the mt. sterling advocate. (mt. sterling, ky) 1910-08-17 [p...

MT STERLING ADVOCATE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 17 1911 Advocate Publishing Company INCORPORATED EnlTOasG Entered in the Iotoffice at Mt Sterling as Secondclass mail matter ONE DOLLAR PER YEA SUBSCRIPTION f r inserted until paid for Cash must accompany order No announcement DEMOCRATIC TICKET Fon CO OIaS8I A FLOYD BYRD Of Clark County- ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce j KELLAR GREENE as a candidate for County Court Clerk of Montgomery county subject to the action of the Democratic party m h MORGANS MEN Morgans men have their annual reunion yesterday and today at Parks Hill the attractive grounds in Nicholas county at which for the past several years the survivors of that famous command have foregathered together There those who in their youth rode under tie Stars and Bars will meet to clasp hands renew the memories of those gallant days and repledge the friendship which welded in the lire of battle have stood the test of years of peace Rapidly do their ranks diminish as comrade after comrade falls even as the lovable loyal Mike Satilley high gentlemen and upright judge fell asleep but a few days ago and the gallant daring Sam Leavy passed to the Great Beyond but a few short weeks since And to the very day almost to the very minute when Gods fin- ger ¬ touched him each of those who have gone before has borne his burden played his part in the drama of life as each met fully the danger and bore cheerfully the privations of war No such bodof omen ever rode under such a leader as that band of young Kentuckians who made the name of Morgans men immortal We and all Ken ¬ tuckians do ourselves proud snore than a generation since the close of that war in making holiday of the day on which the survivors tf those youths tow gruyhmred but still VQiHiis in strength buoyancy and high purpose gather to revive the memories of the days of long ago and close ranks so that shoulder to shoulder they nay march on facing the future as they laced death leveleyed and unafraid Lex ¬ ington Herald MR LANGLEYS PROMISES- if sonic of the tales told in the meeting of the Tenth District Democrats arc true the present Representative has seen the Chicago platform tariff plank and gone it two or three better A Government turnpike from Mt Sterling to the Virginia line a pension for all Con ¬ federate soldiers an increase to 1 a day in all Federal pensions money in lieu of the public lands not alloted to theta for all mountain ¬ eels with Indian blood in their veins and the repeal of time Kentucky dog tax law by congressional enactment are cited as instances of Mr Langleys intended beneficences to his constituents The mere recital c f them is to pay tribute to a more than gencr eous nature To say that Mr Dangle is the most promising politi ¬ cian in Kentucky is but to do him justice To predict that he will be one of the most finished politicians in Kentucky on the Dthof next November calls for no gift of augury The present is an off year for the practice of the Republican art of fooling all of the people nilof the time as Uncle Joe Cannon can boar witness i But for all that wed like to see Mr Langley taken care of A gentleman of his ability would make an excellent keeper of the records of time Ananias H ClubLouisvilleTiniesPROTECT HOSE Several members of the local lire department have requested us to call attention to the City Ordinance milking it a violation of the law to drive over a lire hose At several fires recently u number of good citizens in vehicles of various kinds have recklessly driven over the hose apparently uncon ¬ scious of the possible consequence Instances are numerous where serious damage has been done in this manner and much valuable time lost in repairing a bursted place or replacing it with a new section We are sure this practice is the result of thoughtlessness alone and hope it will not occur in the future THANKS MR JAMES I Upon behalf of the Democrats of the Tenth Congressional District we desire to thank Congressman OJlie M 1 James of the First District for his able address at our recent convention Having accepted an invitation from our citizens to be present bo came from Washington I D C at his own expense and after the con ¬ vention hurried back to