the jackson standard€¦ · p&otfp? attention 0itb1c ro'lltdbk.pob job printing or au....

P&OtfP? ATTENTION 0ITB1C rO'lltDBK.POB JOB PRINTING or au. Kiszts. ADVERTISEMENTS EVERY DAVIS TUUKMDAY, MACKLEY, BY A.- T- The Jackson Standard One Dollar per Annum, in Advance, OFFICE ON MAIN STREET, OVER IIRBT NATIONAL BANK. VOL. 38 NO. 14. OL.DKKT THK COUNTY. PAPKR Wf I f JACKSON, OHIO, THURSDAY, APPvIL 6, 1882 KIABl.lHhll VIA... H la-It-. ia WTTOTVE NO. 1815. From I lie OufnklB Magazine. 1 Ml EDiCAl ltous; we had to advance as gingerly CREAT GERM DESTROYER. T I N W A R E SJTVJES&CtC IE2 3S 2iv O VEDI! Au Intoxiciitpil Leirilator I.viii"' Drnnk in . "the Rotunda at Longvit-w- . The Legislative Committee on In- sane Asylums, which were at Long-vie- w last Saturday on an investaga-tin- g tour, having returned to Colum- bus, reported that at Longview they found about 100 insane, consisting of colored and incurables, in the building called the annex; that they were in a most wretched condition, and that the building is unfit for occupancy. The managers of Longview are much exorcised over this statement, and they think it. quite an injustice done them. which he let fall I gathered that he had not yet given up all hope. Very likely he had meant to renounce her forever when he left Cannes; but. upon more deliberate reflection lie may have found that it was iu his heart to forgive her, and may also have argued, from what we knew of her character, that she would be sure to want him back as soon as he was well out of reach. We had more than a week of mag- nificent warm diiys and clear frosty nights; but then the weather sud- denly changed, and the rain began to come down as it only knows how to conie down in the mountains. Neither . , . , r i t i - To my FRIENDS, and the PUBLIC Until further notice 1 mav be f.mnd on Main Street. Three Doors below the First Natiomil B;ink, Jacks n, Ohio, with a Larger Stock of Goods, and Incred facilities tor Manufacturing. It will prove to your advantage to call when in want of Stoves, Grates, Fronts, Hollow ware, Tinware, &c. You are especially invited to call if you are in need of a TIN or IRON ROOF, SPOUTING, or GENERAL JOB WORK. Second St., Above PLUMBER, GAS AND DEALER IN Wrought Iron Pipt's. Ptumbers' Goods, FITTIPiG", Steam and Water Cock.. iaure, Globe and Check Valves, Gam Packing. Uum Hune. (oawirv . ;.. Copnersmitliiiig M Slieet Iron Work Done. i All Orders GivenPrompt Attention. eyPrompt attontlon (rtvon to nrders, and Plumbing and Fittlntr dmi. at urlcestianlt the time's Jti l.marHltlf Ed. Sternterger. Frant Merier. THE GREATEST 01 All Gnat Unit STERN8ERCER BftOTHEfcSt Corner of Main & Broadway Street Jackson, Ohio. Dealers in READY MADE! CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FANCY GOODS, &c., &c. THE MAN WITH 1 HE RES HAIR. (continued.) III. About six o'clock the next morning I was roughly awakened by Percival's coming into my room and pulling the pillow from under my head. ''What is the matter now?" I asked, sitting upand rubbing my eyes; and 1 dare say I added some strong ex- pressions; for there is nothing in the .vide world that I hate So much as being roused from my slumbers in the middle of the night. Percival sat down on the bed. ''Look liere, Oliver," he said; 'T must get out of this. After what you saw last light, . . I needn't . tell you why. I'm i n I 11 i uoi ine nrsi man wno oaa neen ruaue t fool of by a woman; and I'm not oinsi to break my heart about it no tear!" Here he pumped up a hollow .augh. "But it won't do for me to stop in this place," he went on. "I hould be breaking somebody's neck fI did; and I'm off to the Pyrenees his morning to shoot bears and bou-paetin- s. After a week or two of that. 1 shall be able to pull ruyself together, I expect." "Quite right," I said sleepily. "Best hing you can do." "I don't want to go alone, though Now, Oliver, will you do a fellow a ood turn, and come with me? I left he tent and everything else that we hall want out there last year, and i've telegraphed to the natives to say I'm coming. It would do you all the .food in the worH to camp out in the maintains for a bit. Of course I pay 11 expenses, and I'll guarantee you Mime sport." I hardly knew what answer to make. Life at Cannes was monotonous, to say the least of it; I had nei'ir seen a ear in my life, except at the Zoo, and 1 had never seen a bouquet in at all On the other hand, life in the wild-vit- h so uncertain-tempere- d a com- panion as Percival, might not prove o be an unmixed delight. He vatched me eiifJerty while I was bal-mci- ng these considerations one against he other, and forestalled my reply by xclainiing, for Heaven's sake. Oliver. Ion t say yon are going to refuse! I lon't mind telling the truth to you: I'm hard hit I'm devilish hard hit." His voice shook a little, and upon ny Word I believe there were teais m his eyes. I daren't go alone," he Went on ' So long as I'm shooting, I'm all lght, and I don't care a snap for any vonian in the world; but I couldn't ce the long evenings all by myself Hang it, man! can't you understand ? It's a case of something very like lift r death, I can tell you." I think I mentioned before thnt I m extremely good-nature- d. Thi-piteo- us appeal of Percival's turned he scale, and 1 said I would see hint hrongh. Flurry's face, when we made our idieux to her and her mother befon starting for the station, was a very imusing study, and if Percival noticed it, he must have felt himself fully en titled to score one. But I am not -- lire that he looked at her at all. He aid in an off-ha- way, "Good-by- e. Miss Neville. Meet you again sonu-lay- . I hope," and plunged into the minibus, head first, without waiting for her to make any reply. I don't think Florry half liked it. Whether she hud intended to marry Percival or not, I am very sure that sin-hu- never contemplated his bolting af- - r so uncerenioniousa ThsHioii; hut or course it w;is too late to think of stop- - uug him then. She took quite an iffeetionate farewell of me. b gging ne to be sure and let her know what port we had, and asking what my iddresa was to be. "Poste Restante, Bigneres de Ln hon," growled out Percival from the recesses of the omnibus. "We shan'i be much in the way of getting letters for the next fortnight, though. Cone ilong. Oliver; there s no time to lose. Now will i be believed that, af t r all that ha"! come and gone, that red-- h died idiot sulked for a mutter of four-and-twe- hours because iv . iim had expressed her intention ol writing to toe? I couldn't makp out wh it was wrong with him at first: but by degrees it transpired, Hnd I .ad all the trouble in the world t.i oersimde him thnt, potting my own blamelesss inuocece out of th ques- tion, it whs utterly illogical of him t" be at the same time j nlous of Lucv and me. Indeed, it was only by hre-tin- g to abandon him to his fab at Toiilmi-- e th it T manage) to bring Htm to his lvarings. After that le became more reasonable, and both hi p s and his manners improved as we had left civilization be- hind us. We spent ten days very pleasanth oid Soei essfnlly. Upon the whole, in lie wild Spanish valley where Perei r il had chosen to pitch our tent. No c:ime our way, but we killed oi- - of and I was lucky enough 0 tiring down the only bonqnetiii hat I got. a shot, at. Percival sho-wo- ; which was just as well, for it vou'd have been quite enough to up t, his equanimity that, the large oimlr should have fallen to nil hare. With his removal from the diatening influence of Flurry's so- li, tv. his qner. gusty temper had re- asserted itself to some extent, and we id more thn one absurd little scein vith the guides and porters who ac- companied us; but, taking him alto-'ethe- r. he was not a disngreable com-lanio- n. Tn point of fiict we had so Few opportunities for conversation hat th"re was not much fear of full- ing out. Our days were n turallv liven up entirely to sport; and when -- piiirtit to unr encampment in the evening, dead beat and as hungry as hawks, neither of us wished for ttiv h ng more than to pirtake of the -- ivory stew which the guides prepar- ed for w. and to lie down afterwards with our feet, to the blaze of the bon- fire, listening to their long yarns or o th" melancholy, dirge-lik- e songs th t they sang, until we wire over- taken by sleep. I don't thin! Florry's nam 'Wis once mentioned, but Per-civ- a1 alluded to her indirectly every UOW uud agin, and from Si me bu -- 4 as posible, so as to avoid making any noise, and whenever I slipped or trod on a dry twig, Jean-Pierr- e, the chas- seur who was in command of me, turned round, making hideous faces, and cursed me under his breath. Furthermore, I couldn't help think- ing that, if the bear chose to appear suddenly at this stage of the proceed- ings it would be an awkward business for all of na. We ncoiinti red no bear in the woods; but when at length we rose above the region of trees and emerged upon a stretch of coarse grass, we were rewarded for our climb by dis- covering which there was no mistak- ing upon a patch of the fast-melti- ng snow. Following these up hopefully, we found ourselves upon the edge of a tolerably extensive snow-fiel- d, across which the tracks were so distinct that Jean-Pier- re declared that they were not an hour old. He further profess- ed to be able to see that the beast had been moving upwards at a leisurely pce, having no suspicion of being pursued, and prophesied that we should