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Page 4b - Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - THE LINCOLN JOURNAL - The Lincoln News Sentinel - WWW.LINCOLNJOURNAL.COM - WWW.LINCOLNNEWSSENTINEL.COM 2011 6th Place Grades 5-6 J.L. Lambert Harts Middle School My Dreams When I was just 10 years old, my dad and I lived into an apartment by ourselves. My mom died when I was three. We were Jewish, which meant we lived in Torah. That place was my life. I had a lot of first-class friends. They were the best. It all changed when the brainless Germans wanted to take over. A lot of people were getting sent to death camps and gas cham- bers. My dad and I were really discouraged we were going to get taken. After school I would always go to the statue in the park. It was a statue of a little lion. I thought I would always bring me luck. I don’t know why though. I think it is because my mom used to always wear this perfume called Little Lion Man. Ah, I still smell it on her, even though she isn’t here with me. About two weeks later the Germans kept on getting closer and closer. We live on Johnston Street. Fillmore Street just got invaded, which is three streets away from us! Dad said, “Get your bags packed we are leaving.” I said “Why dad, why?” He yelled “Just do it.” So I packed my bags; then got ready. While we were going out the door two men in camouflage came up to us and grabbed us! They said, “You even dare to move you will be executed!” My dad and I were alarmed. When we got to the place that we were supposed to go, we had to wait in a line. When we got to the head of the line we had to get our heads shaved bald and they took our clothes. The captain said, “You work for us now, don’t try any games or else.” My dad and I were trapped in the jail cell and on uncomfortable beds for the longest time. One night I ask my dad, “Daddy what is this place?” See, at that time I didn’t know what a death camp was. We were there until I was 14-years-old. He said, “This is a death camp, honey. We will probably die soon.” I started to freak out and panicked. I woke the cap- tain up. He said, “Either you shut up, or you go into the gas chambers!” I started to cry and I ran to my dad. I said, “Dad is it really going to be like this until we die?” He said, unsettled, “Yes. Yes it will” I really wanted to prove him wrong so I made an escape plan! I thought, this man has dogs and troops all around this place beside and near the lake. So I decided to go there. I planned it out in the dirt; then I got ready. Then I thought, how will I get my dad out? So I made a bed out of mud, leaves, flowers and grass. He didn’t seem to know at all. First, I had to get ready. The inside of my stripped outfit was black, so I turned it inside out. I picked my dad’s bed things and dragged it. Then I saw troops; so I went and hid in a bush. The stupid troops didn’t even notice. Then I waited for them to leave. They left, so I dashed to the lake. I thought I could so use my dad’s bed thing to make a boat. I fixed it up by putting some more sticks, mud and, other stuff to make it stiffer. I pushed the boat and there we went, safe, no one to know that we were gone. I thought to myself, look at me, just 14, escaping a killer. I am 25 now and still making it good. I made the death camps and gas cham- bers to an end. Oh, and when I got to Torah, my dad was crying with joy. I am so proud of myself. I have two kids, Sara and John. We still live in the apartment that I lived in when I was little. They love it here. I am mayor, because I stopped the Germans’ games. People say I inspire them. That makes me feel really good. I for a fact love this town. The End See Legals Page 5b Legal Advertisements ______________ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT OF CLASS ACTION Circuit Court of Monongalia County, West Virginia If You Are Or Were An Owner Of West Virginia Property That Had An Underground Propane Gas Line Or a Propane Gas Line that Should Have Been Buried Underground on Your Property and You Received Propane Services From AmeriGas Propane Or Columbia Propane At Any Time From October 18, 1994 To December 31, 2005, A Pending Class Action Lawsuit May Affect Your Rights A settlement class action lawsuit has been certified against AmeriGas Propane, Columbia Propane, and oth- ers. The Court in charge of this lawsuit is the Circuit Court of Monongalia County, West V i r g i n i a . The name of the lawsuit is Samuel J. Swiger, Brenda Swiger, Joseph Shawn Swiger, Frank Yablonsky, Cheryl Hall, Ken Bonnette, Vince Opalinski, Andrew Sorine, Grafton Church of God, Elizabeth Quintana, Pamela Nelson, and Russell A. Irwin, vs. AmeriGas Propane, Inc., AmeriGas Propane, L.P., James Walters, NiSource, Inc., Columbia Energy Group, and Columbia Propane Corporation, Civil Action No. 98-C-298. What is the Case About? The lawsuit claims that AmeriGas and Columbia breached their agreements with its customers and also violated the West Virginia Consumer Credit Protection Act by improperly and unsafe- ly installing, operating and maintaining propane systems on customer's property, includ- ing by misrepresenting that the propane systems were safely installed, maintained and serviced. The Class also claims that AmeriGas and Columbia's conduct created a nuisance, was negligent and intentional, and that these Companies were also part of a conspiracy. AmeriGas Propane and Columbia Propane deny that they did anything wrong. Who is a Class Member? You are a Class Member and part of this lawsuit if you: 1. Were a cus- tomer of either AmeriGas or Columbia Propane during the time period from October 18, 1994 up to and including December 31, 2005, and either, a) Had a propane system with an underground line or a line that was sup- posed to be underground on their West Virginia property during that time period that was owned, used, operated, installed, fueled, serviced or maintained, by either AmeriGas or Columbia 1 or b) You are also a member of the Class if you had an upright propane cylin- der without an underground line but that cylinder was either moved or converted to an underground line during 2000 through 2005 as a result of a physical inspection. ( 1 : Columbia Propane Corporation was sold to AmeriGas in August 2001.) What Are the Terms of the Settlement Cash Payment: AmeriGas and NiSource have agreed to pay $20,832,000 to pay for remediation of propane systems needing reburial, riser protection and/or conduit sealing, if conduit was used, damages for aggravation & inconvenience, class repre- sentative incentive awards, and attorney fees for class counsel; litigation expenses and claims administration fees will be paid separately. Additional monies had already been paid by AmeriGas to pre- viously remedy over 3,000 propane installations. The availability and amount of cash payments to Class Members will depend upon various factors, including, but not limited to, the total number of Class Members participat- ing and the type of claims filed. The exact amount of individual cash payments cannot be determined at this time, but estimates are available in the full Notice which can be obtained by seeking additional information from the Ed Gentle, Claims Administrator, appointed by the Court at his address or toll free number listed below or from the web- s i t e , www.wvamerigasclassaction.c om. Who Represents Me? The Court has appointed David J. Romano of Romano Law Office, Clarksburg, WV, to represent the Class. You may hire your own attorney, if you wish. However, you will be responsible for your own attor- ney's fees and expenses. What Are My Legal Rights? • If you wish to stay in the Class, you do not have to do anything. However to receive a payment you will need to complete a valid claim form obtained from the Claims Administrator at www.wvamerigasclassaction.c om and file it before the dead- line of June 30, 2011. If you miss this deadline your claim may be denied. If you remain a Class Member, you will however give up the right to sue AmeriGas and Columbia Propane and the other Defendants about the claims in the lawsuit. • What if I have questions? You may obtain further information, a copy of the certain Court documents and the Settlement Agreements by visiting the website www.wvamerigasclassaction.c om or by requesting informa- tion from the Ed Gentle, Claims Administrator by writ- ing at the address below or calling the toll free number list- ed below. • If you do not wish to be a member of the Class, you must send a letter requesting to be excluded. Your request must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2011. • Can I object to the settle- ment? If you are a Member of the Class, you may object to the settlement by notifying the Court of your intent to object. You must set forth the grounds for your objection. You may object to the fairness, reason- ableness, or adequacy of the settlement by mailing your intent to object to: Ed Gentle, Claims Administrator and the Court Clerk at the addresses provided below by sending a letter postmarked on or before July 15, 2011 which must be received by the Court on or before July 20, 2011. • You can Appear in the Lawsuit if you do not exclude y o u r s e l f . To appear in the lawsuit, you must request to do so by send- ing a letter to the Court, coun- sel and the Claims Administrator at the addresses listed below, which letter must be postmarked on or before July 15, 2011 and received by the Court on or before July 20, 2011. The Court fairness hear- ing will be held on August 10, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in the Circuit Court of Monongalia County, WV, located at 243 High Street, Morgantown, WV 26505. More information about how to file a claim, exclude yourself or appear in the case is available in the full Notice of Proposed Class Settlement which you may request from the Claims Administrator by mail, or call the toll free num- ber listed below, or obtain from the website listed below. Claims Administrator Ed Gentle P.O. Box 361730 Birmingham, AL 35236 Plaintiffs' Class Counsel David J. Romano 363 Washington Ave. Clarksburg, WV 26301 Circuit Court of Monongalia County Attn: Clerk of Court 243 High Street, Room 110 Morgantown, WV 26505 Defendant AmeriGas Counsel Jay Varon Foley & Lardner 3000 "K" Street, Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20007 Defendant NiSource Counsel Yvette Harmon McGuire Woods LLP 1345 Avenue of the Americas, 7th Floor New York, NY 10105-0106 For More Information, including a Copy of the Full Notice of Proposed Settlement Call Toll-Free: 1-855-637- 5538, or Visit: www.wvamerigas 3/5-19 By RON GREGORY Staff Writer McCORKLE -- More upcoming events are being scheduled at the McCorkle Community Center, accord- ing to announcements made at the center board's Friday, May 6, meeting. President Scott Pauley presided during the session, with board members Secretary Doris Sharpe and Treasurer Jennifer Forz- etting, also in attendance. After routine business was concluded, Charles McCormick of the West Virginia Mental Health Consumers Organization and Lincoln County Recovery and Wellness Center addressed the group regarding several issues. With McCormick acting as facilitator, the center wil begin holding NAAA meet- ings later this spring. They will be held in conjunction with the Lincoln County Health Department. Dates and times will be announced later. McC- ormick said he can help individuals and families with basic needs such as housing, utility assistance and clothing. Anyone need- ing such help can contact him at 304-982-6718 for more information. McCormick also provid- ed more details on starting a food pantry at the center. Having worked with the Hamlin Food Pantry, McCormick listed the first steps needed to a successful operation. He said there is much work to be done before a pantry can open. Shelving, refrigeration space, eligibility guidelines and transportation are just some of the concerns. After the discussion, it was agreed that the commu- nity has a genuine need for a pantry at the center. McCormick said he will research the questions raised and report back to the center as soon as possible. Rick Saul, of the Lincoln County Parks and Recreation Board, confirmed the Blue- grass Jam schedule for the center this summer. The jams will be held on the last Saturday of the month from 5 to 8 p.m. There will also be a bluegrass concert at the Mud River Dam on June 4. Further details will be provided in The Lincoln Journal. And Adult Nutrition Class will begin June 8 and run through July 13 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is sponsored by the West Virginia University Extension Office. A Sign Language classes was discussed, by the group. There were several in atten- dance who expressed interest in such a class. Pauley said he would contact the instructor to work out details and report back to the cen- ter. A Farmer's Market at the center was dis- cussed as well. The center would set a day and time for local farmers to bring their fresh, homegrown pro- duce to sell. This would help not only the farmers, but give the community a chance to buy fresh produce without trav- eling outside the coun- ty, one person said. The next meeting of the center board is set for 6 p.m., Friday, June 3. Everyone is invited to attend. McCorkle board meets The deadline for THE LINCOLN JOURNAL & The Lincoln News Sentinel is on Friday at 4:30 p.m. This includes: • Display Advertising • Classified Advertising • Legal Advertising • Obituaries • Church News NOTICE!

