the mark of the beast – part v

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  • 8/11/2019 The Mark of the Beast Part V


    Bible Believers' Newsletter 671

    "We focus on the present Truth what Jesus is doing now. . ."ISSN 1442-8660

    Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. e re!oice in "our fe##o$ship around%od&s ord.

    '#ease $e#come (ac) #ongtime guest contri(utor *enr" +a)o$, $hose most recent (oo)s inc#udeIlluminati, the Cult that Hijacked the World, in $hich he eposes the hidden *istor" of ionism and/nti-Semitism, and Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order $hich sho$s up eminism as a p#otof the +one"'o$er against heteroseua#it" and human progress in pursuit of g#o(a# serfdom. In thisne$s#etter *enr" te##s us, Egyt is !nother "oros #Color# $e%olution&

    ur main /rtic#e is the fifth in our series, 'he (ark o) the *east, $hich i##ustrates ho$ the Judaeo-oman Catho#ic church, apostate 'rotestantism, Judaeo-reemasonr", Judaeo-Communism, andJudaeo-oman Catho#ic Is#am ha3e united against our Lord Jesus Christ and true e3ange#ica#Christianit"that (e#ie3es theresent 'ruth$hat Jesus is doing now+and has the 5o)en on disp#a". eemphasis the necessit" of preser3ing our #i(ert" in the so3ereign gift of free $i## gi3en e3er" man todetermine his o$n destin", guided (" the /(so#ute of %od&s re3ea#ed ord for the present hour in order

    to refuse the mar) of the (east, e3en unto death. /s the s7ueee comes c#oser each da" $e shou#dremem(er the ords of our Lord and %od, I) anyone wants to -e a )ollower o) (ine, let him denyhimsel), and take u his cross, and )ollow (e& For whoe%er would sa%e his li)e will lose it: and whoe%erlooses his li)e )or (y sake will )ind it 9+atthe$ 16:24-2;3er"thing here presented shou#d (e confirmedpersona##" in "our o$n =i(#e.

    ?our (rother-in-Christ, /nthon" %rigor-Scott

    National Level Exercise 2011

    May 16-20, 2011 5he purpose of Nationa# Le3e# >ercise 2011 9NL> 2011< is to prepare andcoordinate a mu#tip#e-!urisdictiona# integrated response to a nationa# catastrophic e3entspecifica##" ama!or earth7ua)e in the centra# @nited Statesregion of the Ne$ +adrid Seismic one9N+S 2011 $i## in3o#3e thousands of go3ernment officia#s at the federa#, state, #oca# andtri(a# #e3e#s, mem(ers of the pri3ate sector, and the genera# pu(#ic. 'articipants $i##conduct simu#taneous, re#ated eercise acti3ities at command posts, emergenc" operationcenters and other #ocations in the ashington A.C. area and the eight affected centra# @Sstates 9/#a(ama, /r)ansas, I##inois, Indiana, Bentuc)", +ississippi, +issouri, and5ennessee

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    NL> 2011 is a#so an opportunit" to continue to high#ight to the pu(#ic the need to (e prepared forearth7ua)es, and specific steps the" can ta)e to (e read". Full story: read"

    Comment: =ased on the prophecies of =rother =ranham ha#f a centur" ago $e ha3e (een $arning ofthe Ne$ +adrid au#t in this Ne$s#etter since e(ruar" 2002.

    Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field iscoveredDecember 16, 2008 N/S/&s fi3e 5*>+IS spacecraft ha3e disco3ered a (reach in >arth&s magneticfie#d ten times #arger than an"thing pre3ious#" thought to eist. So#ar $ind can f#o$ in through theopening to #oad up the magnetosphere for po$erfu# geomagnetic storms. =ut the (reach itse#f is notthe (iggest surprise. esearchers are e3en more amaed at the strange and unepected $a" it forms,o3erturning #ong-he#d ideas of space ph"sics. . .Full story: science.nasa.go3

    Comment: hat has eperts on edge is the epected increase in the sunspot acti3it" in 2012 atsunspot so#ar c"c#e 24. 5his cou#d short-circuit sate##ites, pose a ris) to aircraft, and p#a" ha3oc $ithe#ectrica# e7uipment on the ground. It cou#d epose the earth and its inha(itants to dangerous ra"s

    from the sun, and potentia##" ta)e do$n po$er grids.

