the navagraha profile - … · the navagraha profile self investigation the navagraha are the 9...

THE NAVAGRAHA PROFILE Self Investigation The Navagraha are the 9 Cosmic Forces that attempt to control us while we play in the Maya, or the illusion. While living within the constraints of the physical world, the navagraha are nine cosmic forces that grab hold of your being and are agents of the Law of Karma. Your Navagraha Profile is a map of your karmas. Each person is unique in how each of the nine cosmic forces manifest in the specific Fields of Living— Physical, Vitality, Dharma, Creative Play, Career, Relationships, Desires, and Spiritual Nature. This defines your unique gifts, challenges and potentials. The ultimate goal that we are striving for in life is liberation, Samadhi or happiness. When you realize TRUE liberation, then these cosmic forces can no longer affect you. DIRECTIONS: To determine which of the Navagraha is most dominant in your life, complete the following 8 sections of self inquiry questions. Simply put a check or a “Yes” in the box next to each statement with which you resonate. Please answer the questions honestly and by instinct. Do not answer based on desires or what you ‘hope to be.’ Once you have completed the 8 sections, add up your results. The section with the MOST affirmative answers is likely your most dominant GRAHA. We refer to this Graha has the core of your personality and therefore your spiritual nature. The key to your happiness. This is simply meant as a tool to expand your self awareness. If you would like confirmation or to understand the Navagraha on a deeper level, it is recommended that you schedule a consultation. Brooke E. Cannoot, MS OTR, RYT 574.288.9642 [email protected]

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Post on 04-May-2018




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Page 1: THE NAVAGRAHA PROFILE - … · THE NAVAGRAHA PROFILE Self Investigation The Navagraha are the 9 Cosmic Forces that attempt to control us while we play in the Maya, or the illusion


Self Investigation

The Navagraha are the 9 Cosmic Forces that attempt to control us while we play in the Maya, or the illusion. While living within the constraints of the physical world, the navagraha are nine cosmic forces that grab hold of your being and are agents of the Law of Karma. Your Navagraha Profile is a map of your karmas. Each person is unique in how each of the nine cosmic forces manifest in the specific Fields of Living—Physical, Vitality, Dharma, Creative Play, Career, Relationships, Desires, and Spiritual Nature. This defines your unique gifts, challenges and potentials. The ultimate goal that we are striving for in life is liberation, Samadhi or happiness. When you realize TRUE liberation, then these cosmic forces can no longer affect you. DIRECTIONS: To determine which of the Navagraha is most dominant in your life, complete the following 8 sections of self inquiry questions. Simply put a check or a “Yes” in the box next to each statement with which you resonate. Please answer the questions honestly and by instinct. Do not answer based on desires or what you ‘hope to be.’ Once you have completed the 8 sections, add up your results. The section with the MOST affirmative answers is likely your most dominant GRAHA. We refer to this Graha has the core of your personality and therefore your spiritual nature. The key to your happiness. This is simply meant as a tool to expand your self awareness. If you would like confirmation or to understand the Navagraha on a deeper level, it is recommended that you schedule a consultation. Brooke E. Cannoot, MS OTR, RYT


[email protected]

Page 2: THE NAVAGRAHA PROFILE - … · THE NAVAGRAHA PROFILE Self Investigation The Navagraha are the 9 Cosmic Forces that attempt to control us while we play in the Maya, or the illusion


Are you very independent? Rarely seeking others advice for your decisions?

Do you have difficulty taking orders or being in a subordinate position?

Do you feel you are ahead of your time?

Are you a comfortable being a leader?

Is having a good reputation important to you? Do you care what others think of you?

Does the idea of community building interest you?

Are you magnetic? Do you feel that your presence can light up a room?

Do you prefer to be in control of most situations?

If you tend to describe yourself as shy, do you still find that others look to you to lead a situation, take control, or solve a problem?

Do you find that you are a ‘jack of all trades’ in many areas of your life and have difficulty focusing on simply one thing?

Are you attracted to different spiritual or religious traditions, for example, do you enjoy the tradition of Christian churches, love attending yoga classes, have a strong interest in Native American culture and also drawn to the more mystical approaches?

Do you often feel that you have many great ideas that if implemented would improve situations or problems where you work or within your relationships?

Do you enjoy attention? For example do you love to receive compliments, being greeted when you walk into a room or even being directly the center of attention?

