the influence of using dictogloss technique towards students’ speaking...


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Page 1: THE INFLUENCE OF USING DICTOGLOSS TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ SPEAKING … THESIS 2.pdf · 2020. 6. 22. · Speaking is one of the most difficult





A Thesis

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for S1-Degree




Study Program : English Education

Advisor : Iwan Kurniawan M.Pd

Co-Adviaor : Yulan Puspita Rini M.A





Page 2: THE INFLUENCE OF USING DICTOGLOSS TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ SPEAKING … THESIS 2.pdf · 2020. 6. 22. · Speaking is one of the most difficult





An Undergraduate Thesis

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for S1-Degree




Study Program : English Education

Advisor : Iwan Kurniawan M.Pd

Co-Adviaor : Yulan Puspita Rini M.A





Page 3: THE INFLUENCE OF USING DICTOGLOSS TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ SPEAKING … THESIS 2.pdf · 2020. 6. 22. · Speaking is one of the most difficult








English is a compulsory subject that should be learned by the students of junior

high school. But in fact, there are many students got difficulties, especially in

learning speaking. The researcher applied Dictogloss Technique to help the

students‟ problem in speaking. The objective of this research was to find out

whether or not there was a significant influence Dictogloss Technique on

students‟ speaking ability.

This research used quasi-experimental design. Population of this research was 150

students at eighth grade of SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung. The researcher used

cluster random sampling technique to choose the sample. The sample of this

research was 62 students in which divided into two classes and consisted of 33

students for control class and 32 students for experimental class. The students

were taught by using Dictogloss Technique in experimental class and role play

technique in control class. The research used instrument to collect the data in form

oral test. Before giving treatment, the researcher gave pre-test for both classes.

After giving treatment, the researcher gave post-test to students. The researcher

analyzed the data by using SPSS to compute independent t-test.

Based on the analysis, it was found the result of this research of Sig.(Pvalue)= 0.023

< ɑ = 0.05. It means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. It can be concluded that

there is a significant influence of using Dictogloss technique towards students‟

speaking ability at the first semester of the eighth grade of SMPN 15 Bandar

Lampung in the academic year of 2018/2019.

Keywords: dictogloss technique, speaking ability, quasi-experimental design

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“Tell My servant to say what is best. Satan shows discord among them. Satan is

to man an open enemy.”1 (Q.S Al-Israa‟ : 53)

1 Talal Itani, Qur’an English Translation, (Beirut: Clear Quran Publication,2001),p.104.

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Hereby, I state this thesis entitled “The Influence of Using Dictogloss

Technique Towards Students’ Speaking Ability at the First Semester of the

Eighth Grade of SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung in Academic Year of

2018/2019” is completely my own work. I am fully aware that I have quoted

some statements and theories from various sources and they are properly

acknowledged in the text.

Bandar Lampung, Januari 2020

Declared by,



Page 8: THE INFLUENCE OF USING DICTOGLOSS TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ SPEAKING … THESIS 2.pdf · 2020. 6. 22. · Speaking is one of the most difficult


This thesis is proudly dedicated to everyone who cares and loves me. I would like

to dedicate this thesis to:

1. My beloved parents, Mr. Muhtarudin and Mrs. Robingah who always

support, educate, pray, and give me motivation to be success in my study

and life. Therefore, thank you for giving me everything. I am really proud

of having you as my parents. I love you forever.

2. My beloved brothers and my sisters Fitriyani S.Pd, Katiyo, Umi Solikhah

Amd.Keb, Edi Wawantoro, Ns.Riadus Solikhin S.Kep, Nova Sisva Devi

S.Keb, Fuad Mahmud, and all of my big family who can‟t be mentioned

directly in this thesis one by one, thanks for your support and love for me.

3. My beloved friend Bayu Laksono Asbandi S.Kom who always support me

until finishing my thesis.

4. My beloved almamater UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

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Rochma Rahayu was born in Oku Timur on March 12, 1996. She is the fourth

child of five children from Mr. Muhtarudin and Mrs. Robingah. She has two

brothers and two sisters.

She began her study at SDN 3 Belitang in 2002 and graduated in 2008. Then, she

continued at SMPN 2 Belitang in 2008. After graduated at Junior High School in

2011, she continued her study at MAN 1 Oku Timur. She graduated from Senior

High School in 2014. After graduate at Senior High School, she continued her

study at UIN Raden Intan Lampung in 2014 as a student of English Study

Program of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty.

She has been working at bimbel Smart Education Learning and Smart Private as

an English teacher since 2018 until now.

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First of all, praise to Allah, the almighty God, the Most Merciful, the Most

Beneficent for his mercy and blessing to me during study in completing this

graduation paper successfully. Then, the peace and salutation always be given to

our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us from the darkness to the

brightness. This thesis entitled “The Influence of Using Dictogloss Technique

Towards Students‟ Speaking Ability at the First Semester of the Eighth Grade of

SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung in Academic Year of 2018/2019” is submitted as a

compulsory fulfillment of the requirement for S-1 Degree of English Study

Program at Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University

(UIN) Raden Intan Lampung. When finishing this thesis, the researcher has

obtained so much help, aid, support, suggestion and many valuable things of

countless people. Therefore, the researcher would like to express the sincerely of

gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Nirva Diana, M.Pd, the Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty and

Teacher Training Faculty of UIN Raden Intan Lampung with all staff, who

give the researcher opportunity to study until the end of this thesis


2. Meisuri, M.Pd, the chairperson of English Education Study Program of

UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

3. Iwan Kurniawan, M.Pd, the advisor who patiently guided and directed the

researcher until completion of this thesis.

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4. Yulan Puspita Rini, M.A, the second advisor, who has guided a lot until

the researcher finished this thesis well.

5. All lecturers of English Study Program of UIN Raden Intan Lampung who

have shared and taught the researcher since the first of her study.

6. Hj. Neti Ekowati, M.Pd, the headmaster of SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung

and all the teachers and staff who have helped the researcher in collecting

the data.

7. Desy Rahmawaty, S.Pd and all English teacher of SMPN 15 Bandar

Lampung who given guidance and spirit in conducting this research.