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Page 1: THE LINCOLN JOURNAL - The Lincoln News Sentinel … of Test Results - Regulated Contaminants - LINCOLN PSD Contaminant

Page 4b - Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - THE LINCOLN JOURNAL - The Lincoln News Sentinel - WWW.LINCOLNJOURNAL.COM - WWW.LINCOLNNEWSSENTINEL.COM

20116th Place Grades 5-6J.L. LambertHarts Middle School

My DreamsWhen I was just 10

years old, my dad and Ilived into an apartment byourselves. My mom diedwhen I was three. We wereJewish, which meant welived in Torah. That placewas my life. I had a lot offirst-class friends. Theywere the best. It all changedwhen the brainless Germanswanted to take over. A lot ofpeople were getting sent todeath camps and gas cham-bers. My dad and I werereally discouraged we weregoing to get taken. Afterschool I would always go tothe statue in the park. It wasa statue of a little lion. Ithought I would alwaysbring me luck. I don’t knowwhy though. I think it isbecause my mom used toalways wear this perfumecalled Little Lion Man. Ah,I still smell it on her, eventhough she isn’t here withme.About two weeks later

the Germans kept on gettingcloser and closer. We live onJohnston Street. FillmoreStreet just got invaded,

which is three streets awayfrom us! Dad said,“Get your bags packed

we are leaving.”I said “Why dad, why?”He yelled “Just do it.”

