the knowledge based organization - … · “the knowledge – based organization ... prof. benoni...


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Page 1: THE KNOWLEDGE BASED ORGANIZATION - … · “The Knowledge – Based Organization ... Prof. Benoni Sfârlog, PhD (Sibiu, ... Concept of Using the Czech Army as a Resource for Development







14-16 June 2012

“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy Publishing House

Page 2: THE KNOWLEDGE BASED ORGANIZATION - … · “The Knowledge – Based Organization ... Prof. Benoni Sfârlog, PhD (Sibiu, ... Concept of Using the Czech Army as a Resource for Development


Page 3: THE KNOWLEDGE BASED ORGANIZATION - … · “The Knowledge – Based Organization ... Prof. Benoni Sfârlog, PhD (Sibiu, ... Concept of Using the Czech Army as a Resource for Development


The Programme of the 18 th International Conference

“The Knowledge – Based Organization”

Day 1: Thursday, 14 June 2012


Registration at the “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, 3-5 Revolutiei Street, Sibiu


Cocktail at Military Club, 3-5 Victoriei Avenue, Sibiu

Day 2: Friday, 15 June 2012


Registration & Breakfast (on charge) at the “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, 3-5 Revolutiei Street, Sibiu


Flag raising ceremony


Official opening in the Auditorium - Rector’s welcoming and opening message

10.00-11.30 Paper Presentations on Sections

11.30-11.45 Coffee break

11.45-14.00 Paper Presentations on Sections

14.00-15.00 Lunch (free of charge)

15.15-17.00 Paper Presentations on Sections

17.00-19.00 Leisure activities

19.00-22.00 Official Dinner at Military Club, 3-5 Victoriei Avenue, Sibiu

Day 3: Saturday, 16 June 2012

09.00-10.00 Breakfast (on charge) at the “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, 3-5 Revolutiei Street, Sibiu

10.00-13.00 Leisure activities

13.00 Departure

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HONORARY CHAIRMAN: BG Ioniţă Ariton (Bucharest, Romania)

CHAIRMAN: COL Prof.Eng. Ghiţă Bârsan, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

VICE-CHAIRMEN: LTG Prof. Teodor Frunzeti, PhD (Bucharest, Romania)

Prof. Rudolf Urban, PhD DHC (The Czech Republic)

COL Prof. Pavel Necas, PhD (Slovakia)

COL Prof. Mihai Marcel Neag, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)


BG Assoc.Prof.Eng. Miroslav Kelemen, PhD (Slovakia)

COL Prof. Robert Szabolcsi, PhD (Hungary)

Prof. António Gonçalves-Coelho, PhD (Portugal)

Prof. Corrado Lo Storto, PhD (Italy)

Prof. Eugène Van Itterbeek , PhD (Belgium)

Prof. Frank Helmar, PhD HC (Germany)

Prof. Aleksander Mikhaylov, PhD (Ukraine)

Prof. Reinhard Fössmeier, PhD (Germany)

Prof.Eng. Milan Sopoci, PhD (Slovakia)

Prof. Eric Gilder, PhD (Korea)

Prof. Alexandr Shimanovsky, PhD (Belarus)

Prof. Gunter Lobin, PhD (Germany)

Assoc.Prof. Sevdalina Dimitrova, PhD (Bulgaria)

LTC Assoc.Prof.Eng. Jaromir Mares, PhD (The Czech Republic)

LTG Prof. Sorin Ioan, PhD (Bucharest, Romania)

Prof. Alexandru Baboş, PhD (Bucharest, Romania)

Prof. Benoni Sfârlog, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

COL Prof.Eng. Cristian Barbu, PhD (Bucharest, Romania)

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COL Prof. Leontin Stanciu, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

COL Prof. Robert Stănciulescu, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

LTC 1st SR Vasile Căruţaşu, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

CDR Prof.Eng. Gheorghe Samoilescu, PhD (Constanţa, Romania)

COL Prof.Eng. Mircea Popa, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

COL Assoc.Prof.Eng. Paul Bechet, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

LTC Assoc.Prof.Eng. Dănuţ Moşteanu, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

UEFISCDI Expert Victor Velter (Bucharest, Romania)

Prof.Eng. Octavian Ioan Bogdan, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

LTC Assoc.Prof. Elena Florişteanu, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

Prof. Gheorghe Udeanu, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

Prof. Hortensia Gorski, PhD (Sibiu, Romania

Prof.Eng. Vasile Năstăsescu, PhD (Bucharest, Romania)

Prof.Eng. Doina Frunzăverde, PhD (Reşiţa, Romania)

Prof.Eng. Claudiu Kifor, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

Prof. Luigi Dumitrescu, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

Prof.Eng. Nicolae Georgescu, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

Prof. Mircea Cosma, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

Prof. Ion Dinescu, PhD (Braşov, Romania)

Prof. Viorel Melning, PhD (Iaşi, Romania)

Assoc.Prof. Simona Miclăuş, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

Assoc.Prof.Eng. Luminiţa Giurgiu, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

Assoc.Prof. Marioara Pateşan, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

Assoc.Prof. Ioan Dinu, PhD (Sibiu, Romania)

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CHAIRMAN: COL Prof. Mihai Marcel Neag, PhD

MEMBERS: COL Prof. Robert Stănciulescu, PhD

COL Prof. Leontin Stanciu, PhD

LTC 1st SR Vasile Căruţaşu, PhD

LTC Assoc.Prof. Elena Florişteanu, PhD

Assoc.Prof. Marioara Pateşan, PhD

Assoc.Prof.Eng. Luminiţa Giurgiu, PhD

LTC Assoc.Prof.Eng. Dănuţ Moşteanu, PhD

COL Constantin Grigoraş, PhD

Assoc.Prof. Ramona Todericiu, PhD

COL Gheorghe Bădălan

LTC Asst.Prof. Daniel Sorin Constantin, PhD

LTC Eng. Ioan-Dan Popa

Asst.Prof. Ştefania Bumbuc, PhD

LTC Valentin Pîrvuţ

LTC Gheorghe Prunescu

MAJ Asst.Prof.Eng. Florin Ilie, PhD

SRA Gabriel Mănescu

SRA Marius Rizescu

SA Carmen Precup

Editor-in-chief Cristian Teodorescu

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Subsection 1: Military Sciences ........................................... 8 Place: Stability and Support Operations Seminar Room, bldg J2, 1st floor,

room 65 Subsection 2: Security and Defence .................................... 11

Place: Management of Organizational Capabilities Seminar Room, bldg J2, 1st floor, room 38

Subsection 3: Management ............................................... 14

Place: Organizational Leadership Seminar Room, bldg J2, 1st floor, room 37 SECTION 2: ECONOMIC SCIENCES ..................................... 18 Place: Economic-Financial Management Cabinet, bldg. J2, fl. 1, room 36 SSEECCTTIIOONN 33:: BBEEHHAAVVIIOOUURRAALL AANNDD SSOOCCIIAALL SSCCIIEENNCCEESS ...................... 2233 Place: Cabinet of Military Instructors Up, bldg. J2, fl. 1, room 56 SECTION 4: ADMINISTRATIVE AND JURIDICAL SCIENCES . 26 Place: Cabinet of Law and Legislature, bldg. J2, fl. 1, room 57 SECTION 5: TECHNICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY ...... 30 Subsection 1: Mechanical Military Technologies, Decision Support Systems and CBRN in Military Operations .......................... 30 Place: Computer Science Laboratory, bldg J2, 1st floor, room 44 Subsection 2: Applied, Fundamental and Advanced Military Technologies and Network Architectures ............................ 33 Place: Statistical Processing Laboratory, bldg, J2, 1st floor, room 46 SECTION 6: FOREIGN LANGUAGES ..................................... 36 Place: English Classroom, bldg. D, 1st floor

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Subsection 1: Military Sciences Chairpersons: Rudolf URBAN

