the messenger el mensajero st. luke’s episcopal … · the messenger el mensajero volume issue...

Volume 45 Issue 2 MARCH 2014 MARZO 2014 The Messenger ~ El Mensajero ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~ SAN LUCAS IGLESIA EPISCOPAL RECTOR’S CORNER March Stewardship: Care of the Church Recently the Vestry and I went on retreat, and I talked at some length about growth in the Church. Growth is measured by many things, some very subtle, some ob- viously numerical. When I pointed out the growth of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, I used numbers. But numbers are outcomes, not the process by which we get there, and the process is the shining example we live of God’s love for us. Chief among these processes are our vaunted hospitality, which keeps an open heart fore- front in our greetings to the world. It’s spiritual growth to welcome the stranger and care for the world. Any change, even positive change that leads to growth, can be done well or done badly. I do not want us to be unprepared. In 2012, I noted that St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas had a paern of growing to about 200 peo- ple on an average Sunday, then dropping back down. Then going up again. Guess what: In 2013 we bumped the 200 ASA again. Why do some churches never pass that number? Why is this plateau significant? How can we address the growth and be faithful to who we are? I have the same questions as everyone does, so I am asking the Vestry to read; Raising the Roof: The Pasto- ral-to-Program Size Transition by Alice Mann. Her book is published by the Alban Institute, a great re- source for congregations for decades. I suggest that you read it, too. You might be surprised what we learn if you fully engage the dynamics of change, which in- clude risk and opportunity. In the meantime, I want to share with you that the growing Latino congregation is forming a leadership commiee to address growth creative- ly, and respond to Goal 1. Develop closer relationship between the An- glo and Hispanic members of the parish. Fr. Jaime Case RINCÓN DEL RECTOR Mayordomía para Marzo: Cuidar la Iglesia Hace poco la Junta Parroquial y yo fuimos a un retiro, y hablé un largo tiempo sobre el crecimiento en la Igle- sia. Crecimiento se mide por muchas cosas, algunos muy sutiles, otros obviamente contables. Cuando seña- lé el crecimiento de San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s, usé núme- ros. Pero los números son resultados, no son el proceso por lo cual llegamos, y el proceso es un ejemplo exce-

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Volume 45 Issue 2

MARCH 2014 MARZO 2014

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero



March Stewardship: Care of the Church

Recently the Vestry and I went on retreat, and I talked

at some length about growth in the Church. Growth is

measured by many things, some very subtle, some ob-

viously numerical. When I pointed out the growth of

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, I used numbers. But numbers

are outcomes, not the process by which we get there,

and the process is the shining example we live of

God’s love for us. Chief among these processes are our

vaunted hospitality, which keeps an open heart fore-

front in our greetings to the world. It’s spiritual

growth to welcome the stranger and care for the


Any change, even positive change that leads to

growth, can be done well or done badly. I do not want

us to be unprepared. In 2012, I noted that St. Luke’s ~

San Lucas had a pattern of growing to about 200 peo-

ple on an average Sunday, then dropping back down.

Then going up again. Guess what: In 2013 we bumped

the 200 ASA again. Why do some churches never pass

that number? Why is this plateau significant? How can

we address the growth and be faithful to who we are?

I have the same questions as everyone does, so I am

asking the Vestry to read; Raising the Roof: The Pasto-

ral-to-Program Size Transition by Alice Mann. Her

book is published by the Alban Institute, a great re-

source for congregations for decades. I suggest that

you read it, too. You might be surprised what we learn

if you fully engage the dynamics of change, which in-

clude risk and opportunity.

In the meantime, I want to share with you that the

growing Latino congregation is forming a leadership

committee to address growth creative-

ly, and respond to Goal 1. Develop

closer relationship between the An-

glo and Hispanic members of the


Fr. Jaime Case

RINCÓN DEL RECTOR Mayordomía para Marzo: Cuidar la Iglesia

Hace poco la Junta Parroquial y yo fuimos a un retiro,

y hablé un largo tiempo sobre el crecimiento en la Igle-

sia. Crecimiento se mide por muchas cosas, algunos

muy sutiles, otros obviamente contables. Cuando seña-

lé el crecimiento de San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s, usé núme-

ros. Pero los números son resultados, no son el proceso

por lo cual llegamos, y el proceso es un ejemplo exce-


lente de cómo vivimos el amor de Dios por nosotros.

Primero entre los procesos es nuestra linda hospitali-

dad que conserva nuestros corazones abiertos en sa-

ludos al mundo. Es un crecimiento espiritual dar la

bienvenida del desconocido y cuidar al mundo.

Todo cambio, aun cambio que conduce al crecimien-

to, se puede realizar bien o mal. No quiero que entra-

mos en esto sin preparación. En 20121 noté que San

Lucas ~ St. Luke’s tenía un patrón de llegar a un pro-

medio de 200 personas cada domingo, y después ba-

jar. Más al rato, sube otra vez. Adivina entonces: En

2013 llegamos a 200 de promedio de nuevo. ¿Por qué

será que algunas iglesias nunca pasan este número?

¿Por qué es significativo este plano? ¿Cómo podemos

tratar al crecimiento y ser fiel a quiénes somos?

