the lilliput press catalogue 2011–2012


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Page 1: The Lilliput Press Catalogue 2011–2012

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New & Forthcoming 1

Recent 13

Reprints 21

Celebrated Authors 24

Lilliput ebooks 26

Stocklist 28

About Lilliput 36

THE LILL IPUT PRESS62–63 S i t r ic Road, Arbour H i l l , Dubl in 7 , I re landTel . +353 1 6711647 Fax +353 1 6711233w w w . l i l l i p u t p r e s s . i e

Pub l i s h e r – Antony Far re l lEd i t o r – Fiona DunneO f f i c e managemen t – Sarah Davis-­Goff, K i t ty LyddonEma i l L i l l iput – in fo@l i l l iputpress. ie

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New & Forthcoming 2011 – 2012

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New & For thcoming 2011 – 2012

Ten Thousand SaintsA Study in Irish and European Origins

H u b e r t B u t l e rButler uses linguistics to trace the origins of myths and saints back to pre- Celtic Ireland and Europe, showing how these stories and names – ances-tors of half-forgotten tribes – became absorbed by Christian mythology. First published in !"#$, Ten !ousand Saints raises fascinating problems, which take us behind the frontiers of recorded history to the remote wanderings of European peoples, to the clash of the tribes and tongues,as now a%rmed by &'( research.

‘!e range of subjects, the style which speaks of such a sharp mind, and the sheer humanity of these works produced over a long period display a consist-ently high standard that is equalled by few other Irish writers.’ – Alan Harrison, late Professor of Modern Irish in UCD

Hubert Butler (!"))–"!) was born in Kilkenny and educated at Oxford.

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Goodbye AgainJ o s e p h H o n e5e chance discovery of an invaluable Modigliani nude in Dublin leads to a thrilling chase through France and Italy, as ra%sh painter Ben and the beautiful Elsa are drawn into the sinister underbelly of the art world: the secretive trade of art looted by the Nazis in the Second World War. Packed with narrative suspense and sumptuous evocations of a long-forgotten Europe, Goodbye Again is a dramatic intrigue about how our past ultimately dectermines who we really are.

‘A splendid thriller: thoroughly contemporary, menacing, subtle and full of ingenious twists.’ – James Hamilton PatersonJoseph Hone, author of crime thrillers and travel books, teaches in Oxford- shire in England. His memoir Wicked Little Joe was published by Lilliput Press in $))".

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New & For thcoming 2011 – 2012

Trinity TalesTrinity College Dublin in the Seventies

K a t h y G i l f i l l a n , e d i t o r5is second anthology of memories and impressions by Trinity College students includes such personalities as pop impresario Paul McGuinness, theatre director Michael Colgan, publisher Antony Farrell, writer James Ryan, historian Robert O’Byrne, judge Fidelma Macken, actor Daniel Reardon and others who have, in their di6erent ways, shaped the Ireland of today. 5e !"#)s was a particularly tumultuous decade – as political and social upheaval unfolded, Irish youth began to embrace a future free from the constraints of their forefathers: this was the generation that saw it all.

Kathy Gil!llan studied German and English at Trinity from !"-1 to !"#$. She has worked as a design researcher; copywriter; screenwriter and free-lance journalist.

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Memoi r


Jammet’sThe Only French Restaurant in Dublin

A l i s o n M a x w e l l & S h a y H a r p u rBetween !")! and !"-#, actors, writers, <lm stars, judges, doctors, chancers and characters trundled through the doors of Jammet’s in search of superb food and wine, or banter in the back bars. Pages from the visitors’ book with its autographs and comments are redolent of a golden age: Maureen O’Hara, Micheál Mac Liammóir, Bing Crosby, Judy Garland, Ingrid Berg-man, Elizabeth Taylor, the Beverley Sisters and John Lennon. Added to this mix are original menu cards and recipes, photographs, paintings and sketches, anecdotes from sta6 and customers — a feast of rich culinary memories and rare insights into the social and cultural life of Dublin for the sixty-six years of Jammet’s treasured existence.

Alison Maxwell is a graduate of the Creative Writing MA, UCD. 5e late Shay Harpur rose from busboy to sommelier at Jammet’s.

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Memoi r

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New & For thcoming 2011 – 2012

Maurice CraigPhotographs

A m a n d a B e l l , e d i t o rFor <>y years, architectural historian Maurice Craig carried a camera nearly everywhere he went. 5e resulting collection was donated to the Irish Architectural Archive (IAA). Many of these photographs originally featured in the IAA’s $))- exhibition ‘Maurice Craig: Fi>y Years of Photo-graphing Ireland’; others appeared in his best-selling Ireland Observed (!"1)), co-authored with the Knight of Glin. With an introduction by the photographer and an a>erword by Edward McParland, this book is part memento mori, part historical document – a tribute not only to the archi-tecture and buildings of Ireland, but also to one of its greatest champions.

Maurice Craig (!"!"–$)!!) was born in Belfast and educated at Cam-bridge and TCD. Amanda Bell is a freelance editor living in Dublin.

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Oil and WaterMolly Keane and Her World

M a r j o r i e Q u a r t o n5is book traces the rise and decline of the Anglo-Irish country gentry during the lifetime of Molly Keane (!"?2–"-), one of its most original and witty novelists. Her career spanned two world wars, the !"!- Rising and the civil war. Molly Keane’s writing is examined from a <rst novel in her teens through discussion of her eleven subsequent books and <ve plays. 5e early death of her husband, followed by the failure of her last play in !"2$, e6ectively stopped her writing for almost twenty years, until the ex-plosive release of her much-loved novels Good Behaviour, Time A"er Time and Loving and Giving in the !"1)s, when she became a media star.

Marjorie Quarton was born in Tipperary in !"3). Her three previous books have been published by 5e Lilliput Press.

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The Palm HousePhotography by Amelia SteinForeword by John Banville, text by Brendan Sayers

A m e l i a S t e i n5is monograph of !$! stunning black-and-white photographs taken atthe National Botanical Gardens in Glasnevin, Dublin, beautifully illustrates the great Palm House, prior to its restoration in $))$. 5e photographs capture the cluttered jungle, worn by time, and held high in a6ection by visitors enchanted with its lo>y green paradise. In the accompanying bo-tanical text, Brendan Sayers, keeper of the Palm House, relates how a visitor felt on entering and exploring this exotic green world, conveying a history and origin of the planting, and the importance of the collection.

