the krier 1

and wrap-ups from the 2006-2007 district board. Following House of See “Steel” on Page 8. May 2007 Page 1 Pittsburgh “Steels” the Hearts of Pennsylvania Circle K’ers! By Allegheny LTG Steph Wieland On March 2-4, 2007 the city of Pittsburgh was filled with Circle K’ers from all over Pennsylvania. They were greeted at the entrance of the Omni William Penn Hotel by some members of the Wizard of Oz, also known as the University of Pittsburgh-Oakland and Duquesne Circle K’ers, and this was just the beginning of an awesome weekend. Friday night brought us some great roll calls, and a chance to get to know someone new, as prompted by past Kiwanis Governor Mike Frailey. But the fun did not end there. A casino night soon followed, along with magazine cover photo shoots, a dance contest, and Hollywood Trivia. Saturday we all got to hear the candidatesplatforms and speeches and attend workshops. There, we learned about a variety of topics including the Kiwanis Family, life after graduation, how to be a S.T.A.R (Students That Are Remarkable) member, and new dance tips to be used later in the evening. House of Delegates was complete with elections of the 2007-2008 district board Above: Millersville Right: Host Club Pittsburgh-Oakland Both pose for club pictures after the PresidentsBanquet on Saturday Night. The PACK Hits Up the Steel City! Penn State-University Park Does Relay for Life and Other Club Happenings! Summer Preview! Including LSSP, ICON, Kiwanis + Phillies, and the Summer Social The Official Publication of the Pennsylvania District of Circle K International Volume XLVI, Issue 1

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May 2007


Page 1: The Krier 1

and wrap-ups from the 2006-2007 district board. Following House of

See “Steel” on Page 8.

May 2007 Page 1

Pittsburgh “Steels” the Hearts of Pennsylvania Circle K’ers!

By Allegheny LTG Steph Wieland On March 2-4, 2007 the city of Pittsburgh was filled with Circle K’ers from all over Pennsylvania. They were greeted at the entrance of the Omni William Penn Hotel by some members of the Wizard of Oz, also known as the University of Pittsburgh-Oakland and Duquesne Circle K’ers, and this was just the beginning of an awesome weekend. Friday night brought us some great roll calls, and a chance to get to know someone new, as prompted by past Kiwanis Governor Mike Frailey. But the fun did not end there. A casino night soon followed, along with magazine cover photo shoots, a dance contest, and Hollywood Trivia. Saturday we all got to hear the candidates’ platforms and speeches and attend workshops. There, we learned about a variety of topics including the Kiwanis Family, life after graduation, how to be a S.T.A.R (Students That Are Remarkable) member, and new dance tips to be used later in the evening. House of Delegates was complete with elections of the 2007-2008 district board

Above: Millersville Right: Host Club Pittsburgh-Oakland Both pose for club pictures after the Presidents’ Banquet on Saturday Night.

The PACK Hits Up the Steel City!

Penn State-University Park Does Relay for Life and Other Club Happenings!

Summer Preview! Including LSSP, ICON,

Kiwanis + Phillies, and the Summer Social

The Official Publication of the Pennsylvania District of Circle K International Volume XLVI, Issue 1

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May 2007 Page 2

have been in Circle K since day one of my college career. Things that I love include my family, my friends, service projects, hugs, smiles and dance parties. I absolutely love Rascal Flatts and my favorite songs include their song “My Wish” as well as Cascada’s “Everytime We Touch”. I couldn’t be more excited for the upcoming year and cannot wait to get to know each and every one of you. I love to travel across Pennsylvania, so please let me know what your club is doing and I will try my best to attend. As you may or may not have heard already, we are focusing this year on the phrase “Everyday Heroes”. This phrase has two intentions. First, it’s meant to encourage you, as Circle K members, to realize the impact you have on the world around you because of the service that you do. This past year, Circle K members across the state of Pennsylvania contributed over 43,800 hours of service to their communities. Each and every day Circle K members touch the lives of those we serve, so be sure to open your eyes and realize the amazing things you are doing and the great organization you are a

Circle K, I love to dance, shop, and hang out with all my crazy friends. We have big plans for you this year PA. You can see that by looking at our District Goals. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you through District Events, Officer Council Meetings, and club events. To the secretaries, you have a big job ahead of you, but I am confident that you will all do marvelously in the position! I am here to help you so if you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. Don’t forget, be “Everyday Heroes” because that is what you all are!

