the kundalini

The Kundalini

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The Kundalini. Location of the Kundalini. The kundalini energy resides in the sacrum bone, when dormant (sleeping state), in 3 and a half coils. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The  Kundalini

The Kundalini

Page 2: The  Kundalini

Location of the Kundalini

• The kundalini energy resides in the sacrum bone, when dormant (sleeping state), in 3 and a half coils.

• When a person gets his/hers self-realization, this energy is awakened and it starts to rise and move up to the Sahasrara (the 7th energy centre), at the level of the Limbic area.

• Enroute, it enlightens the Spirit (at the level of the Heart) and all the chakras.

Page 3: The  Kundalini

Kundalini Construction

The kundalini is made up of strands, similar to those found in a rope.

Page 4: The  Kundalini

Strands in the Kundalini

The Number of strands in the Kundalini are

21 ** 108 (21 raised to the power of 108)

That is

21 x 21x ……………x21 (108 times)

Page 5: The  Kundalini

Number of strands in the Kundalini

This number is equal to:

630 49817 12741 68789 20379 39308 04828 38280 94091 75992 95791 41921 35315 98775 71193 74999 35477 82037 42004 55106 04015 71289 19695 46110 60638 69746 94738 11259 61361

Page 6: The  Kundalini

The Size of this Number

That is,It is bigger than 630 followed by 140 zeros

Which is • 630 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

Page 7: The  Kundalini

How large is this number?

• A Million has 6 zeros in it (1,000,000)

• A Billion has 9 zeros in 1t (1,000,000,000)

• A Trillion has 12 zeros in it (1,000,000,000,000)

Page 8: The  Kundalini

How large is this number?

• A Septillion has 24 zeros: 1024

• A Decillion has 33 zeros: 1033

• A Novemdecillion has 80 zeros: 1080

• A Googol has 100 zeros 10100

Page 9: The  Kundalini

Large Numbers in Everyday World

• Cells in a human body 1014

• Stars in the observable universe 1023

•Size of the observable universe (metres) 1027

• Atoms in the observable universe 1082

• Strands in the Kundalini 10143