the immanuel november...

The Immanuel Chimes NOVEMBER EDITION 2014 IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH A Mission of the North American Lutheran Church 5955 South Elm Avenue Fresno, (Easton) California 93706 Read this newsletter online at: Church Office (559) 237-7909 Pastor: [email protected] secretary: [email protected] WINTER SCHEDULE Sunday School 9:15AM Worship: 10:30AM Fellowship: 11:30AM High School Youth 4:00PM OUR MINISTRY STAFF PASTOR ...................................................................................... Pastor Kris Madsen LAY VISITATION PASTOR............................................................... Darel Mehrten PARISH NURSE............................................................................... Barbara Petersen OFFICE SECRETARY/CHIMES EDITOR................................ Victoria Salwasser PRESIDENT OF CONGREGATION ................................................. Jon Marthedal VICE PRESIDENT ............................................................................. Mark Salwasser TRUSTEES .................................................. Rich Cisneros, Karl Nielsen, Jim Hansen FINANCIAL SECRETARY ....................................................................... Pat Griffin COUNCIL SECRETARY .................................................................... Nancy Newsom SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT .................................... Kristi Hollenbeck WOMEN’S MINISTRY PRESIDENT ............................................ Sandy Marthedal DEACONS ................................................ Fred Cogan, Tom Howell, Andrew Severin ................................................... Barbara Petersen, Tim Pilegard, and Ericka Gardner Set your Clocks back 1 hour Saturday Night Nov. 1st !

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Page 1: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

The Immanuel Chimes NOVEMBER EDITION 2014


A Mission of the North American Lutheran Church 5955 South Elm Avenue

Fresno, (Easton) California 93706 Read this newsletter online at:

Church Office (559) 237-7909 Pastor: [email protected]

secretary: [email protected]


Sunday School 9:15AM

Worship: 10:30AM Fellowship: 11:30AM High School Youth 4:00PM

OUR MINISTRY STAFF PASTOR ...................................................................................... Pastor Kris Madsen

LAY VISITATION PASTOR ............................................................... Darel Mehrten

PARISH NURSE ............................................................................... Barbara Petersen

OFFICE SECRETARY/CHIMES EDITOR ................................ Victoria Salwasser

PRESIDENT OF CONGREGATION ................................................. Jon Marthedal

VICE PRESIDENT ............................................................................. Mark Salwasser

TRUSTEES .................................................. Rich Cisneros, Karl Nielsen, Jim Hansen

FINANCIAL SECRETARY ....................................................................... Pat Griffin

COUNCIL SECRETARY .................................................................... Nancy Newsom

SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT .................................... Kristi Hollenbeck

WOMEN’S MINISTRY PRESIDENT ............................................ Sandy Marthedal

DEACONS ................................................ Fred Cogan, Tom Howell, Andrew Severin

................................................... Barbara Petersen, Tim Pilegard, and Ericka Gardner

Set your Clocks back 1 hour

Saturday Night Nov. 1st !

Page 2: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

Pastor’s Page

In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out, the

November 11th national observance of Veterans Day shall be upon us.

This morning (Oct. 21st) I attended an event put on by the local VA Chap-

lains office with regard to ministering to veterans and particularly under-

standing what’s going on in the minds of those battling Posttraumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is not unique to our veterans, anyone who has ex-

perienced a traumatic event in their life susceptible to PTSD, but given the

nature of war, veterans are uniquely prone to PTSD. Outside of the armed

services traumatic events may include but are not limited to: a car or other

type of accident which results in a major injury to the body, the death of a

loved one, a medical diagnosis, a bad run in with a dog or other animal, an

affair, divorce (particularly for the children involved), bullying, etc. What

makes an event traumatic is that it comes from an unpredictable and/or un-

controllable event. Anything that causes trauma to a person – whether phys-

ically or mentally – can cause some level of PTSD in a person.

What makes PTSD particularly unique among veterans – and especially vet-

erans serving in the most recent wars (2003 to the present) is that, whereas

in the past a soldier might be deployed for one or at the most two tours of

duty, today’s soldiers average four tours of duty. What this means with re-

gard to PTSD, one soldier shared at this event, is that instead of there being

one or two traumatic events, soldiers of today’s wars might be dealing with

an entire series of events… trauma ceases to be a single event and becomes

a multiplicity of events. Working through a single traumatic event can be

challenging enough to work through, one can only imagine working through

a narrative of trauma.

Over the years (since around the time of the civil war), PTSD has gone by

any number of diagnoses including stress syndrome, soldier’s heart, shell

shock, battle fatigue, combat stress reaction, and traumatic war neurosis.

