the link etween geographic polarization and the tone of ... · the link etween geographic...

The Link Between Geographic Polarizaon and the Tone of Social Media Interac on Cartographer: Jon Atkins GIS 101 - May 12 th , 2016 Background Data sources, Wisconsin Secretary of State, Minnesota Secretary of State, Aaron Strauss Github Projecon/Coordinate System NAD 1983 StatePlane Minnesota; GCS WGS 1984 References (Vader Senment Analysis) Huo, C.J. & Gilbert, E.E. (2014). Vader: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for Senment Analysis of Social Media Text. Eight Internaonal Conference on Weblogs and Social Media(ICWSM-14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 2014 Libraries/APIs Used Pandas, TwierSearch, VaderSenment, Twier Search API, Google Geocoder API, Python Geocod- er, Openpyxl, Acknowledgments Dr. Sumeeta Srinivasan for being a great teacher and for her incredible help through this endeavor. Dani Sandoval for their advice and references in Twier-based geo-data analysis. Harsha Anaravadi for her emoonal support and help with the poster design. Wisconsin is a notoriously polically divided state. Simultane- ously capable of elecng Tammy Baldwin and vong for Bernie Sanders as re-elecng Sco Walker and once supporng Joseph McCarthy. A precinct-level analysis of the state shows this divide starkest between the extremely Democrac Milwaukee proper and the fiercely Conservave suburbs. This divide then extends again as you travel further west to the Democrac stronghold of Madison, near the University. Minnesota shows a similar, if less intense trend. The Democrac stronghold of the Twin Cies quickly gives way to the most Re- publican of suburbs that surround the urban area in a ring. Fur- thermore, like a smaller Madison, remote Duluth merges the lib- eral tendencies of a college town and mid-size city to create an- other polical pole in the state. Precincts Analysis: As can be seen (leſt), the most intensely polarized locaons exist mainly in suburbs of these major cies and remote locaons away from populaon centers. Twier: Because most of the tweets were not geocoded beyond the Town level (mostly based on user-listed loca- ons which rarely if ever specify the precinct), both data was dissolved into county and official town (where applica- ble) layers and then batched and analyzed accordingly. The overall results showed a slight posive tone (.060 in the tweets, but drasc differences based on the search keyword (see far right). As for geographic results, the tweets were fairly spread across the country but unsurprisingly tended to cluster around the areas of high populaon. For the geographic correlaon, results, as can be seen in the graph (above right), did not show a strong correlaon (-.068) be- tween the variables of geographic polical polarizaon and posi- vity of tweets. Thus it appears, at least for these states and this week, there is lile verifiable link between geographic polical polarizaon and the tone of polical discourse on social media. Precinct Clusters Using Local Moran’s I Twier, like many other social media plaorms, has become an increasingly important medium in which polical discourse occurs. This is never more present than in the elec- on cycle. In the United States elecon cycles have become points of social tension with social media as the arena in which many polical debates rage, commentary arises and is shared. Many studies have shown that polics and government in America have become increasingly polarized over the past few decades, but can the same be said for polical dis- course among cizens? States are large geographic enes, oſten with diverse polical interests. Can these polical differences be represented and this regional diversity cate- gorized? With the rise of social media and natural language processing, we have a way to record, measure and quanfy tone of conversaon between people across the world. While the tone of social media interacons about polics can oſten take on a confrontaonal tone, can this tone be quanfied and can it be related to this polical and geo- graphic diversity? Does the tone of polical discourse change between those who come into regular contact with those who disagree with them and those that do not? This Study In the last full naonal elecon in 2012, the neighboring Wisconsin and Minnesota both voted for victorious Democrac president Barack Obama and Democrac Senators (Tammy Baldwin and Amy Klobuchar) by significant majories. However, both states hold significant conservave minories and a closer look at the results reveals two very di- vided Midwestern states. There are huge clusters of highly Democrac regions and highly Republican regions. Many of the people in these regions can feel like they are living in different states, rarely coming into contact with the opposion in person. However, that geographic divide is in theory removed in social media. Thus the research queson for this study concerns whether the tone of polical conversaon on social media changes for those that live on the borders of these parsan strongholds or in outlier areas. 2012 Elecon Results by Precinct Polarized Locaons 2012 Hotspot Analysis by Precinct Tweet Sample Collected* To gather tweets a number of steps were taken. First a diconary of elecon-related terms was created. These 57 keywords ranged from generic “elecon” or “polics” to key issues like ‘immigraon’ and “social security.” It also included each of the presi- denal candidates’ names, many variaons on the party names and even common hashtags like ‘feelthebern’ & ‘nevertrump.’ From there, a smallest possible circle was drawn around the two states (as seen above), and the origin and radius were used to establish a query using Twier’s search_by_locaon feature. As the tweets were collected for the week from May 3rd-10th 2016, vaderSenment Analysis was used to find the tone (on a scale from –1 - 1) of the tweet’s text and, where possible, the coordinate or place in- formaon were recorded. For the vast ma- jority of tweets that included no specific lo- caon informaon, the ‘locaon’ given in the user profile was used and geocoded. In all, around 50,000 tweets were able to be geocoded (above), of which 26,538 were within the sample area. These tweets were mapped and coded (below). Methods (Twier): Analysis for this study was based on precinct delinea- ons and precinct-level data from the 2012 general elec- on. Data was procured and analyzed according to a ‘Percent Democrac’ variable: Percent Democrac is an aempted generalized, binary representaon of a precinct’s parsan preferences. It is an aempt to both remove the impact of non-major party candidates as well as the complicang factors of specific candidates. The formula is as follows: ((DEM_PRES_VOTES/TOT_PRES_VOTES) + 1 - (GOP_PRES_VOTES/TOT_PRES_VOTES) + (DEM_SEN_VOTES/TOT_SEN_VOTES) + 1 - (GOP_SEN_VOTES/TOT_SEN_VOTES)) / 4 From there, two different spaal analyses were per- formed. Hotspot Analysis (leſt) was used to find the most strongly Democrac and Republican areas, as a preliminary measure and visual representaon of di- vides. Next, Local Moran’s I Cluster Analysis (below and leſt) was performed to find outlier precincts which were mapped and combined without regard for the parsan lean of the polarizaon. Analysis Methods (Precincts) Tweet Locaons by Senment Note: tweets with same ‘locaon’ mapped on top of each oth- Average Tweet Senment by County/Town Tweet Senment vs. Place Polarizaon *Not shown, more tweets collected from other parts of the world Search Keyword Average Senment vicepresident 0.742 reps 0.214 social security 0.212 campaign 0.181 vote 0.180 democrats 0.161 rep 0.160 student loans 0.143 primary 0.135 taxes 0.112 debate 0.106 elecon2016 0.102 convenon 0.101 Bernie 0.100 republican 0.097 republican 0.094 president 0.093 Sanders 0.089 congress 0.084 feeltheBern 0.082 senator 0.080 medicare 0.069 dem 0.068 elecon 0.064 democrat 0.063 (blank) 0.060 inequality 0.056 Bush 0.054 nevertrump 0.046 tedcruz 0.040 conservave 0.036 gop 0.031 republicans 0.030 dems 0.029 Clinton 0.021 Hillary 0.017 Donald 0.017 government 0.016 primaryday 0.015 liberals 0.014 liberal 0.009 Trump 0.001 socialist -0.001 capitalism -0.002 Cruz -0.010 polics -0.018 Kasich -0.043 medicaid -0.067 immigraon -0.071 nazi -0.085 immigrants -0.098 welfare -0.098 senate -0.150 gun control -0.264 illegalimmigraon -0.273 fascist -0.342 terrorism -0.648 Total 0.0601454

