the holocaust- the achille's heel

ﻫﺎﺗﻒ: 17273787 ﻓﺎﻛﺲ: 17274787 . . 10493 ﺍﻻﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﱐ ﺍﻟﲑﻳﺪ ﺍﻟﺒﺤﺮﻳﻦ ﳑﻠﻜﺔ: [email protected] The Holocaust, the Achilles Heel of an Ancient Jewish Trojan Tarik Ahmed Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society Kingdom of Bahrain 11t h December 2006 Abstract: Following the end of WWII, the Arabic nations started to gradually regain their independences and reestablish sovereignty over their occupied lands. While this trend was on the rise, a new colony was however about to commence on Palestine. Unlike the conventional colonial imperialistic powers, the constituent of the new colony was not only military orientated but was also accompanied by mass migration of eastern and western European Jews to Palestine. The momentum drive behind that Jewish influx as portrayed by the media, was fleeing from a "Holocaust", a term given to an alleged genocide committed against Jews in Europe during the early forties resulting in the horrific extermination of an announced figure of 6 millions Jew at the hands of the Nazi Germany. The justification for choosing an inhabited Arabic Land Palestine - to accommodate the fleeing European Jews was a mass exodus return to the ancient Jewish homeland known as the "Promised Land". These two titles, the "Holocaust" and the "Promised Land" were the prime fundamental vindication supporting the ethical and historical justifications for the establishment of the 58 years old state of Israel in the heart of the Arabic world. Overwhelmed by the pounding media influence, the public had at no time properly examined and scrutinized the authenticity of these two titles. However it took little effort for the early revisionist scholars, especially the Europeans, to discover that the claimed "Holocaust" was a sheer Hoax engineered and executed by the WWII victories in calibration with the Zionist movement to achieve mutual long term political and geopolitical benefits. Despite publishing stunning evidence and offering sound arguments and convincing analysis, the leading revisionists, had to date failed to bring the case to the public awareness. As to the "Promised Land" title, no audacious and serious attempts were made to date to shed a light on the historical legitimacy of this claim. The aim of this paper is

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The Holocaust- the Achille's [email protected]: 10493. . 17274787: 17273787:
The Holocaust, the Achille’s Heel of an Ancient Jewish Trojan Tarik Ahmed
Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society Kingdom of Bahrain
11th December 2006
Following the end of WWII, the Arabic nations started to gradually regain their independences
and reestablish sovereignty over their occupied lands. While this trend was on the rise, a new colony
was however about to commence on Palestine. Unlike the conventional colonial imperialistic powers,
the constituent of the new colony was not only military orientated but was also accompanied by mass
migration of eastern and western European Jews to Palestine. The momentum drive behind that Jewish
influx as portrayed by the media, was fleeing from a "Holocaust", a term given to an alleged genocide
committed against Jews in Europe during the early forties resulting in the horrific extermination of an
announced figure of 6 millions Jew at the hands of the Nazi Germany. The justification for choosing
an inhabited Arabic Land – Palestine - to accommodate the fleeing European Jews was a mass exodus
return to the ancient Jewish homeland known as the "Promised Land". These two titles, the
"Holocaust" and the "Promised Land" were the prime fundamental vindication supporting the ethical
and historical justifications for the establishment of the 58 years old state of Israel in the heart of the
Arabic world. Overwhelmed by the pounding media influence, the public had at no time properly
examined and scrutinized the authenticity of these two titles. However it took little effort for the early
revisionist scholars, especially the Europeans, to discover that the claimed "Holocaust" was a sheer
Hoax engineered and executed by the WWII victories in calibration with the Zionist movement to
achieve mutual long term political and geopolitical benefits. Despite publishing stunning evidence and
offering sound arguments and convincing analysis, the leading revisionists, had to date failed to bring
the case to the public awareness. As to the "Promised Land" title, no audacious and serious attempts
were made to date to shed a light on the historical legitimacy of this claim. The aim of this paper is
therefore: firstly, discuss the mythological structure behind the successful domination of a hoax
internationally promoted under the title "The Holocaust" which is viewed as the weakest point of an
old implanted Jewish Trojan; and secondly, to expose the long overlooked historical Jewish implanted
Trojans in the Arabic heritage which paved the way for the implementation of the "Promised Land'
Independent observers’ reporting of the WWII aftermath estimates the tragic loss of more than
70 million human beings of all age, class, gender, nationality and creed spectrum. To date, more than
seventy years had elapsed since the end of the war, nevertheless, and like the rest of the international
nations and communities, the Arabic world heard of no matching mournful remembrance of the total
lost valuable lives compared to those victims embracing Judaism in particular. The widely cited
estimate of the Jewish victims as traced back to the Allied victories forces established Nuremberg trial
mounted to 5.7 millions, most of whom is said to have been systematically gas exterminated and
incinerated in the Nazi German camps. This reported estimate represents only 8% of the total WWII
victims. Nevertheless, and despite the small comparable portion, the Allied forces-sponsored media
had successfully made the world fully conscious of the 8% representing the Jewish Europeans whilst
the majority of the "Others1" had no comparable attention, and their fate is bound to fade away.
Overlooking the worldwide dominating blunt creed- based discrimination between the WWII victims;
it took only few years following the war end before numerous independent observers, namely westerns
historians and scholars, started questioning the gassing and the incineration allegations as well as the
declared 6 millions figure. Consequently, the number has been unofficially revised and sharply
dropped to as low as 800,000 Jews most of whom, just like all other victims, died due to numerous
causes ranging from starvation and epidemics to mass execution in the Nazi concentration camps. The
revisionists or "holocaust deniers" as their adversaries wish to label them, succeeded through their
debates and published scholarly work to challenge the active Allied media propaganda and the Zionist
allegation, and consequently questioned the legitimacy of the political implications and utilizations of
the alleged "Holocaust". However, this success is considered limited as the discussion of the issue is
still confined to a relatively small circle of intellectual dignitaries and political elites. It didn’t reach
the layman in the street nor did it infiltrate pupils’ awareness at schools, not to mention most
1 Encyclopedia Britannica defines the term holocaust as”... systematic state-sponsored killing of six million Jewish men, women, and children and millions of others by Nazi Germany..”
government officials, religious bodies, social and political activists in addition to masses of people
around the world are still indoctrinated with the Holocaust and its 6 million Jewish victims as detailed
by the allied forces media. The most important reasons for this limited success are not primarily due to
scarce resources, lack of political support, or poor arguments and evidences, but rather because the
Holocaust saga has been successfully equipped with a mythical propeller, which proved a very
effective self-protective long-lasting mass dissemination mechanism. As will be demonstrated in this
paper, a complex mixture of old and new myths founded on pre planted legacy type Trojans can
indeed effectively mass indoctrinate and brainwash nations together with their descendants generations
after generations. In view of this, the Holocaust is perceived as a relatively small but critical ring in a
long chain of fabricated ancient myths responsible for shaping our faith, beliefs and the way we
perceive the world today. Failing to appreciate this dimension of the Holocaust saga, will contribute to
the continuation of the experienced limited success in revealing the truth behind this myth.
The Rabbis and the Art of Myth Making:
Throughout history, few Jewish rabbis in collaboration with ancient superpowers, namely the
Greeks and Romans, had successfully introduced themselves and their creed followers as “a Holy
Breed - Chosen People” bestowed with special and unique relationships with God as is clearly stated
in many of the Torah phrases. This unmerited mass-holiness was successfully marketed in Arabia as
well as Europe especially during the Romans era. Arabia however, being the homeland of all heavenly
revelations2, managed to escape the repercussions of the faked allegation when Christian Gospel
followed by the Quran were successively revealed refuting many Jewish claims including the self-
declared superiority, for example the Muslims to date read the following argument in their holy book:
“ [6] Say: "O ye that stand on Judaism! If ye think that ye are friends to Allah, to the exclusion of
(other) men, then express your desire for Death, if ye are truthful!" [7] But never will they express
their desire (for Death), because of the (deeds) their hands have sent on before them! And Allah knows
well those that do wrong!"3 Christians, however, remained under the direct influence of the old
Jewish-based teachings especially following the successful marketing of the Holy Book comprising
the Torah and the Christian Gospel. Despite being revealed more than 1300 years apart, the successful
combination of the two revelations in one book ensured that all Christianity followers are well
2 The Surat Mountains Call- Kidnapping the Prophets Geography : Al-Tajdeed publications (All publications are currently in Arabic) - 3 Holy Quran (English translation)
indoctrinated with the ancient Jewish teachings and myths before even starting to read the Gospel’s
new teachings. The main implication of this fact is that the Christian believers can no more question
the accuracy of the Torah mythical contents. Doing so is implicitly suspecting the accuracy of their
own holy book. Subsequently, they became undeclared allies in fulfilling the Jewish myths, including
the return to the "Promised Land" in Palestine, or at least recognizing the Jewish right to do so. The
“Christian Zionists” groups are a clear example in this context. Those increasingly growing Christians
strongly believe that the return of the Jews to the “Holy Land”, and the establishment of the State of
Israel in 1948, is in accordance with Biblical prophecies4, and they find themselves religiously obliged
to protect and sustain this myth. As illustrated later on, this successful “Public mythical containment
strategy” has been successful in achieving long term political and financial benefits since the time it
was first implemented during the Greeks era. Therefore, it is not surprising to note that the holocaust
allegation has been marketed in a holy mythical manner to pave the way for the implementation and
activation of another Trojan type myth – known as the “Promised Land”.