Hello PACK! My name is Stacy Eddinger and I am so excited to serve as your 2007-2008 District Secretary. I have just completed my junior year at Elizabethtown College, where I major in Elementary and Special Education. I am currently getting ready to student teach in the fall at Manheim Central. I have been involved in the K-Family since freshman year of college. I served as Etown’s Circle K secretary for the past two years as well as on the District Board as your immediate past Membership Development and Education Chair for the past year and a half. I love the Kiwanis Family! There are so many people in it and each brings a different experience and story that everyone can learn from. Besides

Holler PA Circle K’ers! Welcome to the 2007-2008 PA Circle K Administrative Year! As of April 1st, our newly elected District Board and all newly elected Club Officers took office and a year full of incredible, new successes began. My name is Kady Snyder and I couldn’t be more proud to be serving as your District Governor for the next year. I am a junior at Elizabethtown College where I am a Social Studies Education major. Next semester I will be student teaching in a seventh grade social studies classroom, so I am pretty excited! I am originally from Robesonia, Pennsylvania and graduated from Conrad Weiser High School in 2004. I was a Key Club member for my four years in high school and

part of. The second intention is to THANK YOU for the service and commitment you have given to Circle K. We say in this organization that our members are the most important part of Circle K. I whole heartedly believe in this statement and have made it my mission to take those few minutes to say THANK YOU to those who deserve it. Some of you may have already signed the “Everyday Heroes” banner and seen the


See “Governor” on Page 8

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great inspiration for me and the district board as a whole. The clubs that I worked with that day from the East Side were bright, excited, and really had it together. I am inspired by your enthusiasm and dedication, and I hope that I can match it this year as we work together to serve our communities, bond with our K-Family counterparts, fight MS, and grow the Pennsylvania District in members and service hours. We will touch hearts and change lives this year, so get pumped!! While being district treasurer, I will be working mostly with our treasurers; I am here to work with and serve all of you this year. I hope to meet everyone at some point, so look for me at a campus near you! But until then, please feel free to contact me at any time at [email protected] for anything at all big or small. And, if you are not a treasurer but would like to receive my monthly newsletter, please also email me and I’ll add you to my list. Until next time…Stay happy, focused, and do lots of service!

Greetings PACK! About two months ago, we were all together in Pittsburgh celebrating our accomplishments and winding down a fabulous year. Already, your new board is working hard to set the groundwork for another record breaking and fun filled year. But we cannot do it without you! Our members are our biggest asset, and the reason that the PACK is always on top. We encourage you to get excited, stay active, and work with us to make this the best year ever! Just under a month ago, I had the chance to meet many new officers and club members at the SPring Officer Trainer (SPOT), and I am sure I will meet many more of you in the coming weeks and months. I would like to say, you are all a

Hello Pennsylvania Circle K! My name is Brett Cutright and I’m your 2007- 2008 District Editor. This will be my seventh year in the Kiwanis Family and I’ve loved every day of it. Last year I served as club editor at Shippensburg and District Convention Information and Technology Chair, for two months. I’m currently a sophomore History major at Shippensburg University. I have worked as a pharmacy technician for the past three years and have started to learn Korean. Whenever I’m not working or doing school work I like to watch my favorite television shows: Lost, The Office, and Friends. I’m very excited for the year and would like to integrate some new ideas into the PACK’s tradition of excellence. One of my goals helps with Kiwanis Family Relations and the District Service Project, The Kiwanis Family: One Family. Touching Lives. Through Service. I would like to create a joint issue of the Key Club District Bulletin, “The Keystonian,” and “The Krier.” I would like to stress the importance of the role a club editor plays. The editor can help alleviate the communication responsibilities of the president by creating a monthly newsletter, but they can also publicize club activities and service projects. Another goal of mine is to get members involved with the production of “The Krier.” With that in mind, I will restart the journalism committee and have them assist me with writing Krier articles. I’ve received some feedback from members and would like to see even more participation. If you’re interested, let me know. If you are reading this and are a vice president or editor and haven’t been trained, please email or call me as soon as possible. Another goal of mine is to train 100% of all vice presidents and editors. It’s important that you do so because it’s the best way to make sure that you are doing your job properly. I love to travel, and my final goal is to visit all seven divisions either through a club or divisional project. Through these travels I look forward to meeting all of you. As always if you or anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me at [email protected].