    5he >arth&s e#ectromagnetic fie#dhas (een in the ne$s recent#". Just this month run$a"s had to (ec#osed do$n at t$o #orida airports $hen the shift in magnetic north (ecame to se3ere. 5he po#es aregenerated (" mo3ements $ithin the >arth&s inner and outer cores. 5he"&re a#so constant#" in f#u,mo3ing a fe$ degrees e3er" "ear, (ut the changes are a#most ne3er of such a magnitude that run$a"sre7uire ad!usting, said 'au# 5a)emoto, a spo)esman for the //.

    !il isaster "n #hina

    January 30. 2011 5his one did not ma)e the ne$s. Poto!ra"#c story:

    No $iding %lace& New ( )r*+ ,i-les that .se ,adio/controlled

    (*art B.llets

    $o%ember 30, 2010 5he @S arm"is to (egin using a futuristic rif#e that firesradio-contro##ed &smart& (u##ets in /fghanistan for the first time, it has emerged.5he +2; rif#e uses (u##ets that are programmed to ep#ode $hen the" ha3e

    tra3e#ed a set distance, a##o$ing enemies to (e targeted no matter $here the"hide. 5he rif#e a#so has a range of 2,D00 feet ma)ing it possi(#e to hit targets$hich are $e## out of the reach of con3entiona# rif#es. 5he +2; is (eingde3e#oped specia##" for the @S arm" and $i## (e dep#o"ed $ith troops from #ater this month, it $asre3ea#ed.

    5he rif#e&s gunsight uses a #aser rangefinder to determine the eact distance to the o(struction, after$hich the so#dier can add or su(tract up to D metres from that distance to ena(#e the (u##ets to c#earthe (arrier and ep#ode a(o3e or (eside the target. So#diers $i## (e a(#e to use them to target snipers

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    hidden in trenches rather than ca##ing in air stri)es. 5he 2;-mi##imetre round contains a chip thatrecei3es a radio signa# from the gunsight as to the precise distance to the target.

    Lt. Co#. Christopher Lehner, pro!ect manager for the s"stem, descri(ed the $eapon as a &game-changer&that other nations $i## tr" and cop". *e epects the /rm" to (u" 12,;00 of the +2; rif#es this "ear,enough for e3er" mem(er of the infantr" and specia# forces. Lehner to#d oNe$s: &ith this $eapons"stem, $e ta)e a$a" co3er from Eenem" targetsF fore3er. &5actics are going to ha3e to (e re$ritten.5he on#" thing $e can see EenemiesF (eing a(#e to do is run a$a"&. . . Full story: dai#"

    Eg+t is )nother (oros '#olor' ,evol.tionB+ $enr+ Maow %h #o+right 2011

    &e turmo#l #n '!y"t is another contri3ed, I##uminati-(ac)ed co#orre3o#utiondesigned to insta## puppets more su(ser3ient to their London-(ased masters. 3er the #ast decade, $e ha3e seen such re3o#utions inSer(ia, %eorgia, @)raine, B"rg"stan, +ongo#ia and recent fai#ed attemptsin =urma, Iran and 5hai#and.

    *uman rights and democrac" is a#$a"s the pretet for these I##uminatigam(its, dating (ac) to the rench and ussian e3o#utions. 5he" ta)ead3antage of genuine grie3ances to hood$in) the pu(#ic and gain po$er.5his time there $as no co#or scheme tip-off (ut the unanimous support ("

    the I##uminati-contro##ed mass media $as enough. ?ou $ou#dn&t hear a(out it other$ise. 9or eamp#e,did "ou )no$that rea# EJe$ishF nationa#ists too) o3er the go3ernment of *ungar"# =aradei, Imhere to de#i3er >g"pt to the N.

    %#o(a#ist $idget, +ohammed ># =aradei, is a trustee of the Internationa# Crisis %roup anindependent non-profit group run (" (an)ers to incite re3o#utions and profit from them. *is fe##o$trustee is none other than the u(i7uitous othschi#d front man, %eorge Soros.

