the memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tn) 1858-12-08 [p ]. · 2017-12-15 · preesty far the weelern...

K.XflttisJBttfiiittsstfarlrs. PATENT MACHINE D1LB ROtE. ASUPEKIOR srtlcje of Meilne Beys slwaya ule it mute? Trices, by 1. 1. Douglass, nU-8- a No. 9 Seeend llml. St. tacU- - JOSEPH G. MLLEIt, COIffEIIBSIOir andPOBWABDIHG MERCHANT, UTo. 323 XttZaxix.o Street, nU-l- y ST. LOUIS. MO. HENBsT PIHE & CO., 103 isd joe Levee, ajLmr louis, xibsotjbi. Kanarartnrers of aH kinds of EoaasaTioxaQnons And Sole Freprieter of the cAtnW brands of JBSSAIfUni AND TJXCLE SAM WHIStlES. nlS-- tf H. D. TAX SYOKEL, Provision X3 o aIoi' BARRELED, COT KEATS, UM, AC, Always on kiad In outntiues to suit, Ho. 19 rjoanercUlStrect, between Market and Chestaal, : ST. LOUIS, MO. war. P. ruin, Aseistaat. B.3-6- m THOS. MULLEN, Tobacco Commission JHorchant. And THE VIRGINIA TOBACCO AGENCY, 214 Kiln Street, n-- m ST. horns, M0- - - yso. r. riT ihij w UATEEX, (Lata with BtoemtB A Smith.) J. P. CALLAHAN & Wnsteeale Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Liquors, And Beotiflod Whisky, Cigara, &c., Mo. 63 North Levee, bet. Washtsgtea Aveeae Vine-at- ., BS-- U .. ST. L08IS. MO. ANDERSON & WATSON, OoaniiBion and Forwarding Merchants, Ne.26 Ceaacrcial Street, (Oerser of Ohesi&et street,) aad 13 st ST. L0B1B, MO. H. B. & C. S. BLOOD, I'oaBMMton and Forwardiag Merchants. And Balers In FLOUR, BACON, LARD, BUTTER AND Provisions Generally, vl CocHMrciat St, between OHve and m Ms sr. louis. mo. C. OOOB'IS, MewTewt. CO., MUERY, W. SASrORD, Leetts. GOODtVLV, sionnAY & CO., (Rsrserly Seodwtn & Merrar J Importots oT Leaf Tobacco asd Scsaw, A KD BuasfaatBren of Flex, nae-cs- t, Cbewtex and tXSmttBeraburB.bamti, &e. No. 7 Om meretal street, St. LonH. Ma. n7-i- FRANK. W. ROBERTS, MaMtastcrer and Sale rrssrieter at HERRIKG'S FATEST CIIA3IPI0X SAFE, Bar she States of Kteeesrl and Iewa, and HULL'S PATBNT POTTDER PROOF IOCS. reeereed Price Medals at ITerM'a Fair, London, BOTH and traaaPs Fair. Xew Tark. tSeS-- t. tnasn-ractai- er of VAULTS, VAULT DOOK3, BAKKKKS' SAPM, OHKBTg, ic. also Aseat Mr Pateat Bank Lacks f daSarest si-ke- ra IS Levee sad 3S Oomnaicsal street, rj Factory mta Oaty.J ST. LOB1S, KO. ly ALEX. EEUEr. SMITH. KELSEY &. SMITH, FORWARD TNG AND COMMISSION jsEEBCKAIfTS, IORXBR COUMBR CHL. JLA'D CHESTXUT-ST- S K Ca ST. LOVM, MO. .'0H!t TairL8TT-.WI(-l- X SZUA..TJULXK V. TILLAT. TRIPLETT, SELLS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KO. 53 LEVEE, ST. LOOTS, MO. Dealers is Sepe, Hemp, rrerUrme, Pasv, Orals. &. Cask advaaeed en eesetrsBients. Bit a'CAHLZT.. I S. n- - a. r. 1. m u. . h osxao. C. McCABLEY &. CO., General Coraalssloa and Forvr&iding MERCHANTS, lo. 47 Commoroial Street, ST.IAWIS.MO. TTT1LL (tre miuH punas' stteatlon to tbe sale ar V V unrekase la taas Btarkst of any CeMrtpUes et MtirbiadlKiarPiilai.. Uoods farwasded wW Jhpatok at lowest rates. Or-K-rs prenipBy Med wMfti oars. Orders asdcesalxsBteM aottcted 7e also Tiiinafaetare BosaVaai & Srccc'a sarerter ar licie at Orarjken, Orsckael Btacatt and PUot Bread, n unlay BtHs, aaHed Barky and Farias, wkkn we wfcl aJways at swet rates. bMsb TOXSTALL & II0L3XE, Fitd8ee& ProTisiofi (kmoiseioa Merchaale, Xea. Osumticlalt , oener of Ottre, ST. LOUIS, MO. 1T7-- te ptfarare la jreai eUa scr card to tke ettt-- T r sea St Meaaaaas aaa M aotrraar vawaa, aad tea-:- .r tVgsaT sal la tar tbe aarekaw at Plear, trbls-I- t. Park, BadCaBaV Ba e Kope, Bacon, Lard, or en j other ariKiMiaae fund la aar market. Ow f ear Srai live hie jctkmI atSsaUoa le (UiageideH. and we real u. Ideal of striae eaUro seHafaotaon. bath is 4aHty pnea so an was assy I Tor as win a trtai. liberal Oeafc adeaaws Made sa ah finis at rredoce, KU, Pratt, 6ie. Parnka nari sbtpai i rds to per haet can Draw at essht with bin of hwUnc atuebed, for three U urtaa of tfc Tehn at sack ealpamt. laeared aader enr open paUcy. T0N8TALL & HOUtK DAVENPOKT & DRAKE, COMMISSIOK MEHCHAKTS, SOOTKWMT OOftKBS MARKET AND COMMERCIAL STREETS, 3 W. BAVTStw-ST- , a. sua, aATUfSEf. 1 Befek Te J. J. Pesaaa Jt Oa HewOfieaae. A. W. fit ST. seaa maw a uo., A BEtXEK T. A. STWCXTe-IT..- . J. A FAS N I no B. W. WHEELER. BECKER & CO, Geaeral Ceaalssion Merchants, So. II OHy BaaWafs, Seatli fjommerclal ST. LOOTS, MO. T ISEaALaaaaeesBaaeanCeeMliBausts, aad par- - li iicalar atttotlsa stewa la vaKfeas Prod nee aad Maaafaeaared Articles. St, agfl tbe LOOTS. at, Street, tae aid sale af C7-- tf CLARK J. MORTON, AND FOR WARDING MERCUAKT, Mo. 0, Locust street, St. Iiouis. (10M MISSIONS satteHad. and particslar aUeatien te the OHfesfar ardew. Befera, by trmlsslon, to Messrs. Meachaa & Galbrealti. Fartlsxtan Bewetl, Sioiute, MttcbeU & Oa. X. J. Hicks, E., Pre(Meet Bank of Meaaaaas, Mesaals, and U Bercfcaats a'ner-a.l- y of 8t. Lenta. ocI7-e-a V. X. At L. U. SHRYOCK, COMRrsISSION MERCHANTS, 26 LEVEE &.X COMMERCIAL ST., ST. LOOTS, MO. oUcit orders lertaeaarchatect Errsa, Bagttnt,Bpe, Bacon. Lard, Fssar, Wheat Oers, Oats, &c 8H eTary itiaerislin at Canatry Prodace en Ceaslga. Jaew, aad Forward Meecnandiee proaptly to an pelaU frjaSt lasts. RcrxnTw Strastes, KiBirttt &. Ov.,ParrtMtoa i. Hewet, OUrx ft. Harris, W. Howard ft O. r. 11-- 6 a Excelsior Iron Works, Eiglitt Street asd Clark Aveime, St. Louis, 3Xo. THE atteatii b of Arcksteeta, Betiders and atbers In Seatb ud Saathweat. is saeKHed U asr rarkd and exteaalTe aassrtnuut at Seslras and Patterns of iIaln and annaieatal Irea Prsats for Ban Inn, with or withoet Pat. at BeUtn Shatters. Also Veraadah. Ba- l- orra, Otrcalar aad Suatgat StairaVpa, Wiadew aBd SoorCaps, Vrroaght aad Oast trea BaiHacs for Ornw-an- d aeaar eariesasta 8 lacetaerwHhenrydeacrip- - Ion of Ins Work for Prlrate r EabHc BnHdtars. We alM Baaaafattare BO69E-PBO0- F VAULTS for Basks aad Oeaatlax Besses, af tbe meet isspraTed lied, ineu with haadeese Steel and sccsred with Cobbs er Taie'a ceteaeated Lacks. Pattens fnrMsbed aae all work deHrered aad set in balldnm wkea desired. Oar terms and prices are as liberal aa any ether calab-uahra- an te Catted Hates. J. 6. McPBKETHBS, Proprietor. M Pawlt, aapertateadent. azlo C. C. IHAYDWELL'S Marble ON ADAMS STREET, Near the Corner of Second. 1 HAVKenhaadtBeUrwestaadbeetsteekatlTALIAH J and VEbbTONT MARBLE erer aOered for sale In jsespsia. l wiu say te tae panic, that I will sen work cheaper than can be beam f mas the Kertfcern A resta. that are dally iatpostas aa the peel threach Mhts- - sippl ana Tennessee: I win aad can era at the Otneie-na- tl and St. Lenta prises, aad execnte the work aa well ana or s bom materiel aa they can, and defy esmprti-Uj- a. sad these aarchaetBic of me. can tare the Iweate per erat.thay sieetneir far eeMnc, aad ten for caiiecteac; y are aayiac that far mrythtnc yon par- - mase ar aaest. au i aax. u to prioa thetr work aad get lb? dlai m Jams aad asanty of Marble, then name aad see my stask sad eataafy yoarselTes that what I ray la true TaawWSetaa away dlasatiigedi It wlB be to sour interest to ctre me a can before aerehaebiit etse- - wnere. o. c. MATBWXLL. EI. EI. & H. L. BEDFORD, jifijtraia, laAAAaaaa. .FFtOBsaath aMe Geart street, first doer west of I Mats, as stabs, wW practice Is all theOosrUof Menahts, the BkmHb CtrEaH aad the Saprane and Federal Osarts at Jaeksaa. Prompt attention siren to tee ceaectam af eienata in west Teaaetsee and Jforth ttial8Sfppt. JsnXidswCra FASIIIOSABLE CLOTHING Just Opening at 1ST Slain Street, UBdr tee WoreiiiBi House. T)EIX0 nunafacrared and aaserted in Vew Tork. ex. Jj preesty far the Weelern Fall Trade, aad It telac tee cio lag af his baeincef , will sell the saate TWZXTT-FIV- B PJC& CXITT. LKSS than can be ssrehased In it'tw Torx miy tar oaan. Merchants fros the OHy and Cosatry e requested to call andexaadae his flock befers maktBC thetr parehaaes when he win satisfy them wits Bargains. nzt-dl- y TO PERSONS Seelilug Investment adrerUasr wlaaei la sen A HALF EECTtOK TBB scree) OF LAND, hi Orttteaden ofenly. Ark. lorviiv-h- will take goad short BeieUaMe paper, ne 170 property, (a ceak ant waassr with a family J orcaat. and wui HI AT A BA&GAIK to toe porch. ter. The iaaa u wnata three mUes eT HepeCeid, feppostu Jfera-ph- li, ard lies ae and a aearter miles Berth of the Memphis aad LilUe Kaek BAUread It it well wooded, and erery acre snaceBteMe at calttratles. The Adrer-Us- er wiu atteiaiHneli tneeatmenl to a parehsserwho " Afidreas, "AlJVERTiaKR," BBUeunofao. z3i Choice Suburban Iidts FOR SALE. T WILL seH M M 103 acre of LUJD, lytex 1 two and a half mties from the ctty of Benrphli! This land la cempotea of two tracts, sebdlrtded lali twenty eixbt lata. raBdns from 3i 10 to 1 78-1- exv. mwi weatroas or pnroaasmit, can ret any ataeJ let they desire, eitm desred or corered with ttaher?) and deny of the lets hare besntf el aalMiaz sites, tk; I terms of ssle wm be rd Cash er 90 days raper; balance In one and two years with interest, I will also rent for one, two or three years, either twenty one or thlrtr-twoacr- ea as may be desired. On this tract Is fitnated a Prams BeeMeace of Bee rooms, kitchen, negro cabin, necessary ea and eastern. For farther partlcn'ars. cast at the office of Treadwea v VoBtsUse. two do&rs from th Oommeieui Hotel, ca di H. VOIXIKTIKE, SALE, ' - - c OF TOWN LOTS Y TAX. STATU or TENNESSEE: To Tnr tax Collector or the Citi or Mturnu, m the Covnr or Bbiut. . .... - , . icu T . o i. . .( , V . fvnnun T . w ..m! li.i.i n . ik.iilt Jit tUO ftOVCBlWCl ItJJ, lq,vi unwiwiw .... .w... . - - '"'im; wuiwiu.hhi WnKHKAS. la Shelby County, JOHN MBWSON. Collector ot tse Revenue of the City ot Memphis, msd a mJrflomlWi Hat d for tie Slit Corporate jeir of s ltd dty, opoo which tbe Corporate Tax for stM year baa natbcea PW, which report wee enteral on tbe mlnalee of said Court on ins ism cay of November, 1855, and la la of eom- - :ir. ' .... e- -i jtrtv irst. and ratline n the 30th dty of Jane, IS56. do hereby report to tbe Lav Side of tbe Comsw Lair and Chancery Court the City of Mrmphli, Tenneeaeo, tb if oHowtng Town or Lots and part of lota situate, lying and ceiniwltWn the present orporate limits of tbe City ct Mercphia afoncald, as niTlnz oem listed fartaxatlon by the Assearors, duly appointed by tbe Board of Mayer and AMenaen of aald city, to alaeas the raloe of Estate, fce., for the city aloreeaW, for the Jlst corporate ytir J M that the V r remains doe and nnpaM thereon J and that I know nt personal effects belonilrt- - to the nlI rUhUol tbe corporal. ltolU of said City ct MeophU, on which I can do- - ISninaclenAtosaUifythtCxniwratlon Tax oa foHowlor desertted lou or paru of lata. rtUroMUrnT uit cf attached and matted "Snpjleoantal list," which thl for"boSaie" ear, cSmmenctnf on tbe ttrs t day inly. 1S56. and enUn. cn the SOUi day of jrwSemalnsdaMpald,haWfonodno persons! enects belontln to the resprettTe rirttfst owners oaMwo'tyTron which I oould Hitrln, tcffltl-- nt to Ufy Tax on the fine for tie said SJth corporaU jear. Arery, TT T TO "WHOM L13TTD. Akin. Joel, estate' Aadereen, Jctn Armear, John D Arxwnr fa Sarder Armeer &. irfkii a Aytee, Mrs-T- Armanr, wm . Arekard.M v ABderstn b rersons? " bal tax Arraeer. J Dj a. TTHllni Ayres, o w Anderson, 00 bal tax AHen, Tnotnaa H enata,uni BeMard, S O, .. Uta " . - - Brawn, John " Bewniaa.AB B.wen, A Beyd, SO Bmks, J M .. Bradfa J.WO " Bfoder, Wm , -- Biythe, Wm A Baibter, JofJJr Bask of WeaiTuuxssse Bsek, SHaa Brews, TT Perflate . et Bame. Oes W BaM, Maria, f w c BeUls, AC Man-1- , W H.'eetete Back, Mr ; Broek, WP BNK.JH Baak of Tmneatee . Barry, WF Bftoktey, KC Enter i (J Brek,MrsR.etste Barry, W T. tal Ux BerUa.WII Black Joan Oarr, A B, estate rXxA OreiKhUn, Mrs M, bl tsx, Oeaway. Teesiaa, estate, bal Ux fllatk, Wm Oaaley, Tbomss Oooprr.M ft OeiktaFaik Oh era. B Garter, Obaa G Chester, Mra OceaweH.TJ t aekreB, S W, esUte Oaiairaa. Jebn Osek ft- Aires Osek, WLB . Onriy, Mrs D (Wl,WI,E CTta,i,f t Cawen. B Oaek.WB Careen, Jat Oaaad,FM OoarMey.T K Oener oM F OeefViey. Taas X OHy of M Ht, D CanspbeM. J M CreeawHt, WA Cafe, 0 Caaertt, FH Deeitasr. A H fa OA Ml Daete, B, est Dennis, BO Dasb!eM,MrM . c t Parts, Wm, eat. bal tax Dana, D s Dnxan, Me . . ' Darts, J H - 1 Bealsp. KB . Deal, H (i Bsnean.Mrs Daprre. L J Dyer. J S . M.lett.JD ; Kites, B M KaaHeh, Wm Btsm, Mrs Fewttee, S Foley. D. "t PaKon, W 3 Fisher, OW and Falls I. F.smett Walker Piaster. 0"W , Fttsn, JbtZ r Fleahart. Mrs FHHrte,Tbe J rerseaen,AM Carrien,Jno.t Ge,JD,balUx HresTeaer.HM.bal tax. Olaes, Mis Gellaxher, Mrs Oitter. Mrs Graham, L. f m c Otetec Mrs, est, bal tax GamK KeaaeUi GUsey ft Hsnnan Garrett, W Bathes, Dsniel . HsrraiseB, G B, est, tal Ux Hecaa. Taos Bailee. F. est Berd, J W iftrfcea, Tarrfel . ; . lleffaan, Hills. B W BasaMtn.WB nada, Mra 1, rat Be?kiss, A M DBEt,W B. Hsrter. Jeff, est . , . ' . Eswkles, Mlrs H . Bait Is, ZT. estate, balance tax Harris, J W ReMer ft Ketater Heleelnck tt Co Hatun. w a Bsaaah K Shanka BebseB, r HH Beater, J B Bill & BeefceBg, balaace Ux name GB Benon a, Beetderaery, balance tax Hake. D B Baints, M J BarrK W R Hatch, J M UlllUTd, J A Cite. A Berne, Geo HiK a. Dettans, talaner tax Henri, J P Haat (a Fatkler u BeyleevJB IsKr Jesse '. . . Irwla, J A Jebaeea.Jenn . Jbsub. Mrs M Jshases,J F Jhns-.n- . Q P June. JneB w : A- - James fcTsltor :' JehaeonjsBarriet .. W Jenkins, Georce Jestiss,Mrs ' Jonea h. Torley ,v Ties, Mrs J ir Eerwsa.JW Kent, Pr J, balance tax CHtmsn, U Kerr. MA Kay, rani O Eearna, Pat Klef.Jsfce, estate Lraard Steaeen Charles J M A BetaeB Lawler, J ok a Lewaee. OrfH a. Co Loftle. Mra A Letaad.WO Lertm, Mrs A Laatpkaa, J. W, estate I )oaey, &, Oo D Leeaey, BF r Loving, JJ Leady, J C eatata Lawless. John Learrtt. J S Lett, WWlam Leonard, Thomas Leatbensan. I) H Leftwlek.J W McJtabea, 0 C MeHany. JL MeLaln. a w McCeea Tbeaas MsXsmee, M MeCaB. G. rse A McMsnas, ftsmirl McCoBen. G U Mc Adam. Thosnaa aicraare MeHany, J L Mcuaney. James, esta( atcceos, wunAia I T rvnM4c'ri( lheCeroorallonTax' of the City Memphis, for tbs Slat corporal yrar. ,.f of City Era! of tbe .p.. of the weel. tk P tat Jesneea, L L Lefisnd, D DKSoairriOK of jteopiett. Lot S, b'cnk it Let 7, Mock 41 Lots, Moikal Let . hkek 41 i Let 14 :l--i 1 1 of 1st 60S HebmuoD n or 1st oua 6 of lot 60) Part Ma and 47 Patt OL493 PartOL4S IPaitletS Part lot 499 Patt Mock 62, Beal street Part let .Btotk foxts Ml aod SS3 Lotl.akekb Lot! MoxkS rail bVck 65. Secced street Lit Il.btotl7 Lotlt,DVCkI7 Lot IS. Mock 17 Part let I. Mock 68 rartlets, bloat 11 Part let 4. Mxk 11 S. of lelbOi teob-rl.l- I of let 60S Bnb dtrltl.n II, of lot 60S Part OL 491 rartletttS fait est 64 PartMsTT Tart la'. I, block 39 Lot S3. Moct6U fetse tlk6ll IjA 1, Biadfeid Dtrlsion Part lot 477 (Lot 4. 1 lock 69 rSotMTlrton 14 of lot 6 S Part OL 499 PartOL&Sl Part Mrc. IS. McCaU atreet Lot 1W Sat let 112 Part let 1. Mock St Part lets 341 aid 215 Part let 87 Part Mock 13, Cllntea street Part Mock IS, Shelby atreet Part beck 31, SheH? street Pan Meek 31, Shefby atreet 'Part stock 31, Mala trret Part Mock IS Part let 1. block 62 Part tck 62. Beal street Lets. Mock 33 Let II. Mock 69 Psrtlet&, Meckel art Mock in. Ettlatt atreet Part Meek IS, slreet Patt bhek If. BWett street PartOL49S IPartlstKS W'tSta ILolStS Let 313 Sst let 99 Bat let 8 Battel 3S Bat setts PaMOLtes Part OL Ml Pail let 657 ettll U' 4IS Let 413 H,lt4ll 1M449 Let 419 IM OS PaK M m ffait let 410 Part Meek at. Often street Part let 7, Meek 60 Let 391 Part let S6 Lt 157 Lot 387 Lots S17 and SI 9 Vislbpart lot 394 Part lot 376 PartCLHU Part 0 L 499, Pt plar street Part O L 499, Poplar street Part CL 49. Wasatscten st'tet Part C L 499, Wathlsften atreet Part C L 499. Ada-n- i street Part 0 L 600 Part U 74 Part let 363 Part OL 493, Union atreet Part C I. 493 Part C L 491 Part Meet 62, DeSeto street Psrt Mock 63. DeSaU street Part Meek 34 Beal atreet Part Mock 34. Beal street Part Mock 34, Beal street Part let 12. Mock 41 M3,bkk3S Part let (.Mock 60 Part let 3. mock oo Partb'e-kS.B- T Part lata 16 and 17, Meek 41 Part Mock 8, B T Part let S9 Part K.t 469 tPsrttst3e7 , tXIS block 16 . , ktlLlloikU Lot 192 Let C, block 14 Lots, bock 43 Let It. Woe k 21 . Let4t7 Lot 496 Lot49S iLstm Ifart tactk 67, Cnien street part let t Part let 473 Part C L 601 Part 0 L 491 IM . Muck 33 Part let 6, Mock 46 Part rati. Mock S rartletl.Mk3S Part Mock 13. Hernando tlnet Lot 9, 1ort 65 PtrlOLeiS Part let I. Mock 44 UtlS,Mo'k6ll, BMP Let S. Mock 44 Par!Mk 34 Let 6. Mock 45 Pari Mock 19 Part 1st 63 Psrt let 67 Psrt lets 111 and 111 (SaNdlTltlen 14 sf let 611 37 of let " 13 of lot 1 PartCL 499 hietS.Merk 16 Let 6. Mock 45 ltt in. Mock 45 Part lot 430. uenn street Psrt Mock 18 LetS, Mock 35 Part M I. Mock 16 Part lot r.rtUlIJ9 (Tart let S7S etrt bteek 61, Game stieet bart Vet 1)2 bait Mock 61 Second atreet nart let s. trocx n ort lot2.MockIS kurtlttS. MockSS liart otS.Mo.kSJ Lot Ml 469 153 Bast half inb-di- r. 3 at lol fill sebMrUkc 4 cf let 611 , part let 46 Lot 5 b'oek 1 part let 104 Let 26 part let I S3 part let 63 part let 148 pait cenalry let 619 5ab-d- lf Ulon 4, Bin's property psrt lot 121 part lot 606 part conntry let 609 ' Adama street atrt eoamry let 49S part let 1S3, Madttwn street part Mack 39, St Mir tin street Let 965 IM S67 part let 4,1 lock 63 Late Mock It LMs 7 and 10, block 43 part let 660 part cosatry lot 491, Onion street part Mark 64, Peaert street part Mock 16. EBfett street Lot 6. Mock 37 Let 12, bloek St Lot IS. block 38 Let I, Mock 37 part lot 3, Mock 43 Lot , Mock SO part let 4, block 32 part Mock 7. BT part tteck 10, rttlrtt atreet part Mock 13, part Mock 13, CaHienn atreet part Meek 12, BWiett atreet psrt Mock 16. Bcheis street ' letT.