Ivo PIKNER Lucian Marius IVANOV Aurelian RAŢIU

Assistant: Lucian ISPAS Place: Stability and Support Operations Seminar Room, bldg J2,

1st floor, room 65

1. The Impact that the Professionalisation of the Romanian Military Has on the Relations with Society, Adrian BĂLĂLĂU, General Staff, Bucharest

2. Irregular Conflict – Definition and Characteristics, Laviniu BOJOR*, Mircea COSMA**, *“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, **“Alma Mater” University, Sibiu

3. The Hybrid Type of Conflict – Future Challenge for Military Framework of Actions, Laviniu BOJOR, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

4. Assessment of the Use of Smart Artillery Ammunition in Future Military Operations, Kateřina BRABCOVÁ, Martin MACKO, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

5. Concept of Using the Czech Army as a Resource for Development of its Structure in Future Operations, David ČEP, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

6. The Military Genius of Alexander the Great in Siege Warfare, Dana DINU, University of Craiova

7. Modular Task Forces Defined by the Capability, Radek DUBEC, Ladislav KOLÁČEK, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

8. Characteristics of the Module and Design of Modular Structures Task Forces Units, Radek DUBEC, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

9. Policies of Conserving the Biodiversity in Areas Used by Army, Florin FĂINIŞI, “Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest

10. Social Environment – Another Dimension of Warfare and Operations, Vlastimil GALATIK, Ivo PIKNER, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

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11. Creating Empathy at Peace Negotiations, Alexander HOLST, Transcend Network Germany - Institute for Conflict Transformation, Bonn, Germany

12. Software for Creating Modular Structures of Task Forces, Petr HRUZA, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

13. NATO and Crisis Response Operations – Present Day and Perspectives, Lucian ISPAS, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

14. Contemporary Strategic Environment and Intelligence Officers’ Competenices, Lucian-Marius IVANOV, National Defence Ministry, Bucharest

15. CIMIC in the Picture of NATO's New Strategic Concept, Petr KOVANDA, Pavel ZONA, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

16. Operational Safety Measures in Human-Machine Systems: An Overview, Roland-Iosif MORARU*, Gabriel-Bujor BǍBUŢ*, Lucian-Ionel CIOCA**, *University of Petroşani, **“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

17. Eponyms in Military Terminology, Carmen OPRIT-MAFTEI, “Dunărea de Jos” University, Galaţi

18. How to Create and Develop Capstone and Operational Concept for Future Operations and Why, Ivo PIKNER, Vlastimil GALATIK, Miroslav KRCMAR, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

19. Conceptual Clarification on the „Education – Training – Instruction” Triad in the Romanian Military Education, Marius-Ioan POPENŢA, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

20. Globalization of Insecurity – A Determining Factor for the European Defense Integration, Marius PRICOPI, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

21. The Responsibility to Protect and the National Minorities’ Participation to Decision-Making in the Nation-State, Mihaela-Roxana PRISĂCARIU, “Mihail Kogălniceanu” University, Iaşi

22. Defense Policy as a Part of National Economic Policy, Vitezslav RASZKA, Miroslav KRC, Rudolf URBAN, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

23. Aspects of Transformation Process in the Field of Romanian Higher Military Education, Aurelian RAŢIU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

24. S.O.S. - The Need of Urgent Rethinking/Redesigning of Modern Industrial Technologies, Marian RIZEA, Ecological University of Bucharest

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25. Changes in Armed Conflicts and their Significance for the Regular Armed Forces, Richard STOJAR, Libor FRANK, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

26. Assessment of Current State of the System to Promote the Military Profession, Recruitment and Selection, Adina-Eleonora STURZ, “Aurel Vlaicu” University, Arad

27. A Rights-Based Approach to Food Security, Anamaria TOMA BIANOV, “Transilvania” University, Braşov

28. Response to Cybernetic Attacks, Petr TOMECEK, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

29. Coordination, Collaboration and Cooperation – Key Concepts, with Special Connotations for National Defense Decision-Making Process, Gheorghe UDEANU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

30. Fundamental Components of Command and Control’s Operational System Within National Defense, Gheorghe UDEANU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

31. Epistemology of War, Gheorghe VĂDUVA, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest

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Subsection 2: Security and Defence

Chairpersons: Pavel ZŮNA Mihai Marcel NEAG Anca DINICU

Assistant: Ileana-Gentilia METEA Place: Management of Organizational Capabilities Seminar Room,

bldg J2, 1st floor, room 38

1. Development of Human Resource of the Company in Order to Provide Enriched Knowledge of the Organization, Daniela-Roxana ANDRON, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

2. General Traian Moşoiu – Contributions to the Military Doctrine of the Early 20th Century, Gheorghe CALCAN, Oil and Gas University, Ploieşti

3. Cultural Dimension of Security: Acculturation and the American Case, Georgeta CHIRLEŞAN, University of Piteşti

4. Good Governance and Security: The Role of HEIs in Assuring the Training’ Quality of Socio-Political Future Leaders, Georgeta CHIRLEŞAN, University of Piteşti

5. Policy Reforms and Governance in the Management of Higher Education, Simona CHIUJDEA (POPA), Lucreţia-Mariana CONSTANTINESCU, Maria-Dana STOICA, Bogdan-Constantin STOICA, “Valahia” University, Târgovişte

6. National Values and Interests in Globalised Society, Ionuţ-Alin CÎRDEI, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

7. The New Challenges of the Contemporary Security Environment, Florinel DAMIAN, Florin COTEŢ, The 8th Larom Brigade “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Focşani

8. South - Eastern Europe: Areas, Challenges and Forecasts, Valentin-Bogdan DĂNILĂ, “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy, Bucharest

9. International Transportation Customs Operations and Cross-Border Procedures, Sevdalina DIMITROVA, Borislav BORISOV, “Vasil Levski” National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

10. The Evolution of Human Security as a Concept, Mihaela – Flavia DIN, “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest

11. The Perspectives of The North-Atlantic Alliance, Marian DINCĂ, NATO HUMINT Centre of Excellence, University of Oradea

12. Analysis of Possible Political and Economic Measures Meant to Reduce and Eliminate Dysfunction in the Integration Process, Anca DINICU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

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13. Power between Mask and Truth, Ion DUR, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

14. Politics and Persuasion in a Knowledge - Based Society, Antonia ENACHE, Marina MILITARU, Viorela DIMA, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

15. Preventing and Combating Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons, Libor FRANK, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

16. Hans Morgenthau and the Political Realism. A Psychologic Approach to Understand the Roots of Thinking of a Great Man, Alexander HOLST, Transcend Network Germany - Institute for Conflict Transformation, Bonn, Germany

17. Features of Terror-Threat of Abovegroundrail Transport in the Cities, Attila HORVÁTH, National University of Civil Service, Hungary

18. National Minorities and Security of States, Cristian JURA, National Council for Combating Discrimination, Bucharest

19. Forms of Cohesive Management of the Social Differences Specific to the Security Environment, Gabriel MĂNESCU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

20. European Security Environment Within the Influence of the Regional Economical and Political Developments, Ileana-Gentilia METEA, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

21. Security Guarantee Capabilities within Transatlantic Space, Mihai-Marcel NEAG, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

22. New Czech Defence and Security Strategic Documents, Antonín NOVOTNÝ, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

23. Risk Management and its Impact in Ensuring Organizational Performance, Nicolae-Alexandru PANĂ*, Robert STĂNCIULESCU**, *Ministry of Administration and Interior, Bucharest, **“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

24. General Considerations Regarding the Connection: National Security – Computerization, Ioana-Alexandra PANDELE, “Vasile Alecsandri” University, Bacău

25. Intelligence in The 21st Century New Threats in a Changing World, Ionel-Claudiu PASĂRE, “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy, Bucharest

26. Lisbon Strategy vs. “Europe 2020 Strategy”, Roxana-Daniela PĂUN, “Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest

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27. The European Security System, Stan PETRESCU*, Alexandru-Ioan PETRESCU**, *“Bioterra” University, Bucharest, **Expense Reduction Analysts – ERA, Bucharest

