the motherhood reports: the best ways to engage moms online on behalf of brands

The Motherhood Reports - and we know moms

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Post on 27-May-2015




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The Motherhood and the University of Pittsburgh Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence and the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business conducted in-depth research and analysis of more than a thousand blog posts created by The Motherhood network of bloggers on behalf of our clients to determine what works and what doesn’t work for brands wanting to reach, engage and activate moms online. Following are the preliminary results of the study.


  • 1. TheMotherhoodReports - and we know moms

2. The Motherhood Reports 2014 EngagingMomsOnline 3. The Motherhood Reports 2014 The Motherhood and the University of Pittsburgh Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellenceand the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business conducted in-depth research and analysis of more than a thousand blog posts created by The Motherhood network of bloggers on behalf of our clients to determine what works and what doesnt work for brands wanting to reach, engage and activate moms online. Following are the preliminary research ndings. EngagingMomsOnline 4. WhatWorks? MILLIONIMPRESSIONS Our network of thousands of mom bloggers reach nearly half a billion moms online every month 5. The Motherhood Reports 2014 WhyMomsOnline? There are more than 4 million mom bloggers and they have many millions of followers Half of all bloggers are parents with kids under 18 in their household Moms rule social media Moms are each others trusted sources for information on brands 6. MomsRuleSocialMedia Moms are each others trusted sources for information on brands Source: 7. The Motherhood Reports 2014 MomsTrustMoms 59% Moms 44% Women VS. 49% Moms 33% Women VS. 61% Moms 49% Women VS. 52% Moms 40% Women VS. Recommend via social networks Discuss on social networks after seeing an ad elsewhere Talk about who they follow on Facebook Link to company ads When it comes to companies & brands, moms are more likely to: Source: ROI Research and Performics 8. The Motherhood Reports 2014 MomsTrustMoms 43% Moms 28% Women VS. 28% Moms 14% Women VS. 65% Moms 51% Women VS. Post company ads Post interesting or relevant content Learn about a product or service through a social networks When it comes to companies & brands, moms are more likely to: Source: ROI Research and Performics 9. The Motherhood Reports 2014 MomsTrustMoms 56% Moms 43% Women VS. 66% Moms 51% Women VS. 42% Moms 29% Women VS. 44% Moms 32% Women VS. Follow Up on recommendations received on social networks View social networks as a good source of information Make a purchase based on recommendations from social networks Purchase more from companies theyLike When it comes to companies & brands, moms are more likely to: Source: ROI Research and Performics 10. The Motherhood Reports 2014 TheMotherhoodReports 11. The Motherhood Reports 2014 The Motherhood and the University of Pittsburgh Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellenceand the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business conducted a study of blog posts created on behalf of The Motherhoods clients. Included in the study were: 19 Brand campaigns 1,025 blog posts Created by 956 bloggers TheMotherhoodResearchandAnalysisofBrandCampaigns 12. The Motherhood Reports 2014 TheMotherhoodProcess Program Design Identify, Recommend and Engage Manage Engagement Track & Report Analyze 13. The Motherhood Reports 2014 TheMotherhoodProcess Program Design. The Motherhood works with brands and agencies to outline goals, tactics, milestones and measurement tools for each social media campaign. Identify, Recommend & Engage the Mom Blogger Teams. We base our blogger recommendations on in-depth knowledge of and connections to mom bloggers across the country. Management. We oversee all aspects of the bloggersengagement, online and oine. Track and Report the program reach, highlights and links. Analyze results, reach and sentiment of each campaign and its impact. 14. The Motherhood Reports 2014 CampaignsIncludedintheResearch 15. The Motherhood Reports 2014 TheResults 16. The Motherhood Reports 2014 BlogPostImpactAnalysis Inclusion of photos Inclusion of a giveaway Bloggers Twitter following Bloggers Facebook following Bloggers audience Creativity of post Authenticity of post Boring vs. interesting We analyzed the impact of the following blog post attributes 17. The Motherhood Reports 2014 Key Factors in... TotalImpressions Inclusion of stock photos Inclusion of personal photos Creativity of the blog post 18. The Motherhood Reports 2014 Key Factors in... GeneratingBlogComments Oering readers a giveaway Number of Twitter followers Launching a new product 19. The Motherhood Reports 2014 Key Factors in... IncreasingTwitterCoverage Authenticity of the bloggers voice An existing product Inclusion of photos (stock or personal) 20. The Motherhood Reports 2014 Key Factors in... IncreasingFacebookCoverage Meet-ups Inclusion of photos (stock or personal) An existing product (higher engagement than new products) 21. The Motherhood Reports 2014 PostsonBehalfofBrandsResearchers found The Motherhood bloggers posts on behalf of brands to be: 1. Honest 2. Genuine and Sincere 3. Informative 4. Relatable 5. Warm Hearted 6. Attention Getting 7. Energetic 8. Creative 9. Strong 22. The Motherhood Reports 2014 PostsonBehalfofBrandsResearchers found The Motherhood bloggers posts on behalf of brands NOT to be: 1. Boring 2. Irritating 23. The Motherhood Reports 2014 KeyTakeaways 24. The Motherhood Reports 2014 1. Creative expression and authentic conversations drive engagement. - Controlling the message hurts the outcome - More freedom produces more interesting and eective content 2. Its all about choosing the right bloggers, and not necessarily the big-name bloggers. 3. Re-posts of duplicate information DO NOT improve engagement or product trials. 4. Comments and conversation have moved from blogs to social platforms. 5. Campaigns with strategic targeting of social media platforms are more successful. 6. High-touch programs result in top results. KeyTakeaways 25. The Motherhood Reports 2014 Acompanysmostvaluablecustomers arecustomerswhoarebothexcellent buyersandmarketers. Harvard Business Review 26. The Motherhood Reports 2014 Founded in 2006 Award-winning digital PR and marketing rm A network of thousands of mom bloggers who reach nearly half a billion moms online every month Clients include more than 150 blue chip companies, national non-prots and industry associations Oces in Pittsburgh, New York and Seattle 27. The Motherhood Reports 2014 ThankYou