So I packed my bags; thengot ready.While we were going

out the door two men incamouflage came up to usand grabbed us! They said,“You even dare to move youwill be executed!” My dadand I were alarmed. Whenwe got to the place that wewere supposed to go, wehad to wait in a line.When we got to the headof the line we had to getour heads shaved baldand they took ourclothes. The captainsaid, “You work for usnow, don’t try anygames or else.”My dad and I were

trapped in the jail celland on uncomfortablebeds for the longesttime. One night I askmy dad, “Daddy whatis this place?” See, atthat time I didn’t knowwhat a death camp was.We were there until Iwas 14-years-old.He said, “This is a

death camp, honey. We

will probably die soon.”I started to freak out and

panicked. I woke the cap-tain up. He said, “Either youshut up, or you go into thegas chambers!” I started tocry and I ran to my dad. Isaid, “Dad is it really goingto be like this until we die?”He said, unsettled, “Yes.Yes it will”I really wanted to prove

him wrong so I made anescape plan! I thought, thisman has dogs and troops allaround this place beside and

near the lake. So I decidedto go there.I planned it out in the

dirt; then I got ready. Then Ithought, how will I get mydad out? So I made a bedout of mud, leaves, flowersand grass. He didn’t seem toknow at all. First, I had toget ready. The inside of mystripped outfit was black, soI turned it inside out. Ipicked my dad’s bed thingsand dragged it. Then I sawtroops; so I went and hid ina bush. The stupid troops

didn’t even notice. Then Iwaited for them to leave.They left, so I dashed to thelake. I thought I could souse my dad’s bed thing tomake a boat. I fixed it up byputting some more sticks,mud and, other stuff tomake it stiffer. I pushed theboat and there we went,safe, no one to know that wewere gone. I thought tomyself, look at me, just 14,escaping a killer.

I am 25 now and stillmaking it good. I made the

death camps and gas cham-bers to an end. Oh, andwhen I got to Torah, my dadwas crying with joy. I am soproud of myself. I have twokids, Sara and John. We stilllive in the apartment that Ilived in when I was little.They love it here. I ammayor, because I stoppedthe Germans’ games. Peoplesay I inspire them. Thatmakes me feel really good. Ifor a fact love this town.The End

See LegalsPage 5b

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Circuit Court of MonongaliaCounty, West Virginia

If You Are Or Were AnOwner Of West VirginiaProperty That Had AnUnderground Propane GasLine Or a Propane Gas Linethat Should Have BeenBuried Underground onYour Property and YouReceived Propane ServicesFrom AmeriGas Propane OrColumbia Propane At AnyTime From

October 18, 1994 ToDecember 31, 2005,

A Pending Class ActionLawsuit May Affect YourRights

A settlement class actionlawsuit has been certifiedagainst AmeriGas Propane,Columbia Propane, and oth-ers. The Court in charge ofthis lawsuit is the Circuit Courtof Monongalia County, WestV i r g i n i a .The name of the lawsuit is

Samuel J. Swiger, BrendaSwiger, Joseph ShawnSwiger, Frank Yablonsky,Cheryl Hall, Ken Bonnette,Vince Opalinski, AndrewSorine, Grafton Church ofGod, Elizabeth Quintana,Pamela Nelson, and RussellA. Irwin, vs. AmeriGasPropane, Inc., AmeriGasPropane, L.P., James Walters,NiSource, Inc., ColumbiaEnergy Group, and ColumbiaPropane Corporation, CivilAction No. 98-C-298.

What is the Case About?

The lawsuit claims thatAmeriGas and Columbiabreached their agreementswith its customers and alsoviolated the West VirginiaConsumer Credit ProtectionAct by improperly and unsafe-ly installing, operating andmaintaining propane systemson customer's property, includ-ing by misrepresenting thatthe propane systems weresafely installed, maintainedand serviced. The Class alsoclaims that AmeriGas andColumbia's conduct created anuisance, was negligent andintentional, and that theseCompanies were also part of aconspiracy.

AmeriGas Propane andColumbia Propane deny thatthey did anything wrong.

Who is a Class Member?

You are a Class Memberand part of this lawsuit if you:

1. Were a cus-tomer of either AmeriGas orColumbia Propane during thetime period from October 18,1994 up to and includingDecember 31, 2005, andeither,

a) Had a propanesystem with an undergroundline or a line that was sup-posed to be underground ontheir West Virginia propertyduring that time period thatwas owned, used, operated,installed, fueled, serviced ormaintained, by eitherAmeriGas or Columbia1 or

b) You are also amember of the Class if youhad an upright propane cylin-der without an undergroundline but that cylinder waseither moved or converted toan underground line during2000 through 2005 as a resultof a physical inspection.

(1: Columbia PropaneCorporation was sold toAmeriGas in August 2001.)