catch him up ou some clifls to which he pointed, and which he calcu- lated that it would take us something lika an hour to reach. I was very glad when he did reach them, for toiling up hill through soft snow is not my notion of enjoyment; hut I was not particularly sanguine as to the chance of Bruin's having had the civility to wait for us, and. Pnce upon the bare rocks, we had no i i i a l" longer any ciu to guine us 10 nis whereabouts. Jean-Pierr- e, neverthe less, continued to be full of confidence. He went, on ahead, skirting the face of the precipice, where there was just foothold and no more, and no more, and the rest of us followed. After a time he held up his hand to stop us, bent down and examined the rock where a slight, sprinkling of snow had lodged, advanced a little wav, came back again, and then, pointing to a deep cleft just in front of us, ex- claimed. "II est la!" I was once posted at the entrance of this fissure and warned in order to steady mv nerves, I suppose that if T missed I was a dead man; after which a stone was thrown in. No result. A second and a larger one, however, elicited a deep gr-r-r- -r, which put an end to all doubt. "Attention. m'sienr. s'il vons plait!" sung out Jean-Pierr- e, and he fired into the rlnsm. Immediately a large. dirk mass hurled itself out through the smoke. T suppose I must have tnken aim, though I can't say that T have any recollection of doing so. for the next instant, a fine large bear lay stone-den- d at mv feet. Well, I dare say we kicked up rath- er more row over it than we need have done (Percival declared after- wards that, he could have h"ard us yelling ten miles away); but I think perhaps it might, count as an extenu- ating ciroumtance that this was my first bear. A for the natives, of course they ought to have known bet- ter So far. everything had gone quite according to programme, except that it was the old he-be- not his partner, that, T had killed; but now came the question of whether we were to rest sntifi'd with what we had accom- plished and return to camp, or or whether we should push on and try to effect a junction with Per- cival After ome debate it. was agreed that Jean Pierre and I should adopt the latter course. T quite admit, that this was all wrong; but I was flushed with success, and I thought, suppos- ing thnt Percival should happen to miss. what, a thousand pities it would Vie that there should not be somebody at hand to back him np. So we set our faces westwards and downwards, and in due course of time reached the outskirts of the wood where we sup- posed that, our comp 'nions would be. I don't think we had ben five min-iit.- .s off the itinw when T heard some- thing crashing among the trees be- neath us. I caught a momentary glimpse of a great, lumbering body, and directly afterwards I distinctly saw ah df-gro- cub dashing helter-skelt- er after it. I fired almost at ran- dom, and T need hardly add that I missed. The crashine sound gTew fainter, and then T looked at Jean-Pi"r- re and Jean-Pier- re looked at me, and then we both whitled. to be continued. A Telling l aw. Mr. Charles Law, Jr., in conversa- tion with one of our representatives, recently laid: "I have been a sufferer from rheumtism and neuralgia for the past ten years, and tried all kinds of renndies. Having heard so much .bont St. Jacobs Oil, I tried a bottle, and found it truly wonderful. Potts-toir- n Pa.) Leiher. Calculated to fill it: "I tell you," eon tinned Pingrey, "Brown isn't fit for the place. In fact, I don't know of a place that he is calculated to fill." "Don't be intemperate in your re- marks, Pingrey." said Fogg; "you for- get his stomach." "Bnchualla." New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary iitfections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1 at druggists. Ohio Depot, JNO. D. PARK & SONS, Cincinnati, 0. A French wit observes that, if a woman tells you "I'll never speak to you again in my lift- - there!" rejoice aud return; but if she says "1 shall al- ways be glad to see you at any time," travel! When a woman loves you, she will pardon all even your crimes; but when she no longer loves you, she will not even forgive you your virtues. Our best physicians endorse Rine-hart- 's Liver Pills. Sold by G. W. Miller. An irritable man, who was annoyed iu an omnibus by the lady who sat next to him couching violently, ex- claimed: "That's a very bad cftld of yours. Madam." To aba h ?he meek- ly replied: "I know it, si- -, and I am sorry tor it; but it's the beat i've goto." DA RB Y8 PROPHYLACTIC FLUID! Pitting of SMALL SMALL POX I POX Prevented. ERADICATED ULCERS purified and healed. UANUKENE prevented CONTAGION and cured. tl'trov'd. I1YSKSTKKY (TRED. SICK IMmms pnrlfied VVul'.NDS healed rapidly. ani nade iltasant. SCUIIVE Y cured In KBVEKD AN II SICK hirt time. I' S ;iit(1 TRTTF.K dried np. relVeshefl hy bai li in I T IS 1' K It KECT I.Y with ProptaylaetfC Kiu-1- 1 HAItMUM. i dd 'd T.irht- water. ForSUHE THKOAT il is SOFT WHITE a sure nure. rurcd by ft u. hi bai hinif. IMPURE A I B made barmJwNsi mid pHrlfied DIPTHEBIA by prinklii) Darb1 s Kluf'l aitont. To P U RI r Y THE BREA rn. CLEANSE P2SVENTED, THE TEETH, it cau l CATARKH relieved and eureil. CHOLF.UA dissipated. EHYIPELA8 rnrfd. SHIP KEVElt prevented K U H N s relieve.' In- stantly. by Its ne. In case of death In the 9CAR8 nrercQted. house. It should always all iiujileasant lie used aiMml the corpse odors. it will preveiitauy un- pleasant smell An ANTIDO i E for Ani- mal or Vegetable Poi- sons. SCARLET Stillgs. Daticrernas effluvia? o' sb-- roiiins and hospitals removed by Its use. CUBED. YELLOW FEVER EU A DIL ATED. In fact il is the great DISINFECTANT AND PURIFIER PltEFARED BY j. a ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing CincaiisTB. SoLKlMtorniETORs. CLARK ..OR Mill 3U Syrup s? mmi TEADE M.M.K. nunro Dyspepsia, Live.' Diseases. Fever Ai I 5! 1 H I" Ague, HIicii ma- - iHm, Dropsy, Heart THsensi Biliousness, Nervous Debility, etc. Th4 Best REMEDY SHOWN to Man ! 12,000,000 Bottles SOLD SJ.'.CE IS'O. Tli s S'jrup possesses Varied Properties. It Stimulates the Ptyullne In the Saliva. WMeh converta the Stareh and Sugar or the Rtod Into Btaeaaa A deflclencv In I'tvalinv earaaca M'lii'l and Soaring of the foodlu th a ilomali. It" the metlielue Is taken Immed- iately after eating; the leiiacutatlon of fooo1 li prevented. It act uuon the I.lver. It acta tipou the Kidneys. It tiefc-.ilate- s the 3o-.vel- It Carlllev the Blood. It Ouiets the JVervonn System. It Pi naailtea Iliwction. It Vourlahes, .Nireuirthcns mid Tnvlirorntea. It carries oflT the Old l.,od and mttkea new, It 1enai the pnrea o the skin and Induces Healthy Perspiration, Tt the hereditary taint, or poison in thi HOOO, which pcncratt'S Scrofula. Erysipei;.-- , ai.d l niannar of sin diseases and iotornal humors. 1 iicr are no spirits onap!ovi;ti in it.s luanujacture, and it can b tj ken by the most delicate babe, or ly t.. o isre-- i ;r.d tccble, cjc wilj tca'n.y required in attention ta miiUtton. m Liver Complaint. TORCH. O.. April 6. 1881. Dr. Clark .fobnson : Your valuable IXDI AN TILOOIl SY1IUP KHve nie Inintediate relief for l.iver Complaint. Coustlpatloi. of the Bowels and General Debliitv. JOHN PVINFEE. Siclc Headache. LITTLE IIOCKIXO. O.. April 12. 1881. Or. Clark Johnson : Thl - cert I lies that the use or von r INDIAN BLOOD SYKUl" has cured me Of Sick Headache. M. S. SCOTT. LITTLE HOCKING. O.. April 9. 1K81. Dr. Ctark Johnsoit: I used your INDIAN BLOOD SYRl'l' for Chile the HtomaeR. and itqtiieklv relieved Hie. It has also ereatly benetlted uty hiishaud tor Billunsiifss. Mr. FLORA B. GUTHRIE. A. Vtiln.ll felieine. COOLVILI.E. O.. Apr. 8. 1SS1. Ir. Clark Johnson: lb later and myself have used the INDIAN BIKIO SVRUP for a coin;, lleation of Diseases, and have ob- tained irreat relief ttierefroiu. It is an luvalualile reiuedy. FANNIE I'lLSKER. V. M. Bnpa. 8. 1831-- lj -- nrni. WOT ASLEEP BUT Wide Awake AND ATTENTIVE to BUSINESS. D. P. PEWTHERS, Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shos. All work of the bes( material at lowest living rates. Repairing Leather and Rubber Boots and Shoes a Specialty. Shop on Main Street, near comer of Church St. lackson. Ohio. iajaii8Jy CATTLE. I sun ! niiiorl Ir.p and Brefdlvg a Herd of ood Shr Hnr.. Dnrhiun ttlr nml have tl.t-i- entanth hand for sale. They can he seen on ihe farm of Mrs.t Uivif, 3 liiilt uoriU ol liuiriJre of Wuiaytily X- - hi. uO'tas. w. m. JOHNSON. INSURANCE AtiENT, A.XO TVotrn. lPsiliIit, . K KS -- A, O lit. Office Crsr 3sM u Jewelry Store. tokSUaf SAD ACUDENT. MR. OSCAR CRAIGG Blown up by a Prema- ture IMast in the Rosenilale Cement of an KVE Its SitbueQuent Removal by Suralcal Operation. Mr. Ofcar Crnicc vas foreman in acenient qnarry at Ho!end;tlp. I'Nter Co.. N. V. By an explosion one day in the qu.irrv he lost an pye lot it totally. Un- der the Impresnfon that the matter was less serious tlip local pbyslef an told Sr. Craiga; that the eye wn-n- lost wholly but conld be saved by treatment. The experiinnnt was tried but failed. Worse remain- ed behind, for he was in danger of losing the othei also, through sympathetic Inflammation. In this "trait he consulted I It . DAVID KKNN KDY. of Ron dout. N. Y , who told him the Injured eye must tn taken out to save the other. Totli's Mr. Cnitfrg de- murred, and home In doubt. His lc lbysletan said: -- Go Ut New York." To New York '11- pai t went. ml one t he mot eminent oeuli io the country. Iiavlmr looked at the cai-e- . said : "Yoi. have ttt out- eve riitirclv ; (j baek and do what nr to save the Other." iti i fl, Dlt. K h.X N' E UY re m ivetl the ruined eeand treated Mr t raiuir with KEVXKDY ij FAVOR I TIG REMEDY" to build u: thertyMem mid (tie resull was Kucresfal. Dlt. I KX N KDY vrreat ueee- - a Sorgtoji is dm o mhfnseof "FAYOlllTK REMEDY'1 in the am j remtment. Are you troubled with Dy spcpsia. Liver Complain 1 'on-- r or deraitgeifien.1 of - Kfdoey ? th-- n e Dlt. KKX N K 1 Y S r A V' R IT I i'KM KDY." H will not ttlmprdnl vou. Dlt KEN 1EDVS "FaVOUITE HEMKDY" for sale by ui !ruuj4lts. 16uiarflm mare OF fraud BENSON'S GAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their excellent reputation in- jured by worthless imitati" s. Tho Public are cautioned against buy- ing Plasters having rsimiisr Bound- ing names. jeo that tho rord C-- P C I N-- is correctly spelled. lensoris Gapcine Percys FlGstsrs Aro tho only iniprcvement over made in Piasters. One is worth more than a do: of any other kind. "Will positively cure where c tor remedies t even relic e Price 25 cents. Beware of cheap Plasters with lead poisons. SEAEUOYA JOHKSC Mamtforrnrircii. n;;.