacaperi gcucml nolicoj I 8 c a 3 i o i I i G o o d j ^ ^ gooi timt<ii hfl££i

Under Ins galdunco nB chancellor of ness, love and its continuance, dependtlio empiro and miuiator of comiucrcD o n her henlth. Almost all of the eick-

' '-* ible direcllj-or indl.•cctlyto Borne derangement of the organs

istinctly feminine. TroirtrteB of this kind

Pruraiu tho fquivttlcnt" of l,OSo"»- | ness of women U 1>000,000 murks (over $270,000,000) in d ,eilver WHS demonetized botweeu thu are'a'ften nVgle'cicd hecaufie'overy natuiyc[irfil874amU8Bl,iiiidover$lG0,000,- ; a n d pr°P« laodesty keeps women awa;000 worth of tho bullion into which | ^^^Sdb^SSSS^S-these were melted had been sold by \ as useless as it is common. Dr. Pierce'1870. In that year, finding that tho favorite Prescription will domoreibrtheprice of rihrorWH beconm* domoral- • ftT^'SSSf fe- 1 ^ ^ ^ ^hod, HO thnt Jna romuinlng $109,000,000was ildjirooiutiug, ho utopped ftulex by adecreo isBucd in May, 1870. Thesopoints wm-o frnnhly stated by liia dele*gatt'H to the inleriiat Jouul monetary con-ferrnco of IH8J, WJILU (Jenuany like-wiiio oiTorcd to BUBpend HUICH for n timoin order timt tho, prirti might not bofurther dt'iirossct]. With thcuo

IICCH b(;foro tho nioiiGtury powers nud•ith tho tU-ciCD of 187ft Btill in Jorco,iifjtiuii'ck n;iw uu opportunity of dump-

iug eonio Orrninn Hilrcr on tho aly andprnniptly proceeded to do HO. In 1885thn Egyptian government decided to

' n callings utr-lnvited bids foilo coiu Its sf Ivor piasters. Ihi

Gcruum miut Hccnrc-d tho contract tonidko tlio coin and iiioideiitally furniahcd $S, 1B0, GOO of fiilver trillion to EgyptTho matter wim Itopt very quiet or es-caped BPtiernV uotico. Itcfeicuco to itwill bo found, howovcr, in too LondonEconomist of Dca 4, lbtiO, whitth saw init n proof of DiKmurck'fl look of faith insilver.

With all hta fanlte, Bismarck Is asturdy patriot. To help tho Gormandhriller he was willing to st-o trlohinmin every Amoriciui pig, and to protectthn O n m m furuicr tio smclled tings on

•y Aiticricnn jintnto. Qurtunuy haitoday 1107,0(10,000 worth of fiilvocWIIOKO valui) is doctlining. If tho OnltedStutca could bo induced to follow tliocmuiplo of K^ypt aud give Oerniiiiiy achnuco to do sciuio moro ouloadliig,wlicro is tho harm, from tho ex-ebnu-

B point of viow, In writing n let-ter of not entirely diBinterosted ad vice?

The Kllverite SLruny AUn.Jnst watch tho groat Mr.

Bryan, tho Silver Samsonof tho Platto, ai ho per-formB his world ronownodfeat of raising tlio bullionvnluo of silvor from 07oentB to $1.20 rjor oanoowith his big "fioo eilver"hammer. My, ain't 1)0strong I



'*? iMt'dphlh m

doctor can unless be pre-B it. It is a prtRcription of Docrtor;, who for 30 years linn been chief con-

Who d'you tliink'll lose that?F. W.—I don't euro who'd loso i t

Toin't right to chont anybody, bnt Iwouldn't say a word BO loug'a it's Bomo-body who could afford to loeoit.tmt whouIt cornea tocheatiugyoar poop uoigUbotnIt's timo to put a Bton to i t I don'tcaro if you never gat that other' farmraid for. I gacs9 we wou't starro onUnsold farm, I'm going to toll Johnnnd Davo nnd all tlit) otliera jaet howIreo silver will hurt thorn, and I ' l l gotthem all to voto agninst Bryan.. Tlioidea of fiuoh fiirniors as you trying toeloct Bryim to cnt down tho wages ofFour hired mcnl I'm aabamed of you, Iiml

Whloli? . Which?