The term PTSD was coined in the mid-1970s and was formally recognized

by the Committee for Reactive Disorders in 1980. Interestingly, psychiatrist

Jonathan Shay, in a book published in 1994, suggests that Lady Piercy’s

soliloquy in part one of Shakespeare’s Henry IV (1597) represents an

“unusually accurate description of the symptom constellation of PTSD.”

Not everyone who experiences a traumatic event in their life (be it militarily

or in the regular course of civilian life) is affected by the event, but for those

Page 3: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

who are affected, the key to moving forward in life is two-fold: first

and foremost is talking about the event and both learning and receiving

the event as a part of your life’s special and unique narrative. Follow-

ing from that, the second part is learning to use the event which is part

of your life for personal growth. This is called Posttraumatic Growth, a

term coined in the mid-1990s referring to the positive psychological

change as experienced as a result of the struggle with highly challeng-

ing life circumstances.

A traumatic event in life is something that is forever a part of your life

narrative; you cannot get rid of the event but it can be redeemed and

used for personal growth and the well-being of society. In some

(perhaps many) respects, this is what support groups are all about: peo-

ple with like traumas (in the broad sense of the term) learning how to

talk about their trauma as part of their personal narrative and then giv-

ing their trauma purpose by supporting others their like struggle and

then, together, working to move forward in life.

As the body of Christ, this is part of what we are called to do and to be;

partners, one with another in a unique communion/fellowship and

bond. In the order for confession and forgiveness we find that we are

all in the same lot in life; though the details differ drastically, we are all

sinners and have all fallen short of the glory of God. But by the grace

of God, we move together from brokenness to wholeness, from unright-

eous to righteous, from sinful to forgiven. From the trauma of sin

(whatever that might look for each of us individually) Jesus, through

the word, “calls us o’er the tumult” to faith; not just any faith, but faith

that His suffering, death, and resurrection has the power to and actually

does accomplish the redemption of our own suffering and brokenness.

The Bible – and in fact the entirety of Church history – is filled with

examples from the saints and martyrs of those whose suffering was not

in vain but became sources of inspiration to millions who have heard

their stories.

Walking as yet by faith.

Your partner in ministry,

Pastor Kris

Page 4: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

Women’s Ministry

It finally feels like fall! Harvest is in and there is a chill in the air! Fall is

my favorite season and I want to sing out with King David the words of

Psalm 104, “Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very

great. . . You set the earth on its foundations, so that it shall never be shak-

en. . . O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made

them all; the earth is full of your creatures. . . These all look to you to give

them their food in due season; when you give to them, they gather it up;

when you open your hand, they are filled with good things. . . Praise the

Lord!” (v. 1,5,24,27-28,35).

God created this wonderful earth, set it in motion, and with His steadfast

love and mercy provides for all our needs. God is good all the time!

While He provides for all of creation, we in this particular time and place

have been blessed abundantly. This is the season for sharing. On Sunday,

November 23rd we will bring forward our special offering of thanks during

our morning worship. This year our offering will support the NALC Semi-

nary being established. Our gifts now will help provide pastors and leaders

for the future. All are invited to participate and give generously.

On Saturday, November 15th all women are invited to enjoy a fun day of

shopping in Old Town Clovis. Meet at the church at 9:30 AM if you

would like to carpool. We will gather at Kuppa Joy 518 Clovis Ave., near

5th St., at 10 AM. From there you are free to meander where you wish and

meet up again at 11:30 AM at DiCicco’s, 408 Clovis Ave., near 4th St., for

lunch together. This is a fun way to get to know each other, enjoy getting

into the holiday spirit, and maybe find a good deal or two.

Regular Gatherings this month are:

Having a Mary Spirit: Allowing God to Change Us From the In-

side Out book study on Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM in the

church library.

Faith Bible Study – Monday, November 10th at 7:00 PM at the

home of Victoria Salwasser

Dorcas Bible Study – Tuesday, November 18th at 10:00 AM in

Grace Hall

Thank you to everyone who donated item’s for the boutique on Car Show

Saturday, also thank you to all of our wonderful customers. The boutique

was a great success this year. The profits will be split between the Youth

Car Show fundraiser and the Church Roof Repair fund. We hope everyone

enjoyed the boutique and all of its treasurers.

Page 5: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

Car Show 2014

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who was able to participate, help

out, or just sit back and enjoy our Car & Motorcycle Show this year.

