the hub corstorphine - edition1

Local Hero: Whichever way you look at it Stuart Potter is a brave man. To advertise please call 0131 603 4522 September / October 2012 Corstorphine the centre of your community © photography by it’sphotographic

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The Hub Community Magazine Corstorphine


Page 1: The Hub Corstorphine - Edition1

Local Hero: Whichever way you look at it Stuart Potter is a brave man.

To advertise please call 0131 603

September / October 2012

Corstorphinethe centre of your community

© photography by it’sphotographic

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Welcome to the very first edition of

The Hub: Corstorphine

The Hub: Corstorphine is a truly community based magazine. We’ve created it with you in mind if you are in business and want to promote what you do, you’re a club or association with an event to advertise or you’re part of the community and simply want to support the people around you.

Let’s kick this first edition off with a big thank you to all our advertisers. Without their support we couldn’t have got the magazine off the ground. So, if you do see an advert and you decide to get in touch with an advertiser it would be great if you could mention where you first saw their number.

This issue of The Hub sees the first of our features covering local business people and heroes. In this edition you can read about the work Ellie Musson is doing at itsPhotographic. We also have top tips on First Aid from Jo Worrall and a sideways look at life from local writer Gillian Brown.

The Hub is all about being part of the community and we want to showcase your work. If you are a keen amateur photographer and want to showcase your work on our front cover then please get in touch.

We’ll feature a different photograph on the front cover of every edition. This month’s front cover comes from Ellie Musson at itsPhotographic. The only thing we ask is that the picture is taken locally and relates to the season, time of year or a particular event.

Finally, if you want to promote an event for your club or association do get in touch with Shona and she’ll make sure we know when and where you want people to be.

Finally, finally, the next stage for us is the launch of our website a bit later in the summer. We’re looking for ideas, contributors and advertisers now so once again, get in touch.

Happy reading.

Welcome Message

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Scottish SecretsThe Curious Literary History of Corstorphine. Who would have thought that Corstorphine had such an intriguing literary history?

Throughout the ages literature has run like a rich channel of culture all the way through its backstory.

One of the most famous Scottish writers of all time Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894) who wrote Treasure Island and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde chose Corstorphine as the spot where his two main characters famously part in the closing pages of his book Kidnapped. There’s even a statue of the scene on Corstorphine Road.

Then there was the inspirational Scottish poet Helen Cruickshank (1886 – 1975) who chose to live in a semi-detached house in Corstorphine for fifty years. During those years her home, affectionately known as ‘Dinnieduff’, became a hub for many of Scotland’s greatest artists and writers.

As such Corstorphine became an informal headquarters for the Scottish Renaissance of the mid twentieth century – a flourishing time when writers were exploring philosophy and technology and reviving Scotland’s declining languages.

And in the modern day? The fact that poet Rob A Mackenzie recently wrote a beautiful poem called ‘Corstorphine, Midnight’ shows that the literary light is still burning bright in Corstorphine.

In fact there’s a lively literary community for every blossoming writer or keen

reader to get involved in. For instance, Edinburgh Zoo now has it’s own writer in residence Eluned Rees and is holding regular writing events. There’s also the Corstorphine Book Group who meet at Corstorphine Library on the third Wednesday of every month.

There are even literary provisions for the tiniest members of society such as the ‘Bookbug’ sessions of song, story and rhyme for youngsters also at Costorphine Library.

In the words of American writer Mary Schmich:

‘Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere.’

And so, for that matter, is writing. So how about it bookwriters and bookworms? You too could be a part of Corstorphine’s rich and varied literary life.

Read more:

By Gillian Brown

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Business Spotlight:With Ellie Musson from itsPhotographic

Ever since her first job in a studio just after leaving school.

‘It was a different world back then,’ says Ellie. ‘Photographs were processed in a dark room, produced from fragile negatives by means of enlargers, chemicals and print driers. Processing photographs was a lengthy and expensive process in comparison to today’

But even back then it was possible to do many things which Photoshop does nowadays, it took longer and there was no “undo” button. When wrinkles were removed with a blade they were gone forever, along with the top layer of emulsion from the black and white print.

