the messengerthe messenger praising christ…growing in christ…serving for christ… loving like...

The Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email: [email protected] Fort Wayne, IN 46806 Fax: 260-744-3229 Web: The Newsletter of Bethlehem Lutheran Church February 2021 Take a Walk One thing that challenges me about the life of Christ is his ability to see people. He noticed people that others would step right over. He was aware of the people around him that others might have ignored. Whether it was a lame beggar, an adulterous woman, or an isolated leper he saw them when others would just pass by them. He noticed the bleeding woman who tugged on the hem of his garment. He sat with the rejected woman at the well. He called out to the vertically challenged tax collector, Zacchaeus, who was up in the tree above him. This amazes me because of all the other things he had on his plate. He was walking with and teaching twelve thick-headed disciples. He was fending off the assaults of the religious elites. He was dealing with the crowds surrounding him and demanding miracles. On top of all of that, he was getting closer and closer to the whole reason for his incarnation: death on a cross for the salvation of the entire world. In the midst of all of that he still took the time to see people. He saw them. He met them where they were. He showed mercy and compassion. I’m learning that being a pastor in Fort Wayne is busy. It’s full of the good kind of busyness that you want as a pastor. I’m meeting with other pastors who have insight into our community. I’m writing sermons and visiting shut-ins. I’m getting connected to larger ministry efforts in our neighborhood and city. Even in the midst of doing ministry things, I don’t often take the time to notice people around me. It may sound funny to you but in the busyness of being a pastor I don’t often have the eyes of Jesus to see the world around me. This is why this Lenten season I will be walking. Now, I could always use more steps in my day but this walk will be for a purpose bigger than that. During Lent, my family and I will be taking walks through our neighborhood trying to see what Jesus sees. Starting on Ash Wednesday we will be walking the sidewalks just outside our front door to see exactly what God is doing in our neighborhood. It will help us get to know this new place where we live, which is great. But it will also help us get to know the places and people that we typically speed past in our car on any given day. When we had the offer accepted on our home on Tacoma Avenue we knew that this is where God wanted us to be. Walking the streets with this in mind will help us understand why He wanted us where we are now. With our heads up and eyes open we will pray our way through our neighborhood during the forty days of Lent. Continued on page 7 From the Pastor’s Desk

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Page 1: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

The Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ…

Loving like Christ!

Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email: [email protected] Fort Wayne, IN 46806 Fax: 260-744-3229 Web:

The Newsletter of Bethlehem Lutheran Church February 2021

Take a Walk

One thing that challenges me about the life of Christ is his ability to see

people. He noticed people that others would step right over. He was

aware of the people around him that others might have ignored. Whether

it was a lame beggar, an adulterous woman, or an isolated leper he saw

them when others would just pass by them. He noticed the bleeding

woman who tugged on the hem of his garment. He sat with the rejected

woman at the well. He called out to the vertically challenged tax collector,

Zacchaeus, who was up in the tree above him. This amazes me because of

all the other things he had on his plate. He was walking with and teaching

twelve thick-headed disciples. He was fending off the assaults of the religious elites. He was dealing

with the crowds surrounding him and demanding miracles. On top of all of that, he was getting

closer and closer to the whole reason for his incarnation: death on a cross for the salvation of the

entire world. In the midst of all of that he still took the time to see people. He saw them. He met

them where they were. He showed mercy and compassion.

I’m learning that being a pastor in Fort Wayne is busy. It’s full of the good kind of busyness

that you want as a pastor. I’m meeting with other pastors who have insight into our community. I’m

writing sermons and visiting shut-ins. I’m getting connected to larger ministry efforts in our

neighborhood and city. Even in the midst of doing ministry things, I don’t often take the time to

notice people around me. It may sound funny to you but in the busyness of being a pastor I don’t

often have the eyes of Jesus to see the world around me. This is why this Lenten season I will be

walking. Now, I could always use more steps in my day but this walk will be for a purpose bigger

than that. During Lent, my family and I will be taking walks through our neighborhood trying to see

what Jesus sees. Starting on Ash Wednesday we will be walking the sidewalks just outside our front

door to see exactly what God is doing in our neighborhood. It will help us get to know this new

place where we live, which is great. But it will also help us get to know the places and people that

we typically speed past in our car on any given day. When we had the offer accepted on our home

on Tacoma Avenue we knew that this is where God wanted us to be. Walking the streets with this in

mind will help us understand why He wanted us where we are now. With our heads up and eyes

open we will pray our way through our neighborhood during the forty days of Lent.