-Meek6- part eaaatiy let 492, Union slreet Bab eHrtstea 19. DIM property 90, part let 311 pari lets 146 and lit Let 3. Meet 49 ashdirMen 3 ef let 03 part let 376 Let en Let 61 ' part 1st 7, Mrk 60 Ut 4, Merk 61 part MS. Mack '4 part lets 3D-- 4, Mack S3 part Meek 48 patt Meek 17, Berets street Lot No 68 (Fart let 93 " IS 9S " 169 ' 400 " ST fart Meek 67. De8to atreet " 61. Tulrd atreet el. Beat atreet Ltl6,bss-k6- 1 Part kt 41 I.Mock44 46 M Ctlekasaw street 149 " 1(9 kab HrUin 9 of eeanlry M 611 Partiot 375, Second slreet " ST7, Tairasa reet " 75 Flout Kew " 379 Part MS13 LPart conntry M 65 18 ef eeintry M603 IPart lot a, wi es 3. " e Part Neck 65 Ilart7, blakSO Part block 16. Calbenn atreet Let If, Mock 16 9. " 37 Part Ml, Mock Part Work 16, BwWl street Psrt lot 67 (Lot 23, Jones' dlrlslen at. 30 31 Part let 29 Lot 307 f.0 is. taatMllrWen 56 of M 611 Part lot 261 and 4 Part Meek 67. Gayoo atreet 63 Deso o street Lot 17. block 17 Part lot 1. Mock J7 41 I 4 4 Part tola . 7 aod 8, Meek II Lit 14 Mk 41 LUX. Mock 10 Ipartlot , Mock 49 Lets 7 an I", Mock 6 1 Ifart Wki5 asi.. 45008 fil aSOtilST eaoctm 3700 45CO 16!3 350M 6800 1000 1600 I40fJi 3S0O 3000 4500)88 1000 TOfk 9301 3Ooj 3550 sioq 35901 4501 1600 ct ct $ct 39 6s; 39 61 33 63 19 6S 19 65!.. 31 f6 66 931. I'jucii sa l.. tim ?t cm 00 CO S 09 SI 1 09, 60 6o 97 81 69 lTTJOl 33 171 35000 491 00 1 00 3 00 34001 151 49 37,T0! 400 12000! 900 72 63 47 33 123 87 19 Ml IS 78 74 81 69 0(1 69 19 ca ts 7l!. 3 76 70 871 60 19' 97 61 16 49 32 8 7 87 35 41 236 85 I40n375 C2 1000! 19 68 1000 19 68 SOOO 39 ISeoJ 39 6t 9000,177 1S soon 69 ret 11600,326 40. 12000,216 96(3 00 1 CO S 1000CH19S 87 JOOO) 59 06 SMW 69 7SOV.147 65 3200J 63 00 wwji.f ai isaa 49 SSW 2S. 1001 39 I30UI noc4 63a... 32 74.... 21 6i!.... 132iOt4I 16L. ca ... IS 1'-- - A 37 dot... Kit it ... 781... 37 4(i... 21 66 ... 03 ... 78 ... 10 8 IS 61 P7l 36 (S-- ' a E2 l&n 09 31 001 19 . 4 91 I I I 90 f6.... 113 11 ... SO 72 ..., 133 87 .... 1ICKMIM BT.... iooo 19 ts;..., SSOOl' 45 SSL... 47 25'.... HOO 37 66 .... 1740 U 47 .... 1709 S3 47!.. 46ea 90 (6... loos) 19 ts,.. II 11000RI6 SWOllST 1290 1160 IOJOOte2 OOOOlllS 670jlSI 99j. isyiejm 12000 6100 400tH 250Q.' 370001311 6300 4209 78 19 36 69 41 37 St M 3 95 II 81 tS&l 01 SI 66 '19 68 II 81 41 8S 6 61 OS 14 7l 18 78 16 86 66 SJ, S3 6Mi SI 63 74 81 87 131 41 13 10 S3 II 81 73 I! 17 72 89 23 84 159 09 78 75 100 40 St 43 17 33 62 SI 60 67 091 475 9 34 950 18 SSI S 600 11 811 49 21 66 39 63 16 7M, 8 85 It 81 110 36 18 63 25 69 37 40 16 61 37 49 13 13 10 62 4 91 60 122 87 83 4H)J 2 1000' 172 60 4B00 450M S3 69 6800 31 87 118 00 41 00 6000(119 13 6000 3600 13(2 OOjl 93 43 61 18 14009)2-1- 6 62 130M 35 43 S30O 41 97 60001 49 33j lecoi 29 63 iSOi 14 76 I2feOR36 85Si 35001 3959 I50 750 I6M SlOt" naoj 1300 SI... tW... 89j... !... 3400 BM. 1196 375 17 731 25 16 76 9 84 16 76 S3 63 19 8 47 26 13 78 16 85 49 S2 68 07 49 22 I 00 14 76 31 60 41 37 31 65 35 69 7000)137 S3 61 4S3 00 18 69 00) 9 84 68 90l 60CW1I8 00, 8509 167 34 7600 147 65 675 IS 37 650 10 83 10000 29 87 1700 33 47 SSOOl 49 S3 1003! 19 68 70301137 630ah04 34 l&590Ut4 23 100'ollM 87 16000316 00 19 S 63 111 18 (8 9j; 45 S3 39 371 1178, 41 34 II 91 19 68 II 81 S3 43, IT 72 41 37 SI 60 98 41, S7 6 IS 75 S7 6S: llilOfctS 01 6 91 ItOXMt K cU 53 V 06i 34 271 18 (Si 12(1 300 00. eo.i te, 1 00 60,1 6M 00 601 toj 187 37U oo- - s to 6011 1 00 60,1 60 0 001 00,3 00 60.1 oob 60 60 SI oai 81 81 19 I 00 3 00 1 00 00 1 I 2 00 37 I 1 i 601 60) 1 60 60 Wl 601121 1, 00,1 00 3 00 001 CO 60 I 60 1 I I SS 69:2 00 1 00 00 l!I 02 60 &01 J39 25 18 75 12 84 18 75 6 6S 32 68 60 35 16 78 19 85 63 2 64 07 6I 601 63 S3 17 74 34 60 41 37 34 65 S3 69 40 81 S6 61 43 40 31 69 3 84 71 90 70 31 150 65 "37 13 83 32 87 347 OS 2J 33 68 C6 eg 42 37 78 13 8 20 72 7 91 8 90 39 41 66 00 Si 47 101 42 140 81 107 34 19 83 111 33 13 et 36 63 367 S3 199 87 1318 00 S3 68 33 68 117 18 71 90 43 33 43 37 16 78 44 31 14 SI S3 SS 14 81 33 a SO 72 44 37 49 09 8 90 4 60,3 '6 66 t 1 TO UTIOM St- - McGee x Mcnrse, Frank Valleck, L Metcalf, Joseph Morsan, Owea Mahaffey, Mn, eeUte Means, Thomas M MUltISton,Dr ' Moll, Thomas afn:ford.jn Mrath, P O Norton, Q L, eslsU Mrath, P O Morgan i vtrrraon Morsad.'John L Moore. Balstead fa Cx Mastrney. Phil a W, estate Morrlssey, Thsmaa MttcaU, J B Mitchell Moore, O Miller, Marsh Miner, B Marr. R P Moody, M Mead, J B Memphis Theatre Kelson a. Titus tforren, L O Kolaad, U O'Oonner, M, esUts O'Hern, WlUlam O'Connell, B Owner unknown Parker, KA Potter. K B I Perrlo. BO Plcktrell, BM Pb.lon Isaac Farster, H H Peters, Tbomss 44 Pope. L'lo, Mlsree, btlance lax Pearce.MraM Poller, Mrs, esUte BUIew.A B Phmips, X J I Patterson, Mrs W H Perry. Mrs S A I Patterson. George, Jr Parmer, Mr I Qtnna fa Jackson I Bice. James I SUehnoad, A I BtiBSon, G K Bose James, estate BlehardMn, O G Bohtnses, J, estate li.or.ers, J 44 Rocers, Thomas I nran, William I Seawelt. Jas I Shelton, Bsbt I idcol. John AA Smith, r.rtm (t Coes'tt, btltees Ux Shacks ft While, balance tax' Scrorzlns. N W O. balance Ux Samceis, SH Shirley A Dnral Straes, W B Smith & Kerr Ssffsrraes, Jno Shirley. Nelson tt McDonald Stell, Lewis Smith. P, relste Stnxeter J W Slmms. Jaa Stetn. J B, estate Smith. Jno 0 I S II, esUte Smith, (I W I amita. jar SIkes, B F Shsw, AB ft Oo Saint, Jae O . SstTirrans, Jno L ft Co Smith. HG Trainer, John Tbomascn, B W 44 Todd, K 3, esta'e Tate, Sam Tucker, n I Talbott, J tf, estate loom, Mrs I Trrxerant, J T ITalt. wm A O, esUte I Tacce, Wm L Vaden, Thad I Vactbn, WE I Vannorn, F Wrlsht, Bea Wlnche ler, M B. ettete wick.rf.nsm a. rrrrin wmiims.J O Whitfield, Tcos B Woodward, A Wlsn.KJB L Wlckersbam St Xnox Walker, S P . Walker, F Wlckersbam, Wickersbsm ft Blithe Wrsy, J B White, jobs Wells, A Woodwsrd, J M Walton, r-- j WUklse, Miss Wil'UDS, D 0 Warson, A D Wooten Whlta. JS Winiama, B P ' Wsrd, Doctor Win ana, W T tax Jas peon, A D WLIIama Wm bal am tax Weason, W C Wrlsht, Jos, esUte WaddeH, B B DuhleL Mrs B H Loceiey, R V 44 Thorn ssen, R W LISTED. Murphy, Satnnels, baiatmo Withers ba'asce tax balance tax DiscmmoK of faopsrtt. Lot I. block 8 UI69 Part M 462 i Part conntry lot 623 Let 164 Part lot 163 113 Part tola 141 and 143 Part lot 69 " 401 " 401 Fart lots 361 snd363 Part errantry lot 499 U14I2 lot 3 and put let 4, block 9 - Lot 6, block 8 s, s 9. 8 10. 8 r.rt Lot 659 Part coanirylot 601 Par.cnnlryM493. Madison s teel Part lot 4. block 49 " 671 Part blue k 7, Cayoso street Lot 4, bkek 37 Psrt conntry lot fct ran let f, block u " 4 " 63 " 4, " 63 " 1. " 43 4. 44 Lot 3, 26 I. " Patt country rot 604 Pari lots. M'CkSS Lot 6. Mock IS . " IS Part Mock It, Elliott street Part conntry lit 604 Part lot 119, Main street " 116. Jefferson street " SSS Lot I, block 38 15, 65 Psrt Mock 63. Beal slreet Part let 411 138 " 117 " 499. Wathlnstec atreet 343 Part block 43. Hernando street BattnreMSS Part let 6. b'oek 46 " 4. 49 il nil of lot 611 Pait Mock block BaltareletllO Lots. Nary Trd 3. 12 " IS " 611 " 17 611 lot 6, 35 Lot 1, 4 r3l, 44 i Tt;' en 438, a" t9, 4 ' SO, ' n. " 6i. 63, . " C4, " " 65, 16, '' 4" VI, J44 Part lot 88. tear part Part let 380 " 121 " 659 " 669 Lrt 3. Mock 4 Part let 306 " 476 Part Co entry let 493 Part lot 312 Part coootry lot 493 Part Meek 8. Atery stieet Part lot 670 Part conntry let 492 Part block Of. Beal atreet Part let II, Meek 36 Lot II, Meek 37 Part let 6, Met 61 LotS, Mock 69 Part Meek 69, Orleans slreet Lot 8. Mock 69 9, 69 10, - 69 16, " 69 17, 69 11, ' 69 IS, ' 69 r.rt 1.1 4. block 44 Part Mock 7. BHWll atreet Part lo k il B--al street Pari fell. Mk 65 Bob-JM.l- 13 of letSIl rartiel3,Uock&5 .. 4 43 " 43 Lit 7. bit ck 6. Robinson street Lol a. Meek 6. ReMnson street IM-- Mock 6. Bradford dlrtften Let 31. Meek 6. " Ul 32. Meek 5, " PartCBUBtr, let 499 Let 4. bock 17 Part Mark 63. Beat street Put lol 6. block 49 rartMI.Merktt LOI14 Week 01 partiot 4(9 Lot 6. Mock 3. Jonee dlrltian part M et 63, Hernando atreet Bitlnrr let be ptrtM4S0 Haltsre M 169 part conntry kt 44 - 433 paltM-ck6- 7 part csntrr let 491 partMwk 18. Clinton street part Meek 61, Seeend street lf.t lotl.blorktJ part bock 39 Canrey street lo:b. ttox II part MS. llo-kS- put MS, Meek 14 Letl Mock 41 Itart Mock 18, Bh. Ii street part let 9, Mora oo lot It Mock 66 Lot 3. Mock 55 part erantiT lol 601 Lot II, Work 21 part Mock 7, Amy street Ut 417 Lt426 Lot4SS Lot 167 Istl69 Lot 164' Lot 1(6 Lot 166 psrt M 452 Lol IDI Lot 117 Lot 416 454 LoTjlSS LH.170 psrt M 465, fraction, on bayn part lou 145 and Ut part tcsntry lit 623 44 Lct2, block 31 part conntry M 491 part M 210 Lot 201 499 part conntry lot 6f6 " 499 " 499 part lot 6. b ock 34 pa rt country M 491 Ixit 3, Mock 12 Lit 4. block 1 Ut 6, Mock 6 Lot 7, block 6 Lot 8, Mock 6 Part lljck 62. Beal It loart M 5, Mick 8 rart Meek 62. Beal tt Ut 1. block 17 Lots, bock 17 Lol I. Mock 35 Lot 1, Mock 13 Lol 3. block 49 part M 417 , part lol 8. blot k 45 part block 13. Klllttt street .. Lot 420 Lot 431 Lot 422 Lot 423 Lot 134 part conntry let 499 part let patt 1st 639 " Sub-l- lr 11 o' let 611 44 jj ot 311 iveendalrret (part M 471 poo-oi- r. 100c foirxa psrt I.t476 part kt 430, Ooai t street psrt conntry M 491, Mad.'sn street psrt conntry lot 493, Mad.ron street street of part reentry M 491. Union street part Mock 15, MeCall street ptrt let 6. Work 12 part M 411 pttt esnntry M (00 patt M 71 part let 478 part Promenade lot partiot 9. block 65 Qab-dl- I ef conntry M 493 it 44 4 44 part let 361 part lot II, block 60 Ipart Ml, block 41 Lots b'oek 35 Let 10. Mock 9 part kU S and 4, Mock SO Lot 6. block JO Lot 1. block 49 part Mock 8, street L19. 'psrt Ms I and 2, block 33 part M 47 Baiters lot 81 I Battare let 83 Let 8, Mock 65 SUPPLEMENTAL LIST. part cenntry lot 601 44 part loll 351 and 166 part block 63, Bsal itml ptrtlet 310 Lot 309 Monroe east bsyoa Cansey blocktS 90XW177 400O1 7S7. S8I01 lsooj jas 2600 2800 670M 'I0C0 itcvH 60001 BOOM loroo 4ST0j 1350 66 700 6360! f ct 181 810 IS ; .- - I W 800 900 30000 SOOO. 4000 75T 6000,167 1100 1600 3700 1350. 1300 26O0-- : 2400 SSOO, 31001 8000 3C00- 3000 3000, .3600 2000, SSOO, .COO, 3200 2200 lSOO; I8J, jtI 1800 2000 3CO0 354, 18X0, ISO 2000, 2000 3000? 3000 3000. 3000 SOOO snort' SOOO 3000, sono SOW S0"0, sooof 10,777 86O0sSd 30.649 sOOOOWTSf I2UUUSI6 7000j33t JI1UU SOOO, ssod 220K 6600,1- -7 M00,IC8S8 3500, J2O00 3700, S600 SOOO 9000 4300816il OOUUHB 3000 lSOO 155O0JO5 ISOO 1600 1200 1200 1110 BODl ISOO SSOO S950 46..., 7000 1200 62l... 1500 tSOOl 12300,118 3400147 ssrw 2500 25001 3600 7500.147 1800 4500 4600 4000 16004 OUUj ssoa 31001 66201129 3600! 1100 1000 3000 1000 1000 ioiw. 6001 I0OO0jlM87 S200 960 6500, 3600i 3600 4000! ct tO (6 61 13 65 If IM 12 19 IS, S3 47 37 40 93 63 16 75 17 73 93 43 69 f6 196 67 88 f 9 39 63 36 41 84 62 S3 631 167 34 127 96 103 lil 393 7M 376 63 39 S7 78 6H 37 t6 31 60 63 15 31 60 700 13 78 660 10 83 36 69 61 18 9U0 17 73 7W) 13 707 13 72 82 47 1 6 74 81 47 35 39 27 39 37 39 37 39 17 39 37 S9 37 39 37 39 37 43 31 63 00 43 3 35 43 21 43 1B0U 35 43 2 TO, it 1 .0 JS tfi tt 00 35 43 S3 J7 33 37 31 41 35 43 29 37 39 37 69 06 59 06 9 06 59 06 5, 06 69 06 WOO. 69 06 69 06 M 69 D& 69 vw on cs &9 06 69 W0 69 06 so 06 69 06 3W0 6J 06 W 69 06 69 06 is 06 661 I ft esl 35 R3 69 frf C77 25i 68 90 2000 49 22 ,6 -- s! SXS 66 61 1700 S3 46 43 31 96 41 311 68 90 as 251 7? SI 61 IS 93 43 63 90 3W 69 06 77 18 13 69 63 33 4S is 33 63 39 63 S3 S3 C3 5 7 90 66' (00 700 S3 4300 8 4 651 137 81 S3 39 63 45 38 94 60 09, 23 4 111 49 49 S3 C&l 6P0 2500'a49 231. 6600 1600 3000 7ro 9000 fwo 3609 1300 1C70JU10 4309 O0 4300 S5C0 3500 3300 SSOO S500 830 sao 6000 6300 4000 3000 6400 4700! 3000! 1100 800 isoo 311! SOOO 24030 SOtO, 43W 6070 4700 1600 4400 $ct Set Set 14000 2000! 2800 '800, SOOO' SOOrf 30001 SOOO 06) 06) tSOO aiw, SSOO e004 1700 1600 2100 1500) SOOO 6000 6300 1900 SSOO 4S2 23 33 43 83 90 66i 73 75 SIS ool 23 49 21 46 39 62 69 65 1 03 S3 70 87 27 66 19 39 37 19 68 19 68 Z3 63 196 87 II 81 63 00 18 69 II 81 127 96 i 900 17 73.. 68 90 .... 73 .... ids :s, S9 63 37 98 4l! OC1 137 81 177 181 I ft ten' We Wl 49 S3 39 63 65f 132 ft 91 SM 39 37 37 40 81 65 49 23 41 32 43 381. 63 131. 167 III. 49 22.. 16 72 ., 69 C6., 93 42., 134 PS tf 7d 75 00 39 33 106 SI 107 I5 611 75 S3 431 67 473 167 S3 IS!., ,'! 00) 1700 SOI I0'3 10 ooli s 6a I i'torio i'scM I 60,! ooioo 60, 00 69 Offl 00 Oi is ts;i 15 66 92 61 6C 60 84 63 tt 00 j 2 00 I 00 60 I 00 60,-- ::: 6 6911 I 00 60 I 00 I 1 1 ot I OP 00 IDnSVIVtnu 6M 00 60 60 oo 73 39 69 S3 mi 1213 Subtcrlbed and sworn la open this ISlh dsy November, D., 1858 w- - MARCUS WRIGHT, Clfrk, By J. WPEELEB, Deputy Cleik. 3 ISO 94 S3 63 16 78 160 69 41 37 16 73 16 73 33 66 1 SO 66 s I t .. . 91 69 116 31 360 37 63 S3 S57 37 183 18 84 75 33 S3 68 13 IS 75 20 72 66 IS 46 31 SIS 00 41 37 33 43 64 18 68 13 131 13 32 C3 35 47 40 40 99 83 IS 76 20 73 101 43 63 06 199 67 91 69 S3 S3 39 41 89 61 36 63 170 34 ISO 96 10S3S 396 73 63 42 37 81 75 60 30 66 31 60 66 IS 17 60 16 78 15 P3 28 69 61 18 SO 71 6 73 16 73 85 69 60 35 77 81 60 26 43 37 43 37 43 37 11 T7 43 37 43 37 43 37 43 37 48 31 66 00 46 31 33 43 33 43 33 43 43 37 60 35 60 SS 63 13 63 13 33 43 42 37 41 37 38 43 33 43 33 43 43 37 42 37 62 06 63 03 63 04 6106 63 06 63 06 63 06 63 06 3 06 62 06 62 06 62 18 62 06 61 td 62 06 63 C6 62 06 62 06 62 06 62 06 62 C6 fJSO 63 369 IS 663 68 73 239 S3 4 18 91 69 337 63 680 26 71 SO 63 31 48 33 68 61 36 4 44 31 120 94 III 33 44 34 71 90 339 36 75 84 61 18 101 42 71 99 62 C6 (0 18 91 69 t7 65 131 13 63 06 36 46 t3 8 13 36 46 33 53 33 63 36 62 26 61 18 75 IS 75 tS 79 46 31 41 31 36 46 9!tSJ 16 16 76 18 7 76 81 1 23 18 43 71 90 43 71 90 33 S3 63 S3 01 41 81 7a 10 87 97 60 68 13 91 69 66 00 3163 42 17 31 60 26 61 24 65 33 41 II 81 14 81 41 SI 38 41 26 62 81 75 16 78 91 66 14 81 38 43 32 63 16 (I 36 62 18 73 16 78 28 69 76 87 64 17 S3 33 CS 27 fS ISO 96 IS a6 87 65 43 61 34 62 St 63 43 S3 97 60 09 60 S3 44 31 63 34 62 II 62 33 160 63 38 43 91 69 93 66 81 75 218 CO 61 33 31 63 64 03 132 92 73 87 30 66 S3 68 42 37 31 63 2J 63 26 62 119 87 14 81 199 87 66 00 21 69 14 81 ISO 96 62 33 20 73 71 90 81 75 63 33 60,111 28 31 63 41 37 101 43 63 04 140 81 180 18 60 33 33 63 uses 1.6 t 7 60 37 U 63 31 48 23 63 12 170 34 61 S3 19 72 62 06 101 43 113 02 81 75 42 33 ICS 31 110 IS f5 06 It 73 36 62 18 73 33 43 69 99 60 60 ITS 65 160 61 87 63 91 10 to ef A. J. A. 160 '61 It waa then snd there considered by said Court, that Judgment be and the was rendered Towa Lets and parts of Town Lets, ta the ot the Mirer and e th. n... ulrri.l .""IfZ )arMuHrf--garliluarf- a i H A KB W A BE 1278 1396 tame bum mow 3XT A. 3 Xjb AKD CASTINGS AT Reduced Prices Tor Cash, Or Approvod Pcpoi'. TUX SU B. U AkH Ml ItlKlaMVXbO TSBIB Fall Supply uf liar-war- e, From the AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS, AMD BT Sal td 00 irxl Tm portrttlqn EHQIiAND AUD GBHMANY. TBROUGU OUB Resident Agent in"Euroj,ie, We are enabled to fnraUh AH Goods or European 3Inufacture, At Very Rates, And we solicit a close examUaUoo et oar present stock by purchasers of all kinds. WB OAK AND WILL FORM !3B TO Couulry M(ircUant. All Good, is ina at as As be can bay them la any Kaatern er Socthern Market. If! Reduced low Fiotrxizie Cash Buyers Solicitor!. HAWKS SMITH S. CO., ocIO-l- T 304 .'! 346 Me'o stmt. GRIPPING AND EVICNTRIG Screw Wrench, Ptented March 13'li and Oc'ober 2J,1S55. wonkl caH lie WB GAS j?ITTEB8 AND Tills Superior WRBNGD, for wblcb we are SOLE AOBKTS. 