the interiop journalv · kingsville i mils eva leach who has been quite sick for bomo time is...

t THE INTERIOP JOURNALV ilVOL XXXVISTANFORD KY TUESDAY NOVEMBER 24 1908 N0 76 11 h c KINGSVILLE I Mils Eva Leach who has been quite sick for Bomo time Is improving Prof A H Long of Alpine was hero Saturday for a short while Mr J L Johnson is Improving slowly Ho is ablo to sit up about an hour each dayTho following pupils of our Graded School were neither absent nor tardy during the last month of school James I Flint Joseph Walters Eatill Gooch Earl Mudman Clell Walters Ernest Y Gourlcy and Herman Haggard iI Mr J F Davis of Columbus Ga I was here Tuesday and Wednesday working up members among tho rail- road men for tho International Drothcr hoodof Maintenance of Way Employ ¬ es The fraternity is largely an in ¬ surance order Thero will bo a debate a spelling match and a pro supper at the school house hero Friday night Nov 27 Everybody invited to come and take part in tho exercises All tho young ladies are requested to bring a sample II of their beat Thanksjiving pies Mr C D Evans has bought out his I partner Dr C M Thompson in tho lumber and planing mill business Mr Evans will still engage In tho lumber j business at tho old stand Dr Thomp ¬ son bought a house and lot in Nicholast villo from Mr Evans for 2000 in thoI trade Bird hunting is the order of tho day r here just now Many a poor bird has been killed and others havo lest part of their feathers or have boon maimed for life by tho shot of tho nlmrods within I the last few days Thero seems to bo a considerable number of quail in this CJ community and the hunters are getting their part of them Robert Rlgnoya house just opposite the depot caught on fire about C oclock Tuesday morning Somo railroad men discovered the smoke and gave tho alarm There was quite a little ex ¬ citement for a while but the fire was soon extinguished The fire was caused by tho stove pipe passing through the wall close to tho ceiling The pipe be- came ¬ very hot and tho wall paper started the blaze The damage done to tho house was not very much Rev T B Stratton preached at the Methodist church Friday night and Saturday morning The quarterly con ¬ feronco was held at 2 oclock Friday afternoon Rev Stratton district super ¬ intendent of the Methodist church pro sided He loft here at noon Saturday for Bethel where ho is to dedicate the new Methodist church Thero have been 20 additions to the church since the revival has been In progress Mrs Wallace Walter has been serving the church as organist Dr It L Davison of Stanford was here Monday C E Freeman of Portland Tenn was In town tact Too dry Messrs Anderson and Gilliland tho teachers of our Graded School took their pupils to tho baptizing on Fishing 1Creek Tuesday afternoon After the they spent tho remainder of tho afternoon in an Autumnal outing A largo persimmon tree was visited and relieved of its fruit On their re ¬ turn each one carried a cedar branch with which they decorated tho school- rooms Tho pupils report a good time The real original piping system for bootlegging has been unearthed by tho Topeka Kansas police The system was found in Negros houso In tho Bottoms Instead of a water sys ¬ tem being installed In one of the houses the police ran on to a regular arrange meet of pipes apparently for tho accom ¬ modation of water but rosily for tho conveyance of beer to thirsty customers Detectives had watched the place day and night and when they believed that the evidence was good enough they e swooped down on tho tappers and corral ¬ led tho whole gang in tho house Threo of tho men hud glasses in their > hands and were drinking and the rest were standing with empty mugs Tho pipes were supplied from a hogs ¬ head of been in tho attic How Is your Digestion Mrs Mary Dowling of No 223 8th Avoi San Francisco recommends a remedy for stomach trouble She says Gratitude rut tho wonderful effect Electric Hitters In a case ot acuto Indi ¬ gestion prompts this testimonial 1 am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the best remedy on tho market today This great tonlo and alterative medl ¬ clue invigorates tho system puriOes tho blood and Is especially helpful in all forms of female weakness 60o at Pennys Drug Store The VlcarlIIlt true Samuel that your father allows games of chance to be played In your house The Boy Thero aint no chance about it