the inn - nys historic...

*!#! ?.m mil i FACE TWO . Community Calendar CMIWJI Food Co-op meeting, M«y 5,7 p.m. at Civfc Ceater. This Is the l«rt CieM>eye otder until Fall, The tost Quandtsfltderf«U Witt be on Juae 2nd. Hie Tieowlerog* Senior citizens €tat>, wiU hold a business meeting at titt Cfcic Center on Tuesday, May 5ft, at 7:30 p.m. A MK^ evening win follow. - May 6 Tn* Kanpp Senior Citizen Oub will meet at ffteir toonj in the former Masonic Hall in Crown Point, W«dne$cl»y, May 6th, A covered dish dinner will be served at noon. Ptease bring a di$h to pass, also bring an item for the "Silent Auction" to benefit the dub. > The Ticonderoga Chapter BAR will mejst |ftt&§Ry| May 9, at the home of Mrs. Elmer Wood inWar- rensburg, NY. A report of Continental Congress will be ^ven, annuid report* of committees. Members will leave Ticondewga at it a.m-and each bring>ftflov*«&ipfc^ :•-•"•' > M a y 1 0 '• •-•^•^u\" On May 10th. Mothers Day. Ticonderoga will hold Breakfast for the Members Mothers w Breakfast will be served at the Lodge | oo^i|tiU tiB all. are serye<£ All taothets ^ ^ c ^ M M t a K Triubte toJaoSBefti^lm'teajjM(^$flK"* W '' •>"••':• Mm^W -•^ : - : ^m : \^-%0' The "Wheels fot tafc" Bike-a-thon^tti& &siaIne^M Vfoage of Ifcciider^^ ,Bikets .are a s l a ^ l o ^ a . s n o i ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ & i p : money for each mile the biker'*&&$&fcftnJWke-a- then, Sponsor sheets ane availabliafe^|ia^Scbooi **$,&* MiBy*a.l?ot further information please contact Jim MuH^k^ijki^^hM Chafjto, «| $&$&,. Pro- ^ A ^ ^ M P cWIdhoodoancervat the St. Jude'sChUdren'sHospital. \ ' ., . .., . ... : v ".,:.• May.12 ...' - . -V ,. A %e Blood Pressure Clinic will be held at the Senior Citizenroommthe former Masonic Hall, in Crown Point oitT^esday jM>y Ufa from 9 a.m. to JU a.m. Those 18 years of ,age and older are invited to attend. ."..>.. ";.,.,,.",' -£fapl3< National Hospital Auxiliary Day will be celebrated on Wednesday, M*y 13th, at which,time the Moses- l^5%gt$m hospital Auxiliary will have a reception for .It'll.-past and present members. These people-are all volunteers who have given unselfishly of their time and efforts to support the work of the Auxiliary. The reception will tie held in the Hospital Pavilion at 7:30 P.M. on May 13th, when the award is grvjeft to the volunteer who is selected among others for special sup- port and servicetothe Auxiliary. This will be the 15th annual presentation of this special award and all past recipients have been invited to attend. May 17 Independence Day Committee Meeting will be held May 17th in the Chamber of Commerce Office, Com- munity Building at 4 p.m. Any one interested pan attend. May 19 The Ticonderoga Senior Citizens Club will have a covered dish supper on Tuesday, May 19th at 6 p.m. Each family please bring a covered dish. A social even- ing will follow. Hospital Notes ADMISSIONS: Ticonderoga: Brian Henry, Debra Caunter, Gary Crammond, Leona H. Henry, Grace Taylor, Welton Fuller. Crown Point: Adwilda Burris, Arthur T. O'Brien. Port Henry: Donna Nesbitt DISCHARGES: Ticonderoga: Robert Trombley, Brian Henry, Debra Caunter Port Heuy: Donna Nesbitt Morlah: Earl O'Neil Hague: Nelson Waters "Reno Night" on Saturday <!> mf***#mmm, Provoncha, Stanley married in A>.. 1CT ' #K \z. 'i/r~«i v '* -B :\ m J\* On Saturday, April 4, 1981, Pennyfc.fcrovoo- cha and mu^to^ker R. Stanley were united in jnarriage by |life Rev. Timothy Isolden at Sacred Heart Church, Crown Point, NY. The bride Is- the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Provoncha, of Ticonderoga. K5f, T&e groom is the son of Mr.. and and Mrs, Benjamin Stanley of Crown Point, Matron of Honor wa* Debra Weber, Baiw- bridge, NY, sister of the Nowack, Chafee wed here Dr, MkluelfieeBlKr, ' ',." , . •'.•*•" ^ V r * doctor opens new practice in Crown Point Dr. Michael I,. Beehner ^1974'thfougo 1976 iriclud- recerttly apppfiftef^to.fhe ed a year in "general andr Moses-JLU-tfl^vgion plastic surgery at St.* Fran- Hospital Medical Staff, cis Hospital in Witchita announces th^ opf^ing of followed by 1 a year of "^ ^atf IWPe «» Family Practice Residen- > 1 i°v .. «y at foe Universtiv of Dr. Buhner ,f famjiy Wiscohsini/* M-. ' practittoner; is/jarfieular- " j^ ipctober iWo|% ly interesteldin the field Of Beehner j o n i e a ^ « f * allergies, pediatries., " / - « - J ^^^^* d obstetrics 'and gynecology. Dr. Beehner will maintain two offices in the area. One is the south wing of the old hospital and the other in Dr. Miller's home in Crown Point. However, until space is available the doctor will see all patients at the Crown Point office. A native of Marcellus, NY he attended Loyola University, Chicago, HI., where he received his B.S. in Biology in 1967. After graduation he centered thesUniversity of Illinois ^£bl%e of ^fejdicine iC receiving his medical degree in 1971. His internship at Wesley Medical Center, WTiicita, Kansas, includ- ed the first year of Family Practice Residency. Following this Dr. Beehner entered Public Health Service under the National Health Service Corp., West Winfield, NY in a rural general practice until 1974. His residencies from Susan S. Nowack of Scawdale, NYaadJ. Paul Chaffee of ErtdWf, NY exhnaged marriage vows April 24, 1*81 in Ticonderoga, Nlf. The bride is the daughter of Mrs/ f Gwynne JSpeacer and the late CSwynne Speacer of $enr$d*tfc« NY andpunedun, WL>'<- K The groom m the spn of Mr. and Mt$: Lk>p R. Chaffee of Bndico«t,JNY. > Howard Poirter ;was the. best man ajid ,LeM Porter vrtis matron of hone*, The bride^ vas givdn^a^ay by ^ her son Hstary NCowack. -The groom U acPeaco Of- , ^ficer-foi: Broome COHHO^, ^ NY and the brid-e is a ^ Recreational -Xbierapist May Crowning at St. Mary's oh%Am$T \ -St. Mary's Parish "will honor, the Blessed -Mfpther in a special May Crowning i> _.__ i _ >v , ^, . -ceremony 'en Thursday duuihead MelfcaliGloup. 