the life of lies

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  • 8/14/2019 The Life of Lies


    The life of liesChapter 1: A dare we share.

    Danan put a full stop at the end of his sentence.

    Done and centre.

    Ann looked Danan. Honestly Danan will soon be at a mental asylum she thought.

    Miss Cremshot is a homeless person you know

    So Miss Cremshot lives in a classroom?

    No she lives on the roads

    Yeah right

    Danan burst out laughing. Ann could be real funny sometimes. Miss Cremshot

    scowled at Danan.

    Danan, are you a monkey or a human?

    Danan shrugged his shoulders, whilst Ann started to smirk.

    Depends on how you look at it. I could probably be a vampire although I would not

    be telling you that.Miss Cremshot scowled again. Danan took no notice. He ruffled his jet black hair and

    his big dark blue eyes started to water out of boredom. Ann flipped her chestnut hair

    out of her eyes. Her exhaustion showed in her emerald green eyes. Her face, like

    Danan, was red and hot. Danan got his water bottle and started to drink from it. Ann

    raised an eyebrow at Danan.

    What are you looking at?

    Oh I dont know maybe the wall

    Ann hit him hard in the arm. Before Danan could protest he was interrupted.

    Danan, tell the class the homework.

    We got homework?

    Congratulations on your rubbish listening skills.A boy called Jack McKenzie put his hand up.

    Yes, Jack

    Miss you said nothing about homework

    Well Daniel has.

    Whos Daniel?

    You have homework now, Ann, for talking.

    Ann just shrugged her shoulders. It was good news for her that she had homework.

    There were never exciting events in Italy. The only things that were good and

    impressive were the restaurants. Danan didnt understand what Ann saw in

    homework. At last the bell rang. Danan stuffed everything in to his bag.

    How are going to do your research then?Danan sighed. Ann always did that. She would always ask how he was going to do his


    I guess I will have to go to the library.

    Ann had a mischievous grin on her face. Danan seeing this began to ask

    What are you grinning abo

    Lets get out of this classroom

    Danan grumbled, There was no need to interrupt me

    With that they ran out the classroom in to the corridors.


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    When at last they were finally in the playground and through the steel gates, they

    stopped running.

    Lets do a dare.

    Danan looked at Ann incredulously. The last time that they had done a real dare they

    had got in to serious trouble. Mr. Humpfrie was still always anxious to get into his

    shower.Okay, no way am I going into any burning, sweating woods

    No, this dare is more exciting and interesting than Mr. Humpfries shower.

    Danan raised an eyebrow. Anns idea of exciting things was sabotaging Mr.

    Humpfries bath days.

    Listen, I am not helping you to sabo.

    How many times do I have to tell you? Its a different dare, nothing to do with

    showers or if it makes you happy, nothing to do with water.

    Danan hated it when Ann became forceful; however, that was when she was the


    You have a very bad habit of interrupting people Danan told Ann.

    Yeah, my mother is always telling me how annoying that isWell, maybe just this once, you should take her word for it Danan suggested.

    Anyway, getting back to the dare

    Whoa! Who said anything about a dare? Danan cried frantically.

    Dont be such a coward Ann drawled in a bored voice.

    Why all of a sudden do you want to do a dare? enquired Danan

    Ann looked at Danan and sighed.

    Danan listen our life is so boring you knows full well Italy never does exciting

    events, so I thought why not a little adventure with each other.

    Danan looked at Ann. Ann always pulled that face which would make you give in an

    argument. She only did that when she knew that she was losing.

    Its not going to work with me Ann said Danan confidently.

    Fine if youre not going to do the dare can I at least tell you what it was?

    Danan hesitated. This was a trick of Anns; she never gave up in an argument.

    Alright fine but make it quick mumbled Danan

    The dare I was trying to tell you about was to go into that old deserted library.

    Danan looked outrageous. His mum made him promise not to go into that library. Yet

    again if he failed to disobey that his mum said not to touch anything in the library.

    Listen Ann it sounds fun but my mu

    Dont try that on me you never listen to your mum, youre just scared.

    Thats a lie said Danan.

    You know its true.Ann was right she always was. Danan didnt care at all what his mum says, he was

    just scared. He wasnt scared because of the rumours. He was scared of whether

    something dangerous was in there. Parents had their reasons for why things were not

    allowed. Mainly that they were dangerous.

    Dont worry nothing dangerous is going to be in there. replied Ann.

    Danan relaxed. You could never be sure what could happen. Danan thought.

    And he was absolutely right.

    So are you going to do the dare?

    Your on Danan challenged.

    Ill meet you in the park then we will walk to the library

    Danan groaned. He hated walking.


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    At last when Danan got to his doorstep he fished out his key out of his bag. When he

    entered his house he heard shouting. Same old, same old thought Danan. His sister

    and brother were always fighting. But it was different it was not his sister and brother

    Who was fighting. His brother was yelling at father. Danan walked into the living


    Whats gong on? Danan asked.Everyone stopped. Danans older brother Basalnan had tears in his eyes. Basalnan

    quickly wiped his tears away. It was too late.

    Why are you crying Basalnan?

    Basalnan smiled. Cos Im looking at your face.

    Danan looked at his brother. There was something wrong. Something had made his

    brother really sad that he could not make proper jokes. You could tell when Basalnan

    was joking because his eyes would sparkle. Now his eyes just looked boring and dead.

    Mum? enquired Danan

    Everything is alright dear replied mum with a sad smile.

    Basalnan ran up to his room and slammed his bedroom door. Danan looked around

    the living room. Where was his sister Shalayna? She was always here when there wasdrama in the house. Shalayna had a mental illness. So in order to get better the doctor

    said she should get more into the drama, but maybe not this type of drama.

    Where is Shalayna? asked Danan.

    His mother and father looked at each other. They were hiding something from Danan,

    because it would upset Danan.

    Danan ran upstairs into Shalaynas room. He circled the room like an eagle circling its


    Shalayna, hide and seek is over, come out now. No reply came.

    Shalayna Danan called into the empty room.

    Danan sat on the bed. What was going on? He decided that the only person that could

    answer his questions was Basalnan. Danan didnt like asking his brother questions

    because it made him look stupid but it was the only way. Danan walked to his

    brothers bedroom and knocked on the door.

    Go away; I dont want your disgusting spinach. Danan heard his brothers annoyed

    voice yell.

    My brother has gone mad after all Danan thought to himself. Danan barged into

    the room, even though he knew it was rude.

    There is something known as knocking Basalnan grumbled.

    I did knock, you pea brain.

    Basalnan scowled. What do you want?

    Ive come here to beat you up. Danan said sarcastically.Just tell me what you want because Im very busy.

    Alright, where is Shalayna?

    Basalnan stayed silent. Finally he spoke: I dont know.

    Yeah, you do, now tell me.

    I cant.

    Why? Danan asked irritable. Was anyone going to give him any answers?

    Mum told me not to tell you.

    So youre allowed to know whats going on, whereas Im not

    Fine, if you want to know so badly, okay then, Shalaynas been sent to a mental


    Why? Danan asked, thoroughly confused.


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    Because, she felt like having a cup of tea with the other mental people Basalnan

    replied harshly.

    TELL ME, WHY? Danan bellowed.


    CONTROL AT HOME Basalnan bellowed back.

    She was having another episode, mum couldnt control her, so she called a doctor,and they said that Shalayna needs full attention which she can only get in the

    hospital Basalnan explained sadly.

    The shock rendered Danan speechless. He fled the room, leaving Basalnan to wallow

    in his own grief. He flung himself onto his own bed in his own room, thinking of his

    older sister, all alone, with only mental people for company. What had started out as a

    normal day had now become a huge disaster. However, Danan had no idea how much

    worse things were going to get.

    Chapter 2 the library

    Thats horrible exclaimed Ann. It was a lovely shiny day. It was weather not

    suitable for the moment. Ever since Shalayna had gone Danan was not in a very

    happy mood.

    Shall we start going to the library?


    Ann backed away immediately. See you later or maybe not Ann replied dryly. Shestarted to walk away.

    Wait Ann Danan called after her. Ann turned around. She did as she was told, so as

    to prevent her from getting yelled at again.

    Listen, Im sorry for jumping on you like that. Its just that Im so upset and lost.

    Ann smiled comfortably. Its alright it happens, I think someone needs a hug.

    Danan smiled and walked up to her and hugged her. Ann did the same. They quickly


    Shall we start to go to the library then? asked Danan.

    Yeah we dont want to get back late.

    It was not a really long. By the time they got Danan wasnt even tired.

    Feeling active? Are you now? asked Ann

    Are we just going to stand here or are we going to go in? grumbled Danan.

    Ann laughed. So you do want to do the dare after all.

    Lets go in Im starting to feel hot complained Danan.

    Both of them walked to the door. Danan put his hand on the handle. He tried to push

    the door open but it neither would nor budge. Danan felt his temper rising at Ann. She

    knew full well that the door would be locked.

    The door is locked

    Yeah I know replied Ann as though there was no problem.

    So how are we going to get? asked Danan.

    We unlock the door of course didnt you know that? replied Ann incredulously.How do we do that? snapped Danan.


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    Ann shoved past Danan. She unzipped her bag. She took out an old tarnished hairclip.