Hard to believe this was our 13th show! When we started this fundraiser

we never dreamed it would become what it has. It wouldn’t happen

without all the help and support we get every year from this congrega-

tion. We are always in awe, and always grateful. This was, by far the

best year. We had 68 vehicles register for the show. The food was

amazing as always! The shirts were awesome! The silent auction and

raffle prizes were perfect! We cleared a little over $5,000.00 for our

youth group! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Let’s do it again next


Andrew Severin

Conversation Circles

The ESL conversation circles are Wednesday evenings in Grace

Hall from 6:30-7:30PM. The classes have grown to 3 special cir-

cles. Working through conversation and teaching these groups

learn to communicate in English through reading, listening, writ-

ing and enjoying the company of others in their same situation.

Each group works very hard but are at different levels in their

learning the language. Some are very basic, some middle and

others are advanced but have questions. The students are very

appreciative of the classes and we as a team are inspired and in-

vigorated to have the opportunity to serve as their mentors.

If you are interested in helping with this ministry please call Betty

Moore at 859-0306, Sandy Marthedal at 940-0039, Velia Miranda

at 441-7325, Lois Rasmussen at 264-7116 or Victoria Salwasser

at 285-5181. We can tell you personally about what we do as vol-

unteers and how wonderful it feels to help with this program. Is

God calling you to work with people in this kind of ministry?

We are blessed to be a blessing! We are all unique. How will you share

God’s blessings this season?

Blessings to you,

Sandy Marthedal

Page 6: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

Caruthers Fair

The 2014 Caruthers Fair set records! We were kept busy all week long

with a steady flow of customers all four days. The long slow Wednesday

seems to be a thing of the past. The community is hungry and they know

where we are that week.

We had 64 volunteers working together to make this four day

event happen. Through that week we served 176 cases of soda, 27 cases

of water, 40 gallons of ice tea, 200 ice cream cups, 200 cups of coleslaw,

1,900 ears of corn, 1,400 rib dinners, 100 kid’s meals, and 1,620 pork

sandwiches filled with 1,187.50 pounds of pork. We served 1,101.07

pounds of ribs along with 132 #10 cans of chili beans. Not to mention we

ran out of chips after selling 1,556 bags. We had an awesome year, we

had a lot of volunteers and earned a $15,000.00 for the Fresno Rescue

Mission. We also donated 2 cases of Pork cushion meat and 1 case of

barbeque sauce and a box of tea bags to the mission. Not a lot of lefto-

vers this year and it was a lot easier selling out at 8:30 PM on Saturday.

Although, imagine what we may have done if we had not run out. It was

a great year at the fair! Immanuel pays the Caruthers Fair 12% of the

gross earnings every year. Since we started in 2004 we have paid the fair

board over $26,000.00 and donated to the Fresno Rescue Mission over


There is more to it than just pushing pork through the fair and taking peo-

ple’s money. This is a very valuable project as it supports the local com-

munity through the Fair Board and it’s foundation. The Caruthers Fair

Board is ran by all volunteers. The Fresno Rescue Mission serves and

changes more lives than we can count. Also, the bonding and growth of

new friendships that occur through the service and fellowship that occurs

between the Immanuel church family as they work together to make this

all possible.

If it weren’t for Immanuel’s volunteers that give so graciously of their

time we could not make the fair booth work. THANK YOU EVERY-

ONE! I am paid for my time managing the fair booth but I also volunteer

time too, because I think it is fun to serve God through sharing our time

and talents in ways we never thought we could. If you missed out on

serving or attending this year I hope you try to come out next year so you

too can see what we do. I’m not crazy, it’s amazing but you have to see

it to believe it.

Victoria Salwasser

Page 7: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,


So this time I want to talk about those of us who are not care givers by

choice. There are those who choose to be in that role. Let me tell you, you

have my upmost respect and admiration. Care giving is a God calling! To

choose to step into someone's life and provide basic, essential, minute by mi-

nute assistance, that's from God. You can't get paid enough.

Next, let me tell you, if you have a life threating disease or ailment, or are

unable to care for yourself on any level, God bless you. The pain and proce-

dures and constant prodding and invasions that you endure as you travel your

road to recovery are heroic. I, absolutely, am NOT minimizing what paid

care givers and disease patients do and suffer.

It may seem a bit self serving to talk about non-paid, non-professional care

givers. I really am thinking about all of us who care for loved ones who can't

care for themselves. I'm thinking of husbands and wives and sons and daugh-

ters who by necessity are thrust into this care givers role. You are equally

heroic in your dedication to your job/calling/place in life. I admit that I am

the least of these that I admire for taking care of your charge. You witness the

worst of the pain. You see the cruelty of what the disease can dish out. You

give up a part of your life to insure that the one you care for can have some

quality to theirs. You flinch when they flinch, you hurt when they

hurt.. You feel helpless when they want relief from the cruelty of the

pain. If you sleep with your patient, you wake up every time they move. I know we said in sickness and health, but we were healthy then. I commend

all who accept that part of the vow, whether it was spoken or not. It's a testa-

ment to your love and understanding of commitment.