sur they all cheats I This country consumes 3000000 tons of sugar yearly about half of which is made in the United States f I Above is tho picture of Lincoln coun ¬ tys contestant in District B7 of the Evening Post contest Miss Sine has made a good race thus far She has now nearly 120000 votes which gives her third place in this district or tho to Cuba However her hearts de ¬ is to get tho piano and with tho assistance of a few more of her friends this week she will win it as the con- test ¬ closes Saturday night November 28 Miss Sino is one of the most pop lular members of the younger set of Stanford She is well liked by all who know her and she is expected to win as a representative of her locality The expression mind your Ps and Qs is so common that most of us have never given thought to its origin It le a peculiar phase of human nature that when wo grow up with anything from infancy we never investigate It The other night Professor Matte lee luring to his dancing class thus eluci- dated The initials stand for pleds and qustJM feet and pigtails It was tho caution given by all French dan ¬ cing masters as far back as the time of Louis XiV and up to tho time of the revolution It was then the fashion for tho feet to be put in position and tho bow to bo bo made very lowa thing most difficult to do gracefully without moving the plods or deranging the wig and throwing tho queue forward henco tho warning ministered by the tcrpischorean professor New York Press HIGHLAND Hog killing is order of tho day just nowSam Baugh sold some fat hogs to Mr Foley at 6c J C Arnold was in this neighborhood a few days ago looking for cattle Most of our tobacco growers have disposed of their crops at fair prices The prospect now is that the acreage will bo greatly increased next year C M Young is at London doing jury services Miss Fanny and Eftle Young have gone to Bethel Ridge to be pre ¬ ent at the dedication of the new M E Church Mr and Mrs E G Baugh C M Young and J M Cook at ¬ tended the quarterly meeting services at Kingsvillo last Friday ISeyen Years or Proof I have had seven years of proof that Dr Kings New Discovery is the boat medicine to take for coughs and olds and tor every disonsmlconditlon of throat chest or lungs says W V Henry of Panama Mo Tho world has had 3S years of proof that Dr Kings Now Discovery is tho best rem edy for coughs anti colds la grippe asthma hay fever bronchitis hemo rrhago of the lungs and tho early stages consumption Its timely use always prevents time development of pneumonia sold under guarantee at Pennys Drug Store 60c and 81 Trial bottle free Frankfort remmarkable phenomenon which is attracting much attention from tho physicians of that section of tho State Ben Sayrcs a Negro has turned white as a result of- f coming in contact with poison ivy Tho scientific explanation of the change is that the pigment of tho body has been destroyed by tho poison or by the med tine which was used to counteract it Watched FIPt ears II For fifteen years I have watched the working of Bucklens Arnica Salvo and It has never tailed tocuro any sore bolt ulcer of burn to which it was ap ¬ plied It has saved us many a doctor bill says A F Hardy of East Wit ton Maine 25o at Pennys Drug Store a Systematic Investigation of the Phil- Ippine ¬ Islands reveals tho fact that the group consists of 2600 islands while before the American occupation the number was estimated at 1200 I NEWS NOTES Two loaded cages collapsed at a coal mine near Edwardsville 111 and 200 men had a narrow escape from death Four children at Danville Pa have becomo infected with the foot and mouth disease contracted from Infect- ed cattle Prof M A Scovell of Kentucky was elected president of the Associa- tion of State Universities and Experi- ment ¬ Stations The students of Michigan College hanged Negro students in effigy when the Circuit Court decided the school must admit them A B Lambert and E H Honeywell landed near Tiger Ga after an ex citing all night trip from St Louis In tho balloon Yankee Burglars ut Attica 0 discovered in the act of blowing a safe held citizens at bay until the job was completed and got away with 0000 Tho Commissioner of Internal Rev- enue is denied the request of a Kentucky distiller who wanted to put caramel and rock candy syrup in bottled Inbona whisky John McLean 58 years old Judge of tho Municipal Court at Crookston Minn committed