the messenger -...

Volume 33, Number 19 May 10, 2013 Cont’d. on page 2 May 12, 2013 The Seventh Sunday of Easter Ascension Sunday Mother’s Day 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:20 a.m. Prayers for the Church* 10:00 a.m. Morning Prayer* 10:00 a.m. Preschool & K Chapel* 10:30 a.m. Preschool & K Sunday School * 10:40 a.m. Grades 1-4 Sunday School* 11:15 a.m. 5th-6th Grades Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Middle School Program* (Grades 7-8) 11:15 a.m. High School Program* (Grades 9-12) 11:15 a.m. Adult Education with Megan Breedlove* 11:45 a.m. Mother’s Day Parties* 12:00 p.m. Children’s Choir * 5:00 p. m. Evening Prayer * *Nursery Sunday Scriptures The Lectionary Acts 16:16-34 or 1 Samuel 12:19-24 Revelation 22:12-14 ,16- 17 ,20 John 17:20-26 Psalm 68:1-20 or 47 Congratulations to Our Confirmands Confirmed by Bishop Iker on May 5 The Gift of a Promise... of the Paraclete and a Peace the world can never overcome! Christopher Logan “Chris” Berzina Sarah Ann Clark Ella Claire DeMott Catherine Lewis Elsey Kenna Rayne Felton Anna Paige Georges Eden Elizabeth Harveson Sarah Elizabeth “Sadie” Johnson Evelyn Dumain “Evy” Oram Jane Mary Kirsten Stephenson Matthew Alexander Vories Jeffrey Winfield Waldrop Craig Patrick Barbolla Megan Suzanne Breedlove Phillip Eddy Breedlove Leah Danielle Morgan Laura Lea Negus Samuel David “Sam” Negus ADULTS The The The MESSENGER MESSENGER MESSENGER YOUTH Go Forward with an EYES-RAISED Attitude!

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Page 1: The MESSENGER - 5... · spiritual and parochial forebears -- from the apostles Peter and

Congratulations to our new

St. Andrew’s confirmands,


by Bishop Iker

on Sunday, May 5.

Our parish is very

proud of you.

Volume 33, Number 19

May 10, 2013

Cont’d. on page 2

May 12, 2013 The Seventh

Sunday of Easter

Ascension Sunday Mother’s Day

8:00 a.m. Holy Communion

9:20 a.m. Prayers for the Church*

10:00 a.m. Morning Prayer*

10:00 a.m. Preschool & K Chapel*

10:30 a.m. Preschool & K Sunday School*

10:40 a.m. Grades 1-4 Sunday School*

11:15 a.m. 5th-6th Grades Sunday School

11:15 a.m. Middle School Program*

(Grades 7-8)

11:15 a.m. High School Program*

(Grades 9-12)

11:15 a.m. Adult Education

with Megan Breedlove*

11:45 a.m. Mother’s Day Parties*

12:00 p.m. Children’s Choir*

5:00 p. m. Evening Prayer*


Sunday Scriptures

The Lectionary

Acts 16:16-34

or 1 Samuel 12:19-24

Revelation 22:12-14,16-


John 17:20-26

Psalm 68:1-20 or 47

Easter Day

Congratulations to Our Confirmands

Confirmed by Bishop Iker on May 5 The Gift of a Promise... of the Paraclete and a Peace the world can never overcome!

Christopher Logan “Chris” Berzina

Sarah Ann Clark

Ella Claire DeMott

Catherine Lewis Elsey

Kenna Rayne Felton

Anna Paige Georges

Eden Elizabeth Harveson

Sarah Elizabeth “Sadie” Johnson

Evelyn Dumain “Evy” Oram

Jane Mary Kirsten Stephenson

Matthew Alexander Vories

Jeffrey Winfield Waldrop

Craig Patrick Barbolla

Megan Suzanne Breedlove

Phillip Eddy Breedlove

Leah Danielle Morgan

Laura Lea Negus

Samuel David “Sam” Negus





Go Forward with an



Page 2: The MESSENGER - 5... · spiritual and parochial forebears -- from the apostles Peter and