Tengo las mismas preguntas que todos, y entonces

estoy pidiendo a la Junta Parroquial leer Raising the

Roof: The Pastoral-to-Program Size Transition por

Alice Mann (Levantando e l Techo: La Transición en-

tre Tamaño Pastoral a Programático) Su libro es publicado

por Albán Instituto, un gran recurso por congrega-

ciones por décadas. Le sugiero leerlo también. Puede

ser sorprendido por lo que aprende si entras plena-

mente en las dinámicas de cambio, que incluyen ries-

go y oportunidad.

Por mientras quiero compartir que la congregación

Latina está formando un grupo de líderes para tratar

con creatividad la Meta 1. Desarrollar relaciones más

estrechas entre los miembros Anglos e Hispanos de

la parroquia.

Padre Jaime Case


GUARDIANA MAYOR No puedo creer que Cuaresma está a

punto de llegar. ¿No fue ayer que can-

tamos villancicos? Hay una cena

“Shrove Tuesday” martes el 4 de marzo para comen-

zar la estación.

Sábado el 15 de febrero la Junta Parroquial se

reunión por un retiro. Tratamos con muchos asuntos.

Repasamos las metas del año pasado, y vamos a con-

tinuar laborando en ellos. Vea el reporte del Guar-

dián Mayor en el Reporte Anual para más informa-

ción. Hemos comenzado a planificar el año nuevo. El

proyecto de remodelación requiere mucha atención,

muchos componentes que coordinar y decidir. P. Jai-

me nos dirigió en un discurso sobre mayordomía du-

rante todo el año de la iglesia, lo que es, y como po-

demos implementar lo mes por mes. Estos son algu-

nos de los asuntos que hemos trabajado. Tendré más

que reportar cuando hemos entrado más en el año.

Espero que tengan una Cuaresma de paz y reflexión.

Dena Cassidy


Se celebra Mardi Gras la noche del 4 de marzo,

5:30-7:30 de una manera tradicional para los An-

glos: Shrove Tuesday tiene pancakes, chorizo,

tocino y huevos. Se solicita donaciones.

MIÉRCOLES DE CENIZA 5 de marzo 6:00 en español: También 6:30 am, 12:15

pm y 7:30 en inglés y un poco de español si alguien


ESTUDIO CUARESMAL La Pobreza en la Biblia:

¿Qué nos enseña la Biblia acerca de la pobre-

za? Aunque muchos solamente citan el verso "los

pobres los tendrán siempre entre ustedes," hay una

profundidad de las enseñanzas escriturales sobre la

pobreza que raramente exploramos. En esta clase

cuaresmal vamos a leer varios textos, desde Génesis

hasta las Epístolas, explorando lo que contiene la Bib-

lia para enseñarnos sobre las causas estructurales de

la pobreza y como debemos responder como una

gente de fe. ¡No le daremos ninguna tarea, prome-

temos! Pueden venir para toda la serie o simplemen-

te cuando están disponibles. Dirigida por P. Dennis

y Aaron Scott (nuestra postulante nueva).

Ofrecido dos veces cada semana:

Domingo a las 12 PM (en Español),

9 marzo al 6 abril.

Jueves a las 6:30 PM (en inglés),

13 marzo al 10 abril.




I can't believe that Lent is just around

the corner. Wasn't it just yesterday we

were singing Christmas carols? There

will be a Shrove pancake dinner on Tuesday, March

4th to start things off.

On Saturday, February 15th the Vestry met for a day

-long retreat. We covered a lot of ground. We re-

viewed last year's goals and will continue to work

on them, (see the senior warden report in the annu-

al report for more information). We started plan-

ning for the New Year. The remodeling project will

require lots of attention, many components come

into play that will have to be sorted through. Fr.

Jaime led us through a discussion of stewardship

during the church calendar year; what it is and how

we can implement this month by month. So, these

are several of the items we worked on. I'll have

more to report as we move further into the year.

I hope you have time for a reflective and peaceful

Lenten season.

Dena Cassidy, Senior Warden

Spiritual Development

CHILDREN'S MINISTRY I will be going to South Africa for the months of

February and March. Patty Hale and Sue Henry

will take charge, helped by Susan Cole, Fleur

Romagosa and Catherine van der Salm. Thank you .

Ebie Mountford

360 433 2239 [email protected]

ST. LUKE’S ~ SAN LUCAS YOUTH Our meeting date this month is

March 22. We meet 6:30-8 PM. We

will continue to plan for the Mothers’

Day service in May.

Donna Greene and Don Lawry

Youth Ministers


ST. LUKE’S ~ SAN LUCAS!!! HYC, the high school youth conference is coming to

St Luke's ~ San Lucas March 28-30! It is a fun spirit-

filled weekend for youth, grades 9-12. We need

your help to host this event. We are looking for host

homes for 2 nights for a minimum of 2 youth (more

is appreciated) and kitchen workers (at church or

from home). It is a wonderful ministry that will

bring life to this church in a whole new way. Please

use the sign-up sheet in the Narthex to let us know

you can help or contact Donna at 360-693-9197 or

email, [email protected]. Thank you in

advance for the hospitality we know you all offer.

