the indians

The Indians…. Indian Nettle – Acalypha indica Indian Hemp – Apocynum (American Indian) Indian Hemp Cannabis indica Indian Cockroach – Blatta Indian Cockle – Cocculus indicus Indian Tobacco – Lobelia inflata Indian Pennywort – Hydrocotyle Indian Turnipt Arum triph Indian corn – Stigmata maydis Indian / Indigenous drugs (Common name & Clinical use) Abroma augusta – Olat Kambal – Diabetes, Bryonia symptoms Achyranthes aspera – apamarga – Boils with burning Aegle Marmelos – Koovalam / Bael fruit – Diarrhoea / dysentery Aegle folia – Bael leaves – Diabetes, Dropsy with constipation, < 4-8P M, flatulence, unsatisfactory stools (symptoms of Lyco & Nux-v) Andrographis paniculata – Kalmegh – Liver disorders, infantile jaundice Azadirachta indica – Neem – Fever Atista indica – Ash-sheora – Amoebic dysentery, Worms, pains of Ca throat & Ca buccal cavity Blumea odorata – Kuksima – Haemorrhages Boerrhavia diffusa – Punarnaba – Htn, heart disease, Dropsy, ascites etc Brahmi – Bacopa Monneiri Caesalpania Bonducella – Nata – Chronic fevers, Malaria Calotropis Gigantea – Madar bark (veg mercury) – Leprosy – ulcers, gangrenous ulcers, elephantiasis, syphilis Carica papaya – conjunctivitis, jaundice Cassia sophera – asthma, unable to lie down, with pain joints Cephalandra indica – Telakucha – Diabetes Coleus aromaticus – Patharkuchi – Retention/ suppressed urine Cynadon dactylon – Durba – Haemorrhages , Diarrhoea (symptoms of Nux vom, Aloe, Podo), Hungry during diarrhoea Terminalia arjuna – Arjuna – Heart diseases, Htn, Angina

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Page 1: The Indians

The Indians….Indian Nettle – Acalypha indica Indian Hemp – Apocynum (American Indian)Indian Hemp – Cannabis indicaIndian Cockroach – Blatta Indian Cockle – Cocculus indicus Indian Tobacco – Lobelia inflata Indian Pennywort – HydrocotyleIndian Turnipt – Arum triphIndian corn – Stigmata maydis

Indian / Indigenous drugs (Common name & Clinical use)Abroma augusta – Olat Kambal – Diabetes, Bryonia symptomsAchyranthes aspera – apamarga – Boils with burningAegle Marmelos – Koovalam / Bael fruit – Diarrhoea / dysenteryAegle folia – Bael leaves – Diabetes, Dropsy with constipation, < 4-8P M, flatulence, unsatisfactory stools (symptoms of Lyco & Nux-v)Andrographis paniculata – Kalmegh – Liver disorders, infantile jaundiceAzadirachta indica – Neem – FeverAtista indica – Ash-sheora – Amoebic dysentery, Worms, pains of Ca throat & Ca buccal cavityBlumea odorata – Kuksima – HaemorrhagesBoerrhavia diffusa – Punarnaba – Htn, heart disease, Dropsy, ascites etcBrahmi – Bacopa MonneiriCaesalpania Bonducella – Nata – Chronic fevers, MalariaCalotropis Gigantea – Madar bark (veg mercury) – Leprosy – ulcers, gangrenous ulcers, elephantiasis, syphilisCarica papaya – conjunctivitis, jaundiceCassia sophera – asthma, unable to lie down, with pain jointsCephalandra indica – Telakucha – DiabetesColeus aromaticus – Patharkuchi – Retention/ suppressed urineCynadon dactylon – Durba – Haemorrhages , Diarrhoea (symptoms of Nux vom, Aloe, Podo), Hungry during diarrhoeaTerminalia arjuna – Arjuna – Heart diseases, Htn, Angina pectorisJonosia asoka – Asoka tree (Saraca indica)– Dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, metrorrhagiaNyctanthes arbor-tristis – Night jasmine – Fever, like Eupetorium perfOcimum sanctum – Krishna Tulasi -Embelia ribes – Biranga – WormsFicus religiosa – Arayal/ Ashwattha – HaemorrhagesGentiana chiratha – Chiratha – DyspepsiaGymnema sylvestre – Merasingi – Diabetes,burning sensationsKurchi – Holerrhena Antidysenterica, Wrightia Antidysenterica – DysentryHygrophilia sphinosa – Kule khara – Fever with urticaria, skin <warm, >cold

Remedy known as …….Homoeopathic catheter – Sabal (Boericke)Often replaces the use of the catheter – Thlaspi (Boericke)Sometimes makes the use of the catheter unnecessary – Solidago (Boericke)Vegetable trocar – Apoc

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Homoeopathic trocar – Ars (ML Tyler)Homoeopathic antiseptic – Calend (Clarke)Homoeopathic dynamic antiseptic – PyrogLiquid knife – Kali-i (George Royal)Often does away with the use of the knife – Myristica (Boericke)Homoeopathic Lancet – Hep (George Royal)Therapeutic lancet – Acon“Corrector of blood dyscrasia” – Echinacea (Boericke)Human barometer – Phos (Boger) Merc (Phatak)Human Thermometer – Merc (Boericke)Digitalis of lungs – Aspidosperma (quebracho)Digitalis of kidneys – SolidagoThe weather cock among remedies – PulsAconite of chronic diseases – Alum (Con – Clarke / Teste)Chamomilla of chronic diseases – Gratiola – Teste / HeringNux-v symptoms in female – GratiolaCarbo veg of the surgeon – Stront-c (Kent)Vegetable Sulphur – LycVegetable Pyrogen – Malaria OfficinalisVegetable Calomel – LeptandraVeg Mercury – Phyt (Kent), Podo (Hughes)“Friend of the occulist” – Calc (Kent)

Trio’sTrio of climacteric remedies – Lach-Sep-SulphTrio of pleurisy – Acon-Bry-Sulph (Nash)Trio of offensiveness – Merc-Kreos-Bapt (Nash)Trio of Weakness – Ars- Mur-ac-Carb-v (Nash)Trio of Spasmodic cough – Dros-Ip-Cupr (Nash)Trio of Ptosis – Sep-Caust-Gels (Nash)Trio for condylomata – Thuj-Staph-Nit-ac(Nash)Three remedies for the treatment of chronic rheumatism and paralysis – Caust, Rhus-t, Sulph (Nash)

