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Contents 1 

 Around IST

-ISSEA Basketball- Pg. 2

-ISSEA Math– Pg. 3

-Teacher Feature– Pg. 4


-Look-alikes– Pg. 5

-Advice from Locker 113– Pg. 5

-Movie Review – Pg. 6

-8 Reasons to Join ISSEA Math– Pg. 7

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Around IST 2 

This year, IST had the honor of host-

ing the International Schools of Southern

and Eastern Africa basketball tournament.The schools that participated this year were

 AISJ Eagles (Johannesburg, SA), HIS Wart-

hogs (Harare, Zim), ICS Eagles (Addis Aba-

ba, Eth), ISK Lions (Nairobi, Ky), AISL Pan-

thers (Lusaka, Zam), ISU Leopards

(Kampala, Ug), and our beloved IST Twigas. The opening ceremony was filled with

performances by many school groups: the

support staff band, the grade 8 band, MC

Twiga, and who could forget that awesome

dance by the Kiswahili students? Each team

 was introduced with their own music, and

 jogged onto the hardcourt looking fit and

ready for action. After all the performances

and introductions, we had some lovely open-

ing words from Ms. Andrews and Mr.

Ha -Twiiiiiiiiiigaaaaaas! All of us were in for

a big surprise as Mr. Hall’s speech was cut off 

by a very entertaining flash mob made up of 

the IST students, teachers, even our principal,

Ms. Andrews. Overall it was a very action-

packed opening ceremony that everyone pre-

sent enjoyed. Like every year, this year’s tourna-

ment had a girls’ ladder, and a boys’ ladder.

Other teams coming from seasonally cold

places struggled a bit with getting used to the

humidity, but that did nothing to reduce the

effort each team put into their games. Both

the girls and boys teams from IST gave a 

good fight, but despite the advantage of play-

ing on our own court we were unable to se-

cure the championship. Our girls came up

4th overall and the boys 5th, with many closecalls that could have potentially led us to the

higher rankings. In the end, the ISK boys and

 AISJ girls took home the championship tro-

phy. Despite the Twigas not winning this

 year, ISSEA was a great chance for all stu-

dents, including those who weren’t athletes, to

meet new people or reconnect with old

friends, and show some school spirit by sup-

porting the Twigas in each of their games. We

hope that our athletes enjoyed playing in theevent as much as we enjoyed watching and

cheering for them. We’re all looking forward

to the next tournament and hopefully next 

time we’ll have better luck. 

ISSEA Basketball 2013 

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Around IST 3 

ISSEA Math 2013 

For those of you who may not know,

ISSEA Maths is a Maths competition that is

similar to ISSEA Basketball or ISSEA Volley-

ball... except that you use your brains instead

of brawns. It’s a fairly new addition to the IS-

SEA League, with the first ISSEA Maths com-

petition having been held last year, right herein IST!

This year, the intellectual competition

 was hosted in Johannesburg, South Africa, by 

 AISJ (The American International School of 

 Johannesburg). 6 of our Algebra-loving, eager

Twigas made their way to the chilly city of Jo-

hannesburg, waking up at 4 in the morning to

catch an early flight. Talk about commitment!

The first day for them was full of good ol’ fun,

as they got to feed slobbery giraffes in the Li-

on Park, and lose themselves in the mall for a couple of hours. 

The second day, (Saturday, March

16th), was when the competition really began.

8 rounds of the Indvidual part of the competi-

tion, followed immediately by 7 rounds of the

Group part of the competition... who said

Maths wasn’t tiring?! By the end of the day,

every Mathlete’s brain must have shrunk to

the size of a peanut. However, a little fun time

in the bowling alley later during the day defi-

nitely refilled their energy. The third day was

a little more casual, with a relaxed Stations

competition at first, followed by an Awards

ceremony and a trip to the Irene Mall forsome delish pizza! 

It is quite unfortunate that IST was

not able to win again this year, but our Twiga 

Mathletes tried their very best. Coming in se-

cond place, and missing first place by just a 

couple of points! However, that does not 

mean they didn’t have a lot of fun, getting to

meet new people and enjoying their stay in

South Africa... perhaps a little too much,

since they ended up staying for an extra night.

Perhaps next year we can win that trophy, and

show all the Southern and Eastern AfricanInternational Schools that the Twigas are a 

mental and physical force to be reckoned

 with. As for where the competition will be

hosted next year.... well, that’s a secret for


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Around IST 4 

Teacher Feature: Cody Taggart Wendy Chikowero 

 We all know him, some as Mr. Taggart themaths teacher, others as Coach T the basket-

ball and maths coach. But what do we really 

know about the man behind the mask? Who

is the REAL Cody Taggart? 

 After an exclusive interview with him, we

managed to get you the answers you deserve.  

 Well there you have it folks, the cold hard

facts. Coach T is many things: a teacher, a 

coach, a dad, even an ex-convict, but the onething he is not is replaceable. Despite his

questionable record, we're all proud to have

him as our coach and teacher. Stop by his

room (C7) for a chance to witness one of na-

ture's many phenomena in the flesh.