Washington on the next train to the bedside of his sick wife The Democrats of this end of the State would like to see Big Ollie made United States Senator FINANCIAL STATEMENT The attention of our taxpayers is called to the statement found elsewhere in this issue showing the countys financial condition r The Mt Sterling National Bank = 50000 Capital 53500 Surplus J 0 B PATTERSON Cashier AUGUST COURT About 2500 Cattle on the Mar ¬ ketQuality fairly Good About 2500 cattle on the mar kct The quality was fairly good Trade was not as brisk as we have seen it in this market Prices were firm on steers but off o heifers and cows at least 25 to 50 cents The best 900 to 1000lb steers sold at 5k but bulk o sales was around 5c Yearlings at 4i to 5c Heifers at 4 to 420 Cows at 3 to 3k Old 1 cows and rough oxen at li to 2c A few 100lb hogs sold at 875 Goodcrowd at the pens with sonic buyers from other States I but trade was rather slow in the morning but improved sonic tow ¬ aids noon SALES John DeBard sold 4 550lb steers to Marry Staffoid at J25 I A flKalns of Carlisle I bought a bunch of SOOlb cows of John Rose at 325 I Hazard Downing sold 2 500lb i heifers to Jno F Richardson at 4cI F J Stamper sold 3 825 lb1 i steers to VV Guy of Bourbon county at 475 Mike Wilson sold to same party 15 800Ib steers at 5c Lon Tracy sold 20 950lb steers to Ed R Prewitt at 5k Sum Keeton sold 30 700lb yearlings to Jas S Bogie at 480 Ellis Oldfield 3 900lb cows to Sam Laythrnm of Bath county at 3k Thos Rasnich sold a bunch ofI I 7501 b heifers to A F Kearns 425Ellis Oldlield sold 10 700lb heif- ers ¬ to same party at SVc25 Milt Lykins 25 550lb steers to- W E Little of Clark county at 4k Fred McCormick sold 11 G50lb steers to 11 il Vise at 4k Shelby Cannot sold 12 920lb steers to A S Hart at 525 and 3 700lb yearlings at 5j A D Lacey sold 0 700lb steers to Rufus Madden of Clark county at 425 Allen Son sold same party 8 700lb yearlings at 425 Carl Trimble sold 20 720lb yearlings to Jas S Bogie at 480 Kelly Murphy sold 15 GOOlb heifers to U S Hamilton of Bath county at 415 Mike Wilson sold 11 650lb heifers to Aimer Henry of Car ¬ lisle at 4c- Forest Vanhoose sold 20 550lb steers to Mr Judof Bourbon c untItL 23 per head Sum Wheeler solda bunch of 850lb steers to W W Gay nt5c Miller King sold 8 400lb steers to Riley Gordon of Clark county At 425 MULES Very few mules on the market and not much doing Mr HOld Armstrong of Flemingsburg was hereto buy suckling mules but prices were so high that he balked and bought 21 two and threeyear old broke mules instead paying 125 to 175 per head The prices I asked for suckling mules was i from 75 to 125 per head for Sale Quick Callahan Gas or Gasoline 10 I horse power Engine slightly out of repair Call at this office 6tf Advocate Pub Co Inc The Temptation to Buy needlessly will be greatly reduced if you have to draw a check every time you make a purchase Dont keep your cash in your pocket where it is likely to burn a hole Open an account with the Mt Sterling National Bank Experience proves that a man thinkS twice beforce he spends once when he has 4in account at the bank Shooting Affray in City Last Friday evening Allie Fra tier was shot and seriously woun ¬ ded by Tom Fitch The trouble was the culmination of differences of several weeks standing between the two families They live on Richmond street near the Star Planing Mill occupying houses on either corner of the alley leadin 1into the electric light house The gun used was a 38 Smith Wes ¬ passedf through the entire bodnear the I hipFraxer l residenl 21 years oldand we are informed localI I section crew on the C Orail ¬ road Fitch has been a resident of the city a number of years is engaged in the tobacco business and we have never heard of his being n trouble before Ho i is regarded by hardI ¬ causcdI the authorities and Saturday gave bond before Judge J McCormick in the sum of 1000 for his appear ¬ ance on August 27th when it is hoped the injured man will be able to be present When last heard from he was resting well but is thought to be dangerously wound- ed Election Commissioners The State Board of Eelection Commissioners will meet on Thurs ¬ day August 25 1910 at 10 a m- in the oilice of Clerk of the Court of Appeals Frankfort for the purpose of selecting the County Commissioners for one year from date