Continued on page 7

From the Pastor’s Desk

Page 2: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

In Psalm 30 David discusses difficulties in

his life. David has been in "the depths." He has

enemies. He needed healing. He had dismay when

God hid His face. Wailing and sackcloth were his

lot in life. Are you facing or have you dealt with

any of these situations? If so, you may want to

attend our Saturday, February 27, 2021, Men's

Prayer Breakfast to join your friends in the

Bethlehem cafeteria for breakfast at 8am followed

by a study and discussion of Psalm 30, a devotion

by Bill Ihssen, and time for prayer. "When I felt

secure, I said, 'I will never be shaken.' O LORD,

when you favored me, you made my mountain

stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was

dismayed." Psalm 30:6-7 NIV.

Worship Anew

Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc.

5 Martin Luther Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46825-4996Phone: (260)471-5683 / Toll-Free: (888)268-8002

February 7, 2021 – Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

“Preaching and Healing” - Mark 1:29-39

Rev. Paul Shoemaker

Jesus came preaching the Good News of our

salvation to establish His authority and the truth of His

proclamation. He fulfilled Old Testament prophesy by

healing and casting out demons.

February 14, 2021 –Transfiguration of Our Lord

“Lift the Veil!” - 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:6

Rev. William Mueller

When you look at the central figure on the

Mountain of Transfiguration, whom do you see? The

Word of God by the Apostle Paul reminds us of the

constant need to repent and remove the “veils” that

prevent us from seeing and believing who this person

is…the Son of God, Jesus Christ, our Savior!

February 21, 2021 – First Sunday in Lent

“The Lord Will Provide” - Genesis 22:14

Rev. Dr. Thomas Ahlersmeyer

Whatever challenge you face today – in body or

soul – know that The Lord Will Provide! He provides

for and sustains your life. He provides the Way to

everlasting life in Jesus Christ. And He provides the

faith to receive and respond to His many gifts to us.

The Lord “knows my needs and well provides me.”

February 28, 2021 – Second Sunday in Lent

“True Discipleship” - Mark 8:34-38

Rev. Dr. Walter Maier III

We want to be disciples of Jesus. He tells us

what true discipleship means. We are to deny ourselves,

take up our cross, and follow him. Is there any good

news here? Yes, absolutely!



Our series on "The Life of Jesus

Christ: The Early Years" will end on February

7 with the visit of the Magi to Bethlehem to see

the child Jesus.

On February 14, Transfiguration Sunday,

Pastor Ben Ahlersmeyer will begin a new

series, which will take us through Lent to Palm

Sunday. Our Sunday morning adult Bible

classes meet in the Bethlehem cafeteria

following the 9:00 a.m. worship service.

All Bethlehem members and visitors are

welcome to attend. "After Jesus was born in

Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King

Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem

and asked, 'Where is the one who has been born

king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east

and have come to worship him.'" Matthew 2:1-

2 NIV.

Page 3: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

Food Bank Report for

November 2020 by Charlotte Ratliff

We provided food to 186 individuals:

The 186 individuals included 49 children under

the age of 18, and 28 individuals over the age

of 60; 4 were veterans. Our congregation

provided 233# food. We bought 1824# of food

from Community Harvest for $894.51.

Associated Churches provided 71130 of

food for Bethlehem’s’ clients. I purchased

160# of food from the store for $125.88. Our

12 volunteers gave 135 hours of their time to

provide 186 individuals with food.

We provided food for the year to 2538

individuals; that included 789 children under

the age of 18, and 384 over the age of 60. Our

volunteers gave 1734 hours of their time to

provide food to the people in our community.

Thanks to ALL of you for all your many

volunteer hours, dedication and support you

give to help provide this mission at Bethlehem.