As I write this, I am thinking of those countless saints I've watched over the

years. The husbands and wives, the sons and daughters who stepped in and

did what was necessary. It’s sometimes hard to understand what was going

on behind the public view.

I wanted to highlight you and tell you how proud I am of you. You deserve

all the accolades that you never asked for. I want you to know that God is

proud of you too. I think he had you in mind when he said love one another

as I have loved you. He is the greatest care giver. He is the one who flinches

when we flinch and listens when we are frustrated. He's the one who knows

when we roll over at night.

I want you to know how important you are. That kind of care can't be meas-

ured or compensated for. God loves you. Hang in there. There are others who

share your devotion, and we love you too. Share your burdens and see the

love of God displayed.


Page 8: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

Advent Preparations

It’s that time of year again! Our Advent Preparations begin on Novem-

ber 30th! This year we won’t be having Sunday School Classes from

9:15--10:15 but we will be having Advent Preparations after a Baked

Potato Topping Pot Luck Lunch that day!

Following the morning worship service we will head over to the social

hall for a baked potato topping potluck lunch. The potatoes will be bak-

ing while we are in worship so they should be piping hot and ready to

top. We are putting a crew together to wash and bake potatoes so if you

are interested in helping out with that please call the church office.

Work Circle B will help set up and clean up the Baked Potato Potluck

after church on Sunday, November 30th. Everyone bring your favorite

toppings the baked potatoes will be provided.

Advent Prep means crafting and decorating! Craft Tables needed! How

can we prepare for the Advent Season without craft tables for young and

old? Bring on your favorite item to decorate for the holidays. Some

crafts can be very easy like making Christmas Chains or stringing pop-

corn for your tree. Cutting snowflakes for your windows or painting pic-

tures of a nativity scene and pasting it on Construction paper. These are

just a few simple ideas from the past but imagine what we can dream up

now in 2014 with the Pinterest network. How many cookie tables can

we have? Does anyone have a good a gluten free sugar cookie recipe?

Times are changing who knows what we can dream up this year.

Musical Opportunities

Soli Deo Gloria Women’s Chorale will present “Gloria” by Vivaldi with

chamber orchestra and other sacred music on November 21, 2014 at

7:30PM at the University Presbyterian Church located at 1776 e. Rob-

erts in Fresno. Tickets are $15.00 in advance and $20.00 at the door.

Students are $10.00. Call 559-473-6486 or go to brownpapertick-

The 38th Annual Messiah Sing-A-Long, featuring Dr. Julie Carter as

Director; Galene Joe conducting the Orchestra; Dr. Walter Saul, on the

Organ at the First Presbyterian Church on M & Calaveras downtown

Fresno on November 30th at 3:00PM. Now admission charge –please

bring a non-perishable food item per person for donation. Soup and

Bread Dinner to follow concert in Fellowship Hall.

Page 9: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

Immanuel serves FCA lunch!

Cookies Needed for the

High School FCA Student Lunches

Immanuel will be serving Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

lunches on four Thursdays: November 13th, 20th, December 4th and

11th We like to give each student a cookie for dessert. COOKIE dona-

tions are needed on those Thursdays listed!

Washington Union FCA is funded by donations. Marilyn Nielsen is the

Treasurer and Neil Marthedal is chairmen of the booster club. There

were over 50 WUHS students given scholarships to attend the FCA

camps last summer. Each scholarship is at least $550.00. Each week

our social hall is opened up and all high school students are invited for a

free lunch and an inspirational message. Monetary donations are need-

ed to help fund the lunches served each week. The cost of weekly

lunches is about $150.00. If you would like more information about this

ministry and how you can help please call Glenn or Marilyn Nielsen at


Designate Thrivent Choice Dollars

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans offers THRIVENT CHOICE as a way

to designate your fraternal dollars that must be donated to a non-profit.

If you would like to choose Immanuel to receive your money you may

call 1-800-847-4836 and ask for Thrivent Choice or go to

thriventchoice or contact your local Thrivent Financial representative.

You must remember to designate your choice dollar once per year.

Thrivent Financial Seeks Board


We are seeking individuals to serve on the 2015 Fresno County Chapter

Board. Primary duties include the disbursement of funds to various or-

ganizations, for non-profit fundraisers and hands on service projects.

We also are responsible for planning social and educational events. We

meet for 1-2 hours per month, and sometimes an additional 5 hours per

month performing other duties as required. This is a great opportunity to

give back to the Lord, and our community. If interested, or have further

questions, please contact Mike Kipp. He can be reached at:

(559) 447-9369 or at [email protected].