Although there are many similarities and good

composition and imagination are key, Ellie believes that the photography business has changed almost beyond recognition. The main difference with the advent of digital photography is that anyone can produce good photographs and the consequences of getting it wrong are much less; you can simply delete the image and replace it with a better one.

It’s almost a year since Ellie Musson began working with itsPhotographic although it had been a dream for a long time before that…

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One of the itsPhotographic photographers explained how the role of the photographer has changed. “For me, professional photography is about recognising the beauty that an image can portray. Whether it’s a portrait or landscape, the image has to make the viewer stop and look.

People often do not feel comfortable with getting their photograph taken, but by the time they leave the studio, they feel like models! That, for me, is job well done!”

People often do not feel comfortable with getting their photograph taken, but by the time they leave the studio, they feel like models!

itsPhotographic has been going from strength to strength. Ellie puts this down to the range of work they undertake: everything from weddings and portraiture to underwater photography.

Ellie has continued her investment into the business, too. ‘There’s

always some new technology to consider. We’re upgrading our lighting, portrait studio and photographic printing. We can now produce our own prints up to A1 size.’

Do you have a business you would like us to spotlight?

Call 0131 603 4522

To see more of itsPhotogrpahic’s work and perhaps even book a portrait session you can find them on or Facebook:

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What do accountants do?

arm and asked ‘Where do you want it, pal?’

‘Over there, please.’ I said, and went to work.

I simply assumed he could do the job and it’s the same with accountants… they all do accounts. So how do you choose one over


I asked Renee Mackay of TaxAssist Accountants about what she thinks her job actually is.

‘Of course, the foundation has to be accurate work, everything hinges on that but at the same time it should be a given.’

Okay, so if the accounts (and bookkeeping, payroll, VAT and all that other stuff) are a given, how on Earth does anyone choose one accountant over another?

‘For me,’ says Renee, ‘there are several things you should look for from an accountant. You need someone who understands your business and what you’re trying to achieve.

On the face of it, the answer is obvious: they do accounts, don’t they?

Well, yes they do, but should that be the most important consideration when choosing an accountant?

‘The Small Business Champions’

Think about it this way: last time you had some work done on a gas appliance the engineer who carried out the work has to be Gas Safe Registered but I bet you didn’t ask to see their certificate. I know we didn’t last year when we had a new hob. The guy fetched up with the hob under his

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What do accountants do?

“I think it’s really important that clients feel comfortable calling or visiting their accountant as a first port of call rather than as a last resort.”

is agreed in advance and fixed with no hidden extras for things like ‘phone calls or meetings.’

Renee pauses for a moment before continuing. ‘I think it’s really important that clients feel comfortable calling or visiting their accountant as a first port of call rather than as a last resort.’

And I suppose TaxAssist Accountants do all these things?

Renee smiles at my feeble attempt at provocation. ‘I like to think so,’ she says, ‘that’s why we operate from shop front style premises. I’m pretty confident that all my clients are happy to drop in, even if it’s just for a chat. And that’s the way I like it.’

You can find TaxAssist Accountants at 84 St John’s Road, Corstorphine.

84 St. John’s Road, Edinburgh. EH12 8AT I 0131 202 9888

Your accountant should help you achieve your goals. They should also be looking to make connections for you… after all most accountants have many hundreds of clients.’

Right, I get that, but price is very important, surely.

‘Yes, it is, of course. I have to say, there’s a difference between cheap and value for money, but the price has to be right. I think equally as important is that the price

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We asked Jo Worrall of Twist Training for her essential reminders for first aid action:

Unconscious Not BreathingTilt head back & check for breathing, call 999, deliver chest compressions fast & hard at a regular rate. Find & use defibulator as directed if there is one.

Unconscious & BreathingCheck for breathing by tilting head back, move them onto their side with their head tilted back (recovery position), call 999.

Heart Attack (persistent, vice like chest pain) Call 999, ensure they are sitting in a position that is comfortable, reassure them whilst waiting for ambulance.