Do you enjoy organizing and bringing people together whether it is to solve a problem or to have a dinner party?

Do you love being right?

Do you become anxious or angry if you are not in control of a situation?

Is respect an important value? Do you often become frustrated or disappointed if you feel disrespected?

Do you have little tolerance for weakness or vacillation?

Are you often described as radiant, bright and/or cheerful?

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Are you a person of faith?

Do you thrive on heart and emotional connections with family & friends?

Are you a hugger?

Do you find that you are an emotional being and can cry easily?

Are you devotional? A devoted friend? Partner?

Do you require a personal, heart-centered relationship with the Divine?

Are you motherly and nurturing to those you love?

Are you drawn to the female aspects of the divine? i.e. Mother Mary, Durga, Lakshmi, the goddess?

Do you tend to accept things, beliefs or ideas on faith rather than intellectualize?

Do you enjoy devotional spiritual practices such as personal prayer, mantra repetition or kirtan (devotional singing)?

Do you resonate with the guru-disciple spiritual model and enjoy a personal relationship with your guru?

Do you hate confrontation?

At times of stress, can you be cruel and cold-hearted?

Do you find that your caring nature often gets misinterpreted as ‘weak’ or ‘spineless?’

Do you enjoy stories of myth and archetype and are able to use the texts as spiritual tools?

Do you describe yourself as a “feeler” rather than a “thinker”?

Do you resonate with the statement, “all you need is LOVE?”

Do you tend to think of people as inherently good and have few enemies?

Are you described as gentle, loving and caring?

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Do you view life as a challenge and enjoy competition?

Are you willful?

Do you thrive on adventure and are you a risk-taker?

Are you bold? Able to speak what is on your mind freely?

Is sexual intimacy an important aspect of your life?

Do you value infinite courage and power?

Are you quick to anger? Fiery?

Are you attracted to the chakras?

Do you see colors during meditation or able to see auras?

Are you interested in opening energy channels and awakening the Kundalini?

Are you a warrior? Are you comfortable standing up for your beliefs and for others?

Are you impatient by nature? Do you like to get things done quickly?

Are you methodical and disciplined?

Are you attracted to shamanism?

Is sacred sound, vibration, and music an important tool for your spiritual development?

Do you feel that you always need to be in motion?

Are you attracted to studying the martial arts?

At times of stress can you be aggressive and blunt?

Are you a passionate person?

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Are you a deep thinker?

Are you not satisfied with superficial answers to your questions?

Do you tend to over think? Are you more in your head than your heart?

Do you have a strong thirst for knowledge and learning?

Are you curious by nature?

Are you articulate and witty?

Do you value absolute detachment and truth?

Do you delight in exposing falseness and blind assumptions?

Are you a skeptic and shun blind faith?

Do you delight in word play and excel in debate?

Are you ever the observer and able to view life detached as if watching a movie?

Do you enjoy deep discussions and sharing your knowledge with others?

Are you lighthearted and playful?

Are you spiritually independent and do you reject dogma?

Are you naturally flexible and adaptable?

Do you tend to vacillate or change your mind frequently?

Do you find you need to talk to process your thoughts, ideas, or problems?

Do you acquire many books or texts but rarely read them cover to cover?

Are you described as smart and knowledgeable?

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Are you a giver?

Do you thrive on helping and serving others?

Do you value gratitude?

Are you often placed in the role of counselor or advisor to your family and friends?

Do you enjoy having a sense of community and belonging?

Are you social and enjoy being in the presence of others?

Are you drawn to spiritual traditions or religions that deeply set in tradition and ritual?

Are you ritualistic?

Do you prefer having a set routine?

Are you family oriented? Are family traditions important to you?

Are you naturally intuitive?

When a person is in need, do you instantly do all that you can to help/serve?

Do you become resentful when you feel you have been taken advantage?

When stressed, do you become selfish and withdrawn?

Do you find that meditation is easier while doing an activity?

Do you find it hard to say “No”?

At times, can you be judgmental?

Do you prefer to study with a teacher or a guru?

Are you described as altruistic and kind hearted?

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Are you a positive, idealistic person?

Do you seek global harmony and world peace?

Are you in search of ideal romance or a soul mate?

Do you feel spiritually moved by the arts—music, dance, visual arts?

Are you able to sense the presence of the Divine in nature?

Are you attracted to beautiful things—clothes, furnishings, crystals, etc?

