the homecoming from the odyssey hamilton high school english 9 mrs. chen

The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

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Page 1: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

The Homecoming from the Odyssey

Hamilton High School

English 9

Mrs. Chen

Page 2: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Picture Source:

1. Mt. Olympus2. Troy3. Cicones4. Lotus Eaters5. Cyclops

6. Aeolia’s Island7. Laestrygonians8. Circe’s Kingdom9. Land of the Dead

10. Sirens11. Scylla & Charybdis12. Calypso13. Ithaca

Page 3: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Book 16: Father and Son

• Odysseus has been gone from his home for 20 years. What changes does Odysseus find on his homecoming?

All of the people from his former life have grown older. His son is now a tall man. Furthermore, Ithaca has changed to the extent that Odysseus does not even recognize his island.

Page 4: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic (P1144, L19-23): What theme is being developed in this epic simile?

“Think of a man whose dear and only son,

born to him in exile, reared with labor,

has lived ten years abroad and now returns:

how would that man embrace his son! Just so

the herdsman clapped his arms around Telemachus…”

A. Eumaeus’ reunion with Telemachus is like a father’s meeting with his only son after ten years’ absence.

B. Eumaeus is like a father to Telemachus during Odysseus’ absence.

C. Family relationships are deep and enduring.

Page 5: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic (P1144, L26-30): How do these lines indicate an epic setting?“Light of my days, Telemachus,

you made it back! When you took ship for Pylos

I never thought to see you here again.

Come in, dear child, and let me feast my eyes;

here you are, home from distant places!”

A. These lines indicate a journey to strange and distant lands.

B. These lines suggest that Telemachus has been engaged in his own epic voyage during his father’s absence.

C. Both A and B.

Page 6: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Reread lines 1-60 and put the following events in order:a. Eumaeus says she is waiting for Odysseus.

b. Eumaeus greets Telemachus like a long-lost son.

c. Odysseus goes to Eumaeus’ mountain home.

d. Telemachus enters, Odysseus moves, and Telemachus stops him.

e. Odysseus thinks Telemachus’ footsteps are those of one of Eumaeus’ men.

f. Eumaeus makes a couch for Telemachus.

g. Telemachus asks about his mother.

h. Athena sends Telemachus to Eumaeus’ home.

i. They all sit down to a meal.

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

c h e b g a d f i

Page 7: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic (P1145, L61-67): What supernatural event is described here?“Saying no more,

she tipped her golden wand upon the man,

making his cloak pure white and the knit tunic

fresh around him. Lithe and young she made him,

ruddy with sun, his jawline clean, the beard

no longer grew upon his chin. And she

withdrew when she had done.”

A. Athena changes Odysseus to a different person.

B. Athena transforms Odysseus into a young, clean-shaven man in fresh clothing.

C. Athena turns Odysseus to an immortal.

Page 8: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Reread lines 61-90. What central conflict is beginning to find resolution in this scene? What elements indicate the importance of this moment?

Possible answer: The scene between Odysseus and Telemachus begins to resolve Odysseus’ long struggle to be reunited with his family and to return to his own home. The supernatural elements elevate the moment, infusing it with a mysterious, fateful quality.

Page 9: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Reread lines 99-107. What striking character traits is emphasized in both Odysseus and Telemachus? Why is this unusual?

Possible answer: The emotional depth of both characters is striking. Their feelings of longing and loss are emphasized in this passage. Such an open display of emotion is unusual for a hero and his son. Until now, Odysseus has kept these feelings at bay.

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Book 17: The Beggar at the Manor

Page 11: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Reread lines 28-41. Why is it considered a dramatic irony that Eumaeus still doesn’t know that he is speaking to Odysseus in disguise?

Hint: Dramatic irony is when the reader knows more than a character knows.

Page 12: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Book 21: The Test of the Bow

What archetypal image do you recognize in these lines (L8-10)?

“Then came a rasping sound

as those bright doors the key had sprung gave way--

a bellow like a bull’s vaunt in a meadow”

The image of a bull bellowing in a field is an archetypal male image. The bull suggests strength, anger, power. Its bellowing indicates both a warning and a challenge. The bull represents Odysseus and reminds us that he is preparing to defend his home and family.

Archetypes are characters, situations, and images that are

recognizable in many times and cultures

Page 13: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Archetype: Identify the trait that Odysseus values so highly in these two servants (L60-64).

“I bore adversities, but in the twentieth year

I am ashore in my own land. I find

the two of you, alone among my people,

longed for my coming. Prayers I never heard

except your own that I might come again.”

Page 14: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic: Identify the plot stage in lines 84-93. What do you think is about to happen?

The conflict between Odysseus and the suitors is coming to a climax; the action is rising. Odysseus is preparing to face the suitors with his loyal servants and his son by his side.

Page 15: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic: What is the primary conflict in lines 94-104?

The primary conflict is between Odysseus, who hopes to reclaim his home and family, and the rude suitors who want to displace him and kill his son.