Donna Greene and Don Lawry


at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, Vancouver

Spring JYC: May 2-4, 2014

at Holy Cross, Redmond


Poverty In the Bible: What does the bible teach

us about poverty? Though

many of us rely on a one-

line answer ("The poor

will be with you al-

ways!"), there is a breadth

and depth of scriptural

teachings on poverty that

we rarely address. In this

Lenten class we'll touch

on several different pas-

sages from Genesis to the

Epistles, exploring what the bible has to teach us

about poverty's root causes and how we are called

to respond as faithful people. No homework, we

promise! Come for the whole series or drop by

when you can, and bring any version of the Bible

you want. Led by Fr. Dennis and Aaron Scott (our

new postulant)


This series will be offered twice weekly:

Sundays at noon, 12 PM, (primarily in Spanish)

from March 9 through April 6.

Thursdays at 6:30 PM (primarily in English).

from March 13 through April 10.


THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH! Sometimes called inquirers class, this class introduc-

es you to more about our church, our local parish,

our regional structure, our national and internation-

al identity, and what makes us who we are both in

terms of belief and of practice. Anyone can attend.

This class is suitable for preparing for Confirmation,

which will take place on June 7 when the Bishop


Classes begin Wednesday, March 12 and will end

May 28, meeting most Wednesdays. Two times are

offered: 11 AM-12 PM and 5:30-6:30 PM.

Please sign-up in the Narthex or call the church





“Celebrating Holiness Every

Day in the Presence

of the Divine”

Come and join us for a day of

reflection, nourishment and

spiritual growth through ac-

tivities, sharing, prayer and

music on Saturday, March

15th, 10AM – 3PM in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit

(education wing). A light lunch will be provided.

Bring a Friend! Please add your name and contact

information to the sign-up sheet in the Narthex or

call the church office.

Questions? Please contact one of the retreat leaders:

Mary Boettcher, Janet Butler or Kris Lawless.


STATIONS OF THE CROSS During the season of Lent, we will be offering the

Stations of the Cross every Friday at 12:15PM,

including Good Friday.

LENTEN MEDITATION Booklets of Lenten daily meditations, provided by

Episcopal Relief and Development, will be available

in the church entry (Narthex) starting Sunday,

March 2. Or receive these FREE daily meditations

by email! Easy to sign-up at the following link.


WEDNESDAY NOON EUCHARIST Remember we have a weekly service of Holy Eucha-

rist and healing on Wednesdays at 12:15 PM (except

on Ash Wednesday). You might find this a mean-

ingful Lenten practice.


Traditionally, fasting is observed on Wednesdays

and Fridays during Lent. If not this, perhaps consid-

er “fasting” by eliminating , “giving-up” something

that is not good for you during Lent.

SERVE THOSE WHO ARE SUFFERING Another way we can answer Christ’s call during the

Lenten season is to serve those who are suffering.

Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday is a special

opportunity to live out the promises made in our

Baptismal Covenant, by demonstrating our commit-

ment to care for people who are hungry, sick or liv-

ing in extreme poverty. Our church will celebrate

Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on March

9. We will collect an offering to support the Episco-

pal Church’s mission to heal a hurting world, or go


DID YOU KNOW? You can receive the Day by Day by email? Which if

you have a smart phone means that you won’t loose

or forget that little book again! Plus you will hear

when it arrives on your phone! Always ready when

you have a few minutes. At the bottom of the day’s


message there is even a link to the readings for the

day which makes it so easy to read the Bible a little

each day! It only costs $6 for a one year’s subscrip-

tion. Just go to

NEXT BAPTISM OPPORTUNITY The next regular baptism will be Saturday, April

19, The Great Vigil of Easter and also, Sunday,

April 20, Easter Day. Please contact Fr. Jaime if

you or a family member wants to be baptized.



The Taizé service combines

readings, chant-like songs,

silence, soft light and a unique

chancel display in the Chapel

of the Blessed Sacrament.

Saturday, March 15

at 6:00 pm:

Come and enjoy this

unique service.

NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM Music for the past month of February was “front-

end-loaded” with musical/liturgical events and the

same may be said for the month of March. On Sat-

urday, the 1st of March, St. Luke’s will present a

Pete Seeger Tribute Vespers at 6 PM in the church.

Pete Seeger, who died recently, was a very interest-

ing man - a musician, song-writer, story-teller,

peace activist, environmentalist, civil rights activist,

and the person credited with launching the

“hootenanny movement,” a grass-roots explosion

of folk music in the 1950s and ‘60s, by and for the

people. He was also a deeply spiritual man who

once said: “I think God is everything. Whenever I

open my eyes I’m looking at God. Whenever I’m

listening to something good, I’m listening to

God.” Since his main instrument was the banjo, we

are hoping to have a banjo player on hand along

with other local pickers and thumpers to lead us in

heart-felt singing, including classics that Pete

wrote, like “Turn, Turn, Turn” (based on the well-

known text from Ecclesiastes), “If I Had a Ham-

mer,” “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” and

more. Plan to attend and bring your friends and

neighbors to this informal ecumenical service.

