the methodist · thur oct 15 finance mtg 7:00pm - parlor tues oct 20 bbcdc board 6:00pm ... august...

The Methodist A Publication of The Seward United Methodist Church 1400 North 5 th Street Seward, NE 68434 Church Office: (402) 643-4156 COMMITTEE MEETING TIMES Mon Oct 5 Nurture Comm 7:00PM - Parlor Wed Oct 7 Witness Comm 5:30PM - Library Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 Worship Comm 7:00PM - Library Tues Oct 20 M&O Comm 7:00PM - FH Sun Oct 25 Ad Council 11:45AM -Parlor Tues Oct 27 Trustees Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY Around the world countless people face financial obstacles that keep them from the vocation God has given them. For ethnic students who will be the first generation in their families to attend college, or for those who dont have access to resources needed to make higher education possible, the road toward education has often been difficult. Consider the difference you can make in someones life with a monetary gift that enables someone to fulfill his or her calling. On World Communion Sunday your giving helps to provide scholarships for national and international graduate students who yearn to develop the gifts God has given them to learn and serve. Please be generous on Oct. 4 by giving a special gift to World Communion Sunday. Lightning Update The church was hit by lighting early on the morning of Tuesday, September 8th. Pastor Dale was called by the alarm company due to the fire alarms sounding. No damage was found on the computers, organ or electric piano. Jay Ferris has been working with Yanda's Music to determine the extent of damage to the sound system as well as the Carillons. Lee's Refrigeration has been working on the damaged HVAC system. Work was done to the fire alarm system but it was determined that it was not the lightning that caused the alarms to sound. The deductible on the insurance to cover these items is $5,000. Concrete is scheduled to be poured to fix damage in the parking lot and a couple of areas of sidewalk sometime during the 1st couple weeks of October.

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Page 1: The Methodist · Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM ... August 2015 Donations ... November 14, 2015

The Methodist

A Publication of The Seward United Methodist Church

1400 North 5th Street Seward, NE 68434

Church Office: (402) 643-4156


Mon Oct 5 Nurture Comm 7:00PM - Parlor

Wed Oct 7 Witness Comm 5:30PM - Library

Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor

Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM - Parlor

Tues Oct 20 Worship Comm 7:00PM - Library

Tues Oct 20 M&O Comm 7:00PM - FH

Sun Oct 25 Ad Council 11:45AM -Parlor

Tues Oct 27 Trustees Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor


Around the world countless people face financial obstacles that keep them from the vocation God has given them. For ethnic students who will be the first generation in their families to attend college, or for those who don’t have access to resources needed to make higher education possible, the road toward education has often been difficult.

Consider the difference you can make in someone’s life with a monetary gift that enables someone to fulfill his or her calling. On World Communion Sunday your giving helps to provide scholarships for national and international graduate students who yearn to develop the gifts God has given them to learn and serve. Please be generous on Oct. 4 by giving a special gift to World Communion Sunday.

Lightning Update

The church was hit by lighting early on the morning of Tuesday, September 8th. Pastor Dale was called by the alarm company due to the fire alarms sounding. No damage was found on the computers, organ or electric piano. Jay Ferris has been working with Yanda's Music to determine the extent of damage to the sound system as well as the Carillons. Lee's Refrigeration has been working on the damaged HVAC system. Work was done to the fire alarm system but it was determined that it was not the lightning that caused the alarms to sound. The deductible on the insurance to cover these items is $5,000.

Concrete is scheduled to be poured to fix damage in the parking lot and a couple of areas of sidewalk sometime during the 1st couple weeks of October.

Page 2: The Methodist · Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM ... August 2015 Donations ... November 14, 2015

In Christ’s service,

Pastor Dale Lambert

Dear friends,

What exciting times these are for the Seward United Methodist Church! As fall begins I see signs of God’s activity all around.

We have grown from having one adult Sunday School class to having two adult classes. It is always a good sign to see adult Christians studying together.

Our Thursday morning Bible study has started up again. Some people in that class have been coming to Thursday morning Bible studies for years and some are first-time attenders.

It has just been announced that there will be a new version of Disciple Bible Study beginning soon in our church. My opinion is that Disciple Bible Study is the best Bible Study ever written. This new study, Disciple Fast Track, is an updated, streamlined version of the original study. I expect it to be very good. More information will be made available very soon.

Staff Parish Relations Committee is requesting funding for a part-time associate pastor in 2016. Approving this new staff position will greatly enhance the ministry of our church.

God Parents is up and running again and a new confirmation class began last week.

After eleven years of faithful service, our youth sponsors decided it was time for a change. Jerry and Mary Meyer have begun a new chapter as leaders in the youth program.

The Mission and Outreach Committee are planning the Sr. High mission trip to South Dakota next summer. A number of adults have come forward to help sponsor that trip. It is obvious that this trip not only meets the needs of those our youth go to serve, but it also meets some very real needs of those who make the trip to the Pine Ridge.

