the nature of human intelligence

Upload: adrian-cox

Post on 04-Nov-2015




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Wake up Adi


The Nature Of Human Intelligence?_____________________________________________________________________Written By Adi Cox12th July 2015What is intelligence? Is it knowledge, high IQ, speed of thought, depth of understanding, the power of effective communication, or is it something else?A cheap calculator can do some amazing arithmatic far quicker and more acurate than anyone I know. Of course we, us people, have to push the buttons. Human calculators who can do vast calculations in their heads are quite impressive and very rare. With the abundance of calculators, one on every phone these human calculators are not a requirement.Computers manage a vast amount of information and follows logical commands very impressively. They have no real intelligence though. For all their speed and logic and vast amounts of information they are just stupid machines.Over a vast amount of time it is generally agreed that we the human race have developed and evolved from more simple life forms. In a much shorter time of our development of the computer the need for the internet is very much apparent. If this is the case for stupid machines then what is the analog for this in the living?Maybe we are stupid machines too with one exception and that is with our consciousness. So where does this consciousness come from? Is there some galactic internet that connects us all together? That has evolved since the beginning of time. Are the planets and solar systems and stars the servers of some vast cloud where all life belongs and where all consciousness resides?For the first time I am starting to think that there is more to being than just living this life on Earth.