Amelia Stein lives and works in Dublin. She is a member of Aosdána and was the <rst photographer to be elected to the Royal Hibernian Academy.

Solitary and WildFrederick MacNeice and the Salvation of Ireland

D a v i d F i t z p a t r i c kFor lovers of Louis MacNeice’s poetry, his father, Frederick MacNeice (!1--–!"2$) is a reassuring presence: born to Connemara missioners, this Church of Ireland clergyman, who rose to be Bishop of Down, was not afraid to reject the Ulster Covenant, denounce sectarianism, and espouse Irish nationalism. However, he was not a Home Ruler but an all-Ireland Unionist and enthusiastic Orangeman. Using unfamiliar archives and local newspapers, as well as the writings of both father and son, Solitary and Wild admirably reconstructs the disparate worlds of Frederick MacNeice.

David Fitzpatrick is Professor of Modern History at Trinity College Dublin. He is author of numerous works on Irish history. His edited collection of essays, Terror in Ireland #$#%–#$&', will be published in $)!$.


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Biography Photography

New & For thcoming 2011 – 2012

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New & For thcoming 2011 – 2012

Broken LandscapesSelected Letters of Ernie O’Malley !"$2–!"4#

C o r m a c K.H. O ’ M a l l e y a n d N i c h o l a s A l l e n , e d i t o r s . A f t e r w o r d b y D a v i d L l o y d Ernie O’Malley, revolutionary, writer and modernist, was one of the leading <gures in the Irish independence and civil wars. For the <rst time, this new collection of letters, diaries and fragments opens up the broad panorama of his life to readers, enriching the history of Ireland’s troubled origins. Broken Landscapes tells of his journeys a>erwards in Europe and the Americas, including Taos, where he mingled with the artistic set around D.H. Law-rence, and of friendships with Patrick Kavanagh, Liam O’Flaherty, Louis MacNeice and Jack B. Yeats. 5rough these wonderful chronicles we are able to perceive the intellectual foundations of twentieth-century Ireland.

Cormac K.H. O’Malley is a legal consultant based in New York and son of Ernie O’Malley. Nicholas Allen is Moore Institute Professor at NUIG.

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Susan Wood’s IrelandIntroductory essay by Robert O’Byrne

S u s a n Wo o dIn !"-" renowned American photographer Susan Wood was sent to Ireland on an assignment by Vogue magazine. 5e images she took during her travels across the country – many of them never published – reveal a world now entirely vanished: towns and roads almost devoid of tra%c; small thatched farmsteads still serving as family homes; a landscape untouched for centuries. With a pithy introduction by Robert O’Byrne, Susan Wood’s Ireland presents a country on the cusp of change and an Ireland lost forever.

Susan Wood is an American photographer most notable for her work on movies such as Easy Rider and for her portraits of John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Susan Sontag and Joseph Heller, among others. She photographed extensively in Ireland in the late !"-)s and !"#)s.

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PhotographyMemo i r


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Ireland’s Other HistoryH e c t o r M c D o n n e l lFrom the uncertain <rst dawn of human presence on the island, to the deathof the old order at Kinsale in !-)$, Hector McDonnell delves into Ireland’scultural past. Although the island has always been a world apart, it has alsobeen a destination for people looking for a place to settle, or for desired raw materials. 5e author traces the material and linguistic in@uences of other parts of Europe and beyond on the Irish character, and the drastic e6ects of prehistoric climatic upheavals and market collapses, while examining their legacy and relevance to today’s environmental, economic and cultural concerns. His detailed drawings complement and embellish the narrative.

Hector McDonnell, one of Ireland’s leading artists, has written and illustrated several books. 5ese include Ireland’s Other Poetry, a series co-edited with John Wyse Jackson and published by 5e Lilliput Press.


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New & For thcoming 2011 – 2012

The Appleman and the PoetH u b e r t B u t l e rA n t o n y F a r r e l l , e d i t o rWith this luscious, posthumous windfall, Lilliput o6ers a <>h collection of Butler’s essays, found a>er his death, a capstone to the project begun with Escape from the Anthill in !"14: to bring to light the works of one of Ireland’s great prose writers of the twentieth century. Each essay is as resonant and rewarding as those in the existing canon. 5e Selected Letters will follow. Subject areas include: Russia in the !"3)s (Leningrad and Soviet literature), Europe a>er the War (Spain, Balkans), North America in the !"-)s (Church and State under Reagan), Autobiography, Ireland (Southern Protestantism, local history and archaeology), Literature (Joyce, Yeats and Rebecca West) – an astonishing variety of pieces composed between !"3) and !""). A>erword and Bibliography by Butler scholar Robert Tobin.

Hubert Butler (!"))–"!) is Ireland’s best-known international essayist.


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New & For thcoming 2011 – 2012

Portobello NotebookA d r i a n K e n n y5ese stories are set in Portobello, on the edge of Dublin city, just inside the canal. Its characters are like that – on the edge of life: Michael, the country boy who drowns himself; Harry, the old Jewish dealer living alone; Liam, the simple emigrant returning on a visit. 5rough their eyes, we follow the author’s progress. Old friends are met, in loss or renewal, making or trying to make fresh starts, or looking back though the glass of time. Disappointment, happiness and uncertainty lead to the realization that this place has become what the author had always thought was elsewhere – his home. Written over the past thirty years, together they form a greater story – that of one man’s life in one place.

Adrian Kenny, born in Dublin in !"24, was educated at Gonzaga College and University College Dublin. He has worked as an English teacher in Ire-land and abroad, and as a freelance journalist and broadcaster. !e Family Business, an autobiography, was published by 5e Lilliput Press in !""".