8. The researcher‟s beloved friends : Reupita Muda, Widya Arika, Sari

Eviyanti, Rosmaini, Umi kartika, Herlita Susanti, Selvi Roja, and Urbak

Nurul Utami who always gives me support and helps me to finish my


9. The last, the researcher would like to say thanks to class C of English

Education 2014, especially for “C class” who always cheer up sincerely

and gave the unforgettable memories.

May Allah gives goodness and blesses for all guides and helps that has been given

to the researcher.

Finally, it has to be admitted that nobody is perfect and the researcher is fully

aware that there are still a lot of weakness in this thesis. Therefore, the writer

sincerely welcomes criticism and suggestion from the readers to enhance the

quality of this thesis. Furthermore, the writer expects that the thesis is useful for

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the writer particularly and the readers generally, especially for those who are

involved in English teaching profession.

Bandar Lampung, January 2020

The Researcher,

Rochma Rahayu


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A. Background of the Study

Everyone always uses language in their communication because language is used

all aspect human life. Setiyadi states that, “Language is a system for expression of

meaning. It means that the language is used to express ideas, opinion and

feeling”.2 Dealing with that statement, people will be able to communicate with

each other. Besides, Brown says, “Language is more than a system of

communication. It involves whole person, educational, and developmental

communicative process”.3 It means that the language can be primarily necessity in

human life. It has a big role for every people in making a relationship with others.

Nowadays, English is an important language used by people in the world.

According to Alonso, “English as a second language education has gained an

increasingly important role in career development in science, business and

industry on the global stage”.4 It means that English is the access of international

communication and many countries use English for second language. Meanwhile,

based on Broughton, et al, “English is a foreign language. That is, it is taught in

schools, often widely, but it does not play an essential role in national or social


2 Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (Yogyakarta: Graha

Ilmu,2006),p.10. 3 H. Brown Douglas, Teaching by Principle an Interaction Approach to Language

Pedagogy, (New Jersey:Longman,1994),p.70. 4 David J. Alonso, English as Second Language, (New York: Nova Science

Publishers,2011),p.1. 5 Geoffrey Broughton, et al, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (New

York:Rougtledge Ltd,1980),p.6.

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Based on explanation above, some of countries use English as foreign language. It

will be taught in schools. Nowadays, Indonesia put English as foreign language

jwhich has learned by the students from junior high school to the university. It is

because English has an essential role for developing countries such as Indonesia.

In Indonesia, the awareness to compete with global society has grown. Therefore,

English teaching is spread all over the country.

The teaching of English includes four skills, they are: listening, speaking, reading

and writing. Those skills have relationship each other. In speaking skill there is

pronunciation in utterances that must be mastered because it has an effect for

communication especially to deliver our message or idea. Therefore, speaking is

very important in language learning English because speaking can help us to

communicate to other people.

Speaking receives a special skill in language because it is a crucial part of the

foreign language learning and can be used for the students to express their ideas

orally in foreign language. Based on Booher, “Speaking well is measurable skill

and valuable asset can help you clarify your ideas and information to others.

Besides, speaking can build your reputation as an intelligent and interesting

person”.6 Speaking is two way process between speaker and listener and involved

productive and receptive skills of understanding. In other word, the listener will

try to understand the speakers‟ ideas from their communication activities among

them. Meanwhile, Nunan says, “success is measured in terms of the ability to

6 Dianna Booher, Speak With Confidence, (New York: McGraw Companies,2003),p.1

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carry out the conversation in the language”.7 From that statement it can be

concluded that speaking should be taught to the students. If the students‟ speaking

is low, they will fail in their study or at least they have difficulty in making

progress in English. But if the students have a good ability in speaking, they have

a better chance to success in their study.

Speaking is one of the most difficult aspects for the students to master. For this

case, students should master several speaking components, they are:

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency. Pollard said that “This is hardly

surprising when one considers everything that is involved when speaking: ideas,

what to say, language, how to use grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation as well

as listening to and reacting to the person you are communicating with”.8

Therefore, English teacher should be creative in developing their teaching

learning process to create good atmosphere, and the teacher has to give some

motivation which make the students will improve their speaking skills, and give to

tjhe attention to the speaking components, and make the English lessons more


The researcher did a preliminary research in SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung to know

how the English speaking ability of the students of the eighth grade of SMPN 15

Bandar Lampung is good or bad. Whether they are active to express their thought

in English speaking, and whether the technique is used by the teacher in teaching

speaking already right to improve the students‟ speaking ability.

7 David Nunan, Teaching English, (London:Copyright,2008),p.33.

8 Lucy Pollard, Teaching English, (London: Copyright,2008),p.33.

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Based on preliminary research, the researcher got data of students‟ speaking test

from Mrs. Desy Rahmawaty S.Pd as the English teacher of the eighth grade

SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung. It was described in the Table 1 below.

Table 1

The English Speaking Score of Students at the Eight Grade of SMPN 15 Bandar



Class Students’ Score Total

>70 ≤ 70

1 VIII A 10 23 33

2 VIII B 8 24 32

3 VIII C 12 21 33

4 VIII D 9 24 33

j5 VIII E 13 19 32

Total 52 111 163

Percentage 31.90% 68.09% 100%

Source: SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung at the eighth grade in academic year of 2018/2019.9

From the table above, there are 52 of the 163 students who pass in speaking test

based on the criteria of minimum mastery (KKM) and there were 111 students

who failed in the case, the standard score of KKM in SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung

is 70 and there were many students who got the score under 70. It means that

some of the students still had the difficulties in their speaking ability.

Based on the preliminary research in SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung the students are

difficult to express their ideas and feelings especially in speaking. The English

teacher had been interviewed by the researcher, Desy Rahmawati S.Pd, about the

result of teaching descriptive text. She said the most of eighth grade students of

SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung got difficulties in speaking. They could not speak

9 Bertiana, The Data of English Score at the eighth grade of SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung,


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English well and they are not confidence to come forward in front of class

because their grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary are low. They also do not

focus on their lesson because they are lazy and bored to learn english especially in

speaking. And also, the students are not able to pass the minimum criteria of

speaking score, that is 70. Furthermore, in learning speaking the teacher gave the

students descriptive text, explains about definition, purpose and generic structure.

The students were difficult to study about descriptive text. She also added that the

ordinary way of teaching speaking is role play, but they were passive in the class.