When meditating, do you find you need to stimulate the senses? Use music, a beautiful image, incense, candles?

Are you romantic?

When stressed, do you become negative and pessimistic?

Do you value infinite peace and bliss?

Do you avoid arguments and negative situations?

Are you a peacemaker?

At times, can you become self-absorbed and narcissistic?

Is spending time in nature, walking in a garden, sitting near a waterfall spiritually moving to you?

Do you resonate with using positive affirmations to conquer difficulties in your life?

Do you enjoy indulging in sensory experiences?

Are you naturally flirtatious?

Are you in awe of the beauty of life?

Are you described as sweet and optimistic?

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Do you enjoy spending time in quiet and solitude?

Do you feel spiritually energized from participating in physical activities such as yoga or running?

Are you skeptical in nature? Preferring logic and facts over faith?

Are you a private person?

Do you have a strong interest in the physical body, anatomy & physiology?

Does the idea of being a renunciate appeal to you? Living far away, apart from the rest of the world?

Do you have a strong sense of personal boundaries?

Are you organized and structured?

Do you value absolute silence and simplicity?

Are you conservative or rigid?

Are you able to meditate in a plain, quiet environment?

Are you fundamental? And do not require much ritual in life?

Are you fascinated with death and dying?

Do you need concrete evidence and logic before you believe?

Are you preoccupied with your own body?

Does excessive noise and over stimulating environments deplete you?

Do you find that the older you get, the more quiet and solitude you seek?

Are you a loner?

Are you described as quiet and inward?

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Are you independent?

Do you reject any authority besides your own?

Are you unique and unconventional?

Do you like to shock and argue?

Do you like presenting new ideas to change the way people think?

Do you have a quirky sense of humor?

Are you rebellious?

Do you rarely care what others think of you?

Are you attracted to foreign cultures?

Do you enjoy traveling to new places and experiencing new people?

Do you feel outside of society? Even separate?

Are you mysterious? Do only a few people know the ‘real’ you?

Do you enjoy a sense of freedom from the conventions of society?

Do you sometimes act irrationally or play into irrational fears?

Can you become obsessive?

At times, do you feel like becoming a recluse or a hermit?

Is satisfying your desires spiritually fulfilling?

Do you delight in experimentation?

Are you described as independent and iconoclastic?

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The Graha which you answered “YES” most frequently is likely the MOST dominant

energy and the core of your personality. We call this Graha your Spiritual Nature. Yet,

you have each of the energies somewhere in your life—Physical/Marriage, Vitality,

Dharma/Emotions, Creative Play, Career, Relationships, Desires, and Spirituality—and

this is why you likely related somewhat to each of the NAVAGRAHA. Please review

the information below for more details about each of 9 Cosmic Forces.

SURYA/SUN: Radiance

Solar beings are natural born leaders. You are ahead of your time! They radiate compassion for all and

see the oneness in all things. This makes you very liberal minded, open and inspiring! Remember that

the sun shines on all indiscriminately. You enjoy being the one who is in control and often become

frustrated or anxious if you lose that sense of control and rarely do you enjoy being in a subordinate

position. With the Sun as your dominant graha, you are able to bring communities, groups of people

together for a single purpose or cause. In fact, this is something that brings you JOY! You are very

independent and you are your own authority, rarely needing to seek others advice. You are inspiring

and magnetic and your presence has the power to light up a room, as if the Sun just walked in! You

must be careful not to be too authoritative or dominant, like any good leader, be a benevolent power that

integrates ALL!


The Solar Yogi honors all the other paths, but is attached to none. His/her role is to integrate heart, mind

and will. The Solar yogi basks in the glory of all paths, all philosophies, all techniques, all knowledge, and

all of life. This spiritual practice is too free form, internally guided, and independent to fit into spiritual

prescriptions. They enjoy being near enlightened persons more for their presence than methods. The

Surya yogi takes a very liberal approach to spiritual development and is able to experiment with all the

different paths. Individuals on this path are natural born leaders.

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CHANDRA/MOON: Nourishment

Lunar beings are open-hearted, devotional and nurturing. If the Moon is your dominate graha, you are a

person of faith and you come from the heart! You value emotional connections to family and friends. You

are an emotional being. You enjoy the closeness of human contact, you love to hug and you have few

enemies. You are often described as nurturing and nourishing and thrive when you are able to take care

of others. Your day should be filled with devotion and you are deeply devoted to those you love. You

require a personal relationship with the divine and you understand the power of personal prayer. Your

nature is soft and gentle and you avoid confrontation. When you are stressed, be careful not to close off

your heart and become cruel and withdrawn. Just like a mother to a child you believe in the power of

universal love and that love can conquer all!


