the kentucke gazette. (lexington, ky) 1789-02-21 [p...

T U C K " E G A E T T E S A T U It ; - D A FEBRUARY 21, 1789. Printed by JOHN BRADFORD' at his Office in Main Stvet, where Stibfcriptions, Advertijcments, &c. for. this paper, are thankfully received, aid Printing in its different branches done with Care and Expedition. THE time being come when in the opinion of the fub- feriber, the surveys of the Mi- ami purehafe may be carried cn with safety ; The Indians for the present being avowedly-pacifi- c in that quarter ; those gentlemen who have applied ,soc. bufmefs in that department are, hereby notified that the fi.r-veyi- ng is begun, and such as-ar- e still desirous of employ nient, may repair to Mr. Ludloyv who is on the ground-t- o fu- -. penntend the bufmefs and communicate the terms : None jieed apply who expert cash fcr their l'ervices. no surveying sees being as yet on hand ; is Jand at a quarter of a dollar per acre and the sees of furvey--in- g and registering will anl'wer, L-ui- Warrants thall be iflued on the work's being well done. Mr. Ludlow will im- mediately afiign bufmefs to gen- tlemen sound by him to be of ability in that branch of the mathematicks, and so many having undertaken the service, employ will soon be over. The fubferiber begs leave to remind those persons who have applied for Miami land, ihat the surveying and regi- ftering sees are much wanted : So is also one half of the pur-cha- fe money of. such as expect to have the land at a quarter of a dollar per acre : The fub- feriber must consider all former applications at the before men- tioned price, as null, wherei.i the surveying and registering sees are not paid by the Ht it of next mouth ; and one ha! for the purehafe money by the sir ft day of March ensuing ; the other mdety ofthe purehafe money paid by the first of May next. Certificates are ri- ling at New-Yor- k and Phila- delphia, and such land, as are not paid for by the first of May, must be paid for in liqui- dated certificates at the .then selling price of the land before Warrants can be ifiued to ap plicants. The fubferiber is obliged to pay to the Treasury of the United States near one hundred thousand 'dollars in Certificates by .the first of June next, there- fore cannot without injury to himself be delayed tire payment longer than May. Is anypur-rjliaf- er wishes a longer credit, he must give a much higher price Jr the land. JOHN CLF.VES SYMME. JLimeJlone. Jan, 5' '?89- - (b i 0 THE FOLLOWING k MAY BE HAD AT THIS OFFICE VIZ. DEEDS, SUBPOENAS, RFFLEVY and common BONDS. APPRI-NTI-CB'- INDENTURES. &c. Sc. &o JUST OPENED By TEGARDEN & M'CULLOUGII theirSnre in Lexington, next door above Mellrs. Alex, and Parker's Store, a genera! Aflortnirat Merchandize, viz, TDROAD Cintlu, Cafllmcr & Flannel,. Negro Cotton, ' Velvets and Corduroy, jeans and 1'iiitiani, Ciimblets, Moreen, Durants, ShIooii, Joans Spinning, Irish Lilians and Apron Chcdc, Bed ticking, (jhints, Calico and printed linens,. Mode and Persians, Silk Cottcv and Linen Handkerchiefs,. Lawn Gawz and Renting do. Sewing Silk and Twist, Hair snd ilowrcd Ribbop- - Tafie, Mens Worsted UoCq, RofoandStiiped Blankets; Mcn and Women Shoes, Mnsand Royshats, Shoe and Knee buckle?, CoJt and Jacket buttons, Pen and Cuttqau knives, Razors and Shaving boxes, Scillors and Sleeve buttons Men's and Women's Crooked Combs, Co life-an- sine Combs, Pirjs and Needles Table knives and forks, Large and (null looking gljflcs, Wntinj paper, Pewter plates and bafons, ' rod. Nails, Window filafs, Tacks and bo'fcs, Girth and lb .lining web, Gi.rth &5ridlc buckles, Cn: b and inafflc bridle bit?, Meu'sjand Women's slump irons, Plated and Heel fpiiis, Chile!.? and Gu'nblets, Table bjus and wood ferews,. Defn mounting, Powder SLead, Cotton wool and tow cards Feathers. Queens warp plates & bowis, Teacups acdTauccis, Glass waic aifortcd, Tin cup?, T&i, Coffee and ChocoIaj, 'Loaf Sugar, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, & Cloves,. Ginger, Pepper, & alftice. Copperas, Allum ami britufione) Spii its'aiid LiiTjon Wine, Try ng pans and castings. 