the lake-sumter gazette - · may 2016...

May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette 1 LAKE-SUMTER CHAPTER OF THE The Lake-Sumter Gazette Editor: Bob Beightol May 2016 From the President’s Desk A Message from Jerry Hardwich, President At the chapter meeting earlier this month, I was installed as your new President. I am looking forward to working with all of the members in our chapter to add onto what has been accomplished in the past. Several areas of personal interest to me involve the communications with each and every current, past, and future member. First, I want to contact all of our current members in order to get a better appreciation of your interests in the chapter. What can we do to improve our chapter? What are your personal needs regarding the chapter? Second, if you haven’t been attending recently, what can we do to aid you in being more active? Some of our members may no longer be able to drive, so possibly we could develop car pooling to get you to our meetings. I will be giving you a call to see what we can do for you whatever your situation.

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette



The Lake-Sumter Gazette Editor: Bob Beightol May 2016

From the President’s Desk A Message from Jerry Hardwich, President

At the chapter meeting earlier this month, I was installed as your new President. I am looking forward to working with all of the members in our chapter to add onto what has been accomplished in the past. Several areas of personal interest to me involve the communications with each and every current, past, and future member.

First, I want to contact all of our current members in order to get a better appreciation of your interests in the

chapter. What can we do to improve our chapter? What are your personal needs regarding the chapter?

Second, if you haven’t been attending recently, what can we do to aid you in being more active? Some of our members may no longer be able to drive, so possibly we could develop car pooling to get you to our meetings. I will be giving you a call to see what we can do for you whatever your situation.

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


Third, do you have any sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, or cousins that we could extend an offer to join the SAR? Please let me know.

Fourth, and finally, why did we lose members over the past few years? Possibly they just forgot to renew. In other words, for those members that have “dropped”, why did they drop?

Let us now turn to events of our Patriot ancestors.

As the days go past, the weather for May continues to get warmer with rain showers beginning each afternoon. Planting for many of our Patriot ancestors is well underway. Attention begins to turn to thoughts of taking up arms once again to liberate us from the jaws of the English.

Several events that occurred during this month in our Patriot’s history include:

• On May 25, 1787, the Constitutional Convention began in Philadelphia with delegates

from seven states forming a quorum.

• A few days later, on May 29, 1787, at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia the Virginia Plan was proposed calling for a new government consisting of a legislature with two houses, an executive branch chosen by legislature, and a judicial branch.

• On May 29, 1736, American revolutionary leader Patrick Henry (1736-1799) was born in Studley, Virginia. He is best remembered for his speech in 1775 declaring: “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.”

In closing, we continue to plant the seeds of patriotism. Our patriot relatives knew what was meant by these words. God bless our patriot relatives for what they did to persevere and save our country. All the best to each and every member. Good health, prosperity, and happiness.

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


Meet Compatriot and Past President Ralph D Nelson

Ralph is a retired chemist/ chemical engineer who developed an interest in history during his retirement. Following post-doctoral work, he taught chemistry at several colleges then earned a degree in chemical engineering. Leaving academia, he joined the DuPont Company, where he provided technical assistance to pigment plants in Delaware and New Jersey and later served over a decade as an in-house engineering consultant solving problems world-wide in powder dispersion. Ralph’s SAR membership began in the Delaware Society on November 17, 1989. He became an out-of-state dual member in Florida on October 17, 2000, and transferred to Florida as his primary state on January 1, 2007, becoming a dual member in Delaware. He has served in many offices from Chapter Treasurer to Vice-President General for the International District (twice) and a member of the national Executive Committee (twice). He created, and from 2004 through 2008 edited, the SAR website called “The Real Story of the American Revolution”. He became a Minuteman of the SAR in 2000. He served as State Historian for the FLSSAR from 2013-2015. Since 2000, he has been helping develop the educational and tourism potential of the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail (W3R-NHT), established in 2009. This is a joint project of the SAR, DAR, National Park Service and many other historical organizations. Ralph

has served as the incorporator, chair and website editor of the coordinating group, the W3R-US – see (CTL + Click to follow link.) Ralph has six documented patriots. Joseph Chessman was the longest serving of these. In 1775 he was a Lieutenant in a Manhattan, NY, regiment that became the First New York Continentals. After his family evacuated New York City during the British invasion and city-wide fire, Joseph served as Captain of Artificers, building the forts and barracks that kept the infant nation from being cut in two by British forces. Joseph received his final pay when the British evacuated from New York City in 1783. He continued his trade as a carpenter. Joseph is buried in Hempstead, Long Island, NY, in a grave with an SAR marker.

