the mds purim press

Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council! Next Year in Shushan! Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתרA Modern Day Tech Tale of Purim By Jamie Bunin, [email protected] Achashveirosh loved having parties. He served red wine and used only the finest China from Bergdorf’s. He wanted Vashti to come and join his party, but she was in the middle of skypeing with her best friend in Israel, so she said no. That was the last of her. Achashveirosh was lonely. His advisors posted on Facebook that the king was looking for a new queen. One million women liked the page and arranged to show up to try to win the title. The competition was held at the Empire Hotel. Everyone who was anyone was there—even Gossip Girl. Achashveirosh noticed Esther in her violet Dior gown and, loving the color purple, chose her immediately. The fanciest party planners were called in and a big wedding was planned. It was evite only—of course—and guests even got to walk the red carpet and pose for the paparazzi before heading inside. The wedding was so successful, it had its own hashtag on Twitter. It was the second biggest royal wedding of the century! Haman, Achashveirosh’s main man, was strolling around the pal- ace one day. He loved being adored and was friends with everyone on Fa- cebook. Mordechai would not accept his “friend” request and this angered Haman. He decided that he hated all of the Jews and wanted to get them kicked off of Facebook forever. Haman went to the king for support. The king, who was addicted to Twitter, wasn’t really listening and agreed to back Haman. Haman was on a mission to keep all Jews off Facebook! Mordechai BBM’d Esther, told her what happened and asked for help. She was afraid to approach the king with this because he didn’t like dealing with issues involving the internet. He was not too tech savvy and was embarrassed to admit it. So she told the Jews to refrain from the internet for three days and then she would approach the king (who held shares in Facebook). She invited him to a small fiesta at Prime Ko and told him to bring Haman along. Once there, she lavished them with fancy food and wine. She told Achashveirosh she had a major dilemma. He told her he would do whatever he could to help her. She pulled out her iPad and played him the video she had made to put on YouTube describing Haman’s evil plan. She said that if she posted it, it would go viral and Haman would be ruined. Achashveirosh was en- raged at Haman and told Esther to do it. SHE DID!! Haman went crazy and within one hour, the video had seven mil- lion hits. PSY even made a Gangnam Style version. Haman was removed from Facebook and the Jews were saved! We celebrate this monumental moment in history by sending YouTube clips of ourselves as entertainment to friends and as a reminder that we are free to be on the internet as much as we would like!! (Just not when we should be studying for a Chumash test!) The Purim Press

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The MDS Purim Press


Page 1: The MDS Purim Press

Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council! Next Year in Shushan!

Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתר

A Modern Day Tech Tale of Purim By Jamie Bunin, [email protected]

Achashveirosh loved having parties. He served red wine and used only the finest China from Bergdorf’s. He wanted Vashti to come and join his party, but she was in the middle of skypeing with her best friend in Israel, so she said no. That was the last of her. Achashveirosh was lonely. His advisors posted on Facebook that the king was looking for a new queen. One million women liked the page and arranged to show up to try to win the title. The competition was held at the Empire Hotel. Everyone who was anyone was there—even Gossip Girl. Achashveirosh noticed Esther in her violet Dior gown and, loving the color purple, chose her immediately. The fanciest party planners were called in and a big wedding was planned. It was evite only—of course—and guests even got to walk the red carpet and pose for the paparazzi before heading inside. The wedding was so successful, it had its own hashtag on Twitter. It was the second biggest royal wedding of the century!