-- . nPMFDV AT J.Af T. 1 - ASflKR Medicated CORN and DL'NIO-'- : K LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER. U the prean-s- itiouu ii.eui(Mi m im sc Tetter, Kn olulH Uteem. Bods, Pimples, 9 undallRlood th yield to rtfl wou'ler- - ful power. Kuve BlaMMliathemiarantee oi neaiin. rteaa : 11 curca m v um m rcrui - , Ilia. J-- HrookM. PamesvUle, V. "It cir. T m rhiM nf Ervsuielii. Mrs. S. Smeltzer, l.u . liners, I'd- - nre l. r.. M.i.i.r.n.- - a I'rnp's. ra. Smd by DrmamMtm a S'e Kept-m- . PARKER1 HAIR BALSAM, This elegant drcssii: is preferred by those who have used it, toai.y similar article, on of us superior cleanliness and purity. It contains materials only that are beneficial to the scalp ahd hair and always Restores the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hair Pnrker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is warranted to prevent falling of the hair and to re- move dandruff and itching. Hiscox & Co , N.Y. 50c. and $1 sizes, at dealers in drugs and medicines. PARKER'S GINGER TON A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you arc ft mechanic or farmer, worn out with oyervork. or a mother run down by family or house- hold duties try Park Bsc's ;inc;l.k 'J unic. If you r re a lawyer, minister or business man ex- haust d by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have on sumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuma-ism- , Kidney Complaints, or any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, bloodor nerves Pai kpk's Gingfr Tonic wi.lcure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier And the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you arc watinff away from .ige. dissipation or any disease or weakness and recmiie a stimulant talrc GiNCGit 'i'o.v'C at nee ; it will invigorate and build. yoi up fro n the fi'st dose but will nev r intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION ! Barf all subrtlliitcs. Parser's Gineer Tonic Ii composed of the beat remedial agents in the world, and it entire! different from preparations of ginger alone. Send for circuUu' Id llitcox & Co., N. Y. fiOc &. $1 sizes, at dealers hi drugs. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. Itsri :h and lasting frig ranee has made this delighiful perfume exceedin gly popular. Thero is nnthiii? like it. Insist upon having Flores-to- h Cologne and look for signature of on every bottle. Any druggist or dealer bx perfmacry cau supply vou. 55 nnd Ta cent size. LARGE SAVING Dt'YING 5e. SIZE. A new map of Boston ha-- ; a eertaii p n space designated as Hayput.-u- i. dim Square. A printer would read ily see how the error occurred. Tli -- quare was marked on the origin draft Haym .rke but. in printing, i was changed to Hay Market. In eoi ceding the proof, the reader aiarkei :t 'Put small m.' and the printer foi .owed his copy literally. Skinny Men. Wells' Health It new r. Absolut, cure for nervous debility and well ness of the generative functions. at druggists. Qhio Djpot. JNO. D PAKK ft SONS, Cincinnati, 0. At a church festivd, at New Yoik. the fried oysters were spoiled and coii-demni- as unlit for food. The piou-an- benevolent manager, by a foriu.i vote, sent them to the Old Ladles Home, without meutiouiug the sonic, from whi h theyciuie. Thus anoth- er uno.stentatious a t of charity is reg istered above. So UTILES S papcia are ple.tSed to note tha I asilig is mainly emtio d to colleg n Hie Norih. We n in. i k fnrthei in i colleges are mainly eon aned to U.e N jrih. i ercivai nor I wanted to give tne thing up without having fired a single shot at, a bear; but we could not man- age to keep the water out of our tent, and there was no other shelter within reach, except a wretched little hut about four feet high, used in summer by the Spanish shepherds, so we agreed to take advantage of this op- portunity to cross over into France and get newspapers and It tiers. We had a long, toilsome trudge across the snow, aud did not reach Luchon until it was too late to think of anything but bed; but the next day we went to the post-offic- e, where a large bundle of letters was delivered to each of us. Percival glanced has- tily at his, and then flung them down with a muttered oath. Obviously he was disappointed for some reason or other; but it did not occur to me until iftei wards that he miirht, hve eher- - .. - .... . isncu a wild hope nt tinaing a com- munication from Florry among them. I vvas more favored. My budget con- tained two letters bearing the Cannes post-mar- k, and the first of these I read aloud to Percival as we walked away not on account of its intrinsic interest, which was sm ill, tut because I thought it as wel to lose no occa- sion of convincing him that my rela- tions with Florry were of a most cor- rect and coninly kind. But when I proceeded to open the second I was obliged to be seized with a terrific fit. of coughing, for the very tirst words that caught my eye were, "You may congratulate me. if you like, on my engagement to Mr. Lacy." Here was a nice piece of business! I stuffed the fatal missive into my pocket, and slippi d away as soon as I could to fin- ish it in private. There was no mis- take about it. The horrid little wo- man had really gone and engaged her- self to Lacy, and, with her al want of consideration, had left me the agree-ibl- e task of announcing the news to Percival. "Love to Cirrots," she added in a post-scri- pt. "I hope he is enjoying himself, and that he won't receive too warm a hug from one of his kindred bears." I haven't the least doubt that when she wrote those words there was a malicious grin on her face, and that she flattered herself that she had paid Carrots off that time. But if she imagined that I should carry this i pistolary slap in the face to its des- tination, she was sadly mistaken in me. "No. indeed," T thought; "I am not going to expose myself to the risk of being eaten up alive to please anybody;" and I determined that Per- cival's sport, should not be spoilt by any unwelcome communication from me. The unlin ky part of it was that. I had aroused his suspicions by letting him hear the contents of the first letter, and stopp;ng an suddenly up ui the point of reading him the secr nd; and all that, day and the next, when he set. out to return to our encamp- ment, he went on hotbring me about it. What h d Miss Neville aid in hat other letter of hers? Why was I so confoundeJly mysterious? Had he mentioned him? and so forth, could only return feeble and evasive replies, which of course did not satisfy him. He tried wheedling nu and h" tried bollving me, hat he might, just as well have talked to a stone wall. Th" ec et. I d should only be dragged from ui" with mv lif"; and at. l ist he give it up. and subsided into a state of silent, and sub-Iii"- d fer icity which made me exceed- ingly uncomfortable. But when we reaeh-- our camp there was good news for n: and 1 cam c 'me ouv of the sulks on hearing that th" tracks of a whole bear family father. mo'hr. and two cutis had bpen seen on the freshly-f-dle- n snow not, a couple of miles away. The guides h id already plan of action for the morrow, and pr"tend"d. as those fel- lows always do. to he o intfmately acquainted with the habits of hears in general as to know to a nicety what their programme would be too. Pa-te- rf miilias. we were informed, would sKirt with the hrenk of dav for th" hi rh"r pastnr.'S above the vi'lage El Plan, whither som" Spanish shep liprds were known to h ive their flocks. The mother and, enhs would remain either among or abnyp the pine woods which clothed he souUvrn sirle of nnr vullpy. Now. if the south wind held, what we had to do was tmhi enough. We h id only to mount the opposite slopes to- wards he spot where the trucks had ben seen, and there was lit.l" danger of one mounting so high as to place ourselves V"tween the wind and nnr game. Tt was further considered ad- visable that we should separate into two parties, on" of which should have for its object the destruction of Mr Rrnin while th other should account for Mrs. B and the children. This arrangement was not. agreed to with- out some discussion and alternative suggestions, for P"rcival always hated o do as be was told: hut, it was one finally adapted: