the most advanced techniques in laser …...the most advanced techniques in laser vision correction...


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ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT Published March 4, 2015

Making the decision for better visionChoosing a centre for laser vision correction is a personal decision and a big step, so it’s important to fi nd out as much information as possible.WA Laser Eye Centre ophthalmologist Dr Rob Paul said prospective patients should ensure their surgeon has performed at least 10,000 operations and has undergone specialist training.

“All the surgeons who work at WA Laser Eye Centre, myself included, have been fellowship trained in corneal and laser eye surgery,” he said.

“What that means is apart from doing our basic degree in medicine and going on to study ophthalmology in Western Australia, we go overseas to a large international unit and learn how to perform specialised techniques including corneal and laser surgery.

“Surgeons really need to have done at least one to two years in a fellowship program, learning the very high skills that are required for this operation.”

Dr Paul said patients should not be deceived by low-cost centre claims that they used the latest and most advanced techniques, which were often given strange names and essentially involved painful, scraping laser techniques.

He said when it came to laser eye surgery, only the best would suffi ce.

“LASIK is the gold standard. If you are offered any other technique, you must ask why,” Dr Paul said.

Because WA Laser Eye Centre provides a variety of treatment solutions, individuals who have previously been unsuitable for laser surgery may now be eligible for vision correction services.

The centre offers some of the most advanced techniques available in laser and refractive eye surgery, specialising in LASIK, multifocal and refractive intraocular lenses to correct shortsightedness (myopia), longsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism and presbyopia.

Dr Paul said the centre was equipped with the latest diagnostics and treatment technologies that allowed for the greatest possible precision in surgery.

“LASIK is a two-step procedure that fi rst requires the creation of a corneal fl ap using the femtosecond laser,” he said.

“Once created, the fl ap is lifted to allow a second laser, the excimer laser, to smoothly reshape the underlying corneal surface. This unique technology enables the dimensions of your corneal fl ap to be programmed based on what’s best for your eye.”

Unique to WA Laser Eye Centre is the use of bladeless laser eye surgery, which eliminates the possibility of human error with a blade. The surgery uses the Alcon femtosecond laser, which is faster than other laser systems, meaning it is safer, with quicker visual recovery.

“We were the fi rst in the Southern Hemisphere to adopt the Alcon Wavelight EX500 excimer laser, the world’s fastest and most advanced excimer laser system, allowing customised, rapid and highly accurate treatments,” Dr Paul said.

The machine is equipped with active infrared multi-dimensional eye tracking, which monitors eye movements every two milliseconds, guiding the laser during treatment. If the eye moves outside the tracker’s range, it will halt the laser process until the eye is correctly positioned.

WA Laser Eye Centre has branches in Melville and Nedlands (within the Hollywood Medical Centre) for pre and post-operative assessment. Free assessment consultations are available by calling 9330 8463.

Editor: Louise Allan | Writer: Kaitlin Shawcross | Subeditor: Kirsten Hyam | Design: Kara Smith | Advertising: Eithne Healy 9482 3559; Regi Philip 9482 3497

Go to to watch a video of Dr Rob Paul explaining the LASIK laser eye procedure.


Treatment in the blink of an eyeWA Laser Eye Centre uses the world’s fastest laser treatment platform. The Alcon Wavelight Refractive Suite offers the fastest bladeless vision correction in the world, taking mere seconds to complete.Compared to previous 14 to 30-second laser fl ap surgery, the fi rst laser takes just six seconds to create a fl ap and the second corrects the refractive error or the issue requiring glasses. This takes 1.36 seconds per point of shortsightedness to reshape.

WA Laser Eye Centre ophthalmologist Dr Rob Paul said the technology allowed treatments to be tailored towards individual needs, including

nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism or age-related presbyopia.

He said the laser suite, which used a swivel bed for simplifi ed patient positioning and enhanced comfort, was the most effi cient system he had used.

“It is safer and more comfortable for the patient. The faster the surgery, the safer and the more comfortable it is,” Dr Paul said.

“Within 24 hours following surgery, 98 per cent of patients have 20/20 vision.”

People aged 18-60 are eligible for LASIK surgery, but for those who have previously had cataract surgery, there are no real age limits and LASIK can be performed providing patients’ corneas are healthy.

Bladeless surgery ideal for cataract casesCataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over 40 years of age and are the leading cause of blindness in the world. There are thought to be more cases of cataracts worldwide than that of glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration combined.WA Laser Eye Centre ophthalmologist Dr Rob Paul said the symptoms of a cataract could be likened to a smudge on a camera lens.

“A cataract forms when the eye lens starts to age and changes from a clear lens to a discoloured yellow or brown lens,” he said.

“The cataract formation affects only the lens of the eye and not any other structures, such as the cornea, iris or optic nerve.”

Dr Paul said as part of the natural ageing process, most people would develop a slight degree of cataract, but younger people could develop premature cataracts due to trauma or factors such as diabetes.

He said cataracts were most common in people over the age of 60, with the prevalence of cataracts rising from about 2.5 per cent for people in their 40s to 99 per cent of people in their 90s.

Early signs of cataracts include reduced vision or sensitivity to light and later the patient may observe halos around lights.

Dr Paul said it was usually after cataracts interfered with everyday life that patients underwent surgery.

“Removal of a cataract is the most common eye operation and one of the most common surgical procedures performed in Australia and New Zealand and is becoming more common as people live longer,” he said.