Page 10: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,


Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat


Set your


back one

hour be-

fore you

go to bed.

2 9:15AM

Sunday School

10:30AM 4:00PM HS Youth

Worship & Communion

Dorcas in charge of altar ware



Neighborhood Market

Food Distribution


In social hall

4 Election Day


Quilters Meet in social hall


Breaking Grounds Café

Conversation Circles 6:30-


No Choir Practice


6AM Men’s Bible


10AM Women’s Bible


7 8

9 9:15AM

Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

4:00PM HS Youth


7PM Faith Bible Study at

the home of Victoria Sal-



In social hall

11 Veteran’s Day


Dorcas Bible Study in Grace Hall

12 Breaking Grounds Café

Conversation Circles 6:30-


7:30PM Choir

Practice for Thanksgiving

Eve in Sanctuary


6AM Men’s Bible


10AM Women’s Bible


Immanuel serves FCA



15 10AM


Day Out


in Old



5:30 PM


Fun Night

In Social


16 9:15AM

Sunday School

10:30AM 4:00PM HS Youth

Worship & Communion

Deacons have Altar ware


9:00AM December

Chimes Deadline


In social hall

6:00PM Easton Meetings in

church library


7:00PM Church Council Meeting

in Grace hall


Conversation Circles 6:30-


7:30PM Choir Practice for

Thanksgiving Eve in


20 6AM Men’s Bible


10AM Women’s Bible


Immanuel serves FCA




23 9:15AM

Sunday School

10:30AM Worship





In social hall




Thanksgiving Eve Service

followed by Pie


No Conversation Circles

27 Thanksgiving Day






School 10:30AM


Advent Prep Fun!

Page 11: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,


Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat


Set your


back one

hour be-

fore you

go to bed.

2 9:15AM

Sunday School

10:30AM 4:00PM HS Youth

Worship & Communion

Dorcas in charge of altar ware



Neighborhood Market

Food Distribution


In social hall

4 Election Day


Quilters Meet in social hall


Breaking Grounds Café

Conversation Circles 6:30-


No Choir Practice


6AM Men’s Bible


10AM Women’s Bible


7 8

9 9:15AM

Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

4:00PM HS Youth


7PM Faith Bible Study at

the home of Victoria Sal-



In social hall

11 Veteran’s Day


Dorcas Bible Study in Grace Hall

12 Breaking Grounds Café

Conversation Circles 6:30-


7:30PM Choir

Practice for Thanksgiving

Eve in Sanctuary


6AM Men’s Bible


10AM Women’s Bible


Immanuel serves FCA



15 10AM


Day Out


in Old



5:30 PM


Fun Night

In Social


16 9:15AM

Sunday School

10:30AM 4:00PM HS Youth

Worship & Communion

Deacons have Altar ware


9:00AM December

Chimes Deadline


In social hall

6:00PM Easton Meetings in

church library


7:00PM Church Council Meeting

in Grace hall


Conversation Circles 6:30-


7:30PM Choir Practice for

Thanksgiving Eve in


20 6AM Men’s Bible


10AM Women’s Bible


Immanuel serves FCA






In social hall




Thanksgiving Eve Service

followed by Pie


No Conversation Circles

27 Thanksgiving Day



Page 12: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

Children’s Sunday School

Hello Immanuel,

First, I’d like to start by thanking all the parents who brought baked

goods to the car show. They were delicious. Secondly, thanks to all the

parents who brought their kids to sing in church October 19th . The kids

were so cute. A special thanks to Jan Kersgaard for teaching the kids

this wonderful song.

The kids have been having a great time in class. We have spent the last

few weeks getting to know Abraham and his family very well.

I just wanted to let you all know there will be no Sunday school Novem-

ber 30 due to Thanksgiving being the Thursday before. However, Ad-

vent Prep Day is after the baked potato topping potluck that Sunday af-

ter church. You won’t want to miss. Please keep bringing your kids to

Sunday school.

God Bless,

Kristi Hollenbeck

Adult Education in Grace Hall

John Jensen’s Sunday School Class would like to invite all who aren’t

currently in a class to join them on Sunday Mornings at 9:15AM in

Grace Hall. Each week they discuss a character from the Bible. It’s

fun. Please come.

Mike Nielsen’s group gathers in the conference room in Grace Hall

and they are discussing the book of Genesis! It’s a great discussion with

spectacular video highlights. Join them from 9:15-10:15AM

Find Pastor Kris and the younger adult generation in the room

with the Keurig. If you are out of high school and starting your morn-

ing off with a cup of coffee, tea or hot cocoa sounds like what you need,

gather in the first room to your left as you enter Grace Hall South en-

trance. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy your morning with insightful

conversation about our place on Earth.