The following morning we mark the end of the

Epiphany season with the observance of the Trans-

figuration, a mystical, mountain-top experience in

which God sets the record straight: “This is my

Son, the Chosen One. Listen to him.” After the ser-

vice, we will set aside our “alleluias” and bring

them back out on Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday

arrives on March 5th. One of my brothers, a retired

pastor, was miffed that his 75th birthday falls on

that day: “Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Happy

birthday!” We are reminded not to lay up treasures

for ourselves on earth where rust and dust set in

and where thieves break in and steal. For where we

find our treasure we will also find our heart. Look

for a beautiful anthem on this text from Matthew’s

Gospel with cello accompaniment.

The St. Luke’s Choir has launched a formidable

long-range project to learn Bach’s St. John Passion

step by step, measure for measure. On Palm/

Passion Sunday last year, the choir sang two large

choruses from the two-hour-plus masterpiece and

we plan to sing the large opening chorus this

year. At the end of this month, we will rehearse

jointly with the choir at St. James Lutheran Church

with the goal of presenting the entire work on the

afternoon of Passion Sunday, 2015. Pray for us!

Those of you who enjoy music for the pipe organ

might really enjoy music for two pipe organs. On


Wednesday, March 5 we will provide four services

of Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes,

scheduled at the following times.

6:30 AM

12:15 PM (English)

6:30 PM (en Españo l)

7:30 PM (English)


Sunday afternoon, March 2nd at 5 PM my wife, Nan-

cy and I will present a program that I am calling

“Bond versus Bond.” The two organs at St. James

were both created by Richard Bond Organbuilders,

the company that renovated and installed the historic

1890 Adams organ here at St. Luke’s. The larger

sanctuary organ has three keyboards and a full pedal

board with an “antiphonal” division in front separat-

ed from the main pipe chest in the rear balcony of the

church. The second organ was recently purchased

and this program is the second of three dedicatory

recitals to introduce the small, portable Margaret B.

Witchard Positive Organ to the community. Music

by Bach (of course) and his favorite student Johann

Ludwig Krebs will balance music from the Italian Ba-

roque by Piazza, Lucchinetti, and Cherubini. There is

no admission charge but a free-will offering will be

taken. St. James Lutheran Church is in the South

Park Blocks in downtown Portland across Jefferson

St. from the Portland Art Museum.

Looking forward to April, mark Satur-

day the 5th as the next Jazz Vespers ser-

vice. We will welcome special guest

Dan Balmer, one of the finest jazz and

blues guitarists in the Pacific North-

west. Prepare to be transfigured.

Tim Nickel, Music Director

CALLING ALL ACOLYTES: Saturday, March 8, at 6:00 pm, Pizza and a refresher

on Acolyting! Be there!

Out Into The World

Thank you—to all the wonderful volunteers who

were once again committed to seeing that St. Luke’s/

San Lucas could help host our week working with

the Winter Hospitality Overflow program at St. Paul

Lutheran church.

There were 41 volunteers working 32 shifts and I be-

lieve if asked they would all tell you, they received

far more than the hours they gave. I believe what

makes us most proud of our volunteers is their ability

to show up with grace, compassion and love (even

with a foot of snow).

So again, thank you for all your work this past week.

This program does not happen without volunteers

like you.

Also, if you would still like to help please contact

Kevin Heibert, the W.H.O. volunteer coordinator, at

699-5016 ext. 103. They are always looking for people

to help when shifts cannot be filled.

God’s blessings,

Stephen Butler and Marsha Colberg

NEW OUTREACH CLOTHES CLOSET The Clothes Closet is open! Thank you for the dona-

tions, the need is great. Please continue bringing in

your donations of clothing (and food). The foot traffic

has been busy and the recipients are very grateful.

I’ve received lots of smiles, even though I know life is

so hard for them.

The hours for volunteers at this time are 9AM-12PM,

Tuesday –Friday. We are discussing expanding the

hours, so if you can help with the distribution of

clothes and food, add your name to the sign-up sheet

in the Narthex or call the church office. We also need

substitutes if you’d rather be on a list to substitute.

Dena Cassidy

Thank You St. Luke ~ San Lucas!

Many thanks to

the volunteers for

their hard work

setting up the

Clothes Closet!



PANCAKE SUPPER Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on March 4, 2014

from 5:30 PM-7:30 PM in the Parish Hall. Sign-up

in the church Narthex or call the church office.

COFFEE HOUR Thanks in advance, to our March Hosts who will be

providing treats during Coffee Hour. We still have

one Sunday in need of a host, May 25, 2014.

If you are interested in this Sunday or helping by

being a substitute, please contact me at 360-574-


Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator

Coffee Hour Hosts for MARCH March 2 Garlischs

March 9 Cassidys/Lincolns/Berhows

March 16 Wildfangs/Saathoffs

March 23 Natalie Reiner

March 30 van der Salms

April 6 Henrys

THE LUNCH BUNCH In March, we will meet on Tuesday, March 11

at 12 noon. Its that time for our annual

“LUKES” (BINGO) game day! Come for a fun-filled

time with old and new friends. Prizes for those who

win! We will play many varieties of this popular

game. As always, we have two sign-up sheets: one

for attendees and one for luncheon hosts. Please

add your name if you are coming and if you can

bring something to share for lunch.

LIFE GOES ON Life Goes On meets monthly support those as they

go through the grieving process. All are welcome.

