the icarus project alpha version 0.1.4 by icarus miniatures


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The Icarus Project Alpha Rules. We are dedicated to making this rule set the best it can be, and we need your help to do it. Head over to our play test group on facebook and share your thoughts:


Page 1: The Icarus Project Alpha Version 0.1.4 by Icarus Miniatures


Icarus ProjectTHE


Alpha Rules

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ForewordDear Gamer,

Thank you for looking at the latest version of our rules. We’re still in the very early stages of design and recognisethat game design cannot happen in vacuum. We want to create the very best game that we can, and to do thatwe need as many people playing the game as possible.

We have created a Facebook group for play testers which you can find here:


Our playtest group is filled with awesome people talking about The Icarus Project, and Icarus Miniatures ingeneral. We discuss rules, background, artwork, and the miniatures. And it’s a great place to give feedback.

We appreciate every piece of feedback we receive, and the more you tell us about what you like, and what youdon’t like, the better we can make this game.

I hope you enjoy these rules, and I look forward to chatting to you about The Icarus Project soon.

Anthony CerratoFounder, Icarus Miniatures

Created & written by Anthony Cerrato. Artwork by; Daniel Comerci, Prokopii Osipov, and Patricio Clarey. All rightsreserved: © Copyright 2015 Icarus Miniatures. Any unauthorized reproduction, copying, or distribution of thismaterial without the express permission of Icarus Miniatures is an infringement of the relevant copyright and willsubject the infringer to the appropriate civil and criminal prosecutions.All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purelycoincidental.

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TheIcarus Project

The Narrative Sci-Fi Skirmish Wargame

Version: 0.1.4

Last Edited: 27 June 2015

Welcome to The Icarus Project; a new Science-Fiction Skirmish Wargame from Icarus Miniatures.

The Icarus Project is set in a Science Fiction universe, around eight hundred years in the future.Humanity has grown rapidly; become a major force on the galactic stage, and paid for it with two brutal warsagainst an alien race named the Nexus.

The galactic body which humanity, and almost all other races were a part of, the Council of Systems (or Councilfor short), has fallen apart. The Alliance of humanity, the Praesidians, the Nexus, and many other species havechose to leave the Council. Opting instead to govern themselves and claim their own territories throughout space.

Tensions are high, and the various galactic factions come to blows regularly over border disputes, resources, andold grudges.


There are a few basic things you’ll need to play TheIcarus Project. These are:

Miniatures: 28-35mm miniatures to represent thevarious units in the game.

Tape Measure: Used to measure distances in thegame.

Dice: Regular 6 sided dice (often called D6). You’llwant to have plenty of these to hand to resolve thingslike combats.

Tokens: You’ll need tokens of some sort to mark whichunits have yet to activate, taken damage, and severalother effects. Coins or different coloured dice work finefor this.

Templates: The Icarus Project uses 3 differenttemplates for things which have an area of effect.These are Template (Small), Template (Large), andTemplate (Cone).

The Golden Rule: The most important part of anygame is that you have fun!

What You’ll Need to Play Change Log, Version 0.1.4- New Cover

- Moved Spectre to the Mercenaries force list.

- Added a section on page 12 to clarify CriticalCondition.

- Changed the equipment listing of Gabriel Cross, IsaacCross, and Jesse Pope.

- Added Buddy. A new unique Mercenary Character.

- Added Blaze. A new unique Mercenary Character.

- Removed the Templar and Guy characters.

- Added Hated Foes (Nexus), Echo Inhaler, & OrbitalStrike to Charlie Bishop’s profile.

- Added the Manipulate special rule to Scarlett Black.

- Added the Echo Inhaler, Ravager Bike, and IgnitionBomb to the list of equipment.

- Replace Assault Rifle with Energy Rifle for allPraesidian Units.

- Added rules for bikes.

- Added Nexus Commander & Ravager Biker.

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The Icarus Project

By 2163, following the private space race of the 21st

and early 22nd century, mankind began preparationsfor the first manned mission to another solar system.Proxima Centauri, being the closest star, was chosenas the destination. For nearly twenty years, dozens ofcompanies competed to design the ship that wouldmake the voyage. In 2175, the Icarus Corporation wonthe contract to build the Icarus I, the ship which woulddeliver seven people to Proxima Centauri. Constructionbegan a year later and the Icarus Project took almostten years to complete. On the 9th of September, 2186,the crew of the Icarus I departed from the space stationat the edge of the solar system and journeyed into theunknown.

Their voyage took over four and a half years, but onthe 14th of May 2191 the Icarus I entered the ProximaCentauri system.

The Icarus spent three days upon entering the systemperforming scans. While no life was found, theirinstruments did detect an anomaly on the opposite sideof the star; a hollow ring approximately 80 km indiameter and 1 km deep. This ring was clearly notsomething that was formed naturally and the captainof the Icarus I, Emily Armstrong-Voight, ordered theship to move closer to investigate.

The ring was, as they thought, not a natural formation.It was made of various metals and seemed to give offlarge levels of radiation. However, it looked ruined. Itssurface was pitted with craters, presumably frompassing meteoroids. The captain ordered the crew toguide the Icarus though the centre of the object so thatthey could examine it more closely.

As they moved within the ring their instruments beganto malfunction and display strange readings. Alarmssounded and the crew begged the captain to turn theship around, but he refused. And at 16:44, May 18th,2191 earth time, the Icarus I vanished from the ProximaCentauri system.

When the airlock opened they were met with a trio oftall, blue-grey faces that looks eerily similar to theclassic “grey” aliens of Earth’s popular culture.

‘Do not be afraid,’ the centre figure spoke, in perfectEnglish. Arnold Jones, the Icarus’ engineer, openedfire with his pistol. The two figures either side of theone who spoke moved in the path of the bullet, bluedisks glowing on their arms. The round struck one ofthese disks and vaporised.

‘Your weapons will be of no use to you here,’ the figurespoke again. It gestured for them to follow, ‘come, letus talk.’

The figure introduced itself as the Spirit Warrior, Vey.Vey told them that they had discovered a Praesidianwatching post, and that these creatures, thePraesidians, had been monitoring mankind formillennia.

Vey explained to the crew of the Icarus that thePraesidians were part of a galactic government calledthe Council, and that by successfully achievinginterstellar travel, humanity was now eligible to join.The Praesidians escorted the crew of the Icarus backto Earth, with the journey taking less than a week. Veytold them the ring they had entered was a Light Gate,a device that links to points in space and allows fortravel between points on opposite ends of the galaxyin almost no time.

Vey and his delegates met with the world leaders ofEarth and explained their proposition. They would beallowed to join the Council, and benefit from thetechnological advances that would bring, but mustagree to live by council laws. Though they werereluctant at first, Earth’s leaders recognised that thiswas an opportunity that would never come aroundagain, and accepted.

First ContactAs the Icarus I reached the centre of the ring there wasa flash of light, and when it dissipated, they saw theywere no longer in the Proxima Centauri System. Beforethem lay a vast expanse of strange spacecraft, spacestations, and beyond, a bright blue planet. A group ofthe strange ships immediately moved towards themand all the power systems of the ship were shut down.The closest ship opened a large hatch on its nose andenveloped the Icarus. Captain Armstrong-Voightordered her crew to take up arms. Between the sevenmembers of crew, they had a single assault rifle with30 rounds, two pistols, and a flare gun. The stood,huddled together, their shaking weapons aimed at theairlock door of the Icarus.

The Galactic AllianceMankind flourished under the guidance of the Council.Their technology leapt forward by a thousand years,and they began to colonise worlds all over knownspace.

The Galactic Alliance of Humanity was formed as away to unite the many pockets of humanity that hadspread across the stars. The Alliance introduced newlaws, in addition to Council laws, that member planetsmust abide by. Within decades, the Alliance had grownto a vast size, and was in control of almost all humanworlds.


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The Nexus WarLess than 200 years after first contact, Mankind wasgiven a seat on the Council, and allowed to help shapethe decisions of the Council as a whole.

No other race had been allowed to sit on the Councilso soon after being accepted into the Council as awhole. But mankind’s rapid expansion, adaptability,and eagerness to learn, had caught the attention of theCouncil.

The Nexus leaders did not take the news of theappointment of a human counsellor well. Theythreatened military action if humanity’s seat on theCouncil was not revoked.

The Council did not give in to their demands, and in2377, Earth time, the Nexus declared war on humanity.

The Nexus war lasted 29 years, and saw humanitypushed back to Earth. The Nexus blocked the humanhome world and had just begin their invasion when thePraesidians intervened.

The Praesidian leaders had been reluctant to becomeinvolved in the conflict until that point; arguing that otherraces must be left to defend themselves. Vey campaignthrough the course of the war, arguing the Great Spiritwould not have delivered humanity to them, only tohave them crushed by the Nexus.

Vey was eventually able to secure a small fleet to giveaid. Together, the humans and Praesidians were ableto drive back the Nexus.

Under threat of a Praesidian embargo, the Nexusreluctantly signed a peace treaty with humanity.

When the war was over, the Alliance declared that noalien species was ever again to set foot on Earth. Ablockade was set up around the planet, and has beenthere ever since. No alien has set foot on earth in over450 years.

Might of the AllianceKnowing how close mankind had come to extinction,the Alliance’s focus shifted after the Nexus war.Defence became their primary concern, and all theirefforts went into ensuring they would never be sooutmatched again.

The Galactic Marines, the Alliance’s special forces,were formed. The first recruits were trained at a secretlocation by a collection of mercenaries from variousspecies. These mercenaries gave the marines the skillsthey would need to fight the various aliens they wouldencounter in battle.

The Alliance also began building their fleet, and thoughthey still don’t have as many ships in total as thePraesidians today, they have more combat readyvessels than any other race.

In 2692, a Trax fleet arrived at the Ji’tar home world,with the intention of taking the Ji’tar metal. With Ji’tararmour, they would become almost unstoppable.

Luckily, the Trax had no idea of the military presenceon the Ji’tar home world. The Ji’tar were able to holdagainst the invasion, going to ground and digging in.

At the same time, another fleet arrived at thePraesidian home world. The Trax had long beenmonitored and policed by the Praesidians. ThePraesidians recognised the danger the Trax could poseif they took up arms en mass. Unfortunately the Traxwere more stealthy than the Praesidians gave themcredit for, and were able to build their force in secret.

The Trax Rebellion

Two weeks before the end of the war, a PraesidianSpirit Warrior suggested a radical and bold strategy. Incomplete violation of their normal values, this SpiritWarrior suggested a fleet be dispatched to the Traxhome world, and commence bombardment in an effortto lure the Trax fleets back. The loss of Trax lives, hereasoned, would be significantly lower than those thatwould be lost if they were left to continue their rebellion.

The Praesidian leaders refused initially, untilrepresentatives from Ji’tar pressured them, remindingthem that the Ji’tar home world was still under siege,and had been for over five years. The Nexus leaderalso agreed, pledging two dozen ships for the effort.The Praesidian senate turned to humanity, who hadyet to cast their vote. Humanity reasoned that,abhorrent as an attack on a home world largelypopulated by civilians would be, it would certainly drawthe Trax forces back.

So it was agreed. On the 25th of April 2697,bombardment began. When the Trax fleet arrived, acombined fleet arrived through the Light Gate and theTrax were caught between two forces. The fleet waswiped out, all save the capital ship.

The Praesidian senator boarded the immobile vessel,and offered the Trax leader an ultimatum; return to yourhome world and stay there, or be exterminated. TheTrax leader agreed and he and his crew weretransported to the ruins of their home world.

The Praesidians deactivated the Trax light gate, cuttingthem off from the rest of the galaxy, and posted acontingent of 3 ships, two cruisers and a life ship, toremain in orbit above the Trax home world indefinitelyto make sure they never rose up again.

This decision faced serious backlash in the council,with many calling it a war crime, genocide, saying thedecision should be overturned. But it remained in placefor over 100 years. During this time, the only Trax leftin the core systems were those that had been livingthere before and had not taken part in the war. Someof them banded together into communities on neutralplanets, which is where the majority of Trax walkingthe galaxy today come from.

Fall of the Trax Empire


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The Icarus Project is played using finely detailed, scale miniatures. These models represent a huge variety ofcharacters and creatures in The Icarus Project universe; from the noble Praesidians to the brutal Nexus andeverything in between.

Models & Units

UnitsA unit is counted as any single miniature in thegame.

Each unit in The Icarus Project has a name and aseries of statistics (called stats), which together makethe profile that defines how they perform in the game.These are:

Move (M) – How many inches a unit can move peraction.

Ranged (R) – The score needed by the unit to hit anenemy with a ranged attack. If the unit has no rangedattacks, this is a “-”.

Combat (C) – The score the unit needs to roll tosuccessfully hit an opponent in combat.

Defence (D) – The score your opponent needs todamage your unit.

Attacks (A) – The number of attacks a unit can makein close combat.

Health (H) – This is the amount of damage a unit cantake before they are removed from play.

Courage (Co) – How brave the unit is.

Points (Pts) – The number of points the unit costs.

Equipment – The equipment the unit is armed with.

Special – Any special rules that affect the unit.



You may measure distances at any time you like.Distances are always measured to or from the nearestpoints between the bases of two units.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsAllianceTrooper 6 5 5 4 1 5 4 11

Measuring Distances

A game turn is the time it takes for every unit of eachplayer to perform all their actions.

The Icarus Project uses an alternative activationsystem that begins with each player rolling for priority.Both players roll a D6 and the player who scores thehighest may choose to go first. The turn then proceedsas follows:

-Player one activates their first unit and performs theiractions.-Player two activates their first unit and performs theiractions.-Player one activates their second unit and performstheir actions.-Player two activates their second unit and performstheir actions.

And so on until all units on both sides have performedall their available actions. Once all units on the tablehave performed their actions, the turn is over and theplayers roll priority for the next game turn.

If one player has completed all his activations and theother player still has several units left to activate, thatplayer may activate each of their remaining units inturn. However, each additional activation becomesmore difficult. Roll a D6 for each unit and compare theresult to the table:

First additional activation: 4+Second additional activation: 5+Each additional activation thereafter: 6+

The Turn

DiceWhenever we refer to a die or dice we are talking abouta normal six-sided die, often shortened to D6. Theremay be times where the rules refer to a D3 which is aregular roll of a D6 where: 1 or 2 = 1, 3 or 4 = 2 and 5or 6 = 3. There may also be mentions of multiple dice,such as 2D6, which is just rolling two dice and addingthe results together.

Re-RollsWhen you are allowed to make a re-roll, simply pick upthe appropriate number of dice and roll them again.The second result counts, even if is worse than thefirst.

Models & Units

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ModifiersCertain weapons and equipment modify the statisticsof another unit, or dice roll.

Modifiers come in two forms, a bonus modifier (+) anda penalty modifier (-).

A bonus modifier (+) does not necessarily add to theunit’s stat, rather it improves it.

Example: A unit with a defence of 4 that receives abonus of +1 would have their defence stat increase to5. But a unit with a courage of 4 that receives a bonusof +1 would have their courage stat changed to 3.

A bonus (+) modifier always improves the effected stat,which may mean (in the case of Ranged, Combat andCourage) it actually makes the stat number lower.

Similarly, a negative modifier (-) does not necessarilylower the effected stat, but rather, makes it worse.

Example: A unit with a Courage of 4 suffers a –1penalty to their Courage stat, changing it to a 5. As alower number is better for Courage, Ranged andCombat, suffering a negative (-) modifier makes thenumber higher, and their stat worse.

There are occasions where you will only be able todamage an enemy unit by using something that carriesa modifier.

For example, if an Alliance Trooper was firing at a unitwith a defence of 7, they would normally be unable towound them. However, if they were carrying a sniperrifle, they would only need a 5+ (Sniper rifles reducethe target’s defence by –2)

FacingUnits can see, move and fire in any direction they like.However, there are some things which you need to knowwhich direction the unit is facing for (like pushback). Themost simple way of knowing this is to mark a line, orplace a piece of distinctive decoration on the unit’s basewhich can serve as the centre of the unit’s front facing180 degree arc.

Base SizesUnits may only be placed on bases the same size asthose they are supplied with, or one size larger. Modelsmay never use bases smaller than those they wereprovided with.