If the eye is healthy, there is a very high chance cataract surgery will restore good vision. Instead of the traditional manual blade surgery, WA Laser Eye Centre has offered bladeless cataract surgery with the LenSx femtosecond laser to patients since November 2012.

Dr Paul said bladeless surgery allowed greater accuracy and predictability of outcomes. Taking only 20 to 30 seconds on average to complete the laser, the ensuing cataract surgery takes only 10 minutes and involves light sedation and local anesthetic eye drops.

“The laser creates computer-generated incisions into the eye, as well as breaking the cataract up, making surgery easier and safer,” he said. “It is more benefi cial to vision afterwards and patients have minimal discomfort, if any.”

There are only 15 LenSx femtosecond laser machines in Australia that can make laser cataract surgery possible for patients. Dr Paul was the fi rst surgeon in Perth to perform bladeless femtosecond laser cataract surgery and the fi rst in Australia to perform it on a public patient.

WA Laser Eye Centre’s surgeonsDr Lourens van Zyl

Dr Lourens van Zyl recently joined the team at WA Laser Eye Centre after relocating from Adelaide. He is experienced in all aspects of ophthalmology and has a special interest in micro-incisional femtolaser-assisted cataract surgery and corneal endothelial transplant surgery. He has also completed sub-

specialist training in corneal lamellar transplant surgery and glaucoma, cataract and refractive surgery.

He completed his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the University of Pretoria in South Africa in 2003 and went on to complete his fellowship training in 2011, while most recently completing a postgraduate diploma in refractive surgery through the University of Sydney last year.

Dr van Zyl worked at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide as Senior Medical Practitioner in ophthalmology before relocating to Perth at the end of 2014.

Dr Rob PaulDr Rob Paul is the Medical Director and principal surgeon at WA Laser Eye Centre and is one of Perth’s most experienced and qualifi ed refractive surgeons.

After graduating from The University of Western Australia in 1992, Dr Paul completed ophthalmology specialist training in WA in

2001 and then undertook fellowship training in laser eye, refractive surgery and corneal transplantation at the University of Toronto

in Canada.

Dr Paul performed laser eye surgery at the Gimbel Eye Institute in Toronto, before returning to establish the WA Laser Eye Centre as a leading centre for laser eye and refractive surgery. He was the fi rst surgeon in WA to have formal higher training in laser eye surgery and the fi rst surgeon in WA to perform the intralase (bladeless) procedure at St John of God Murdoch.


Have you ever been scared into thinking you might need glasses from sitting too close to the television or reading a book in dim lighting? There is no need to panic because there has never been any scientifi c evidence to support these statements. While you can strain your eyes from these activities, you won’t ruin your vision.Instead, the most common eye problems are often connected to the shape and size of your eye, something that is determined during developmental years.

People who have perfect or 20/20 vision have eyes that are round and shaped like a baseball, but someone who needs corrective lenses usually has eyes that are shaped differently.

MyopiaMore commonly known as shortsightedness, myopia is one of the most common eye problems with around 15 per cent of Australians living with the condition. People with myopia have eyes that are a little longer than normal, meaning light focuses in front of the retina, instead of on it, affecting vision.

Shortsighted people have diffi culty seeing distant objects clearly and this can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery.

HyperopiaPeople with hyperopia have trouble focusing on objects close to them because their eyes are too short from front to back.

Vision 101: diagnosing eye issuesThe condition, also known as longsightedness, means light focuses behind the retina instead of on it and causes blurred vision. Someone with signifi cant longsightedness needs corrective lenses to fi x the problem. Interestingly, many babies are born with hyperopia but as they grow, their eyeballs elongate and most of them outgrow the condition.

AstigmatismAstigmatisms are directly related to the shape of the cornea, which isn’t perfectly round, but is instead shaped like an Australian Rules football. Because the eye is not the same in all directions, it will bend the light that passes through it differently each time depending on the direction of the light. This causes an asymmetric blur, where some images are more out of focus than others. A proper eye examination is used to determine if a person has an astigmatism, which can then be fi xed with glasses or contacts.

PresbyopiaOften occurring in people aged 40 to 50, presbyopia is the gradual reduction in the amount the eye can change its focus. People with presbyopia gradually fi nd it more diffi cult to focus on objects close to them and will often need to hold things further away to see them clearly. The condition comes as a result of age, as the lens of the eye loses its fl exibility and is less able to change its shape to focus. Sight is corrected through reading glasses, bifocals, trifocals and progressive lenses.

Source: and

Behind the eyeCorneaThe cornea is the clear, protective outer layer of the eye. It serves as a barrier against germs and dust and keeps out some amount of UV.

As light enters the eye it is refracted, or bent, by the outside shape of the cornea and allows the eye to focus on objects.

IrisThe iris is the coloured part of the eye. Tiny muscles that surround the iris dilate and constrict the pupil size, which controls light levels inside the eye.

Lacrimal glandsAbove the outer corner of each eye are the lacrimal glands, which make tears. Every time you blink a tiny bit of tear fl uid comes out of your upper eyelid and drains by going into the lacrimal duct. Tears help wash away germs and dust, but also keep your eyes from drying out.

LensAfter light enters the pupil, it hits the lens, which focuses the light rays on the back of the eyeball (the retina). The lens is suspended in the eye by fi bres.

MaculaLocated roughly in the centre of the retina, it is a small and highly sensitive part of the retina, responsible for detailed vision. The macula enables the eye to see detail and perform tasks that require central vision, such as reading.

PupilThe black circular opening in the centre of the iris that allows light to enter the eye.

