the idol shepherd: another beast...update 3/2010

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  • 8/9/2019 The Idol Shepherd: Another Beast...Update 3/2010





    In the description box pertaining to my original research paper And I Beheld AnotherBeastOut of the Earth I stated:

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    With the passing of time and many unfortuitous events I feel now more than ever thisstatement is dead on target. I am not going to give an exhaustive report on what has

    transpired since the Oval Office became occupied by its current resident. There is justtoo much and we would need literal reams in which to pen it all. But what I am going toshare is what has happened in the last few months and bring it forward concerning thissubject matter. One for which I think enquiring minds do want to know.

    It is my belief that the man we call President of these once United States (now a fasciststate) has an agenda. I speak not of the one that is planned for us. Anyone with half amind already has that one figured out. No, this is a personal agenda, an allencompassing global I have the most toys, winner takes all nightmare on steroids. Onehe must fulfill right on cue, by the numbers so to speak (they just love dates donttheyso esoteric you know) just as he was created, tutored and demonically oppressed

    or possessed to accomplish.

    This is all a role playing game. You got itwe are all stuck in a virtual MMRPGinvolving the kings of the earth and it is for high stakessoulsyours and mine. Mychips have been taken off the table and I am no longer in playBut where are yourchips? I will not rehash who or what I think Mr. B. Obama is here. If so needed, doread the first research paper to get yourself on the correct book and page as the rest ofus. It may be a real eye opener for you. But then, if you dont want your currentcomfortable paradigm rocked, stop right here and go no further. Because what I amwriting here comparatively is childs play. If you knew what is really coming after you,you would crawl under your bed and never come out. But they would still find you.

    I have watched Mr. B since he came into office (Im so far not impressed by the way) tosee if my initial suspicions in my previous writing would bear fruit or fall flat. If what has

    just fallen into my lap, including the diligent research of others so concerned, much,much fruit has been produced. Hence this paper. So lets throw out the baby and startchumming the dirty bathwater.

    The Idol Shepherd

    Interesting term dont you think? Very descriptive and to the point. Would this term bethat used to describe a political leaderI dont think so. A religious one, yes, but not

    political. Yet here we have this term as written in Scripture describing a man whom thewhole Church has identified as an evil political leader yet to come onto the scene,namely the son of perditionthe Antichrist. Have you ever so addressed yourPresident, Prime Minister or King as a shepherd? Never in modern times do weattribute such a title to a political figure.

    A shepherd is a Priest, Pastor, Reverend or someone who has been placed in areligious appointment by self or others, to feed the ever hungry flock. But yet we haveall applied this term to someone it does not fit.

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    I have read the sited passage above many times in my life and I always read itincorrectly until one day the light went on. When I read the word idol I always had theimage in my mind of someone of no account, worthless and non beneficial to thepeoplelazy. But I now know that is not the case at all. What is meant here is not idle

    which that is the word for above, but idol as in idolatry, graven images, worship ofanother god. That is when the light went on with the force of an atomic explosion. Iconsider myself an intelligent person, but I can tell you now I was not the sharpestpencil in the box on this one. When this proverbial light went on, that is wheneverything started to rush together as you will see. I am not here to convince anyone ofwhat I think or believe. I only put forth the evidences and you the reader can decide foryourself. Like this example

    Barak Obama with his idols(Notice the Hindu monkey god Hanuman)

    A Time magazine photograph of Barack Obama's hands, displaying his favorite charms,sported this caption: "Amongst the things that Barack Obama carries for good luck is abracelet belonging to a soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler's lucky chit, a tiny monkeygod and a tiny Madonna and child." [Also a St. Christophers medal and coins withwinged creatures]

    But this man is a political leader you will sayyup, he surely isbut not for long. Haveyou ever bet on a horse race? The favorite is the horse most likely to win the raceitsusually a sure bet. How much do you want to wager on this horse? When his term is

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    over if not just before he is going to change hats from politician to False Prophetlayyour money down if you dare because the horses are approaching the starting gate.

    What man in the prime of his years is better suited and purposely positioned, who is adevout Muslim, Hindu god packing world leader that can and will in the appointed timebring the apostate christian, Muslim and Buddhist/Hindu religions of the world together,united by a single contrived cause?

    This man

    Now let us once again take a closer look at what image and coming position the kingsof the earth are presenting to the world concerning this man, and it is in your face.Below is a quote from a blog article by Garden Girl from whom I will be quotingfrequently. Her research is impeccable and through.



    As Garden Girl has stated coincidence? Possibly, so if you dont think thefoot fits, then try this one on for size

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    The most famous visual record of any encounter between the Tibetan pontiffand a worldly ruler is the mural in the Potala Palace that depicts the 5th DalaiLama meeting the Qing Emperor Shunzhi in 1653. The Chinese authoritiesmisread that powerful image in the past: they reproduced it in the 1980s ininnumerable postcards and propaganda books because it shows the Emperor

    sitting on a slightly higher throne than his Tibetan visitoruntil they discoveredthat all Tibetans and any Buddhist could see that the mural shows that the DalaiLama has his right hand raised and is clearly teaching his imperial disciple. Thistime, it is the Emperor who is preaching.