suicide by jumping into the sluiceway of the Red Lake HlYerG Rear Admiral Robley D Evans who recently went on the retired list has accepted tho chairmanship or the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles Harbor Company In Five hundred thousand dollars in gold ire being coined every day at the Phil ¬ adelphia mint to meet the demand which has already set in for the yellow pieces for Christmas gifts An explosion of gas in a deep trench a in Gold street Brooklyn in which a number of men were employed cost probably 25 lives and threw that sec- tion of tho city into a panic Samuel Gompers was reelected pres- Ident of the American Federation of ci Labor One discontented representa ¬ live of the Socialist party voted against him The next convention will bo held in TorontoA Neb dispatch says Gov elect A C Shallenberger is confined to his room at the Lincoln Hotel and Is suffering from a fractured leg He was injured while being initiated as a member of the Shriners Through the death of her mother whose will has just been filed at River- head L I Mrs Elihu Root wife of tho Secretary of State will come into possession of a fortune estimated at from 50000 to 500000 Girth Spencer a prominent farmer of Owen Ind was accidentally shot and killed in Louisville by Miss Ida Reinhardt to whom ho was engaged The two were playing with a pistol owned by Miss Reinhardt All the bids for the building of the machinery of tho battleship Florida have been rejected by Assistant Secre any Newberry of the Navy and the machinery will bo built by the govern- ment In tho Brooklyn navy yard De Rosa a mechanic was killed and John Jubasz a driver was badly In- jured ¬ by the collision of their automo bile with a telepraph polo while the men were training at Savannah Ga for next Wednesdays small car race G J Magness alias Hartlovo who was arrested as a deserter from tho navy shortly after marrying Miss Ada Gorman in Louisville must servo a year in prison tho verdict of the court martial having been approved by thec Secretory of the Navy The commissioner of patents has ren dcred a decision in which he holds that tho protection of the law will not be given to any manufacturer who includes in his trade mark tho arms of tho Uni ted States or those of the various States or cities of tho country In the Bracken Circuit Court before or jury the Chesapeake and Ohio rail- road was fined 150 for working section men on Sunday Time railroads defense was the necessity of tho work There are four other counts to be tried against the railroad of the same nature For five hours Friday John D Rocke- feller ¬ underwent a rigid cross examina tion at the hands of Frank B Kellogg who is conducting the case against the Standard Oil Co for the government Mr Rockefeller was forced to make admissions as to rebates and confessed that his company had received a rebate on oil shipped by competitors In 1907 bo said the profits of tho company were 80000000 Hexamethylenetetramlne The above U tho name of a German chemical which la one of the many valuable ingredients of Foleys Kid ¬ ney Remedy Hexaraetbylenetetramlno Is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine Take Foloya Kidney Remedy as soon as y6u notice any irregularities and avoid a serious malady New Stan ¬ ford Drug Co IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES I C W Potter aged 86 is dead at SomersetRobert East aged 17 is dead at Buckeye Garrardcounty Hansford Sand aged 74 is dead in the Guns Chapel section of Garrard Mrs Kate Brown of Mercer has a loom made in 1767 and which is in good condition now The Central University eleven defeat ¬ ed Georgetown 20 to 0 In a gamo of foot ball at Georgetown Wm M Murphy is dead At Burks villa Ho was a denocrat and had fill- ed ¬ tho offices of sheriff and jailer Martin Elliott a wellknown co- operator of Pittsburg was struck by a freight train which was backing into a switch at that place and dangerously hurt Ills spine is thought to be Injured and his injuries may prove fatal Sheriff Rice W Johnson and Officer Low Mays captured Floyd Frazier who under sentence to hang in LetcherI county He was captured on mountain near Middlesboro Frazier with seven other prisoners escaped from the county jail at Pineville He had been sent to that county for safe keeping Four large stock barns on Clifton Stock Farm at Shakertown owned b- general John B Costlcman of