the hornpipe - briefly rafted with nancy anne before returning to...

THE HORNPIPE VOLUME 39, NO. 9 September 2015 CCSC 2015 Board Members Andy Monjan, Commodore John Baker, Vice Commodore Jan & Hank Zerhusen, Secretary/Membership Barbara Barrett, Social Co-Chair Jan Zerhusen, Social Co-Chair Ed Sabin, Treasurer Barb Coyle, Hornpipe Editor UPCOMING EVENTS: Saturday September 19-20 Coyle’s Landing Matt and Barb Coyle Please RSVP by Thursday, Sept. 17 if you’ll be coming Saturday, Sunday or both Saturday September 26-27 Grays Inn Creek, Chester Rive Bill and Carol Durr Saturday October 10-11 Severn River Volunteer needed Sunday November 15 Fall Meeting / Pot Luck Lunch Barbara and David Barrett COMMODORE’S COMMENTS Andy Monjan s/v Impulse It looks as if September weather has arrived and the hot dog days of August are gone. Note to myself: find out why August has ‘dog days’. We are into some of our prime sailing days, IMHO!!! We had a wonderful picnic with many of our 28 families attending. We also greeted our new members, Rick and Paula and their boat ‘Sails Office’. Chesapeake Corinthian Sailing Club

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Page 1: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they


VOLUME 39, NO. 9 September 2015

CCSC 2015 Board Members

Andy Monjan, Commodore

John Baker, Vice Commodore Jan & Hank Zerhusen, Secretary/Membership

Barbara Barrett, Social Co-Chair Jan Zerhusen, Social Co-Chair

Ed Sabin, Treasurer

Barb Coyle, Hornpipe Editor


Saturday September 19-20 Coyle’s Landing Matt and Barb Coyle Please RSVP by Thursday, Sept. 17 if you’ll be coming Saturday, Sunday or both

Saturday September 26-27 Grays Inn Creek, Chester Rive Bill and Carol Durr

Saturday October 10-11 Severn River Volunteer needed

Sunday November 15 Fall Meeting / Pot Luck Lunch Barbara and David Barrett

COMMODORE’S COMMENTS Andy Monjan s/v Impulse

It looks as if September weather has arrived and the hot dog days of August are gone. Note to

myself: find out why August has ‘dog days’. We are into some of our prime sailing days, IMHO!!!

We had a wonderful picnic with many of our 28 families attending. We also greeted our new

members, Rick and Paula and their boat ‘Sails Office’.

Chesapeake Corinthian Sailing Club

Page 2: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they

At our last CCSC Board meeting on August 22, we decided that our next all-hands meeting will be

at the Barrett’s house on Sunday November 15 for a pot-luck lunch starting at 1300 hours (1:00

p.m. for any rare landlubbers out there). Details will be sent out later. We also will hold elections

for our new CCSC Board. We need nominees for the following positions: Commodore, Vice-

Commodore, Membership, and Co-Social Committee Chairs. Our current Treasurer, Hornpipe

Editor, and Social Committee Co-Chair graciously have agreed to stay on. If you are interested in

serving on our Board, contact me or any other Board member.

My good news is that my fuel line problem that has plagued me for several years is finally

corrected. It needed a new fuel line from the tank to the Racor filter, which also has been replaced.

We were able to take a day trip with our friends who are visiting from Australia and Wales.

Here is to happy days sailing and fair winds through life.

[Ed. Note: we are delighted to report that we now have volunteers for Membership (Catherine Schratt) and Co-

Social Chair (Sue Jones) – Many thanks for volunteering]

From Membership Chair Jan Zerhusen:

Welcome to newest members Paula and Rick DeVore with an O’Day 272 at Hammock



Eagle's Nest, Magothy River August 29-30

George Alberts, s/v Admiral J Departing Hammock Island Saturday morning, I enjoyed lovely weather and a fine breeze (if it only hadn't been pretty much on the nose). Some sailing, a good bit of motoring, and I headed into the channel at the entrance to Eagle's Nest at just past 2 PM. Spotting Griselda near the eastern edge of the anchoring area, I chatted briefly with Bill, and decided I'd anchor separately, with Sue and Gordon expected to raft up shortly. Waiting for Unity to appear, I set my anchor, then noticed that a large power boat, between me and Griselda, was preparing to depart. So I deftly raised my anchor (using my handy-dandy manual windlass) and moved into a better spot. As I set the hook again, the Joneses showed up and rafted to Admiral J. We all agreed to meet up on board Unity at 5 PM, for the usual. Some of us took advantage of the fine weather to go for a swim.

