the ish normal newsletter

© anonymous A message from Steve Thoughts & Prayers Pray for Our Minister, Rev Steve, as he prepares for the coming very busy lead up to Christmas; Our Church Council, meeng this week, as they connue to steadfastly support our congregaon; Rick B, as his mighty journey begins. We connue to uphold him and his family in prayer; All those aending our Accidental Counsellor course & Pamper Day next week, may they find the me both inspiraonal & enjoyable; & All Year 12 HSC & IB students, during their final exams. The New-ish Normal Newsletter Gordon-Pymble Uniting Church Sunday 21 November 2021 Primary Scripture classes returned this week at two of the three schools at which we teach, while at the other school they simply cant fitscripture into a very disrupted term. Some Scripture teachers are no longer available and so two Year 5 classes were combined, giving me about 38 students. Thank you to Courtney who will help for the remaining classes of the year by taking the other class. And at the other school all Scripture classes have to be held outside(!) wherever we can find a spot, with all the associated distracons. I am not sure what happens if it rains. So pray that some good will come of challenging circumstances as we seek to cover the Christmas story in the coming weeks. It is nice to see some church groups slowly meeng back in person. Thank you for your paence in not yet eang together, as we seek to sck by our Covid-safety plans and the decisions the Church Council has made. But do enjoy each others company and fellowship. I havent yet had any music suggesons for the weeks of Advent, once we have returned to worship and are able to sing. Please feel free to send your suggesons to me via email and I will try to incorporate. Elsewhere in the newsleer you will see the program of worship services over December and January. Given only one service would have been held at Pymble in December on our previous paern (and that on our second week back together) we have decided to postpone returning to that paern unl 23 January, when I will be back from holidays. Rick B departed in his kayak on Monday. He is geng acclimased to his boat and is heading north at present, staying close to land in the early days. Steve Aynsley

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Page 1: The ish Normal Newsletter

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A message from Steve

Thoughts & Prayers Pray for

• Our Minister, Rev Steve, as he prepares for the

coming very busy lead up to Christmas;

• Our Church Council, meeting this week, as they

continue to steadfastly support our congregation;

• Rick B, as his mighty journey begins. We continue

to uphold him and his family in prayer;

• All those attending our Accidental Counsellor course

& Pamper Day next week, may they find the time

both inspirational & enjoyable; &

• All Year 12 HSC & IB students, during their final


The New-ish Normal


Gordon-Pymble Uniting Church

Sunday 21 November 2021

Primary Scripture classes returned this week at two of

the three schools at which we teach, while at the other

school they simply can’t ‘fit’ scripture into a very

disrupted term.

Some Scripture teachers are no longer available and so

two Year 5 classes were combined, giving me about 38

students. Thank you to Courtney who will help for the

remaining classes of the year by taking the other class.

And at the other school all Scripture classes have to be

held outside(!) wherever we can find a spot, with all the

associated distractions. I am not sure what happens if it

rains. So pray that some good will come of challenging

circumstances as we seek to cover the Christmas story

in the coming weeks.

It is nice to see some church groups slowly meeting back

in person. Thank you for your patience in not yet eating

together, as we seek to stick by our Covid-safety plans

and the decisions the Church Council has made. But do

enjoy each other’s company and fellowship.

I haven’t yet had any music suggestions for the weeks of

Advent, once we have returned to worship and are able

to sing. Please feel free to send your suggestions to me

via email and I will try to incorporate.

Elsewhere in the newsletter you will see the program of

worship services over December and January. Given

only one service would have been held at Pymble in

December on our previous pattern (and that on our

second week back together) we have decided to

postpone returning to that pattern until 23 January,

when I will be back from holidays.

Rick B departed in his kayak on Monday. He is getting

acclimatised to his boat and is heading north at present,

staying close to land in the early days.

Steve Aynsley

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Any time GPUC Virtual Worship via YouTube

11:00am—12:30pm GPUC Zoom Morning Tea Log in to Zoom & enter the following: Meeting ID: 819 0297 5085 Passcode: 471310

Sunday 21

10:00—11:00am Bible Study Contact Sue or David Co.

Thursday 25

9:00am—12:30pm Computer Clinic (Hybrid) Contact Bruce K.

10:15am Current Affairs (Hybrid) Contact [email protected]

Friday 26

You can catch up online via some of our interest groups, here’s what’s still on via Zoom

21 Nov—26 Nov...

Where links aren’t shown, contact the group’s leader via their Directory listing.

7:30—9:30pm Tuesday Conversations (Hybrid) Exploring life. Use Zoom link: with Meeting ID: 857 5750 1698 & Passcode: 325834

Tuesday 23

The Lindara Market needs volunteers for its Pricing and

Sorting Sessions, every Friday from 12 November, 1-3pm,

at the Lindfield Uniting Church Undercroft. The next

charity market will be on Saturday 4 Dec, 8am-1pm.

There’s an opportunity to buy items in advance if you

spot something you love while you’re helping out!

All proceeds from the Market support a social worker

based at Centacare in Waitara, who provides support and

intervention for local families in crisis. All donations of

clean saleable goods can be dropped to the Lindfield

Uniting Church carport on Fridays. Strong helpers are

also needed for set-up in the days prior to the market.