28. Globalization, the Catalyst for the Changes in the Romanian Educational System, Dragoş-Lucian RĂDULESCU, Cătălina-Ştefania SYEKELY, Claudia-Luciana IVĂNESCU, “Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti

29. Fighting Against Terrorism in the European Union by Improving the Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters, Ion RUSU*, Minodora-Ioana BĂLAN-RUSU**, Varvara-Licuţa COMAN*, Octavia STERIOPOL***, *“Danubius” University, Galaţi, **S.C. SOTIREX, Bacău, ***“D. Moţoc” Food and Tourism Technical College, Galaţi

30. The Powers of the Heads of State in Matters of National Defence, Mihaela SIMION, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia

31. Birth of the New Czech Military Doctrine Publication and Principal Consideration for Doctrine Writers, Ján SPIŠÁK, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

32. Stability and Safety of Railway Transportation in the Context of Globalization, Vasile STOICA, SNCFR Galaţi

33. The Army of the Polis of Sparta and its Manifestation as a Military Democracy and as an Instrument of Hegemony, Mădălina STRECHIE, University of Craiova

34. The Humanitarian Intervention in International Crises between Good Intentions and Political Tool, Radu TABĂRĂ, Ministry of National Defense, Bucharest

35. Cooperation Requirements within Partnership Security Structures and Strategical Partnerships Regarding the Protection of Critical Infrastructures, Mihai TUDOSE, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest

36. General Considerations of the Government, Disfunctions and Particularities, on National and European Space, Maria URECHE, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia

37. The Russian Section of The British Special Operation Executive and The Cooperation with the Soviet N.K.V.D., Marian ZIDARU, “Andrei Şaguna” University, Constanţa

38. Comprehensive Approach and Civil Military Interaction, Pavel ZŮNA, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

39. Global Risks Landscape 2012 and what if Scenarios for the Employment of the Military Power, Pavel ZŮNA, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

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Subsection 3: Management

Chairpersons: Milan SOPÓCI Jiri HANUS Dumitru IANCU

Assistant: Alexandru BABOŞ Place: Organizational Leadership Seminar Room, bldg J2, 1st floor,

room 37

1. The Role of the National Authorities with Competences in Coordination and Managing Structural Instruments, Mihaela-Adina APOSTOLACHE, “Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti

2. Communication Strategies and Tactics Fitted for Crisis Situations Management in the Mining Industry, Gabriel-Bujor BĂBUŢ, Roland-Iosif MORARU, Monica-Crinela BĂBUŢ, University of Petroşani

3. Management Strategies for Pollution Control in Romanian Oil Industry, Daniela-Angela BUZOIANU, Mihai COLOJA PASCU, “Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti

4. Knowledge Based Management Trends in Romanian Companies, Sebastian-Ion CEPTUREANU, Eduard-Gabriel CEPTUREANU, Mircea-Stelian DRĂGHICI, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

5. The Important Stage of Diagnosis Analysis in the Evaluation Process of a Company, Claudiu CICEA, Ion POPA, Doina POPESCU, Cosmin DOBRIN, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

6. Considerations Regarding Possible Modalities for an Efficient Educational Management of the Intelligence for Defense Learning Process, Cristian-Victor CIŞMIGIU, Ministry of National Defense, Bucharest

7. Organizational Development Activities in the Social Environment, Elena CLENCI, Carmen POPA, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

8. Financial Management of Resources in Emergency Recovery Activities, Sevdalina DIMITROVA, Daniela YORDANOVA, “Vasil Levski” National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

9. Customer Satisfaction – Premise in Gaining Customer Loyalty, Luigi DUMITRESCU*, Iuliana CETINĂ**, Alma PENTESCU**, Mircea FUCIU***, *“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, **Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, ***Romanian-German University, Sibiu

10. Understanding Social Media Customer Empowerment, Luigi DUMITRESCU, Oana STANCIU, Mihai ŢICHINDELEAN, Simona VINEREAN, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

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11. The Resolution of Conflicts Arising in a Transnational Company as a Result of the Country Image Degradation, Mariana EFTIMIE*, Mirela MATEI**, Ramona-Georgiana MOLDOVAN (BRATOSIN)**, *“Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti, **Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

12. The Influence of Online Social Networks on Companies, Managers and the Decision Making Process, Mircea FUCIU*, Luigi DUMITRESCU**, Hortensia GORSKI*, *Romanian-German University, Sibiu, **“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

13. Specific Features of Corporate Governance in the Countries of Central and South-East Europe, Cristina-Elena GEORGESCU, “Ovidius” University, Constanţa

14. New Trends in Logistics Support of Joint Operationscol, Jiri HANUS, Miroslav KRCMAR, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

15. Intelligence Environment and its Influences on Decision Making, Dan IONESCU, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

16. Transaction Benefits and Effects of Foreign Peacekeeping Mission on Economic Security of a Host Country, Miroslav KRC, Vitezslav RASZKA, Jiri BUČEK, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

17. Leadership Competence - A Challenge for the Future of Military Profession, Radu-Adrian MANDACHE*, Mircea COSMA**, *“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, **“Alma Mater” University, Sibiu

18. The Officer – Leader of Leaders, Radu-Adrian MANDACHE, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

19. The Challenges of Sustainable Development, Dănuţ MOŞTEANU, Elisabeta-Emilia HALMAGHI, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

20. Motivation of Human Resources – Determinant Factor Ensuring the Functioning of the Organization, Silvana MUNTEAN*, Marius RIZESCU**, *“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, **“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

21. Organization Based on Knowledge – A New Challenge for the Present Economic Environment, Emanoil MUSCALU, Elena-Roxana NEAGU, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

22. Strategic Management in Knowledge-Based Organization, Gheorghe NEAGU*, Mircea SIMIONESCU*, Dănuţ DUMITRAŞCU**, *“Dimitrie Cantemir” University, Târgu Mureş, **“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

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23. The Possibility of Using Military Strategic Management on Contemporary Organizations, Claudiu-Valentin NIŢU*, Gabriel CROITORU**, Florin RADU**, *“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest, **“Valahia” University, Târgovişte

24. The Need for Succession Management in Romanian High Education Institutions, a New Concept and a New Challenge, Carmen NOVAC, Liliana POPA, Dănuţ DUMITRAŞCU, “Lucian Blaga” Universitaty, Sibiu

25. PDTS Methodology, a Performance Management Tool in Ensuring an Efficient Risk Management Process Throughout IT&C Projects Implementation, Nicolae-Alexandru PANĂ, Ministry of Administration and Interior, Bucharest

26. Brand Communication Strategy, Rodica PASCU, Lucian GROZEA, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

27. Defence Resource Management Optimization - Issues of Employee Remuneration of Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic, Jakub PICKA, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

28. Art of Communication, Specific Teacher in Physical Education and Sport, Marcel-Puiu POMOHACI, Mihai SANISLAV, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

29. Communication in Sports Performance, Marcel-Puiu POMOHACI, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

30. Ways of Reflecting the Profile Military Leader in the New Vision for Expression of Competence in the Theaters Operations, Marius-Constantin RALEA, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

31. Success Factors in Exercise and Adaptation of the Leadership Style in the Post-Conflict Stage. Implications of Military Actions in the Battlefield Demands in the Theater of Operations, Marius-Constantin RALEA, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

32. Connections between the Level of Individual Performance and the Features of Organizational Culture, Alexandru RIZESCU*, Marius RIZESCU**, Silvana MUNTEAN***, *School for Combat Support Application Units General „Eremia Grigorescu”, Sibiu, **“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, ***“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

33. The Military Leader and the new Challenges in Interagency Leadership, Vasile ROMAN, 15th Mechanized Brigade, Iaşi

34. Multi-Dimensional Approaching Models within the Organizational Commitment, Raluca RUSU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

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35. The Protection of Classified Information NATO, Aurelian-Olimpiu SABĂU POP*, Gabriel NIŢĂ**, *“Petru Maior” University, Târgu Mureş, ** Association, Târgu Mureş