The term used to commemorate the Holocaust amongst Jewish communities and officials in
Israel is “Yom Ha-Shoah”5 which literally means in Arabic language “The Day of Roasting”.
However, this expression lacks any religious significance either in Judaism or Christianity. In fact
many Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox rabbis in Israel have never endorsed this Memorial Day, nor have
they formally rejected it. Moreover, there is no change in the daily religious services in some
Orthodox synagogues on Yom Ha-shoah6. Interestingly enough, the term “Holocaust” appeared
instead and dominated in Europe in place of Ha-shoah. Not surprising, this expression – The
Holocaust- does imply a religious significance. "The Holocaust (HOL-ah-kohst)…The derivation of
this word comes from the Greek rendering “holocauston,” which is a rendering of the Hebrew “Olah”
for sacrifice or whole burnt offering"7'8 The root word here is “Olah” which is another Arabic world
meaning “Ascend or upward” is mentioned in the Torah "I am God who loves justice and hates theft in
an Olah offering."9 It is also worth noting that “Olah” offering is the only sacrifice that is totally
burned up on the altar as explained in this quote “… the Tamid is to be classified as an Olah, a
holocaust; it is no different from the others of that same category except that it is a public sacrifice, not
4 Wikipedia free Encyclopedia 5 Jewish Virtual Library 6Jewish Virtual Library 7Fundamental Beliefs of Judaism 8 Yehuda Radday in "The Parliament", the official government weekly paper, Bonn, nr. 5, May 24, 1977, p. 19] 9 Yeshiah 61,8. -
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a private one. As far as the latter are concerned, the procedure is made very clear by the Torah
[Leviticus 1:3-5]: If the offering is a holocaust from the herd, it shall be a male without blemish ... He
shall impose his hand on the head of the holocaust and thus it will be effective for him and it will
exculpate him. He shall slaughter [it]”10 As to the six million figure, Prof. Norman Finkelstein believes
that it all goes back to the Jewish interpretation of their own ancient myths. He wrote "The Jews, being
very intimate with God's predilections, pledged weighty holocaust offerings whenever they begged for
a favor or for help in times of desperate straits: "And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD: 'If you give
the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return
in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord's, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering'." [Judges
11:30, 31]. For the permission to return to the Promised Land, God allegedly demanded from them a
"6-Million-Holocaust-Offering", so the high priests interpreted a Torah prophecy that reads: "You
shall return" (due to a spelling mistake the priests interpret it this way "You shall return, minus 6
The last recoded time when humans of different age and gender were executed in a Holocaust
type stage was practiced in Najran (one of Yemen's provinces) about 44 years before the birth of
prophet Mohammed (570-632 C.E). The victims in that holocaust were actually the Christians while
the assassinators were the Yemeni Jewish state and its rabbinic authority. The Jewish king title was
Di-Nawas, he was also called Yusuf. He decided to force Christian families in his kingdom to convert
to Judaism, otherwise they were to face mass holocaust. Many families fled home seeking safety in the
surrounding mountains while those who remained behind met their fate. Twenty thousands Christians
of all ages reported to have been burned alive in a large dugout pit12 The incident was so horrific that it
was well documented in the Arabia pre-Islamic history and was even mentioned in the Quran "[4] Woe
to the makers of the pit (of fire), [5] Fire supplied (abundantly) with Fuel: [6] Behold! They sat over
against the (fire), [7] And they witnessed (all) that they were doing against the Believers. [8] And they
ill-treated them for no other reason than that they believed in Allah, Exalted in Power, Worthy of all
Praise!"13 The horrifying news spread around the ancient world and unleashed a world war of that
time. Dos Ben Thalabn escaped the Jewish committed holocaust and fled to the Christian Roman
10 Bet Midrash Virtuali 11 The Six-Million-Heresy that will dissolve Jewry- by Prof. Norman Finkelstein (.No English translation of this book was available) 528 4 – 12 13 Holy Quran (English translation)
occupied Syria carrying an eye-witnessed account of the holocaust committed by the Jews. The
shocked Romans, being far away from Yemen, collaborated with one of their allies, the Christian king
of Habasha (Ethiopian), named Najashi, to attack Di-Nawas at Yemen. Huge Ethiopian army led by
two war Generals - Artah and Ebrah- was mobilized, crossed the red sea with strong armored African
elephants, bulldozed the Jewish kingdom, restored Christianity, returned the displaced Christians back
to their homeland and occupied Yemen for more than 70 years.
Despite the lack of media attention, numerous reports of archeological missions accidentally
discovering the whereabouts of the famous holocaust pit at Najran of Yemen are surfacing. What
concerns us here is that the Najran myth indicated that a superpower was in fact triggered and its
military might was successfully mobilized to act in favor of a small helpless and hopeless isolated
community. Obviously, the genuine mythical and emotional dimension was indeed the active
ingredient leading to the reported sequence of events. The question is: Can any other tiny nation or
community mimic a myth and expect to harvest the same results? How can one make up a myth and
market it worldwide? Is it possible to kidnap other nations’ genuine myths and use them to some other
nation’s benefit? How can one silence those who distinguish the facts from fictions? What would be
the consequences if the suppressed truth of forging a myth managed or was allowed to surface? Are
there any historical experiences of nations that attempted to utilize other people's myths to their own
benefit? And what was the outcome?
Holy breed merits holy Myths:
Based on historical researches and analysis of the Arabic ancient history, it could be said that
some of the ancient high profile Jewish rabbis were the masters of the myth-making industry. Equally,
they were the masters of the myth-sustaining art. They developed this art when they first started
inscribing the Torah during exile at Babel around 586 B.C. This destructive art was passed on from
generation to generation as it kept on scoring profitable return. The last time it was practiced was in
the 19th centaury i.e. when the Nazi Holocaust was engineered.
The appetite to embark on making up holy myths developed amongst the leaders of the sons of
Israel (Prophet Jacob) while they were in Exile. Nebuchadrezzar raided the Surat Mountains located at
the south west borders of Arabia situated between Yemen borders and the holy Makkah city, in order
to cleanse out greedy rebellious Arabs from the strategic Misrs, which were then trading stations
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scattered along the ancient caravan route stretching from Yemen’s southern cost to Gaza in south
Syria. The reason for the attack was because the Arabs inhabiting the Misrs were heavily Maxing• the
traders in addition to continuously increasing the service charges needed to support the long distance
travelers14. They were also blackmailing and raiding the trade caravans, which added another cost for
the emerging need for security escort especially between distanced Misrs. The traders absorbed the
extra cost by increasing the merchandise prices. This situation was unbearable and was threatening the
world economy then, which compelled Nebuchadrezzar to put an end to it♣. One of the major raided
trouble-making Misrs at Asir Mountains was controlled by Arabs from a tribe known in Arabic as
"Bany Esraeal" (Sons of Israel). They had constructed a tiny temple resembling Beit Allah (Bethel) at
Makkah for worship. They constructed that temple from the time of prophet Dawood (King David)
around 1100 B.C as they had lost touch with the original worship house at Makkah since prophet
Yusuf was enslaved and sold at a Misr south of Makkah around 1500 B.C. Like the rest of all other
Arabs in exile, the Israelis lost their strategic Misr and were in miserable and humiliating situation
compared to the prosperous and lavish life they enjoyed at their moneymaking strategic Misr.