and when the morn This Old Reliable Clothing House is bound to be in the Lead in the Sale of First-Cla- ss Goods. Here Customers may find any article of Wearing Apparel needed, at the most Reasonable Prices. CALL and EE THESE OOOXS. ATV LEAR PRICKS, And vou will be convinced the (Jreat Store of STF4RN-BERGE- R BROTHERS is the place to buy. Imart3m Yesterday an attache of the asylum was seen, and he states that one of th committee bv the name of of County, was so under the in flnpnci1 of liqnor that for sonio tim hp was stroichpfl our. on the sota in the rotunda of the buildingr, nnahle to ruove, nn'l that the Chuirman fif th. pomniittee, N. Swavne, reqnesterl thai no more Honor he riven him. Tf com mittees are sent, to report on the con dition of asylums, would it not. he wel' for nil of th"m to be in a sober condi- tion ? E.rrJinngn. Mr. Ed Triokett. the celebrated oarsman. Kingston. r,;m-ida- says: "1 h ive found St. Jacobs Oil a sure an' eprtjiin enre for rhpiimutism, etc." jYeiv York Clipper. A womax vho was riding in a rail- way car was greatly annoye-- by th' profane language of two young nno who occupied the seat in front of her one of whom seemed to be a colle-jr- ' student. Begging pardon for intev rupting them, she asRed the yonni student if he had studied the Ian g n ages. "Yes, madam, T have mastered th languages quite well." Do yon read and speak Hebrew r "Quite fluently." "Will you be so kind as to do me a small favor." "With great pleasure; I am at youi service." "Will you he so kind as to do your swearing in H' brew?" t We may well suppose the lady was not annoyed any more by the ungen-tlemanl- y language of this would-b- e gentleman. She Is ioiii To Try It. A correspondent writes from way-dow- East, in Lubee, Me., to Dr. Da- vid Kennedy, Rondout, N. Y.: "I called on ycu about six weeks ago. sick with Bilious Disease. I bought a bottle of 'Favorite Remedy,' and it cured me. Whhat I want is somi more of oour medicine. My daughtei is going to try it." Sensible man He will not regret it, and when his daughter has tried it she will be satis- fied too. "Faxorite Remedy" is just the thing for the ills that afflict "A minister of North Lewisburg, Rev. Mr. Hayward, (luring an aberra- tion of mind, succeeded in exciting al- most to frenzy some of his parishion- ers who had come under his influence He prophesied that his wife would dii at a certiau time, and that he would restore her to life. The lady was laid, out for the sad eveut. but nothing happened. Other acts and speeches oi a similar character succeeded in arous- ing no little sensation. Mr. Hayward belongs to a sect who c 11 themselves in.ipirationists. or that air their acts are not only right in the sight of Goi! but. that, they are directly inspired b him." TJrbana Gazette. This is another fool Guiteau. II there really exists such a sect any- where they ought to be put bodily into some lunatic asylum. It is time some way was contrived to remove sncb cranks some place where if they per sist in making fools of their inspiration cannot lead to mur- der. A woman was brought to this place l ist Saturday, quite crazy, said to have benn caused by some insane excitement upon the subject of reli-gib- u. Marysville Tribune. Elcfraiipp p.iid Purity. Ladies who appreci tte elegance are' purity are using ker's H iir Bal- sam. It is the best article sold foi restoring yray hair to it's original color, beauty and lustre. Robinson went up to his room tin other afternoon, and noticed tha there was orly one match remaining in the box. ' Now, if that shouldn't burn to-nig- when 1 come in." solil- oquized he, "what a ri I should be iu." So he trud, to see if it was a good one. It was. a now raniedy, MjgtoaHy eempounded I I ivi t. ! iDtolcai Drofessiou. liinfl rbftn tn tiiti Tul)lie :it laiTTC. twS. 15. 11 art man. 31. 1. llohus rrescrilxd it lol nyioii tho svstcm is c::tirolvun- - like that of auy other remedy, and, is the only medicine needed in ;dniost i very dls-- easa To ah is heir, tin cpnstipa-Uo- a, jLMsaasea of tho Liver and Kidneys. SLwalin- - should he (?riveii with it . PIUKM Peiujn a composed of purely vegetable cnT;ttithors. a crcat remBdv in itself. 'Tfl Dr. Itartm .m has sin celled in extract ing and combining tho active principles a of these ingredients into one Mmpio o;.i-S 1 raoad, whh h perfectly oc.iiicide v. itli the "Vis Mi.uiCATr.iX Wati ila iu every dis-,- fl ease, aiidacurenecessi-ril- foUoWf, here is not an organ it v. ill PX41 mis-.;- - - ease it, Will uvt cure. B Asifc vour dra2:TiL nlifeti :i tho "Illsof Ufa. Or. S 15. t 1 ilr.rtmiii & Co.. Oshorn, U-- , i ropri Vor Tiles anil Telvlc Discuses, tak April 6. is lv. A family papi-- r nqhiisbed a long article entitled "HousekeeDinsj Here-- after." ''Merciful heaYeus," grimm il a ditr.icted mother of live children and keeper of one husband and two servants, '"if I thought there was go ing to be any housekeeping hereafter, I declare I'd never die.1' "My brodders, d a naggish col ored man toa c owd, "in all infliction, iu all ob yohr troubles dar is one place vou Can alwivs find synipathy." "Whar? Whirr" shouted l'Tu de diction try," he n plied, rolling his eyes sky wuid. G. H. RUPP. Market, Portsmouth, Ohio. AND STEAM UTTER, Hero. Sterulierger. Hie! L- - g o g c es 2 O l? S 2 2 U w BasssB Isad b " 5 3 S stf yj s li ri r i l zZM: m T5 ISJICIANS. B. F. KITCHN. Physician and Surgeon, JACKSON, - - - OHIO January IH, UTCf-t- f. RAILROADS. M. & C. ROAD PORTSMOUTH BRANCH. Accommodation golujr South, leaves llamden at G.l" m . Wellston 6.'2."i. Uerlln G 4.i. .lack-o- n 7.15. Cros Koads a.oo. o,.k Hill R.IS, Webster f.:K', arrives ai Porlsmou h 10 55. Goinif North, leaves rortsuioutll at a 00 p. m.. Web ster 1 27. Oak Hill 5 17. (. ross Roads 5.3!. Jacksoi a 20, Berliu 6 :it, .Vellsiou 7J. arrives at Hamden at Mail train BTolna South leaves llamden at 2.H5 p. m. 8.4-- Berliu 2.57. .luck-o- n 3.15. Cross Road- - 142. flak Hill 3.52. Webster Ut arrives at Ports- - moillh at tioi Non h. leaves rortsmou :h at .2' (. m.. nth ster 8.17, Oik II (UH). Cross Roads 9.10. Jnrk-o- i 9.40. Berlin 9.58, Wellston 10 07. arrives at Hauideu al 10.20. TOLEDO, DELPHOS AND BURLINGTON. Mall train Koinu We-- t. leave- - Wellston at 10 30a. m. arrives al C'o.tllon 11.10 Chllllc the 2 30 p. in., W a.--h IllKtonC, II. 4 28. li.tio, Diiyloii 7.00. Going Ea t. aves Dayton at B.5S a. m.. arrives ai Xenla 7J6, Whlnrton C. H. '.1.17, Chiillcolhe 11.2J Coaltou 1.25 p. 1U., Wellston 1.45. OHIO SOUTHER- - Going West. Mail train leaves Jackson at 10.00 a. m.. arrives at si inps.iu'- - 10.10. Cove 10.22. Whitman's I0.3tl Beavertown 10.39. BotoOlnfl 10.411. Given 111 57. HClol. Valley Crosi,g U.15, Waverli 11.20. Balnlirldge 1J.4 It. m Uteeiineld UML c. H. 2.00, Jeffer-sonvill- e 2 :to. M'uth Chariest, hi 3.1o. Sprlnafield 3 45 Uotllg Ea-- t. leaves Spriogil.-l- at 10 15 a. Ill . arrive at Sootn Charleston 11.20 Jellersoiivtlle n.45. Wasp, isxtmi C. H. 12.4Q p. in.. G.ecntteid I 20. Balnbrldact 2.00, Waverlv S.10. Seloto valley Crossnne 3.15, Gtv-,.u- s 3.) RoO' ius 3 pi. Beavertowjl 3.50 Wliltioai.-4.UO- . Cove Mak Slmisms 12U. Jaek-o- a 4.3' . Mixed train, g'.ftttg Wist, leaws Jaekson ;,t 8.15s in., arrives al Waverly s.45. OreritAeld 1 45 p. m. VVashiofltoii C. II. 3.45, sioiilli Charleston 8.13 iprlllL'tiel.l 7.15. iioi.-- East, te.vcs BprlngSeld at SJjll a. rn.. irrivr1 at South Cbarlestoa 6 JO. Wajsbingli n C. 11. ..It' GrotElieW 10.10, Waver: ii.l j p. ui., j ..cismii o.w. MIL. LI NERY AND Dress Making! Miss MOLLIE BJRNETT Now occupies a buildinjr on Broadway. near th Cor- ner of llroartwav &. ("earl St., wtteresh condneM Millinery and Dress MakliiK business, and where all comers may liud goods oi the Latest and Most Beautiful Styles!! The Millinery Deparlment will bf In chnree of Mls Fannie Nieiivahner. The l)rs MIIr Dcpartttient will be conducted with a view lo luruishlns; the most Artistic work, at reasonable prices. j Full I4no of Notions Alw yip em linnet: 9mari3m HI LLand DRILL SEND FOB PAMPHLET. This is a trueboue superphosphate nd may be used on any crop, ta the bill r or broadcast, either icilh ortciAoaf inar.u-- o. and win proance a rhku crop In tlie lteportof the Mass. Inspector of Fertilizers. Its valuation is from to to 810 per tun higher than other 1'hnspliatLS which sell at tho same price. The part year over SOOO toi:s were sold against JOB .1..- ... ..ovn tluiwin-- ' that It 13 I Hkedbythe fanners. If thcrd is no local a. r - PTW'U k r q ri 7. Also ior saie o i - )WKER FERTILIZE K CI BOSTON Nfc.VV turlrs Price Brothers, Agents, Jackson, Ohio. March. 30, 1B2 Im. MRS. M. A. PUHADWA? Has on Exhibition a Superior Slock of Spring JUilliiury Goods, be sold at Lr-- Kate, for ( h. An expe rle.'c "of tuiny years In the Millinery btrMne. ee hies Mrs. DuUad way to offer lireat barsatea In thl IJue.' Bleaching and Pressing one to Order arP.eason dile Kate. Store at the SOUTH STftKET HOL'SK. Country rrcdr.'-- e taken in Excbanye fif Ooodr. ing broku soft and cloudy, with a light hreee blowing in our faces, Percival and bis pnrty set off to the westward in the direction of Fl Plan. T and mine linqdinor for the pine woods im- mediately facing us. "That ought to give you the best chince. Oliver." aid my friend gen- erously as we parte 1. T don't know when ' have pa sed a more thnmugblv comfortless hour than that which we spent in clamber- ing up through hose dense wools. The moan aia-s- i e was veryprecip- -