RetinaA very thin layer of tissue lining the inner part of the eye. It uses special cells called rods and cones to process light. Each eye has about 120 million rods, which see in black and white, and seven million cones, which sense colour.

ScleraThe sclera, also known as the white of the eye, is the tough, opaque tissue that protects the eye from dirt and other harmful objects.

Vitreous bodyThe vitreous body forms two-thirds of the eye’s volume and gives the eye its shape. It is fi lled with a thick, clear, jelly-like material called the vitreous humour. After light passes through the lens it shines through the vitreous humour to the back of the eye.


Anterior Chamber




Vitreous Gel(Body)



Macula Central Retina Artery

Central Retina Vein

Optic Nerve


Hyaloid Canal


Exclusive scanner aids the early identifi cation of conditions OPSM optometrist Bjorn Russell, pictured above, is encouraging all Western Australian residents to increase their knowledge and awareness of the importance of looking after their eyes, following research conducted by the leading optical retailer that found an estimated two million Australians aged between 18 and 44 have either never had their eyes tested or have failed to get them tested in the past fi ve years*.“A lot of people in our community are diligent with their eye health and eye care which is encouraging. However, it’s

important for everyone to have their eyes tested, not just those at a higher risk of eye disease or those with an existing eye condition,” Mr Russell said.

“We take the care of Western Australians’ eyes very seriously. As a result, OPSM offers its customers eye tests using the Optos Daytona Ultra Wide Digital Retinal Scanners^. Residents will be able to get a scan of the back of their eye, which is four times wider than a regular Digital Retinal Scan^. In a single scan we have a greater chance of detecting abnormalities which could indicate an eye condition affecting a person’s vision.”

The Optos Daytona Ultra Wide scanners allow optometrists to see a 200-degree view of the back of the eye in a single scan in less than fi ve minutes, compared with

only 45 degrees using standard digital retinal scanning machines. The images are stored securely for future comparisons and enable better management of patients’ eye health.

“It’s never too early for people to get their eyes checked. The key is to detect eye conditions as early as possible, especially when 80 per cent of blindness is preventable**,” Mr Russell said.

*Source: OPSM research conducted by Pure Profi le in May 2012 from a sample size of 1009 people across Australia aged 18 to 65+. Population fi gure calculated using 2010 population statistics provided by Australian Bureau of Statistics – ^Compared to a standard and more common 45-degree Digital Retinal Scan. **Source: Vision 2020: The Right to Sight, Global Blindness Facts,



A comprehensive eye exam by your optometrist is the best way to monitor your eye health, but OPSM is sharing the following tips to also help you look after your eyes.

Fresh fruit and vegetables: A diet low in saturated fats and rich in fresh fruit and leafy green vegetables (spinach, broccoli) is helpful.

Regular exercise: With many eye diseases linked to other health issues, regular exercise can help prevent both.

Stop smoking: Smoking has been shown to increase the risk of eye conditions. Quitting smoking may reduce your risk and slow the progression.

Wear sunglasses: Wearing these in the harsh Australian sun will help block UV light that can cause eye damage.

Take a break: Offi ce workers often concentrate so intently on their computer screens, they forget to blink and get dry eyes. Take a break every hour, rest your eyes and look around the offi ce.

Top eye care tips


WE LOOK DEEPEROur ultra-wide digital retinal scan* is four times wider than the standard scan.

* Standard scan refers to a 45 degree retinal scan using fundus photography. The Optos Daytona Ultra Wide Digital Retinal Scanner is exclusive to OPSM. Ask if the scan is suitable for you. Fees apply.

OPSM9181 106x256

People living with diabetes are at signifi cant risk of going blind, even if they have their diabetes under control and have been given the all clear in the past by their optometrist.That’s the new message being communicated by University of Sydney Professor of Ophthalmology Paul Mitchell, an internationally respected expert on diabetic eye disease.

Professor Mitchell said everyone living with diabetes (more than 1.1 million Australians) was at risk of losing their sight.

“Diabetic retinopathy is a common complication of diabetes and the leading cause of blindness among working-age adults in Australia,” he said.

Professor Mitchell said many people with diabetes had their eyes tested by an eye health professional once, maybe twice, before getting the all clear.

“Psychologically they move into safe mode. They don’t think they are at risk of diabetic retinopathy anymore. But in fact, their eyes are in unsafe mode because for every year a person has diabetes, the greater their risk of developing this blinding eye disease,” he said.

“Almost everyone with type 1 diabetes will develop some form of diabetic eye disease within 20 years of diagnosis. Of particular concern however is that many people with the more common type 2 diabetes will have already had the disease for many years by the time they are diagnosed.

“A large proportion of these people will develop potentially blinding diabetic

The blinding reality of diabetic retinopathy

retinopathy within fi ve to 10 years of their diabetes diagnosis. Since everyone with diabetes is at risk of retinopathy, it is essential to have regular eye tests; initially every two years or more often if recommended by their eye health professional.”

Macular Disease Foundation Australia Chief Executive Offi cer Julie Heraghty said almost all cases of sight-threatening diabetic eye disease could be avoided.

“Careful management of diabetes risk factors (especially blood glucose, weight, blood pressure, lipids and cessation of smoking), as well as a healthy diet and lifestyle, supported by regular eye examinations and specifi c treatment when required are essential to preventing vision loss from diabetic eye disease,” she said.

Diabetic eye disease can progress to advanced stages without any effects on vision and so it can easily go unnoticed. Detecting early evidence of diabetic retinopathy with regular eye tests is essential. Some people need treatment which is highly effective if delivered early.