This is also called the path of devotion. A Bhakta serves spontaneously from a heart that is overflowing

with love. Honor God and serve your neighbor with selfless compassion. Individuals on this path

gravitate toward prayerful mediation or daily conversations with God. They tend to form a personal

relationship with God. They worship in a less technical manner and more from the heart. They love

devotional song and dance and are often less restrained. This is the simplest path because there is no

prescription except to flow with the simplest, deepest and purest feeling of love. Yet, it requires total

surrender! Once we have established a personal relationship with God, then no matter what comes into

our life we accept it as a loving gift from the beloved. The Bhakta is confident that no transient pleasure

can rival the love of the divine.

KUJA/MARS: Passion

Martian beings are passionate and fiery. If Mars is your dominate graha, you are a Warrior and view life

as a challenge that is to be conquered. You value strength, power, and the ability to overcome all

obstacles. You are focused, methodical and driven. You prefer to get things done quickly and can often

become impatient. You may also be described as willful and stubborn. Yet, you also protect and stand

up for others, particularly your closest friends and loved ones. You are direct and able to speak your

mind. You do not fear confrontation. You are a very independent soul and rarely do you seek outside

direction. Be careful not to become too aggressive or combative. The key to the Warrior is to learn

when to use you sword wisely and when needed—to harness your power for the good of all!


The Spiritual Warrior carries Mars’ love of adventure into exploring uncharted realms of consciousness.

Mars rules fire, both physical and spiritual, Kundalini yoga awakens the primal fire at the base of the spine

and uses it to transform carnal instincts into spiritual awareness. Mars also rules the will and willpower is

the key to mastering the primal fire. The warrior learns to play with perception and deception,

manipulating reality to his/her will, eventually own will surrenders to the cosmic will of the universe.

Kundalini yogis love adventure and risk taking. They get knocked down and jump right back up again and

see life as the greatest challenge! They must be careful when to hide their power and when to use it.

This is also called the Shamanic path.

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Mercurial beings are light hearted, intellectual and articulate. If your dominate graha is Mercury, you are

inquisitive and a deep thinker. You are more in your head than in your heart. You may also have a

tendency to OVER think and be too caught up in the repetitions of the mind. You are adaptable, flexible

and can mold yourself to those around you, like a chameleon. You are sensitive. You are an excellent

communicator and you enjoy talking, sharing ideas, and deep conversations. You are quick witted, witty

and enjoy word play. You are ever the observer and enjoy watching life as if you were watching a movie.

You thrive on knowledge and are always in search of the deep answers in life—no superficial answer will

suffice. Be careful not to vacillate or become indecisive. Trust that your intuition comes from simply

knowing and less from feeling in the heart.


The Gyani yogi uses reason to cut away ignorance and misunderstanding. Individuals on this path are

quick to recognize that illusion and attachments to false beliefs hide one’s true bliss. The Gyani delights

in exposing false conditioning and blind assumptions and rejects blind faith. They are inquisitive and are

never satisfied with superficial answers to their questions. A Gyani is very communicative and enjoys

discussing aspects of spirituality. In fact, he/she uses language to connect to spirit. Belief in God is not

necessary for people on this path, they see creation as a manifestation, an impersonal absolute, not a

personal God who is a protector. The Gyani uses the intellect to move beyond the mind. They are the

natural observers, they intellectualize and contemplate to strip away the illusion to what is truly REAL.


The Jupiterian being is expansive, benevolent and giving. If Jupiter is your dominant graha, you thrive

on helping others and you are generous. You are likely the first to respond if a friend or loved one is in

need. You cannot help but give and serve others. You are family oriented and enjoy a sense of

community. This is a very social energy and you love to be in the world! Jupiterians enjoy a sense of

ritual and routine. You are ritualistic. You also value tradition particularly upholding traditions related to

family. By your very nature, you are action oriented and have a hard time sitting still as you likely feel

that you need to be doing something. Be careful not to be taken advantage and become a door mat. At

times of stress you may feel selfish and be judgmental. Your strength comes in understanding that you

are simply giving and helping from a higher source.


