the journey shared fall 2015

The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—1 Contents Vicar sighting and musings, 1, 3 New Deacon at CHF, 2 CHF at Family Promise Event, 3 Clergy Gathering, 4 PC Feast Day, 4 Interfaith Relationships, 5 COB Confirmations, 6 Letters from India, 7 LOC Thanksgiving & Advent/Christmas Tree, 8 MOM NEWS, 9 Advent/Christmas Services, 9 Co-Editors Sally Allen [email protected] Fr. Michael Nicosia [email protected] Our local ECC vicar Fr. Teri Harroun was the keynote speaker at the United Church of Christ Colorado Southeast Conference Annual meeting in Manitou Springs on October 10th, 2015. Her presentation was titled "14 Things, or 13 Things and a Moose." On the premise that knowing 14 things about another helps you to know them beyond the surface, Fr. Teri shared 14 things about the ECC with those gathered, and then the UCC members in attendance shared 14 things about their denom- ination. Conversation included not only where these two faith expressions overlap, but also where they are different. After the presentation, one UCC member said, "I never thought I wanted to be catholic, but now I know, if I did, what kind of catholic I would be." QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION OF THE ECUMENICAL CATHOLIC COMMUNION

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A newsletter of the Rocky Mountain Regional Council for the ECC.


Page 1: The Journey Shared Fall 2015

The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—1


Vicar sighting and musings, 1, 3

New Deacon at CHF, 2

CHF at Family Promise Event, 3

Clergy Gathering, 4 PC Feast Day, 4

Interfaith Relationships, 5

COB Confirmations, 6

Letters from India, 7

LOC Thanksgiving & Advent/Christmas Tree, 8

MOM NEWS, 9 Advent/Christmas Services, 9


Sally Allen

[email protected]

Fr. Michael Nicosia

[email protected]

Our local ECC vicar Fr. Teri Harroun was

the keynote speaker at the United

Church of Christ Colorado Southeast

Conference Annual meeting in Manitou

Springs on October 10th, 2015. Her

presentation was titled "14 Things, or 13

Things and a Moose." On the premise

that knowing 14 things about another

helps you to know them beyond the

surface, Fr. Teri shared 14 things about

the ECC with those gathered, and then

the UCC members in attendance shared

14 things about their denom-

ination. Conversation included not only

where these two faith expressions

overlap, but also where they are

different. After the presentation, one

UCC member said, "I never thought

I wanted to be catholic, but now I

know, if I did, what kind of catholic I

would be."


Page 2: The Journey Shared Fall 2015

The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—2


Mountain Region


Fr. Scott Jenkins, Pastor

Mass: 10:00 am Sundays

16738 E. Iliff Avenue

Aurora CO 80013

Jennifer LaRochelle, Administrator

(303) 369-9000

[email protected]


Mother Kae Madden, Pastor

Mass: 5:00 pm Saturdays

10500 Grant Drive

Northglenn CO 80233

Mother Kae 303-426-5464;


Fr. Paul 720-254-2083

Fr. Len 303-776-1460

Bishop Francis visited Colorado again

this year and on the Feast of St Nicholas,

Sunday, Dec. 6th he presided over the

ordination of Brent Rollings as a deacon

within the ECC. Brent will serve the

people of CHF in that role.

Page 3: The Journey Shared Fall 2015

The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—3


Fr. Michael Nicosia, Pastor

Mass: 4:30 pm Saturdays

6th Avenue United Church of Christ

3250 Sixth Avenue

Denver CO 80206

Fr. Michael 720-218-1081;

[email protected]

Fr. Stan Manickam, Pastor Emeritus


[email protected]

Sue Kaessner, Administrator

[email protected]




Fr. Jim Demuth, Pastoral Vicar

Fr. Teri Harroun, Pastoral Associate

Masses: 5:00 pm Saturdays,

11:45 am Sundays

and 9:00 am Wednesdays

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

1000 W. 15th Avenue

Longmont CO 80501


[email protected]

For many years, CHF has worked with

Family Promise of Greater Denver. This

marvelous network of faith communities

works tirelessly to end homelessness for

families by working with individual

families to provide financial counseling

and financial aid. In addition, they help

the families find jobs and affordable

housing. But it doesn’t end there. Family

Promise continues to work with the

families for two years after they are

settled into permanent housing.