The group meets off-site at the Glenwood Place

Senior Living (5500 NE 82nd Ave). Next meeting is

on March 27, at 2:00 PM.

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE! In March we will gather at the home of Kelly and

Dena Cassidy on Friday, March 28 at 6:30 PM. The

hosts will provide the main entrée while attendees

bring a side/salad/dessert and beverage to share.

Don’t miss this fun evening! We

always welcome new hosts! Questions

or more information? Please contact

Ginger and Brad Harris.


Groups for Food, Fellowship, and Fun The gospels are full of meals; having meals was one

of the ways Jesus made contact with people, all peo-

ple. And He shared homey hospitality in so many

settings--from the open air to the humble abode to

the secretive upper room; shared meals are at the

heart of Jesus’ ministry.

In October we will formed several At Table groups

to help our growing St. Luke’s family get to know

each other in small, easily manageable groups. Re-

ports indicate great success and fun had by all!

Most have had three meals so far, and are getting

ready to wrap up, so it’s time to throw your name

into the mix—again or for the first time—and get

matched with the spring groups.

At Table Groups consist of six to eight adults—or

approximately 4-6 households—who meet in each

home once a month for a simple meal. Church

membership is not required. Each household takes

a turn as host, preparing and serving the meal,

“family-style.” Meeting dates and times are decided

by group consensus, as are decisions about includ-

ing children, alcohol, and accommodating special

dietary needs, etc. A host need not necessarily bring

the group to their home—if you prefer, consider

hosting your group at the church, or even have a

cookout at a local picnic shelter! Single-person

households are welcome to team up with another as

co-hosts if they prefer.

These groups have no agenda; they are not formal

prayer groups or a Bible studies. The only struc-

tured element is time (the meal usually lasts 2

Reminder submit an article for the

please submit your written article on or before


hours). It is a relaxed, informal gathering for food,

fun, and fellowship. At Table groups do not take

the place of Friday Night Live—they represent an-

other way of getting to know your fellow parishion-


Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex and on the

St. Luke’s website.

Administrative & Financial DIRECTORY UPDATES



SAVAGE, Suzanne (Sue)

3005 NW 114th Street Vancouver, WA 98685


[email protected]



360-553-2963 (replaces previous number)

HULSE, Lynne

[email protected] (Correction)


[email protected] (rep lacement)


BUDGET SUMMARY “Dollars and Sense”

At the end of January we expect percentages to be at

8.3% of budgeted revenue and expense.

Summary as of January 31, 2014

Total Budget Year to Date Percent

for the Year Actual of Total

Amounts Budget

Revenues $406,686 $57,656 14%

Expenses $406,686 $40,439 10%

Net Income 0 $17,217

Revenues: Actual revenues for January are ahead

of schedule due to pre-pledge contributions, which

inflate the monthly averages because pre-pledge

funds are front-loaded instead of distributing these

funds over the entire year.

Also, we have exceeded our pledge drive goal of

$285,623 by $381! Many thanks to all. However,

due to possible shortages in meeting pledge obliga-

tions, we must continue to strive for more pledge


Expenses: Expenses are over YTD budget projec-

tions by $6,549. Expenses are 10% of budget fore-

cast, which is over our expected 8.3% YTD expens-

es. This overage is mostly due to quarterly pension

payments; and, over expenditure in office expenses

and utilities, due to Christmas expense carryover

and a cold winter, respectively.

Additional Comments: Thank you for your early

pledge contributions. Although our revenue picture

is strong, we must remember that in order to con-

tinue funding all of our 2014 ministries it will re-

quire meeting our pledge goals and

raising $8,000 through fundraising.

Thanks for your continued financial

support of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas.

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

VESTRY SUMMARY February 2014

REVIEW: Vestry plans should always be SMART: SPE-



PARISH GOALS: We are making progress on all five,

with more to do on each.

1 – Develop close relationship between Anglo and

Hispanic parishioners.

Our Hispanic membership is growing. Pledging is in-

creasing. They have just launched a Hispanic leadership


We will encourage Anglo sponsorship of baptisms and

other services to foster community across our entire con-


2 – Expand outreach programs into the community.

Distribution of food and clothing is now being done by

volunteers. That change frees up more of the Parish Ad-

ministrator’s time.

3—Promote the growth of the parish.

At 200, our Average Sunday Attendance for all 3 services

is the highest with Fr. Jaime. At 10AM, last year’s high


attendance was 150; at 1PM, it was 105. We need to plan

for what the parish will look like in 10-20 years.

4 - Provide opportunities for members to grow in faith

in a safe social environment.

We are a Welcoming Congregation, inviting all of God’s

children to worship with us.

We need to improve our ministry to singles and young


5 – Continue support of pastoral care program, with

training for new members.

Last year’s Lenten program, Finding Grace, dealt with end-

of-life issues. It is now on our website. The diocese will be

using our information. Pastoral Care guidelines are also

being developed: stay tuned.

INSURANCE: A policy regarding the use of alcohol at

church functions is being developed, using guidelines

from our insurance agency.

FUNDRAISING: For over 30 years, our signature event

was The Antique Show. We need to develop another ac-

tivity that is open to the public, scheduled not to conflict

with other major community events.


and both Wardens will meet to review it.