    Danan looked at her.

    Will you stop doping around? snarled Danan. Ann just nodded her head.

    This is our key to get into the library. Ann explained. Danan opened his mouth to

    argue but Ann did her specialty and interrupted him.

    Go be the lookout while I unlock this door hissed Ann. Danan looked reluctant buthe did as he was told. He knew better when Ann gave a threatening look; it was sort

    of like a warning. Danan stood in front of Ann. He looked around the deserted streets.

    Ann probably didnt want me to know the trick, so thats why she sent me away. Hethought. Danan looked towards the house opposite him. Jack McKenzie (a boy who

    was a nerd and someone in his class) lived in that house. Danan could see someone

    watching them from behind the window. That someone was Jack. Danan had never

    acted fast in his whole life.



    IM NEARLY THERE QUIT SCREAMING. Ann screamed at him.

    WE HAVE TO HURRY, NOW. Danan yelled at Ann.Nearly there, done!

    Danan grabbed Anns hand and dragged her along into the library with him. Ann

    locked the door again. Danan was still holding her hand, when he realised this he let

    go immediately. Danan looked around his surroundings. There were shelves of books

    all covered in dust. Danan started to wonder around. Ann followed behind him. Danan

    saw a table cloth laid on the table. It was covered in blood. So far Danan wasnt


    Something bad must have happened which probably caused the library to shut

    down. Ann said in a confident voice. Danan thought about this. Something caught

    Danans eyes. It was an unopened letter. Well it must have been because the envelop

    wasnt open. Danan opened the envelop and took the letter out.

    Hey Ann come and look at what I found. Danan called.

    Ann was wondering near some shelves. She walked over towards Danan.

    Oooh a letter lets read it then.

    Okay hem coughed Danan.

    Dear Jim I hope you dont mind but I think it would be better if the library was

    shut down. I know its stupid but everyone is in danger and I dont mean

    everyone that comes to the library. I mean everyone in the estate. Since you

    refuse to remove that troublesome book of yours out of the library. We are

    all in danger because of that book. You say that it can never be destroyed

    well it s possible to save other people from reading it like I know this reallymischievous boy. He is the sort of person that will sometime have the book. I

    am not writing the books title in case this falls into the wrong hands. I do

    not want that boy in danger because he IS MY SON. So you either remove

    that book or the library shuts down. T.L

    Danan looked at the handwriting. It looked strangely familiar somehow.

    Well thats very interesting said Ann awkwardly.

    Yeah it is, do you know what this means?

    No replied Ann tiredly.

    It means that one of these books is dangerous. Danan said to mystically.

    Ann rolled her eyes.


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    Look at what T.L says in the letter, he or she thinks that the book will always be

    trouble wherever it is. Ann implored.

    Danan looked at Ann. Why did Ann always say sensible stuff? Danan looked at the

    dust covered shelves.

    So one of these books could be dangerous? Danan asked.Probably, we should not touch any of the shelves Ann suggested.

    Then it was pointless coming here. Danan said irritably.

    No it werent, we are here to see if the place is haunted. Ann argued.

    Or to wonder around smiled Danan.

    So what are we waiting for?

    Lets get going.

    Danan wondered around the shelves. All these books looked like they had never been

    touched in years. Danan walked over to shelf 2F. He could see a book right at

    the back. We should not touch anything Anns voiced echoed in Danans

    head. So what, he was only neatening the shelves? Danan reached for the book

    at the back. The life of lies was the title of the book. Danan looked for theauthors name on the book and to his disappointment all it said was Anon.everyone knew anon was short for anonlesheour which meant anonymous. So

    when Danan saw this word it was a big disappointment.


    LIBRARY. Ann shouted. Danan quickly stuffed the book into his bag and

    went to look for Ann.

    ANN, WHERE ARE YOU? he yelled. Ann ran towards Danan.

    Dont speak we have to hide somewhere whispered Ann. Danan looked around. He

    spotted a shelf near the door. He tapped Ann on the shoulder and pointed

    towards the shelf. Ann looked at Danan.

    Are you ma she began but Danan just grabbed Anns hand and hid behind the


    Oh wow Danan this is a brilliant hiding place that no one will be able to see us Ann

    hissed quietly. Danan shushed her. If they were discovered they would be in

    big trouble. Yet again they would be asked what they were doing here. Both of

    them watched the door. Finally it burst open. Ann gasped. It was the caretaker

    of the estate. The caretaker was a potbellied dwarf. There was nothing else to describe

    about him. The caretaker walked towards the back shelf.

    Lets quickly run towards the door now! Danan whispered to Ann. Ann nodded.

    Together both of them ran towards the door. The caretaker didnt see them. They kept

    running until they were out of the estate. Both of them were panting,I cant believe it that was completely useless Ann said angrily.

    Not completely useless Danan replied with a smirk. Judging by the puzzled look on

    Anns face, Danan took the book out. Ann gasped then looked at him angrily.

    I told you not to touch any of the shelves Ann hissed. Danan looked at Ann as if she

    was mad.

    Oh come on Im sure this book is not dangerous replied Danan with a huff.

    Hmm said Ann while narrowing her eyes.

    Ill see you tomorrow on the beach replied Danan.

    At the funfair said Ann.

    Danan grunted The funfairs are never fun. But Ann was already gone. Danan

    shrugged his shoulders and started to make his long walk back to home.


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    Chapter 3

    Visiting Shalayna

    As soon as Danan entered the house he heard shouting. His brother and father were

    having a row. The door to the living room was closed. He could still hear from outhere. Danan went closer to the door to listen.


    THERE. Basalnan yelled.



    father screeched. Basalnan said something in Latin that made everyone in the room


    Basalnan you will always be our son. Danan heard his mother wept.

    But Im not your son Im just an orphan you adopted cried Basalnan. Danan heard

    his mother cry.

    You cant leave Basalnan. Your brother would be devastated. Said Danans mother.Danan could not listen to anymore. He ran up to his bedroom and flung himself on to

    his bed. Everything was going wrong. First Shalayna. Now this! Danan needed to talk

    to someone. Someone who would understand. Definitely not Ann. Thats it Shalayna.

    So what if she was mad? She was the only person who would understand. There was a

    knock on Danans bedroom door.

    Come in called Danan. It was Basalnan. He never came into Danans room.

    What do you want? asked Danan. Basalnan sighed. He sat down next to me.

    Listen I got something shocking to tell you. Said Basalnan sadly.

    Youre not my brother Danan said dully.

    How do you know? demanded Basalnan.

    Just tell me is it true? asked Danan.

    No thats garbage replied Basalnan.

    Yeah it is said Danan happily.

    Basalnan smiled at Danan for the first time ever. Both of them thought silently.

    Basalnan broke the silence first.

    Im going from here replied Basalnan

    You are going to take me with you Danan said in a bold voice.

    You dont even know where Im going replied Basalnan in a voice of disgust.

    Even if youre not going there youre going to take me to visit Shalayna

    Why would I do that?Because Ill do it by my own and if I get hurt it will be your entire fault for refusing

    to take me

    Ill do it replied Basalnan quickly.

    I thought you would see it my way. Danan smiled

    Basalnan gave Danan a dirty look. Danan smiled at. This was going to be fun. Really


    Ill need my car keys Basalnan mumbled. He ran out of Danans room leaving him

    time to think what he was to say to Shalayna. Danan smiled. Shalayna wont have

    mad people for company because he was going to visit Shalayna everyday. He didnt

    care what anyone else thinks because Shalayna was his sister.


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    Im not going to wait you know, you either come or you don said Basalnan in a foul

    mood. Danan heaved himself from his bed and went downstairs. He went outside and

    waited beside Basalnans car. Basalnan came out carrying a suitcase. Danan looked at


    We are not going to live there snapped Danan. Basalnan ignored this comment. He

    indicated to get in the car. Danan reluctantly got inside the car. Basalnan buckled hisseatbelt and started the engine. Finally the car was on the road.

    Why have you got a suitcase? Danan tried again. Basalnan gave him a look which

    meant shut up before do it for you. Danan immediately shut it.

    Do you even know which hospital it is? asked Danan.

    Where do you think Im going stupid? hissed Basalnan. Danan turned red. He hated

    it when Basalnan made him look stupid. Danan knew that what he had said was

    stupid. He just wanted to make sure. The car gave a jerk, and then it stopped.

    We are here replied Basalnan grudgingly. Danan sighed. Basalnan hated mental

    asylums. Not because of the mental people or because it was a sad place. He had a

    bad experience when he was little, lets not go into great detail but it was what made

    Shalayna mad. Basalnan still felt guilty even though it was not his fault.Ill wait for you in the car replied Basalnan. Danan looked at him. Basalnan was

    never going to face his fears if he didnt try.

    Come on, are you a man or what? said Danan scornfully.

    You know it was this hospital that brings the memory back to me Basalnan yelped.

    Youre never going to get over it if you dont try repeated Danan impatiently.

    Basalnan sighed. Danan decided the only way to get Basalnan to move was to give

    him a time out.





    Danan screeched. Basalnan gave Danan a look of loathing, then smiled and jumped

    out of the car.

    WE ARE HERE FOR YOU SHALAYNA Basalnan yelled at the top of his voice.

    Danan and Basalnan both walked into the entrance door. They went to the reception.