Stroke (FAST – Face has weakness, Arms weak on one side, Speech maybe slurred, Time to act)Call 999, reassure them while waiting for ambulance.

ChokingHit firmly between the shoulder blades to dislodge the item, if needed call 999.

Bleeding HeavilyApply pressure on the wound with whatever is available to stop the flow of blood, call 999 or take to A&E.

BurnsCool the area under running water for at least 10 minutes, loosely cover with clingfilm or a clean plastic bag, call 999 or take to A&E.

Head Injury Ask them to rest, apply

a cold compress, if they become drowsy or vomit, call 999.

Epilepsy/SeizuresPut something soft under their head; do not restrain, help them into lying on side with head tilted back to rest after seizure (recovery position).

Asthma AttackHelp them take their own medication, reassure, if attack becomes severe call 999.

Remember, if in doubt call 999 immediately. Never ‘guess’ what’s best.

You can find out more about Jo and Twist Training by visiting

Jo Worrall of Twist Training

A little First Aid can go a long way

We can do much to prevent accidents in the home but we can never get rid of them completely. It makes sense, then, to know just a little First Aid.

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Whichever way you look at it Stuart Potter is a brave man.Whichever way you look at it Stuart Potter is a brave man.

Sure, biking from Edinburgh to London in 3 days is quite a challenge. To do it in support of Mind, the national mental health charity, just after you’ve admitted to the world that you’ve suffered from depression for years takes ‘brave’ to a whole new level.

From 19th to 21st June Stuart spent more than

24 hours in the saddle, burned more than 20,000 calories, climbed more than 3,000 metres and, most importantly, raised more than £4,000.

Stuart is a modest man who is still a little surprised that he’s speaking so openly about a subject that’s usually kept hidden: mental ill-health.

In fact, 25% of the population in any given year

will suffer from a mental health problem. Stuart has actually been living with depression for years. He thought he was suffering from mood swings and it was his wife who persuaded him to visit the doctor.

Since he was diagnosed with depression in February 2011 he’s learned to live with it and manage his symptoms but, according to Stuart, it still seems strange to be talking about mental health so openly.

So, why did he decide to take on the challenge?

‘Well, partially it was for me – I love cycling but mostly it’s because I want to reduce the stigma associated with mental ill-health.’

Day 1 took Stuart from Edinburgh to Darlington, the hilliest section of his journey, before cycling to Loughborough on day 2. This section was the flattest and the toughest mentally.

Local Hero: Stuart Potter

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‘For 6 hours all I saw was a road and hedges… it took me to dark places!’

On day 3, the weather turned for the worse; there was torrential rain as he cycled through the streets of London.

We wondered what the greatest challenge of this momentous journey was.

‘The challenge really came before the event. It was admitting that I had a mental health issue and being prepared for the inevitable questions. But I’m glad I took the plunge and got the advice’

You can find out more about Stuart and his epic journey by visiting

Local Hero: Stuart Potter

25% of the population in any given year will suffer from a mental health problem.

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Solicitors you’ll enjoy talking to

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Business Blog by Richard Lambert

Being in business is not easy but it is sometimes very funny. Each edition we’re going to publish hints and tips for you if you are in business. If you have any advice for your fellow business people we’d love to hear from you. Just send in your ideas and we’ll do the rest… and, to say ‘thanks’ if we use the stuff you send us, you can have your next advert for free.

People Buy People First

It’s an old saying in sales that people buy people first.

It’s almost true, too. Almost, but not quite. What it should actually say is this:

People buy on emotion and justify with logic. That emotion is often whether they like the person and the logic is often affordability.

But it’s much too long-winded and so we always say people buy people first.

The thing is it works in reverse, too. People decide not to buy on emotion just as quickly.

Take my wife... please. (Okay, okay; it’s an old joke, but I thought it was worth repeating). Take my wife. She was in a car showroom looking at new cars. She was ready to be sold to and she liked the look of the car she was viewing. Bear in mind that she’d been shopping and that she was with her mum.