The scriptures speak much of our ability to hear and the necessity of our listening well. For it is by truly hearing the words God has for us that we are able to get, and remain, in step with Him. (“Speak, your servant is listening” I Samuel 3:10). The unrighteous, that is, those who are not wise in their understanding of what is right in God’s eyes, are they whom the Psalmist says, go astray because they have “stopped [their] ears.” (Psalm 58:3-4) Furthermore, on the Mount of Transfiguration when the voice of the Father identifies the Lord as the Son with whom He is well pleased, the only direct command He has given us is recorded as, “Listen to Him.” (Matthew 17.5) And the Lord, who only speaks the Words of the Father, himself continually exhorts his listeners, saying, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” e.g. Mark 4:9. When there is a problem, of course, it is one of the heart. As the prophet Zechariah says, [the unrighteous] “refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and stopped up their ears, [making] their hearts hard as flint.” (Zechariah 7:11-12a) I was thinking of this during the week because I came across an article about our hearing on the purely physical level.

It is a given that our challenge to hear clearly and consistently tends

to increase with age! Sometimes it comes simply as a difficulty to filter out background noise in

public places or to distinguish “soft voices” (that is, those we have trouble hearing), although, sometimes it is because of a virus or other infection our ears seem clogged or we experience sudden or fluctuating hearing loss. Unfortunately, while a variety of things can be done to help with this challenge, hearing loss is not reversible. If the damage has only been done by prolonged exposure to loud sounds, and not to an infection or some disease, one can at least prevent further loss by taking care to what we expose ourselves. The information that shocked me was what “normal” things are too loud to be safe for our ears. While 85 decibels is considered safe, that is the level of the noise from heavy city traffic! Subway noise is 95, MP3 player at max volume is 105, ambulance siren is 120, a jet taking off is 160, the firing of a shotgun is 165! Noise from a dishwasher is 75, the vacuum cleaner is 70, normal conversation is 60, the refrigerator is 40, and a whisper is 30. SO, take care. Even on the purely physical level our hearing is a sensitive matter. What is lost there may well be lost. On the spiritual level – the level on which our life depends – we can, however, depend on the Grace of God to fill in the gaps we have allowed to grow, IF we become those “who hear and obey.” Plans proceed for our trip to the Lavender Ridge Farms and St. Peter’s RC Church on Wednesday, June 12th. The cost will be minimal, likely around $30, so get your name in to the church office NOW. The final cost will be determined by the number who sign up. Also, a brief description of a Cursillo weekend is in the hallway near the kitchen. Check it out and plan to stay for Adult Ed on Pentecost (May 19th).

Act 2

CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? RClark+ Director of Pastoral Care & Seniors Ministry

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by Dean William McKeachie

Following this past Sunday's Annual Parish Visitation by 'our' Bishop, a faithful parishioner expressed both her amazed appreciation of Bishop Iker's clear and calm witness to the Faith -- despite the slings and arrows aimed at him in the courts and in the arena of 'political correctness' -- and, at the

same time, her own (somewhat less calm) frustration with friends who for their part just cannot fathom why Saint Andrew's takes such an adamant stand against today's Episcopal Church. Having talked and written about these matters in some (perhaps too much?) detail over many years, I brooded about how most effectively to bring things down to the spiritual 'bottom line' -- not only for my

questioner but, God willing, for others who may share her frustration. How can our case be most effectively made when accosted in the supermarket check-out line or at the country club buffet table? There are, of course, several helpful resources available on the Internet. But be warned: if you start out on such a quest you can end up like Alice plunging down the rabbit hole! However, if you do want to inform yourself as fully as possible about the story behind the stories, I recommend the following sites as a way through this ecclesiastical looking glass:

Resources on the St Andrew’s webpage:

