the jefferbonian, towson, maryland. i found...

THE JEFFERBONIAN, TOWSON, MARYLAND. October 2, 1920—Page 7 1 to 5 Tons i Tenth Year Reason Transportation Knowledge During ten years the Federal Motor Truck Company has learned h o w t o analyze motor transportation problems —what a motor truck must do under all conditions—what the needs of any individual business are. There is a Federal model for your business—for any combination of road and load—developed by experts who know your problems. Let us furnish you information regarding what Federal Trucks are doing for other owners in your own line of business. The Federal Motor and Sales Co. 803-05-07 Low Street BALTIMORE, MD. Phone—St. Paul 2783. FOUND OLD FRIEND ON BOARD Hope Followed Despair When Return- ing Doughboy Discovered Copy of Famous Sea Story. I came aboard the transport reviling my luck, says Robert Palfrey .Utter in the Review. My locker and bed roll were in France and I had neg- lected to bid them good-by; I had nothing but musette and kit bag, in which I had been living for a month. The limping old Mudjekeewis was the shabbiest tub in the service, slow, de- void of comfort. Her engines took a day off every Week. Her smoking room was given over to clacking type- writers which manufactured colored tissue paper orders for the decoration of the main companionway. The white- and-gold music room was no place for one who was constitutionally unable to derive solace from craps or poker. But when I discovered that the ship's library had survived the ravages of war, I began to see the hand of provi- dence. As I reviewed the backs of the 50-odd most respectable volumes in tough brown calf, my locker and bed roll "fell from my back and began to tumble, and so continued to do" till I thought of them no more. I was free as air in spite of the livery I wore. I tossed a polished copy of "Mr. Mid shipman Easy" into my berth, cast off my shining greaves and brass-mount ed regalia, chinned myself on the T- iron that ran across the top of the state room, swung my legs over the edge of the berth and dropped after them. I opened the port hole to the deck and the summer night, disposed tobacco and other necessities in the wall pockets, started the fire in a well- crusted briar bowl, and forthwith I was in company with an old friend whom I had not seen for years—"By 9 o'clock that evening Mr. Jack Easy was safe on board his majesty's sloop Harpy." WILL BE BOON TO INVALID AH Towson Shares Our Success Not only does our plant afford pleasant and healthful employment for hundreds of Towsonites, but everyone in Towson is benefited by the2t3 additional money that is brought to Towson. This money comes from all over the United States, and from many foreign countries as well. A considerable portion of it is spent in Towson, contributing largely to f he general prosperity. This is money which is brought into Towson from outside, notjnerely the circulation of money that is already here. THE BUCK & DECKER MFG. CO. "The Good Will Plant" Makers of Electric Air Compressors, Portable Electric Drills and Electric Valve Grinders General Offices and Factory TOWSON HEIGHTS, MARYLAND Independence, Comfort, and Exercise All Provided in New Chair Pro- pelled by Electricity. A new era of independence, comfort and exercise is promised to invalids in an electrically-propelled chair that is now being made 1 by a firm of surgi- cal engineers in London. In appearance it is little more than a very comfortable, luxuriously-sus- pended bath chair or invalid's car- riage. The propulsive motion is elec- tricity. It is silent, travels a distance of over twenty miles on a single charge and has four speeds, ranging from a crawl up to five miles per hour. The control is said to be so sim- ple that any person, no matter with what disabilities, can sit in the car- riage and start right away, and it is fitted with reverse on all speeds. It is only necessary to hold the steer- ing lever with the left hand and gent- ly push over the controller handle with the right hand. The use of the carriage renders an invalid independ- ent of chair man or attendant, and the cost of upkeep is said to be triviaL RAISE MORE HOGS AT LESS COST BY USING FEED The most valuable pig for a breeder to raise is the one^that will give him the most money for the feed consumed. Spring Garden Hog Feed is all food, no waste. The protein content is practically all digestible as compared with 70 % digestibility in corn. It is made from corn germ or hearts, corn oil meal, corn bran and part of the crown portion of the kernel. Thoroughly kiln-dried and sterilized; packed clean by machinery; free from dust and adulterants. Guaranteed to keep pure and sweet and do all we claim for it or money back. Write for samples and prices if your dealer cannot supply you with Spring Garden Hog Feed, Horse Feed, Dairy Feed, Hominy Feed BALTIMORE PEARL HOMINY CO. SEABOARD CORN MILLS HOWARD STREET PIER BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Jason a Leger^fyry Character. Jason was the leader of the Argo- nautic expedition in Greek -legend. The equivalent of his name in Greek is the healer or atoner. Jason was tu- tored and brought up under Chiron, a Greek myth renowned for his wisdom and skill in medicine, hunting, music and prophecy. Jason's greatest ex- ploit was his expedition with the Ar- gonauts in quest of the Golden Fleece. Jason secured this by the aid of Me- dea, a sorceress who fell in Ieve with him. She protected him from the bulls breathing fire and hoofed with brass which he was obliged, in order to ob- tain the fleece, to yoke to the plow. She also protected him from the armed men who sprang up from the