'evening, May 7, s*t T-30 While on thfe; |raff of P* m - i n S t - Mairy'-s Church. The students of St. Mary's School will form a living' rosary with dif- ferent students leading the " prayers The ceremony will also consist of hymns, a horatly, the crowning of Mary's statue'' and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Elected by the eighth grade students" of St. Mary's School, Jennifer Fitzgerald as May Queen, will place a floral crown on a-statuerofjtbe JBles^ed Mother The e^ire? eighth grqde class, wdl foxnj^the May Queen's Court The month of rMay is dedicated to the Blessed Mother. She is the patroness of St Mary's Parish and St Mary's School Mary was also chosen by the Bishwps of for New York State. Friends and relatives at- tendeda reception follow- ing the ceremony^ ,. Huestis, Treadway engapsd k Mrl and Mrs.. Jaincs Treadway of Chilson, an-> v •nouncd the engagement of their daughtei 1 ,' Kimberiy^Jean, to X^anry %J, HueStis, son of the late : Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Huestis of Streetroad. v <• •> A May wedding is 1 plan- < t ned in New .Mexico. 4 toe\Ui$eJ. Shies' to he the patroness of our coun- try. Members of St Mary's Parish antf local residents''are invited and encouraged tof/join in thus' special Marian devotion. bride. Bridesmaid* wttrv; Mary Hope StanlajF, Crown Point, NY, tbtor of the groom and Keft)r Provoncha, Ticonderoga, NY sister of the Sride. Jr. Bridesmaid was Amy Pro- voncha, Ticonderoga, NY sister of the bride. Best man was Matthew Schenk, Flint, Mich, and U.S.C.O. Air Station, Cape Cod, Mass. Ushers wews: Brian Oel^en^ Gilmanton, NH and U.§.C.G, Air Station V^MtjHt>i$ BQty Provoni cha, JHoOJiKieroja, NY brothMrolflw bride. Altar boy aasuting tfe Rev. Ladden was Bern jamln Stanley, Jr. brofljf of the groom. Ge«i§ Crov^ OrgasUt was LaOrange of Point. A reception immediate, ly following the ceremony was held at the EMA Club in Ticmderoga, NY. T^ /couple will make the* home at the U.S.C.G. AF ii'tHIH'I'll |i I .ill 111' IWW'IU'^'I^HDIH^"* 1 PAGE THREE mm -~ Moriah Colleen Cohen Cape Cod, Mas*, and Ihn Force Station, Cape Cod Sullivan, Binghamton.NY until August when they and U.S.C.G. Air BAse will set out for their oe» Cape Cod) Mass. Jr. home in Sitka, Alaska. THE INN Mineville Center reopens in July "™V : ^5" on Lakeview MedJcaKCenter he became Medical Director of the Northland Care Skilled JJursing Home, a 110 bed facility. He also was Chief of In- fectious Diseases at the Hospital. On April 1, 19?9 he opened a solo practice in Lake Placid, NY, Follow- ing this Dr. Beehner returned to Wisconsin to join the Mid American Emergency Medical Ser- vice in Madison. Dr. Beehner is a diplqmaUoff jjje Atmerican Board,,of Family Practice and a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Dr. Beehner, his wife - Harrilyn, an occupational therapist and their four children reside in Crown Point, NY. Sentinel < ; Office Hours '8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Mother's Day fete at Nursing Home National Nursing Home Week will be observed in New York State beginning on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th Moses-Ludrngton Nurs- ing HomeJn Ticonderogar has scheduled a number of events for that week. These events include: Mother's Day Tea; a spaghetti supper courtesy of the Red Baron Restaurant;, a blue,-eras& MOTHER'S DAT \ AtTttEWJ ! ?T \ Rdastieg of LanuV Fresh Garden Carrots Ughtfy lemoned with freih fennel, twice baked potato; garden salad and for dessert . „ a n r Cher» own Peanut Butter Pie or J; Strawberries with Double Cream $8.50 ' V-\ As a special treat for mother, the. Inn present her with a free orchid ftowiaut , frop Hawaii jnst for her day, "l i Serving from 1?:00 Reservedom Pteasert ^ 518-962-8666 '' ' The Mineville Health £are Center closed this ^eei. It wili reopen on July 15* "whon Dr, ^rwin Lange and Dr, Maty Deal arrive to begin their prac- tice. They intend to hold office hours 8 to 4, Mon- day through Ifriday, Dr. l »ex. Park Place, No* 2^Moriah Orange, jNo. 3-Mineville JFjre House, Jfo. 4-Fort Henry Fire House, Church $t. Moriah Grange Display Commemorating Grange Week, th$ Moriah Grange 1128 ar- ranged a display last week at *" Lambert's Sewing Center in Pprt Henry, In thrfe r e c e n t c o n t e s t , Eleano^ Hyatt's^ fwitcakf took first place, with ^B^fcinuetoseepatjentsiinher <Loretta Baxters ^secoaid, >ffiqeh\ Crown Point, » ' andAyisStwldard'stlnW^ i ^w t> ^ » " 2 * Hy?tt> fruitcake vnU be~ evening from § to 9 ^ M*^?^^ entered at the % Esse? includin| Jaturday ^and wOl meet May 13 Cbunty Pomona Grangb The regular theettng <jf ^eeHng; and i£ it fi te Woriah Co%erned ( ^ ^ % t»i r S3 Michelle Moore wdl con- IMteevtte Bowling Lanes Hoars Dan Burgey would hke to remind bowlers that the Mineville WW Bowling lanes .are Stdt open every $ the Swmgmg "Sauits*Xlt chen Band. The public is invited to stop by a nursing home next week and get a first- hand look at the care be- ing provided to the elderly and convalescent. The Kiwanis Club of Ticonderoga has invited all residents of the area to a Reno Night at the Indian Kettles Restaurant this Saturday, 8 p.m. to mid- night. There will be gaming tables with some of your neighbors as croupiers. The "gambhng" will of course be in script money, but there will be prizes for the winners. The $5 admission pro- vides fun and refreshments for the even- ing. The door prize is a deluxe outdoor gas barbecue grill. In addi- tion, the admission cost gives $5,000 in script money, which can be used for blackjack, roulette and other games. Those with the most -winnings over the evening will get prizes donated by local merchants. Refreshments are included in the price of admission and the cash bar at Indian Kettles will be open. Tickets are available from any Kiwanis member, and at the door on Saturday night. The house percentage in this case will go to com- munity, projects of. -the, Kiwanis Club. In addition to the regular scholarship and youth, acf&fiife's, Kiwanis is curieattly heading up a project for improvement of the com- munity park. Sex Ed program for parents On Tuesday, May 5, 1981, from 7 - 9 oan.. Mrs. Carol Fairley, Fami- ly Life Education Pro- gram Director for the New York State Educa- tion Department, will pre- sent the first in a series of programs for parents " dealing with the subject of, Family Life Education. At this meeting Mrs, Fairley will present various ap- proaches to help parents communicate at home with their children in the areas of physical and emotional development.. Mrs. Carol Fairley is a Health' Education Specialist. She is a registered professional nurse, a certified elemen- tary teacher',; 1 school nurse-teacher and health education teacher: ShV has a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science and a Master's in Heal|h/S- f cience Education from Russell Sage College, she has attended Yale Univer- sity School of Medicene, Catholic University of America and has take post graduate work in counseling at SUNY, Albany. She is the former JExecutive Director for the Warren-Washington County Association for Mental Health, Inc. MOTHER 0M HER DAY Willi • • • Jochson & firkins* ROSES FLOWERING CRAB APPLE #* •P*^«a!ST/«)iDS • M AC ARAME ROPES !