There is also of course William Murchison's spirited blow by blow account of how the Episcopal Church has for decades been hell-bent on self-destruction -- his book entitled Mortal Follies, available in our Gift Shop. As a shorter narrative, let me try to connect the dots in an even more personal way. Almost half a century ago, when I was ordained, the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion had already been influenced by a degree of skepticism and even disbelief among some of its teachers and preachers. Back then, most Episcopalian pew sitters were oblivious; indeed to a degree they were deliberately kept that way -- and they were just glad that, unlike so-called fundamentalists, they didn't have to leave their intellectual, aesthetic or social sensibilities outside the church door! The Bible had long been 'questioned' by certain seminary professors and even the odd bishop, but such individuals were just that: theological outsiders who, although on an individual basis they had become institutional insiders, were a minority. At the same time, what they represented was often identified as 'heterodoxy' in contrast to orthodoxy, rather than 'heresy' in opposition to the Faith. Then, twenty-five years ago -- in the wake of the prevailing arguments made for the sheer normalization of divorce, abortion as birth control, the ordination of women as living 'icons' of Christ, and the liturgical deconstruction of the Book of Common Prayer -- a colleague said to me: the Episcopal Church has now reached the point of including within itself two 'religions' in competition with each

other! One could be called that of biblical Revelation, transmitted by tradition through history; the other, that of human speculation, reflecting the passions and aspirations of the here and now. My colleague concluded that the latter 'religion' was in the process of displacing the former. Subsequently, incrementally, almost imperceptibly between 1988 and 2012, the 'religion' of human self-realization has become 'the new normal' in the Episcopal Church. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is as passionately 'prophetic' about this alternative to what she regards as the racism, sexism, and class-ism of Christendom as St. Paul was passionate about the unique and universal Christ, the one and only Savior from sin. This stark choice came home to me very personally in 2008 when I moderated a colloquium of the clergy of the Diocese of South Carolina at which the Presiding Bishop and Bishop Mark Lawrence were the keynote speakers. They debated the familiar questions about Scripture, Sex, Sin, and Salvation -- nothing new by then, unlikely to be resolved, the usual stand-off: surely, some might think, we just had to learn to live and let live, agree to differ, go along to get along! All of a sudden, it became clear that it was Bishop Schori herself who was the one unwilling to live and let live; there could be no room in her brave new church for those who did not ‘affirm’ everyone born into this world to be, already, by virtue of biological birth alone, a 'child of God' -- in no need of being 'born again' ('from above') but apparently in great need, or rather having every right, to be simply 'affirmed' in his or her own condition. Thus, for her, the role of the church must become that of simply celebrating with and for any and all people their 'original blessing' -- the blessing of their human condition -- and thus 'healing' the world, which she calls 'the body of God.' The church as savior of the world, if not (for that matter) savior of God! A new religion indeed had become regnant in the person and office of the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church! There may have been a few individuals in the Episcopal Church who espoused such a 'gospel' half a century and more ago, although hardly in such New Age terms. Nevertheless, they were not then in the cat bird's seat. They did not then run General Convention. They were not then in a position to declare those of us who in continuity with our spiritual and parochial forebears -- from the apostles Peter and Paul to the founders of Saint Andrew's Parish -- uphold a more 'traditional' understanding of Sin and Salvation, to be bigots and brigands, misogynists and misanthropes! Yet that is how orthodox Christians are now identified. You have only to take the plunge down the rabbit hole of ecclesiastical cyberspace to experience this brave new world! It is not we who have left the church. It is the leadership of the Episcopal Church itself who have left us, as well as the legacy of the Lord of the Church Himself, for a different religion of their own making altogether. Yes, we have taken our stand! How could we, in God's Name, do otherwise?

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“Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.”