Louis- ville ¬ were burned entailing a loss of 25000 There was 4000 insurance One of the barns burned was built in 1815 and is said to be one of tho finest the State The origin of the fire is unknown Milo Shanks of Richmond but moro recently a resident of Washington has accepted the position of editor and gen- eral manager of the Elmira Advertiser Republican morning newspaper print- ed at Elmira N Y and owned by Rep- resentative J Sloat Fassett The sal iry attached to the position is 2500 a tear with advances promised if the lusineas of the paper justifies the in ease MATRIMONIAL E D Southern and Miss Clora De laney were married here Nov 19th Madam Rumor says that a handsome roung lady of this place and a Frank ¬ fort gentleman will be married this weekMrs John Huguely of Danville has announced the engagement of her daughter Mary Vincent to Mr Mau ¬ rice Garland Fulton of Danville The wedding will be one of the beautiful society events of the near future The bride is the only daughter- J A Holmes and Miss Lillie Thomp- son ¬ were married in Lexington yester- day ¬ The groom is a member of the Crab Orchard mercantile firm of Ed miston Holmes general merchants and the bride is the pretty and popular daughter of Mr and Mrs R E Thomp ¬ son T E Deshon a prominent young man of Garrard county and Miss Lillie Conn were married at the home of the brideI in this city Rev W Fa Vaughn of the Methodist church officiating The bride is the sister of J T Conn the groceryman and is quite handsome Somerset Times Martin McCIeran aged 87 and Mrs Henry Logan aged 85 were married in Rowan county It was the third mar ¬ riage for the groom and fourth for the bride Mr McCleran is wealthy Mrs Logan was the mother of two Logan boys who were murdered by Craig Tel livers gang of feudists in tho streets Morehead in 1887 Miss Elizabeth Portman and Mr Clyde Anderson of Chicago were mar- ried ¬ yesterday at noon by the Rev R K Kelly of the Baptist church Mr An- derson ¬ is tho son of Mr and Mrs W A Anderson of Nashville Ind while Miss Portman is the attractive daugh- ter ¬ of Mr and Mrs J E Portman of 110 West Chestnut street They left immediately for Chicago where Mr Anderson is In business carrying with them congratulations and best wishes a host of friends Louisville Post The bride is remembered and loved by many of our people who have known her from her childhood Winter blasts causing pneumonia pleurisy and consumption will soon be hero Cure your cough now and strengthen your lungs with Foloya Honey and Tar Do not risk starting the winter with weak lungs when Foloys Honey and Tar will cure tho most obstinate coughs and colds and prevent serious results New Stan- d ¬ Drug Co- la the result of an Investigation into a number of incendiary fires in Corona- L I tho police arrested Mrs Marie Delaney a wealthy and respected wid- ow ¬ on a charge of arson Two trainmen were killed and three were fatally injured in a collision be- tween ¬ two freight trains on the Ann Arbor railway near Lakeland Mich I The blind population of Great Britain is about 40000 I ThanksgivingDay will be here with its usual RAIN and SNOW and you will need that new SUIT that you have been intending to buy Our Hart Schaffner Marx all wool line is rich in excellence of quality in perfection of tailoring and in neatness of fit Remember THEY ARE ALL WOOL WILL HOLD THEIR SHAPE and WILL NOT FADE When you have wornone suit of it nothing else will satisfy you Cummins Be Wearer STANFORD KENTUCKY the Cincoln bounty national Bank Of Stanford KentucKy Capital 5000000 Surplus 3333000 Resources 34000000 S H SHANKS PRESIDENT W M BRIGHT CASHIER- J B PAXTON VICEPRESIDENT J 0 REID ASSISTANT CASHIER- H C CARPENTER BOOKKEEPER DIREOTORSi J B Owsley Stanford S H Shanks Stanford Geo W Carter Stanford John B Foster Stanford W H Shanks Stanford John F Cash Stanford J B Paxton Stanford W H Traylor Gilberts Creek RL Hubble Lancaster W H Cummins Preachersville Lilburn Gooch Gilberts Creek If you want to keep posted on political doings in Kentucky sub scribefor the teitucHy State Journal The best Democratic Daily in Kentucky Write for price and particulars to- W I P WALTON Frankfort Ky THE SAFEST AND QUICKEST wMY Ttt TRANSFER MONEY IS BY LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONEF- OR RATES APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER EAST TENNESSEE TELEPHONE COMPANY INCOHPOBATtO r t