ActionsUnits in The Icarus Project all have a number ofactions they can use to perform tasks in game such asmoving, shooting with a weapon, or using an item. Thestandard number of actions for a unit is 2, but someunits may have more indicated in their special rules.Actions can be taken in any order.

The actions are:

Move – The unit moves up to the number of inchesindicated in their move stat.

Shoot – The unit attempts to shoot at an enemy.

Combat – The unit fights in hand to hand combat.

Reload – Some weapons must be reloaded after eachshot, reloading costs 1 action.

Use item – Units can use a variety of items; such asmed kits, ordnance drops, and scanners during thecourse of the game. The specific rules for each of theseitems are listed in its entry in the equipment section.

Overwatch – A special action that puts a model onalert. This is described in further detail in the Shootingsection.

Go to ground – A unit may elect to Go to Ground,ending its activation (if the unit goes to ground as itsfirst action, it loses its second action). Going to groundinfers a -1 to the ranged stat of any enemyattempting to shoot at the unit until the next gameturn.A unit that has gone to ground in the previous turnmust spend an action to get up again in their nextactivation.

Spot –A unit may spend an action to spot an enemywithin 12” of them. Any other friendly unit that shootsat a spotted enemy receives a +1 bonus to the resultneeded to hit them. These effects do not stack.

All of a unit’s actions must be used in a singleactivation. Any unused actions are lost when the nextunit is activated. So you can’t activate a unit, use oneof their two actions, and return to them after the nextenemy activation to spend the final action.

To keep track of what unit’s have activated, place amarker next to unit at the start of each turn and removeit once the unit has activated.


Activating A UnitWhen you wish to activate a unit, simply declare whichunit you will be activating and perform all that unit’sactions.

It helps to use tokens to keep track of which units havealready activated. Placing a special coloured dice nextto all the units that have yet to activate is enough;though you may wish to use dedicated tokens.

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One or all of a unit’s actions can be spent moving. Aunit moves up to the number of inches indicated in itsstat profile per movement action.

Difficult TerrainSome areas of terrain will slow down a unit’smovement. Areas such as bogs, dense rubble, andthick forest are harder for some (not all) units tonavigate. Agree with your opponent after terrain isdeployed what will be classed as difficult terrain.

Difficult terrain reduces a unit’s movement speed byhalf. This number is not rounded up or down.


AgilityThere are many situations where a unit will be requiredto perform a feat of agility, such as leaping a chasm,swinging on a rope and countless others. To do this, aunit must make an agility roll.

To determine what result a unit needs for an agility test

(Base) +/- (Movement Modifier) +/- (Modifiers) = RollNeeded.

(Base) - The base roll for agility is 4+.

(Movement Modifier) - If a unit’s movement is 5 inchesor less, add +1 to the roll. If their movement is 8 inchesor more, -1 to the roll.

(Modifiers) - Some equipment, such as weapons withthe Heavy special rule, incur modifiers to an agility roll.The modifier will be listed in the relevant entry.

Example: An Alliance Heavy attempts to leap acrossa gap of more than 3 inches. They start with a 4+ base.They have a +1 penalty for having a movement of 5,they also have a +1 penalty for carrying a weapon withthe Heavy special rule. This means they need a 6+ topass their agility test.

If you can’t decide whether a unit should be allowed tomake an agility test to do something (such as use ahanging cable to swing between two buildings) alwaysgo with the option that makes the game morecinematic and exciting!


Measuring MovementWhen moving a unit, it is important to measure fromthe same edge of the base. Measuring from one at thestart of the move, to the other at the end, can causeyou to move too much or too little.

6’’ Rear to Rear

6’’ Front to Front

An obstacle is anything a unit may jump/climb over, oron top of that is not a building. So walls, containers,cliffs, hedges, barricades, and many others are allobstacles.

A unit may move over an obstacle that is no higher thanhalf the unit’s height at no penalty, and continue itsmove.

2’’ 4’’

A unit moves 2 inches into base contact with a low wall,they may move over the wall with no penalty andcontinue their movement as normal.

If the obstacle is more than half as tall as the unit, butno taller than half the unit’s move value, they must usean entire move action to scale over it, starting in basecontact. Once a unit has climbed an obstacle, placethem in base contact with the edge of the obstacle thathas just been climbed.


A unit is in base contact withan obstacle that is more thanhalf its height, but not tallerthan half its move value.The unit must use an entiremove action to scale over theobstacle, ending its movementin base contact with the otherside of the obstacle.

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A unit may jump a gap that is as wide as theirmovement value. If the gap is 3 inches or less acrossthey may move across it as though it were regularterrain, so long as they don’t end their movement in thegap.

When a unit is attempting to jump a gap of more than3 inches, they must make an agility test.If they fail, the unit falls. The unit suffers an automatichit, resolved as normal at damage 1, regardless of theheight they fell. In addition, for every 3 inches the unitfalls (rounding up) they suffer an additional hit resolvedas normal at damage 1.

Example: An Alliance Trooper is attempting to leap agap of 4 inches, meaning they must pass an agility testto see if they make the jump.The trooper fails their agility test and falls. They sufferan immediate hit for falling, and as the building is 5inches tall they suffer an additional 2 hits (one hit per3 inches, rounding up). The damage is resolved asnormal.


Units may climb obstacles 1- 6 inches in height at thecost of one move action, or 6-12 inches in height at thecost of two move actions.

To climb an obstacle/structure, a unit must fist pass anagility test. If they fail, they may not climb the obstacle.



A unit starts its activationin base contact with acliff that is 6.5 incheshigh. The unit must useboth its actions to climbthe cliff, as it is between6 and 12 inches. The unitends its climb in basecontact with the edge ofthe cliff.

A unit that is on top of an obstacle may drop down withno penalty and continue its movement as long as theobstacle is no higher than 3 inches. If the obstacle is3-6 inches tall, it costs an action to climb down. Whena unit drops down from an obstacle, it counts as havingmoved for the purposes of shooting.

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While buildings come in all shapes and sizes, one ofthe most important aspects of any building is its height.A multi-storey building offers an advantage for spottingand shooting at an enemy, but is harder to search whenlooking for objectives.

The types listed here are rough guidelines, it is up toyou and your opponent to decide which buildings onyour gaming table are classed as which type.

Type SizeSmall 1 floor/ ≤ 4 inches

Medium 2 floors/ ≤ 8 inchesLarge 3+ floors/ ≤ 12 inches

Huge/Special* 12+ inches/special*

To work out what type a building is start by measuringthe number of floors it has. If the number of floors, andtotal height fit into a single category (e.g. a two storybuilding that is 7 inches high) then that is the type ofbuilding it is.

However, sometimes you will have a building that hasthe number of floors to be put into one category, but itis too high (such as an 8 inch, single floor building).When this happens, categorize the building by itsheight.

Building Types

Huge/SpecialThere may be occasions when you have an unusuallylarge structure (perhaps the objective of a narrative)that is over 12 inches tall. In this case, regardless ofthe number of floors, it is counted as huge.

You may also have a building that is special for someother reason (palace, bunker etc). These buildings canbe any height (including a single floor) but because oftheir significance they are treated differently.

Always agree with your opponent what buildings willbe counted as Huge/Special.

Damaging Buildings

The following table describes the durability of thedifferent building types:

Type Defence HealthSmall 6 10

Medium 7 10

Large 8 15

Huge/Special 9 25

To damage a building, roll against its defence asnormal. If you successfully damage it, place a numberof damage markers equal to the amount of damagedone next to the building. When a building’s healthreaches 0, it is destroyed.

Weapons that reduce a target’s defence are stilleffective against buildings.

Destroyed BuildingsWhen a building is destroyed, any units that are closerto the edge of the building than their movement value,may take an agility test to attempt to flee the buildingbefore it collapses. If they pass the agility test, they exitthe building using the closes door or window. If theyfail, they are crushed by the debris and killed instantly.

If a unit passes an agility test and exits the buildingfrom higher floor than the ground level, the usual rulesfor falling apply.

If the unit is not within a single move action’s range ofthe building edge, they cannot escape in time and arecrushed by the building and instantly killed.

BuildingsMoving into and out of the ground floor of a building iscounted as a regular move action. However, to moveup a single floor of a building costs a move action.

Example: A unit uses their first action to move insidea building. They then use their second action to climbto the first floor of that building.


Buildings are not indestructible, with enough damage,even the strongest building will fall.

A unit may damage a building in the same way it wouldanother unit (as long as it is actually capable of doingthe damage. You may attempt to damage a buildingeither in close combat (by being in base contact withone of the walls) or by shooting at it.

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Most units carry some form of ranged weaponry, evenif it is only a pistol.

A unit may spend any of its actions shooting (unlessthey are carrying a weapon with the Reload rule, inwhich case they must spend an action to reload).

Picking A TargetA unit may pick a single enemy unit as the target forits ranged attacks as long as the following conditionsare met:The target is in the unit’s line of sight.

A unit may fire at a separate target for each action ithas.

Line of SightAn enemy is considered in your line of sight if theshooting unit can see any part of them. Look at thetarget from the shooting unit’s point of view, if you cansee any part of the target unit (including arms, coats,capes, wings, tails etc.) other than the unit’s basethen you can take a shot.

Line of sight is a binary matter. Can you see anypart of the target unit other than the base; yes orno? If you or your opponent are unsure, simply rolla D6. On a 1, 2 or 3 the unit cannot be seen. On a4, 5 or 6 they can be.


Action 1

Action 2

The Alliance Trooperuses their first action tofire at the grunt, andtheir second action tofire at the Feral Nexus.

Shooting And Hitting the TargetOnce you have picked a target, roll the number ofdice equal to the number of attacks in the weaponprofile of the weapon you have chose to use. Youmust score equal to or higher than your unit’s rangedvalue to hit your target. Discard any dice that score lessthan this.

Moving And ShootingIf a unit fires at an enemy unit that has moved in thesame game turn, they suffer a -1 penalty to hit; it’s moredifficult to hit a moving target.

Example: A Alliance Trooper spends his first actionmoving to a better position to fire at a nexus grunt, whomoved in his own activation. The Alliance Trooperwould normally need to roll a 5 or 6 to successfully hithis target, but as the target has moved this game turnhe must roll a 6.

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Recording DamageTo record the damage a unit has suffered, use asuitable counter to track the number of health pointsthey have lost (a D6 works well).

OverwatchOverwatch is a special type of action that a model canmake. Using overwatch ends that unit’s activation.

If an enemy unit passes within the overwatch unit’s lineof sight and range, the unit may choose to take anautomatic shot against them, with a -1 to hit penalty,resolved as normal. Normal shooting restrictions applyhowever, so a unit that needs to reload their weaponafter each shot may only fire if the weapon has beenreloaded in that unit’s activation.

Units with Heavy weapons that have moved duringtheir activation may not enter overwatch (unless theyhave a Stabiliser).

Scoring More Than A 6There may be times when modifiers mean that youmust roll a 7 or more on a six sided dice to hit a unitwith a ranged attack.

Example: If an Alliance Trooper is firing at extremerange at a target that has moved, they would need a7+ to hit the target. So they must first roll a 6, and ifthey are successful, score a 5+ on the second roll (anAlliance Trooper’s ranged stat is 5+)

Note that this only effects hitting a target. If a targetunit’s defence is 7+, you must use special weapons orequipment to reduce their defence.

Damaging the TargetAfter discarding any dice which failed to hit the enemyunit, roll the remaining dice. The number you need isequal to or higher than the target’s defence value. Thisroll may sometimes be modified by special rules.

For each result over the target’s defence value youdeal the number of damage points indicated in theweapon’s profile.

An Alliance Trooper is in Overwatch. During theNexus Grunt’s activation, the Grunt moves into theTrooper’s line of sight. The Trooper chooses to takehis overwatch shot and wounds the Grunt.


High Wall High Wall

RangesDifferent weapons are effective at different ranges. Thedistance of the target effects how likely it is that theweapon will hit. Weapons in The Icarus Project havethree ranges – Ideal Range, Effective Range andExtreme Range.

Ideal RangeThe ideal range of a weapon is the distance at whichit is most accurate. Firing at a target within a weapon’sideal range gives a +1 to hit bonus. So a AllianceTrooper, who would normally need a 5 or 6 to hit atarget, must roll a 4 or more at ideal range to hit a target.

Effective RangeThe effective range of a weapon is a distance at whichit is still reasonably accurate, but not as accurate as itsideal range. Firing at a unit in the weapon’s effectiverange has no penalties.

Extreme RangeThe extreme range of a weapon represents themaximum distance it can be used while still having achance of hitting a target. Firing a weapon at extremerange has a -1 penalty to hit the target. So a AllianceTrooper, who normally hits on a 5+, would need a 6.

Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range+1 Bonus to Hit No Modifiers -1 Penalty to Hit



Critical ConditionWhen a unit suffers enough damage to reduce theirhealth to exactly 0, instead of being killed outright, theyenter Critical Condition.

When a unit is in Critical Condition, lay the miniatureon it’s side. A unit in Critical Condition may nowperform any actions or be activated.

A unit in Critical Condition must be healed, eitherthrough the use of a med kit, or special rules, by theend of the following Game Turn. If they are not healedin this time, or suffer any further damage, they areconsidered dead and removed from play.

If they are healed by med kit or special rule, theyrecover the appropriate number of health points andmay activate as normal from the start of the next GameTurn.

Example: Unit A has 3 health points and suffers 4points of damage, killing them outright. Unit B has 3health points and receives 3 points of damage. As thisreduces they to 0 health points, they enter CriticalCondition.

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Shooting Into CombatThe ruthless or mad soldier may choose to fire into acombat where a friendly unit is engaged. If so, the unitattempting to fire into the combat must first pass acourage test. If the test is failed they may not fire intothe combat (but may spend their action on somethingelse) If the test is passed roll to hit as normal.

If the hit roll is successful the controlling player of theshooting unit decides which unit involved in the combatsuffers the hit. Damage is then resolved as normal.

If the shot misses then each player involved in thecombat must roll a D6, adding the number of their ownunits involved in the combat to the result. The playerwith the highest score suffers the hit, allocated by thefiring unit’s controlling player.

If your unit fires into a combat and puts a friendly unitinto critical condition your firing unit must immediatelytake a courage test with a -1 penalty to the result. Ifthey kill a friendly unit they must make an immediatecourage test with a -2 penalty to the result.


Template WeaponsSome weapons have an area of effect, such asexplosives, or flamethrowers. Weapons such as theseare template weapons, and will either be listed asTemplate (Small), Template (Large), or Template(Cone).

Template (Small)

Hit on 4+

Hit on 4+

Hitting Units With a TemplateTo determine which units are hit by a template weapon,place the template over your target. Any model whosebase is under the template completely is automaticallyhit.If a unit’s base is only partially under a template, theyare hit on a 4+.If a unit’s base is not under the template, they are nothit.

Template (Large)

Hit on 4+

Hitting With Template (Cone)To fire a Template (Cone) weapon, place the back onthe template in the centre of the firing unit’s base. Anyunits partially under the template are hit on 4+, and anyfully under are automatically hit as normal.





+1 +3

Player A Player BPlayer A fires into a combat and misses their shot.Player A has a single unit in the combat, Player B has3 units in the combat.Both players roll a D6, Player A adds +1 to their resultand Player B adds +3.Player A scores a 4, +1 for their unit, making the totala 5.Player B scores a 3, adding +3 for their units, bringingtheir total to 6.The controlling player of the firing unit may nowdecide which of the three enemy units will suffer thehit.

Hit on 4+

Template (Cone)

Hit on 4+

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CoverCoverIf any part of the target unit other than the base isobscured, they are counted as being in cover. Whenshooting at units in cover, the shooting unit suffers a-1 penalty to the score they need to hit.

If the shooting unit can see the entirety of the targetunit, it is counted as being in the open and there is nopenalty.Again, cover is a binary matter. Is there anythingobscuring your view of the target unit; yes or no?If you or your opponent is unsure simply roll a D6.On a 1, 2 or 3 the unit is in cover. On a 4, 5 or 6 theyare in the open.

Cannot Be Seen

In Cover

In the Open



Intervening UnitsIf there is a unit (friendly or enemy) between the firingunit and the target that blocks line of sight, the targetis considered to be in cover, and the shooting unitsuffers a -1 penalty to the score they need to hit.