POLICY NOTEBOOK: We have numerous policies

(Nursery, Computer Access, Gift Acceptance, etc.). Poli-

cies that tie to the Safeguard ing programs for God’s Chil-

dren and God’s People are in the works.


viewed the 12-month cycle of Stewardship

activities that Fr. Jaime developed earlier.

PETITION SIGNING: We discussed open-

ing the parish for signers of an initiative


Tom Amies, Clerk of the Vestry



St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas will have a rummage sale on

May 16th & 17th. Our rummage sale attracts shop-

pers from all over the community. It is a big deal

and can raise funds to support our youth programs.

Funds are designated to send our children to camp

Huston, to HYC and JYC.

Now is the time to find those usable treasures stored

in your closets, attic and garage that can be sold dur-

ing the rummage sale. Every item must be in ser-

viceable condition. We need clothing, kitchen tools,

dishes, bowls, small appliances, lamps, garden tools,

tables, chairs, shelves, books and more. Bring your

donations to St. Luke’s and place them on the stage

beginning May 4th.

If you have items that you can’t hold until May 4th

or need a large vehicle to transport them, contact the

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas office at 360-696-0181 or Russ

Roseberry at 360-694-2941.

We cannot sell some items so please no stuffed fur-

niture, no refrigerators, no washers, no dryers, no

mattresses, no baby cribs, no child car seats, no TVs,

no VCRs. – they do not sell, Goodwill will not take

them and we have to throw them away. We can re-

cycle metal appliances including hot

water heaters and there are some peo-

ple who need working appliances so

contact the church before you throw

away working appliances.

Russ Roseberry

Facil ity CONSTRUCTION PLANS PROGRESS Our construction plans continue with major items

being completed. Consulting engineers have pro-

vided needed structural, electrical and plumbing

details to finalize the architectural plans for bid. Is-

sues that had evolved regarding the connection of

the required fire protection sprinkler system to the

water main, underneath the newly resurfaced Forth

Plain, have been resolved with both the streets and

water departments. Details drawings and specifica-

tions on the water connection and street restoration

are being finalized.

The architect has worked with us to provide more

natural light to the narthex by including a round

window under the vaulted porch ceiling. The open

vaulted porch was an enhancement conceptualized

after the initial design was completed. The design

maintains the original structural outline of the pro-

posed building and opens what had been a flat en-

closed porch ceiling. The approach makes both the

narthex and porch feel more open and welcoming.


Areas that will be impacted by the construction are

being addressed in anticipation of the coming chang-

es. The Acolytes robbing area has been relocated rec-

ognizing that the copy room will move into the room

previously used by the acolytes. The hallway storage

off the chapel sacristy is being moved so that area can

be used as a ventilation and electrical / mechanical


Flooring samples for the narthex and lift areas will be

reviewed with selections made prior to the bid pro-

cess. We are attempting to narrow down the number

of construction variables to keep our cost under con-


Plans are to open the project to bid in

March with the goal to start construction

after Easter.

Again, a big THANK YOU to all for your

support of this much needed addition.

Bob Hiltz

AED FULLY FUNDED St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas will now have an automatic

external defibrillator (AED) available in our church

building. In December 2013 we began fund raising

toward a $1,400 goal. A raffle and individual dona-

tions provided 40% of our funding. Thanks to the

generosity of families in our community we now

have reached our goal to purchase an AED. We will

begin AED & CPR training for interested volunteers

soon. Look for announcements about CPR training.

Dr. Jim Scarborough is our medical director and I

(Mike Morrison RN) will coordinate the program.

Please email me if you have CPR certification or have

questions. I want to find out the number of people

already comfortable with CPR and an estimate of pa-

rishioners currently CPR certified. I am also seeking

CPR instructors, especially an instructor that speaks


Thank you to our entire community, the

individual donors and everyone that sup-

ports the CPR-AED program with their

time, talent and treasure.

Mike Morrison; [email protected]


FROM THE BIBLE The stained glass windows in the Chapel of the

Blessed Sacrament were originally installed in the

southeastern wall of the third St. Luke’s church

building, with installation starting in 1940 and con-

tinuing through 1945. They were moved to the Chap-

el when our current Sanctuary was built. The overall

set of four pairs of windows has a theme of the “Life

of Christ”. Each is dedicated as a memorial to one or

more persons, which you can find as an inscription

on the window.

These windows are extremely well done for such

hand-painted, traditional style, stained glass win-

dows. We are not sure who the studio or artists were

for the windows, but they were certainly accom-

plished artists. It does appear that the artist for the

pair closest to the chapel altar was different than the

others, based on anatomy differences in the face,

hands, and feet. Look closely at all of these windows,



The windows in the Chapel are comprised of a large

number of colored glass pieces, where the artist has

painted upon them to express the scene and symbols.

If you look closely, you can see the brushstrokes. The

paint applied to glass was a type of enamel, usually

dark brown or black, formed from a mixture of vari-

ous minerals, organic material, and even cooking liq-

uids. This ‘paint’ was applied in a series of washes,

with fine details added last. The enamel was fixed by

‘firing’ the glass in an annealing oven. These win-

dows also make use of having certain pieces at a

different level than others nearby, giving depth and

changing the light projecting through this section of

the window.