#£ EVERCrRiENS <jtM!i&feoijwity* ASHW fett%$1rrt«$INlM <\x .* t country garden \ A n»w and axcluihr. Mift Elilw print with the I iWW«<" Iwfen- SAMTOftA tjdtf tpim Dacnm Poly.ittr eanthUHl knit In H«v.nly Bodfe* «l«pw«r faihton«Jforlit ind flatting dhrfn* comJort. with Mvfwi •nd Lycr. Spandtx Stn»tch IK:.. Order Cotor No. iol #m.PJBM3*r. .. ..•'"•>•''• ' J .' ;.-;•• •: • Oh* &Sacco Ticonderoga, W.V. ) >, t I»arents^fo|; v a Better JEducation will 4 take plaw j on May 13th at T f in ^Biihe MoViah, Central 11 'fbafeteltfV , \ ^ J /The public is invited Anyone "who^is seeking a i seat on the Mdriah^oard \ of Education in the July 1, i J1981, Tele/ction is urged to (attend this meeting and ' share hisror "her views. Grange in October. •> * - Heir Moriih ( - f Voting Plates, Mae' ^WilhamsV Tcrtm CUt)n, infdrms r us~tha^ the foliowing buildings'^ are designated asv -poiling places for all voters in ths T o w n V Mdriali f | District Mo/T-Town s Oifice an- * - l - ' Sunday. "They are also oped Saturday afternoon from 1 to 3, and! Sunday Afternoon from noon to'3 p m. For additional uifor- mation call 942-3344 or if no answer 942-7794. s Moriah Central Honor Roll / Merit, j SoKrt Hai|ett. DanyKJlSrr. "JuBith Bsace,, |cfd£^9«JP!«u^J^>i- JitSii^JnntfP^iiciS^&taibon.T^daeolbflTn' ' "./**" P ^ F ^ 3 1 .'•' "• •" ii6«oi: : u : .-'" '•-'•'•'-"• x •?• *-•. '?' •' <Art Christian, Judy Jpluis^n, Donald Way, Michelle Bake.r. Kelly. Nejiliem MfryVemie.? Margaret Bryant. Kevin Drake, ^ornian ptelfcfirt^Hargetti. Afin^Kprdziel, Sahdra Whitoaij;;"*. , . • . 1 '".'.;• Y.' K \.'". .'. H^H^ir . ^Michael Bordeau, Judy Cadmus. Dianne Dubois. Kerry Ledair, *"tfatr5&eck,'Joiin Beeihan, T^inya Cohtn, Staccy Raymond. Tammy r ojewodzic, Panla Zerbe. If: |/'|tjonald Baker.; ' Miiilt ' DeLoiig; Me]gGregqry: Jill PeTeau, Peiany fjiris Catanzarita, Lisa Genier,; MalfinirKedihenec. Robert My^lsaorj^StieBiBi j Wendy Bejeman,, Daniel Coburn, . Jert Mie : Dnilfcws^ie.;GjpJ£'^^^^ | | . Tina Alle^ Vaterie Gadway. Jerry Meachem, Tamniy Whitfordd, _ l^cott Zelinsky, Rebecca |Cing. Xloyd Swartz, Joseph .Trapassor chael DjePajjli, Wendy Fare, Barbara Karkoski. Dawn Mitchell, j|r^>ni Turgeon, Tpiri Vanderhoof Port Henry Fire x > AuxUiary to Meet f -.. * The Tporf Henry Fjre Departrnent* Auxiliary is' holding, their 'Sttonthly meeting Wednesday May j6 at the fire house, Esther Waldron was ^elected President for the coming year. Other officers "were Vice-president-Barbara * 'Boyle, Secretary-Vera pBurzee, ^Tr|^u|er-Ivinda jDuRbss.CnaplainTiJetty Baxterf v5 r" Suttshine Chairnfcan-Rosemary Varmetiei Trustees are Patricia_ r Mc£ Stephanie Hanchett, and Theresa Carpenter. Kelly Femandei Win* US Cheerleadlng Award The United States Achievement Academy \ High Ho«or WOajt Ghspuk, Dean Fjeming. Sandra Gajewski, Scott Hargett, Jackie "(Baker, April Collins, David Mayer, \.isa Sargent, Laureen Rheaume, Genier, Melissa Monette, Val Waldron, Jodeph Wlieelock Grade 9 || - - - _ Meril §3Fay Cheney,, James DuBois, Lisa French, DAvid McGinness, PatU aMirnSs, Gail OJDell, Eric Rice : , Robert Sprossel, Paul Ze|insky If " x t Honor k\ Spebecca Gajewski. Amy Java, Robert Litchfield John Ploufe, Vicky ll^Mfeobertson - .-. ™'T!,:r V.\.. ' ",' HJgh.Hq«or WielnTeif tiadway, Ifelly Malo*e, James Martin Cheerleader Award win- ner for 1981. Kelly was nominated by the Moriah Central cheerleader spon- sor. Miss Sue Carrfoll, tor this National Award. The Academy selects the -err USCAA wmners upon the exlusive recommendation of the cheerleader spon- sor and the Official Stan- dards for Selection set forth by the USAA. KeUy joio^s a select few cheerleaders nationwide so' •;•, honored. :-by;-. the Academy:The criteria for selection ! includes the following* cheerleading ability, sportsmanship, citizenship, leadership, academics, enthusiam, poise and projection, per- sonal grooming, atten- dance, attitude and cooperative spirit. Kelly will appear in the Official Yearbook published na- tionally. She is the daughter of touis arid' Sandy Fernandez Of* Mineville an4 -* wfll graduate» from Moriah Central in June. Rummage Sale May 6 t A Rummage sale >»dl b^ held on^Wednesday^ven— ing, May 6j fro«b §p*Jm. to 9 p,m. x Thursday, May 7, fron\ 10 a.m^ ;to '4 p.nn* 5 and cut Friday, May 8, from 10 a.m. 1 to 12 noon, this will take place at the, Moriah Methodist Cont? mumty CerjEtfer ~*and wiU benefit the, Sunday^ School Refreshments will also be sold. * Cemetfery Assoc. ^ T6 Meet A meeting of the South Moriah Cemetery Association, Inc will be held <on Friday evening. May 15, at 7 p m at the Moriah Methodist Com- munity Center Methodist Banquet The Port Henry Methodist women will present a Mother- and Daughter Banquet on Fri- day May 8 at 6 p,m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church. This will be a ham buffet, and the price is $2 per person. J8*il!d*MPbt-Luck-SHpper Ti«Hfe'9iM©ftgli S^nitfr Citizens ' rhonthly'. Pot Luck Supper is today Tuesday May 5 at 4 p.m. in Port Henry at the Methodist church hall. Everyone is to bring a Covered dish to share. bought from any of the parents, or from Bob Cross, the chairman. He believes it is up to the parents to show their ap- preciation for their i children's interest in sports, lackets' were given to the . football team earlier u* the year, and have been ordered for the varsity: Rev, Garvin 7jpentral, was ordahiei 1 Ogdensburg hut Sunday, Carson to Graduate •• Cherry carson, tlie daughter of Ruth Rurnney jCarson of Mineville, will ""graduate from die Univer- sity of Missouri at Kansas Cny on May % J5he will be awarded a degree of ( Bachelor of Arts in 'Psyehology. Cherry has been hvmg in Kansas City for "several years, with her ,'nme year old son, Bret Angelos They will vaca- tion with'family in- Mmeville after school closS** in June. New Crafts Shop Opens " Marilyn Cross will open a shop called Mountain Crafts two miles north of '-fcewis on Route 9. The