Clinical Observations / QuotesKentChilly in chronic, hot in acute – SilHot in Chronic, Chilly in acute – PulsThirtlesss in chronic – Camph, ArsA General broad antidote – Sulph (Universal antidote – Camph)Cross betwen Bry and Rhus-t in pleurisy – SenegaSimilar to Ars and Bry in gastric irritability – Cadm-sVery irritable, quarrels with his bread and butter – Kali-cSine qua non of Sulph – Emptiness 11 AM, burning soles, Heat top of headIn valvular diseases of young people, always prescribe this drug unless guided away by some specific symptom – Naja

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If a child has asthma, give – Nat-sThe escape of gas when urinating is found only under – SarsIn malaria after bad remedy selection the case becomes confused – SepRectal complaints with haste of Sulph, Flatulence of Oleander and Aloe, and difficult to pass soft stool of Chin, Nux mox and Alum – Psor

 HahnemannActs most beneficially when patient suffers from chronic loose stool or diarrhea – PhosIt is much more difficult to estimate the action of opium than of almost any other drugThe action of this substance is very puzzling and difficult to determine – Camph (because its primary action, more frequently than with any other remedy, alternates and becomes intermixed with the vital reactions of the organism)“The intermittent fever that Pulsatilla is able to excite has thirst only during heat (not during chill), seldom after the heat or before the chill. When there is only a sensation of heat, without externally perceptible heat, the thirst is wanting.”

NashThere are no two remedies that are oftener indicated after each other, and work as well when so indicated, than these two – Caust & SulphNearest specific in cholera morbus – Ant-t

HeringAll our progress as a school depends on the right view of the symptoms obtained with proving of – Camph & Op

From “Keynotes”Frequently though of as an epidemic remedy in children when adults require other drugs – CinaRarely advisable to begin treatment of a chronic disease unless clearly indicated – LycOne of the best remedies to begin the treatment of a chronic disease – Puls

ClarkeBry is a gourmand, Nux an epicure

LippeActs best in goitre when given after full moon or when the moon is waning – IodMenorrhagia, has not been well since her last miscarriage. “A single dose at new moon.” – Sulphur

Tyler MLCan break down resistance to tubercle and should therefore be capable of raising it – Dros

SwanAlmost a specific for gall-stone colic; relieves the distress at once – Cholesterinum

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BurnettHas more power over uterine tumors than any other remedy – Aur mur natronatum

A selection from Boericke…..• Hot days and cold nights towards the close of summer are especially favorable to the action of – Dulc• Often indicated in the transition season when the air is cold, but the sun is still powerful enough to heat the blood – Coloc• Complaints due to cold food or drink when the body is heated, and in affections due to cold wind. – Bellis per

No thirst, anxiety or fear – Bell Mentally, an april day – Puls Mentally, the emotional element is uppermost, and co-ordination of function is

interfered with – Ign Want of grit, moral or physical – Sil Depression and insomnia of chronic Nicotinism – Plantago Child wants to be nursed in the arms, will not be laid down. – Benz-ac

Rapid change of symptoms – pains change in regard to place and character – thirst alternates with thirstlessness, hunger, and loss of appetite, etc. – BerbAn absence of pain, where it could be expected, is noticeable – Ant-cAs a remedy for many kinds of pain, especially colic, and in severe, painful affections of abdominal and pelvic viscera; it ranks with the polychrests of the Materia Medica – DioscPains of various kinds, with chilliness and sensitiveness to cold air – MezThere is a general lack of animal heat, and yet heat of bed is intolerable. – LedOne is too cold when uncovered and too hot when covered; relieved by artificial heat – CoralliumPatient is weak, emaciated, cold and chilly, but worse from being overheated; sensitive generally – Calc-silA deep-acting anti-psoric remedy, with marked action in glandular affections, herpetic eruptions, chronic swellings, when patient is extremely sensitive to cold – Cistus canGreat disposition to take cold, especially in damp weather – CalendSweating patient pulling blanket around him. – HepWeakness from mere speaking or walking though looking strong – Ferr

 Patients who eat a great deal more, especially meat, than they drink – All-s Emaciation, a gradual drying up, desire for fresh air, dyspnoea, sensation of

expansion and left-sided pains are characteristic – Arg-m A very general condition corresponding to this drug is dryness of mucous

membranes and skin, and tendency to paretic muscular states – Alum Strong tendency to paralysis, anaesthesia, localized numbness and coldness are

shown – Plat Has very marked black discharges. Cold things disagree – Elaps Burning, rawness, and soreness are characteristic. – Caust

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Increased olfactory sensibility / Very marked acuteness of smell is a strong guiding symptom – Carb-ac

Said to be of special value when given before operations, for rectal diseases – Collinsonia

Used after operations, the tendency to adhesions is reduced – Calc-f Often prevents miscarriage – Viburnum Taken for several weeks, drop doses, will often break up the sick headache habit.

– Chion Specific action in panaritium. – Myristica Has a marked deterrent influence on the formation of polypi – Formica rufa Best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases – Avena sat Said to retard old age – Thiosinaminum Gives quiet and ease to the last moments of life when given in high potency – Ars It is the remedy for pain of death; soothes the last struggles – Tarentula cubensis

• Maintains the system under the stress of malignancy regardless of location – Ars• In Cancer, as an intercurrent remedy – Calend• Cancer before ulceration, when pain is the principal symptom – Hydr• Last stages of Cancer, to ease the pain – Echinacea• After removal of cancer when in the healing process skin is drawn tight over the wound – Kali-p• Efficacious in clearing the remnants of cancerous deposits – Maland• Allays the pain in gastralgia accompanying cancer of stomach. – Cund• Carcinoma ventriculi; persistent vomiting – Cadm-s