36. Aspects of Organizing the International Transport of Goods at S.C.TRANSCAR S.R.L. Sibiu, Elena SIMA, Romanian-German University, Sibiu

37. Extensions to the Methods for Assessing the Health Status of the Company and its Managerial Potential, Mircea SIMIONESCU, Gheorghe NEAGU, “Dimitrie Cantemir” University, Târgu Mureş

38. Nongovernment Organizations in Crisis Management Operations, Milan SOPÓCI, Pavel NEČAS, Armed Forces Academy of Gen. M. R. Štefánik in Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia

39. Possible Accesses to Efficiency Escalation of Czech Armed Forces Foreign Mission with Unification of the System of Quantification of Participation on Costs Share in the Framework of Centers of Excellence Network, Luboš ŠTANCL*, Pavel OTŘÍSAL**, Břetislav ŠTĚPÁNEK***, *University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, **NBC Defence Institute of University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, ***Joint CBRN Defence COE, Vyškov, Czech Republic

40. Leaders and Leadership in the Context of Organizations Adjustment to the Next Wave - Knowledge Based Economy, Alexandra STĂNIŢ, Emanoil MUSCALU, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

41. Considerations on Rewards and Recognition in Modern Management, Constantin TELEŞPAN*, Elisabeta-Emilia HALMAGHI**, *Romanian-German University, Sibiu, **“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

42. The Management of Culture and its Change for the Implementation of Strategies in the Conditions of the Knowledge-Based Society, Amalia-Venera TODORUŢ, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu-Jiu

43. Transnational Companies and Ethical Responsibility Projects, Adrian UNGUREANU, Anca VARGA (UNGUREANU), Gabriela UNGUREANU, “Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest

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Chairpersons: Radoslav IVANČÍK Nicolae BALTEŞ Leontin STANCIU Gabriel POPA

Assistant: Elena CLENCI Place: Economic-Financial Management Cabinet, bldg. J2, fl. 1,

room 36

1. Financial Crises that Shook the World Economy, Alexandru AVRAM, Timişoara West University, Timişoara

2. European Models of Labor Flexicurity, Costin-Daniel AVRAM, University of Craiova

3. From Financial Innovations to Financial Crises – Lessons of the Past, Veronel AVRAM, University of Craiova

4. Effects of Global Financial and Economic Crisis on Trade in Services of the EU, Ana-Gabriela BĂBUCEA, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

5. Regulatory Arbitrage. Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis, Claudia-Gabriela BAICU, “Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest

6. Modern Indicators to Quantify the Financial Performance of the Enterprise, Nicolae BALTEŞ*, Alina-Teodora CIUHUREANU**, *“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, **Romanian-German University, Sibiu

7. Sustainable Economic Growth – the Innovative Value Created Through Knowledge Collaboration, Dumitru-Alexandru BODISLAV, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

8. Institutions and the Knowledge Economy: a Cross-Country Comparison, Nicoleta Ramona BUNDĂ, Cristina Mihaela LAZĂR, “Ovidius” University, Constanţa

9. Euro-Challenges for Romania in the Sphere Policies Fiscal-Monetary, Loredana CIURLĂU, “Constantin Brancuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

10. Financial-Accounting Systems Information: Role of Modern Informatic Technologies in the Field of Financial-Accounting, Diana-Elena CODREANU, Carmen RĂDUŢ, Mihaela ALBICI, Delia TESELIOS, “Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti

11. Anti-Crisis Firm Strategies Based on Mergers and Acquisitions, Claudia DOBRE, Gabriela GHEORGHIU, “Ovidius” University, Constanţa

12. Correlations between the Wage Rates in the Romanian Economy Branches, Ioan DONE, “Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti

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13. The Effects of the International Financial Crisis Over the Capital Market in Romania, Cristina DUHNEA, Silvia GHITA MITRESCU, Diane Paula Corina VANCEA, “Ovidius” University, Constanţa

14. The Halloween Effect During Quiet and Turbulent Times, Ramona DUMITRIU, Răzvan ŞTEFĂNESCU, Costel NISTOR, “Dunarea de Jos” University, Galaţi

15. Considerations on the use Of European Funds by France in 2007-2013 Period, Claudia GILIA, “Valahia” University, Târgovişte

16. Aspects Regarding the Evolution of Financial Markets Indexes at Bucharest Stock Exchange in the European Context, 2009-2011, Teodor HADA, Dana (CORPODEAN) HALGA, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia

17. The Direct Foreign Investment and its Impact on Romania’s Economic Growth, Mirela HALMI*, Daniela POPA**, *Romanian Academy Bucharest, **Romanian German University, Sibiu

18. Fiscal Stability Treaty-Foundation for Construction a Balanced National Budget, George-Alin HARALAMBIE, “Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti

19. Economic Insight into International Armaments Cooperation, Vladan HOLCNER, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

20. The Constitution of the Banking Societies, Ion IACOVESCU*, Minodora IACOVESCU**, *“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, **BCR Sibiu

21. Diagnostic Analysis of the Diversification of Economic Activities in the Rural Area. Case Study: the Depression of Sibiu, Romulus IAGĂRU, “Alma Mater” University, Sibiu

22. About the Economic Development of a Rural Community, Daniela-Rodica IOV, “Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti

23. The European Fiscal Pact: Implications for Romania, Roxana ISPAS, University of Craiova

24. Financing of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and the Army of the Czech Republic in a Time of Budgetary Restrictions, Radoslav IVANČÍK*, Roman HORÁK**, *Department of Budget and Finance of the General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, **University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

25. E-Readiness of Romania, Florin MARTIN*, Marian-Pompiliu CRISTESCU*, Bogdan VASILCIUC**, *“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, **“Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest

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26. The Impact of Structural and Cohesion Funds of the European Union in Romania’s Local Authorities, Constanţa MĂTUŞESCU, “Valahia” University, Targovişte

27. Banking Corporate Governance, an Extra Administration and Management of Credit Institutions, Lucian-Ion MEDAR, Irina-Elena CHIRTOC, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

28. Some Approaches Related to Military Logistics. Past, Present and Perspectives, Gheorghe MINCULETE*, Gabriel-Tiberiu BUCEAC**, *“Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest, **Land Forces HQ, Bucharest

29. Some Approaches Related to the Era and Digital Economy, Gheorghe MINCULETE, Anca MINCULETE, Polixenia OLAR, “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest

30. Hysteresis in the Field of Economics. An Overview, Andreea-Daniela MORARU, “Ovidius” University, Constanţa

31. The Importance Of Tourist Information Centers For Development Of Rural Tourism In Mărginimea Sibiului, Virgil NICULA, Simona SPÂNU, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

32. Review of Saving Accounts and Deposits Market in Romania, Oana NIŢU*, Cosmin TILEAGĂ***, Gabriel CROITORU***, *“Ovidius” University, Constanţa, **“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, ***“Valahia” University, Târgovişte

33. Defining Financial Stability - a Literature Review, Ramona ORĂŞTEAN, Silvia MĂRGINEAN, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

34. The Tax System Implications on the Conduct of Foreign Trade Transactions, Lucia PALIU-POPA, “Constantin Brancusi” University, Târgu Jiu

35. The Progress of Auditing from the 1929 Recession to the Recent Financial Crisis, Daniela PETRAŞCU, Lia-Alexandra BALTADOR, Camelia BUDAC, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

36. Reforming Corporate Governance in the Financial and Banking System An Overview, Nicolae PETRIA, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

37. Impact of War on The Economy, Elitsa PETROVA, Nikolay NICHEV, “Vasil Levski” National Military University, Bulgaria, Veliko Tarnovo

38. Measures and Solutions to Eliminate the Negative Socio-Economic Effects of Fiscality and Parafiscality, Gabriel POPA, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

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39. Economic Efficiency for Assets Investment Financed through Financial Leasing. Case Study Sibiu County, *Daniela POPA, **Mirela HALMI, *Romanian-German University, Sibiu, **Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