The only thing the sales guy had to do was ask her if she wanted a test drive and fetch the keys. Instead what he did was look her up and down and say ‘you’ll never get your messages in the back of that, love.’

Personally, I think it was the ‘love’ on the end of the sentence that really did for him.

My wife (who was ready to buy and wanted that Honda) marched out of the showroom and into the garage next door and bought a different car… not particularly because she wanted one, but mostly to naff off the salesman in the first garage.

All of this goes to show a couple of things:

1.Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

2.First impressions count in sales

3.It’s easy to muck it up if you’re not ultra-careful

Personally, I could see what the bloke was trying to say. He was making a light-hearted joke, notwithstanding the fact that it was a bonehead thing to say, at the same time as trying not to be too pushy.

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Business Blog by Richard Lambert

But then, I’m not my wife and neither is he. I think I know what the guy would say if he reads this article. He would say something like, ‘well, it was just a joke and it wouldnae upset me.’

That’s just the point, though. The least important person

in the sales process is the sales person. It doesn’t matter whether the comment would upset him, just as it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t like pushy sales people or whether he thinks the car is a bit pricey.

It only matters what the

customer thinks and if the customer wants to be sold to then that’s what you have to do.

However, take some time to gauge the customer before you make a comment like he did. I think he was fairly lucky to escape with just a lost sale…

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When it comes to getting Lee Kibble of Copperswood Scotland, a local landscaping company, to blow his own trumpet, he definitely falls in the ‘strong, silent type’ category.

The thing is, he should really be in the ‘brilliant trades person with a real passion for what he does’ grouping.

Ask Lee what he does and you don’t get many words but you do get a sense of how much he loves his work. Probe just a bit beneath the surface and a spark ignites and you get a sense of what really drives Lee forward.

For him a garden is more than an open space; it’s a place where someone can relax away from the hectic life they lead.

This understanding about what a garden is comes from the heart. It’s not just lip service to his profession: ‘My garden is a haven for me; it’s a place where my family can relax… we have an extra outdoor room that adds value to our home.’

It’s a line that’s used pretty often, but Lee delivers it with absolute conviction. Copperswood go to great lengths to make sure they get every garden they do just right. ‘It starts at the very beginning; we make sure we understand what

the client wants before designing their new garden for them, whether it’s for playing with children or enjoying the sunset with a glass of wine.’

Once they have the design right Lee and his team go to work and they do everything from the hard labour of landscaping to designing and building bespoke garden furniture.

‘We’re very proud of our reputation,’ continues Lee, warming to his subject, ‘We’re Marshall registered, all of our work has a five year satisfaction guarantee and all our products are guaranteed for ten years.

But while you talk with Lee you get the sense that it’s not the guarantees that float his boat. In his quiet voice Lee agrees, ‘Our surroundings deeply affect our happiness and our gardens make people happy.’

You can find out more about Copperswood Scotland by visiting their website, finding them on Facebook or connecting with Lee on LinkedIn.

Business Spotlight:With Lee Kibble of Copperswood Scotland

“a garden is more than an open space; it’s a place where someone can relax away from the hectic life they lead”

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A fusion of the traditional family values combined with a new generation of passion and enthusiasm. We offer professional outside catering for any event or function across Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife. We have a range of menus unique and tasty menus.

Want something a little different for your next event? We offer a range of miniature pies with a variety of fillings that are sure to satisfy your guests appetite.

See our website for more details or give us a call to discuss your individual requirements.

Do you need catering for a large event?We are proud to announce that our 35ft mobile catering facility is in operation. Our purpose built trailer is design for catering for large crowds and will be appearing at festivals near you all over Britain. It’s all about the-foodbox.

See our website for more details.

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Corstorphinethe centre of your community

We want to hear from you if:

• You are a local club or society and want to promote your organisation

• You want to tell us about a Local Hero and their work

• You would like us to spotlight a local business

• You want to advertise your business in The Hub or on our website

Contact us now...

0131 603 [email protected]

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