In teaching speaking, there are some materials; one of them is descriptive text.

According to Kane, description is about sensory experience how something looks,

sounds, tastes.10

It means that, description helps someone to know spesific

information about something that is described. It helps someone to imagine

something that is described; about sound form even taste.


In addition, the information about the students‟ speaking ability by giving

questionnaires with 100 students of the eighth grade had been gotten. The students

said that they felt lazy to learn speaking, cause the students felt speaking is

difficult. Besides, the students also said that they felt bored of the technique that

was used by the English teacher in teaching speaking so they did not interesting to

learn English, especially in speaking.11


Thomas S. Kane, Oxford Essential Guide to Writing (New York, Oxford University

Press,2000),p.351 11

The eighth students, Students Questionnaires at the eighth grade 2018/2019 Academic

Year, SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung, 2019, Unpublished.

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In order to make students succes in learning english especially in speaking, the

teacher should gave their students opportunity to practice in speaking acitivities.

jNot only opportunity to speak english towards students to students. Besides, the

teacher can see their speaking ability of the students and the students also can

practice their speaking skill. But in speaking activities, sometimes teacher and

students rarely used english. This is one of the factore that caused speaking skill

of students not developed well.

Based on the problems above, it is clear that the eighth grade students at SMP N

15 Bandar Lampung still face the difficulties in speaking ability. It is caused by

the external factor and internal factor. The external factor is coming from the

teacher and internal factor is from the students.12

To overcome this problem, it is

good to offer an appropriate technique that can help students in speaking ability,

that is called Dictogloss technique.

Dictogloss is designed to draw the learners‟ attention to language form, it

promotes negotiation of meaning as well as negotiation of form. In this case

students can discuss the material with their friends whether in pair, group or other

activities during the process of learning and teaching.13

There were two studies related to Dictogloss Technique that have been conducted

earlier. The first previous research is Vina Khairul Azmi who studied (using the

dictogloss technique to enhance listening ability of the twelfth grade of SMAN 5

Banda Aceh 2015/2016) it can be found that the students are being helped by


William, Burden, Physicology for Language Teachers,Cambridge University, 1997, p.



R. wajnryb, Grammar Dictation, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1990, P.5

Page 19: THE INFLUENCE OF USING DICTOGLOSS TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ SPEAKING … THESIS 2.pdf · 2020. 6. 22. · Speaking is one of the most difficult

applying dictogloss technique in listening skill.14

Another previous research by

Adys Ajjnggun Wulandari from Lampung University (The use of ditogloss

technique to improve Students‟ speaking ability at the second grade of SMA Al-

Kautsar Bandar Lampung). The result showed that the students could improve

their speaking ability after being taught through Dictogloss technique. It can make

the students interested and it can make atmosphere and can motivate the students

in learning English.15

Those from the previous research above are different from this research, the first

previous researcher that used dictogloss technique to teach listening and the

second previous research used dictogloss technique to increasing speaking skill in

senior high school level.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher conducted Dictogloss technique as

an alternative technique for teaching English, especially for teaching students‟

speaking ability. Finally, the research entitled this research “The Influence of

Using Dictogloss Technique Toward Students‟ Speaking Ability at the first

semester of the eighth Grade at SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung in Academic Year of



Azmi, Vina Khairul, using the dictogloss technique to enhance listening ability of the

twelfth grade of SMAN 5 Banda Aceh 2015/2016, (S1 Thesis, UIN Sidoaro,2013 15

Wulandary, Adys Anggun, The Use of Dictogloss Technqie to improve Students’

Speaking Skill at the Second Grade of SMA Al-Kautsar , Unila,2017

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B. The Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem, the researcher identifies some problems

as follows:

1. The students got low speaking score.

2. The teacher‟s teaching technique is not appropriate

C. The Limitation of the Problems

Based on identification of the problem above, the researcher focused only on the

influence of using dictogloss technique towards students speaking ability in

extensive type (monologue) and describing something (person, thing, animal).

D. Formulation of The Problems

Based on the limitation of the problems above, the researcher formulated the

problem as follows: Is there any significant influence of using dictogloss

technique toward speaking ability at the eighth grade of SMP N 15 Bandar

Lampung ?

E. The Objective of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem, the objective of the research was to find

out whether there is a significant influence of using Dictogloss technique toward

speaking ability of the eighth grade students at SMP N 15 Bandar Lampung.

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F. The Significance of the research

In this research, the significance of this research is:

1. Theoretically

For the theoretical contribution, the result of this research is expected to

support the previous theories about the influence of Dictogloss Technique

towards Students‟ Speaking Ability.

2. Practically

a. For the teacher, hopefully this research will help teacher to apply

appropriate technique in teaching speaking. This technique is

expected to contribute ideas determining the curriculum, provide

feedback to English teacher.

b. For the students, it is expected to further increase students‟

learning in English class. It helps the students to improve their

speaking ability by using dictogloss technique. Then, this research

is expected to solve student‟s problem in speaking activity.

G. The Scope of the Research

The scope of the research can be described follows:

1. Subject of the Research

The subject of research was the students at the first semester of eighth

grade of SMP N 15 Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2018/2019.

2. Object of the Research

The object of the research was the use of using dictogloss technique and

the students‟ speaking ability.

3. Place of the Research

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The research was conducted in SMP N 15 Bandar Lampung. It is located

on Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung.

4. Time of the Research

This research was conducted at the first semester of the eighth grade of

SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2018/2019.

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A. Teaching English as a Foreign Language

People use language to communicate with each other, there are many languages in

the world, and it needs the knowledge to make the right understanding. Al-Quran

as the holy book of Moslem really appreciates the diversity among languages,

because the world consist of many difference people with difference ethnics,

nations, and also language based on Ar-Ruum verse 22 explained:

Meaning: and of His signs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the

difference of your languages and colors. Here in indeed are portents for men of


So, language is very important because it is always used by people to

communicate with other and as a media of communication to share information

with other people by messages.

English is an international language used by many people in many countries in the

world as a purpose of communication. It has goal of either oral or written

communication. People use English for making relationship among people in

different countries in the world. It is supported by Broughton, et al, “It is also the


Talal Itani, Quran English Translation, (Beirut: Clear Quran Publication,201), p.203.