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Page 1: The Jackson Standard€¦ · P&OtfP? ATTENTION 0ITB1C rO'lltDBK.POB JOB PRINTING or au. Kiszts. ADVERTISEMENTS EVERY DAVIS TUUKMDAY, MACKLEY, BY A.-T-The Jackson StandardOne Dollar



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A.- T- The Jackson StandardOne Dollar per Annum, in Advance,




VIA... H la-It-.ia WTTOTVE NO. 1815.

From I lie OufnklB Magazine. 1

Ml EDiCAl ltous; we had to advance as gingerlyCREAT GERM DESTROYER.T I N W A R E SJTVJES&CtCIE2 3S 2iv O VEDI!

Au Intoxiciitpil Leirilator I.viii"' Drnnk in. "the Rotunda at Longvit-w- .

The Legislative Committee on In-

sane Asylums, which were at Long-vie- w

last Saturday on an investaga-tin- g

tour, having returned to Colum-bus, reported that at Longview theyfound about 100 insane, consisting ofcolored and incurables, in the buildingcalled the annex; that they were in amost wretched condition, and that thebuilding is unfit for occupancy.

The managers of Longview are muchexorcised over this statement, and theythink it. quite an injustice done them.

which he let fall I gathered that hehad not yet given up all hope. Verylikely he had meant to renounce herforever when he left Cannes; but.upon more deliberate reflection liemay have found that it was iu hisheart to forgive her, and may alsohave argued, from what we knew ofher character, that she would be sureto want him back as soon as he waswell out of reach.

We had more than a week of mag-nificent warm diiys and clear frostynights; but then the weather sud-denly changed, and the rain began tocome down as it only knows how toconie down in the mountains. Neither

. , . ,r i t i -

To my FRIENDS, and the PUBLIC

Until further notice 1 mav be f.mnd on Main Street.Three Doors below the First Natiomil B;ink, Jacks n, Ohio,with a Larger Stock of Goods, and Incred facilities torManufacturing. It will prove to your advantage to callwhen in want of

Stoves, Grates, Fronts,Hollowware, Tinware, &c.

You are especially invited to call if you are in need of a


Second St., Above


Wrought Iron Pipt's. Ptumbers' Goods,FITTIPiG",

Steam and Water Cock.. iaure, Globe and Check Valves,Gam Packing. Uum Hune. (oawirv . ;..

Copnersmitliiiig M Slieet Iron Work Done.


All Orders GivenPrompt Attention.eyPrompt attontlon (rtvon to nrders, and Plumbing and Fittlntr dmi.

at urlcestianlt the time's Jti l.marHltlf

Ed. Sternterger.Frant Merier.


01 All Gnat Unit

STERN8ERCER BftOTHEfcStCorner of Main & Broadway Street Jackson, Ohio.

Dealers in


FANCY GOODS, &c., &c.

THE MAN WITH 1 HE RES HAIR.(continued.)

III.About six o'clock the next morning

I was roughly awakened by Percival'scoming into my room and pulling thepillow from under my head.

''What is the matter now?" I asked,sitting upand rubbing my eyes; and1 dare say I added some strong ex-

pressions; for there is nothing in the.vide world that I hate So much asbeing roused from my slumbers inthe middle of the night.

Percival sat down on the bed. ''Lookliere, Oliver," he said; 'T must getout of this. After what you saw lastlight,

. .I needn't. tell you why. I'm

i n I 11 iuoi ine nrsi man wno oaa neen ruauet fool of by a woman; and I'm notoinsi to break my heart about it no

tear!" Here he pumped up a hollow.augh. "But it won't do for me tostop in this place," he went on. "Ihould be breaking somebody's neckf I did; and I'm off to the Pyreneeshis morning to shoot bears and bou-paetin- s.

After a week or two of that.1 shall be able to pull ruyself together,I expect."

"Quite right," I said sleepily. "Besthing you can do.""I don't want to go alone, though

Now, Oliver, will you do a fellow aood turn, and come with me? I lefthe tent and everything else that wehall want out there last year, and

i've telegraphed to the natives to sayI'm coming. It would do you all in the worH to camp out in themaintains for a bit. Of course I pay11 expenses, and I'll guarantee you

Mime sport."I hardly knew what answer to make.

Life at Cannes was monotonous, tosay the least of it; I had nei'ir seen a

ear in my life, except at the Zoo, and1 had never seen a bouquet in at allOn the other hand, life in the wild-vit- h

so uncertain-tempere- d a com-panion as Percival, might not proveo be an unmixed delight. Hevatched me eiifJerty while I was bal-mci- ng

these considerations one againsthe other, and forestalled my reply byxclainiing, for Heaven's sake. Oliver.Ion t say yon are going to refuse! Ilon't mind telling the truth to you:I'm hard hit I'm devilish hard hit."

His voice shook a little, and uponny Word I believe there were teais m

his eyes.I daren't go alone," he Went on

' So long as I'm shooting, I'm alllght, and I don't care a snap for anyvonian in the world; but I couldn't

ce the long evenings all by myselfHang it, man! can't you understand ?

It's a case of something very like liftr death, I can tell you."

I think I mentioned before thnt Im extremely good-nature- d.

Thi-piteo- us

appeal of Percival's turnedhe scale, and 1 said I would see hinthrongh.Flurry's face, when we made our

idieux to her and her mother befonstarting for the station, was a veryimusing study, and if Percival noticedit, he must have felt himself fully entitled to score one. But I am not-- lire that he looked at her at all. Heaid in an off-ha- way, "Good-by- e.

Miss Neville. Meet you again sonu-lay- .

I hope," and plunged into theminibus, head first, without waitingfor her to make any reply.

I don't think Florry half liked it.Whether she hud intended to marryPercival or not, I am very sure that sin-hu-

never contemplated his bolting af- -

r so uncerenioniousa ThsHioii; hut orcourse it w;is too late to think of stop- -

uug him then. She took quite aniffeetionate farewell of me. b ggingne to be sure and let her know whatport we had, and asking what myiddresa was to be.

"Poste Restante, Bigneres de Lnhon," growled out Percival from the

recesses of the omnibus. "We shan'ibe much in the way of getting lettersfor the next fortnight, though. Coneilong. Oliver; there s no time to lose.

Now will i be believed that, af t rall that ha"! come and gone, that red-- h

died idiot sulked for a mutter offour-and-twe- hours because iv. iim had expressed her intention olwriting to toe? I couldn't makp outwh it was wrong with him at first:but by degrees it transpired, Hnd all the trouble in the world t.i

oersimde him thnt, potting my ownblamelesss inuocece out of th ques-tion, it whs utterly illogical of him t"be at the same time j nlous of Lucvand me. Indeed, it was only by

hre-tin- g to abandon him to his fabat Toiilmi-- e th it T manage) to bringHtm to his lvarings. After that lebecame more reasonable, and both hi

p s and his manners improvedas we had left civilization be-

hind us.We spent ten days very pleasanth

oid Soei essfnlly. Upon the whole, inlie wild Spanish valley where Perei

r il had chosen to pitch our tent. Noc:ime our way, but we killed

oi-- of and I was lucky enough0 tiring down the only bonqnetiiihat I got. a shot, at. Percival sho-wo- ;

which was just as well, for itvou'd have been quite enough to up

t, his equanimity that, the largeoimlr should have fallen to nilhare. With his removal from thediatening influence of Flurry's so-

li, tv. his qner. gusty temper had re-

asserted itself to some extent, and weid more thn one absurd little scein

vith the guides and porters who ac-

companied us; but, taking him alto-'ethe- r.

he was not a disngreable com-lanio- n.

Tn point of fiict we had soFew opportunities for conversationhat th"re was not much fear of full-

ing out. Our days were n turallvliven up entirely to sport; and when

--piiirtit to unr encampment inthe evening, dead beat and as hungryas hawks, neither of us wished forttiv h ng more than to pirtake of the

-- ivory stew which the guides prepar-ed for w. and to lie down afterwardswith our feet, to the blaze of the bon-fire, listening to their long yarns oro th" melancholy, dirge-lik- e songs

th t they sang, until we wire over-taken by sleep. I don't thin! Florry'snam 'Wis once mentioned, but Per-civ- a1

alluded to her indirectly everyUOW uud agin, and from Si me b u


as posible, so as to avoid making anynoise, and whenever I slipped or trodon a dry twig, Jean-Pierr- e, the chas-

seur who was in command of me,turned round, making hideous faces,and cursed me under his breath.Furthermore, I couldn't help think-ing that, if the bear chose to appearsuddenly at this stage of the proceed-ings it would be an awkward businessfor all of na.

We ncoiinti red no bear in thewoods; but when at length we roseabove the region of trees and emergedupon a stretch of coarse grass, wewere rewarded for our climb by dis-

covering which there was no mistak-ing upon a patch of the fast-melti- ng

snow. Following these up hopefully,we found ourselves upon the edge ofa tolerably extensive snow-fiel- d, acrosswhich the tracks were so distinct thatJean-Pier- re declared that they werenot an hour old. He further profess-ed to be able to see that the beast hadbeen moving upwards at a leisurelypce, having no suspicion of beingpursued, and prophesied that weshould catch him up ou some clifls towhich he pointed, and which he calcu-lated that it would take us somethinglika an hour to reach.

I was very glad when he did reachthem, for toiling up hill through softsnow is not my notion of enjoyment;hut I was not particularly sanguineas to the chance of Bruin's havinghad the civility to wait for us, and.

Pnce upon the bare rocks, we had noi i i a l"longer any ciu to guine us 10 niswhereabouts. Jean-Pierr- e, nevertheless, continued to be full of confidence.He went, on ahead, skirting the faceof the precipice, where there was justfoothold and no more, and no more,and the rest of us followed. After atime he held up his hand to stop us,bent down and examined the rockwhere a slight, sprinkling of snow hadlodged, advanced a little wav, cameback again, and then, pointing to adeep cleft just in front of us, ex-

claimed. "II est la!"I was once posted at the entrance

of this fissure and warned in orderto steady mv nerves, I suppose thatif T missed I was a dead man; afterwhich a stone was thrown in. Noresult. A second and a larger one,however, elicited a deep gr-r-r- -r, whichput an end to all doubt.