However, unlike the rest of the fellow pagan Arabs at exile, the sons of Israel were the oral bearers of
the latest heavenly message. They believed they should be treated differently despite their
wrongdoings. They were “holy people”, a special breed. To convince the world including
Nebuchadrezzar of this ideology, the sons of Israel’s oral heritage was scripted during exile for the
first time. The Syriac scriptures were named the TORAH. From that time on the myth-making
industry was unleashed and the entire world was since sentenced to confusion and dilemma as a man-
written book was presented to humanity as the accurate and absolute Words of God. The writers, their
generations and allies secured numerous materialistic gains by simply altering genuine myths, or even
worse, making up ones. The following is an overview of some of the major modified myths and the
fabricated ones from Nebuchadrezzar time to the establishment of Israel state in 1948. This overview
would help to understand how the Nazi holocaust came about and how it can be defused:
• Max in this context is an Arabic word currently pronounced as Tax in English. 14 The Surat mountains call- Kidnapping the Prophets Geography : Al-Tajdeed publications (All publications are currently in Arabic) - ♣ This is not the only attack on Arabia mountains to cleans Arabs including Sons of Israel tribes due to spreading corruptions. The Egyptian king - Shoshenq also attacked the area around 941 B.C. followed by the Assyrian king in 721 B. C. – see "Egypt & The Israelites in south west Arabia" By Ziad Mouna - ISBN 1-85513-247-8
Myth # 1: The Chosen people – God’s children on Earth:
Due to the colonial power’s predetermined intention to create a Jewish state in the heart of the
rich Arabic world as demonstrated by the Nov. 2, 1917 Belford Promise and the London conference of
1905, the WWII media propaganda singled out the Jews genocide amongst all other war victims.
Consequently, and as much as the Jewish holocaust is vivid, few around the world are hardly aware
that millions of Gypsies, Poles, Slavs, physically and mentally disabled persons, Jehovah's witnesses,
homosexuals, political prisoners, dissenting clergy, and others were also Nazi victims. In total,
estimates of over eleven million diverse and innocent European civilians were slaughtered during
WWII. What singled out the European Jews amongst all other victims was that the “others” were not
mythically fertile to take up an essential political role. The others simply were not bestowed by God
with a "Promised land" in the Arab world, as was the case with the Jews, hence they were of no use to
the colonial powers. Moving one step back to inquire about the theologian and the logical reasons
leading certain people to be granted an earthly land by God while billions of other human beings
throughout time and space are deprived of this privilege? The only explanation given is that the Jews
were and are the "Chosen People". This mythical answer puts an abrupt end to the inquiry because
only Heaven could answer this question, and opens wide the door for misuses and abuses. It might
come to a surprise to note that few around the world in addition to Muslims are aware that the "Chosen
people" myth was in fact authentic and true. Equally, they also know that this myth is not valid any
more. In this context, the Muslims read in the Quran the following phrase “[47] O Children of Israel!
Call to mind the (special) favour which I bestowed upon you, and that I preferred you to all others (for
My Message)” .15 And in the surt Al Maeda the Muslims read: “ [16] We did aforetime grant to the
Children of Israel the Book, the Power of Command, and Prophethood; We gave them, for Sustenance,
things good and pure; and We favoured them above the nations.”16 Clearly the Muslims admit as per
their holy book that the sons of Israel were favored from amongst all Arab tribes to carry and deliver
the message of Heaven to the rest of their contemporary nations and that they would remain privileged
to heaven for that purpose provided they respected and maintained their oath and covenant. This is
also clear for the Jews as well as the Christians who consider the contents of the Jewish Torah as holy
as the New Testament. According to the Torah, Israel's character as the chosen people is conditioned
by obedience to God's commandments. "Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my
15 Holy Quran (English translation) 16 Holy Quran (English translation)
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covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people. For all the earth is mine:
and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation" (Exodus 19:5, 6). "The Lord did not
set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you
were the fewest of all people; but because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath
which he had sworn unto your ancestors." (Deuteronomy 7:7, 8). But did the sons of Israel keep the
oath and maintain the covenant? As far as the Jewish orthodox and the Muslims are concerned, the
answer is clear. The Muslims read in their book: “ [155] (They have incurred divine displeasure): in
that they broke their Covenant; that they rejected the Signs of Allah; that they slew the Messengers in
defiance of right; that they said, "Our hearts are the wrappings (which preserve Allah's Word; we
need no more)"; nay Allah hath set the seal on their hearts for their blasphemy, and little is it they
believe. [156] That they rejected Faith; that they uttered against Maryam a grave false charge; [157]
That they said (in boast), "We killed Al-Masih 'Isa the son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah"; but
they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ
therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety
they killed him not.” 17 The Christians who are entirely aware of who was behind the crucifixion of Isa
(Jesus) as vividly displayed in the “The Passion Of The Christ” - Mel Gibson’s movie, also read in
their holy book: "But when he saw a number of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism,
he said to them, Offspring of snakes, at whose word are you going in flight from the wrath to come?
Let your change of heart be seen in your works: And say not to yourselves, We have Abraham for our
father; because I say to you that God is able from these stones to make children for Abraham. And
even now the axe is put to the root of the trees; every tree then which does not give good fruit is cut
down, and put into the fire." (Mathew 3:7-10). Breaching the oath and losing the heavenly privilege is
no secret to Jews themselves. The orthodox Neturei Karta• Jews might be the only active group
declaring the fact, against Zionist will, that the sons of Israel had indeed lost the holy oath with
Heaven and they are being punished for it. Their ideology is noted in this quote "Adherents of Neturei
Karta stress those portions in rabbinic literature which state that the Jewish people were first sent into
exile from the land of Israel for their sins. Additionally, they maintain the view that any form of
forceful recapture of the Land of Israel is a violation of divine will (Babylonian Talmud, tractate
17 Holy Quran (English translation) • Neturei Karta is an Arabic expression meaning the province guard.
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Ketubot 111). They believe that the true Commonwealth of Israel can only be reestablished with the
coming of the Messiah."18
Nonetheless, against the will of Heaven, rational and international laws, the Zionists and the
allied Colonial powers came to an agreement to reactivate this long expired myth for political reasons,
namely to create a physical western extension in the resourceful Arabic world. A mythical type
catastrophe focused at the “Chosen People” was needed to move them back to their ancient homeland.
A “holocaust” was needed to mobilize the international opinion, financial and political support to
justify an exodus to Palestine.
Myth #2: Supremacy by Breed – The Masters and the Goyim:
One of the main accusations to Nazi Germany was that it adopted and practiced superior race
ideology leading to the Jewish "Holocaust". Equally, the Jewish rabbis ideologically categorize
nations into two fundamental classes; One is either a Jew or a Goyim (Gentile). This classification
entailed numerous consequences all of which fall against the goyim. This myth was developed by
ancient rabbis to compensate for their lost heavenly status. It was engineered to legitimize fraud,
deception, violence and terrorism. These are the same methods known to-date to establish quick and
easy unmerited supremacy and wealth. Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg declared, "We have to recognize that
Jewish blood and the blood of a goy is not the same thing."19 This statement represents an ideology
based on the teaching of the Talmud. The Maimonides (Rambam) wrote concerning saving people's
lives, especially concerning saving the lives of Gentiles and Christians, or even Jews who dared to
deny the "divine inspiration" of the Talmud: "Accordingly, if we see an idolater (gentile) being swept
away or drowning in the river, we should not help him. If we see that his life is in danger, we should
not save him."20 The Hebrew text of the Feldheim 1981 edition of Mishnah Torah states, "One million
Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."21 As to deception and Fraud, Israel Shahak reports the
following Talmudic teachings: "It is forbidden to defraud a Jew by selling or buying at an
unreasonable price. However, "Fraud does not apply to Gentiles, for it is written 'Do no defraud each
man his brother' [the Halakhah systematically interprets all such idioms as referring exclusively to 18 Wikipedia free Encyclopedia - 19 NY Times, June 6, 1989, p.5 20 Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, (Moznaim Publishing Corporation, Brooklyn, New York, 1990, Chapter 10, English Translation), p. 184 21 NY Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994, p.6 - Truth about the Talmud: Racist, Rabbinic Hate Literature by Michael Hoffman,
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one's fellow Jew.]”. As to theft and robbery: "Robbery of a Gentile by a Jew is not forbidden outright,
but only under certain circumstances such as "when the Gentiles are not under our rule," but is
permitted "when they are under our rule." Rabbinical authorities differ among themselves as to the
precise details of the circumstances under which a Jew may rob a Gentile, but the whole debate is
concerned only with the relative power of Jews and Gentiles rather than with universal considerations
of justice and humanity."22 The holy Quran confirmed that such was the Jews belief and revealed its
baseless grounds: " [75] Among the People of the Book are some who, if entrusted with a hoard of
gold, will (readily) pay it back; others, who, if entrusted with a single silver coin, will not repay it
unless thou constantly stoodest demanding, because, they say, "There is no call on us (to keep faith)
with these ignorant (Pagans)." But they tell a lie against Allah, and (well) they know it. [76] Nay,
those that keep their plighted faith and act aright, verily Allah loves those who act aright."23
Additionally, Professor Israel Shahak also reveals in the following quote the difference between the
Jews and the goyim from a genetic perspective “… all non-Jews are totally satanic creatures 'in whom
there is absolutely nothing good'. Even a non-Jewish embryo is qualitatively different from a Jewish
one. The very existence of a non-Jew is 'non-essential', whereas all of creation was created solely for
the sake of the Jews.”24
Engineering this Jews-Goyim myth required bold modifications to ancient history. The starting
point was Prophet Noah, the alleged father of all humanity following the alleged worldwide flood. His
three sons Sham, Ham and Japheth were the candidates for the creation of the Jewish superior race.