Page 16: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic: Book 21 ends with the image of father and son standing side by side facing more than 100 enemies. How can this be considered an epic moment?

This is an epic moment because Odysseus is making a heroic stand against an enemy that greatly outnumbers him in order to defend home and honor against those who have scorned and abused him and his family. He must bring to bear all of his heroic traits—bravery, strength, determination, and cunning---in order to vanquish the enemy.

Page 17: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Book 22: Death in the Great Hall

Identify the metaphor in line 3. What does this detail add to the description of Odysseus as a warrior? (P1156)

“He poured out at his feet a rain of arrows from the quiver…”

The metaphor compares the falling arrows to

pouring rain.

Page 18: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic: Read lines 7-15. Does Odysseus seem to have the support of Apollo? Why or why not?

Odysseus does indeed seem to have Apollo’s support, given that he made the shot for which he invoked Apollo’s name (line 6)

Page 19: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic: What reasons does Odysseus give for killing the suitors (Lines 34-40)?“You yellow dogs, you thought I’d never make it

home from the land of Troy. You took my house to plunder,

twisted my maids to serve your beds. You dared

bid for my wife while I was still alive.

Contempt was all you had for the gods who rule wide heaven,

contempt for what men say of you hereafter.

Your last hour has come. You die in blood.”

Suitors stole his goods and tried to take his wife. They showed no regard for what was right and thereby dishonored him and themselves.

Page 20: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic: What is Eurymachus’ motivation in lines 45-59? What is his strategy for achieving his goal?

Motivation: He wishes to save himself and his friends.

Strategy: He tries to mollify Odysseus by saying that his reasons for being angry are correct, but that only Antinous, as ringleader, was to blame, and Antinous is dead. He reminds Odysseus that despite their errors, he and the other suitors are of Ithaca, Odysseus’ own people. He also promises that the suitors will pay him for everything they consumed and an additional 20 oxen each, as well as bronze and gold.

Page 21: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Why do you think Odysseus rejects Eurymachus’ explanation and offer of restitution (lines 61-67)?

• Odysseus probably doesn’t believe that Antinous caused all the trouble.

• He may also consider all the men responsible for going along, regardless of Antinous’ role.

• His anger is too deep to accept restituion for the dishonor they caused him.

Page 22: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Lines 70-84 Discussion Questions:

• Have you ever met a person that you disliked yet couldn’t help admiring in some way? How does this enhance your understanding of Eurymachus?

• What heroic qualities does Eurymachus possess?

• Do you think that Eurymachus is a good leader? Explain your opinion.

Page 23: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic: How has the battle with the suitors taken on epic proportions?

In this battle, Odysseus’ heroic traits—bravery, cunning, and strength—must now come into play. The gods have already shown signs that they are on Odysseus’ side, in Zeus’ thunderbolt (Book 21, lines 115-118) and Apollo’s apparent response to his plea for help (Book 22, lines 5—6). The interest of the gods heightens the epic proportions of the battle.

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Epic (lines 110-118): How does Telemachus conduct himself in this conflict with the suitors?

Telemachus shows that he is the song of Odysseus in character and action as well as in blood. He is brave, able, and quick of foot and mind.

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Book 23: The Trunk of the Olive Tree• Reread lines 22-26.

What do you think is the motivation for Penelope’s skepticism about this man who claims to be the husband she hasn’t seen in 20 years? cautious &


Page 26: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

What conflict does Odysseus face now? How is this conflict different from his other struggles in the homecoming section of the Odyssey? How is it ironic?

This conflict involves proving his identify to his wife. The conflict is not a physical struggle but an emotional one between Odysseus and Penelope. It is ironic that he must prove himself to his wife after struggling all these years to get back to her.

Page 27: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Archetype (P1164):

• How has Penelope tricked Odysseus into proving his identity? What do her actions suggest about archetypal characters?

Penelope wanted to check Odysseus’ reaction when she told her servant to move his bed and make it up; this would be impossible, because Odysseus had made one bedpost from an olive tree still rooted in the ground. Only he would have known this. Penelope’s actions show caution and guile, traits expected of archetypal heroic characters.

Page 28: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic (P1165): Reread lines 58-80. What traits of Penelope’s does this speech reveal?

This speech reveals Penelope’s thoughtfulness, her self-awareness, her loyalty, her strength, and her underlying tenderness.

Page 29: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Epic simile (lines 83-86): What is Penelope compared to in these lines?

“his dear wife, clear and faithful, in his arms,

longed for

as the sunwarmed earth is longed for by a swimmer

spend in rough water where his ship went down

under Poseidon’s blows, gale winds and tons of sea.”

Penelope is compared to a safe shore, where a tired, shipwrecked swimmer comes to rest after a monumental struggle for survival in tumultuous seas.

Page 30: The Homecoming from the Odyssey Hamilton High School English 9 Mrs. Chen

Part II Vocabulary

• adversity• aloof• commandeer• contemptible• desolation

• implacable• restitution• revelry• revulsion• tremulous