"Attention. m'sienr. s'il vons plait!"sung out Jean-Pierr- e, and he firedinto the rlnsm.

Immediately a large. dirk masshurled itself out through the smoke.T suppose I must have tnken aim,though I can't say that T have anyrecollection of doing so. for the nextinstant, a fine large bear lay stone-den- d

at mv feet.Well, I dare say we kicked up rath-

er more row over it than we needhave done (Percival declared after-wards that, he could have h"ard usyelling ten miles away); but I thinkperhaps it might, count as an extenu-ating ciroumtance that this was myfirst bear. A for the natives, ofcourse they ought to have known bet-ter

So far. everything had gone quiteaccording to programme, except thatit was the old he-be- not his partner,that, T had killed; but now came thequestion of whether we were to restsntifi'd with what we had accom-plished and return to camp, oror whether we should push onand try to effect a junction with Per-cival After ome debate it. was agreedthat Jean Pierre and I should adoptthe latter course. T quite admit, thatthis was all wrong; but I was flushedwith success, and I thought, suppos-ing thnt Percival should happen tomiss. what, a thousand pities it wouldVie that there should not be somebodyat hand to back him np. So we setour faces westwards and downwards,and in due course of time reached theoutskirts of the wood where we sup-posed that, our comp 'nions would be.

I don't think we had ben five min-iit.- .s

off the itinw when T heard some-thing crashing among the trees be-

neath us. I caught a momentaryglimpse of a great, lumbering body,and directly afterwards I distinctlysaw a h df-gro- cub dashing helter-skelt- er

after it. I fired almost at ran-dom, and T need hardly add that Imissed. The crashine sound gTewfainter, and then T looked at Jean-Pi"r- re

and Jean-Pier- re looked at me,and then we both whitled.

to be continued.A Telling l aw.

Mr. Charles Law, Jr., in conversa-tion with one of our representatives,recently laid: "I have been a suffererfrom rheumtism and neuralgia forthe past ten years, and tried all kindsof renndies. Having heard so much.bont St. Jacobs Oil, I tried a bottle,and found it truly wonderful. Potts-toir- n

Pa.) Leiher.

Calculated to fill it: "I tell you,"eon tinned Pingrey, "Brown isn't fitfor the place. In fact, I don't knowof a place that he is calculated to fill.""Don't be intemperate in your re-

marks, Pingrey." said Fogg; "you for-get his stomach."

"Bnchualla."New, quick, complete cure 4 days,

urinary iitfections, smarting, frequentor difficult urination, kidney diseases.$1 at druggists. Ohio Depot, JNO.D. PARK & SONS, Cincinnati, 0.

A French wit observes that, if awoman tells you "I'll never speak toyou again in my lift-- there!" rejoiceaud return; but if she says "1 shall al-

ways be glad to see you at any time,"travel! When a woman loves you,she will pardon all even your crimes;but when she no longer loves you, shewill not even forgive you your virtues.

Our best physicians endorse Rine-hart- 's

Liver Pills. Sold by G. W.Miller.

An irritable man, who was annoyediu an omnibus by the lady who satnext to him couching violently, ex-

claimed: "That's a very bad cftld ofyours. Madam." To aba h ?he meek-ly replied: "I know it, si- -, and I amsorry tor it; but it's the beat i've goto."




ULCERS purified andhealed.

UANUKENE preventedCONTAGION and cured.

tl'trov'd. I1YSKSTKKY (TRED.SICK IMmms pnrlfied VVul'.NDS healed rapidly.

ani nade iltasant. SCUIIVE Y cured InKBVEKD AN II SICK hirt time.

I' S ;iit(1 TRTTF.K dried np.relVeshefl hy bai li in I T IS 1' K It KECT I.Ywith ProptaylaetfC Kiu-1- 1 HAItMUM.

i dd 'd T.irht- water. ForSUHE THKOAT il isSOFT WHITE a sure nure.

rurcd byft u. hi bai hinif.

IMPURE A I B madebarmJwNsi mid pHrlfied DIPTHEBIAby prinklii) Darb1 sKluf'l aitont.To P U R I r Y THEBREA rn. CLEANSE P2SVENTED,THE TEETH, it cau l

CATARKH relieved andeureil. CHOLF.UA dissipated.

EHYIPELA8 rnrfd. SHIP KEVElt preventedK U H N s relieve.' In- Its ne.

In case of death In the9CAR8 nrercQted. house. It should always

all iiujileasant lie used aiMml the corpseodors. it will preveiitauy un-

pleasant smellAn ANTIDO i E for Ani-

mal or Vegetable Poi-sons.SCARLET Stillgs.

Daticrernas effluvia? o'sb-- roiiins and hospitalsremoved by Its use.


In fact il is the great


j. a ZEILIN & CO.,Manufacturing CincaiisTB. SoLKlMtorniETORs.


Mill 3U Syrup

s? mmiTEADE M.M.K.nunro Dyspepsia, Live.'

Diseases. Fever AiI 5! 1 H I" Ague, HIicii ma- -

iHm, Dropsy,Heart THsensiBiliousness, Nervous Debility, etc.Th4 Best REMEDY SHOWN to Man !

12,000,000 BottlesSOLD SJ.'.CE IS'O.

Tli s S'jrup possesses Varied Properties.It Stimulates the Ptyullne In the Saliva.WMeh converta the Stareh and Sugar or theRtod Into Btaeaaa A deflclencv In I'tvalinvearaaca M'lii'l and Soaring of the foodlu th ailomali. It" the metlielue Is taken Immed-iately after eating; the leiiacutatlon of fooo1li prevented.It act uuon the I.lver.It acta tipou the Kidneys.It tiefc-.ilate- s the 3o-.vel-

It Carlllev the Blood.It Ouiets the JVervonn System.It Pi naailtea Iliwction.It Vourlahes, .Nireuirthcns mid Tnvlirorntea.It carries oflT the Old l.,od and mttkea new,It 1enai the pnrea o the skin and InducesHealthy Perspiration,Tt the hereditary taint, or poison in thi

HOOO, which pcncratt'S Scrofula. Erysipei;.-- , ai.d lniannar of sin diseases and iotornal humors.1 iicr are no spirits onap!ovi;ti in it.s luanujacture, andit can b tj ken by the most delicate babe, or ly t.. o

isre-- i ;r.d tccble, cjc wilj tca'n.y required in attention tamiiUtton. m

Liver Complaint.TORCH. O.. April 6. 1881.

Dr. Clark .fobnson :

Your valuable IXDI AN TILOOIl SY1IUP KHve nieInintediate relief for l.iver Complaint. Coustlpatloi.of the Bowels and General Debliitv.


Siclc Headache.LITTLE IIOCKIXO. O.. April 12. 1881.

Or. Clark Johnson :

Thl - cert I lies that the use or von r INDIAN BLOODSYKUl" has cured me Of Sick Headache.


LITTLE HOCKING. O.. April 9. 1K81.Dr. Ctark Johnsoit:

I used your INDIAN BLOOD SYRl'l' for Chilethe HtomaeR. and itqtiieklv relieved Hie. It has alsoereatly benetlted uty hiishaud tor Billunsiifss.


A. Vtiln.ll felieine.COOLVILI.E. O.. Apr. 8. 1SS1.

Ir. Clark Johnson:lb later and myself have used the INDIAN BIKIO

SVRUP for a coin;, lleation of Diseases, and have ob-tained irreat relief ttierefroiu. It is an luvalualilereiuedy.


Bnpa. 8. 1831-- lj -- nrni.


Wide Awake



D. P. PEWTHERS,Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shos.

All work of the bes( material at lowest living rates.

Repairing Leather and Rubber Boots and Shoes aSpecialty.

Shop on Main Street, near comer of Church St.lackson. Ohio. iajaii8Jy


I sun ! niiiorl Ir.p and Brefdlvg a Herd of ood ShrHnr.. Dnrhiun ttlr nml have tl.t-i- entanthhand for sale. They can he seen on ihe farm of Mrs.tUivif, 3 liiilt uoriU ol liuiriJre of

Wuiaytily X-- hi. uO'tas.



TVotrn. lPsiliIit,. K KS -- A, O lit.

Office Crsr 3sM u Jewelry Store.tokSUaf


ture IMast in the Rosenilale Cementof an KVE Its

SitbueQuent Removal by SuralcalOperation.

Mr. Ofcar Crnicc vas foreman in acenient qnarry atHo!end;tlp. I'Nter Co.. N. V. By an explosion oneday in the qu.irrv he lost an pye lot it totally. Un-

der the Impresnfon that the matter was less serioustlip local pbyslefan told Sr. Craiga; that the eye wn-n-

lost wholly but conld be saved by treatment.The experiinnnt was tried but failed. Worse remain-ed behind, for he was in danger of losing the otheialso, through sympathetic Inflammation. In this"trait he consulted I It . DAVID KKNN KDY. of Rondout. N. Y , who told him the Injured eye must tn

taken out to save the other. Totli's Mr. Cnitfrg de-murred, and home In doubt. His lclbysletan said: --Go Ut New York." To New York'11- pai t went. ml one t he mot eminent oeuliio the country. Iiavlmr looked at the cai-e- . said : "Yoi.have ttt out- eve riitirclv ; (j baek and do what nr

to save the Other." iti i fl, Dlt. K h. X N' E UY rem ivetl the ruined eeand treated Mr t raiuir with

KEVXKDY ij FAVOR I TIG REMEDY" to build u:thertyMem mid (tie resull was Kucresfal.