In commnnities Whcro wngoworkcrn[irodominato Mr. Brjnu continnos to

imy intention of cliOQpoiiilig thodollar. Ho knows anil they know thatthis would mean dimiuiflhlng by ono-biilf tlie purclmsiuD power of wnges andrcdndug by onu-hnlf tho vnluo of oileavinga, inxunmcca aud loans. And BOlio pretends timt fieo coiuago will iu*orcnee liy nearly (nie-half tlie prico ofBilvcr and innke a eilvur dollor worth:rnly as much ns a gold one

But in the west and in farm lug com-munitios Mr. Bryan waxes eloquent ontho need of n cheaper dollar to increasetho prico of fnrni products ana enabletho farmer to pny f 100 of debt with $51In Eilvcr. Leading silver advocates attho west htivo repudiated Mr. Bryan'sidea for eastfm hearers only thnt froecoiiingo will increase tha price of silverto $1.20. They sny flntly that snob, dol-lars wonld bo tw bad as gold, Whatthey waui is a dollar worth only 51


Which tlollnr does Mr. Bryan reallyant? Ho ennnnt linvo both. Which is

to bo bunkoed—tho workingman or thefarmer, tlio mine owner or the debtor?Which?—Now York World.

Why Doc* Not Mr. Ilry»nus^Bryan tells thp-firmerfl thai , .W s " "'•fiiVei-'will givo rhem"cheap'

jiinrs witn which to pay their debt*Mr. Brynu tollaoity workingmon that

frco coinago of silvor will raiBO tbdmetal to 11.20 per ounce, bringing thesilvor dollar to par with the gold dollar,thDB giving city workingmon anotherdollar OB good aa the present one withwhich to buy tbo farmers' prodncta, .

Timt is to say, to tho farmer theBryan silver dollar is to bo a cheap dol-lar to pay debts with. To city labor thoBryan dollar Ii to bo a dollar of highpurchasing powot to buy with.

Frco coinago of silver cannot prodaootheso two dollars. It cuu produce onlyono of tho two, Why do not would besnpporlcrs of Mr. Bryan aBk him whichdollur ho really moans? Both tho f armor,who wants to pny debts, and tho w r k -inginnn, who atist buy farm produce,are interested iu having thla questionanswered.—OhicogoTitneB-Horald.

One Vnuttled Point.An old man who bore evidence of

more work than culture approached •representative of a free silver papor theother day in the state library.

"Can I osk you & question?""Certainly.""Well, if wo fmvofrcooilvorcoinage,

wo'll all have moro mouey, won't wo?""Why, yes, certainly. That'a easy to

answer.""Well, what 1 want to know." said

tho old fellow earnestly, "ia whetherthey will bring it to me or whether I'llhnvQ to go after it. "—Nebraska StateJournal.

If Thirty roundi ofTVlieat Madewould you havo any moro wheat,' orcould you buy any; nioro food, olothos orimplements with tho proceeds of yourcrop thnu you do now?

1! 60 conls were n dollar, would yonrcrnps bring you any moro of the thingst h t d th t ?

p g y ythat you need than you get now?

Wiij Capital Is Timid Today.TIHTO is enpitnl enough for every

egitiuinto buaiucHs enterpriso, nod by:hu proccfi.sea of cri'dit it ciui bo multi-ilied indefinitely, bnt it cannot bo setit its work 6D long as men fear that It

Capital brings no return to tho ownerIJCFS ho somehow pats it at tbo sorvioo

it the community, bnt (ha temptingluro tho lenders follow is profit, nndwhen tlio risks uio groat the profitsmnut also bo great. Remove tho thought-of risk, uud hoarded capitnt will bo set[rco, mills will Htnrt np, railroude un-dcrtnko extensions and improvementsand hopeful enterprises commend thera-ech-oa to investors. As it is, oeodlugIho decision of tho value of tho dollar,no ono is spending, everybody is hoard-ug. Wo live from hand to month, withho innchiiifry of prosperity idle ut onrloors.—Bonton CoiigregutioualiBt.