dragon's teeth which he was required to sow in the fields. Medea fled with Jason and the fleece and married him. Ten years later Jason abandoned her after she had murdered Creusa, whom Jason had determined to marry. Lesson in Dietetics. What bread needs to make It a per- fect food—a perfect food is that which contains protein, carbohydrates, and fat in certain definite proportions—is something with fat in it. Hence bread "and butter," and bread "and drip- ping," and bread "and cheese." Pork and beans pair quite properly, because the beans' supply the absent protein. When you eat beef and potatoes, or roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, the pairing makes a perfect food. The pairing of condiments is not a\ matter of taste alone. Cabbage is peppered because it was discovered that pepper discounted the excessive action of greenstuff on the bowels. Mustard goes with beef, but not with mutton, because mutton is much more easily digested than beef, and mustard is a first-class digester.—Montreal HemJd. Birds That Burrow. Persons are not accustomed to think of birds as burrowing animals, but the puffin answers to that description. It is a chunky little fowl, less than a foot high, with a large and powerful beak. For a home it scratches a hole in the ground sometimes as much as four feet deep. To capture a puffin one must go digging. It is rather a job; and, inasmuch as the bird bites and claws fiercely, one is likely to suffer in the process. Thus the crea- ture has maintained its numbers on many a lonely rockery, where other species of wild fowl have been killed off and exterminated. Spiders as Companions. Of all creatures to choose as pets spiders seem to be the strangest. Yet many famous men have formed real friendships with spiders. Beethoven, when studying the violin at the age of seven years, had a spider so accustom- ed to him that it would crawl on to his arm while he was practicing. Of Paganini it is said that whenever he played a certain air on his violin a spider approached him and stood still listening until he had finished. Gaetry, author of "Richard Coeur de Lion," tells of spiders that used to perch mo- tionless upon the piano while he played. Snakes Friends of Farmer. A correspondent who is interested in snakes as well as flowers and birds and the other more popular things in nature writes that he has gratifying success in locating snakes by merely listening for their rustling in the dry leaves. If one's ears are specially trained for snake noises there is no good reason why this method should not be really practical. Unquestionably the majority of wood wanderers are almost blind in this matter of snakes. Unless we almost step on,him we sel- dom know that he*, is lurking near at hand and remaining very still in the hope that he will not be noted. All our snakes are practically defenseless. They are not only inoffensive and tim- id creatures, but also highly useful friends of the farmer. Possibly the baby snakes are in less danger than the adults. The little fellows are less conspicuous, and, as before noted, they can hide in very small refuges. Established 1865 WM. A. CONWAY Jobber of TINNERS' SUPPLIES Metal Roofings, Painted-Corrugated, V-Crimped and Galvanized Double Lock Roll Roofing For Dwellings, Garages and Barns Stove and Furnace Goods of all sorts. A l l S i z e s R a i l r o a d M i l k Cans. WM. A. CONWAY 626-28 FORREST ST. Phones, Mt. Vernon 2751 or 1999 Write Today for Prices 4-13-20 10-6-19 Why go to the heart of the city ? T. B. GATCH & SONS Machine Shop and Garage .. Belair Road RASPEBURG, MD. All kinds of Machine Work Nothing too large Nothing too small KELLY-SPRINGFIELD PNEUMATIC ana KELLY-SPRINGFIELD SOLID TIRES Always In Stock—All Sizes. 7-26-iy Pressed on day or night at Quarry BLUE RIBBON BRAND HAMS BACON A v LARD /x 4 VTMQS.J.KURDLE/ Of Quality wjsm NUXATED nIRONq "Time and again I have pres- cribed organic iron—Nuxated Iron—and snrprised patients attherapidity with wrrkhtheir weakness and general debil- ity was replaced byarenewed feeling of strength and vftahty, says Dr. H. R Vail, formerly Phy- sician in theBaltimoreHospital and a Medical Examiner. "I took Nux- ated Iron myself to build me up after a serious case of nervous ex- haustion. The effects were appar- ent after a few days and within three weeks it had virtually revit- alized my whole system and put me in superb physical condition. , At All Druggists I TO-DAY modern transportation is necessary to every business.- The day has long gone by when any old time will do for making deliveries. Every business concern and farmer in America is working hard to increase their efficiency in the commercial world. IS;iYOUR TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT a holdback to your progress? If'so, let us tell you how we can bring this department up to the 100% mark with "BROCKWAY THE RIGHT WAY." Brockway Motor Truck Co. of Baltimore, Inc. 1921-27 NORTH CHARLES STREET MT. VERNON 1866 Govans Central Garage York Road—Adjoining Funk's Hotel GOVANS, MD. Right on your way to the city. Now open for business, with an up-to-date Machine Repair Shop and full line of Automobile Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Oils, Gasoline and Amoco Gas, the new motor fuel. s Agents For The CHEVROLET MOTOR CARS AND TRUCKS 24 Hour Service and a Service That Will Appeal To You If it is good service that you desire with moderate prices, a trial is all that is necessary to have a continuance of your patronage. Free Air—All You Want All kinds of Ignition Work. Battery Recharge and Repair. Detroit Batteries for all makes of cars. .aryland State Archives mdsa_sc3410_1_63-0320.jpg