    ># =aradei, $ho recent#" resigned as Airector of the Internationa# /tomic >nerg" /genc", is (einggroomed (" the I##uminati to rep#ace +u(ara). 9*e and his agenc" $on the 200; No(e# 'rieg"pt. 5his is code for #oca# (oss in the N (an)er t"rann". 9=arac)(ama has taught us a(out changeg"pt has accused the @Sof he#ping to engineer this re3o#t (" training acti3ists.

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    Is it going too far to sa" that remo3ing +u(ara) $ou#d (e a 3ictor" for Israe#in its epansion from theNi#e to the >uphratesG 5heir surrogates are a#read" in =aghdad.

    5his artic#e is not intended to garner s"mpath" for the +u(ara) regime (ut mere#" to point out that thisturmoi# is a(out the I##uminati tightening their grip on >g"pt. Imagine a +afia gang that has (een ra)ingoff a share of profits for decades. ne da" it decides to increase its ta)e (" e#iminating the midd#e man./t the same time, it can create turmoi# $hich a#$a"s pro3ides ne$ opportunities.

    ne thing is for sure: ur #eaders care #itt#e a(out human rights and democrac". 5he I##uminati

    agenda u#timate#" is to degrade, disinherit and ens#a3e us menta##" and spiritua##", if not ph"sica##". 5he>g"ptian turmoi# is another step in this direction.

    ( am #n)ebte) to t#s art#cle: 5unisia H >g"pt: +anufactured CrisisG

    e#ated I##uminati est&s Support for +u(ara) a3ering

    e#ated *o$ Leftists and 'rogressi3es Carr" ater for the I##uminati

    e#ated e(ster 5arp#e"ideo Change in >g"pt

    *ege#ian Aia#ectic +us#im =rotherhood is Leading the pposition

    Counci# on oreign e#ations Smi#es on >#=aradei

    +u(ara) Chooses CI/ +an to Succeed *imG

    Aa3id Li3ingstone on the +us#im =rotherhood

    Chossudo3s)" Changing 'uppets in Cairo

    'rotesters 5epid on >#=aradei

    *as Mubara+ ett#n! too Close to te uss#ans

    / reader, Aan, $rites:

    5here is a %#o(a#ist summit coming upin a(out D$ee)s in Cairo. n the itinerar" the #ast speech is

    ca##ed, hat $i## >g"pt #oo) #i)e in 2020G /#onger-term perspecti3e from Eothschi#d&sF 'heEconomist %roup.

    I had a hunch to research currentussianK+u(ara) regime re#ations and indeed, Ifound the"&3e (een ta#)ingJan th. I thin) *i##ar"ma" (e !ea#ous.

    Mubara+, uss#an FM )#scuss re!#onal coo"erat#on

    >g"ptian 'resident *osni +u(ara)and ussian oreign +inister Serge" La3ro3 he#d important ta#)s"esterda" o3er common regiona# and internationa# interests, according to >g"ptian +inister of oreign

    /ffairs /hmed /(u# %heit.

    /mong the most important issues discussed, /(u# %heit to#d reporters, $as the Israe#i-'a#estinianconf#ict. +u(ara) and La3ro3 stressed the importance of reconci#iation (et$een 'a#estinian factions andthe urgent need to #ift the Israe#i siege on the %aa Strip. +u(ara) $e#comed a proposa# to ho#d aministeria# meeting in +osco$ for parties in3o#3ed in the peace process.

    5he #atest 3ideo of the Cairo mo(s #oo)s orchestrated, or choreographed as the ==C narrator sa"s inthe c#ip. 5hat might ep#ain a #ot. ussia hasn&t (een a p#a"er in >g"pt since Nasser. 5here&s no $a" the

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    State Aept $i## a##o$ that. 5he"# pu## the p#ug on +u(ara) first.