'Which ihcy will sell onthe ntoffc rcalonablc torijjiforcalli. J Hereby give notice, that the law, a Town at the month of Limestone, will probably be altered r And 1 do' hrjreby forbid the Trufteeg, . from acting under the former law, and further forewarn ail persons from ptirchaling John May's hnd, under the D.i'cnp-tio- n of lohu M.iy's and Sim an K:nton's. as John May, and bimon Kenton have no fi;Lij hnd, and of coutfc, whatever is done unacr the foimcr la.v will be conlidercd :? null md vo'd. JOHN MAY. Jan. -- th, 1783 (b l0 T 0 t- - At J. of NEW .STORE Jiift oppefltc the nsw Court-Houf- c. The fubferiber has just received aJargeand general AfTortincnt of DRY GOODS slND GROCERIES with' a quantity "of Nails of different f.zes, of his own manufafhiting ; all which ! is determined 10" sell onasmoderaie teuns as poffiblc, for Cast, Indian Coin, TobaccoUutter, Tallow, and Uogs lard. JOHN DQNCAN.. Of wjiom maj' be had A coJIeSion of Books, in Divinity, Law and Phytic; feve ral entcitaining, Mijlories; fonie Engliflj and Latin' School Books ; - a variety of and entertainment of Cnifdie'n;-"-America- n Magazines and, Museums of the latefl dates; also I'aichntcnt.Decd, and Letter Paper, Sealing Wax, Wafers, also Anderfoji's Sco's pills. Any of the above described Countiy Produce will bcieceived at. General Scott's, wheie a Receipt wilt be given that will qualify the Dearer lo receive Goods in Lexington. Lexington, Dec. 25, 1788. certain Mt. Samuel, lias lately appeared in the Di nner, with a pretended bond from one Rodham K nnor of Caroline L'uimty as;;inft me for twenty Pounds winch, bond do deny, nor do I owe ("aid K;i.p,or one farthing, asl have.e 'cfecipt againll jaiu K. nnor lor nil dealings ever was between us tins is to forewarn all per-Ion- s from trading for, or ink- ing an alignment on laid bond as I will not pay any part f the same. HENRY CRUTCI1ER. I'eb 12. 1789. 7E X I N G T u h, Feb. iff. On fauuday evening ihe ithintl.. rt paityof inhansj fitod on Mi. Jones and Mr. I)vid Stuck-cr- neat on dry run a branch of N. Eik'-Hoit- Mr. Snicker vas (lightly wounded in places - On funday rmriying Col. Johnion with about uieiT collected to Jeconnoitre; they loon come on a trail of hoifcf, which they pursued and about O'clock stivhc c?ir.cin sight of their sires, on the Gre..t lfland, at the bi lid; on Fagle creek, where two p.n-tic- s had cnc:mped together, about la in number our mcirlefc tneir horrid on this side the creek, and crclTed . about 12 or x O'clock at nigh:, whtf.i the Indians were gathering up fomo ofthe Imiles, which gave our. men a lufpieioii the Indians had in- tentions of nrovingoff fcon, out up to give a sire, and a lit- tle befoie they were at all the-place- to beg:n the fu c, a came in folieai on the back of some of our party ihcy weic ooiije tofi-re,-J was killed on the fpoi, and by the bioid it appeared another was wounded, (V,v went of? bare fooled and yithoiH their guns: our men got 21 in the ifUm!, nnd seven they railed in the puif'iit, five gurw :nd iivs fjouim.ihuu'As ai.d fuiijry things. V, E R LIN, A' "T7F. have received aaounts by the ' way of WarHi'v, that .he Rufi-cii- s had atie-npte- to take Ocr.aknw by fco; 1,1 but vcc ej-- i'..