30.000 HAWKS, SMITH V. jriii(Istoiiet. pMLdsNera Sestla ant Beika Grind stone., at lew ear---'. HiWIi, SMITH ft CO. Bargains In Hartltvare. rF yon wish baric tics la Hardware. caH aeos 1 ectlS IIAWH3. SKliH a. CO. nPnlil.. nnil Inr-lxa-r rn I Iit-t- - fkTJR f uorlrfnt Is eery larse, aad we are eeMas at I VJ 'dfac prices than at any ether eetaKtaaawel In the city. i"ci' Htwia amirti a. co. 310 Dozen Choiiniiic Axes. tb4 renewing brands: 8 W Owl. a.," neat's." 0F " Lewie," H CeMt'S" and " modee-t- t Tool Company," for ra'e at KAITEBJf PBICES. tocl9 BAWC , SMITH ft CO. Sundries. MANILLA Curdaee (V tton Bpr, 60 eato Otknm, Trace, Plnb. h'rl. b- - r. Stay aad Teniae Chains; Bir Iron and Steel Tn Pate. Far Tin; 180 Banana aacel iron, sat o: ted, rr Mr at rednced prices. U1WU SMITH ft CO., oct9 set nd 306 Mala atreet. HARDWARE AT WHOLESALE. THB SUBSCRIBERS ARB AGAIN CANDIDATES FOR 1HB PATRON AGS OF StKII Wholesale Vurelnvsers AS PAY O Jk. S E3I Or whose ability and promptness ere aedenbte.1. WB IMPORT OBR Foreign Goods Direct fioa Hut ope ! AND OBTAIN ALL AMERICAN MANUFACTURES From first hands. Oar Stock Is rsry ta eo r this mar ket, and onr pr!o redeed le the t r oeahle ccra- - parlaon wllh any market la the United States. Mer chants In sood slsodlnc are iseit d fe exa-nln- e onr Stock, which concttte of eTerythiart aasaliy funnd In HnrtJtvare or Iron Stores. As onr preSU in ecoeeitsfly smslt oa Jobbed to Dealers, we csnaetstTerd to aetHeasj bat FIRST CLASS BDTBR3 OR TOR CASH. I.owncs, Orgiti Co., Nes. IS and II Frcnt Raw. Baitern Offlce, 41 riall street, N. T (eel! dawSm- 's 4i took well to Yonr Interests and Fur- - 32 IC 51 42 cnase omy mciieii iiiacnines, F E LT O N SELF-S- H ARr ENI N J l ov t a h I e Gv is I XI 11 . EVERY PLANTER HIS OWN MILLER. THIS Is one of the most vanaUs lareBll.t-- a of the day, all iheaaalriiee necessary to make 11 of the greatest service to every punier, and la deslln! soon to snpercede every other mill and te tai-pt- r a great want loot felt In ererrrartor the cosatry. Itocrxcles only S feet by 2, and weighs 300 pounds. The great dliusgnlihmg character! rtlca are, Ita SIM- - PL1CITT, DrnABILITT, STILITT aad SHALL COST. reqntrlns no skill to keen It In order. IT HILL THE I ef goods kept a Srst SBlKDCOnit ABO COB IK THE EAIt, WHICH SIAXES AS 1 HTA LU ABLE TEED FOR STOCE It la adapted to steam, water er herre rower, rrlndlnc to perieciioa wheat, corn, ears, seckwneai, drags aad splcea; crinda with two horse power Bee to eight bsihels per hoar of the finest qaeHty of meal fer family nse, and ten baebeia of prime feed fer stock, and never heats the meal a valuable feature. It contalna more good Qualities than all other mills oomBinea, ami only needs to be seen ia operation to con- vince every InteUlthnt mind of Ha great 'te and nractl- - cablUty. We challenge the world fer a trial before com- petent Judges, of any other mlil ever In rented. Hundreds or the raws sre In cat In different parte of the United Stales and an Sire entire eatMactloa. All orders fer Mills and applicants for Coaniy Rights a un state oi Jeiseisaippi. ranat pe aiareeea to JOHN chain, ueay springs. Miss. i ti. wtt.utAjtn et irti., fets-dl-y Mem .his. Term. Trustees Sale of STEAMER DANIEL BOONE. BT virtue of tke power reeled to m a certain Died ar Trntt to ns, on th SOlh dsy ef Frbraary. 181. by A. S. Hancock, which deed la of re ac cord In tbe Custom Ilea e in Memphis, to certain debla therein epcclufd. we win sell te the highest bid- der for Caah. at rOBLIC AUCTION, at the wharf in tne city or Memphis, on tne iJin aay er December, iBonaay.i tne steamer vxaiEb dihjhk. wiut usr macBinery, ux tares, aaa tattle. was. a.. mroTtitt, I nil SAM W GATES. i Trusters. The Missouri RernbUean. Loatsvtlie JounsL New Or. leans Trne veils, and TKktbnnc Whig, win insert the above ten insertions, an--J tend hi I to this offlce. Trustee's Sale. TTNDER and by virtue of the authority and power ks sivrn to me ty a aeet in tra.t eaecuiea to on tho 12th day of May. 1858 by Joseph Battle re, Jr , and Vary S Barblere his wife, to recu e the raiment cf a I I Tennessee, on 8ATTJRDAT, lb- - Ilia day of December, 1BJ3, te the hlthest I adder, for cash. Lots Not. I and S of R. W Xeth and P. R. Peyton's subdivision of tract 01 23 seres una, o x A. a. err. engineer. on the I4th dav ct Ft Irnary, ISSS. sad bounded as Bextsnlngat a slsta In the new Baieigtt road, at the eouthweat corner of ntd toll runnlnc thence Bort- h- wardlr chains aod ninety-seve- n links (14 97) to tbe northveit earner t thence eastwardly seven chain, 93)liiika o the northeast (II 4) to the eouthreat corner; tbears wettwardiy eight chains aad eighty-eig- 'ln'-- s (8 S3 to the beginning contain tog 10 so luoacrra Bight ef redemption la waived lu tke treat which la or record la soeihy enemy, Trniretece, Boot No St, pages 319. 350 351 "d 3S, and Is rrferred ti.orsH 1U coauiiloos, and for s oeseripti a er the proper juun u. rmjiiE, Tru-te- 33T Refer to B. B. Wsdden nlJ-t- d FALL 1S5S FALL 1S5S. Ts YI7JEI3T. M. SIMO. MANCFACTCRBR OF 7 Pa s Ti i fin 9.hl p fil nt. Ti in tr ? W w w w .ia jty s TTA3 Just returned from lie East with the largsrt and . heat selected Stock ef - - . . sumsasnexed to eaah, being the amount of Taxes, coat aod charges doe sertrslly the Slit I All eha.lee rear of aald city of Memphlsi aad it ws further ord red that the t .Id Teem .ZrJ.V.. VT0"1 ji.WimlsOI gTSUes, and . . . . ... . . ... ... 7 ... ..11. vi 1H.H UllB. Ill Inn., .nnnr . . ,. anciague ouppremeniai un," certin aaaro, or a mnca Ihtreor, as sha'l be Bees, eery er ssfflclent ef AIMX UUUAia 10 BU1C ail and every 0D61 to satisfy the taxes, ewtt and charges annexed ta lervraJly. be sold aa the law far the aaiiar.e-- 1 tlon of laid Uses, costs and charges, sod that ertuIMffni upends liana. oirtcta, BLANKETS, JS.LRSEYS AND LINSEYS J 34 60 Tea are hereby corniMivdM.afW Honuidoo SHOES, for small and Tl 104 43 iDoatyeratempius. ue da of January, the foregoing described Real Eittte.or so much of each HATS AND CAPS- - an I niece ahall beaefflctenttaaatlsrvtaa Hm .m.aml . . . vew.Tjr writ, and show to the Iaw Hide tnsi- t-. i.w.ii4i.iim7ri..,i1Ll'vT' reborn or mis And a gracrU tliortnent of all apcerUlnlug to n m Bon a IB dlv ot Memnhla. en it. flr.t Vond.v .t, m( il IZ. TSV" L'Il'Z?S W Us which he calia the Utentlon of every purchas- - e GAME B liners my at Clerk's Oacs. tils Mondsv In Xienw " " I aan e pea ally. FROM fourteen I a a - t , I mabcus j. Wright, cierk, Country Merchants. River Tra- - r A. J. wnrrr.ra. Denntr Clerk. I ilAPA. S'lravf rsav-- s nvial PeHilfeea - - riiiuni to u aum ana r.TKOiE. .ru. i . , .... ... n i. , . . v , i , ...l.i ...... . . .. aAlM . , - z T ' - - -- . , m. .... ., mid. sitae.. im i.uu. iu ia. i a. i.aiiucs cannot or any ltoaae an ii 63 ?It r,r. i, cHT,U.aiTlt.f- - THBRSDAT. the Mlh of January. the abeve and foresolug de- - the city, and hla Wholesale PrlcSawUl mpire f.vori- - . , i , . v. v. nuB ucreor as may oe neccaaary to aauaiy tai i oiy wtin i pe.e tne seat, M. SIMUIi, iJ S?5,?aV.1r..lhteOMtJs4 SsJ commence at 10 o'clock, a.m. S3 Front Bow, of Jeaersoa strteL tea. MrapDii, ueuabtr, I8i8. iaec7i jonjf (bwbom, Ci' T CoUeetor. ' sepMia radar ConnercUl Hotel gtntistr). DEfaTISTIiY. TAB, O. COLS, lata sf the Sro cl U BAT AN COLK, will coaUnoe Ike I bnslnss at tie old stsed of the firm 1 I am telly prepared to perfsrmallcpmtlau la Dentistry. a taae.ted oa the Imprsrsd plan. I bare anew and Talnahle lraprorrment laarUldal work, which requires bnt a slxht to satlsry the mind ef 1U sllUty and airenxth. Office oa Main 'feet, la Pro-Ti- ne ft Stewart's new BBiMlnc, rearer GayoonBee. ocil-aaw- l. it. saEm.. ...... s. noBtsr. DRS. SNEED & HORINE, fDenti is js, rtFFICIS. MEMPHIS, TENN Corner of ant Mats. J atrreU. opteslte Wrtl Jt Bra. trance on Court street. Tdetn tnterted oa Cbeoalaaty. mens can be aeen at osrefse. in J Spcct- - DR. G. ACREE, Dentist , Court Street, opposite A T. Wells &. Bro. ALL opera-len- s pertormed wllh the poaslble pain and In the moat, manner, diseases ef the tame and ssccessfolly treated. Arttaottl 7eth aoStawty W. lnrerted opoa the mo.t approred wlb gsaranty. Ana no number, elikeroMor new Is eOfrred to tssptre the piNle with eosOdence In sy sllaVor aa aa tndece-me-nt to call at my era re. anl S B. HOWCOTT, DENTIST, succxaaoa to dh. n. howcotT: A IX DBXTALOPBBATIOM3 performed at the short aa. est nsuce. ana rserantlea eppcslte the Wereham aonee tare-- . Goods Pourth 1859. ...nival., Court Offlca es Mala DRS. UrtYSOX ft, CIIOIVEI.L. DEST1BT3, 317 Maa street, opposite (KM Uall, Keeapels, Teaneeaea. spavir rump OEarirs. Wines, Brandies, Rums, WLiCtl TEAS. a&C. P. tfc . 1 KriRr Bonier -- a, aocmnwJ.U-- a ef . ttutiiiuore. iiiarTinuu. "VFFKR for sale te fell alas artlarea et their ewa Un- - V potiatieo. pan un any for faMIx rate : SnKRRT WINKS Pemarttnea Baest pile sal aad tnowa S'lerrles, In wool aad la flaes PORT WIKXS Sandraan'a .oa petition red aad white Port, in wood aad In class. MADBIRA WINK John Hewsrd March's nao Mate. ire, in wood and in class; aleo. Grape Jntee. BOOH WINES Jeaanettwrarr, Stelaeerxer, Marra-brann- C.blnet. BmnneberE.ef 1346 CBAMPAGNB WINKS Meet and Chaaden's Srest, ts qnarU and pints. BRANDIBS Otard aad Hacmetay'i flue oMpsleaad oara uranaiea. RUMS Old and Bse Jamilea, Antiraa, Greaada, aad from the III. rets, imr.nrt'd direct flora iMidaa. HOLUNDGIN-Taeai- M eselilr Tlesnan braad ana no mixture or ai malic pta to it. 200 Half chests et the Ones SOBOHONG TKA. soiCly PILOT KNOB IEON CO J1PANY. Jos. S. PILOT KNOB, MO. HOT AND COLD BIJLST PIG I R O CenaUatly an hand and far Sale. OFFICE, 34 COMMERCIAL STREET, ST. LOUIS. JNO. 3. PEASE. Secretary. O. at. TJARTET B. UABTET. C. M. HARVEY tt. CO., I ivnuiiooiiiv LYiBtrjiuiuvr iicunrt mnw NO 120 GRiTIBRST.. OBLStNS ESTAPMSHED IK 1419. IM ORDBKS tar Seatkera . Staples caref afty aad rpruiaplly attended Hereeaadtse aad Prealtent. lace rreetard aad laewaraVd aeeeedinc te iastracileas with apafesi Fi MM ay sell er trass tnatracted far tttwwratm KcrER Tt OenkftOe., J O f Breed i ntranjr. Hannah . Hhaak Bav4-dl- p r a. ssnvrneLO I ai AeKLOT Titoatr-aaf- f BERTHOLD, SMITH & 00, 4f. 1 1 Jtll9-l- y UKVKJHISWI, h Jnllns II. Smith's CELEBRATED WHISKEY. Louis. IIo. 123 StHRBT, ST. LOUIS. LOUISVILLE C I & A. OF IN m n AN Ll hla I aad r he far the eery J p. tree are to far the K. bes ante ef and he oa a of the im Ale aad the to be aad geealne AND fees-dl- T Jirtlws smith ALTSXD St. innitxiy NORTH. SECOND PAPER MILL V. DuPOHT. aUifTJFACTURSR3 NKH'S AND BOOK PRINTINU PAPKR, AND DKALBKS PAPKB3 OP KEKDS, VlllKTEiVS1 lXliS, eScc, 477 Louisville, Ey. frt foam Conftritons. ITAIUS HOUSE CONFECTIONERY. Wholesale ami Kclall CANDY MANUFACTORY, No. 67 Front rjTD rlead aaettc Ubeial exleeded him last tweire years, LOOIS NONTRIXINICO lateral thedtlxeaa Tlctaity. that wHIean-atantl- y keep hand larre aajotmeat beet ported Wises Otarot, Irt. 24aerlra, While, Ac; also, eeetch Leaden Porter. Also beal warraaten pare M. L. MoitTEBatrico always ea bead a ureal rartety ef Faery CaadsM aad Toys, aa asMtmeat et atlck Candy. Prases la lara and boxes. Rattles. Grapes. esery kind ef Frail, aad Nats, Pick lea. Lobsters, Sar- dines, OHres, Preach and Bacitth la leaf and boxes, Caraeao, Msrsaealno, Old Wises, G laser, Preserres, Sannnah, New Tork and Bietea Catlap, Pepper 3a ace, Cheeolate, Cord tali, Syrnps, Vic eareei. rerauceiii. tne pesi n araua uixars, and a treat msoy other srtKles. tMBaaerees to mention, sew 31- - rcrec ler sare very lew, etiser ny waetesaie or retail. Hewoaldbecladtewaltenhlaold cnatemero and aa many new eeesas may call epoa premtstss them rennme arttctea asa sooa aarsaine mra-l- y NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. fllllK lopartaershlp exbtlos betwees Gee. X FUharty a Brother ibis day cHeeiTed by the oeatn me rermer Memphis September 10, ISsa. BXJUieBDT AIiTa Bow. Memphis Brandies, Mustard, Preeerrea. heretofore J A IM E 1 PLABIRTT-as- MART .w PLAURRTr fwMew the late! Gterxe Flaherly) wax cootie the FURN TORK basiBeas. on- -' der the atyle of Jaamr A M Fl.herty, at their rew aad extrnalTewareeease, ea the aoath of Bsles street, between js'ia ana steossu, ana aejetaiss iseearrlase home of Messrs. J. it. wieweu ct Co.. where tbr wUI be pleased ts rteetre the patrentse of Iriesds aad iLepntnteteneras seplttf VARIETY S Trimming Stosre, No. T7 Main Street, NEXT DOOR TO J. D. WILLIAMS & CO.'S. Strasseri Sr JLisiIc TTAVING Jest opened at the above stand, we Invite ,L TBIMSIIHGS is TOE OBLT IK cmoa that will all kinds, sad o all roc as are In reenre rurnuure me ii-- . daaa TAR1ETT STORK. aalO-I- y STRAS3XRI U5I. Brownsville FEMALE COLLEGE. VTCM BZR ef Teachir. 8; asmber of Pa- - A.1 PUS, 121. Rev. WILLIAM SHELTON, a. at., rrrviocBt. Aext September CHARLES BBSS. the briHlaat rerrsrmer and Tvaaier, has rharce ef the DevartmeaL The departraea'a are filed by the best Teacaers in ine constryj For canuiaitg Ax. President, or to J20-datw-Iy McCOKB, catalvcaee, TnOMAS, W. P. LEWIS, Corner of Jlain Monroe Sts., MEMPHIS, Whelesale and Xjs eatHaer, SADDLERY HAEDWAEB, rsl cole therein described, win se at tbe sonthwett corner Sof MaiBand M.dl-o- n the city Memphis, oHOtNlAKEKo FIN D lie US, made deed, them them therefore to to teeth their aemien begins 13th, Fret. other Terms, la Manufacturer and Is street, Snxar, te and Saddles, Bridles, tTarness Collars, Whips, &c. hare sew ea a fun and complete u-- I sortment of GOOD3 In our list, and wlB be recetrlng weekly, f reeh to onr stack, all wnicn t wui sen aa i. on Ra as .w. the in un -- i. tut uu oe po in J. tt p. er or C. to ts ef ne ft CHEAP FOR CASH I S. of Of la y. aa the eame quality sf caa be psnhased ta loatwanlly and BOOTS our atock, at we to put np orders at cue anorteat notice. AB manutaclnred In the House, warranted. nnt-ds- 4v rfcirtH line, VKW him, Sea'y. Retail Sealer Dealer hand, Gooda either Gooda CMOICM OP Alii. KINDS. THB subscriber haa oa hand the !a gest t collection of FRUIT TRSR3, F LOWERS, v ta section of conntry. ManoIIe. Laura3 Xundls, snd Grape Tines averted, by the thouaand. FlABtert wko have lulered by the late overflew, caa repkntah gardens ard orchards at six mesths' time, oa all sums over 1320: or sums ot SSOO and on wards, at twelve mcathe' time with satisfactory paper, 6 per cent All orrers addressed terns through the Memphis post will receive prompt attention My nursery is on the Horn LAtt read, IX miles from town sepit-iiraa- y o. as. wuaaiofl. hand. siBiru rtffle Ere.. AND keeps their offlce. JOE'S EESTAUBANT, FRONT ROtf, NEAR THE COMHFRIIAL HOTEL. FRESH trrSTBRS, FISH. Tealion, Prairie Powle. Qualla yauirre t. rueons ana iuddhb. ODOssum. snd every description apply tils,, added. Inat received, will bo aerved up la every atjle. and at the enertesi roues. the finest LIQUORS and CIGARS always ea WTantetl colored Cook.Waaher Inner, for IMMEDIATZLT,s yttr. Liberal wage pal. Arjty, (0419-1-1 J 24. BttAW at W. Be F. WILLIAMS OF SdUtt&jPitiRlZilidL HCodicio of Fotiassiiiiii I rJJ' l "ow etTsred to this eoramaetry with the consJeace of It. snrptilnic the waat ef a reHabie From the NaahrBle GatetU. ,tI?7?5.TT1-"rrcD-Xa- c anthe mMltlaea to which the attention sf tbe freonentw r.B,d SaPf-r"?-1- 1 PI.". QttmT "S"". e te Bene which we Vhlrner f ."1 arlHa aad loOMe of r.!a...rprev.rrd In this Mj?D?.".TWtfUnl 1 ViTSj,' edJ & Scrofnla, Chroata Sore Fyee, trjeefs, Dyspeesls, Lreer CemVlaraU andTSimSt aa partlcnlarly man ties, waa for errlii"'7 ". IS terilhl. aTUctSnT "oZ Zlt Ihi UtteriSa seemed almeet toerlUMa Tthat to wontl 1 t. 1, j;:."" trB,"" It enly a mother aod a father can and beatew, bnt all, tt ms. wllh bnt sasbt bensat ts Utile Bddr BUr parents were anally adrlsed. by these who had witnessed and BrHllama' San apuiria vat Iodide of Petas... They did and tSJaJbSt. ZhttZ ask proprleteref the medietas The Btte bey new Ie,alluroreTreedbeaS tt.,. jotcls gffiianwnijwa ScntcooWs RESTAURANT, ADAMS STBEET, OPPOSITE THE WORSHAM HOUSE. ytfrn TBBpreprt.Uref tbUes-- re-- 1 tsrna tnaats te hie many patrons aad aekaewledces a share af cnta. m. aarus the past Srmmer beyond expecution. He has hsd aa adtltleaal bnUdlss pat np, aad ImpreremenU atade la alt rat departmenla ef hla hiue. To day be throws open his FklVATB PARLORS aad enters apea the FaU Season with a determinate u keep ep a r sa which he bss tadesTered ' earn, that of sepply In hi cattomera with the BIST AND FRXSHbbT MATABLU le te fennd In the biiIMi. N,r-- .ad OT3TZSS THI3 DAT S3RTKD Iff ETBRT STTLB TMs estaMtehmeat wHl be ll mm ..rfr .. v AN O IV for h. I n.inn.MMK The ef Fare at this ResUarsat caaaot be isr- - paaaMi. Tbe Oaekrac wM seeak fr senlsm WORSHAM HOUSE. FALL & WINTEE Worsham House. 