Haman, Achashveirosh’s main man, was strolling around the pal-ace one day. He loved being adored and was friends with everyone on Fa-cebook. Mordechai would not accept his “friend” request and this angered Haman. He decided that he hated all of the Jews and wanted to get them kicked off of Facebook forever. Haman went to the king for support. The king, who was addicted to Twitter, wasn’t really listening and agreed to back Haman. Haman was on a mission to keep all Jews off Facebook! Mordechai BBM’d Esther, told her what happened and asked for help. She was afraid to approach the king with this because he didn’t like dealing with issues involving the internet. He was not too tech savvy and was embarrassed to admit it. So she told the Jews to refrain from the internet for three days and then she would approach the king (who held shares in Facebook). She invited him to a small fiesta at Prime Ko and told him to bring Haman along. Once there, she lavished them with fancy food and wine. She told Achashveirosh she had a major dilemma. He told her he would do whatever he could to help her. She pulled out her iPad and played him the video she had made to put on YouTube describing Haman’s evil plan. She said that if she posted it, it would go viral and Haman would be ruined. Achashveirosh was en-raged at Haman and told Esther to do it. SHE DID!! Haman went crazy and within one hour, the video had seven mil-lion hits. PSY even made a Gangnam Style version. Haman was removed from Facebook and the Jews were saved! We celebrate this monumental moment in history by sending YouTube clips of ourselves as entertainment to friends and as a reminder that we are free to be on the internet as much as we would like!! (Just not when we should be studying for a Chumash test!)

The Purim Press

Page 2: The MDS Purim Press

Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתר

Next Year in Shushan! Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council!

One Purim Day By Shoshana Horowitz, 3A

Once upon a time, there

was school on Purim. Everyone

was so annoyed. The 3rd grade

teachers, Ms. Glatzer, Morah

Chana, Morah Michelle and Mo-

rah Neema took both classes out

for a treat. We went to a movie

theater to see a movie. There was

a sign outside the theater, which

said, “No Kids Allowed,” so we

went in. The teachers did not stop

us and they told us we should go

get candy for breakfast. They

gave us so much money and we

bought tons of candy. The movie

was called, “This Movie Is Not For

Kids.” We watched the movie and

we got popcorn and soda for

lunch. Rabbi Besser saw us in the

movie theater and told us to go back to class. We were so disappointed because we didn’t get to see the movie.

When we got back to school, the teachers planned a surprise party, just in case that happened. The President

came with the press to see our party. The press interviewed me. My parents and grandparents were so, so, so,

so happy to see me on TV. The actress Bridget Mendler came and sang us a song called, “Ready or Not.” Then

we got to sing with her and make a video for that song. Our teachers made it the best Purim ever!!

Breaking News!

By Samuel Halpern, 5B

Yankel Shlemazel had to evacuate his house after

all the latkes that he had made burst out of his closet and

knocked down his chanukiah. Nobody knows why Yankel

was making latkes and lit his chanukiah on Purim. He

will move into a new house shortly.

Just a few minutes ago Mr. Shlemazel was seen

blowing his shofar as if it was Rosh Hashanah. Our re-

porter has also seen old ladies leading police around in

circles. The old ladies told our reporter that the cops were

going to arrest Yankel Shlemazel for blowing his shofar.

The police cannot find Yankel. He stopped blow-

ing his shofar. Rumor is that now Shlemazel is looking

for a shul in which he can read Megillah … Megillat Ruth.

Page 3: The MDS Purim Press

Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתר

Next Year in Shushan! Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council!