Spiritual time and reflection along with insightful conversation is what’s

going on in Grace Hall every Sunday morning from 9:15-10:15AM.

Youth & Family Director There are many things to look forward to this month. We will be finishing

up the first semester of the gospel project curriculum. We have been learn-

ing about the book of Genesis and the beginning of God's work in creating

Page 13: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

the nation of Israel. This curriculum has been great about emphasizing the

foreshadowing of Jesus in the Old Testament which will help our kids to un-

derstand the bible better as a whole when articulating their faith. Reviewing

with your child at home about that days lesson will aid parents too in their dai-

ly devotions because while the curriculum was designed for children, it is very

insightful for understanding God's plan in redemptive history. Indeed I would

like to invite grandparents even to review with their grandchildren.

I've been chatting with some of the younger kids and the take home story

cards seem to be doing a great job for having students remember the stories

and the chronology. So I went ahead and started preparing something for the

high school and junior high students to take home as well. I've been sending

home "Family Discussion Time" sheets with thoughtful and probing questions

about the application of that days lesson. My hope is that overtime families

can consistently make time for heartfelt discussion over the meaning of scrip-

ture and it's place in our lives.

This month’s book recommendation for parents is: Visionary Parenting by Dr.

Rob Rienow. It is a great book for pointing us back to the Bible for wisdom on


In other news we had a very successful car show put on by Andrew Severin.

It was one of those times were I felt very lucky to be a part of this church and

to see how this church engages it's community. It was a very fun atmosphere

and was very fruitful. Thanks to the generous people who attended the show

and Andrew's hard work we were able to raise a substantial amount of money

for the youth program. The High School group will also begin raising funds

to go to next years youth conference in Chicago. So if you need any help

around your home like pulling weeds or helping to finish a project and would

like some strong young'ns to come help please contact Stephen on Sunday or

send him an email at [email protected].

Also this past month, I was able to start an after school outreach program by

opening up Grace Hall's youth room. It dawned on me to start when I just saw

so many kids sweating out in the heat waiting for their parents to pick them

up, knowing that I could provide them with an air conditioned room with

couches, I knew God has a plan for that room. It has been averaging about

15-20 students each day from 3:15 to 5:00. God definitely blessed this

time as some kids were already starting to ask spiritual questions, one stu-

dent who hasn't been raised in the church spent time asking me about the

self-existent nature of God and asking who was worshipped before Jesus

came. Never underestimate what high school kids are thinking.

Page 14: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

If your ready for some fun please save the date for November 15th for

"family fun night". This event is open for any families with children in

high school through preschool. This night will be from 5:30 to 8:00 and

will be a great opportunity for some extended fellowship time for fami-

lies. I'm hoping that this low-key event of dinner and board games will

provide a relaxed environment and give time to talk where families can

share about what their learning from God or maybe share some encour-

agement for life amongst each other.

Serving Immanuel,

Stephen Borba

Thanksgiving Eve



Immanuel Lutheran 7:00PM—November 26th

Again this Thanksgiving Eve., we will be giving thanks to God for all His

blessings in a combined service with the community.

The Fresno Mission will bring a truck for donations that evening, anything

that you would like to donate to the mission can be taken for example

warm blankets, quilts, and coats. They can always use food.

The choirs of the Easton churches will be perform a combined choir piece.

If you would like to join the community choir come to Immanuel’s choir

practice on Wednesday night at 7:30PM.

This service has proven over the last 26 years to be a highlight event for

our community. Come early we want to pack the sanctuary for this ser-

vice. Pies for Thanksgiving Eve

If you are a pie maker, we need your help. Please bring

pies (in disposable pans) to the Thanksgiving Eve ser-

vice for fellowship time following the service. All

kinds of pies are encouraged. Any left-over pies will be sent to the

Rescue Mission to be served on Thanksgiving . Work Circle A,

Shane Johnson’s group will be in charge of this function. Thank

you for your support. This is a great time of fellowship with the

community and our families here for the holidays.

Page 15: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

November Narrative Lectionary

Pastor Kris will be speaking on the following scriptures. Due the scripture

reading format he will not always be preaching on our daily reading that

corresponds with the two year listings. This list is intended for those that

would like to read the scripture before the sermon on Sunday.