Andrew Juekaoa Vorsaa W, j . Dr7>niMr. Bryuu says a chenper dollar

roald ho better forthowarkingclassos,mt Andrew Jnctcson said iu hlB last

: "Engaged from day to day iaifu! toils, they do'net porceivo

Hat, ultliouffh their wflgesore nominallylio name or even somevvhnt higher,tey aro g^-atly reduced, in fact, by

iucreoso of a spurious enr-onoy. which, a' it appears to zaako[loneydbonnd, they nro nt first inclined

consider n blessing, • • • . I t ia notintil tho prices of tho nnceuwnrio! of HfoIOCODIO fii dour that the laboring classesintiot sapiily tboirwuntsont of thoirngce that •wogefl rlBO."

CondeciBd T«*tlmaiiy.Chas B. Hood, Frotor and Manufacturer1*

igent, Olumbns, Ohio, ctrtifipj tbot Dr.king's New Discoverr l u no equal a i B

ngb rrmMy. J. P . Brn« ii, Prap. St Jamei

irnd of B cough ottwoywrnitAndlnn cftoledt L t Grippe, by 1)r. Klng'e New DIico«Ty.F. MmII1, DoldKiniriltt). ™?-*., M J thhti u UBMI and r»oomui«niled (t mad never

new it to fail and w/u'd rather bttvo lt tbauay docior, bwaura it always cures. Hra.

mlD(t, 213 E. USth BL Chicago, slwayan It at band utd has no fear of Croup, be-

>UM It Instantly relieves. Fret) trial Dottlei:thaD-ugBtoreaof KobortKillgore. D o « r BnigStoK, DoTer, R. 7. Oram & Oo,'s,Fort

Bain Janet Makes I t Clear."Suppose," Bnya tho Rov. Sam Jones

if GcorKiji, "tho government ownei niltho gristmills in this country and con-gress shnnld ennet • a' law that nil corntihonld bo ground, by the governmoutmills frno and tbnt whilo corn wasworth bat 18 conts a bushel tho govern-ment won Id stamp the sacks of meal pothat it %vould bring EQ. ctaita a hnsholand do this for nothing. It is a veryhnrcl inntter to keep .nioal ftbevo thopriooof corn." ' - .

Can free coinngo doublo tbo price oftho fiiMior'n prrrinrts withont inoroaB-iuyt tho cost nf tho wcrlcingman's liv-ing?' Will cot paying the farmer's debt*with half dollars cheat tho creditor

se 100 cent dollan w e n l o u e d to

Dm l o u Ever, . . 'Try Electric Bitters as' a remedy for your

troublae t If not, get a bottle DO* and getllf This iredldna has beau fotuuTto bo

p l j adapted to theleliaf and euro ofall Femalo Complaints, exerting a wonderfuldirect taflaesce In giving strength and tone

the organs If you have Loss ol Appetite,Mlipati'.-n, Htadacho, Falniing Bpolls, orKerrcoa, Sleeping, Sxdtable, Uolaochnlytroubled with Dlu? Hpells, ElcCtrloBlt-

B It tin raedlclns yoanoci Health andStreugtli are guaranteed by Ita nso. Largebottle* oolr flfty conta at Robert j£illgor«'s

sad F. tf, Jtailia, Ch»t«r, ' Oram tad 7, S,' Jnfelu', Chwto,

i'hyBicianyo?lthe"Wo"rid'fl Dl'sp^.Invalids' Hotel, at Buffalo.

dBhtlmoi!lhormyifvcnthprrgn*acT,aBuiiu1.I wan token 111. Tlie family doctor was called.He u ld there was no Iielp for m e The bo by

" ' ' I nricveJ excessively. I per.met, agalnirt the physician's wl-eunded inyh _„ r..^

vice, lORcl me Dr. 1'leree*. Favorite PreKripLlon.Four done!) <iuleled my pains. That chili) H Iborn ot full time. It In three yean old, Bud 1 .tnthe happiest








tmtri M,1M. »l»,«l«J0


tow. laU, ftjj u l (MoMr, dSw m-tart frlol ifi l i ' t n o* ail imki i*.

8«l«nUT. turn I I . '1 »«?)».».