One of the sons has to be superior and the others had to fade away. This was staged in these phrases
"All people on earth are descendants of Noah's three sons…One day he got drunk and was lying naked
in his tent. Ham entered the tent and saw him naked, then went back outside and told his brothers.
Shem and Japheth put a robe over their shoulders and walked backwards into the tent. Without
looking at their father, they placed it over his body. When Noah woke up and learned what his
youngest son had done, he said, "I now put a curse on Canaan! He will be the lowest slave of his
brothers. I ask the LORD my God to bless Shem and make Canaan his slave. I pray that the LORD
will give Japheth more and more land and let him take over the territory of Shem. May Canaan be his
22 Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Two Thousand Years (London: Pluto Press, 1994), 89- 90, 117 p49. 23 Holy Quran (English translation) 24 Notes and References for: Jewish History, Jewish Religion :The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Professor Israel Shahak
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slave."(Genesis 9:19-27). This tale is introduced to the world as the words of God! If proven true, that
would mean from a sociological perspective that discrimination, slavery, racism and terrorism are
legitimate as they were founded and traced back to the father of humanity who is Noah as per the
Genesis! Rather than refuting this fairy tale, ancient rabbis spared no effort in promoting the Jewish
supremacy. According to the Talmudic Doctrine, non-jaws are considered non-human as narrated in
this Talmudic quote: "A Jewish priest was standing in a graveyard. When asked why he was standing
there in apparent violation of the Mosaic Law, he replied that it was permissible, since the law only
prohibits Jews from coming into contact with the graves of humans (Adamites), and he was standing
in a gentile graveyard. For it has been taught by Rabbi Simon bin Yohai: 'The graves of gentiles
[goyim] do not defile. For it is written, 'And ye my flock, the flock of my pastures, are men (Adam)'
(Ezekiel 34:31); only ye are designated men (Adam)."25 In Kerithoth 6b one read "Uses of Oil of
Anointing." Our Rabbis have taught: He who pours the oil of anointing over cattle or vessels is not
guilty; if over gentiles (goyim) or the dead, he is not guilty. The law relating to cattle and vessels is
right, for it is written: "Upon the flesh of man (Adam), shall it not be poured (Exodus 30:32]); and
cattle and vessels are not man (Adam)"26. These doctrines and many others more clearly imply that all
humans as long as they are not Jews are not the descendent of Adam hence are all classed as animals.
The implication is seen practiced in Palestine today as per this holy license "A Jew who killed a
righteous gentile is not executed in a court of law. It says in Exodus 21:14, 'If a man schemes against
his fellow man and kills the man deliberately, take him away from the altar and put him to death.' But
a gentile is not considered a man, and even more so, a Jew is not executed for killing an unrighteous
gentile."27 What is interesting here is that these myths are corrupted images of other genuine ones.
Scientists are continually discovering Hominid species that had roamed earth millions of years ago.
Those human-like creatures were lacking intelligence and therefore were not scientifically classified as
humans, such as Australopithicus, afarensis, Homo habilis and many others. Those creatures have
been addressed in all heavenly revelations as some of them were around up to Noah’s time. They are
not descendent of Adom (came about approximately 45 thousands years ago) and are not held
accountable in the Day of Judgment. The ancient rabbis were totally aware of this fact revealed by
ancient prophets but modified it to achieve the desired supremacy. They simply applied the fact on the
25 Talmud -Baba Mezia 114b - The Truth about the Talmud-A documented exposé of Jewish Supremacist hate literature by Michael A. Hoffman II and Alan R. Critchley 26Talmud- Kerithoth 6b- source same as above. 27 Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Rotze'ach 2:11:
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wrong place and time, most likely deliberately rather than due to lack of understanding of the Arabic
heritage. Their misrepresentation of the prophetic knowledge in numerous fields alienated science
from ancient accumulated knowledge simply to attain vainglory. Consequently, what meant to be
trivial information became a leap in science discovery. To rectify this old entrenched damage, Al-
Tajdeed• researchers published 14 books presenting the kidnapped ancient Arabic knowledge without
the ancient rabbis modifications or omissions. In this context "The First Creation28" and "Adam's
sin29" uncover the real Epic of the human being evolution as told by ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, and
Babylonian and confirmed by the Gospels and the Quran. The book “Adam’s sin” proves that Adam is
the one who committed the sin and Eve was made to be blamed for her husband’s fault. This was also
the result of modifying the “apple myth” which unjustly paralyzed half of the goyim society making
the control of the other half easier. The apple and the sin which is mostly still being committed by men
until now, and many more related issues are restored to their real meaningful rationale in the above
mentioned books.
Myth # 3: The Promised Land ver. 01 – Holy Deeds of the Incense Trade Route:
In one of his articles, Prof. Norman Finkelstein posted sound questions that most likely will
never be credibly addressed. His questions were “Why does Jewry not remember six million Jews
murdered in the first Holocaust of 1919? Why do they not seek compensation for the first six million?
Why do they not recall the six million, murdered in 1919? Or is the "6-Million" story nothing but a
Cabbalistic prophecy which needs to be fulfilled in order to justify the annexation of Palestine?”30 He
raised those questions reminding the international community that the same holocaust scenario has
been propagandized before WWII, except it was claimed to have occurred in Ukraine. Obviously the
exposure of such a concealed failed holocaust plan to the public would cast major doubts on the
veracity of the alleged Nazi holocaust. However, once published, shredding all related documents
referring to a pre-WWII holocaust is simply impossible as illustrated in this quote: "Six million men
and women are dying; eight-hundred-thousand children cry for bread. And this fate is upon them
through no fault of their own, through no transgression of the law of God or man; but through the
awful tyranny of war and a bigoted lust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of human life ..."
• An intellectual research establishment based in the Kingdom of Bahrain. 28 Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society - 29Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society - 30National Journal -
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[The American Hebrew, Oct. 31, 1919, Nbr. 582]31 . That might not be the earliest declared holocaust
against the Jews. Here are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud: "Gittin 57b. (p.266) claims
that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. While Gittin 58a pp. 269-270
claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans. (note:
Ancient demography indicates that there were not 16 million Jews in the entire world at that
time,…)."32 The art of hibernating myth-based plans to be reactivated at the right time and the right
place is an ancient Jewish practice. Like the Ukraine and the Auschwitz pre and the post WWII
holocausts, only few are aware that the legendary “Promise Land” myth was in fact hibernated when
first failed around 586 B.C. to be reactivated at the right time and the right place in 1948 A.C.
By the year 1945, the second stage of the holocaust saga was already underway. The attention in
Europe was successfully diverted from the Nazi holocaust to the systematic mass migration of
European Jews to the “Promised Land” of Palestine. Unlike the holocaust myth, only handfuls of
scholars and historians around the world questioned the “Promised Land” Myth to start with. To his
surprise, Kamal Salibi, a Christian Professor at the Department of History and Archaeology at the
American University of Beirut, Lebanon discovered by coincidence that most of the geographical
names mentioned in the Torah actually exist to date in Arabia, namely between Yemen and the holy
city of Makkah. He published his stunning findings in an English book titled “The Bible Came from
Arabia”. The same conclusion was reached by Dr. Ahmed Dawood – A Muslim Syrian researcher who
published his findings in 1991 in a book titled "The Arabs, the Samies, the Hebrews, the Israelis and
the Jews". Alongside many stunning notions published in his book, Dr. Dawood presented a rough
sketch of a tiny landscape in Asir region south of Makkah, where he pinpointed the actual whereabouts
of the biblical Misr (referred to later as Egypt) the homeland of Moses and the Israeli tribe and the
nearby Yerushalayim• - the legendary Dawood (David) temple. Furthermore, during 1994, Dr. Zeyad
Mona also published a book presenting his findings as declared by his book title “The Torah
Geography- Misr and the Israelis in Asir”. On the other hand, Professor Israel Finkelstein (Head of the
Archeology Department, Tel Aviv University) and Dr Neil Asher Silberman (director of historical
interpretation for the Ename Center for Public Archaeology and a contributing editor to Archaeology
magazine), two prominent Jewish scholars published a book titled “The Bible Unearthed:
31 Same as above 32 Revisionist History - • Yerushalayim is an Arabic expression meaning "Dar Al Salam" or the house of peace.