Once symptoms develop, vision loss can occur rapidly and can be permanent.

“If any changes in vision occur such as dark areas, blurred, distorted, dim or double vision or diffi culty seeing at night, people should make an appointment with an eye specialist immediately, through a GP or optometrist referral,” Ms Heraghty said.

More information on diabetic eye disease can be found in a free information booklet. Contact 1800 111 709 or visit

• Depression, anger and loss of confi dence, as well as strains on social, work and family commitments are just some of the impacts of advanced diabetic eye disease. According to one study, just one in three people with vision disorders in the 40 to 65-year age group were employed – less than half the rate for those in the same age group in the general population.

• While the majority of diabetes diagnoses are in people over the age of 45, there are about 56,000

people aged 34 or less diagnosed with diabetes. Many of these will have type 1 (early onset) diabetes.

• Prevalence (especially for type 2) then starts to rapidly increase, so there are about 73,000 people aged between 35 and 44 who have been diagnosed. About 44 per cent of cases of diabetes are in women.

• It is believed at least as many people are undiagnosed and that a similar number again will have pre-diabetes.

The impacts of diabetic retinopathy

• If you have diabetes, visit an ophthalmologist or optometrist at least every two years for a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

• For people with existing diabetic retinopathy, a test is needed at least every 12 months, even if vision appears perfect.

• People with serious diabetic retinopathy or at high risk will need more frequent eye tests.

• Be guided by the optometrist or ophthalmologist and do not cancel or delay appointments.

• Never ignore any changes in vision.

Eye test checklist


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An extensive audit of animal-related eye injuries, based on admissions to the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, revealed almost 50 per cent of injuries were caused by dogs, with cats the second most frequent contributor.More than 40 per cent of the injuries required hospitalisation. The largest number of children affected were under two years of age, with older boys (12-14 years) the second largest group. The audit found boys were twice as likely to suffer an eye injury of this kind.

Summer was the most common season for animal-related eye injuries to occur. Children, often boys, throwing jellyfi sh represented a large number of those with eye injuries. Children should be discouraged from contact with animals such as jellyfi sh, with species specifi c to Western Australia known to be toxic.

Other trends previously identifi ed included magpie-swooping eye injuries, a more common problem around September. Injuries related to magpies usually resulted from contact with the magpie’s beak. Abundant in Australia, magpies can be aggressive and are a signifi cant risk during nesting season. Children should travel in larger groups or keep clear of known

Encouraging safer interaction with animals

nesting sites where possible. Wearing a peaked hat and sunglasses when walking, playing or riding a bike in these areas may also be helpful.

To help reduce the occurrence of dog and cat-related eye injuries, children should be better educated about appropriate behaviour around animals. It may seem obvious, but simply making children aware that they should never have their face close enough to an animal for it to strike could make all the difference.

The audit was conducted in conjunction with a survey of ophthalmologists, optometrists and general practitioners in Western Australia. The survey revealed only a small number of animal-related eye injuries present outside hospitals, with only a small number of animal-related eye injuries identifi ed in the survey.

With support from the Joyce Henderson Bequest Fund, the Lions Eye Institute is committed to identifying trends in eye injuries and developing strategies to help reduce children’s eye injuries.

Abundant in Australia, magpies can be aggressive and are a signifi cant risk during nesting season.


• Cataract• Cornea/Refractive• Day surgery• Diabetic Retinopathy• Glaucoma• Laser Vision correction• Lions Eye Bank• Lions Optics• Lions Outback Vision• Macular degeneration• Oculoplastics• Vitreo-Retinal

You’re Saving Sight TooThe Lions Eye Institute offers a full range of eye health care services,

with surpluses directly supporting our world leading medical researchers.By choosing the Lions Eye Institute you are helping to eradicate blindness.

2 Verdun Street, Nedlands | P (08) 9381 0777 | F (08) 9382 1171 | E [email protected] | W




Take part in important researchThe Lions Eye Institute (LEI) is at the forefront of medical research into eye diseases and potential new treatments. It is currently recruiting people with a confi rmed diagnosis of the ophthalmic conditions uveitis, dry and wet age-related macular degeneration and central and branch retinal vein occlusion.Ophthalmic clinical trials are conducted to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a new procedure, medication or device to prevent, diagnose or treat an eye disease or disorder.

Studies may also involve the collection of information from patients to improve the understanding of a particular condition or highlight areas where improvements to therapy can be made.

These studies must adhere to strict scientifi c and regulatory standards to protect patients and help produce reliable study results.

Ophthalmologists at LEI recruit adult participants for a range of clinical trials.

People interested in participating in a trial require a referral from their optometrist, general practitioner or ophthalmologist.

UveitisOcular infl ammatory diseases such as uveitis usually involve infl ammation affecting the structures in the eye, including the iris, ciliary body and choroid.

In many cases, symptoms may include decreased vision, eye pain, ocular redness, tearing, photophobia, elevated intraocular pressure, intraocular scarring, macular oedema and even vessel occlusion.

Uveitis can lead to vision loss but symptoms may be relieved by the use of corticosteroids.

These drugs suppress the immune system by blocking the production of substances that trigger infl ammation.

Dry age-related macular degenerationAge-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of severe vision loss in the ageing population in Australia and the developed world.

Dry AMD, in which the layer of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells deteriorates, is the most common type of AMD, responsible for 90 per cent of cases.

RPE cells provide support to light-sensitive photoreceptor cells that are critical for vision and can affect colour perception.