Page 3: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they

Eagle’s Nest looking shoreward on Saturday afternoon

Eagles Nest from Admiral J and Unity

As we were prepping for the cocktail hour, we were delighted to see Curtis and Tara Turner arriving, on board Cygnus. They had sailed down from Hammock Island, making one large tack after nearly crossing the Bay. They decided to anchor nearby, and they and the Durrs dinghied over. We enjoyed a fine couple of hours in Unity's roomy cockpit, overdosing on fine cheese and crackers, and some excellent smoked oysters provided by the Joneses. We then headed back to our respective boats. We enjoyed watching Curtis jump from their dinghy into the refreshing waters, grab the painter and “swim” their dinghy back to Cygnus. We'll let him explain.

Page 4: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they

Cygnus, with dinghy secured

With the exceptions of a couple of loud party boats and a few clouds blocking the very full moon, it was a perfect evening, with fine sleeping weather and calm waters. The Joneses left the next morning in the general direction of Cambridge, planning another night on the hook. After an extremely clumsy performance raising and stowing my anchor (not the fault of the windlass), I headed out and enjoyed a pleasant putt-putt trip back to Hammock Island. As I was approaching the mouth of the Magothy on my way out, I encountered a lovely and very familiar boat, nicely under sail. I've put together a short separate report on that encounter.

My (former) boat! As I was departing from the Eagle's Nest cruise Sunday morning (August 30), I passed a boat that I had noticed in the anchorage Saturday. At the time I recognized it as a Catalina 34, but I didn't see the name or sail number. As I approached the boat in the picture, I could make out the sail number (1471, my old hull number)! I got close enough to read the name—Breezin'--and it all made sense.

Page 5: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they

This was my former boat, Breezing Up, nicely making way under sail. The new owner had taken the “g Up” letters out of the name I'd placed on the hull. I shouted “nice boat” and “I think I sold it to you”--the captain seemed to hear the first comment and muttered something unintelligible about the second. She is still a lovely lady! Sigh.

Labor Day Cruise September 7-9

Dave and Barbara Barrett m/v Blue Heron

Barbara and Matt Coyle on Nancy Ann joined Barbara and Dave Barrett on Blue Heron for the Labor

Day Cruise. Several other CCSC members, who had hoped to participate, had to drop out for one

reason or another.

Nancy Ann, after a nice sail across the Bay from the Magothy, found the wind more north than the

forecast east, so motored up to Worton Creek. Blue Heron, coming from Baltimore, also found the

wind more from the north than expected, but Blue Heron goes to windward really well, and had a

nice run up to Worton also.

Page 6: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they

Blue Heron Nancy Anne

We were joined in the outer anchorage of Worton by non-CCSC members, and friends of the

Barretts, Anita and Leo on Panache. Shortly after the three boats were rafted up, another non-

CCSC member, John, joined the party via kayak. John and his wife Pat, who have been friends of

the Coyles since they were 18 years old, keep their sailboat Soliloquy at a marina in Worton Creek.

Barbara prepping for the feast

Later, after Matt ferried John back to his marina via outboard-powered dinghy, a nice selection of

snacks and beverages were enjoyed by those in the raft, along with good conversation, tales of

cruises past, and a beautiful sunset.

Page 7: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they

Sunset on Worton Creek

After the (rather extended) Happy Hour, Leo and Anita said farewell and moved away to anchor

Panache nearby. Panache’s place in the raft was taken by Soliloquy at 9:15 pm. Pat had returned from

work rather later than expected, but she and John and Jack the friendly Labrador retriever, came

out anyway to join in the fun. At some point in the festivities, a glass of red wine was spilled, and

Jack quickly helped with the clean-up. He must have liked the vintage, as he then knocked over

another glass, and cleaned that up too! At 2 am Jack’s system rebelled- resulting in a hasty

departure of Soliloquy from the raft, and a long session of boat cleaning and dog watching for John

and Pat back at their marina.