    Can I help you? asked the secretary in a bored voice. Danan looked down at his

    shoes. Basalnan straightened to his full height and said

    Were here to visit Shalayna Lonesville replied Basalnan in a pompous manner. The

    secretary looked towards her computer. Finally she looked towards Danan and


    Yes you can, but you must be seventeen or above to visit on your own and you mustbe twenty to visit with a child. The secretary chanted .It seemed that she had

    repeated this many times. Basalnan looked at Danan.

    Im sorry but why is that? asked Basalnan politely.

    Im afraid I do not know replied the secretary.

    Danan could not control his temper. He went through a lot of hard work to visit

    Shalayna and a visit to Shalayna he was going to get.

    Listen here, I dont care about your stupid rules but we came here to visit someone

    special and if you have got a problem well heres a newsflash for you I DONT

    CARE replied Danan angrily. The secretary looked shocked. She gave Danan a look.

    I told you politely that I do not know any of the rules so you can ta. Danan didnt

    bother to listen to the rest. He ran towards Shalaynas hospital room. He flung the


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    door open. There was Shalayna in her bed weak and old. It made Danans eyes sting

    with water. Shalayna sat in her bed staring into space.

    Shalayna? Danan croaked uncertainly. Shalayna turned her gaze towards Danan and

    smiled at him.

    Go into my room and look underneath the pillow Shalayna said in a drifty voice.

    Danan looked at his sisters calm expression. Danan could not bear to look at it.Shalayna why are you telling me that? Danan asked. Shalayna looked at him and


    You dont have to do it but if you want help and advice then I suggest you read it

    replied Shalayna. Danan looked at his sister sadly. He didnt bother to hide the tears in

    his eyes.

    You will be fine, I promise and I will keep that promise Danan croaked. Shalayna

    laughed. She kept laughing and would not stop.

    Do you honestly think Ill survive when Im looking like this replied Shalayna with

    joy. Security guards and doctors came running into the room. Shalayna was still

    laughing. Danan tried to get closer to the bed but the security guards grabbed him.


    screamed. The security guards struggled to hold on to Danan.

    Give my love to all the family Danan and stay out of trouble yelled Shalayna.

    SHALAYNA DONT GIVE Danan tried to yell. Shalayna laughed happily.


    Its over boy




    DANAN Shalayna screamed. Danan tried to wrestle his way out. The guards

    grabbed Danans arms and dragged him out of the room. Danan tried to look around

    for Basalnan.


    to twist out of the guards grip. Then Danan had an idea it was bad and painful but it

    was the only way to escape from this chaos. Danan turned around and punched the

    guard in the face. Then he kicked the man in the shins. The guard loosened his grip on

    Danan. Loose enough for him to escape. Danan ran towards the exit.

    GET THAT BOY screamed the secretary. An apple came soaring and hit the

    secretary in the head. The secretary fell down and lay unconscious.

    GOAL yelled Basalnan

    ILL MEET IN THE CAR Danan screamed out to Basalnan. Danan started to runtowards the exit. He hid behind a wall waiting for the guards to go. Danan started to

    run again. He skidded over something then everything went black.


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    Chapter 3

    Shalaynas letterDanan opened his eyes. He looked around his surroundings.

    Where am I? Danan asked himself.Youre in the car replied Basalnans voice. Danan looked at his brother.

    How did I get here? Danan asked impatiently. Basalnan shook his head.

    You were running, and then you slipped and fell unconscious Basalnan said in a

    bored voice.

    What are we doing in a taxi? , Where is your car? Danan asked hurriedly. Basalnan

    completely ignored Danan and just looked straight. The taxi parked next to Danans

    house. Basalnan helped Danan out. Basalnan turned to face Danan and sighed.

    Something was wrong.

    Danan Id just like you to know that you will always be my brother and Im going to

    miss you said Basalnan in a pitiful voice. Danan looked at his brother. That

    was it. The suitcase explained everything. Basalnan was leaving him and hisfamily. Danan glowered and gave angry looks at Basalnan.

    Youre going to abandon us, me, mum and dad Danan said quietly

    Danan youve got it wrong Basalnan tried to say. Danan just shook his head.

    Youre going to dump us Danan said softly this time. Basalnans face looked hurt.

    Danan Im not your bro.


    screamed. Basalnan tried to shush him but Danan ignored that.

    Tell me the truth, all those things you said were they true or just lies Danan asked.

    D Danan Basalnan stammered. He was afraid of hurting Danans feelings.




    NEVER. Danan ran to the front door before Basalnan could stop him. He burst into

    the hallway and ran upstairs straight to his room. He needed sometime alone. Even

    from Shalayna (even though she was not here anymore) Danan looked around his

    room. He heard some shouting and screaming from downstairs. Danan went down to

    investigate. It was not Basalnan and his father. It was Danans mother and father that

    were fighting. Danan was not in the mood for bad news so he slouched into his room.

    Suddenly Danan just remembered something important.

    Go into my room and look under my pillow Danan remembered. Danan ran into

    Shalaynas bedroom and looked underneath the pillow. There was an envelop

    underneath with Danan written in his sisters neat handwriting. Danan ripped the

    envelop open and started to read the letter

    Dear Danan,

    Id first like to say that I wrote this letter when you were born. So you

    must be all grown and I might be dead. Dont say this as my will. Lets just say what

    you can keep of mine. You get to keep whatever you want okay. Now this is really

    important so listen very carefully. Whatever you do, do not go near that deserted

    library. I know it might sound silly but it is dangerous. That library was shut down

    for a reason. Im NOT going into full detail because if you DISOBEYED

    MOTHER and you took something dangerous. You will do the things below.


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    1. DONT do anything to destroy it. It will make it angrier.

    2. DO NOT read any more of it. If you have gone past chapter 5 then STOP.

    3. DO NOT TELL ANYONE what is happening.

    4. IF you have NOT started the book THEN DONT START IT. Just leave it.

    You will know if it is the book that it dangerous listen to these signs.1. You will start to have family problems which has never occurred before

    2. You will start to loose really close people.

    3. Finally bad things will start happening to you.

    With all my love

    Xxxxxxx Shalayna Xxxxxxx

    Danan just shook his head. Honestly Shalayna can be real funny. Danan went back

    to his own room and threw the letter underneath his bed with all the other useless

    junk. He then went downstairs and opened the front door and stepped out into the

    breezy wind. Basalnan was standing outside watching the house. He then sighed

    and got into the taxi. Basalnan saw Danan and waved a sad goodbye. Danan

    returned it. Basalnan was staring at Danan sadly. Danan ran to the taxi.Where are you going to go? asked Danan. Basalnan smiled. A devious smile.

    Im going to join my real father. We are going to have fun times. Basalnan said

    happily. Danan just sighed. He had grown up in Basalnans company all his life.

    Now here they were departing from each other even though hey were not related.

    Your dad is in that bombing group that call themselves the attackers Danan said.

    Yeah and I will be joining them replied Basalnan excitedly. Danan was shocked.

    This gentle person he had known was now out there to kill people.

    Am I going to be one of your victims? Danan asked curiously. Basalnan started

    to laugh madly. The taxi started to drive off. Then just at the corner Basalnan

    shouted something.

    YOU WILL BE MY FIRST, TORO! Danan stared at the taxi. He shrugged his

    shoulders and started to make his way towards his and Anns secret place. He

    needed to tell Ann everything.

    Chapter 4

    Lost in the woods


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    Thats good for you Ann snapped. She was so angry. How could Danan miss

    their special trip? Danan looked at Ann with his sad blue eyes.

    Im sorry, okay Danan tried again.

    Does sorry cut it Danan? Ann snarled. Was Danan really her friend?

    I thought it would Danan added helplessly. Ann still would not look at him.

    This was meant to be a trip to remember, a trip to remember you and Italy, but itisnt now. Ann replied without remorse. Danan sat up at hearing that.

    What do you mean to remember Italy? Danan asked suspiciously. Ann burst into

    tears. Danan didnt rush to comfort her. His curiosity was taking over him.

    What do you mean? It suddenly came to his head.

    You dont mean that youre moving? Do you? asked Danan. Ann nodded her

    head sadly. There was nothing to say. Ann was moving. No one to tell any jokes or

    sorrows to share.

    When are you moving? Danan asked sadly. Ann took a deep breath.

    After new years day Ann quickly went back to keep her gaze on the grass.

    Danan sighed. Suddenly an idea rushed into his head.

    Hey, you know how I missed our trip to the fair.Yeah, you dont feel any remorse Ann sniffed.

    Ive got a better suggestion

    Whats that?

    We can go to the Italian woods Danan replied with a smile. Ann gasped. The

    Italian woods were beautiful especially at night. That was when it was really


    How are we going to pay? Ann asked. Danan rolled his eyes.

    By money Danan said in a slow voice.

    It cost one hundred pounds. We dont have that sort of money.

    We dont need to pay

    Of course we do, dont be stupid

    Not unless were breaking into the woods. Ann looked at Danan. Why did he

    have to be so stupid and dopey?

    Oh wow Danan, they are not going to notice a sixteen year old boy barging past

    them Ann said sarcastically.

    Thats why we are going at night Danan replied. Ann gasped again. Danan


    Now which suggestion is better? Mine or yours. Danan asked Ann.