Each year Family Promise hosts a

fundraiser Warming Ways for Winter

and CHF volunteers make sure the food

and drinks are a hit – and once again,

they were! This year the fundraising

event was the most successful in the

history of Family Promise with over 200

attendees. The silent auction and soup

dinner proceeds totaled $54,068!


i spend time

with people who are dying

and crying

about the one thing

they still want to do or say

if there was one thing

for me

one thing to say

one thing to do

may it start


a breath

a full, deep, holy breath

an inhale

a hold

and an exhale

slow and discerning


like a baby rocking to sleep

and the breath

becomes the one thing

and the one thing

is enough

© Teri Harroun, 2015

Page 4: The Journey Shared Fall 2015

The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—4


Fr. Jim Demuth, Pastoral Director

Mass: 5:00 pm Sundays

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

1208 W. Elizabeth Street

Fort Collins CO 80521


[email protected]

Also check out our friends of the



Mass: 1:30 pm

every first and third Sunday

Community United Church of Christ

2650 Table Mesa Drive

Boulder CO 80305

Mother Sheila Dierks


[email protected]

For more information about the




Vicar Teri and Fr. Michael have been

asked by the RMRC to begin plans for a

Wellness Gathering/Retreat for the

clergy of our region. The first gathering

will provide an opportunity to get away

from the stresses of ministry (for many,

multiple ministries) and will focus on

relationship building. Some of our

clergy haven’t even met our newest

Deacon Brent Rollings at CHF.

When the idea was floated a number of

years ago, it was met with some

resistance. Some felt that a “clergy

only” group would run contrary to spirit

and polity of the ECC, maintaining that

any group should be open to the

participation of all. “For just as each of

us has one body with many members,

and these members do not all have the

same function, so in Christ we, though

many, form one body, and each

member belongs to all the others” (Rm

12:4-5). In reality, our Communion can’t

operate without such opportunities for

our priests and deacons to gather. Our

image of the 3-legged stool

(laity/clergy/bishops in equal

collaboration) is bound to be

imbalanced if any of the legs is

structurally shaky due to a lack of

relationship amongst its members.

St. Paul goes on to write, “We have

different gifts,” empowering us to fulfill

varying roles of ministry, “according to

the grace given to each of us” (12:6a).

Grace abounds all the more when our

clergy have opportunities for frank

discussions about the demands of

pastoral ministry, can learn from each

other’s knowledge and experience, and

support one another in their personal

and ministerial challenges.

While the RMRC’s intent is to initially

ascertain and address the needs of the

clergy, eventually the gatherings may be

opened to lay pastoral ministers, so that

they can also benefit from these

essential dialogues. Future gatherings,

possibly on a quarterly schedule, will be

shaped by the needs of those

participating—needs which may take

time to surface. Eventually “Getting to

Know You” will grow into getting to

know one another’s heart as

relationships grow and deepen for the

up-building of the local church and our

beloved Communion.

PC observes the Solemnity of Christ the

King of Peace as our patronal feast.

After our 4:30 liturgical celebration, we

all headed over to Nancy Arko’s home

for a festive Wine and Cheese Party like

only our little community can throw!

Page 5: The Journey Shared Fall 2015

The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—5

Standing outside of the Islamic Center

on Parker Road on Thursday, Nov. 3rd,

the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado

gathered over 200 people of diverse

faith backgrounds “to cry together and

hope together” in a show of solidarity

and support for the local Muslim

community in the wake of all the

generalizations and misplaced fears

directed toward Muslims recently.

Several speakers from the Colorado

Muslim Society were among those who

addressed the crowd. They articulated

the beauty of Islam, a religion of

character that honors all people be they

men or women, of whatever faith…as

the Qur’an states, what is important is

the piety/integrity/character of the

individual. Muslims are directed to start

every greeting, every prayer, every

devotion and act of charity with Salem,

Peace. Islam is a religion of peace, and

those who would commit acts of

violence are not Muslim. The crowd

applauded in agreement when one

commented, “We should not refer to

Muslim Terrorists. They should just be

called Terrorists.”

Acknowledging that peace is only

achieved by “getting to know the this

occasion and at every opportunity in the

Future. The stated goal: an awareness

that we are one community.

As signs of solidarity, participants were

asked to tie ribbons along the perimeter

fence of the mosque complex along

Parker Road, as well as make cards

expressing our support which would be

shared with the local community and

subsequently sent to mosques

throughout the state.