We received a contribution of $500.00

from the Allen County Christmas Bureau. The

Christmas Bureau is always interested in

assisting a worthy cause and their Board of

Directors are pleased with the good work our

Food Bank and our volunteers do in the


New Women’s Bible Study starting up:

You still have time to sign up for the Women’s

Saturday Bible Study. The next session begins on

February 13th. They’ll be studying Priscilla Shirer’s

“Discerning the Voice of God.”

The Women’s Bible Study group will meet every

other Saturday from 9am to 11am in Room 1. The

cost of the workbook is $15. Contact Jane Miller @

260-373-1710 or Laurie Hapner@ 260-745-7477

for further details.

Missions Opportunities! Donate to our FoodBank!

Food Bank Urgent needs:


Pork and Beans

Canned Tomatoes

Page 4: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

An In-Between Time

Christmas is over. A time of sparkling lights put on a tree. We celebrated a gift so special. God sent His

only Son, born of a virgin, to live as a man among us: a human, but without sin.

God placed a star that lead the Magi to Bethlehem. We celebrated Epiphany, a sign that this baby was to

save the whole world, both Jews and Gentiles. We continue the Epiphany season on the Church calendar, a

kind of “in-between time.” Advent is over, but Lent is not here yet.

But soon, Ash Wednesday will be here, February 17 to be exact. Lent is a special time for inward reflection.

Our sinful nature can weigh us down if we don’t focus on Easter. Lent can prepare our hearts for Jesus’

death and resurrection.

Our gift to you is a prayer that you too will spend this time to prepare your heart for Easter, the greatest gift

of all.


Please remember to turn in your check-in sheets.

This is the primary means Pastor has to keep up to date on our shut-ins.

Thank you for serving our Lord in this ministry.

Meet Bethlehem’s New Music Director Doug grew up in Boulder, CO and Omaha, NE. He

attended Concordia Teachers College in Seward, NE, graduating in

1987 with a B.S. in Education and a Concentration in Church

Music. In 2007, he received a Master of Science – Family Life

from what is now called Concordia University, Seward. He has

served schools and churches in Battle Creek, NE, St. Louis, MO,

Beloit, WI, and recently here in Ft. Wayne. After 21 years at Mt.

Calvary Lutheran Church, Ft. Wayne, serving as Family Life and

Worship Director, Doug felt the need for a change, and is now

serving part time as Music Director here at Bethlehem Lutheran


Doug has been married to Natalie (Art and Music Teacher

at LSUS) for over 32 years, and they have been blessed with 4

children: Zachary (married to Rachel), living in Carmel, IN;

Jennifer (married to Matthew), living in New Haven; Micah, living

in Indianapolis; and Aaron, currently a student at Concordia,


Doug is an avid fan of the Chicago Cubs and the Pittsburgh

Steelers. He wishes he could play softball more.

Both Doug and Natalie are excited to become part of the

Bethlehem family, and teaming up with Pastor Ben to enhance the

worship services.

Page 5: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

MITE BOX EXCHANGE LWML will be offering the opportunity to collect Mites

every Second Sunday of the month. Empty Mite Boxes

are available at side entrance, and back of church.

Thanks for your help in supporting world-wide missions.

LEARN MORE ABOUT LWML Check out LWML online to learn more about the missionary work

both locally and worldly.

National: State/Local:

WOMEN OF BETHLEHEM MEETING The next Women of Bethlehem Meeting is March 9, 2021 at 2:00pm. We will be planning the Rummage Sale

which will be held May 20-21, 2021.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

How Can You Help? One of the Servant Events to be held at the LWML convention is to fill 400 school backpacks for Orphan Grain

Train. The Indiana District has been asked to collect coloring books for this project. The books may be any

size and may have some activity pages in them, but should not have only activity pages. Nothing violent or

gender specific. A few suggested places to buy coloring books are Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and Oriental


Another Servant Event is making fleece pillows and lap robes. Needed: 250 pounds of loose polyfill. Polyfill

comes in various sizes of bags and boxes can be purchased at stores such as JoAnn Fabric and Crafts,

Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, Wal-Mart, and

Sponsorships for the golf outing are needed. The LWML Indiana District plans to sponsor a hole in memory of

former LWML Counselor Rev. Greg Cynova, who was a pastor at Suburban Trinity, Fort Wayne.