grand opening is planned for May 8~ and May 9. Craftsmen interested in selling their work in her shop may call Marilyn at 873-2032 to discuss the details and arrange to br- ing their goods in. The shop will also carry com- mercial products such asd yarn and cards and other gift items. r? TltaPftryairt! Honored - 4 Tihi Bryant of Port Henry has been honored for his exceptional perfor- mance at the state diving meet. He was presented with a jacket. The Jacket Committee is composed Tina Scbdraldf, Holly •iU mmmAm SERVING B^KJrS ^#IRSfttAR^fST INTMlNOrttH DiatnonaV; t4ff 1 ^d^reioUs Sfonfv - Gold-filled ind^terilng Silver > f , Unique Giftrin#i#ce^ng«i from t Rathbun Jewelers V Moatcaha Street, Ttcoaderoga OPEN FRIDAY EVENING ! ^ UNTaStOO • ' MASTMCHA1GB-V15A •miiiiiitm an mm / y Grade 19 Merit Cynthia Ayery, Carol Bobbie, Scot Hart, Stevenson , ,•;* Honor Timothy'Bryant," Ainy Carlow, Teri Calabrese, Susan Lahendro. John Langey.'Amy Larrow, Lisa Rancour ,'. ..- IHgh Honor rochardtitiSeu \ " . ; \ s \ r^K * ' Gsa*fe IT . > Wiij ' -v>, -. Merit >'• ^pse -Cadmus, KeUy Carpenter. David Groshans, Brad HargelL aSayja^jiiihon. flahcy.^IcGpnSss, Walteif^lUcnell. Kelly Rabideau. 'I^dra^b^iro, *fiha itushr^rban!edSc«R!oine, TlniSSmpsiM,.Ijsa: ^pralaipfitoel^taW.tJaruei^WojeWbdac' " - J ' |-• *;•.•.-•;>>*v ,,-•-. H«»nor -...' •• ? • .- " g r l r t n ^ ^ j ^ ; , I o * n n e . BpMc^ief, Ginay Burge^, Sherry Chappeli. ' t T o d ^ . ^ y ^ a i , W 6 ] ^ ; J a ^ u ^ . Adffene LafSer. Renee Mporby, isieve l |i 6Sada.*%anSy]''^^^^ei^^tbanv^u^|e1yoj[e«eqda^'' bCbai^olfiJU. Onajr Carpbhtir, Tiftalilwt#5on*. Mary AriflWfien- vChhstlne Olcott, Denise Stmafd * Vjrgitt^a Yukalis Sr' - , ' ^S&^ * ' ' * Shelly Fernandez,'Tini Pertjandez^ Susar* ^emenec, ParA SargeW. fl " '. tarro*a Ky)e Marhitf 1«dfflaS t T»nlj»anK*taW Holers. Nwic^ ivum. JUarroWjf » y i e marnn,' i;nomas ruinara, luaura nugcRt, waumy If ^tejla, Cathy Trapasso, Lcttf^ineTtt^on^JSork Witherbee, We&&¥ ium tee, Brian Cross, Baa#-El^r, Tony pejaiiindei, luBe Qf*«l» Javidr'loae*, CalhyLajng,^aBy"Lal:e t/ t'onr5M%rtdy,^«!es»-l«it- / jfAiidrea Belden, Horna <?«ert, JSri Wrap, ^Ipnaji Jmaa. IffrBanipff, Joseph PoladR, Xaulrie ^ay«iond,«SiBan Sfnjmtding., ^ Li* ' i >v *• ' " ( iS ** v »' Hm i fr IIIMIII i¥i nil jn i mill ii IIHI Pnfi inn I m rtW r ~U r ~ MPHRITTS iMARKET i%' T? H M % C 0 k l » ' 9 m - V GROCERIES COMPLETE LINE OF MUZZLE LOADING , QUNSANDACESSORIES XTFEfflm&iXm&YXiltt m*t±t%r%iw*e% Ml AD WET iviciinif I -'O m#\nivciv HAGUE ROAD (RTE9N) SOUTH TICONDEROGA mmpmWmwimm*mmwmm»»mm**immi*m*mmmm**mwm3mm I + mmm «- •** k iV SAVE . Elegant swonyplusli T4^sl^ptdStlc<5oMiKf * REG K ... TV ( i. '* ""^* ^^W W^^ litoWrJdlrHihyr^ .^ <sassasat 1 4 SO-YD. Armstrong EXCITING TIMES Durable 100% nylon • Nine beautiful colors S A V E two »*y<tt plush- ^(Jorvester' • Eiegantcut- • sofr,Uum!Bpi blend , - .;-*: . v . ; , , • Elglrteeri s^rrsatibnal colors' ,KiwiioiitY l 5.95 SAV#^f; ! :' • erag^|a,rpt»|^tt l r«l pattern? •.•js%i> - • Long-Wear, easy-^are rryton •TOntf^Mr*|ft!|^ ! over ^irfCIVONLYII^ •-m. : « * # Paint & Supply Co Phoha 535-7707 ';'\'."-- : ' Wicker St. Rte. 9N Ticonderoga >.-^.. 1970 graduate of Moriah int0't-5lie^ priesthood 'in of parents of children par- •^lc4^a^ii|^ ia< sports at Moriah UsntraI.They are continually raising the necessary' vmoney by holding a SQ^ffraifle each month. Last fitbjitti's win- ners were, I'st-torraine Kordziel, 2nd—John blowers, 3rd-Josje Wo- jewodzic. Tickets can be champion cheerleaders. CalMn Sports If a representative of the softball and golf teams would like to call me with a report of the games and the scores I would be hap- py to print them. I know a lot of people are in- terested in how the teams are doing. Social Security Rep. Here A Social Security representative is schedul- ed to be at Town Hall in Port Henry on Thursday May 7 and 21 from 11 to 1. Town Board Meets at Night Regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Moriah will be held at the Town Office Building on Tuesday, May 12, 1981 at 7 p.m. (Note change of time.) Notice to Pajreatsi New Roller Stating Rnfcw Students should not be brought t& roller skating until 15 minutes before their scheduled skating time, Uoors will not open until 6.PJO, for Elemen- tary students and 8 p.ttt, for students , in grades 742 .these 7-12 grade students should not be dropped off early to hang around, for an hpur or mate,'/-;, ','•' '•-•;." ;'*">. -.:,, •; ^ Spectators wiU Qot jbe allowed at roller skating anymore. The only excep- tion will be for parents supervising .small children. -.'.'• '['!/:, The no-spectator ruling is from the company which lends the skates. No other school allows spectators. Bored student spectators create pro- blems. All students should be picked up by 10:15 p.m. Please arrange for th^iri transportation home: before bringing (thenj.^Oj. skate. Students shouldnqt,, be left waiting for an hour wondering how they^re getting home. ,*. Parents, please, '.if. possible, wait until your* son or daughter is inside before departing. y Please torn to page 8 vJ}'i -mi ;}"*$&§ ••••' - ' ^ i PI America's taking off it's at American" just £ .'• .... •^jgp 1 m M INCLUDES EXAMINATION Bausch&Lomb Soflens Contact$ ONE L6W PRICE INCLUDES: PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION AND FITTING NO EXTRA CHARGE FAMOUS BAUSCH & LOMB SOFLENS CONTACTS NO EXTRA CHARGE INSTRUCTIONS IN CARE AND HANDLING NO EXTRA CHARGE STARTER CARE KIT NO EXTRA CHARGE OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 15th WITH THIS AD ASK ABOUT THE MEW EXTENDED WEAR CONTACT LENSES WITH THIS ™""- Save $10' ON ANY FRAME OVER S25 • ^ WITH ANY COMPLETE EYEGLASS PURCHASE J NO'..UO'NCONJUHCIIONWI"'*N> OFFER EXPIRES ! JUNE IS* iiMf R DISCOUNT ORSPFOAi O'FER : American Vision Centers AVIATION MALL, Glen Falls, (518) 798-5517 WE HONOR AMERICAN EXPRESS AND ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS * Bausch & Lomb Std.| l MOTHERS DAY SUNDAY, MAY 10th Fresh, Spring FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS 6,99 and up P Many beautiful designs from ^ our Flower Shop! plus ... Cut roMt, cortagu, orchids. mini i' FLOWERING PLANTS HUGE SELECTION! HANGING BASKETS GARDEN PLANTS FLOWERING SHRUBS f ftO$f BUSHES FLOWERING TREES RT. 254 QUAKER ROAD, GLENS FALLS rm in* <\ - •V« r * ?i •> ^\ 4 f I i l *4 I'-.' «