November 2nd Elisha Heals Naaman

2 Kings 5:1-14

November 9th Micah

Micah 5:1-14

November 16th Swords into Plowshares

Isaiah 36:1-3, 13-20, 37:1-7 then 2:1-4

November 23rd Jeremiah’s Temple Sermon

Jeremiah 1:4-10,7:1-11

November 30th Faith as a Way of Life

December Chimes Deadline

If you would like an article printed in the December Chimes please get it

to Victoria in the church office by November 17th at 8:00AM. Thank

you for emailed articles to: [email protected].

November Sunday Worship Servers

Date Acolyte Children’s








Nov 2 Kobe






Lisa Anderson &

Dan Castello


Nov 9 Noah







Nov 16 Emma




Pat & Bill


Nick & Jackie



Nov 23 Christian




Melissa &




Nov 30 Liberty





Page 16: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

Community Food Bank

Neighborhood Market

Immanuel and several other churches in Easton are working together with

the Community Food Bank to deliver food to the people in our community

who are in need.

We pray for the safe and sanitary distribution of food for those in need. If

you would like to volunteer for these distributions please sign up on the

church entryway bulletin board for the timeslot that you are able to fill.

Many hands help those who need.

Prayer is needed for this ministry, it’s the most important part of this en-

deavor. We have been very successful with this ministry, serving an aver-

age of 300 families each month. We have settled on the First Monday

of the month from 1:30-4:00PM. This date and time is now permanent

as long as we have the strong volunteers to distribute the supplies. Thank

you for your prayers, for more information call Victoria, in the church of-

fice at 237-7909.

Quilters at Immanuel The first Tuesday of the month is Quilters Day at Immanuel Join us on

November 4th The quilters will meet in the Social Hall at 9:00AM.

Easton Christmas Tree Sale

The Easton Community Service District will host another Christmas

tree Sale December 6th & 7th from 10:00Am –7:00PM. This year the

trees will be at the Easton Fitness Center located on the north west cor-

ner of Elm and Hopkins. All profits to benefit the Easton Fitness

Center, a non-profit business operated by Easton Community Service

District. Wood Stands or Plastic Water Bowls will be available and

can be installed on all of the trees. Fresh garland, wreathes and crosses

made from Balsam and Pine will be available.

Easton Fitness Center

The gym in Easton is a great way to keep in shape during the cold

wet winter months ahead of us. The membership dues are $35.00

per month for a single membership and $55.00 per month for a fami-

ly membership. The Gym open Monday thru Friday 7am till 8pm,

Saturday 12:00 am till 6:00 pm. Contact Michael Flores @ 970-

1331 for more information. Thank you for your support.

Page 17: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

News Notes

Birthday blessing to CLIFFORD OSTERGARD on his 81st birthday, No-

vember 20th and to AL HOOPER on his 85th birthday, November 28th.


BLAYNEY for the beautiful new benches and landscaping between the

kitchen and social hall.

Thank you to Mark & Victoria Salwasser for their time & work in heading

the food booth at the Caruthers Fair again this year.

Sympathy Love and Prayers

Phil Laird began his joyful life's journey on July 19, 1923. After bringing in

his last raisin harvest on the farm that he loved since the age of nine, he

woke on a lovely September dawn and gently and quietly walked into Heav-

en. Phil's life was a fine example of the Greatest Generation. He was hard-

working from his youth until his nineties. He served his country proudly. He

loved his wife and family dearly. He served others and God before himself.

All those who knew him will cherish their moments with him forever. He

was our treasure. Phil is now hugging his wife Joan, laughing with his son

Brian, and praising God for every day he had on earth at the ranch. He fully

loved his grateful children, Phil and Carol Laird, Geri and Bob Harper, and

Jill Laird; his eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren, plus one

little Laird on the way. He equally loved extended family and friends. Ac-

cording to his wishes, the family will arrange a private Memorial Service in

his honor. Please remember him by sharing a donut or cookies and milk,

make someone feel special, bring laughter and a smile, and thank God for a

beautiful day no matter what the day should bring. -

Prayer Requests

Lord, please pray for our members and family members serving in the

military...Austin Ackel, Tony Baker, Joey Brewer, Manuel Contreras, Mi-

chael Hansen, Zachary Jensen, Cody Kagy, Leah & Scott Linger, Zachary

Macias, and Matthew Tigchelaar

Lord, pray for those unable to travel about… Lucille Abbott, Elsie Hoff,

Olga Hansen and Helen Mackersie.

Lord, hear our prayer for healing: Lloyd Cox, Margaret Dickey, Al

Hooper, Cindy Jensen, Marie Johansen, Neil Marthedal, Juanita Pasma,

John Schwasuch, Gordon Tigchelaar, Virginia Willis, and Gale Young.