Purim Parade By Adina Horowitz, 6G

“Class, listen up,” demanded the stern voice of my teacher, Mrs. Hoppensburg, the toughest, hardest to please, teacher in school. Our whole class looked up from our science notebooks. “In a month we are having the annual Purim parade”. I grinned. Fifth grade was the first year that we were eligible to participate in the an-nual Purim parade. My class whispered excitedly to each other. I looked around, and I saw Melissa whisper to Ar-iana, “The Queen Bee,” about the parade. Next to me was my best friend forever, Natalie. She looked at me and whispered very softly “Hey Eliana, should be fun right?” I grinned and whispered “I am sooooo excited”. She grinned back. At that moment, Mrs. Hoppensburg demanded that we go back to reading. We all groaned. Luckily for us the bell rang with a loud rrrrrrrring. Mrs. Hoppensburg strolled down the aisles and handed a piece of paper to each of us. I quickly scanned the paper and saw a bunch of instructions. Then the second bell rang and so I packed up and ran outside for Navi class. The day passed by very quickly. Once I got home, I ran to my mother, hugged her, then shoved the paper to-wards her. She sat down at the table, put on her reading glasses, then read it quickly. “Well well, I know that you have been waiting for this. It seems to be very exciting” she told me. I nodded mutely and got started on my homework. That night I could barely sleep from all my excitement. The next morning I woke up and got ready for school. On my way to school I ran into Natalie. I stopped and said, “Hey Nat, today we are going to work on our float for the parade.” I walked with her to school, chat-ting as we walked. At school, my class was drawing pictures of ideas for the float. I looked at a few and frowned, they were all personal floats, not for the whole class. I thought, then drew a mask float, designed as a huge mask with the class upon it, all wearing masks. I went to the class computer and looked up mask shaped candies, happy to discover that they existed. I shut down the computer and got to my desk in time for Mrs. Hoppensburg to walk in. She called us up to see our pictures. When she saw mine she said, “Class, I’ve found the perfect one.” I told her my idea for the candy and she was enthusiastic. The next few weeks we spent making the actual float. We used wood to make the frame and we had someone professional to help us. After the wood, we used plaster and paper Mache to make the shape. Lastly we painted the float. It took two weeks to make and it looked amazing. Then we decided to crown a Mask Queen for the float. I really wanted to be the one to sit on a mask shaped chair, with a crown and gown, waving a mask on the top of a stick. “I have decided who the queen will be,” said the demanding voice of Mrs. Hoppensburg. We all held our breath. I looked around. The queen bee, Ariana, was of course looking like she was already the actual queen. Ariana fluffed her hair. I rolled my eyes and told Nat to look at her. She rolled her eyes too. “After a short delib-eration, I had to choose, ELIANA SHWARTZ,” said my teacher. I was too shocked to say anything. Then it hit me. “Yay!!!!!!!” I screamed. Ariana screamed with anger. Finally… The day of the parade. I ran downstairs to see my parents. Then I remembered that I needed to get dressed. I ran up the stairs again and looked at my clothes. I decided on a silk red dress with ruffles. Then I braided my thick dark hair, put on my gold sandals and went to school. At school, I was amazed to see the finished float. I put on my mask, got my candy and sat in my chair. My whole class climbed on the float. “All right, let’s GO!!!” exclaimed Mrs. Hoppensburg. I put on my most dazzling smile as we entered the parade. Kids were screaming as we threw the candy towards them. As our float moved on, we saw many different floats, marchers and bands. I thought that ours was the best. The next day everyone recognized me as the queen. All day, people were bowing to me and it felt amaz-ing. Then the most surprising, impossible thing happened! Mrs. Hoppinsburg smiled at me! Then she told me she was extremely proud of me and I was shocked. My teacher never smiles and most definitely never praises anyone. At home my family threw a party for me. This was most definitely the most amazing experience ever!

Page 4: The MDS Purim Press

Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתר

Next Year in Shushan! Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council!

You Know You Have a Student at MDS When...

By Rabbi Jeremy Litton, [email protected] Your preschool child comes home talking about... A morah who dressed up like a penguin... A Rabbi who

plays guitar in the hall... Kids wearing stickers that say, “I made Rabbi Besser Smile... and all I got was this sticker”.

Your child comes home in 1st grade with half a Staples warehouse full of paper work.

You’re wondering why your 2nd grader has been trained for Broadway Theatre.

Your child has managed to explain to you why it’s imperative that you change your mode of transportation to save the environment.

Your 4th grader comes home telling stories of his/her lovely teacher and her experiences at Hogwarts as Captain of the Quiditch team.

Your 6th grade daughter has nothing to wear for Pink Day with a closet full of pink. Your 6th grade son comes home talking in his NFL reporter voice depicting today’s game.

Your 7th grader knows the subway map better than

Your 7th grade daughter has an obsession with making music videos with fully choreographed dance moves.

Your child wakes up on school day and says: “I think I we have a Gaga tournament today”; “I’m not chang-ing, it’s pajama day”; or “If Morah Jamie wears a costume every day, why can’t I?”

Your 8th grader tries to convince you they should be held back until MDS builds a high school.

Boot the Loot!

Give up the junk and get healthy!

Looking for a place to drop off

your excess Purim candy??

We've got news for you!


and we want you to be a part of it!

Bring your packaged Purim candy to school on

Monday, February 25th,

and drop it in the bins in the lobby.

Get yourself a BRIGHT GREEN bracelet

and be proud to be green!

All candy will be donated to charity.

So...lose the candy and win big at MDS!