Wet age-related macular degenerationDry AMD may progress to wet AMD, which is characterised by the development of abnormal blood vessels under the retina.

These vessels leak fl uid and bleed and can eventually transform into scar tissue, disrupting the overlying photoreceptors and eventually causing visual impairment.

Central retinal vein occlusion and branch retinal vein occlusion In central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) there is a build-up and leakage of the fl uid from the affected blood vessel. The swelling of the macula results in distortion of central vision.

The Lions Laser Vision Centre holds patient safety as the number one priority and supports this goal with ongoing investment in the latest technology.The Lions Laser Vision Centre is the only clinic in Perth to use the world’s fastest and most advanced excimer laser source, the Schwind 1050RS, which corrects one dioptre of myopia in just 1.3 seconds.

The history of the Lions Laser Vision Centre has been one of fi rsts – the fi rst refractive laser centre in Western Australia, the fi rst centre to perform laser PRK surgery in Australia in 1991, the fi rst centre to perform LASIK in Western Australia in 1996 and the fi rst and still the only

Break up with your glassesaccredited laser vision centre in Western Australia. The centre has achieved accreditation each year since 2006 with ISO 9001, an internationally recognised quality management system.

Laser refractive surgery began with the introduction of an excimer laser in 1982 to reshape the surface of the human cornea and achieve correction of refractive errors in the eye that normally would require glasses or contact lenses.

This included correcting shortsightedness, longsightedness and astigmatism.

Initially the surface of the cornea was lasered. Then in 1990 the technique was improved by adding the creation of a fl ap with the ablation performed under this.

LASIK is more effective, accurate and more comfortable post-operatively providing visual recovery within 24 hours. LASIK is the gold standard of laser refractive surgery and the second most commonly performed eye operation in the world after cataract surgery.

There are four refractive surgeons at Lions Laser Vison: Professor Geoffrey Crawford, Professor Graham Barrett, Associate Professor Steven Wiffen and Dr Andrea Ang, all of whom have had specialist fellowship training in refractive and corneal surgery in the US.

The future is bright for laser vision correction, with new techniques becoming available to correct all forms of refractive errors.


Branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) can also result in leakage of fl uid and visual disturbance in the region of retina supplied by the affected vessel.

Laser photocoagulation has been the standard of care for both CRVO and BRVO, but recent trials in which the LEI was involved showed better visual results with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy.

The LEI has also developed a novel treatment for CRVO aimed at creating a bypass around the blockage.

This has been proven effective in a large Australia-wide trial and is the fi rst treatment worldwide aimed at the cause of the disease.

If you have a referral from your optometrist, ophthalmologist or general practitioner, register your interest or fi nd out more about LEI clinical trials by contacting (08) 9381 0750 or [email protected].

Ophthalmic clinical trials are conducted to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a new procedure, medication or device to prevent, diagnose or treat an eye disease or disorder.

Myopia or shortsightedness is a major public health problem and is increasing in prevalence and severity. It affects around 20 per cent of Australian adults but is extremely high in the cities of East Asia, affecting nearly 90 per cent of school leavers. Researchers from the Lions Eye Institute, working with the Busselton Healthy Aging Study, found the association between myopia and skin cancer was inversely related.

The odds of being non-myopic were 2.3 times higher in the skin cancer group compared with controls. The article published in the Medical Journal of Australia looked at data from 1861 participants aged 45 to 66 years.

Earlier research found people who spent more time outdoors in childhood were less likely to be myopic.

However, as most Australians know from the “slip, slop, slap, seek and slide” campaign, more time outdoors without protection can increase the risk of skin cancer and other eye disorders such as pterygium, an infl amed fl eshy lump that grows over the white of the eye and on to the cornea.

Pterygium is common in people who spend a lot of time outdoors.

Link between outdoors and eyesIn the Busselton study 143 participants (7.7 per cent) reported a previous history of skin melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma.

The study found those who had skin cancer were less likely to have myopia. It highlighted that while spending time outdoors lessened an individual’s risk of developing myopia, any recommendations to increase outdoor activity in childhood must also take into account the potentially harmful effects of exposure to UV radiation.

Research is ongoing at the Lions Eye Institute to determine the risk factors for myopia and sun damage to the eye. Several major studies are ongoing such as the Raine study, the Busselton study and the Kidskin study.

The Eye Protection Study is particularly interested in seeing high school students to evaluate the eye health of adolescents who are engaged in outdoor sports compared to those who are not.

This may help with research to establish a balanced level of sun exposure ideal for eye health in youth in order to prevent or minimise adverse outcomes in adulthood.

If you or a family member aged 12 and up are interested in participating in the Eye Protection Study, contact Lisa Booth on (08) 9381 0707, email [email protected] or contact the team via the website

Any recommendations to increase outdoor

activity in childhood must also take

into account the potentially

harmful effects of exposure

to UV radiation.



Take our online test to check your suitability now!


IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA - still the premier laser vision centre

Lions Eye Institute has expanded at Murdoch Medical Centre

Our leading ophthalmologists are committed to providing the highest

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Suite 24, Murdoch Medical Centre | St John of God Hospital100 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch 6150

P (08) 9381 0765 | F (08) 9311 4134

Specsavers optometrists recommend Australians have comprehensive eye tests regularly to keep their eye health in check. Medicare funds these eye tests once every three years for adults up to the age of 65 and once every year for over 65s.

The eye test is a crucial health check and covers the following:

• Analysis of your current eyewear and prescription.

• Electronic measurement of how your eyes focus.

• Measurement of your vision.