Genesis 3:20 A “mother” is the beginning of our existence. Eve was the first. She started it all so put the blame on Eve, that is, if you hold the job description of mother and can never seem to get all the work done. The demanding household chores; the on-call counseling; the encouraging; the nurturing; the sounding board; the referee; and all of those “motherly responsibilities” that sometimes make it tough being a woman let alone a mother! Everyone has or has had a mother. We would not be here had we not had one…adoptive mother, stepmother, grandmother, mother, mother to be or maybe a friend who gives “motherly advice”. Even that new pet or the rescue animal can give one the responsibility of being a “mom”. Mom, mommy, mum, mummy, ma, mama, mammy, maman, madre, eema, Mama Mia…. whatever the form, whatever the language, whatever the species, a mother is a mother forever and ever, and yes, it is a full time job with no age requirements for retirement. Mommy Moncrief or M&M are my trade names in the “mother” and “grandmother” departments. I am sure that there have been some other names or titles given to me over the years, some I am aware of like Mommy Moncrief, Private Investigator or The Enforcer. Then there are the behind my back titles during those times of difference/indifference….those times when it is their way or no way….those times when a mother demands it is HER way or the highway…. those times when a mother loves but finds it difficult to like. Oh, Dr.Seuss had it right when he stated, “Oh, the places you will go!” The places a mother will go in teaching the places NOT TO GO, all in a day’s job, the grind of motherhood! As a well seasoned Mother I can look back on moments when one hoped that the motherly advice, the “no’s” and the “yes’s”, the role model examples (good and bad) and the spiritual direction not only provided wisdom and lessons but helped to shape the tender and caring hearts that my children have revealed and are now instilling in the next generation. Yes, I am a proud Mom, and as I begin my next job with the grandchildren, I see the same tender caring hearts developing along with the same “moments” of discipline and indifference. I see the same needs for encouragement and counseling as well as the needs for “no” and for “yes”. Oh, the places they are going! And it is part of a mom’s job to steer them in the right direction. A mom’s job is never done! It takes being a mom to understand why a mom does what she does. It takes counseling, encouraging, disciplining and real tough

love with lots of “no’s” and “yes’s” but somehow we manage to survive. Oh, the places we have to go! Earlier this spring as I sat at my desk preparing an article I had my attention distracted by a female squirrel dashing across the balcony

railing carrying twig fragments forcing them into a corner. Back and forth and back and forth she would go until finally she had built her “nest”. For days this became a fascination for me. One evening a “blue northern” came in, and with flashlight in hand I checked through the window to make sure the well constructed nest was still in tact. Call it one of those “motherly instincts” if you wish. All were safe, mother and her new arrival. As all mothers do there was the nurturing, the protection and eventually the teaching as mother and child ventured out to learn the ways of the world. The empty nest remained. The mother appeared one day, glanced at me, then at the nest and was gone. Was she feeling the heartfelt twinges of an empty nest? I never saw the two of them again although I would like to think that they might be some of the many squirrels that frequent my home. It is all the same whether furry or feathered, human or not, a mother is a mother…and her job is never done…..and as a full-employed mother knows, the nest is really never empty.

Dearest Mom, Thank you for your wisdom, for your direction, for your “no” when I wanted a “yes”, and thank you for the “yes” when I wanted a “yes”. Thank you for always being there as a sounding board with the motherly advice even if I did not always want to hear it. Thank you for telling me “to suit up” when I did not want to. Thank you for all of your “motherisims” that have remained with me and passed on to other generations: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “Pretty is as pretty does.” Thank you for being my role model in handling those “life interruptions” with such grace. Thank you for not retiring at an early age, for continuing your “motherly” job, always being there when I needed you. Thank you for allowing me to come back to the nest. Thank you for being my Mom. I have been blessed, and I love you.

…..a mother’s job is never done!


“She is clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her

tongue…. Her children arise and call her blessed.” Proverbs 31:25-26,28



A Mother’s Job ...Is It Ever Done? by Marsland Moncrief

Page 5: The MESSENGER - 5... · spiritual and parochial forebears -- from the apostles Peter and


Please join us for a celebration of the year

we have spent together in Great Books and with

Great Poetry and a toast to Laura and Sam Negus

as they begin the next chapter of their lives.

at the home of Marty and Bob Grable 4447 Crestline Road

RSVP [email protected] or 817.999.8794

Your response will be greatly appreciated and

will assure you have a place in

the Poet’s Corner!