Terror in Ireland !"!#–!"$%D a v i d F i t z p a t r i c k , e d i t o r5e practice of terror in revolutionary Ireland remains a highly controversial topic, which seldom receives balanced and dispassionate treatment. 5is collection of essays in memory of Peter Hart (!"-3–$)!)), by Brian Hanley, Anne Dolan, Eunan O’Halpin, Jane Leonard, 5omas Earls FitzGerald and others, illuminates the origins, forms and consequences of terror, whether practised by republicans or government forces. It is the <>h production of the Trinity History Workshop, an informal group of academic historians, re-search students, and undergraduates associated with Trinity College Dublin. Anybody interested in the Irish Revolution will <nd provocation and enlight-enment in this book. Its purpose is not to assign blame, but to o6er multiple perspectives on one of the most contentious periods of Irish history.

David Fitzpatrick is Professor of Modern History at Trinity College Dublin and is author of several works relating to Ireland in the twentieth century.

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HistoryF i c t i on

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New & For thcoming 2011 – 2012

The Caravaggio ConspiracyWa l t e r E l l i sCaravaggio (!4#!–!-!)), a favourite of popes and wealthy bankers – the greatest artist since Titian – discovered a secret so dark that it threatened the existence of the Catholic Church. Four hundred years a>er his death, Declan O’Malley, Irish-born Jesuit Superior General, learns that a German cardinal has died in mysterious circumstances. With his nephew Liam Dempsey he unravels clues leading to a macabre plot, bringing him into con@ict with the virulently anti-Muslim fellow prelate Cardinal Bosani. As Dempsey <nds a link between Bosani and Caravaggio’s lost masterpiece, !e Betrayal of Christ, newly unveiled in Dublin, Islamic terrorists prepare a bloody attack. 5e painting becomes the key to a centuries-old conspiracy.

Walter Ellis, writer and journalist, born in Belfast, now lives in New York. He is author of !e Oxbridge Conspiracy (!""4) and !e Beginning of the End ($))-), a memoir. !e Caravaggio Conspiracy is his <rst novel.

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Collected Poems !"&$–$'!'R i c h a r d M u r p h yWith John Montague and 5omas Kinsella, Richard Murphy emerged in the !"4)s as one of the three major poets in Ireland’s poetic renaissance. From Sailing to an Island (!"-3) and !e Battle of Aughrim (!"-1) to High Island (!"#-) and !e Price of Stone (!"14), he has delivered great volumes of powerful lyric poems that evoke Ireland’s western seaboard, <elds and monuments, with plangent, eloquent portraits of her people and pasts.

‘Richard Murphy’s verse is classical in a way that demonstrates what the classical strengths really are. It combines a high music with simplicity, force and directness in dealing with the world of action ... behind his poems we feel not the assertion of his personality, but the actuality of events, the facts and su(erings of history.’ – Ted Hughes

Richard Murphy, born in Co. Mayo in !"$#, is an Irish poet and a member of Aosdána. He currently lives in Sri Lanka.


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Myles Away from DublinSelected and introduced by John Wyse Jackson

F l a n n O ’ B r i e nFlann O’Brien adopted not only a new name (George Knowall) for these rarely seen pieces, but also a new persona. Writing his column ‘Bones of Contention’ for !e Nationalist & Leinster Times between !"-) and !"--, he took on the character of the quizzical and enquiring humorist who might be found in a respectable public house in Carlow: erudite, urbane and informative, he is the country cousin of the Myles of Dublin, another facet of this complex, delightful Dublin writer.

Flann O’Brien, born in !"!! in Co. Tyrone, died in Dublin on ! April !"--. His novels include At Swim-Two-Birds, !e Dalkey Archive, !e Hard Life, !e !ird Policeman and !e Poor Mouth. His Pythonesque journalistic satire and commentary is now recognized as his greatest literary legacy.

Myles Before MylesSelected and introduced by Martin Green

F l a n n O ’ B r i e nMyles Before Myles is a wonderful selection of writings from the pen of Brian O’Nolan. In this fun-<lled extravaganza he is, above all, an entertainer, a ‘gas man’. Like much of O’Nolan’s most characteristically exuberant work, the pieces in this collection did not originally appear in book form, but in periodicals and newspapers that are now almost impossible to <nd, such as UCD’s Blather magazine from the !"3)s. Myles Before Myles reveals that some of his wittiest and most unusual writings were published years before Myles na gCopaleen (or Flann O’Brien) had even been born, and were destined to lie in almost complete obscurity for many decades.

Flann O’Brien (aka Brian O’Nolan, Myles na gCopaleen, George Knowall, Donnie Brooke) is a cult hero – new readers will discover that he is one of the funniest writers in any language, at any time.

New & For thcoming 2011 – 2012

L i tera tu re L i tera tu re

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Kiss the WindA Waterboy’s Adventures in Music

M i k e S c o t tMike Scott’s mercurial and in@uential Waterboys are best known for classic songs like ‘5e Whole of the Moon’ and ground-breaking albums including Fisherman’s Blues (!"11), famously recorded in Ireland. 5is devastatingly honest, beautifully cra>ed memoir describes the shamanic journey of a rock’n’roll seeker and a troubadour in quest of musical frontiers; it is seri-ous, funny, profound, whimsical, revealing and enigmatic. Kiss !e Wind doesn’t unravel the myths surrounding one of Scotland’s modern heroes and Ireland’s adopted sons; it blows them to smithereens.

Michael ‘Mike’ Scott is founding member, lead singer and chief songwriter of rock band 5e Waterboys, one of the most beloved British and Irish groups. His latest album is An Appointment With Mr Yeats.

A Record of Irish BalladsN i a l l M u r p h yNiall Murphy imbibed Ireland’s ballads as mother’s milk: they nurtured his childhood, colouring his youth and comforting his days. 5rough this carefully winnowed gathering of one hundred Irish ballads, conserved in a folklife that speaks across generations – a deep tradition in the true voice of the people – that journey is recounted. From ‘Brennan of the Moor’ via ‘She Moved through the Fair’ and ‘Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye’ to ‘5e Part-ing Glass’, Ireland’s micro-histories are blended and distilled in a personal narrative. A Record of Irish Ballads is at once comprehensive and engaging. Lyrics, commentary and iconography thrillingly converge in this unique sonic quest, which pays tribute to the best of an enduring songscape.

Niall Murphy, born in !"23, is a native of Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary. He is author of A Bloomsday Postcard ($))!), and a lifelong collector and raconteur. He lives in Drogheda, Co. Louth.