Editor’s Note: Many thanks to Compatriot Nelson for making his autobiography available for reprinting in the Gazette.

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


SAR JROTC Bronze Medal Presented at Mount Dora High School

By Bob Beightol

The intent of this article is two-fold: (1) to report the presentation of the award; and (2) to relay my experience as a first time presenter with insight into what you might expect when it is your turn to represent our Chapter at an awards ceremony. My presentation involved the JROTC at Mount Dora High School. What I expected was a relatively small gathering of uniformed cadets with a smattering of parents attending a banquet with a few awards. What I got was a lot different, but more about that later. For my part, not wanting to look foolish and reflect badly upon our Chapter, I prepared a short speech with information about our organization and the purpose of the medal, to be presented to the cadet, who’s name I knew, but had never actually met. With a little practice in front of a mirror, I had the whole operation down, flawlessly providing information on the SAR, the JROTC Bronze award, handling the certificate, and pinning on the medal, with time for a photo opportunity all in a little under three minutes. I was ready, I thought! Now let me tell you how it really went. On April 28, 2016, my wife and I attended the Mount Dora High School, Air Force Junior ROTC 2016 Awards Banquet, to present the medal and certificate to High School Junior, Cadet 1LT Kofi Blake. As previously mentioned, I assumed the awards banquet would be a small affair with a limited number of JROTC students and family members. The event was actually attended by 106 JROTC cadets, accompanied by parents, siblings and friends, and was anything but small. There was a grand total of thirty-eight presenters

with awards ranging from medals with certificates, to $2,000.00 college scholarships. Each presenter was assigned a JROTC cadet escort, mine being last year’s SAR award winner, Cadet CPT Bryant Edwards-Jordan. During the evening, in addition to keeping tabs on me and answering my many questions, Cadet CPT Edwards-Jordan was busy receiving awards himself, the first a JROTC medal for being a member of “Echo” Flight, the best JROTC flight for 2016; followed with two separate college scholarship awards. Cadet CPT Edwards-Jordan will be attending Lake-Sumter Community College in the fall, majoring in Criminal Justice ultimately leading to a career in Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement. To expedite the award ceremonies, Master of Ceremonies, MAJ Andrew C Scott, Senior Aerospace Science Instructor, took charge. He informed us that he would announce the name of the presenter’s organization, briefly explain the purpose of the award and identify

Compatriot Beightol presents JROTC Cadet 1LT Kofi Blake with the SAR Bronze ROTC


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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


the winner. The presenter would then move smartly to the podium where he would meet the awardee, present the award, pause momentarily for a photo opportunity, and then have one minute to speak about their organization. There was no time for pinning on the medal and the medal and certificate would merely be handed to the cadet. This turned what initially appeared to be an evening of endless presentations into a very efficient and interesting operation; however, it did play havoc with my prepared presentation speech. In the end, all went well despite the fact that I never got to talk to our award winner; however, as an early presenter, I was then able to relax and pay attention to the awards given out during the remainder of the evening.

My advice to future presenters, is talk to whomever made the presentation the previous year for specific details, if possible, if not, plan for both scenarios of a presentation speech; and a one-minute verbal description of the SAR. Search out and spend a few minutes with your awardee beforehand, as there won’t be an opportunity after the presentation. Be prepared to answer questions from other guests about the SAR as you will get many. If you have a uniform, wear it, you won’t be the only one, but in my opinion, ours are the best looking. Most of all, be prepared to spend the evening being amazed by the caliber of some of our younger generation. Personally, I left the banquet extremely impressed by the young cadets and not quite so fearful for our future.