of appointment and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the Board DR W B ROBINSON Veterinarian Ollico lit Anderson k HcmrilmunV Livery Stable Olllco Ilionu 115 Kcsidcncc 1iione 511 1 Culls answered promptly Kxaiiiinallnns free Assistant State Veterinarian rc1vwO eoRRESFONDENeE v ++ rwo e STOOPS Corn and tobacco have begun to damage on account of dry weather Prospects are that the fall crop of grass will be short- J H Gillaspie is out again after a few days illress The nomination o f A Floyd Byrd for Congress is satisfactory to the Democrats here Mrs Bert Senders and son Roy visited relatives at Poplar Plains last week Miss Ethel Reason of Lexing ¬ ton has been visiting her cousins Misses Ella Lee and May Trimble A large number of our people attended the Bliie Grass fair last weekBridges Bros horse King of Montgomery took the blue ribbon in his class at Lexington last week This horse will be shown again at nextg month Tom Caudill and family of Stan- ton are visiting the fancily of E A GravesBarkley Neal of McIntosh Fin has been visiting the family of Robt Barkley The greatest thing in the world i is Teachers Institute so thinks the small boy who doesnt have to go to school that week The congregation at Springfield failed to secure the Rev R L Kinnaird of Jackson as he had accepted cull to Virginia Chris Cassity and two children are at Lexington visiting relatives Henry L Jones Jr is the guest of relatives at Mavsville D L Goodan visited relatives at Morehead last week Miss Virsrie Kissick of Little Rock is visiting Miss Leona Conn Thos Warner and wife visited his mother Mrs Belle Warner in Menifee Co last week Ray Goodan and wife of Pres ¬ ton visited relatives here Saturday and SundarI M C Foley and wife of Mt Sterling visitpd the family of Mrs May Foley Sunday Joe Coons came up from Lex ¬ ington Sunday to visit Squire John C Trimble Mrs T J Carr and daughters Misses Eannie and Elizabeth and Mrs Jesse Becraft of Mt Sterling visited Mrs H L Ficklin Sun ¬ dayThe best groceries most courte ¬ ous treatment prompt delivery < S P Greenwade 25 Suits broken sizes 1250 Punch 8 Graves Harris Eastin Co Xxacorporate5 Jfiunoralt Directors and embalmers MT STERLING KENTUCKY PHONES Office 479 Residence295 and 146 Graser Humphreys Flori ts DESIGN WORK CUT FLOWERS and WEDDING DECORATIONS OUR SPECIALTY Greenhouse Phone S3 Store Phone 547 MT STERLING KENTUCKY Knife Users Busy Knife users were busy in the city Saturday night Somewhere on Maysville street Lindsay Gar- rett colored received an ugly gash in the throat presumably with a razor in the hands of Nel ¬ son Garrett also colored Dr McKenna administered to the wants of the colored man and he is not thought to bp dangerously wounded Robert Chanler white cut Lula Houston white across the left arm necessitating the taking of several stitches by the attending physician Dr Jones This affair happened at a resort on the Ow ingsvillo pike of which the Hous ¬ ton girl is an inmate We were unable to secure accu ¬ rate information as to the cause of the trouble in either case Chanler and Garrett both fled after the occurrences and neither have been apprehended LATER Garrett has been ar- rested ¬ and is now in jail awaiting his examining trial 15 Suits broken sizes 750 Punch Graves PUBLIC SALE If not sold privately before that date I will offer at public sale on Tuesday August 30 1910 at 10 oclock a in one house and three vacant lots on Antwerp avenue The farttdyand ing the most money will be accepted The house is a onestory of seven rooms good garden barn and outbuildings The lot is 70x260 feet The lots extend front Antwerp avenue to Rogers avenue a depth of 435 feet Also at same time and place will offer for sale one brood mare with colt by her byWoodkards sons Copperbottom 3d dam by Salmons DenmarK 4th dart by Bentons Diomede byBouri meets one buggy two sets of buggy har- ness ¬ plow gear and other things too numerous to mention Terms announced on day ofsale J LIT MARK Wm Cravens Auo svgs The JVarrrlo n The Easiest Riding Car in the World Winner of Cobe trophy 200 miles in 163 minutes Also many other worlds records If you want the BEST buy a MARMON hoe lit erature and demonstration see or call ROBT M TRIMBLE JR PHONE 159 J fI liJc f > y i r r l q I j t i i 1J t I s t I tt tI t 1I I 1 I 1 C 4 JT I If r j t r