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language of large commercial and industrial organization”.17

It means that foreign

language has been used by many people for communicating in certain occasion,

while people who lived in the developed countries are using English as second

language for communicating freely.

According to Gebhard, “English as the foreign language and is studies by people

who live d in places where English is not a foreign language such as in Italy,

Saudi Arabia and Vietnam”.18

Therefore, the learners who learn English as a

foreign language just have a little chance to use in English in the outside

classroom, because no all people speak English in their country. They speak their

mother tongue, for instance in Indonesia, Indonesian people speak Indonesian

language for daily communication not English because it not their first language

or mother tongue. Thus, the people use English as foreign language. The only use

English in particular situation, such as business, for example, tour guide who

holds a touring and traveling in Bali island, they have to can speak English well

because there are many foreign visitors there.

In most of countries perceive English as a foreign language, the goal of learning

English for students is it to pass the examination to enter the good high school or

university. It is supported by Gebhard, “In many countries where English is a

foreign language, a dual goal for teenagers studying in the educational is to pass

English entrance exams to enter good high schools and university and more


Geofrey Broughton, et al, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (New York:

Rougledge Ltd,1980),p.6. 18

Jerry G.Gebhard, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (Ann Arbor: University of

Michigan, 2006),p.6.

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recently to able use English as a global language”.19

It means that students should

study hard to pass the test and of course more focus on written from since the test

usually in written form. They usually know about the theories of how to use

English, but they cannot use it for communication.

In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language officially taught in schools.

English is not the dominant for the people in Indonesia and English also is not

commonly used in the society. It is supported by Setiyadi, “In Indonesia, English

is learned only at schools and people do not speak the language in the society.

English is really a foreign language for language learners in Indonesia”.20

It means

that, most of Indonesian people only learn English in the class. It is very important

to people in our country to learn English because Indonesian people need to

master English for communicating with other countries. Therefore, the teacher has

to give motivation to the students for creating the best way in teaching in other to

make the students are understanding accustomed to speak English and they can

use English as a tool communication.

In this case, the teacher should create the learning process or situation which

enables the students to learn English well. In teaching English, the teacher should

speak English clearly, simple and as often as possible. Based on Brown states that,

“teaching means giving instructions, guiding in study of something, providing


Ibid,p.40 20

Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as a foreign Language,(Yogyakarta:Graha


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with knowledge, causing to know or understand”.21

It means that, the teachers

must be able to create a pleasant condition to teach English. If teacher often uses

English in the classroom, students are accustomed to listen and to imitate so that it

makes them easy to understand the meaning of the words spoken. However, to

achieve the goal of teaching English, the teacher should be skill full, creative and

innovative and teacher needs media, technique or other facilities which can

support them in achieving the goal.

In other words, teaching techniques play an important role in teaching learning

process. In addition, the teaching techniques are suggested to be interesting and

appropriate for students as well. It is important for a teacher to create an

appropriate technique with of teaching English that based on the assumption that

English as foreign language.

B. Frame of Theory

1. Speaking

Prendville says, “Speaking is the most important communication from that human

being use”.22

It means that speaking becomes the right way to express ideas and

feeling by using language as a connector and the people must know the topic.

From the topic, the people can talk each other and know the purpose or meaning

of their speaking.


H. Douglas Brown, Principles of language Learning Teaching, (San Fransisco:

Longman,2000),p.7. 22

Francis Prendville, Speaking and Listening through drama, (London: Paul Chapman

Publishing, 2007), p.41

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According to Brown as quoted by Florez says, “Speaking is an interactive process

of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing


It means that in the process of speaking there must be at least two

persons. The first person is a speaker who gives information and the second

person is a listener who receives information.

Harmer states, “Students have to master element of speaking such as vocabulary,

grammar, pronunciation, fluency and comprehension”.24

From those five

elements, the learners will know how to speak English correctly.

Based on the explanation above, it is obvious that speaking is very crucial.

Furthermore in the globalization era, Indonesia needs a person who capable not

only in mastering the science and technology but also in mastering the tool to

present science and technology, that is English.

2. Speaking Ability

Speaking is the most important skill in English language teaching. As we know

speaking is a human intelligent to make a sound and convey the opinions of his

mind. Based on Thornburry, “speaking is interactive and requires the ability to

cooperate in the management of speaking turn. Speaking is a skill, and as such

needs to be developed and practiced independently of the grammar curriculum”.25

It means that, speaking ability has been considered as activities by which the


Mary Ann Cunningham Florez, 1999. Improving Adult English Language Learner’s

Speaking Skills. Retrieved from (accessed on March

20, 2015). 24

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (Edinburgh: Longman, 2007), p.60 25

Scott Thurnburry, How to Teach Speaking,(London:Longman,2005),p.iv

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students try to express taught, feeling, opinion, and to exchange information by

using utterances in the form of communication. Therefore, the teacher has to give

opportunity for students to speak and improve their speaking ability.

According to Fulcher, “speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate

with others; the focus of its skill is to increase the students‟ ability to

communicate in the language target”.26

It means that, speaking skill is the ability

to use language in an oral form. For most foreign language learners, speaking skill

is somewhat difficult. This probably because they think that the language target is

different with their native language. And sometimes they feel it affects the

mastery of another language. Teaching students speak a foreign language is not

easy. It needs a hard work and a long process. Just like other abilities, speaking is

needed to practice. Thus, the students have to speak foreign language in their daily

activity. It will be effective for students and they will know about components of

language from those process. According to Brown, there are five components

must be fulfilled in speaking classroom which recognized in analysis of speech

process, “Those are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and


The elaboration of each component is described below:

1. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is practiced to know how to pronounce of words same as native

speakers. In the pronunciation, the people will know about accent, there are


Glenn Fulcher, Testing Second language speaking (Pearson:Longman,2003),p.23. 27

H. Douglass Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practice, (New

York: Longman,2003),p.172-173

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two common accent in English; those are British and American which related

to use segmental features, vowel, consonants, stress and intonation.

2. Grammar

Grammar is structure and system of language, grammar is very important in

speech process because when people will say something they have to arrange

same of words to be sentences that related in the situation. Actually, they do

not need memorize all of pattern from grammar because it will be difficult for

them to speak English. They have to know about subject, predicate and form of

word that related with the time and situation.