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May 2007 Page 4

“Hitting the Trail” to Portland, Orego

By District Treasurer Elesha Franks

thing you can do this summer? It’s International Convention 2007! This year, ICON will be held in the famously green Portland, Oregon from August 4-8, 2007. There we will meet up with CK’ers from all over the world for business, fellowship, and of course, a little bit of fun! We will stay at the Red Lion on the River, where we will participate in workshops, a service fair, two dances, and of course, the always important House of Delegates, where we will be voting on our new CKI leaders and the future of our organization. Convention is always super fun, and a great way to get to know other members of the PA District. This year, seeing as most of us will be accessing Portland via airplane, you might think convention will be super expensive. Well, think again. PA Circle K is working hard to put together some fundraisers to help alleviate some of the costs of International Convention. Additionally, club treasurers have received a fundraising manual from CKI with some great ideas for your club to raise money to send your delegates and members.

See “Trail on Page 8

One of the best decisions I have made since becoming a member of Circle K is attending last year’s Large Scale Service Project (LSSP) in Brockton, MA! I couldn’t believe the amount of work we were able to do in one week’s time, nor the friendships I was able to form. One day of service was cleaning the Brockton Community Park. We picked up piles and piles of garbage including some unmentionables and the longest cable I have ever seen! The Brockton mayor even came out and recognized our hard work for their area. My favorite day was when we worked with Brockton’s Big Brother & Big Sister program. We spent that day at the Franklin Park Zoo with many excited kids that proved to be a very rewarding and tiring day! The best part of LSSP was meeting the many Circle K’ers from across the world. Some people I had the chance to know included International Vice President Nadine, Capital District Governor Justin, and PA District members. I highly recommend going to LSSP 2007 in Oregon from July 30 – August 3. The theme is Fording the River of Service: No Oxen Needed. Not only will you transform Oregon with all the service you

Large Scale Service Project (LSSP)

By Center LTG Heather Shadduck

Top: Tom McCall Waterfront Park Left: Portland at night

What’s green, has hundreds of arms and legs, is located 2800 miles away, and could be the best

Right and Above: PACK’ers at last year’s Large Scale Service Project in Boston, Mass.

will do, but you will make some amazing friendships. This could be just what you need before the craziness of ICON begins!

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Allegheny LTG Hello PACK! My name is

Steph Wieland and I am the new Allegheny Lieutenant Governor. I go to the University of Pittsburgh- Oakland, where I study German and Psychology. In my free time I love to scuba dive, ski, and scrapbook. My favorite candy is Nerds Rope. Most people don’t know this, but I collect Snapple fact lids, and have almost every one of them! I look forward to getting to know everyone across the state this coming year!!

Capital LTG Hello Mighty

Pennsylvania! My name is Kasey Nye and I am so excited to introduce myself as the 2007-2008 Capital Lieutenant Governor. I am currently a junior at Millersville University majoring in Elementary Education. In my spare time I love hanging out with my friends and family and being quizzed on Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. I recommend trying it sometime; you will learn a ton of fun facts about them! I look forward to doing a ton of service and creating unforgettable memories. Always remember that I am here for you guys, so if you ever have any questions do not hesitate to ask!

Center LTG Hello PA District! I am

Heather Shadduck and your Center Division Lieutenant Governor for the 2007-2008 year! I am a sophomore at Penn State University – University Park majoring in Political Science. After PSU, I plan on attending law school with a long list of ambitions to follow. I faithfully watch Grey’s Anatomy, spend way too much money on coffee at Starbucks, and love watching the New York Yankees! I hope to have a lot of interclubbing for the Center Division and really great divisional service events. It’s going to be a fantastic year with the Center Division and the PACK!