    Comment: 5he Cit" of London tric)ed her @B, @S and Common$ea#th co#onies, occupied %erman" andJapane3en the +ede##Mn and Ca#i drug carte# into funding their geopo#itica# strateg" of encouraging thespread of a 3iru#ent#" anti-$estern, nomina##" Is#amic form of fundamenta#ism to fu#fi## the strateg" of(ringing po#itica# Is#am and po#itica# ionism together in the contro##ed conf#ict of or#d ar IIItode#i3er g#o(a# hegemon". 5he Cit"&s desta(i#iationof Iran, /fghanistan, and the su(-Continent (egan$ith the o3erthro$ of the Shah of Iran (" =ritish Inte##igence asset the /"ato##ah Bhomeini in e(ruar"1. 5he @S-created, trained and funded +u!ahideen is no$ an internationa# terrorist force dep#o"ed

    across North /frica, the /ra(ian 'eninsu#a, ussia, China, Bashmir, the 'hi#ippines and the @S.+ohamed ># =aradei is positioning >g"pt to p#a" her part $ith Li("a, >thiopia and Judaeo-Communistussia, the king o) the North, prophesied in >e)ie# D8 and D, and Aanie# 11:40-4;. *ut .thekingdom o) a crucial !merican ally in the region, /ordan0, Edom, (oa- and most o) !mmon will escaethe o%erthrow& 5remors from >g"pt&s demonstrations ha3e (een fe#t in ?emen 9>e)ie# D8:12g"ptian peop#e cannot confront #oca# despots and &regime change& $ithout addressing thepatron of +u(ara)&s regime5he @nited States. Second, (ecause of the @S& inf#uence and (ecause>g"pt is so strategica##" important to the @S-Israe# agenda for the +idd#e >ast, the @S $i## attempt tocontro# their in3estments and their interests (" regaining contro# and maintaining patronage. In other$ords it $i## attempt 9or ma" ha3e a#read" attempted< to co-opt the pu(#ic uprising and manage it atsome #e3e# and continue to do so. Last, in order to ade7uate#" address foreign medd#ers $ithin thecontet of the #oca# region and its po#itics, one must a#so e3entua##" address the ro#e of Israe#. . .Scripture is (eing fu#fi##ed. @nder the Sith Sea# >e)ie# D $i## (e fu#fi##ed and the t$e#3e 5ri(es of Israe#$i## return to the Land of their Co3enant in the first ha#f of Aanie#&s Se3entieth ee) for redemption inthe second ha#f 9e3e#ation :1-4

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    that person.

    h" is it a merc" getting "our hands chopped offG =ecause it can (e epiation for "our sins. It is(etter to get punished in this #ife than to go underground into the gra3e or into the he##fire for eternit".Siddi7-Con#on $i## !oin a de(ate tonight at the 'arramatta 5o$n *a## in S"dne" on the merits of sharia3ersus democrac". 5he e3ent $as organised (" se#f-st"#ed de(ate promoter a)" +a##ah, $ho $asac7uitted of terrorismcharges in 200; (ut p#eaded gui#t" to threatening to )i## a common$ea#th officerafter his passport $as cance#ed. . . Full story:

    Comment: 5here is no #o3e in an" of these o(!ecti3es. No merc" or compassion, no humi#it", norighteousness, no grace, a tota# a(sence of faith, no greatness, and no %od (ut /##ah.

    Is#am is not !ust a re#igion (ut a po#itica# s"stem as $e##. 5he state is intended to (e insepara(#e fromre#igious ru#e. Is#amic #a$, or Sharia, is comp#ete and not designed to coeist $ith or (e su(ordinate toother #ega# s"stems. +us#ims are not meant to (e ru#ed (" non-+us#ims. 5he Pur&an is 3er" c#ear thatthe" are to resist un(e#ie3ers (" an" means unti# Is#am esta(#ishes po#itica# supremac". 5his doesn&tmean that e3er"one must (e forced to (ecome +us#im, (ut rather that e3er"one must su(mit to +us#imru#e.

    3he Mar o- the Beast 4 %art 5

    e3e#ation 1D:1;, 'he 1nited "tates o) !merica will -e authori2ed -y $ome to emower the 3once45rotestant image o) the /udaeo6$oman Catholic -east, so that whoe%er declines to ser%e its will