What Are theTerms of the Settlement

Cash Payment:AmeriGas and NiSource haveagreed to pay $20,832,000 topay for remediation of propanesystems needing reburial,riser protection and/or conduitsealing, if conduit was used,damages for aggravation &inconvenience, class repre-sentative incentive awards,and attorney fees for classcounsel; litigation expensesand claims administration feeswill be paid separately.Additional monies had alreadybeen paid by AmeriGas to pre-viously remedy over 3,000propane installations. Theavailability and amount ofcash payments to ClassMembers will depend uponvarious factors, including, butnot limited to, the total numberof Class Members participat-ing and the type of claims filed.The exact amount of individualcash payments cannot bedetermined at this time, butestimates are available in thefull Notice which can beobtained by seeking additional

information from the EdGentle, Claims Administrator,appointed by the Court at hisaddress or toll free numberlisted below or from the web-s i t e ,

Who Represents Me?

The Court has appointedDavid J. Romano of RomanoLaw Office, Clarksburg, WV, torepresent the Class. You mayhire your own attorney, if youwish. However, you will beresponsible for your own attor-ney's fees and expenses.

What Are My Legal Rights?

• If you wish to stay in theClass, you do not have to doanything. However to receivea payment you will need tocomplete a valid claim formobtained from the ClaimsAdministrator and file it before the dead-line of June 30, 2011. If youmiss this deadline yourclaim may be denied. If youremain a Class Member, youwill however give up the rightto sue AmeriGas andColumbia Propane and theother Defendants about theclaims in the lawsuit.

• What if I have questions?You may obtain further

information, a copy of thecertain Court documents andthe Settlement Agreements byvisiting the or by requesting informa-tion from the Ed Gentle,Claims Administrator by writ-ing at the address below orcalling the toll free number list-ed below.

• If you do not wish to be amember of the Class, youmust send a letter requestingto be excluded. Your requestmust be postmarked no laterthan June 30, 2011.

• Can I object to the settle-ment? If you are a Member ofthe Class, you may object tothe settlement by notifying theCourt of your intent to object.You must set forth the groundsfor your objection. You mayobject to the fairness, reason-ableness, or adequacy of thesettlement by mailing yourintent to object to: Ed Gentle,Claims Administrator and theCourt Clerk at the addressesprovided below by sending aletter postmarked on or beforeJuly 15, 2011 which must bereceived by the Court on orbefore July 20, 2011.

• You can Appear in theLawsuit if you do not excludey o u r s e l f .To appear in the lawsuit, youmust request to do so by send-ing a letter to the Court, coun-sel and the ClaimsAdministrator at the addresseslisted below, which letter mustbe postmarked on or beforeJuly 15, 2011 and received bythe Court on or before July 20,2011.

The Court fairness hear-ing will be held on August 10,2011 at 10:00 a.m. in theCircuit Court of MonongaliaCounty, WV, located at 243High Street, Morgantown, WV26505.

More information abouthow to file a claim, excludeyourself or appear in the caseis available in the full Notice ofProposed Class Settlementwhich you may request fromthe Claims Administrator bymail, or call the toll free num-ber listed below, or obtain fromthe website listed below.

Claims AdministratorEd GentleP.O. Box 361730Birmingham, AL 35236

Plaintiffs' Class CounselDavid J. Romano363 Washington Ave.Clarksburg, WV 26301

Circuit Court of MonongaliaCountyAttn: Clerk of Court243 High Street, Room 110Morgantown, WV 26505

Defendant AmeriGas CounselJay VaronFoley & Lardner3000 "K" Street, Suite 500Washington, D.C. 20007

Defendant NiSource CounselYvette HarmonMcGuire Woods LLP1345 Avenue of the Americas,7th FloorNew York, NY 10105-0106

For More Information,including a Copy of theFull Notice of Proposed

SettlementCall Toll-Free: 1-855-637-

5538, or


By RON GREGORYStaff WriterMcCORKLE -- More

upcoming events are beingscheduled at the McCorkleCommunity Center, accord-ing to announcements madeat the center board's Friday,May 6, meeting.President Scott Pauley

presided during the session,with board membersSecretary Doris Sharpe andTreasurer Jennifer Forz-etting, also in attendance.After routine business

was concluded, CharlesMcCormick of the WestVirginia Mental HealthConsumers Organizationand Lincoln CountyRecovery and WellnessCenter addressed the groupregarding several issues.With McCormick acting

as facilitator, the center wilbegin holding NAAAmeet-ings later this spring. Theywill be held in conjunctionwith the Lincoln CountyHealth Department. Datesand times will beannounced later. McC-ormick said he can helpindividuals and familieswith basic needs such ashousing, utility assistanceand clothing. Anyone need-ing such help can contacthim at 304-982-6718 formore information.McCormick also provid-

ed more details on starting afood pantry at the center.Having worked with theHamlin Food Pantry,McCormick listed the firststeps needed to a successfuloperation. He said there ismuch work to be donebefore a pantry can open.Shelving, refrigerationspace, eligibility guidelinesand transportation are justsome of the concerns.After the discussion, it

was agreed that the commu-nity has a genuine need fora pantry at the center.McCormick said he will

research the questionsraised and report backto the center as soon aspossible.Rick Saul, of the

Lincoln County Parksand Recreation Board,confirmed the Blue-grass Jam schedule forthe center this summer.The jams will be heldon the last Saturday ofthe month from 5 to 8p.m. There will also bea bluegrass concert atthe Mud River Dam onJune 4. Further detailswill be provided in TheLincoln Journal.And Adult

Nutrition Class willbegin June 8 and runthrough July 13 from11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.The event is sponsoredby the West VirginiaUniversity ExtensionOffice.A Sign Language

classes was discussed,by the group. Therewere several in atten-dance who expressedinterest in such a class.Pauley said he wouldcontact the instructorto work out details andreport back to the cen-ter.A Farmer's Market

at the center was dis-cussed as well. Thecenter would set a dayand time for localfarmers to bring theirfresh, homegrown pro-duce to sell. Thiswould help not onlythe farmers, but givethe community achance to buy freshproduce without trav-eling outside the coun-ty, one person said.The next meeting

of the center board isset for 6 p.m., Friday,June 3. Everyone isinvited to attend.

McCorkle board meets

The deadline forTHELINCOLN JOURNAL &

The Lincoln News Sentinel

is on Friday at 4:30 p.m.

