the little dragon 2014 15

The little Dragon A play by 1ª and 1b. 2014 This is the story of how princesses really DO like dragons.

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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Page 1: The little dragon 2014 15

The little Dragon A playby 1ª and 1b. 2014

• This is the story of how princesses really DO like dragons.

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The story is told by our narrators from 1ª and 1b.

• These are two classes. 1ª and 1b.

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These are the characters

• This the king from 1a is Mateo V

• And from 1b Nacho

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Here are the knights.

• This is Israel from 1a.

• This is Julio from 1b.

• Dont they look brave!

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These are the princesses

• This is Angela from 1ª

• This is Aitana from 1b

• Aren’t they beautiful!

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These are the dragons.• This is Ruben from 1b.

• This is Desiree from 1ª

But they are only little dragons!

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These are the trees.

• This is Arturo from 1ª.

• This is Yyaron from 1b.

• Aren’t they green!

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Here come the king and the knight into the palace.

• I am the king. Go and fight the dragon.

• I am the knight. I will go and fight the dragon.

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In the Palace garden a little dragon was hiding.

• I am the dragon but I am only a little dragon.

• I am the tree.

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Here comes the princess into the garden.

• She was picking flowers.

• I am the princess. I like dragons. I wish I could play with one!

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The dragon was listening.

• He decided to play with the princess under the tree.

• They played for a long time. They were happy.

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Until Suddenly………….

• I am the the knight.

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The princess and the dragon say.

• I am frigtened.

• I am cross.

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The princess pushed the knight in the pond…..

• Splassssshhhhhh!

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So you can see that Princesses really do like Dragons!

• The End