Dlt. I KX N KDY vrreat ueee- - a Sorgtoji is dmo mhfnseof "FAYOlllTK REMEDY'1 in the am j

remtment.Are you troubled with Dy spcpsia. Liver Complain 1

'on-- r or deraitgeifien.1 of - Kfdoey? th-- n e Dlt. K K X N K 1 Y S r A V' R IT I

i'KM KDY." H will not ttlmprdnl vou. Dlt KEN1EDVS "FaVOUITE HEMKDY" for sale by ui!ruuj4lts. 16uiarflm

mareO F




And their excellent reputation in-jured by worthless imitati" s. ThoPublic are cautioned against buy-ing Plasters having rsimiisr Bound-ing names. jeo that tho rordC-- P C I N-- is correctly spelled.

lensoris GapcinePercys FlGstsrs

Aro tho only iniprcvement overmade in Piasters.

One is worth more than a do:of any other kind.

"Will positively cure where c torremedies t even relic e

Price 25 cents.Beware of cheap Plasters

with lead poisons.SEAEUOYA JOHKSC

Mamtforrnrircii. n;;.-- .

nPMFDV AT J.Af T. 1 -ASflKR Medicated CORN and DL'NIO-'-

: K

LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER.U the prean-s- itiouu ii.eui(Mi m im sc

Tetter, Kn olulH Uteem. Bods, Pimples,9 undallRlood th yield to rtfl wou'ler- -

ful power. Kuve BlaMMliathemiaranteeoi neaiin. rteaa : 11 curca m v um m rcrui -

, Ilia. J-- HrookM. PamesvUle, V. "It cir.T m rhiM nf Ervsuielii. Mrs. S. Smeltzer, l.u

.liners, I'd- - nre l. r.. M.i.i.r.n.-- aI'rnp's. ra. Smd by DrmamMtm a

S'e Kept-m- .


This elegant drcssii:is preferred by thosewho have used it, toai.ysimilar article, on

of us superiorcleanliness and purity.It contains materialsonly that are beneficialto the scalp ahd hairand always

Restores the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded HairPnrker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and iswarranted to prevent falling of the hair and to re-

move dandruff and itching. Hiscox & Co , N.Y.50c. and $1 sizes, at dealers in drugs and medicines.


A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer.If you arc ft mechanic or farmer, worn out with

oyervork. or a mother run down by family or house-hold duties try Park Bsc's ;inc;l.k 'J unic.

If you r re a lawyer, minister or business man ex-haust d by mental strain or anxious cares, do not takeintoxicating stimulants, but use Parker's Ginger Tonic

If you have on sumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuma-ism- ,Kidney Complaints, or any disorder of the lungs,

stomach, bowels, bloodor nerves Pai kpk's GingfrTonic wi.lcure you. It is the Greatest Blood PurifierAnd the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used.

If you arc watinff away from .ige. dissipation orany disease or weakness and recmiie a stimulant talrcGiNCGit 'i'o.v'C at nee ; it will invigorate and build.yoi up fro n the fi'st dose but will nev r intoxicate.It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours.

CAUTION ! Barf all subrtlliitcs. Parser's Gineer Tonic Iicomposed of the beat remedial agents in the world, and it entire!different from preparations of ginger alone. Send for circuUu' Idllitcox & Co., N. Y. fiOc &. $1 sizes, at dealers hi drugs.


Itsri :h and lasting frig ranee has made thisdelighiful perfume exceedin gly popular. Therois nnthiii? like it. Insist upon having Flores-to- h

Cologne and look for signature of

on every bottle. Any druggist or dealer bx perfmacrycau supply vou. 55 nnd Ta cent size.


A new map of Boston ha-- ; a eertaiip n space designated as Hayput.-u- i.

dim Square. A printer would readily see how the error occurred. Tli-- quare was marked on the origindraft Haym .rke but. in printing, i

was changed to Hay Market. In eoiceding the proof, the reader aiarkei:t 'Put small m.' and the printer foi.owed his copy literally.

Skinny Men.Wells' Health It new r. Absolut,

cure for nervous debility and wellness of the generative druggists. Qhio Djpot. JNO. DPAKK ft SONS, Cincinnati, 0.

At a church festivd, at New Yoik.the fried oysters were spoiled and coii-demni-

as unlit for food. The piou-an-

benevolent manager, by a foriu.ivote, sent them to the Old LadlesHome, without meutiouiug the sonic,from whi h theyciuie. Thus anoth-er uno.stentatious a t of charity is registered above.

SoUTILES S papcia are ple.tSed tonote tha I asilig is mainly emtio dto colleg n Hie Norih. We n in. i kfnrthei in i colleges are mainly eonaned to U.e N jrih.

i ercivai nor I wanted to give tnething up without having fired a singleshot at, a bear; but we could not man-age to keep the water out of our tent,and there was no other shelter withinreach, except a wretched little hutabout four feet high, used in summerby the Spanish shepherds, so weagreed to take advantage of this op-portunity to cross over into Franceand get newspapers and It tiers.

We had a long, toilsome trudgeacross the snow, aud did not reachLuchon until it was too late to thinkof anything but bed; but the nextday we went to the post-offic- e, wherea large bundle of letters was deliveredto each of us. Percival glanced has-tily at his, and then flung them downwith a muttered oath. Obviously hewas disappointed for some reason orother; but it did not occur to me untiliftei wards that he miirht, hve eher- -.. - .... .isncu a wild hope nt tinaing a com-munication from Florry among them.I vvas more favored. My budget con-tained two letters bearing the Cannespost-mar- k, and the first of these Iread aloud to Percival as we walkedaway not on account of its intrinsicinterest, which was sm ill, tut becauseI thought it as wel to lose no occa-sion of convincing him that my rela-tions with Florry were of a most cor-rect and coninly kind. But when Iproceeded to open the second I wasobliged to be seized with a terrific fit.

of coughing, for the very tirst wordsthat caught my eye were, "You maycongratulate me. if you like, on myengagement to Mr. Lacy." Here wasa nice piece of business! I stuffed thefatal missive into my pocket, andslippi d away as soon as I could to fin-

ish it in private. There was no mis-take about it. The horrid little wo-

man had really gone and engaged her-self to Lacy, and, with her al wantof consideration, had left me the agree-ibl- e

task of announcing the news toPercival. "Love to Cirrots," sheadded in a post-scri- pt. "I hope he isenjoying himself, and that he won'treceive too warm a hug from one ofhis kindred bears."

I haven't the least doubt that whenshe wrote those words there was amalicious grin on her face, and thatshe flattered herself that she had paidCarrots off that time. But if sheimagined that I should carry thisi pistolary slap in the face to its des-

tination, she was sadly mistaken inme. "No. indeed," T thought; "I amnot going to expose myself to therisk of being eaten up alive to pleaseanybody;" and I determined that Per-cival's sport, should not be spoilt byany unwelcome communication fromme.

The unlin ky part of it was that. Ihad aroused his suspicions by lettinghim hear the contents of the firstletter, and stopp;ng an suddenly up uithe point of reading him the secr nd;and all that, day and the next, whenhe set. out to return to our encamp-ment, he went on hotbring me aboutit. What h d Miss Neville aid inhat other letter of hers? Why was

I so confoundeJly mysterious? Hadhe mentioned him? and so forth,

could only return feeble and evasivereplies, which of course did not satisfyhim. He tried wheedling nu and h"tried bollving me, hat he might, justas well have talked to a stonewall. Th" ec et. I d shouldonly be dragged from ui" with mvlif"; and at. l ist he give it up. andsubsided into a state of silent, and sub-Iii"- d

fer icity which made me exceed-ingly uncomfortable.

But when we reaeh-- our campthere was good news for n: and

1 cam c 'me ouv of the sulks onhearing that th" tracks of a wholebear family father. mo'hr. and twocutis had bpen seen on the freshly-f-dle- n

snow not, a couple of milesaway. The guides h id already

plan of action for themorrow, and pr"tend"d. as those fel-

lows always do. to he o intfmatelyacquainted with the habits of hears ingeneral as to know to a nicety whattheir programme would be too. Pa-te- rf

miilias. we were informed, wouldsKirt with the hrenk of dav for th"hi rh"r pastnr.'S above the vi'lageEl Plan, whither som" Spanish shepliprds were known to h ive theirflocks. The mother and, enhs would

remain either among orabnyp the pine woods which clothedhe souUvrn sirle of nnr vullpy. Now.

if the south wind held, what we hadto do was tmhi enough. We h idonly to mount the opposite slopes to-

wards he spot where the trucks hadben seen, and there was lit.l" dangerof one mounting so high as to placeourselves V"tween the wind and nnrgame. Tt was further considered ad-

visable that we should separate intotwo parties, on" of which should havefor its object the destruction of MrRrnin while th other should accountfor Mrs. B and the children. Thisarrangement was not. agreed to with-out some discussion and alternativesuggestions, for P"rcival always hated

o do as be was told: hut, it was onefinally adapted: and when the morn

This Old Reliable Clothing House is bound to be in the Lead in the Saleof First-Cla- ss Goods. Here Customers may find any article

of Wearing Apparel needed, at the mostReasonable Prices.


And vou will be convinced the (Jreat Store of STF4RN-BERGE- R

BROTHERS is the place to buy.Imart3m

Yesterday an attache of the asylumwas seen, and he states that one of thcommittee bv the name of of

County, was so under the inflnpnci1 of liqnor that for sonio timhp was stroichpfl our. on the sota inthe rotunda of the buildingr, nnahle toruove, nn'l that the Chuirman fif th.pomniittee, N. Swavne, reqnesterl thaino more Honor he riven him. Tf committees are sent, to report on the condition of asylums, would it not. he wel'for nil of th"m to be in a sober condi-tion ? E.rrJinngn.

Mr. Ed Triokett. the celebratedoarsman. Kingston. r,;m-ida- says: "1h ive found St. Jacobs Oil a sure an'eprtjiin enre for rhpiimutism, etc."jYeiv York Clipper.