• Assessment to check your eyes are healthy, inside and out, and check for diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma.

• Determining the prescription that gives you the clearest, most comfortable vision possible.

Specsavers optometrists believe eye tests provide an opportunity to test for other health conditions and diseases at the same time.

Specsavers provides a digital retinal photography (DRP) screening service

to customers when they have a comprehensive eye test, free of charge.

DRP is a powerful tool that helps optometrists detect serious eye diseases, including glaucoma, macular degeneration and retinal changes that may be associated with diabetes.

This technology allows the optometrist to screen for abnormalities which can be monitored and treated to better protect the quality of your sight and overall eye health. These images are stored by the optometrist to track your eye health over time.

What is involved?DRP is a straightforward process. During your eye test, the optometrist will take a high-resolution image of your retina using an advanced DRP camera. Your optometrist will then review these resulting images with you to discuss your overall eye health and those other diseases they check for.

The DRP images are then stored for future comparison when you come for your next eye test, enabling you and your optometrist to discuss any changes over time.

Photography the key to maintaining healthy eyes

Various lifestyles can benefi t from a range of contact lensesWhether you want the freedom to be more active, a fresh look or just to enjoy good vision with no restriction, contact lenses are an excellent option and are becoming far more widely used in Australia with each year.Contact lenses are convenient, easy-to-use and suitable for people of all ages and prescription types. Due to the latest technology, contact lenses are now more comfortable to wear than ever before. With a few blinks of your eyes, you can get on with your daily routine without a second thought.

You can choose between having the fl exibility of daily disposable, fortnightly, monthly or extended wear lenses, all using the latest technology and materials for comfortable, crisp, clear vision.

Daily disposablesThese are the most convenient way to wear contact lenses, giving you a fresh clear lens every day with no need for solutions. Wear them when you don’t want to wear glasses, either occasionally, part-time or every day. They come in different types, including ‘toric’, for people with astigmatism, and multifocal.

Fortnightly lensesThese contact lenses can be worn daily for up to two weeks at a time. They must be removed at night and cleaned and stored with the solutions recommended by your optometrist.

Fortnightly lenses are also available for people with astigmatism.

Monthly lensesMonthly disposable contact lenses can be worn daily for up to a month. They must be removed before going to bed each night, then cleaned and stored with the solutions recommended by your optometrist. They also come in different types including monthly toric, for people with astigmatism, and monthly multifocal.

Multifocal lensesMonthly multifocal lenses are designed specifi cally for people who normally wear bifocal, varifocal or reading glasses. These are lenses with the technology to allow you to see both near and far.

Many people think age is a barrier to wearing contact lenses but nothing could be further from the truth. More people over the age of 45 are now taking up contact lenses than ever before because the new technology within the lenses themselves is advancing every year.

Similarly, when once contact lenses seemed fi ddly and expensive, the prices available in the Australian market have now dropped signifi cantly, bringing the country in line with the rest of the world.

In countries such as the UK, US and Japan, around 25 per cent of people who require vision correction aids (i.e. glasses or contact lenses) wear contact lenses, while in Australia that fi gure has sat stubbornly on fi ve per cent. Now with better pricing and more comfortable lenses, contacts have become an easy and reliable option.


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Common eye conditionsJust like any other part of the body, your eyes are susceptible to a number of minor conditions that can be extremely irritating, awkward or even painful. However, not all eye problems require medical intervention or correction with glasses. Often there are simple measures you can take to alleviate the problem or it may simply go away on its own with time.

Here are some of the most common eye conditions:

Eye allergiesEye allergies are common and tend to cause red, itchy, watery eyes and in some cases, swollen eyelids.

Eye allergies are often a reaction to certain cosmetics or eye drops or airborne allergens such as pollen, mould, dust and pet dander.

The best approach to controlling eye allergy symptoms is to do everything you can to limit your exposure to the allergens you are sensitive to.

If you wear contacts, consider switching to glasses during allergy season as contact lenses can attract and accumulate airborne allergens.

Over-the-counter eye drops may help provide relief for mild symptoms, but if your symptoms are severe, visit your doctor for a stronger medication prescription.

Dry eyeDry eye is caused by a lack of suffi cient moisture and lubrication on the eye’s surface. Symptoms of dry eye include blurriness, red eyes, fatigued eyes at the end of the day, irritation from wind, sensitivity to light and excessive tearing.

The condition can be caused by a number of factors, the most common being heavy reading or digital device use such as computers and smartphones.

Other causes include exposure to a dry environment for long periods of time, prolonged contact lens wear or a diet low in essential fatty acids or anti-infl ammatory foods.

Dry eye can be managed with a healthy, balanced diet, keeping hydrated, remembering to blink, especially when staring at a screen, and using artifi cial tears (eye drops) to provide more moisture.

TwitchingTwitches and spasms around the eye are relatively common and generally come and go, although they can last for several days or weeks at a time.

Usually it’s the bottom lid of one eye that twitches but the top lid can also experience twitching.

A twitch is a rippling muscle contraction that can be triggered by stress, lack of sleep, eye strain, caffeine, alcohol, dry eyes, nutritional imbalances and allergies.

In most cases, taking care of the underlying issue should solve the eye twitching however, for persistent twitches it’s best to consultant an eye doctor.

StyeA stye develops when an oil gland at the edge of the eyelid becomes infected. It resembles a pimple and can form on the inside or outside of the lid.

Styes can cause pain, redness, swelling and tenderness in the immediate area.

It is important to never pop a stye like a pimple as it will rupture on its own and generally heal within a few days.