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Page 1: THE INN - NYS Historic · course be in script money, but there will be prizes for the winners. The $5



mil i


Community Calendar CMIWJI Food Co-op meeting, M«y 5 ,7 p.m. at Civfc

Ceater. This Is the l«rt CieM>eye otder until Fall, The tost Quandts fltder m® f«U Witt be on Juae 2nd.

Hie Tieowlerog* Senior citizens €tat>, wiU hold a business meeting at titt Cfcic Center on Tuesday, May 5ft, at 7:30 p.m. A M K ^ evening win follow. -

• May 6 Tn* Kanpp Senior Citizen Oub will meet at ffteir toonj

in the former Masonic Hall in Crown Point, W«dne$cl»y, May 6th, A covered dish dinner will be served at noon. Ptease bring a di$h to pass, also bring an item for the "Silent Auction" to benefit the dub. >

The Ticonderoga Chapter BAR will mejst |ftt&§Ry| May 9, at the home of Mrs. Elmer Wood inWar-rensburg, NY. A report of Continental Congress will be ^ven, annuid report* of committees. Members will leave Ticondewga at i t a.m-and each bring>ftflov*«&ipfc^

:•-•"•' > M a y 1 0 '• •-•^•^u\" On May 10th. Mothers Day. Ticonderoga

will hold Breakfast for the Members Mothers w Breakfast will be served at the Lodge | o o ^ i | t i U *» tiB all. are serye<£ All taothets ^ ^ c ^ M M t a K Triubte toJaoSBefti^lm'teajjM(^$flK"* W ''

• • > " • • ' : • Mm^W -•^:-:^m:\^-%0'

The "Wheels fot tafc" Bike-a-thon^tti& &siaIne M Vfoage of I f c c i i d e r ^ ^ ,Bikets .are a s l a ^ l o ^ a . s n o i ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ & i p : money for each mile the biker'*&&$&fcftnJWke-a-then, Sponsor sheets ane availabliafe^|ia^Scbooi **$,&* MiBy*a.l?ot further information please contact Jim MuH^k^ijki^^hM Chafjto, « | $&$&,. Pro-^ A ^ ^ M P cWIdhoodoancervat the St. Jude'sChUdren'sHospital. \ ' ., . . . , . ... : v ".,:.• May.12 ...' - . -V ,. A %e Blood Pressure Clinic will be held at the Senior

Citizenroommthe former Masonic Hall, in Crown Point oitT^esday jM>y Ufa from 9 a.m. to JU a.m. Those 18 years of ,age and older are invited to attend.

."..>.. ";.,.,,.",' -£fapl3< National Hospital Auxiliary Day will be celebrated on

Wednesday, M * y 13th, at w h i c h , t i m e the Moses-l^5%gt$m hosp i ta l Auxiliary will have a reception for

.It'll.-past and present members. These people-are all volunteers w h o have given unselfishly of their time and efforts t o support the work of the Auxiliary.

The reception will tie held in the Hospital Pavilion at 7:30 P.M. on May 13th, when the award is grvjeft to the volunteer w h o is selected among others for special sup­port and service to the Auxiliary. This will be the 15th annual presentation of this special award and all past recipients have been invited t o attend.

May 17 Independence Day Committee Meeting will be held

May 17th in the Chamber of Commerce Office, Com­munity Building at 4 p.m. Any one interested pan attend.

May 19 The Ticonderoga Senior Citizens Club will have a

covered dish supper on Tuesday, May 19th at 6 p.m. Each family please bring a covered dish. A social even­ing will follow.

Hospital Notes ADMISSIONS:

Ticonderoga: Brian Henry, Debra Caunter, Gary Crammond, Leona H. Henry, Grace Taylor, Welton Fuller. Crown Point: Adwilda Burris, Arthur T. O'Brien. Port Henry: Donna Nesbitt


Ticonderoga: Robert Trombley, Brian Henry, Debra Caunter Port Heuy: Donna Nesbitt Morlah: Earl O'Neil Hague: Nelson Waters

"Reno Night" on Saturday

<!> mf***#mmm,

Provoncha, Stanley married in A>.. 1CT

' #K \z.


v'* - B : \

m J\*

On Saturday, April 4, 1981, Penny fc. fcrovoo-cha and mu^to^ker R. Stanley were united in jnarriage by |life Rev. Timothy Isolden at Sacred Heart Church, Crown Point, NY.

The bride Is- the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

William Provoncha, of Ticonderoga. K5f, T&e groom is the son of Mr.. and and Mrs, Benjamin Stanley o f Crown Point,

Matron of Honor wa* D e b r a W e b e r , Baiw-bridge, NY, sister o f the

Nowack, Chafee wed here

Dr, MkluelfieeBlKr, ' ',." , . • ' . • * • " ^ V „ r *

doctor opens new

practice in Crown Point

Dr. Michael I,. Beehner ^1974'thfougo 1976 iriclud-recerttly apppfiftef^to.fhe ed a year in "general andr M o s e s - J L U - t f l ^ v g i o n plastic surgery at St.* Fran-Hospital Medical Staff, cis Hospital in Witchita announces th^ opf^ing of followed by1 a year of

" ^ ^ a t f I W P e «» Family Practice Residen-> 1 i ° v .. «y a t foe Universtiv of

Dr. Buhner ,f famjiy Wiscohsini/* M - . ' practittoner; is/jarfieular- " j ^ ipctober i W o | % ly interesteldin the field Of Beehner j o n i e a ^ « f * a l lergies , pediatries., " / - « - J ^ ^ ^ ^ * d

o b s t e t r i c s 'and gynecology. Dr. Beehner will maintain two offices in the area. One is the south wing of the old hospital and the other in Dr. Miller's home in Crown Point. However, until space is available the doctor will see all patients at the Crown Point office. A native of Marcellus, NY he a t t e n d e d Loyola University, Chicago, HI., where he received his B.S. in Biology in 1967.

After graduation he centered thesUniversity of

I l l inois ^£bl%e of ^fejdicineiCreceiving his medical degree in 1971.