    At least my one isnt risky and mental

    Think of it as a dare. Ann glared at Danan.

    When are we going? asked Ann.Tonight. Ann spluttered. Is Danan insane?

    What do you mean tonight, were not even ready Ann spluttered.

    Well get ready now! Its a long walk and bring some refreshments if you are

    going to get hungry, I dont want you moaning all the way Danan replied harshly.

    Ann glowered at him

    Where should I meet you? Ann asked

    Here will do, we will then leave from here Danan walked to the direction to his

    house. This was going to be fun alright and a real dare. Ann would love it.

    Danan rushed into his house. He went straight to his room and grabbed his jacket.

    Danan then went into the kitchen and grabbed a hot water bottle and made a

    cheese sandwich. He put them in his jeans pocket. Danan heard shouting. He puthis hands on his ears. He didnt want to hear more secrets. Basalnan kicked the


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    living room door open and on his way to the front door then he stopped when he

    saw Danan. Danan kept his gaze on Basalnan.

    Where are you going? asked Basalnan suspiciously. Danan shook his head.

    I could be asking you the same question Danan said.

    Yeah but your not asking me

    I am now.So what are you asking?

    Im asking where you are going.

    You cant ask that.


    Because I asked you first.

    I was at the doorstep first. Basalnan smiled. It was obvious that Danan had won

    the argument so Basalnan had to answer Danans question.

    Im going to live my dream with my father Basalnan replied with a mystic smile

    on his face.

    Your father hates your guts Danan replied

    No he doesntWhy did he abandon you.

    He didnt have enough time. Basalnan was losing the fight.

    He would never kill me. Basalnan piped up.

    But he would welcome you with open arms, would he now? Basalnan drew a

    fist but Danan ducked and ran out the door.

    Why wont he listen? His father wont hesitate if he tried to kill me. Danan

    thought. After all I was his nephew. Danan was so engrossed in his thinking that

    he had walked past Ann.



    Sorry, lets start waking. Ann narrowed her eyes but agreed. It was a long

    journey. Every time, Ann would take her phone out and talk in such a way that it

    looked as though she was playing a spy game.

    Will you stop it Danan said in an irritated voice.

    Im not doing anything Ann blurted out.

    Thats the problem

    Ann went in a sulk and would not talk to Danan throughout the rest of the journey.

    Finally when they arrived, Ann started to poked Danan in the arm.

    Look we have be quiet okay, if we make a sound then were in deep trouble

    But Ann did her specialty by interrupting him. She shushed him.

    Follow me Ann whispered. She hid behind a tree and beckoned Danan forwards.What are you doing? Danan hissed quietly. Ann put her fingers on her lips. They

    quietly when Danan tripped over. It made such a racket.

    Someone is trying to sneak past yelled one of the security guards.

    Dont worry will ge em. This security guard seemed to have a Scottish accent so

    it was hard to make out what he said. Ann glowered at Danan.

    What? Danan snapped.

    Ill tell you what, you thought it would be fun to make a war dance up, could you

    not do that later? Danan glared at Ann.


    First of all I dont want to do it later, second of all I was not making up a wardance, I tripped over.


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    Shut up you stupid berk Ann hissed. They waited silently for the guards to pass

    them. When they were finally out of sight. Ann got out the tree. Danan followed


    Right now the guards are looking for us at the other end, so this is our chance to

    get through that gate. Danan started to laugh.

    What are you laughing at? Ann enquired.Well the security must be mad not to have a guard by the gate.

    So? Ann replied.

    So how are we meant to get past the guard?

    Ive got him sorted out Ann said with glee. Danan looked at her.

    Lets start climbing then. Ann looked at Danan incredulously.

    No way, that is a total abuse of the guards.

    So you have already used them. Danan replied with disgust.

    I beg your pardon? asked Ann.

    While they are gone looking for us were trying to get in, we didnt ask them if

    we can go in so thats a total abuse of the guards. Ann smiled.

    I guess your right. Ann walked over the gates. She put her hands on the barsthen her feet. She then hoisted herself over in a way that she landed on the other

    side. Danan did the same. There was no guard to be seen.

    Where should we go? Ann asked politely.

    Theres a party here today. Its somewhere near the recycling centre. Danan

    replied. He was about to lead the way when Ann stopped him.

    Lets not go there. Can we just look at where the moon sets?

    Sure. So together they started to wander towards the place where the moon set.

    Ann sat on the floor. Danan sat next to her. Both of them watched the moon


    Ann? Danan asked.

    Yeah. Ann started to smile.

    Would you still be my friend if I was dangerous? Anns smile vanished.

    Of course, are you thinking of abandoning me? Danan started to laugh.

    I guess not. Ann said curtly. Danan just stared at her.

    Shall we go to the party? Danan asked. Ann shook her head.

    No I think I should go home now. Ann replied softly. Danan still looked at her.

    But its only six. Danan contradicted. Ann gave him a blazing look.

    Thanks for taking me here, I really appreciated this. Ann replied quietly. Danan

    nodded his head.

    Lets go.

    You dont have to go Ann said quickly. Danan shushed her.I think its getting late lets just go. Ann nodded. They walked towards the gate.

    The guard opened it for them. They began the long walk home.

    Ill see you tomorrow around our special place Danan said. Ann looked down.

    Danan noticed.

    You cant meet me, can you? Danan asked. He tried hard not to look upset.

    Im sorry Danan, its just that we need to see family and friends, you know.

    Im a friend. Danan tried. Ann laughed.

    You know what I mean, like acquaintances. Danan smiled.

    Ill see you soon. They waved goodbye. Danan started to make his way towards his

    house. He was looking forwards to dinner.

    Chapter 5


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    Shalayna dies

    Danans clock made a beep. Danan made an irritated grunt. Danan opened his eyes.

    He looked around his room. His gaze landed on the picture frame. It was him and

    Shalayna holding hands. He smiled. Shalayna was always willing to help him withdifficulties. Danans smiled turned to painful expression. Danans meeting with

    Shalayna was very brief. All that happened was that Shalayna told him to look

    at the letter. He got chased by the security guards. After that he must have fell

    unconscious. someone must have whacked him on the head hard.

    Even worst than that the letter was useless. Danan had even more questions now.

    Danan decided to get changed. He came down the stairs. The doorbell rang.

    His mother rushed to open the door. There stood two men. They were carrying

    briefcases with them. Danan had seen one of the men somewhere but he could

    not remember where he had seen him. Danans mother seemed to have

    recognised the man. She saw Danan standing in the hallway.Danan go upstairs and do your homework, now. His mother replied. Danan went

    upstairs but he didnt go into his room. Instead he hid behind the stairway and

    listened to his mother.

    What are you doing here? Danans mother enquired.

    Talansiya I am here to tell you something about you know what.

    Jay I told you, that is out of my life now, dont bring it back

    Its Jim.

    Its an adorable nickname.

    Back to the story.

    What story.

    Gary has told me some teens broke into the library.Gary is always making things u..

    There was an eye witness.

    Who was that? Jim decided it was best to ignore this question.

    What if someone has taken the book?

    They wont have.

    Talansiya be realistic. The li Danans mum looked around. She saw Danan.


    A back that his mum didnt say Hoto! Hoto! Whenever his mother was shocked

    She would say name name in Latin. It was very funny the way she said it.

    But right now he was in a serious trouble. The only thing that Danan could think of

    was to run to his bedroom. So that was exactly what he did.

    That conversation was completely useless. Danan thought. But it wasnt. Not once

    did stop to think about the conversation because if he realised carefully

    that conversation was very useful indeed.


    Danan looked at Ann. She was not speaking. Normally Ann would find something to

    blab about but today it seemed she was having difficulty with that. Annwas hiding something from Danan and Danan was going to find out.


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    but his mother was at the hospital. Basalnan abandoned him to join his

    real father (Danan didnt really care about Basalnan). Danan turned

    around to see who it was. Danan gasped. There stood Shalayna

    Lonsville with her long dark hair tied up. She looked peaceful. This

    made Danan so happy that he was crying out of joy. His feelings were

    a mixture of anger and hate. The joy he had a minute a go had left him.Anger and hate was the only thing he desired now. No love or

    happiness. Just anger and hate.

    Hello Shalayna Danan managed to spit out.

    You look deep in thought Shalayna replied. Her expression was unfathomable.

    Yeah I was thinking how I would kill you. Shalayna showed no pain at that

    comment. Shalayna kept calm. She didnt beg for forgiveness. Instead

    she remained calm.

    Okay. Danan looked at Shalayna. Just looking at her calm face made him feel guilty

    about what he said to her.

    How do you do it? Danan implored. Shalayna laughed.

    You need patience and peace to do it. It will be impossible to try it now after all youhave been through. Danan looked at Shalayna. Again he felt his anger

    inflict on his sister.

    You committed suicide.

    Why would I do that?

    Before you were mad. You always said how you hated life and you just wanted to

    escape from the mayhem.

    Yeah so

    So you wanted to get out of life. So you urm

    Come on you know this Danan, How did I become mad?

    You ran in front of a car to commit suicide but instead you survived and thats how

    ended up Mad. Shalayna smiled.

    Are you a hallucination? Danan asked rapidly. Shalayna laughed again

    Do you think Im a hallucination? Shalayna asked pointlessly.