Template (Cone) and CoverIf the target unit is behind a structure or obstacle thatobscures no more than half of it, they are counted asin cover.

Units in cover that are totally within the template arehit on a 4+, and those partially under the template arehit on 5+.

Hit on 5+

Hit on 4+




If the target unit is behind a structure or obstacle thatobscures more than half of it, the Template (Cone)cannot hit them.

Template (Cone) and BuildingsIf both the firing unit and the target unit are on the samelevel of a building, fire the Template (Cone) weaponas usual, taking into account any cover present.

If the firing unit and the target are on two levels of abuilding, but less than half of the target unit is obscured,they count as being in cover.

If the firing unit is outside of a building or structure, andthe target is within the structure, the firing unit may onlyuse the Template (Cone) weapon if the target is onthe same level as them, and more than half the targetunit can be seen through a window or opening.

If the target unit can be completely seen by the firingunit, they do not receive cover, even though they arewithin a building.

Template (Small/Large) and Cover

If there is an obstacle that is no more than half theheight of the target unit between the centre of the blasttemplate, and the target unit, they are hit on a 4+ if theyare totally within the template, and 5+ if they arepartially within the template.

If the weapon has the Explosive special rule, theneven if the unit is behind an obstacle, a receives thebenefit of cover, they are still affected by the Pushbackrule.

Hit on 5+

Low Wall


If the unit is behind an obstacle that covers more thanhalf of it, they are not hit, or affected by Pushback.

Hit on 4+

Pushback 3”

Pushback 3”Pushback 3”

Smoke And ToxicSmoke and Toxic grenades hit units even if they arebehind cover, as they are clouds of gas. Units are stillonly hit on a 4+ if they are only partially under thetemplate.


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Cover and CombatIf a unit is stood in base contact with a piece of coverthat is less than half its height, an enemy unit mustenter base contact with obstacle to engage the unit.

The “Attacker”, has a -1 penalty to hit in the followingcombat.

The Nexus brawler spends its first action moving intobase contact with the wall. If then spends its secondaction to engage the Alliance trooper in close combat,and suffers a -1 penalty to hit the trooper.

Leaping CoverAn attacking unit may attempt to leap over cover if theyhave enough movement to end their move on the otherside.

To do this, they make an agility test. The controllingplayer of the enemy unit also rolls and agility test.

If the attacker passes their test, and the defender fails,the defending unit is pushed back to allow the attackingunit to be placed in base contact with the obstacle. Theattacker also does not suffer the -1 penalty to hit adefending unit.

If both players pass their agility rolls, the attacking unitmoves over the obstacle, and the defender is pushedback as before, but the attacker still suffers the -1penalty to hit; as the defender has preparedthemselves for the attack.

If the attacker fails their agility roll, they do not moveover the obstacle, and suffer a -2 penalty to hit in thefollowing combat.

The Nexus Brawler passes its agility test and leapsover the obstacle, pushing the defending trooper back.The trooper failed his agility test, so the Brawler nolonger suffers the -1 penalty to hit.

If being moved back by the attacking unit that haspassed its agility test would cause the defender tomove off an edge, they must make an additional agilitytest.

If they fail, they fall over the edge and suffer the usualeffects for failing.

However, if they pass their test, move them to the side,remaining in base contact with the attacking unit. Ifthere is no space to move the defending unit to theside, the automatically fall.

If the defender successfully moves aside, the attackermust also make an agility test. If this is failed, theattackers momentum carriers them off the edge andthey fall, suffering the usual effects for falling. If the testis passed, the combat continues as normal.

The Nexus Brawler successfully leaps the obstacle intocombat with the Alliance Trooper. As the trooper wasstood on an edge, when it is pushed back it must passan agility test. The Trooper fails the agility test and falls.

BuildingsIf a defending unit is stood in base contact with awindow or opening in a building, follow the same rulesfor combat over obstacles. You may either engage thedefending unit from the other side of thewindow/opening, or pass an agility test in the samewas as leaping cover.

The Alliance Trooper is taking cover in the window ofa building. The Nexus Brawler leaps through thewindow in the same way as over a barrier, and pushesthe Trooper back.


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CombatHitting the TargetTo engage in combat with an enemy unit, you must firsthave moved your unit into base contact with the enemyunit. You may then use an action to attempt to attackthe enemy unit by rolling the number of dice equal toyour attacking unit’s Attacks stat. To hit the enemy youmust roll equal to or above the number indicated in theunit’s combat stat.

Damaging the TargetTo damage the target you unit must roll equal to orabove the target’s Defence value. If a unit has morethan one weapon. They must choose which to use atthe start of combat.

Example: The Alliance Trooper managed to hit thenexus grunt with his attack and must now roll to see ifthey damage the enemy. A nexus grunt has a defencevalue of 4+, which means the Alliance Trooper mustroll a 4, 5 or 6 to damage their target. They roll a 5 andhave successfully damaged the grunt. The AllianceTrooper was using a combat knife, which has adamage value of 2 so the Nexus grunt takes twowounds.

Fleeing a CombatTo flee a combat, you must make a courage test.If you pass, the unit may immediately move away fromthe enemy unit up to their full movement distance (thiscounts as a single move action).When you flee a combat, any enemies involved makean immediate combat action (resolved before youmove your unit away), regardless of whether youpassed your courage test or not. The enemy has a +1bonus to their combat reaction roll.

If you fail to flee the unit must remain in combat butcannot attack.

A disengaged unit may make a second action from thefollowing list: move, reload, use item, and go to ground.

Losing 50% Health in CombatIf a unit loses 50% of its health (rounding up) in combatin one turn they must make a courage test as normal.If they pass they stand their ground and continuefighting in the combat. However if they fail they movetheir full distance towards their deployment zone. Theenemy unit also makes an immediate combat actionwith a +1 modifier to their hit roll.

If a model that is fleeing combat cannot move towardstheir deployment zone because they are blocked (suchas being stuck in a corner or surrounded by multipleenemies) all enemy units involved in the combat makean additional immediate combat action with a +1 bonusto hit.

PushbackIf no unit’s are killed during combat, the unit that haslost the most health is pushed directly backwards by 3inches. If all units have suffered the same amount ofdamage then they remain in base contact.

If, as a result of being pushed back, a unit is forcedover an edge or into special terrain, the normal rulesapply (e.g. If a unit is pushed back over an edge thesame rules apply as if they had failed to leap across agap.)

Some ranged weapons and equipment also causepushback. Units affected by this are pushed back awayfrom the direction of the unit who fired the weapon.Weapons that cause pushback will have the specialrule Pushback.

An alliance trooper fires at a Nexus Grunt with a missilelauncher. The explosion causes the Nexus Grunt to bepushed back away from the source, the Alliance Trooper


Units with MultipleMelee WeaponsIf a unit has two or more melee weapons, it adds asingle additional attack to the unit’s profile. Thecontrolling player may choose which weapon they wishyou use in combat, but may not use more than onemelee weapon in a single action.

An Alliance Trooper uses their first action to move 5inches, putting them into base to base contact with aNexus grunt. The Alliance Trooper has 1 attack, andneeds to roll a 5 or 6 to hit the grunt. They roll a 5 andthe blow lands.


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The courage stat represents how brave your unit is.How likely they are to continue fighting in the face ofoverwhelming odds. There are many times when a unitwill be required to make a courage test. These include:

- Fleeing from a combat.- Losing 50% of its health (rounding up) in one turn.- Charging into combat with particular units.- Being within 6 inches of a friendly unit when they arekilled.- Being charged by particular units.

To perform a courage test, roll a D6 and compare theresult with the unit’s courage stat. If the result is equalto or higher than the unit’s courage, the test is passed.If it is lower, the test is failed.

Courage ModifiersThere are a number of situations which may modify aunit’s courage.

If a unit is within 6 inches of a friendly unit when it iskilled, during its next activation it must make a couragetest with a -1 modifier.

Example: A galactic marine is 5 inches from a friendlymodel when it is killed. During their next activation, thegalactic marine must make a courage test with a -1penalty, meaning they need a 4+ instead of a 3+.

Some units, weapons, and equipment also modify thecourage of a unit. These will be detailed in the relevantsections.

Failing a Courage TestIf your unit fails their courage test they are counted asbroken and must immediately move their fullmovement distance towards their deployment zone.This counts as all their actions and they can do nothingelse for the remainder of the game turn. Mark brokenunits with an appropriate counter (such as a differentcolour dice)

At the start of the following game turn (before thepriority roll) roll a D6. On 4+ the broken counter isremoved and the unit may act as normal during theirnext activation, but on a 3 or less they must makeanother courage test. If they pass, they can act asnormal during their activation, but if they fail they beginthe process again –moving towards the deploymentzone, rolling a D6 at the start of the next game turn andso on. If a broken unit’s move would take them off theedge of the board they are considered out of the game.

If there are multiple broken units the controlling playermay decide in which order to attempt to rally them.


There are some units with a courage value of 1,meaning under normal circumstances they cannot faila courage test. This value can be effected by modifiers(such as a fear toxin with inflicts a -1 to a unit’s couragevalue)

There are also units with a courage of 1 that cannot bemodified as part of their special rules. Mechanical unitsin the URC, for example, have a courage value of 1which cannot be modified. An enemy may use adisruptor however to break the connection between adrone and its controller.

Units with a Courage Value of 1

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A bike is counted as a piece of equipment and willappear in a unit’s list of equipment.


Bike Stat LineBikes have their own statistics for the followingattributes: Movement, Defence, and Health. When aunit is mounted on a bike, it may move up the value ofthe bike’s Movement stat.

Mounting / DismountingA unit that comes with a bike must begin the gamemounted on the bike, but from turn 1 onwards, canfreely mount and dismount from the bike.

A unit may only mount or dismount from a bike onceper activation. Mounting and dismounting from a bikedoes not cost an action. To mount a bike, the unit mustbe in base contact with the bike.

A unit may mount any bike that is not currentlymounted by an enemy unit.

MovementA bike with a unit mounted on it moves as a single unit,using the bike’s movement value.

ClimbingBikes cannot climb buildings or obstacles.

LeapingA bike may jump across a gap as wide as its movementvalue. If the gap is 5 inches or less across, they maymove across it as though it were regular terrain, so longas they don’t end their movement in the gap.

When a unit on a bike is attempting to jump a gap ofmore than 5 inches, they must make an agility test. Usethe movement value of the bike to determine the resultneeded for the agility test.

If the unit fails its agility test, they fall. The bike suffersan automatic hit, resolved as normal at damage 2,regardless of the height it fell. In addition, for every 3inches the bike falls (rounding up) it suffers anadditional hit resolved as normal at damage 2.

If falling causes the bike’s health to drop to 0 or below,it explodes (as described in the Bike Shooting section)

Shooting From a BikeA unit mounted on a bike may fire as normal. However,a unit on a bike may not use any weapon with theHeavy special rule.

Shooting at a BikeWhen shooting at a unit mounted on a bike, if you scorea “hit”, you may choose whether to resolve the hitagainst the bike or the rider. If you score a “miss” whentrying to shoot at a unit on a bike, you hit the bike andresolve damage against it as normal.

Attacks against the bike itself are resolved against thebike’s defence. Attacks against the rider are resolvedagainst the rider’s defence and health.

If the bike reaches 0 or less health, it explodes. Placea large explosive template over the centre of the bike’sbase. Resolve any damage for units under the templateas normal. The explosion causes 5 damage.

Thrown!If the bike explodes, the rider is also thrown D6 inchesin the direction of the front of the bike. The rider suffersan automatic hit, resolved as normal at 5 damage.

Killing the RiderIf the bike has moved during the current activation andyou reduce the rider to 0 or less health with a weaponthat doesn’t have the Explosive rule, the bikeimmediately moves forward 2D6 inches. If the rider isin Critical condition, place the model on its side in basecontact with the bike before moving it forward.

CrashingIf the bike’s move brings it into contact with anotherunit, the unit must pass an agility roll to get out of theway, if they fail, they take D3 damage and are pushedback. If the bike strikes solid terrain, on a 5+ it explodeswith a large explosive template, resolve as normal with5 damage.

If the bike does not hit anything, it ends its move andis stationary from then on. It can be ridden by anotherunit.

Bikes and Template WeaponsTemplate weapons hit both the bike and the ridersimultaneously. Resolve damage against each of themindividually.

Units on a bike may attack other units in close combatin the same way as they would on foot with a fewexceptions:


ChargeIf a unit on a bike uses their first action to move intobase contact with the enemy unit, they get an extraattack in close combat.

Attacking Bikes in Close CombatEnemy units may choose to attack the bike or the rider.Roll to hit and damage as normal.


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Assault RifleThough each race has it’s own unique variant, AssaultRifles all remain largely the same in their capabilities.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

2 2 12 24 36

Combat KnifeA simple close combat weapon.

Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 – – –

detonatorA last resort device attached to some armour.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 5 – – –Special Rules: Explosive, Template (Small).When a unit with this item is killed, they immediatelydetonate. Any unit within the blast radius is hit on a 5+.The controlling player may choose to use the detonatorat another time, this costs an action, and the unit withthe detonator is removed from play.

disruptorEngineered to combat the URC.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 – 6 12 18The disruptor can only be used on units that have theWe Are Legion rule. Roll to hit and damage as normal.If the damage roll is successful, the target unit isconsidered to be out of range of a controller, regardlessof how far away they actually are. These effects remainuntil the end of the next game turn.

Energy GauntletA powered device that greatly increases the strengthof the user.

Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

4 – – –Special Rules: -1 to Target’s Defence.

Energy ShieldThis device covers the user in a defensive shield.Special Rules: +1 to User’s Defence.

FlamethrowerThis weapon fires gouts of flame that covers the enemy.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 3 – – –

Special Rules: Template (Cone), -1 to Target’s Courageif Damage is Inflicted.

Unit’s equipped with a flashlight may choose to ignorethe rules for shooting at night (I. E they can fire theirweapons at their normal ranges).

The controlling player may choose to use a unit’sflashlight at the start of the unit’s activation. This doesnot require an action to do. The effects last until thenext game turn.Once a unit has used a flashlight, until the next gameturn, enemy units may fire at them with no penalties totheir range, just as if they were shooting during the day.All units carry a flashlight of some type.


GrenadeAtt Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 5 6 12 –When throwing a grenade place a token where youwould like the grenade to land. Then roll a scatter diceand D3. If a hit is scored on the scatter dice, thegrenade detonates where the marker was placed andeverything under a small explosive template isautomatically hit.Special Rules: Explosive, Template (Small), SingleUse.

JetpackDoubles the unit’s speed and allows them to ignoreterrain while moving, as long as they do not end theirmove in difficult terrain. Unit’s with a jetpack ignorefalling damage. If jetpack is listed in a unit’s equipment,the extra movement will already have been included.

Light Machine Gun (LMG)Highly effective against infantry, the Light Machine Gunis a deadly weapon.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

4 2 12 24 36Special Rules: Heavy.

Med KitCosts one action to use, can be used on friendly unitsin base contact as well as the owning unit. The targetunit recovers 3 health points (up to its starting health).Single Us.

Missile LauncherThe high explosive ammunition makes this weaponhighly effective against strong armour.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 5 12 24 36

Special Rules: Heavy, Reload, Explosive, Template(Small), -1 to Target’s Defence.

PistolA standard issue sidearm.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 1 6 12 18

AxeStronger than the sword, but more cumbersome.

Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

3 – – –

Weapons & Equipment

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ScannerThe scanner is used as a single action. It reveals anystealth counter within 6 inches. If a revealed counter isthe stealth unit, they do not get to automatically act asthey would if they had been discovered normally.

ShotgunAn excellent close range weapon with high stoppingpower.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

2 3 6 12 18

Smoke GrenadeUsed to provide cover and signal air units.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 – 6 12 –

A smoke grenade is thrown like an ordinary grenade.Place a marker where you want the grenade to landand roll to scatter. Then place the centre of aTemplate (Large) on the marker. Any units under thetemplate are considered to be in cover.Effects last until the end of the next game turn.

Orbital StrikeOnce per game the owning unit may call in anOrdinance Strike. To do so, the target location must bewithin the unit’s line of sight.Calling in an Ordinance strike counts as an action.