3, R,:



Tin, copper and 8hWt IronKooflng.ZIno, Sheet Lead,Lead Pipe3,Pmnp«, tco.

THKGORTOBTHome-Hektlng Steam Gen*

rator »

i.umber,Coal, Woodnil Mason's Materials

(BHO0E8SOS9 TO i . JUD93H OOI)H*M »lull Una ot ewjOilnf revilnd far Bvlub«


D00B3. 8»BB. BUND6, JEIO



,' . SPLIT


Notice of Settlement.

drcc4Mdj will be auHtrdaitl «Med bfUwinteTud raported for MstUaowtta ~

' - "nintr ot .Morri* on.

A l E R G l147-149 MARKET ST.


$3.OOWe'll send thli «uit frto of expenw to any part of New Jeiwy on receipt of price.

L. BAMBERGER & CO.147-149 MARKET ST.. - - - NEWARK. N. J

Our Kitcheni l f o kitchen is l ^ ^ ^ C T t t a n the premises devoted to theI manufacture of NONE SUCH Mince Me l t No house-1I wife can be more fastidious in the matter of preparing food iI thaii'm areittteBelecaonwd preparation of themateriabof II which it i3 made. Thecleaniiigofthectirrants(foronetliing) Ji is wore thoroughly done by means of perfected appliances, j\ than it would be possible to do it by hand. « iI Its cleanliness, purity, wholesomeness and delidons&esJ \[ are good reasons for using NONE SUCH Mlnoa'. M w t /I The best reason is itsu«ina-of time, of hard wotlt, ef^| money, A ten cent package affords yon two large pies, with- •I out trouble to you beyond the making of the crust. Makes ]I jnst as good froit cake and M t pudding as it does mlncelI pie. Sold everywhere, Be Bure and get the genuine.

of Ondar. I


Is As Clean As Yours










WHY SUFFER PROM LACK OF LIGHT,Cet V«*«d Every Day with Poor tamps?



...New York...Millinery Store,

tii. liKiicll« fiirq nrrni,DOVER, N. J.

BETTER THAN BANKSYou couldn't a m i better

•vestotat of Boncy t l u bytie, Utrctast of dlamoils,setbrmset. Tlierilo"'trBst,•otks doi'f eat tkea, theydoi't(l«ct«ate lo valie to anyappreciable extent aid JOBcaa always realize en tkeatery nearly tkelrvalire. Tfcejra w e llae presents or fctlr-ooas and are always excel-

lent collateral. Wken youwant first water diamonds orany jewelry, (Irstsee





C0UGH SYRUPff"rTnnrrttnr1 aiiaMlila tajto.

t t j j r f t S T t t l fia oSSto'cnriaTa•etton noder Ib ona of tha moal •

daatnUB-edntb ntatiim atoaaaj.

MM Ik., Wo, u l H.OO w toll

g ^ p l a J l f k i M B a M O d a n a a r enqiiaaUdtoooinaiaMvltlitUioolltia to Itfww»lotena,KMla|iaa«l>ihM«aa,wUohanMtaneOedbyaiirlMtltatloBUittoUMtadsutaa

•w IBOAD naair, > i* iutiunloiaoOllBBtHJ<

TUnlmxA Clnb

OW» pHd ru«to, tno KB.. at mnnrt.W U » •>» tapoctel u l i^MIc aia, Port*



Machine & Iron Co.

AIB 00UPBB8B0BB, of high-/at cpdlawy


PUMPIN9 maiilEB,<*<d KimmwaL


ofno> AVD wain, '

BOKBt Gnuai DOTES, H.),


Depot in Naw York, loot cf BARIIAV QI

foot of Chrittcpher fit '

U o a a m o m Jnm 1st, isug.


n u n ABsnm i x o DIPAM f^cat yn.


K«KKn>l5hl 4MI Ullk.:

*0 Donruobn.te^ouprcM 0:10 Hubm cuulOTerupnti 6:60 Blnfbtoa null*HwkVa «ip« 7:12 Dafar n , ~ ,Tuhtopon ipL« 80S ^ " 'J u I ^ o u p n C emt Donrunm.iaitomaxprea 8;« S^lonlOTeruoom.knntan «xp.«Dorarunim;

•VIA. Boootoo Banco,


4:S0i.«. (:I4A.K.