A womax vho was riding in a rail-way car was greatly annoye-- by th'profane language of two young nnowho occupied the seat in front of herone of whom seemed to be a colle-jr- '

student. Begging pardon for intevrupting them, she asRed the yonnistudent if he had studied the Iang n ages.

"Yes, madam, T have mastered thlanguages quite well."

Do yon read and speak Hebrew r"Quite fluently.""Will you be so kind as to do me a

small favor.""With great pleasure; I am at youi

service.""Will you he so kind as to do your

swearing in H' brew?"t We may well suppose the lady wasnot annoyed any more by the ungen-tlemanl- y

language of this would-b- e


She Is ioiii To Try It.A correspondent writes from way-dow-

East, in Lubee, Me., to Dr. Da-

vid Kennedy, Rondout, N. Y.: "Icalled on ycu about six weeks ago.sick with Bilious Disease. I boughta bottle of 'Favorite Remedy,' and it

cured me. Whhat I want is somimore of oour medicine. My daughteiis going to try it." Sensible manHe will not regret it, and when hisdaughter has tried it she will be satis-

fied too. "Faxorite Remedy" is justthe thing for the ills that afflict

"A minister of North Lewisburg,Rev. Mr. Hayward, (luring an aberra-tion of mind, succeeded in exciting al-

most to frenzy some of his parishion-ers who had come under his influenceHe prophesied that his wife would diiat a certiau time, and that he wouldrestore her to life. The lady was laid,out for the sad eveut. but nothinghappened. Other acts and speeches oia similar character succeeded in arous-ing no little sensation. Mr. Haywardbelongs to a sect who c 11 themselvesin.ipirationists. or that air their actsare not only right in the sight of Goi!but. that, they are directly inspired bhim." TJrbana Gazette.

This is another fool Guiteau. IIthere really exists such a sect any-where they ought to be put bodily intosome lunatic asylum. It is time someway was contrived to remove sncbcranks some place where if they persist in making fools oftheir inspiration cannot lead to mur-der. A woman was brought to thisplace l ist Saturday, quite crazy, saidto have benn caused by some insaneexcitement upon the subject of reli-gib- u.

Marysville Tribune.

Elcfraiipp p.iid Purity.Ladies who appreci tte elegance are'

purity are using ker's H iir Bal-

sam. It is the best article sold foirestoring yray hair to it's originalcolor, beauty and lustre.

Robinson went up to his room tinother afternoon, and noticed thathere was orly one match remainingin the box. ' Now, if that shouldn'tburn to-nig- when 1 come in." solil-oquized he, "what a ri I should be iu."So he trud, to see if it was a goodone. It was.

a now raniedy, MjgtoaHy eempounded II ivi t. ! iDtolcai Drofessiou.liinfl rbftn tn tiiti Tul)lie :it laiTTC. twS. 15.

11 art man. 31. 1. llohus rrescrilxd it lol

nyioii tho svstcm is c::tirolvun- -like that of auy other remedy, and, is theonly medicine needed in ;dniost i very dls--easa To ah is heir, tin cpnstipa-Uo-a,

jLMsaasea of tho Liver and Kidneys.SLwalin- - should he (?riveii with it . PIUKM

Peiujn a composed of purely vegetablecnT;ttithors. a crcat remBdv in itself. 'Tfl

Dr. Itartm .m has sin celled in extracting and combining tho active principles

a of these ingredients into one Mmpio o;.i-S

1 raoad, whh h perfectly oc.iiicide v. itli the"Vis Mi.uiCATr.iX Wati ila iu every dis-,- fl

ease, aiidacurenecessi-ril- foUoWf, hereis not an organ it v. ill PX41 mis-.;- - -ease it, Will uvt cure. B

Asifc vour dra2:TiLnlifeti :i tho "Illsof Ufa. Or. S 15. t 1

ilr.rtmiii & Co.. Oshorn, U-- , i ropriVor Tiles anil Telvlc Discuses, tak

April 6. is lv.

A family papi-- r nqhiisbed a longarticle entitled "HousekeeDinsj Here--after." ''Merciful heaYeus," grimm il

a ditr.icted mother of live childrenand keeper of one husband and twoservants, '"if I thought there was going to be any housekeeping hereafter,I declare I'd never die.1'

"My brodders, d a naggish colored man toa c owd, "in all infliction,iu all ob yohr troubles dar is one placevou Can alwivs find synipathy.""Whar? Whirr" shouted sever.ill'Tu de diction try," he n plied, rollinghis eyes sky wuid.


Market, Portsmouth, Ohio.


Hero. Sterulierger.


L-- g o g

c es 2 Ol? S 2 2 U wBasssB Isad b " 5 3 S

stf yj s

li ri r i l

zZM: m



Physician and Surgeon,JACKSON, - - - OHIO

January IH, UTCf-t- f.


Accommodation golujr South, leaves llamden at G.l"m . Wellston 6.'2."i. Uerlln G 4.i. .lack-o- n 7.15. Cros

Koads a.oo. o,.k Hill R.IS, Webster f.:K', arrives aiPorlsmou h 10 55.

Goinif North, leaves rortsuioutll at a 00 p. m.. Webster 1 27. Oak Hill 5 17. (. ross Roads 5.3!. Jacksoia 20, Berliu 6 :it, .Vellsiou 7J. arrives at Hamden at

Mail train BTolna South leaves llamden at 2.H5 p. m.8.4-- Berliu 2.57. .luck-o- n 3.15. Cross Road- -

142. flak Hill 3.52. Webster Ut arrives at Ports--moillh at

tioi Non h. leaves rortsmou :h at .2' (. m.. nthster 8.17, Oik II (UH). Cross Roads 9.10. Jnrk-o- i9.40. Berlin 9.58, Wellston 10 07. arrives at Hauideu al10.20.

TOLEDO, DELPHOS AND BURLINGTON.Mall train Koinu We-- t. leave- - Wellston at 10 30a. m.

arrives al C'o.tllon 11.10 Chllllc the 2 30 p. in., W a.--h

IllKtonC, II. 4 28. li.tio, Diiyloii 7.00.Going Ea t. aves Dayton at B.5S a. m.. arrives ai

Xenla 7J6, Whlnrton C. H. '.1.17, Chiillcolhe 11.2JCoaltou 1.25 p. 1U., Wellston 1.45.


Going West. Mail train leaves Jackson at 10.00 a. m..arrives at si inps.iu'- - 10.10. Cove 10.22. Whitman's I0.3tlBeavertown 10.39. BotoOlnfl 10.411. Given 111 57. HClol.Valley Crosi,g U.15, Waverli 11.20. Balnlirldge 1J.4It. m Uteeiineld UML c. H. 2.00, Jeffer-sonvill- e

2 :to. M'uth Chariest, hi 3.1o. Sprlnafield 3 45Uotllg Ea-- t. leaves Spriogil.-l- at 10 15 a. Ill . arrive

at Sootn Charleston 11.20 Jellersoiivtlle n.45. Wasp,isxtmi C. H. 12.4Q p. in.. G.ecntteid I 20. Balnbrldact2.00, Waverlv S.10. Seloto valley Crossnne 3.15, Gtv-,.u- s

3.) RoO' ius 3 pi. Beavertowjl 3.50 Wliltioai.-4.UO- .

Cove Mak Slmisms 12U. Jaek-o- a 4.3' .Mixed train, g'.ftttg Wist, leaws Jaekson ;,t 8.15s

in., arrives al Waverly s.45. OreritAeld 1 45 p. m.VVashiofltoii C. II. 3.45, sioiilli Charleston 8.13iprlllL'tiel.l 7.15.

iioi.-- East, te.vcs BprlngSeld at SJjll a. rn.. irrivr1at South Cbarlestoa 6 JO. Wajsbingli n C. 11. ..It'GrotElieW 10.10, Waver: ii.l j p. ui., j ..cismii o.w.


Dress Making!Miss MOLLIE BJRNETTNow occupies a buildinjr on Broadway. near th Cor-ner of llroartwav &. ("earl St., wtteresh condneM

Millinery and Dress MakliiK business, andwhere all comers may liud goods oi the

Latest and Most Beautiful Styles!!

The Millinery Deparlment will bf In chnree of MlsFannie Nieiivahner. The l)rs MIIr Dcpartttientwill be conducted with a view lo luruishlns; the mostArtistic work, at reasonable prices.

j Full I4no of NotionsAlw yip em linnet:




This is a trueboue superphosphate ndmay be used on any crop, ta the bill ror broadcast, either icilh ortciAoaf inar.u-- o.

and win proance a rhkucrop In tlie lteportof the Mass. Inspectorof Fertilizers. Its valuation is from to to810 per tun higher than other 1'hnspliatLSwhich sell at tho same price. The partyear over SOOO toi:s were sold against JOB

.1..- ... ..ovn tluiwin-- ' that It 13

I Hkedbythe fanners. If thcrd is no local

a. r - PTW'U k r q ri 7.Also ior saie o i -


BOSTON Nfc.VV turlrs

Price Brothers, Agents, Jackson,Ohio.

March. 30, 1B2 Im.


Has on Exhibition a Superior Slock of

Spring JUilliiury Goods,

be sold at Lr-- Kate, for ( h. An experle.'c "of tuiny years In the Millinery btrMne. eehies Mrs. DuUad way to offer lireat barsatea In thlIJue.'

Bleaching and Pressingone to Order arP.eason dile Kate.

Store at the SOUTH STftKET HOL'SK.

Country rrcdr.'-- e taken in Excbanye fif Ooodr.

ing broku soft and cloudy, with a lighthreee blowing in our faces, Percivaland bis pnrty set off to the westwardin the direction of Fl Plan. T andmine linqdinor for the pine woods im-

mediately facing us."That ought to give you the best

chince. Oliver." aid my friend gen-erously as we parte 1.

T don't know when ' have pa sed amore thnmugblv comfortless hourthan that which we spent in clamber-ing up through hose dense wools.The moan aia-s- i e was veryprecip- -