    3signi)ied as a mark in their right hand4, or recei%e its trinitarian doctrine 3signi)ied as a mark in their)orehead4 should -e killed& /nd $e $itness the @S and other co#onia# troops of the &Cit" of London&s"stematica##" (#ooded and desensitied, to )i##, maim and torture (" unthin)ing ref#ei3e o(edienceto amora# and un#a$fu# commands. For the mystery o) lawlessness is already at work, only the Holy"irit will restrain that man o) sin until He dearts in the translation o) His end6time *ride 9II5hessa#onians2:> ILL: 5he %#o(a# 'o$er >#ite&s /chi##es *ee#, /drian Sa#(uchi stresses the

    importance of ac7uiring a strong reedom arrior /ttitude against the %#o(a# 'o$er >#ite, (" N5gi3ing in to themO N5 gi3ing them "our ree i##O >@SIN% 5 S>> 5*>+QQQ =" "ie#ding "our free$i## "ou ta)e the mar) of the (east.

    rom the garden of >den %od p#aced man of the (asis of free mora# agenc", $ith onero%iso: I) youartake o) the 'ree o) the 7nowledge o) 8ood and E%il, .or recei%e reasoning against )aith, which is the

    re%ealed Word o) 8od0, that day you most de)initely will die& Since %od is omniscient *e cannotchange *is mind on *is ord and remain %od 9+a#achi D:6O *e(re$s 1D:83e and /dam tasted thefor(idden fruit of Satan&s percei3ed $isdom against %od&s unchanging ord and died (efore the c#ose ofthat first mi##ennia# da". +an is sti## on the (asis of free mora# agenc"O such is %od&s #o3e that *e $i##ne3er coerce or force an"one to ser3e *im against their o$n free $i## and desire.

    /ltou! te or) #s omn#"otent, #n#n#te an) omn#sc#ent e )oes not com"el ser%#ce or e%enbel#e #n #s e#stence. *e is not an ar(itrar" %od $ho manipu#ates men #i)e mind-contro##ed puppetsas mutual #o3e cou#d not eist (et$een ref#ei3e automatons and the %reat Creator. ur freedom ofchoice ena(#es mutual #o3e and Ai3ine communion $ith the sure re$ard of eterna# Life, or $i##fu#diso(edience $ith the certaint" of sin and death in the #a)e of ire.

    5he $ord god means o(!ect of $orship, and 'au# said, !lthough there are many so6called gods inhea%en or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, )or us there is one 8od, the

    Father, )rom whom all things come and )or whom we exist, and one 9ord /esus Christ through whom all

  • 8/11/2019 The Mark of the Beast Part V


    things exist and through whom we are 9I Corinthians 8:;-6e)ie# 18:4-

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    hen a man chooses the right $oman and proposes marriage, she is not coerced (ut free to accept ordec#ine. Shou#d she accept the decision is hers, their 3o$ mutual, and thereafter she must o(e" hero$n hus(and in e3er" thing in the Lord 9>phesians ;:21-DDg"pt. hen John *"rcanus defeated and forci(#"assimi#ated the >domites in 12D=C he compe##ed them to (e circumcised, and to unite into one nation,and (e su(!ect to the same #a$s, the" $ere ca##ed Je$s. . . and $ere hereafter no other than Je$s

    9Josephus, /nti7uities of the Je$s, III, :1domitesare Israe#&s s$orn enem" $ho s$ift#" per3erted their re#igion, occupied the priest#" offices and usurpedthe monarch" in Judah as the" ha3e in =ritain, the @nited States and a## Christendom, forcing theirmar) of the (east per medium of communications, #o(("ing, educationa# curricu#a, ne$s andentertainment.

    5hereafter the 'harisees forced their mar) of the (east (" 5a#mudic mind contro#, crucif"ing Israe#&s+essiah and )i##ing *is fo##o$ers. In /AD2; the" organied the Judaeo-oman Catho#ic state church incon!unction $ith emperor Constantine and proceeded to force their mar) of the (east throughout theoman empire, )i##ing scores of mi##ions of Christians $ho refused to $orship their =a("#onian trinit" ofgods. 5he persecution $as so se3ere it p#unged estern >urope into a#most a thousand "ears of Aar)/ges. See oes =oo) of +art"rs, 5he 5$o =a("#ons, an" histor" of the Christian Church such asSmuc)er&s %#orious eformation, or an enc"c#opaedia.