His in ternsh ip at Wesley Medical Center, WTiicita, Kansas, includ­ed the first year of Family Practice R e s i d e n c y . Fol lowing this Dr. Beehner entered Public Health Service under the National Health Service Corp., West Winfield, NY in a rural general practice until 1974.

His residencies from

Susan S. Nowack of Scawdale, NYaadJ. Paul Chaffee of ErtdWf, NY exhnaged marriage vows April 24, 1*81 in Ticonderoga, Nlf. The bride is the daughter of Mrs/ fGwynne JSpeacer and the late CSwynne Speacer of $enr$d*tfc« NY andpunedun, WL>'<-K

The groom m the spn of Mr. and Mt$: Lk>p R. Chaffee of Bndico«t,JNY.

> Howard Poirter ;was the. best man ajid ,LeM Porter vrtis matron of hone*, The bride vas givdn^a^ay by ^ her son Hstary NCowack. -The groom U acPeaco Of- , ficer-foi: Broome COHHO , ^ NY and the brid-e is a

^ Recreational -Xbierapist

May Crowning at St. Mary's oh%Am$T

\ -St. Mary's Parish "will honor, the Blessed -Mfpther in a special May Crowning

i>_.__i_>v, , . -ceremony 'en Thursday duuihead MelfcaliGloup. 'evening, May 7, s*t T-30 While on thfe; |raff of P*m- i n S t - Mairy'-s

Church. The students of St.

Mary's School will form a living' rosary with dif­ferent students leading the " prayers T h e ceremony will also consist of hymns, a horatly, the crowning of Mary's statue'' and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Elected by the eighth grade students" of St. Mary's School, Jennifer Fitzgerald as May Queen, will place a floral crown on a-statuerofjtbe JBles^ed Mother The e^ire? eighth grqde class, wdl foxnj^the May Queen's Court

The month of rMay is dedicated to the Blessed Mother. She i s the patroness of St Mary's Parish and St Mary's School Mary was also chosen by the Bishwps of

for New York State. Friends and relatives at-tendeda reception follow­ing the ceremony^ ,.

Huestis, Treadway engapsd

k Mrl and Mrs.. Jaincs Treadway of Chilson, an->v

•nouncd the engagement of their daughtei1,' Kimberiy^Jean, to X anry %J, HueStis, son of the late : Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Huestis of Streetroad.v <• •> A May wedding is1 plan- <t

ned in New .Mexico.

4 toe\Ui$eJ. Shies' to he the patroness of our coun­try. Members of St Mary's Parish antf local residents''are invited and encouraged tof/join in thus' special Marian devotion.

bride. Bridesmaid* wttrv; Mary Hope StanlajF, Crown Point, NY, tbtor of the groom and Keft)r Provoncha, Ticonderoga, NY sister of the Sride. Jr. Bridesmaid was Amy Pro­voncha, Ticonderoga, NY sister of the bride.

Best man was Matthew Schenk, Flint, Mich, and U.S.C.O. Air Station, Cape Cod, Mass. Ushers wews: Brian Oel^en^ Gilmanton, NH and U.§.C.G, Air Station

V^MtjHt>i$ BQty Provoni cha, JHoOJiKieroja, NY brothMrolflw bride.

Altar boy aasuting tfe Rev. Ladden was Bern jamln Stanley, Jr. brofljf of the groom. ™

Ge«i§ Crov^

OrgasUt was LaOrange of Point.

A reception immediate, ly following the ceremony was held at the EMA Club in Ticmderoga, NY. T^

/couple will make the* home at the U.S.C.G. A F

ii'tHIH'I'll |i I . i l l 111' IWW'IU'^ ' I^HDIH^"*1


mm -~


Colleen Cohen

Cape Cod, Mas*, and Ihn Force Station, Cape Cod Sullivan, Binghamton.NY until August when they and U.S.C.G. Air BAse will set out for their oe» Cape Cod) Mass. Jr. home in Sitka, Alaska.


Mineville Center reopens in July

"™V : 5"

on Lakeview MedJcaKCenter he b e c a m e M e d i c a l Director of the Northland Care Skilled JJursing Home, a 110 bed facility. He also was Chief of In­fectious Diseases at the Hospital.

On April 1, 19?9 he opened a solo practice in Lake Placid, NY, Follow­ing this Dr. Beehner returned to Wisconsin to join the Mid American Emergency Medical Ser­vice in Madison.

Dr. Beehner is a diplqmaUoff jjje Atmerican Board,,of Family Practice and a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Dr. Beehner, his wife -Harrilyn, an occupational therapist and their four children reside in Crown Point, NY.

Sentinel < ; Office Hours

'8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

Mother's Day fete at Nursing Home

National Nursing Home Week will be observed in New York State beginning on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th

Moses-Ludrngton Nurs­ing HomeJn Ticonderogar has scheduled a number of events for that week.

These events include: Mother's Day Tea; a spaghetti supper courtesy of the Red Baron Restaurant;, a blue,-eras&




R d a s t i e g of LanuV Fresh Garden Carrots „ Ughtfy l emoned with freih fennel, twice

baked potato; garden salad and for dessert . „ a n r Cher» own Peanut Butter Pie or J;

Strawberries with Double Cream $8.50 ' V-\

A s a special treat for mother, the . Inn

present her with a free orchid ftowiaut , f r o p Hawaii jnst for her day, "l i

Serving from 1?:00

Reservedom Pteaser t ^ 518-962-8666 ''

' The Mineville Health £ a r e Center closed this ^ e e i . It wili reopen o n July 15* "whon Dr, ^rwin Lange and Dr, Maty Deal arrive to begin their prac­tice. They intend t o hold office hours 8 to 4, Mon­day through Ifriday, D r . l

»ex. Park Place, No* 2^Moriah Orange, jNo. 3-Mineville JFjre House, Jfo. 4-Fort Henry Fire House, Church $t.

Moriah Grange Display C o m m e m o r a t i n g

Grange Week, th$ Moriah Grange 1128 ar­ranged a display last week at *" Lambert's Sewing Center in Pprt Henry, In thrfe recent c o n t e s t , Eleano^ Hyatt's fwitcakf took first place, with

^B^fcinuetoseepatjentsiinher <Loretta Baxters secoaid, >ff iqeh\ Crown Point, » ' andAyisStwldard'stlnW^ i ^w t> ^ » " 2 * Hy?tt> fruitcake vnU be~ evening from § to 9 • ^ M * ^ ? ^ ^ entered at the %Esse? includin| Jaturday ^and

wOl meet May 13 Cbunty Pomona Grangb The regular theettng <jf ^eeHng; and i£ it fi

te Woriah Co%erned( ^ ^ % t » i r S 3

Michelle Moore wdl con-

IMteevtte Bowling Lanes Hoars

Dan Burgey would hke t o remind bowlers that the Mineville W W Bowling l a n e s .are Stdt open every


the Swmgmg "Sauits*Xlt chen Band.

The public is invited to stop by a nursing home next week and get a first­hand look at the care be­ing provided to the elderly and convalescent.

The Kiwanis Club of Ticonderoga has invited all residents of the area to a Reno Night at the Indian Kettles Restaurant this Saturday, 8 p.m. to mid­night.

There will be gaming tables with some of your neighbors as croupiers. The "gambhng" will of course be in script money, but there will be prizes for the winners.