New & For thcoming 2011 – 2012

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Recent 2010 – 2011

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Hollywood Irish John Ford, Abbey Actors and the Irish Revival in Hollywood

A d r i a n F r a z i e rFrazier traces the remarkable life stories of Irish Abbey actors in their migration from Dublin to California during the !"3)s, signifying elements of the Irish Revival mutated from world theatre to global cinema. Richly illustrated, with a spar-kling narrative, Hollywood Irish brings depth and perspective to Ireland’s part in the fashion-ing of American identity, aided by <lm director John Ford, né Sean Martin Aloysius O’Feeney.

‘!is book is an unalloyed pleasure to hold and to glance through – a sensual delight ... paper, type-face, photos – the whole production is a glowing tribute to the art of the book itself.’ – Mike McCormack

recent — spr ing 2011

The Shadow of James JoyceChapelizod & Environs

M o t o k o F u j i t a5is is a homage to James Joyce, whose last great masterpiece, Finnegans Wake, had its locale in Chapelizod. Contemporary Japanese photographer Motoko Fujita captures the spirit and body of this historic village on Dublin’s fringes, and the enclosure of Phoenix Park that surrounds it. In over sixty stunning black-and-white images, she walks the viewer through a townscape and landscape little changed in the seventy years since Joyce’s death, com-memorating, as did he, the essence of a natural world <xed in time. 5e result is an immersive journey of recall and renewal. With essays by leading Dublin Joyceans Danis Rose, Barry McGovern, David Norris and others.

Barrie CookeK a r e n S w e e n e y , e d i t o r5e Irish Museum of Modern Art and 5e Lilliput Press have joined forces to produce this beautifully illustrated monograph, with over eighty full-colour plates, a catalogue listing and bibliography. Barrie Cooke is one of Ireland’s foremost painters to have emerged since the mid-twentieth century. His richly expressionist, semi-abstract works anticipate those of Francis Bacon and Damien Hirst. Spanning the entire career of this major contemporary artist, Barrie Cooke documents and celebrates his oeuvre, and is complemented by essays from Seamus Heaney, Brian Dillon and Karen Sweeney, and an interview with the artist Dorothy Cross.

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Recent – Spr ing 2011

History Art

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My TraitorS o r j C h a l a n d o nMy Traitor, translated from the French novel Mon Traître, tells the story of Antoine, an idealistic young French violin-maker, who <nds himself in Belfast in !"##, propelled into the heart of the Republican movement. He meets Tyrone Meehan, a charismatic high-ranking member of the 7;(, who is to become his friend and mentor over the next three decades. Its sequel, Retour à Killybegs, has been nominated for the $)!! Prix Goncourt.

‘!e book catches, with remarkable atmospheric accuracy, the claustrophobic nature of life behind the barricades . . . as good an account of life in the worst period of the Troubles that we are likely to get for some time.’ – Irish Independent

Stopping by WoodsA Guide to the Forests and Woodlands of Ireland

D o n a l M a g n e rIn this fascinating guide to the 32) forests and woodlands open to the public throughout Ireland, Magner writes with rare insight about forests he has worked in and visited over his years as forester and journalist. 5e book pro-vides readers with a deep understanding of Irish forests, their heritage and associated @ora and fauna. It includes over ")) colour photographs.

‘A he"y and strikingly handsome new book . . . the walks he describes must make up the widest )eld of experience of any forester on the island.’ – Michael Viney, !e Irish Times

Ink-Stained Hands Graphic Studio Dublin and the Origins of Fine-Art Printmaking in Ireland

B r i a n L a l o r F o r e w o r d b y C o l m Tó i b í n

Ink-Stained Hands <lls a considerable gap in Irish visual arts publications, as the <rst book to present the activities of printmakers in Ireland from the end of the nineteenth century to the present. 5e central narrative of this sumptu-ously illustrated, profusely documented book, is the foundation of Graphic Studio Dublin in !"-), which revolutionized graphic arts in Ireland and opened up the European tradition of printmaking to Irish artists. A fascicle of Paul Muldoon’s Incantata and an original print by the author accompanies the limited edition.

ArtNature Fiction

Recent – Spr ing 2011

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Recent – 2010

Dan Donnelly !())–!)$'Pugilist, Publican, Playboy

P a t r i c k M y l e r

5is book tells the remarkable story of an Irishman whose exploits in the bare-knuckle ring made him into an early nineteenth-century folk hero – adored in the poverty-ridden Dublin that spawned him, and feted by English aristocrats with a taste for the sporting life and an eye for a likely wager.

‘Rich in detail, this book captures not only the character of the man but the spirit of the times in which he lived.’ – Irish Independent

Brian BourkeFive Decades !"-)s–$)))s

B r i a n B o u r k eBrian Bourke is considered one of the most signi<cant artists working in Ireland today. In a career spanning over forty years, his output has been enormous. He has worked on a wide range of subject matter, mostly in painting and drawing.

‘With its imprimatur from Seamus Heaney and rich production values from Lilliput, Five Decades would make a wonderful present for some-one special.’ – Irish Independent

AfterlivesThe Hunger Strike and the Secret Offer that Changed Irish History

R i c h a r d O ’ R a w e

‘A>erlives by Richard O’Rawe is the history of the deal that could have ended the hunger strikes in #$*# and is the book no historian of the period will be able to ignore. O’Rawe makes a contribution to history substantially greater than anything we’ve had to date.’ –

The Dubliner Diaries

T r e v o r W h i t e

In $))) a young Irish journalist returned from New York to launch a magazine about life in boomtown Dublin. !e Dubliner was an instant failure, and within a few months was close to bankruptcy. For the next ten years Trevor White struggled to keep his signature magazine a@oat.

‘!oughtful, o"en hilarious and endearingly self-deprecating ... One of the funniest and most astute pieces of writing yet on the national midlife crisis we brie+y called the Celtic Tiger.’

– Paul Howard, aka Ross O’Carroll-Kelly

ArtBiography History Memoir

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Page 19: The Lilliput Press Catalogue 2011–2012

The House of Slamming Doors

M a r k M a c a u l e y

‘My name is Justin Alexander Torquhil Edward Peregrine Mon-tague, but my father calls me “you little bollocks”. ’ Set in rural Wicklow in the summer of !"-3, this is a dark, comedic tale of a bullying father in a dysfunctional Anglo-Irish family. 5e emotions of a growing boy and life in the ‘big house’ are masterfully portrayed in this debut novel.

