the importance of witnessing

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 7/31/2019 The Importance of Witnessing



    Penn Jillette, one half of the magic team of Penn and Teller, is an accomplished magician,a very intelligent man, and an atheist. In 2008, he was approached after a show by aChristian who had genuinely tried to share Christianity with Penn. This Christian man

    showed genuine concern for Penns soul and even gave him a pocket New Testament.

    Sometime later, Penn made a video clip about this experience and his views onproselytizing (witnessing). What he says should be convicting to any and all Christians!Ive always said that I dont respect people that dont proselytizeI dont respect that atall. If you believe that theres a heaven and hell and people could be going to hell or notgetting eternal life or whateverand you think that its not really worth telling them thisbecause it would make it socially awkwardhow much do you have to hate somebody tonot proselytize? How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life ispossible and not tell them that? If I believed beyond a shadow of a doubt that a truck wasbearing down on you and you didnt believe it, there comes a certain point when I tackle

    youand this is more important than that.

    Please do not misunderstand him. He has not converted and he still does not believe inGod. Yet, he believes that if YOU believe in God, Heaven, Hell, eternal life, and that thereis a way to have eternal life (through Jesus Christ), then you MUST witness. What aprofound truth coming from someone who doesnt believe in God! So, how about it myfellow Christians! Are we going to let socially awkward moments prevent us fromwitnessing? We shouldnt. Lets obey the command of Mark 16:15-17 and Acts 2:38. Letsgo and make disciples of all nations!

    Ser Testigo (Testigo de Cristo)

    Penn Jillette, la mitad del equipo de magia de Penn y Teller, es un mago consumado, unhombre muy inteligente, y un ateo. En 2008, se le acerc despus de un show por uncristiano que haba intentado realmente a compartir el cristianismo con Penn. Este hombreChristian mostr una preocupacin genuina por el alma de Penn, e incluso le dio un NuevoTestamento de bolsillo.

    Algn tiempo despus, Penn hizo un video clip sobre esta experiencia y sus puntos de vistasobre el proselitismo (testigo). Lo que l dice se debe condenar a cualquier y todos loscristianos!

    "Siempre he dicho que no respetan a las personas que no hacen proselitismo ... Yo norespetan en absoluto. Si usted cree que hay un cielo y el infierno y la gente poda ir alinfierno o al no conseguir la vida eterna o lo que sea ... y creo que no es realmente vale lapena decirles esto porque hara socialmente torpe ... cunto tiene que odiar alguien no parahacer proselitismo? Cunto tiene que odiar a alguien a creer que la vida eterna es posible yno les digo que? Si yo creyera, sin sombra de duda de que un camin se diriga hacia ustedy usted no lo crea, se llega a un cierto punto cuando te hacer frente ... y esto es msimportante que eso. "

  • 7/31/2019 The Importance of Witnessing


    Por favor, no lo entienden. l no se ha convertido y que todava no cree en Dios. Sinembargo, l cree que si usted cree en Dios, el Cielo, el Infierno, la vida eterna, y que no hayuna manera de tener vida eterna (a travs de Jesucristo), entonces usted debe dartestimonio. Qu profunda verdad viniendo de alguien que no cree en Dios!

    As que, qu te parece mis hermanos cristianos! Vamos a dejar que "socialmente torpes,momentos nos impide testificar? No deberamos. Vamos a obedecer el mandato de Marcos16:15-17 y Hechos 2:38. Vamos a ir y hacer discpulos de todas las naciones!