Contact Noella on 9498 8105 for more information.

NSW Health rules now require vaccination status to be

checked for market entry on Dec 4.

Sunday worship & selected highlights: December & January

4 December 2021 – Gordon 4:30pm. Messy Church.

5 December – Gordon 9:30 am. Return to in-person

worship, and Communion. MADOW stall after service.

11 December – Gordon 5:00pm. Messy Church /

Christmas for Everyone Nativity Play

12 December – Gordon 9:30 am.

Congregation AGM following the service.

19 December – Gordon 9:30 am.

24 December – Pymble 6:30pm Children/Family Service.

Gordon 8:30 pm Carols & Candles.

25 December – Christmas Day at PLC Chapel, 9:00am.

26 December – Online service.

2 January 2022 – Gordon 9:30 am. Communion.

9 & 16 January – Gordon 9:30 am.

23 January – Gordon 9:30 am. Includes baptism.

Pymble 11:00 am. Communion

30 January – Gordon 9:30 am. Includes baptism.

Rural focus BBQ.

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Lifeline Christmas Hampers Lifeline would be most grateful if we can continue to

donate Christmas season food items (up until

5 December) for their hampers. Each hamper includes

a Woolworths or Big W voucher, so clients can

supplement their hamper with their own preference

of foods or goods.

Lifeline would appreciate donations of: tinned ham,

Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, mince pies, long life

custard, Christmas type biscuits, nuts and chips, and

chocolates or sweets. (Please, no Tim Tams as they

have received a generous donation of these.)

If you’d prefer, Lifeline would be especially pleased to

receive cash in order to purchase extra vouchers.

Donations can be made in the following ways:

• Go to Lifeline’s website and donate directly using the

following link


• Phone Lifeline office on 9498 8805 and use your credit


• Place cash in an envelope with your name and address

and bring it to Church on

5 December when we

meet in person.

All monetary donations will

be issued with a receipt for

taxation purposes.

All donations either food or

cash must be received by

5 December in time for

packing and distribution.

Thank you everyone for the

tremendous support you

have given this year.

It is so much appreciated.

“Difficult roads

often lead to beautiful destinations.”


“Stirring Up” with FFC We have 16 GPUC families stirring up in person at

Pymble for this Friday’s FFC. They’re looking forward to

cracking eggs, humming to Christmas songs and making

their Christmas Pudding as a group.

We look forward to hearing Steve’s pudding prayer and

blessing our puddings for 2021.


The third Annual General Meeting of the Gordon-

Pymble Uniting Church will be held on Sunday,

12 December 2021 at 10:30 am, following morning

worship at the Gordon Church. At the meeting, the

financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2021

will be received, and the election of Church Council

and Presbytery representatives will be held.


At the Annual General Meeting of the Congregation

to be held on Sunday, 12 December 2021, there will

be an election for Members of the Church Council. In

electing Church Councillors, the Regulations of the

Uniting Church in Australia state that the

Congregation shall recognise and appoint members

who are endowed with gifts fitting them for the

responsibilities of the office.

The term of office of an elected Church Councillor is

for such period from one to five years as is stipulated

by the nominee and for which period the person is

then elected by the Congregation. At the expiry of

the term the Church Councillor shall be eligible for re-


We invite nominations for Church Councillors. If you

know of someone who you believe has the gifts for

these offices, you may like to ask them to consider

nomination. If you would be interested to serve on

the Church Council, please speak to me or a member

of the Council.

Nomination forms which need to be signed by the

nominee, a proposer and seconder, are available from

the Church office at both Gordon and Pymble.

Nominations will close on 28 November.

Sue Co., Chair of the Congregation

Special Religious Education Good news, Special Religious Education (SRE) has

returned to some local schools this week.

Our SRE Team has been on training courses this week

to ensure they’re well supported and educated to run

lessons that sow the seed for our little ones, growing

their faith, now and in the future.

If you think you might like to become an SRE teacher,

please contact Steve, Robyn J or Courtney — they’d

love to hear from you.

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Happy Birthday wishes this week to:

David L & Graham McM

Emotional Wellbeing Space

Wellbeing Coaching

Managing feelings of anxiety or depression can feel stressful.

Wellbeing Coaching can guide you towards positive outcomes.

Benefits to learn and develop strategies to:

• Help deal with feelings of stress and worry

• Recognise and make best use of inner strengths

• Pay attention to emotions and increase emotional resillence

• Find solutions to life challenges

Program details:

• 6-week group coaching program

• Individual coaching sessions

Coaching is available to all people aged 18—65 years who live, work or study in Sydney North Region, through online or face-to-face sessions.



Register your interest via

1300 111 278 [email protected]

Playgroups at Gordon Playgroups are back in Gordon’s Red Room as follows:

Mondays with Courtney

9:30am - 11:30am

for regular Playgroup, then

11:30am - 1:30pm

for a Mothers & Babies


Tuesdays & Wednesdays with Nicola

9:30am - 11:30am for regular Playgroup.

Stir Up’s Drive-Thru Despatch is Underway!

Messy Church Nativity Play Rehearsal Saturday 4 December

4:30—6:30pm at Gordon

Are you on our Service Rosters during December?

If you’re no longer available for your allocated slot,

please contact Nicola so a sub can be arranged.