Four representatives of the ECC were in

attendance—Bob Franch of Light of

Christ, Linda Adams, James Burnik and

Mthr. Kae Madden of Church of the

Beloved, and I (Fr. Michael Nicosia of

Pax Christi). Linda commented, “I found

the experience gratifying because there

were so many people there and the

mood reflected a desire for peace and

understanding. I found the Imans'

speeches so heartfelt and reflective of

their fear and concern. I feel that unless

people stand up to hate and violence, it

will overwhelm us.” Jim relayed that

“the two impressions that stood out the

most were that everyone there were

advocates of non-violence and the

‘Spirit’ of Peace was overwhelming. The

second experience was that so many

members of the community came up to

me personally and thanked me for being


After a prayer ritual in which the crowd

holding lit candles fully encircled the

mosque and chanted in Hebrew, Arabic

and English “Shalom, Salaam, Peace,”

the Muslim community invited the

participants in for tea and baklava and

tours of the worship space. While ECC

members were there to offer support to

the Muslim community and build

community with them, the time of

advocacy and fellowship also gave us

opportunities to network with Jews and

Christians of every stripe. For local

news coverage of the event, go to






The Abrahamic Initiative invites us to

participate in their 2016 series, a

monthly program of guided dialogs,

rotating among three locations:

B'nai Havurah (Colorado Jewish

Reconstructionist Federation), Saint

John's Episcopal Cathedral, and The

Lady Fatima Center Mosque.

Please hold these Tuesday evenings,

7:00-8:30 pm on January 12th,

February 9th, March 1st, April 12th

and May 10th.

At these events we will: Encourage

an atmosphere of mutual trust and

open sharing. Foster mutually

beneficial and inspiring relationships.

Create a foundation for further

collaboration and interaction.

Free attendance — All are welcome.

RSVP will be requested each month

so stay tuned for further announce-

ments. For updates subscribe at

Page 6: The Journey Shared Fall 2015

The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—6

The community of Church of the

Beloved celebrated the very first

Confirmation in their community. Bishop

Francis came for All Saints Day and

confirmed three young women during

the Mass celebration. Bishop Francis

showed his genuine love for his flock by

visiting with the candidates for about an

hour prior to the start of Mass. Brenna

Giblin, K’Lana Klasinski, and Shannon

Anderson began their confirmation

journey early in 2015 with adult leaders

Sally Allen and Georgia Crosby. The

Prayer Shawl ministry group, led by

Linda Pavlak, crocheted confirmation

stoles for each candidate and the young

women each made a banner. The

community celebrated along with family

and friends at a reception after Mass

hosted by Jim and Anne Burnik. It was a

great example of a community coming

together to welcome new adult

members into their fold.

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The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—7

Fr. Stan Manickam left for a family visit

in his native land in mid-September.

Through faithful emails and even a few

videos he has been updating the

community at Pax Christi as to his

adventures. Some passages from his


“You have been my great co-travelers in

my personal faith journey; and now, I

am taking leave of you for a while in

order to attend to some of my

unfinished businesses with my family of

origin and friends in earlier time, I am

consciously entering the last stage of my

life. I am hoping, it will do me good in

helping me with my home coming!

Please continue to keep me in your

prayers as I will keep you in my prayers.”

“…only now I succeeded having

the internet connection! Things do not

happen or move forward in India on

one's schedule or desired time frame.

You really have to hope that the gods

and goddesses will be propitious to you

to grant your request on their time! I

guess, I am spoiled by the 'American

way' - of instant and on-time delivery.”

“The condo I stay in is conducive to

quiet life within the compound, but right

outside, it is chaotic with traffic, it is

dusty, noisy etc. After a couple of days

of cultural shock, you begin to blend

with it. You just go with the flow.”

Along with family reunions, he spoke of

a grand-niece: “Talks of marriage have

started. They are looking for a qualified

groom for her. That is the way it is in

India. Now you know.” Reunions also

included traveling to his home town

Madurai for the wedding of another

grand-niece . . . “occasions to renew

contacts with some old friends and

acquaintances who I have not seen for

ages. Most of them will refresh my

boyhood memories of them, now that

they have grown old just like me! I am

looking forward to that… On my way

back I visited 'Shanti Vanam' the

monastery founded by Fr. Bede

Griffith… known as Thyananda Swami.

He was a Cistercian monk from England

who opted to live the Joy of the

Gospel as a Hindu Sannyasi together

with Fr. Le Seau' another Cystercian

Monk from France at Shanti Vanam:

a monastery adopting to Indian

spiritual custom and tradition of

worship and way of life; where the

divine office is chanted in Sanskrit

with Indian inculturation. . .

“The major church issue here is to

overcome the caste divide among the

faithful and the religious leaders. I have

not seen yet any indication for a

possible ECC community.”