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is collection of words or a set of words which have meaning. It has

function for building sentences. The people can not to communicate well if

they do not have sufficient vocabulary. If the people have improved their

speaking ability, it will be seen from vocabulary and the kind of word is used

by them.

4. Fluency

Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency

in a language means speaking easily, reasonably, quickly and without having to

stop and pause a lot.

5. Comprehension

Comprehension is the understanding idea. It means that the people can answer

or express the sentence well correctly; it shows that she/he comprehends or

understands well.

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All of those components will produce speech that can be understood in

communication, good pronunciation, grammatically knowledge, vocabularies

mastery, comprehension in meaning and fluency are needed in building a speech.

However it must be remembered that language and speech are meant for

communication. It is not enough for students to learn words, phrases and

grammatical only. Students have to produce speech in their daily communication.

Learning language is about practicing and generating speech. Students need to

express their meaning by doing much practice in speaking.

3. Students’ Speaking Ability

Students‟ speaking ability is formed by three words, they are: students, speaking,

and ability. According to Hamalik in Junia Student is important component in

teaching and learning process in school.28

It means that students is someone that

still being taught or learning in a school.

Cameron says that speaking is the active use of language to access other people‟s

meaning, so that the other people can make sense of them.29

It means that

speaking is making people understand speakers‟ feeling and ideas by doing an act

of communication using language. At the time people produce utterances, they

deliver their meanings, feelings, ideas, and desires.


Junia, et al, 2012, Persepsi Siswa Tentang Process Pembelajaran Oleh Guru Non PKn

di SMA Mulya Kedaton Bandar Lampung, a journal education research availale at

http/ Accessed on 23 November 2019 at 11:38 pm 29

Lynn Cameron, Teachng Language to Young Learners, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University aparess,2001),p.40

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Ability is condition of being able; power and capacity to do or act in any relation;

competence in any occupation or field of action, from the possession of capacity,

skill, means, or other qualification.30

So, ability is someone‟s capability or

competence of doing something or action.

From the description above, we can conclude that students‟ speaking ability is

students‟ capability to communicate using language to convey their idea and

feeling to achieve an understanding with each other.

The important thing in speaking is understand the information or message that

given by the speaker. According to Brown, they are five criteria to assess

students‟ speaking ability: grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and


Thus, the students‟ speaking ability in this research is students‟ capacity to

express their ideas, opinions, feeling and experiences using English with good

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

4. Types of Speaking

According to Brown, there are several types of speaking, they are:

1. Imitative. At one end of a continuum of types of speaking performance the

ability to simply parrot back (imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a



Richard Bradley, Ability: Definition and Meaning, an article available at, accessed on 23

November 2019 at 11:48 pm 31

H.Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practice,(New

York: Longman,2003),p.172-173

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2. Intensive. A second type of speaking frequently employed in assessment

context is the production of short stretches of oral language designed to

demonstrate competence in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical,

or phonological relationship. The speaker must be aware of semantic

properties in order to be able to respond, but interaction with the interlocutor

or test administrator is minimal at best.

3. Responsive. Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test

comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversation,

standard greetings and small talk, simple request and comments, and the


4. Interactive. The difference between responsive and interactive speaking is in

the length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes includes

multiple exchanges and/or multiple participants.

5. Extensive (monologue). Extensive oral production tasks include speeches,

oral presentation, and storytelling, during which opportunity for oral

interaction from listeners is either highly limited or ruled out altogether.32

5. Teaching Speaking

Good speaking activities can and should be extremely engaging for the students. If

they are participating fully and the teacher has set up the activity properly and can

then give sympathetic and useful feedback, they will get tremendous satisfaction

from it. Scott suggests that teaching of speaking depends on there being a

classroom culture of speaking, and that classroom need to become „talking



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classroom‟. In other words, students will be much more confidents speakers (and

their speaking abilities will improve) if this kind of speaking activation is a

regular feature of lessons.33

It means that the teachers should make the students

feel engage to active in speaking class, so the learners can improve their skill.

One of the best way for you to help learners activate this knowledge is to put them

in ‟safe‟ situation in class where they are inspired and encouraged to try using

language from their „store‟. These would not mainly be activities that teach „new‟

language; rather, they would allow learners to try out language that they already

understand and have „learned‟, but not yet made part of their active personal

repertoire. Generally speaking, you are likely to want to create activities in which

learners feel less worried about speaking, less under pressure, less nervous about

trying things out.34

It is important to make students relax in teaching and learning

process. „

According to Ur, there are some characteristics of a successful speaking activity:

1. Learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period time allotted to the

activity is in fact occupied by learner talk. This may seem obvious, but often

most time is taken up with teacher talk or pauses.

2. Participation is even. Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of

talkative participants: all get a chance to speak, and contribution a fairly

evenly distributed.


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (Edinburg:Pearson education

Limited,2007),p.23 34

Jim scrivener, Learning Teaching a Guidebook for English Language Teacher,

(Macmilan: Macmilan Education,2005),p.148

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3. Motivation is high. Learners are eager to speak. Because they are interested in

the topic and have something new to say about it, or because they want to

contribute to achieving a task objective.

4. Language is of an acceptable level. Learners express themselves in utterances

that are relevant, comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level of

language accuracy.35

Based on the explanation above, we know that the important things in teaching

speaking are make the students motivate, active, and engage in learning. It is

important to make the class situation fun and enjoy in teaching and learning


6. Characteristic of Spoken Language

According to Nunan, the successful oral communication involves developing:

b. The ability to articulate phonological features of the language


c. Mastery stress, rhythm, intonation patterns

d. An acceptable and interpersonal skills

e. Transactional and interpersonal skills

f. Skills in taking short and long speaking turn

g. Skills in the management of interaction

h. Skills in negotiating meaning


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University


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i. Skills in knowing about the negotiating purposes for conversations.36

Harmer said that there are two elements of speaking that we should pay attention

to have a good ability to speak well, namely:

1. Language features

Language features consist of connected speech in which sounds are

modified (assimilation), omitted (elision), and added (linking), or

weakened (thought contractions and stress patterning); expensive devices

which contributes to the ability to convey meanings; lexis and grammar in

which teacher plays an important role to provide a variety of phrase for

different functions; and negotiation language which is used to seek

clarification and to show the structure of what we are saying.