Page 5: The MDS Purim Press

Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתר

Next Year in Shushan! Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council!

Purim Word Find!

Courtesy of

Page 6: The MDS Purim Press

Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתר

Next Year in Shushan! Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council!

The Legend of the Hamentashen Amulet

By Daniel Diamond, 5B Some 2,000 years ago a great civilization lived in the Hamen-

tashian Mountains, they were the Hamentashians. The reason they

were called the Hamentashians was they used hamentashens for eve-

ry day jobs. Peace filled the land with happiness, but peace lasted on-

ly for 175 years before they were destroyed by the Stalecookieans.

The Stalecookieans had the strongest army in pastria. But before the

Hamentashians were destroyed someone hid a hamentashen shaped

amulet and maps to the kingdom where they lived. A few thousand

years after that an amateur explorer discovered the amulet and the

maps. When he came closer and closer to the kingdom, the amulet

glowed and it got brighter and brighter. After five days of searching

he found it-- the beautiful kingdom of the Hamentashians. He roamed all over the kingdom studying their

tools and then the explorer looked around and said to himself, “it looks like people were just here yesterday.”

The explorer goes to the temple and the amulet was creating a blinding light. Then the explorer got clonked on

the head. When he woke up he saw a bunch of people wearing hamentashen clothing. He knew these were the

Hamentashians! “You are alive!” It turned out that a few hundred Hamentashians had hidden and survived the

war with the Stalecookieans. The explorer then gave the amulet back to its rightful owner, the king. The explor-

er said that the Hamentashians should go out into the world to help and do good deeds. The world is plunged

in different wars and there is not everlasting peace. The king agreed to go see the new world. Ten years later

there were no wars over land, there was everlasting peace amongst nations. The amulet also provided health,

wealth, and good crops. The Hamentashians repopulated and became one of the world’s richest, healthiest,

and nicest nations. And then there was no war on earth again because of them.

A White House Purim

Taken from the internet The first Jewish president of the United States has been inaugurated, and the first Jewish holiday that follows is Purim. So he calls up his mother to invite her to the White House for Purim. Their conversation goes something like this: "Mom, with Purim being the first holiday after my inauguration, I want you to celebrate it with us at the White House." "Oh, I don't know. I'll have to get to the airport and..." "Mom! I'm the president of the United States! I'll send a limo for you to take you right to the airport!" "OK, but when I get to the airport, I'll have to stand on the line to buy a ticket and check my baggage. Oy, it will be so difficult for me." "Mom, don't worry about standing on lines or any of that. I'm the most powerful person in the world. I'm the president. I'll send Air Force One for you!!" "Well, OK. But when I get to Washington, I'll have to find a cab and..." "Momma, please! I'll have a helicopter waiting for you. It will bring right to the White House lawn!!!" "Well ... but where will I stay? Can I get a hotel room..." "Momma, we have this whole big White House!!!! There will be plenty of room!!!! Please join us for Purim?" "Ok, I'll be there." Two seconds later, she calls her friend: "Hello, Sadie? Guess what? I'm spending Purim at my son's house!"

Page 7: The MDS Purim Press

Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתר

Next Year in Shushan! Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council!

Once upon a time, there was a queen

named Esther who just kicked evil king Vasht off of

the throne because he insisted on staying at the pal-ace and watching the gladiators instead of going

shopping with her. She was looking for a new king, so she organized a contest. The queen sent for every

noble born male in the kingdom.

She chose a man named Achashvairosh to be

her king from all the contestants. King Achash-

vairosh had an aunt named Miriam. King Achash-

vairosh was also Jewish, but he didn’t tell anybody.

Queen Esther had an evil advisor who was called

Chamberlain Henry the 8th, who wanted to kill the

Jews. He made a very tall gallow to hang Miriam

on. One day, Miriam overheard Batya and Teresha

discussing a plan to tickle the queen to death. Miri-

am told Achashvairosh to tell Esther the plan. He did

and she put Miriam in the Big Book Of People

That Need To Be Rewarded. One night the queen couldn’t sleep. It just so

happened that Chamberlain Henry The 8th walked in

right at that moment. The queen had earlier been

reading from the Big Book Of People That Need

To Be Rewarded and she noticed the she didn’t

reward Miriam. When her chamberlain walked in she

asked him “what does a queen do for someone that

she wants to reward?” he answered “put that person

on your purest golden unicorn to ride on, let that per-

son have your crown on and give them your robes and give them your best jewelry to wear.”