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Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts“. The Authors argue
that no compelling archaeological evidence existed for many biblical stories in the Promised Land of
Palestine and assert that, archeologically, there was no single exodus, no unified conquest of Canaan,
and no glorious, vast kingdom of David and Solomon33. Al Tajdeed research division filled in the last
jigsaw block regarding the Palestinian Promised Land myth. They set up a research team to investigate
the ancient Arabic history looking for clues confirming or refuting the claim that all Israeli prophets
where in fact Arabs belonging to Arabia. The findings were overwhelming. The conclusion was that
Arabia history has been literally kidnapped, and most of the biblical events, figures and geography had
been snatched from Bethel and Beersheba at the holy city of Makkah and from the Surat Mountains in
Asir and were systematically projected over the South Syrian region. The landscapes which were
nominated to become the promised lands were accordingly named by their current names during the
time of Helena (the mother of Constantine 248 – 329 A.C.) to coincide with the Biblical geographical
accounts. The researchers identified the real name and even the physical characters of the famous
Pharaoh whom turned out to be a tyrant Arabic tribal Sheikh ruling one of the strategic Misrs (Caravan
service village) located to the south of Makkah along the Incense trade route at the Surat Mountains in
Asir. They published their findings in a 550 pages Arabic book titled “The Surat Call- The kidnap of
the Prophets Geography”34 and also produced a condensed English version illustrating few of the
findings in this particular location.35
One of the major findings outlined in the above mentioned book is that ancient Arab rabbis
engineered two Mythical Promised Lands for their generations. The location of the first one was
engineered and included in the first edition of the Babylonian Syriac Torah. Dr Kamal Salibi and Dr.
Zeyad Mona accidentally discovered this version of the Promised Land in Asir Mountains as both
were linguistically qualified to study the original Aramaic text. The land allocated to the Israelis tribes
as per this Syriac Torah was stretching from the holy city of Makkah all the way south to the Yemen
Borders. In other word, it contained all of the richest areas and most of the strategic Misrs along the
Incense trade rout. Had they successfully possessed that “Promised Land” the Jews then would have
controlled one of the most thriving economical sectors of the ancient world. The Asiri version of the
33 34 Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society 35 Al- Hijaz, Homeland of Abraham and the Israeli prophets -An Arab’s geographical map for Abraham's journey based on Arabia historical accounts by T. Ahmed, Ammar Rajab
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“Promised Land” was approximately 830,000 km2. Al Salibi commented that there is no way that such
a sizable land could have been occupied or ruled by the Jewish tribes alone given their insignificant
influence, abilities and numbers in relation to the well- established kingdoms in the same rich and
strategic area. Obviously, the rabbis during the 70 years of exile in Babel decided to document their
rights in the Misrs that Nebuchadrezzar expelled them from following their corruption of the region's
economy. They simply drafted a holy deed of the richest region in Arabia and slipped it amongst the
authentic word of God under the hope that the Arab goyim would be naive enough to recognize the
will of God in favor of his “chosen people”. Apparently the goyim then were too clever to be deceived
by the claimed words of God. The first to push them away from their lands were the Canaanites who
were living in Mamre. This is why this tribe has been heavily cursed for no rational reasons in the later
versions of the Syriac Torahs. They have been cursed even before they came into existence as one
learns from the drunken Noah tale mentioned above. Apparently, that was not enough punishment for
the goyim who refused to give away their land to the “chosen people”; their land had been declared as
private property of the sons of Abraham, as per Genesis 12:6 "Abram went as far as the sacred tree of
Moreh in a place called Shechem. The Canaanites were still living in the land at that time, but the
LORD appeared to Abram and promised, "I will give this land to your family forever." Abram then
built an altar there for the LORD." To ensure that only the sons of Israel (Jacob) get the land, Ishmael,
the older son of Abraham had to disappear from this heavenly promise leaving back only Isaac the
grandfather of the Israelis. Genesis 17:18 fulfills this requirement "Then he asked God, "Why not let
Ishmael inherit what you have promised me?" But God answered: No! You and Sarah will have a son.
His name will be Isaac, and I will make an everlasting promise to him and his descendants." This is
how the Promised Land myth came about. Nevertheless, all other targeted tribes including the
Canaanites never gave away their land in Arabia. The Canaanites are still living in their land 14 km
away from Makkah in a place called by its ancient name until now, Namra, which is pronounced
Mamre in the English translated Torahs.
Having failed to secure the Asiri Promised Land, the rabbis abandoned the documented plan and
were gradually absorbed in Arabia and the neighboring countries including Egypt. The newly born
Promised Land myth however went into hibernation awaiting the right time to surface again. Around
282 B.C. the right time arrived. Egypt, Syria and Iraq were nominated for the second version of the
Promised Land myth.
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Myth # 4: The Promised Land ver. 02 - Holy Deeds of the Silk Trade Route:
In his book, The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, Roger Garaudy explains how the Attorney-
General at Nuremberg court, Robert M.W. Kempner, declared decisive evidence with respect to the
holocaust: "With these lines, Heydrich and his collaborators were officially given the task of legal
murder (of Jews)." Kempner was referring in his statement to the possible direct orders for the
extermination of Jews in a German written correspondence between Goering and his superior. Goering
(a convicted German Nazi official) however protested against the English translation of the German
word "Gesamtlosung", meaning general solution, as "final solution", which is "Endlosung". This led
Attorney Jackson to acknowledge the falsification and to reestablish the true meaning.36 The
Nuremberg court however approved the translation of the germen word "Gesamtlosung" as "Final
Solution" to the Jewish question. The term “Final Solution” became since a synonym for the
'extermination of the Jews'. Interestingly enough, mistranslation and misinterpretation was the main
tool utilized to shift the Promised Lands myth from Asir Mountains to the whole land between the
rivers Nile and Euphrates.
A new colonial superpower rose in Europe. The Greek Alexander the great conquered Egypt,
Syria and Iraq. Ptolemy Ben Philadelphus, the Greek General ruled Egypt shortly after Alexander’s
death. Around 282 B.C. Ptolemy congregated the Jewish rabbis in Egypt and requested that the latest
revelation at that time be translated to Greek. A team of seventy rabbis produced the translation of the
Syriac Torah. It was called the Septuagint37. In that Greek book, a slight alteration was introduced
during the translation process. Every Arabic Syriac word which reads “mzarm” 38 was
translated to this Greek word "Αγπτου" which reads “Ae-gypti” ,i.e Mizraim was transformed during
the translation process to Ae-gypti. This indescribable act was all that was needed to create a large
scale long-life illusion. Unlike Misr or Mizeruim, Ae-gypti or E-gypt as pronounced today has always
referred to an internationally well-known vast and highly civilized ancient country. The moment the
Greek Torah was approved by Ptolemy Ben Philadelphus, it did what every book does best. It simply
educated people and formulated their thoughts, perceptions and faith. Being a holy book ensured it's
widespread and dominance. Because no one thus far had asked the simple fundamental question of
how come the name “Misr” in the Syriac Torah was changed into “Egypt” in the Geek Torah,
36 The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics by Roger Garaudy 37 The Septuagint online: 38 Paleo-Hebrew (Before 585 B.C.) Genesis 21:21
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consequently, since 282 B.C, the Europeans as well as all of the Greeks’ widespread colonies
portrayed Egypt as an “Israeli land” that was roamed by all of the Israeli Patriarchs and prophets and it
was the land of the Israelis exodus and the land of the doomed pharaohs. All of these implications
were projected on Egypt as a consequence of mistranslation or more precisely due to fraud and
forgery. This false “sacred” information on Egypt's role in the Patriarchs eventful geography was
passed on generation after generation until it became an irrefutable fact. This was happening on an
international scale, whereas the ancient Egyptians themselves have not seriously resisted this
infiltration and fictitious implantation of scenes and events into their history and heritage. In fact, they
might have viewed the Septuagint’s claim that the Patriarchs had dwelt in their land as another
privilege to the Egyptian already glamorous historical fame39. What the ancient Egyptians missed,
however, is that by accepting this foreign forged addendum into their unwritten history, they have in
fact accepted, in the long term, to give away their land and civilization to a little insignificant tiny
Arabian tribe, while their great Egyptian civilization is being absorbed into the 2nd version of the
“Promised Land” saga alongside Iraq and Syria. This ancient deal is the source of today’s confusion
and frustration of Egyptian scholars when every now and then someone arrives from overseas to
insolently boast his ancestors presumed role in building the great pyramids! This is why archeologists
had thus far failed to excavate any evidence of any significant Jewish heritage, let alone the claimed
Jewish exudes from Egypt, or even manage to identify the famous Pharaoh from amongst the Egyptian
mighty kings, or even find this word "Pharaoh" in the Egyptian ancient language. This will sadly
remain the case until Egyptian scholars and officials decide to establish independent research teams to
review their history from the time the Septuagint was issued, and objectively examine the damage
inflected by this Greek Torah on their kings' reputation and civilization achievements. Opening the
"Promised Land" file wide for independent academic international investigation might be the only way
for the Egyptian nation to escape the Septuagint sacred dungeon.