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Page 1: The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, KY) 1910-08-17 [p ] · MT STERLING ADVOCATE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 17 1911 Advocate Publishing Company


Advocate Publishing CompanyINCORPORATED

EnlTOasGEntered in the Iotoffice at Mt Sterling as Secondclass mail matter

ONE DOLLAR PER YEASUBSCRIPTION frinserted until paid forCash must accompany order No announcement



Of Clark County-

ANNOUNCEMENTWe are authorized to announcej

KELLAR GREENEas a candidate for County Court Clerk of Montgomery county subject to the action

of the Democratic partymh


Morgans men have their annual reunion yesterday and today at

Parks Hill the attractive grounds in Nicholas county at which forthe past several years the survivors of that famous command have

foregathered together There those who in their youth rode under

tie Stars and Bars will meet to clasp hands renew the memories ofthose gallant days and repledge the friendship which welded in thelire of battle have stood the test of years of peace

Rapidly do their ranks diminish as comrade after comrade falls

even as the lovable loyal Mike Satilley high gentlemen and uprightjudge fell asleep but a few days ago and the gallant daring Sam

Leavy passed to the Great Beyond but a few short weeks since

And to the very day almost to the very minute when Gods fin-



touched him each of those who have gone before has borne his

burden played his part in the drama of life as each met fully the

danger and bore cheerfully the privations of war No such bodofomen ever rode under such a leader as that band of young Kentuckianswho made the name of Morgans men immortal We and all Ken ¬

tuckians do ourselves proud snore than a generation since the close ofthat war in making holiday of the day on which the survivors tfthose youths tow gruyhmred but still VQiHiis in strength buoyancyand high purpose gather to revive the memories of the days of longago and close ranks so that shoulder to shoulder they nay march onfacing the future as they laced death leveleyed and unafraid Lex ¬

ington Herald


if sonic of the tales told in the meeting of the Tenth District

Democrats arc true the present Representative has seen the Chicago

platform tariff plank and gone it two or three better A Government

turnpike from Mt Sterling to the Virginia line a pension for all Con ¬

federate soldiers an increase to 1 a day in all Federal pensions

money in lieu of the public lands not alloted to theta for all mountain ¬

eels with Indian blood in their veins and the repeal of time Kentuckydog tax law by congressional enactment are cited as instances of Mr

Langleys intended beneficences to his constituents

The mere recital c f them is to pay tribute to a more than gencr

eous nature To say that Mr Dangle is the most promising politi¬

cian in Kentucky is but to do him justice To predict that he will be

one of the most finished politicians in Kentucky on the Dthof next

November calls for no gift of augury The present is an off year forthe practice of the Republican art of fooling all of the people nilofthe time as Uncle Joe Cannon can boar witness


But for all that wed like to see Mr Langley taken care of Agentleman of his ability would make an excellent keeper of the recordsof time Ananias



HOSESeveral members of the local lire department have requested us to

call attention to the City Ordinance milking it a violation of the law todrive over a lire hose

At several fires recently u number of good citizens in vehicles ofvarious kinds have recklessly driven over the hose apparently uncon ¬

scious of the possible consequence Instances are numerous whereserious damage has been done in this manner and much valuable timelost in repairing a bursted place or replacing it with a new section

We are sure this practice is the result of thoughtlessness aloneand hope it will not occur in the future


Upon behalf of the Democrats of the Tenth Congressional Districtwe desire to thank Congressman OJlie M1 James of the First Districtfor his able address at our recent convention

Having accepted an invitation from our citizens to be present bocame from Washington ID C at his own expense and after the con ¬

vention hurried back to Washington on the next train to the bedsideof his sick wife

The Democrats of this end of the State would like to see Big Olliemade United States Senator


The attention of our taxpayers is called to the statement foundelsewhere in this issue showing the countys financial condition


