the most fun you’ll ever have…. consider the connotations denotation = dictionary definition,...

Identifying Mood/Tone and Author’s Bias The most fun you’ll ever have…

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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  • The most fun youll ever have
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  • Consider the Connotations Denotation = dictionary definition, literal meaning Connotation = another meaning it suggests, positive or negative Positive or Negative?? WordPositive/Negative savage exquisite sappy painstakingly romantic isolated
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  • Let us review Mood the atmosphere a story brings to the mind of a reader how it makes you feel How does an author create mood? Setting Word choice think about connotation Figurative language Imagery
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  • What is the mood of this painting? How does it make you feel?
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  • On your own Complete the reading passage and questions in Part A: Analyze Setting and Mood
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  • Let us review Tone the attitude a writer takes toward a subject or character Can often be described in one word playful, sarcastic, humorous, sentimental, angry How does word connotation play a part in determining tone?
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  • Practice Complete part A on your own GAME TIME Name that tone The tone at the time is Quiz time!
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  • Fact, Inference, and Opinion Fact a statement that has been or can be proved to be true Miss Lovell is 22 years old. Inference (assumption) - a logical conclusion made from verifiable facts Miss Lovells hair is straight today, so she must have woken up early this morning. Opinion (value statement) a statement that is believed but cannot be proved, should and ought are often included in these statements. Miss Lovell should dye her hair purple.
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  • So how do you tell which is which? Its hard!! People often say things as if they were facts or inferences when they are really just opinions. ** Helpful hint When someone will not explain what facts they used to come up with their conclusion, they are often just giving their opinion.
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  • Activity Complete parts A, B, and C of the Exercises in IN
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  • Authors Purpose: Why do authors write? 1. Inform 2. Persuade 3. Entertain 4. Describe
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  • 1. To inform explain, give directions, illustrate, or present information
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  • Inform Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is really easy. First, gather your ingredients (bread, peanut butter, jelly) and two knives. Spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread and your jelly on the other. Put the bread together and enjoy!
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  • 2. To persuade by expressing an opinion to convince readers to think/feel/act a certain way
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  • Persuade Art class should be longer than all other specials. There never seems to be enough time to get our pictures done. If we had more time in art class everyone would do a better job on their pictures and we would learn more. Art is very important and we should have the time we need to finish a project.
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  • 3. To entertain is to illustrate a theme, event or story that conveys a mood.
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  • Entertain Once upon a time there was a little boy who loved to play soccer. He would run as fast as he could to the ball, but every time he got there and tried to kick it he would miss. He started to think he wasn't very good at soccer, but he didn't give up. His hard work paid off and one day he scored the winning goal for his team.
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  • 1.If the author is telling a story, his purpose is probably to _____________. 2.If the author is giving opinions, his purpose is probably to _____________. 3.If the author is telling facts, his purpose is probably to _____________. 4.If the author is giving sensory details, his purpose is probably to __________. Entertain Persuade Inform Describe
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  • Name that purpose! Jim was unable to get to sleep. When he went to bed he cried. Tomorrow is his birthday party and it is going to be ruined. How can we go sledding with no snow? The next morning, when Jim got out of bed and ran to the window, he shouted with glee, "The snow has fallen and we can go sledding!" Jim was happy because now he can have his birthday sledding party.
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  • Name that purpose! There are three lights on a traffic light. The top light is red and that means stop. The middle light is yellow and that means caution. The bottom light is green and that means go.
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  • Name that purpose! If you want to become a better reader you need to read often. Research supports that children need to read frequently to be able to read fluently and to be able read high frequency words. All students will benefit by reading at least 20 - 30 minutes per day. Make it a point and read more often!
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  • Authors Bias Authors bias is a personal and largely unreasoned judgment either for or against a particular person, position, or thing; a prejudice. BIAS IS USED TO SWAY AN AUDIENCE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Types of Bias Neutral When an author reports the facts, no opinions at all. Negative When an author attempts to convince you that something is BAD Positive When an author attempts to convince you that something is GOOD
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  • Clues that an author is using Bias States Opinions Word Choice Uses Loaded Words Words that express emotions Creates images (lots of juicy words) Faulty Reasoning Coming up with crazy reasons for things Making things up
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  • Where do we see bias most often? Commercials /view.ashx /view.ashx /view.ashx Columns in the newspaper or on the internet Opinion Blogs
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  • VS.
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  • Sources are references and evidence a writer uses in his or her research that influence and support their work. Examples of Sources: Books Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin Articles The LA Times, Time Magazine Journals Interviews Pictures
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  • To provide authenticity/credibility to research To provide compelling support for ones topic or argument Organized citing allows ones sources to be verified by the readers Citation limits plagiarism Proper citation saves the writer lots of academic and legal problems
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  • Libraries Online Scholarly Journals Internet Websites Newspapers Video Collections (ex. Documentaries) The Community (ex. Local government offices like city hall)
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  • Known author Part of a respected academic community Ex. Associated with Universities Rely on research Printed by established publishing companies Objective Part of information centers
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  • Are extremely biased No author Independent blogs (not all of the time) Though convenient,.com websites can often be unreliable but there are exceptions (ex. Time Magazine) Lack evidence and are purely opinion based Do not cite their own sources Anyone can add information to it Wikipedia