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Entertainment 5 



Ms. Giandalia Brittany Snow (Chloe in Pitch Perfect) 

Dear Miss Know-It-All, I have lost my pet goldfish. Her name was Goldilocks,

and I... I... I’m tearing up writing this. We’ve been the

best of friends for about a year now, and I cannot think 

of any reason why she would run away. My family keep

telling me to just get another one, because they don’t 

understand how close Goldilocks and I were. I hope

 you will. I desperately hope you can help me. I cannot 

bear to think of her in danger. Where do you suggest I 

look? Do you think she’ll come back? Every day is 

very lonely without her. - LostPet  Dear LostPet, I can see that you are very attached to this goldfish of 

 yours, Goldilocks. I have never had a goldfish as a pet,and so I never really knew that people could become

quite attached to them. I always thought they were

more part of the furniture than anything, but eh. It 

pains me very much to tell you that losing a goldfish is

not like losing a dog or a cat. Goldfish are fish... fish.

Fish. If I have not made my point clear, I’ll rephrase 

myself by stating that they must be in water in order to 

survive. Unless you live in the ocean or have a river 

running through your house, it seems quite likely that 

Goldilocks is no longer breathing through her gills. But 

don’t cry yet, because I could be wrong. Perhaps she grew wings and flew elsewhere, to

a safer haven, filled with other goldfish like Papa and

Mama goldfish. Or maybe she grabbed a bajaj and

hightailed it to Mlimani City to watch a movie, but then

got lost in Game. These are also plausible scenarios as

to what may have happened to her. I advise you to put 

up posters everywhere around the city, because some-

one may have seen her hopping (do fish hop?) around,

and they could bring her back to you. Do not lose

hope. At least, not until a week has passed, because by 

then Goldilocks would either be dead or in another

country. Have you ever angered her? These are ques-

tions to ask yourself at all times during the search.Goldfish have feelings too, as I’m sure you know. If 

 you do not find her eventually, I suggest you get a new 

goldfish, and this time you could name her/him Goldy 

or Wanda, maybe even Cosmo. Just suggestions.  Hope you find this runaway goldfish! - Miss Know-It-All 

Advice from Locker 113 

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Entertainment 6 

Movie Review: Real Steel 

Rating: 4/5 Genre: Sci-fi, Action Cast: Hugh Jackman (Charlie Kenton), Dako-

ta Goyo (Max), Anthony Mackie (Finn) So we’re in the future where robots can do

anything. What do you think they should do?

Clean up the environment, cure cancer, wave

grape branches over your head as they feed

 you? Visit distant planets? If you voted yes for

any of these, tough luck. They bash each oth-

er to bits for humans’ amusement. This movie is basically about high-tech box-

ing. It stars Hugh Jackman as Charlie Kenton,

a previous fighter who lost his chance at thetitle when boxing became a sport for robots.

His life is basically made up of getting scrap

parts of robots to piece together into some-

thing he can enter in the boxing ring. He gets

reunited with his son after years apart, and

there is a tear-jerking scene (for the faint of 

heart) as they manage to overcome their dif-

ferences and join forces to fight in the ring. The script is a little corny, there’s no getting 

around that, but the casting was great and theeffects really bring you into the story. There’s

not much going on in the storyline, and surely 

the events of the movie could’ve been cov-

ered in half the time, but if you’re the type of 

person who enjoys watching movies with good

graphics and some action thrown in, then this

is the movie for you. The final fight is thrilling, full of gasp-worthy 

moments and really ends the movie on a high

note. It’s not for everyone, especially for those

 who prefer their movies romance-flavored,

but it’s definitely worth watching, if not for the

story then just to see huge robots kicking each

others’ butts. 

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Entertainment 7 

 Whilst most people here at IST dream of rep-

resenting the school in an ISSEA sports team;

this is, for most people, not exactly the case

 with ISSEA Math. Most people just do not get 

 why you’d do a school subject -and possibly 

 your least favorite- in a voluntary competition.

However, it’s not as simple as that. Whether

 you like the subject or not, there are some re-

ally cool benefits to it; just ask people who’ve

been. Here’s a selection: 1. No classes! No school! Just a few days, but 

it’s still something. Make the most out of it 

and rest when you can. That saves you a cou-

ple of those boring math classes that you just 


2. You get to practice math! Granted, one of 

the less exciting reasons, but still, if you want 

to bring your math grade up, what better way 

to practice?

3. It’s good exam practice. Technically, it’s

more or less the same conditions you’re

placed in: Specific time limit, a set of ques-

tions, etc… This is for any subject –not just 

math-, this’ll help you improve your speed and


4. You’re able to win something! If you’re not 

particularly good in math, just ignore this one

(unless you’re gifted with some extraordinary 

multiple choice luck), but otherwise... But hey 

 who doesn’t like winning? 

5. You meet new people, and visit new places.

Perhaps you’ll meet some old friends from

 your previous schools. Always fun.

6. No classes! Just felt like emphasizing that.

 You get the point. Who wouldn’t want even a 

single day off?

7. It might be math, but it’s still ISSEA! Partic-

ipating gives you the privilege of being able to

boast about being in your school’s ISSEA 

team. Yep, you’re officially an ISSEA athlete!

 Whether you mention what the competition is

 your own choice… 

8. You get to travel! Excluding perhaps those

competitions hosted in South Africa or Kenya,

there’s a high chance you’ll get to go to some-

 where you haven’t been yet. It’s like a mini-

holiday, really.

8 Reasons to Join ISSEA Math