The Mt Sterling National Bank= 50000 Capital 53500 Surplus



About 2500 Cattle on the Mar¬

ketQuality fairly Good

About 2500 cattle on the markct The quality was fairly goodTrade was not as brisk as we haveseen it in this market Priceswere firm on steers but off o

heifers and cows at least 25 to 50

cents The best 900 to 1000lbsteers sold at 5k but bulk o

sales was around 5c Yearlingsat 4i to 5c Heifers at 4 to420 Cows at 3 to 3k Old1

cows and rough oxen at li to 2c

A few 100lb hogs sold at 875Goodcrowd at the pens with

sonic buyers from other States I

but trade was rather slow in themorning but improved sonic tow ¬

aids noon


John DeBard sold 4 550lbsteers to Marry Staffoid at J25 I

A flKalns of Carlisle I

bought a bunch of SOOlb cows ofJohn Rose at 325 I

Hazard Downing sold 2 500lbi

heifers to Jno F Richardson at 4cIF J Stamper sold 3 825 lb1i

steers to VV Guy of Bourboncounty at 475

Mike Wilson sold to same party15 800Ib steers at 5c

Lon Tracy sold 20 950lb steersto Ed R Prewitt at 5k

Sum Keeton sold 30 700lbyearlings to Jas S Bogie at 480

Ellis Oldfield 3 900lb cows toSam Laythrnm of Bath countyat 3k

Thos Rasnich sold a bunch ofII

7501 b heifers to A F Kearns

425EllisOldlield sold 10 700lb heif-


to same party at SVc25

Milt Lykins 25 550lb steers to-

W E Little of Clark county at4k

Fred McCormick sold 11 G50lbsteers to 11 il Vise at 4k

Shelby Cannot sold 12 920lbsteers to A S Hart at 525 and3 700lb yearlings at 5j

A D Lacey sold 0 700lb steersto Rufus Madden of Clarkcounty at 425

Allen Son sold same party 8

700lb yearlings at 425Carl Trimble sold 20 720lb

yearlings to Jas S Bogie at 480Kelly Murphy sold 15 GOOlb

heifers to U S Hamilton of Bathcounty at 415

Mike Wilson sold 11 650lbheifers to Aimer Henry of Car ¬

lisle at 4c-

Forest Vanhoose sold 20 550lbsteers to Mr Judof Bourbonc untItL 23 per head

Sum Wheeler solda bunch of850lb steers to W W Gay nt5c

Miller King sold 8 400lbsteers to Riley Gordon of Clarkcounty At 425


Very few mules on the marketand not much doing Mr HOldArmstrong of Flemingsburg washereto buy suckling mules butprices were so high that he balkedand bought 21 two and threeyearold broke mules instead paying

125 to 175 per head The pricesI

asked for suckling mules wasi

from 75 to 125 per head

for Sale Quick

Callahan Gas or Gasoline 10

Ihorse power Engine slightly outof repair Call at this office

6tf Advocate Pub Co Inc

The Temptation to Buy

needlessly will be greatly reduced if you

have to draw a check every time you

make a purchase Dont keep your

cash in your pocket where it is likely

to burn a hole Open an account with the

Mt Sterling National Bank

Experience proves that a man thinkS

twice beforce he spends once when he

has 4in account at the bank

Shooting Affray in City

Last Friday evening Allie Fratier was shot and seriously woun ¬

ded by Tom Fitch The troublewas the culmination of differencesof several weeks standing betweenthe two families They live onRichmond street near the StarPlaning Mill occupying houses oneither corner of the alley leadin

1into the electric light house Thegun used was a 38 Smith Wes ¬passedfthrough the entire bodnear the

I hipFraxer

lresidenl21 years oldand we are informedlocalII

section crew on the C Orail ¬

roadFitch has been a resident of the

city a number of years is engagedin the tobacco business and wehave never heard of his being ntrouble before Ho iis regarded byhardI ¬

causcdIthe authorities and Saturday gavebond before JudgeJ McCormick inthe sum of 1000 for his appear ¬

ance on August 27th when it ishoped the injured man will be ableto be present When last heardfrom he was resting well but isthought to be dangerously wound-ed

Election Commissioners

The State Board of EelectionCommissioners will meet on Thurs ¬

day August 25 1910 at 10 a m-

in the oilice of Clerk of the Courtof Appeals Frankfort for thepurpose of selecting the CountyCommissioners for one year fromdate of appointment and for thetransaction of such other businessas may properly come before theBoard