The $5 admission pro­vides fun and refreshments for the even­ing. The door prize is a d e l u x e ou tdoor gas barbecue grill. In addi­tion, the admission cost gives $5,000 in script money, which can be used

for blackjack, roulette and other games. Those with the most -winnings over the evening will get prizes donated by local merchants. Refreshments are included in the price of admission and the cash bar at Indian Kettles will be open.

Tickets are available from any Kiwanis member, and at the door on Saturday night.

The house percentage in this case will go to com­munity, projects of. -the, Kiwanis Club. In addition to the regular scholarship and youth, acf&fiife's, Kiwanis is curieattly heading up a project for improvement of the com­munity park.

Sex Ed program for parents On Tuesday, May 5,

1981, from 7 - 9 oan.. Mrs. Carol Fairley, Fami­ly Life Education Pro­gram Director for the New York State Educa­tion Department, will pre­sent the first in a series of programs for parents

" dealing with the subject of, Family Life Education. At this meeting Mrs, Fairley will present various ap­proaches to help parents communicate at home with their children in the areas of physical and emotional development..

Mrs. Carol Fairley is a Health' Education Specialist. She is a

registered professional nurse, a certified elemen­tary teacher',;1 school nurse-teacher and health education teacher: ShV has a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science and a Master's in Heal|h/S-f cience Education from Russell Sage College, she has attended Yale Univer­sity School of Medicene, Catholic University of America and has take post graduate work in counseling at SUNY, Albany. She is the former JExecutive Director for the Warren-Washington County Association for Mental Health, Inc.


Willi • • • Jochson & firkins*


# * •P*^«a!ST/«)iDS



EVERCrRiENS <jtM!i&feoijwity* A S H W


<\x .* t

country garden \

A n»w and axcluihr. Mift Elilw print with the I i W W « < " Iwfen- SAMTOftA tjdtf tpim Dacnm Poly.ittr eanthUHl knit In H«v.nly Bodfe* «l«pw«r faihton«J for lit ind flatting dhrfn* comJort. with Mvfwi •nd Lycr. Spandtx Stn»tch IK:.. Order Cotor No. i o l #m.PJBM3*r. • .. ..•'"•>•''• 'J.' ;.-;•• •: • Oh*

&Sacco Ticonderoga, W.V.


>, t

I»arents^fo|; va Better JEducation will 4take plaw j on May 13th at in

^ B i i h e MoViah, Central 11 'fbafeteltfV , \ ^

J /The public is invited Anyone "who is seeking a

i seat on the Mdriah^oard \ of Education in the July 1, i J1981, Tele/ction is urged to (attend this meeting and ' share hisror "her views.

Grange in October. •>

* - Heir Moriih ( -f Voting Plates, Mae' ^WilhamsV Tcrtm

CUt)n, infdrmsrus~tha^ the foliowing buildings' are designated asv -poiling places for all voters in ths TownV Mdrialif| District Mo/T-TownsOifice an-

* - l - '

Sunday. "They are also oped Saturday afternoon from 1 to 3, and! Sunday Afternoon from noon to'3 p m. For additional uifor-mation call 942-3344 or if no answer 942-7794.


Moriah Central Honor Roll / Merit,

j S o K r t Hai|ett. DanyKJlSrr. "JuBith Bsace,, |cfd£^9«JP!«u^J^>i-JitSii^JnntfP^iiciS^&taibon.T^daeolbflTn' ' "./**" P ^ F ^ 3 1 .'•' • "• •" ii6«oi:: u: .-'"'•-'•'•'-"•x• •?• *-•. '?' •' <Art Christian, Judy Jpluis^n, Donald Way, Michelle Bake.r. Kelly.

Nejiliem MfryVemie.? Margaret Bryant. Kevin Drake, ^ornian ptelfcfirt^Hargetti . Afin^Kprdziel, Sahdra Whitoaij;;"*. , . • .

1 '".'.;• Y.'K\.'". .'. H ^ H ^ i r . ^Michael Bordeau, Judy Cadmus. Dianne Dubois. Kerry Ledair, *"tfatr5&eck,'Joiin Beeihan, T inya Cohtn, Staccy Raymond. Tammy

rojewodzic, Panla Zerbe.

If: | / ' | tjonald Baker.;

' Miiilt ' DeLoiig; Me]gGregqry: Jill PeTeau, Peiany

fjiris Catanzarita, Lisa Genier,; MalfinirKedihenec. Robert My^lsaorj^StieBiBij Wendy Bejeman,, Daniel Coburn, . Jert

M i e : D n i l f c w s ^ i e . ; G j p J £ ' ^ ^ ^ ^

| | . Tina Alle^ Vaterie Gadway. Jerry Meachem, Tamniy Whitfordd, _ l^cott Zelinsky, Rebecca |Cing. Xloyd Swartz, Joseph .Trapassor

chael DjePajjli, Wendy Fare, Barbara Karkoski. Dawn Mitchell, j|r >ni Turgeon, Tpiri Vanderhoof

Port Henry Fire x

> AuxUiary to Meet f -.. * The Tporf Henry Fjre

Departrnent* Auxiliary is' holding, their 'Sttonthly meeting Wednesday May j6 at the fire house, Esther Waldron was ^elected President for the coming year. Other officers "were Vice-president-Barbara * 'Boyle, Secretary-Vera pBurzee, ^Tr|^u|er-Ivinda jDuRbss.CnaplainTiJetty Baxterfv5r" Suttshine Chairnfcan-Rosemary Varmetiei Trustees are Patricia_ rMc£ Stephanie Hanchett, and Theresa Carpenter.

Kelly Femandei Win* US Cheerleadlng Award

The United States Achievement Academy

\ High Ho«or WOajt Ghspuk, Dean Fjeming. Sandra Gajewski, Scott Hargett, Jackie "(Baker, April Collins, David Mayer, \.isa Sargent, Laureen Rheaume,

Genier, Melissa Monette, Val Waldron, Jodeph Wlieelock

Grade 9 | | - — - - _ Meril §3Fay Cheney,, James DuBois, Lisa French, DAvid McGinness, PatU aMirnSs, Gail OJDell, Eric Rice:, Robert Sprossel, Paul Ze|insky If "xt Honor

k\ Spebecca Gajewski. Amy Java, Robert Litchfield John Ploufe, Vicky ll^Mfeobertson - .-. ™ ' T ! , : r V . \ . . ' " , ' HJgh.Hq«or

WielnTeif tiadway, Ifelly Malo*e, James Martin

Cheerleader Award win­ner for 1981. Kelly was nominated by the Moriah Central cheerleader spon­sor. Miss Sue Carrfoll, tor this National Award. The Academy selects the


USCAA wmners upon the exlusive recommendation of the cheerleader spon­sor and the Official Stan­dards for Selection set forth by the USAA. KeUy joio^s a select few cheerleaders nationwide so'•;•, honored. :-by;-. the Academy:The criteria for selection ! includes the following* cheerleading ability, sportsmanship, citizenship, leadership, academics, enthusiam, poise and projection, per­sonal grooming, atten­dance, attitude and cooperative spirit. Kelly will appear in the Official Yearbook published na­tionally. She i s the daughter of touis arid' Sandy Fernandez Of* Mineville an4 -* wfll graduate» from Moriah Central in June.