This includes:• Display Advertising• Classified Advertising• Legal Advertising• Obituaries• Church NewsNO


Page 2: THE LINCOLN JOURNAL - The Lincoln News Sentinel … of Test Results - Regulated Contaminants - LINCOLN PSD Contaminant

ADVERTISEMENT (MR-34-BM)Notice is hereby given that ARGUS ENERGY WV LLC PO BOX 200, RT. 1 BOX 155, DUNLOW, WV 25511 has submitted an appli-

cation for the modification of Article 11/WVNPDES Permit No WV1020013 to the Department of Environmental Protection, 1101George Kostas Drive, Logan, WV 25601 in order to add outlets 053, 054, and 055.

The operation will discharge treated water into TRACE FORK and UNNAMED BRANCHES of TRACE FORK of BIG HARTSCREEK of the GUYANDOTTE RIVER and MARE BRANCH, ALEX BRANCH, ANDY BRANCH, UNNAMED BRANCHES, andUNNAMED BRANCH of LAUREL BRANCH, JIMS BRANCH and COPLEY TRACE BRANCH OF KIAH CREEK of EAST FORK ofTWELVEPOLE CREEK of Twelvepole Creek and is located 3.5 (miles), east of Wilsondale, in Harts Creek and Harvey District(s)of Mingo, Logan, Lincoln County(ies), Longitude 82˚ 14’ 10” and Latitude 37˚ 57’ 34” (Coordinates from USGS Topographic Map.

The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking information on private surface water intakes for human consumption locat-ed in the above listed receiving streams and located down stream of this operation. Please provide your name, phone number, mailingaddress, the name of the stream being with the intake, and the physical location of the intake. This information needs to be submitted tothe address above.

An anti-degradation review has been conducted. Tier 1 protection is afforded because effluent limitations ensure compliance withwater quality criteria for all designated uses. Where applicable, a full Tier 2 anti-degradation review has been conducted. Informationregarding impacts to baseline water quality, decisions regarding alternative analyses, and socioeconomic evaluation are part of the pub-lic record.

Comments on the Article 11 WV/NPDS application or requests for a public hearing regarding the Article 11/NPDES application shallbe in writing and if a public hearing is requested shall state the nature of the issues proposed to be raised in the hearing. Such writtencomments or requests should be sent to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at the address above, and must also refer-ence the Article 11/NPDES permit number shown above. Comments received by 6-10-11 or thirty (30) days from date of publication, willbe considered. A copy of the Article 11/WVNPDES application, draft permit and fact sheet (if required) will be available for inspection andobtaining copies during normal business hours at the DEP Regional Office located at the address above.

DEP Telephone No. 304-792-7250 Article 11/NPDES Permit No. WV1020013




EAST FORK of TWELVEPOLE CREEKPermit No. S-5026-98 AMD No. 5NPDES No. WV1020013 MOD 15

Scale: 1” = 1 Mile1/5-12

The Lincoln News Sentinel - WWW.LINCOLNNEWSSENTINEL.COM - THE LINCOLN JOURNAL - WWW.LINCOLNJOURNAL.COM - Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - Page 5b

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Annual Drinking Water Quality Report 2010Lincoln Public Service District

P.O. Box 38Alum Creek, WV 25003

PWSID# 3302205March 14, 2011304-756-2141

Why am I receiving this report?In compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments, the Lincoln PSD is providing its customers with this annual water quality report. This report explains where your

water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies. The information in this report shows the results of our monitoring for the period of January 1st to December31st, 2010 or earlier if not on a yearly schedule.

If you have any questions concerning this report, you may contact John Rife, Chief Operator @ 304-756-2141. If you have any further questions, comments or suggestions, please attend any ofour regularly scheduled water board meetings held on the last Thursday of every month at 4:00, pm in the Lincoln PSD office. 240 Little Coal Road, Alum Creek, WV.

Where does my water come from?Your water source is surface water from the Coal River.

Source Water AssessmentA Source Water Assessment was conducted in 2003 by the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health (WVBPH). The intake that supplies drinking water to the Lincoln PSD has a higher suscepti-

bility to contamination, due to the sensitive nature of surface water supplies and the potential contaminant sources identified within the area. This does not mean that this intake will become contaminated;only that conditions are such that the surface water could be impacted by a potential contaminant source. Future contamination may be avoided by implementing protective measures. The source water assess-ment report which contains more information is available for review or a copy will be provided to you at our office during business hours or from the WVBPH 304-558-2981.

Why must water be treated?All drinking water contains various amounts and kinds of contaminants. Federal and state regulations establish limits, controls, and treatment practices to minimize these contaminants and to

reduce any subsequent health effects.Contaminants in Water

In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. FDA regulations establishlimits of contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health.

Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of these contaminants does not necessarily indicatethat water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).

The source of drinking water (both tap and bottled water) includes rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of land or through the ground, itdissolves naturally-occurring minerals, and, in some cases radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity.

Contaminants that may be present in source water include:Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations and wildlife.Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally-occurring, or result from urban storm water runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production,

mining, farming.Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff, and residential uses.Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations,

urban storm water runoff, and septic systems.Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally-occurring or the result of oil and gas production and mining activities.Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, per-

sons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice aboutdrinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the SafeDrinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).