40. The Phenomenon of Disappearing Dividends – a Romanian Stock Market Reality?, Maria PRISĂCARIU, Diana - Ramona SANDU, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi

41. Economic-Financial Insights Regarding the Cost of Capital, Titus SEREDIUC, Romanian-German University, Sibiu

42. The Global Financial Crisis, the Premise of the New World Economic Order, Isabella-Cristiana SIMA*, Cristina-Otilia ŢENOVICI**, Elena NISIPEANU*, Oana-Marilena NICULESCU*, *Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, **“Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti

43. Quantitative Analysis on the Impact of European Economic and Monetary Integration of the Eurozone Economy, Isabella-Cristiana SIMA*, Cristina-Otilia ŢENOVICI**, Elena NISIPEANU*, Oana-Marilena NICULESCU*, *Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, **“Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti

44. Impact Development Capital Market in Romania on Financial Management of Companies Listed on Stock Exchange, Dalia SIMION, Sabin ARMĂŞELU, Marieta STANCIU, University of Craiova

45. E-Commerce versus Traditional Commerce, Nataliţa-Maria SPERDEA, Mădălina-Giorgiana MANGRA, University of Craiova

46. Classical and Modern Approaches Concerning the Best Financing Structure of Firms, Leontin STANCIU, Liliana-Mioara STANCIU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

47. Theoretical and Pragmatical Approaches on the Cost of the Capital Borrowed by the Companies in Romania, Liliana-Mioara STANCIU, Leontin STANCIU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

48. Effects of the Crisis on Economic Growth and Regional Development, Marieta STANCIU, Dalia-Mirela SIMION, Madalina-Georgiana MANGRA, University of Craiova

49. Overreaction and Underreaction on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, Răzvan ŞTEFĂNESCU, Ramona DUMITRIU, Costel NISTOR, “Dunarea de Jos” University, Galaţi,

50. The International Monetary Fund and its Influence on World’s Economy, Cristian TEODORESCU, “Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti

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51. Competitive Potential Analysis and its Impact Factors, Cosmin TILEAGĂ*, Oana NIŢU**, Claudiu-Valentin NIŢU***, *“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, **“Ovidius” University, Constanţa, ***“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian, University, Bucharest

52. Sustainability – a Priority of the Knowledge Based Organization, Ramona TODERICIU, Lucia FRĂTICIU, Melinda DRAGOMIR, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

53. Economic Analysis of Military Rules and Regulations in the Budget Restrictions, Ondřej TRUBECKÝ, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

54. Military-Economic Analysis of Landmines, Ondřej TRUBECKÝ, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

55. Aspects of the Economic and Cultural Globalization Process, Mihai TUDOSE, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian, University, Bucharest

56. The Role of Introducing the Optional and Compulsory Insurances System Within the Process of Enhancing the Urban Ecosystem Safety, Nicuşor-Marcel UDREA, “Alma Mater” University, Sibiu

57. Demand of Economical Goods, Cecilia-Elena VĂDUVA, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

58. Income Balance Level, Maria VĂDUVA, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

59. Study Regarding Financial Performance from Du Pont Analysis Perspective, Diana VASIU, Nicolae BALTEŞ, Adrian CIUDIN, “Lucian Blaga” Universitaty, Sibiu

60. Theoretical Issues on Unemployment and Social Protection of the Unemployed in Romania, Eufemia VIERIU, “Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti

61. Pension for Loss of Ability to Work in the Statal Social Insurance System, Eufemia VIERIU*, Dumitru VIERIU**, *“Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti, **Bucharest Bar

62. Confronting in the Global Economy and the Implications Transnational Corporations in the Context of the New Economy, Alina VOICULET, Denisa PARPANDEL, Nicoleta BELU, “Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti

63. Problems of Structural Funds Absorption in Romania: Local Administration Perspective. Study Case: Gorj County, Alina VOICULEŢ*, Mihaela RUXANDA**, Emilia CLUCERESCU (TĂNASE) **, Camelia MARIN***, *“Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti, **University of Bucharest, ***Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

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Ion HIRGHIDUŞ Ştefania BUMBUC Maria-Dorina PAŞCA

Assistant: Crenguţa-Mihaela MACOVEI Place: Cabinet of Military Instructors Up, bldg. J2, fl. 1, room 56

1. Qualitative Aspects of the Military Training Activity, Ştefania BUMBUC, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

2. The East European Perspective Over the Healthcare Systems, Claudiu CICEA, Ion POPA, Cosmin DOBRIN, Mircea-Stelian DRĂGHICI, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

3. Appreciative Inquiry in the Organizational Context, Daniela COJOCARU, “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi

4. Construing the Bologna Process as “Recycled Meat”: Avoiding Seven Policy-Making Sins in Creating Appropriate Higher Education Values for the Future, Silvia FLOREA*, Eric GILDER**, *UNESCO Chair’s Office, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, **Linton Global College, Hannam University, Daejeon, Korea

5. The Anthropological Perspective on the Culture and the Social World in the Era of Globalization, Ion HIRGHIDUŞ, University of Petroşani

6. Challenges and Trends of the Romanian Tertiary Education Internationalization, Mariana IATAGAN, “Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest

7. Influences of Advertising on the Communicational Competence of Engineering Students, Daciana INDOLEAN, Technical University, Cluj Napoca

8. Intelligence Competencies at the Beginning of the 3RD Millenium, Lucian-Marius IVANOV, National Defence Ministry, Bucharest

9. Status and Perspective of Military Deception, Milan KUBEŠA, Ján SPIŠÁK, University of Defense, Brno, Czech Republic

10. Study on the Interpersonal Values of the Cadets of the Land Forces Academy, Crenguţa-Mihaela MACOVEI, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

11. Reflections on Psychopedagogy of the Military Organization, Ioan MANCI, 4th Infantry Division “GEMINA”

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12. Aspects of Effective Management of Teaching at University Level, Gabriela MIHAILĂ-LICĂ*, Wiegand Helmut FLEISCHER**, *“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, **European Business Group SRL, Sibiu

13. Considerations Regarding the Study of Life Quality from the Perspective of the Concept of Happiness, Jianu-Daniel MUREŞAN, “Oil and Gas” University of Ploieşti

14. The Utility of the Arbitration and Mediation Procedures in Solving Labour Conflicts, Oana-Voica NAGY, “Dimitrie Cantemir” University, Târgu Mureş

15. The European Dimension of Education, Vasilica NEGRUŢ, “Danubius” University, Galaţi

16. Some Considerations Regarding Scientific Research in the Knowlegde-Based Organization, Brânduşa-Oana NICULESCU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

17. “The Global Village” and the Development of Behavioral Skills, Georgeta OBILIŞTEANU*, Adriana VINŢEAN**, *“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, **“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

18. Education and Research for the Knowledge Society, Denisa PARPANDEL, Alina VOICULET, Nicoleta BELU, “Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti

19. The Improvement of Didactic Activity through University Material Courses, Maria-Dorina PAŞCA, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu Mureş

20. Volunteering – Element of Education and Social Ethics, Maria-Dorina PAŞCA, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu Mureş

21. Students’ Myths as a tool for Decoding the Meanings of Academic Experience, Cristian PETRE, Mircea-Adrian MARICA, “Ovidius” University, Constanţa

22. Strengthening Communities of Practice in Education through Academic Collaborative Work at International Level: A Case Study, Adela-Elena POPA, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

23. Aspects of the Musical Culture in Transylvania During the Middle Ages Till the Beginning of the 17th Century, Ramona PREJA, University of Arts, Târgu Mureş

24. Knowledge-Based Tourism versus Knowledge Tourism in Romania, Cecilia-Irina RĂBONŢU, Maria VASILESCU, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

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25. The Education for Transformation – Condition of Military Performance, Aurelian RAŢIU, Crenguţa Mihaela MACOVEI, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

