the light that will nar be extinguished light that will not be..."the light that will nar be...

"THE LIGHT THAT WILL Nar BE EXTINGUISHED" TEXT: "The light shines on in the dark, and the darkness has never quenched it" (John 1: 6 NEB) INTRODUCTION In Holy Scripture the Christmas drama is brief and to the point. Of the ten hundred and eighty-nine chapters in the Bible only five deal directly with the Nativity of Christ. One might easily conclude from these figures that Christians tend to make too much of Christmas. In order to defend ourselves against the charge of undue emphasis we tend to overstage the drama and falsely glamorize the facts. Never was a star so bright, we say; a maiden so far; a child. so sweet; an inn so heartless; a king so cruel and insecure. Never were shepherds so devout, or Wise Men so committed to the search for truth. Such exaggerations can be forgiven as poetic license. Nonetheless, they do the cause a grave disservice. And this because they divert attention from the essence of Christmas to the accidents of Christmas. Christmas will always seem overdone until we recognize that God is the primary subject, and that its primary intent is to deliver men from the grip and the power of sin and selfish- ness. DEVELOPMENT Take a look at Christmas through the wide-angle lens of the prologue to John's Gospel. How could one possibly exaggerate this? "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it." (John 1: 5) "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness 4id not master it; has never quenched it; has not overwhelmed it; has never put it ·out; a light that darkness could n0t overpower". Moffet, New English Bible, Montgomery, Goodspeed, Phillips, New Jerusalem Bible - say it how you will. This is not just GOOD news. Friends, this is positively the BEST news ever heralded in human ear. "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it". THE LIGHT CAME / STAYED This light had been reverently anticipated. There is a special sense in which there was "night" before Christmas. A time when God's will was veiled in inscrutable mystery. When man's duty was overlaid with a baffiing and life-destroying legalism. It is impossible for the world to be pre-Christmas again, living as it does on this side of Bethlehem. But it is hardly a speculation to say that did our Bible end at Malachi we would be the poorer for it. .How different would be our view of how God works in history? Our understanding of mercy? Our attitude toward others? Our approach to death? Across the years the prophets of Israel spoke and pointed. The Prince of Peace would one day come. A light would shine to pale all other lights. "Pre- pare ye the way of the Lord" they cried. And then one day it happenedl

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TEXT: "The light shines on in the dark, and the darkness has never quenched it"

(John 1: 6 NEB)

INTRODUCTION In Holy Scripture the Christmas drama is brief and to the point. Of the ten hundred and eighty-nine chapters in the Bible only

five deal directly with the Nativity of Christ. One might easily conclude from these figures that Christians tend to make too much of Christmas.

In order to defend ourselves against the charge of undue emphasis we tend to overstage the drama and falsely glamorize the facts. Never was a star so bright, we say; a maiden so far; a child. so sweet; an inn so heartless; a king so cruel and insecure. Never were shepherds so devout, or Wise Men so committed to the search for truth.

Such exaggerations can be forgiven as poetic license. Nonetheless, they do the cause a grave disservice. And this because they divert attention from the essence of Christmas to the accidents of Christmas. Christmas will always seem overdone until we recognize that God is the primary subject, and that its primary intent is to deliver men from the grip and the power of sin and selfish­ness.

DEVELOPMENT Take a look at Christmas through the wide-angle lens of the prologue to John's Gospel. How could one possibly exaggerate this?

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it." (John 1: 5)

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness 4id not master it; has never quenched it; has not overwhelmed it; has never put it ·out; a light that darkness could n0t overpower".

Moffet, New English Bible, Montgomery, Goodspeed, Phillips, New Jerusalem Bible -say it how you will. This is not just GOOD news. Friends, this is positively the BEST news ever heralded in human ear. "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it".

THE LIGHT CAME / STAYED This light had been reverently anticipated. There is a special sense in which there was "night" before

Christmas. A time when God's will was veiled in inscrutable mystery. When man's duty was overlaid with a baffiing and life-destroying legalism. It is impossible for the world to be pre-Christmas again, living as it does on this side of Bethlehem. But it is hardly a speculation to say that did our Bible end at Malachi we would be the poorer for it. .How different would be our view of how God works in history? Our understanding of mercy? Our attitude toward others? Our approach to death?

Across the years the prophets of Israel spoke and pointed. The Prince of Peace would one day come. A light would shine to pale all other lights. "Pre­pare ye the way of the Lord" they cried.

And then one day it happenedl

- 2 -

In the fullness of time Jesus came. The God who created would also redeem. As Paul put it:

"For it is God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness' who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the know­ledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ".