DR W B ROBINSONVeterinarian

Ollico lit Anderson k HcmrilmunV Livery StableOlllco Ilionu 115 Kcsidcncc 1iione 5111

Culls answered promptly Kxaiiiinallnns free

Assistant State Veterinarian


v ++ rwo e


Corn and tobacco have begun to

damage on account of dry weather

Prospects are that the fall crop

of grass will be short-

J H Gillaspie is out again aftera few days illress

The nomination o f A FloydByrd for Congress is satisfactoryto the Democrats here

Mrs Bert Senders and son Royvisited relatives at Poplar Plainslast week

Miss Ethel Reason of Lexing ¬

ton has been visiting her cousinsMisses Ella Lee and May Trimble

A large number of our peopleattended the Bliie Grass fair last

weekBridgesBros horse King of

Montgomery took the blue ribbonin his class at Lexington last weekThis horse will be shown again atnextgmonth

Tom Caudill and family of Stan-

ton are visiting the fancily of EA


Neal of McIntosh Finhas been visiting the family ofRobt Barkley

The greatest thing in the worldiis Teachers Institute so thinksthe small boy who doesnt have togo to school that week

The congregation at Springfieldfailed to secure the Rev R LKinnaird of Jackson as he hadaccepted cull to Virginia

Chris Cassity and two childrenare at Lexington visiting relatives

Henry L Jones Jr is the guestof relatives at Mavsville

D L Goodan visited relatives atMorehead last week

Miss Virsrie Kissick of LittleRock is visiting Miss Leona Conn

Thos Warner and wife visitedhis mother Mrs Belle Warner inMenifee Co last week

Ray Goodan and wife of Pres ¬

ton visited relatives here Saturdayand SundarI

M C Foley and wife of MtSterling visitpd the family of MrsMay Foley Sunday

Joe Coons came up from Lex ¬

ington Sunday to visit Squire JohnC Trimble

Mrs T J Carr and daughtersMisses Eannie and Elizabeth andMrs Jesse Becraft of Mt Sterlingvisited Mrs H L Ficklin Sun ¬

dayThebest groceries most courte ¬

ous treatment prompt delivery<

S P Greenwade

25 Suits broken sizes 1250Punch 8 Graves

Harris Eastin CoXxacorporate5

Jfiunoralt Directorsand embalmers



Office 479 Residence295 and 146

Graser Humphreys





Greenhouse Phone S3

Store Phone 547


Knife Users Busy

Knife users were busy in thecity Saturday night Somewhereon Maysville street Lindsay Gar-rett colored received an uglygash in the throat presumablywith a razor in the hands of Nel ¬

son Garrett also colored DrMcKenna administered to thewants of the colored man and heis not thought to bp dangerouslywounded

Robert Chanler white cut LulaHouston white across the leftarm necessitating the taking ofseveral stitches by the attendingphysician Dr Jones This affairhappened at a resort on the Owingsvillo pike of which the Hous ¬

ton girl is an inmateWe were unable to secure accu ¬

rate information as to the cause ofthe trouble in either case

Chanler and Garrett both fledafter the occurrences and neitherhave been apprehended

LATER Garrett has been ar-


and is now in jail awaitinghis examining trial

15 Suits broken sizes 750Punch Graves

PUBLIC SALEIf not sold privately before that date I

will offer at public sale on

Tuesday August 30 1910

at 10 oclock a in one house and threevacant lots on Antwerp avenue Thefarttdyanding the most money will be accepted Thehouse is a onestory of seven rooms goodgarden barn and outbuildings The lotis 70x260 feet The lots extend frontAntwerp avenue to Rogers avenue adepth of 435 feet

Also at same time and place will offerfor sale one brood mare with colt by her

byWoodkardssons Copperbottom 3d dam by SalmonsDenmarK 4th dart by Bentons DiomedebyBourimeets one buggy two sets of buggy har-ness


plow gear and other things toonumerous to mention

Terms announced on day ofsale

J LIT MARKWm Cravens Auo svgs

The JVarrrlonThe Easiest Riding Car in the World

Winner of Cobe trophy 200 miles in 163 minutesAlso many other worlds records

If you want the BEST buy a MARMON hoe literature and demonstration see or call


fI liJc f > y i r r l qI





