26. “Reel” Hero, not Real Hero: the American Soldier Goes to Hollywood, Dana RUS, Nicoleta MEDREA, “Petru Maior” University, Târgu Mureş

27. The Power of the New Media Journalism and the New Technologies in Communication, Minodora SĂLCUDEAN, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

28. Professional Ethics of the Military, Mihaela-Miruna TUDORAŞCU, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia

29. Opportunities for Young People from Rural Area, Raluca ZORZOLIU, “Spiru Haret” University, Faculty of Marketing and International Economic Affairs

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Chairpersons: Vasile TABĂRĂ Varvara-Licuţa COMAN Ilioara GENOIU Teodora DRĂGHICI

Assistant: Alexandru STOIAN Place: Cabinet of Law and Legislature, bldg. J2, fl. 1, room 57

1. Problems of Coherence Encounterred in Theories Stated in International and Domestic Juridical Doctrine, Claudia ANDRIŢOI, “Eftimie Murgu” University, Reşiţa

2. Proposal for a Regulation on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, and the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions in Matters of Matrimonial Property Regimes, Nadia-Cerasela ANIŢEI, “Petre Andrei” University, Iaşi

3. Freedom of Expression – a Right Guaranteed by the Romanian Constitution and European Convention on Human Right, Maria-Magdalena BÂRSAN, “Transilvania” University, Braşov

4. The Law 76/2008 Regarding The National System of Genetically Judicial Data – Critical Points of View, Elisabeta BOŢIAN, Romanian-German University, Sibiu

5. Considerations Regarding the Possibility of Holding Trial in Absentia by Special International Tribunals, Claudiu-Ramon D. BUTCULESCU, “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy

6. Particularities of the Crime Scene Investigation in Murders Committed with Fire Arms, Nicoleta-Elena BUZATU, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest

7. On Bessarabia's Administrative Evolution During the Russian Reign (1812-1918), Gheorghe CALCAN, “Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti

8. Some Considerations on Military Courts, Laura CETEAN-VOICULESCU, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia

9. Military Command Acts - Administrative Acts Exempted from Control of Administrative Solicitor’s Office, Octavia-Maria CILIBIU, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

10. Law as the Value, Emilian CIONGARU, “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy

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11. Regulations on Minority in the New Criminal Code, George COCA, Lawyer – Bucharest Bar Association, Romania

12. Human Liberty between Individual Autonomy and Legislative Framework, Varvara-Licuţa COMAN, Ion RUSU, Octavia STERIOPOL*, Minodora-Ioana BĂLAN-RUSU, “Danubius” University, Galaţi, *“D. Moţoc” Food and Tourism Technical College, Galaţi

13. The Legal Protection of the Environment in the Context of Carrying Out Military Operations, Diana-Nicoleta DASCĂLU, “Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest

14. Child Protection During an Armed Conflict, Alin-Gheorghe GAVRILESCU, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

15. Report of Donations. Ways to Perform it, Ilioara GENOIU, “Valahia” University, Târgovişte

16. Valences of Management Activity Within Public Government, Gina-Livioara GOGA, Gabriel GURIŢĂ, Mihail-Silviu POCORA, Gabriela DURET, “Danubius” University, Galaţi

17. Public Function between Liability and Legal Responsibility, Gina-Livioara GOGA, Vasilica NEGRUŢ, Monica POCORA, Georgeta MODIGA, “Danubius” University, Galaţi

18. Regular Property Covered by the Romanian Civil Code, Nicolae GRĂDINARU, “Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti

19. Sale of Goods and Warranties Associated to them in the Romanian and European Legislation, Nicolae GRĂDINARU, “Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti

20. Legal Aspects of the Participants in Armed Conflict, Sabin GUŢAN, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

21. Administrative Act – the Adoption of Administrative Law Acts, Ion IACOVESCU*, Iulia-Andrada IACOVESCU**, *“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, **“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

22. Reflections upon the Consequences of the State of Crime Relapse, Ion IFRIM*, Oana-Roxana IONESCU**, *“Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Institute of Legal Researches of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, **“Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest

23. The Principle of Legality, Oana-Roxana IONESCU*, Ion IFRIM**, *“Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest, **“Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Institute of Legal Researches of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest

24. Communication Law – an Autonomous Law Branch?, Steluţa IONESCU, Rada POSTOLACHE, “Valahia” University, Târgovişte

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25. Some Aspects Regarding Action for Recovery of Possession, Claudia-Luciana IVĂNESCU, “Oil and Gas”, University, Ploieşti

26. Etiology and Social Impact of Illegal Immigration on Romania and the Schengen Area, Crişan LĂZUREANU, Dog training center "Dr. Aurel Greblea" Sibiu

27. Is the Right to Fair Satisfaction Really Respected According to the Law no.290/2003?, Cătălina-Georgeta MATEI, Roxana-Anca ADAM, Eliza VOICU, “Transilvania” University, Braşov

28. “Enhanced Protection” Provided by the Second Protocol of the Hague Convention Regarding the Protection of Cultural Property in Case of Armed Conflict in the Present International Context, Marian MIHĂILĂ, “Eftimie Murgu” University, Reşiţa

29. Uncommon Property Rights in the Matter of the Contract of Sale, Livia MOCANU, “Valahia” University, Târgovişte

30. Measuring Corruption at the International Level. Cross-national Perspective, Dănuţ NEACŞU*, Niculae BĂDĂLĂU**, *“Andrei Şaguna” University of Constanţa, **NBG ltd., Bucharest

31. International Rail Carrier Liability Employment Procedure, Emilian NEAGU, “Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti

32. Evidence Used in the Field of Competition, Manuela NIŢĂ, “Valahia” University, Târgovişte

33. State's Recognition and Succesion act as Contemporary Issues in International Relationships. Case Kosovo, Cristina-Anca PĂIUŞESCU, Nicoleta-Elena BUZATU, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest

34. Current Legal Controversies Regarding Journalists Liability in Case of “Offences or Crimes through Media”, Cristina-Anca PĂIUŞESCU, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest

35. CIA in Public Administration – Choosing Intelligent Agents in Public Administration, Ioana-Alexandra PANDELE, “Vasile Alecsandri” University, Bacău

36. Concept of Sovereignty Approached from the Perspective of Pre-Classical and Classical Constitutionalism – Selective Aspects, Nicolae PAVEL, “Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest

37. Extra-Tabular Real Estate Usucapion in the Regulation of the New Romanian Civil Code, Rodica PEPTAN, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

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38. The Impact of Applying the Proportionality Principle from the Perspective of its Integration on Sector Line, Monica POCORA, Mihail-Silviu POCORA, Gabriel GURITA, Georgeta MODIGA, “Danubius” University, Galaţi

39. Interference of the Police Career Management with Career Management of the Civil Servants, Octavian-Adrian POPESCU, General Inspectorate of Romanian Police, Bucharest

40. Liability of Public Authorities and Associations of the Developing Inter-services Public’s Object for Damages Caused by Administrative Acts Adopted in Respect of Community Services of Public Utility, Oliviu PUIE, “Dimitrie Cantemir” University, Târgu Mureş

41. The Legal Character of Resolution, Natalia SAHAROV, “Dimitrie Cantemir” University, Târgu Mureş

42. Legal Ordinances – Theoretical and Practical Aspects Regarding the Special Law Enabling the Government to Issue Ordinances, in the Context of the Current Constitutional Regulations in Romania, Oana ŞARAMET, “Transilvania” University, Braşov

43. Penalties for Military in Present and Future Regulatory Criminal Law, Camelia ŞERBAN-MORĂREANU* Raluca DIACONU-ŞIMONESCU**, *The Prosecutor’s Office acting with the Court of Appeal Piteşti, **The Court of Appeal Piteşti

44. Exercising Parliamentary Control on the Public Administration Through the Ombudsman, Alexandru Stoian, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

45. Expropriation for the Public Utility Cause in the European System of Protection of the Human Rights Alexandru Stoian, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

46. The Crime of Desertation. Casese from Practice. The Presente Regulatory an the Future One, Ionela-Cecilia SULEA, “Dimitrie Cantemir” University, Târgu Mureş