This is the path of selfless service. A true Karma Yogi enjoys giving without thought of reward.

Unattached to his action and the fruit thereof, he gladly does his duty to God and man.” Karma yogis

honor sacred rituals, symbolic action to elevate the mundane to the divine and express appreciation for

the higher powers of nature. Jupiter also rules scripture and gurus. The Karma yogi follows examples

from spiritual leaders, saints, sages and gurus and conducts his/her daily life in a manner that reminds

him of the almighty. This is also the path of religion. For individuals on this path, getting together with a

few close friends and family can be a religious experience. Meditation on this path should be done during

an activity, followed by quiet time for reflections.

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Venusian beings are charming, romantic and idealistic. If Venus is your dominant graha, you thrive on

positivity and affirmation that all is good. You are sweet and flirtatious and avoid confrontation. You

value the finer things in lifeJclothes, food, furnishings and enjoy being surrounded by beauty. You love

being in nature and are attracted to the arts, music, stage, dance, etc. Life is beautiful and you value

global harmony and world peace. Ever the romantic, you also seek ideal love and a connection to your

soul mate. You have a very low tolerance for negativity. You are ever the optimistic, peacemaker and

can shower those near you with cheerful encouragement. When stressed, you may become pessimistic

and superficial. Stay positive and always remain in awe of the beauty in life!


Raja yogis honor peace, harmony and beauty. A Raja yogi will stop and admire a flower growing in the

middle of the sidewalk in NYC. Positivity is a must and they should avoid negative circumstances,

whether it is spending time with negative people or a negative work environment—it will deplete them

spiritually. They appreciate the inner beauty of creation. For the Raja Yogi, going to the ballet or a

music concert is like going to a sacred site. Individuals on this path can benefit from positive affirmations,

guided meditations, and using the senses during meditation. Venus also governs ideal romance and love

and it is a spiritual inclination, not a desire for the Raja yogi to find their spiritual soul mate.

SHANI/SATURN: Organization

Saturine beings are quiet, reserved and private. If Saturn is your dominant graha, you enjoy time alone

in quiet and solitude. You are a very private person with boundaries. You thrive on physical activity and

may become melancholy if you are sedentary. You are fundamental and can be rigid. You do not need

much ritual or a sense of tradition. You are skeptical by nature and prefer hard logic than blind faith.

You often feel that you part of the world but not of it. You may shy away from social gatherings with

large amounts of people and often feel over stimulated in noisy, chaotic environments. Saturn beings

prefer simple, organized surroundings. Allow yourself to be a source of simplicity and silence to those

around you!


True Hatha yoga is the most private, reclusive and conservative of all spiritual disciplines. The Hatha yogi

simply seeks solitude and simplicity. He regularly restrains his/her senses and regularly fasts in different

ways. Hatha yogis are the greatest skeptics, trusting concrete evidence and cold, dry logic than

speculative ideas. The Native American Vision Quest is an example of Saturn’s spirituality. A meditation

practice for someone on this path, must be in an empty space, sitting very still and doing nothing. This

path uses the body to transcend the body and because Saturn governs boundaries and the body, the

greatest danger in the Saturn path is becoming mentally rigid or preoccupied with one’s body.

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Iconoclastic and unique are traits of those whose dominant graha is ruled by the Nodes of the Moon. You

are a natural born rebel who rarely cares what others think. You enjoy stirring things up and bringing in

fresh new ideas. You love to argue and shock and you have a quirky sense of humor. You are

mysterious and rebel against social obligations and traditions. You are very independent using only

experience as your authority. You are attracted to foreign cultures, foreign places and to people who are

different from you. You love a sense of freedom and never feel as if you are rooted. As it is by your

very nature to be different, you may feel obligated to conform and downplay your true self in order to be

accepted by society. Another danger is to be outwardly rebellious that you are outcasted by society.

The joy for your nature is to find the middle way to live outside the constructs of mainstream society so

that you can purify the outmoded, outdated ideals.


Tantrics reject any authority except their own experience. Tantra is flowing with desire without resisting,

just accepting natural urges and become fully aware of every thought, every feeling, every moment.

Tantra is a sense of play and freedom from spiritual convention, but requires absolute adherence to one

rule, be conscious and fully aware at all times. Individuals on this path need to be their own teachers.

Tantrics are the natural rebels and iconoclasts.

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