1st, ISSS. THIS beleg the Srst dsy of Astsaaa, tbe ef tae new cettoa ysr. aad the eemmeaeimentof a sew beet rss Mssta, the Fresslewror th- - Wsrakam Uw anils hist- - aelf ef the occaelaa te iHara has ackaewledsmeata te Ma friends, and the p- bite ceaerany far their liberal pa- - trenage sa tee paat, aad u aollelt a ceatlssaacs ef thetr seppe't far the ratsre He aseara. them lhat he Is fair prepared for the ThreSEh an 1 the Pall and Winter trade, tad of- fers aamach ceatfert aad pewpt alteatiea aa are te he reeaa n any Hotel te ie aaataweet. He baa atandesed, for the preMBt. If not feree.r. the Idea ef chanfinc hla baslaeae ; aad, hartac made every preparation to keep, as htfetefere, a real, rilLtT-CLAS- S UOTKL, in aH He departments, he wm coatlsar to de-v- hta eedlvided attention to the maeaseBieat of hie ipnse. Bespecuariy, apl-t- f Preprjeter of Wechini Beae. Yoniigr America. THEsBbecrtterweakt re-- sperrfsBr tsferm his friends Zg11"" aad the psbtte, that hia riaST 'CLASS RESTAURANT and BOTEL GARNI, ea Adamsstreet, aearfyeppoaite IheWershsa Basse, Is Bow .pen, wt. re Ms f rl ads aad easterners wW be far- - aaihed wltt all ttarfe ef Game and er tae sea- - sea. as wen as lha Deieeet brasde ef Wines. CeaHeec lac all OMDClilloe, e seUetla a liberal share ef the .trwBtx. la.l-l- y JUoarH TSoial, Wcw Boobs. CLEAVES & HAVK RECEIVED THE LIFE LABORS Jt tae : E V . DANIEL Paster ad EvanaeHtL. prepared by at sea, RBV. WILLIAM M. BAKBR, Paatsr ef the Fresaj teilaa ahareh, AssHs, Texas. Massif atad wHh s See Pertfatt. AN INQUIRY laeetae Of NEGRO SL.4.VERY, In the 0N1TKU STATBS OF AMRRIOA, T wheth Ispiattal AH BISTOR16AC. SEEWOH ST SLATERTI BT THOMAS R. B. O.JBB, Of Geersta. THE COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH, Asa) OTHBB POBMS; BT H1NNT WADS WORTH LONGFBLLOW. ON THE AUTHORIZED VERSION Of the NBW TBSTAMBNT, IacuBBtrthawltheeeaaiiaiBtBeaJSalsfer its revere a". y RICHARD OBEKETIX FRENCH. Per sale by BW OLKI TBS a. YABXS - IN TWELVE LESSONS'- - tL'te ef Peel'd Campkrll Miastrels,) naeeeifsll, sssnssee. that he haa U'ee VOOLD at Odd Fertese' Ball, a here he is are, area ta slee iaeHaetlena ea IbeBseje ia a lharvash aad tea- - Pereena dleiac leatrsetieas, can aMtrriala terms. Ac er applylnc te Mr. r. Plavle, at it W. Ahxander'a Ut- ile Store, ales at Bea ea'a Moats Store, Mala street Ladtee wiaMef tastraeHea. sa the Bsapa wis bewsH rd ea at thetr residences, by IravlBS order a at the above place. TTAVING A-- L &t&. AND LAW fl Cartlm aratatbe rURNlTORK B081NRSS at theeM staad, aad areaew reeeev iwc aa eattreiy aew aad weM select d stock which isBoet kat please aH. beta la prlee and stile. Tsaakfat Is all my frwads fer their part liberal pttreeec. woe Id still eelteK nVetr trade, aad wesM be pteaecd te serr- - yoe araia ecrr-t- r k k hsiistekoo. H M- - QHOSTKJCOa. s J GROSYENOR, CAMP & CO., Wholesale aad Retap Petiers la FUBNIT1JRE. PIANOS, Oil Carpeting., M4TTRESSES, OF ALL KINDS ON HAND, AND MADE TO ORB-I- 2S0 Main Street, below Maaisaa, oc7-- U Meruphls, Tenn. JYotice. RKt-Me- 'r ; nerpot aae I Maver I Extract frem the mlSBtra a. ii. u.vv", ti. L B Bicbabds, CityRexister. Mrmeetf. Asgast S. 1868. as7-- t I ! ' them, with 61 teats each, ta 3 cent Harass In money, te my address, they wtH be letarned by mall In good order. nOBXISa a BAJUIB9, GeM Pen M anstsctery, No. 88 Third street, LoalattBe. Ay F. "d tuiie- - OF THE Musical areprepired o'crosk. Travel, (Micaetea Xotary Public. mm iL''J' GOLD PENS nEPdlRED Hume Sto'ssrVa1 JUSTICE PEACE, TENNESSEE, tael7!itetha. SEASON. BAKER, ENCUfSR ef Deeds, Commlwieaer of Court of COMMISSIONER Stales Oemmlss loner, at Bt bis. Ten a. oaceovenrrsm8A. 9 r M. Atteatlea given to i he atkaowledcment ef Deeds aad ether lnatismens of writing, ha aBd oat of erne ! ts the prepa'isg ef DeeiU irtd another re. trnmenta of writing; to tekla. of DepoaHlees to be need la the aeveral States Terrl-rerie- a: ta Pretestiax Notes sad Drafts. 1 have two em cee a iBuaedlale cKaaeclMa, aad persons caa eater by the aide .leor wlthtut lslerruplla ef 111 front otace. Accounts Botes for collection or suit ten at tins Are will be pisced Is the hsade of reHabie eatcers. jvISm K. HOLST & SON, Cabinet MaUers UNDERTaIKEKS, Main-St- ,, Old Stand, bolow Monroe. (Tke eftfesf permanent ttand in tie city,) HAVE constantly on hand all I lies of Patent MstalBc Cases, which they Use aad up ht la tne seat aiso, an sinus or wood ana Cloth Covered Codes, which at s fair price. Orders f rem the country prompt sttenled to, and Fu- - nltare made aad repaired, and Upholstering executed. nov3-i- y C. manner, they JAterary Mureciu. AN Eiperteaced EdiUr. a rnccesrful Author, a educated LHersry Man, weary with tweaty-av- e years af tbe drudgery of Daily Journalism, baa determined te hire tell hla bralaa at retail, te these who may require thler aervlcee. In any honorable way. Merchants, Brulaess Hra. Inventors, and dealers ef every kind will be supplied, wllh Advertlse-meat- s, (poetical or oth'rwlte ) Notices, Cards, Circulars, or any species et article desired. Po ltlcune will be aappHed with Speeches, iteports. Resetetiens, Letters, Toasts, ramphhlets, Bdltortal sort ef Brain Werk. which Ihn may Cad K Inconvenient or trouble- - seme to da fer themselves. Ladies and Gentlemen, ef every rank In society or oo eapatteD la life, can have Lettera written on any sub- - corner! thenoo eleven chains snd four links SfiSSn ftJi dealers w,, 'JS'.l "heteer buttneas oe aenllmenlal prices; 1859, hand comer the most plan, FRUIT anaKtsBuiiBasevereSered their and ihthat TiERM Main-Stree- t, rPI"SJHI1,r Memphis, September VADEN, Hill, Tl,. mAmi4mt will also conduct or tranalate desceet every kind, either Eogllth, French, 8paalsh, German, or Italian. intT-r- - Acrostics. Lines fer Albums. Notes. Billet doux, Menedtes, end Oompeeitlona ot tbe meet delicate and eonadential character. IncWent to every possible or event la life, wBI be furnished tn Inviolable eeesdence. ey writing to the naderslgsed, and explaining their w lanes. Orders by man, accempaaled with caah, wis be a tr icily and prompuy attenaea to. Addreaa J. Tnuxrstia. uterary Bureau. au3- -t Box 3383 Philadelphia r. 0.. Pa. fust Received. JOHN S. FLOBRNOr, at No. II Prast KoV BT Caaes Gtng- -r Wine. 3 Druma ooassn. SO Caaea Scheltam Schnapps. SO Cares Assorted Pickles. 12 Cases Pie rreita. 4 Caaes uarrett-- s sous. 8 Chests Tea Asserted. Worcssieruiresaure. Pine Chewing Tobacco. Also a One lot of Cigara. NewMackereL Best Sugar-Cure- d Hams. AH et wUI be toM at the lowest market nrlre. OC3S JOHN 8. FLOURNOT. Two ninles Lost and Que Fonnd. STatAXBDvOr were atekn from me, s sorrel (horses 1 Tbe sorrel U LUNCH everyday, (Bonder's excepted 1 from 10 to 12 I branded with Ihe letter " I." The black lane The and feel BW sad and sell frem a run round oa es forefoot These mrrfet were In pasture two mlies from on the uaiei a ptaaeroaa on the sttnatant. s BAT MULE was taken no at the frvnt which the oth.ra escaped. and 1 now la mr pellet-io- n. Cta St 7 Frcot ijtr. CAair. which 'tmlSi " - aalAl irfm. injit. ITfiiiral. BDFFALO 3IEDICAL DISPESSAOY, JhtabUahed for the rare of DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER AND AGUE, ASTHMA, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, Iaflrmitios of Youth and Old Age, &o- - NO MERCERY USED. DB AMOS & SON, eORNRB OF MAIN AND QCAT STRBaTS, BUFFALO, NEsV YORK, ARB taeealy Physlctaas la tee Stale whe are sf the Royal Oottete of Ssrseoae, Leases. May be eeaaalted mm 8 e'eteck la the mersseg aaell 9 at asast, la every stale aad symptom ef Disease. Tke treatment they adept pi theressKef aswssdaaf tkkty yeara'exteaslve aad aseceearnl practice ta Bereer and America. A MOST SCIENTIFIC INTENTION. As laetmmeat for the enre ef renKsl DebiHty, er Noctaraal Bmiasieee. mere proper, known aa Sesatsal Weakness, ftc Can be prmiBeatry cared la from en to twenty days, by the ate ef tats butrameat, when 0.44 ceaieletly wtth EWdtrises. TOVNG MEN, TABS PARTtCBLAR NOTICB. Dr. Ames 2t Boa take plea. ore is aaaotineias teal tee, have tavented a most lmpertaat tasersseat ler the enre of the above diteaaee. Ithasbsaaeeted le ateetef the most emineot phystctaas la Loadea, Paris, Phaadel-phiea- New Tork; Hhaa bees declared the easy ase-r-vi laatrameat ever yet taverKd fer the care of Seeat-a- al Weakness, er say disease ef the ssMal arfaaa, stated by the secret haMU ef yealh Dr. Amea tt SeB. ta erder to aatlsfy the meat iktyH-e-al aa to the met It. af their ustrsmest, piedae them-it- ea lhat Is asylaeiaaev where K may peers aaeatis-facte- rr after a fair tr.. the neaey wW be refsaded by retarnlas the matrBBcet ra food erder Petsese wtth tne tee above naefal Instrument waa tee prise, with the aceaatfaajsas dtreeHoos, srearety peeked, aad seat by malt er express. Is tes cbltart. NBW REMEDIES AND QtfHjr OB BBS a ceai waisamp. Dr Amos It Boa have fer a leec aeileaet yeerabees eacaxed la aa exteeaive Mactlce ia tbe tmtmaat ef I theaedettcateeemplahtris aad are the easy lecaayaaaH- - ara rByesetaea waa new aavertase ta care certaia ts. er frrm wham feaalae Borepeaa rrmediea can Persona te. any part ef the world may be eaccessfsBi treated by ferwaidtss a cenect detaB ef thetr eases, wKa a remHtaaeetorMnHetsea. ite , wbteh wtl ae re- turned wHh the Btmeat dtspateh, and teeare frem Addteta DR. AMOS a. SON, corner aad Qsay streets. Battle. N. T msrHS-dawl- y Ur. T. JIIcGowiVs iSARSAPABILLA AND IODIDE OF POTASH, TBB GREAT Ciootl Purifier and Ilealtb Restorer ! T)REPARBB frem the FRB8H ROOT, the easy ktsd X wsruy the atteatlea ef Physicians ar the psMtc; eM, isaperted net besag Inert aad wortateas fasts too me, svertooked. The eompeseaU ef this medietas have been extolled by some of the meet dtstacalssed psyalatana la the wend, aa Sir Wm. Perayce, BnxHa, Leccal. Goteaet. BHard, BeU, Ac, fer the sere et Sere-tat- e. Eiass SvB, White Sweillax, Sypatts, BJieaataHsm, Geat, NearalcU, Dropsy, Diseases of the Udaeys, Liver, Lanes, Spleen, Skia, Brsptleas, Dttes ar Steers, Blotches, runptes ea the Pace, Bisswerm or Tetter, old and obattaate Sores, Ohreaic Sere Eyes, Scald Bead. Geltre, Pains sf the BeB er JetBtt, Sptaal Oomplalats, Laaibase. Jaaadlce, remale CwsstsBts. Tamers, Cadexy, Ac. It remevea bnpnrHiea ef the Bteod er Byateal er abase ef Mercary, and make, she sksBotearsad sssoeta, aa eatsct et latere.! with the LadUs. It shsaM be ased In tae ssrats te psrtfy the Bknd aad preveat slekaess. Price, $1 a be me. McGown's Essence of Tar, Is a certaia ears for Bowel Oempialats, ss Dtarrhcea Byseatrry, Flax, Ac. DIcGoavn's Dogwood and Iron, A eeraxneat care for Chills, B7tfepsU, Ntxat Swtstt, paJeneM er tendeasy te Geeeamstiaa, Asse Cake, Aa. McGoavn's Golden Pectoral, For the nBef of Ceasha. Oasts, Ceasassties, Sran-Htti- Whosstss Casta, Ac. McGown's Stomach Bitters, A pleasant aad tavlceratist Tonic. McGown's Ointment, Never ksewa te fail cartas eM seres, Canerva, Bares, Rtteraal IMIamsalieBa, Carealc Sere Byes, Ac AH the abeve prepared aad said ay H. 8. BDGHBS. Drssfttt, Ne. 343 Mala street, seath ef Bnten, Mempeta. mrso-daw- lr Aad foe sale by aH other Braaatste. UKiVl THE FOLiliOWlKG AUD BE COBTINCBD. TBB time has at laat arrived whea aH persons smarted any et the feUewinc ouaplalsU, wtal nee DB. SLBBGB'S CELEBRATED COMPOBNBS. OhtHs , Fever aad Agae, Dyaperala, Jasadsee. Oam piaiat. Net veas Headache, aad General BeewMf, are eared by the aae of DR. SUBGB'S NERTOOS TONHL OoMs, Caschs. Ctesp, Iadrwaxa, BronehtMs. Asthma. aSpittlss Bawd, aad laetpleet Cesaamfttea, are eared by the see of SB, BLBBGE'S HOABBOOND PECTORAL. Btarthea, Dyseatery, Bssody Ftsx, Caeiera Merbes, aad aa aaeeueaa of uo Bowess, are eared by thenseef DR. SLEDGE'S OBKHJIRA A B1ARRBBA SIRBP. For ehaarea, whea teeiatas, kt this emedy parMee-- larty adapted. PBICEf Nerveas Teslc tl aad tlperbottje. Bear haand and Pectoral 31 per kettle, er six bottles fer $6 Dtanhea Syrnp fl per six bottles fer S3- - BK D TBB FOLLOWING CERTIFIOATZ3 : MziirHii, Teas., ribraary H, 1663. BR. J". U.SLXsatDemrStr: I have been taking, I fer seme days, year TeaR Bitters, aad take pieassre ta ssytfig thataetalsg I have ever taken has benefitted me so mash ia aa short a time aa it baa. There waa a gen- eral clestttty aad preetr&ttea of my system, a head- ache nearty all the Hate. aBd ceaatast Satejieey far aemeiime alter estate, with cawsesa ef my Bmss. I ased r.sndli that I laeeght geed. hat wtteaat aay speetal beaedt I tletererieed ts try year Tee re Bietere, aad ta s er tws after stiac them. I begaa te tawreve. aad Sad thvat I aa greatly benefitted by M- - I cemaMed them te the pestle aa as berneec. and BaaeeetleBaety eae ef tke beal testes saw ta see tor eeetttty and general preatra- - ties ef the system. RespecfsBy, yew obedient terras t. ; SAM'LA HOLMES. Bejaca, Ga.. May II, 1867. MEaana J. M Sledse ft Co., JIXMrnrs, It-rs- . Gtnlt: Tea wet wiease read aa (te Resea Depot, Ga.1 ?hti ChtftYtr Ter.r. W. hare seea" eTacnTwti; tie Memphle, beetle. It takes fine Is tfcUpart. asd ,rtr " c6,"slnt-- Tears, respectfaay. ihe Major aad Beard ef Afclermea aad approved by the Mayor M.te the the and put and thereusaly enter othsr Correspon. Memphis, place Mala Liver whole day BbbbsVILXJE, Mist.. September 9, 1867. Dx. J M. 9L8BOE iJear Sir. I have found year ; Nerveas Teasels he beaeflclal fer the tare of Ceaas sad Fever. Tea whs please tead aeoae dsns hoteier sa seos yen can. Tears, very respectf aBy, JONATHAN MCMASTEB. taiLSH, GiBtas Co , Teas., Sept. 3. 1667. Dr. J. M. Slxdse : Baclesed we hsrd yea a receipt fer twe sad a hsK detea battles Diarrhea Syrup, which came ts head la due time, aad we have sold one sad s half desea ef them. At far as we knew It hta given en- tire aatlsfactien. We nave sold sll the Nervous Teste sad Hearhenad Peeteral left with aa by year stent. We presume we could seM two er three desea bottles of each. If It Is convenient fer yea to tend them to us. Tours, truly, J. C GILLESPIE tt SON. Masox Dhot.K JiO R.S., Seat. 4, 1837. DB. 8LEDac : We hsve seM all ef year Nervosa T.aie left by year ageai. These that have ased tt are much pleated with K- - We have had several saBs fer H state we have been oat. Tea wBI ptsxte send as eae dotes bottles and sbttge years, ax. , B, T. BROA BN AX A SON. AH ef tee above are fer for tale by aH druggists and merchants three beet tbe country. Agents aad ethers, wishing s sopsty, mast addreaa OOODTRAR, KKAFP ft 0O mr!7 dtf Sole Prosrlclore, Memphis. Teen. Cancers Cured. MORS than lo--v cases hsve bees cared wrthta the six J etrt, rangug frem one ta thirty years vlacdlnj OrvH Loving, Lovtsgten, Ta.; Thomas Bosbt, Peleraburg, Vtrgtsla, Joel H Parish, Luaeabnrx. Tlrtlola, Jebn ReynoMa, Big IaUed, Tint Hi la, Thom- as W. ManhaB. Beaufert. N. O, Miss Hal tie Rochester, Flee Bail, N. O, Samuel Bingham, Muter We, N. O., ova. Axtoieaiw ana r. uarter, aaoeevate, n. J.. lion. George O. MendeahaB, JamMtown, N. C, Mrs. Levtas Anderson, Cevtegten, Georgia, I. A. Baagb, Social Cir- cle, Georgia, Jerry Creamer. DaKon, Ga., Wm. B. Chan- dler, Calhoaa, Ga , Blleha Durden, Social Otrele, Ga.. Cel. T. TjacTkta aad John Palmer HuaairvHIe, Ala. Pamphlets coat sin IB r, testbnenUI et the highest ehar-aet- er will be (erwarded te aay ene wbhlBg ts test the truth ef the aero. ty Medlets. a forwarded by maB. Address, JAS. A. CLOPTON, M. D., octSS-I- y BurtsvlBe, Alabama. ft J- - M U NOTICE. SLEBGB haa retsrsed frem New Tork, after as absence of Bine months, sad has effected me aslessdisc cures la 1st! ctiy He las taken aa office at No. 37 Xeoree atreet, belweea Mala and Seeend streets, aad whs resume the practice et Medtetne, where be has fer salebls celebrated Cemrossds. AB caBa iU lesderi te, day er BlgbL As heisleads lecatiag perma-eest- ly le Messphie, aad frem the greet teeem he bss hsd ts the treslaeet ef the vsrless dkessee, be IMeks be skoaM hsve a lieersl patienag. from the ettttees ef tttmpbis Jas6-d- ly FINE PROPERTY FOB SALE. T OFPEB. FOB SALE, the following piece of a. ttcai astate near tae ctty, it . a i its er a acres each, wl Poplar street, lust outside the ctty The,, Lets, one ot which Is wen Improved, wtB be. sow together er separately ta a Ut parrs tiers, a notser kt sf 13 seres, fwith nine aces cleared and a good or chard,) on the new State line read two mlies front the city. Also a One lot containing leven acres and covered wtth forest trees, en the Gcrmsatewn Plaukread, two mHes 'runt the city The shove properly Is aB of eke most destraMe character and wBI be seM ea fsverabie terms. Apply to W. S. DELANT, aes30-3- m Pro vine A Stewart' a Block, Mate at. Just Received, Ifin BOXES No. 1 Pa m Soap; J. UU 78 " prise W. B Cheese; S3 hMs. aad half bet, prime OcJoBoH Butter) 33 half chests Pewehoeg Tes ; 40 boxes Star Candlea ; SO bote. Extra FamHy Flour J 10 Craaterries S3 bale Oakaat ; SO Con Man Ma Rope. Ill store and fer sale lew bs Bit G3A3. MeCLSAN, 92 Front Bow SALE OF VALUABLE ARKANSAS LANDS, AT AUCTIOH. ON WXDNKSDAT, th 8th day ef December, 1563, 10 o'clock. A- - ai , wlB be sold ta front sf the Commercial Hotel In Memphis, Teancssee, at pnbBe auc- tion, about 100 aectlensof good and valuable Lands, fee- ing early selections,) situated In Mississippi cesaly, Sykf gfaf ir Township 13, north, range 8, 10, II, East. Township 1 1, north, range 6, 7, 8, 9, 11. 13, Bast, Township IS, north, ranges 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, East. Township IS, north, ranges 7. 9, Baat. Tnufs or Sale One. third Caah. the balance In or.n and two years; nous to be given wtth approved securi- ty, bearing latere, t from data at sale, and a Ilea whs he retained on the laid fer the deterred ssymest. said lands are te be Bold by trreement of the parUea In Inter- est for dlTlalon. The particular aectlcns sad psrt cf sections can be teen and fnll partlcalars ttven at trv. ... Bee of wickersiaxi t Botcher, Jtstrton tt., Memphis. ItsMiSWU Wilis IBOR"ION.