47. Differences between the institutions of the mayor and that of the president of the county council, Vasile TABĂRĂ, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

48. The Evolution of the Principle of Non-Recurrence to Force and to the Threat with Force in International Relationships, Laura-Magdalena TROCAN, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

49. The Romanian Constitution and the Opposition Role in the Rule of Law, Mircea TUTUNARU, Beatrice-Daiana DASCĂLU, “Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest

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Subsection 1: Mechanical Military Technologies, Decision Support

Systems and CBRN in Military Operations

Chairpersons: Pavel OTŘÍSAL Zbyšek KORECKI Jaromir MARES Stanislav FLORUS Dănuţ MOŞTEANU Silviu PETRIŞOR

Assistant: Ilie FLORIN Place: Computer Science Laboratory, bldg J2, 1st floor, room 44

1. Simulation Model of a Vertically Launched Body and the Propelling Gas Dynamics, Luminiţa Cristina ALIL, Liviu Cristian MATACHE, Alexandru ROGOZ, Ioan SAFTA Scientific Research Center for CBRN Defense and Ecology, Bucharest

2. Coordinates of the internal control’s evaluation in preventing and combating environmental pollution, Mărioara AVRAM, Daniela Greti TOGOE, University of Craiova

3. 3D Obstacle Flow Modeling by Means of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method, Ghiţă BÂRSAN*, Vasile NĂSTĂSESCU**, Luminiţa GIURGIU, *“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, **Military Technical Academy, Bucharest

4. The Experimental Research Upon the Quality of Veneer Obtained by Slicing Methods, Luminita-Maria BRENCI, Ivan CISMARU, Camelia COŞEREANU, Adriana FOTIN, “Transilvania” University of Brasov

5. Study of a Robotic Arm Equiped with a Disruptor, Valentin CICÎRÎC, Naval Forces Headquarter, Bucharest

6. Considerations Regarding the Protection and Prevention Pollution of Water Daniela CÎRȚÎNĂ*, Daniela-Ionela CIOLEA**, *“Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu-Jiu, **University of Petrosani

7. Research on the Influence of Errors Due to Temperature in Solving Chain Assembly Dimensions, Liviu Marius CÎRŢÎNĂ, Constanţa RĂDULESCU, “Constantin Brancusi”University, Tg. Jiu

8. Rotary Hydraulic Perforator for Electrical-Hydraulic Drilling Machines, Iosif DUMITRESCU, Vilhelm ITU, Bogdan-Zeno COZMA, Mihai-Carmelo RIDZI, University of Petroşani

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9. Study on the Variation of Sanded Surface Roughness of Birch Wood, Adriana FOTIN, Ivan CISMARU, Camelia COŞEREANU, Luminita Maria BRENCI, “Transilvania” University of Brasov

10. Study of the Friction Coefficient in the Fretting Phenomenon, Stefan GHIMIŞI, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu

11. Detection of Exposure to Chemical Weapons Convention Related Chemicals in Biomedical Samples, Nicoleta GRIGORIU, Gabriel EPURE, Constantin Nicolae TOADER, Panaghia DELIU, Scientific Research Center for CBRN Defense and Ecology, Bucharest

12. Loads Transmitted to Uricani Mining Plant no. 4 Auxiliary Shaft Winding Tower in Safety Brake Operation, Vilhelm ITU, Iosif DUMITRESCU, Bogdan-Zeno COZMA, Mihai-Carmelo RIDZI, University of Petroşani

13. Effect of Additive Envirox on the Emissions, Ales KOMAR*, Petr KRIZEK**, Vaclav ZAJICEK*, Frantisek BOZEK*, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, **Section of Logistics, MOD, Prague, Czech Republic

14. Fuel Additive Cuts the Propellant Consumption in Car Running, Zbyšek KORECKI, Jaromír MAREŠ, Miroslav CEMPÍREK, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

15. Military Robotics – Economics Aspects Analysis (Theory And Practice), Aleš OLEJNÍČEK, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

16. The Influence of Viton´S Layer Coated on the Fabric with the Deposit of Butyl-Rubber on Resistance Against Selected Chemical Compounds, Pavel OTŘÍSAL*, Stanislav FLORUS*, Vladimír OBŠEL***, František KUČERA***, *NBC Defence Institute of University of Defence, Vyškov, the Czech Republic, **VOP-26 Šternberk, VTÚO at Brno, *** University of Technology at Brno

17. Environmental Case Study of Munitions Components, Răzvan PETRE*, Traian ROTARIU**, Nicoleta PETREA, Sorina BĂJENARU, *Scientific Research Centre for CBRN Defense and Ecology, Bucharest, Romania, **Military Technical Academy, Bucharest

18. Determination of the Tensions Appearing in Ceramic Layer Applied to the Blades for Aircraft Engine, Geanina Laura PINTILEI, Daniel DRAGOMIR-STANCIU, Ionut Vasile CRIŞMARU, Corneliu MUNTEANU, Technical “Gheorghe Asachi” University, Iasi

19. Command and Control in NEC Environment, Milan PODHOREC, Petr HRŮZA, Přemysl TUČEK, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

20. Cracking of N-Hexane Over Metal Impregnated Zsm-5, Raluca PROSCANU*, Vasile MATEI*, Rodica GANEA**, George PROSCANU*, *“Oil and Gas” University, Ploieşti, **Zecasin S.A. Bucureşti

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21. Numerical Research Method, Concerning the Underwater Robots Hull Shape, Using the Wind Tunnel as Virtual Environment, Simona RUS*, Florin ZAHARIA**, Costin COŞOIU***, Ana ION****, *Diving Center, Constanţa, **Maritime University, Constanţa, ***Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, ****“Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Constanţa

22. Control Mechanical Vibrations Using Inductive Magneto-Fluidic Sensors Aurora STANCI, Andreea Cristina STANCI, University of Petroşani

23. Some Aspects of the Loop Power – Flows Within a 4x4 Automobile’s Transmission, Marian TRUŢĂ, Alin PUNCIOIU, Marin MARINESCU, Military Technical Academy, Bucharest

24. The Projection and Simulation of the Shaft Line Functioning on Board of Ships, Florin ZAHARIA, Nicolae BUZBUCHI, Magdalena Maria ION, Maritime University, Constanţa

25. Study Regarding the Vibrations on Board Military Ship. The Calculus of the Vibrations Produced by the Propulsion System, Florin ZAHARIA*, Mihai DIACONU**, Simona RUS**, Magdalena Maria ION*, * Maritime University, Constanţa, **Diving Centre Constanţa

26. Quality Assessment Tools in The Acceptance Process of Fuels and Additives, Václav ZAJÍČEK, Miroslav PECINA, Jiří DVOŘÁK, Lucie NETOPILOVÁ, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

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Subsection 2: Applied Fundamental, Advanced Military Technologies and Network Architectures

Chairpersons: Róbert SZABOLCSI Gheorghe SAMOILESCU Vitezslav JAROS Paul BECHET Octavian BOGDAN Simona MICLĂUŞ

Assistant: Alina BABOŞ Place: Statistical Processing Laboratory, bldg, J2, 1st floor, room 46

1. A Theory of Decision Making in Procedural Justice, Dana ALEXANDRU, Vlad VASIU, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

2. Radio-Frequency Identification Impact on Military Logistics Performance, Dorel BADEA, Silviu-Mihai PETRIŞOR, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

3. Consideration Regarding the Forest Importance in the Sustainable Development, Robert BLAJ, Camelia SAND, Mirela STANCIU, Iuliana ANTONIE, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

4. Current-Mode Antilogarithmic Amplifier, Octavian-Ioan BOGDAN, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

5. Identifying the Causes that Lead to the Malfunctioning of Armored Vehicles, Vasile CĂRUŢAŞU, Daniela CĂRUŢAŞU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

6. Identifying the Classes of Defects for Heavy Armored Vehicles Vasile CĂRUŢAŞU, Daniela CĂRUŢAŞU, Ioan VIRCA “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