Appalachian LTG Hi PA Circle K’ers! My

name is Mike Castrignano and I’m the current Lieutenant Governor of the Appalachian Division. I attend Susquehanna University with a double major in Communications and Political Science and a minor in Film Studies. Outside of Circle K, I am involved with Alpha Phi Omega, a co-ed service fraternity, and will be serving as our Vice President of Service. I am also active with our yearbook, the Gamers Club, and will be working at our radio station this fall. I am excited about this year working with everyone and hope that we have a successful year of service. Hope to meet you all soon!

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Membership Dev. and Ed. Chair Hey there PACK! My

name is Jess Krum, and I am so pleased to be serving as your MD&E chair. I am going to be a senior at Penn State majoring in Biobehavioral Health. In the past three years, I have served as my club's Vice President and MD&E chair. Outside of Circle K, I love spending time with friends and family, traveling, any outdoor or mountain activity, and just living life. If you ever have any questions or just want to talk, shoot me an email or look for the girl that is always dancing. I look forward to meeting all of you Everyday Heroes. We will have an amazing year!

Information Technology Chair Hello PACK! I am Nate

Pfister, your District IT Chair and can't wait to see what this new year brings! A few things about me...I love to work with computers and enjoy doing web design; I have taken many classes on both. I have big ambitions for this upcoming year as to what to do with the website. I will be a junior at Shippensburg University where I am majoring in Management Information Systems.

Metro LTG Hi! My name is Bonnie

Serenkin and I am serving as this year’s Metro Lieutenant Governor. I have held this position for the last two years and am proud to serve the Metro division year for another year. I am currently a junior at West Chester University where I am a dual major in Elementary and Special Education with a Literacy minor with the hope to be a Kindergarten teacher. This year not only has a great DSP, but also a great Governor’s Project! I cannot wait to see everything Metro and PA can do and hope everyone is up for the challenge. Get ready for a great year!

Service Chair Hey PACK! My name is

Mindy Bozick and I am so happy to be your new Service Chair for the 2007- 2008 CK year! I am a freshman at Juniata College, but I will be attending the University of Pittsburgh- Greensburg next year. I am an English Education major and I can’t wait to be a teacher. My favorite color is green, I love rock music, and spring. Most importantly, I love the PACK and I am looking forward to serving with you this year…it’s going to rock!

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Special Events Chair Hello PACK’ers! My

name is Dan Aiello, and I am the Special Events Chair for 2007-2008 and my club’s President. I am now starting my fifth year in the Kiwanis Family and am currently a freshman Elementary and Special Education double major at Millersville. I may go to school in Lancaster, but I was born and raised in the Pittsburgh area, cheering on my beloved Steelers, Penguins, Pirates, and Panthers. My goals this year are to come in contact with each club in the Mighty PA District, along with planning the most awesome InterPACK! Don’t be afraid to say, “Hey!”

May 2007 Page 7

member benefits on the side menu and click. There you will be able to click on the business reflector link to register. To the old board I say well done and I expect that all possible awards will be applied for by May 1st because it’s always good to see hard work paying off with the appropriate recognition. Kady and the new team, just keep up the pace that you started with and continue to draw on the ever ready Kiwanis Support that you have in Pennsylvania. Please feel free to contact me at any time through email ([email protected]) and telephone (1-876-385-5256). Be blessed!

Greetings PA! A new administrative year is here! New leaders, new goals but same Circle K. As many of you know I am Nadine Muschette, Circle K International Vice President, but more importantly for you, I serve as your Liaison up to August 2007 when you will elect your first International Representative. As the new year gets going, it’s in every club's best interest to set goals that align with the new District goals. You are also encouraged to make contact and begin solidifying relationships with other clubs in your area and in your new subregion that contains the West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky-Tennessee Districts. Please continue to keep abreast of CKI happenings by getting registered to the business reflector. To register go to and click on member. Then find

Above: The 2007-2008 District Board

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“Steel” continued from page 1.

Delegates was the much anticipated, and often enjoyed President’s Banquet. There PACK’ers enjoyed a delicious dinner and the presentation of awards for the year. It was great to see how much Pennsylvania really accomplished over the year, and recognize those hardworking clubs for a great job! Following the banquet, the Governor’s Ball was filled with dancing and many great jams thanks to DJ Kady Snyder! Our weekend wasn’t over, for Sunday brought the Farewell Breakfast, where old officers were retired, new officers were installed, and many goodbyes were said. But those goodbyes were bittersweet, for in just another short year we will all be back together again in Hershey, PA to celebrate yet another year of the greatness that is the Pennsylvania District Circle K!