• Sudden stopping of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhoea – Sanguinaria• The profuse, watery, acrid coryza that the drug produces serves as a sure guiding symptom, especially when associated with pain in frontal sinus – Kali-i• A remedy of first importance in chronic nasal catarrh with atrophy; large, offensive crusts and clinkers. – Teucrium• Has marked effects on the throat, and has proven an excellent remedy in pharyngitis, especially the follicular form – Wyethia• Will raise the opsonic index against the diploccus pneumonia, 70 to 109 per cent – Verat vir• Most closely allied to the manifestations of tuberculosis – Ars-i• Tea-taster’s cough due to inhaling the fungus – Kali-i• Most homoeopathic drug for angina pectoris with coronoritis and high tension – Tab

The principal uses of this remedy are for eczema in childhood and nocturnal emission accompanied by very vivid dreams – Viola tricolor

A remedy for agalactia and lithiasis. – Urtica Frigidity of females – Damiana Yellow, creamy coating at the back of the roof of mouth and tongue. – Nat-p Languor, relaxation of muscles, nausea, vomiting and dyspepsia are the general

indications that point to the use of this remedy, in asthma and gastric affections. – Lob

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Chronic rheumatism connected with heart lesions and asthenopia offer a field for this remedy – Lith

Its greatest indication is in failure of compensation and especially when auricular fibrillation has set in – Dig

Caution / WarningsApis – Lower potency repetition in pregnancy (Farrington)Kali-c – too high in old gout, bright’s disease, advanced phthisis (Kent)Merc – too often in psoric cases (Kent)Ars – in dysentery (Kent)Sulph – Phthisis and structural diseases (Kent)Phos – Beware in impotency or very weak constitutions (Kent)Caution in Tub – When skin and intestines do not work properly (Boericke)Caution in Tub for children and seniles – Should not be given without most careful cardiac examination (Boericke)Cannot often be repeated in chronic cases without an intercurrent called for by the symptoms – Nat-mShould never be given during fever paroxysm – Nat-mDo not give when there is fever or constipation – SantonineShould not be given in lying-in period except in high potencies (Hering) – IodShould never be given in syphilis – FerrNever use potash salts when there is fever (TF Allen)

Relationship of RemediesRelationship of remedies with similar action but dissimilar in origin are called – Concordant (Farrington)Relationship of remedies with similar action, similar origin – Family relationshipRelationship where when one group of symptoms are removed by a remedy symptoms of it’s related remedy appear – Cognate (eg- Sulph-Calc-Lyc, Caust-Coloc etc)Remedies which have the same form / appearance but different in origin are called – Isomorphic (Bism – Ant-c, Phos, Ars – Clarke)

Remedies in series Sulph – Calc – Lyc (Wright)Sulph – Sars – Sep (Wright)Ign – Nat-m – Sep (Wright)Puls – Sil – Fl-ac (Wright)Ars – Thuj – Tarent (Wright)All-c – Phos – Sulph (Wright)Merc – Hep – Sil (Kent)Sulph – Ars – Sulph (Kent)Arn – Rhus-t – Calc (Kent)Puls – Sil – Kali-s (Kent)

 Veg / Chemical AnaloguesCupr veg analogue – Ip

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Cham chemical analogue – Mag-pDulc chemical analogue – Kali-sFerr veg analog – ChinMerc veg analog – MezPhos veg analog – All-cPlat veg analog – ValerPlb veg analog – PodoKali-i veg analog – Phyt

After Arn in injury when pricking and soreness of periosteum remains – SymphIn scrofulosis when the best selected remedy fails to relieve – TherThuj complementary – Med, Sabin, Sil ( Nat-s, Ars – Boericke)Chronic of Ars in Asthma – Thuj (Kent)Trill-p complementary in haemorrhagic affections – Calc-pTub complementary – Psor, Sulph (Calc, Chin, Bry – BoerickeAfter Rhus-t in rheumatism – Tub (Kent)When Psor, Sulph or the best-selected remedy fails – TubAfter Tub fails – Syph (Boericke)Remedy when vaccinosis blocks action of Tub – Thuj (Boericke)Follows Psor as a constitutional remedy for Hay fever, Asthma – TubColoc complementary in dysentery – MercCon is followed well by this remedy in tumor of mammae – PsorPsor followed by this remedy in mammary cancer – SulphThis remedy precedes and follows Calc well in Calc subjects who have scanty menses – Con (Clarke)Croc followed by – Nux, Puls, SulphDros complementary – Nux-vDros followed by – Calc, Puls and SulphDulc complementary – Bar-cDulc incompatible – Bell, Lach, Acet-acBell incompatible – Acet-ac (Boericke)Borax incompatible – Acet-acEup-per followed by – Nat-m and SepFerr complementary – Alum, Chin (Ham – Boericke)Ham complementary in hemorrhage – FerrChin complementary – Ferr, (Calc-p – Boericke)Chin incompatible after – Dig, SelFl-ac complementary – Coca, SilFl-ac is followed by this remedy in diabetes – Ph-acFl-ac is followed by this remedy in hip disease – Kali-cFl-ac is followed by this remedy in goitre – Spong

Cor-r complementary – Sulph (Boericke)Graph complementary – Caust, Hep, Lyc (Ars, Tub, Arg-n (stomach) – Boericke)Graph followed by – Sulph in skin, Sep in leucorrhoea, Calc in obesity in young femalesHep is followed by – Iod

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Remedy follows bell in deafness after apoplexy – HyosHyos follows this remedy in lasciviousness – PhosIgn incompatible – Coff, Nux-v, TabIod complementary – Lyc, (Badiaga – BoerickeIod followed by this remedy in croup – Kali-biIp complementary – Cupr (Arn – Boericke)Cupr complementary – Calc (Boericke)Ip is followed by this remedy in influenza – ArsKali-bi follows this remedy in dysentery when the scrapings have been removed – Canth or Carb-acKali-bi followed by this remedy in skin and catarrhal conditions – Ant-tKali-br is followed by this remedy in Acne – Eug-jKali-c follows well after these remedies in loose rattling cough – Kali-s, Phos, StannKali-c follows well after this remedy in stomach and bladder troubles – Nux-vNit-ac most effective after – Kali-cWill bring on the menses when Nat-m fails to bring on the menses though apparently well indicated- Kali-cCarb-an complementary – Calc-pRuta complementary – Calc-p (Boericke)Bac complementary – Calc-p, Kali-c (Boericke)