Water Quality Data TableDefinitions of terms and abbreviations used in the table or report:! MCLG - Maximum Contaminant Level Goal, or the level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.! MCL - Maximum Contaminant Level, or the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment

technique.! MRDLG - Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal, or the level of drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do notreflect benefits of use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants.! MRDL - Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level, or the highest level of disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of disinfectant is necessary to control micro-

bial contaminants.! TT - Treatment Technique, or a required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water.Abbreviations that may be found in the table:! ppm - parts per million or milligrams per liter! ppb - parts per billion or micrograms per liter! NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit, used to measure cloudiness in water! NE - not established! N/A - not applicable

The Lincoln PSD routinely monitors for contaminants in your drinking water according to federal and state laws. The tables below show the results of our monitoring for contaminants.Table of Test Results - Regulated Contaminants - LINCOLN PSD

Contaminant Violation Level Unit of MCLG MCL Likely Source ofY/N Detected Measure Contamination

MicrobiologicalContaminantsTurbidity N 0.30 100% of NTU 0 TT Soil runoff

mo.samples <0.30

Total organic N 1.8 ppm NA TT Naturallycarbon present in the

environmentInorganicContaminantsFluoride N 1.1 ppm 4 4 Erosion of

naturaldeposits; wateradditive thatpromotesstrong teeth;discharge fromaluminum andfertilizer plants

Volatile OrganicContaminantsChlorine N 2.06 (Yearly avg.) ppm 4 4 Water additive

(Range 0.5-2.6) MRDLG MRLD used to control microbesHalocetic acids(HAA5) N 37.5 (Yearly avg.) ppb NA 60 By-product ofSTAGE 1 (Range) (11.2- drinking water

57.6) disinfectionTotal N 41.95 (Yearly avg.) ppb NA 80 By-product oftrihalomethanes (Range) 17.0-75.0 drinking water(TTHMs) chlorinationSTAGE 1Halocetic acids N 29.45 ppb NA 60 By-product of(HAA5) (Yearly avg.) drinking waterSTAGE 2 21.4-43.0 chlorinationTotal N 66.27 (Yearly ppb NA 80 By-product oftrihalomethanes avg.) drinking water(TTHMs) (27.-120.) chlorinationSTAGE 2Table of Test Results - Unregulated Contaminants

Contaminant Violation Level Unit of MCLG MCL Likely Source ofY/N Detected Measure Contamination

Sodium* N 158. ppm NE 20 Erosion of naturaldeposits

Sulfate N 304 ppm 250 250 Erosion of naturaldeposits

* Sodium is an unregulated contaminant. Our sodium level exceeds the guidance MCL. Anyone having a concern over sodium should contact their primary health care provider.WE ARE PLEASED TO REPORT THAT THE LINCOLN PSD MET ALL FEDERALAND STATE WATER STANDARDS FOR THE REPORTING YEAR 2010.Additional Information:

All other water test results for the reporting year 2010 were all non-detects.Turbidity is a measure of cloudiness in water. We monitor it because it is a good indicator of the effectiveness of our filtration system.If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components asso-

ciated with service lines and home plumbing. LINCOLN PSD is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your waterhas been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If your are concerned aboutlead in your drinking water, you may wish to have your water teased. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe DrinkingWater Hotline or at

This report will not be mailed. A copy will be made available for review or your use upon request at our office during regular business hours.1/5-12


The Lincoln County Sheriff Office is now accepting applica-tioans for entry-level Deputy Sheriff. Applications availablethrough May 31st. EOE. Apply at the Lincoln County Courthouse,Court Ave. Hamlin.



PUBLIC NOTICEThe public is hereby given "NOTICE" that the Lincoln County

Commission will be accepting applications for a member of theBoard of Directors for the McCorkle Community Center.Applications will be accepted until Wednesday, May 18, 2011.Applications can be obtained from the office of the Commission.

Charles S. McCann, President, Lincoln CountyCommission



The following Scott Hutchinson Enterprises’ Storage Unitcontents to be sold on May 11, 2011 at 9 am:

Unit #17 - Charles AdlerUnit #29 - Bonnie NeaceUnit #32 - John PlumleyUnit #33 - Stephanie EnochsUnit #34 - Jackson ChaneyUnit #39 - Jennifer ScarberryUnit #62 - Howard Wilson2/5-12



CIVIL ACTION NUMBER: 11-D-72IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF:BRENDA LEE BARTON,Petitioner,andCHARLES A. BARTON,Respondent.ORDER OF PUBLICATIONTo the Above Named Respondent:The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the bonds

of matrimony. It appearing by affidavit filed in this action thatrespondent has moved out-of-state, it is hereby ordered thatrespondent serve upon Benita Whitman, whose address is LegalAid of West Virginia, Inc., 922 Quarrier Street, 4th Floor,Charleston, West Virginia, 25301, an answer, including any relat-ed counterclaim or defense, you may have, to the complaint filedin this action on or before May 19, 2011. If you fail to do so, there-after judgment upon proper hearing and trial, may be takenagainst you for the relief demanded in the complaint. A copy ofsaid complaint can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk at hisoffice.

Please take notice that on Monday, the 6th day of June,2011, at 1:00 p.m., a Final Hearing will be held before the FamilyCourt Judge, in the Family Court Hearing Room, First Floor of theLincoln County Courthouse, Hamlin, West Virginia. At which timeyou may be present and protect your interests, if you so desire.

Entered by the Clerk of Lincoln County, West VirginiaCharles Brumfield,CLERK OF COURT2/5-12

From Page 4bLegals



The administration of the following estates are pending in the Lincoln County Clerk’s Office, the address of which is 8000 Court Ave.,Hamlin, WV 25523. The personal representative’s names and address and their attorney, if any, are set forth below.

Any interested person objecting to the qualifications of the personal representative or the venue or jurisdiction of the court, shall filenotice of an objection with the county commission within three months after the date of the first publication or within 30 days of serviceof the notice, whichever is later.

Any claims against a decedent’s estate must be filed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44, Article 2 or Article 3-A of theWest Virginia State Code as amended.

Any person seeking to impeach or establish a will must make a complaint in accordance with the provisions of Section 11, 12, or13, Article 5, Chapter 41 of the West Virginia Code.

Settlement of the estate of the following named decedent will proceed without reference to a fiduciary commissioner unless withinninety days from the first publication of this notice, a reference is requested by a party in interest or an unpaid creditor files a claim andgood cause is shown to support a reference to a fiduciary commissioner.