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Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1858-12-08 [p ]. · 2017-12-15 · preesty far the Weelern Fall Trade, aad It telac tee cio lag af his baeincef, will sell the saate TWZXTT-FIV-B


PATENT MACHINE D1LB ROtE.ASUPEKIOR srtlcje of Meilne Beys slwaya

ule it mute? Trices, by1. 1. Douglass,

nU-8- a No. 9 Seeend llml. St. tacU--


MERCHANT,UTo. 323 XttZaxix.o Street,

nU-l- y ST. LOUIS. MO.

HENBsT PIHE & CO.,103 isd joe Levee,

ajLmr louis, xibsotjbi.Kanarartnrers of aH kinds of

EoaasaTioxaQnonsAnd Sole Freprieter of the cAtnW brands of



Provision X3 oaIoi'BARRELED, COT KEATS, UM, AC,

Always on kiad In outntiues to suit,Ho. 19 rjoanercUlStrect, between Market and Chestaal,


war. P. ruin, Aseistaat. B.3-6- m

THOS. MULLEN,Tobacco Commission JHorchant.



n-- m ST. horns, M0- - -

yso. r. riT ihij w UATEEX,

(Lata with BtoemtB A Smith.)

J. P. CALLAHAN &Wnsteeale Dealer In

Foreign and Domestic Liquors,And

Beotiflod Whisky, Cigara, &c.,Mo. 63 North Levee, bet. Washtsgtea Aveeae Vine-at-.,

BS-- U .. ST. L08IS. MO.

ANDERSON & WATSON,OoaniiBion and Forwarding Merchants,

Ne.26 Ceaacrcial Street,(Oerser of Ohesi&et street,) aad 13

st ST. L0B1B, MO.

H. B. & C. S. BLOOD,I'oaBMMton and Forwardiag Merchants.


Provisions Generally,vl CocHMrciat St, between OHve and

m Ms sr. louis. mo.






GOODtVLV, sionnAY & CO.,(Rsrserly Seodwtn & Merrar J

Importots oT Leaf Tobacco asd Scsaw,A KD BuasfaatBren of Flex, nae-cs- t, Cbewtex andtXSmttBeraburB.bamti, &e. No. 7 Ommeretal street, St. LonH. Ma. n7-i-

FRANK. W. ROBERTS,MaMtastcrer and Sale rrssrieter at

HERRIKG'S FATEST CIIA3IPI0X SAFE,Bar she States of Kteeesrl and Iewa, and


reeereed Price Medals at ITerM'a Fair, London,BOTH and traaaPs Fair. Xew Tark. tSeS-- t. tnasn-ractai- er


also Aseat Mr Pateat Bank Lacks f daSarest si-ke- ra

IS Levee sad 3S Oomnaicsal street,rj Factory mta Oaty.J ST. LOB1S, KO.









Dealers is Sepe, Hemp, rrerUrme, Pasv, Orals. &.Cask advaaeed en eesetrsBients. Bit


n- -


r. 1.


u. . h osxao.C. McCABLEY &. CO.,

General Coraalssloa and Forvr&idingMERCHANTS,

lo. 47 Commoroial Street,ST.IAWIS.MO.

TTT1LL (tre miuH punas' stteatlon to tbe sale arV V unrekase la taas Btarkst of any CeMrtpUes et

MtirbiadlKiarPiilai..Uoods farwasded wW Jhpatok at lowest rates. Or-K-rs

prenipBy Med wMfti oars. Orders asdcesalxsBteMaottcted

7e also Tiiinafaetare BosaVaai & Srccc'a sarerter arlicie at Orarjken, Orsckael Btacatt and PUot Bread,n unlay BtHs, aaHed Barky and Farias, wkkn we wfclaJways at swet rates. bMsb

TOXSTALL & II0L3XE,Fitd8ee& ProTisiofi (kmoiseioa Merchaale,

Xea. Osumticlalt , oener of Ottre,ST. LOUIS, MO.

1T7-- te ptfarare la jreai eUa scr card to tke ettt--T r sea St Meaaaaas aaa M aotrraar vawaa, aad tea-:- .r

tVgsaT sal la tar tbe aarekaw at Plear, trbls-I- t.

Park, BadCaBaV Ba e Kope, Bacon, Lard, or enj otherariKiMiaae fund la aar market. Ow f ear Srailive hie jctkmI atSsaUoa le (UiageideH. and we real

u. Ideal of striae eaUro seHafaotaon. bath is 4aHtypnea so an was assy I Tor as win a trtai.

liberal Oeafc adeaaws Made sa ah finis at rredoce,KU, Pratt, 6ie. Parnka nari sbtpai i rds to per haetcan Draw at essht with bin of hwUnc atuebed, for threeU urtaa of tfc Tehn at sack ealpamt. laeared aaderenr open paUcy. T0N8TALL & HOUtK




a. sua,aATUfSEf. 1

Befek Te J. J. Pesaaa Jt OaHewOfieaae.




seaa maw a uo.,


BECKER & CO,Geaeral Ceaalssion Merchants,

So. II OHy BaaWafs, Seatli fjommerclal

ST. LOOTS, MO.T ISEaALaaaaeesBaaeanCeeMliBausts, aad par- -

li iicalar atttotlsa stewa la vaKfeasProd nee aad Maaafaeaared Articles.


agfl tbe




tae aid sale afC7-- tf



FOR WARDING MERCUAKT,Mo. 0, Locust street, St. Iiouis.

(10M MISSIONS satteHad. and particslar aUeatiente the OHfesfar ardew. Befera, by trmlsslon,

to Messrs. Meachaa & Galbrealti. Fartlsxtan Bewetl,Sioiute, MttcbeU & Oa. X. J. Hicks, E., Pre(MeetBank of Meaaaaas, Mesaals, and U Bercfcaats a'ner-a.l- y

of 8t. Lenta. ocI7-e-a



oUcit orders lertaeaarchatect Errsa, Bagttnt,Bpe,Bacon. Lard, Fssar, Wheat Oers, Oats, &c

8H eTary itiaerislin at Canatry Prodace en Ceaslga.Jaew, aad Forward Meecnandiee proaptly to an pelaUfrjaSt lasts.

RcrxnTw Strastes, KiBirttt &. Ov.,ParrtMtoa i.Hewet, OUrx ft. Harris, W. Howard ft O. r.11-- 6 a

Excelsior Iron Works,Eiglitt Street asd Clark Aveime,

St. Louis, 3Xo.THE atteatii b of Arcksteeta, Betiders and atbers In

Seatb ud Saathweat. is saeKHed U asr rarkdand exteaalTe aassrtnuut at Seslras and Patterns ofiIaln and annaieatal Irea Prsats for Ban Inn, with orwithoet Pat. at BeUtn Shatters. Also Veraadah. Ba- l-orra, Otrcalar aad Suatgat StairaVpa, Wiadew aBd

SoorCaps, Vrroaght aad Oast trea BaiHacs for Ornw-an- daeaar eariesasta 8 lacetaerwHhenrydeacrip- -

Ion of Ins Work for Prlrate r EabHc BnHdtars.We alM Baaaafattare BO69E-PBO0- F VAULTS for

Basks aad Oeaatlax Besses, af tbe meet isspraTed lied,ineu with haadeese Steel and sccsred with Cobbs er

Taie'a ceteaeated Lacks.Pattens fnrMsbed aae all work deHrered aad

set in balldnm wkea desired.Oar terms and prices are as liberal aa any ether calab-uahra-

an te Catted Hates.J. 6. McPBKETHBS, Proprietor.

M Pawlt, aapertateadent. azloC. C. IHAYDWELL'S


Near the Corner of Second.1 HAVKenhaadtBeUrwestaadbeetsteekatlTALIAHJ and VEbbTONT MARBLE erer aOered for sale Injsespsia. l wiu say te tae panic, that I will sen workcheaper than can be beam fmas the Kertfcern A resta.that are dally iatpostas aa the peel threach Mhts- -sippl ana Tennessee: I win aad can era at the Otneie-na- tl

and St. Lenta prises, aad execnte the work aa wellana or s bom materiel aa they can, and defy esmprti-Uj- a.

sad these aarchaetBic of me. can tare the Iweateper erat.thay sieetneir far eeMnc, aad ten forcaiiecteac; y are aayiac that far mrythtnc yon par--mase ar aaest. au i aax. u to prioa thetr work aad getlb? dlai m Jams aad asanty of Marble, then name aadsee my stask sad eataafy yoarselTes that what I ray latrue TaawWSetaa away dlasatiigedi It wlB be tosour interest to ctre me a can before aerehaebiit etse- -wnere. o. c. MATBWXLL.


jifijtraia, laAAAaaaa..FFtOBsaath aMe Geart street, first doer west ofI Mats, as stabs, wW practice Is all theOosrUof

Menahts, the BkmHb CtrEaH aad the Saprane andFederal Osarts at Jaeksaa. Prompt attention siren totee ceaectam af eienata in west Teaaetsee and Jforthttial8Sfppt. JsnXidswCra


Just Opening at 1ST Slain Street,UBdr tee WoreiiiBi House.

T)EIX0 nunafacrared and aaserted in Vew Tork. ex.Jj preesty far the Weelern Fall Trade, aad It telac teecio lag af his baeincef , will sell the saate TWZXTT-FIV- B

PJC& CXITT. LKSS than can be ssrehased In it'twTorx miy tar oaan.

Merchants fros the OHy and Cosatry e requested tocall andexaadae his flock befers maktBC thetr parehaaeswhen he win satisfy them wits Bargains. nzt-dl- y

TO PERSONSSeelilug Investment

adrerUasr wlaaei la sen A HALF EECTtOKTBB scree) OF LAND, hi Orttteaden ofenly. Ark.lorviiv-h- will take goad short BeieUaMe paper, ne170 property, (a ceak ant waassr with a family J orcaat.and wui HI AT A BA&GAIK to toe porch. ter. Theiaaa u wnata three mUes eT HepeCeid, feppostu Jfera-ph- li,

ard lies ae and a aearter miles Berth of theMemphis aad LilUe Kaek BAUread It it well wooded,and erery acre snaceBteMe at calttratles. The Adrer-Us-er

wiu atteiaiHneli tneeatmenl to a parehsserwho" Afidreas, "AlJVERTiaKR,"BBUeunofao. z3i

Choice Suburban IidtsFOR SALE.T WILL seH M M 103 acre of LUJD, lytex1 two and a half mties from the ctty of Benrphli!This land la cempotea of two tracts, sebdlrtded lalitwenty eixbt lata. raBdns from 3i 10 to 1 78-1-

exv. mwi weatroas or pnroaasmit, can ret any ataeJlet they desire, eitm desred or corered with ttaher?)and deny of the lets hare besntf el aalMiaz sites, tk; I

terms of ssle wm be rd Cash er 90 days raper;balance In one and two years with interest,

I will also rent for one, two or three years, eithertwenty one or thlrtr-twoacr- ea as may be desired. Onthis tract Is fitnated a Prams BeeMeace of Bee rooms,kitchen, negro cabin, necessary ea and eastern.

For farther partlcn'ars. cast at the office of Treadweav VoBtsUse. two do&rs from th Oommeieui Hotel, cadi H. VOIXIKTIKE,


- -




To Tnr tax Collector or the Citi or Mturnu, m the Covnr or Bbiut.. .... - , . icu T . o i. . . ( , V . fvnnun T .w ..m! li.i.i n . ik.iiltJit tUO ftOVCBlWCl ItJJ, lq,vi unwiwiw .... .w... . - - '"'im; wuiwiu.hhiWnKHKAS. la Shelby County, JOHN MBWSON. Collector ot tse Revenue of the City ot Memphis, msd a

mJrflomlWi Hat d for tie Slit Corporate jeir of s ltd dty, opoo which tbe Corporate Tax for stM year baanatbcea PW, which report wee enteral on tbe mlnalee of said Court on ins ism cay of November, 1855, and la la

of eom- -:ir. ' .... e- -i jtrtv irst. and ratline n the 30th dty of Jane, IS56. do hereby report to tbe Lav Side

of tbe Comsw Lair and Chancery Court the City of Mrmphli, Tenneeaeo, tb ifoHowtng Town or Lots andpart of lota situate, lying and ceiniwltWn the present orporate limits of tbe City ct Mercphia afoncald, asniTlnz oem listed fartaxatlon by the Assearors, duly appointed by tbe Board of Mayer and AMenaen of aald city,to alaeas the raloe of Estate, fce., for the city aloreeaW, for the Jlst corporate ytir J M that the

V r remains doe and nnpaM thereon J and that I know nt personal effects belonilrt-- to thenlI rUhUol tbe corporal. ltolU of said City ct MeophU, on which I can do- -ISninaclenAtosaUifythtCxniwratlon Tax oa foHowlor desertted lou or paru of lata.

rtUroMUrnT uit cf attached and matted "Snpjleoantal list," whichthl for"boSaie" ear, cSmmenctnf on tbe ttrs t day inly. 1S56. and enUn. cn the SOUi day ofjrwSemalnsdaMpald,haWfonodno persons! enects belontln to the resprettTe rirttfst ownersoaMwo'tyTron which I oould Hitrln, tcffltl-- nt to Ufy Tax on the fine for tie said SJth corporaU


Arery, TT T


Akin. Joel, estate'

Aadereen, Jctn

Armear, John D

Arxwnr fa SarderArmeer &. irfkii a

Aytee, Mrs-T-

Armanr, wm.Arekard.M v

ABderstn b rersons?

" bal taxArraeer. J Dj a. TTHllniAyres, o w

Anderson, 0 0

bal taxAHen, Tnotnaa Henata,uniBeMard, S O, ..Uta

" .- -

Brawn, John"

Bewniaa.ABB.wen, ABeyd, SOBmks, J M ..

Bradfa J.WO "Bfoder, Wm , --

Biythe, Wm ABaibter, JofJJrBask of WeaiTuuxssseBsek, SHaa

Brews, TT Perflate. etBame. Oes WBaM, Maria, f w cBeUls, A CMan-1- , W H.'eeteteBack, Mr ;

Broek, WP

BNK.JHBaak of Tmneatee .

Barry, WFBftoktey, KC

Enter i (J

Brek,MrsR.etsteBarry, W T. tal UxBerUa.WIIBlack JoanOarr, A B, estaterXxAOreiKhUn, Mrs M, bl tsx,Oeaway. Teesiaa, estate, bal Uxfllatk, WmOaaley, TbomssOooprr.M


Oh era. B

Garter, Obaa GChester, MraOceaweH.TJ

taekreB, S W, esUteOaiairaa. JebnOsek ft- Aires

Osek, WLB.Onriy, Mrs D(Wl,WI,ECTta,i,f tCawen. BOaek.WBCareen, JatOaaad,FMOoarMey.T K

Oener oM FOeefViey. Taas X

OHy of MHt, D

CanspbeM. J MCreeawHt, W ACafe, 0Caaertt, FHDeeitasr. A H fa OA


Daete, B, est

Dennis, BODasb!eM,MrM .

c tParts, Wm, eat. bal taxDana, D s

Dnxan, Me . . 'Darts, J H - 1

Bealsp. KB .

Deal, H (iBsnean.MrsDaprre. L JDyer. J S .M.lett.JD ;Kites, B MKaaHeh, Wm

Btsm, MrsFewttee, S

Foley. D. "tPaKon, W 3Fisher, O W and Falls

I.F.smett Walker

Piaster. 0"W ,Fttsn, JbtZ rFleahart. MrsFHHrte,Tbe Jrerseaen,AM

Carrien,Jno.tGe,JD,balUxHresTeaer.HM.bal tax.Olaes, MisGellaxher, MrsOitter. MrsGraham, L. f m cOtetec Mrs, est, bal taxGamK KeaaeUi

GUsey ft HsnnanGarrett, W

Bathes, Dsniel.

HsrraiseB, G B, est, tal UxHecaa. TaosBailee. F. estBerd, J Wiftrfcea, Tarrfel . ; .lleffaan, C.eatHills. B WBasaMtn.WBnada, Mra 1, ratBe?kiss, A M


Hsrter. Jeff, est .

,. ' .

Eswkles, Mlrs H .

Bait Is, ZT. estate, balance taxHarris, J WReMer ft KetaterHeleelnck tt CoHatun. w aBsaaah K ShankaBebseB, r H HBeater, J B

Bill & BeefceBg, balaace Uxname G BBenon a, Beetderaery, balance taxHake. D BBaints, M JBarrK W RHatch, J MUlllUTd, J ACite. ABerne, GeoHiK a. Dettans, talaner taxHenri, J PHaat (a Fatkler

uBeyleevJBIsKr Jesse '. . .Irwla, J AJebaeea.Jenn .