“My prolonged stay in India is serving

me well in every aspect, as a long due

Sabbatical! Here in India, they just

finished celebrating "Diwali" - Festival of

lights. It is like Christmas for Hindu

India. For two days in a row, there was

deafening noise of crackers all day and

late into the night. I am told there was

less this year because of the drizzle now

and then. The long delayed and

much expected Monsoon came at last

with torrential, non-stop rains for over 8

days. It gave much needed gift of water,

but in its excess has also caused many

damages and much suffering for the

poor. The city of Chennai and the state

of Tamil Nadu are gradually recovering

from it all. The season is not over yet,

we could still get some heavy rains...

I am looking forward to a week-long

trip with my nephew and his wife

through the mountains in the Deccan

plateau... I have never been there.

I am told the flora and the fauna is


“I happened to drive by the Mission I

worked. In no time word got around

and many came to see me. It was

refreshing to hear them share their

fond memories of 40 years ago. They

all seemed to have done well in many

ways. I will share some of the stories

when I see you. I will be back end of


There was talk of a side trip to visit a

nephew in Singapore/Malaysia

around press time. Sounds like he’ll

need a vacation to recover when he

gets back!

Shanti Vanam

Page 8: The Journey Shared Fall 2015

The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—8

On Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve, an

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service was

held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in

Longmont. Over 145 people attended

and $750 was collected to be donated to

the HOPE program in Longmont. All

who attended are looking forward to

the service next year.

Photo of Altar: From left to right on the

altar are: Pastor David Barker (Central

Presbyterian), Rev. Max Bailey (St.

Stephen's Episcopal), Pastor Rick King

(United Church of Christ), Pastor Mark

Peterson (Bethlehem Lutheran), Fr. Teri

Harroun (Light of Christ ECC), and the

last woman is the intern at one of the

Methodist churches in town whose

name was unknown at press time.

The table of chalices represents our

unity at Christ's table. It is the tradition

for this service to process in with one

chalice from each community

represented, placing them together

around the Christ Candle.

The prayer station was setup so that

everyone could write what they were

praying for, and later in the service all of

the prayers were read aloud.

This Advent, Light of Christ Ecumenical

Catholic Community in Longmont is

offering a special 5 week course based

on the writings of Thomas Merton, the

Trappist Monk whom Pope Francis

recently singled out in his address to the

U.S. Congress. The class began on

Monday, Nov. 23, with a video on the

life of Merton followed by a brief talk by

James Kettering of the Colorado Thomas

Merton Society.

The Series continues each Monday at

6:30 pm during Advent using the

popular Bridges to Contemplative Living

Advent and Christmas book, which

explores some of the great theological

themes of the Christmas season through

the writings of Thomas Merton and

other spiritual masters. All are welcome

to attend.

Here are some pictures of the

Comfort and Joy Tree that the

combined Prayer Shawl Ministry at

Bethlehem Lutheran and Light of

Christ placed in the narthex for

Advent/Christmas. The Prayer Shawl

Ministry crocheted small hearts and

other yarn shapes that can be given

to those who need comfort and love

during the holiday season. The yarn

items, along with a prayer

attachment, are lighting up the tree

with hope to spread throughout our

faith communities, as well as

Longmont and beyond.

Page 9: The Journey Shared Fall 2015

The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—9

Advent Wednesdays 7pm Candlelight Meditations with Taizé selections, PC

Thursday Dec. 10, 7pm Communal Reconciliation, COB

Tuesday Dec. 15, 8-10am Individual Reconciliation, COB

Thursday Dec. 17, 12noon COB Home Mass, at Jack and Mollie's home in SW Denver—RSVP to 303-797-6178 as a light lunch will be served and for directions

4pm Family Christmas Mass, COB

4pm Christmas Eve Service, LOC with Bethlehem Lutheran

5pm Christmas Eve Youth Mass, CHF

7:30pm Christmas Eve Mass, MOM

8:15pm Christmas Eve Carols, LOC

8:45pm Christmas Eve Mass, LOC

9pm “Midnight” Mass, COB

9am Christmas Morning Mass, COB

9am Christmas Day Mass, PC

10am Christmas Day Mass, CHF

Saturday/Sunday Dec. 26/27 Feast of the Holy Family —the communities resume their weekend Mass schedules

This fall Mary of Magdala had three

Adult Education speakers: Patricia

Raybon, award-winning author and

speaker. She spoke on her new book,

Undivided, A Muslim Daughter, Her

Christian Mother, Their Path to Peace.

Dick Life spoke on, One Person's Faith

Journey. Stephen Hatch spoke on, A

Sophianic Trinity.

Rosean Ameral has also begun her

diaconate discernment process and the

community is holding her in prayer.

Our first group of youth started

confirmation classes this fall.

The Journey Shared—Fall 2015—9