2. Mental/ social processing

This element consists of first, language processing in the process in which

language is put into coherent order so that it comes out in forms that are

not only comprehensible, but also convey meanings that are intended .

Second is interacting with others. It means that effective speaking also

involves a good deal of listening an understanding of how the other

participants are feelings, and knowledge of how linguistically to take turns

or allow others to do so. The third is information processing. It is ability to


David nunan. Designing Task For Communicative Classroom . (new York: Cambridge

University Press, 1989) p. 32

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process the information process the participants tell the speaker the

moment she gets it.37

7. Points to Consider About Speaking

Speaking is a form of communication, so it is important that you say is conveyed

in the most effective way. How you say something can be as important as what

you say in getting your meaning across. Jones stated that there are some points to

consider about speaking. They are:

a. Clarity

The words you speak must be clear if listeners are to understand what you

say. This means speaking your words distinctly and separately, not running

them together, and slurring them.

b. Variety

Speech has its own rhythms and tunes. The voice usually rises, for instance,

to indicate a question. Some words in a sentence require more emphasis than

others if the meaning is to be clear. Unimportant words tend to be spoken

more quickly than important ones. Consider things like pitch, emphasis,

speed, variations in volume, pauses.

c. Audience and Tone

The way you speak and the tone you use will be affected by the audience to

whom you are speaking.38

37 Jeremy Harmer. The Practice of English Teaching. (Cambridge: Pearson Edition,

2001), pp. 269-271

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In speaking, speakers must consider the three point above so that they can convey

meaning as effectively as possible.

8. Definition of Text

1. Text

Text is a meaningful linguistic unit in a context. According to Sanggam Siahaan,

text is both a spoken text and written text.39

A spoken text is any meaning spoken

text. It can be a word or a phrase or a sentence or a discourse. A written text is any

meaningful written text.40

It means that text is a number of words to give a

message to somebody in have a struwritten or spoken.

Text have a structure, they are orderly grammatical of words, clauses and

sentences, and by following grammatical rules writers can encode a full semantic

representation of their intended meanings.41

It means that text is used as a

communication by the writer with organized the structure of the text on

grammatical of words, clauses and sentences.


Rhodry Jones, Speaking and Listening, (London: John Murray Publishers Ltd, 1989),

p.14 39

Sanggam Siahaan, Kisno Shinoda, Generic Text Structure (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu,

2008),p.1 40

Mark Anderson, Kathy Anderson, Text Type in English (South Yarra: Macmillan

Education Australia,1997),p.1 41

Ken Hyland, Teaching and Researching Writing, Second Edition (Edinburgh Gate:

Pearson Education Limited,2009),p.8

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2. Genres of the Text

Gerot and Wignel classify the genre into thirteen types. They are:

a. Spoof

Spoof is a text to retell an event with a humorous twist.

b. Recount

Recount is a text to retell events for the purpose of informing or


c. Report

Report is a text to describe the way things are with reference to a range of

natural, man-made and social phenomena in our environment.

d. Analytical Exposition

Analytical exposition is a text to persuade the reader or listener that

something in the case.

e. News Item

News item is a text to inform the readers, listeners or viewers about events

of the day which are considered news worthy or important.

f. Anecdote

Anecdote is a text to share with others an account of an usual or amusing


g. Narrative

Narrative is a text to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious

experience in the different way.

h. Procedure

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Procedure text is a text to describe how something is accomplished

through a sequence of actions or steps.

i. Description

Description text is a text to describe a particular person, place or thing.

j. Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition text is a text to persuade the reader or listener that

something or should not be the case.

k. Explanation

Explanation text is a text to explain the process involved in the formation

or workings of natural or sociocultural phenomena.

l. Discussion

Discussion text is a text to present (at least) two points of view about an


m. Reviews

Review text is a text to critique an art work or event for a public


Based on those explanation, it can be concluded that there are many kinds of text.

The kinds of the text those must be mastered by the students in speaking for

increasing the students‟ speaking ability. In this research, the researcher only

focuses in descriptive text as the form of speaking that was investigated because

this kind of speaking form is concluded as the material should be learned by the

students for the eighth grade.


Linda Gerot, Peter Wignell, Making Sense of Functional Grammar (Sydney: Gerd

Stabler, 1994),p.192-220

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9. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is basically to give information. Descriptive text kind of the text

which is aimed to describe particular thing, animal, or human being (certain thing,

our pets, or someone we know well).43

It is different from report text which

described something in general (for example a specific of animal species, an

architect of certain era, and so on).

According to Kane, description is about sensory experience how something looks,

sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with

other kinds of perception.44

Pardiyono says that there are several things that we

need to know and understand about descriptive. They are purpose, rhetorical

structure, and grammatical pattern.45

a) Purpose

Description is a type of written text, which has the specific function to

give description about an object (human or non-human).

b) Rhetorical Structure

1. Identification: general description about an object.

2. Description: specific description about an object.

c) Grammar Pattern

1. Use declarative sentence and simple present tense.

2. Use conjuction.


Ibid,p.208 44

Thomas S. Kane, Essential Guide to writing (New York: Oxford University Press,

2000),p.6 45

Pardiyono, Pasti Bisa Genre Based Writing, (Yogyakarta: CV Andi Offset, 2007),p.34

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Descriptive text is a text to describe something, such as persons, places, or things.

So, it normally takes on three forms, they are:

a. Description of people

People are different, and writing description of people is different. You are

probably already aware of some of the complication because you have often

been asked, “what‟s so-and-like?” In replying, you might resort to

identification, an impression, or a character sketch, depending on the situation.

b. Description of a place

In describing a place for example a room, what should you describe first? the

wall? the floor? Unlike a chronologically developed paragraph, there is no set

pattern for arranging sentences in descriptive paragraph. It is not necessary to

begin with one area and then proceeds to another one. Nevertheless, the

sentences should not be randomly arranged.

c. Description of a things

To describe a thing the writer must have a good imagination about that thing

that will be describe. Besides, to make our subjects as interesting and as vivid

to our readers as they are to us: using proper nouns and effective verbs.