Jbsub. Mrs M

Jshases,J FJhns-.n- . Q PJune. JneB

w: A- -

James fcTsltor

:'JehaeonjsBarriet ..

WJenkins, GeorceJestiss,Mrs '

Jonea h. Torley ,vTies, Mrs J irEerwsa.JWKent, Pr J, balance taxCHtmsn, UKerr. MA

Kay, rani O

Eearna, PatKlef.Jsfce, estateLraard Steaeen

Charles J M A BetaeBLawler, Jok a

Lewaee. OrfH a.CoLoftle. Mra A

Letaad.WOLertm, Mrs ALaatpkaa, J. W, estate

I )oaey, &, Oo

DLeeaey, BF

rLoving, J JLeady, J C eatataLawless. JohnLearrtt. J SLett, WWlamLeonard, ThomasLeatbensan. I) HLeftwlek.J W

McJtabea, 0 C

MeHany. JLMeLaln. a wMcCeea TbeaasMsXsmee, M

MeCaB. G. rse AMcMsnas, ftsmirlMcCoBen. G U

Mc Adam. ThosnaaaicraareMeHany, J LMcuaney. James, esta(atcceos, wunAia


rvnM4c'ri( lheCeroorallonTax' of the City Memphis, for tbs Slat corporal yrar.,.f

of City


tbe .p..of











DKSoairriOK of jteopiett.

Lot S, b'cnk itLet 7, Mock 41

Lots, MoikalLet . hkek 41 i

Let 14:l--i 1

1 of 1st 60S

HebmuoD n or 1st oua6 of lot 60)

Part Ma and 47Patt OL493PartOL4SIPaitletSPart lot 499Patt Mock 62, Beal streetPart let .Btotkfoxts Ml aod SS3

Lotl.akekbLot! MoxkSrail bVck 65. Secced streetLit Il.btotl7Lotlt,DVCkI7Lot IS. Mock 17Part let I. Mock 68rartlets, bloat 11

Part let 4. Mxk 11S. of lelbOi

teob-rl.l- I of let 60SBnb dtrltl.n II, of lot 60SPart O L 491

rartletttSfait est 64PartMsTTTart la'. I, block 39Lot S3. Moct6Ufetse tlk6llIjA 1, Biadfeid DtrlsionPart lot 477

(Lot 4. 1 lock 69rSotMTlrton 14 of lot 6 SPart OL 499PartOL&SlPart Mrc. IS. McCaU atreetLot 1WSat let 112Part let 1. Mock StPart lets 341 aid 215Part let 87Part Mock 13, Cllntea streetPart Mock IS, Shelby atreetPart beck 31, SheH? streetPan Meek 31, Shefby atreet'Part stock 31, Mala trretPart Mock ISPart let 1. block 62Part tck 62. Beal streetLets. Mock 33Let II. Mock 69Psrtlet&, Meckel

art Mock in. Ettlatt atreetPart Meek IS, slreetPatt bhek If. BWett streetPartOL49S

IPartlstKSW'tStaILolStSLet 313Sst let 99Bat let 8Battel 3SBat settsPaMOLtesPart OL MlPail let 657ettll

U' 4ISLet 413H,lt4ll1M449Let 419IM OSPaK M m

ffait let 410Part Meek at. Often streetPart let 7, Meek 60Let 391Part let S6Lt 157Lot 387Lots S17 and SI 9Vislbpart lot 394Part lot 376PartCLHUPart 0 L 499, Pt plar streetPart O L 499, Poplar streetPart C L 49. Wasatscten st'tetPart C L 499, Wathlsften atreetPart C L 499. Ada-n- i streetPart 0 L 600Part U 74Part let 363Part OL 493, Union atreetPart C I. 493Part C L 491Part Meet 62, DeSeto streetPsrt Mock 63. DeSaU streetPart Meek 34 Beal atreetPart Mock 34. Beal streetPart Mock 34, Beal streetPart let 12. Mock 41

M3,bkk3SPart let (.Mock 60Part let 3. mock ooPartb'e-kS.B- T

Part lata 16 and 17, Meek 41Part Mock 8, B TPart let S9Part K.t 469

tPsrttst3e7 ,tXIS block 16 . ,ktlLlloikULot 192Let C, block 14Lots, bock 43Let It. Woe k 21 .

Let4t7Lot 496Lot49S

iLstmIfart tactk 67, Cnien streetpart let tPart let 473

Part C L 601

Part 0 L 491

IM . Muck 33Part let 6, Mock 46Part rati. Mock S

rartletl.Mk3SPart Mock 13. Hernando tlnetLot 9, 1ort 65PtrlOLeiSPart let I. Mock 44UtlS,Mo'k6ll, BMPLet S. Mock 44Par!Mk 34Let 6. Mock 45Pari Mock 19Part 1st 63Psrt let 67

Psrt lets 111 and 111(SaNdlTltlen 14 sf let 611

37 of let" 13 of lot 1

PartCL 499

hietS.Merk 16Let 6. Mock 45ltt in. Mock 45Part lot 430. uenn streetPsrt Mock 18

LetS, Mock 35Part M I. Mock 16

Part lotr.rtUlIJ9

(Tart let S7S

etrt bteek 61, Game stieetbart Vet 1)2bait Mock 61 Second atreetnart let s. trocx nort lot2.MockISkurtlttS. MockSSliart otS.Mo.kSJLot



153Bast half inb-di- r. 3 at lol fillsebMrUkc 4 cf let 611

, part let 4 6Lot 5 b'oek 1part let 104Let 26part let I S3part let 63part let 148pait cenalry let 6195ab-d- lf Ulon 4, Bin's propertypsrt lot 121part lot 606part conntry let 609

' Adama streetatrt eoamry let 49Spart let 1S3, Madttwn streetpart Mack 39, St Mir tin streetLet 965IM S67part let 4,1 lock 63

Late Mock ItLMs 7 and 10, block 43part let 660part cosatry lot 491, Onion streetpart Mark 64, Peaert streetpart Mock 16. EBfett streetLot 6. Mock 37Let 12, bloek StLot IS. block 38Let I, Mock 37part lot 3, Mock 43Lot , Mock SOpart let 4, block 32part Mock 7. BTpart tteck 10, rttlrtt atreetpart Mock 13,part Mock 13, CaHienn atreetpart Meek 12, BWiett atreetpsrt Mock 16. Bcheis street

' letT.-Meek6-

part eaaatiy let 492, Union slreetBab eHrtstea 19. DIM property

90,part let 311pari lets 146 and litLet 3. Meet 49ashdirMen 3 ef let 03part let 376Let enLet 61

' part 1st 7, Mrk 60Ut 4, Merk 61part MS. Mack '4part lets 3D-- 4, Mack S3part Meek 48patt Meek 17, Berets streetLot No 68

(Fart let 93" IS

9S" 169' 400" ST

fart Meek 67. De8to atreet" 61. Tulrd atreet

el. Beat atreetLtl6,bss-k6- 1

Part kt 41I.Mock4446M Ctlekasaw street149

" 1(9kab HrUin 9 of eeanlry M 611

Partiot 375, Second slreet" ST7, Tairasa reet" 75 Flout Kew" 379

Part MS13LPart conntry M 65

18 ef eeintry M603IPart lot a, wi es

3. " ePart Neck 65Ilart7, blakSOPart block 16. Calbenn atreetLet If, Mock 16

9. " 37Part Ml, MockPart Work 16, BwWl street

Psrt lot 67(Lot 23, Jones' dlrlslen


Part let 29Lot 307



taatMllrWen 56 of M 611Part lot 261 and 4Part Meek 67. Gayoo atreet

63 Deso o streetLot 17. block 17Part lot 1. Mock J7

41 I 4 4Part tola . 7 aod 8, Meek IILit 14 Mk 41LUX. Mock 10Ipartlot , Mock 49Lets 7 an I", Mock 6 1

Ifart Wki5

asi..45008 fil








ct ct $ct39 6s;39 6133 6319 6S19 65!..31 f666 931.

I'jucii sa l..tim ?t cm00 CO S 09

SI 1 09, 60 6o


lTTJOl 33 171

35000 491 00 1 00 3 0034001 151








123 8719 Ml

IS 7874 8169 0(1

6919 cats 7l!.3 76

70 871

60 19'97

61 1649 3287 87

35 41236 85

I40n375 C21000! 19 681000 19 68SOOO 39ISeoJ 39 6t9000,177 1Ssoon 69 ret

11600,326 40.12000,216 96(3 00 1 CO S1000CH19S 87

JOOO) 59 06SMW 697SOV.147 653200J 63 00wwji.f aiisaa 49SSW 2S.1001 39I30UInoc4

63a...32 74....21 6i!....

132iOt4I ...

IS 1'-- -A 37 dot...Kit it ...

781...37 4(i...21 66 ...

03 ...78 ...


IS61 P7l

36 (S--'a

E2 l&n 0931 001

19 .

4 91



90 f6....113 11 ...SO 72 ...,

133 87 ....1ICKMIM BT....iooo 19 ts;...,SSOOl' 45 SSL...

47 25'....HOO 37 66 ....1740 U 47 ....1709 S3 47!..46ea 90 (6...loos) 19 ts,..





670jlSI 99j.





1936 6941 37St M3 95

II 81tS&l 01

SI 66'19 68II 81418S 661 OS

14 7l18 7816 86


S3 6Mi

SI 6374 81

87131 41

1310 S3II 81



17 7289

23 84159 0978 75

100 40St 431733 62SI 6067 091

475 9 34950 18 SSI

S 600 11 811

49 2166

39 6316 7M,

8 85It 81

110 3618 6325 6937 4016







624 91 60

122 8783

4H)J2 1000' 172 60

4B00450M S3 696800 31 87

118 0041 00

6000(119 1360003600

13(2 OOjl

93 4361 18

14009)2-1- 6 62130M 35 43S30O 41 9760001 49 33jlecoi

29 63iSOi 14 76










17 73125

16 769 84

16 76S3 6319 847 2613 7816 8549 S268 0749 22 I 0014 7631 6041 3731 6535 69

7000)137S3 61

4S3 0018 69 00)9 84

68 90l

60CW1I8 00,8509 167 347600 147 65

675 IS 37650 10 83

10000 29 871700 33 47SSOOl 49 S31003! 19 68

70301137630ah04 34

l&590Ut4 23100'ollM 8716000316 00

19 S63

111 18(8 9j;45 S339 371

1178,41 34II 9119 68II 81S3 43,

IT 7241 37SI 6098 41,S7 6IS 75S7 6S:

llilOfctS 016 91












00. eo.i te,

1 00 60,1 6M

00 601 toj


37Uoo- - s to6011

1 00 60,1 60

0 001 00,3 0060.1

oob60 60






I 00

3 00 1 0000 1


2 00






60 60

Wl 601121 1,

00,1 00 3 00001 CO 60

I 60



SS 69:2 00 1 00 00l!I 02 60 &01

J39 2518 7512 8418 756 6S

32 6860 3516 7819 8563 2

64 076I 601 63 S3

17 7434 6041 3734 65S3 6940 81S6 6143 4031 69

3 8471 90

70 31150 65"3713 8332 87347OS 2J33 68C6 eg42 37

7813 820 72

7 918 90

39 4166 00Si 47

101 42140 81107 3419 83

111 3313 et36 63

367 S3199 87

1318 00S3 6833 68

117 1871 9043 3343 3716 7844 3114 SIS3 SS14 8133 aSO 7244 37

49 098 90

4 60,3 '6 66



St- -

McGee xMcnrse, FrankValleck, LMetcalf, JosephMorsan, Owea

Mahaffey, Mn, eeUteMeans, Thomas MMUltISton,Dr 'Moll, Thomasafn:ford.jnMrath, P O

Norton, Q L, eslsU

Mrath, P OMorgan i vtrrraonMorsad.'John LMoore. Balstead fa Cx

Mastrney. Phila W, estate

Morrlssey, ThsmaaMttcaU, J BMitchellMoore, OMiller, MarshMiner, BMarr. R P

Moody, MMead, J BMemphis TheatreKelson a. Titus

tforren, L OKolaad, U

O'Oonner, M, esUtsO'Hern, WlUlamO'Connell, BOwner unknown

Parker, K APotter. K B

I Perrlo. B O

Plcktrell, B MPb.lon Isaac

Farster, H HPeters, Tbomss


Pope.'lo, Mlsree, btlance laxPearce.MraMPoller, Mrs, esUteBUIew.A BPhmips, X J

I Patterson, Mrs W H

Perry. Mrs S A

I Patterson. George, JrParmer, Mr

I Qtnna fa JacksonI Bice. JamesI SUehnoad, A

I BtiBSon, G K

Bose James, estateBlehardMn, O GBohtnses, J, estateli.or.ers, J


Rocers, ThomasI nran, WilliamI Seawelt. JasI Shelton, BsbtI idcol. John

A ASmith, r.rtm (t Coes'tt, btltees UxShacks ft While, balance tax'Scrorzlns. N W O. balance UxSamceis, S H

Shirley A DnralStraes, W BSmith & KerrSsffsrraes, JnoShirley. Nelson tt McDonaldStell, LewisSmith. P, relsteStnxeter J WSlmms. JaaStetn. J B, estateSmith. Jno 0

I S II, esUteSmith, (I W

I amita. jarSIkes, B FShsw, A B ft OoSaint, Jae O .SstTirrans, Jno L ft Co

Smith. HGTrainer, JohnTbomascn, B W


Todd, K 3, esta'eTate, Sam

Tucker, nI

Talbott, J tf, estate

loom, MrsI Trrxerant, J T


A O, esUte

I Tacce, Wm L

Vaden, ThadI Vactbn, WEI Vannorn, F

Wrlsht, Bea

Wlnche ler, M B. ettetewick.rf.nsm a. rrrrinwmiims.J OWhitfield, Tcos B

Woodward, A

Wlsn.KJB LWlckersbam St XnoxWalker, S P.

Walker, F


Wickersbsm ft BlitheWrsy, J BWhite, jobsWells, AWoodwsrd, J MWalton, r-- jWUklse, Miss

Wil'UDS, D 0Warson, A DWootenWhlta. JSWiniama, B P 'Wsrd, DoctorWin ana, W T



peon, A DWLIIama Wm

bal am tax

Weason, W CWrlsht, Jos, esUte

WaddeH, B B

DuhleL Mrs B H

Loceiey, R V44

Thorn ssen, R W






ba'asce tax

balance tax

DiscmmoK of faopsrtt.

Lot I. block 8UI69

Part M 462 iPart conntry lot 623Let 164Part lot 163

113Part tola 141 and 143Part lot 69

" 401" 401

Fart lots 361 snd363Part errantry lot 499U14I2lot 3 and put let 4, block 9 -

Lot 6, block 8s, s9. 810. 8

r.rt Lot 659Part coanirylot 601

Par.cnnlryM493. Madison s teelPart lot 4. block 49

" 671Part blue k 7, Cayoso streetLot 4, bkek 37Psrt conntry lot fctran let f, block u" 4 " 63

" 4, " 63" 1. " 43

4. 44Lot 3, 26

I. "Patt country rot 604Pari lots. M'CkSSLot 6. Mock IS

. " ISPart Mock It, Elliott streetPart conntry lit 604

Part lot 119, Main street" 116. Jefferson street" SSSLot I, block 38

15, 65Psrt Mock 63. Beal slreetPart let 411

138" 117" 499. Wathlnstec atreet

343Part block 43. Hernando streetBattnreMSSPart let 6. b'oek 46

" 4. 49il nil of lot 611

Pait Mockblock

BaltareletllOLots. Nary Trd



" IS " 611" 17 611

lot 6, 35Lot 1, 4

r3l, 44

i Tt;' en


a" t9, 4

' SO,' n. "

6i.63, .

" C4, "" 65,16, ''4" VI, J44

Part lot 88. tear partPart let 380

" 121" 659" 669

Lrt 3. Mock 4Part let 306

" 476Part Coentry let 493Part lot 312Part coootry lot 493Part Meek 8. Atery stieetPart lot 670Part conntry let 492Part block Of. Beal atreetPart let II, Meek 36Lot II, Meek 37Part let 6, Met 61LotS, Mock 69Part Meek 69, Orleans slreetLot 8. Mock 69

9, 6910, - 6916, " 6917, 6911, ' 69IS, ' 69

r.rt 1.1 4. block 44Part Mock 7. BHWll atreetPart lo k il B--al street

Pari fell. Mk 65Bob-JM.l- 13 of letSIlrartiel3,Uock&5.. 4 43" 43Lit 7. bit ck 6. Robinson streetLol a. Meek 6. ReMnson streetIM-- Mock 6. Bradford dlrtftenLet 31. Meek 6. "Ul 32. Meek 5, "PartCBUBtr, let 499Let 4. bock 17Part Mark 63. Beat streetPut lol 6. block 49

rartMI.MerkttLOI14 Week 01

partiot 4(9Lot 6. Mock 3. Jonee dlrltianpart M et 63, Hernando atreetBitlnrr let beptrtM4S0Haltsre M 169part conntry kt 44- 433paltM-ck6- 7part csntrr let 491partMwk 18. Clinton streetpart Meek 61, Seeend street

lf.t lotl.blorktJpart bock 39 Canrey streetlo:b. ttox IIpart MS. llo-kS-

put MS, Meek 14

Letl Mock 41Itart Mock 18, Bh. Ii streetpart let 9, Mora oolot It Mock 66Lot 3. Mock 55part erantiT lol 601Lot II, Work 21part Mock 7, Amy streetUt 417

Lt426Lot4SSLot 167

Istl69Lot 164'Lot 1(6Lot 166psrt M 452Lol IDILot 117Lot 416

454LoTjlSSLH.170psrt M 465, fraction, on baynpart lou 145 and Utpart tcsntry lit 623


Lct2, block 31part conntry M 491

part M 210Lot 201


part conntry lot 6f6" 499" 499

part lot 6. b ock 34pa rt country M 491Ixit 3, Mock 12Lit 4. block 1Ut 6, Mock 6Lot 7, block 6Lot 8, Mock 6Part lljck 62. Beal It

loart M 5, Mick 8rart Meek 62. Beal ttUt 1. block 17Lots, bock 17Lol I. Mock 35Lot 1, Mock 13Lol 3. block 49part M 417 ,

part lol 8. blot k 45part block 13. Klllttt street..Lot 420Lot 431Lot 422Lot 423Lot 134part conntry let 499part letpatt 1st 639

"Sub-l- lr 11 o' let 611

44 jjot 311 iveendalrret

(part M 471poo-oi- r. 100c foirxapsrt I.t476part kt 430, Ooai t streetpsrt conntry M 491, Mad.'sn streetpsrt conntry lot 493, Mad.ron street


part reentry M 491. Union streetpart Mock 15, MeCall streetptrt let 6. Work 12part M 411pttt esnntry M (00patt M 71part let 478part Promenade lotpartiot 9. block 65

Qab-dl- I ef conntry M 493

it44 4 44

part let 361part lot II, block 60Ipart Ml, block 41Lots b'oek 35Let 10. Mock 9part kU S and 4, Mock SOLot 6. block JOLot 1. block 49part Mock 8, streetL19.'psrt Ms I and 2, block 33part M 47Baiters lot 81

I Battare let 83Let 8, Mock 65

SUPPLEMENTAL LIST.part cenntry lot 601


part loll 351 and 166part block 63, Bsal itmlptrtlet 310Lot 309

Monroeeast bsyoa


90XW177400O1 7S7.S8I01

lsooj jas26002800670M








f ct


810 IS ;

.- -





4000 75T


130026O0-- :






















220K6600,1- -7












46...,70001200 62l...1500












61 1365 If

IM 1219 IS,S3 4737 4093 6316 7517 7393 4369 f6

196 6788 f 939 6336 41

84 62S3 631

167 34127 96103 lil393 7M376 6339 S778

6H37 t631 6063 1531 60

700 13 78660 10 83

36 6961 18

9U0 17 737W) 13707 13 72

8247 1 674 8147 3539 2739 3739 3739 1739 37S9 3739 3739 3743 3163 0043 335 4321 43

1B0U 35 432 TO, it

1 .0JStfi tt

00 35 43S3 J733 37

31 4135 4329 3739 3769 0659 06

9 0659 065, 0669 06

WOO. 69 0669 06

M69 D&

69vw on cs

&9 0669

W0 69 06so 0669 06

3W0 6J 06W 69 06

69 06is 06


I ftesl


R3 69frf

C77 25i68 90

2000 49 22,6 --s!

SXS 66 611700 S3 46

43 3196

41 31168 90as 2517? SI61 IS93 4363 90

3W 69 0677 18

1369 6333 4S


6339 63S3S3 C3

5 7

90 66'(00


S34300 8 4 651

137 81S339 6345 3894 60


4 111

4949 S3



2500'a49 231.
















$ct Set Set







30001SOOO 06)
















33 438390 66i73 75

SIS ool2349





651 03

S370 8727 661939 3719 6819 68Z3 63

196 87II 81

63 0018 69II 81

127 96i

900 17 73..68 90 ....73 ....

ids :s,S9 63

3798 4l!


137 81177 181I ft ten'

We Wl49 S339 63

65f132 ft91 SM39 3737 4081 6549 2341 3243 381.63 131.

167 III.49 22..16 72 .,69 C6.,93 42.,

134 PS tf7d 75 0039 33

106 SI107 I5


S3 431


S3 IS!.,

,'! 00)





ooli s 6a


i'torio i'scM



ooioo60, 00

69 Offl 00 Oiis ts;i


66 9261


6084 63

tt 00


2 00I 00


I 0060,--




I 0060

I 00



1 ot














Subtcrlbed and sworn la open this ISlh dsy November, D., 1858w- -

MARCUS WRIGHT, Clfrk,By J. WPEELEB, Deputy Cleik.


ISO 94S3 6316 78

160 6941 3716 7316 7333 66

1 SO 66



.. .