(IT. Cor. 4: 6)

This is the final amazement. What more could God say? What more could God do? To see this is to see it all. Well might Simeon have said when he saw the ·infant Jesus:

"Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, accord~ ing to thy word; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for the glory of thy people Israel."

(Luke 2: 29~

The Nicene Creed struggles to bottle this heady brew.

"I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds; God of God, light of light, very God of very God."

"The light shines in the darlmess and the darkness has never quenched it".

LIGHT VS. DARKNESS Not that the darkness hasn't tried to extinguish it. Herod drenched the countryside with blood trying to put

out that light. In Nazareth they sought to push Jesus over a cliff to snuff out that light. Eventually they crucified Him on a cross. Sporadically in history waves of desperate persecution have been unleashed against his followers who claim to be the bearers of that light.

But always the light out-lives the darkness. After the Holy Family had gone into Egypt for security reasons an angel came to Jospph in a dream in Egypt and said, nRise, take the child and His mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child's life are dead." This is the verdict of history in every generation. Tyrant after tyrant, opposition after opposition - "'I'hose who sought the child's life are dead". The darkness does its worst against the light, but the darkness never prevails.

I sometimes wonder which is the greater marvel - that the light came, or that the light stays. Perhaps for our own soul's good we should ponder more often the persistence of that light.

There was a clock advertised last Christmas for the family that has every­thing. The ads referred to it as a Tide Clock. Those of us who have ever done any swimming at the sea-shore know how important it is to know when high-tide and low-tide will occur. If you like to go clamming you must go when the tide is out. Boating enthusiasts must not ignore the tides. Only a few of us are aware of the existence of lunar time. Our watches and calandars, indeed, the basic calculations of our lives, are, almost without exception, tied to solar time. For a modest cash outlay one can purchase a clock that gives lunar time. The hand on this clock comes full circle every twelve hours and twenty-five minutes. A glance will tell you how close you are either to the incoming tide

- 3 -

or the tide that is going out.

There is another force in the world beside the force of darkness. As the news breaks in upon us we tend to be highly conscious of the atrocities, the brutalities, the defections of history - the injustice, the violence, all manner of sin - personal and corporate. But are we sufficiently aware of that stubborn, persistent, inextinguishable light that shines and keeps on shining?

Yes, there is war; but there are also peacemakers. Yes, there are broken homes by the thousands; but there are also social workers who care. Yes, there is disease; but there are also hospitals and doctors and research teams. Yes, there is widespread ignorance; but there are also schools and teachers. Yes, there are unfair laws, and glaring flaws in the judicial process; but there are also lawyers and other concerned citizens who work diligently for reform. Yes, there's pornographic literature flooding from the presses, but there is also the Bible. I learned recently to the strengthening of my own heart that Good News for Modern Man, the paperback version of the Bible, is the best selling paperback in all the history of the publishing business.

THE POINT IS The point is: let's not focus on the darkness so intently that we fail to see that the light that visited us in Bethlehem

years ago is burning still. We have all had the experience of trying to put out one of those 3-way lights. Each turn of the switch only made the bulb shine brighter. So it is with Christ. He goes from brightness to brightness. But the analegy is flawed. There's no turn of the switch in which this light fina.lly goes off. It took us only three hours to crucifY Him, but for two thousands years now we have tired in vain to rid ourselves of His troubling Presence. And still••••

CLOSING "The light shines in the darkness ••• •" to me these words evoke decision. In fact, they demand decision. We read in the Scriptures

of the Wise Men that "being warned of God in a dream they departed to their own country another way". No man, no woman, no boy, no girl can return from Christmas as they came. Decision is laid upon us.

Like Herod, we can respond with hostile opposition. Some will. Or, like Scroog, we can hear the message of this light ••• experience the warmth of these days ••• go back to counting our money and possessions and shout in self-defense, "Bah, Humbug". Or, we can embrace that light that has visted our planet in Christ. We can hall it as the MASTER OWE to ultimate reality. Yes, we can receive it for ourselves, then reflect it for the good others. We can bet our very souls upon it.

"The light shines in the darlmess and the darlmess does not overcome it". What are you going to do with it? As you brush up asainst Eternal Truth once again in these coming days, what will be your response?

"To every man there openeth A Way and 1tlays and a Way, And the high soul climbs the High way And the Low Soul gropes the low, And in between, on the misty flats, The rest drift to and .f".no. But to every man there openeth A High Way and a Low And every man decideth The way His soul shall go".

- 4 -

PRAYER We thank You, 0 God, for the light that shines in the darkness, for the Christ who came into our world and who uses us to be in­

struments of His glory and love.