-- d wi. h ,1 c.i c Ijfsj tlwit two of their Gjnerafs sell in the a.Vort, one of which isShawa-low- , is gieitiv iahtntck The Time ;c:. an's i r mrntion, iln Uic Ljinbaik; : c.'Chc, ?.ihad lecommencerf on the 5th ; tiat the fticcours which the Turks cxpc&cd Had aflually arrived, and that thegar-n'fo- n, in a. vigorous sally, had, gain- ed some advantages over the combi-nq- d forces of the Aufi'rians and Ruffi. ans, Choczim,. in the mean time, is now sully provided with all sorts Leghorn, Aug.. 18. Letters from-Malt- confirm the departure of the Fienchi squadron, which they say is pone to cxefcife the failois in mari- time evolutions, though many preicnd it is for the triple design of protcfling the Levant trade, and at the same time tl-- . island of Candi.i, and to be Rationed in that latitude. Vienna Aug. 22: We have at length received intelligence of the Captain Phcha. Aster the didders which his fqtiadron hadencoan'cred he has gain- ed- the mam sea, and has proceeded-1- join the fijuadron oft Sebafloble. We are not well acquainted here with the comparative (Ircngth of the two sleets. According to the Ruliian ac- count, the Turks veie very fevcrc'y handled, though in an engagement, that is said to have lalled live hons and a half, they only lott a xc eck. The- same- account Hates, that two days aster the aflion, the fiec's were still in sight of each oher. This has not the-ai- of a decided viclory. alt 27. The fbrtrofs of niibn va was attacked on the roth baikation of Turks 22 reffels. Major Steine, at the he?d battalion of Brcchainvillc, made a mofljvaliant rct fiftance; but at the end of thice days was obliged to retire, and abandon the place to the enemy. The loss of the Austrians was not more by these accounts, than 412 men ; among whom however, weic some officers of diftinc-tio- n. The I'urJts aie represented to have loll 2000 men. LONDON, Sept. 12 The reports for some time naft, con- cerning the'Swedifn and Rufiidn f.,ua. drons, arc so various and contradifto-iy- , that it is imiiofiible to form anr sort cf opinion of their real fixation. One moment says that the Swc3csare blocked up at Helfingfots, while the next tells us that both sleets aie at sea in quest o'f each other. Which of-the- se are wcfliall not take-upo- us-- to- detc-minc- ; but the first, from every reafonableconfi-deratio- n, feeins by 'far the lcail pro- bable.. The prcfent complexion of affairs cm the continent, inrefpefrto alliance, is exceedingly favorable to this cotnu-tr- Great Britain, Pruffia, Saxonv, Holland, Sweden, and the German poxers are- - united. HxtPaft of a letter frer.t Revel, Aw. 20, by express through Jfj'lnr.d "This aay we had the I'atisfaftion to hear of Vice Admiral Gtcig"sfr;a-dro- n being again arrived off our b;iy arrived from Cronftadt,Avhich wasthe-mo:- a fatisfaflory as the Swcdilii ships. of war had for a mon'h pas been ex- ceedingly troublclomc by intcrccptiprj all voffels to and from this port wii'. ve-- valuable cargoes of naval and stores, of which ihey retain ntim-Iv- ii. Our sleet is gone off HclPng-foi- ., and cape Cabcro'ie, to feck the Swedift sleet, and is poffible provoke them to another engagement." The Swcdifli sleet was lying at He' frgt'ors on the 25th u!t. and vo"id he ready to put to sea in about three - ecks. By letters received for the nhove fliips, wo arc infoim.ed, it was lately determined in the Ruffian 'Ca- binet to call on Great Britain 10 M"-f- ift her in M10 prefcrjt vt.- - CMt s Is? tuition ten ships of t' c 1 c ar i fifteen, the wtperxcn c.1 i-- Jj