Caul incompatible – Coff (Boericke)Caust complementary – Carb-v, Petros, (Sulph – Nash “Leaders”)Cham complementary – Bell, Mag-c (Boericke)Chronic of Cham (Guernsey) – Sanic (Clarke)Rheum complementary – Mag-cKalmia complementary – Benz-ac (Boericke)Chel complementary – Lyc, Bry (Boericke)These remedies will be needed to complete the cure by Chel – Ars, Lyc, SulphDros is followed by this remedy in pertussis – CinaWhen Cina seem indicated in worm affections but fails – SantonineRemedy cures dropsy after Apis and Apoc fail – ColchRemedy to complete the curative work of Lach – Crot-c (Boericke)Lach complementary – Hep, Lyc, Nit-ac (Salamand – Boericke)Lach inimical – Acet-ac, Carb-ac, Amm-c, SepLike Nux-v in drunkenness in corpulent people with light hair, blue /grey eyes, florid complexion – LobLyc complementary – Iod (Chel, Graph, Lach – Boericke)Should not be used immediately before Lyc – Sulph (Kent)Lyc acts with special benefit after – Calc & Sulph (Boericke)Merc complementary – Bad (Boericke)Follows well after Sep in bearing down – Nat-cNat-s complementary – Ars, Thuj (Boericke)Kreos complementary in malignant diseases – Ars, Phos, Sulph (Boericke)Kreos inimical – Carb-v (Boericke)This remedy follows after Nit-ac has failed in enuresis – Benz-ac

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When Rhus-t seems indicated but fails to relieve in chronic urticaria – BovCarb-v complementary – Kali-c, Dros (Boericke)Brom follows this remedy in hard goiter – IodBrom follows in croup – Iod, Phos, Hep, Spong (especially in relapses after Iod)When Bry fails – Upas (Boericke)Bufo complementary in epilepsy – Salamand (Clarke)

Calad complementary – Nit-ac (Clarke)Nux-v complementary – Sulph, Sep (Boericke)Zinc inimical – Nux-v, ChamCalc complementary – Bell, Cupr, (Rhus-t, Lyc, Sil – (Boericke)Calc is followed by this remedy in nasal catarrh – Kali-biCalc inimical – before Nit-ac & Sulph, before Bar-c in scrofulous affections, (Bry – Boericke)Calc-p complementary – Ruta (Hep – Boericke)Caps is followed by this remedy in intermittent fever – CinaNit-ac complementary – Ars, Calad, Lac-c, Sep (Boericke)Nit-ac inimical – LachNit ac follows well after – Kali-cPetr complementary – Sep (Boericke)Ph-ac follows – Chin, Nux-vPh-ac followed by ChinPhos follows well after – Calc, ChinPhos complementary – Ars, All-c, Lyc, Sil (Boericke)Phos followed well by – Tub (Boericke)Phyt inimical – Merc (Boericke)Plat complementary – Pall (Clarke)Follows Calc & Sulph in liver affections – PodoFollows Lac-ac in vomiting of pregnancy – PsorFollows Arn in traumatic affections of ovary – PsorPuls complementary – Lyc, Sil, Sulph-ac (Coff, Cham, Nux-v – Boericke)(Arg-n, Stann – Clarke)When Puls fails – Arg-n (Clarke)Pyrog complementary – Bry (Boericke)Radium followed well by – Rhus-t (Boericke)Ran-b inimical – Sulph, StaphRhus-t complementary – Bry, Calc-f, Phyt (Boericke)Amm-c inimical – LachAnac follows and is followed well by – PlatAnac follows well after – Lyc & PulsFollowed by Euphorb in terrible pains of cancer – Anthrac

Ant-c complementary – Squill, Sulph (Boericke)Ant-t followed by this remedy in cough in children – HepApis disagrees before and after – Rhus-t in eruptive diseases – (Clarke)Apis chronic if lymphatics are involved – Bar-c (Boericke)

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Apoc is followed by this remedy in dropsy – Acet-acRemedy after Apis, Apoc and Dig has failed in dropsy – Blatt-oDig is followed by this remedy in dropsy – SquillAfter Psor to eradicate the constitutional tendency for quincy – Bar-cBar-c is frequently useful before or after – Psor, Sulph, TubBar-c complementary – Dulc, Sil, Psor (Boericke)Cognate of Bar-c in tonsillitis – Alumn (Kent)Calend complementary – Hep (Boericke)Camph complementary – Canth (Boericke)Sabad complementary – Sep (Boericke)Sabad follows – Bry & Ran-b in pleurisySabin complementary – ThujSabin followed by – Sulph (Kent)Remedy follows Op in bad effects of fright – SambRemedy after bell fails in scarlatina – SangSang complementary – Ant-t (Boericke)

Sars complementary – Merc, SepSel inimical – Chin (Boericke)Sep complementary – Nat-m, Phos (Boericke) (Nat-c & other Natrums, Sulph – Clarke )Sep followed by – Nit-ac (Clarke)Remedy beneficial after Sep – Guaj (Boericke)Sep should never be alternated with – PulsArg-m follows well after – AlumArg-n followed by this remedy in flatulent dyspepsia – LycArs complementary – All-s, Carb-v, Phos, Pyrog (Rhus-t, Carb-v, Phos, Rhus-t, Sec – Boericke)Ars-i complementary – Phos (Clarke)Arum-t incompatible – Calad (Clarke)This remedy follows Caust & Hep in morning hoarseness and deafness – Arum-tAster incompatible – Nux-v, Coff (Boericke)Aur follows and is followed well by – SyphBac is the chronic equivalent of – Psor (Boericke)Remedy when Ars has been improperly given / repeated often in typhoid cases – BaptThese remedies may be needed to complete the favorable action of Bapt – Bry & Ars (Boericke)Sil complementary – Thuj, Sanic, Puls, Fl-acRemedy to be interposed If improvement ceases with Sil – SulphChronic of Arn (Teste) – Spig (Clarke)Spong follows well in croup – Acon, Hep

Squill follows in water logged cases – Dig (Boericke)Stann follows well – CaustStaph complementary – Caust, ColocStaph inimical – Ran-bSulph complementary – Aloe, Psor, Acon, Pyrarara