Styes are contagious but everyone has the stye-causing bacteria in their body, meaning we all have the potential to develop a stye without outside contamination.


• Have regular eye check-ups: It is recommended that people visit either an optometrist or ophthalmologist for an examination every two years.

• Protect your eyes from UV: Exposure to UV light is known to contribute to eye diseases including cataracts, pterigium and age-related macular degeneration. Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses with good UV protection and a hat.

• Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Include lots of green, leafy vegetables for antioxidants, fi sh and linseeds for Omega 3 fatty acids and various vitamins and minerals such as zinc and selenium in your diet for healthy eyes. Good eating habits can help prevent diabetes, which is a signifi cant cause of vision loss in Australia.

• Protect your eyes from hazards: Sixty per cent of eye injuries happen at work and most incidents are preventable. When working outside or with machinery, wear safety glasses to protect your eyes.

• Arrange examinations for others: Children are often unaware or cannot express the fact that their vision is blurry. More than half of vision impairment cases are due to uncorrected refractive error.

Source: Vision Australia.

Eye health checklist


Wearability an important factorYour eyes blink more than 14,000 times per day, so your contact lenses need a smooth surface in order to reduce irritation of delicate eye tissue.After more than a decade of product development, Alcon® has brought the world’s fi rst and only water gradient contact lens to market.

Practitioners across the United States and Europe have described it as a new era in comfort.1

Advances in surface chemistry combined with a heritage of silicone hydrogel innovation and the newest generation of Alcon’s proprietary LightStream® technology have made DAILIES TOTAL1® possible.

The new category of contact lenses has a gradient design in both material properties and water content, enhancing performance at both the core and surface.

The highly breathable silicone hydrogel core, with a low water content of 33 per cent, transitions into a soft hydrophilic surface gel made up of more than 80 per cent water content, which then approaches 100 per cent at the outer surface.2,3

This allows oxygen to pass more freely through the lens to the eye than with other

daily disposable lenses and creates a silky-smooth4 surface for comfort.

Clinical studies showed nine out of 10 subjects felt comfortable all day wearing the DAILIES TOTAL1® lenses, with four out of fi ve patients reporting they did not feel the lens on their eyes at all.5

References: 1. Draper et al A water Gradient Contact lens Optician 2013. 2. Dunn A, Urueña J, Huo Y, Perry S, Angelini T, Sawyer WG. Lubricity of Surface Hydrogel Layers. Tribology Letters. February 2013. 2013; 49(2): 371-378. 3. Angelini TE, Nixon RM, Dunn AC, et al. Viscoelasticity and mesh-size at the surface of hydrogels characterised with microrheology. ARVO 2013; E-abstract 500, B0137. 4. Alcon data on fi le, 2011. In a clinical study with 80 patients. 5. In a clinical study of 80 patients; Alcon data on fi le, 2011.



Ask your optometrist for water gradient contact lenses. DAILIES TOTAL1®

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#Please contact your Eye Care Professional. Product must be purchased from an Australian or New Zealand supplier. *Dk/t = 156 @ -3.00D. **Alcon data on file, 2011. Based on laboratory testing before application/insertion on eye.

See package insert for complete wear, care and safety information.

© 2015 Novartis. Alcon Laboratories (Australia) Pty. Ltd. ABN 88 000 740 830. 10/25 Frenchs Forest Rd East, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086, Australia. Phone: 1800 025 032. 109 Carlton Gore Road, Ground Floor, Newmarket, Auckland 1023, New Zealand. Phone: 0800 939 999. DAILIES TOTAL1® is a trademark of Novartis AG. 02/15 ALC0331 PCLC14059

Researchers at the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) are working on Australia’s fi rst bionic eye and a world-fi rst device for those with retinal degeneration, particularly patients with retinitis pigmentosa.

Clinical trials are currently underway for a new, low-impact, low-energy laser treatment that’s the fi rst in the world for patients with early age-related macular degeneration (AMD).Researchers from the University of Melbourne and the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) found unlike other laser treatments, this new, faster laser did not result in damage to the retina, the sensitive light-detecting tissue at the back of the eye.

“It’s called a nanosecond laser so it’s very short acting pulses and they are thought to have a very different mode of action to the normal lasers that we would use in the clinic,” Principal Investigator Professor Robyn Guymer said.

The team is targetting the early stages of the condition before threatening complications begin that lead to vision loss.

In the early stages the disease is characterised by the presence of small fatty deposits called drusen and thickening in a membrane at the back of the eye.

Professor Guymer said the laser aimed to slow the progression of the disease once a patient noticed visible signs.

“We’re hoping it slows the progression in people at great risk so if they were to lose vision it would be a slow process, but it is possible the laser could reverse the process that puts you at risk,” she said.

“If that were the case, it would certainly be a prevention. It wouldn’t stop you getting the early signs but once you had the early signs it might prevent you progressing, but that’s what we don’t know yet.”

Professor Guymer said it was diffi cult to predict how quickly patients lost their vision with AMD. Most often it is over many years or even decades, but some patients could be fi ne one day and in trouble the next.

The patients in the randomised clinical trial, who are from Australia and Northern Ireland, will receive a laser treatment every six months for three years. Half will receive the new treatment while the others will receive a placebo.

Professor Guymer said if the trials proved the benefi t of the new laser, it could be available immediately.

“Because it’s not like a drug, where you have to get approval to use it, it’s an easier path to get it into action once we’ve found that it does some good,” she said.

