the hiitburn 30-day challenge - the superhuman...

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

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The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge


The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this guide is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given in this guide are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given in this guide are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided below. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Introduction From Dennis...

This challenge is long overdue to be honest. And as someone who absolutely loves challenges, I couldn't wait to get this into your hands.

Although the name of the challenge might not make sense, I'll do some explaining to clear that up.

“HIITBURN” is something I've been experimenting with lately, doing it 3-times a week for about 12-15 minutes BEFORE I eat breakfast. So first thing in the morning.

After doing a some workouts a few weeks ago, I noticed that my cardio was really lacking as it just wasn't something I was focusing on...

Anyway, I decided it was time to really start amping up my cardio routines so that I could start increasing the endurance in my workouts.

So three days a week, right before breakfast, I started doing my HIITBURN workouts.

These involve using the power of High Intensity Interval Training with the sole purpose of burning a ton of calories while increasing your cardiovascular endurance.

And let me just say, it's worked WONDERS.

And that is exactly why I wanted to create the HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge...

It was created so that you can add it to your current workout routine and it takes as little as 12-minutes to complete.

I encourage you to do these 3-days a week and try to get them done first thing in the morning.

The workouts that follow are very intense.

They were created this way because they are short, just 12-15 minutes so make sure you push yourself.

Remember, this is just 3-days a week and can be added to your current workout routine. Typically I will do these short workouts in the morning then head to my daily workout at noon. I've found I actually have MORE energy this way.

Quite interesting.

I can't wait to hear all about your success during these next 30-days.

So if you are ready...

Let's get started!

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Dennis Heenan, MCTTMaster Certified Turbulence Trainer

P.S. Don't forget my other sites... Blog posts, videos, motivation, free gifts, free content, and more. - #1 Ab training System designed for immense fat burning in as little as 4-minutes. Oh, and you don't need equipment! - The best progressive system on the market taking you from bodyweight to weighted exercises in under 12-weeks. – 6-week sprint and bodyweight combo plan designed to blast fat utilizing the most underrated and under used exercise on the planet: Sprints! – Discover how to lose 22 pounds of fat in the next 30 days without counting calories while still enjoying the foods you love.

Join us on Facebook at heSuperhumanLife

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

The HIITBURN Workout Challenge Outline

Over the next 30-days, your goal is to perform 3 HIITBURN workouts per week. These are intense interval workouts designed to blast away fat and increase your overall cardio, conditioning, and endurance.

I've noticed HUGE differences in my fitness levels and fat burning after just 1-week of doing these workouts three times a week in the morning.

If you stick with it, you will experience similar findings.

The only piece of equipment you will need for this challenge is an interval timer. This can be found at or there is a wide range of interval timers that are found free your smart phone, tablet, or online.

I recommend performing these workouts first thing in the morning BEFORE breakfast. Of course, if that doesn't work for you, get them in whenever possible.

One of the questions I often get asked about these workouts is this...

“How fast should I go?” Or “how hard should I push myself?”

Well, as you will see below... The exercise format is as follows:

High Intensity => Low Intensity => High Intensity => REPEAT

On the high intensity workouts, you want to push and go as fast as you can on those exercises. On the lower intensity exercises, see it as more of an active rest period.

The Interval Format we will be following is 25-seconds on with a 15-second rest.

You will repeat in this format for 12-15 minutes depending on the week and exercise level.

Before each routine that you do, you want to make sure you are fully warmed up.

So take a few minutes and do some jogging in place, lunges, pushups, bodyweight squats, light stretching, etc.

Get your body moving before you dive into the workouts full force. It would also be smart to do the first round of exercises at 90% just to make sure your body is ready to rock.

After that first round, then crank it up to 100% full speed.

Alright, now that we have covered that... Let's dive into the workouts that you'll be doing for the next 30-days.

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge


As was stated, each workout that you do will last 12-15 minutes. And the format will be as follows:

High Intensity => Low Intensity => High Intensity => REPEAT

The interval is 25-seconds of work followed by 15-seconds of rest. So make sure to push hard and stay 100% focused during the exercise then take your 15-second breather during your short break.

Alright, on to week #1...

Week #1 and #2 HIITBURN Workouts

Workout #1:

Perform the interval 25-seconds of work with 15-seconds rest between exercises. Repeat for a full 12-minutes.

Exercise #1: Mountain Climbers (QUICK!)Exercise #2: Alternating LungesExercise #3: Sprints-in-place

Workout #2:

Perform the interval 25-seconds of work with 15-seconds rest between exercises. Repeat for a full 12-minutes.

Exercise #1: Quick Bodyweight Squats*Exercise #2: Glute RaisesExercise #3: Sprints-in-place

*Should get 22-25 in the 25-seconds.

Workout #3:

Perform the interval 25-seconds of work with 15-seconds rest between exercises. Repeat for a full 12-minutes.

Exercise #1: BurpeesExercise #2: Leg RaisesExercise #3: Sprints-in-place

Complete these workouts for two weeks. See the calendar on the next page:

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Week #1 and #2 Workout Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Week #1 Workout #1 OFF Workout #2 OFF Workout #3 OFF OFF


Week #2 Workout #1 OFF Workout #2 OFF Workout #3 OFF OFF


The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Week #3 and #4 HIITBURN Workouts

Workout #1:

Perform the interval 25-seconds of work with 15-seconds rest between exercises. Repeat for a full 15-minutes.

