the identity of cooperatives in tourism - mr maurizio davolio

23/04/2013 1 Conference on Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality 16-19 April 2013 Valencia - Benidorm Mr Maurizio Davolio President of LEGACOOP TURISMO and EARTH Mr Maurizio Davolio is the author of the book “Turismo Responsabile, che cos’è, come si fa” (Responsible Tourism, what it is, how it is done”, edited by Touring Editore in 2011, and the author of many other publications and articles. He is also a member of the Board of ECPAT Italy (End Child Prostitution Pornography and Trafficking), of which he was one of the founders, of the Board of FITUS, Italian Federation of Social Tourism, and of the Board and Executive Committee of ISTO, International Social Tourism Organization, based in Brussels. “The identity of cooperatives in TourismCit2013 Conference on Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality Valencia – Benidorm (Spain) The identity of cooperatives in tourism Maurizio Davolio 19 th april

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Keynote speech: The identity of cooperatives in Tourism by Mr Maurizio Davolio President of LEGACOOP TURISMO and EARTH (European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality)


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Conference on Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality16-19 April 2013

Valencia - Benidorm

Mr Maurizio DavolioPresident of LEGACOOP TURISMO and EARTH

Mr Maurizio Davolio is the author of the book “Turismo Responsabile, che cos’è, come si fa” (Responsible Tourism, what it is, how it is done”, edited by Touring Editore in 2011, and the author of many other publications and articles.

He is also a member of the Board of ECPAT Italy (End Child Prostitution Pornography and Trafficking), of which he was one of the founders, of the Board of FITUS, Italian Federation of Social Tourism, and of the Board and Executive Committee of ISTO, International Social Tourism Organization, based in Brussels.

“The identity of cooperatives in Tourism”

Cit2013Conference on Innovation in

Tourism and HospitalityValencia – Benidorm (Spain)

The identity of cooperatives in tourism

Maurizio Davolio

19th april

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Gromada (Poland)

Central Cooperative Union (Bulgaria)

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Centrocoop (Romania)

Kooperationen (Denmark)

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Les Karellis (France)

Comarine (Cyprus)

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Eroski Tour (Spain)

Travelcare (UK)

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REKA (Swiss)

Cooperative Identity

- Respect of the workers' rights

- Cultural identity of the territory

- Local cuisine from coop products

- Conviviality and friendly atmosphere

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Tourist cooperatives in Italy

- Travel agencies and Tour Operators

- Cooperatives managing resorts, hotels, campingsites and hostels

- Hoteliers and bathing establishment operatorsorganized into cooperatives

- Management of cultural and archeological sites,museums and monuments

- Local consortiums

Cooperative values and Tourism

- Democracy

- Active members participation

- Solidarity

- Strong local roots

- Gender equality

- Ethical behavior

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Responsible Tourism Principles and Rules

- Interests and expectations of the local population at thecentre of the business

- Respect of the local areas and the places to be visited

- Respect of culture, lifestyles and customs of the localpeople

- Encounters between the locals and tourists

- Fight against poverty and illnesses of tourism (sexualexploitation of minors, environmental devastation,cementing over of land, wasting of water and energyresources, banalizing of local cultures)

- Solidarity actions

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AITR membership

- Tour operators

- Environmental organizations

- Publishers

- Cooperatives

- Associations

- NGOs

EARTH aisbl

- Members from France, Germany, Italy, Belgium,Austria, Ireland and Spain (KOAN)

- DIESIS with spanish members (COCETA andConfesal)

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Viaggi Solidali / Mygrantour

- Involvement of migrant communities, guidedtours led by migrants: markets, ethnic shops,cultural centers, places of worships, ethnicrestaurants

- Cities: Turin, Rome, Milan, Naples and othercities in Europe


- Short stays in Italy adhering to the philosophy ofResponsible Tourism

- Involvement of WWF

- Collaboration with consumer cooperatives

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Libera Terra- Cooperatives managing

properties confiscated fromthe Mafia

- Accommodations and mealsin the villas and farms whichhad belonged to the Mafialeaders

- Meetings with people involvedin the fight against illegality

- Supporting honest work inTourism

Addio Pizzo Travel

Network of hoteliers fighting against the Mafia

and not paying the so called “pizzo”

(protection money)

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Tourism with fishermen

- Participation in the professional fishing

- Tasting on board the freshly caught fish

- Stay in fishermen's houses

- Discovering the fascinating and mysterious world offishermen

An example of Social Cooperative: Il Ginepro (Juniper)

- Social inclusion of disadvantaged people (physicallyand mental impaired, people coming from experiencesof imprisonment, alcoholism and drug addiction)

- Managing tourists activities (small hotels, hostels andrestaurants)

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(Brigands of Cerreto)

Briganti di Cerreto: an example of community based tourism

- The local population is involved, activelyparticipates and receives the economic benefits:farmers, stock breeders, shepherds, hunters,forestry workers, artisans, even the parish priest

- A huge success!!

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The “scattered hotel” of Lauco

- Renovated houses and apartments

- Respect of the local architectural style

- Cooperative management

The Cinque Terre National Park


- Information

- Communication

- Advertising

- Marketing

- Training

- Guide service

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Unmanned railway stations

- 1700 unmanned railway stations in Italy

- Cooperatives managing tourism projects ofsocial work

- Reinstating a social and community role in thearea

ISTO (International Social Tourism Organization)

Promoting access to vacation and trips for

the socially disadvantaged people

(low-income families, seniors, disabled and youth)

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- A European platform

- A role of the Spanish organization Segittur andthe Murcia Region

- Tourist cooperatives directly involved

- Platform ready at the end of June


Network for competitiveness and sustainability in Tourism

- A network of regions

- Legacoop and Confcoop affiliated members

- Role of the Catalonia Region together with PACA andTuscany Region

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CooprouteEuropean Itinerary for Cooperative Culture

- Cooperativemuseums, archives,collections, historicalplaces, cooperativesopen to visits

- Project led by Cecop,18 partners form 13different counties

- Cooproute to berecognized by theCouncil of Europe


Italian Exchange for

Cooperative and Association Tourism

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Thank you for your attention, muchas gracias!

Maurizio Davolio

[email protected]

[email protected]