    ;nly a#t, a clear re%elat#on o te trut can set you ree rom m#n) control. /s 4en of Je$ish *o#ocaustm"tho#og", the #ies that +artin =r"ant participated in +SS/A&s 'ort /rthur +assacre, that Judaeo-Communism is peop#e-po$er, that +us#ims effected K11, K, and (om(ed =a#iO that Je$s are aSemitic peop#e descended from /(raham, Isaac and Jaco(, that Jesus $as a Je$, Je$ish hate#egis#ation, their (an)ster&s */ that 0.0D8R C2 in the atmosphere is anthropogenic, causing&c#imate change,& the that the enforced *adiths of the 5a#mudic Boran of the Judaeo-oman re#igion ofIs#am are the $i## and unchanging ord of %od.

    ne ma" fo##o$ the trai# of the Serpent and his mar) of the (east in an" enc"c#opedia from =a("#on tothe present da", "et Satan, $ho hates +ichae# and Christianit", has p#aced the mind#oc) of Je$ishhate #egis#ation on truth ma)ing it po#itica##" incorrect to epose the Aar)ness of Judaism and Is#am tothe Light of 5ruth. If "ou read the Boran "ou $i## find that #i)e Judaeo-oman Catho#icism, the mothero) harlots and a-ominations o) the earth, it is hea3i#" inf#uenced (" the =a("#onian 5a#mud. 'o#itica#po$er and re#igious per3ersion of >>/L>A 5ruth has o3erspread the earth from =a("#on to +edo-'ersia, to %reece and ome, and from =a("#on to Judah. Judaism . . . 'harisaism (ecame 5a#mudism,5a#mudism (ecame +edie3a# a((inism, and +edie3a# a((inism (ecame +odern a((inism. =utthroughout these changes in name . . . the spirit of the ancient 'harisees sur3i3es, una#tered . . . rom'a#estineto =a("#oniaO from =a("#onia to North /frica, Ita#", Spain, rance and %erman"O from these to'o#and, ussia, and eastern >urope genera##", ancient 'harisaism has $andered . . . demonstrates theenduring importance $hich attaches to 'harisaism as a re#igious mo3ement . . . 9a((i Louisin)e#stein, head of 5he Je$ish 5heo#ogica# Seminar" of /merica, 5he 'harisees, the Socio#ogica#

    =ac)ground of their aith, ore$ord to irst >dition, p. I

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    $ic)ed rot 9+aimonides, +ishneh 5orah, Chapter 10

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    /t the first Nicea Counci# in /AD2; the s"nagogue of Satan spa$ned the anti-Christian Judaeo-oman@ni3ersa# church in impersonation of the Israe#itish high priest#" temp#e $orship, o3er#a"ing the=a("#onian re#igionof pagan ome $hose man" gods $ere renamed: enus 9Isis, Aiana, Nimrod&s $ifeSemiramis< (ecame +ar", and Jupiter 9=e# or =aa#< the father of gods. 5his (#asphemous one $or#dre#igion accepta(#e to pagans, Je$s and nomina# Christians $as enforced $ith state (ac)ing too(#iterate Christianit", and in the near future the children o) =arkness eercising Satan&s $i## to po$er$i## once again stea# man&s %od-gi3en freedom of thought and epression 9e3e#ation 1D:1;-18

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    No$ada"s Je$ish hate #egis#ation and treaties $ith their @nited Nations p#us our a#ien-contro##edmedia, communications, education and entertainments cause po#iticians to cringe at the thought ofune7ui3oca##" truthfu# speech that might (e deemed &po#itica##" incorrect,& ma)ing the nationdefense#ess against the 5ro!an horse of Is#am $hich does not distinguish (et$een po#itics fromre#igion. /nd po#iticians are afraid to stop e3en i##ega# immigration.

    Ma+e no m#sta+e, all ar #s ult#mately rel#!#ous. or#d ar III $as p#anned to (ring po#itica# Is#amand po#itica# ion into contro##ed conf#ict $ith the o(!ecti3e of esta(#ishing Lucifer&s 5ota#itarian one

