the 2014 information diary...

1 Edinburgh, Leith & District Battalion The HuBB November 2014 Information Diary Dates Battalion Executive meeting Tuesday 25 th November 2014 Battalion Calendar of Events The Calendar of Events for this session has recently been updated with training and events dates, if you require a new copy please get in touch with the office. Shop Hours Please note the shop hours are 9:30am to 12:30pm Monday to Friday, we would appreciate if you reminded staff and parents of this. Outwith these times you must phone or email prior to calling in to ensure there is staff available to assist. Forthcoming Events Junior Section Swimming Gala CS&S Musician of the Year The Junior Section Swimming Gala is once again being held at Leith Academy, on Saturday 29 th November 2014 from 4pm to 6pm. Entry forms and rules have been issued and all entries must be with the office asap. We hope to have another good turn-out of Boys and Companies for this event. The CS&S Musician of the Year Competition is being held on Tuesday 25 th November 2014 at North Esk Church , Musselburgh. The competition is open to all Company and Senior Section Boys. Entry forms have been issued and should now be returned to the office. CS&S PT Competition AS&JS Christmas Story and Activity The Company Section Physical Training competition will be held on Friday 5th December 2014 at 1st Leith Halls, 73 Ferry Road from 7pm. Entry forms and the exercises have been issued and can be found on the website or by request from the office. All entries must be sent to HQ no later than Friday 21st November 2014. This year, the Battalion are running a Christmas story and activity event for Anchors and Juniors. Information about the event has been issued and can be found on the website or by request from the office. All entries must be sent to HQ no later than Tuesday 9 th December 2014. Forthcoming Training Building Your Skills This course is specifically for Boys who are currently in Company Section and who are working towards their Presidents Badge. This training session will be held at Pollock Pavilion on Sunday 30 th November 2014. The course runs from 1.30pm to 5.30pm. Please arrive promptly as the training begins at 1.30pm regardless. All entries must be in the office by Sunday 23 rd November.

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Page 1: The 2014 Information Diary Dates Battalion Executive meeting Tuesday 25th November 2014 Battalion Calendar


Edinburgh, Leith & District Battalion

The HuBB November 2014


Diary Dates Battalion Executive meeting Tuesday 25th November 2014

Battalion Calendar of Events The Calendar of Events for this session has recently been updated with training

and events dates, if you require a new copy please get in touch with the office.

Shop Hours

Please note the shop hours are 9:30am to 12:30pm Monday to Friday, we

would appreciate if you reminded staff and parents of this. Outwith these times

you must phone or email prior to calling in to ensure there is staff available to


Forthcoming Events

Junior Section Swimming Gala CS&S Musician of the Year The Junior Section Swimming Gala is once again being

held at Leith Academy, on Saturday 29th November 2014

from 4pm to 6pm. Entry forms and rules have been issued

and all entries must be with the office asap. We hope to

have another good turn-out of Boys and Companies for this


The CS&S Musician of the Year Competition is being held

on Tuesday 25th November 2014 at North Esk Church ,

Musselburgh. The competition is open to all Company

and Senior Section Boys. Entry forms have been issued

and should now be returned to the office.

CS&S PT Competition AS&JS Christmas Story and Activity The Company Section Physical Training competition will

be held on Friday 5th December 2014 at 1st Leith Halls,

73 Ferry Road from 7pm. Entry forms and the exercises

have been issued and can be found on the website or by

request from the office. All entries must be sent to HQ no

later than Friday 21st November 2014.

This year, the Battalion are running a Christmas story and

activity event for Anchors and Juniors. Information about

the event has been issued and can be found on the

website or by request from the office. All entries must be

sent to HQ no later than Tuesday 9th December 2014.

Forthcoming Training

Building Your Skills This course is specifically for Boys who are currently in

Company Section and who are working towards their

President’s Badge. This training session will be held at

Pollock Pavilion on Sunday 30th November 2014. The

course runs from 1.30pm to 5.30pm. Please arrive

promptly as the training begins at 1.30pm regardless. All

entries must be in the office by Sunday 23rd November.

Page 2: The 2014 Information Diary Dates Battalion Executive meeting Tuesday 25th November 2014 Battalion Calendar


News & Results

Company Section and Seniors Christian Faith Quiz

Winning Team from 61st Edinburgh Company

65th Edinburgh recently hosted a hotly contested CS&S

Christian Faith Quiz on Wednesday 12th November in

Gibson Craig Hall, Currie.

The results are as follows:

61st Edinburgh A – Nathan Russell; Daniel

Simpson; Ciaran Walker – with 82½ points. The

Boys received gift vouchers and the Trophy to take

back to Musselburgh.

65th Edinburgh – Neil Wang; Duncan Cameron;

Greg Hamilton – with 80 points

61st Edinburgh C – Luke Hunter; Alex Miller;

Charlie Robertson – with 58 points

61st Edinburgh B – Peter McNeill; Joseph Cross;

Jamie McNeilly – with 56½ points

Refreshments followed with the Boys enjoying Christmas

pies and fellowship. Thanks must go to 65th Edinburgh for

organising and hosting the event.

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What’s been happening in our Battalion?

Bonnyrigg BB Members walk 28km as part of Scottish Challenge 51st Bonnyrigg Boys’ Brigade donned their walking shoes to raise greater awareness of the youth organisation in


The Boys’ Brigade, which is celebrating its 130th year, has launched a recruitment campaign – Growing Bigger,

Growing Better – aimed at increasing its membership by 10 per cent. To help raise awareness of the organisation and

its great work with over 20,000 young people in Scotland, local BB companies have been challenged to help walk the

length and breadth of Scotland.