    I dont know, so thats why I was asking you. Danan replied irritably.

    Danan hallucinations are messing with your mind, making you imagine things. They

    pretend to exist.

    I know what a hallucination is. Danan snapped.

    So if I was a hallucination I would be trying to trick you into believing that I still

    existed. So I would not be telling you that I was a hallucination now

    would I? Danan thought about this. He had forgotten how smart and

    sensible Shalayna was.So you are a hallucination. Danan replied slowly. The last thing he wanted was to

    decide whether he was hallucinating.

    Are you. Danan began.

    I just wanted to say that you are in great danger.

    What do you mean? Danan asked curiously.

    Have you been anywhere where it was strictly out of bounds and took something

    from there. Danan gasped. Was it his guilty conscience?

    Well I did go to that old abandoned library. It was Shalaynas turn to gasp.

    Danan, how could you? Shalayna exclaimed. This made Danan feel guilty.

    Danan, its not that Im disappointed that you disobeyed mother you do it all the time

    so whats new? But the worst part is that you didnt pay attention topeoples warning about the danger in the library. Danan knew what


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    Shalayna was saying was true. He had asked his mother how it was

    dangerous but all she said that it needs refurnishing and that the ceiling

    could collapse. Danan didnt buy this story. He didnt believe it

    because some builders came to check whether the ceiling was safe,

    they said that the ceiling would last over 90 years before the ceiling

    would collapse.The ceiling is safe Shalayna you dont need to worry. Danan thought he had won

    the argument but Shalayna was not going to be defeated.

    There are other ways that the library could be dangerous, like a particular thing on

    the shelf could be dangerous. Shalaynas face looked really serious.

    There was no sign of leg pulling or jokes on her face. Only anxiety was

    there on that face. Shalayna looked at her watch.

    This is the time already, Ive got to go now. Danan looked baffled,

    Wait, you havent told me if youre a hallucination or a figment of my imagination.

    Shalayna laughed.

    Danan, I could be real or a hallucination.

    So which one are you?Neither. When Shalayna saw the puzzlement look on Danans face she hurried on.

    I had never existed, I was only here to guide you on your errands. Danan felt like

    Shalayna was talking in riddles to him.

    I had once existed as your older sibling, but it was time for me to go and I had no

    choice but to leave you. I am really sorry Danan but I had no choice. Danan looked

    at his sister with fright.

    What about Mother and Father, will they have to leave? Shalayna laughed.

    Oh no, they have led and will lead a normal life like humans do. Danan scowled at

    his sister.

    What about me? Am I going to have to leave like you did? Shalayna stared at

    Danan hard.

    Danan, you have a long time to leave, first of all before you can think of leaving you

    must get the burden which you havent realised yet off your chest. You then have to

    look after all the mortal human beings. After you have looked after them for about

    four years maximum then it is your choice whether you want to leave or not. I am not

    going to make the decision for you, it is yours to make. Danan was baffled.

    Mortal human beings? Danan asked.

    There is a note in your pillowcase Danan. It has been there for a long time. Dont

    open it if you dont want but I advise you do. Sweet dreams Danan. With that Danan

    felt everything go black.

    Chapter 5



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    Mike sat in his seat. He looked around the hall. He was alone. There was a timid

    knock. Mike sighed. He knew who tapped like that. His pathetic servant Ludlow

    always tapped like that. Timid and shy he was. Ludlow was Mikes only servant that

    looked up to him. The rest of Mikes servants just did what they were told. Never

    coming too close to Mike and never staying too distant with Mike. Ludlow was

    probably different to them because he was Mikes son. Mike didnt know this butLudlow knew. Ludlow didnt tell him because he knew that Mike had regretted

    having his first son and if Ludlow really told him who he was, then this would make

    Mike angry with Ludlow.

    Come in. As Mike predicted it was Ludlow.

    Cacalus, a boy has come and claims to know. Mike sighed. He told everyone to call

    him that.

    Send him in. Ludlow nodded. A boy who looked around seventeen came in. He

    looked really scared. Mike smiled.

    Who are you? Mike asked.

    I am Basalnan. Are you Mike? he asked uncertainly. Mike smiled.

    Yes but everyone knows me as Cacalus.Oh . Sorry. Mike smiled.

    Everyone makes that mistake when they first meet me and they will know not to

    make that mistake again. Otherwise they know the consequences. Basalnan made a

    small cough. Mike would be very happy if the subject could move faster.

    Right what do you exactly want? Basalnan gave a frightful look.

    I was carrying a survey out. I went to your house but one of the slaves said you were

    not in. They told me you would be in the office. So I came here. Basalnan paused to

    get back his breath.

    I see Mike replied with a nod.

    So what do you want? This question surprised Basalnan. It was all quick and

    sudden that it made him sound rude.

    Yes I know its rude but Im not known for politeness. Mike laughed. Basalnan

    looked pale.

    Can he read my thoughts? Basalnan asked himself. Mike laughed again.

    There are many secrets hidden in me and you would not like to know them otherwise

    you will face the consequences. Basalnan smiled.

    It would be better if I did not think anything. Basalnan thought again.

    Yes that would be better. Mike replied.

    Now what do you want? Basalnan gulped.

    I just wanted to know whether you had any children? Mike smiled.

    Well how do you know if I still live with my children?I just want to know if you have any children?

    Yes I do. Basalnans expression lightened up at the answer.

    Did you have a son?

    Yes. Basalnans mood got more excited at every answer.

    What was his name?

    I do not know. Basalnan looked shocked.

    Didnt your wife ever tell you your sons name?

    Both of us realised that it was a mistake to have any children. So after that we both

    decided that it would not work out if we stayed together so now we have gone our

    separate ways. Basalnan looked really pale and lost.

    But dont you at least keep contact?


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    No, when I mean that we have gone separate it means that we have nothing to do

    with each other. Basalnan opened his mouth to ask one more question but Mike

    interrupted him.

    Thank you for coming it was a pleasure to meet you. Basalnan nodded.

    I am really sorry for wasting your time. Mike nodded.

    Why did you ask these questions to me? Mike asked.Oh well I have been to every house office and flats to look for my parents but I have

    not been successful yet.

    What made you think that I would be your father? Basalnan looked down at his


    What I did was that I tried to get many addresses, like from business cards and I

    happened to be able to have found this address, like I said before I am really sorry.

    Mike made an amusing smile.

    Well good luck in your mission Ill see you soon.

    Thank you and good luck in your urm.. work. Mike smiled again but this time a

    impatient smile.

    Thank you; I will get one of my employees to show you the exit.No thank you, I know where the exit is.

    Please I insist.

    No thank you I think Ill be fine.

    Fine if you really dont want to be escorted..

    Yes that will be great.

    Okay goodbye. Mike didnt want this conversation to last so long.

    Goodbye Cacalus. Basalnan walked out of the door. When Basalnan was out of

    earshot Mike quickly grabbed a Walkie Talkie out of his draw.

    Secretary send Ludlow to me quick!

    Ludlow will come shortly sir. There was quiet tap on the door.

    Come in. Mike called out. Ludlow entered and sat in the seat opposite Mike.

    Ludlow, I want you to bring that boy back to me. Ludlow nodded.

    Does he have the book? Ludlow asked.

    I presume but if he doesnt have it he will be able to tell us where it is.

    Is he the one? Ludlow asked.

    Yes he is the one.

    Are you really sure because we dont want a repeat of last time. Mike remembered

    the consequences of his mistake of not checking. It led to the consequences of

    having to find a new location for the office and changing the name of their

    company. This all happened because of him and he didnt like to be reminded

    of that. Mike smiled.Do as I say or you wont see the sun. Ludlow nodded and went out. A few seconds

    later, there was a knock on the door.

    Come in you fool. Mike snarled. Ludlow came in with Basalnan struggling to get

    out of Ludlows reach. Mike got up from his seat and walked towards


    Well Basalnan I did say we would be seeing each other very soon. Mike mused. All

    Basalnan could do was glare.

    You are a criminal. Basalnan spat out. Mike laughed mirthlessly

    Ah Basalnan, Id say more than a criminal. Id say Im a villain, a villain who will

    have you hostage until you tell me where the book is

    What book? Basalnan asked.Games are over, tell me where the book is?


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    I dont know what book your talking about. Mike shook his head. So far they were

    not successful. He would look like a fool again.

    The life of lies, do you know where that book is?

    No Mike could feel his temper rising.

    Stop acting like a moron before I send you flying through that window. Basalnan

    looked over to the window. Ludlow followed his lead.Stop looking at the window and tell me where the book is? Mike growled.

    I dont know Basalnan replied. Mike finally gave up. Again Mike had made a

    complete spectacle of himself but all was not lost.

    Ludlow, keep in the cellar where he will starve. Mike hissed.

    Dont you want me to kill him sir? Ludlow asked casually.

    No, he will die a painful death unless he reveals us the location of the book.

    Basalnan looked terrified.

    No, please I am only doing my job. Basalnan cried out. Mike raised a hand.

    Ill pay you. Basalnan squealed. Mike laughed coldly.

    I dont want money you annoying twat, money is worthless compared to that book.

    Basalnan shivered.If you dont have money then how do you survive? Basalnan asked. Mike laughed,

    so did his henchmen.