The next day’s destination was changed by mutual agreement from the Bush River to Still Pond.

All four boats made the short trip around Worton Point and past Belly-button Beach, and

anchored in Still Pond bay, near the Coast Guard station.

Not sure how Blue Heron got there first

Page 8: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they

Soliloquy briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and

Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they carry aboard, and reported it to be very beautiful,

calm and peaceful, once you got past the mega-party of small power boats near the entrance.

Anita and Leo Panache

Dave provided water taxi service to the other boats for another memorable extended Happy Hour

and sunset viewing on Blue Heron.

Barbara, Dave, Leo and Anita on Blue Heron

Page 9: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they

Taxi Service to Panache and Nancy Anne

Sunset on Still Pond

Monday brought light southerly breezes and another long slog to the Magothy, by motor, for Nancy

Ann, but a better slant for Panache to return to home port in Middle River. The Barretts had

planned to visit Chesapeake City at the entrance to the C & D canal, but reconsidered after the

other boats left, and returned to Canton for a nice dinner at Katana Sushi and Japanese restaurant.

After attending to boat chores Tuesday morning, they drove home, with memories of a most

pleasant Labor Day Cruise.

Page 10: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Hank Zerhusen s/v Octavia

Last Sunday, August 23, Jan and I were hanging out on Octavia about 5 pm. She was hosing the bird

poop off the deck; I was sipping a vodka martini down below.

A newbie crew were trying to tie up at the pump-out dock, and were having difficulty, so Jan hailed

me topside to help her to help them. The approach was made difficult because some thoughtless

person had temporarily parked their dink at the west end of the pump-out dock.

The third approach was good, and I took the bow line. Jan was ready to take the stern line, but

there was no stern line; it was still buried in a locker somewhere. So I had a boathook handy, gave

it to Jan so she could try to secure the stern. The boat hook slipped and Jan went down hard on her

back. A stern line was finally produced and thrown to Jan. I then strongly suggested that the end of

the line be attached to the boat, and that a fender be dug out to keep the pristine new hull from

smashing into the dock boards which stand out proud beyond the pilings at this dock.

We had been planning to spend the night aboard, then start a 3 or 4 day cruise Monday morning.

Instead, Jan spent the night in discomfort and by morning was taking maximum doses of Aleve for

severe lower back pain, and a dark purple bruise on one cheek. We came home Monday morning,

and Jan is still hobbling with back pain 4 days later.

And I’ll bet that after that fiasco, the newbies, having spent tens of thousands of dollars for their

new toy have still not signed up for a basic “drivers ed.” course.

[Ed. Note from Hank: We are in week 3 of Jan’s fall and still not back to normal.]

Sailboat Show in Annapolis October 8-12 Carol Durr sent this story from the Capital Gazette about the America’s Cup at the Annapolis Sailboat show. (

Page 11: THE HORNPIPE - briefly rafted with Nancy Anne before returning to home base in Worton Creek. Anita and Leo explored Churn Creek in the kayaks they

America's Cup, one of the oldest and most well-known trophies in international yacht sailing,

will be on display at the United States Sailboat Show this October in Annapolis.

The trophy will be featured at the show's VIP Preview Day on Thursday, Oct. 8 and at the

Premier Launch Party later that evening along with keynote speaker Tucker Thompson, the

America's Cup host. Attendees will also be able to see the trophy Friday October 9, according

to Annapolis Boat Shows, which is hosting the event. Tickets for the VIP Preview Day are $35.

One-day adult tickets are $18, according to the Annapolis Boat Shows' website.

The sailboat show will continue throughout Monday, Oct. 12 at City Dock.

Annapolis Yacht Club officially announced that it will serve as first stop on the America's Cup Trophy tour.

NAME THIS BOAT – ACTUALLY, WHAT IS IT???? We passed this boat on our way into the Magothy….what is it? (So strange!)