7. Performance Evaluation Procedures of Channels and Radio Systems in Wireless Broadband Transmission, Dorin CHIRCA, Iulian ILIES, Training Center for Communications and Information Technology, Sibiu

8. Education for Environment Security in Romania, Iulia CRĂCIUN, Gabriel ŞERBAN, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

9. Using Java Technology for Software Reliability Analysis, Marian Pompiliu CRISTESCU*, Laurentiu CIOVICA**, Liviu CIOVICA*, Florin MARTIN*, *“Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, **Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

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10. VHF/UHF Ground Station Development for Genso Network, Vlad DASCAL*, Tudor PALADE*, Octavian CRISTEA**,Paul DOLEA**, *Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, **BITNET CCSS SRL, Cluj-Napoca

11. Testing Block Ciphers Strength with Diffusion Method, Roxana DRAGOMIR, Mihai MARIN, Florin RĂSTOCEANU, Florent ROMAN, Military Equipment Technical Research Agency, Bucharest

12. Security System Element - ISTAR System “Information-Based Models for Command and Control”, Tomasz DUKIEWICZ, Land Forces Military Academy in Wrocław, Poland

13. Quantifiable Criteria of Simulated Combat Activities, Zdenek FLASAR, Jaroslav KOZŮBEK, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

14. Modification of Critical Path Method by a Portfolio of Security Criterions, Pavel FOLTIN, Marek SEDLAČÍK, Mária ŠIKOLOVÁ, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

15. Hardware Implementation of Serpent Encryption Algorithm on XILINX FPGA Devices, Constantin GROZEA, Gheorghe GUIMAN, Daniel-Tiberius HRIŢCU, Ionuţ RĂDOI, Military Equipment and Technologies Agency, Bucharest

16. About The Problems with Multiple Objective Functions, Alexandru HAMPU, Romanian-German University, Sibiu

17. Research on Protection Materials Behavior at their Projectile and Armor Impact, Florin ILIE, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

18. Defence Experiment Validity Requirements in the Project Stucture, Vitezslav JAROS, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

19. Unstructured decision problems in command and control units in operations, Vitezslav JAROS, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

20. The Methods Used for Creating a New System for Cross-Country Movement and Determination of Possible Movements in the Terrain, Dana KRISTALOVA, Marian RYBANSKY, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

21. Possibilities to Reduce the Operating Costs of Military Equipment by Fuel Additive or Replacement Alternatively Modernization of Military Vehicle fleet, Jaromir MARES, Petr KRIZEK, Lucie MARESOVA, University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic

22. A Model Approach to the Decision-Making Process, Ivana MOKRÁ, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

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23. Consideration on face candidates detection in image sequences, Romana OANCEA*, Cristian MOLDER**,Ghiţă BÂRSAN* *“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, **Military Technical Academy, Bucharest

24. Evaluation Methods Used in Ballistic Protection Applied for Ceramic Materials, Ioan-Dan POPA, Gheorghe OLAN, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

25. Retina Analysis - Biometric Identifier, Horia POPESCU, Military Unit 02592 Bucharest

26. The Development of an Algorithm for the Iris Characteristics Extraction, Horia POPESCU, Military Unit 02592 Bucharest

27. Algebric Domain Decomposition Methods, Ioan POPOVICIU, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Constanţa

28. Analysis of the Reactive Power for Small-Size Power Units, Serghei RADU*, Gheorghe SAMOILESCU**, *Barklav Mar. Ag, Constanţa, **“Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Constanţa

29. Objectives and Strategies in Mountain Agriculture Development and Cultural Landscapes Through Exploitation of Sheep, Mirela STANCIU, Gligor CIORTEA, Ramona TODERICIU, Robert BLAJ, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu

30. An Analysis of the Dynamics of Electromagnetic Near-Field Level of Mobile Phones During the Call Initiation Period, Mircea STANIC, Simona MICLAUS, Paul BECHET, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

31. Preliminary Design of the Terrain-Following Automatic Flight Control System Applied in Collision Avoidance Mission, Róbert SZABOLCSI, National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary

32. The Impact of Dodder (CUSCUTA L.) On Grassland Plant in Sibiu County, Romania, Maria TĂNASE, Camelia SAND, “Lucian Blaga” University Sibiu

33. Econometrics – a labour instrument in decision substantiation, Delia TESELIOS, Mihaela ALBICI, Cristina ŢENOVICI, Diana CODREANU, “Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti

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Chairpersons: Jana BERANKOVA Marioara PATEŞAN Georgeta OBILIŞTEANU

Assistant: Brânduşa-Oana NICULESCU Place: English Classroom, bldg. D, 1st floor

1. From Esperanto Through Lingua Franca to Globish, Camelia ALIBEC*, Carmen ASTRATINEI*, Marioara PATEŞAN**, *“Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Constanţa, **“Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

2. Teaching English for Specific Purposes through Translation, Simina BADEA, University of Craiova

3. Intercomprehension – a Case Study, Alina BALAGIU, Dana ZECHIA, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Constanţa

4. Writing – a Communicative Skill, Alina BALAGIU, Dana ZECHIA, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Constanţa

5. The Design of the Aviation English Course for Military Cadets, Vojtěch BARTOŇ, Lenka SLUNEČKOVÁ, University of Defence Brno, Czech Republic

6. Linguistic Function and Literary Style – the Experience of War in L.F.Céline’s Novels, Simona BOŞTINĂ-BRATU, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

7. Influences of Latin on Romanian Military Terminology, Cristina-Eugenia BURTEA-CIOROIANU, University of Craiova

8. E-learning Technologies: Military Terminology Course Development, Ivana CECHOVA, Jana BERANKOVA, Dana ZERZANOVA, University of Defence Brno, Czech Republic

9. Training Military Students English for Globalization Era/ Knowledge Era/ Information Era, Maria-Camelia DICU, “Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu Jiu

10. A Case Study on the Impact of English for Special Purposes on Students’ Academic and Professional Pursuit, Viorela-Valentina DIMA Georgeta GHIGA, Marina-Luminita MILITARU, Antonia ENACHE, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

11. A Lexicological Approach of Military Terminology, Corina DOBROTĂ, “Dunarea de Jos” University, Galaţi

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12. Creative Thinking – a “Must Have” Objective of Modern Military Instruction, Isabela-Anda DRAGOMIR*, Brânduşa-Oana NICULESCU**, Oana-Alida POŞA*, *The Foreign Language Centre of the Land Forces Headquarters, Sibiu, **“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

13. Language at War – Rendering Everyday Speech Into Combat-Related Terms, Bianca-Oana HAN, Corina PUŞCAŞ, “Petru Maior” University, Târgu-Mureş

14. Transformations of Language in Dystopian Fictional Discourse, Oana-Antonia ILIE, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

15. Developing Translation Techniques in a Medical English Classroom, Oana-Iuliana ILINCA-ŞTEFĂNESCU*, Carmen PRECUP**, *University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, **“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

16. Teaching Speaking Skills to Adults, Georgeta OBILIŞTEANU*, Adriana VINTEAN**, *“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, **“Lucian Blaga”, University, Sibiu

17. Translation and Interpretation Perceived as Means of Transfer in the Communication Process, Miruna OPRIŞ, Technical University, Cluj-Napoca

18. Teaching E.M.P. to Dentistry Students, Carmen PRECUP*, Oana-Iuliana ILINCA-ŞTEFĂNESCU**, *“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, **University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova

19. Empirical Perspectives on Military Operations in the “Counterlife” by Philip Roth, Corina PUŞCAŞ, Bianca HAN, “Petru Maior” University, Târgu-Mureş

20. “I’m an Asian in London”: Young South Asians in Great Britain with a Focus on Nirpal Singh Dhaliwal’s Tourism, Iulia RĂŞCANU, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

21. Language Needs Analysis of Military Professionals, Maria SIKOLOVA, Ivana CECHOVA, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

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