Contributions may be sent to LWML Indiana District Financial Secretary Arlene Wolfgang and noted in

memory of Rev. Cynova for the golf outing. There will also be an opportunity to contribute at the LWML Fort

Wayne Three Zone Rally in April.


Co-Chairmen: Vicky Geisler and Dena Schult ~ Treasurer: Carla Kay ~ Secretary: Rhonda Cheng

Page 6: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

February 7

Lutheran Senior Care Ministry

God with us, the light of Your incarnate Word

scatters our darkness and brings comfort and strength

to all who receive it. Let Your light shine on those

who reside in our community’s many care facilities.

Bless Your servants who work in them, that the joy of

Your presence may be made manifest through their

dedicated and compassionate care. Advance,

we pray, the cooperative mission of our congregations

through Lutheran Senior Care Ministry, that our

chaplains may proclaim through this new year the

glad tidings of the Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Lord in Your Mercy,

February 14

Tim, Michelle and Sarah Miller in Southeast Asia

Pray for Tim and Michelle Miller and their team

as they work on the second installment of the Old

Testament Sunday School curriculum. Pray also for

Sarah as she begins teaching her English classes in a

teachers college in another city. Pray also for her

safety as she uses her bicycle as transportation.

February 21

Adoption and Foster-Care Agency Workers

Pray for adoption and foster-care agency

workers, that they would make good decisions

concerning what is best for all involved - enabling

them to find proper families and resources to meet the

needs of the families they serve.

February 28

Orphans and Foster Children

Pray for all orphans, that they might find

Christian families who will nurture them with the love

and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray also for foster

children, that they might find peace among the chaos

as they wait for a good family to be established for


Bethlehem Mission News

Update from the Tim Millers, they are

working on the next installment of the Sunday

School curriculum, which are more lessons from

the Old Testament to follow up on the Exodus

series. They are still not able to cross the border,

but were able to drive Sarah to the city in which she

will be teaching and help her and her roommate get

settled in the house where they will be living. Sarah

has bought a bike, is learning her way around the

area, and has received her teaching assignments,

which she will begin in early February! When we

talked with her via Zoom last week, she was pretty


Joe Boway was able return home last week

from a quick trip to Liberia to get supplies

distributed to the schools for which they were

intended. They continue to ask prayers for Joe’s

wife, Glendora, who is receiving chemo treatment

for breast cancer. She appears on our weekly prayer

list in our church services.

Ours prayers for this month from LCMS

World Missions center on Children and Families,

and on February 7 we will be praying a special

Epiphany prayer for Lutheran Senior Care


Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ

Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Page 7: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

From the Pastor’s Desk Continued

I’m telling you all of this for two reasons. First, I want you to ask me how it’s going. Ask me

what we’re seeing. Ask me what I’ve learned about my neighbors and the streets they live on. That kind

of accountability is helpful as we attempt to have the eyes of Jesus in our neighborhood. I’m telling you

this also so that you’ll consider walking in your neighborhood as well. I’m not sure how long you’ve

lived where you are but I’m convinced that God has put you there for a reason, too. Maybe you need to

take a walk to learn what that might be. There could be neighbors that need you to notice them. There

could be moments that God is lining up for you as you take those steps out your front door. I was told

once that God’s speed is a walking pace. He walked in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. He

walked this earth with his disciples along the Sea of Galilee. I think that if we take this season of Lent

to walk at God’s speed then we might begin to see things he wants us to notice. We are considering this

our family devotional time for this upcoming season. I hope and pray that you consider taking up this

practice, too. It’ll take some time and energy. There will be days that we won’t want to do it. But I think

those 10-15 minute walks could be some of the most blessed moments of your day. Consider it and see

what God does through it. May God bless you this Lenten season as we journey with Christ to the

cross. May He also bless you as you journey through your neighborhood, praying for His eyes to see

the needs and gospel opportunities that are just outside your front door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Midweek Services begins at 7:00pm


Ash Wednesday - February 17 February 20 / 21 Turn and See: Substitution

February 24 Midweek Lent service February 27 / 28 Turn and See: Promise

March 3 Midweek Lent service March 6 / 7 Turn and See: Shelter

March 10 Midweek Lent service March 13 / 14 Turn and See: Deliverance

March 17 Midweek Lent service March 20 / 21 Turn and See: Pardon

Palm Sunday - March 28 Turn and See: Passion

Maundy Thursday - April 1 Turn and See: Real Presence

Good Friday – April 2 Turn and See: Death

Easter Vigil - April 3

Easter - April 4 Turn and See: Resurrection

Page 8: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

The Joy of Lent? David L. Hansen

“Joy” is not the first thing most of think of when we think of the season of Lent.