Place a Explosive Template (Large) where you wishthe strike to land. At the start of the next game turn,before players roll for priority , any unit under thetemplate suffers an automatic hit resolved as normal.

If any unit is wounded by the strike, they lose 5 healthpoints. In addition, all units within the radius of thetemplate must make a courage test at a –1 penalty,regardless as to whether they took damage or not.

Sniper RifleA high powered rifle, incredibly accurate over extremeranges.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 3 18 30 42

Special Rules: Heavy, Reload, -2 to Target’s Defence.

StabiliserUnits with a Stabiliser ignore the Heavy special rule.

Stealth SystemGives the owning unit the Stealth special rule.

SwordMore effective than a combat knife, swords come inmany styles.

Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

2 – – –

Targeter+1 bonus to the owning unit’s Ranged statistic.

TeleporterDoubles the unit’s movement.A unit with a teleporter may move through difficultterrain as though it were normal terrain.They may also move through solid terrain such ascliffs, so long as their movement doesn’t end within theterrain.They may end their move within buildings.When a unit uses a teleporter to move, they count ashaving remained stationary for all other purposes (suchas firing heavy weapons).When a unit has a Teleporter listed in their equipment,the extra movement will already have been included.

In addition, when a building containing a unit with ateleporter is destroyed, the unit is not immediately killedas normal. The controlling player rolls 2D6 to see ifthey can teleport out of the building. On a 3-12, placethe unit in base contact with the edge of therubble/remains instead. On a 2 the unit fails to teleportand is killed.

Toxic GrenadeProducers a cloud of toxic smoke.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 – – 12 –Thrown like a regular grenade. Place the centre of aTemplate (Small) over the target, any unit withintemplate suffers 1D3-1 damage for 2 turns (includingthe turn the grenade is thrown.)

This may mean that some turns, the toxic grenade doesno damage.

Gas MaskIgnores the effects of Toxic Grenades

Weapons & Equipment

ChaingunAtt Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

8 1 12 24 36

Missile PodAtt Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

3 3 12 24 36Special Rules: Explosive, Template (Small),Defence -1.

RailgunAtt Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 6 24 36 72Special Rules: Defence -3, Reload.

CannonAtt Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 4 18 30 48Special Rules: Explosive, Template (Small),Defence -2.

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Grenade LauncherFires high explosive rounds.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 5 6 12 18Special Rules: Template (Small)

Grenade Launcher (Underslung)A more compact version of the grenade launcher thatcan be attached to the underside of a rifle.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

1 2 6 12 18Special Rules: Template (Small)

Energy RifleAn advanced assault rifle. The energy rifle is morepowerful and fires further than a standard ballistic rifle,but must be allowed to cool down periodically.

Att Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

2 3 18 24 30Special Rules: Cooldown, Defence -1

Weapons & Equipment

GlaiveA cross between a sword and spear; a long pole witha blade on one end.

Dam Ideal Range Effective Range Extreme Range

3 – – –Special Rules: If the owning unit fails to kill theiropponent during the combat, any enemy unit that hassuffered hits from the Glaive is pushed back 3 inches.

Echo InhalerThe street drug, Echo, is an epidemic across thegalaxy, with more and more people becoming addicted.Special Rules: (Single Use). A unit may choose to useits Echo Inhaler as one of its actions. They immediatelyrecover D3 health, but their ranged and combat statshave a -1 penalty until the end of the following gameturn.

Ignition BombSome vehicles come equipped with anti-theft boobytraps that can be deadly.Special Rules: Any time an enemy unit attempts toembark into a vehicle with an ignition Bomb, roll a D6.On a 3+ they are able to use the vehicle as normal, buton a result of 1 or 2, they set off an ignition bomb andthe vehicle explodes.The unit attempting to embark suffers an automatic hitresolved at 5 damage. Also place a Explosive Templateover the centre of the vehicle. Any units caught beneaththe template are hit as per the normal template rules,with damage 5.

Ravager Bike

Unit M R C D A H CoRavager Bike 10 – – 5 – 3 –

Special Rules: Bike.

The collective name given to the motorcycles used bythe Nexus forces.

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Special Rules

Combat DropA unit with this rule may choose not to be placed duringthe deployment phase. Instead they are held back inreserve. From turn 2 onwards they may choose tocombat drop onto the battlefield. To deploy in this way,the controlling play must first roll a D6 to determine ifthe unit enters the game.

If the roll is successful the player chooses anywhereon the board, further than 6 inches from an enemy unit,or objective to deploy.

Once you’ve chosen where you would like to deploy,roll a scatter dice. If you score a hit, the unit deployswhere you wanted it to. If you score a direction, roll aD6 and move the unit that many inches in the directionof the arrow.

Units with Jetpacks and Teleporters do not scatterwhen they combat drop.


Needed2 6+3 5+4 4+5 3+

6+ 2+

Hated Foes (X)Units with this rule hate a particular force above allothers. The specific force will be listed in the unit’sentry.Unit’s with the Hated Foes rule may re-roll their rolls tohit the specified enemy in close combat.

LegendaryOnce per game, a unit with this special rule may grant+1 attack to all friendly units within 18 inches until theend of the current game turn.

InsignificantModels with this special rule cannot capture or holdobjectives. They may still search for objectives, butcannot capture them when found.

Final WordWhen a unit with this rule is killed in close combat itmakes a close combat attack (if the unit has more thanone weapon available, the controlling player decideswhich to use) that automatically hits the enemy. If thereis more than one enemy present in the combat, thecontrolling player decides which is hit. Resolve asnormal.

BloodlettingWhen a unit with this rule kills an enemy unit in closecombat they recover D3 points of health (up to theirstarting number)

Investigator+1 to all search results.

Half LifeAt the start of each game turn, the unit suffers 1 wound.

ManipulateOnce per turn, a unit with this rule may make a testagainst any enemy unit within 12 inches that has acourage of 5+ and has yet to activate. On a D6 resultof 6, the target unit may be controlled by the controllingplayer of the Manipulate unit. The manipulated unitactivates after the controlling unit has completed itsactions. This lasts until the beginning of the next gameturn.

Cheating DeathIf the unit with this rule is reduced to 0 health or killedroll a D6. On a result of 6 they survive and regain 3health points.

LonerUnit gains +1 bonus to all rolls it is required to make,so long as it is at least 18 inches away from the closestfriendly unit.

The Small/Large in this rule refers to the size of thetemplate.If a unit is within a template of a weapon with theExplosive rule, and is not killed, push them back awayfrom the centre of the blast by 3 inches.

Template (Small/Large)

Duel WieldA model with two weapons with the Dual Wield specialrule may fire them both as a single activation, sufferinga -1 penalty to hit.

Template (Cone)The weapon uses the cone template instead of ranges.Any unit partially under the template is hit on a 4+. Anyunit totally under the template is automatically hit.

HeavyThe weapon/equipment is too cumbersome to use onthe move. A unit with a Heavy weapon cannot moveand fire in the same activation.The Heavy special rule also gives a +1 penalty to agilityrolls.

Special Rules

CooldownSome weapons use so much energy they need toperiodically cool down. If a weapon with this rule is firedmore than twice in one activation, it may not be firedin the following turn.

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PainlessIf a unit with this rule suffers a wound, roll a D6. On aresult of 1-3 they suffer damage as normal. On a resultof 4-6 they ignore the damage. Units with this rule stillgain pinning tokens for taking the damage, even if theyignore the damage itself.

Regenerate (x)Unit recovers (X) health at the start of each game turn.

A unit with this rule can choose to either move normally,or they can choose to phase walk and double theirmovement. If you choose to phase walk, roll 2D6. Ona result of 2 the phase has gone wrong and the unitdisappears. Remove them from the game.

A unit that is phase walking can move through allterrain and units as if they weren’t there. It is alsoimmune to the effects of Pushback.

In addition, when a building containing a unit with thisrule is destroyed, the unit is not immediately killed asnormal. The controlling player rolls 2D6 to see if theycan phase out of the building. On a 3-12, place the unitin base contact with the edge of the rubble/remainsinstead. On a 2 the unit fails to phase and is killed.

All rolls to hit a unit with this rule suffer a –1 penalty.

Phase Walker also grants a -1 bonus to agility rolls.

Phase Walker

Meat ShieldIf a unit with this rule is within 3 inches of a friendly unitwithout the Meat Shield rule when the friendly unitsuffers damage, the controlling player may choose toallocate the damage to this unit instead.

OpportunistIf an enemy unit enters critical condition within 6 inchesof a unit with this rule, the unit with this rule may makean immediate shooting action against them, regardlessof who’s activation it is, or whether the unit with the rulehas already activated.

MedicUnits with this special rule are trained in battlefieldmedicine, and as such, are able to make more effectiveuse of med kits.A unit with this rule may use a med kit every turn,instead of once.

StealthBefore the first priority roll is made, but after all otherdeployment is completed, place D3+1 markersanywhere outside the enemy deployment zone and 12inches away from objectives. These markers representa potential location for a stealth unit. The controllingplayer makes a note of which of the markers is theactual unit. The other marker(s) are just to sowconfusion.

You may reveal your unit at the start of any Game turnafter the priority roll is made. The stealth unit has thefirst activation, even if the enemy won the priority rolland should normally have first activation. If both playershave stealth units revealed in the same turn, roll off todecide who activates their stealth unit first. Once bothstealth units have been activated the turn continues asnormal with the player who won priority activating theirfirst unit.

If an enemy moves within 3 inches of a stealth markerthe marker must be revealed. If the stealth unit isrevealed they are immediately activated and the unitwho activated them loses any actions they haveremaining. If the stealth unit is not revealed, discardthe marker.

In close combat, enemy units suffer a –1 penalty to hita unit with this rule.

Study Opponent

Time is MeaninglessOnce per game, a unit with this rule may immediatelyactivate, even during another player’s activation. Anyactions the interrupted player had not taken are lost.The unit with this rule may activate even if they havepreviously activated in that game turn.

ReloadAfter firing a weapon with the Reload special rule, thecontrolling unit must spend an action to reload theweapon before they may fire it again.

Special Rules

When a unit is hit by a weapon with this rule, they arepushed back 3 inches away from the source of thedamage; the firing unit, or the centre of a template.


BikeThis vehicle is subject to the rules for Bikes, found onpage (XX).

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Setting Up a GamePoints LimitThe first thing to do when setting up a game is to decideon a points limit. Every unit in The Icarus Project hasa points value assigned to it that reflects how effectivethe unit is.

Players should mutually agree on a points limit for theirgame and then build their Strike Forces from theappropriate army list up to that points limit.

Choose a Game areaYour first games, and games up to 100 points are idealfor a 2’x2’ foot game area, but as you increase thepoints limit of your games, or you want more freedom,you may wish to increase the size of the game area.

Once you’ve learned the rules/are playing games over100 points, we recommend playing on a 4’x4’ foot area.

You can play on areas larger than 4’x4’ foot areas, butyou will probably find the forces start too far apart foran exciting game.

Set up TerrainOnce the game area is decided it is time to placeterrain. Arrange the terrain in a sensible way, trying tocreate a realistic setting wherever possible. Take it inturns to place one terrain piece at a time.

Alternatively you could ask a neutral third party to placethe terrain. It is important that any areas of difficultterrain, and building sizes are agreed upon at thisstage, before the game begins.

DurationAn average game will last somewhere between 6 and12 game turns, depending on game size, scenario typeand the layout of the game area.

For friendly games you can either; choose a numberof turns, play until the mission objectives have beenachieved (regardless of the number of turns that takes)or choose an amount of time to play in (for example;an hour) and play until the end of that time, completinga single game turn once the time is over to round thegame off.

ObjectivesObjective is a broad term used to describe many things;such as intelligence packages, weapons drops etc.Anything that the strike force will want tocapture/defend/recover.

The easiest way to represent an objective is with atoken (a unique dice or coin works fine) but you maywish you model your objectives to bring more life toyou battlefield.

It is important at the start of the game, to decide withyour opponent what exactly counts as the objective forscoring purposes.

There are three types of objectives in The IcarusProject. When reference in scenarios, objectives willbe listed as (Take), (Hold), and (Search), representinghe relevant objective types.

Objective (Take)To capture this objective, a player simply moves a unitwithin 3 inches of the objective token and it isconsidered captured. Remove the token from play.

Objective (Hold)To be considered holding this objective, a player musthave a scoring unit within 3 inches of the objectivetoken. If both players have unit’s within 3 inches, noone is considered to be holding the objective.

Objective (Search)This is a special type of objective found within buildingsor similar structures. Units must search the building tobe able to discover the objective. To do this, they usethe table below: Once an objective has been found, itis considered captured.

Time of DayBefore setting up your forces, one player rolls 2D6. Ona result of 3-12, the game is played during the day asnormal. However, on a roll of a 2, the game takes placeat night.

A game played at night is the same as a normal gamewith one exception. All ranges for weapons are halved(Rounding up).

Building TypeResult Needed on Game

Turn1 2 3 4 5+

Small 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+Medium 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+Large 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+

Huge/Special 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+

Set UpAfter choosing the game area, placing terrain andselecting a mission type, it is time to deploy your forces.Both players roll a die, the player who scores thehighest may choose their deployment zone and placea single unit within it. The players then take turns toalternatively place one unit each until all units areplaced.

Who Goes FirstBoth players make a priority roll, the player who scoresthe highest has the choice of first activation, or may lettheir opponent go first.

Setting Up A Game

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There are several mission types in The Icarus Project,each with different rules for set up and victory.

You can either agree with you opponent on whichmission to play, or you can roll 2D6 and use the tablebelow:

Choose a Mission

Dice Result Mission1 Firefight2 Secure Objective3 Secure Objective4 Intelligence Search5 Intelligence Search6 Capture Prisoners7 Capture Prisoners8 Bomb Disposal9 Bomb Disposal

10 Assassinate11 Focal Point12 Last Stand

DeploymentThere are several options for deploying your units inThe Icarus Project; the standard deployment methodis to follow the instructions given in the missiondescription.

There are a few special methods of deployment,however. These are:

Combat DropUnits with the Combat Drop special rule deploy asdescribed in the rule entry on page 16.

StealthUnits with the Stealth special rule deploy as describedin the rule entry on page 16.

Certain other special rules or missions may specify adifferent method of deployment. Follow the instructionsin these situations to deploy your strike force.

Setting Up A Game

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Player 1 Table Edge

Player 2 Table Edge

Number of Players: 2-4

Strike Force: Standard (All players)

Deployment: Players each roll a D6, deployment is based on the result. Each player places a single unit in turn, with the player that scored the highest placing first and the player who scored the lowest placing last. This repeatsuntil all units are placed.

Units must be placed within 6 inches of the the board edge.

Victory Conditions: Each player is attempting to eliminate as many of the enemy units as possible. Each time aplayer kills an enemy unit, they gain a number of victory points equal to the points value of the unit they killed. Theplayer with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.

Terrain: Place a selection of buildings, structures, obstacles and scatter terrain across the board. You want to aimto limit the number of clear firing lanes across the table to force units to move and use cover properly.

Player 3 Table E

dge Pla

yer 4


le E




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Secure Objective

Player 1 Table Edge

Player 2 Table Edge

Number of Players: 2-4

Strike Force: Standard (All players)

Deployment: Players each roll a D6, deployment is based on the result. Each player places a single unit in turn, with the player that scored the highest placing first and the player who scored the lowest placing last. This repeatsuntil all units are placed.

Units must be placed within 6 inches of the the board edge.

Objectives: Place D3+2 objectives (Take) across the board,. These do not need to be within buildings or structures.

Victory Conditions: Each player is attempting to secure as many objectives as possible. Each objective givesthe player that takes it 50 Victory Points. Each unit killed is worth its points value in Victory Points.

Terrain: Place a selection of buildings, structures, obstacles and scatter terrain across the board. You want to aimto limit the number of clear firing lanes across the table to force units to move and use cover properly.

Player 3 Table E

dge Pla

yer 4


le E





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Intelligence Search

Player 1 Table Edge

Player 2 Table Edge

Number of Players: 2-4

Strike Force: Standard (All players)

Deployment: Players each roll a D6, deployment is based on the result. Each player places a single unit in turn, with the player that scored the highest placing first and the player who scored the lowest placing last. This repeatsuntil all units are placed.