AMD affects one in seven people over the age of 50, with the incidence increasing with age. It is responsible for 48 per cent of severe vision loss in Australia, with an estimated 17,700 new cases each year.

Bionic eye ready to enter the real world

New laser trialled

The project is ready to move outside the lab and into real-world environments after receiving a $1.2 million grant from the National Health and Medical and Research Council (NHMRC).

Bionic Eye Clinical Research Program Leader Dr Lauren Ayton said this next stage was extremely exciting, as it would allow the team to see how patients learned about the device.

“When people are only able to use it when they’re here with us in the lab it’s quite limited how much they can learn how to use the device,” she said.

“Whereas if they can take it home, they’re able to experiment with it in their own home environment and we think they’ll probably be able to get much more use out of it.”

Lead Researcher, Vitro-Retinal Surgeon Dr Penny Allen said the NHMRC grant would allow for the testing of a full-implantable device, which would include a patient-worn vision processor.

“With the funding we can monitor patients, track their progress and see how the device handles in the outside world,” she said.

“Patients selected will wear glasses with an in-built camera that transmits images to the vision processor, which passes signals to the implant, stimulates the retina and passes the images into the

brain’s image processing centre, allowing a vision-impaired person to see.”

Dr Ayton said the device would help restore some vision in patients with the hereditary condition of retinitis pigmentosa, which was usually diagnosed in childhood or as a teenager and generally resulted in rapid vision loss.

Patients selected will wear glasses with an in-built camera that transmits images to the vision processor, which passes signals to the implant, stimulates the retina and passes the images into the brain...allowing a vision-impaired person to see.

“Because we’re doing it [implanting] inside the eye, there’s a few things that have to happen. The eye has to be there and the nerves between the eye and the brain have to be intact and the brain has to be okay,” she said.

The in-home trial is expected to begin at the end of the year and run for two years with ongoing participation to continually refi ne the device.


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Dr Penny Allen with patient Dianne Ashworth.


Love your lenses‘Abbott’ is a global leader in eye care products. Their range consists of leading brands within the Contact Lens Care market, these include COMPLETE® Easy Rub and RevitaLens Multi-Purpose solutions. For those with sensitive eyes Oxysept® Hydrogen Peroxide Disinfecting System offers a preservative free and built-in lubricant formulation. Teaming up with Oxysept® disinfection system is Lens Plus® OcuPure® Saline Solution and Ultrazyme® Protein removing tablets for the ultimate cleaning solution.

Ensure you have a good peroxide cleaning regimeContact lenses can be disinfected by means of heat, chemical based solutions or hydrogen peroxide, the latter requiring neutralisation as part of the routine.1

To help contact lens wearers understand the importance of clean lenses and healthy eyes, particularly those using a peroxide solution like Oxysept® Hydrogen Peroxide System, ‘Abbott’ has developed an educational program designed to educate contact lens users about the importance of caring for their lenses and their eyes. The program is titled “The Ultra Clean Team” that represents the three important

steps in the peroxide cleaning regime. 1. Disinfection of lenses – Daily cleansing using Oxysept® disinfecting system with built-in lubricant and powerful neutralising tablet. 2. Rinsing correctly – applying Lens Plus OcuPure® Saline Solution after the use of Oxysept® Hydrogen Peroxide Solution, and prior to contact lenses being inserted into the eye. 3. Protein removal – weekly insertion of Ultrazyme® Protein removal tablet into the Oxysept® Peroxide Solution during the disinfection step.

Your eye care professional knows bestIt is important to always consult with your eye care professional when selecting a Contact Lens Care product that is suitable for you. Make sure you ask your Eye Care Professional questions to fully understand

the benefi ts of effective contact lens hygiene, and tips on how to implement an effective cleaning regime for whatever product(s) you use.

Be prepared when travelling or away from homeWe can sometimes fi nd that the cleanliness of our contact lenses is compromised for many different reasons; so be sure to have a convenient sized cleaning solution with you at all times. ‘Abbott’ offers a range of travel sizes as the perfect travel companion – in particular for Revitalens® and COMPLETE® multi-purpose solutions.

Remember, for clean lenses and healthy eyes – always read the label of your eye care product and use only as directed.

References: 1. Bridget E, Efron N. Non-compliance in contact lens wear. Othal. Phsiol. Opt., 1994, Vol. 14, 356-364, Oct.


Meet the Ultra Clean


The Ultra Clean Team offers a superior clean1 for a comfortable contact lens wearing experience.

Oxysept® Peroxide disinfection solution* with built-in lubricant for enhanced comfort. Plus a powerful neutralising tablet.

Ultrazyme® Protein removerWhen used weekly, removes protein build-up.

LensPlus OcuPure® Saline solutionUniquely transforms into natural

tear components, providing optimal comfort.

*Oxysept® solution should always be used with the Oxysept® neutralising tablet and lenses rinsed with LensPlus OcuPure® Saline solution before inserting into eyes. Reference: 1. Nikolic M, Azizi N, Ambrus K, et al. Antimicrobial Efficacy of Oxysept® and Clear Care Peroxide Systems vs Acanthamoeba spp. Trophozoites and Cysts. Poster presented at AAO Conference; Oct 2008; Anaheim, CA. Abbott Medical Optics (AMO Australia Pty Ltd) 299 Lane Cove Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113, Australia. Oxysept, LensPlus, OcuPure and Ultrazyme are trademarks owned by or licensed to Abbott Laboratories, its subsidiaries or affiliates. ©2015 Abbott Medical Optics Inc. PP2015CN0030 WH AMO19698_WA

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