91 69116 31360 3763 S3

S57 37183 1884 7533 S368 13IS 7520 7266 IS46 31

SIS 0041 3733 4364 1868 13

131 1332 C335 4740 4099 83IS 7620 73

101 4363 06

199 6791 69S3 S339 4189 6136 63

170 34ISO 9610S3S396 73

6342 3781 75

6030 6631 6066 IS17 6016 7815 P328 6961 18SO 71

6 7316 7385 6960 3577 8160 2643 3743 3743 3711 T743 3743 3743 3743 3748 3166 0046 3133 4333 4333 4343 3760 3560 SS63 1363 1333 4342 3741 3738 4333 4333 4343 3742 3762 0663 0363 04610663 0663 0663 0663 063 06

62 0662 0662 1862 0661 td62 0663 C662 0662 0662 0662 0662 C6

fJSO 63369 IS663 68

73239 S3

4 1891 69

337 63680 2671 SO63 3148 3368 6136 444 31

120 94III 3344 3471 90

339 3675 8461 18

101 4271 9962 C6(0 1891 69t7 65

131 1363 0636 46

t3 8 1336 4633 5333 6336 6226 6118 75IS 75tS 7946 3141 3136 46


1616 7618 776 811 2318 4371 90

4371 9033 S363 S301 4181 7a10 8797 6068 1391 6966 00316342 1731 6026 6124 6533 41II 8114 8141 SI38 4126 6281 7516 7891 6614 8138 4332 6316 (I36 62

18 7316 7828 6976 8764 17

S333 CS27 fS

ISO 96IS a687 6543 6134 62St 6343 S397 60

0960 S344 3163 3462 II62 33

160 6338 4391 6993 6681 75

218 CO

61 3331 6364 03

132 9273 8730 66S3 6842 3731 632J 6326 62

119 8714 81

199 8766 0021 6914 81

ISO 9662 3320 7371 9081 7563 33

60,111 2831 6341 37

101 4363 04

140 81180 18


33 63uses1.6 t

7 6037U

63 3148 2363 12

170 3461 S319 7262 06

101 43113 0281 7542 33

ICS 31110 ISf5 06It 7336 6218 7333 43

69 9960 60

ITS 65160 6187 6391 10

to ef A.J.




It waa then snd there considered by said Court, that Judgment be and the was renderedTowa Lets and parts of Town Lets, ta the ot the Mirer and e th. n... ulrri.l .""IfZ

)arMuHrf--garliluarf- a

i H A KB W A B E




mow3XT A. 3 Xjb



Reduced Prices Tor Cash,Or Approvod Pcpoi'.


Fall Supply uf liar-war- e,

From the


Sal td00 irxl TmportrttlqnEHQIiAND AUD GBHMANY.


Resident Agent in"Euroj,ie,We are enabled to fnraUh

AH Goods or European 3Inufacture,At Very Rates,

And we solicit a close examUaUoo et oar present stockby purchasers of all kinds.


Couulry M(ircUant.All Good, is ina at as

As be can bay them la any Kaatern er Socthern Market.



low FiotrxizieCash Buyers Solicitor!.

HAWKS SMITH S. CO.,ocIO-l- T 304 .'! 346 Me'o stmt.


Screw Wrench,Ptented March 13'li and Oc'ober 2J,1S55.

wonkl caH lieWB



Tills Superior


for wblcb we are




jriii(Istoiiet.pMLdsNera Sestla ant Beika Grindstone., at lew ear---'.


Bargains In Hartltvare.rF yon wish baric tics la Hardware. caH aeos1 ectlS IIAWH3. SKliH a. CO.

nPnlil.. nnil Inr-lxa-r r n I Iit-t- -

fkTJR f uorlrfnt Is eery larse, aad we are eeMas at I

VJ 'dfac prices than at any ether eetaKtaaawel In thecity. i"ci' Htwia amirti a. co.

310 Dozen Choiiniiic Axes.tb4 renewing brands: 8 W Owl. a.," neat's."0F " Lewie," H CeMt'S" and

" modee-t- t Tool Company," for ra'e at KAITEBJfPBICES. tocl9 BAWC , SMITH ft CO.

Sundries.MANILLA Curdaee (V tton Bpr, 60 eato Otknm,

Trace, Plnb. h'rl. b- - r. Stay aad TeniaeChains; Bir Iron and Steel Tn Pate. Far Tin; 180Banana aacel iron, sat o: ted, rr Mr at rednced prices.

U1WU SMITH ft CO.,oct9 set nd 306 Mala atreet.





Wholesale VurelnvsersAS PAY

O Jk. S E3IOr whose ability and promptness ere aedenbte.1.


Foreign Goods Direct fioa Hut ope !AND OBTAIN ALL

AMERICAN MANUFACTURESFrom first hands. Oar Stock Is rsry ta eo r this market, and onr pr!o redeed le the t r oeahle ccra- -parlaon wllh any market la the United States. Merchants In sood slsodlnc are iseit d fe exa-nln- e onrStock, which concttte of eTerythiart aasaliy funnd In

HnrtJtvare or Iron Stores.As onr preSU in ecoeeitsfly smslt oa Jobbed toDealers, we csnaetstTerd to aetHeasj bat FIRST CLASSBDTBR3 OR TOR CASH.

I.owncs, Orgiti Co.,Nes. IS and II Frcnt Raw.

Baitern Offlce, 41 riall street, N. T (eel! dawSm-

's 4i took well to Yonr Interests and Fur- -




cnase omy mciieii iiiacnines,


l o v t a h I e G v i s I XI 1 1 .EVERY PLANTER HIS OWN MILLER.

THIS Is one of the most vanaUs lareBll.t-- a of the day,all iheaaalriiee necessary to make 11 of

the greatest service to every punier, and la deslln!soon to snpercede every other mill and te tai-pt- r a greatwant loot felt In ererrrartor the cosatry. Itocrxclesonly S feet by 2, and weighs 300 pounds.

The great dliusgnlihmg character! rtlca are, Ita SIM- -PL1CITT, DrnABILITT, STILITT aad SHALL COST.reqntrlns no skill to keen It In order.


It la adapted to steam, water er herre rower, rrlndlncto perieciioa wheat, corn, ears, seckwneai, drags aadsplcea; crinda with two horse power Bee to eightbsihels per hoar of the finest qaeHty of meal fer familynse, and ten baebeia of prime feed fer stock, and neverheats the meal a valuable feature.

It contalna more good Qualities than all other millsoomBinea, ami only needs to be seen ia operation to con-vince every InteUlthnt mind of Ha great 'te and nractl- -cablUty. We challenge the world fer a trial before com-petent Judges, of any other mlil ever In rented. Hundredsor the raws sre In cat In different parte of the UnitedStales and an Sire entire eatMactloa.

All orders fer Mills and applicants for Coaniy Rightsa un state oi Jeiseisaippi. ranat pe aiareeea to

JOHN chain, ueay springs. Miss.i ti. wtt.utAjtn et irti.,

fets-dl-y Mem .his. Term.

Trustees Sale ofSTEAMER DANIEL BOONE.BT virtue of tke power reeled to m

a certain Died ar Trnttto ns, on th SOlh dsy ef Frbraary. A. S. Hancock, which deed la of re accord In tbe Custom Ilea e in Memphis, to certaindebla therein epcclufd. we win sell te the highest bid-der for Caah. at rOBLIC AUCTION, at the wharf intne city or Memphis, on tne iJin aay er December,

iBonaay.i tne steamer vxaiEb dihjhk. wiutusr macBinery, ux tares, aaa tattle.

was. a.. mroTtitt, Inil SAM W GATES. i Trusters.The Missouri RernbUean. Loatsvtlie JounsL New Or.

leans Trne veils, and TKktbnnc Whig, win insert theabove ten insertions, an--J tend hi I to this offlce.

Trustee's Sale.TTNDER and by virtue of the authority and powerks sivrn to me ty a aeet in tra.t eaecuiea to ontho 12th day of May. 1858 by Joseph Battle re, Jr , andVary S Barblere his wife, to recu e the raiment cf a


Tennessee, on 8ATTJRDAT, lb- - Ilia day of December,1BJ3, te the hlthest I adder, for cash. Lots Not. I and Sof R. W Xeth and P. R. Peyton's subdivision of tract01 23 seres una, o x A. a. err. engineer.on the I4th dav ct Ft Irnary, ISSS. sad bounded as

Bextsnlngat a slsta In the new Baieigtt road, atthe eouthweat corner of ntd toll runnlnc thence Bort- h-

wardlr chains aod ninety-seve- n links (14 97) totbe northveit earner t thence eastwardly seven chain,

93)liiika o the northeast

(II 4) to the eouthreat corner; tbears wettwardiy eightchains aad eighty-eig- 'ln'--s (8 S3 to the beginningcontain tog 10 so luoacrra

Bight ef redemption la waived lu tke treat whichla or record la soeihy enemy, Trniretece, Boot NoSt, pages 319. 350 351 "d 3S, and Is rrferred ti.orsH1U coauiiloos, and for s oeseripti a er the proper

juun u. rmjiiE, Tru-te-

33T Refer to B. B. Wsdden nlJ-t- d



Pa sTi i fin 9.hl p fil nt.Ti in tr ?W w w w .ia jty s

TTA3 Just returned from lie East with the largsrt and. heat selected Stock ef





sumsasnexed to eaah, being the amount of Taxes, coat aod charges doe sertrslly the Slit I All eha.leerear of aald city of Memphlsi aad it ws further ord red that the t .Id Teem .ZrJ.V.. VT0"1 ji.WimlsOI gTSUes, and. . . . ... . . ... ... 7 ... ..11. vi 1H.H UllB. Ill Inn., .nnnr . .


anciague ouppremeniai un," certin aaaro, or a mnca Ihtreor, as sha'l be Bees, eery er ssfflclent ef AIMX UUUAia 10 BU1C ail and every 0D61to satisfy the taxes, ewtt and charges annexed ta lervraJly. be sold aa the law far the aaiiar.e--1tlon of laid Uses, costs and charges, sod that ertuIMffni upends liana. oirtcta, BLANKETS, JS.LRSEYS AND LINSEYS J

34 60 Tea are hereby corniMivdM.afW Honuidoo SHOES, for small and Tl104 43 iDoatyeratempius. ue da of January, the foregoing described Real Eittte.or so much of each HATS AND CAPS- -an I niece ahall beaefflctenttaaatlsrvtaa Hm .m.aml . . . vew.Tjr

writ, and show to the Iaw Hide tnsi- t-. i.w.ii4i.iim7ri..,i1Ll'vT' reborn or mis And a gracrU tliortnent of all apcerUlnlug ton m Bon a IB dlv ot Memnhla. en it. flr.t Vond.v .t, m( il IZ. TSV"L'Il'Z?S W Us which he calia the Utentlon of every purchas- - e GAME

B liners my at Clerk's Oacs. tils Mondsv In Xienw " " I aan e pea ally.




a a


t , I

mabcus j. Wright, cierk, Country Merchants. River Tra--r A. J. wnrrr.ra. Denntr Clerk. I ilAPA. S'lravf rsav-- s nvial PeHilfeea- - riiiuni to u aum ana r.TKOiE. .ru. i . , .... ... n i. , . . v , i , ...l.i ...... . . ..

aAlM . , - z T ' - - -- . , m. .... ., mid. sitae.. im i.uu. iu ia. i a. i.aiiucs cannot or any ltoaae anii 63 ?It r,r. i, cHT,U.aiTlt.f- - THBRSDAT. the Mlh of January. the abeve and foresolug de- - the city, and hla Wholesale PrlcSawUl mpire f.vori--. , i , . v. v. nuB ucreor as may oe neccaaary to aauaiy tai i oiy wtin i pe.e tne seat, M. SIMUIi,iJ S?5,?aV.1r..lhteOMtJs4 SsJ commence at 10 o'clock, a.m. S3 Front Bow, of Jeaersoa strteLtea. MrapDii, ueuabtr, I8i8. iaec7i jonjf (bwbom, Ci' T CoUeetor. ' sepMia radar ConnercUl Hotel


TAB, O. COLS, lata sf the Sro clU BAT AN COLK, will coaUnoe IkeI bnslnss at tie old stsed of the firm 1I am telly prepared to perfsrmallcpmtlaula Dentistry. a taae.ted oa the Imprsrsd plan.I bare anew and Talnahle lraprorrment laarUldalwork, which requires bnt a slxht to satlsry the mind ef1U sllUty and airenxth. Office oa Main 'feet, la Pro-Ti- ne

ft Stewart's new BBiMlnc, rearer GayoonBee.ocil-aaw-

l. it. saEm.. ...... s. noBtsr.DRS. SNEED & HORINE,

fDenti is js,rtFFICIS.

MEMPHIS, TENNCorner of ant Mats.J atrreU. opteslte Wrtl Jt Bra.

trance on Court street.Tdetn tnterted oa Cbeoalaaty.

mens can be aeen at osrefse.

in J

Spcct- -

DR. G. ACREE,Dentist ,

Court Street, opposite A T. Wells &. Bro.

ALL opera-len- s pertormed wllh thepoaslble pain and In the moat,

manner, diseases ef the tame andssccessfolly treated. Arttaottl 7eth



lnrerted opoa the mo.t approred wlb gsaranty.Ana no number, elikeroMor new Is eOfrred to tssptrethe piNle with eosOdence In sy sllaVor aa aa tndece-me-nt

to call at my era re. anl S


succxaaoa to dh. n. howcotT:A IX DBXTALOPBBATIOM3 performed at the short

aa. est nsuce. ana rserantleaeppcslte the Wereham aonee






Offlca es Mala

DRS. UrtYSOX ft, CIIOIVEI.L.DEST1BT3, 317 Maa street, opposite (KM

Uall, Keeapels, Teaneeaea.spavir

rump OEarirs.

Wines, Brandies, Rums,WLiCtl TEAS. a&C.

P. tfc . 1 KriRr Bonier -- a, aocmnwJ.U-- a ef.ttutiiiuore. iiiarTinuu."VFFKR for sale te fell alas artlarea et their ewa Un- -

V potiatieo. pan un any for faMIx rate :

SnKRRT WINKS Pemarttnea Baest pile sal aadtnowa S'lerrles, In wool aad la flaes

PORT WIKXS Sandraan'a .oa petition red aad whitePort, in wood aad In class.

MADBIRA WINK John Hewsrd March's nao Mate.ire, in wood and in class; aleo. Grape Jntee.

BOOH WINES Jeaanettwrarr, Stelaeerxer, Marra-brann-

C.blnet. BmnneberE.ef 1346CBAMPAGNB WINKS Meet and Chaaden's Srest, ts

qnarU and pints.BRANDIBS Otard aad Hacmetay'i flue oMpsleaad

oara uranaiea.RUMS Old and Bse Jamilea, Antiraa, Greaada, aad

from the III. rets, imr.nrt'd direct flora iMidaa.HOLUNDGIN-Taeai- M eselilr Tlesnan braad

ana no mixture or ai malic pta to it.200 Half chests et the Ones SOBOHONG TKA.soiCly


Jos. S.


PIG I R OCenaUatly an hand and far Sale.


JNO. 3.PEASE. Secretary.


I ivnuiiooiiiv LYiBtrjiuiuvr iicunrt mnw



ORDBKS tar Seatkera. Staples carefafty aadrpruiaplly attended

Hereeaadtse aad


lace rreetard aad laewaraVd aeeeedinc te iastracileaswith apafesi Fi MM ay sell er trass tnatracted fartttwwratm

KcrER Tt OenkftOe., J O f Breed i

ntranjr. Hannah . Hhaak Bav4-dl- p

r a. ssnvrneLOI ai AeKLOT Titoatr-aaf- f


4f. 1 1

Jtll9-l- y



Jnllns II. Smith's





C I & A.OF


m n AN L l hla I aad r he far the eeryJ p. tree are to far the

K. bes anteef and heoa a of the im

Ale aad theto be aad geealne


fees-dl- T

Jirtlws smithALTSXD








477 Louisville, Ey.


Wholesale ami KclallCANDY MANUFACTORY,

No. 67 FrontrjTD rlead aaettc

Ubeial exleeded him last tweireyears, LOOIS NONTRIXINICO lateralthedtlxeaa Tlctaity. that wHIean-atantl- y

keep hand larre aajotmeat beetported Wises Otarot, Irt. 24aerlra, While, Ac; also,eeetch Leaden Porter. Also bealwarraaten pare

M. L. MoitTEBatrico always ea bead a urealrartety ef Faery CaadsM aad Toys, aa asMtmeat etatlck Candy. Prases la lara and boxes. Rattles. Grapes.esery kind ef Frail, aad Nats, Pick lea. Lobsters, Sar-dines, OHres, Preach and Bacitth laleaf and boxes, Caraeao, Msrsaealno, Old Wises, G laser,Preserres, Sannnah, New Tork and BieteaCatlap, Pepper 3a ace, Cheeolate, Cord tali, Syrnps, Viceareei. rerauceiii. tne pesi n araua uixars, and a treatmsoy other srtKles. tMBaaerees to mention, sew 31- -rcrec ler sare very lew, etiser ny waetesaie or retail.

Hewoaldbecladtewaltenhlaold cnatemero and aamany new eeesas may call epoa premtstss themrennme arttctea asa sooa aarsaine mra-l- y

NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.fllllK lopartaershlp exbtlos betwees Gee.X FUharty a Brother ibis day cHeeiTed by the

oeatn me rermerMemphis September 10, ISsa.









J A IM E 1 PLABIRTT-as- MART.w PLAURRTr fwMew the late!

Gterxe Flaherly) wax cootiethe FURN TORK basiBeas. on- -'

der the atyle of Jaamr A M Fl.herty, at their rew aadextrnalTewareeease, ea the aoath of Bsles street,between js'ia ana steossu, ana aejetaiss iseearrlasehome of Messrs. J. it. wieweu ct Co.. where tbr wUIbe pleased ts rteetre the patrentse of Iriesds aadiLepntnteteneras seplttf

VARIETYS Trimming Stosre,

No. T7 Main Street,NEXT DOOR TO J. D. WILLIAMS & CO.'S.

Strasseri Sr JLisiIcTTAVING Jest opened at the above stand, we Invite


TBIMSIIHGSis TOE OBLT IK cmoa that will all kinds, sad o all roc as are In




ii-- .



VTCM BZR ef Teachir. 8 ; asmber of Pa- -A.1 PUS, 121. Rev. WILLIAM SHELTON,a. at., rrrviocBt. AextSeptember CHARLES BBSS.the briHlaat rerrsrmer and Tvaaier, hasrharce ef the DevartmeaL The

departraea'a are filed by the bestTeacaers in ine constryj

For canuiaitg Ax.President, or to




W. P. LEWIS,Corner of Jlain Monroe Sts.,

MEMPHIS,Whelesale and

Xjs eatHaer,SADDLERY HAEDWAEB,rsl cole therein described, win se at tbe sonthwett cornerSof MaiBand M.dl-o- n the city Memphis, oHOtNlAKEKo FIN D lie US,



them them






aemien begins13th, Fret.




Manufacturer and Is





Saddles, Bridles, tTarness Collars, Whips, &c.hare sew ea a fun and complete u--I sortment of GOOD3 In our list, and wlB be

recetrlng weekly, freeh to onr stack, allwnicn t wui sen aa

i.onRa as .w.

the in

un -- i. tut uu oe

po in
















aa the eame quality sf caa be psnhased taloatwanlly and


our atock, at we to put np orders atcue anorteat notice.

AB manutaclnred In the House, warranted.nnt-ds-






Retail Sealer



Gooda either



THB subscriber haa oa hand the !a gest tcollection of FRUIT TRSR3, F LOWERS, v

tasection of conntry. ManoIIe. Laura3

Xundls, snd Grape Tines averted, by the thouaand.FlABtert wko have lulered by the late overflew, caa

repkntah gardens ard orchards at six mesths'time, oa all sums over 1320: or sums ot SSOO and onwards, at twelve mcathe' time with satisfactory paper,6 per cent

All orrers addressed terns through the Memphis postwill receive prompt attention My nursery is on

the Horn LAtt read, IX miles from townsepit-iiraa- y o. as. wuaaiofl.



rtffle Ere..







Tealion, Prairie Powle. Quallayauirre t. rueons ana iuddhb.ODOssum. snd every description




Inat received, will bo aerved up la everyatjle. and at the enertesi roues.


finest LIQUORS and CIGARS always ea

WTantetlcolored Cook.Waaher Inner, forIMMEDIATZLT,s yttr. Liberal wage pal. Arjty,

(0419-1-1 J 24. BttAW at W.

Be F. WILLIAMSOF SdUtt&jPitiRlZilidL

HCodicio of Fotiassiiiiii IrJJ' l "ow etTsred to this eoramaetry with the consJeace of It. snrptilnic the waat ef a reHabie

From the NaahrBle GatetU.,tI?7?5.TT1-"rrcD-Xa- c anthe mMltlaea to which the attention sf tbe freonentw r.B,dSaPf-r"?-1-1 PI.". QttmT "S"". e te Bene which we Vhlrner

f ."1 arlHa aad loOMe of r.!a...rprev.rrd In this Mj?D?.".TWtfUnl 1ViTSj,' edJ & Scrofnla, Chroata Sore Fyee, trjeefs, Dyspeesls, Lreer CemVlaraU andTSimSt

aa partlcnlarlyman ties, waa for

errlii"'7 ". IS terilhl. aTUctSnT "oZ Zlt Ihi UtteriSa

seemed almeet toerlUMaTthat to wontl 1 t. 1,j;:."" trB,"" It

enly a mother aod a father can and beatew, bnt all, tt ms. wllh bnt sasbt bensat ts Utile BddrBUr parents were anally adrlsed. by these who had witnessed andBrHllama' Sanapuiria vat Iodide of Petas... They did and tSJaJbSt. ZhttZask proprleteref the medietas The Btte bey new Ie,alluroreTreedbeaS

tt.,.jotcls gffiianwnijwa



ytfrn TBBpreprt.Uref tbUes--re--1

tsrna tnaats te hie many patrons aadaekaewledces a share af cnta. m.aarus the past Srmmer beyond expecution. He hashsd aa adtltleaal bnUdlss pat np, aad ImpreremenUatade la alt rat departmenla ef hla hiue. To day bethrows open his FklVATB PARLORS aad enters apeathe FaU Season with a determinate u keep ep a r sa

which he bss tadesTered ' earn, that of sepplyIn hi cattomera with the BIST AND FRXSHbbTMATABLU le te fennd In the biiIMi. N,r-- .ad

OT3TZSS THI3 DAT S3RTKD Iff ETBRT STTLBTMs estaMtehmeat wHl bell mm ..rfr .. v

AN O IV for h.I n.inn.MMK

The ef Fare at this ResUarsat caaaot be isr--paaaMi. Tbe Oaekrac wM seeak fr senlsm



Worsham House.1st, ISSS.