Through each window panel you will see a Bible sto-

ry magnificently told. Within each window panel you

will also see many different Christian symbols. Can

you find a fleur-de-lis (which is normally symbolic of

The Trinity)? How about a thorn-less rose (a symbol

of the Virgin Mary)? Or, the 3-D block with “IHC/

XP” on it (symbolically The Cornerstone of Christ)?

Can you find an anchor (an ancient symbol of safety


and thus of hope)? What about a lantern? Or, Three

Nails (symbolizing the Crucifixion of Christ)? And

where is a bursting pomegranate (symbol of the

Resurrection)? And finally Sun (as a symbol of


Take some time to enjoy these fine windows and

contemplate the many stories portrayed

within them. We are grateful to the do-

nors of these windows and respect their


Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist

Around the Diocese CONGREGATIONAL LEADERS DAY Sponsored by the Office of the Bishop, these day-

long workshops are for everyone involved in the

administrative ministry of a congregation. Mem-

bers of vestries & bishop's committees are specifi-

cally encouraged to attend. Whether elected, ap-

pointed or employed by a congregation, all are wel-

come to the events. These workshops are focused

on providing information that those involved in the

governance or administration of a congregation

need to effectively accomplish their work. Written

information on diocesan resources will be available

as well as an opportunity to meet some members of

the diocesan staff.

This year are we breaking out the workshops into

separate focus areas: programing and business and

legal matters. March 8 (St John, Olympia) and April

5 (St Margaret, Bellevue) will focus on program-

ming with presentations on faith formation, leader-

ship, stewardship, and the bishop. March 22 (St

Mark, Seattle) will focus on business and legal

practices with presentations from the finance office,

chancellor, and treasurer.

We hope you will join us for these exciting and in-

formative workshops. You can RSVP by using the

link below (if you plan to attend both the program-

ming and business workshop please register twice

so that we can ensure an accurate count). Questions

about the day can be directed to Mr Blaire Notrica,

Executive Assistant to the Bishop and the Canon to

the Ordinary, 206.325.4200 ext 2010 or

[email protected], .

March 8, St John, Olympia

(Programming and leadership)

March 22, St Mark, Seattle

(Business and legal matters)

April 5, St Margaret, Bellevue

(Programming and leadership)

All three days, 9 AM-3:30 PM

Register online at this link:


This is a great opportunity for some adult educa-

tion that will support your leadership in our par-

ish. Please let the office know if you register for any

of these events so that we can help to arrange car-



Summer Camp Brochures have

arrived! Please find them on the

bulletin board just outside the

church office, along with camp posters.

REGIONAL CONFIRMATION This year the Regional Confirmation will be here at

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas on Saturday, June 6 at 2 PM

with Bishop Sandy Hampton presiding.

Around Town GREEN NEIGHBORS DIY FAIR Saturday, March 15 9AM - 4 PM

Clark College Gaiser Hall 1933 Vancouver Way

A group of community partners will sponsor this

educational fair. The event will include workshops

on raising bees, early spring gardening, raising

chickens, grass cycling, basic plumbing and wiring,

tree planting, composting, and lots more. For a

complete list of workshops, visit For

more information about this and other events, call

Clark County Environmental Services at (360) 397-

2121 ext. 4352.


2014 Liturgical Calendars These calendars are full of information about the church year, feast days, seasonal colors, assigned

lectionary readings and more. At a cost of $3.00 each we can cover our costs.

Please find these calendars in the church entry.

For those celebrating their birthday.

3 - Carla Sowder

3 - Aaron Hamann

5 - Lucia Ramirez

7 - Paul Hiromura

8 - Amy Case

9 - Heather Lund

9 - Suzanna Tilford

10 - Joseph Ziemba

10 - Sirce Plaza

11 - Chuck Grigsby-Lane

13 - Nancy Lematta

13 - Danny Jones

15 - Tom Smith

15 - Natasha Rezhenkov

16 - Barbara Garlisch

18 - Bruce McLean

18 - Cheryl-Lee Holt

18 - Tristan Sotelo

19 - Aaron Scott

20 - Brett Tomer-White

21 - Bob Denny

21 - Gary Swisher

22 - Leonel Villa

22 - Irvin Villegas

23 - Karla Gaitan

24 - Steve Coble

24 - Fr. Jerry Lonergan

24 - Angel Plaza

25 - Marcio Carrasco

25 - Aaron Sanchez

25 - Kiara Reyes

27 - John Marentette

27 - Dakota Clow

28 - Chris Mountford

29 - Lew Hampton

29 - Annelies

van der Salm

30 - Mary Anderson

31 - Kathryn Riemcke


For those being remember on the anniversary of their death.