‘Packed with hilarious incident and pathos … an audacious one-o(.’ – !e Guardian

Mary Cannon’s Commonplace Book An Irish Kitchen in the !#))s

M a r j o r i e Q u a r t o n

5is nineteenth-century common-place book was passed down the generations from Mary Cannon’s kitchen to her many-times great-granddaughter Marjorie Quarton. Her collection of over !$) recipes – the earliest known in Ireland – forms a unique resource for food historians and guests of the dining table, while commentary and family anecdotes lend it context. Illustrated withdrawings by Alice Bouilliez.

Ireland’s Royal Canal !#1"–$))"

R u t h D e l a n y a n d I a n B a t h

A revised edition of the original !""$ publication, the fruit of many years of research by its authors who have a long history of involvement with Ire-land’s inland waterways. 5ey paint a detailed, fascinating picture of the canal, from its planning to the pre-sent day. Generously illustrated with photographs, drawings, posters and maps, its publication coincided with the $)!) re-opening of the waterway from the Li6ey to the Shannon.

Part-Time WriterNotes and Reflections

M a r j o r i e Q u a r t o nForeword by Diana Athi l l

By merging literary memoir, anec-dotes and straight talking, Marjorie Quarton provides invaluable insights into the realities of being a writer – a vital toolkit and must-have for any aspiring author.

‘A wealth of information on every as-pect of writing, delivered in a manner that’s always fresh and readable.’ – Books Ireland

Recent – 2010

ReferenceFiction HistoryCookery

*!$."" +, !12 pp "#1-!-1234!-!-#-) *!4.)) =, !#- pp "#1-!-1234!-!14-2 *3).)) =, 34$ pp "#1-!-1234!-!-$-4 *!$."" +, $!- pp "#1-!-1234!-!---3 17

Page 20: The Lilliput Press Catalogue 2011–2012

Essays in tribute toJ. Valentine Rice!"%&–$''#

A i d a n S e e r y , e d i t o r

Professor J. Valentine Rice, Chair of Education at Trinity College Dublin (!"--–$))4), to whom this volume is dedicated, engaged in a richness and diversity of educational debate dur-ing his thirty-nine years as a teacher. 5ese essays are examples of the way in which colleagues and students have responded to his in@uence as teacher, mentor, advocate and friend, as they continue to work and engage in the broad <eld of education.

The Farm by Lough GurThe Story of Mary Fogarty

M a r y C a r b e r y

Mary Fogarty (née O’Brien), who grew up in a prosperous farming family in Co. Limerick in the !1-)s, told her story to Mary Carbery who ‘ghosted’ this autobiography. A clas-sic when <rst published in !"3#, it is authentic and convincing. Seventy-<ve years later, there are little or no other accounts of the rural Catholic middle class of the mid-nineteenth century. 5at beguiling world is sensitively evoked in this engaging narrative of life in Munster profonde.

Desmond Leslie (!"$!–$''!) The Biography of an Irish Gentleman

R o b e r t O ’ B y r n eSon of writer Sir Shane Leslie and brother of historian Anita Leslie, Desmond Leslie has never before been the subject of a biography. In portraying the Anglo-Irish during the second half of the twentieth century, as they struggled to <nd a new role in a rapidly changing world, Robert O’Byrne o6ers an engaging case study of his propulsive and charismatic subject.

The Devil to PayThe Story of Alice & Petronilla

H u g h F i t z g e r a l d R y a n

In !3$2, Alice Kytler, the most powerful woman in medieval Kilkenny, and her maid, Petronilla, were condemned to the stake in Ireland’s first witch trial. Portrayed against a backdrop of the struggles between Norman and Gael, the true story of the lives and fate of Alice and Petronilla brings to life a remarkable tapestry of this pivotal era in Irish history.‘A Balzacian tour-de-force.’ – The Scribbler

Recent – 2010

Biography Memoir EducationFiction

*!$.)) +, $11 pp "#1-!-1234!-!#"-3 *$).)) =, $!- pp "#1-!-1234!-!-3-$ *!4.)) +, 3)1 pp "#1-!-1234!-!#2-1 *$4.") =, $2) pp "#1-!-1234!-!#1--18

Page 21: The Lilliput Press Catalogue 2011–2012

Recent – 2010

Fiction HistoryHistory Biography

Collen$)) Years of Building and Civil Engineering in Ireland

J o h n Wa l s h

An informed, accessible study of a signi<cant family-run institution, which has operated throughout Ireland since its founding in Tandragee, Co. Armagh. 5e author uses untapped archival sources to analyse the fortunes of the company, and map the changing political, economic and social realities that shaped the context for its development. Eight-four historical photographs.

CharlesThe Life and World of Charles Acton, !"!2–!"""

R i c h a r d P i n e

Charles Acton, music critic of !e Irish Times from !"44 until !"1-, was one of the most in@uential personalities in the arts in Ireland. 5is illustrated biography, based on personal and family archives dating from the seventeenth century, presents the vivid and complex <gure of a young Anglo-Irishman from a landed background in Kil-macurragh, Co. Wicklow, <nding his own way in the new Irish state.

Before the House Burns

M a r y O ’ D o n o g h u e

Set on Ireland’s Atlantic coast, Before the House Burns is a tender, implo-sive <rst novel by an award-winning short-story writer and poet. It concerns the lives of its three young narrators, children of a bereaved father and witnesses to a shared grief.

‘Electric, real, utterly modern: this is a voice to welcome and to watch.’ – Anne Enright

‘A resonant, indefatigable début.’ – Rodomontade

Print and Popular Culture in Ireland !#4)–!14)

N i a l l Ó C i o s á i n

5is pioneering work looks at popu-lar print culture in Ireland during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, adding a new interdisciplinary dimension to the growing body of studies of popular reading in the past. An intrepretative classic.