(Club pictures can be seen on page 11!)

“Governor” continued from page 2.

signatures of the mighty membership across Pennsylvania. You are the reason Circle K exists and whether you’ve donated 15 hours to Circle K or 150 hours to Circle K, we appreciate your efforts and are thankful to have you as a part of our family. This year we have so much to look forward to, and it all begins right now, today! This year’s District Service Project provides a ton of opportunities for growth and interaction with the Kiwanis Family. Make that first step and reach out to your Kiwanis Family clubs right away. The Governor’s Project, “PA Circle K vs. Multiple Sclerosis” gives us a chance to show this terrible disease what PA Circle K is made of. Throughout the year, we are asking for you to voice your opinions and get involved with the District level. To help make this happen, we have opened up all District Board meetings to anyone in Circle K and have asked our officers time and time again to use the District Board as a resource. No dream is too big this year. Starting right now, it’s time to take Circle K to the next level of excellence. That can only be done with each and every one of you, and I have no doubt in my mind that when we all work together, we’ll need to strap on our wings and get ready to soar to new heights. So, PA Circle K, let’s get this show on the road and get excited for a year you will never forget!!

May 2007 Page 8

“Trail” continued from page 4.

For more information about ICON, please call or email District Treasurer Elesha to get on the ICON list which will receive updates about cheap flights and other need-to-know convention information.

Onto International Convention (OTIC) Chair Elesha Franks

Email: [email protected]

Left: Portland, OR and Mt. Hood. Below: PACK’ers at a District Dinner.

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May 2007 Page 9

East Site at UPenn By Metro LTG Bonnie Serenkin

On April 15, SPOT East gathered clubs from the Metro and Capital Divisions. It was a great turnout and an excellent chance to gather information and meet new people. Not only did the officers receive extensive training, they had a chance to learn about the International structure changes, and have a one on one meeting with Governor Kady and District Treasurer Elesha. In their spare time, the officers and members were invited to learn about the upcoming District Service Project and Governor’s Project. A small roundtable was held to discuss ideas and figure out how to make this year the best yet. The clubs also received extremely informative leadership training from Rick Sanker. The divisions had a chance to talk to their Lieutenant Governor about concerns and goals for the upcoming year. University of Pennsylvania hosted a service project of making blankets. A large amount of blankets were made and people seemed really enthusiastic about the project. Following the training, everyone was invited to dinner at Pizza Rustica. A portion of our bill was going to be put towards our Governor’s Project. It was a lot of fun and a great chance for people to talk. SPOT is the first chance to really assess how much our district will succeed in the year. Based on the turnout and passion of all attending officers and members, it is safe to say we are in for an amazing year!

West Site at IUP By District Editor Brett Cutright

On April 15, over forty PACK officers from Western and Central Pennsylvania were officially trained for the 2007-2008 year. Rain and even snow couldn’t keep these dedicated officers from a day filled with activities ranging from a session with their respective trainers, a presentation on the new District Service and Governor’s Projects, and an update from Circle K International, and an educational session on leadership. There were also door prizes and a service project that benefited the Indiana County Humane Society. One of the many new ideas implemented at SPOT was a “one on one” session with club officers, District Secretary Stacy, and District Editor Brett. Officers were able to express their comments and questions about the upcoming year, CKI, and District Board expectations. While the District Board ran the show, SPOT West would not have been possible without the help of Adriane McGraw, Gina Antonucci, Natasha Kaplan and the rest of IUP Circle K!

Top: Westminster CK’ers wait for the day’s activities.

Right: Duquesne CK and Pitt-Oakland CK talk with Allegheny LTG Steph.

Above: Mansfield CK Right: Susquehanna CK

Above: Elizabethtown CK’ers talk with Capital LTG sKasey.

Right: CK’ers listen to Rick Sanker talk about leadership.