To access the poems, please go to

Jesus turned the eyes of His followers upwards towards the glory to come. He

reoriented their thinking towards the truths, comforts, and commands of His heavenly

kingdom. He would soon take His place at the right hand of God above all rule and

authority. His disciples needed to come to grips with His departure in their hearts, minds

and actions. In faith, we raise our eyes from the concerns of this life to the reality of His

eternal kingship. Having promised the coming of the Holy Spirit, He

ascended into heaven in perfected bodily form. Someday our

redeemed human nature will enter as well. For now, he intercedes on

our behalf. We, in turn, live with an “eyes-raised attitude,” focused

on the message of salvation. Look up for his prayers and reorient

your point of view. Live in the confidence that he will come again.

Go forward with an “eyes raised attitude.”

Meditate on this transforming word, Acts 1:9-11: And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. 10 And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, 11 and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”

Eyes Raised

by Suzanne Hearn

Dinner and Discussion

Tuesday, May 14 at 6:30

Adult Education for May 12

Presentation & Book Signing by Megan Breedlove by Judy Mayo

At the adult education hour this coming Sunday, Mother’s Day, we are pleased to offer a program which will be interesting, fun, and highly appropriate for this special day. Megan Breedlove, a new member of St. Andrew’s (just confirmed this past Sunday) will be talking about and signing her new book, “Well Done, Good and Faithful Mommy.” Some of you may remember when Megan had a signing for her first book, “Manna for Moms,” two years ago. Megan’s new book makes for quick, lively reading, but it also has lots of wisdom packed into its pages. What I love most about the book is Megan’s honesty about herself and some of her own misconceptions, disillusionments, and truths gleaned from mistakes made in the journey of motherhood. (She is on that journey full-force too, being a stay at home mom to five children, ages 10-1, three of whom she is homeschooling).. Her practical suggestions, firm and steady faith in the Lord, and examples given from her own life are wonderful! Bet many of you moms of young children will be saying “Wow, I have been there,” as you read the book. Megan is a graduate of Baylor University, with a University Scholar’s degree in foreign languages, and has dual master’s degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in marriage and family counseling and in religious education. She writes weekly devotions for moms on her popular website, Her presentation and book signing will take place this Sunday, from 11:15 to 11:45, in Moncrief Hall. Whether you are a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, or godmother, or just a friend of some dear woman/women in the full throes of motherhood, you will enjoy hearing Megan. (You men will enjoy her too)..This book might be a perfect gift for some special mom!

Great Books

Great Poetry

Page 6: The MESSENGER - 5... · spiritual and parochial forebears -- from the apostles Peter and


Page 7: The MESSENGER - 5... · spiritual and parochial forebears -- from the apostles Peter and

On Saturday, May 18th, the Choir of St. Andrew’s will be hosting a

fundraiser for our trip to England in order to meet our obligation to

sing in residence at Salisbury Cathedral for one week this summer.

And We Need Your Help!

Two ways you can be a part of the fun &support your choir

as your ambassadors from St. Andrew’s!

1. DONATE - Do some spring cleaning then beginning Sunday, May 12th, bring us your gently used clothing, books, electronics, furniture, DVDs and CDs, and appliances, etc. We will continue taking donations until 8:45am Saturday morning, but we would prefer to have all donations delivered to the church by 5pm on Friday the 17th. This is a great opportunity to offload items that you’ve set aside for a “someday” garage sale or Craigslist!

2. SHOP - Come shop on Saturday morning, May 18, starting at 9 a.m. and lasting until noon in Moncrief Hall. In the tradition of St. Andrew’s Rummage Sales of the past, prices for items will be reasonable and reflect their quality and condition. Also available will be copies of the Choir’s CDs! The Sale, staffed by choir members and volunteers, will be full of treasures and treats for people of all ages, so come with your bargain hunting hats on!