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Sulph chronic of – Aloe, Nux-v, Puls (Clarke)Follows Led in echymoses – Sulph-acAfter Acon & Bry in pleurisy when a pressing sensation remains – AbrotAcet-ac incompatible – DulcAfter Coll has improved / Nux & Sulph have improved piles- AescRemedy has cured umbilical hernia with obstinate constipation after Nux-v failed – CoccRemedy after Coloc and Nux-v fail in colic – CollAeth complementary – CalcFollows Tub in consumption – Agar (Kent)All-c incompatible – All-sAmbr followed by – MoschIgn followed well by – Zinc (Farrington)Sep follows Nux well, but quarrels with – Bry (Kent)Rumex followed by – Calc (Kent)

Bowel Nosodes – keywords & relationship Morgan pure(congestion) – SulphMorgan gaertner – LycoProteus(CNS symptoms) – Nat-mMutable (alternation of symptoms) – PulsBacillus 7 (Mental & Physical fatigue)- Iodum / Kali-cGaertner (Malnutrition) – Phos / SilDysentry co (Nervous tension/Anticipation) – Ars albSycotic co (Irritability of mucosa / synovium) – ThujaFaecalis – Sepia

 Differential modalitiesChilly PatientCoryza > open air – Nux-v, CyclHead > cold – Phos, Ars, Lac-d, Bar-c, CyclDyspnoea >cold – Am-cCough > open air – Mag-pHot PatientHeadache > warm room – SulphCough < cold air – All-c

 Differential affinities (side)Left sided, sciatica right side – Lach, Lac-cRight sided, sciatica left side – Caust,. Rhus-t

 Occupational diseases etc……. Lead poisoning – Alum, Alumn, Caust, Op, Petr, PlatArsenic poisoning – China, Ferr, Ip, Merc, Hep++Mercury poisoning – Aur, Hep, Kali-I, Phyt, Nit-acIron abuse of – Puls, Sulph, ZincCopper fumes < – Ip, Camph, Merc, Nux-v, Puls

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Silicosis / Stone cutter’s – Sil, Calc, Lyc, Puls,Housemaid’s knee – Kali-I, Sticta, SlagWriter’s cramp – Mag-p, Stann, Zinc, Brachyglottis repens, Cyclamen, Gels, Pic-acComplaints from sedentary work – Nux-v, Acon, Con, Sep, AnacWorking under gaslight – Glon, Nat-cIt is a princely remedy for old laborers, especially gardeners – Bellis per

DefinitionMateria medica = Medical material in latinHomoeopathic materia medica = A record of the pathogenetic effects of medicines(Hughes), derived primarily from proving the drug on healthy human beings, supplemented by noting effects of its overdosing and toxicity, and clinical symptoms during its application on the sick.Nature of Materia Medica – Aph 143-144True Materia medica defined in aphorism – 143Pure Materia Medica (free from speculation) in aphorism – 144

 Drug ProvingDrug proving in aphorism – 105-144Human experiments before Hahnemann – mentioned by Albrecht Von HallerExperimented by Stork (1750-60) / Alexander (1768)Dose in proving aph 128- 4-6 small globules of 30th on empty stomach daily, for several days, till alteration of health is conspicuousObservations on sick can be included – aph 142Hyganthropharmacology – Human provings (James Stephenson)

SourcesSources of remedies – Animal / Plant/ Mineral / Nosode / Sarcode / ImponderabliaSources of symptoms – Proving, Toxicology / overdosing, Animal experimentation, Observation on sick & clinical experience

Source booksFragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivus sive in sano corpore humano observatis ( Latin) = Fragments on the Positive Powers of Drugs, – that is to say, their effects observed in the healthy bodyDose – “one pretty strong dose”Published 1805, 27 drugs (22 MMP + 2 CD carried forward)

Reine arzneimittellehre (German) = Materia Medica Pura (Latin), 6 volumes1st ed. 6 vols – 1811–1821(11/16/17/18/19/21)2nd ed. 6 vols – 1822-27 (22/24/25/25/26/27)3rd ed. 2 Vols – 1830, 33Present ed. 2 Vols (Translation 1880) – 3rd ed. of Vol 1 & 2, and 2nd ed. of Vol 3 – 6Translated by RE Dudgeon Annotation by R HughesTotal no. of drugs – 67 (22 Fragmenta + 45 new) (1st ed. = 65 (Hep omitted by Hughes, says 61 + magnets), Vol 1 = 12 drugs, 2nd ed. = 1st + Ambr, CA, CV in Vol 6, 3rd ed. –

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Caust shifted)Fellow provers – 37Hahnemann’s symptom – No name or sign attachedDoubtful symptoms in bracketsClinical symptom – “curative action” (Hughes – “Principles”)Mental symptoms from Langhammer suspectSymptoms from Provings by Hahnemann / Fellow provers, poisoning / overdosing (citation from authors), observations on the sickDose – Tincture / Ist trituration to 30th in III ed.

Die Chronischen Krankheiten (German) = Chronic DiseasesFirst ed. Vol I – III 1828, Vol IV 1830 Second ed. Vol I – V 1835-39Translation (1896)- Prof Louis H Tafel Annotation – Dr. R Hughes Editor – Pemberton DudleyNo of drugs = 47 (2 Fragmenta + 17 MMP + 28 new, 30 not in MMP) (1st ed. = 17 new + 5 MMP) (2nd ed. = 11 new + 2 Fragmenta + 12 MMP + 22 1st ed.)Fellow provers = 1st ed., nil 2nd ed. 26 (New except Whale)Symptoms from sources of MMP, proving (Fellow provers), other published provings (Hartlaub & trinks, Stapf, Professor Joerg), Observations on sick (Hahnemann – Fresh sensation + aggravations)Nenning’s symptoms – Nenning was an austrian surgeon, contributed to Hartlaub & Trinks MM, only initials of his name was given in proving. Hahnemann questioned, Hering clarified later as trustworthy.Dose (Hahnemann’s) – 1st ed. -” violent effects ” of the attenuations from the second to the twelfth, experienced by the sufferers from chronic disease 2nd ed. – 6th to 30th