Ptolemy Ben Philadelphus was well aware that the Greek Torah was misleading believers with
respect to the prophet's geography. The reward however is that the Greek's colony, all occupied lands
between the Nile and the Euphrates, would become a holy land, thus gaining international interest and
commercial rewards especially during the pilgrimage season. Their allies, the Jews who were namely
Arab betrayers of their own covenant and nation, were to help the foreign superpower in controlling
39 Al- Hijaz, Homeland of Abraham and the Israeli prophets -An Arab’s geographical map for Abraham's journey based on Arabia historical accounts by T. Ahmed, Ammar Rajab
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the silk trade route. In return the Jews will finally rule other Misrs, strategically located this time on
the other international trade route running from China to Europe. To accomplish this "Promised Land"
plan, Iraq was made the birthplace of Abraham and Egypt was the Birthplace of Moses. Then they
started with the help of the then superpower to name the villages and small towns in between by
names already mentioned in the hibernated Asiri version of the Promised Land. This process is
practiced until now whereby the Zionist authorities at the state of Israel are continuously renaming
areas to match the names mentioned in the Greek Torah. With time, the vast majority of the new
generation would think that the names of the areas in Palestine are as ancient as Moses time when in
fact they might have been given these names shortly before they were born. This is almost the case
with the names Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan. If properly investigated, one would realize that these
names were dropped on these countries during the Romans empire which is more than 1700 years after
Abraham time. From now until the truth is revealed and announced, Egypt (Mighty kingdom) will
remain Misr (tiny service village), and its mighty Kings will remain the cursed Pharaohs and the
monotheist ancient Egyptian civilization will remain in the eyes of the world as a pagan nation. On the
other hand, the Jews, Christians and Muslims will remain in the dark with respect to all or some of
their most important genuinely scared locations, and Egyptologists will continue scratching their heads
for failing to find any credible clues to the biblical alleged events in Egypt. These are only a fraction
of the consequences of the “Promised Land” Myth, and the reader could add more if what is
mentioned here turns out to be true.
Myth #5: Egypt and Israel – An Empire and a tribe:
One of the major arguments that holocaust revisionists put forward is the puzzling question
labeling Richard E. Harwood's book “Did Six Million Really Die?” The reason for this big question
mark is that the “The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world’s Jewish population
was 15,688,259. The Almanacs figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Next the
Jewish owned New York Times of Feb. 22, 1948 stated that the world Jewish population in that year
amounted from " 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in the addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in
Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost
6,000,000 people?”40
Fiddling the numbers of populations, ranks, distances, prices, dates etc, is common in the Jewish
history. In fact, myth-making and myth-modification dictate such a daring exploit. One major fiddling
with numbers that was needed to shape the Nile to Euphrates "Promise Land" myth was the number of
the sons of Israel during Moses time. Biblical events indicate that the Pharaoh (supposedly one of
Egypt kings) had numerous in-person disputes, conflicts and dialog with the Israelis and their leaders
Moses and Haron. Knowing that the Egyptian kings and their nation during Moses time (1300 B.C)
were ranked as a superpower in the region, the Israelis must have been of a sizable number and
strength to pose a threat to the Egyptian might as implied in the Torah tales. One simple question
would easily estimate the compatible size between the then Egyptian people and the size of the
Israelis. The Question is how old was the Egyptian nation? And equally how old was the “Israeli sons”
during Moses time? The answer is more than 6000 years for Egypt and more than 200 years for the
sons of Israel. This means that the Egyptian must have been counted in millions, whereas the sons of
Israel accounted for few thousands if not hundreds. To be more precise, knowing that only four fathers
separated Moses from his grandfather Israel (Jacob), simple mathematical extrapolation with proper
scientific assumptions can easily reveal a close estimate of the Israeli census. Calculation indicated
that the entire number of Israelis during Moses time ranged only and only from 750 to 3000
individuals. Only quarter of those left Misr with Moses during the exodus, i.e. around 150 to 750
persons at the extreme possible most41. The rest were either pagans or too coward or too rich to
migrate with Moses to the holy town of Bait El Al Mokadsh at the Paran of Makkah (Beth Ha-
mikdash). With such facts at hand, based on what did the Jews, Christian and Muslims clergies
portrayed the sons of Israel as peers to the Egyptian nation in their theological literatures? Based on
what could one mock scientists, scholars, researchers, archeologists and humanity in general by
claming that this tribal family built the mighty Pyramids and mange to run away with it? What is the
size of this “Egypt” that a crowd of 3000 Israelis plus almost an equal number of Egyptians formulated
the total land inhabitants as implied in many of the Greek Torah phrases? The answer lies once again
in the power of the Mythical number fiddling, the main purpose of which was to support the Nile to
Euphrates Promised Land myth. Subsequently, the insignificant number of 150 or so believers who
moved away with Moses turned into almost half a million as stated in the Torah, all were mobilized
overnight! This is just a sample of fraud and deception practiced by the ancient rabbis to deceive the
entire world. Implementing such practice today on the same scale should not be surprising.
41 The Surat mountains call- Kidnapping the Prophets Geography : Al-Tajdeed publications (All publications are currently in Arabic) -
Erasing History – Planted Trojans & the Noah flood formatting utility:
In his book, the Holocaust or Hoax? Jürgen Graf commented, “Since the defenders of the
orthodox Holocaust image could not possibly be content themselves with "eyewitness testimony"
alone, they were compelled to come up with a number of documents which allegedly prove the gas
chamber genocide. In doing so, two possibilities were open to them: 1-Manufacture forgeries 2-
Deliberately distort authentic documents.”42 It would have been more accurate if Graf reversed the
order of his suggested possibilities. i.e. “Deliberately distort authentic documents” followed by
“Manufacturing forgeries”. The last time authentic documents were destroyed occurred unnoticed
under the eyes of the entire world. It occurred during the Gulf war (1990-1991). Prior to the war
outbreak, Dr. Pierre Rossi made a strange, out of context plea. He pleaded for the protection of Iraq
museums and the ancient heritage archiving libraries in Iraq. His plea went unnoticed; for such
locations were not military oriented, so why one would think that they would be targeted by the
contemporary Ptolemy's smart bombs? As Rossi anticipated, on 18th of May, 2004, Al- Jazeera
Channel reported the bombardment of numerous museums and libraries in Iraq. Like Rossi, and
through this paper, we will make the second part of the plea to the scholars and archeologists around
the world and to the Iraqi officials in particular. Do not repeat our ancestors’ fatal mistake, do not
allow Trojans to be built into your heritage. Watch out for artifacts returning back to Iraq claimed to
have been stolen and smuggled out of borders during the Gulf war. Most likely they are faked items,
especially if they contain information related in any way to the claimed ancient Jewish presence in
Iraq. Don’t get excited by an item returning back with a report from some expert informing you that
Abraham or Sarah or any holy figure are mentioned in this or that clay. You might be happy to hear
the good news today, but your sons will pay the bill in few years time. Subject such items when
presented to extensive scrutiny and analysis before accepting them back to the country’s heritage, as
they will act as destructive Trojans when the time to activate them comes.