Security will be provided during the Rummage Sale, and all items not sold or reclaimed directly following the Sale will be donated immediately after to a charitable resale shop. Please come share your Saturday morning with the Choir on the 18th and help us reach our goal by taking home something special! For more information contact Jason Runnels at [email protected] or Helen Doremus at [email protected] .

The choir is only halfway to our fundraising goal at this point, so we encourage you to bring along family and friends too!

Help us hit our

High Note!


St Andrew’s Choir

Page 8: The MESSENGER - 5... · spiritual and parochial forebears -- from the apostles Peter and


The Bishop Iker Challenge 13th Annual Golf Tournament 2013

Fun, Fellowship and Friendly Competition

Who: Everyone, Male, Female, Juniors (12 -17)

Where: Squaw Valley Golf Course in Glen Rose,

Texas Featuring Two Championship

18-Hole Courses

When: Friday, June 7

Shotgun start on both courses at 8:30 a.m.

Continental Breakfast 7 - 8 a.m.

Lunch & Awards Ceremony immediately

following play

Why: To provide funds for capital improvements for

Camp Crucis to keep it competitive with other


For more information: contact Greg Whitehead at

817-228-2088 or email [email protected]

Page 9: The MESSENGER - 5... · spiritual and parochial forebears -- from the apostles Peter and


“Honor your Father and your Mother…” Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16 by Judy Mayo


Honoring our Mothers this Sunday

This Sunday, May 12, we will latch onto the popular “secular day” of Mother’s Day, and attach the biblical injunction to “honor our mothers” to it (Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16). This is not a “suggestion” from God; it is a command, one of the “Big Ten,” as we sometimes refer to the 10 Commandments with our children. Motherhood is a beautiful gift and blessing from the Lord, and also a huge responsibility, as every mom knows! It is fair to say there is no greater assignment in life than “raising up” hard-working, well-adjusted, service-oriented, healthy, God-fearing and God-honoring children and teens, but there is also no more wonderful, honorable, or rewarding experience! In addition, motherhood is the world’s most full-time job (24/7, no holidays, paid vacations, or midnight shifts off). Motherhood is a high, high calling from God! This Sunday, in our children’s program, we will look at Exodus 20:12 and Deuteronomy 5:16, and will also focus on several great mothers in Scripture who accepted their assignment and gift of motherhood as a beautiful challenge, blessing, and gift from God. First and foremost among these, quite naturally, is the Virgin Mary, who though confused and overwhelmed by the announcement from the Angel Gabriel, accepted her assignment with humility, awe, and submission (Luke 1:26-38). And we shall also take a look at several other devout mothers in both the Old and New Testaments. Children of all ages will also take time to design a special gift for their moms and to create cards and decorate gift bags. (We have enough supplies for children to design special cards for their grandmothers as well). And finally, we will have two simple Mother’s Day parties in both the Preschool and the Elementary Areas, where moms can come to enjoy special “feminine snacks” and to pick up their cards and gifts, at the end of Sunday School. Mothers and grandmothers, let your children and grandchildren honor YOU this Sunday.

Mother’s Day Parties Sunday, May 12th

11:45 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. Preschool Area and hallway outside

Guild-Craft Room

Honoring all Mothers of our Preschool

& Elementary Children

(Grandmothers invited as well!)

*Moms can also enjoy Megan

Breedlove’s Presentation and Book

Signing re her new book, “Well Done,

Good and Faithful Mommy,” from

11:15 to 11:45 a.m.

in Moncrief Hall.

Moms, let your children honor YOU !!!

Ascension Day Review

In addition to our program focused on “honoring our mothers,” we will spend a few minutes this Sunday reviewing our program from April 28, on the Ascension of Christ into heaven (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, Acts 1). This past Thursday, May 9, was Ascension Day, which always falls exactly 40 days after Easter, and this Sunday is titled “The Sunday after Ascension Day.” We will mention Jesus’ Great Commission to His disciples (and to all of US by implication) before He was carried into heaven on the Mount of Olives. As mentioned in last week’s Messenger, we approached these words with our children as a “Commencement Address,” crucially important words never to be forgotten! This is a great, important day on the church calendar!