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May 2007 Page 10

By Vice President Elizabeth Provenzano Some members from La Salle University Circle K went to East Fall, PA to help with the Career Wardrobe. This organization provides women in need of nice interview and work clothes so that they can look professional for interviews and their jobs. There have been over 40,000 women helped and seventy percent say that they’ve gotten jobs because of the Career Wardrobe’s help and generosity. We were able to sort clothes and discard some that were not suitable. The next time that we help with the Career Wardrobe, we will actually be helping women picking out nice outfits.

On April 25th, members of Susquehanna University Circle K went to the Ronald McDonald House, in Danville, to cook dinner for the residents. They made English muffin pizzas, salad, and baked brownies. The Ronald McDonald House is a place where families can stay when their seriously ill children are at Geisinger Medical Center, a nearby hospital. By having dinner prepared for the parents, it gives them one less thing to worry about during their stressful day. All of the residents are always thankful when outside organizations come to cook for them dinner. Our Circle K goes to the Ronald McDonald House at least once a month, and it is definitely one of the favorite projects amongst our members.

University of Pennsylvania CK’ers

By Vice President Amy Cheung Throughout Easter

weekend our club was able to help with various Easter Egg hunts throughout Philadelphia. “Hop at the Zoo” took place at the Philadelphia Zoo. There members were able to help kids create Easter crafts. Children could also visit the animals and received candy. Another event took place at our local library. CK’ers were in charge of dying and hiding the eggs for the hunt, painting faces, and cleaning up afterwards. Children participated in the annual egg hunt, played various games, and ate a variety of snacks provided by our Circle K and Kiwanis Club. Each child received a book at the end of the day.

By Vice President Jen Cullin

Above: Susquehanna bakes for the Ronald McDonald House.

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5) Susquehanna 6) Shippensburg

7) IUP 8) West Chester

1) Penn State-University Park 2) District Board 3) Elizabethtown

4) Pittsburgh-Johnstown









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By Vice President Scott Wilson

May 2007 Page 12

By Vice President Meghan Harding Our club put on its fifth annual senior prom on April 27. We held it at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church social hall. The prom theme was "Masquerade Ball" and people dressed up in masks and bright colors. Almost seventy senior citizens attended the dance for fun, food, and dancing. We hired a disk jockey and catering service for the meal, and the Edinboro Kiwanis Club donated desserts. We also held a Chinese auction with twenty donated prizes. The event was a huge success! All of the senior citizens were saying that they couldn't wait until next year to come again.

fifteen minutes for a dollar. At around 8pm, there was a luminary ceremony. This ceremony included bags with the names of loved ones with cancer placed all of the way around the track with candles in them as a touching tribute. Despite the rain, our teams persevered and had at least one person walking from each team until the event was called off early due to the intense rain that came around two in the morning. When it was all said and done almost $100,000 was raised towards the fight against cancer, and we had a bit of fun in the process!

Early on a Saturday morning in April, students started congregating to the PSU Ag Arena for State College’s third annual Relay for Life. This was the first year that Circle K had an official team, and there was so much interest from our club that we had enough people for two teams! The event started with a moving speech from a cancer survivor, followed by the first laps in which all of the participants in the relay walked. There were small fundraisers and games all day long including things like: a root beer pong tournament, a cake walk, and an area where you could have someone “arrested” and put in jail for

Above: PSU-UP CK’ers participating in the root beer pong tournament.

By Vice President Bridget Noonan On April 14, members of Pitt Circle K traveled to the Center for Creative Play, in Pittsburgh, to play with forty children who came to engage in productive play activities, such as art projects and musical experimentation. Justin Aaron and Bobby Gaunt helped children in the art room by hanging up finished projects and cleaning the painting area. Members, Joe Tesoriero and Bridget Noonan, patrolled the main play area to make sure that toys were not being taken to the wrong areas of the playroom and inspected the dress-up bins for any tattered costumes. Disinfecting the toys was also another task that our members performed and so was helping the staff of the clean up after a large birthday party. Then we were free to play with the kids and make sure that everyone was enjoying their time at the Center! The indoor tree house and miniature kitchen were the places in which the kids had the most fun playing. This project was a highly enjoyed by the members that participated!