The Capital Campaign Committee is being reorganized, and will be renamed the Building Improvement Fund Committee. About 1 ½ years ago the Administrative Council gave them both short- and long-term goals. They are working to begin fulfilling those goals with enthusiasm.

Recently the Witness Committee met to talk about the purpose and goals of the committee. They are committed to taking a fresh look at how to accomplish their part of the mission of the United Methodist Church in Seward and the surrounding area.

The United Methodist Women, a vital part of our larger ministry, is looking to the future by searching for ways to help young women start a new group. This group will be designed by younger women to better fit younger women’s lives and needs.

Two of our members are initiating a program of caring ministries. It is designed to allow lay people to reach out in Christ’s name to members and others in the community. More information will be coming soon about how you can be involved.

Bright Beginnings Child Development Center has been full with a waiting list for quite some time. This year they have had positive cash flow and they have not needed any of the general church funds written into this year’s budget.

For these and other reasons, this is indeed an exciting time for the Seward United Methodist Church! Praise God! Let us continue to be faithful, that Christ’s light may shine through us to a world in need of Christ’s love.

The Methodist Mailbox

Page 3: The Methodist · Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM ... August 2015 Donations ... November 14, 2015

Worship Schedule

8:30 a.m. Blended Worship 9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Youth Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Praise Worship


Please remember those who were lifted up in prayer for

on-going health concerns. Prayers For:

Prayers for Greg Canning who is in the Burn Unit in Lincoln. Prayers for family and friends for strength.

Monday Nights - Bible Study

@ 7:30 p.m. Library Cliff Lowell - Leader

Thursday Mornings - Bible Study

@9:30 a.m. Parlor Pastor Dale - Leader

Sunday Mornings - Sunday School

@ 9:30 a.m. - Library "The Case for Faith" Cliff Lowell - Leader

Sunday Mornings - Sunday School

@9:30 a.m. - Parlor "Facing Your Giants"

Dana Galusha - Leader

Watch us on Cable 13

at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday


10:00 a.m. Thursday mornings.



5:00 PM





Please join

us for





The Methodist Mailbox

Page 4: The Methodist · Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM ... August 2015 Donations ... November 14, 2015

Seward United Methodist Church & Faith Lutheran Church

2016 Senior High Mission Trip

May 28 – June 4, 2016

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

Registration Deadline – December 6, 2015

Brochures available at the Welcome Center Contact Bruce Dickinson or Karen Yelden with questions.

FOODNET Thank you to all who donated summer garden produce to FoodNet. The people were very glad to receive. Someone was still asking for zucchini.

More volunteers would be welcome to the morning shift of 9:30-10:00 AM or the afternoon of 5:00 - 6:00 PM. There is also a 1:00 PM pickup for anyone who would be willing to do that on Thursdays.

Monthly Budget: $30,134

August 2015

Donations: $ 23,960

Expenses: $ 31,771

Donations: General Operating & Mission Shares

Expenses: Budgeted Items Only

The Methodist Mailbox

Page 5: The Methodist · Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM ... August 2015 Donations ... November 14, 2015

Oct 6th UMW /Evening Group Soup Supper 5:30PM

15th Evening UMW 7:00 PM

21st UMW Book Group 5:30 PM-Maxine Moore's

28th UMW Leadership Team Meeting 10:00 AM

Methodist Church Annual Bazaar Saturday, November 14, 2015 WHAT’s NEW in 2015 ??? (1) SUMC Quilters donated a quilt to our Silent Auction portion of the bazaar. The quilt was hand-embroidered and then pieced and hand-quilted by our very own talented quilting ladies !!! Watch for photos and more information on the quilt as we get closer to the November bazaar. (2) Bright Beginnings Child Development Center will kick-off their Annual Fall Book Fair with a ‘mini’ book fair display in their hallway by the church kitchen on Saturday, November 14

th. Stop by and take a peek

at the exciting books that Carla Ketner from Chapters Book Store will have available for purchase. ALL SUMC MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUCCESS OF THE 2014 ANNUAL BAZAAR. Information sheets will be available soon with dates, times and instructions for donating to the bazaar. If you are interested in volunteering … or have questions, please contact: Holly Matzke(Kountry Kitchen), Jeannie Jeary(Coffee Shop), Jeanne Gee, Nancy Eitel, Connie Doehring(Gift Shop)

UMW Guest Night-Soup Supper Tuesday, October 6

th, 2015

5:30 pm Fellowship Hall SOUP’S ON … and ladies of SUMC are certainly invited to enjoy homemade soups and breads prepared by our UMW. No reservations; just be there! The program will be very informative and entertaining as we will enjoy a presentation by Mary Ann Bede on the life of Patricia Saint John, a missionary nurse. Plan to attend; you won’t be disappointed.

Cris & JaLena Slack

David & Liz Purdham Lucas & Daniel

The Young Women's Group got together in September and had a great turn out. They are planning some fun activities in October. Watch for information on what is to come.