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Page 1: The Link etween Geographic Polarization and the Tone of ... · The Link etween Geographic Polarization and the Tone of Social Media Interaction artographer: Jon Atkins GIS 101 - May

The Link Between Geographic Polarization and the Tone of Social Media Interaction Cartographer: Jon Atkins

GIS 101 - May 12th, 2016


Data sources, Wisconsin Secretary of State, Minnesota Secretary of State, Aaron Strauss Github

Projection/Coordinate System

NAD 1983 StatePlane Minnesota; GCS WGS 1984


(Vader Sentiment Analysis) Hutto, C.J. & Gilbert, E.E. (2014). Vader: A Parsimonious Rule-based

Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text. Eight International Conference on Weblogs and

Social Media(ICWSM-14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 2014

Libraries/APIs Used

Pandas, TwitterSearch, VaderSentiment, Twitter Search API, Google Geocoder API, Python Geocod-

er, Openpyxl,


Dr. Sumeeta Srinivasan for being a great teacher and for her incredible help through this endeavor.

Dani Sandoval for their advice and references in Twitter-based geo-data analysis. Harsha Anaravadi

for her emotional support and help with the poster design.

Wisconsin is a notoriously politically divided state. Simultane-

ously capable of electing Tammy Baldwin and voting for Bernie

Sanders as re-electing Scott Walker and once supporting Joseph

McCarthy. A precinct-level analysis of the state shows this divide

starkest between the extremely Democratic Milwaukee proper

and the fiercely Conservative suburbs. This divide then extends

again as you travel further west to the Democratic stronghold of

Madison, near the University.

Minnesota shows a similar, if less intense trend. The Democratic

stronghold of the Twin Cities quickly gives way to the most Re-

publican of suburbs that surround the urban area in a ring. Fur-

thermore, like a smaller Madison, remote Duluth merges the lib-

eral tendencies of a college town and mid-size city to create an-

other political pole in the state.

Precincts Analysis: As can be seen (left), the most intensely

polarized locations exist mainly in suburbs of these major

cities and remote locations away from population centers.

Twitter: Because most of the tweets were not geocoded

beyond the Town level (mostly based on user-listed loca-

tions which rarely if ever specify the precinct), both data

was dissolved into county and official town (where applica-

ble) layers and then batched and analyzed accordingly.

The overall results showed a slight positive tone (.060 in the

tweets, but drastic differences based on the search keyword

(see far right). As for geographic results, the tweets were fairly

spread across the country but unsurprisingly tended to cluster

around the areas of high population.