Ada Mae Abbott Arlene Toppins C. Joseph Stevens225 Green Shoals Rd. PO Box 635Harts, WV 25524 Hamlin, WV 25523

Jasper Abbott Arlene Toppins C. Joseph Stevens225 Green Shoals Rd. PO Box 635Harts, WV 25524 Hamlin, WV 25523

Robert E. Martin Robert Martin II N/A2229 Circle DriveMilton, WV 2541

Alice Brumfield Norman Brumfield N/A12 Buffalo CreekWest Hamlin, WV 25571

Howard C. Porter Helen Ruth Porter N/A11 Buffalo CreekWest Hamlin, WV 25571

Victoria Mildred Smith Linda Manns N/A2308 Trace ForkBranchland, WV 25506

James D. Woodall Jason Smith N/A110 A Phico St.Chapmaville, WV 25508

Bobby Roger Clark Elwanda L. Clark N/ABox 58 Ely Fork Rd.Sumerco, WV 25567

Michael D. Toppins Sandra K. Toppins N/A26 Toppins Dr.Ranger, WV 25557























For the Year Ended December 31, 2010CURRENT ASSETS 609,728PROPERTY & EQUIPMENT 103,514OTHER ASSETS 2,798TOTAL ASSETS 716,040CURRENT LIABILITIES 447,804LONG TERM LIABILITIES 0MEMBER’S EQUITY 268,236TOTAL LIABILITIES& MEMBER’S EQUITY 716,040The details concerning the contents of the advertisement along with other reports and submissions shall be avail-able for public inspection and copying at the Office of the West Virginia Health Care Authority, 100 Dee Drive,Charleston, WV 25311 during regular business hours, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on any business day. Lincoln Nursing& Rehabilitation Center, LLC is a West Virginia corporation owned by Allegheny Commercial Enterprises, LLC.1/5-12

Page 3: THE LINCOLN JOURNAL - The Lincoln News Sentinel … of Test Results - Regulated Contaminants - LINCOLN PSD Contaminant

Lincoln CountyBankruptcies:

Keith Allen and MaudeRolinda Colegrove,Branchland, Chapter 7.Assets: $17,339. Liabilities:$41,021.

County Clerk recordsLand, etc.:

50 acres min. deed nocharge between Deloris,Robert & Ruth Adkins andH3 LLC, Union Dist. Cert.#2009-S-0000000036 1/3,as of 4-13-11.4.5 ac. deed with considera-tion between Lou EllenAdkins and Christopher A.Workman, $3,000, JeffersonDist., Bulger Rd., as of 4-8-11.15 acres m/l surface deedwith consideration betweenLucille & Samp Adkins andJennifer Dawn Bigley,$2,000, Harts Dist., RockPen Branch, as of 3-23-11.Min. deed no chargebetween Anna, Ava &Carnie Arrington and H3LLC, Jefferson Dist. Cert.2009-S-000000007, as of 4-12-11.Min. deed no chargebetween GenevieveArwoodand H3 LLC, Carroll Dist.,Cert. #2009-S-000000161/10 of 125 ac., as of 4-12-11.Deed no charge betweenGenevieve Arwood and H3LLC, Carroll Dist., Cert.#2009-S-000000001 1/10 of10 acres, as of 4-13-11.Right of way betweenJames & Peggy Bowers andGary A. Sweeney, as of 4-8-11.

Marriage licenseapplications:

Michael Ray Burdette &Kristina Marie Johnson.Dean Edward Workman &Stephanie Dawn Prichard.Jerry Wayne Egnor &Melissa Gail Adkins.Fulton Toney & DorettaDaniel Bell.Joshua Clyde Bowe & LoraPatricia Workman.Brandon Arles Dalton &Keely Morgan Farley.Matthew Paul Brunty &Brianna Nicole Belcher.David L. Farley & ChristinaLynn Belcher.

Magistrate recordsCivil suits:

11-C-0057 Gary A. Ellis vs.Tammy Mayse for wrongfuloccupation action, as of 5-2-11.

Felonies:11-F-0071 The State of WVDPS has charged ZacharyL. Shelton with burglaryoffense, as of 4-20-11.

Misdemeanors:11-M-0446 thru 448 TheState of WV DPS hascharged Danny LeeLovejoy with destruction ofproperty, leaving scene withproperty damage, drivingon suspended / revoked forDUI offenses, as of 4-25-11.11-M-0449 Hamlin DogSupply vs.Alicia Cottrill forworthless check offense, asof 11-19-10.11-M-0450/451 HamlinCity Police Dept. hascharged William Ro. Duttonwith domestic assault,domestic battery offenses,as of 4-28-11.11-M-0452 Harts Fas-Chekvs. Courtney Workman forworthless check offense, asof 4-29-10.11-M-0453 The State ofWV DPS has charged Lisa

Dillon with motor vehicleinspection offense, as of 4-11-11.11-M-0454 The State ofWV DPS has charged

Michael Hughes withspeeding offense, as of 4-13-11.11-M-0456 thru 458 TheState of WV DPS has

charged Felicia Sias withpossession of controlledsubstance, false informationto DPS offenses (2 counts),as of 5-1-11.11-M-0459 thru 462 TheState of WV DPS hascharged Cecil Thompsonwith possession of con-trolled substance, falseinformation to DPS (2counts), no proof of insur-

ance offenses, as of 5-1-11.11-M-0463 The State ofWV DPS has chargedMichael Toppings withfalse information to DPSoffense, as of 5-1-11.11-M-0464 thru 467 TheState of WV DPS hascharged Aaron Keith Pauleywith DUI child endanger-ment, seat belt violation,child seat belt, unsigned

registration offenses, as of4-30-11.

Kanawha CountyMarriage license

applications:Robert Daniel Mullins, 30,of Charleston and HeatherMichelle Bixman, 27, ofSod.¢

Page 6b - Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - THE LINCOLN JOURNAL - The Lincoln News Sentinel - WWW.LINCOLNJOURNAL.COM - WWW.LINCOLNNEWSSENTINEL.COM

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Notice is hereby given that Hobet Mining, LLC., P. O. Box 305, South Shaffer Road, Madison, WV 25130 has a permit on file with the Department of Environmental Protection(DEP) for the surface mining of approximately 2779.73 acres and has submitted an application to the DEP, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), 1101 George Kostas Drive,Logan, WV 25601 , for renewal of Article 3 Permit Number S-5003-96 to operate a surface mine in the Coalburg, Stockton, 5-Block, Middle and Upper Kittanning, 6-Block seamsof coal and all splits thereof.