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Page 1: THE INTERIOP JOURNALV · KINGSVILLE I Mils Eva Leach who has been quite sick for Bomo time Is improving Prof A H Long of Alpine was hero Saturday for a short while Mr J L Johnson



Mils Eva Leach who has been quitesick for Bomo time Is improving

Prof A H Long of Alpine was

hero Saturday for a short while Mr

J L Johnson is Improving slowly Ho

is ablo to sit up about an hour each

dayTho following pupils of our Graded

School were neither absent nor tardyduring the last month of school James

IFlint Joseph Walters Eatill Gooch

Earl Mudman Clell Walters ErnestY

Gourlcy and Herman Haggard

iI Mr J F Davis of Columbus Ga

I was here Tuesday and Wednesday

working up members among tho rail-

road men for tho International Drothcr

hoodof Maintenance of Way Employ ¬

es The fraternity is largely an in ¬

surance orderThero will bo a debate a spelling

match and a pro supper at the school

house hero Friday night Nov 27

Everybody invited to come and takepart in tho exercises All tho young

ladies are requested to bring a sample II

of their beat Thanksjiving piesMr C D Evans has bought out his

I partner Dr C M Thompson in tho

lumber and planing mill business Mr

Evans will still engage In tho lumberj business at tho old stand Dr Thomp ¬

son bought a house and lot in Nicholastvillo from Mr Evans for 2000 in thoItrade

Bird hunting is the order of tho dayr

here just now Many a poor bird has

been killed and others havo lest part oftheir feathers or have boon maimed forlife by tho shot of tho nlmrods within

Ithe last few days Thero seems to bo

a considerable number of quail in thisCJ community and the hunters are getting

their part of themRobert Rlgnoya house just opposite

the depot caught on fire about C oclockTuesday morning Somo railroad men

discovered the smoke and gave tho

alarm There was quite a little ex ¬

citement for a while but the fire was

soon extinguished The fire was caused

by tho stove pipe passing through thewall close to tho ceiling The pipe be-



very hot and tho wall paper

started the blaze The damage done

to tho house was not very muchRev T B Stratton preached at the

Methodist church Friday night and

Saturday morning The quarterly con ¬

feronco was held at 2 oclock Friday

afternoon Rev Stratton district super ¬

intendent of the Methodist church pro

sided He loft here at noon Saturday

for Bethel where ho is to dedicate thenew Methodist church Thero have

been 20 additions to the church since

the revival has been In progress Mrs

Wallace Walter has been serving the

church as organistDr It L Davison of Stanford was

here Monday C E Freeman of

Portland Tenn was In town tact Too

dry Messrs Anderson and Gilliland

tho teachers of our Graded School took

their pupils to tho baptizing on Fishing

1Creek Tuesday afternoon After thethey spent tho remainder of

tho afternoon in an Autumnal outing

A largo persimmon tree was visited

and relieved of its fruit On their re¬

turn each one carried a cedar branch

with which they decorated tho school-

rooms Tho pupils report a good


The real original piping system forbootlegging has been unearthed by

tho Topeka Kansas police Thesystem was found in Negros houso In

tho Bottoms Instead of a water sys ¬

tem being installed In one of the houses

the police ran on to a regular arrangemeet of pipes apparently for tho accom ¬

modation of water but rosily for tho

conveyance of beer to thirsty customers

Detectives had watched the place day

and night and when they believed thatthe evidence was good enough they

e swooped down on tho tappers and corral ¬

led tho whole gang in tho houseThreo of tho men hud glasses in their

> hands and were drinking and the restwere standing with empty mugs

Tho pipes were supplied from a hogs ¬

head of been in tho attic

How Is your DigestionMrs Mary Dowling of No 223 8th

Avoi San Francisco recommends a

remedy for stomach trouble She saysGratitude rut tho wonderful effect

Electric Hitters In a case ot acuto Indi ¬

gestion prompts this testimonial 1

am fully convinced that for stomachand liver troubles Electric Bitters is thebest remedy on tho market todayThis great tonlo and alterative medl ¬