I used to joke that whenever I went to buy greeting cards I could never find a “Happy Lent” card (of course,

one of my wonderful friends made me my own “Happy Lent” card and sent it to me).

For the most part, we think of Lent as somber. Serious. Music in minor keys. Why is that?

The themes of Lent often call us to be aware of our shortcomings, to repent and change our lives, and to dig

deeper into the practices of our faith. And so, in the imagination of the church, that has made Lent into a

season of melancholy solemnity.

So let’s look at those practices that are the foundation of the observance of Lent: repentance, prayer, self-

denial (fasting), and generosity:

Repentance This is the one that really seems to send people into a Lenten funk. Who wants to dredge up all the things

they have done wrong? Everything about that sounds depressing!

But have you ever actually done it? Have you ever sat down and laid your faults and flaws, your errors and

mistakes, in the presence of God and another person?

Maybe you’ve never felt like you are carrying around the weight of your mistakes. Maybe you’ve never had

that knot in your stomach from the thing you’ve done wrong that you try to hide from others.

But if you’re like me, you have. The fact is, the more we hold that stuff in – the more we try and hide it from

others and ourselves – the more those sins harm us.

However, when we let them go? The weight lifts. The knot untangles.

The act of confession – done with a trusted person and a full knowledge of God’s mercy – is like casting off


The practice of repentance and confession allows us to feel free of the burdens of our past. What a joy!

Prayer Ok, but what about prayer? There are definitely ways to spend the day that are more thrilling than sitting by

yourself talking to God, right? Let’s suppose that there are. And yet. When I start my day with prayer, each of

those exciting things becomes even more amazing.

Starting my day with prayer is like putting on new glasses – glasses that allow me to see God at work in the

world wherever I go that day. Surely God was there all along, but prayer opens my eyes to that fact.

When I start the day with prayer, I see more beauty in the world – I am more likely to see God in the wide

variety of people I meet. And the opportunity to see more beauty and kindness every day? What a joy!

Continued on next page

The Joyful Corner

Page 9: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

Generosity If I have more money, I can do more things that give me joy. I can buy things to surround myself with,

things that make me happy. I can go on trips. And if I give that money away, I can do less of those things,


Have you ever watched someone’s face light up when you give them a gift? Sometimes it is at Christmas,

or a birthday, or an anniversary. There’s that moment of joy, when you realize your gift has really touched

the person’s heart. Here’s a secret – we can experience that joy anytime. In fact, Lent calls us to experience

it more and more often.

The invitation to generosity – to giving more often and more generously – is an invitation to experience the

joy that comes from sharing with others and making a difference in the lives of others and our

communities. What a joy!

Self-Denial Alright then. But self-denial. Fasting. Surely there is nothing fun about that. Self-denial looks lots of

different ways for people during Lent. Some give up a class of food, others practice giving away some of

their possessions, still others give up habits or hobbies that are a distraction.

We tend to think of the simple life as being hard and austere. And yet there is now a whole movement

around the joy of having less (thanks Marie Kondo!).

As we cut things out of our lives, we are able to become more aware of all the blessings that we have.

Cutting out a favorite food indulgence reminds us of how many food options we have and makes us aware

of those who have less. Cutting out a time-consuming habit can help me to use my time doing things that

are more productive and bring me joy (for example, prayer).

Self-denial is not about making ourselves miserable and unhappy. It is about re-focusing our attention and

our hearts on the things that are most important in our lives and the world.

Yes, fasting for Lent is a great way to cut out the things that are draining my energy and distracting me

from my connection with God and my neighbors. What a joy!