1M 'J 1*8 "

»M " loao "Jl«0 " 11*0 "VtM p. It ltlOr.kl.SM " III! "tils " 1:58 «

ann " >k» «

" 8:15 "

6:53 >< ( I S

5 = 5 5 " ' i l» '1*8

. M. 8iO6i.ii

LEAVE DEW TOBK FOR DOVER.At S:16, 4:30, 6.-00, 7:10, 8:10*. 8;50,,

10:10, A. « . ; i3t«a'ii.. j , « ) . ann » a i

8 3), e:BO», WHO.•VIA. BoanUQ Biu iA .


Chraur, 6:15,7:U . . n.; Him. 4:10 o. mBortoi iB:J l1»^m; 18M <10

Op, m.Muni

:Jl,1»^m.Si, 8:0n. m.;

BnccMUDnt, a:80,B^IAA.m.; 12:1K.n»il, 0A 8KB., in.; lliffl. iJuuili-tn, 6:89, Sill • . m.i lB.irPort O»tn,«:<l, t :17. . m.; 12:Av. D0TM-,0:40, B..zaa.m.| X3iU

OOUTO WSST.Dover, D:S5 ft. nl.: 2^0, 5:80, 0:10 p, m,Port Oi^u, 0:10•. o ; ; S;S5.5:3S, 6 (5 n. m.Junction, »:<9 ». m.; »:3». 5 j u 6:49 p. m.Keni l l ,» : ' a i . m.; B:"3. 6: 8 I):M n . VBuoaiiunni, 10.-0U a.m.:S.-47 5:«7,U:G7p.aIronls, lOil'i.. D. | 2KJ. tM, Ixl p.,«.Hottoo, lOiO • . m.; 2*7. 6:», 7*5 p. m.AT. Omtmr, 10:83 » V ; Bi», OHMJ, 7:10 p . n .

Ilia BukatMom I q n stopi >t rottOnm IOIW am • • 7 » A. at! | d x wait al


ftaaUoaa aal enlort.

TilUC TABLS U 1 I I R I M>TtlTiKB OT, 1806.

TRAINS LIAVB DOTIB AB KUMWB;For Kew York, Newark and Elii-

aboth, at 6:S3,A. M.; 8:24, 5:61, r.u. 8nnday«, IM r. m..

Tor PhiladelphU at 6Ji3, A. M,;

For long Branoh, Ooean Grov«,Aaburj Park and pointa on NewTork.imd Ioag Branoh BaUroad,

For aU itatlona to High Bridgeat 6.53 A. M.; 8 24, Ml t. a. Stm-dajt, 6:60 r. K, ; : -

For U k « Hopataou at (£3,1/n.i 1:10,6:49, r. M.:'•-,•. >

For aU iUtioMtoBiliKmat 6^3,A.M.; 1:10,r.«. • I'jk--;i'.i••• •'

ForBookawiya49:16,ll:iS,i.ii.;611,718r. u. SnncUy»,U6p.x.

For HitxniU ai 8:16 A. »,; 345,F. It SondayB, 4:16 ». at,

FcrEa»taaU«ntoWBOhnnkat 6:68,1. Jt; $S i s £ 0 ; ;

I«»T«* .Hnr York at 6flO, 9M

w » 4:80 *• s ^JUttn Bockawaj at 6M A. *.;

l f l l 816, J:40, 6:40 p. K. Son-

I M T S Port Oram mt 9:11,11:40a. K.; 3:40, 6:12,7:13 p. «. Sun-dij j , 4:11 i. «. •; : .-..•.. .;;

I»»TO I^jHopatoong at 10:60,* , » ! 8:16,5iO».if.

I*»»HighBridgeat 8:10,1038A . » : « « ? , « . Sondajt, 8fl0 p. M.

* .H .OLHABMir , ; ; • .• ..:•,•;-- .

•:;'.: . . . . - . • B . f . B A L D i r n i ,





V.B.<UinAT, a U

Beers, Ales antl Porters,

Soda and Mineral Waters.BATBraonoH attuuHTSiD,.