The operation is discharging into Grider Fork of Connelly Branch, Connelly Branch, Lukey Fork, Passenger Fork, Mullins Branch and Unnamed Tributaries of Mud River and Mud River & Fawn Hollow of BigUgly Creek, all of Guyandotte River of the Ohio River, and is located 4 (miles), SE of Spurlockville Post Office in Scott and Jefferson, Washington and Harts Creek Districts of Boone and Lincoln counties, Longitude81 ° 57 ‘ 55 “ and Latitude 38 ° 04 ‘ 19 “ (Coordinates from USGS Topographic Map).

MR-17-BPage 2Surface of the area associated herewith is owned by:NAME ADDRESSRobin Land Company, LLC 106 Lockheed Drive, Beaver, WV 25813Little Coal Land Company c/o Trust Division, Charleston National Bank,

P. O. Box 1113, Charleston, WV 25324Courtney Company c/o Spilman, Battle & Klostermeyer,

P. O. Box 273, Charleston, WV 25321-0273Hobet Mining, LLC P. O. Box 305, Madison, WV 25130William Adkins Heirs c/o Billy Adkins, Furbee, Amos, Webb & Crichfield,

500 Hampton Center, Morgantown, WV 26505Arthur Adkins, Jr. Hansford, WV 25103George Mitchell Heirs c/o George Mitchell, Jr.,

P. O. Box 44 Madison, WV 25130Cordelia Adkins c/o Jean Wiley, 2108 A Country Walkway, Conyers, GA 30208Barbara Riser c/o Roger McVey, 109 Ervin Lane, Elkins, WV 26241Ventrue Adkins Ventrue Adkins, P. O. Box 4072, Chapmanville, WV 25508William & Alice Adkins Heirs c/o Billy Adkins, Furbee, Amos, Webb & Crichfield,

500 Hampton Center, Morgantown, WV 26505WV Department ofTransportation Div. of Highways, 1334 Smith Street, Charleston, WV 25301*and the mineral associated herewith is owned by:NAME ADDRESSRobin Land Company, LLC 106 Lockheed Drive, Beaver, WV 25813Little Coal Land Company c/o Trust Division, Charleston National Bank,

P. O. Box 1113, Charleston, WV 25324Courtney Company c/o Spilman, Battle & Klostermeyer,

P. O. Box 273, Charleston, WV 25321-0273Big Ugly Coal Corporation P. O. Box 27211, Richmond, VA 23261William Adkins Heirs c/o Billy Adkins, Furbee, Amos, Webb & Crichfield,

500 Hampton Center, Morgantown, WV 26505Arthur Adkins, Jr. Hansford, WV 25103George Mitchell Heirs c/o George Mitchell, Jr., P. O. Box 44 Madison, wV 25130Jacquelyn Haddix 173 Nighbert Avenue, Logan, WV 25601Cordelia Adkins c/o Jean Wiley, 2108 A Country Walkway, Conyers, GA 30208Barbara Riser c/o Roger McVey, 109 Ervin Lane, Elkins, WV 26241Ventrue Adkins Ventrue Adkins, P. O. Box 4072, Chapmanville, WV 25508William & Alice Adkins Heirs c/o Billy Adkins, Furbee, Amos, Webb & Crichfield,

500 Hampton Center, Morgantown, WV 26505Surface of the area within 100 feet of the permit area is owned by:NAME ADDRESSCordelia Adkins c/o Jean Wiley, 2108 A Country Walkway, Conyers, GA 30208William & Alice Adkins Heirs c/o Billy Adkins, Furbee, Amos, Webb & Crichfield,

500 Hampton Center, Morgantown, WV 26505Wardie Anderson R. R. 1, Box 985, Dryden, VA 24243-97844Cora Caudill Heirs c/o Janice Price, Spurlockville, WV 25565Mary Peyton 202 Riverside Drive, Chapmanville, WV 25508Connie Miller 7037 Pisgah Drive, Columbia, SC 29209Clell Peyton, et. Al. c/o Clell Peyton, Chapmanville, WV 25508Beaury Cochran 713 Big Ugly Road East, Leet, WV 25524Samp Adkins P. O. Box 278, Harts, WV 25524Karen Aldrige Holstein c/o Alton Holstein, Rt. 1, Box 211, Morrisvale, WV 25542Wilma Dotson c/o Brenda Dotson, Spurlockville, WV 25565WV Department ofTransportation Div. of Highways, 1334 Smith Street, Charleston, WV 25301*and the mineral within 100 feet of the permit area is owned by:NAME ADDRESSRobin Land Company, LLC 106 Lockheed Drive, Beaver, WV 25813Little Coal Land Company c/o Trust Division, Charleston National Bank,

P. O. Box 1113, Charleston, WV 25324Courtney Company c/o Spilman, Battle & Klostermeyer,

P. O. Box 273, Charleston, WV 25321-0273Big Ugly Coal Corporation P. O. Box 27211, Richmond, VA 23261William Adkins Heirs c/o Billy Adkins, Furbee, Amos, Webb & Crichfield,

500 Hampton Center, Morgantown, WV 26505Arthur Adkins, Jr. Hansford, WV 25103Cordelia Adkins c/o Jean Wiley, 2108 A Country Walkway, Conyers, GA 30208Wardie Anderson R. R. 1, Box 985, Dryden, VA 24243-97844William & Alice Adkins Heirs c/o Billy Adkins, Furbee, Amos, Webb & Crichfield,

500 Hampton Center, Morgantown, WV 26505Written comments and/or requests for an informal conference of the permit renewal application shall identify the applicant and application number and will be received by the Permit Supervisor at the DEP address above

until 6/24/2011, or thirty (30) days from date of final publication. A copy of the application will be available for review until 6/24/2011, or thirty (30) days from date of final publication in the DEP Regional Office located at theaddress above AND in the Boone and Lincoln County Clerks’ Offices during normal business hours.

DEP Telephone No. (304) 792-7250 Permit No. S-5003-96*These items are to be completed only for operations involving mineral removal.




From Page 5bLegals