Chapter Meeting – May 7, 2016 Photos by Allan Lane

Our meeting was opened by outgoing President Ralph Nelson and closed by incoming President Gerald Hardwich, both assisted by Secretary Edward Riley.

Past President Nelson President Hardwich Secretary Riley

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


Color Guard

The Chapter Color Guard, consisting of Commander Glenn Langston, and Compatriots Jerry Hardwich, Ken Mosher and George Chaffee posted the colors at the onset of the membership meeting as seen in the first photo. In the second photo, as the colors were retired, with the precisian of a well-oiled machine, newly installed President Hardwich was replaced in the procession by out-going President Ralph Nelson. Well done Color Guard, and many thanks.

Chaplain’s Report

Chaplain Robert Moody had received no new information on anyone ailing from within the Chapter family. He reported that his own health has improved with the completion of his treatment and transition into the rehabilitation phase. Chaplain Moody presented DAR Kay Nelson with labels and box tops collected by our members. DAR Nelson and Chaplain Moody reported that the label program is changing August 1, 2016, and Campbell’s Soup labels will no longer be included in the program; however, box tops from other manufacturers are still of value. The last collection date for Campbell Soup labels will be the June 2016 meeting.

Registrar’s Report

Compatriot John Moore reported that he had exhausted his list of potential SAR members. He urged Compatriots to renew their efforts to identify potential members. Additionally, he asked that the members keep in touch with their referrals and if the individual has changed his mind about joining the SAR that he be notified immediately to eliminate wasted time and efforts.

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Treasurer’s Report Compatriot Ronald Grove reported on the status of the Chapter finances at the end of April 2016, and provided a Treasury Report and an Operations Report. Questions concerning the Chapter finances or either report can be directed to Compatriot Grove.

Color Guard

Color Guard Commander, Glenn Langston, took the opportunity to remind members that the next parade will be in Tavares, Florida, on July 4th, starting at 5:00 pm. As always, uniforms are encouraged, but not required. For those who choose to ride, a vehicle will be available.

JROTC – Eagle Scout Report

Compatriot Bill Hayes, Chairman, JROTC – Eagle Scout Committee, reported that so far this year, eight new Eagle Scouts have been identified with three more pending who will probably be confirmed at a Board of Review scheduled for May 10th. Compatriot Hayes advised there is potential for a total of twenty new Eagle Scouts for this year. In conclusion, Compatriot Hayes added that Eagle Scout Andrew Keegan, winner of the Lake-Sumter SAR Chapter Eagle Scout Essay Contest, will be presented with his medal during the upcoming week.

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


New Member Induction President Ralph Nelson conducts the induction ceremony for our newest member, Compatriot Matthew Wiltshire. Congratulations Matt, and welcome to both he and his wife, Meg.

Ocklawaha DAR Chapter Awards

Past Regent Kay Nelson, Ocklawaha DAR Chapter, presented Certificates of Appreciation to six SAR members for their assistance in the celebration of the Ocklawaha DAR Chapter’s 100th birthday on March 12, 2016. Compatriot’s Jerry Hardwich, Glenn Langston and Scott Bushnell of the Lake-Sumter SAR Chapter; plus, Compatriot’s Dave Bussone and Ron Toops (absent from the photo) from The Villages SAR Chapter, performed in uniform as the color guard. Compatriot Beightol assisted as the unofficial photographer and official laborer. Past Regent Kay Nelson is third from left in the photo.

President Ralph Nelson, Matt Wiltshire and wife, Meg.

Meg Wiltshire pins the SAR rosette on our newest Compatriot, her husband Matt.

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


Bonus Photo


Mr David Shuckstes, retired Aerospace Engineer, presented to the membership information on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the next generation Hubble telescope. Using narrative, slide presentation and video, Mr Shuckstes described the program from purpose, through design and construction, and into the scheduled launch and deployment in 2018.

Mr. David Shuckstes discussing a slide during his presentation on depicting the sections of the James Webb Space Telescope.

Phyllis and David Shuckstes awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by President Ralph Nelson.

