the invisible line of latitude that is at the center of the earth is the _______________


Upload: kevin-lindsey

Post on 13-Dec-2015




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The invisible line of latitude that is at the center of the Earth is the _______________.

The time it takes a planet to spin once on its axis is known as it’s ________________.

The path that the Earth takes around the sun is an _________________orbit.

The two motions that the Earth makes are it ________________ and it _____________.

A Galaxy is made up of ___________________________.

The Summer Solstice takes place ______________.

The Big Bang Theory suggests that an explosion took place ______years ago.

The Winter Solstice takes place ______________.

Saturn is the _________planet from the sun!

About how may times does the Earth rotate in 3 months?

When the axis of the Southern Hemisphere is pointed away from the sun, the Southern Hemisphere would experience______________.

The word Equinox comes from Latin and means ______________.

Mercury is the _________planet from the sun!

Three planets that do not have a tilted axis are___________, _____________, and _____________.

The reason we have our day and night is because the Earth______________________.

The Autumnal Equinox takes place ___________________.

Uranus is the _________planet from the sun!

The season that has days that are cold and short is _____________.

Mars is the _________planet from the sun.

The start of Spring is known as the _________________ and it takes place_____________________.

The Earth rotates in a___________ direction.

The season that has days that are long is _____________.

The day when there is an equal amount of sunlight and darkness is __________________________.

Which months have 30 days?

The season that has short days is ______________.

The start of autumn is known as the _________________.

The Supercluster that Earth can be located in is the____________________.

• The The axis of the Earth is tilted ______ degrees?

Seasons are caused by the Earth’s ______________and _______________.


The imaginary line around which the Earth spins is a (n) ________.

The word Solstice comes from two Latin words that mean ________and _________________.

The theory of how our universe was formed and that explains that our universe is expanding is known as __________________________.

The Galaxy that planet Earth is located in is, The ___________________Galaxy.

Groups of galaxies make up a _______________.