‘Extremely well researched, carefully argued and very stimulating. !is is a book that has new information and interpretations on almost every page.’ – English Historical Review

*!2."" +, $#$ pp "#1-!-1234!-)#$-# *!$."" +, $!- pp "#1-!-1234!-!31- *3).)) ++ 2$$ pp "#1-!-1234!-!-4-- *3).)) =, $2) pp "#1-!-1234!-!#--$ 19

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Page 24: The Lilliput Press Catalogue 2011–2012

recent — 2010

RebellionsMemoir, Memory and !#"1

To m D u n n e

5e <rst edition of Rebellions, winner of the $))4 Ewart-Biggs Memorial Prize, dealt with aspects of the Wexford rebellion of !#"1. 5is edition adds reactions of his-torians to the original publication. ‘An astonishingly clear-sighted and lucid account of a tragic and disputed episode in Irish history … essential reading for anyone interested in the arguments about how the past cut deeply into the way we live in Ireland now.’ – Colm Tóibín

recent — 2010 Repr ints

FictionBiography LiteratureHistory

Patrick KavanaghA Poet’s Country Selected Prose

P a t r i c k K a v a n a g h

While Patrick Kavanagh (!")2–-#) was above all a poet, for most of his life he was a proli<c author of critical and autobiographical prose – work for newspapers and magazines was o>en his main source of income. A Poet’s Country is reliable, scholarly, and immensely entertaining. In this collection, edited by Antoinette Quinn, Kavanagh expresses as no other the voice of rural Ireland in the mid-twentieth century.

Leaving Ardglass

W i l l i a m K i n gA novel charting forty years of the life and times of the narrator Tom, his early exposure to the London-Irish building community and his subsequent life as a questioning and o>en disillusioned priest. A topical, fascinating perspective on Church politics and modern Ireland.

‘One of the best novels to have come out of Ireland in a long time; it chroni-cles not just a personal and spiritual journey but the state of a nation over forty years. Outstanding.’

– John Boland, Irish Independent

NostosAn Autobiography

J o h n M o r i a r t yA rich tapestry of autobiography, mythology, poetry, meditation and philosophy. 5ose familiar with Moriarty’s earlier works, seeing them grounded in this epic volume, will appreciate the meaning of nostos – ‘homecoming’: a spiritual classic.

‘I am indulging in no idle hyperbole when I say that this autobiography is one of the most remarkable auto-biographies I have ever read in my entire life.’ – Paul Durcan

*$4.)) =, #!) pp "#1-!-")!1----1-! *!4.)) +, $#$ pp "#1-!-1234!-!34-" *$).)) +, 3#- pp "#1-!-1234!-!11-4 *!2."" +, 3$) pp "#1-!-1234!-)!)-"22

Page 25: The Lilliput Press Catalogue 2011–2012

Dead as Doornails

A n t h o n y C r o n i n

First published in !"#-, this classic account of post-war literary Dublin is as funny and colourful as one would expect from an intimate of Brendan Behan, Patrick Kavanagh and Brian O’Nolan (Myles na gCopaleen); a clear-eyed, astringent antidote to what passes for literary history and memory in the Dublin of today.

‘Hilarious in places … the text also has a bracing inner honesty in con-trast to the self-pitying school of Irish sentimentalized autobiography.’ – Times Literary Supplement

The Atlantean IrishIreland’s Oriental and Maritime Heritage

B o b Q u i n nForeword by Barr y Cunl i f fe

A revised, expanded and newly illustrated edition originally pub-lished in !"1-, which had followed the author’s Atlantean trilogy of <lms. Bob Quinn traces Ireland’s archaeological, linguistic, economic and religious connections with the Middle East and North Africa. !e Atlantean Irish is an extravagantly illustrated, exciting intervention in Irish cultural history.


Repr ints


Rhapsody in Stephen’s Green – The Insect Play

F l a n n O ’ B r i e n

Using Karel and Josef Aapek’s Insect Play as source, Flann O’Brien creates his own insect drama, a hilarious satire of Irish stereotypes as warring insects. 5e lost text of this play was found a>er <>y years in archives at Northwestern University, Illinois. It was performed at the Gate 5eatre in !"23, running only for six nights.

‘It gives intriguing insights into neu-tral Ireland of the #$,-s, su(ocating in puritanism and insular politics.’ – Peter Lennon, !e Guardian


J a m e s J o y c e

One of the greatest short-story collections in the English language, Dubliners was <rst published in London in !"!2. Accompanied by illustrations by the artist Louis le Brocquy, it was republished privately by 5e Dolmen Press in !"1- and is here returned to its Dublin source by 5e Lilliput Press in an exquisite production. 5e text derives from Robert Scholes’ de<nitive edition of !"-#, which restores Joyce’s original punctuation and typography.

*"."" +, $)2 pp !-")!1---2$-2 *!4."" +, $4- pp "#1-)-"2--2-)14-) *"."" +, "- pp "#1-!-!1#2-#-4$#-3 *$).)) +, $#$ pp "#1-!-1234!-)$2--



Page 26: The Lilliput Press Catalogue 2011–2012

HUBERT BUTLERThe Kilkenny-­born Hubert Butler (1900–91), essayist and controversialist, is Lilliput’s lode-­

star and was the Press’s raison d’être on its foundation in 1984

Escape from the Anthill (1985), followed by three others, excited recognition as a writer of

international stature, as his precient works appeared to acclaim in England, the USA and

France during the 1990s. His historic study of Irish and European origins, Ten Thousand

Saints, was freshly edited and reissued in 2011 The Appleman

and the Poet, is in preparation. Other writings will be available as ebooks later in 2012.

‘A unique distillation of the Anglo-­Irish spirit, as idiosyncratic, mellow and stimulating as

poteen matured in a brandy-­cask.’ – Dervla Murphy, The Irish Times

JOHN MOR IAR TYJohn Moriarty (1938–2007), Kerry philosopher and writer, has been a powerful presence

on Lilliput’s list since the 1994 appearance of Dreamtime. After leaving University College

Dublin, he travelled and taught in Europe and North America before returning to Conne-­

mara to write his meditative masterpieces. Within his lifetime Lilliput published eight of his

works over thirteen years, concluding with a magisterial autobiography, Nostos, and its

sequel, What the Curlew Said. His talks, stories and poetry are memorably conserved in

a 13-­cD boxed set, One Evening in Eden. A Dreamtime, Revisited, by

Julius Ziz and Dónal Ó Céilleachair, will premiere at the Dublin Film Festival, spring 2012.