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Page 1: The Kentucke gazette. (Lexington, KY) 1789-02-21 [p ] filafs, Tacks and bo'fcs, Girth and lb .lining web, Gi.rth &5ridlc buckles,

T U C K " E G A E T T ES A T U It; - D A FEBRUARY 21, 1789.

Printed by JOHN BRADFORD' at his Office in Main Stvet, where Stibfcriptions, Advertijcments, &c. for. this paper, are thankfullyreceived, aid Printing in its different branches done with Care and Expedition.

THE time being come whenin the opinion of the fub-

feriber, the surveys of the Mi-

ami purehafe may be carried

cn with safety ; The Indiansfor the present being avowedly-pacifi- c

in that quarter ; those

gentlemen who have applied ,soc.

bufmefs in that department are,

hereby notified that the fi.r-veyi- ng

is begun, and such as-ar-e

still desirous of employ

nient, may repair to Mr. Ludloyv

who is on the ground-t- o fu- -.

penntend the bufmefs andcommunicate the terms : Nonejieed apply who expert cash

fcr their l'ervices. no surveyingsees being as yet on hand ; is

Jand at a quarter of a dollarper acre and the sees of furvey--in- g

and registering will anl'wer,L-ui- Warrants thall be iflued

on the work's being well

done. Mr. Ludlow will im-

mediately afiign bufmefs to gen-

tlemen sound by him to be ofability in that branch of themathematicks, and so many

having undertaken the service,

employ will soon be over.

The fubferiber begs leave

to remind those persons who

have applied for Miami land,ihat the surveying and regi-

ftering sees are much wanted :

So is also one half of the pur-cha- fe

money of. such as expect

to have the land at a quarterof a dollar per acre : The fub-

feriber must consider all formerapplications at the before men-

tioned price, as null, wherei.i

the surveying and registeringsees are not paid by the Ht it

of next mouth ; and one ha! forthe purehafe money by the sir ft

day of March ensuing ; the othermdety ofthe purehafe money paid by the first ofMay next. Certificates are ri-

ling at New-Yor- k and Phila-

delphia, and such land, as arenot paid for by the first ofMay, must be paid for in liqui-

dated certificates at the .thenselling price of the land before

Warrants can be ifiued to applicants.

The fubferiber is obliged to

pay to the Treasury of the

United States near one hundredthousand 'dollars in Certificates

by .the first of June next, there-

fore cannot without injury tohimself be delayed tire paymentlonger than May. Is anypur-rjliaf- er

wishes a longer credit, hemust give a much higher priceJ r the land.

JOHN CLF.VES SYMME.JLimeJlone. Jan, 5' '?89- - (b i 0




INDENTURES. &c. Sc. &o



theirSnre in Lexington, next

door above Mellrs. Alex, and

Parker's Store, a genera! Aflortnirat

Merchandize, viz,

TDROAD Cintlu,Cafllmcr & Flannel,.

Negro Cotton,' Velvets and Corduroy,

jeans and 1'iiitiani,Ciimblets,Moreen,Durants,ShIooii,Joans Spinning,Irish Lilians and Apron Chcdc,Bed ticking,(jhints, Calico and printed linens,.Mode and Persians,Silk Cottcv and Linen Handkerchiefs,.Lawn Gawz and Renting do.Sewing Silk and Twist,Hair snd ilowrcd Ribbop- -

Tafie,Mens Worsted UoCq,

RofoandStiiped Blankets;Mcn and Women Shoes,Mnsand Royshats,Shoe and Knee buckle?,CoJt and Jacket buttons,Pen and Cuttqau knives,Razors and Shaving boxes,Scillors and Sleeve buttonsMen's and Women's Crooked Combs,Co life-an- sine Combs,Pirjs and NeedlesTable knives and forks,Large and (null looking gljflcs,Wntinj paper,Pewter plates and bafons, '

rod. Nails,Window filafs,Tacks and bo'fcs,Girth and lb .lining web,Gi.rth &5ridlc buckles,Cn: b and inafflc bridle bit?,Meu'sjand Women's slump irons,Plated and Heel fpiiis,Chile!.? and Gu'nblets,Table bjus and wood ferews,.Defn mounting,Powder SLead,Cotton wool and tow cardsFeathers.Queens warp plates & bowis,Teacups acdTauccis,Glass waic aifortcd,Tin cup?,T&i, Coffee and ChocoIaj,

'Loaf Sugar,Nutmegs, Cinnamon, & Cloves,.Ginger, Pepper, & alftice.Copperas, Allum ami britufione)Spii its'aiid LiiTjon Wine,Try ng pans and castings.