The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica – TF AllenVol 10 + 2 (index = “Symptom register”) Year – 1874Total – 1039 drugsSymptoms from – Same as CD / MMP + few clinical symptoms – designated by a small cipher “°”Ordinary type / Italics (repeatedly observed) / Star with italics / Star with bold face (Repeatedly verified) / Toxicology “t”Symptoms are referenced to source and circumstances of symptoms, hence can be tracedOther books by TF Allen – Hand book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics, A Primer of Materia Medica

 The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica - C HeringVol 10 year 1879 – 1891 Hering died after completing part of Vol IIITotal No. of drugs – 410 Each described under 48 sub sections5 grades – occasionally confirmed (ı), Frequently confirmed (ıı), Verified by cures (ıı), Repeatedly verified (ıı) and approved characteristic (☞)Other notations – f (Pathological / physiological condition), Three vertical dots (Observations from old /new school), π (observed only on sick, while under medicinal action) and “t” (toxicological)Other books by Hering – Condensed Materia Medica, Homoeopathic Domestic Physician

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Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesy – R Hughes & JP DakeVols – 4 Year – 1886 – 1891Proving Symptoms not in schema, but narrative, in order of occurrence (“Materia medica starts with vertigo and ends with confusion” – Hughes)Animal experiments & poisonings includedDiscards provings less than two people, observations in sick and potencies above 12th unless corroborated by lower potencies

 Other sourcesSpecial Symptomatology of the New Remedies – Hale EMDictionary of Homoeopathic Materia Medica of 131 New Homoeotherapeutics – OA Julian

Other Materia MedicaeKey NotesKeynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons – Allen HCKeynotes of The Materia Medica – Guernsey H. NKeynotes of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica – A Von LippeKeynotes And Red Line Symptoms of The Materia Medica – A Von LippeA Synoptic key of the Materia Medica – Boger CM

 Comparative Materia MedicaComparative Materia Medica – RH GrossComparative Materia Medica – EA FarringtonThe Study Of Remedies By Comparison – HA Roberts

Clinical Materia MedicaClinical Materia Medica – Farrington E. A.Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica – Boericke WA Manual of Materia Medica Therapeutics and Pharmacology – Blackwood ALPhysiological Materia Medica – WH BurtText Book of Materia Medica with Therapeutics – CowperthwaiteMateria Medica of Homoeopathic Medicines – Phatak

 Descriptive Materia MedicaLectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica – Kent JTHomoeopathic Drug Pictures – ML TylerA study on Materia Medica – NM ChoudhuriA dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (3 vols) – JH clarke year – 1900 (other – The Prescriber, Clinical Repertory)A Manual of Homoeopathic Therapeutics – EA Neatby & TG StonhamLectures on Materia Medica – Dunham CPlain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons – WI Pierce

MineralsText book of Homoeoapthic Materia Medica – Otto Leeser

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NosodesThe Materia Medica of Some Important Nosodes – Allen HCMateria Medica of Nosodes – OA Julian

IndianDrugs of Hindusthan – Ghosh

OtherNew old and forgotten Remedies – Anschultz EPSpecial Symptomatology of the New Remedies – Hale EMSpecial Therapeutics of the new remedies – Hale EMSystematic Materia Medica of Homoeopathic Remedies – KN MathurHomoeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic drug pictures and Clinical Comments – PulfordEssentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica – Dewey W. AThe carcinosin Drug Picture – Foubister D. M.“Homoeopathic milk for allopathic babies” – A Manual of Pharmacodynamics – R Hughes

Provers / AuthoritiesHahnemannTotal Provings published by Hahnemann – as per Hughes 66 (MMP) + 30 (CD) + 3 (Fragmenta unpublished) = 99Actual – 67 (MMP) + 30 (CD) + 3 (Fragmenta) = 100

Acon, Alum, Am-c, Arg-m, Arn, Ars, Aur, Bar-c, Bell, Bism, Borx, Bry, Calc, Camph, Cann-s, Canth, Caps, Carb-v, Carb-ac, Caust, Cham, Chel, Cic, Cina, Chin, Clem, Cocc, Coff, Coloc, Con, Cupr, Cycl, Dig, Dros, Dulc, Eup-per, Euph, Ferr, Graph, Hell, Hep, Hyos, Ign, Iod, Ip, Kali-c, Led, Lyc, Mag-c, Mag-m, Meny, Mag-p, Merc, Mosch, Mur-ac, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Op, Petr, Ph-ac, Phos, Puls, Rheum, Rhus-t, Ruta, Sabad, Samb, Sars, Sep, Sil, Spig, Spong, Stann, Staph, Stram, Sulph, Thuj, Valer, Verat

HeringAll-c, Brom, Calc-ar, Calc-p, Calc-s, Crot-h, Fl-ac, Glon, Ham, Hyper, Kalmia, Lach, Lith-c, Lyss, Meph, Psor, Sel, Ther

StapfAnac, Agar, Ant-t, Colch, Croc, Mez, Plat, Sabin, Teucr

BurtCaul, Coll, Dios, Erig, Ust, Verat-v

SwanLac-c, Lac-d, Med, Syph, Variolinum, Vaccininum

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Hale EMGels, Hydr, Phyt

NenningAeth, Am-m, Mill

PetrozActea-sp, Murex, Aster

BurnettBacill, Bellis-p, Urtica, Cundurango

HC AllenKali-p, Sec, Viburnum

TF AllenAmyl-nit, Pic-ac

Drysdale – Kali-bi, Pyrog Nunez – Tarent Russel & Stokes – NajaRubini - Cactus Caspari – Ant-c Farrington – Nat-p Clotar Muller – Coca Dr. Ray (Calcutta) – Blatta-o Clarke – Rad-br DM Foubister – CarcMure – Elaps cor, Bufo

 First proving of nosode – Psor by Hahnemann (Clarke)