    Who said I didnt have money? Mike snapped his fingers. About five henchmen

    walked in to the room with each of them holding suitcases. They laid the

    suitcases on the big table.

    All these suitcases contain money. Mike replied casually. Mike snapped his fingers.

    The henchmen opened all the suitcases. Each suitcase was filled to the brim

    with stacks and stacks of money. Basalnan goggled at the money. Mike


    Thats nothing; we have even got foreign money. Mike replied amusingly. Mike

    snapped his fingers again the henchmen closed the suitcases. It was like they

    were specially trained to obey the clicking of Mikes fingers. Basalnan

    struggled against the ropes. Mike smiled.

    Take him to the cellar and starve him. Mike replied. The henchmen grabbed

    Basalnan by the collar and pushed him out of the room. With that everything

    went dark and Mike disappeared on the spot to his house.

    Chapter 6

    Out and about.


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    Danan I want to have a little word with you. Danans mother called. Danan trotted

    down the stairs. He felt really sad and miserable. A funeral was not the happiest of

    occasions and a place where no one would like to be. Danan couldnt bear to look at

    Shalaynas corpse and was over the moon when the funeral was only to be three

    hours. Three hours went past which pleased Danan very much.Danan, I have been lately noticing that you havent been out that much. I know you

    dont feel like going out but can you at least try to make an effort? his mother

    lectured. Danan nodded. He didnt want to make his mother more depressed. She had

    been facing too many things. She had lost two on her children and didnt want to lose

    Danan. So Danan tried to boost his mothers confidence to sticking to the positive


    Ill go hang out with Ann. Danan replied. Danans mother smiled.

    Whats so funny? Danan demanded.

    Its just that it makes me happy that you have found a girlfriend.

    Me and Ann are just friends. Danan replied firmly. Danans mother laughed. Danan

    made a rush for the door. He went to meet Ann in their special place. Ann wasntthere. Danan frowned. Ann was always here even if he didnt come. Suddenly his

    mobile phone started to ring. Danan wrenched it out of his pocket. It was Ann. Danan

    pressed the button to talk to her.

    Hey whats up? Danan replied.

    Listen Danan, Im sorry I didnt tell you earlier but I found someone to go to the

    school disco with. So Im sorry okay Ill see you later. With that the phone line went

    dead. Danan started to look down the list of peoples phone numbers.

    Jack bunny Midget. Danan read. That was his and Anns nickname for Jack

    McKenzie. Danan shrugged his shoulders.

    It cant be that bad. Danan said to himself as he dialled Jacks number.

    NO WAY Jack yelled. Danan shook his head.

    Oh come on, we will just go into the library entrance and come out. Danan

    explained for the umpteenth time.

    No, my Mum said its not good to go there. Danan rolled his eyes.

    Jack I dont think that she is the reliable person. Danan replied slowly. He didnt

    want to hurt Jacks feelings. Although they were enemies Danan felt sorry for Jack

    because Jack didnt have a mother who was right in the head.

    What do you mean? Jack asked suspiciously.

    I mean she doesnt understand properly. Danan replied.

    Yeah she does. Jack insisted.

    No she doesnt Danan argued back.My mother looks after me unlike your mother. Jack hissed.

    Well at least my mother has a brain and isnt locked up in the loony ward. Danan

    hissed back angrily. Jack looked down.

    Jack.. Danan began.

    No its okay thats what everyone thinks. I am just the boy with the wacky mother

    and poor father. Jack replied sadly. Both them stood silently.

    Listen Jack you know the stuff I said about your mother being wacky I didnt mean

    it. Danan replied softly. Jack nodded.

    You know all the stuff I said about your mother not being able to look after you I

    didnt mean that. I think she does a great job at looking after you. Jack said quietly.

    Danan smiled.Its okay I guess we just snapped at each other. Jack nodded.


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    Are we still enemies? Jack asked. Danan smiled.

    Always will be. Jack smiled.

    Thanks for calling, I better be going now. Jack replied. Danan nodded.

    Yeah, see ya tra. ack. Jack looked at Danan with a confused expression.

    Track? Jack asked. Danan was about to call Jack tramp but stopped half way so it

    ended up as track.Yeah thats a nickname, Get it? Track Jack. Jack nodded slowly.

    I better am getting to school. Jack replied. Danan looked puzzled. The holidays

    were not finished yet. But lots of weird things go on in tramps mind.

    Are you coming? Jack asked impatiently.

    Why would I go to school if its holidays? Jack rolled his eyes.

    The school dance. Jack replied in a voice that even a baby could figure it out.

    No, who are you going with? Danan asked.

    Oh Im not going there to dance, Im working there.

    What are you doing?

    Picking all the litter up that people drop. Danan could help but laugh out loud. Jack

    scowled.How come when I tell everyone this they laugh? Jack asked.

    Because everyone knows that is what tramps do and you are a tramp and youre

    doing exactly what tramps do. Danan replied with a smirk. Jack scowled in disgust

    and walked off.

    Hey where ya going? Danan called.

    Away from you.

    Why what did I do?

    You called me a tramp.

    Well its true. Jack started to run. Danan didnt see any wrong in telling the truth to


    Well you asked why, so I told you. Danan called out angrily.

    Well if you were smart enough you would not have told me the truth because you

    would know it would hurt my feelings. Jack yelled.

    Fine, we laugh because were happy that you found something that will not make

    your life wasted. Happy?

    No. Jack yelled even louder than before.


    Because you said that my life was wasted from before.

    Well thats the past now. But Jack was out of the park.

    Fine, be like that then. Oh yeah your life is still wasted even with that job because

    thats tramps work you stupid moron. Danan yelled at Jack. Danan kicked a treeangrily. What was he suppose to do? His mother wouldnt let him back in the house

    for another hour. Ann had bailed on him and Jack was too idiotic to hang out with.

    There was nothing to do. He could go back to the deserted library but if wouldnt be

    fun on your own. It would be too quiet. Sometimes Danan wished he had a brother

    close to his age. His mother counted him as immature. Maybe she thought that

    because Danan was nearly sixteen. The things he did were probably too childish.

    Im telling you Cacalus, that boy doesnt know anything about it. Danan looked

    across the street. Two men in suits were walking down the footpath. Danan didnt

    know why but started to follow them. He did it casually and pretended to play with

    his mobile phone. Although there was no need for it because none of the men saw

    him. They were too busy in their conversation.Whats the boys name again? the man called Cacalus asked.


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    Basal I think. No wait Basalnan yeah Basalnan. Danan felt a shiver run down his

    spine. Basalnan his brother. Basalnan had abandoned his fostered family and ran away

    to find his real father. Had these men have something to do with his brother? Did they

    have contact with his brother? Danan was about to approach them but stopped. The

    stopped their conversation. Danan suddenly felt the urge to hide. He saw a tree and

    hid behind it. Not the best hiding place but there was nothing else. Both men turnedaround.

    Come out, boy we wont hurt you. Cacalus replied in a soft voice. Although they

    said they wont hurt Danan, Danan still didnt come out. The voice sounded friendly

    but dangerously friendly. So Danan didnt come out.

    Sir, try reading the persons mind the other man suggested.

    Thats what Im doing Ludlow. Cacalus said irritated. The other man Ludlow


    I see that his name is Danan and he is sixteen and thats it. This suddenly gave

    Danan an idea. These people could read peoples mind. So why dont he think

    insulting things.

    You should be locked up in the wacky ward in hospital. Danan thought.He says that I should Cacalus started to turn red.

    What did he say sir? Ludlow asked.

    That I should be locked up in the wacky ward. Cacalus said quietly. Ludlow

    smirked. Cacalus looked at Ludlow and stopped immediately.

    Wow, did your mother tell you to have a bath in dog poo because you smell like it.Danan thought. Cacalus turned red.

    Lets go to the car Cacalus demanded to Ludlow. Danan suddenly stopped smirking.

    If they went to the car that would mean that Danan would have to get a taxi. Both men

    walked towards their car. When they could not see him Danan started to follow them.

    They stopped at a shiny black Mercedes car. A taxi came by. Danan signalled for it.

    He got in.

    Listen Ill pay you all you want but Danan began.

    Free of charge the taxi driver replied without looking at Danan. Danan looked


    Ill pay you the money I ha Danan trailed off by the expression on the taxi driver

    face. Danan got into the taxi. He did not want to be difficult.

    I want

    You want me to follow that shiny black Mercedes. The taxi driver repeated. Danan

    looked surprised. The taxi driver looked at Danan.

    Thats your mission Danan the taxi driver replied with no hint of expression on his

    face. The taxi driver waited for the shiny black Mercedes to move. It turned right. Sodid the taxi driver. So now they were right behind the Mercedes. Danan felt very

    apprehensive of doing this. Yet again Danan felt that these men were up to something

    that they shouldnt be doing. Drugs probably? No it must have to be even worst than


    You seem deep in thought there. The taxi driver said suddenly.

    Huh, oh yeah lots of things have happened to me, not good things. Danan replied

    with haste in his voice. The taxi driver laughed.

    Trust me good things will start happening to you soon.

    Are you a fortune teller? Danan asked. The taxi driver roared with laughter.