'Which ihcy will sell onthe ntoffcrcalonablc torijjiforcalli.

J Hereby give notice, that thelaw, a Town at

the month of Limestone, willprobably be altered r And 1 do'hrjreby forbid the Trufteeg,

. from acting under the formerlaw, and further forewarn ailpersons from ptirchaling JohnMay's hnd, under the D.i'cnp-tio- n

of lohu M.iy's and Sim anK:nton's. as John May, andbimon Kenton have no fi;Lij

hnd, and of coutfc, whateveris done unacr the foimcr la.vwill be conlidercd :? null mdvo'd. JOHN MAY.

Jan. -- th, 1783 (b l0

T 0 t--




NEW .STOREJiift oppefltc the nsw Court-Houf- c.

The fubferiber has just receivedaJargeand general AfTortincnt of DRYGOODS slND GROCERIES with' aquantity "of Nails of different f.zes,of his own manufafhiting ; all which! is determined 10" sell onasmoderaieteuns as poffiblc, for Cast, IndianCoin, TobaccoUutter, Tallow, andUogs lard. JOHN DQNCAN..

Of wjiom maj' be hadA coJIeSion of Books, in Divinity,

Law and Phytic; feve ral entcitaining,Mijlories; fonie Engliflj and Latin'School Books ; - a variety of

and entertainment ofCnifdie'n;-"-America- n Magazines and,Museums of the latefl dates; alsoI'aichntcnt.Decd, and Letter Paper,Sealing Wax, Wafers, also Anderfoji'sSco's pills.

Any of the above describedCountiy Produce will bcieceived at.General Scott's, wheie a Receipt wiltbe given that will qualify the Dearerlo receive Goods in Lexington.

Lexington, Dec. 25, 1788.

certain Mt. Samuel, liaslately appeared in the Di

nner, with a pretended bondfrom one Rodham K nnor ofCaroline L'uimty as;;inft mefor twenty Pounds winch, bond

do deny, nor do I owe ("aid

K;i.p,or one farthing, asl have.e'cfecipt againll jaiu K. nnor lornil dealings ever was betweenus tins is to forewarn all per-Ion- s

from trading for, or ink-

ing an alignment on laid bondas I will not pay any part

f the same.HENRY CRUTCI1ER.

I'eb 12. 1789.7E X I N G T u h, Feb. iff.

On fauuday evening ihe ithintl..rt paityof inhansj fitod on Mi. Jonesand Mr. I)vid Stuck-cr- neat

on dry run a branch of N.Eik'-Hoit- Mr. Snicker vas (lightlywounded in places - On fundayrmriying Col. Johnion with about

uieiT collected to Jeconnoitre;they loon come on a trail of hoifcf,which they pursued and aboutO'clock stivhc c?ir.cin sight of theirsires, on the Gre..t lfland, at the bilid; on Fagle creek, where two p.n-tic- s

had cnc:mped together, about lain number our mcirlefc tneir horridon this side the creek, and crclTed .

about 12 or x O'clock at nigh:,whtf.i the Indians were gathering upfomo ofthe Imiles, which gave a lufpieioii the Indians had in-

tentions of nrovingoff fcon, outup to give a sire, and a lit-

tle befoie they were at all the-place-

to beg:n the fu c, acame in folieai on the back of someof our party ihcy weic ooiije tofi-re,-J

was killed on the fpoi, and bythe bioid it appeared another waswounded, (V,v went of? bare fooledand yithoiH their guns: our men got21 in the ifUm!, nnd seventhey railed in the puif'iit, five gurw:nd iivs fjouim.ihuu'As ai.d fuiijry