clue invigorates tho system puriOes

tho blood and Is especially helpful in

all forms of female weakness 60o atPennys Drug Store

The VlcarlIIlt true Samuel thatyour father allows games of chance to

be played In your houseThe Boy Thero aint no chance

about it sur they all cheats I

This country consumes 3000000 tons

of sugar yearly about half of which is

made in the United States



Above is tho picture of Lincoln coun ¬

tys contestant in District B7 of theEvening Post contest Miss Sine hasmade a good race thus far She hasnow nearly 120000 votes which givesher third place in this district or tho

to Cuba However her hearts de ¬

is to get tho piano and with thoassistance of a few more of her friendsthis week she will win it as the con-


closes Saturday night November28 Miss Sino is one of the most pop

lular members of the younger set ofStanford She is well liked by all whoknow her and she is expected to winas a representative of her locality

The expression mind your Ps andQs is so common that most of ushave never given thought to its originIt le a peculiar phase of human naturethat when wo grow up with anythingfrom infancy we never investigate It

The other night Professor Matte leeluring to his dancing class thus eluci-

dated The initials stand for pledsand qustJM feet and pigtails It wastho caution given by all French dan ¬

cing masters as far back as the time ofLouis XiV and up to tho time of therevolution It was then the fashion fortho feet to be put in position and thobow to bo bo made very lowa thingmost difficult to do gracefully withoutmoving the plods or deranging thewig and throwing tho queue forwardhenco tho warning ministered by thetcrpischorean professor New YorkPress


Hog killing is order of tho day just

nowSam Baugh sold some fat hogs to MrFoley at 6c J C Arnold was in thisneighborhood a few days ago lookingfor cattle

Most of our tobacco growers havedisposed of their crops at fair pricesThe prospect now is that the acreagewill bo greatly increased next year

C M Young is at London doing juryservices Miss Fanny and Eftle Younghave gone to Bethel Ridge to be pre ¬

ent at the dedication of the new M EChurch Mr and Mrs E G BaughC M Young and J M Cook at ¬

tended the quarterly meeting servicesat Kingsvillo last Friday

ISeyen Years or ProofI have had seven years of proof

that Dr Kings New Discovery is theboat medicine to take for coughs andolds and tor every disonsmlconditlonof throat chest or lungs says W

V Henry of Panama Mo Tho worldhas had 3S years of proof that DrKings Now Discovery is tho best remedy for coughs anti colds la grippeasthma hay fever bronchitis hemorrhago of the lungs and tho earlystages consumption Its timely usealways prevents time development ofpneumonia sold under guarantee atPennys Drug Store 60c and 81

Trial bottle free

Frankfort remmarkablephenomenon which is attracting muchattention from tho physicians of thatsection of tho State Ben Sayrcs aNegro has turned white as a result of-

f coming in contact with poison ivy Thoscientific explanation of the change is

that the pigment of tho body has beendestroyed by tho poison or by the med

tine which was used to counteract it

Watched FIPtearsII For fifteen years I have watched the

working of Bucklens Arnica Salvoand It has never tailed tocuro any sorebolt ulcer of burn to which it was ap¬

plied It has saved us many a doctorbill says A F Hardy of East Witton Maine 25o at Pennys DrugStore a

Systematic Investigation of the Phil-



Islands reveals tho fact that thegroup consists of 2600 islands whilebefore the American occupation thenumber was estimated at 1200