‘It is hard to convey the sheer erudtion and richness of content of John Moriarty’s remark-­


– David Lorimer24

Celebrated Authors

Page 27: The Lilliput Press Catalogue 2011–2012


themselves, who are Travellers.’


eighties, followed by travels in Europe and North America, he moved back to Ireland to a

remote, isolated life. One of Ireland’s most extraordinary, under-­appreciated talents, his short

stories and novels are an ode to the Irish storytelling tradition. In 2012 his work is being

published by Dalkey Archive in the USA and Edizione Playground in Italy. His story ‘Kennedy’

is in Aleksandar Hemon’s Best European Fiction 2012.

linguistic invention – who remakes the world every time he puts pen to paper.’ – Neil Jordan



Celebrated Authors Celebrated Authors

‘I once had the good fortune of being Marjorie’s publisher so I came to know her, and

to know her is to admire and like her … She has turned her hand to many things, all

of which she has done so well. She has bought and sold horses, bred and trained

sheepdogs, farmed sheep, been an antique dealer, run a charity – and in addition

to all this has been a successful writer,’ Diana Athill says of our doyenne author.

With three books published over the last two years, on subjects as various as an

ancient recipe book, an author’s vade-­mecum and a study of Anglo-­Ireland and

Molly Keane, Marjorie Quarton is one of our most dynamic, enchanting and accessible

authors, open to readers and writers alike.

Page 28: The Lilliput Press Catalogue 2011–2012


L i l l iput ebooks

The Lilliput Press’ ebook venture, in partnership with Faber Factory in the UK, offers radical new opportunities.

from literary classics, such as Dead as Doornails by Anthony Cronin and Cowslips and Chainies by Elaine

Crowley, to recent titles, Hollywood Irish by Adrian Frazier, Watching the Door by Kevin Myers and Leaving

Ardglass by William King. We are also re-­issuing some vintage out-­of-­print books, many of which will now only

be available in ebook format: for example, North of Naples, South of Rome by Paolo Tullio, the Skelligs trilogy

by Michael Kirby, Conversations with James Joyce by Arthur Power and Black List Section H by Francis Stuart.

In addition, Lilliput has acquired the digital rights to J.P. Donleavy’s backlist, including The Beastly Beatitudes

of Balthazar B, Meet My Maker the Mad Molecule, The Saddest Summer of Samuel S, Ireland – A Singular

Country and The History of the Ginger Man. We are giving generous royalty terms to our authors and hope

to expand our list to attract other Irish writers to our ebook stable. Other titles available are Myles Before

Myles and Myles Away from Dublin by Flann O’Brien.


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9780946640201 HAYLEY/MCKAY 300 YEARS IRISH PER. H/B 22.79 01.12.1987 LILLIPUT9780946640218 HAYLEY/MCKAY 300 YEARS IRISH PER. 10.09 01.12.1987 LILLIPUT9781843510505 MURPHY A BLOOMSDAY POSTCARD H/B 40.00 08.06.2004 AVAILABLE9781843510437 MURPHY A BLOOMSDAY POSTCARD 20.00 08.06.2004 AVAILABLE9781843510406 PARKES A DANGER TO THE MEN? H/B 29.95 20.04.2004 AVAILABLE9781843510369 FALLON A HYMN OF THE DAWN H/B 17.99 13.11.2003 AVAILABLE9781874675617 KIELY A NIGHT IN THE CATACOMBS H/B 18.99 01.03.1995 LILLIPUT9781874675662 KIELY A NIGHT IN THE CATACOMBS 10.15 01.03.1995 LILLIPUT9781843510109 KAVANAGH A POET’S COUNTRY – SELECTED PROSE 14.99 21.11.2002 AVAILABLE9781843512028 KENNY A PORTOBELLO NOTEBOOK 9.99 01.01.2012 AVAILABLE9781843511847 O’RAWE AFTERLIVES 11.99 29.10.2010 AVAILABLE9781874675358 O’NEILL AIRY PLUME-FLIGHTS 7.50 01.01.1994 LILLIPUT9780946640898 ROSS ALL VALIANT DUST H/B 50.00 01.12.1992 LILLIPUT9781901866070 MITCHELL AMAZON JOURNAL, ROGER CASEMENT 20.00 01.10.1997 LILLIPUT9781901866636 MCNEILLIE AN ARAN KEENING H/B 19.99 22.02.2001 AVAILABLE9781901866803 MCNEILLIE AN ARAN KEENING 10.99 22.01.2002 AVAILABLE9780946640546 O HEITHIR AN ARAN READER H/B 20.25 01.12.1990 LILLIPUT9781901866285 O’HEITHIR AN ARAN READER 12.99 08.07.1999 AVAILABLE9781874675402 CRAIGIE AN IRISH SPORTING LIFE 8.99 01.01.1993 LILLIPUT9781843510093 SHACKLETON AN IRISHMAN IN ANTARCTICA H/B 24.99 07.11.2002 AVAILABLE9781874675457 MCCARTHY ANCESTOR ALBUM 7.50 01.10.1994 AVAILABLE9781843510901 PRATSCHKE ANNAGHMAKERRIG H/B 40.00 07.11.2006 AVAILABLE9781843510918 PRATSCHKE ANNAGHMAKERRIG LTD EDN CLOTH 200.00 01.01.0001 LILLIPUT9781874675945 NICHOLSON ANNALS FAMINE IN IRELAND 12.99 01.05.1998 AVAILABLE9780946640911 LLOYD ANOMALOUS STATES H/B 24.99 01.12.1992 LILLIPUT9781874675006 LLOYD ANOMALOUS STATES 12.99 01.01.1993 LILLIPUT9781874675372 FORD AS BY LAW ESTABLISHED H/B 32.00 01.02.1995 LILLIPUT9780946640782 KIELY AS I RODE OUT BY GRANARD MOAT 9.99 01.12.1996 AVAILABLE9781843511465 POWER BAD DAY IN BLACKROCK 9.99 03.10.2008 AVAILABLE9781901866506 CLIFTON BERKELEY`S TELEPHONE & OTHER 18.99 07.09.2000 LILLIPUT9781843511960 SWEENEY BARRIE COOKE H/B 35.00 24.06.2011 AVAILABLE9781901866810 MCCLOSKEY BEAUTIFUL CHANGES 18.99 07.02.2002 AVAILABLE9781843510581 TOIBIN BEAUTY IN A BROKEN PLACE H/B 50.00 23.11.2004 LILLIPUT9780946640904 WILMER BECKETT IN DUBLIN H/B 18.99 01.12.1992 LILLIPUT9781843511649 O’DONOGHUE BEFORE THE HOUSE BURNS 12.99 16.04.2010 AVAILABLE9781843510376 DOUTHWAITE BEFORE THE WELLS RUN DRY 14.99 02.10.2003 AVAILABLE9781843510673 FOYLE BELIOS 12.99 21.03.2005 AVAILABLE9781874675396 WILLIAMS BETWEEN THE LINES 15.00 01.11.1994 LILLIPUT9781903305164 COYLE BIG IN JAPAN 9.99 10.05.2005 AVAILABLE9781843511366 HARDING BIRD IN THE SNOW 15.00 19.09.2008 AVAILABLE9781903305119 O’FARRELL BOSS CROKER H/B 30.00 22.12.2003 AVAILABLE