Page 18: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

In Celebration of Our Members’:

Birthdays 1-Michelle Hardy

-Emerson Linger

3-Brynn Hecker

3-Jennifer Perez

5-Sandy Britter

6-Ericka Gardner

-Kylie Sheldon

-John Geidner

7-Kristi Carlton

- Stephanie Clarkson

9- Malia Jensen

10- Jim Hansen

11- Michael Scheidt

13-Noah Cisneros

14-Randy Hardy

15-Susan Stiltz

17-Andrew Nielsen

18-Ed Bell

19-Joel Demant

- Kori Peterson

20-Don Pettitt

- Desirae Jensen

- Dan Lindsey

- Clifford Ostergard

22-Bill Griffin

23-Laura Nielsen

25-Matt Lindsey

-Ruth Cameron

28- Al Hooper

29-Madison Wood

30-Eric Marthedal

- Jane Scheidt

Wedding Anniversaries 11-Ed & Cindy Slaton (30)

19-Nick & Jackie Caglia (9 )

20-Beth & Joshua Simmons (4)

21-Fred & Sandi Johnson(44)

28-Don & Christi Cathey (33)

Baptismal Birthdays 1-Chris Scheidt

3-Kathy Coelho

8-Matthew Nielsen

13-Aaron Brewer

-Brielle Brewer

14-Jamie Atondo, Jr.

17-Chase Clarkson

Carissa Severin

Christian Johnson

19-Tanner Jensen

23-Lynette Hecker

Page 19: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,

WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide Nov. 3 through Nov. 29

As you prepare to begin your daily reading make the sign of the cross and say,

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Opening Prayer: Speak, O Lord, Your servant listens, Let Your Word come near;

Newborn life and spirit give me, Let each promise still my fear. Death’s dread

pow’r, its inward strife, Wars against Your Word of life; Fill me, Lord, with

Love’s strong fervor That I cling to You forever! Amen.


After reading the appointed text, you may conclude by reciting the Apostle’s

Creed and praying the Lord’s Prayer.

Did You Know…If asked what the major sections of the Bible are you would proba-

bly say the Old and the New Testaments, and you would indeed be right. But there is a

third section much less known to Lutherans and Protestants more broadly called the

Apocrypha (which I eluded to last month). The Apocrypha is an inter-testamental group

of about ten books in Roman Catholic Bibles (an additional ten more apocryphal books

on top of that in the Greek and Slavonic Orthodox churches) that are either additions to

the Old Testament books (ex. Psalm 151, additions to Esther, and the Song of the Three

Jews) or are historical books that talk about the period between Malachi (the last proph-

et) and the New Testament, i.e. 1, 2, & 3 Maccabees. This period between the Old and

New Testaments is known as the “silent period” or the time “when the prophets ceased

to speak.” Luther – in the tradition of the early Church Fathers – identifies the books of

the Apocrypha as useful for teaching but are not to be held or revered at the same level

as the canonical Scriptures (those books which make up the Old and New Testaments).

Luther did include the Apocryphal books in his translation of the Bible, but was inten-

tional about keeping the books together in its own section between the Old and New

Testament and not including the material in its respective places in the Old Testament;

so, for example, he placed Psalm 151 in a section called “the Apocrypha” as opposed to

putting it after Psalm 150.

Week 10: Nov. 3-8

Mon: Exodus 34:1-35

Tue: Exodus 35:1 – 36:38

Wed: Exodus 37:1 – 38:31

Thu: Exodus 39:1 – 40:38

Fri: Leviticus 1:1-17

Sat: Leviticus 2:1 – 3:17

Week 11: Nov. 10-15

Mon: Leviticus 4:1 – 6:30

Tue: Leviticus 7:1 – 9:24

Wed: Leviticus 10:1 – 11:47

Thu: Leviticus 12:1 – 15:33

Fri: Leviticus 16:1 – 17:16

Sat: Leviticus 18:1 – 19:37

Week 12: Nov. 17-22

Mon: Leviticus 20:1 – 22:33

Tue: Leviticus 23:1 – 25:55

Wed: Leviticus 26:1 – 27:34

Thu: Numbers 1:1 – 3:51

Fri: Numbers 4:1 – 6:27

Sat: Numbers 7:1 – 8:26

Week 13: Nov. 24-29

Mon: Numbers 9:1 – 10:36

Tue: Numbers 11:1 – 12:16

Wed: Numbers 13:1 – 15:41

Thu: Numbers 16:1 – 18:32

Fri: Numbers 19:1 – 20:29

Sat: Numbers 21:1-35

Page 20: The Immanuel November (3).pdfPastor’s Page In just another couple of weeks from when this newsletter is mailed out,