Two loaded cages collapsed at a coalmine near Edwardsville 111 and 200

men had a narrow escape from deathFour children at Danville Pa have

becomo infected with the foot andmouth disease contracted from Infect-

ed cattleProf M A Scovell of Kentucky

was elected president of the Associa-

tion of State Universities and Experi-



StationsThe students of Michigan College

hanged Negro students in effigy whenthe Circuit Court decided the school

must admit themA B Lambert and E H Honeywell

landed near Tiger Ga after an exciting all night trip from St Louis In

tho balloon YankeeBurglars ut Attica 0 discovered in

the act of blowing a safe held citizensat bay until the job was completedand got away with 0000

Tho Commissioner of Internal Rev-



denied the request of a Kentuckydistiller who wanted to put carameland rock candy syrup in bottled Inbonawhisky

John McLean 58 years old Judge oftho Municipal Court at CrookstonMinn committed suicide by jumpinginto the sluiceway of the Red LakeHlYerGRear Admiral Robley D Evans who

recently went on the retired list hasaccepted tho chairmanship or the Boardof Directors of the Los Angeles HarborCompany In

Five hundred thousand dollars in gold

ire being coined every day at the Phil ¬

adelphia mint to meet the demandwhich has already set in for the yellowpieces for Christmas gifts

An explosion of gas in a deep trench ain Gold street Brooklyn in which anumber of men were employed costprobably 25 lives and threw that sec-

tion of tho city into a panicSamuel Gompers was reelected pres-

Ident of the American Federation of ci

Labor One discontented representa ¬

live of the Socialist party voted againsthim The next convention will bo heldin

TorontoA Neb dispatch says Gov

elect A C Shallenberger is confined tohis room at the Lincoln Hotel and Issuffering from a fractured leg Hewas injured while being initiated as amember of the Shriners

Through the death of her motherwhose will has just been filed at River-head L I Mrs Elihu Root wife oftho Secretary of State will come intopossession of a fortune estimated atfrom 50000 to 500000

Girth Spencer a prominent farmerof Owen Ind was accidentally shotand killed in Louisville by Miss IdaReinhardt to whom ho was engagedThe two were playing with a pistolowned by Miss Reinhardt

All the bids for the building of themachinery of tho battleship Floridahave been rejected by Assistant Secreany Newberry of the Navy and the

machinery will bo built by the govern-ment In tho Brooklyn navy yard

De Rosa a mechanic was killed andJohn Jubasz a driver was badly In-



by the collision of their automobile with a telepraph polo while themen were training at Savannah Ga

for next Wednesdays small car raceG J Magness alias Hartlovo who

was arrested as a deserter from thonavy shortly after marrying Miss AdaGorman in Louisville must servo ayear in prison tho verdict of the courtmartial having been approved by thecSecretory of the Navy

The commissioner of patents has rendcred a decision in which he holds thattho protection of the law will not begiven to any manufacturer who includesin his trade mark tho arms of tho United States or those of the variousStates or cities of tho country

In the Bracken Circuit Court beforeor jury the Chesapeake and Ohio rail-

road was fined 150 for working sectionmen on Sunday Time railroads defensewas the necessity of tho work Thereare four other counts to be tried againstthe railroad of the same nature

For five hours Friday John D Rocke-



underwent a rigid cross examination at the hands of Frank B Kelloggwho is conducting the case against theStandard Oil Co for the governmentMr Rockefeller was forced to makeadmissions as to rebates and confessedthat his company had received a rebateon oil shipped by competitors In 1907

bo said the profits of tho companywere 80000000

HexamethylenetetramlneThe above U tho name of a German

chemical which la one of the manyvaluable ingredients of Foleys Kid ¬

ney Remedy HexaraetbylenetetramlnoIs recognized by medical text booksand authorities as a uric acid solventand antiseptic for the urine TakeFoloya Kidney Remedy as soon asy6u notice any irregularities andavoid a serious malady New Stan ¬