1 - LaDonna Brothers

2 - Ned Jones

2 - Florence Wilkinson

2 - Mary J. Aylmer

3 - Frances Leppaluoto

4 - Grace Hart

4 - Florence Jones

4 - Mary Morrow

7 - Henry Shoemaker

7 - Marcia Hutchison

10 - Raymond Woolf

10 - Elise Rawson

12 - Gertrude Gerstein

19 - Edward Allport

19 - Larry Oser

20 - LaVerne White

20 - Ward McMakin

22 - Ralph L. Haskins

22 - Thelma O’Donnell

24 - Mary Jean Whyte

26 - Gertrude Dietmeier

27 - Virginia Groesbeck

27 - Samuel Beall

28 - Jon Lambert

29 - Dena Koppe

29 - Laray Maddy

30 - John Hubbard

Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

March 2 St. Matthew/San Mateo, Auburn

March 9 Good Shepherd, Federal Way;

St. Elizabeth/Santa Isabel, Burien

March 16 St. James & St. Columba, Kent

March 23 St. George, Maple Valley;

St. Luke, Renton

March 30 All Saint, Resurrection,

Holy Apostles & St. Margaret, Bellevue

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

March 2 Theodore Schneller Guest House,

Amman, Jordan

March 9 All Saints Community Church,

Damascus, Syria

March 16 St. George’s School, Jerusalem

March 23 St. George’s Guest House, Jerusalem

March 30 St. Phillip’s Church, Nablus, West Bank


Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to

submit an article for the April issue of the Messen-

ger, please submit your written article on or before

March 16 to the church office or email it to

[email protected] Thank you!


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 6 PM Pete Seeger Tribute Vespers


The Last Sunday after

the Epiphany



Office Closed

4 Food Outreach

5:30-7:30 PM Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper


Food Outreach

6:30 Holy Eucharist Imposition of Ashes

12:15 Holy Eucharist Imposition of Ashes

3:00 Staff Meeting

6:30 Miércoles de ceniza

7:30 Holy Eucharist Imposition of Ashes

6 Food Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 7:00 Contemplative Prayer

7 Food Outreach

12:15 Stations of the Cross


9-3:30 Congrega-tional Leadership Day @ St. John’s, Olympia

5:00 Daza Azteca 6:00 PM Acolyting Pizza Party

Daylight Saving time begins tomorrow. Turn your clocks BACK 1 hour at


9 Daylight Saving

Time Begins

First Sunday of Lent


12-1 Lenten Study (primarily in Spanish)

10 Office Closed

11 Food Outreach

12:00 The Lunch Bunch

6:30 Vestry


Food Outreach

11-12 Episcopal Church Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist

3:00 Staff Meeting

5:30-6:30 Episcopal Church Class

6:00 Handbells 6:30 Outreach Committee

7:00 Adult Choir

13 Food Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 6:30-8:30 Lenten Study (Primarily in English) 7:00 Contemplative Prayer

14 Food Outreach

12:15 Stations of the Cross


10-3 Lenten Women’s Spirituality Retreat

5:00 Daza Azteca 6:00 Taizé

16 Second Sunday of



12-1 Lenten Study (primarily in Spanish)

7:00 Song Circle


17 Office Closed

18 Food Outreach

19 Food Outreach

11-12 Episcopal Church Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist

3:00 Staff Meeting

5:30-6:30 Episcopal Church Class

6:00 Handbells 6:30 Outreach Committee

7:00 Adult Choir


Food Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew

10:00 Helping Hands 6:30-8:30 Lenten Study (Primarily in English) 7:00 Contemplative Prayer


12:15 Stations of the Cross


5:00 Daza Azteca

6:30 Youth

23 Third Sunday of Lent


12-1 Lenten Study (primarily in Spanish)

24 Office Closed

25 Food Outreach

6:30 Pastoral Care

26 Food Outreach

11-12 Episcopal Church Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist

3:00 Staff Meeting

5:30-6:30 Episcopal Church Class 6:30 Outreach Committee

27 Food Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew

10:00 Helping Hands

2:00 Life Goes On (off-site)

6:30-8:30 Lenten Study (Primarily in English)

7:00 Contemplative Prayer

28 Food Outreach

12:15 Stations of the Cross

6:30 Friday Night Live @ the Cassidys’

HYC @ St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas!

29 HYC @ St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas!

30 HYC @ St. Luke’s ~

San Lucas!

Fourth Sunday of Lent


12-1 Lenten Study (primarily in Spanish)

31 Office Closed

If you have

any questions

about the


please call the

church office,


Church Office

Hours: 9 am-12

pm & 1-5 pm

Tuesday - Friday

Closed Wednesdays

for Staff Meeting,

3-4:30 pm.

Regular Sunday Schedule 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:00 Adult Discussion 9:45 Nursery Care 9:45 Sunday School 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:15 Coffee Hour 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Clases para niños


Senior Warden: Dena Cassidy: Junior Warden: Lew Hampton

VESTRY MEMBERS: Stefanie Aschmann, Blanca Maldonado,

Sharon Mayhew, Michael Morrison, Ricardo Romagosa, Kreta Saathoff,

Jim Schlatter, Joseph Ziemba

Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew

Prepared by:

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard

Vancouver, WA 98663

Request delivery by dates: February 27 - March 1

Return Service Requested

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector

The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy

The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy

Aaron Scott, Postulate

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

Chess Getsinger, Treasurer Emeritus

Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer

Tim Nickel, Music Director

Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator

St. Luke’s – San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853.

Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of

Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need

through service, and to grow in faith together.

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Non-Profit

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