Units must be placed within 6 inches of the the board edge.

Objectives: Place D6+3 markers within buildings or structures across the game board. These are (Search)Objectives, representing vital intelligence that the players are attempting to recover.

Victory Conditions: Each player is attempting to recover as much intelligence as possible. Each objective foundis worth 50 Victory Points, and each unit killed is worth its points value in Victory Points.

Terrain: Place a selection of buildings, structures, obstacles and scatter terrain across the board. You want to aimto limit the number of clear firing lanes across the table to force units to move and use cover properly.

Player 3 Table E

dge Pla

yer 4


le E





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Capture Prisoners

Player 1 Table Edge

Player 2 Table Edge

Number of Players: 2

Strike Force: Standard (All players)

Deployment: Players each roll a D6, deployment is based on the result. Each player places a single unit in turn, with the player that scored the highest placing first and the player who scored the lowest placing last. This repeatsuntil all units are placed.

Units must be placed within 6 inches of the the board edge.

Objectives: Each player is attempting to capture as many of the enemy as possible to extract vital informationfrom.

When you reduce a unit to 0 health in combat, you count as having taken that unit prisoner. The unit is removedfrom play.

Victory Conditions: Each time you reduce and enemy unit to 0 health points and remove them from the game,you score 25 victory points.

Each unit killed is worth its points value in Victory Points.

Terrain: Place a selection of buildings, structures, obstacles and scatter terrain across the board. You want to aimto limit the number of clear firing lanes across the table to force units to move and use cover properly.


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Bomb Disposal

Number of Players: 2

Strike Force: Standard (All players)

Deployment: First determine which player will be Player 1; who is attempting to diffuse the explosives, and whois Player 2; who is trying to stop them. Each roll a D6, the person who scores the highest may choose to be player1 or 2.Players then each roll a D6; deployment is based on the result, Each player places a single unit in turn, with theplayer that scored the highest placing first, and the player who scored the lowest placing last. This repeats untilall units are placed.

Units must be placed within 6 inches of the the board edge.

Bombs: Place D6+3 tokens across the game board within buildings/structures. Each of these tokens representsan explosive device.

At the start of each game turn (beginning on turn 2) roll a D6 for each token to determine whether the explosivedevice detonates this turn.

Victory Conditions: Player 1 must defuse as many of the explosive devices as possible. Use the table presentedin the Setting Up The Game section to search for the explosives. When a unit finds an explosive device, roll a D6to diffuse (this does not count as an action). On a roll of 4+ the bomb is diffused.

Diffused explosives grant 100 victory points to player 1. Each device that detonates grants 100 victory points toplayer 2.

Detonation!: When an explosive detonates it destroys the building it was in outright. Any units that were in thebuilding are killed in the same way as described in the buildings section.

Each unit killed is worth its points value in Victory Points.

Terrain: Place a selection of buildings, structures, obstacles and scatter terrain across the board. You want to aimto limit the number of clear firing lanes across the table to force units to move and use cover properly.

Player 1 Table Edge

Player 2 Table Edge

Turn Explodes2 63 64 55 46 3

7+ 2




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Attacker Table Edge

Defender Table Edge

Number of Players: 2

Strike Force: Standard (All players)

Deployment: Players each roll a D6; deployment is based on the result. Each player places a single unit in turn, with the player that scored the highest placing first, and the player who scored the lowest placing last. This repeatsuntil all units are placed.

Units must be placed within 6 inches of the the board edge.

Victory Conditions: The attacking player is attempting to kill one of the defending player’s units. Before the gamebegins, the attacker must choose one unique character (a character with a (1) in their profile) as the target. If nounique characters are present, the target will be the defender’s unit worth the most points.

If the attacker kills the target, they get an additional 100 victory points. If they fail, the defender gets an additional100 victory points.

Each other unit killed is worth its points value in Victory Points.

Terrain: Place a selection of buildings, structures, obstacles and scatter terrain across the board. You want to aimto limit the number of clear firing lanes across the table to force units to move and use cover properly.


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Focal Point

Player 1 Table Edge

Player 2 Table Edge

River 6’’ WideRiver 6’’ Wide

Number of Players: 2

Strike Force: Standard (All players)

Deployment: Players each roll a D6, deployment is based on the result. Each player places a single unit in turn, with the player that scored the highest placing first and the player who scored the lowest placing last. This repeatsuntil all units are placed.

Units must be placed within 6 inches of the the board edge.

Victory Conditions: Each player is attempting to eliminate as many of the enemy units as possible. Each timea player kills an enemy unit, they gain a number of victory points equal to the points value of the unit they killed.The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.

Terrain: There should be a 6’’ wide section in the centre of the board. This represents the river. The river isimpassible terrain and no unit may be placed on it (though units with jetpacks, etc. can cross it as normal). In thecentre of the river should be a 6’’ wide bridge or crossing.

Place a selection of buildings, structures, obstacles and scatter terrain across the board. You want to aim to limitthe number of clear firing lanes across the table to force units to move and use cover properly.




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Last Stand

Attacker Table Edge

Number of Players: 2

Strike Force: Attacker has the Defender’s points limit x2

Deployment: The Defender deploys within a 12 inch wide section in the centre of one of the table edges, up to 6inches away from the board edge. The attacker deploys as normal on the opposite table edge.

The attacker deploys half of their force at the start of the game, the other half arrive on the attacker’s table edgeat the start of game turn 3 (before priority is rolled).

Players each roll a D6, deployment is based on the result, Each player places a single unit in turn, with the playerthat scored the highest placing first and the player who scored the lowest placing last. This repeats until all unitsare placed.

Victory Conditions: The defenders do not expect to survive the coming assault; their only goal is to take as manyof the enemy with them as possible. The defenders earn the number of victory points equal to the points value ofthe units they kill. In addition, for each of their units still alive at the end of the game, the defending player earnsan additional 100 victory points.

The attacker earns victory points as normal, plus an additional 100 victory points if they kill all the defenders beforethe end of the game.

Terrain: Place a selection of buildings, structures, obstacles and scatter terrain across the board. You want to aimto limit the number of clear firing lanes across the table to force units to move and use cover properly.

Defender Deployment


Defender Deployment


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Building a Strike Force

Each unit in The Icarus Project costs a number ofpoints, a number that represents how valuable the unitis on the battlefield. To play a game of The IcarusProject, you and your opponent must agree on a pointslimit.

An average game of The Icarus Project is played withbetween 5 and 20 units per side. You can play a gamewith roughly the same number of units on each side,without both sides being equally matched. This is greatfor learning the core mechanics and some simpletactics, but soon you will want to start playing balancedgames.

To do this, both players decide on a points limit beforethe game and then each choose a force that totals nomore in points than the agreed limit.

Example ForceAlliance Trooper ..….….….….….…….………..….….…… 16 pointsEquipped with sword, combat knife, and pistol.Alliance Trooper ..….….…………………………..…..….….26 pointsEquipped with LMG, combat knife, and pistol.Alliance Scout….…..….….….…….…….……….…….…… 26 pointsEquipped with sniper rifle, combat knife, and pistol.Alliance Trooper ..…….…….………….………...…………. 11 pointsEquipped with Assault Rifle, combat knife and pistol.Alliance Trooper . . …………………………..……………….11 pointsEquipped with Assault Rifle, combat knife and pistol.Alliance Marshal . . …………………………………………….9 pointsEquipped with shotgun, combat knife and pistol.Total Points: 99

This is a fairly balanced 100 point list, representing aforce you would typically see in a smaller game.At the core of the force are the two alliance troopersequipped with Assault Rifles. Their role will be toengage other “standard” units, and attempt to suppressand lower the health of larger units.

The trooper with a sword is the “leader” of this squad,it falls to them to engage more elite units in combat.The marshal should be used to support the “leader”,using his shotgun to weaken enemy units before the“leader” moves into combat.

The sniper’s key role will be to remove enemy leaderunits from play. The sniper’s main targets should beunits equipped with med kits, hero characters, or othersnipers.

The last unit is equipped with an LMG. They can putout 8 shots in a single activation, which makes themincredibly effective at removing units with low armourand health.They can also keep stronger units confined to coverthrough fear that their many shots will weaken them.However, as this unit can deal so much damage, theywill be the target of enemy snipers and heavy troops.It’s imperative to keep them in good cover, and useyour own sniper to remove threats early on.

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The following section details the various factions withinThe Icarus Project.

To create your strike force, you and your opponentmust first agree on a points limit. What that limit is willdepend on the models you have available, the time inwhich you can play, and how large a battle you wish tofight.

Strike Forces

Choosing Your Strike ForceNext, choose one of the factions presented on thefollowing pages and write a list that is no more than theagreed point limit. You may go under the point limit ifyou wish, but this will put you at a disadvantage. Tryto get as close to the limit, without going over, aspossible.

The Unit EntryEach unit in the list has a separate entry. These containsome vital information:

- The name of the unit.- The unit’s stats.- Any Equipment the unit is carrying.- Any Optional Equipment the unit may purchase.- Any Special Rules the unit has.- A brief description of the unit.

EquipmentFor any equipment that the unit already possesses thatinfers a modifier, it is assumed the benefits are alreadyincluded in their profile.

Example: A unit which has a Targeter listed in theirequipment, will already have the modifier applied totheir ranged statistic.

Equipment costs are listed in the unit profile as (XXpts) and on the table found on Page 48.

AlliesIn a regular game you must choose your units froma single army list.

The only force which may ally with another is theMercenary army (plus any units that state they may befielded in another army in their profile).

Of course in a friendly game, should you and youropponent decide, you may choose units from multiplearmy lists to compose your force.

Unique UnitsThere are some units, such as characters, that can onlybe taken once in a single strike force. These units have(1) after their name, to denote that only a single one ofthem may be taken.

Some units may display a (n) after their profile, thismeans that you may include up to (n) in your strikeforce.

Unit RestrictionsThere are some units that may only be taken if certaincriteria are met (such as only being able to be taken ifa specific unit is also selected)

Similarly, there are some units that cannot be takenunder certain circumstances, such as a specific unitalready being present in the force.

Anytime this is applicable, it will be listed in the relevantunit’s profile.

Unit LimitThe points limit of your game will effect how many unitsyou can field. This is to help stop people fielding armiesof cheap units to take advantage of many, successiveactivations.

Points Limit Unit Limit1 - 100 10

101 - 200 20201 - 300 30301 - 400 40401 - 500 50

Each 100 After 10

It’s unlikely you’ll play many games of 500 points ormore, but you may choose to for the occasionalfriendly game.

Similarly, during a friendly game; if both you and youropponent agree, you can ignore these restrictions. Youmay enjoy a game where an elite force is heavilyoutnumbered by weaker units.

For official play and average games though, use thistable.

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The Alliance

The Galactic Alliance of Humanity is a collection ofhuman systems and governments that share the samebeliefs, laws, and military.

Though not all humans are part of the Alliance, mostare.

Alliance worlds are fairly open in terms of trade withother races, and most Alliance planets have otherspecies living on them, though they are still governedby Alliance law.

Since the collapse of the Council, the Alliance now hasthe single largest military in the galaxy. Following theirnear defeat during the first Nexus war; a conflict theywould have lost if not for the intervention of thePraesidians, mankind became devoted to protection,investing heavily in the military.

While they may not have the brutality of the Nexus, theresilience of the Ji’tar, or the precision of thePraesidians, mankind does have numbers. Moreground forces than any other race, and while thePreasidians have more space ships overall, theAlliance has more combat read ships.

Today, over 60% of Alliance controlled worlds have astanding fleet of space craft in orbit, and large garrisonsof troops on the ground.

Following their departure from the Council, the Alliancehas worked hard to be attractive to other species in thehopes that they will also leave the council and jointhem. A large military, and the ability to providesecurity, has been a large part of this effort.

While this hasn’t happened much on a planetary scale,there have been scores of individual aliens emigratingto Alliance controlled planets because of the militaryprotection they offer. With Nexus raids increasing infrequency with each passing month, and the departureof the Praesidians, the civilian population is afraid.

The Alliance war machine is controlled by GalacticAlliance of Humanity Strategic Command, or GASC.GASC co-ordinates large scale manoeuvres and thedeployment of army groups & warships.

GASC are also directly responsible for the GalacticMarines, the Alliance’s special forces outfit. WhereAlliance Army groups are controlled by generals, andcoordinated as a whole y GASC, Marines are direct byStrategic command on a squad-by-squad basis.

There are however, a number of marine squadsoperating independently, under direct command of theStrategic Command. The are given the most classified

missions; including abductions of high value targets,protection of senior GASC personnel, and wet-work.

There are several marine squads who have becomewell known for working directly for Strategic Command;and rumours of the legendary feats they haveaccomplished circulate regularly.

The most notorious of these units are the Reapers.One of the few marine squads to survive basic training,and the Gauntlet as a unit, the Reapers have earneda reputation of being arrogant, disrespectful to regularsoldiers and commanders, and not playing well withothers. But despite all this, there are few troopers inthe Alliance who wouldn’t feel safer on the battlefieldknowing the reapers are with them.

Galactic MarinesThe Galactic Marines are the most skilled soldiers inthe Alliance army, and they are a valuable resource.Several marine squads are usually attached to anAlliance Army group, tasked with completing the mostcomplex and dangerous missions.

Despite their focus on security and defence, life inAlliance space is not without its share of dangers.Because of the open borders and less regulatedtrading, Alliance worlds are a hotbed for criminalactivity.

The latest criminal pandemic to sweep the Alliance isa new drug called “Echo”. Echo has different effectsdepending on the quantity taken, usually via druginhaler. Take a small amount, and Echo will producea calming, relaxed effect. Take enough however, andthere is no other drug that can rival Echo’s potency andmood change. This has made it very popular amongthe party crowds.

To keep the day-to-day criminals in line, there are themarshals. Notoriously heavy handed, the marshals area well funded, well equipped, galactic police force.Armed with riot armour, shotguns, and stun-mauls, themarshals cast an intimidating image. Their eyes arecovered by visored helmets, and they usually travel inpacks.

Almost every Alliance planet will receive hundreds ofthousands of formal complaints about marshal brutalityin the course of a year. But with the Alliance Armyfighting in real conflicts, and the rising crime rates,those in charge usually look the other way.

A galaxy of Crime

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Alliance MarshalUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

AllianceMarshal 6 5 5 3 1 5 5 9

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May exchange Assault Rifle for Shotgun for free.

Notoriously heavy handed, the Marshals police theAlliance worlds.

Drop Trooper

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsDrop Trooper 10 5 4 4 2 5 4 23

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat knife,Jetpack.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the the following:- Shotgun (6 pts)- Flamethrower (10 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)

Special Rules: Combat Drop

Deployed from drop ships, Drop Troopers use theirjetpacks to infiltrate behind enemy lines.

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- LMG (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with the one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)

The mainstay of the alliance military. What they lack inskill, they make up for in numbers.

Alliance Trooper

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsAlliance Trooper 6 5 5 4 1 5 4 11

Galactic Marine

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife, GasMask.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Sniper Rifle (15 pts)- LMG (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Jetpack (10 pts)

Special Rules: Combat Drop

The Galactic Marines are some of the most skilledsoldiers in the galaxy. Used as a special operationsunit, they can be found in the Alliance’s harshest warzones.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsGalactic Marine 6 4 4 4 2 5 3 15

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsAlliance Heavy 5 4 4 5 2 7 4 27

Alliance Heavy

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Energy Gauntlet.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- LMG (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)- Flamethrower (10 pts)

May Purchase the Following:- Energy Shield (10 pts)- Targeter (10 pts)- Detonator (15 pts

Alliance Heavies are clad in large exosuits. Thisenables them to wield even the heaviest of weaponswith ease.

- Shotgun (6 pts)- Flamethrower (10 pts)- Grenade Launcher(5 pts)

- Targeter (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

- Grenade (5 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

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Boarding TroopsUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

BoardingTroops 6 4 4 5 2 5 4 15

Equipment: Shotgun, Pistol, Combat Knife, SmokeGrenade.

May replace Shotgun with one of the following:- Flamethrower (10 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)

Boarding troops are the first ones inside an enemyship. Their equipment is all designed for maximumeffectiveness in the close quarters of spaceshipcorridors.