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1 to 5 Tons i

Tenth Year Reason Transportation Knowledge

D u r i n g t e n y e a r s t h e F e d e r a l M o t o r

T r u c k C o m p a n y h a s l e a r n e d h o w t o

a n a l y z e m o t o r t r a n s p o r t a t i o n p r o b l e m s

— w h a t a m o t o r t r u c k m u s t d o u n d e r a l l

c o n d i t i o n s — w h a t t h e n e e d s of a n y

i n d i v i d u a l b u s i n e s s a r e .

T h e r e i s a F e d e r a l m o d e l f o r y o u r

b u s i n e s s — f o r a n y c o m b i n a t i o n of r o a d

a n d l o a d — d e v e l o p e d b y e x p e r t s w h o

k n o w y o u r p r o b l e m s .

L e t u s f u r n i s h y o u i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g

w h a t F e d e r a l T r u c k s a r e d o i n g f o r

o t h e r o w n e r s i n y o u r o w n l i n e of

b u s i n e s s .

The Federal Motor and Sales Co. 803-05-07 Low Street BALTIMORE, MD.

Phone—St. Paul 2783.


Hope Followed Despair When Return­ing Doughboy Discovered Copy

of Famous Sea Story.

I came aboard the t ransport reviling my luck, says Robert Palfrey .Utter in the Review. My locker and bed roll were in France and I had neg­lected to bid them good-by; I had nothing but muset te and kit bag, in which I had been living for a month. The limping old Mudjekeewis was the shabbiest tub in the service, slow, de­void of comfort. Her engines took a day off every Week. Her smoking room was given over to clacking type­wri ters which manufactured colored tissue paper orders for the decoration of the main companionway. The white-and-gold music room was no place for one who was constitutionally unable to derive solace from craps or poker. But when I discovered tha t the ship's library had survived the ravages of war, I began to see the hand of provi­dence. As I reviewed the backs of the 50-odd most respectable volumes in tough brown calf, my locker and bed roll "fell from my back and began to tumble, and so continued to do" till I thought of them no more. I was free as air in spite of the livery I wore. I tossed a polished copy of "Mr. Mid shipman Easy" into my berth, cast off my shining greaves and brass-mount ed regalia, chinned myself on the T-iron that ran across the top of the s tate room, swung my legs over the edge of the berth and dropped after them. I opened the port hole to the deck and the summer night, disposed tobacco and other necessities in the wall pockets, s tar ted the fire in a well-crusted briar bowl, and forthwith I was in company with an old friend whom I had not seen for years—"By 9 o'clock that evening Mr. Jack Easy was safe on board his majesty's sloop Harpy."