The Jewish history has demonstrated to the investigators that it is possible to claim other nations
Lands or gain unmerited international dominance and power or high-profile social status by two means
1- Destroy and Replace 2- Trojans Implantations. Both require time to return profit as illustrated
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1- Destroy and Replace: This tactic comes under two forms. (A) -The Holocaust lack of
authentic or misinterpreted documents as demonstrated by many revisionist researches
and the Iraqi museums examples are one, which involves physical destruction of
documents and/or artifacts and the eventual discovery or return of physically similar
others containing forged information serving the intentions of the forgers. (B)- The
other method is easier and more effective. A good example is the Noah flood myth.
This genuine myth mentioned in the Torah, the Quran as well as the Babylonian history
has been utilized to mentally destroy all mankind history. The reason for this act was to
secure and support the Jewish supremacy myth. Planet earth was inhabited by millions
of people before and after the birth of Jacob (Israel). They had established impressive
civilizations and kingdoms all over the world and had developed science, philosophy,
literature, music and art. Where would the few chosen people fit amongst all this
impressive crowd and how would they justify their alleged breed supremacy? The
answer was to officially erase all human beings records and achievements. Flood planet
earth with water and eradicate everybody alive. Make a fresh start with Noah and his
three sons, then isolate one of the brothers via the holy curse of the drunken Noah.
Marginalize the other and praise the last one for no good given reason, the last one
happened to be the grandfather of Abraham. The next step is repeated in the following
sequence. Isolate Ishmael and his mother again for no good given reason, and praise his
brother Isaac for no good reason either. This way Jacob (Israel) the son of Isaac will
mythically inherit Noah’s blessings via Sam, Abraham, and Isaac. This is how the
ancient rabbis designed their holy breed myth and the rest of the human beings became
goyim as explained above. While the fact of the matter is that a local flood did occur in
Arabia during Noah’s time but it was confined to the Surat Mountains and the Twig
Mountains43. It drowned all livings in that area expect those on the Ark and their
animals. The Ark must be lying somewhere on the Surat mountains between Makkah
and Baha city. The advocated ark found in Turkey is most likely a desperate attempt to
maintain about to get exposed the ancient forgery. Following the flood, Sam was
reported in the Arabic history to have dwelt at Sitidama, which is an existing village
located south of Makkah. The Quran as well as the ancient history refute the global
43 Noah Flood between fiction and reality - Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society publication.
flood advocated by the Torah; historical narratives indicated that neither the Egyptians
nor the Chinese have ever heard of the flood when it occurred44. The clever part in this
myth is that it was a modification of another older genuine one. As per ancient Arabic
history, Nosh the son of Sheath the son of Adam45 had three sons, Sur, Mur and Rub.
Their descendents as per the Arabic linguistic system are referred to as ASur, AMur
and ARub. Those people were later known as the Assyrians, Amorites and the Arabs.
Only the Arabs remained at and near home where Adam used to be at Makkah, while
the rest migrated to become Europeans and Asians. The ancient rabbis are very much
aware of these historical facts, but unfortunately, they modified it and represented to the
Europeans to suit their desires.
2- Trojans Implantations: The Troy Greek myth is the closet abstract literature that could
explain how this tactic could sabotage or claim the merits of others well-established
heritages. The well-protected mighty fort of troy could not be penetrated from outside.
The trick was to convince or lure the protectors to allow an innocent looking cell to
peacefully enter the fort. While everyone is a sleep and unaware of the peril they
allowed in, the cell was activated and (Achilles) was to handle the rest. This tactic was
very successful with the ancient Egyptians. Their civilization was so deep-rooted,
strong and well established. How could an insignificant tribe claim and subsequently
take over the valley of the Nile from the Egyptians? The Lessons illustrated in the Troy
myth was the answer. The Egyptians peacefully accepted a tempting foreign cell to
enter the fort of their heritage. The cell contained the following code “Abraham dwelt
in Egypt 1400 years ago”. This might have been good news to some early Christian
convert Egyptians, other more skeptic might have restrained their resistance to such act
wondering what harm this piece of historical information could do if allowed to settle
down in the Egyptian awareness? Having opened the door for accepting foreign bodies,
a second Trojan was allowed in: “Moses and the Israelis where in Egypt 1000 years ago
and the exodus was from Egypt”. Following a series of unquestioned Trojans, the
Achilles Trojan was admitted in, “By order of Heaven, all lands roamed by the
Patriarchs between Iraq and Egypt belong to descendents of their grandson Jacob 44 Same as above 45 Adam here is the father of humanity and not the prophet whom is always mixed up in his identity with Adam the father- Refer to "Between two Adams" – one of Al-Tajdeed’s publications.
(Israel)”. This Trojan completed the cycle and the Egyptian found themselves besieged
from within. They could not return back now without major penalty. Returning back
would emotionally and psychologically sound and feel like turning ones back on
Abraham and Moses and faith in heaven. Complicating the matter further, laymen
might recognize the effect of the ancient Trojans and how it slipped in and shaped their
current prospective, but due to the weight of 2000 years of living in deception, that
might not be case with scholars, academics, rabbis, priests and Imams. Even the tourist
industry officials would have a good reason to ignore the crucified truth. Moving on to
other nations who had been surrounded by ancient Jewish Trojans, the Palestinian,
Lebanese and Jordanian academic and historical bodies ought to investigate the time
when their lands had been given their contemporary names, and compare the timing to
the date of the biblical events. Then they need to revert to themselves with a single
question. What have they got to do with the biblical events? The Iraqis need to know
when have they been labeled with the name Mesopotamia and Why? This name
belongs to a location inside Adams Paradise at the Surat Mountains located precisely
between 2 rivers at the meeting point46. What has it to do with Babel? And who made
this mix up of geographical locations and Why? As it stands, the bill to pay for
accepting the fabricated journeys of the Patriarchs in Egypt, Syria and Iraq is described
by Professor Israel Shahak whom wrote, “In May 1993, Ariel Sharon formally
proposed in the Likud Convention that Israel should adopt the 'Biblical borders' concept
as its official policy…in the south, all of Sinai and a part of northern Egypt up to the
environs of Cairo; in the east, all of Jordan and a large chunk of Saudi Arabia, all of
Kuwait and a part of Iraq south of the Euphrates; in the north, all of Lebanon and all of
Syria together with a huge part of Turkey (up to lake Van)”47
Forging books and documents – Writing new history:
Forging and or censoring documents are a must in the myth-making industry. It starts with the
modification of the Jewish source of information, namely the Torah and the Talmud, before presenting
them as the word of God. However, this poses many technical and administrative challenges. For
46 Refer to "Paradise under the foot of the Surat Mountains" - one of the Al-Tajdeed publications. 47 Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Professor Israel Shahak
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example, following the release of the Jew-Goyim myth, how would the Jews maintain a respectful and
peaceful relationship while living in other peoples’ lands at a time when they hold a holy book that
instructs them to treat all non-Jewish with vainglory. The solution has always been to veil the printed
version of the holy book when and where required. For example, the translators of the English Soncino
version of the Talmud sometimes render the Hebrew word goyim (Gentiles) under any number of
disguise words such as "heathen, Cuthean, Kushite, Egyptian, idolater" etc. But these are actually
references to Gentiles (all non-Jews). Footnotes for certain passages in the Soncino Talmud translation
state: "Cuthean (Samaritan) was here substituted for the original goy..."48 Another method is to depend
on the goyim's lack of knowledge on the ancient Arabic language (Aramaic) and leave the text
untranslated. Professor Israel Shahak mentions the following extraordinary example in this respect " In
1962, a part of the Maimonidean Code referred to above, the so-called Book of Knowledge, which
contains the most basic rules of Jewish faith and practice, was published in Jerusalem in a bilingual
edition, with the English translation facing the Hebrew text. The latter has been restored to its original
purity, and the command to exterminate Jewish infidels appears in it in full: 'It is a duty to exterminate
them with one's own hands.' In the English translation this is somewhat softened to: 'It is a duty to take
active measures to destroy them.' But then the Hebrew text goes on to specify the prime examples of
'infidels' who must be exterminated: 'Such as Jesus of Nazareth and his pupils, and Tzadoq and Baitos
and their pupils, may the name of the wicked rot'. Not one 'word of this appears in the English text on
the facing page (78a)."49 To avoid losing the original text following censorship, masking, omissions
and mistranslations, the original text is kept in another book called the Hesronot Ha-shas. A printed
copy of this book was reprinted in 1989 by Sinai Publishing of Tel-Aviv.50 In addition to censoring
their own books to suit the political and social circumstances, there are evidences that other nations’