Invitation to the Joy of Lent If we truly give our time, energy, and attention to the practices of Lent, we will discover a new sort of joy.

In fact, starting these practices during Lent can often change our habits in lasting ways that carry over to

the rest of the year.

So perhaps out of all the seasons of the church year, Lent is actually the most joyful.

Page 10: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:


to view this month's


During the time that we are not

receiving offerings during our worship

services, ushers will be at exit doors

following each service to receive the

offerings, or you may deposit your

offering in the slots in the wall-

mounted offering receptacles at the

entrances to the sanctuary. Offerings

may also be mailed to the church at

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

3705 South Anthony Boulevard

Fort Wayne IN 46806-4329.

We want to pray for you.

Please call the Church office at 744-3228 if you or your

family member is ill, hurt, having surgery or hospitalized.

Due to COVID-19 visits are only in life or death situations,

but we would still like to pray for you.


Lutheran South Unity School 5401 South

Calhoun Street Fort Wayne, is looking for a part

time and/or full-time secretary for the front

office. Interested candidates should apply by

going to our website and filling

out the application under ‘employment

opportunities’ on the bottom of the front page.

Page 11: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

2 – Ina Gaunt

3 – Karl Bernabe

Amber Finner

4 – Kayla Wright

5 – Paula Polston

6 – Denali Mitchell

8 – Ruby Bonner

10 – Silas Hill-Roddy

Terri Stewart

11 – Stephen Melcher

12 – Elsi Bernabe

Susan Ramos

13 – Stephanie Davies

Shirley Davis

Delores Tharp

Sue Turnpaugh

14 – David Epperson

Joyce Simmons

Clarence Williams

15 – Nicholas Owen

Morgan Stewart

17 – Donald Essex

Jeron Roland

Cecelia Snow

Carol Vollmer

18 – Amanda DeLong

Tamica Jones

19 – Loistene Branigan

Kole Mault

Kyle Mault

Barbara Owen

Michelle Stewart

20 – Evans Branigan

Marie Smiegal

21 – Elaena Harris

24 – Stanley Franke

Victoria Ramos

25 – Adrian Dance

Janee Moore

26 – Demarlo Hill-Robinson

27 – Trey Cook

Steven Davies

28 – Madalene Eggold

Rita Rincon

Dorothea Thompson


February Servants Schedule

Date Acolytes Altar

Guild Elder Head Usher Lay Readers Prayer

Leader Power

point Sound



6 Ellison /


Ed Ramos 4 – Dan


Connie Hawkins Connie




7 Harrison

Brooks Peter Schlie

Dena Schult

Kimberly Brooks









13 Hawkins /



Bratton 1 - Ron




14 Aleese




Donna Volmerding

Dave Volmerding




Nelson Jr.



17 2 - Ed Tharp Harrison





Johnson 3 - Evans




21 Alexis




Linda Stafford

John Stafford









24 4 – Dan




27 Dietrich


Ed Ramos 1 - Ron




28 Brooklyn

Fuller John Bates

Suzie Emley

Glenn Emley







Page 12: The MessengerThe Messenger Praising Christ…Growing in Christ…Serving for Christ… Loving like Christ! Address: 3705 S. Anthony Blvd. Phone: 260-744-3228 Email:

February 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 6:30pm - Bd. of Elders

3 4 5 6 8:30am - Men’s Sm. Group.

4pm Worship w/Communion

7 9am Worship w/Communion

10:30am Adult Bible Class-C

8 9 7:00pm Board of Directors

10 11 12 13 8:30am - Men’s Sm. Group.

9:00am Women’s Bible Study

4pm Worship w/Communion

14 9am Worship w/Communion

10:30am Adult Bible Class-C

15 President’s Day

Office Closed

16 17 Ash Wednesday

7pm Worship w/Communion

18 19 20 8:30am - Men’s Sm. Group.

4pm Worship w/Communion

21 9am Worship w/Communion

10:30am Adult Bible Class-C

22 23 24 7:00pm Worship

25 26 27 8:00am -Men’s Prayer Breakfast

9:00am Women’s Bible Study

4pm Worship w/Communion

28 9am Worship w/Communion

10:30am Adult Bible Class-C

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

John 13:34