Thank You!

Many thanks go to those who supported and turned out for the Easter Season Festival at Iglesia San Miguel on April 28! It was a wonderful day of festivity and great, wholesome fun! It was a special joy to present our St. Andrew’s mite box check to Fr. Sergio Diaz, for use at San Miguel. It was most gratefully received, and will be put to excellent use there. Thanks so much to the following persons: Melissa Pelton, who made 300 sandwiches (individually bagged and labeled), and loaded, transported, and unloaded all sort of supplies; Nancy Komatsu, who brought lots of beautifully packaged animal cookies, and helped to publicize this event so well; Charlotte Laker, who provided lots of fun favor-treats; Megan Breedlove, who dressed as a chicken and told the story of Noah’s ark, in both English and Spanish; Sawyer Blackman, who was a huge help in loading and unloading our cars with supplies, and in serving at out St. Andrew’s Sandwich Table all afternoon; and Molly Bryant (with Julia), Angela Bennett-Smith (with Erin and Ian), Megan Breedlove (with Ellie, Kenny, Lindsey, Jessica, and Timmy), and Steve Huddleston with his daughter, Claire; all of whom stepped up to offer help at our St. Andrew’s table, and mingled with San Miguel’s delightful parishioners. Thanks be to God for a memorable, wonderful day!

VBS 2013: “Passport to the SON” An incredible journey coming up June 17-21 ! FREE travel on Faith Airways! Passport Application Desk still open! When applying for a VBS passport, enter your special ID Code: J-o-h-n-3:16 Travels to Egypt, Israel, Italy, Greece, and England! DON’T MISS THE PLANE!! Apply for your VBS Passport NOW!! Details? [email protected]; 817-717-1023

Megan aka

“The Chicken”





Page 10: The MESSENGER - 5... · spiritual and parochial forebears -- from the apostles Peter and

Jesus Calls Us…Outreach and Serving Opportunities A regular column featuring information about St. Andrew’s Outreach and current Serving Opportunities


On Sunday, April 28th, several St. Andrew’s families went to Iglesia San Miguel to join in celebrating the “Day of the Child,” a traditional Mexican holiday. The theme chosen for the Fiesta was the Bible story of Noah and the Ark and featured music, face painting, games, a bounce house, food and pinatas. St. Andrew’s Sunday School sponsored a large booth with homemade sandwiches, cookies and small treats for the 100 plus adults and children who came. Our own Megan Breedlove presented a fun teaching on Noah’s Ark (from the perspective of a chicken) and, with her Spanish fluency, was able to deliver it in English and Spanish, to the delight of all gathered. Several St. Andrew’s parishioners came out and were given a personal tour by the Vicar, Fr. Sergio Diaz, for a firsthand look at how the Lord has grown this mission congregation through his efforts and support from the Diocese of Fort Worth. It was a great day

of Easter Season fun and fellowship!

A Day of Celebration & Fun at Iglesia San Miguel

The story of Noah & the Ark, as told by a

chicken (Megan Breedlove) in English and

in Spanish. Sawyer Blackman, Judy Mayo,

Fr. Sergio & his daughter

The Bryant, Breedlove and Smith families enjoy the fiesta

Judy presenting

St. Andrew’s

Mite Box check

Fr. Sergio, Steve & Claire Huddleston

Kids line up for one of two piñatas.

St. Andrew’s hosts a table of sandwiches,

cookies & treats.

“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder

them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly,

I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of

God like a child shall not enter it.” Luke 18:14-18

Gracias & Thank You to All!