    What does this have to do with the price of tea you ask? This

    Hand Jivethat is all it iswatch the handwatch the hand. The Presidentby his gesture, here, is in the preeminent higher teacher position, with the Dalai

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    Lama being the disciple. Now you are going to say Waite just a minuteSothe Pres has his right hand raised big deal, that is a normal gesture. And I wouldagree, that is, if these were normal circumstances, and they are not.

    These powers that be, set the stage, place their key actors upon it andyellaction! What you John Q Public sees looks quite normal, but what those in theknow, such as their own, messages are acted out, displayed, gestured andkeywords spoken to keep the informed/illumined perpetually informed andillumined. To add to this theater of the damned, certain rituals must be donebefore the public eye to become valid and binding. Yes folks they are bindingyou! The unwary unfortunately, have not a clue while glued to Dancing with theStars and their bag of Doritos. Hey honey!Can you bring me another beer?

    But as I said before, I am not here to convince you but bring forward theevidence. So let us hear about this from the site again







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    The passing of the mantel to the next religious leaderof the world?










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    What did I mention earlier? In plain sight? Oh, not that it really makes a difference,but Hanuman is a golden skinned god Maybe something like this?

    So here we have the alleged leader of what was once the most powerful nation inthe world being portrayed in a very religious manner to the unsuspecting public.

    Let us go on further and discuss briefly the temple of andwhat it may or may not have to do with our dear fearless leader. Only time willtell, and the truth will out!

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    The temple ofBOROBUDUR

    [Here I will give a few highlight quotes from the outstanding work of Garden Girl,whose entire article which is posted at Running from Babylon I have attached inits entirety to the end of this report for its preservation. I trust no one, andpertinent information is quickly being expunged on a daily basis by those whowish to keep the ignorantmore ignorant. It is an outstanding research work onthis temple and the Obama link to it. You will be blessed by the reading of it andit will augment your understanding on this subject. And I thank GG for allowingthis work to be available, for it saved me hundreds of hours of research ofrehashing the same information.]

    Ever imagined you would get tosee the most powerful man in the world clad in a Javanesesarong, possibly even donning rubber sandals?

    According to Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyp, sarongs will remain the order ofthe day for all visitors to Central Javas famed Borobudur Temple, includingUS President Barack Obama, his wife, first lady, Michelle Obama and

    daughters Sasha and Malia. I have received information from the Foreign Ministry that the USPresident, his wife Michelle and two daughters are scheduled tovisit Candi Borobudur onMarch 22.

    The [state] visit aside, even the US presidents family must follow the existing regulationsapplied within the confines of the temple, Bibit said on Friday. . .Borobudar is a ninth-century Mahayana Buddhist monument located in the center of theisland of Java. (Yes, this monument is of the SAME SECT as the DALAI LAMA. Hmmm.)

    The Mahayana sect honors the teachings of Gautama Buddha, who taught his lessons at

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    VULTURE'S PEAK; other sources call it EAGLE'S PEAK. Borobudur has bas-reliefsdepicting this.[GG has maps included and they are a must see at end of document]

    Borobudur is arranged in a "mandala" design, which means it is laid out in such a way thatit represents the "Cosmic Universe."One of the most characteristic creations of Tibetan Buddhism art are the mandalas,diagrams of a "divine temple" made of a circle enclosing a square, (Emphasis mine DS)

    There is that sacred geometry!

    The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and isdecorated with 2, 672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main dome, located at thecenter of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforatedstupa.(Emphasis mine DS)

    The number 72 another sacred geometria number!

    Borobudur is a Buddhist shrine, to be sure. This shrine is more than about worshippingBuddha, it is about BECOMING Buddha, the future Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, to beexact. At the very top of this 10-terraced, man-made mountain is a stupa (a bell-shapedstructure) that houses the essence of Buddha Maitreya. This stupa is considered to be atype of "cosmic womb." Some believe it holds the "embryonic" Maitreya who is waiting tobe born. (Emphasis mine DS)

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    These kings were of the solar god mentality, believing that they were God-Kings and ordainedby the Sun to their kingship. There was a ritual that took place at the very top of Borobudur foreach king as he came to power. It involved him bellowing like a bull and calling out to theNorth that he was Lord of the World and that his fathers spirit now rested in him. (Emphasismine DS)

    In Garden Girls article she states it plainly and all should take heed to her words:

    Considering the KING TUT sold in Cairo with NEW "PHARAOH" (RULER) OF THEWORLD on it, Obama going to a "complex" where past rulers declared to the NORTH, IAM LORD OF THE WORLD, isn't comforting. I agree, one says "ruler," the other says"lord," but there isn't much difference between them. If you consider the plaque on the 2-foot Hanuman idol that Obama was given, it has the word "shri" engraved which means

    "lord" or "master." I really hate coincidences like these!





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    and never forget this image, it is not photo shopped:

    The devil marks his own?

    Revelation 9:20-2120 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the worksof their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and

    stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of

    their thefts.KJV

    DR SontagCG/The WatchmanMarch 23, 2010