Exercise #1: Ground Lunge PunchesExercise #2: Pushups*Exercise #3: Sit Throughs

*Should get 12-15 in the 25-seconds. Controlled “recovery” pace.

Workout #2:

Perform the interval 25-seconds of work with 15-seconds rest between exercises. Repeat for a full 15-minutes.

Exercise #1: BurpeesExercise #2: Bodyweight Squats*Exercise #3: Sit Throughs

*Should get 12-15 in the 25-seconds. Controlled “recovery” pace.

Workout #3:

Perform the interval 25-seconds of work with 15-seconds rest between exercises. Repeat for a full 15-minutes.

Exercise #1: Sit ThroughsExercise #2: Rocking PlanksExercise #3: Sprints-in-place

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Week #3 and #4 Workout Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Week #1 Workout #1 OFF Workout #2 OFF Workout #3 OFF OFF


Week #2 Workout #1 OFF Workout #2 OFF Workout #3 OFF OFF


The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Exercise Descriptions

Alternating Lunges1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart2. Step forward with one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step.3. Plant your foot on the ground and use it to help keep your balance.4. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. 5. Keep your upper body upright with chest proud.6. Push back to the start position and switch legs.

Bodyweight Squats1. Start with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart and arms placed straight out in front of you. Place your feet in a comfortable position facing straight forward or a little outwards2. Slowly lower yourself down, as if you were going to sit down in a chair. Your weight should be on your heels with your core tight. Once you have reached the bottom of your squat, pause then return to the starting position. This is considered one repetition.

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Exercise Descriptions

Burpees1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. 2. Drop down onto your hands and feet, then thrust your feet back so you are in a push-up position. 3. Perform a pushup (optional)4. Thrust your feet back up and then stand back up. 5. Add a vertical jump at the end (optional)

Ground Lunge Punches1. Start in an athletic position with your feet shoulder width apart. 2. In a quick movement, rotate your feet so they are pointing to the side as you drop one knee to the floor in a lunge.3. As your knee goes to the ground, take your fist and touch the ground at the same time. (the same knee and fist will hit the ground each time)4. Quickly return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Exercise Descriptions

Mountain Climbers1. Start in the push-up position with your core tight and back straight. 2. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to your chest. Do not let your hips sag or rotate. 3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Pushups1. Place your hands just wider than shoulder-width apart. 2. Slowly lower your chest and body down to the floor, keeping your core tight and back straight.3. After you hit the bottom of the movement, push with your arms & chest to get your body back up to the start position. 4. If it is too hard, drop to the knees or perform pushups with your hands on a bench.

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Exercise Descriptions

Rocking Planks1. Get in the plank position with your forearms on the floor facing forward, core tight, and back straight. 2. Using your core, push yourself forward bending at the elbows while keeping your body in a straight line. Once you reach out as far as you can go, return to the starting position and repeat.

Sit Throughs1. Start in the pushup position with core tight and back straight. 2. Twisting in your core, drive one leg through to the opposite side until you are seating on the floor with one arm on the ground and the opposite arm in the air. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Exercise Descriptions

Sprints in Place1. Run in place, bringing your knees high, alternating steps, and pumping your arms and legs as fast and as comfortably as possible.

Squat Jumps 1. Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down as though you were performing a bodyweight squat.2. When you reach the bottom of your squat, drive your feet into the ground exploding into a vertical jump. When coming down, be sure and land softly the repeat.

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Exercise Descriptions

X-Body Mountain Climbers1. Start in the push-up position with your core tight and back straight. 2. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to your opposite elbow. Do not let your hips sag or rotate. 3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge

Moving Forward...

These have been working wonders for me the last several weeks. They definitely have pushed me to get better and the results are showing.

Now it's your turn. Give these a go in the next 30-days. You'll definitely enjoy them!

Now moving forward, I have a few different options for you...

If you want a bodyweight ONLY option, I highly recommend my Superhero Abs program.

If you are looking for a weighted program, then go grab my Superhero Body program.

Both VERY good and very different.

Superhero Abs is focused more on short, intense workouts whereas the Superhero Body is really focused on progressing you through bodyweight workouts all the way up to the most challenging weighted workouts.

You can read about both below.

=> Superhero Abs

=> Superhero Body

Whichever you choose, just be sure to STICK WITH IT! Stick with the full program and then move onto something else.

Now get out there and continue getting after it :)

Dennis Heenan, MCTTMaster Certified Turbulence Trainer

P.S. Don't forget my other sites... Blog posts, videos, motivation, free gifts, free content, and more. - #1 Ab training System designed for immense fat burning in as little as 4-minutes. Oh, and you don't need equipment! - The best progressive system on the market taking you from bodyweight to weighted exercises in under 12-weeks. – 6-week sprint and bodyweight combo plan designed to blast fat utilizing the most underrated and under used exercise on the planet: Sprints!

The HIITBURN 30-Day Challenge – Discover how to lose 22 pounds of fat in the next 30 days without counting calories while still enjoying the foods you love.

Join us on Facebook at heSuperhumanLife