AH Towson Shares Our Success Not only does our plant afford pleasant and healthful employment for hundreds of Towsonites, but everyone in Towson is benefited by the2 t3 additional money that is brought to Towson.

This money comes from all over the United States, and from many foreign countries as well. A considerable portion of it is spent in Towson, contributing largely to fhe general prosperity.

This is money which is brought into Towson from outside, notjnerely the circulation of money that is already here.

THE B U C K & DECKER MFG. CO. "The Good Will Plant"

Makers of Electric Air Compressors, Portable Electric Drills and Electric Valve Grinders

General Offices and Factory


Independence, Comfort, and Exercise All Provided in New Chair Pro­

pelled by Electricity.

A new era of independence, comfort and exercise is promised to invalids in an electrically-propelled chair tha t is now being made1 by a firm of surgi­cal engineers in London.

In appearance it is little more than a very comfortable, luxuriously-sus­pended bath chair or invalid's car­riage. The propulsive motion is elec­tricity. It is silent, travels a distance of over twenty miles on a single charge and has four speeds, ranging from a crawl up to five miles per hour.

The control is said to be so sim­ple tha t any person, no mat ter with what disabilities, can sit in the car­riage and s ta r t right away, and it is fitted with reverse on all speeds. I t is only necessary to hold the steer­ing lever with the left hand and gent­ly push over the controller handle with the right hand. The use of the carriage renders an invalid independ­ent of chair man or at tendant , and the cost of upkeep is said to be triviaL



FEED T h e most valuable pig for a breeder to raise is the one^that will

give him the most money for the feed consumed.

Spring Garden Hog Feed is all food, no waste. The protein content is practically all digestible as compared with 70 % digestibility in corn.

It is made from corn germ or hearts, corn oil meal, corn bran and part of the crown portion of the kernel. Thoroughly kiln-dried and sterilized; packed clean by machinery; free from dust and adulterants. Guaranteed to keep pure and sweet and do all we claim for it or money back.

Write for samples and prices if your dealer cannot supply you with

Spring Garden Hog Feed, Horse Feed,

Dairy Feed, Hominy Feed


• • • • •


Jason a Leger^fyry Character. Jason was the leader of the Argo-

nautic expedition in Greek -legend. The equivalent of his name in Greek is the healer or atoner. Jason was tu­tored and brought up under Chiron, a Greek myth renowned for his wisdom and skill in medicine, hunting, music and prophecy. Jason 's greatest ex­ploit was his expedition with the Ar­gonauts in quest of the Golden Fleece. Jason secured this by the aid of Me­dea, a sorceress who fell in Ieve with him. She protected him from the bulls breathing fire and hoofed with brass which he was obliged, in order to ob­tain the fleece, to yoke to the plow. She also protected him from the armed men who sprang up from the dragon's teeth which he was required to sow in the fields. Medea fled with Jason and the fleece and married him. Ten years later Jason abandoned her after she had murdered Creusa, whom Jason had determined to marry.

Lesson in Dietetics. What bread needs to make It a per­

fect food—a perfect food is that which contains protein, carbohydrates, and fat in certain definite proportions—is something with fat in it. Hence bread "and butter ," and bread "and drip­ping," and bread "and cheese." Pork and beans pair quite properly, because the beans' supply the absent protein. When you eat beef and potatoes, or roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, the pairing makes a perfect food. The pairing of condiments is not a\ mat ter of taste alone. Cabbage is peppered because it was discovered that pepper discounted the excessive action of greenstuff on the bowels. Mustard goes with beef, but not with mutton, because mutton is much more easily digested than beef, and mustard is a first-class digester.—Montreal HemJd.

Birds That Burrow.