As we rejoice at Christmas, without forgetting the sadness and the sorrow that is all abroad in the world, we remember that light ~~ieh the darkness can­not put out and which, if only we will let it, can shine in us.


ANTHF..M: "For tnto Us A Child Is Born"

"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace".

ANTHa~: ··Christmas Day~' ..... ;

The ·secon'd anthem is a choral . fantasy· on old· ·caro·ls .. · -· ·· ··· ·


The· organ .postlude -. a· fi'mil offering of our praise::· to. God -: is . played after the Benediction. ·Time permitting,· we-'·invi.te you to remain to share in it~


The 0ratorio Society of.- .New York, under Lyndon .;Woodside's --direction, will ,pre­sent Handel's ·Messiah at Car.negie Hall this coming Tuesday night at eight o'clock. Tickets are available at the box office.


Those wishing to give to the fund for Christmas flowers are invited to use the envelope that is in the pew.


The Advent Wreath with its ·four can ... dles is one.of·the traditions ofChristmas. :Today, ·on this:. Third· ·su:ndiiy·. of· Advent, we pause to light. the third candle on· t~e i" ..

wreath:_· . ' · · . . . . Today's candle lighters•are Alexander

Flagg~· Sophia Bro\\Tne and Gainble.Staempfli~ -:-Mak'awaza Nyirenda.will readsever~1 ve;rses ·of sc~ipture. for us.;

·'TODAY·AT·NOON !.~ • '

This morning, at the close of our wor­ship service, the boys and girls of our· Chur-ch wili present their , inter,J?r'etation of the Nativity. We invite you to remain fol16wing the last hymn for't.bis beautiftii gift from the children to .. ail of us.


A·busy afternoon is planned for the members of the Adult Fellowship. There·· will · be a brunch following the coffee hour~: · Ar.ound three-thirty, the group will sing . Christmas carols at the Amsterdam House at · : · 112th Street and· Amste'rdam Avenue. (The Am- · sterdam House is a Home· for senior citbEms): At five o'clock they will make their way to · Riverside Church to attend the.Annual · Christmas Carol Service. _For further details, speak to Doreen Surber at.the coffee hour.


. . ·-· . ~'

.. ,-.. ·rThei. -Fihaneial, canvass is: a1most:, com--: . . plete• .. our :goai: for :i.979':-.u-J:200~ p~ed-ges .. - .... and $55~:2.00,;· .:-_- ' --.::.-··{ r-· _,_;::· <.'•::· ". --

To date, 181 pledges totalling $58~3•2c7.o, · have·- ·been. g-rateful-ly.· receiv~ •.. As' opf-. this timeL.last,, year_,.;_ we had r :rec.ei:ved J.52·: pledg.e.s '. ·:: totalling .C.!i-7.:,7.f6 •. _,:· .. : : f:-. .- ·.,_.: -.- · ·• :c··;,-;-._- ',_,_

Another 19 pledges will enable --us.- to .. ·­reach our goal of 200 pledges which is just as important to us as reaching t~e _ dol~CU::: _ --~-:: goal.

. -._, -:: -P· cards · are .. available in :the.­narthex . .-.·. Chanc-eS:, are. you have turned:: in a· card o.f ·,,_ ,_but ip the,.ev~n:t: you-: •.. _ have~}t,,•_m.ay:.w~-~enc~lilrage,.you to to- -· · day_,-pe~~n:e,_yo~; ~eave? ··Wl:lank you.- - · ·

. -. ·-·: -·: .... 1979 BOXES OF OFFERING ENVELOPES

The 1979 boxes of offering-envelopes· will h.~ .. reaqy ,.for qistribution n.ext Sunday moJr-ni11g •. ::B.oJC~p :wil,.;t .. ):?~ p.repareq .for t~ose wii6 have'_~~ques_ted .,them.. :~?lease :pick- up .. . .. the box :t;h'at .h..a~ "your' n~e ~~~ it and:--5-ave .... ,. the -~hui·ch ':tliEi; ~-xpens,e. of maili-ng ~it.- - . - . -- .

• _-·~,If, .you <;t_.i4 ~Qt :,~iii out ~ pledq~- ,~r:d .. : _7

and ·wish·_. ~o. have. a ;box-.of offering et).~~lP£5~-,-. fo:,: .w~ekly g~fts; speak· to .Mr~ __ r,.en Williams-. The ·offi<f~;;~~;J;(.b,~ -l_l~PI?Y:·t9 _pr~pc:tr:~ a .l?.qx. ano. a .num}:)er .. for.,you . . : ' ·: ;_·,•-"- ---:c-. .. ,.,, . ., ··.!,. ... "~ .. ·. ' •.. .... •. ··- ' ,, ...