    You dont have to be a fortune teller to see good things will happen to people the

    taxi driver was still sniggering.


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    You can just tell by three glances the taxi driver added. Danan added and glanced at

    the taxi driver three times.

    You are going to have bad luck in future Danan predicted.

    Yes that is right, I have always had bad luck and I suppose that will never change.

    The taxi driver sighed.

    But it doesnt matter about me, what we have to do right now is to get you to ourenemies lair the taxi driver stopped the car.

    These people are my enemies? Danan asked. The taxi driver looked at Danan


    Why of course theyre your enemies, trust me theyre not your best mates. Danan

    didnt know why he got himself involved with these people.

    Right here is your disguise; you are going to pretend to be a customer I will wait in

    the car on the next road. When you are done just walk on to the next road and Ill be

    waiting in the car any questions?

    Yes, Ive got millions of questions Danan retorted.

    Well too bad, I dont have time to answer all your questions. You can change in the

    toilets right there. The taxi driver pointed towards some cubicles. Danan sighed.Listen, I am having fun but how do I get back home? Danan asked again. The taxi

    driver just sighed.

    Listen Danan there is no home for you now, everyone warned you of that library and

    it isnt our fault if you were just being ignorant that time.

    Hey I wasnt being ignorant Danan interrupted.

    Yeah thats what they all say.

    I AM NOT IGNORANT Danan roared.

    Shut up you blistering baboon, do you them to hear us the taxi driver hissed.

    Oh what are they going to do, throw us to the crocodiles? Danan replied


    Yes, thats exactly what they will do. Although they wont throw you to the

    crocodiles but they will kill you some other way. Danan was frozen to the spot. The

    taxi driver smiled.

    Good, now stop babooning around and get to work.

    Babooning around? Danan asked. The taxi smiled.

    Au Revoir. Danan rolled his and with that the taxi drove off. Danan looked at the

    building. Then he walked towards the cubicles. Inside the cubicles Danan looked at

    his reflection in the mirror. He sure did look like a tourist. Danan felt very hesitant.

    He still walked in to the building. The reception was very large and big. He looked


    Can I help you? asked a secretary. Danan didnt know what to say. He didnt evenknow this company was or what was its business.

    Yes Im from urm. Britain and I like cant find a hotel so do you know any hotels

    nearby Danan replied. The secretary smiled.

    This is a hotel. We are very sorry for any inconvenience. Its just that our hotel

    doesnt have a name yet but yes this is a hotel the secretary replied. Danan smiled.

    Ah you must be Robert Pampers Danan didnt know who Robert Pampers where or

    why his surname was named after babies nappies but played along.

    Yes I am Danan announced. The secretary nodded.

    Ill get a concierge to show you to your room. Danan nodded. Shortly afterwards

    Danan was in a room.

    I already have somewhere to live Danan hissed to himself. There was a knock at thedoor.


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    Come in Danan called out. A concierge was holding a phone.

    Call for you sir Danan took the phone. The concierge went out and shut the door.

    Hello Danan called to the phone.

    Hey its me Danan recognised the voice. It was the taxi driver.

    What the hell am I doing in a hotel? Danan asked angrily.

    Look you are Robert Pampers okay the taxi driver told Danan.Yeah I think can remember that since my surname is named of diapers. Danan


    Listen your room is next Cacalus and his minion, so what you have to do is get

    Calculuss wallet. Danan looked shocked.

    So all of this was for money, thats it Im out. Danan had been fooled.

    It doesnt have money you buffoon, it has information that you need badly. So I

    would advice you to do it. Danan shut up immediately.

    Not a whisper of this to your friend.

    My lips are sealed Danan replied.

    Good, Ill call back in another twenty minutes be careful bye. The line went dead.

    Danan put the phone down on his bedside table. He had to get those men to leave thatroom.

    Concierge Danan called. The concierge came in.

    Yes what can I do for you sir? the concierge asked politely.

    Whats the phone number in room nine? Danan asked.

    There is a piece of paper with every phone number of each room in the drawer.

    Thank you

    Are you still using the telephone sir? the concierge asked.

    No, you can take it. The concierge lifted the telephone and took it out of his room.

    Danan took his mobile phone out and looked at the piece of paper. He dialled room

    nines number.

    Hello replied a voice.

    Is this Mr. Ludlow and Mr. Mike? Danan asked.

    Yes who is this?

    All guests have to go down to the lobby immediately.


    A mouse has escaped and besides its nearly dinner anyway so you might has well go

    and leave your doors open so we can check for the mouse we will lock the doors for

    you once we are done. Danan replied.

    Who is this? Ludlow asked.

    Mr. Urm Fickleberry Danan lied again.

    Mr. Fickleberry we are very grateful for calling us. Goodbye the phone line wentdead. Danan put his mobile back in his pocket. He could hear doors opening. He

    waited for everything to go silent. Danan then went outside his room. No one was

    there. Danan tried to open the door. Apparently they were not that stupid. Danan

    looked for a nail. There was a small one on the floor. It took quite a while for Danan

    to get in but he did in the end. Danan looked around the room. He went to the bedside

    table and sure enough there was a wallet. Danan opened it there was only a piece of

    paper. Danan took it out.

    I see you manage to open the door replied a voice. Danan slowly looked up.

    Cacalus and his minion Ludlow were standing in the room. Cacalus stepped forward

    and Danan took a step back.


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    Thats what loads of people say and then they all say sorry which bloody well

    annoys me because if they feel sorry then why say it? the taxi

    driver said. Danan smiled.

    Well it isnt a nice thing to say so maybe thats why they say sorry.

    Well said, although I would like to say that you havent explained probably because

    celebrates are always being rude so yeah your being ahypocrite.

    You blab too much and how am I a hypocrite.

    You havent said sorry.

    Sorry. The taxi driver roared with laughter. He shook his head at Danan. Something

    occurred to Danan then. The taxi driver hadnt mentioned his


    You havent told me your name. Danan quoted. The taxi driver sighed.

    I have been given strict orders as not to reveal my identity the taxi driver said sadly.

    Danan looked confused.

    Im not going to shout your name to the whole world Danan said silkily. The taxi

    driver sighed again. Apparently Danan was being a real hassle for him.I had led a horrible life before and I am hoping to put that behind me by working for

    the T.V.W. Danan looked confused again.

    Whats the T.V.W? Danan asked. The taxi driver started to smirk.

    Never mind I dont want to make you more depressed. Danan nodded.

    Whats your name? Danan asked again. The taxi driver just shook his head.

    You win, my name is Jim. Danan slapped his forehead.

    Thats all you had to sayJim. Danan mimicked the word Jim. Jim just started tosmirk again.

    Thats just a nickname you know. Danan didnt bother to find out his real name.

    Am I going home now? Danan asked. Jim started to laugh.

    Were not done yet, we need to get you a fake identity. Danan spun his head at that.

    Why do I need a fake identity? Danan asked.

    Well you would be in deep shit if someone found out your real identity. Jim went

    back to his driving Danan nodded.

    Will I ever return home? Danan asked. Jim nodded.

    You will but you will be out quite a lot. Will that create suspicion?

    No its perfect. Danan grinned. My mum wants me to spend a lot of time out.

    Im not sure she meant it in this way Jim murmured. Danan looked out the window.

    They were on the motorway. Danans mobile started to ring. It was Ann.

    Hello Danan called to the phone.

    Hey Danan, its me Ann.Yeah I know that Danan snapped.

    Are you angry with me? Ann asked in a timid voice.

    Why would I be angry? Danan asked.

    Because I bailed on you. Danan laughed scornfully.

    Ann why did you phone me?

    I just wanted to invite you to my birthday party. Danan would have said no. He was

    very angry with Ann and didnt want to be with her but that would hurt her


    Yeah okay. Danan sounded horribly bitter and he felt like that as well.

    Thanks Danan youre the best, do you want to see a film? Ann asked.

    Im busy bye. Danan disconnected the call. Jim didnt say anything about theconversation. The car stopped. A man walked towards the car and handed Jim


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    a brown envelop. Jim drove one without a word. The car stopped outside

    Danans house. Danan got out. Jim waved and drove off. Danan went inside

    the house. Everyone was quiet. Danan slouched upstairs into his bedroom. He

    had so many photos in his bedroom. There was a big picture of Danan with his

    family. Next to that picture was a photo of him and Ann side by side laughing.

    Recently they were both staying distant. Danan sighed. Most of the happyfaces on the photos were not happy now. Some of them were not even here

    now. Danan just sighed. When will this world start becoming happy?

    Chapter 8


    Now who can tell me where is Chicago? Miss Cremshot questioned. Danan

    yawned. This lesson was getting really boring.

    Danan Miss Cremshot called.

    I didnt put my hand up Danan replied.

    I know thats why I chose you. Everyone who had their hands up put their hands

    down immediately.Er Africa? Danan guessed. Everyone laughed but no one laughed as hard as Jack.

    How stupid can you get? Jack insulted.

    How ugly can you get? Ann insulted back.

    Not as ugly as you Jack answered. Danan felt his temper rising.

    Have you looked in the mirror lately? Danan insulted heatedly.

    Have you?

    No because you cracked it with your face before I could look. Everyone laughed.

    Enough Miss Cremshot shouted. Everyone stopped laughing. Miss Cremshot

    started to blab again.