Sources of some remediesNosodesPyrog – lean beef in water in the sun for 2-3 weeks (Sepsin – Anschultz specific from Proteus v.culture)Septicaeminum – contents of a septic abscessMalaria officinalis – vegetable matter from a marsh decomposed in glass jarsTub (Swan) – sputum of a tubercular patientBac (Burnett) – trituration of a portion of tuberculous lung, including cavity / tuberclesTub bov – from tubercular gland of cattle (Kent)Tub avis / aviare – chicken tuberculosisBacillinum testinum – Testicular tuberculosesTub koch / koch’s lymph – extract of Tub culture (Wheeler) growing in beef jellyTub marmoreck – from serum of animals / horses injected (vaccinated) with tuberculinVaccin atténué bilié (BCG) – From a stock of Myobacterium Tuberculosis of the bovine variety (Julian)Vaccinnum – the lymph from cow poxHippozaenum – from microorganism of glanders (cattarhal) or farcy (skin), a zoonotic disease of horsesMelitagrinum – lymph and blood of Eczema capitisNectrianinum – cancer of trees, by fungi nectria ditssimaEpihysterinum – from haemorrhage from a patient with fibroid uterus , with possible

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malignant cellsSec – a black horn like spur, the diseased grains of rye (Secale cereale), caused by fungus Claviceps purpureaOscillococcinum – A proprietary preparation owned by french pharmacy Boiron, the remedy name is Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum – Extract of heart and liver of wild duckParotidinum – Mumps nosodeMorbilinum – Measles nosodePestinum – Plague nosode

FungusAgar, Bovista, Psilocybe CaerulescensSecale – The black, horn-like spur into which the grains of Rye (Secale cereale) are changed by the fungus Claviceps purpurea.Ustilago – A fungus growing on Indian cornLichenes (a symbiosis of an algae and fungus) – Stict, Cetraria islandica, Usnea barbataSolanum tuberosun aegrotans – Peronospora infestans infection of potato

 SarcodeOophorinum – Ovarian extract of sheep / cowOrchitinum – Testicular extractPulmo vulpes – Fox lungHippomanes – a meconium deposit out of the amniotic fluid of the mare or the cow.Adrenaline – extract of adrenal glandThyroidinum – Thyroid gland of sheep /ox / calfCholesterinum – Epithelial lining of gall bladder & larger ductsPituitaria glandula – Posterior pituitaryPancreatinum – Pancreas extract of ox or sheep

 MineralsCaust – Distilling a mixture of slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) and Potassium BisulphateMerc sol – Dimercuros ammonium nitrate – by precipitating mercury from its solution in nitric acid using caustic ammonia.Merc cor – Mercuric chloride, HgCl2Merc dulcis – Mercurous chloride, HgClCinnabaris – Mercuric sulphideMercurius iodatus flavus – Mercurous iodide, HgIMercurius iodatus rubber – Mercuric iodide, HgI2Alumen – Potassic aluminic sulphateAnt-t – antimony-potassium tartrateBorax – Sodium biborateHep – Impure Sulphide of Calcium – prepared by burning in a crucible the white interior of oyster shells with pure flowers of sulphurMineral spring – Gettysberg water, Sanic, Carlsbad, Skookum chuck, WeisbadenAqua marina – sea waterLapis albus – A species of mineral stone (silico-flouride of calcium) found in meneral

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spring of gastein, GermanyHecla lava – The fine ash deposited at a distance by eruption of Mount Hecla, Iceland

CarbonsKreosote – Destructive distillation of beechwoodPix liquida – dry distillation of coniferaeIcthyol – distillation of bituminous deposits with fossil fish inclusionsEupion – wood tarAniline & Antipyrine – coal tar productsAnthracokali – Anthracite coal dissolved in boiling caustic potashFuligo ligni – soot

AnimalCorallium rubrum – skeleton of the red coral, Gorgonia nobilisCarb-an – charred ox hideFel tauri – Ox gallGaddus morrhua – First cervical vertebra of the codOleum animale – distillate of stag hornOleum jecoris aselli – Cod liver oilCastoreum – secretion in preputial sacs of beaverMoschus – secretion in preputial sacs of musk deerCervus campesteris – hide of brazilian deerCastor equi – rudimentary thumb nail of horseSanguisuga / Hirudo Medicinalis – LeechHelix Tosta – SnailAstacus fluviatilis – Craw fish or River crabMedusae – Jelly fishOvi gallinae pellicula – Membrane inside shell of hen’s eggOva tosta – Toasted egg shellsCalc calcinata – Calcined oyster shellConchiolinum – Mother of pearlMephitis – The liquid obtained from the anal glands of the skunk or pole catScorpio europaeus – ScorpionBufo – Solution in rectified spirit of the poison expressed from the cutaneous glands of toadAmphisbaena vermicularis – The jaw including poison sac of a snake like lizardHeloderma – Venom of Gila MonsterSerum anguillae – Eel serum

Milks prepared from…Cat – Lac felinumCow – Lac vaccinum (Skimmed – Lac vaccinum defloratum Curd – Lac Vaccinum coagulatum Cream – Lactis vaccini floc)Human – Lac humanum / Lac maternumGoat – Lac caprinum

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InsectsFormica rufa (crushed live ants), Vespa crabro (common wasp), Blatta-o (Indian cockroach), Coccinella septempunctata (Lady bug), Culex musca (culex mosquito), Aphis chenopodii glauci (The plant lice from Chenopodium glaucum), Coccus cacti (insect infesting cactus plant), Cimex lectularius (Bed bug), Doryphora decemlineata (Colorado Potato-bug), Pulex irritans (common flea), Pecten jacobaeus (scallop)

Snake VenomsLachesis (Bushmaster / surukuku), Crotalus horridus (North American rattle snake), Crotalus cascavella (Brazilian rattle snake), Elaps cor (Coral snake), Cenchris contortrix /Agkistrodon contortrix. (Copper head snake), Bothrops lanceolatus (Yellow viper, Fer-de-lance), Bungarus fasciatus (Banded krait), Vipera (common / German viper), Naja (Cobra)

SpiderTarentula Hispanica (Spanish spider / Lycosa tarentula), Tarentula cubensis (Cuban tarentula), Therideon (Orange spider), Mygale (Black cuban spider), Aranea diadema (The papal-cross Spider), Latrodectus mactans (Black widow spider), Tela aranearum (cob web)

 ImponderabliaMagnetis polus australis (south pole), Magnetis polus arcticus (north pole), Magnetis poli umbo (whole magnet), X-ray, Luna (moonlight), Sol (sunlight), Electricitas (Electricity)