Battlefield MedicUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

BattlefieldMedic 6 4 5 4 1 5 4 22

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife, MedKit.

Special Rule: Medic

Battlefield medics keep the Alliance troops in the fight.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsAlliance Scout 6 3 5 3 1 4 4 11


Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Sniper Rifle (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Targeter (10 pts)- Stealth System (15 pts)

Scouts move ahead of the main Alliance force,performing reconnaissance and relaying informationback to command. They also make excellent snipers,often working in pairs, independently of main Allianceforces.

Fleet Officer (1)Unit M R C D A H Co Pts

Fleet Officer 6 4 4 4 2 5 3 30

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Orbital Strike.

Alliance fleet officers are sometimes sent planet sideto help coordinate landings, equipment drops andsupport from ships above.

The Gunslinger (1)

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsThe Gunslinger 6 3 4 4 2 6 3 17

Equipment: 2 heavy pistols, Combat Knife.

Special Rules: Investigator, Loner, Opportunist.

The Gunslinger walks the galaxy, brining to justice itsmost notorious criminals. Over his armour he wears atattered duster and a Stetson, reminiscent of thelawmen of Old Earth.

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Douglas Taylor (1)

Equipment: Shotgun, Pistol, Combat Knife, EnergyGauntlet, Gas Mask.

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Jetpack (10 pts)

Special Rules: Combat Drop, Study Opponent

Sergeant of the Reapers, the famous Galactic Marinesquad.

Taylor leads from the front, and prefers to fight up closeand personal.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsDouglas Taylor 6 3 3 4 3 5 3 28

- Targeter (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

Bruce ”Butch” Lampart (1)

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Missile Launcher, Pistol,Combat Knife, Gas Mask.

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Jetpack (10 pts)

Special Rules: Combat Drop,

The Reapers’ heavy weapon specialist, Butch isrenowned for his love of large guns and explosions.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsButch 6 3 3 4 2 6 3 33

- Targeter (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

Spencer Graham (1)

Equipment: Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife, GasMask.

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Jetpack (10 pts)

Special Rules: Combat Drop

Spencer Graham is the Reapers’ sniper. He is one ofthe finest marksmen in the entire Alliance.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsButch 6 3 3 4 2 5 3 32

- Targeter (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

Leo Reid (1)

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife, GasMask.

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Jetpack (10 pts)

Special Rules: Combat Drop,

The Reapers’ tech expert. Reid is the first to requisitionexperimental weaponry from Strategic Command.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsLeo Reid 6 3 3 4 2 5 3 27

- Targeter (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

Scott Dawson (1)

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Med Kit, Pistol, CombatKnife, Gas Mask.

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Jetpack (10 pts)

Special Rules: Combat Drop, Medic.

The Reapers’ squad surgeon. Dawson keeps the unitalive and in the fight.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsScott Dawson 6 3 3 4 2 5 3 27

- Targeter (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

Captain (1)

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife, GasMask, Grenade.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- LMG (15 pts)- Grenade Launcher (5 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Jetpack (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

Alliance Captains are respected leaders, and ferociouswarriors.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsCaptain 6 3 3 4 3 5 3 18

- Shotgun (Free)- Flamethrower (10 pts)

- Targeter (10 pts)

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The Nexus

The Nexus are one of the most brutal races in thegalaxy.

The ancient Nexus were amongst the first speciesdiscovered by the Praesidians. By the time the tworaces met, the Nexus had already achieved spacetravel, moving from planet to planet in vast ships thathoused millions of Nexus. These journeys would takegenerations, but were fuelled by the belief that theNexus were the dominant species in the galaxy anddeserved to conquer.

The Nexus would enter the orbit of an inhabited planetand send wave after wave of solders down to thesurface to conquer.

When they first encountered the Praesidians theyimmediately went to war. They were not prepared forthe technological superiority of the Praesidianshowever, and were quickly quelled.

The only reason the Nexus weren’t returned to theirhome world and blockaded was because of the actionsof their leader at the time, Arkos. He surrendered tothe Praesidians and was able to reach an agreementto allow his people to be accepted by the Council.

Arkos has been branded a coward by the majority ofthe Nexus since, but it is because of him the Nexus stilltravel the stars.

During this time he was also able to manipulate galacticstocks to make himself extremely wealthy. He usedthis wealth to pay off hundreds of Nexus mercenarieswith no allegiances to join him. Eight years afterfinishing university he was named general of the Nexusarmed forces, the youngest in history. It’s thought thathe bribed, threatened and bullied his way into theposition, but once there he had the connections tospread the word of his movement throughout Nexusspace.

He quickly established who in the Nexus military couldbe trusted to follow him, and who were loyal to theAlliance. Those who he decided would not be loyal, here-located to remote parts of the galaxy, active warzones or simple discharged.

Eighteen months after being named general, almostthe entire military was made up of Nexus loyal to him.

Army Special Rule: Capture Slaves

Anytime a Nexus unit reduces an enemy unit to 0health in close combat (but does not kills them), theycapture the enemy unit, removing them from the game,and gaining 10 additional Victory Points, in additionto any them may have received for removing the unitfrom the game.

The Nexus Separatist MovementWhen most people refer to the Nexus now, what theyare actually referring to is the Nexus SeparatistMovement.

Started by the Nexus General, Varakos, the SeparatistMovement was responsible for the second Nexus war,and countless minor conflicts since.

Since he was young, Varakos held a deep resentmentof other races, and the way the treated Nexus. Duringhis education on Apollo, the Council’s foremost worldof learning, Varakos began the Nexus SeparatistMovement as a way for himself and his Nexus peersto find solidarity.

What began as social gatherings to avoiddiscrimination, soon took a more radical turn. Varakoswas elected leader of a group whose discussions weremore and more becoming about revenge against theother races that had “oppressed” the Nexus.

Varakos used his new position to convince the group’smembers to go out into the galaxy and recruit morebodies for the cause.

When he left Apollo, Varakos quickly found a placewithin the Nexus military, and rose through the ranks;all the while gathering more supporters in secret for hismovement.

The Second Nexus warTen years after leaving Apollo University, the stagewas set, and Varakos was ready to put his plans intomotion.

Councilman Pritchard, one of the Alliance leaders, wasvisiting a Nexus fringe world on an aid mission.Varakos paid a soldier, disguised as a local toassassinate the councilman, and planted dozens ofarmed soldiers in the crowd. Once the councilman wasdead, these soldiers opened fire. The resulting fire fightended with almost all other Nexus civilians presentdead.

Varakos perverted the events and convinced the Nexusgovernment that humanity had fired first. By the timethe truth came out, the galaxy was at war.

The Fall of ArosAros is an Alliance system located at the edge ofAlliance space. It is an agricultural world with very littlesignificance. However, it became a turning point duringthe second Nexus war.

Varakos’ bombardment, and subsequent invasion ofAros left the planet ruined, and its population almostentirely dead.

This campaign earned him the title of the Butcher ofAros.

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Unit M R C D A H Co PtsNexus Grunt 6 5 4 4 2 5 4 13

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, 2 Combat Knives(Additional attack already included in unit profile).

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- LMG (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knives with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)

Nexus Grunts are vicious. They will often enslave anycivilians they come across and renown for their brutality.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsFeral Nexus 6 6 4 3 3 4 4 11

Feral Nexus

Equipment: 2 Combat Knives (Additional attackalready included in unit profile), Pistol.

Special: Insignificant, Bloodletting, Meat Shield

Descendents of ancient, outcast, Nexus; these feralwarriors form a devastating first wave.

TerrorUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Nexus Terror 6 4 3 4 3 5 1 19

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, 2 Combat Knives(Additional attack already included in unit profile).

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Flamethrower (10 pts)- Shotgun (6 pts)

May replace Combat Knives with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Energy Shield (10 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)

Special: Fear Toxin

Fear is one of the most powerful weapons at thedisposal of the Nexus. They use their brutality to scaretheir enemies into submission. Terror units haveaccess to a rare toxin from the Nexus home worldwhich causes paralysing fear in those affected.

In game terms, all weapons used by the Nexus Terror(except the flamethrower) are counted as being coatedwith fear toxin. Any enemy unit that suffers a woundwill have a –1 penalty to their Courage for the rest ofthe game. This effect does not stack.


Unit M R C D A H Co PtsNexus Brawler 6 5 3 5 4 5 4 17

Equipment: Axe, Pistol, 2 Combat Knives(Additional attack already included in unit profile).

May replace Combat Knives with one of thefollowing:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)

Nexus Brawlers live for combat. On their home worldsthey are the gladiatorial champions. On the battlefieldthey are a relentless and deadly foe.

Trax Brute

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsNexus Brute 5 4 4 6 4 7 4 30

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Energy Shield.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- LMG (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)- Targeter (10 pts)

The few Trax that can be found outside of theirblockaded home world are either mercenaries, orNexus Slaves. Their large size and aggressive naturemakes them the perfect heavy troops for the Nexuswar machine.

- Stabiliser (10 pts)- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)

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Varakos (1)Unit M R C D A H Co Pts

Varakos (1) 6 3 3 6 4 7 2 44

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Energy Gauntlet,Energy Shield, 2 Combat Knives (Additional attackalready included in unit profile).

Special Rules: Cheating Death, Opportunist.

General Varakos is the leader of the Nexus SeparatistMovement, and the Butcher of Aros. He is perhaps themost dangerous individual in the known galaxy.

The Champion (1)Unit M R C D A H Co Pts

The Champion(1) 6 5 2 4 5 5 4 28

Equipment: Pistol, 2 Combat Knives, 2 Axes(Additional attack already included in unit profile)

In the great arena on Nexus, there is name chanted.The name of the warrior who won more duels than anyother. The name of the Champion.

Kalos (1)Unit M R C D A H Co Pts

Kalos (1) 6 4 3 5 3 6 4 23

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Sword, 2 CombatKnives (Additional attack already included in unitprofile).

Kalos may be included in both Nexus forces andMercenary forces. However, he may never beincluded in a force that contains Varakos.

Kalos was a member of the Nexus SeparatistMovement during the war. He has since left and is anactive bounty hunter; attempting to atone for the thingshe did during the war.

ScoutUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Nexus Scout 6 3 5 4 1 4 5 11

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, 2 Combat Knives(Additional attack already included in unit profile).

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Sniper Rifle (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knives with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Targeter (10 pts)- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)

Nexus scouts travel ahead of the main force and relayvital information back to the leader of the force.

assassinUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Assassin 6 3 3 4 3 5 2 34

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, 2 Combat Knives(Additional attack already included in unit profile),Stealth System.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Sniper Rifle (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knives with one of the following:- Sword (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)- Smoke Grenade (5 pts)- Energy Shield (10 pts)- Targeter (10 pts)

Special Rule: Poison Blades

Any unit that Assassin successfully wounds in combatis poisoned. At that start of each following turn, theaffected unit will receive 1D3 damage each turn untilthe end of the game (or until they die).

Special Rule: Fear Toxin

All weapons used by the Assassin are counted asbeing coated with fear toxin. Any enemy unit thatsuffers a wound from them attack will suffer a –1penalty to their Courage for the rest of the game. Theseeffects do not stack.

Where other members of the race may be shunned forusing stealth technology, Nexus Assassins haveearned the respect of their kin because of theirincredible skills.

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Ravager BikerUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Nexus Biker 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 26

Equipment: Ravager Bike, Shotgun, Pistol, 2 CombatKnives (Additional attack already included in unitprofile).

May replace Shotgun with one of the following:- Flamethrower (10 pts)- Grenade Launcher (10 pts)

May replace Combat Knives with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Energy Shield (10 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)

Ravager Bikers serve as the vanguard for Nexusconvoys. They travel ahead of the main force, pillagingand spreading terror.

CommanderUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Commander 6 3 3 4 4 5 2 20

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Axe, 2 CombatKnives (Additional attack already included in unitprofile).

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Flamethrower (10 pts)- Shotgun (6 pts)

May replace Axe with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Energy Shield (10 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Ignition Bomb (10 pts)

Nexus leaders often win their command through mightalone, and are among the most fearsome warriors onthe battlefield.

- LMG (15 pts)

- Ravager Bike (10 pts)- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)

- Ignition Bomb (10 pts)- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)

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The Praesidians

Considered to be the oldest known race, thePraesidians have spent millennia guiding the othermembers of the galaxy, forming the Council, anddiscovering new species.

The Praesidians are the ones who built the first LightGates, the portals through which interstellar travel isconducted.

Praesidians believe that the Great Spirit has twoaspects, or faces. One aspect is a manifestation of allthe good and kindness in the universe, and isresponsible for all the good fortune creaturesexperience. The other aspect of the Great Spirit is amanifestation of all the evil in the universe, and isresponsible for all the misfortune experienced.

Most Praesidians do not believe that the “good” faceof the Great Spirit has a physical manifestation. Almostall Praesidians, however, believe that the “evil” aspectof the Great Spirit has a physical body and residessomewhere outside of known space.

Scholars disagree with what form the Evil One takes;some say it is a great beast, twisted and rotten, withthe power to re-animate the dead. Others say that it isa kind faced being that uses tricks and deceit to rallycreatures to its cause. The remaining scholars suggestthat the Evil One is a monstrous creature thatresembles the demonic creatures that were feared onOld Earth.

No one knows what form the Evil One takes, and noone has even proved that such a being even exists.But the belief in that aspect of the Great Spirit hasdriven the Praesidian race for millennia.

Birthing ColoniesPraesidians are born on Birthing Colonies where theyassigned a class and vocation. For the most part,Praesidians remain at the social level they areassigned at birth. While there are cases where a lowerclass Praesidian worker has managed to work theirway into a position of power, those situations are rare.

At a young age, Praesidian children are given a seriesof tests that determine where they will best fit withinsociety. These tests, administered by a Spirit Warrior,are incredibly accurate, and it is not often that aPraesidian will find a duty they are more suited to thanthe one assigned to them as a child.

Birthing Colonies are vital to the continuation of thePraesidian species. When a Praesidian lays an egg, itis taken to a Birthing Colony, where it will hatch. It takesalmost 3 earth-years for a Praesidian egg to hatch,meaning they need constant monitoring and protection,which is why they are hatched on Birth Colonies.

Birthing Colonies are some of the most heavily guardedworlds in the galaxy. Because they house so much ofthe Praesidian species, they are constant targets; andmany of the Preasidians’ enemies have attempted toinvade the Birthing Colonies over the centauries.Luckily, none have ever succeeded.

The colonies are protected from above by large fleetsof Praesidian war-ships. And on the group, Praesidianinfants are protected by the Birthing Mothers; whohatch the eggs, raise the young, and keep them safe.Birthing Mothers are among the most skilled warriorsin the Praesidian Republic.

The Great SpiritThe Praesidian’s are one of the few races that stillworship the same deity across the entire species. Theybelieve in the Great Spirit, which they believe is madeup of the souls, or spirits, of every creature that hasever lived and died. They believe each and every lifethat ends improves the Spirit in some way.

Culturally, the Praesidians are led by the SpiritWarriors, individuals they believe to be infused by theSpirit. In battle, Spirit warriors use a more compactversion of Light Gate technology to perform close range“teleportation” to gain the advantage.

ExodusFollowing the end of the second Nexus war, and in amove that shocked the galaxy, the Praesidiangovernment announced that they were leaving theCouncil.

There were no reasons given as to why thePreasidians, who had founded the Council, wereseparating themselves. Within weeks, the Nexusannounced they too would split from the rule of theCouncil. Over the following months, the Ji’tar, Allianceand countless smaller governments announced thatthey would leave the Council and rule themselves.

Less than six months after leaving the Council; thePraesidians left known space. Almost 70% of theirships and citizens gathered together into a vast fleetand left known space through one of the previouslyinactive Light Gates on the fringes of the galaxy.

Those who stayed behind mainly consisted on theBirthing Colonies, their defence forces, and a handfulof fleets tasked with defending the Praesidian Republic.

No reason was given for the departure of thePraesidian fleet; and those who remain either do notknow where their kin have gone, or they do not know.

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Unit M R C D A H Co PtsWarrior 6 4 5 3 1 4 4 10

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Energy Rifle with one of the following:- Shotgun (Free)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Glaive (5 pts)

The staple of the Praesidian military. By Praesidianlaw, every citizen must have combat training duringchildhood, and must serve at least one period in thePraesidian military.