< ••. , ... -

; ' (' ~ . ,# __ ;- ! . . •' ,;.-.

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• ~I':

"".:.- .'~. -·.: .... .... ,.:.,,. <·- ··.- I' --· ····r·


.A.:Christmas Eve Service·: of:. Carols. and· .. , Candles will be held next Sunday evening, Chr;s-tntas':..Eve.,,::-at .eight· -o·!:cioclc in~ our. · Church. It is one of the most beauti£uV.:·, services of the year, and is quite popular among friends in the neighborhood~·· The_ ,_,­sanctuary is usually comfortably filled.

- --An'. time of-' fellowsnl·p->wifh refreshmeRts will---be• held. immeaiate-:ly -_ ·. -following 'the·,·sezvic~ '·:in· the ·a.ownstai:ts-Community Room. . ,, -· •· •' .-,· · ·': < --

Tell your ~riends about this special :Chr.istmas --Eve Service. · :l::iiv i te .them 't.o.'-.. ··: come with you. 'Let' s have a full Church on Christmas E'Ve as we celebrate'the ·birthday of our 'Lord I Jesus Cli.rist .x -

·. ':. ::. --~· .

·!.: - ~ . -; _. . ' ; ·' --~-. . ~ ..... ;

.. ' ···-:. ,_. ~--.. : .

':.' ·: ::· ~:·:::.~' . _ . .:; "i.

-~·, ·. ·._ . .,:.·.


No. 5880

PARK AVEN·UE ..... . . ·.

0 0 •


:,.. !.,.

,.. ~ :

106 East 86th Street ;

New York, N.Y. 100~8

AT 9-6997


Rev. Philip A. C. Clarke

Dr. H arold C. Metzner

ORGANIST-CHOIR DIRECTOR · • • • • • ,·,•., I •

· . · ~ : Mr. Lyndon Woodside ,


Mrs. James :.'>l espole

· . Mrs. · Stephen . F. Cohen


:\1rs. Judith Keisman

. . ..-. .. CUSTODJA.TY

Mr. Abdo Aln aham .


: ••'

. ~ , .. ·' ... "

,., ; ;~ . . .



THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT December 17, 1978


ORGAN "Chorale Prelude" Pachelbel CALL TO WORSHIP HYMN NO. 388 "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" PRAYER OF CONFESSION (seated)

our Heavenly Father, who didst cause light to shine out of darkness in the advent of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we humbly confess our transgressions and implore Thy forgiveness. We are ashamed of that ~tlithin us wl:ich maketh neither for good will to others nor for growth in goodness in our lives. We beseech Thee that the spirit of Christ may be born anew within us, and that we may glorify His nativity with hearts of compassion, deeds of kindly service, and the spirit of good will toward all mankind, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen



ANTHEM "For l"nto Us A Child Is Born" Handel SCRIPTURE John 1: 1 - 13 PASTORAL PFIAYJ:.R PARISH CONCERNS ANTHEM · "Christmas Day'' Holst PRESENTATION OF THE OFFERING WITH THE DOXOLOGY HYMN NO. 396 "Infar.t Holy, Infant Lowly" SERMON "The Light That Will Not Be Extinguished" HYHN NO. 374 "Angels We Have Heard on High" A GIFT FROM THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BENEDICTION ORGAN "Carillon - Sortie" Mulet

*** Interval for Ushering


We welcome Mrs. Ronald Prickett as our Lay Reader today. A native of Christiansburg, Virginia, Nancy studied at VPT and also Baruch College. She is a Work Management Counsellor for Teachers' Insurance and Ann­uity Association. In the Church she ~erves on the Mem­bership Committee as well as singing in the choir.


The flowers on the altar today are a gift from Major and Mrs. Richard N. Donovan who were married in our Church on Saturday afternoon.


Coffee and tea will be served in the Community Room after the . service. Members and .£riends are invited to share in these moments of warmth made possible for us today by Mrs. t.;Thelan, Ms. Fr·ench, Mrs. Leigh, Mrs. Pe\>1, Mrs. Reyno and Miss Syble.


The ushers today are Mr. Bates, Mr. Hairston, Mr. Lund, Dr. Molt, Mr. Padilla, Miss Surber, Mr. Weeks and Mrs. Williams.


Christmas is a time of giving and sharing, of love and of warmth. As you give to those you love in the spirit of Christ, we invite you to remember your Church and its many needs. A generous Christmas offering will enable the Church to meet its obligations before the end of the year.