This photo, taken at the Ocklawaha DAR Chapter’s 100th Birthday Celebration was taken by Regent Sheri Hudson, John Bartram DAR Chapter, and was received via Compatriot David Bussone. Depicted are Compatriots Ron Toops, Glenn Langston, Scott Bushnell, David Bussone, and Jerry Hardwich. Thank you Regent Hudson.

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


Installation of 2016 – 2017 Chapter Officers

Past President Steven Offutt administers the oath of office to newly elected Chapter President Jerry Hardwich. Past President Offutt was Compatriot Harwich’s sponsor when he was inducted

into the SAR.

Past President Scott Bushnell swears in the remaining newly elected officers: Compatriot George Chaffee, 2nd Vise President; Compatriot Alan Lane, 1st Vice President; Compatriot Ron

Grove, Treasurer; and Compatriot Edward Riley, Secretary.

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


World War II Veterans

The first act of newly elected President Jerry Hardwich was to pay homage to our two World War II veterans, Compatriots Don Voorhees (Left) and Glen Langston (Right). Thank you for your service!

Meeting Attendees

*Dual Members with primary Chapter being The Villages SAR.

Members Guests 1 Beightol, Robert 2 Burns, Frank 1 Burns, Diane 3 Bushnell, Scott 2 Bushnell, Myra 4 Bussone, David* 5 Chaffee, George 6 Grove, Ronald 7 Hampton, Don 8 Hardwich, Gerald 3 Hardwich, Diane 9 Hayes, Bill 10 Lane, Hubert 4 Vertis, Lane 11 Langston, Glenn 12 Moody, Robert 13 Moore, John 14 Mosher, Ken * 15 Nelson, Ralph 5 Nelson, Kay 16 Offutt, Stephen 17 Offutt, Richard 18 Riley, Edward 19 Offutt, Stephen 20 Wiltshire, Matthew 6 Wiltshire, Meg 7 Shuckstes, David 8 Shuckstes, Phyllis 9 Foster, Greg

If you attended the meeting and your name is not on the list … THEN YOU DID NOT SIGN IN!!!

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Lake-Sumter SAR Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, will also be the last before the summer break. We hope to see you there. Details of the meeting are as follows:

Date: June 4, 2016 Time: 11:00 AM - General Membership Meeting 10:00 AM - Executive Committee Meeting. Members are encouraged to attend. Place: John Gela Memorial American Legion Post 219, 194 West Fountain St, Fruitland Park, FL Speaker: Compatriot Tom Wilcox, Adult Services Librarian, Leesburg Public Library.

Topic: Revolutionary War Women 1775 – 1783: Compatriot Wilcox will bring us a PowerPoint presentation about some of our female patriots, some well-known and some forgotten; listing their exploits, sacrifices and conduct during our War of Independence. Included will be some discussion of the women whose husbands remained loyal to the Crown and the consequences of their choice. Lunch: The Post will be serving their BBQ sandwiches or plates with pork & chicken, baked beans, slaw, and a roll. Coffee $1 with free refills and deserts for $1.00. Canned soda is available in the meeting room.

Flag Certificates

Members, please be on the lookout for candidates for flag certificates -- proper display of the US flag. If a permanent display is in accordance with flag etiquette, we would like to honor those who are responsible. Should you find someone who warrants the honor, please notify the Flag Committee Chairman, Compatriot Glen Langston at [email protected].

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


This and That

Our Web Site: http:/ / SAR Historical Markers: Seen Any Lately? By Bob Beightol

My wife and I often travel and on many occasion have stumbled onto DAR historical markers in cemeteries, along road ways marking historic sites and one monument erected on the grounds of a presidential library; but, have found few SAR markers. However, on March 29, 2016, at the Kentucky Veteran’s