Rummage Sale May 6 t A Rummage sale >»dl b^ held on^Wednesday^ven— ing, May 6j fro«b §p*Jm. to 9 p,m. x Thursday, May 7, „ fron\ 10 a.m^ ;to '4 p.nn*5

and cut Friday, May 8, from 10 a.m.1 to 12 noon, this will take place at the, Moriah Methodist Cont? mumty CerjEtfer ~*and wiU benefit the, Sunday^ School Refreshments will also be sold.

* Cemetfery Assoc. ^ T6 Meet

A meeting of the South Moriah Cemetery Association, Inc will be held <on Friday evening. May 15, at 7 p m at the Moriah Methodist Com­munity Center

Methodist Banquet The Port Henry

Methodist women will present a Mother- and Daughter Banquet on Fri­day May 8 at 6 p,m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church. This will be a ham buffet, and the price is $2 per person.

J8*il!d*MPbt-Luck-SHpper Ti«Hfe'9iM©ftgli S^nitfr Citizens ' rhonthly'. Pot Luck Supper is today Tuesday May 5 at 4 p.m. in Port Henry at the Methodist church hall. Everyone is to bring a Covered dish to share.

bought from any of the parents, or from Bob Cross, the chairman. He believes it is up to the parents to show their ap-preciation for their i children's interest in sports, lackets' were given to the . football team earlier u* the year, and have been ordered for the


Rev, Garvin 7jpentral, was ordahiei1

Ogdensburg hut Sunday,

Carson to Graduate •• Cherry carson, tlie daughter of Ruth Rurnney jCarson of Mineville, will ""graduate from die Univer­sity of Missouri at Kansas Cny on May % J5he will be awarded a degree of

(Bachelor of Arts in 'Psyehology. Cherry has been hvmg in Kansas City for "several years, with her

,'nme year old son, Bret Angelos They will vaca­tion with' family in-Mmeville after school closS** in June.

New Crafts Shop Opens " Marilyn Cross will open

a shop called Mountain Crafts two miles north of

'-fcewis on Route 9. The grand opening is planned for May 8~ and May 9. Craftsmen interested in selling their work in her shop may call Marilyn at 873-2032 to discuss the details and arrange to br­ing their goods in. The shop will also carry com­mercial products such asd yarn and cards and other gift items.

r? TltaPftryairt! Honored -4Tihi Bryant of Port

Henry has been honored for his exceptional perfor­mance at the state diving meet. He was presented with a jacket. The Jacket Committee is composed

Tina Scbdraldf, Holly



^#IRSf t tAR^fST INTMlNOrttH

DiatnonaV; t 4 f f 1 ^ d ^ r e i o U s Sfonfv - Gold-filled ind^terilng Silver >f ,

Unique Gi f tr in# i#ce^ng«i

from t

Rathbun Jewelers


Moatcaha Street, Ttcoaderoga



•miiiiiitm an mm

/ • •


Grade 19 Merit

Cynthia Ayery, Carol Bobbie, Scot Hart, Stevenson

, ,•;* Honor • Timothy'Bryant," Ainy Carlow, Teri Calabrese, Susan Lahendro. John Langey.'Amy Larrow, Lisa Rancour

,'. • ..- IHgh Honor rochardtitiSeu •

• \ " . ; \ • s \

r^K * ' Gsa*fe IT . > Wiij ' - v > , -. Merit >'• •

^pse -Cadmus, KeUy Carpenter. David Groshans, Brad HargelL aSayja^jiiihon. flahcy.^IcGpnSss, Walteif^lUcnell. Kelly Rabideau. ' I ^ d r a ^ b ^ i r o , *fiha itushr^rban!edSc«R!oine, TlniSSmpsiM,.Ijsa: ^pralaipfitoel^taW.tJaruei^WojeWbdac' " - J '

| - • *;• . • . - • ;>>*v ,,-•-. H«»nor -...' •• ? • .- " gr lr tn^ ^ j ^ ; , I o * n n e . BpMc ief, Ginay Burge^, Sherry Chappeli. ' t T o d ^ . ^ y ^ a i , W 6 ] ^ ; J a ^ u ^ . Adffene LafSer. Renee Mporby, isieve l | i6Sada.*%anSy]''^^^^ei^^tbanv^u^|e1yoj[e«eqda^''

bCbai^olfiJU. Onajr Carpbhtir, Tiftalilwt#5on*. Mary AriflWfien-vChhstlne Olcott, Denise Stmafd * Vjrgitt a Yukalis

Sr' - , ' ^ S & ^ * ' ' * Shelly Fernandez,'Tini Pertjandez Susar* ^emenec, ParA SargeW. f l " '. tarro*a Ky)e Marhitf 1«dfflaStT»nlj»anK*taW Holers. Nwic^ ivum. JUarroWjf »y i e marnn,' i;nomas ruinara, luaura nugcRt, waumy If tejla, Cathy Trapasso, Lcttf ineTtt on^JSork Witherbee, We&&¥

ium tee, Brian Cross, Baa#-El^r, Tony pejaiiindei, luBe Qf*«l» Javidr'loae*, CalhyLajng, aBy"Lal:et/t'onr5M%rtdy, «!es»-l«it- /

jfAiidrea Belden, Horna <?«ert, JSri Wrap, ^Ipnaji Jmaa. M » IffrBanipff, Joseph PoladR, Xaulrie ay«iond,«SiBan Sfnjmtding., ^ L i * ' i >v *• ' "( iS ** v »' Hm i fr IIIMIII i¥i nil jn i mi l l ii I IH I Pnfi inn I m rtW r



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1970 graduate of Moriah int0't-5lie^ priesthood 'in

of parents of children par-•^lc4^a^ii|^ ia< sports at Moriah UsntraI.They are continually raising the necessary' vmoney by holding a SQ^ffraifle each month. Last fitbjitti's win­ners were, I'st-torraine Kordz ie l , 2nd—John blowers, 3rd-Josje Wo-jewodzic. Tickets can be

champion cheerleaders.

CalMn Sports If a representative of

the softball and golf teams would like to call me with a report of the games and the scores I would be hap­py to print them. I know a lot of people are in­terested in how the teams are doing.

Social Security Rep. Here

A Social Security representative is schedul­ed to be at Town Hall in Port Henry on Thursday May 7 and 21 from 11 to 1.

Town Board Meets at Night

Regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Moriah will be held at the Town Office Building on Tuesday, May 12, 1981 at 7 p.m. (Note change of time.)

Notice to Pajreatsi New Roller Stating Rnfcw

Students should not be brought t& roller skating until 15 minutes before their scheduled skating time, Uoors will not open until 6.PJO, for Elemen­tary students and 8 p.ttt, for students , in grades 7 4 2 . t h e s e 7-12 grade students should not be dropped off early to hang around, for an hpur or mate , ' / - ; , ','•' '•-•;." ;'*">. -.:,, •;

^ Spectators wiU Qot jbe allowed at roller skating anymore. The only excep­tion will be for parents supervising . s m a l l children. -.'.'• '['!/:,

The no-spectator ruling is from the company which lends the skates. No other school allows spectators. Bored student spectators create pro­blems.

All students should be picked up by 10:15 p.m. Please arrange for th^iri transportation home: before bringing (thenj. Oj. skate. Students shouldnqt,, be left waiting for an hour wondering how they^re getting home. ,*.

Parents, please, '.if. possible, wait until your* son or daughter is inside before departing. • • y

Please torn to page 8


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