Based on the explanation about descriptive text above, the writer takes conclusion

that the descriptive text is the text that describes a person, thing, place, or animal

that has been specific based on what they see, hear, taste, smell, or touch. There

are two generic structures that should be contains in descriptive text, they are

identification and description.

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10. Descriptive Text Speaking Ability

Descriptive text is basically to give information. Descriptive text is kind of the

text which is aimed to describe particular thing, animal, or human being (certain

things, our pets, or someone we know well).46

Based on the explanation above,

the researcher concluded that descriptive text is a text that describe a person,

thing, place, or an animal that has been specific based on what they see, hear,

taste, smell, or touch.

According to Lado in Kusumaryati speaking ability is described as the ability to

report acts or situation, in precise words, or the ability to covers or to express a

sequence of ideas fluently.47

According to Brown, there are five criteria to assess

students‟ speaking ability, they are: grammar, vocabulary, comprehension,

fluency, and pronunciation.48

Speaking means an ability to communicate what is

in our mind with other people.

Descriptive text is useful to help students‟ speaking ability, because this text is

about describe characteristic of the object and more use in simple present tense.

It‟s very easy to students do, so students just explain about characteristic.49


Linda Garot, Op.Cit,p.208 47

Sri Endang Kusumaryati, Improving Englsih Speaking Ability through Classroom

Discussion,p.32 An article available at

y6mmkhri. Accessed on 26 November 2019. 48

H. Douglas Brown, Op.Cit, p.172-173 49

Julis Prasetyo and Djasminar Anwar, Teaching Speaking Using Descritptive Text,

internet TEFL Journal 2014.

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Based on the explanation above, the researcher conducted study about how the

descriptive text applied in teaching speaking, as we know the descriptive text are

kind of the text beside other text like narrative, recount, procedure, report, etc.

Based on the description above, the researcher took conclusion that descriptive

text speaking ability is students‟ capacity to express their ideas, opinions, feelings,

and experiences with good pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and

comprehension to describe a person, thing, places, or an animal and what they see,

hear, taste, smell, or touch.

C. Dictogloss Technique

1. Definition of Dictogloss Technique

Dictogloss is a technique in which short piece of language are read out at

normal speed to students.50

This technique will be more easily accepted by

students because they were too complicated and make it easier for students to

understand what the teachers speak.

George said that dictoglos is a teaching technique which incorporates various

activities such as listening, taking notes, discussing, and reconstructing. He

explains that text reconstruction task provides students with the opportunities to

display both their knowledge of the content of the text as well as of the

organizational structure and language features of the text.51

It means that

dictogloss gives opportunities to the students to comprehend what they have


R. wajnryb, Grammar Dictation, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1990, P.5 51

Jacobs George, Combining Dictogloss and Cooperative Learning to Promote Language

Learning, Sydney : Melting Pot Press, 1986, P.5

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heard in form of notes, discuss with their friends and teacher, and speak up in

front of the class.

Mark and Kathy Anderson state that dictogloss is more than just dictation.

Dictogloss comes from the words “dictation” and “glossary”. Dictation is when

one person reads a passage aloud and the audience writes what is said (dictated).

A glossary is a list of words with their meaning written beside them.52

The researcher taught that dictogloss is the development of dictation technique,

and it is learning technique with fun activities. It is a classroom activity where the

teacher reads short text, the students just listen. Then, the teacher reads again, and

the students write key words of the text in their paper. After that, they divided into

several small groups to reconstruct their text. And the students come forward

individually to speak up their result.

Based on the explanation, the researcher concluded that dictogloss is the

integrated skill technique which the students re-create the text or story read by the

teacher to the students, dictogloss is a form of dictation, but one in which the

students hear and reconstruct the whole text, rather than doing so line by line. This

technique involves the students collaboratively reconstructing the text from

memory and then comparing it with the original.


Mark Anderson-Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2 (South Yarra: Macmillan

Education Australia PTY LTD, 1997), p.5 and 46

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2. Procedure of Teaching Speaking through Dictogloss Technique

1. Procedures of Dictogloss According to Wajnryb

a. Preparation

At this stage, teachers prepare students for the text they will be hearing by asking

questions and discussing a stimulus picture, by discussing vocabulary, by ensuring

that students know what they are supposed to do, and by ensuring that the students

are in the appropriate groups.

b. Dictation

Learners hear the dictation twice. The first time, they listen only and get a general

feeling for the text. The second time, they take down notes, being encouraged to

listen for content words which will assist them in reconstructing the text.

c. Reconstruction

At the conclusion of the dictation, learners take notes and produce their version of

the text. During this stage it is important that the teacher does not provide any

language input.

d. Analysis and correction

There are various ways of dealing with this stage. The small group versions can be

reproduced on the board or overhead projector, the texts can be photocopied and

distributed, or the students can compare their version with the original, sentence

by sentence. There are various ways of conducting this. The teachers will conduct

this session in their preferred fashion.53

53 R. Wajnryb, Grammar Dictation, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1990,p.5

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2. Procedures of Dictogloss According to George Jacobs and John Small

The basic format is as follows:

a. The class engages in some discussion on the topic of the upcoming text. This

topic is one on which students have some background knowledge, hopefully, and

interest. The class may also discuss the type of the text, e.g., narrative, procedure,

or explanation, and the purpose, organizational structure, and language features of

that text type.

b. The teacher reads the text aloud once at normal speed as students listen but do

not write. The text cab be selected by teachers from newspapers, textbooks, etc.,

or teachers can write their own or modify an existing text. The text should be at or

below students‟ current overall proficiency level, although there may be some

new vocabulary. It may even be a text that students have seen before. The length

of the text depends on students‟ proficiency level.

c. The teacher reads the text again at normal speed and students take notes.

Students are not trying to write down every word spoken; they could not even if

they tried, because the teacher is reading at normal speed.54

In this research, the researcher focused in teaching dictogloss in speaking. So the

researcher choosen the procedure from Wajnryb because his theory is more

complete than Jacob and Small‟s theory.