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9781903305102 O’FARRELL BOSS CROKER 14.99 23.10.2003 AVAILABLE9781901866568 QUARTON BREAKFAST THE NIGHT BEFORE 12.99 23.11.2000 AVAILABLE9780946640737 HUGHES BRIGHT BEWILDERING GREEN 7.55 01.12.1990 LILLIPUT9781843511953 O’MALLEY BROKEN LANDSCAPES H/B 40.00 01.01.0001 AVAILABLE 9781843511595 PARTRIDGE/SWIFT BUMS, FARTS, INAPPROPRIATE ACTS 9.99 09.10.2009 AVAILABLE9780946640560 O’FARRELL BURNING OF BRINSLEY MACNAMARA 15.00 01.12.1990 AVAILABLE9781843510338 LE BROCQUY CADENUS & SWIFT’S FRIEND H/B 40.00 18.07.2003 LILLIPUT 9781843510178 LE BROCQUY CADENUS & SWIFT’S FRIEND 15.99 18.07.2003 AVAILABLE9781843511984 ELLIS CARAVAGGIO CONSPIRACY 15.00 01.01.0001 AVAILABLE9781843510864 GANNON CATHAL GANNON H/B 30.00 31.10.2006 AVAILABLE9781843510055 CRAIG CATS & THEIR POETS – ANTHOLOGY H/B 14.99 24.10.2002 AVAILABLE9781843510802 JOHNSTON CENTURY OF ENDEAVOUR 40.00 21.03.2006 AVAILABLE9781843510185 GILLESPIE CHANGING THE TIMES 16.99 28.08.2003 AVAILABLE9781843511656 PINE CHARLES – LIFE CHARLES ACTON H/B 30.00 11.06.2010 AVAILABLE9781874675976 TOLAND CHRISTANITY NOT MYSTERIOUS H/B 32.00 01.09.1997 AVAILABLE9781874675082 POLLAK CITIZENS’ INQUIRY 20.00 01.01.1993 LILLIPUT9781901866179 MAY CLOSE SHAVE WITH THE DEVIL 10.00 02.11.1998 LILLIPUT9781843511762 WALSH COLLEN – 200 YEARS BUILDING IRE H/B 30.00 15.10.2010 AVAILABLE9781901866100 FREHNER COLLIDEORSCAPE OF JOYCE H/B 100.00 01.01.1998 LILLIPUT9780946640461 FOSTER COLONIAL CONSEQUENCESH/B 32.00 01.12.1990 LILLIPUT9780946640621 DE VALOIS COME DANCE WITH ME 9.99 01.12.1990 AVAILABLE 9781843510574 CONNELL CONFESSIONS OF A POACHER 12.00 02.11.2004 AVAILABLE9781874675694 COLVILLE SCOTT CONNEMARA AFTER THE FAMINE 9.99 01.11.1995 AVAILABLE9781901866414 POWER CONVERSATIONS WITH JAMES JOYCE 9.99 25.11.1999 AVAILABLE9781874675112 POMIANE COOKING IN TEN MINUTES 9.99 01.01.1993 LILLIPUT9781843510666 MCFADDEN CRYSTAL CLEAR 25.00 25.04.2006 AVAILABLE9781843511588 MYLER DAN DONNELLY 1788–1820 12.00 22.06.2010 AVAILABLE9781843510451 QUINN DANCING WITH KITTY STOBLING 12.99 21.09.2004 AVAILABLE9781901866797 GASKIN DARK COMPANION GHOST STORIES H/B 19.99 20.11.2001 AVAILABLE9781901866421 CRONIN DEAD AS DOORNAILS 9.99 25.11.1999 AVAILABLE9781843510642 DE FAOITE DEATH OF KING & OTHER STORIES 12.99 17.05.2005 AVAILABLE9780946640645 BERNELLE DECANTATIONS FOR MAURICE CRAIG H/B 44.50 01.12.1990 LILLIPUT9781901866674 ADAMS DENIS JOHNSTON – A LIFE H/B 32.00 24.01.2002 AVAILABLE9781843511496 BOLGER DESIGN FACTORY H/B 48.00 16.01.2009 AVAILABLE9781843511632 O’BYRNE DESMOND LESLIE 1921–2001 H/B 20.00 27.08.2010 AVAILABLE9781874675884 LENOX-CONYNGHAM DIARIES OF IRELAND H/B 32.00 01.04.1998 AVAILABLE9781874675785 LENOX-CONYNGHAM DIARIES OF IRELAND 14.99 01.03.1998 AVAILABLE9781903305010 SCALA DIARY OF A TEDDY BOY 12.50 30.03.2000 AVAILABLE9781903305126 BRUEN DISPATCHING BAUDELAIRE 7.99 13.04.2004 LILLIPUT9781901866315 MORIARTY DREAMTIME 14.99 08.07.1999 AVAILABLE9781843511373 CONNELL DUBLIN IN REBELLION 1913–1923 25.00 29.05.2009 AVAILABLE

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About The L i l l iput Press

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