For the geographic correlation, results, as can be seen in the

graph (above right), did not show a strong correlation (-.068) be-

tween the variables of geographic political polarization and posi-

tivity of tweets. Thus it appears, at least for these states and this

week, there is little verifiable link between geographic political

polarization and the tone of political discourse on social media.

Precinct Clusters Using Local Moran’s I

Twitter, like many other social media platforms, has become an increasingly important medium in which political discourse occurs. This is never more present than in the elec-

tion cycle. In the United States election cycles have become points of social tension with social media as the arena in which many political debates rage, commentary arises and

is shared.

Many studies have shown that politics and government in America have become increasingly polarized over the past few decades, but can the same be said for political dis-

course among citizens? States are large geographic entities, often with diverse political interests. Can these political differences be represented and this regional diversity cate-

gorized? With the rise of social media and natural language processing, we have a way to record, measure and quantify tone of conversation between people across the world.

While the tone of social media interactions about politics can often take on a confrontational tone, can this tone be quantified and can it be related to this political and geo-

graphic diversity? Does the tone of political discourse change between those who come into regular contact with those who disagree with them and those that do not?

This Study

In the last full national election in 2012, the neighboring Wisconsin and Minnesota both voted for victorious Democratic president Barack Obama and Democratic Senators

(Tammy Baldwin and Amy Klobuchar) by significant majorities. However, both states hold significant conservative minorities and a closer look at the results reveals two very di-

vided Midwestern states. There are huge clusters of highly Democratic regions and highly Republican regions. Many of the people in these regions can feel like they are living in

different states, rarely coming into contact with the opposition in person. However, that geographic divide is in theory removed in social media. Thus the research question for

this study concerns whether the tone of political conversation on social media changes for those that live on the borders of these partisan strongholds or in outlier areas.

2012 Election Results by Precinct

Polarized Locations

2012 Hotspot Analysis by Precinct

Tweet Sample Collected*

To gather tweets a number of steps were

taken. First a dictionary of election-related

terms was created. These 57 keywords

ranged from generic “election” or “politics”

to key issues like ‘immigration’ and “social

security.” It also included each of the presi-

dential candidates’ names, many variations

on the party names and even common

hashtags like ‘feelthebern’ & ‘nevertrump.’

From there, a smallest possible circle was

drawn around the two states (as seen

above), and the origin and radius were used

to establish a query using Twitter’s

search_by_location feature.

As the tweets were collected for the week

from May 3rd-10th 2016, vaderSentiment

Analysis was used to find the tone (on a

scale from –1 - 1) of the tweet’s text and,

where possible, the coordinate or place in-

formation were recorded. For the vast ma-

jority of tweets that included no specific lo-

cation information, the ‘location’ given in

the user profile was used and geocoded. In

all, around 50,000 tweets were able to be

geocoded (above), of which 26,538 were

within the sample area. These tweets were

mapped and coded (below).

Methods (Twitter):

Analysis for this study was based on precinct delinea-

tions and precinct-level data from the 2012 general elec-

tion. Data was procured and analyzed according to a

‘Percent Democratic’ variable:

Percent Democratic is an attempted generalized, binary

representation of a precinct’s partisan preferences. It is

an attempt to both remove the impact of non-major

party candidates as well as the complicating factors of

specific candidates. The formula is as follows:



From there, two different spatial analyses were per-

formed. Hotspot Analysis (left) was used to find the

most strongly Democratic and Republican areas, as a

preliminary measure and visual representation of di-

vides. Next, Local Moran’s I Cluster Analysis (below and

left) was performed to find outlier precincts which were

mapped and combined without regard for the partisan

lean of the polarization.

Analysis Methods (Precincts)

Tweet Locations by Sentiment

Note: tweets with same ‘location’ mapped on top of each oth-

Average Tweet Sentiment by County/Town

Tweet Sentiment vs. Place Polarization

*Not shown, more tweets collected from other parts of the world

Search Keyword Average Sentiment

vicepresident 0.742

reps 0.214

social security 0.212

campaign 0.181

vote 0.180

democrats 0.161

rep 0.160

student loans 0.143

primary 0.135

taxes 0.112

debate 0.106

election2016 0.102

convention 0.101

Bernie 0.100

republican 0.097

republican 0.094

president 0.093

Sanders 0.089

congress 0.084

feeltheBern 0.082

senator 0.080

medicare 0.069

dem 0.068

election 0.064

democrat 0.063

(blank) 0.060

inequality 0.056

Bush 0.054

nevertrump 0.046

tedcruz 0.040

conservative 0.036

gop 0.031

republicans 0.030

dems 0.029

Clinton 0.021

Hillary 0.017

Donald 0.017

government 0.016

primaryday 0.015

liberals 0.014

liberal 0.009

Trump 0.001

socialist -0.001

capitalism -0.002

Cruz -0.010

politics -0.018

Kasich -0.043

medicaid -0.067

immigration -0.071

nazi -0.085

immigrants -0.098

welfare -0.098

senate -0.150

gun control -0.264

illegalimmigration -0.273

fascist -0.342

terrorism -0.648

Total 0.0601454