The queen said “go do that to Miriam and lead her through the streets.” That made her chamberlain

very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, angry, but he had to do as he was told. His wife, Zeresh, thought that Miriam would be leading her husband through the streets, so she accidently

threw mud pies at Henry the 8th, which made him even angrier. Miriam knew that Henry the 8th planned to kill the Jews, so she told Achashvairosh to go to Esther and

to get Henry the 8th killed. Achashvairosh went to Esther and said “I’m inviting you and Henry to a party to-

night, will you come?” She said yes. When he heard that he was invited to a party with the king and the queen, he said to his wife “I must really be favored in their eyes.”

At the party, the king served pizza and French fries and hot chocolate sundaes with 127 flavors of

ice cream. When it was over and they were all stuffed he invited both of them to a party the next night. At that

party the king said “he is going to kill my people!”

The queen was furious. As punishment she then stuffed to death her chamberlain, his ten daughters and

his wife with all the left over ice cream. In Persia, that form of torture is called MIRUP. In English we call it

Death By Ice Cream.

The Myth of Mirup

By Samuel Halpern, 5B

Page 8: The MDS Purim Press

Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתר

Next Year in Shushan! Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council!

Recent Hit Songs and Movies at MDS

By Charlie Samuels, 5B

The Hunger Games Lunchtime in the MDS lunchroom

Pitch Perfect

Mrs. Melzer’s choir


The time when Al has to let kids back

in to school to retrieve forgotten


One More Night What you say to a teacher when you

realize you’ve come to school without

your homework

Gangnam Style The dance you do when you find out

school has been cancelled for snow

Payphone What we need in the lobby now that

we have to hand in our cellphones eve-

ry morning

We Are Young MDS Pre-school

Page 9: The MDS Purim Press

Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתר

Next Year in Shushan! Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council!

From Our Student Photographers

By Liana Goldstein, 5G and Sophie Samuels, 7G

Who glued me to the wall?

Computers- What would the world be without them?

Guess what these are?

Just you wait, one day I'll be starting in the NBA!

Here's to you "Mr." Robinson

Is it going in or out?

How many people are actually in this picture—look very closely!

“Sushi- originated in Japan, the highlight of every Jewish simcha” (Mrs. Tenzer)

Is this ever going to end?

Page 10: The MDS Purim Press

Shabbat Theme Purim 2013 מגילת אסתר

Next Year in Shushan! Brought to you by the MDS Parents Council!

What Should My Costume Be? Submitted by Chasida Zilbiger, [email protected]

? MDSמה להתחפש בשביל להיות ב הוראות והצעות מכיתה ח':

–להיות כמו: : עקבים גבוהים, חשוב שיעשו גב' מלצר

חליפה בצבע אפור זה רעש ששומעים,מצוין, אבל כל צבע אחר יהיה גם


: נעלים של קובוי, לא לשכוח, עטרה נויראפילו פורים כל השנה, אוי למי יש כח,

הצפורנים בצבעים שבעתיים.

: משקפיים גדולים, חשוב שיהיו הרב בסרחליפה ועניבה ישלימו את כהים,


הצוארון : גם במושב זקנים,גב' אלטר יהיה גבוה, הכובע גדול מן הגדולים.

: כדי להיות צמד חמד הרב לוי והרב ליטון נא ללבוש עניבה הפוכה, בני תורה,

נעלי ספורט ישלימו את התמונה.

: שחור ואפור זה הצבע, מורה חסידהאבל מבטא מעורבב מכל

השפות והלשונות זה בטבע.

: עניבה חובה, חליפה זאת לא הרב גנק ולהשלמת התמונה, בבקשה עמידה יציבה. שאלה,

Many Thanks to Our Sponsors!

Many Thanks to our sponsors:

Curtis & Sarah Kloepfer

Jeffrey and Nurit Srulowitz

Menachem and Giselle Smadja

Eric and Tamar Goldstein