Cemetery – West, in Hopkinsville, KY, I saw a Revolutionary Soldier on a granite monument. As I neared the monument, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the monument had been placed in the cemetery with the assistance of a nearby SAR Chapter. The inscription read: “Erected by John Manire Chapter National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs in Memory of Christian County Kentucky Revolutionary War Veterans, July 4th 2012“. On the reverse side, was inscribed the names of Kentucky Revolutionary War Patriots and the states from which they served. A very impressive monument and an unexpected surprise. Unexpected as this was only the second site at which I had found an SAR memorial/ historical marker since my association with the SAR had

begun. The first site was at Memorial Park, Merritt Island, FL, near the site of the last naval battle of the Revolutionary War where two SAR markers were found. One marker at the spot where a “Liberty Tree” had been planted by the Brevard SAR Chapter. The second, a marker providing a historical synopsis of the naval battle, placed jointly by the Florida Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, the Canaveral Authority and the Florida Department of State. All of the described markers fit well within the parameters of both the specific 2015 – 2016 goal of NSSAR President General Thomas E Lawrence to “Enhance the SAR Legacy” and the NSSAR listed goal to “… commemorate and provide memorials for the people and events of the American Revolution”. My question is, where can other SAR markers be found? Have you

“stumbled” across an SAR monument or historical marker of particular interest or in an unexpected place? If you have, report the sighting to the Lake-Sumter SAR Gazette with the location, a brief description and maybe even a photo. I think we’d all love to hear about it!

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May 2016 Lake-Sumter Gazette


New SAR Lapel Pins: The new lapel pins have arrived and were distributed by Compatriot Grove, to those members who prepaid for the pins. In response to a question raised by Compatriot Steven Offutt, it was announced that the new pins are not replacing the rosette, but can be worn in addition to the rosette and will more easily identify the wearer as a member of the SAR. Biographies and Photos: Just a reminder that the Lake-Sumter Chapter web site has areas for both a personal biography and photo for each member. We are all looking forward to seeing yours! For an example, sign onto the Lake Sumter SAR web site; go to “Member’s Area”; click on “List Members”; and then click on “Bushnell”. If you haven’t been to the member’s area for a while, you’ll find some of the biographies have been updated and new ones added. Check it out, if for no other reason, than to see which one of our Compatriots was a member of the “Old Guard” in Washington D.C. Biographies – Editor’s Note: Recently, I was wondering why our Chapter web site hasn’t been inundated with Compatriots biographies for which we have been asking for months. Double checking the definition of Biography in the Merriam-Webster on line dictionary I found the correct definition of Biography to be: “… the story of someone’s life, written by someone other than that person.” The problem is that we have all been sitting around waiting for someone else to write our Biographies! What we should have been asking is for all Compatriots to write their “autobiography” or if you prefer give us the facts and maybe we can help you put your life story into the proper format. Either way, we need you to help us complete the history of the Lake-Sumter SAR Chapter by submitting your autobiography! Participation Points: Compatriots, remember the importance of tracking your participation points. Eligible events with point values can be found under the Admin section of the Lake Sumter SAR Chapter website. Updating Personal Information: Updating member information such as address, e-mail address, or phone number is the responsibility of the member. If you are registered on the state/ chapter website (which uses the same data base) and/ or the National website (a different data base) you can update your own information. If you aren’t registered on either, send the information to our Chapter Secretary Ed Riley, at [email protected]. He can then update the appropriate data base. New Book Review: Compatriot Tom Wilcox reports that a new book has arrived at the Leesburg Public Library. The book is entitled “The First Congress: How James Madison, George Washington, and a Group of Extraordinary Men Invented the Government” by Fergus M. Bordewich. The Washington Post review of this book can be found via the following link (Ctrl + Click to follow link): How the First Congress overcame huge obstacles to point the way for America

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Lake-Sumter Recruiting Table: Compatriot Tom Wilcox will be manning a recruitment table on behalf of the Lake-Sumter SAR Chapter at a gathering of veterans at the Royal Highlands Development, Leesburg, FL, beginning at 6:00 pm, May 21, 2016. Should any other member be interested in manning recruitment tables in the future, please notify President Hardwich. It should be noted that this veteran’s event is being held within the Royal Highlands, a gated community, and that names of attendees must be provided in advance. Many thanks to Compatriot Wilcox for volunteering his time and efforts.

Lake-Sumter Gazette Contact Information

Robert L Beightol Email: [email protected]

Phone: 850-206-7344

Compatriots, please submit all news items and photos you believe of interest to the membership, via email, with a name and telephone number for a point of contact. Remember, if you think it is interesting, chances are your fellow

members will too!