books and heritage were also censored in the same fashion, except that no reference to the original
falsification is made as the case with Hesronot Ha-shas book. We will cite here one example of
evidence in the form of a testimony made by one of those committed such act. The testimony was
written in Arabic and was found and included in a novel of a Syrian scholar - Walid Al Hagar- titled
48 The Truth About the Talmud-A Documented Exposé of Supremacist Hate Literature By Michael A. Hoffman II and Alan R. Critchley, 49 Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years" by Professor Israel Shahak CHAPTER 2- Prejudice and Prevarication. 50 Truth about the Talmud: Racist, by Michael Hoffman , The Talmud - Passages every Gentile must read- Contributed by Alan R. Critchley
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"The Rehlat Al Nulofr or the Last of the Omawyain" he came across it while he was in Spain51. The
following is a translation of the testimony "O brother, kindly know, that I am no more than a
powerless slave who receives orders, I am back to Tolaitela from Fes only on the order of the King
(Philip) carrying with us the books from the Treasury of the Sultan . The lord desired that my friends
matter be revealed. Philip gave him a fatal poison, which we brought with us from Fes as he
requested; I am with no doubt going to face death by the same poison, sooner or later. I will not be let
free to spread the word about the one hundred and fifty writers that I am among, who are working
secretly day and night to rewrite Arabian Manuscripts which we were given. Perhaps, The long live
Sultan ordered the execution after we became aware of his desire to change manuscripts of Ebar
(book of lessons), which we carried with us to this monastery from the Sultan’s treasury, which does
not in origin hold the word ( barbar ) in its title . Be aware O brother that this is my testimony that I
reveal before my death, and I swear to the great lord and the holy Quran that I have myself witnessed
the Moriskas writers rewrite the ( book of lessons ) and replace the word ( Eerabi ) by the word (
Arabi ) in the book of ibn khaldoun, adding chapters praising the barbar as the Sultan requested and
propagating Defamation of Arabs , upon the wishes of the Monasteries deleting units of what ibn
khaldoun wrote down. O brother be aware that the poison we brought with us from Fes will forever
cover this truth from the whole world. Be aware that this paper is my testimony before the lord in the
judgment day, and this table of contents where I burry my testimony is one of four which include the
books which have been amended. And what Muslims think are manuscripts belonging to their
treasuries are Forged Copies, rewritten with similar handwritings and signed as originals. The
Spanish Moriskas and I, who hid my Islam and my Arabism, have contributed to this ugly work as the
Muslims around me did, powerless. We work together with the Jews to serve the Eskorial and King
Philip the third the mafon who decided to force us out of Andalusia. O lord, help get this table of
content out of this Monastery. I am going to throw it out of the hole I hope it would remain safe. Until
I or one of the faithful reach it. This is my testimony in the judgment day. And now I testify that there is
No God but ALLA and Mohamed is his messenger and slave."52
51 An image of the original letter is found in page 62 of this book “The Distortion of the Image – Robbery of the Arabic’s nation heritage and history” – one of the Al Tajdeed publications - . It is reported that the real manuscripts is preserved in one of Spain’s museums. This still need to be verified. 52 “The Distortion of the Image – Robbery of the Arabic’s nation heritage and history” p 60 – One of Al - Tajdeed publications -
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Walid Al Hagar commented that this is how the Arabic "Ebar" and "Almubtda Wal Khaber"
books were transformed and this is how Ibn Khaldoun’s famous book was found containing pages
defaming Arabs. Four copies of the Ebar book have been forged. One of the copies returned back to
the Fes library to replace the original one. Another one was sent to the Great Mosque of Kairouan in
Tunisia. The other two were quietly slipped into the Book house in Cairo, Egypt. As to Ibn
khaldoun’s famous book, Walid Al Hagar commented, “Let it be known that the copy found at the
Egyptian Qurawin Great Mosque was brought in by a westerner named Alfred Bell. He was working
in the library with another western named Livy Brofonsky, he was a Jew.”53
Maintaining the lucrative Myths – Europe, Back to Galileo Galilei time:
While confirming all the ordeals, sufferings and mass execution that happened during WWII,
the alleged occurrence of the Jewish Holocaust in the numbers and details has been singled out and
portrayed in schools curriculums, Hollywood movies, memorial museums and numerous literatures.
Questioning this exaggeratedly emphasized episode of the war is illegal in a number of European
countries. It is called "Holocaust denial". Laws have been legislated to prosecute and fine any truth
seeker in this matter, including in: Austria (article 3h Verbotsgesetz 1947), Belgium (Belgian
Negationism Law), the Czech Republic under section 261, France (Loi Gayssot), Germany (§ 130 (3)
of the penal code) and the Auschwitzlüge law section 185, Lithuania, The Netherlands under articles
137c and 137e, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland (article 261bis of the Penal Code).
Despite cruising in direct collision with Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights,
which guarantees freedom of expression, these hyper sensitive laws are justified by the European
Court of Human Rights as declared in this quote: "invoking free speech to propagate denial of crimes
against humanity is, according to the Court's case-law, contrary to the spirit in which the Convention
was adopted in the first place. Reliance on free speech in such cases would thus constitute an abuse of
a fundamental right."54 Under any perspective, interpretation or rationale, and no matter how
eloquently phrased the given reasons might be, history has repeatedly demonstrated that truth will
eventually prevail as it is simply too extensive and lucid to be masked or missed. It is us who choose
to close our eyes mostly because of imposed physical or mental fear.
53 "The Rehlat Al Nulofr or the Last of the Omawyain" by Walid Al Hagar’s p439 54 Laws against Holocaust denial – Wikipedia encyclopedia
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A good example of mental fear was practiced during the twenties of this century. The ancient
Egyptian Royal kings were about to be called for testimony before the entire world. Egyptology was
thriving, and ancient tombs and burial grounds were being discovered and explored. Eventually the
alleged “Pharaohs” would reveal their true identity, titles and authentic accounts. The inscriptions on
the walls would be read and translated. What would happen if the Egyptian kings do not refer to the
occurrence of any of the biblical events in their kingdom? What would happen if the Egyptian Kings
reject being titled “Pharaohs” or their people by the name “Misris”? Had Egypt been in a war then, the
ideal solution would be to bombard the Pyramids with smart bombs. Because that was not the case, a
desperate quick action was unleashed instead in an attempted to discourage any further attempts to
uncover the truth. A myth was needed to protect the ancient myths. In late March 1923, a novelist
named Mari Corelli (Mary Mackay) published a warning that there would be dire consequences for
anyone who had entered the sealed tomb! The myth of “Pharaoh's curse” was in the making. Rumors
were spreading, it was said that at the moment of Lord Carnarvon's death, the lights went out in Cairo,
and that back in England his dog, Susie, howled and died at the same instant. These reported events
are difficult to prove or disprove. However, other facts were simply invented by the press. One
newspaper printed a curse reportedly found in the tomb: "Those who enter this sacred tomb shall
swiftly be visited by wings of death." There was no such curse, but there was one inscription found on
an Anubis shrine that stated: "It is I who hinder the sand from choking the secret chamber. I am for
the protection of the deceased". This was correctly reported to the public, but one reporter added his
own words to the inscription: "and I will kill all those who cross this threshold into the sacred
precincts of the Royal King who lives forever." In addition, newspapers appear to have arbitrarily
killed off many of the people surrounding the tomb's discovery. According to one list, 26 people
associated with the discovery or excavation died within a decade. In reality, only six people died
during the first decade, while many others lived to an old age.55 Fortunately, this myth didn’t hinder
archeologists from bringing the Egyptian kings to the testimony stand. Unfortunately, however, hardly
anyone is listening to what the kings are saying.
As to the imposed physical fear to deter uncovering the truth, Galileo provides a good example
here. Despite his love and passion of the bible, Galileo was prosecuted and convicted on charges of
heresy by an authority that unilaterally confined the interpretation of the bible to its members. The
biblical authority then eloquently succeeded in legitimizing the prosecution of the truth, but only for
55 Egypt Feature Story The Mummy's Curse by John Warren-
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while. On October 31, 1992, the Roman Catholic Church finally admitted that it had erred in its 359-
year-old persecution of the 17th century astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei. In spite of his
declared condemnation, the human instinctive urge to seek knowledge and wisdom prevailed and
many courageous scientists surpassed the irrationally enforced legislations and pursued their quest to
substantiate or refute Galileo’s scientific claims. Apparently, and despite arriving to the twenty first
century, the European holocaust revisionists' fait is to endure what Galileo has endured then. The only
difference is the stage, actors and time, but the essence of the scenario is the same.
A Prophet in USA – The Myth of the Third "Promised Land" in the making:
In 1823, a prophet appeared in Ohio - USA by t