    $or#d go3ernmentunder the pope of ome. /fter or#d ar 5hree is ended, those $ho aspire toundisputed $or#d domination $i## pro3o)e the greatest socia# catac#"sm the $or#d has e3er )no$n. esha## un#eash the Nihi#ists and /theists, and $e sha## pro3o)e a formida(#e socia# catac#"sm $hich in a##its horror $i## sho$ c#ear#" to the nations the effect of a(so#ute atheism, origin of sa3ager" and of themost (#ood" turmoi#. 5hen e3er"$here, the citiens, o(#iged to defend themse#3es against the $or#dminorit" of re3o#utionaries, $i## eterminate those destro"ers of ci3i#iation, and the mu#titude,disi##usioned $ith Christianit", $hose deistic spirits $i## (e from that moment $ithout compass9directionng#and $hich emphasies the doctrine of thenecessit" of man&s redemption (" faith, rather than the sacramenta# aspect of Christianit"O (e#onging to$hat is a#so )no$n as the 9ow Church part"O distincti3e#" 'rotestant in attitude, as contrasted $ith theHigh Church, or /ng#ican, /ng#o-Catho#ic part" 95he e(ster @ni3ersa# Aictionar"O 5he Shorter ford>ng#ish Aictionar" gi3es much the same definition

  • 8/11/2019 The Mark of the Beast Part V


    5he *adith a#so teaches that there is no other authorit" o3er the #and as a## #and (e#ongs to /##ah. In=u)hari ;D:D2 in spea)ing to the Je$s: If "ou em(race Is#am, "ou $i## (e safe. ?ou shou#d )no$ thatthe earth (e#ongs to /##ah and *is /post#e, and I $ant to epe# "ou from this #and. So, if an"oneamongst "ou o$ns some propert", he is permitted to se## it, other$ise "ou shou#d )no$ that the >arth(e#ongs to /##ah and *is /post#e E;F.

    ?et, in the end, affirms that: *adith at a## times must (e e3a#uated (" the $e##-esta(#ished ru#es of 3a#idation as esta(#ished (" the great scho#ars. Such firm criteria inc#ude thefo##o$ing: If a certain *adith is contrar" to the $e##-esta(#ished princip#es of the Boran or sound reason

    it must (e re!ected, since o(3ious#" it cannot (e authentic E6F. /nd here #a"s the pro(#ema #argenum(er of +us#ims (e#ie3e as the *adith teaches $hich does not conform to the common moderate+us#im (e#ief. hen "ou ha3e radica# c#erics teaching the hard#ine precepts of the *adith, and $ith apopu#ation as #arge as the +us#im popu#ation, e3en a sma## percentage e7uates to 3er" #arge num(ersof fo##o$ers.

    /s I ha3e sho$n a(o3e the (att#e $ith the hard#ine +us#im teachings is not ne$ and the hard #ineprecepts of the *adith ha3e (een used for centuries. S#a3er", taation of non-(e#ie3ers, or fighting thenon-(e#ie3ers is a dut" for man" +us#ims.

    In response to the pirac" ta)ing p#ace off the =ar(ar" CoastO 5homas Jefferson and John /dams $entand 3isited 5ripo#i&s en3o" to London, /m(assador Sidi *a!i /(drahaman, to en7uire as to $hat rightthe" cou#d ta)e s#a3es and etort mone" from the peop#e of >urope and /merica. Jefferson reported hisrep#" to (e: &that right $as founded on the #a$s of the 'rophet, that it $as $ritten in their Boran, thata## nations $ho shou#d not ha3e ans$ered their authorit" $ere sinners, that it $as their right and dut"to ma)e $ar upon them $here3er the" cou#d (e found, and to ma)e s#a3es of a## the" cou#d ta)e asprisoners and that e3er" +ussu#man 9sic< $ho shou#d (e s#ain in (att#e $as sure to go to paradise&.

    Can "ou see the Cit"&s *ege#ian dia#ecticG 'o#itica# Is#am is to (e (rought into contro##ed conf#ict $ith thepo#itica# ionists, (ut Judaeo-Communist ussia $i## side $ith the +us#im countries, attac) and in3adeIsrae# and earth7ua)e-de3astated @S/. ome $i## unite her federation of $or#d re#igions, restore peace,and her then Ae3i#-incarnate 'ope $i## (e acc#aimed president of one $or#d go3ernment. She $i##esta(#ish a se3en-"ear agreement $ith the Je$ish (an)sters, and in the midst of the $ee) of "ears she$i## a(rogate her agreement and force the mar) of the (east. n#61.htm