Alkaloids & Active PrinciplesAgar – MuscarineApoc active principle – CymarinCimicifuga – MacrotinConium – ConiinumPhysostigma active principle – EserineSyzigium active principle – EnlexingIpecac – EmetinSecale – ErgotineOpium – Morphine, CodeineYohimbinum – A crystalline alkaloid obtained from the bark of the Yohimbeha, or Yumbehoa tree, of the Cameroons

Remedy TypesPolychrest (definition in MMP Nux-v & Puls) – Remedies whose majority of symptoms correspond in similarity to the symptoms of the commonest and frequent of human diseasesClinical RemedyRemedies having only a partial or incomplete proving but whose efficiency has been demonstrated at the bedside eg. Tissue remedies, Granatum for dizzinessBreech presentation in homoeopathy (Hering) – A remedy used clinically before a proving is made eg. Kali-m (Nash), Ferr-p (Farrington)

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Organ Remedies – Remedies with an elective affinity for certain organs or parts (Burnett). Said to be specific for diseases of those organs.Spleen – CeanothusHeart – CactusLiver – Cardus mar, CheloneUterus – Fraxinus, Sep, Thlaspi

Elective affinityThe specific localization or seat of drug action, by which a drug chooses certain cells, tissues or organs to manifest its action

Chief action / Elective affinity of Remedies• Has a pronounced action on the inferior maxillary branch of the fifth pair of the cranial nerves; on the ear; and respiratory tract and bladder – Verb (Boericke)• The chief action is centered on the articulations and their component elements, bones, cartilages, and ligaments – Arg-m (Boericke)• Special affinity where bones form sutures or symphyses – Calc-p• Bones, especially femur – Stront• Periostium and cartilages – Ruta• Marked action upon the jaws. – Hekla lava• Cellular tissues – Apis• Fibrous tissues – Rhus-t• Serous membranes (also white fibrous tissue) – Bry• Chief action on fibrous tissue, and is especially adapted to the arthritic diathesis, rheumatism, and tonsillitis – Guajacum• Its chief action is centered in the vegetative sphere, impaired nutrition being the keynote of its action, the glands, skin, and bones, being instrumental in the changes wrought – Calc (Boericke)• The chief action is on the ramifications of the pneumogastric nerve, producing spasmodic irritation in chest and stomach. – Ip (Boericke)• Affects especially the mucous outlets of the body where skin and mucous membrane join; mouth, nose, rectum, anus, urethra, vagina (Mur. ac.)• Mouth and anus are chiefly affected – Muriatic acid• This acid has an elective affinity for the blood – Muriatic acid (Boericke)• Has a selective affinity for bleeding mucous surfaces – Terebinthina• Affection of the antrum of Highmore – Mag-c (Boericke)• Tumor in antrum of Highmore – Hecla• Duodenum, Rectum, liver – Podo• Membrano prostatic portion of urethra – Sabal• Lower part of spinal chord – Ginseng• Portal system – Sep• Has a specific action on the ear – Viola odorata• Special affinity for eyes – Carbn-s, Naphthalinum• Eye, heart and nervous system – Spig• Chief action is centered upon the nervous system and respiratory organs – Stann• Its specific action is on the nervous system and mucous membranes – Xanthoxylum

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• Affinity for naso-pharynx – Cistus can• Specific affinity for the breast; very useful in the dissipation of breast tumors – Scrophularia n• Skin – Sulph• Has strong affinity for skin and mucous membranes – An anti-psoric medicine – Skookum chuck• Skin of face and external genitalia – Crot-t• Elective action on the kidneys – Eel serum• Has special action on kidneys and induces haematuria. – Vipera• Has specific action upon the kidneys, enabling them to eliminate and relieve the distress upon the heart – Spartium scoparium• Affinity for the pancreas – Atropin• The main action is stimulation of the sympathetic endings, notably the splanchnic area, causing constriction of the peripheral arterioles, with resulting rise in blood pressure – Adrenalin• Its chief action is centered in the vegetative sphere, impaired nutrition being the keynote of its action, the glands, skin, and bones, being instrumental in the changes wrought – Calc

Remedy constitutions (Boericke)Carbo-Nitrogenoid -Lyc, Sulph, Rhus-t, Urtica, MercOxygenoid – Acon, Chin, Ars, Graph, Petr, Ferr-pHydrogenoid – Calc, Sil, Nat-s, Aranea, Apis, Puls, Thuj, Nit-ac

Common Names (other than from “Key notes”)Abies-c – Hemlock spruceAbies-n – Black spruceAbsinth – Common worm woodActea-sp – BaneberryAdonis – Pheasant’s eyeArt-v – Mug wortAsaf – Gum of the stinkasandAven-sat – Common oatBellis-p – DaisyClematis – Virgin’s BowerConvallaria – Lily of the ValleyCrataegus – Hawthorn berriesEchinacea – Purple cone-flowerErigeron – Flea BeanGrindelia – RosinwoodMancinella – HippomaneMercurialis Perennis – Dog’s MercuryOrnithogalum – Star of BethlehemPiper Methysticum – Kava KavaRaphanus – Black garden RadishSabal ser – Saw palmetto

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senega – Snake wortSquilla – Sea onionThiosinaminum – RhodallinScirrhinum – CarcinominumTeucrium – Cat thymeAlumen – Potash alumEup-per – ThoroughwortMez – Spurge OliveNat-s – Glauber’s saltOx-ac – Sorrel acidPyrog – Artificial SepsinRatanhia – Krameria Triandra, MapatoRuta – BitterwortSabadilla – Asagraea Officinalis, Veratrum OfficinalisSars – SmilaxStillingia silvatica – Queen’s RootSymphytum – Knitbone, BonesetOleum Petrae – PetroleumPuls – Anemone pratensisSyph – Leusinum, LeuticumMed – GlinicumAbrotanum – Artemisia abrotanumCina – Artemisia maritimaKurchi – Holerrhena Antidysenterica./ Wrightia tinctoriaPertussin – CoquelchinCalc-s – Plaster of ParisCalcarea renalis – Lapis renalisOva tosta – Calc OvorumFel tauri – Bilis bovinaSarracenia purpurea – Pitcher-plantPothos – Ictodes foetidus