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Weekday Worship Schedule


10:00 a.m. Holy Communion


7:00 a.m. Holy Communion

Daily Schedule Monday, May 13 Tuesday, May 14 6:30 a.m. Men’s Devotion & Bible Study, Chapel & Koslow 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion, Chapel 1:30 p.m. Staff Meeting, Koslow 6:30 p.m. Great Books, Offsite Wednesday, May 15 12:00 p.m. Rector’s Bible Study, Koslow 5:15 p.m. Associate Vestry Meeting, *Koslow 5:30 p.m. VBS Work Night,* Moncrief 7:00 p.m. St. Andrew’s Choir,* Choir Room Thursday, May 16 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion, Chapel 5:00 p.m. Finance, Koslow 7:00 p.m. Greek Class, McFarland 11:30 p.m. Messenger Deadline Friday, May 17 Saturday, May 18 9:00 a.m. Choir Rummage Sale, Moncrief Sunday, May 19 Pentecost/Whitsunday Acolyte & Senior Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion, Chapel 9:20 a.m. Prayers for the Church,* Chapel 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion,* Church 10:00 a.m. Preschool & K Chapel,* Children’s Chapel 10:30 a.m. Preschool & K Sunday School,* Preschool Area 10:40 a.m. Grades 1-4 Sunday School,* Guild Room & Elementary Area 11:15 a.m. Grades 5-6 Sunday School,* Confirmation Room 11:15 a.m. Grades 7-8 Middle School Program,* Youth Lounge 11:15 a.m. Grades 9-12 High School Program,* Youth Café 11:15 a.m. Adult Education* Cursillo Presentation, Moncrief Hall 12:00 p.m. Children’s Choir,* Choir Room

* Nursery

May 12

Bruce Davis

Olivia Melton

May 13

Joe Greenhill

May 14

May 15

Julie Clark

Eric Hyden

Stephen Bunten

David Diver

May 16

Judy Koslow

Susan Milatovic

Will James

Chandler Farquharson

India Hearn

John Moncrief

Henry Harveson

May 17

Kate Kirtley

Olivia Woodson

Emma Rumfelt

May 18

Charles Peters

Kristopher Rakestraw

Matthew Rakestraw


Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church

917 Lamar Street

Ft. Worth, Texas 76102

817-332-3191, Fax: 817-332-9724

Email: [email protected]

SAINT ANDREW’S MESSENGER is published weekly, except bi-weekly during the summer and the week after Christmas, by St. Andrew’s Parish. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX. USPS 5898-90.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 917 Lamar Street Fort Worth TX 76102.

The Rt. Rev’d Jack L. Iker, D.D. Bishop The Rev’d Dr. R. William Dickson Rector The Rev’d Richard Clark Pastoral Care The Very Rev’d William N. McKeachie Vicar Kendall Felton Director of Youth Ministries Jason Runnels Choirmaster Glenda Robinson Organist Elisabeth Gray McKeachie Harpist Judy Mayo Director of Children’s Ministries Marsland Moncrief Liaison to Women’s Ministries Angie Felton Nursery Facilitator Peggy Rush Editor/Publications

Mission Statement St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church exists to worship God in the beauty of holiness and in Spirit and truth; to win the lost to Jesus Christ and disciple every believer; to equip and empower every member for ministry; and to spread God’s kingdom through charitable, righteous works locally and globally.


Prayer Chain Requests:

Names may be submitted to Carrie Brent at 817-738-6496. Permission should be obtained before submitting the name of someone other than oneself.

The flowers for Sunday, May 12

are given to the glory of God

at the Church altar

in loving memory of

Louise Bishop Barrera &

Dorothy McCampbell Brickey

mothers of

Phyllis & Mike Leach

at the Chapel altar

in memory of

Verna F. Rhoads & Alma M. Smith

and at the Children’s Chapel altar

in honor of the eighth birthday

of Olivia Clare Melton

Our Deepest Sympathy

on the death of Don Forrest Duffield

husband of Carole McMillan Duffield

May 4, 2013


Why come? Because we all need to be encouraged and to know

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5 sessions designed to encourage you in your calling as a mom, taught by Megan Breedlove, author of Manna for Moms & Well Done Good and Faithful Mommy

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