George Jacobs and John Small, Combining Dictogloss and Cooperative Learning to

Promote Language alaearning, Sydney: Melting Pot Press,1986,p.5

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3. The Advantages of Dictogloss Technique

Dictogloss as one of technique that can be used in speaking learning brings some

advantages when it is implemented. According to George, there are some

advantages of dictogloss. Those advantages are:

a. By dictogloss, students are actively involved in the learning process and there

are multiple opportunities for peer learning and peer teaching. It is because

dictogloss combines individual and group activities in which students listen

and take notes individually and then reconstruct the text together.

b. The reconstruction stage helps students try out their hypotheses and

subsequently to identify their strength and weakness. The reconstruction and

correction stages help the students to compare input to their own

representation of the text and identify the possible gaps.

c. Dictogloss can help students recreate the text rather than depend on the

teacher to provide the information. The analysis and correction stage enables

the students to see where they have done well and where they need to


d. Dictogloss technique integrative learning activity which involves reading,

speaking, writing, and listening. So the students can develop their four skills

in English. 55

The researcher concluded that dictogloss technique has the advantages where the

students can get all of English skills needed which covers reading, speaking,

writing, and listening.



Page 48: THE INFLUENCE OF USING DICTOGLOSS TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ SPEAKING … THESIS 2.pdf · 2020. 6. 22. · Speaking is one of the most difficult

Besides the advantages, dictogloss technique has disadvantages, they are:

a. Subject matter of the text may not interest all learners

b. Dominant learners may prevent others from participating fully (especially

during reconstruction stage)

c. Learners are unfamiliar with the teaching approach may want to write down

every word dictated.56

To overcome the problems is the teacher must make the material as good as

possible, the teacher asked the students to not cheat with the other during

reconstruction stage, the teacher must dictate with the familiar word and the

teacher must manage the class fun so the students enjoy the learning process.

D. Role Play

a. Definition of Role Play

For the control class the researcher used a role play as the technique. Brown says

that role play is a popular pedagogical activity in communicative language

teaching within constrains set forth by the guideline, it frees students to be

somewhat creative in their linguistic output. In some versions, role play allows

some rehearsal time so that students can map out what they are going to say. And

it has the effect of lowering anxieties as students can, even for a new moments,

take the person of someone other than themselves. 57


stella Bullock, Dictogloss, Available on, Accessed

on 23 November 2019 57

H. Douglas Brown, Op.Cit,p.174

Page 49: THE INFLUENCE OF USING DICTOGLOSS TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ SPEAKING … THESIS 2.pdf · 2020. 6. 22. · Speaking is one of the most difficult

Larsen explains that role play is when the students are asked to pretend

temporarily that they are someone else and to perform in the target language as if

they were they person. They are often asked to create their own lines relevant to

the situation.58

From the definition above, the writer concludes that role play is a technique for

teaching speaking by asking students to act or doing something that relevant to the

situation. They can make and map out what they are going to say according to the

situation that the teacher has given.

b. Procedure of Role Play

Scrivener explains that in role play, learners are usually given some information

about a „role‟ (e.g. a person or job title). These are often printed on „role card‟.

Learner take a little preparation time and then meet up with other students to act

out small scenes using their own ideas, as well as any ideas and information from

her role cards.59

To make it clear about this technique, the technique will be

applied in some steps as follows:

1. The teacher gives an information and situation about something that will

be played by students. For example describing his/her pet to his friend.

2. Then the students take a preparations time to develop that information

3. The students act in front of class.60

c. The Advantages of using Role Play


Diane, Larsen- Freeman, Technique and Principles in Language Teaching, (New

York:Oxford University Press,2000),p.84-85 59

Jim Scrivener, Learning Teaching a Guidebook for English Teacher,

(Macmilan:Macmilan Education,2005)p.155 60


Page 50: THE INFLUENCE OF USING DICTOGLOSS TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ SPEAKING … THESIS 2.pdf · 2020. 6. 22. · Speaking is one of the most difficult

Harmer states that role play has three advantages, they are:

1. They can be good fun and motivating

2. They allow hesitant to be more fort right in their opinion and behavior

without having to take responsibility for what they say in the way that

they do when they are speaking for themselves

3. By broadening the world of the classroom to include outside, they allow

student to use such wider range of language than some more centered

activities may do61


From description above, the writer concludes that by using role play, the students

gave freedom to express their mind to spoke.

d. The Disadvantages of using Role Play

1. The teacher have to do more preparation for setting up the background,

contexts, and learning goals for the role play activities.

2. It may quite difficult to access proficiency of the students on their role

may performance. 62

To overcome this problem the teacher needs to prepare all of properties needed for

the students and the teacher must guide the students to access proficiency well.

E. Frame of Thinking

Language is very important in our life because language is a tool for

communication human being uses language as a means in expressing idea, feeling


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching (forth Ed),

(Edinburg:pearson Education Limited),p.353 62

Chan C, Assessment Role Play, Assessment Resource Centre, University of Hongkong

Available at, Accessed on 23 November 2019,at 1:03 pm

Page 51: THE INFLUENCE OF USING DICTOGLOSS TECHNIQUE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ SPEAKING … THESIS 2.pdf · 2020. 6. 22. · Speaking is one of the most difficult

and expectation to the other people in interaction among them. Speaking is an

important thing and one aspect that should be mastered by the students in learning

English. Mastering speaking is required to make the students easier in

comprehending the conversation and listening in English. It means the English

teacher should have good technique or good teaching media in teaching English.

Teacher have to know many kind of teaching technique and they must know how

to influence the technique in the class.

They have to be able to choose the appropriate technique that can be used in

delivering lesson. They also should be able to use various techniques to make

their students not getting bored in studying English. One of the techniques that

can be used in teaching and learning process specially to increase students

speaking ability is by using dictogloss technique.

Based on theories above it can conclude that dictogloss technique can provide

development and improvement of the students‟ skill by interacting together. The

students can achieve and improve their speaking. The writer assumes the

dictogloss technique is suitable to collect scores. This technique can make the

students more active and creative in learning English speaking ability.

F. Hypothesis

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From all of theories that are discussed above, the hypotheses can be formulated

as follows:

Ha : there is a significant influence of using dictogloss technique towards

students‟ speaking ability at the first semester of the eighth grade of

SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year of 2018/2019.

Ho : there is no significant influence of using dictogloss technique towards

students‟ speaking ability at the first semester of the eighth grade of

SMPN 15 Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year of 2018/2019.

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