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A Long Project Name Can Have Its P.E.R.K.’s By Service Chair Mindy Bozick

As you all probably know, this year’s District Service Project, or DSP, is focused on promoting Kiwanis Family relations. This year, all of Pennsylvania Circle K will be working hard on building relations between each of Kiwanis’ Family Branch. In case you need a small refresher, here is a rundown of the branches:

Kiwanis: our parent organization Circle K: the attractive college and university

students Key Club: high school students

Builders Club: middle school and junior high students

K-Kids: elementary school students Aktion Club: adults with disabilities.

With this DSP, you have probably already figured out, it will be hard to get tons of service hours while working towards the district goals. That is why this year our success with the DSP will be measured in PERK (Promoting Excellent Relations with the Kiwanis Family) points. These are kept track of through your club secretary. For more information on PERK Points contact Secretary Stacy at [email protected]. The goal is 10 per member. You can do it! The District Directory will be coming out shortly and when you receive it, you can start giving all of the K Family clubs in your area a call. Get together with them and do a service project or attend each others’ meetings. Our goal this year is to use our PACK enthusiasm and our

young adult energy to make Kiwanis Family Relations the thing to do. If you are looking in the directory and you see that your area is missing a member of the K Family, don’t fret…SPONSOR ONE! District Editor Brett would be absolutely thrilled to help your club get the process started. This year’s DSP may not seem like it’s very important because it isn’t focused on service, but believe me, it’s the exact opposite. Building our family is so important because the stronger our family bonds are, the better we can serve our communities.

2007-2008 District Goals These are Pennsylvania’s District Goals. The tracking period will be from April 1, 2007 until March 31, 2008. Each issue of “The Krier” will include an update of Pennsylvania’s progress.

1. The Pennsylvania District of Circle K International will strive to obtain 1000 members. 2. The Pennsylvania District of Circle K International will perform a total of at least 45,000 reported

service hours for the 2007-2008 Circle K year. 3. The clubs of the Pennsylvania District of Circle K International will earn an average of 10 PERK

Points per member. 4. The clubs of the Pennsylvania District of Circle K International will raise an average of $5 per

member for the Governor’s Project. 5. The Pennsylvania District of Circle K International will see a 15% increase of membership

attendance during the 2007-2008 Circle K year at District and International events.

Right: District Gov., Kady Snyder, and PA Builders Club, District Admin., Jason Thomas talk about Circle K and Builders Club.

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District Editor -Brett Cutright

Journalism Committee -Kara Baxter, West Chester -Emily Claus, Shippensburg -Rebecca Eddinger, Penn State-University Park -Amanda Lengel, Millersville -Jenna Leverknight, Pittsburgh-Johnstown -Amanda Marfisi, Elizabethtown

2007-2008 Class of PACK Vice Presidents

2007-2008 District Board

Disclaimer: The Krier is the Official Publication of the Pennsylvania District of Circle K International. This publication is supported by the district dues. All members are encouraged to submit articles. They may be edited for length and clarity. Please submit articles to District Editor Brett Cutright at [email protected].

Kiwanis Night at the Phillies By District Editor Brett Cutright

Look out for:

Club Updates Project Updates and much, much


an ICON and LSSP Wrap Up

an InterPACK Preview

What’s a better way to spend a summer evening than at a baseball game? Join Kiwanians from all over Pennsylvania for Kiwanis Night at the Phillies! On Saturday, June 30, the Philadelphia Phillies will take on the New York Mets on home turf at Citizens Bank Park. The game will start 3:55 PM. Each Aktion Club that sells at least ten tickets will receive three dollars from each ticket they have sold. Aktion Clubs are a branch of the Kiwanis Family that includes adults with disabilities. Tickets sold by Kiwanis Clubs that

do not currently sponsor an Aktion club will go into an account for at most two years that will benefit new Aktion Clubs. They are able to participate in projects that may be very similar to your club’s projects. For more information and tickets please contact Governor Kady Snyder at [email protected]. Come join fellow Pennsylvania Kiwanis Family members for a night at the ballpark and help out a great cause! Hope to see you there!

May 2007 Page 14

Above: The Philadelphia Phillies mascot, the Phillie Phanatic.

Above: The Philadelphia skyline at dusk.