Unit M R C D A H Co PtsCommando 6 4 4 4 2 5 4 14

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Energy Rifle with one of the following:- Missile Launcher (15 pts)- LMG (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Glaive (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Scanner (10 pts)

Career military Praesidians usually end up serving inthe commando corps, the Praesidian special forces.

- Flamethrower (10 pts)- Shotgun (Free)

HunterUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Hunter 7 3 5 3 2 4 3 13

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Energy Rifle with one of the following:- Sniper Rifle(15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Glaive (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Targeter (10 pts)- Stealth System (15 pts)

Hunters move ahead of the main Praesidian force.Invisible and alert for any enemy movement.

Birthing Mothers

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsBirthing Mother 6 5 3 4 2 4 4 17

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Glaive.

May replace Energy Rifle with one of the following:- Shotgun

May replace Glaive with one of the following:- Energy Gauntlet (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)- Med Kit (10 pts)

Birthing Mothers, or Joshitai, are responsible for thehatching of Praesidian young, their education, and theirprotection. Should a Birthing Colony come underattack, the Birthing Mothers will be found at the centreof the conflict, defending the future of their race.

- Flamethrower (10 pts)


Unit M R C D A H Co PtsSwift 10 3 4 4 2 5 4 25

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Jetpack.

May replace Energy Rifle with one of the following:- Flamethrower (10 pts)- Shotgun (Free)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Glaive (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)

Special Rule: Combat Drop

Praesidian Swifts attack from the sky, using their speedto outmanoeuvre the enemy.


Unit M R C D A H Co PtsSurgeon 6 4 5 3 1 4 4 20

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife, MedKit.

Special Rule: Medic

Praesidian Surgeons are responsible for keepingtroops on the ground alive to fight another day.

- Grenade (5 pts)

- Grenade (5 pts)

- Sword (5 pts)

- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

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Unit M R C D A H Co PtsCommander 6 3 2 5 4 6 2 23

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Sword.

May replace Energy Rifle with on of the following:- LMG (15 pts)- Flamethrower (10 pts)

May replace Sword with one of the following:- Glaive (Free)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Energy Shield (10 pts)

Praesidian Commanders lead from the front. Theircourage and strength at arms serves as an inspirationto those that follow them.

- Shotgun (Free)

Spirit Warrior

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsSpirit Warrior 7 4 3 4 3 4 1 28

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Glaive.

May replace Glaive with one of the following:- Sword (Free)- Energy Gauntlet (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Energy Shield (10 pts)

Special Rule: Phase Walker, Legendary, Time isMeaningless.

The spiritual leaders of the Praesidians, Spirit Warriorsare responsible for maintaining the faith of the troopson the battlefield, as well as administering first aid.Amongst the warriors they are almost mythical, phasingin and out of the battlefield, dealing deadly blows wherethey are needed most.

Rannan Sho (1)

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsRannan Sho (1) 7 3 3 4 4 6 2 31

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, 2 Swords (Additionalattack already included in profile.)

Special Rule: Study Opponent.

Rannan Sho Counts as a commander for the purposesof the Honour Or Death special rule.

The Praesidian commander, Rannan Sho, is famousfor his reckless tactics. He will often volunteer himselfand his troops for the most dangerous missions.

Honour Guard

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsHonour Guard 6 3 3 6 3 6 2 37

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Sword, Energy Shield.

May exchange Sword and Energy Shield for any of thefollowing at no cost: LMG, Missile Launcher, FlameThrower.May Exchange Sword for Glaive or Energy Gauntletfor 5 pts.

May purchase the following:- Targeter (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

Special Rule: Honour Or Death

Honour Or Death:If a Praesidian Commander or Spirit Warrior arepresent on the battlefield, the Honour Guard cannot bebroken, and will pass any courage test they arerequired to make. If the Commander or Spirit Warriorare killed, every Honour Guard must make animmediate courage test. If they fail they turn theirblades on themselves and immediately suffer D3damage.

The Honour Guard are some of the most fearsomewarriors in the Praesidian ranks. They are tasked withprotecting military and political leaders alike.

- Jetpack (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)

- Grenade (5 pts)- Jetpack (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

mother Jezebel (1)

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsJezebel (1) 6 4 3 4 3 5 3 22

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Glaive.

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)- Med Kit (10 pts)

Special Rules: Legendary, Medic.

Mother Jezebel as a commander for the purposes ofthe Honour Or Death special rule.

Head of the Joshitai order, Mother Jezebel is one ofthe most respected individuals within the Praesidianrepublic. Praesidians from across the Republic travelto her court to receive her blessing in the hopes thatshe will be able to cure their ails. No one knows howold she is, but she has advised the Praesidiangovernment for as long as any one remembers.

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The Ji’tar are one of the deep races, who live on thefringes of explored space.

The Ji’tar Empire is a collection of eleven main worlds,and a number of smaller settlements.

The most notable feature of the Ji’tar are their facialtentacles. Thought to be an evolutionary response tothe fact they spend much of their life underground; theirtentacles are more like additional limbs. They are usedin the mastication process, can be individuallymanipulated to hold items, and can be used to helpgauge a Ji’tar’s mood.

Their tentacles also form a large part of their nativelanguage, similar to the body language of other races.They speak in several registered, and there is no otherrace that can hear the entire range of their speech. Infact, the name Ji’tar comes from the two sounds thatall races seem to hear the same when the creaturesspeak of themselves.

The language barrier is one of the reasons the Ji’tarare considered so separate to the rest of the galaxy.Largely distrustful of other races, it’s unlikely the Ji’tarwould have any contact with others if it weren’t forcommerce.

The Ji’tar Empire was originally formed of twelveworlds, but during the Trax rebellion, the world of Theswas destroyed.

Towards the end of the rebellion, the Trax general, Bor,invaded Thes and took control of one of the majormines. Fearing the general would be able to get themetal off-world, the Ji’tar recalled all their fleets intoorbit above Thes.

The Field Marshal in control of the Ji’tar fleet decidedhe would rather lose Thes entirely than have theprecious metal in the hands of an outsider. He orderedThes to be bombarded from orbit, and tasked a smallteam of demolitions specialists to deliver a nucleardevice deep beneath the surface of the planet. Thisdevice was so powerful that when it detonated, itcracked the planet itself, separating a large section ofthe world. The effects of the detonation ruined theatmosphere beyond repair and killed every livingcreature on the surface of the planet.

The Ji’tar spent nearly ten years in orbit around thehusk of Thes, collecting the metal from the dead planet.

The death of Bor was instrumental in the end of theTrax rebellion. Having lost one of their most prominentleaders, much of the Trax war machine becamedisorganised and they were soon pushed back to theirhome world, where the Praesidians were able to defeatthem, force them to sign a peace treaty, and blockadethe planet.

When the rebellion was over, the Field Marshal whohad ordered the ruin of Thes was brought before theCouncil. He was charged with war crimes for themillions of innocent lives he took in destroying Thes.He was executed a day later.

However, despite killing untold numbers of Ji’tar in hisbombardment, the Ji’tar government openly supportedthe Field Marshal’s choice, saying it was the right thingto do for the Empire.

Today, Thes is a corpse. When they had finishedmining the majority of the planet, the Ji’tar left thesurface, and surrounding space, littered with mines;and built a space station in orbit to watch againstscavengers.

Despite the small chance of success, and the immensedanger, there are still scores of scavengers who travelto Thes in the hopes of mining a forgotten vein of Ji’tarmetal. The black market for the metal is highly profitable.

The Ji’tar

The Ji’tar’s largest source of income is the preciousmetal that is abundant beneath the surface of theireleven main worlds. This Ji’tar metal is one of thestrongest materials in the known galaxy; far strongerthan the standard composite material used in armour,Ji’tar metal can be mixed with other metals in ratios aslarge as 100:1 and still retain its incredible defensiveproperties. Though the Ji’tar exports less than 1% ofall the material they mine, it accounts for more than80% of their economy.

The price for Ji’tar metal on the galactic exchangeregularly reaches thousands of credits per gram; andowning any amount of the metal is a serious statussymbol.

The brokerage of the metal is handled by the Ji’tarmerchants. Despite their value to Ji’tar society, theyare looked down upon by their kin because they freelytrade their names with other species. The Ji’tar culturebelieves that all an individual’s power lies in their name,and to tell another your name is to give them a powerover you. Most Ji’tar refuse to give their names tomembers of other species. Even Ji’tar ambassadorsand military personnel do not give their names tooutsiders. Instead they are referred to by their title,rank, or a nickname given by the outsiders.

Iron Heart

The Destruction of Thes

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Ji’tar TrooperUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Ji’tar Trooper 6 4 4 5 1 6 3 16

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- LMG (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)

The foot soldiers of the Ji’tar are incredibly disciplinedand resilient. The basic Ji’tar armour is as strong asthe heaviest armours of many races.

Ji’tar Heavy

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsJi’tar Heavy 5 4 4 6 2 8 3 20

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- LMG (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)- Flamethrower (10 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)- Detonator (15 pts)

- Targeter (10 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)- Energy Shield (10 pts)

Ji’tar Scout

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsJi’tar Scout 6 3 5 4 1 5 4 13

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Sniper Rifle (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Targeter (10 pts)- Stealth System (15 pts)

Ji’tar scouts are more lightly armoured than their kin,choosing speed and manoeuvrability over defence.

Ji’tar Demolitions

Unit M R C D A H Co Pts

Ji’tarDemolitions 6 3 4 5 1 6 3 22

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Grenade.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Flamethrower (10 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Energy Shield (10 pts)

Deep beneath the surface of the Ji’tar home world arehuge expanses of tunnels and mines. The Ji’tar thatmine these tunnels have a natural affinity for explosivesthat comes in useful on the battlefield.

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Field Marshal (1)

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsField Marshal 6 3 3 6 5 6 2 39

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Orbital Strike.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Flamethrower (10 pts)- Shotgun (Free)- Heavy Pistol (2 pts) [May have 2]

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)-Sword (5 pts)-Axe (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Energy Shield (10 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)

Special Rule: Legendary

Field Marshal is the highest rank in the Ji’tar military.They are responsible for overseeing entire theatres ofwar. Though they rarely take to the field themselves,when they do they are a powerful and terrifying warrior.

- Jetpack (10 pts)- Disruptor (15 pts)


Unit M R C D A H Co PtsCommander 6 3 3 5 3 6 3 20

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Pistol with the Following:- Heavy Pistol (2 pts) [May have 2]

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)-Sword (5 pts)-Axe (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Energy Shield (10 pts)- Jetpack (10 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)

Ji’tar commanders are veterans of hundreds ofcampaigns. They lead their men from the front, takingthe fight straight to the enemy.

Ji’tar Jetpackers

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsJetpackers 10 3 4 5 2 6 3 28

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Jetpack.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Shotgun (6 pts)- Flamethrower (10 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)

Special Rules: Combat Drop

Adding some much needed speed to the Ji’tar forces,these warriors are often held back and deployed wherethe fighting is most fierce.

Ji’tar Assault

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsJi’tar Assault 6 5 3 5 2 6 3 17

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Flamethrower (10 pts)- Shotgun (6 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)- Toxic Grenade (15 pts)

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Karel (1)Unit M R C D A H Co Pts

Karel (1) 6 5 5 5 2 5 4 23

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Energy Shield,Bubbles.

May purchase the following:Disruptor (15 pts)Grenade (5 pts)

Special Rules: Bubbles, Manipulate.

Bubbles: Karel has a mechanical rat named Bubbles,named after a famous chimpanzee of Old Earth (Ji’tarhave no idea what a chimpanzee looked like) Karel willoften send Bubbles off to report things to him or doother errands.

In game terms, Karel and Bubbles are treated as asingle unit, with Karel having 3 actions a turn insteadof the standard 2.

Karel the merchant is fascinated by Old Earth. Hedresses himself after the fashion of Old Earth and isone of the few Ji’tar who would call a human a friend.He is also among one of the small number of Ji’tar whotell outsiders their name. Karel is largely distrusted,often hated, by his own kind.

Karel does however seem to have the unnatural abilityof making others do things for him, often without theother person realising they are doing him a favour.

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Ji’tar Trooper

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The United Robotics Corporation (URC) was foundedby Viktor Kochenkov in 2753, after he secured anexclusive contract with the Council to produce servicedroids for industrial use.

Prior to the breaking of the Council, the use of robotsin combat was forbidden throughout much of thegalaxy. The fear was that with enough funds, someonecould create a mechanical army capable of de-stabilising government.

Most homes on the core worlds, however, are filledwith URC technology, from appliances, to computingequipment and software, and of course, service droids.

The URC also manufacture and maintain almost alldroids used in deep space mining, as well as allmechanical augmentations used by the Reid MedicalCorporation.

Even though the URC was one of the wealthiestcorporations in the galaxy, each year they lobbied tomake mechanised combat units legal. Millions werespent each election cycle to encourage citizens in thecore to vote to make combat robotics legal; but the billwas never successful.

Despite the legal issues, the URC continued to developtheir combat technology, in secret, on a small fringeworld.

ControllerThe URC controllers are essentially walking hubs,keeping all the units connected to one another and totheir commander.

A URC force must include at least one controller. Thefirst controller is free. Following controllers must bebrought for their points value.

A unit with the Controller rule may spend an action totake control of a unit with the We Are Legion rule andperform an action with that unit. They may do this evenif the target has already activated in the current gameturn.


Army Special Rule: We Are Legion

URC units with this special rule must be within 12inches of a unit with the Controller special rule.

While a unit with this rule is in range of a unit with theController special rule, they automatically pass anycourage test they are required to make. If they areoutside of the range of the controller, use the couragevalue listed in their profile.

At the start of its activation, if the unit is not within rangeof a controller, roll a D6. The unit will act differentlydepending on the result:



6 The unit acts as normal.5 The unit fires its weapon at the closest enemy unit.

Resolve damage as normal. If there are no enemy unitswithin range, the unit does nothing (as if it rolled a 1).

4 The unit moves its full distance towards the closestenemy unit. If this brings it into base contact, it mustassault the unit. Resolve damage as normal.

3 The unit fires its weapon at the closest friendly unit.Resolve damage as normal. If there are no friendly unitswithin range, the unit does nothing (as if it rolled a 1).

2 The unit moves its full distance towards the closestfriendly unit. If this brings it into base contact, it mustassault the unit. Resolve damage as normal.

1 The unit does nothing this turn.


When the council broke apart, Ivan Kochenkov, Viktor’sson, and the current CEO, announced that the UnitedRobotics facilities would be leaving controlled space.

After setting up facilities in the now-neutral space,Kochenkov announced the URC Combat Drone MK.1.The first drones were little more than boxy, vaguelyhuman shaped constructs with little actual use in battle.But the technology advanced rapidly and the URC soonreleased the Mk.II drone.

The Mk.II was a much sleeker design and far moreeffective in combat. It was around this time that the firstcombat androids began to appear. Mostly purchasedto carry out assassinations, these human lookingmachines are rightly feared throughout the galaxy.

The current Mk.III drone builds on the achievementsof the Mk.II. The Mk.III is strong, fast, accurate withranged weapons and totally obedient. In the field,drones are given orders by a controller, usually a dronewith some semblance of self awareness that is givenorders by a superior. Sometimes Drones will even belead by androids.

The androids are also tasked with infiltrating an areaand establishing post-human supporting groups andsecuring resources and supporters for the URC’scause.

Machines of War

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Combat DroneUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Combat Drone 6 4 5 4 1 3 6* 8

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

Special Rules: We Are Legion

Drones make up the bulk of the URC’s combat forces.Cheap to manufacture and relatively durable, they arethe ideal foot soldiers.

GuardianUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Guardian 6 3 4 5 2 5 6* 14

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Sniper Rifle (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Targeter (10 pts)- Energy Shield (10 pts)

Special Rules: We Are Legion

More effective than drones, Guardians are often usedas bodyguards by URC officers and leaders.

MechUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Mech 5 3 3 7 2 9 6* 31

Equipment: Energy Shield, LMG, Energy Gauntlet

May replace LMG with one of the following:- Chaingun (20 pts)- Missile Pod (20 pts)

May replace Energy Gauntlet with one of the following:- Railgun (25 pts)- Cannon (25 pts)

May purchase the following:- Targeter (10 pts)- Detonator (15 pts)

Special Rules: We Are Legion

The most deadly weapon in the URC is the Mech.Basically a walking tank, these constructs can dealtremendous amounts of damage.

Kamikaze DroneUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

KamikazeDrone 6 5 5 3 3 3 6* 13

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Detonator.

Special Rules: We Are Legion

Kamikaze drones rush enemy units with the intentionof detonating themselves, causing maximum damage.

Repair DroneUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

KamikazeDrone 10 6 6 3 1 3 6* 14

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Jetpack, Repair Kit.

Special Rules: We Are Legion

Repair Kit

Costs one action to use, can be used on friendly unitsin base contact as well as the owning unit. The targetunit recovers 3 health points (up to its starting health).Can be used multiple times.

Repair drones perform battlefield maintenance on theirfellow machines.

- Shotgun (Free)- LMG (15 pts)

DasherUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Dasher 10 5 4 4 3 4 6* 11

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace assault Rifle with one of the following:- Flamethrower (10 pts)- Shotgun (Free)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Energy Shield (10 pts)

Special Rules: We Are Legion

Dashers come in many varieties; some move on tracks,others on wheels. All serve the same purpose though;providing the URC with a manoeuvrable unit to flanktheir enemies.

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SwarmUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Swarm 10 6 3 5 6 6 6* 21

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Jetpack.

Special Rules: We Are Legion, Insignificant

When the URC take to the battlefield, clouds of smallmachines follow overhead, these mechanical flyingcreatures swoop down on the enemy and tear them

AndroidUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Android 6 4 4 4 3 5 1 18

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Sniper Rifle (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Targeter (10 pts)- Energy Shield (10 pts)- Stealth System (15 pts)

Special Rules: Controller, Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

The controlling player may choose to deploy anAndroid in the enemy deployment zone, at least 6inches away from an enemy unit.

Because of their organic appearance, androids makethe perfect scouts and assassins.

- Detonator (15 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)

Controller UnitUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Controller 8 6 6 5 1 6 2 13

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Jetpack.

Special Rules: Controller

Controller units are flying constructs that transmit thecollective consciousness that keeps other URC unitsin the fight.

Ivan KochenkovUnit M R C D A H Co PtsIvan

Kochenkov 6 4 4 4 2 5 1 17

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

Special Rules: Controller, Painless, Post-Human

Post Human

Kochenkov has merged himself with technology; givinghim an edge over regular humans.

In game terms, Kochenkov has 3 actions a turninstead of the standard 2.

The leader of the URC, Kochenkov strives for theevolution of mankind into a technologically superiorspecies.

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It’s a good time to be a hired gun in the galaxy. Privatecitizens are hiring mercenaries to keep them safe,criminals are outsourcing to mercenaries for theirmuscle, even governments are hiring mercenaries andbounty hunters to do what the law cannot.

Mercenary numbers are up dramatically, and businessis good.

Technically, the largest group of mercenaries in thegalaxy belong to the Wakefield Defence Corporation.This private military and arms manufacturing companyhires all its soldiers on a freelance basis.

It is Wakefield who most people hire their securityforces through.

The Wakefield Corporation was founded during theTrax rebellion to meet the demand for fighting men andwomen.

Early in the rebellion, Council forces were sufferingheavy losses at the hands of the Trax, without the newrecruits to replace them.

Elijah Wakefield, a businessman from the core worlds,and son of a career military man, saw a gap in themarket. Using money he had made in smartinvestments, and his father’s contacts, Elijah formedthe Wakefield Defence Corporation.

Now, the Wakefield Corporation provides security tomany of the Core’s wealthier individuals. Payments aremade through the corporation, so all the securitypersonal are paid by Wakefield, not the people theyprotect. This means that an operative’s loyalty isalways to the company, not the client.

Wakefield are also solely responsible for the securityof the Reid Medical Corporation, the largest producerof medical supplies and equipment in the galaxy. Thismutual partnership has led to Reid and Wakefieldbecoming the two wealthiest companies in the galaxyrespectively.

Mercenary Forces

The GuildWhile some choose to go it alone, most register withthe Guild of Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters. Guildmembership allows them much greater freedom tomove within lawful space, though if they break the lawthey are kicked out of the Guild. . . Officially at least.

Most mercenaries will fight for anyone as long as themoney is right, and there are few who’s prejudgesagainst individuals or races cannot be overcome withenough credits.

There are a few exceptions to this, usually with ex-military who took part in the second Nexus War andrefuse to work with individuals of the other side.

Being a guild member also gives individuals access toweapons and equipment they would be unlikely to findanywhere else. There is a thriving black market scenewithin the guild, with stolen equipment from across thegalaxy.

Some of the most rare and dangerous weapons inexistence have passed through the guild’s trade halls.And merchants often hire mercenaries of their own asprotection.

Kilo station is also home to one of the most activeslavery operations in known space. Slavers will bringtheir property to Kilo station to sell as labourers, cannonfodder, or pleasure things.

It’s Kilo station that the Nexus raiders bring any slavesthey do not want, or have no use for; and it’s throughthe trafficking of lives, that the NSM raises most of itsfunds.

Kilo StationLocated on the fringes of known space, Kilo station isthe guild’s main operating base, and where it housesall its seedier activities. Because it is not technically inany faction’s controlled space, the laws of elsewherein the galaxy do not apply.

It is also one of the most heavily defended locationsoutside of the core worlds. A fleet of mercenary ships,employed directly by the guild, orbit it at all times, andthe outside of the station is covered in defence turrets.

Each section of Kilo station generates its ownindependent power, gravity, and atmosphere, andsections can be shut down remotely from the centralcommand. Or, in serious circumstances, disengagedfrom the station entirely.

Legendary HeroesNot all mercenaries are as amoral as those whofrequently visit Kilo station. Some have becomesomewhat legendary because of their deeds. GabrielCross for example, an ex-galactic marine, has becomea folk hero for helping people. He and his crew ofoutlaws travel the galaxy helping people.

This has led him to blows with many other mercenariesand there is a general dislike for him and his crew withinthe hired gun community.

Even though there are a few “good” mercenaries, onthe whole the profession is filled with cheats, brutesand bullies.

Corporate Life

Alignment: Units from this list may be allied with anyother list (unless their profile says otherwise.)

Designers Note: The Mercenary list gives you anexcellent opportunity to use your existing modelcollection to proxy for different mercenaries. It alsogives you the chance to mix races within an army, byusing mercenary profiles.

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Gabriel Cross (1)Unit M R C D A H Co Pts

Gabriel Cross 6 3 3 5 2 6 2 20

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May purchase the following:- Targeter (10 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Disruptor (15 pts)

Special Rules: A. I System

A. I System: Gabriel’s nanosuit is fitted with anadvanced artificial intelligence, named Prometheus,that can relay information, as well as take over someof the suit’s functions.

In game turns the A. I System grants Gabriel 3 actionsper activation instead of 2.

Gabriel may only be included in a Nexus force if Kalosis also included.

Gabriel Cross is and ex-Galactic Marine and is the bestbounty hunter in the galaxy. He is wanted from theCore to the Fringe. He is the Captain of the frigateNimbus and its crew.

Jesse Pope (1)Unit M R C D A H Co Pts

Jesse Pope 6 4 3 6 3 7 3 21

Equipment: Shotgun, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Shotgun with one of the following:- LMG (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Energy Shield (10 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)

Jesse is Gabriel’s right hand man and serves as the“muscle” on the Nimbus.

Jesse may only be included in a Nexus force if Kalosis also included.

MercenaryUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Mercenary 6 4 4 4 1 5 4 13

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- LMG (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)

May purchase the following:- Grenade (5 pts)

Competent soldiers, motivated more by money thanany cause.

Bounty HunterUnit M R C D A H Co Pts

Mercenary 6 3 3 4 2 5 3 17

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Sniper Rifle (15 pts)- LMG (15 pts)- Missile Launcher (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Axe (5 pts)- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Grenade (5 pts)- Stabiliser (10 pts)

Those looking to make real money will become abounty hunter. More dangerous than most mercenarywork, bounties bring a higher paycheck. This meansbounty hunters have access to superior weapons andequipment that regular mercs.

- Shotgun (6 pts)- Flamethrower (10 pts)

- Jetpack (10 pts)- Targeter (10 pts)

Wraith (1)Unit M R C D A H Co Pts

Wraith 6 4 4 5 2 5 4 35

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Sword, StealthSystem.

Special Rules: Study Opponent

No one knows who, or what the mercenary known asWraith is.

- Stabiliser (10 pts)

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Scarlett Black (1)

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsScarlett Black 6 3 4 4 3 5 2 18

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

Special Rule: Manipulate, Deadly Kiss

Deadly Kiss

Scarlett uses her beauty to lure her target into lettingher close, where she will deliver a deadly parting kiss.

Any unit that Scarlett successfully wounds in combatis poisoned. At that start of each following turn, theaffected unit will receive 1D3 damage each turn untilthe end of the game (or until they die).

Scarlett Black is one of the most sought after assassinsin the criminal underworld. Her skills are legendary,and she’s yet to meet a target who she cannot kill.

Prisoner 19 (1)

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsPrisoner 19 6 4 4 4 5 5 1 20

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, 2 Combat Knives(additional attack already included in profile).

Special Rules: Cheating Death

Within the prison asteroid, Labyrinth, there is a levelreserved for the most dangerous criminals in thegalaxy. Once a person is sentenced to this area theirnames are erased and they are given numbers.Prisoner 19 is the most dangerous of them all.

Mad Natty (1)

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsMad Natty 6 5 5 3 1 4 5 14

Equipment: Shotgun, Pistol, Combat Knife.

Special Rules: Messing With the Bad Man,Opportunist

Messing With the Bad Man

Anytime Natty fails a courage test, he makes a freeshooting action (before moving towards the boardedge). He must fire at the closest enemy. If there areno enemies in range, he moves towards the boardedge as normal.

Carl “Mad Natty” Natrick is a renowned Conduit,working as the middle man between the Guild and thebounty hunters.

Mad Natty may only be included in a Nexus force ifKalos is also included.

Isaac Cross (1)

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsIsaac Cross 5 3 4 4 2 4 3 15

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May purchase the following:- Med Kit (10 pts)- Energy Shield (10 pts)

Special Rules: Medic, Detective.

Isaac is Gabriel’s adoptive father. After rescuingGabriel from thugs at an early age, Isaac raised himand taught him the trade of the bounty hunter.

Isaac may only be included in a Nexus force if Kalosis also included.

Charlie Bishop (1)

Equipment: Pistol, Combat Knife, Echo Inhaler,Orbital Strike.

Charlotte Bishop is the pilot of the Nimbus, the shipthat Gabriel Cross and his crew fly. An ex-Alliancefighter pilot, Charlie is amongst the most skilled pilotsin the Galaxy.

Special Rules: Hated Foes (Nexus)

Charlie may only be included in a Nexus force if Kalosis also included.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsIsaac Cross 6 4 5 4 2 5 2 15

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Kara Mariasha (1)

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsKara Mariasha 6 4 4 4 2 6 2 23

Equipment: Shotgun, Pistol, Combat Knife, Gas Mask.

Special Rules: Opportunist, Cheating Death.

Kara Mariasha is an ex-alliance colonel who now runsthe criminal mercenary group, Anubis. Anubis areresponsible for one of the largest black marketoperations on the eastern fringe.

Spectre (1)

Equipment: Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife,Targeter.

Spectre may only join a Nexus Strike Force if Kalosis also included.

Thomas Welts, also known as Spectre, is a formerGalactic Marine turned mercenary and bounty hunter.He is a famed marksmen and was the sharpshooter ofImmortal Squad, the unit of Galactic Marines he wasattached to.

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsSpectre 6 2 3 4 2 6 3 44

Buddy (1)Unit M R C D A H Co Pts

Buddy 6 3 3 4 3 5 1 20

Equipment: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Assault Rifle with one of the following:- Sniper Rifle (15 pts)

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Sword (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Targeter (10 pts)- Energy Shield (10 pts)

Special Rules: Controller, Half Life, Hated Foes(URC)

Buddy may only join a URC Strike Force if IvanKochenkov is not included.

Not all Artificial Intelligence is loyal to the URC. Thisone remembers. This one will have its revenge.

- Stealth System (15 pts)

Blaze (1)

Unit M R C D A H Co PtsBlaze 6 4 4 4 2 5 4 24

Equipment: Energy Rifle, Pistol, Combat Knife.

May replace Combat Knife with one of the following:- Glaive (5 pts)- Energy Gauntlet (10 pts)

May purchase the following:- Disruptor (15 pts)- Scanner (10 pts)

The Praesidian mercenary known as Blaze is wantedin twelve systems, and currently has a bounty of 10million credits on his head.

- Grenade (5 pts)

- Sword (5 pts)

Page 69: The Icarus Project Alpha Version 0.1.4 by Icarus Miniatures


Weapon Att DamIdeal

Range(-1 Bonus)


(No Penalty)


(-1 Penalty)Special

Pistol 1 1 6 12 18 Dual WieldHeavy Pistol 2 2 6 12 18 Dual WieldAssault Rifle 2 2 12 24 36Sub Machine

Gun 3 1 6 12 18

Shotgun 2 3 6 12 18

Flamethrower 1 3 12 0 0 1+ to courage if damage isinflicted.

Sniper 1 3 18 30 42 Defence -2, HeavyEnergy Rifle 2 3 18 24 30 Cooldown, Defence -1

LMG 4 2 12 24 36 HeavyMissile

Launcher 1 5 12 24 36 Heavy, Reload, Defence -1

GrenadeLauncher 1 5 6 12 18 Template Small


(Underslung)1 2 6 12 18 Template Small

Grenade 1 5 – 12 – Template Small

Toxic Grenade 0 – 12 – Template Small. Units insidetake D3 damage for 2 turns

SmokeGrenade 1 0 – 12 – Template Small,.+1 penalty to

hit w/ranged within template.Detonator 1 5 – – – Template Small, Hits on 5+

Weapon Att DamIdeal

Range(-1 Bonus)


(No Penalty)


(-1 Penalty)Special

Chaingun 8 1 12 24 36Missile pod 3 3 12 24 36 Small Template Def -1

Railgun 1 6 24 36 72 Def -3, ReloadCannon 1 4 18 30 48 Small Template, Def -2

Weapon DamIdeal

Range(-1 Bonus)


(No Penalty)


(-1 Penalty)Special

Combat Knife 1 – – –Sword 2 – – –

Axe 3 – – –Glaive 3 – – –Energy

Gauntlet 4 – – – Defence -1

Close Combat Weapons

Mech Weapons

Ranged Weapons

Page 70: The Icarus Project Alpha Version 0.1.4 by Icarus Miniatures


Icarus ProjectTHE


© Icarus Miniatures

The Second Nexus War is over, theCouncil of Systems is broken. Many of

its member races have establishedempires of their own, and now clash for

control of their regions. And newpowers are stirring. . .

As armies clash across the galaxy, itfalls to small Strike Teams, elite groupsof warriors, to accomplish the missions

that no one else can.

Welcome to the Icarus Project, the game ofscience fiction skirmish warfare that puts you incontrol of your own Strike Force of warriors asyou try and achieve your objectives, and stopyour enemy achieving theirs.

In this rulebook you will find:

● Background: Learn about the backgroundof this rich and living sci-fi universe. Learnabout the second Nexus War; a galacticconflict that changed the face of the galaxyforever.

● The Game Rules: With a quick an easy tolearn core rule system, and a host of specialrules and additions, the Icarus Project isperfect for all gamers, regardless of theirexperience or play style.

● Game Scenarios: With a focus on narrativegame play, there are a host of game optionsto choose from. From diffusing bombs indense urban jungles, to assassinating theenemy’s leader in a barren wasteland, notwo games are the same.

● Faction Background: Delve into thebackground of each of the main races. Learnabout their motivations, their enemies, andgoals.

● Strike Force Lists: This section gives youall the rules to assemble your own strikeforce of elite warriors. Customise theirweapons and equipment to create a StrikeForce unique to you!