ford Drug Co


C W Potter aged 86 is dead at

SomersetRobertEast aged 17 is dead at

Buckeye GarrardcountyHansford Sand aged 74 is dead in

the Guns Chapel section of GarrardMrs Kate Brown of Mercer has a

loom made in 1767 and which is in goodcondition now

The Central University eleven defeat¬

ed Georgetown 20 to 0 In a gamo offoot ball at Georgetown

Wm M Murphy is dead At Burksvilla Ho was a denocrat and had fill-



tho offices of sheriff and jailerMartin Elliott a wellknown co-

operator of Pittsburg was struck by afreight train which was backing into aswitch at that place and dangerouslyhurt Ills spine is thought to be Injuredand his injuries may prove fatal

Sheriff Rice W Johnson and OfficerLow Mays captured Floyd Frazier who

under sentence to hang in LetcherIcounty He was captured onmountain near Middlesboro Frazierwith seven other prisoners escapedfrom the county jail at Pineville Hehad been sent to that county for safekeeping

Four large stock barns on CliftonStock Farm at Shakertown owned b-

general John B Costlcman of Louis-


were burned entailing a loss of25000 There was 4000 insurance

One of the barns burned was built in1815 and is said to be one of tho finest

the State The origin of the fire is

unknownMilo Shanks of Richmond but moro

recently a resident of Washington hasaccepted the position of editor and gen-

eral manager of the Elmira AdvertiserRepublican morning newspaper print-

ed at Elmira N Y and owned by Rep-

resentative J Sloat Fassett The saliry attached to the position is 2500 atear with advances promised if the

lusineas of the paper justifies the in



E D Southern and Miss Clora Delaney were married here Nov 19th

Madam Rumor says that a handsomeroung lady of this place and a Frank ¬

fort gentleman will be married this

weekMrsJohn Huguely of Danville has

announced the engagement of herdaughter Mary Vincent to Mr Mau¬

rice Garland Fulton of Danville Thewedding will be one of the beautifulsociety events of the near future Thebride is the only daughter-

J A Holmes and Miss Lillie Thomp-


were married in Lexington yester-day


The groom is a member of theCrab Orchard mercantile firm of Edmiston Holmes general merchantsand the bride is the pretty and populardaughter of Mr and Mrs R E Thomp ¬

sonT E Deshon a prominent young man

of Garrard county and Miss Lillie Connwere married at the home of the brideIin this city Rev W Fa Vaughn of theMethodist church officiating Thebride is the sister of J T Conn thegroceryman and is quite handsomeSomerset Times

Martin McCIeran aged 87 and Mrs

Henry Logan aged 85 were married in

Rowan county It was the third mar ¬

riage for the groom and fourth for thebride Mr McCleran is wealthy Mrs

Logan was the mother of two Loganboys who were murdered by Craig Tellivers gang of feudists in tho streets

Morehead in 1887

Miss Elizabeth Portman and MrClyde Anderson of Chicago were mar-



yesterday at noon by the Rev R K

Kelly of the Baptist church Mr An-



is tho son of Mr and Mrs W

A Anderson of Nashville Ind whileMiss Portman is the attractive daugh-


of Mr and Mrs J E Portman of110 West Chestnut street They leftimmediately for Chicago where Mr

Anderson is In business carrying withthem congratulations and best wishes

a host of friends Louisville PostThe bride is remembered and loved

by many of our people who have knownher from her childhood

Winter blasts causing pneumoniapleurisy and consumption will soonbe hero Cure your cough now andstrengthen your lungs with FoloyaHoney and Tar Do not risk startingthe winter with weak lungs whenFoloys Honey and Tar will cure thomost obstinate coughs and colds andprevent serious results New Stan-



Drug Co-

la the result of an Investigation intoa number of incendiary fires in Corona-

L I tho police arrested Mrs MarieDelaney a wealthy and respected wid-



on a charge of arson

Two trainmen were killed and threewere fatally injured in a collision be-



two freight trains on the AnnArbor railway near Lakeland Mich


The blind population of Great Britainis about 40000



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