51st Bonnyrigg Boys’ Brigade undertook its part of the challenge on 25th October with 15 young people putting their

best foot forward to complete 28km of the 1000km challenge.

Sean Campbell organiser of the weekend activity in the 51st company said:

"The walk was part of a fun residential weekend held in East Lothian staying at the Innerwick outdoor education centre

near Dunbar. On the Saturday we split into two age groups, the younger of the group our Juniors, aged 11-14, walked

part of the John Country Way entering Dunbar from the west via Belhaven Bay, totalling 10km. Meanwhile the senior

age group headed to the hills behind Stenton. The boys in the age group are working toward their Queen's Badge and

Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award. On a bright yet windy autumnal day they completed 18km.

Scott Leslie, Leader within the 51st Bonnyrigg Boys Brigade said:

"The group of boys and leaders had an excellent weekend of activities including the walk, took part in swimming,

football, indoor competitions including table tennis, Jenga, quizzes, cooking and their own 'boys with a reasonably

priced car Xbox'! Everyone was good company and it may for a great fun weekend.

Bill Stevenson, Director of The Boys’ Brigade, Scotland, said:

"It is really encouraging to see so many of our Companies in Scotland grow over the last few years. The aim of our new

campaign – Growing Bigger, Growing Better – is to build on that momentum, as we look to grow our membership in

Scotland by a further 10 per cent.

"To help raise awareness of the organisation, we have challenged each of the 450 groups to

help us walk the length and breadth of Scotland and we’re really encouraged to hear just how

well they are all doing. We are well on the way to achieving our 1000km challenge.”

Bill added:

"We are looking for new members (aged from five to 18) from across Scotland and anyone

who is interested should contact their local group or visit the BB website.

"The BB can offer many fun activities from sports and outdoor pursuits, to trips abroad. Also,

there’s the opportunity to build confidence, learn new skills and make friends for life.”

The Growing Bigger, Growing Better 1000km Challenge was launched on 15 August and The BB

Companies have until the end of November to complete it.

Pictures of the event are available here:

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41st Edinburgh celebrate their 50 Year Anniversary The 41st celebrated 50 years at Duddingston on 8th October with events including an all sections trip to Blair

Drummond Safari Park, a family church service with lots of birthday cake and a reunion event. Our Juniors also went to

Dalguise for a weekend camp.

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News from Scottish Headquarters

Captain’s Training There are still a couple of places available for the course in Aberdeen on Saturday 22nd November. The day is aimed

at both existing captains and those wishing to complete their training to become a captain. If you would like more

information please contact Irene Davidson.

Gideons International Battalion Secretaries should all have received an e-mail about the Gideons offer to kindly provide a copy of the New

Testament and Psalms (NIV) for every Company Section and Senior Section member. If you are not aware of this scheme

please contact Rhona Drummond at Scottish HQ.

Carronvale Burns Supper Planning has already started for our next Burns Supper due to be held on Monday 26th January. If you would like to

reserve a ticket priced £15, please contact Irene Davidson at [email protected] It promises to be

another entertaining and enjoyable evening.

2015 Easter Sports Camp After the success of this year’s event, we are planning on running another Company Section sports residential camp at

Carronvale House during the Easter week. The action-packed programme of sports will run from Monday 6 April –

Wednesday 8 April 2015 and is open to young people in P7-S3, cost will be £55. Further details will be circulated in

due course, but if anyone would like to provisionally book a place, with a deposit of £15, please contact Paul O’Shea

at [email protected]

You are Invited.....

Glasgow Battalion

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Battalion Shop & Office

Festive Period During the festive period, the Shop will be closed as of Thursday 18th December and the Office as of Friday 19th

December 2014. Both the Shop and Office will re-open on Monday 5th January 2015.

Christmas cards are now available in the shop.

Prayer Points Please continue to remember the ongoing work of the Battalion and the wider BB family in your prayers. Please pray for

the following:

Our young men who are struggling with their faith. That God would call them and reassure them. Ask God to

keep our young people safe from harm and to shield them from temptation and bad choices. Pray that as they

explore Jesus in Bible class that they will have a personal encounter with the risen Lord.

Pray for all the children and young men who did not return to BB this session: pray that they will still hear the

word of God and be blessed.

Pray that our leaders will continue to be uplifted and encouraged as they serve the Lord through BB. Give thanks

for the expectant hope we have in the birth of Jesus.

Company focus – 51st Bonnyrigg, 3rd/8th Edinburgh, 7th Edinburgh, 13th Edinburgh, 25th Edinburgh, 31st


Other Information Leader Registrations

It is clear that we still have a number of people working in

Companies who are not registered as Leaders.

Let’s try to get everyone properly registered. All the

necessary forms are available at www.boys-

Like us on Facebook & Follow us on Twitter

Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

(eldbb) to keep up to date with important deadlines and

what is happening in Edinburgh, Leith & District Battalion.

Also, please use the Facebook group to share ideas, post

reports on what you are doing in your Company and to

connect with other BB Companies and ELD Battalion. Contact Us

The Boys’ Brigade – Edinburgh, Leith & District Battalion

Pollock Pavilion, 227 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, EH6 4SP

T: 0131 551 1200 | E: [email protected]

Connect with Us

eldbb eldbb

Change of Details

Please notify Edinburgh, Leith & District Battalion

Headquarters of all changes of personnel and contact

details as soon as possible. Notification can be made by

post or email using the contact details printed above.

Next Edition

The next edition of ‘The HuBB’ will be issued around the

15th December 2014. If you have anything you would like

considered for inclusion please email it to office@thebb- by Wednesday 10th December 2014.

The object of The Boys’ Brigade: The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of

Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.