Persons are not accustomed to think of birds as burrowing animals, but the puffin answers to tha t description. It is a chunky little fowl, less than a foot high, with a large and powerful beak. For a home it scratches a hole in the ground sometimes as much as four feet deep. To capture a puffin one must go digging. It is ra ther a job; and, inasmuch as the bird bites and claws fiercely, one is likely to suffer in the process. Thus the crea­ture has maintained its numbers on many a lonely rockery, where other species of wild fowl have been killed off and exterminated.

Spiders as Companions. Of all creatures to choose as pets

spiders seem to be the strangest. Yet many famous men have formed real friendships with spiders. Beethoven, when studying the violin at the age of seven years, had a spider so accustom­ed to him that it would crawl on to his arm while he was practicing. Of Paganini it is said tha t whenever he played a certain air on his violin a spider approached him and stood still listening until he had finished. Gaetry, author of "Richard Coeur de Lion," tells of spiders that used to perch mo­tionless upon the piano while he played.

Snakes Friends of Farmer.

A correspondent who is interested in snakes as well as flowers and birds and the other more popular things in nature writes that he has gratifying success in locating snakes by merely listening for their rustling in the dry leaves. If one's ears are specially trained for snake noises there is no good reason why this method should not be really practical. Unquestionably the majority of wood wanderers are almost blind in this mat ter of snakes. Unless we almost step on,him we sel­dom know that he*, is lurking near a t hand and remaining very still in the hope that he will not be noted. All our snakes are practically defenseless. They are not only inoffensive and tim­id creatures, but also highly useful friends of the farmer. Possibly the baby snakes a re in less danger than the adults. The little fellows are less conspicuous, and, as before noted, they can hide in very small refuges.

Established 1865

WM. A. CONWAY Jobber of

TINNERS' SUPPLIES Metal Roofings, Painted-Corrugated, V-Crimped and Galvanized Double Lock Roll Roofing

For Dwellings, Garages and Barns

S t o v e a n d F u r n a c e G o o d s of a l l s o r t s .

A l l S i z e s R a i l r o a d M i l k C a n s .


Phones, Mt. Vernon 2751 or 1999 Write Today for Prices 4-13-20


Why go to the heart of the city ?

T. B. GATCH & SONS Machine Shop and Garage . .

Belair Road RASPEBURG, MD.

All kinds of Machine Work Nothing too large

Nothing too small



Always In Stock—All Sizes.

7-26-iy Pressed on day or night at Quarry



Of Quality wjsm


"Time and again I have pres­cribed organic iron—Nuxated Iron—and snrprised patients attherapidity with wrrkhtheir weakness and general debil­ity was replaced byarenewed feeling of strength and vftahty, says Dr. H. R Vail, formerly Phy­sician in theBaltimoreHospital and a Medical Examiner. "I took Nux­ated Iron myself to build me up after a serious case of nervous ex­haustion. The effects were appar­ent after a few days and within three weeks it had virtually revit­alized my whole system and put me in superb physical condition. ,

At All Druggists


TO-DAY modern t ranspor ta t ion is necessary to every business.- The day has long gone by when any old t ime will do for making deliveries. Every business concern and fa rmer in America is working hard to increase their efficiency in the commercial world.

IS;iYOUR TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT a holdback to your progress? If 'so, let us tell you how we can bring this department up to the 1 0 0 % mark with "BROCKWAY THE RIGHT WAY."

Brockway Motor Truck Co. of Baltimore, Inc. 1921-27 NORTH CHARLES STREET


Govans Central Garage York Road—Adjoining Funk's Hotel


Right on your way to the city. Now open for business, with an up-to-date Machine Repair Shop and full line of Automobile

Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Oils, Gasoline and Amoco Gas, the new motor fuel.


Agents For The


24 Hour Service and a Service That Will Appeal To You If it is good service that you desire with moderate prices, a trial is all that is necessary to have a continuance of your patronage. Free Air—All You Want

All kinds of Ignition Work. Battery Recharge and Repair.

Detroit Batteries for all makes of cars.

. a r y l a n d S t a t e A r c h i v e s m d s a _ s c 3 4 1 0 _ 1 _ 6 3 - 0 3 2 0 . j p g