THIS beleg the Srst dsy of Astsaaa, tbeef tae new cettoa ysr. aad the

eemmeaeimentof a sew beet rss Mssta, theFresslewror th- - Wsrakam Uw anils hist--aelf ef the occaelaa te iHara has ackaewledsmeata teMa friends, and the p- bite ceaerany far their liberal pa--trenage sa tee paat, aad u aollelt a ceatlssaacs ef thetrseppe't far the ratsre

He aseara. them lhat he Is fair prepared for theThreSEh an 1 the Pall and Winter trade, tad of-

fers aamach ceatfert aad pewpt alteatiea aa are te hereeaa n any Hotel te ie aaataweet.

He baa atandesed, for the preMBt. If not feree.r. theIdea ef chanfinc hla baslaeae ; aad, hartac made everypreparation to keep, as htfetefere, a real, rilLtT-CLAS- S

UOTKL, in aH He departments, he wm coatlsar to de-v-

hta eedlvided attention to the maeaseBieat of hieipnse. Bespecuariy,

apl-t- f Preprjeter of Wechini Beae.

Yoniigr America.THEsBbecrtterweakt re--

sperrfsBr tsferm his friends Zg11""aad the psbtte, that hia riaST'CLASS RESTAURANT and BOTEL GARNI,

ea Adamsstreet, aearfyeppoaite IheWershsa Basse, IsBow .pen, wt. re Ms frl ads aad easterners wW be far--aaihed wltt all ttarfe ef Game and er tae sea- -sea. as wen as lha Deieeet brasde ef Wines. CeaHeeclac all OMDClilloe, e seUetla a liberal share ef the

.trwBtx. la.l-l- y JUoarH TSoial,

Wcw Boobs.CLEAVES &



: E V . DANIELPaster ad EvanaeHtL. prepared by at sea,

RBV. WILLIAM M. BAKBR,Paatsr ef the Fresaj teilaa ahareh, AssHs, Texas.

Massif atad wHh s See Pertfatt.



0N1TKU STATBS OF AMRRIOA,T wheth Ispiattal


Of Geersta.





NBW TBSTAMBNT,IacuBBtrthawltheeeaaiiaiBtBeaJSalsfer its revere a".


Per sale byBW OLKI TBS a. YABXS

- IN


tL'te ef Peel'd Campkrll Miastrels,)naeeeifsll, sssnssee. that he haa U'eeVOOLD at Odd Fertese' Ball, a here he is are, area

ta slee iaeHaetlena ea IbeBseje ia a lharvash aad tea--Pereena dleiac leatrsetieas, can aMtrriala terms. Ac

er applylnc te Mr. r. Plavle, at it W. Ahxander'a Ut-ile Store, ales at Bea ea'a Moats Store, Mala street

Ladtee wiaMef tastraeHea. sa the Bsapa wis bewsHrd ea at thetr residences, by IravlBS order a at the aboveplace.





fl Cartlmaratatbe rURNlTORK B081NRSS

at theeM staad, aad areaew reeeev iwc aa eattreiyaew aad weM select d stock which isBoet kat please aH.beta la prlee and stile. Tsaakfat Is all my frwads fertheir part liberal pttreeec. woe Id still eelteK nVetrtrade, aad wesM be pteaecd te serr- - yoe araia

ecrr-t- r k k hsiistekoo.H M- - QHOSTKJCOa. s J

GROSYENOR, CAMP & CO.,Wholesale aad Retap Petiers la


Oil Carpeting.,M4TTRESSES,


2S0 Main Street, below Maaisaa,oc7-- U Meruphls, Tenn.


'r; nerpot aae

I Maver I Extract frem the mlSBtraa. ii. u.vv", ti.

L B Bicbabds, CityRexister.Mrmeetf. Asgast S. 1868. as7-- t

I ! 'them, with 61 teats each, ta 3 cent Harass

In money, te my address, they wtHbe letarned by mall In good order.

nOBXISa a BAJUIB9,GeM Pen M anstsctery,

No. 88 Third street, LoalattBe. Ay

F."d tuiie-- OF THE






Xotary Public.










ef Deeds, Commlwieaer of Court ofCOMMISSIONERStales Oemmlss loner, at Bt bis. Ten a.oaceovenrrsm8A. 9 r M. Atteatlea given toi he atkaowledcment ef Deeds aad ether lnatismens ofwriting, ha aBd oat of erne ! ts the prepa'isg ef DeeiUirtd another re. trnmenta of writing; to tekla. ofDepoaHlees to be need la the aeveral States Terrl-rerie- a:

ta Pretestiax Notes sad Drafts. 1 have two emcee a iBuaedlale cKaaeclMa, aad persons caa eater bythe aide .leor wlthtut lslerruplla ef 111 frontotace.

Accounts Botes for collection or suit ten at tinsAre will be pisced Is the hsade of reHabie eatcers.jvISm



Main-St- ,, Old Stand, bolow Monroe.(Tke eftfesf permanent ttand in tie city,)

HAVE constantly on hand all I lies of Patent MstalBcCases, which they Use aad up ht

la tne seat aiso, an sinus or wood ana ClothCovered Codes, which at s fair price.

Orders frem the country prompt sttenled to, and Fu--nltare made aad repaired, and Upholstering executed.

nov3-i- y



JAterary Mureciu.AN Eiperteaced EdiUr. a rnccesrful Author, a

educated LHersry Man, weary withtweaty-av- e years af tbe drudgery of Daily Journalism,baa determined te hire tell hla bralaa at retail, tethese who may require thler aervlcee. In any honorableway.

Merchants, Brulaess Hra. Inventors, and dealers efevery kind will be supplied, wllh Advertlse-meat- s,

(poetical or oth'rwlte ) Notices, Cards, Circulars,or any species et article desired.

Po ltlcune will be aappHed with Speeches, iteports.Resetetiens, Letters, Toasts, ramphhlets, Bdltortal

sort ef BrainWerk. which Ihn may Cad K Inconvenient or trouble- -seme to da fer themselves.

Ladies and Gentlemen, ef every rank In society or ooeapatteD la life, can have Lettera written on any sub- -

corner! thenoo eleven chains snd four links SfiSSn ftJi dealersw,, 'JS'.l "heteer buttneas oe aenllmenlal












Main-Stree- t,


Memphis, September



Tl,. mAmi4mt will also conduct or tranalatedesceet every kind, either Eogllth, French, 8paalsh,German, or Italian.

intT-r- - Acrostics. Lines fer Albums. Notes. Billetdoux, Menedtes, end Oompeeitlona ot tbe meet delicateand eonadential character. IncWent to every possible

or event la life, wBI be furnished tn Inviolableeeesdence. ey writing to the naderslgsed, and explainingtheir w lanes.

Orders by man, accempaaled with caah, wis be atr icilyand prompuy attenaea to.

Addreaa J. Tnuxrstia. uterary Bureau.au3- -t Box 3383 Philadelphia r. 0.. Pa.

fust Received.JOHN S. FLOBRNOr, at No. II Prast KoVBT Caaes Gtng- -r Wine.

3 Druma ooassn.SO Caaea Scheltam Schnapps.SO Cares Assorted Pickles.12 Cases Pie rreita.4 Caaes uarrett-- s sous.8 Chests Tea Asserted.

Worcssieruiresaure.Pine Chewing Tobacco.Also a One lot of Cigara.NewMackereLBest Sugar-Cure- d Hams.

AH et wUI be toM at the lowest market nrlre.OC3S JOHN 8. FLOURNOT.

Two ninles Lost and Que Fonnd.STatAXBDvOr were atekn from me, s sorrel

(horses 1 Tbe sorrel ULUNCH everyday, (Bonder's excepted 1 from 10 to 12 I branded with Ihe letter " I." The black lane








frem a run round oa es forefoot Thesemrrfet were In pasture two mlies from on theuaiei a ptaaeroaa

on the sttnatant. s BAT MULE was taken no at thefrvnt which the oth.ra escaped. and 1 now la mr

pellet-io-n. Cta St 7 Frcot ijtr.




" - aalAl irfm. injit.


BDFFALO 3IEDICAL DISPESSAOY,JhtabUahed for the rare of


INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION,Iaflrmitios ofYouth and Old Age, &o- -



BUFFALO, NEsV YORK,ARB taeealy Physlctaas la tee Stale whe are

sf the Royal Oottete of Ssrseoae, Leases. Maybe eeaaalted mm 8 e'eteck la the mersseg aaell 9 atasast, la every stale aad symptom ef Disease.

Tke treatment they adept pi theressKef aswssdaaftkkty yeara'exteaslve aad aseceearnl practice ta Bereerand America.

A MOST SCIENTIFIC INTENTION.As laetmmeat for the enre ef renKsl DebiHty, er

Noctaraal Bmiasieee. mere proper, known aa SesatsalWeakness, ftc Can be prmiBeatry cared la from en

to twenty days, by the ate ef tats butrameat, when0.44 ceaieletly wtth EWdtrises.

TOVNG MEN, TABS PARTtCBLAR NOTICB.Dr. Ames 2t Boa take plea.ore is aaaotineias teal tee,

have tavented a most lmpertaat tasersseat ler the enreof the above diteaaee. Ithasbsaaeeted le ateetefthe most emineot phystctaas la Loadea, Paris, Phaadel-phiea-

New Tork; Hhaa bees declared the easy ase-r-vi

laatrameat ever yet taverKd fer the care of Seeat-a- al

Weakness, er say disease ef the ssMal arfaaa,stated by the secret haMU ef yealhDr. Amea tt SeB. ta erder to aatlsfy the meat iktyH-e-al

aa to the met It. af their ustrsmest, piedae them-it- ea

lhat Is asylaeiaaev where K may peers aaeatis-facte- rr

after a fair tr.. the neaey wW be refsaded byretarnlas the matrBBcet ra food erder

Petsese wtth tne tee above naefal Instrument waatee prise, with the aceaatfaajsas dtreeHoos,

srearety peeked, aad seat by malt er express. Is tescbltart.

NBW REMEDIES AND QtfHjr OB BBSa ceai waisamp.

Dr Amos It Boa have fer a leec aeileaet yeerabeeseacaxed la aa exteeaive Mactlce ia tbe tmtmaat ef

I theaedettcateeemplahtris aad are the easy lecaayaaaH- -ara rByesetaea waa new aavertase ta care certaia ts.

er frrm wham feaalae Borepeaa rrmediea can

Persona te. any part ef the world may be eaccessfsBitreated by ferwaidtss a cenect detaB ef thetr eases,wKa a remHtaaeetorMnHetsea. ite , wbteh wtl ae re-turned wHh the Btmeat dtspateh, and teeare frem

Addteta DR. AMOS a. SON, corner aad Qsaystreets. Battle. N. T msrHS-dawl- y




Ciootl Purifier and Ilealtb Restorer !T)REPARBB frem the FRB8H ROOT, the easy ktsdX wsruy the atteatlea ef Physicians ar the psMtc;eM, isaperted net besag Inert aad wortateas fasts toome, svertooked. The eompeseaU ef this medietashave been extolled by some of the meet dtstacalssedpsyalatana la the wend, aa Sir Wm. Perayce, BnxHa,Leccal. Goteaet. BHard, BeU, Ac, fer the sere et Sere-tat- e.

Eiass SvB, White Sweillax, Sypatts, BJieaataHsm,Geat, NearalcU, Dropsy, Diseases of the Udaeys,Liver, Lanes, Spleen, Skia, Brsptleas, Dttes ar Steers,Blotches, runptes ea the Pace, Bisswerm or Tetter, oldand obattaate Sores, Ohreaic Sere Eyes, Scald Bead.Geltre, Pains sf the BeB er JetBtt, SptaalOomplalats, Laaibase. Jaaadlce, remale CwsstsBts.Tamers, Cadexy, Ac. It remevea bnpnrHiea ef theBteod er Byateal er abase ef Mercary, and make, shesksBotearsad sssoeta, aa eatsct et latere.! with theLadUs. It shsaM be ased In tae ssrats te psrtfy theBknd aad preveat slekaess. Price, $1 a be me.

McGown's Essence of Tar,Is a certaia ears for Bowel Oempialats, ss Dtarrhcea

Byseatrry, Flax, Ac.

DIcGoavn's Dogwood and Iron,A eeraxneat care for Chills, B7tfepsU, Ntxat Swtstt,

paJeneM er tendeasy te Geeeamstiaa, Asse Cake, Aa.McGoavn's Golden Pectoral,

For the nBef of Ceasha. Oasts, Ceasassties, Sran-Htti-

Whosstss Casta, Ac.

McGown's Stomach Bitters,A pleasant aad tavlceratist Tonic.

McGown's Ointment,Never ksewa te fail cartas eM seres, Canerva, Bares,

Rtteraal IMIamsalieBa, Carealc Sere Byes, AcAH the abeve prepared aad said ay

H. 8. BDGHBS. Drssfttt,Ne. 343 Mala street, seath ef Bnten, Mempeta.

mrso-daw- lr Aad foe sale by aH other Braaatste.


TBB time has at laat arrived whea aH persons smartedany et the feUewinc ouaplalsU, wtal nee

DB. SLBBGB'S CELEBRATED COMPOBNBS.OhtHs , Fever aad Agae, Dyaperala, Jasadsee. Oam

piaiat. Net veas Headache, aad General BeewMf,are eared by the aae of

DR. SUBGB'S NERTOOS TONHLOoMs, Caschs. Ctesp, Iadrwaxa, BronehtMs. Asthma.

aSpittlss Bawd, aad laetpleet Cesaamfttea, areeared by the see of

SB, BLBBGE'S HOABBOOND PECTORAL.Btarthea, Dyseatery, Bssody Ftsx, Caeiera Merbes, aad

aa aaeeueaa of uo Bowess, are eared bythenseef

DR. SLEDGE'S OBKHJIRA A B1ARRBBA SIRBP.For ehaarea, whea teeiatas, kt this emedy parMee--

larty adapted.PBICEf Nerveas Teslc tl aad tlperbottje. Bear

haand and Pectoral 31 per kettle, er six bottles fer $6Dtanhea Syrnp fl per six bottles fer S3- -

BK D TBB FOLLOWING CERTIFIOATZ3 :MziirHii, Teas., ribraary H, 1663.

BR. J". U.SLXsatDemrStr: I have been taking,I fer seme days, year TeaR Bitters, aad take pieassre ta

ssytfig thataetalsg I have ever taken has benefitted meso mash ia aa short a time aa it baa. There waa a gen-eral clestttty aad preetr&ttea of my system, a head-ache nearty all the Hate. aBd ceaatast Satejieey faraemeiime alter estate, with cawsesa ef my Bmss. I asedr.sndli that I laeeght geed. hat wtteaat aay speetalbeaedt I tletererieed ts try year Tee re Bietere, aad ta s

er tws after stiac them. I begaa te tawreve. aad Sadthvat I aa greatly benefitted by M-- I cemaMed them tethe pestle aa as berneec. and BaaeeetleBaety eae ef tkebeal testes saw ta see tor eeetttty and general preatra- -ties ef the system. RespecfsBy, yew obedient terras t.


Bejaca, Ga.. May II, 1867.MEaana J. M Sledse ft Co., JIXMrnrs, It-rs-.

Gtnlt: Tea wet wiease read aa (te Resea Depot, Ga.1

?hti ChtftYtr Ter.r. W. hare seea" eTacnTwti; tieMemphle, beetle. It takes fine Is tfcUpart. asd

,rtr " c6,"slnt-- Tears, respectfaay.ihe Major aad Beard ef Afclermea aad approved by the

















BbbbsVILXJE, Mist.. September 9, 1867.Dx. J M. 9L8BOE iJear Sir. I have found year

; Nerveas Teasels he beaeflclal fer the tare of Ceaas sadFever. Tea whs please tead aeoae dsns hoteier sa seos

yen can. Tears, very respectf aBy,JONATHAN MCMASTEB.

taiLSH, GiBtas Co , Teas., Sept. 3. 1667.Dr. J. M. Slxdse : Baclesed we hsrd yea a receipt

fer twe sad a hsK detea battles Diarrhea Syrup, whichcame ts head la due time, aad we have sold one sad shalf desea ef them. At far as we knew It hta given en-tire aatlsfactien. We nave sold sll the Nervous Testesad Hearhenad Peeteral left with aa by year stent. Wepresume we could seM two er three desea bottles of each.If It Is convenient fer yea to tend them to us.

Tours, truly, J. C GILLESPIE tt SON.

Masox Dhot.KJiO R.S., Seat. 4, 1837.DB. 8LEDac : We hsve seM all ef year Nervosa T.aie

left by year ageai. These that have ased tt are muchpleated with K- - We have had several saBs fer H statewe have been oat. Tea wBI ptsxte send as eae dotesbottles and sbttge years, ax. ,

B, T. BROA BN AX A SON.AH ef tee above are fer for tale by aH druggists and

merchants three beet tbe country. Agents aad ethers,wishing s sopsty, mast addreaa

OOODTRAR, KKAFP ft 0Omr!7 dtf Sole Prosrlclore, Memphis. Teen.

Cancers Cured.MORS than lo--v cases hsve bees cared wrthta the

six J etrt, rangug frem one ta thirty yearsvlacdlnj OrvH Loving, Lovtsgten, Ta.; Thomas Bosbt,Peleraburg, Vtrgtsla, Joel H Parish, Luaeabnrx.Tlrtlola, Jebn ReynoMa, Big IaUed, Tint Hi la, Thom-as W. ManhaB. Beaufert. N. O, Miss Hal tie Rochester,Flee Bail, N. O, Samuel Bingham, MuterWe, N. O.,ova. Axtoieaiw ana r. uarter, aaoeevate, n. J.. lion.George O. MendeahaB, JamMtown, N. C, Mrs. LevtasAnderson, Cevtegten, Georgia, I. A. Baagb, Social Cir-cle, Georgia, Jerry Creamer. DaKon, Ga., Wm. B. Chan-dler, Calhoaa, Ga , Blleha Durden, Social Otrele, Ga..Cel. T. TjacTkta aad John Palmer HuaairvHIe, Ala.

Pamphlets coat sin IB r, testbnenUI et the highest ehar-aet- er

will be (erwarded te aay ene wbhlBg ts test thetruth ef the aero.ty Medlets. a forwarded by maB.

Address, JAS. A. CLOPTON, M. D.,octSS-I- y BurtsvlBe, Alabama.

ft J- - M


SLEBGB haa retsrsed frem New Tork,after as absence of Bine months, sad has effected

me aslessdisc cures la 1st! ctiy He las taken aaoffice at No. 37 Xeoree atreet, belweea Mala and Seeendstreets, aad whs resume the practice et Medtetne, wherebe has fer salebls celebrated Cemrossds. AB caBa iUlesderi te, day er BlgbL As heisleads lecatiag perma-eest- ly

le Messphie, aad frem the greet teeem he bsshsd ts the treslaeet ef the vsrless dkessee, be IMeksbe skoaM hsve a lieersl patienag. from the ettttees eftttmpbis Jas6-d- ly


T OFPEB. FOB SALE, the following piece ofa. ttcai astate near tae ctty, it . a i its er aacres each, wl Poplar street, lust outside the cttyThe,, Lets, one ot which Is wen Improved, wtB be.sow together er separately ta a Ut parrs tiers, a notserkt sf 13 seres, fwith nine aces cleared and a good orchard,) on the new State line read two mlies front thecity. Also a One lot containing leven acres and coveredwtth forest trees, en the Gcrmsatewn Plaukread, twomHes 'runt the city The shove properly Is aB of ekemost destraMe character and wBI be seM ea fsverabieterms. Apply to W. S. DELANT,

aes30-3- m Pro vine A Stewart' a Block, Mate at.

Just Received,Ifin BOXES No. 1 Pa m Soap;J. U U 78 " prise W. B Cheese;

S3 hMs. aad half bet, prime OcJoBoH Butter)33 half chests Pewehoeg Tes ;40 boxes Star Candlea ;SO bote. Extra FamHy Flour J10 CraaterriesS3 bale Oakaat ;SO Con Man Ma Rope.

Ill store and fer sale lew bsBit G3A3. MeCLSAN, 92 Front Bow


AT AUCTIOH.ON WXDNKSDAT, th 8th day ef December, 1563,

10 o'clock. A- - ai , wlB be sold ta front sf theCommercial Hotel In Memphis, Teancssee, at pnbBe auc-tion, about 100 aectlensof good and valuable Lands, fee-ing early selections,) situated In Mississippi cesaly,Sykf gfaf ir

Township 13, north, range 8, 10, II, East.Township 1 1, north, range 6, 7, 8, 9, 11. 13, Bast,Township IS, north, ranges 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, East.Township IS, north, ranges 7. 9, Baat.

Tnufs or Sale One. third Caah. the balance In or.nand two years; nous to be given wtth approved securi-ty, bearing latere, t from data at sale, and a Ilea whs heretained on the laid fer the deterred ssymest. saidlands are te be Bold by trreement of the parUea In Inter-est for dlTlalon. The particular aectlcns sad psrt cfsections can be teen and fnll partlcalars ttven at trv. ...Bee of wickersiaxi t Botcher, Jtstrton tt., Memphis.