    Your welcome Ann whispered.

    Welcome for what? Danan asked.

    For backing you up. Ann replied.

    I dont need backing up Danan hissed.

    Well I thought I could help.

    Well you didnt instead you made everything worst. The hurt on Anns face was

    insignificant. Danan regretted what he said. Ann turned her back to him.

    Danan sighed.

    Ann Danan began.

    No its okay I understand that you cant hang out with me. Danan looked at Ann.

    I dont think that.

    You cant hang out with me because Im a girl. Danan stared at Ann. The bell rangand Ann was out of her seat in a second. When Danan was out of the school he


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    saw Ann she was waiting for him as usual. Ann smiled at Danan. Danan

    returned the smile. Ann walked past Danan to another boy from her class.

    Danan looked at them. The boy put his arm around Ann and they both walked

    off. Danan didnt mind Ann having a boyfriend but Ann always walked home

    with Danan. Things were changing rapidly. Danan decided to phone Ann.

    Hello Anns voice said.Ann youre meant to be walking with me. Danan told Ann.

    Im walking with Mike.

    Who the hell is he?

    A friend. Ann replied. Im still your friend. Danan nodded.

    Well tell Mike to walk with someone else Danan snapped. The phone line went

    dead. Danan was outraged. Ann just cut him off. Danan could feel his friend


    Hey Danan greeted a girl called Lauren from Danans geography class.

    Hey Lauren Danan greeted back.

    Is something troubling you? Lauren asked. Danan shook his head.

    Yeah there is, well Ann sort of bailed on me. Lauren nodded.Yeah I saw her walking with Mike. Danan nodded.

    I better get going. Lauren nodded and walked off. Danan shrugged his shoulders.

    He walked to his house and went straight to his room. Danan tried to phone

    Ann again. This time it was a different voice that answered.

    Hello said a gruff voice. Danan wasnt able to make who it was.

    Hi is Ann there? Danan asked politely.

    Yeah. The voice replied.

    Hello Anns voice replied.

    What are you playing at? Danan asked furiously.

    Mike offered to walk home with me. Danan was about to reply but had something


    Meet me at our special place and if you dont come then I guess that is an answer as

    not to be my friend Danan told Ann.

    But Danan Ann didnt finish her protest because Danan disconnected the call. He

    ran out the front door and walked to the park where no one was there. He then

    climbed over the fence near the river. Danan finally gave up and started to

    head home.

    Wait Danan. Danan turned around. Ann was running to him. Danan smiled but was

    still angry. When Ann was finally standing opposite him. Danan began.

    What has happened to you? Danan asked furiously.

    What do you mean? Ann asked looking puzzled. That made Danan even angrier.As if you dont know Danan replied sarcastically. Anns eyes started to cloud with


    No Danan I dont know so tell me.

    Oh so your stupid as well as being a dumper Danan snarled nastily. Ann had


    You have gone too far Danan.

    Make me go further then. Ann narrowed her eyes.

    Just tell me what your problem is?

    My problem is YOU. Danan shouted the last word. Danan and Ann were glaring at

    each other like enemies.

    My problem is you because you have been ignoring. My problem is you because youhave been bailing on me. My Problem is you you YOU Danan shrieked.


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    Sorry Ann replied calmly. You have every right to be angry with me. Danan

    laughed mirthlessly.

    No I am meant to be sorry for you because youre too much of an idiot. Danan

    laughed. Ann stood there scowling.

    Hey why dont you just skip along with Mike and dump me in a garbage bin. Danan

    had stopped laughing. All traces of jokes had disappeared. Ann gasped.Danan Id never do that Ann cried out. A smirk spread out on Danans face.

    Danan Id never do that Danan mimicked. Get stuffed. Ann glowered at Danan.

    I have been very nice to you but you are being unreasonable. Danan laughed. Not a

    warm laugh but a cold one. Ann looked at Danan.

    Ann you never had been my friend. I was stupid to think that you were using me. I

    was a substitute. Ann shook her head at these harsh words. Not trying to hide

    the tears.

    Loser Ann thats who you are. The girl that Danan didnt finish his sentence

    because Ann pushed him into the little river in the park. Danan shook his hair.

    Ann was glaring at Danan with hatred.

    You are wrong Danan. From now on I have nothing to do with you. Thats my lastwords. Im sorry. With those mourning words Ann jumped over the gate and

    the further she ran the sadder Danan felt that he had ruined a good relationship

    that could have lasted.

    Chapter 9

    Danans diary


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    Dear diary,Today I feel terrible. I, myself was furious with Ann on bailing on me and I

    let my anger wash up on me. I had said so many cruel things toAnn. She didnt deserve that. At the end she was crying. It is

    really hard to make Ann cry. My words must have stung her

    bad. How did she do it? Like survive half my words. If I was inher shoes then I would have ran as far away as I can. I guess

    Ann is braver than me. Okay well Ann deserved it, she had itcoming. No, she didnt. Did I believe that? No, yes, I dont

    know. I dont know what to think. This is confusing. I guess

    mum was right. I have to make decisions myself. Im sure shedidnt have this in mind. Why has my life suddenly got

    complicated? First Shalayna is sent to the metal hospitalsecond Basalnan leaves (I dont care about that he was a cow

    in the first place) third of all Shalayna dies now this? Has some

    curse been inflicted on me? I have to find out. Well Ann had it

    coming. I know she might be busy but that doesnt explain herwalking with Mankal or whatever his name is. Did my wordsreally smack her hard? Stop being stupid like Jack, Danan. Of

    course they hurt her. They were pretty harsh. You should hear

    yourself. Acting like a cow. I swear I do feel guilty so there.Wait I have two consciousnesses. One is the good one and the

    other one is the bad one. Bob and Builder.

    Honestly I feel guilty. Ann deserved it of course she did Danan use your

    brain. Thats why god gave it to you. Use it or lose it. Seriously I need to getmy back at Ann although I got to admit that was funny when I was pushed into

    the lake. It really was.

    Chapter 10

    Witches Stake


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    When Danan was at school. People had been talking non-stop about the trip to Le

    Francisco beach. Everyone was told by their teacher Miss Cremshot that they

    were there to study the drifts.

    It is going to be really exciting Miss Cremshot told them today. You will stay with

    your partner that you chose from the beginning. Miss Cremshot eyed Danan

    while she said that. Apparently the news about Danan and Anns break up hadalso hit the teachers as well. Danan scowled and while Miss Cremshot wasnt

    looking threw a filthy look at Ann. Ann returned but also with a glare. It had

    been five weeks since Danan and Ann hadnt talked. Danan had other friends

    but he would normally hang out with Ann. But now they had broken up Danan

    was hanging out with his other friends. Danan turned to face Miss Cremshot.

    He was no longer sitting with Ann but was sitting with his closest friend

    Kimo. Kimo was always jealous of Ann being Danans best friend. He wanted

    to be close to Danan at least and now he had gotten his wish.

    Right everyone dont forget the trip tomorrow. Make sure you make suitable plans

    with your partner so you arrive at the same time. Probably you both can walk

    with each other to school. Miss Cremshot nodded at Danan and Ann.Everyone started to smirk.

    Oooh Jack McKenzie called out. Danan felt his temper rising.

    At least I dont look like a toad Ann insulted. Everyone went ahh.

    Look at the mirror then you will see who the toad is. Danan couldnt take it

    anymore. Danan threw his geography book at Jack. It hit Jacks nose and it

    started to bleed. Miss Cremshot looked at Danan shocked.

    Danan, how dare you throw things in my. Miss Cremshot didnt get to finish

    what she said because Jack ran forwards to throw a punch at Danan. Danan

    ducked so Jack ended up toppling over the table. A boy got on a table and

    screamed FIGHT. Everyone ended up fighting. Jack tried to kick Ann but

    Ann punched him in the face. Everyone was fighting but having fun. Danan

    ran to Ann.

    Good punch Danan congratulated Ann. Ann grinned.

    Thanks, I guess Im a pro Ann claimed. Danan laughed.

    I am the pro here. Ann stared at Danan.

    Do you want to see? Danan smiled. For the first time things were going back to

    normal. Michael saw Danan and Ann talking.

    Ann this is our chance to leave early Michael told Ann. Lets go. Ann frowned.

    I want to stay Michael you can go if you want. Michael sighed and took Ann by the

    wrist and dragged her.

    Michael Danan heard Ann say. Danan ran after them.Michael dont force her to leave Danan told Michael. Michael smirked.

    I think Ann knows who she wants to be with. Michael looked at Ann. Dont you.

    Ann sighed.

    Sorry Danan everything is going to stay the same. Ann walked off with Michael.

    Danan sensed something wrong. He decided to follow them. They walked out

    of the school and stood in the car park. Michael looked at Ann.

    You remember our deal dont you Ann Michael reminded Ann.

    You cant Ann whispered. Ive done everything you asked.

    Part of the deal was not to talk to that boy Danan. Michael hissed. Ann shook her

    head in disgust.

    I was stupid to believe that you could hurt him. Sure you will beat him up but youcant kill him Ann said more to herself than Michael. Michael laughed.


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    Ann, Danan has already met my friend. Ann looked puzzled. Michael just smiled.

    Its either me or Danan Michael said ruthlessl