V, E R LIN, A'"T7F. have received aaounts by the

' way of WarHi'v, that .he Rufi-cii- shad atie-npte- to take Ocr.aknw

by fco; 1,1 but v c c ej-- i'..--d wi. h ,1 c.i c

Ijfsj tlwit two of their Gjnerafs sellin the a.Vort, one of which isShawa-low- ,

is gieitiv iahtntckThe Time ;c:. an's i r mrntion,

iln Uic Ljinbaik; : c.'Chc, ?.ihad

lecommencerf on the 5th ; tiat thefticcours which the Turks cxpc&cdHad aflually arrived, and that thegar-n'fo- n,

in a. vigorous sally, had, gain-ed some advantages over the combi-nq- d

forces of the Aufi'rians and Ruffi.ans, Choczim,. in the mean time, isnow sully provided with all sorts

Leghorn, Aug.. 18. Letters from-Malt-

confirm the departure of theFienchi squadron, which they say ispone to cxefcife the failois in mari-time evolutions, though many preicndit is for the triple design of protcflingthe Levant trade, and at the same time

tl-- . island of Candi.i, andto be Rationed in that latitude.

Vienna Aug. 22: We have at lengthreceived intelligence of the CaptainPhcha. Aster the didders which hisfqtiadron hadencoan'cred he has gain-ed- the mam sea, and has proceeded-1-

join the fijuadron oft Sebafloble.We are not well acquainted here withthe comparative (Ircngth of the twosleets. According to the Ruliian ac-

count, the Turks veie very fevcrc'yhandled, though in an engagement,that is said to have lalled live honsand a half, they only lott a xc eck.The- same- account Hates, that twodays aster the aflion, the fiec's werestill in sight of each oher. This hasnot the-ai- of a decided viclory.

alt 27. The fbrtrofs of niibnva was attacked on the rothbaikation of Turks 22 reffels.

Major Steine, at the he?d battalionof Brcchainvillc, made a mofljvaliant rctfiftance; but at the end of thice dayswas obliged to retire, and abandonthe place to the enemy. The loss ofthe Austrians was not more by theseaccounts, than 412 men ; among whomhowever, weic some officers of diftinc-tio- n.

The I'urJts aie represented tohave loll 2000 men.

LONDON, Sept. 12

The reports for some time naft, con-cerning the'Swedifn and Rufiidn f.,ua.drons, arc so various and contradifto-iy- ,

that it is imiiofiible to form anrsort cf opinion of their real fixation.One moment says that the Swc3csareblocked up at Helfingfots, while thenext tells us that both sleets aie at seain quest o'f each other. Which of-the-se

are wcfliallnot take-upo- us-- to- detc-minc- ; butthe first, from every reafonableconfi-deratio- n,

feeins by 'far the lcail pro-bable..

The prcfent complexion of affairscm the continent, inrefpefrto alliance,is exceedingly favorable to this cotnu-tr-

Great Britain, Pruffia, Saxonv,Holland, Sweden, and the Germanpoxers are- - united.HxtPaft of a letterfrer.t Revel, Aw. 20,

by express through Jfj'lnr.d"This aay we had the I'atisfaftion

to hear of Vice Admiral Gtcig"sfr;a-dro- n

being again arrived off our b;iyarrived from Cronftadt,Avhich wasthe-mo:- a

fatisfaflory as the Swcdilii ships.of war had for a mon'h pas been ex-ceedingly troublclomc by intcrccptiprjall voffels to and from this port wii'.ve-- valuable cargoes of naval and

stores, of which ihey retain ntim-Iv- ii.

Our sleet is gone off HclPng-foi- .,and cape Cabcro'ie, to feck the

Swedift sleet, and is poffible provokethem to another engagement."

The Swcdifli sleet was lying at He'frgt'ors on the 25th u!t. and vo"id heready to put to sea in about three - ecks.

By letters received for the nhovefliips, wo arc infoim.ed, it waslately determined in the Ruffian 'Ca-binet to call on Great Britain 10 M"-f-ift

her in M10 prefcrjt vt.-- CMt s Is?tuition ten ships of t' c 1 c ar ififteen, the wtperxcn c.1 i-- Jj