Page 6: The Methodist · Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM ... August 2015 Donations ... November 14, 2015

Check us out on our FaceBook page.

[email protected] Lots of pictures of the kids and


Bright Beginnings Phone#


1st Aid/CPR training is scheduled for Thursday Oct. 1st 6-9 pm Cost is $40. Please contact Jaci Foged at 643-2981 to sign up.

BBCDC will be having pictures taken Wednesday October 7th

Our staff is beginning training for Outdoor Classroom Learning. We are excited to complete our new outdoor learning area. The teachers are also being trained in BIST which is the Behavioral Management program that the Seward Public Schools use. This really has helped with the transition for our students into Kindergarten.

Pre K room has been learning about Dinosaurs. They enjoy playing like they are hunting for Dinosaurs outside. Preschool room has been working on manners. It is amazing how quickly the

children pick up on what is being taught to them. The toddler room has been busy with different learning activities. The 2 infant rooms have really enjoyed being outside during the nice weather. Our school agers have returned to school full time, we all enjoy getting to see them afterschool each day.

Carson, our cook, has been doing an amazing job and has introduced the children to a variety of new foods. The children really look up to him.

We currently have 8 Concordia students who help out at different times during the week. The children enjoy having them back.

We are still looking for anyone who would like to come in during the week to help rock the babies. We currently have 4 in each of the infant rooms. Please contact Kerry if you would like to volunteer.

The Methodist Mailbox

Page 7: The Methodist · Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM ... August 2015 Donations ... November 14, 2015

The Methodist Mailbox

The Seward United Methodist Church is sponsoring "Trunk or Treat" in the parking lot at 1400 North 5th Street on Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. This a safe, fun way to witness to the community with treats from trunks, crafts, hot cider, hot chocolate and cookies. Sign-up sheets will be available at the welcome center if you would like to provide treats, a trunk or to help inside with crafts and snacks. Please support this event as it is a great opportunity to reach out to the community.

SUMC Witness Committee

The basement Sunday School rooms have

had some renovation this summer including

paint and the large youth group room has

seen some major changes including new

carpet, ceiling and paint as well as some wall

art. If you have not been downstairs in the

church lately, make sure you take a minute

to check it out.

Sunday school attendance has been great (43-50 students) and the youth, under the new leadership of Jerry & Mary Meyer, is a large group and are fully utilizing the newly renovated room. IT IS WONDERFUL HAVING A CHURCH FAMILY WITH SUCH ENTHUSIASM FOR OUR YOUTH.

Page 8: The Methodist · Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM ... August 2015 Donations ... November 14, 2015

The Lay Leadership

committee has been working

diligently to provide each

committee and board with

new members for

2016 and beyond.

However, several

committees still need some help. If you feel called to help in one

of these areas, please call Pastor Dale to discuss how you can

help. The following committees are still in need of members:

Trustees, Committee on Lay Leadership (Nominations), Mission

& Outreach, Nurture, Witness, Worship and Bright Beginnings.

Render service with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not to men and women, knowing that whatever good we do, we will

receive the same again from the Lord, whether we are slaves or free. Ephesians 6:7-8



er O



n Some/many of you will remember a 34 week Disciple Bible Study led

by Pastor Kelly Karges. Nearly everyone completed the 34 weeks with

greater understanding of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Fast

forward some 13 years or so, and there is now Disciple Fast Track, a 24

week study. Class time, compared to a two hour class before, is now

one hour and fifteen minutes. The shortened study still covers the

entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

An orientation meeting is planned for the first week of November with

Snow Removal Teams

A.J. Herrold, who has been blading the church lot for many years is not able to do it this winter. The Trustees are looking into renting a loader for the season if someone could operate it. Is anyone able and willing to take over this duty??

There will also be a sign-up sheet for Snow Removal Teams coming next week. Please keep this in mind if you are able to serve on a Snow Removal Team. Each team is assigned a week and are responsible for snow removal on that week if the Lord blesses us with snow. These individuals will need to be available M-F for the BBCDC that opens at 6:00 a.m. and on Sunday mornings before service. Contact someone from the Board of Trustees if you have questions or watch for the sign-up sheet. Thank you for your service!!

Page 9: The Methodist · Thur Oct 15 Finance Mtg 7:00PM - Parlor Tues Oct 20 BBCDC Board 6:00PM ... August 2015 Donations ... November 14, 2015



Friday, October 23rd

Submit News by NOON

Drop off your article at the office,

call Sandy at the church office OR

e-mail articles to [email protected]

Evelyn Hastings

402-588-2670 or


Lou Bauman


Church Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. M-F

Phone: 402-643-4156

Fax: 402-643-4159

Email: [email protected]


Facebook: BBCDC: 402-643-2141

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postage Paid

Seward, NE

Permit No. 62

Seward United Methodist Church 1400 North 5th Street Seward, Nebraska 68434




UMW Local Church Activities Chair persons for OCTOBER are: